#Rescue Hawk
nocternalrandomness · 3 months
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US Navy Rescue Hawk in the Persian Gulf
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jazzajazzjazz · 2 years
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“Nothing is going to keep me from you.”
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evilkitten3 · 3 months
au where team hebi agrees that it's a bad idea to leave kabuto unsupervised.... so they drag him along. as the team mascot
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beth-is-rainpaint · 21 days
Please enjoy this very bored screech owl I had the privilege of meeting at a craft fair today :>
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keywestwildlifecenter · 7 months
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Very busy period of rescue calls for migrating Raptors! This Broad-winged Hawk was rescued down in a backyard on Josephine Street early this morning. A Cooper's Hawk was rescued yesterday down on Stock Island. Both Raptors are being treated in our clinic.
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iheartvmt · 2 months
So this afternoon I was chilling in my Mom's little backyard, the whole family, dogs and all, were there because it was my nephew's 8th birthday party (plus a surprise little belated Happy Birthday party for my stepdad and me, who had birthdays earlier this month), the kids were all playing in the above-ground pool...
And a freaking *hawk* stooped onto their TMNT ball, flopped about a bit, and then flew up to sit on the fence like 5 feet away from the pack of screaming, splashing little boys.
Needless to say, that's not normal hawk behavior.
Then it tried to stoop on the ball again, with similar bad results, and fluttered atop an old canopy thing folded up against the shed. We were all keeping an eye on it because wtf? It was sitting a little hunched so I thought "Maybe it's just overheated and dehydrated," and I set a bowl of water next to it. It ignored both my approach and the water.
Then it started eyeing the dogs, tilting its head this way and that as they ran by playing chase. Most of the family dogs are much too big to be taken out by a little hawk, but my two dogs are on the smaller size. Still too big for a hawk to carry off, but if one were desperate enough it might give it a go and do some damage.
Before we could shoo it away, it stooped on the largest dog, Oreo, a 70 lb pit bull/husky mix! O.O
Fortunately for the bird, Oreo was too startled to do anything but yelp, shake it off her back, and run under the table. (Don't worry, Oreo didn't have any injuries, except maybe to her pride!)
It didn't fly back to a perch this time, just sat on the ground hissing amidst the chaos of dogs and very loud humans.
Rin, my newest dog, is an 11 lb poodle mixed with what I'm now certain is terrier, and she ran straight at it, barking and ready to tear it up, talons be damned, but my stepdad scooped her up before she made contact.
I quickly grabbed my cousin's shirt from a beach chair and caught it up (while the other adults impressed upon the kids that this is something You Do Not Do, Auntie is a Professional). As it hissed and snapped at me, I could see it had some kind of white plaque in its throat, and its mucous membranes were bright red, either from stress or possibly stomatitis :(
Then Mom -- well used to animal shenanigans by now, bless her -- appeared with the cat carrier and held it for me so I could get the hawk inside and carefully free the shirt from its talons.
After setting the carrier in a quiet, shaded spot away from the party, I called the local rehabbers on the game department website who are listed as licensed to care for raptors, all of which were currently full. Well, crap. So then I called the Wildlife Center of VA, but it was already after-hours, and I had to leave a message in their non-emergency box (I tried the emergency line first, but the voicemail message has a very clear set of what qualifies as a true emergency, and this wasn't it so I didn't bother the poor vet intern on call). They'll call back during their regular hours tomorrow, and I'll drive it wherever they tell me to take it.
In the meantime, I have a very unhappy hawk in a cat carrier in my bathroom 😬
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revvethasmythh · 24 days
it's been weeks and i'm still so compelled by the background storyline of hawke going to weisshaupt after here lies the abyss. like. it makes no damn sense. maybe if hawke has a living sibling who is a grey warden, you can twist the logic of it, but i did not have that and also hawke said she wanted to make sure corypheus died and neither staying in the fade NOR going to weisshaupt really accomplishes this goal. like there is NO reason for hawke to be up at weisshaupt, this is not in her lane, this is not her business, her skin is NOT clear, her crops are NOT watered. the wardens are not the responsibility of your Just Some Guy from Kirkwall who has potentially zero connections to the wardens at all except for that one time they super causally tried to use her as a blood sacrifice (maybe she and the first warden can laugh about it some day, but somehow i doubt it!).
BUT. but. the mental imagine of hawke going there and then her sibling (if alive) and her love interest ALSO going there, just to meet up with her, makes it so bonkers funny i don't even care if it doesn't make sense. wtf do you mean hawke family reunion relationship drama in the austere home of the wardens where they all show up and then the entire leadership of the wardens suddenly implodes as civil war breaks out and then their asses get STUCK there. wtf do you mean hawke inadvertently sticks her ass in the middle of yet another civil war while simultaneously having to patch things up with her LI and deal with a sibling dynamic at the same time. hawke can't catch a fucking break istg. it's just her, her sibling, and her LI as their own little three person party while some truly WILD shit goes down and the epilogues are all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about what happens other than like two lines that put the most insane images into my head. there's a sped-up video of this going down in my mind with the benny hill theme playing in the background. why does varric talk like hawke is still at weisshaupt during trespasser, which takes place two entire years after hawke was meant to go there to give a basic report and then dip. how is this THE most hawke thing to ever happen and we're just. told nothing more about it except that varric got One™️ message from her via an entire smuggling syndicate that essentially says "damn, shits crazy here" and that he assumes hawke will walk away from the building while it's exploding sometime in the near future because apparently the conflict there is not yet resolved. again, this is TWO YEARS LATER. like trespasser is fun and all but truly can we revisit wtf this was all about because WHAT
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rivermakes · 9 months
Hawk took some steps for the first time today since he developed DIM 🥺
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queenofbaws · 3 months
Prompt that came to me that immediately made me think of you: Hawke was left in the fade....Varric is (possibly) an advisor for Rook, in their base, which is in the fade.....(Spider-Man pointing meme at author's discretion)
"I'm telling you - I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I know how this place works, but what I do know is that Hawke's here...somewhere, and considering what we're about to be up against, I just think it would behoove us - "
From where she'd been poring over the rudimentary maps they'd been charting, Harding provided a quick translation: "He wants us to wander through the Fade to find his wife."
There were some snickers from the group at that, snickers which, in all honesty, only got worse when Varric jokingly raised a finger to correct her, "Hawke isn't my wife."
"Okay," Harding replied without missing a beat, her words slightly cramped by the quill she held between her teeth as she compared two maps to one another, "he wants us to wander through the Fade to find his girlfriend, which I guess is a difference important enough to merit quibbling over."
He took it in stride, brushing her off as he addressed the room again, saying, "No one does impossible odds like this better than Hawke, all right - no one! And in all honesty, I've seen how she operates, okay, and with how long she's been trapped here, she very could could be queen of the demons by now, so...think about it, mull it over, and ask yourselves this: Wouldn't life be a little easier if she was here to distract me from narrating how absolutely fucked this whole thing is?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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flexorcyst · 26 days
Had to Uber deliver this little angel to the rescue praying he arrives safely
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trilvyrose · 10 months
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Tokoyami & Hawks as catboys 😺
What if Hawks asked Tokoyami to come by the Pussycats' agency during his internship ? Their hosts may then have offered them a little makeover 😝😸🐾
Silly fanart that was supposed to be a sketch and became a fully colored piece 😹 These characters are my partners' favs, and I'm very partial to catboys, so I found the perfect compromise ✨
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nocternalrandomness · 2 months
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USAF HH-60G from the 83rd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron lands at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan - Feb 29, 2012
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itz-ps15 · 2 months
Akumatized Blades
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for @ashlovesrescuebots
If you wanna rp with me, we can. We just have to give Blades a villain name and the Akumatized item and powers.
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tradetobest · 2 years
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how to get your estranged brother to admit he's your estranged brother 101 by shouto todoroki
(a scene from Silver Ashes by SaltySeagull on ao3 and deadtots on twitter!!)
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keywestwildlifecenter · 11 months
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Just rescued this weak and dehydrated Broad-winged Hawk down on 17th Terrace in Key West. The Raptor will be administered fluids in our clinic to begin rehabilitation.
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trans-ruffboi · 1 year
you've heard of MotA damsel kink Anders. now get ready for Gamlen's Greatest Treasure damsel kink Anders
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