#Rent Truck
syoddeye · 5 months
now i’m thinking about reader setting off the over-sensitive smoke detector at their new place and having to explain to the handsome crew of firefighters that responded to the call that no, there’s no fire, they’re just a shitty cook.
to add to your humiliation, they dispose of your burnt-to-a-fucking-crisp dinner and make a fuss about you not having anything to eat.
kyle catches how his mentor’s drinking in this person’s appearance, clearly endeared by their embarrassment and manners.
so kyle mentions that it’s a good thing it’s john’s turn to cook for the station that night, and there’s always extra.
you try to decline, that you couldn’t possibly intrude, but the man who introduced himself as soap insists. a visitor, especially one like yourself, always brightens up the place.
next thing you know, you’re being helped into the truck, sandwiched between john and the guy in the skull mask.
something something insert pun about fire.
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notbecauseofvictories · 10 months
I know my experience is not universal, but I biked 5+ miles to do my errands today and I genuinely think we'd be much happier as a human collective if we increased residential density and switched to largely alternative modes of transportation.
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egberts · 3 months
there are legitimately and seriously and estimated 75 to 100 busses driving past us right now. what the fuck
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rad-claid-plaid · 1 year
I think that most men who are "financially clueless" and just go "oopsie sorry I know we had rent to pay but I just dropped $1500 on a new toy I wanted. It's your job to figure it out" aren't really financially illiterate. They seem to do that knowing fully that they don't have the financial means to do it, but then just demand the woman in their life fixes it.
He's saying, "I made a decision. I expect you to fix this by suffering yourself." So the woman goes without healthcare or food for herself and her children to try to fix the finances. If she complains, then it's *her* fault for not budgeting better or making sure he is aware of the finances (spoiler alert, he's well aware, he just doesn't care). She's expected to sell her jewelry or her car to keep the house, just because he wanted a toy. It's another shade of financial control.
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blamemma · 1 year
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danielricciardo: we'll shower tomorrow
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pixieshallowed · 2 months
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weeeee oakie’s birthday bash!! ^.^
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battlfofendorr · 22 days
Patrolling the streets for crime has to be a great way to find appliances and other junk left on the curb to then lug out (how, I'm still curious, because... that car bro?) into the woods to destroy with your bestie.
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briarrolfe · 10 months
I was idly considering how our local community could lower property prices and came up with the words “the airhorn van.” I think I might be onto something
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xiamena · 6 days
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thistransient · 8 months
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I biked out to Waziwei 挖子尾 today cause the weather was nice and I hadn't been in a while. Normally I consider myself a conscientious cyclist and silently judge violators of the rules, but of course the one time I decide to make a foolhardy maneuver based on the fact that the only people visible in either direction are two aunties pedaling at the speed of molasses, precisely then must a guy dressed in all black like a ninja on a racing bike materialise from around a shrubbery at extreme velocity. While I yelped "fuck!", in remorseful anticipation of my self-wrought and untimely demise, he evaded smoothly and silently, but it still generated much more adrenaline than I'd desired in an afternoon.
Bali 八里 is significantly more chill in winter than the summer, I discovered. The crowd was much reduced, along with the 4-person pedal cars usually clogging the bike path (whose ongoing renovations finally seem to be mostly complete and blissfully smooth, further enhancing the experience). I got some fresh donuts from a stand and went to the beach, stomped about barefoot in the squishy low-tide sand, and explored an area I'd never been to over near the bridge construction (the 橋樑封閉禁止進入 photo).
I wish I could say going back was a fun time too but I've come to hate headwinds with a fiery passion. True, that could have been avoided if I'd just taken the bus home, or perhaps the ferry to Danshui 淡水 and then the train, but part of my scheme had been to try and work on extending my biking endurance to facilitate a different scheme to bike to Sandiaojiao 三貂角 and back using a Youbike from Ruifang Station 瑞芳站. I've entertained the conclusion that either I am perhaps not fit for a career in distance cycling (admire though I do those who are), or it's a harebrained idea to do it on a Youbike. (Yes, I know there were some foreigners who went the length of Taiwan on Youbikes, good for them, they also did the west coast.) But it could well be that I was simply cranky on account of being hungry, dehydrated, and not stopping to remedy these things because I was annoyed by the wind. The only way to find out is to keep at it, I suppose.
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macubennettjossy · 2 months
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automaticllamacycle · 30 days
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He might as well pull up on my southern college campus with this big pick up truck. Im crying 😭
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dont-leafmealone · 10 months
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POV: you're an underpaid fast food employee and these idiots roll up to your drive-thru window at 3am in the shittiest 30-year-old Ford Ranger you've ever seen
referenced off this post from @draw-the-squad-like-this
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 months
Life update - found out I got a job in NV, did the math and realized it would be cheaper to donate my furniture and extra stuff and move by plane, my dad flew out and helped, in 3 days packed and donated and cleaned and moved from FL to NV with 8 checked bags + 2 carry ons + 2 backpacks and about 15 packages (mostly books going media mail rate) in the post. Now I’m living with my parents again.
I am so exhausted and sore from moving furniture and cleaning frantically and moving almost 50 lb luggage.
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While i was waiting for my dad to return the rental truck people kept staring and smiling it was amusing kids could not look away from me and my mountain of bags
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unadulteratedragon · 5 months
all 3 of my college's campuses successfully voted to divest and terminate our relationship with israel!!!
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ninjagirlstar5 · 4 months
Hello local Teruya enjoyer, mind if i ask why he's one of your favorite characters? As in, what made you so love the little guy turned big guy in sequel so much?
Oh boy. That's kinda hard to answer actually as I essentially worked backwards when I saw Teruya's character. As in, I heard about SDRA2 (and eventually DRA) through WeebyNewz's livestreams, looked at fanfics on AO3, and got to know Teruya's character through there before eventually jumping right in to writing him for my (shipping) project. As a result, my interpretation of him was far from perfect as I knew the broad strokes of his character and his role in both games but didn't know the little details until I went back to really consume DRA and SDRA2's story by actually listening/watching the streams or even playing the game myself. I'm going through SDRA2 right now with a Discord mutual, but it's been put on hold due to college. But since I'm essentially done with my spring semester now (all I have left is a critique for Printmaking but that class is pretty chill thanks to my professor so I'm not worried about it), I'm hoping we'll be able to pick that back up soon-ish. It'll depend on our schedules.
Anyways, back to the question as to why I love Teruya...I've essentially built up an image of him in my head thanks to my many on-the-fly headcanons and what I researched about him. But when I started watching DRA, I noticed he was a sweet, funny but flawed kid that can snap pretty easily at others and can get quite emotional while also taking part in bad actions that get others hurt just to benefit himself (hiding food for himself and plotting to murder Haruhiko being some of them), and being a hypocrite on top of that. But that didn't make me hate him or anything, but made me love him more as he's far from a perfect character, let alone a perfect person. Teruya lashing out, arguing with others, and just struggling to keep up in the killing game, even when he decides to better himself and take after Haruhiko and follow Satsuki's parting words, makes him a very interesting and nuanced character! I loved watching him caring about Yuki in Chapter 5 by checking in on him and being supportive, even when he falls for the obvious framing of Mikako by Monokuma. He still makes mistakes, but the little actions he does for others can make him a good friend that deeply cares. And the way he wondered why Fake!Yuki/Utsuro and Akane just...let them go, even when he agreed with Kinjo and Rei that they were awful, perhaps even evil people, that line made me go, "OH, his feelings are complicated" and that kind of nuance is SO juicy. The feeling of knowing this person has wronged you in a horrible way that you have every right to not only hold them accountable but cut them out of your life but you still miss them anyways because you loved them and the memories you've made with them despite everything? Good shit, more of this please. I like that Teruya has just a slightly different opinion than Rei and Kinjo's, even though he still agrees with them in the end and rightfully so. And I like seeing his slightly more mature personality while still having a few of his quirks and interests in SDRA2 as he felt a little more like an adult version of himself. Teruya is sooo interesting to dig into and analyze that I have a hard time organizing all of my thoughts on the fly but basically, I love him in DRA and SDRA2 and coming up with headcanons for him before, after, and in-between the stories. He's such a fun but sad character when you really think about it.
...Even if it will always annoy me on how underutilized he was in SDRA2. If he was just used a little more smartly and given much more care like in DRA, I feel like his death would've hit much, much harder, even with repeated viewings. Which is a shame cause I do think I can see where LINUJ was trying to go with Teruya, that Teruya was meant to be a character that did his best to help the SDRA2 cast despite being stuck in the killing game together and preventing history from repeating itself, only to be met with repeated failures despite trying to do everything right this time. And was unfortunately put into a position where he had no choice but to die lest the worst case scenario played out, all due to Mikado's plotting, Kinjo's choices, and Rei's mistakes. (They all played a role in it but all of them have different levels of responsibility for it, with Mikado being the biggest one since he's, you know, his murderer and turned Teruya's avatar into a firewall in the first place, but Teruya probably would've have been put into that situation if Kinjo just didn't use him as bait or if they simply had more time for Rei to make another escape code for Teruya to use for himself in case things go south - and that's assuming he was able to prioritize escaping despite witnessing Rei's supposed death.) But unfortunately, as much as I love Teruya, all I can remember from his role in SDRA2 is that he spouted hope platitudes in Chapter 2, started dipping out of the group in Chapter 3 (and it seems like I won't be able to COMPLETE HIS FTEs ACCORDING TO THE WIKI'S GUIDE ON HIS AVAILABILITY GODDAMMIT-), went CrAzYYyy in Chapter 4, and then just disappears and DIES in Chapter 5 and it isn't until Chapter 6 that we learned that Teruya purposely ate the poisoned food to destroy the firewall inside of him, trying to sacrifice himself and hoping it'll give the Kisaragi Foundation the time they'll need to get the rest of the cast out, never finding out that Kinjo hired Syobai to act as a double agent and that he used him and Rei as bait to try and distract Mikado from ever finding out about Syobai's double agent status. I feel as though Teruya was stripped of most of his nuances from DRA, and that frustrates me because I want him to be utilized more in SDRA2! I want to care about his relationship with the cast! I want him to be his own person with his own opinions, even when he agrees with and even looks up to Rei and Kinjo! I want him to have more moments of characterization and hear his stories about the Kisaragi Foundation and his reflection on his past instead of being hit with the amnesia plot point (which I feel did more harm to his character)! I want him to be the mediator of the group, like how he supposedly acted out that role back in the Kisaragi Foundation between Rei and Kinjo according to LINUJ in his concept art! And another reason why I don't like how Teruya is handled in Chapter 4 the more I think about it in hindsight, is that I felt as though LINUJ was trying to have him be like Kinjo. And I! Don't! Like that! Even if Teruya's beliefs started to become warped due to following Kinjo's leadership over the years and may have rose-tinted glasses in his belief in him, I still don't like how LINUJ handled him in Chapter 4! Because I don't want a Kinjo 2.0 that you can get at the dollar store, I want Teruya fucking Otori!!!
...anyways. My issues with how Teruya was handled in SDRA2 aside, I love him a lot. But I'll admit, a lot of that comes from my own interpretation of his character and how much depth I gave him from what I learned of him. And honestly, that's one of the fun parts of fandom: digging into a character to the point that you're probably overanalyzing them but you kinda don't care because it's so much fun to add even more depth to a character you love. He's my blorbo, my scrunkly, my fucked up lil guy turned fucked up big boi, and I can hurt and comfort him however I want.
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