#Ren drew this last night and I forgot to post it because we were!! REALLY tired!!! But I hope you guys like it 👉👈
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brokenstarwishes ¡ 9 months ago
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D I S A P P E A R !
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likeanemployee ¡ 6 years ago
The Texts
This all started with these posts check them out it takes places some time shortly after Weiss and Yang reunited with everyone in volume 5 shout out to @osiria-petals​, @valasania-the-pale​, and @tinybit92​ I didn’t follow their comments exactly but the general idea came from them 
“Ruby what is wrong with your scroll?” Weiss asked sitting in a nearby chair scrolling through her own device as Ruby’s buzzed incessantly behind her.
“I don’t know” Ruby answered standing to cross the room and check on her scroll “I kinda forgot about it because there was rarely any place to charge it while we crossed the continent and it’s not like I could have used it for anything anyway. So it’s possible, I might have only just plugged it in for the first time in weeks a few minutes ago” she finished grabbing the scroll from where it was charging.
“Only you dolt.” Weiss answered with a shake of her head “but that doesn’t explain why it keeps buzzing”
“I think I’m finally getting all the notifications from while it was dead.” Ruby answered “Nora set me a butt emoji, a text from Ren informing me dinners done, I wonder which dinner, and… wait that can’t be right. Weiss, this says I have over a hundred texts from you and I keep getting more”
The color drained from Weiss’s already white face leaving her a color even the purest of her namesake could only envy as she realized what those messages had to be “Ruby, give me that!” she cried reaching out to snatch Ruby’s scroll the color returning to her face with a vengeance turning her bright red. Ruby dodged back instinctively causing Weiss to narrowly miss her target.
Ruby held the scroll above her head and behind her out of the reach of her shorter partner. “Woah, hey! Weiss, Stop!” Ruby called as Weiss reached up practically climbing on her trying to reach the scroll.
“No Ruby! Those weren’t supposed to actually send just let me see…!” Weiss pleaded before being cut off as Ruby used her semblance to escape the corner Weiss had trapped her in and stopped in the doorway to the room they were in.
“Ruby.” Weiss said as she turned to face Ruby again and drew Myrtenaster pointing it at Ruby. Her tone was completely different it was hard, serious and threatening in a way Ruby hadn’t heard in a very long time. “Give me the scroll” she demanded. Of course, she had no intention of harming, Ruby but she was seriously considering casting a few glyphs and if nothing else the saber emphasized how serious she was. Ruby wasn’t particularly phased by the blade. It wasn’t the first time Weiss had pulled a weapon on her, one of the wonderful things about aura was it meant sparring could be done relatively safely without the need for training weapons which in turn meant that sometimes, especially for competitive individuals like Ruby and Weiss, play fighting could get somewhat…intense. What did effect Ruby was Weiss’s tone and she stared back shocked by the intensity of the demand. Then, suddenly Ruby’s scroll stopped buzzing and she turned it to view at the last message “you have no idea how much you mean to me. I Lo…” the short lock screen notification stopped there, and Ruby turned bright red as she looked quickly up at Weiss
“Ruby, wait!” Weiss called but it was too late Ruby disappeared in a rush of petals. Weiss lowered her blade and looked after Ruby in desperation before shaking herself sheathing Myrtenaster and pulling out her scroll. Her eyes went wide as she saw the last message she had sent “Ruby!” She called again already running after her. She barely made it out of the room before running, nearly literally, into Yang.
“Easy, Weiss, what’s the hurry?” Yang chuckled as Weiss came charging out of the room
“have you seen Ruby?” Weiss asked in a panic
“umm I don’t know I thought maybe I saw her run that way.” Yang said pointing down the hall “Why? What’s...? wait Weiss!” She called chasing after Weiss who went jogging down the hall in the direction she pointed. A moment later both girls found themselves at the entrance of the house. Ren, Nora and Jaune stood, staring out the open door. They turned with shocked expressions as Yang and Weiss arrived. Shortly behind them were Ozcar and Qrow coming to see what all the commotion was.
“What’s going on?” Nora asked loudly looking back and forth between the new comers and the open door.
“Ruby just came dashing by and right out the door. Where is she going? what happened?” Jaune asked with a worried expression
Yang turned to look questioningly at Weiss and the rest of the group followed suite. Weiss stared out the door after Ruby for a moment longer before sighing deeply and addressing the group “I uhhh I think I probably embarrassed her. Maybe something worse but… I’m sure she’ll be right back she probably just you know needed some space to uhh be alone”
“What are you talking about? What actually happened?” Yang asked taking a step closer to Weiss worry all over her face.
“It’s nothing!” Weiss answered defensively “I just… I really don’t want to talk about it ok it’ll be fine I’ll handle this.”
Yang and a few of the others looked a little rebellious but Qrow stepped forward “You’re sure it’s nothing?” he asked
“Yes.” Weiss answered with confidence
“Ok” he responded “Listen we’ve all got things to do. Let’s just let Weiss handle this and go back to what we we’re doing” he turned to leave and took a sip from his flask mumbling an exasperated “Kids” under his breath on the way
They all looked at him for a moment and then slowly started to disperse. Yang held Weiss’s gaze for an extra few moments before finally turning and walking away herself.
Ruby found herself under a tree surrounded by bushes just outside the house they were staying in. She had run about a block before she realized she had no idea where she was going. She also realized that if she wandered too far, she’d never find her way back in the unfamiliar city, so she had turned back. There were just too many people in the house though, there was nowhere she could be alone not for very long anyway and not with Weiss almost certainly looking for her. So, she had found this tree and well hid if she was honest. She wasn’t really sure what she was doing, in fact she knew she wanted to be alone and not much else. She stared at the lock screen of her phone afraid to open it, afraid to read whatever it was the rest of that message said, and what all the others might say. Her heart pounded in her chest with a fear like nothing she had ever felt before. It wasn’t that it was worse, nothing could truly compare to the fear she had felt at the fall of beacon. There was more then enough fear to go around that night, for herself, for her team and friends, and for all the innocent people but all of it was different from this fear. Her scroll buzzed again, and a new message appeared on the lock screen “Ruby, please come back. We need to talk…”. Ruby clicked the small banner in a hurry somehow the anxiety to read this most recent text overrode the fear and before she knew what she did her scroll opened revealing the full text. To her relief Weiss’s message was long enough to hide the previous messages and she ignored them to focus fully on this most recent addition.
“Ruby, please come back. We need to talk. I looked everywhere but I don’t know this city and I didn’t really know where to look. I’m back in my room now. I’m worried about you. Please Ruby just come talk to me I didn’t think you would actually get those messages. I wrote them in Atlas, I was lonely and didn’t really have anyone to talk to and it was just a way for me to vent about everything that was going on. I’m not sure why I sent them to you that way I guess I just missed you and the rest of the team and it felt just a little like talking to you again. But I didn’t think you’d ever actually see them. The CCT was down and you were halfway around the world and I didn’t know when I might see you again. I thought for sure those messages would never send that they would be deleted or disappear or something after all this time I had no idea my scroll would save them this long and I just I really didn’t think you would ever see them.”
Ruby read slowly and carefully taking in every word and then she read it twice more just to be sure she had got it all. Finally, she pulled open her keyboard and started typing
“Is it all true? Did you mean everything you said in those messages?”
She pressed send and closed her eyes leaning the scroll against her face. Time seemed to pass in slow-motion she waited for what felt like for forever before finally she felt another buzz she opened her eyes to see her lying scroll tell her Weiss’s response had taken only a minute.
“Well yes I guess so”
“Ok” Ruby said aloud to herself and took a deep breath before releasing an equally long sigh and scrolling up quickly, skipping right over the message she most wanted to read. It took her a few moments to simply reach the top of the messages she had received but she figured if she was going to read them, she should start at the beginning and there was no way she was stopping until she got to the one at the end.
Weiss pulled out her scroll and looked at the end of her messages once more
“well yes I guess so”
The same words that had been there for almost two hours. She had spent nearly half of that trying to come up with something else to say but there wasn’t anything more to add she had said all she had to say in the first message, and she had answered Ruby’s simple question in the second. She had expected a follow up something more, something she could expand on, but it never came and without it she didn’t know what else to say. Finally, she had decided to wait and watch for a response but no matter how many times she looked those same five words were all that looked back at her. Her thumbs hovered over the phone unsure what to do. It was starting to get late and she was getting really worried if Ruby didn’t come back soon, they would have to go out looking for her.
She hadn’t heard her door open and she nearly jumped at the unexpected word but she turned in excitement shouting “Ruby!” but her excitement faded quickly, at first she had intended to run to Ruby and embrace her but she stopped herself “I was worried” she said instead “we didn’t know where you went”
“I was fine I was just outside” Ruby answered quietly “hiding under a tree. I just, needed some time and space to…read it all”
“I…” Weiss started but Ruby shook her head and actually laughed
“There were a couple of funny things in here” Ruby said holding up her scroll “You know you sent me something along the lines of “I hate Whitley” 15 times, I counted”
Weiss laughed back “That can’t be true you should meet Whitley he’s the worst it has to have been twice that many times.”
Ruby laughed again “I’ll take your word for it” she answered, and both fell silent smilingly lightly at each other. Weiss moved to sit on the end of her bed and gestured for Ruby to sit beside her. “There were some other messages I liked” Ruby continued nervously “There were a couple I miss you-s, twice you admitted I was your best friend at Beacon” Weiss looked embarrassed at that but Ruby continued “there was a lot about the fall of Beacon and your father, I tried to skip over a lot of that it felt kinda like reading a diary and that felt wrong if you want to talk about it we can but I tried to ignore the stuff that wasn’t actually about me. I almost stopped reading all together when I first thought about it as a diary, but I couldn’t I had to know what you said about me. I don’t know if that’s rude or selfish or what, but I had to know especially about one text, the last one” She opened her scroll and read the message aloud word for word “you have no idea how much you mean to me. I Love every member of team RWBY. You all were more like a family to me then my real family ever has been. I can’t stand it here. I can’t believe I ever could stand it here. I’m leaving, I’m going to come find you. I can’t wait to see you again, all of you.”
There was a pause as both looked at each other and absorbed the raw emotion in that text before Ruby asked “So?”
“So, what?” Weiss asked confused
“You said you meant it all but what did you mean, really?” Ruby asked fidgeting slightly and nervously avoiding eye contact
“I don’t understand, Ruby. What are you asking?” Weiss answered cautiously. That wasn’t strictly accurate she had a pretty good idea what Ruby was asking. In fact she was almost hoping Ruby was asking what she thought she was asking because Weiss had meant what she thought Ruby thought she meant and if Ruby thought what she thought Ruby thought then… Weiss forced herself to stop that childish train of thought it didn’t matter anyway. It may not have been on purpose, but Weiss had already put herself out there first once today it was Ruby’s turn to make the first potentially embarrassing statement.
“Just all the, you know, the I miss you stuff and the best friend things and you love… team RWBY, like family. I guess, you said I don’t know how much I mean to you and I just umm what do I mean to you?” Ruby’s heart was pounding again so hard this time she was sure Weiss had to be able to hear it “Cause it’s just like it kinda sounds like… well that is I mean, I really like you and I think like maybe you know not just like but like, like and I thought maybe it kinda sounded like you meant that you uhh...”
“Ruby stop” Weiss said interrupting Ruby’s nervous rambling and grabbing Ruby’s hands drawing her eyes, which had been looking anywhere except at Weiss, to her. “That is what I meant. I was so upset this afternoon because I was worried if you read all those messages, you’d realize what I was really trying to say. What I was afraid to actually say even when I was sure you would never find out about it. But if you “like” me then I’m happy to say I like you too.”
Ruby stared at Weiss for a moment, still holding hands, as though she wasn’t sure she’d really just heard Weiss but then she made a loud happy screeching sound and tackled Weiss in a giant hug.
“you’re a dolt!” Weiss responded but her voice was a tone of pure joy and she hugged Ruby back as tightly as she could
“Nope!” Ruby replied “you said you like me. You really, really, like me and you can’t take it back!”
“I think I already regret it” Weiss teased “But I wouldn’t take it back for the world.”
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