#Remo Ruffini
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la-situde · 1 year ago
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Moncler Grenoble RTW Runway F/W ‘24
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yeonjune · 5 months ago
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(241019) Yeonjun with Anne Hathaway and Moncler's CEO Remo Ruffini at Moncler Genius Shanghai Fashion Week Event | cr: kilibae_0913
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sbircialanotiziamagazine · 4 months ago
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 2 years ago
I paperoni italiani del 2023
I ricchi d'Italia diventano sempre più ricchi. Questo è il dato più importante che viene fuori da Milano Finanza che parla del 2023 per i paperoni italiani. Nel 2023 il valore delle azioni finanziarie dei Paperoni italiani nel mondo è salito a oltre 187 miliardi dai 174 miliardi dell’anno scorso. Diamo, quindi, uno sguardo ala classifica da loro stilata sui più ricchi in Italia. Classifica ricchi di Borsa – La top 30 Questa la classifica con le prime 30 posizioni: - Eredi Leonardo Del Vecchio (Generali, Avio, Covivio, Essilorluxottica, Mediobanca, Unicredit) – 32,548 miliardi - Prada Miuccia e Bertelli Patrizio (Prada) – 13,068 miliardi - Famiglia Rocca (Tenaris) – 10,444 miliardi - Famiglia Agnelli-Elkann-Nasi (Exor) – 10,026 miliardi - Famiglia Garavoglia (Campari) – 7,643 miliardi - Stevanato Franco e famiglia (Stevanato Group) – 6,099 miliardi - Ferrari Piero (Ferrari, Ferretti) – 5,853 miliardi - Iervolino Andrea (Iervolino & Lady Bacardi, Tatatu) – 5,645 miliardi - Ruffini Remo (Moncler) – 4,060 miliardi - Caltagirone Francesco Gaetano e famiglia (Acea, Anima Holding, Generali, Caltagirone, Caltagirone Editore, Cementir, Mediobanca, Vianini) – 4,035 miliardi - Pessina Stefano (Walgreens Boots Alliance) – 4,034 miliardi - Famiglia Peugeot (Stellantis) – 3,947 miliardi - Famiglia Crippa (Technoprobe) – 3,714 miliardi - Famiglia Benetton (Aeroporto Marconi Bologna, Generali, Dufry e le delistate Atlantia e Autogrill) – 2,986 miliardi - Holland Susan Carol (Amplifon) – 2,903 miliardi - Famiglia Buzzi (Buzzi Unicem) – 2,853 miliardi - Eredi Silvio Berlusconi (Banca Mediolanum, MFE-Mediaset, Mondadori) – 2,844 miliardi - Famiglia Boroli-Drago (IGT, Next Re Siiq, DeA Capital) – 2,645 miliardi - Famiglia Doris-Tombolato (Banca Mediolanum, Mediobanca) – 2,624 miliardi - Cucinelli Brunello e famiglia (Brunello Cucinelli) – 2,530 miliardi - Denegri Gustavo e famiglia (DiaSorin) – 2,461 miliardi - Famiglia Garrone-Mondini (Erg, Industrie De Nora) – 2,369 miliardi - Bombassei Alberto (Brembo, Pirelli) – 2,324 miliardi - Rizzante Mario (Reply) – 2,237 miliardi - Armani Giorgio (Essilorluxottica, The Italian Sea G.) – 2,002 miliardi - Famiglia De’ Longhi (De’ Longhi) – 1,912 miliardi - Sambur David Benjamin (Lottomatica Group) – 1,688 miliardi - Gostner Josef, Ernst e Thomas (Alerion Clean Power) – 1,391 miliardi - Famiglia Montipò (Interpump, Sabaf) – 1,383 miliardi - Famiglia Annoni-Fumagalli (Sol) – 1,363 miliardi Paperoni d'Italia: uno sguardo ai primi posti Anche per questo nuovo anno sono gli eredi di Leonardo Del Vecchio a confermarsi in vetta alla classifica. Il valore delle loro azioni bancarie è salito del 14,7%, a oltre 32,5 miliardi di euro. Il secondo posto è ancora di proprietà della "coppia" Miuccia Prada e Patrizio Bertelli soprattuto grazie alla partecipazione in Prada, che vale 13 miliardi (un balzo in più del 14%). La proprietà del 60% delle azioni di Tenaris permette invece alla famiglia Rocca di mantenere il terzo posto e chiudere il podio con quasi 10,5 miliardi di euro di patrimonio borsistico (anche per loro viene registrato un aumento, +11,5%). La resto della top 5 Quarti e a ridosso si trovano invece gli Agnelli-Elkann-Nasi. Al 3 agosto 2023 il valore delle quote degli eredi dell’Avvocato era arrivato a 10,02 miliardi (+19,6%). La dinastia sabauda supera in classifica la famiglia Garavoglia, il cui patrimonio borsistico si aggira sui 7,64 miliardi. I principali azionisti di Campari sono gli unici a registrare una performance negativa nelle prime dieci posizioni (-5,5%). Investimenti all'estero Questa ricca classifica del 2023 mostra anche un dato importante: la voglia dei paperoni italiani di investire all'estero. L'esempio più grande è quello di Stefano Pessina. L'amministratore delegato di Walgreens Boots Alliance, una delle più grandi catene di farmacie degli Stati Uniti, passa dall'ottava all'undicesima posizione segnando uno dei peggiori cali tra quelli in classifica. Domanda sorge spontanea: chi ha preso il posto di Pessina nella top 10? Il suo nome è Andrea Iervolino che ha registrato balzo a dir poco sorprendente, dal 319esimo all’ottavo posto. Il merito è di Tatatu, social network che appartiene per il 96,5% all’imprenditore italo-canadese ed è quotato a Parigi dall’ottobre 2022. La capitalizzazione della società si aggira sui 5,8 miliardi. Foto di Kevin Schneider da Pixabay Read the full article
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Laurea honoris causa a Ruffini dall'Uca, 'un a.d visionario'
(ANSA) – MILANO, 04 LUG – L’amministratore delegato di Moncler, Remo Ruffini, è stato insignito della Laurea Honoris Causa in Arts – Fashion and Entrepreneurship dalla University for the Creative Arts (UCA), una delle più prestigiose università specialistiche del Regno Unito, come riconoscimento del suo eccezionale contributo nei campi della moda e del business.    Questa mattina Ruffini ha…
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yuzuchupachups · 2 years ago
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lewis met Remo Ruffini, Moncler CEO, at British Vogue And Tiffany & Co. party
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liamnews · 6 years ago
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Cannes 2019
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thedropnyc · 2 years ago
Moncler Celebrates Its 70th Anniversary
Moncler Celebrates Its 70th Anniversary
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meanrunway · 7 years ago
Well that’s it for London Fashion Week, quite short. Slightly boring at times... kinda like NYFW. That’s mostly because everyone is in either Milan or Paris so it’s gonna be a crazy week. Moncler already got a head start, he’s putting out eight different collections a month at a time... 
The reason for this is because there has been a big shift in fashion thanks to social media. People shop differently now and fashion has to respond... and this is his response. You’ll probably notice more and more that high fashion is starting to look more like street wear. 
It’s an odd twist. The average consumer used to look up to celebrities for fashion inspiration but now celebrities are looking to instagram instead of high fashion brands. Kim Kardashian is a good example for this. Even Bella and Gigi. They don’t look like they walked off the runway, they look like they walked off a bus in NY. 
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dippedanddripped · 4 years ago
Moncler this morning announced its 100 percent acquisition of smaller rival Stone Island in a transaction valuing the brand at €1.15 billion (about $1.4 billion). The deal is expected to close by the first half of 2021. It's the first purchase for the Milan-based luxury brand mostly known for its signature puffers and parkas.
According to Moncler, the two brands will remain separate, autonomous entities, although the acquisition will see the brands share information on how to best capture the American and Asian markets, as well as amplifying their direct-to-consumer channels for the new luxury customer, and push further into sustainability.
Between November 2019 and October 2020, Stone Island hit €240 million Euros (about $291 million) in revenues despite the global pandemic dramatically affecting foot traffic in stores and sales overall. Carlo Rivetti, Chairman and CEO of Stone Island said in a statement, "Remo [Ruffini] and I have decided to combine forces and visions to meet together and with greater strength than ever the challenges we all face. We share the same roots, similar entrepreneurial journeys, and the utmost respect for the profound values of our brands and our people. And we are Italians."
The sale comes just a month after The North Face and Vans' owner VF Corp bought Supreme for roughly $2.1 billion in what was the biggest acquisition of a streetwear brand in history, symbolizing streetwear's radical change in scale.
We called up Moncler's CEO and Chairman, Remo Ruffini, to ask him what it was that attracted him to Stone Island, and everything that's next for the brand.
On Why it Acquired Stone Island
“We started talking a year ago, they got a lot of proposals from private equity but [Stone Island's Carlo Rivetti] didn’t want to sell to private equity, more to a family-owned [brand]. We started to talk very lightly and we included some lawyers, then we started talking more. Step by step we came to the agreement 10 days ago. At the end of the day we realized it could be very interesting. They’re a very nice family. They’re very close to us. I’ve been looking for an acquisition, and Mr Rivetti was looking to sell the company.
On the Future of Stone Island
“I don’t want to put them in the shoes of a big luxury brand. I think there could be a possibility for the market, for the new generation. I don’t want to call it 'new luxury' but what I wrote in the press release this morning, it’s like a cloud at the moment. Let’s see if the cloud is going to open or not. I want a new approach. At the same time, I think they have a big potential to grow in general and come up on a new position. The luxury world has changed a lot. A lot of brands are able to attract a young generation. When we introduced Moncler Genius three years ago we saw that. Louis Vuitton since they hired Virgil, they got a more young customer as well. In terms of communications. Also Dior with Kim Jones. They really moved the brand into a new atmosphere. Five years ago Dior was competing with Chanel. I feel like we're [now] in this world and we’re very happy to be there.
At the same time I feel like we have a lot of work to do. My feeling is that even though Stone Island has a different approach, we can take them a bit more into this world. We can try to improve our strategy but if we can take them there, it will be something very interesting.
On What Will Change for Stone Island Fans
Nothing will change. It’s only about improving things. I love the company so this isn’t a distress project. It’s about fine tuning almost anything like we did with [Moncler] back in the day. And then I think with our organization we can speed up this process. But the DNA, the collection, the communication and product, don't have to change much. When I say fine tuning, what I mean is that we can always do better. We are going to help them to improve everything.
On a Change in Price Point
The price point [Stone Island] has now is perfect, the margins are quite good so there’s no reason to increase it. I don’t want to touch the positioning because I think that Mr. Rivetti did an amazing job. I don’t see this criticism, but I don’t think [consumers] should be worried.
On the Importance of Creating Energy
Energy is everything, if the energy isn’t there you’re dead. In this pandemic if you lose energy, you’re dead. You can speed up your strategy. Moncler and Stone Island have a lot of energy. Stone Island has a different approach to energy, but it’s a company so pure and clear that is an added value to the brand. We really want to keep them as two different companies with different approaches, but help them. Also with organization we can help develop them with the organization.
On Seasonality and Positioning
[Stone Island] is already more balanced than [Moncler]. If you think about the seasonality, for them it’s 50/50 for summer and winter for us it’s 75 percent winter and 25 percent summer. With the mix of categories, we’re 80 percent jackets / coats and 20 percent other categories, while Stone Island is 30 percent jackets and the rest other categories, which means they’re much more balanced. It’s because we have a different DNA. We came from the mountains and they came from the seaside and this military marina. We both have a very strong positioning. I think Moncler can improve other categories but we’re not rushed. The most important thing is to not lose our roots and be very clear with our customer that we’re Moncler. We don’t want to become a surf brand, we don’t want any confusion. We both have to improve our strategy, distribution and everything but it’s a question of managing it in the right way. There’s nothing to destroy or redesign from scratch.
On Moncler Becoming a Fashion Group
Honestly, I didn’t expect the big transformation VF Corp has done in the past three to four years. About five years ago they were outside of the good conglomerates. Now they made a couple of good moves. Like buying Dickies was very strong, they sold a few brands that I don’t think were very interesting for them. Buying Supreme was a good approach. They started creating a group that is very young and it’s very interesting. That said, we don’t have the same approach. We’re two families and we want to build something different. I don’t want to say that tomorrow we won’t buy another company, but I don’t think so at the moment. The idea is to build up something unique for the market and not another luxury group that I think we have enough of around the world. But if I think we can build something of unique value, I’m open to talk and listen to everyone.
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globalhappenings · 3 years ago
Fashion: new Moncler Select project debuts with Alicia Keys
Fashion: new Moncler Select project debuts with Alicia Keys
(ANSA) – MILAN, DEC 20 – The new Moncler Select digital project, which will be curated, debuts today with the selection curated by singer, author and producer Alicia Keys, global partner of Moncler and winner of 15 Grammy Awards – brand – from some of the most inspiring personalities in the world of sport, fashion, business and entertainment. With ‘A day in NYC’ users are invited to immerse…
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stellarflex · 2 years ago
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Italian National Fashion Chamber Weibo update 220922
MONCLER is an important member of CNMI, and Mr. Remo Ruffini, chairman of the brand, is also one of the four directors of the strategic committee of the chamber of commerce.
Today, @Moncler officially announced that Wang Yibo will be the brand's global spokesperson.
Wang Yibo is a talented young man with diverse identities such as singer, dancer, actor and professional motorcyclist. MONCLER is determined to face the future and embrace creative cooperation, and will work hand in hand with Wang Yibo to promote brand value.
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nervespike · 4 years ago
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Remo Ruffini (Moncler) | Stone Island
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haydee-gd · 5 years ago
[120319 - The Business of Fashion] Moncler’s Genius Talent Pipeline: Who Should be Next?
The luxury outerwear brand’s innovative marketing model relies on a constant rotation of buzzy talent. BoF spotlights potential future candidates.
In 2018, luxury outerwear brand Moncler chose to abandon seasonal fashion collections with a marketing model built around a series of limited-edition designer capsules released via monthly drops.
The Genius project, spearheaded by Moncler President and Chief Executive Remo Ruffini, was designed to spark a buzz around the brand; a way to recruit new Moncler customers — particularly Gen-Z and Millennials who crave constant newness — while simultaneously strengthening ties with existing fans through a strong social media presence.
Moncler seeks out Genius collaborators with a strong creative identity that will translate well to Instagram, but who will also be adept at incorporating Moncler’s core DNA into their aesthetic. Each capsule is intended to appeal directly to specific customer segments, though Moncler won’t divulge how it defines them.
While the Genius collections aren’t just about driving revenues (the collections do generate sales, but make up a sliver of the brand’s €1.4 billion total for 2018), the strategy does appear to be working. According to Moncler, it's successfully boosted brand awareness and traffic both on- and offline, and has generated millions of euros in earned media value.
Moncler has enlisted a range of collaborators since the project launched, including Valentino designer Pierpaolo Piccioli, Simone Rocha, Craig Green, Noir’s Kei Ninomiya, Hiroshi Fujiwara and Palm Angels’ Francesco Ragazzi, 1017 ALYX 9SM’s Matthew Williams and British designer Richard Quinn.
But the Genius model is one that requires constant feeding. Its future success will, in part, depend on the brand’s ability to continue recruiting the right talent.
So who could be next? BoF explores a list of potential candidates to add to Moncler’s Genius roster.
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Raf Simons Since Simons’ departure from Calvin Klein, the fashion world has been waiting to see if he would head to another high-profile fashion house. Instead, he doubled down on his namesake menswear line and collaborated with Danish fabriccompany Kvadrat. A Raf Simons x Moncler tie-up would no doubt benefit from his ability to adapt house codes into his vision of creativity, as seen during his tenure at Dior. Simons would surely get bonus points for enlisting his long-standing collaborator painter Sterling Ruby to work on the collaboration.
G-Dragon As leader of K-Pop boyband Big Bang, the superstar has enormous social media reach across Asia, a prime market for Moncler (the region accounts for almost half the company’s annual revenue). But slowing growth and the continued pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong means Moncler will have to work hard to continue to grow in the region. G-Dragon is well-known for his eclectic fashions, often mixing high-end labels like Dior and Chanel with streetwear-infused brands like Ambush. He also has design experience, launching his own label, PeaceMinusOne, with friend and stylist Gee Eun in 2016.
Molly Goddard It’s already proven that the London-based designer’s frothy tulle creations are an Instagram crowd-pleaser: when the designer dressed Jodie Comer in the hit TV show "Killing Eve" earlier this year, the social platform was a flurry of interest, raising the designer’s profile well beyond her usual following. Goddard’s signature aesthetic is visually striking, exactly what Moncler looks for in a Genius collaborator.
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Y/ Project With Gen-Z and Millennials now comprising 40 percent of Moncler’s consumer base — and an even higher total among Genius customers — Y/Project’s conceptual, refined-street aesthetic would speak directly to a key demographic for Moncler. The French brand’s creative director Glenn Martens is part of Paris’ new guard of designers spearheading a streetwear revolution and has a dedicated following among streetwear-loving Millennials.
Sacai Comme des Garçon alumna Chitose Abe has prodigious skill and technical ability with fabrics. Her avant-garde creations are more wearable than that of her former mentor Rei Kawakubo, while still being rooted in strong silhouettes. Abe herself is often inspired by utility, performance and sportswear, she told BoF in 2015, which would likely translate well to a more technical take on a Moncler Genius collection, as it has with past collaborations with Nike and the North Face.
Donatella Versace Donatella Versace knows how to engineer a marketing moment, which, after all, is exactly what Moncler Genius is all about. From the blockbuster 20th anniversary tribute show honouring her brother Gianni, to Jennifer Lopez’s surprise runway appearance in September, Ms Versace has a knack for using nostalgia to drive social media attention. Plus, in light of Capri Holding’s big plans for the Italian brand, the more exposure the Versace brand can get, the better.
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Kaws Brian Donnelly’s signature BFF character is globally recognisable thanks in part to past fashion collaborations with streetwear heavyweights A Bathing Ape and Supreme, fashion names like Marc Jacobs and Comme Des Garcon, and, most recently, Kim Jones for Dior Men. The New York-based pop artist, better known as Kaws, began as a street graffiti artist and over the years has revealed a canny ability to reimagine cultural icons that have a strong brand DNA, from Sesame Street stars to the Michelin Man. His work translates well to Instagram — note his 2.6 million followers.
Sarah Burton The British designer, who took over as creative director of Alexander McQueenwhen the house’s founder Lee McQueen died in 2010, has a knack for creating show-stopping yet intricate couture-like creations. While Burton made headlines across the world in 2011 for being the designer behind the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress, she mostly keeps a low profile. But as Kering looks to grow McQueen, boosting Burton’s personal brand via a Moncler collaboration may also benefit McQueen in the era of the star designer.
Phoebe Philo While Philo’s aesthetic may not be typical Instagram content, what she lacks in flamboyance, she makes up for in clout. Best known for her 10-year tenure at Celine, Philo has a cult following of women aged 35 to 50, a demographic Moncler is still struggling to attract. If McQueen’s Burton could connect Moncler to wealthy, couture-loving clients, Philo would speak directly to the high-earning working woman. No doubt Philophiles still mourning the designer’s departure from the fashion calendar would have their credit cards at the ready.
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outofthemouthofbabes · 5 years ago
The British Fashion Awards
Award for Positive Change: Signatories of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action
Presented by: Amber Valetta & Halima Aden
Accepted by: Emmanuel Gintzburger, Alexander McQueen; Gabriele Maggio, Stella McCartney; José Neves, Farfetch; Stefan Seidel, Puma; Thierry Andretta, Mulberry and Wolfgang Blau, Condé Nast
Brand of the Year: Bottega Veneta
Presented by: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
British Emerging Talent Menswear: Bethany Williams for Bethany Williams
Presented by: Rita Ora & Liam Payne
British Emerging Talent Womenswear: Rejina Pyo for Rejina Pyo
Presented by: Bel Powley & Gugu Mbatha Raw
Special Tribute to Karl Lagerfeld
Presented by: Dame Anna Wintour and Lady Amanda Harlech
Urban Luxe: Fenty
Presented by: Tyler, the Creator & Janet Jackson
Business Leader: Remo Ruffini for Moncler
Presented by: Shailene Woodley
Fashion Icon: Naomi Campbell
Presented by: Sir Jony Ive
Accessories Designer of the Year: Daniel Lee for Bottega Veneta
Presented by: Karen Elson
Isabella Blow Award for Fashion Creator: Sam McKnight
Presented by: Emilia Clarke
Designers’ Designer Award: Christopher Kane for Christopher Kane
Presented by: Kylie Minogue
Trailblazer Award: Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen
Presented by: Naomi Campbell
British Designer of the Year Menswear: Kim Jones for Dior Men
Presented by: Miguel & Kaia Gerber
Accepted by Donatella Versace
British Designer of the Year Womenswear: Daniel Lee for Bottega Veneta
Presented by: Emma Roberts
Model of the Year: Adut Akech
Presented by: Pierpaolo Piccioli & Edward Enninful
Designer of the Year: Daniel Lee for Bottega Veneta
Presented by: Naomi Watts
Outstanding Achievement Award: Giorgio Armani
Presented by: Julia Roberts & Cate Blanchett
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perfectlywiseland-blog · 5 years ago
cheap moncler jackets
Named after the French alpine village Monestier-de-Clermont, Moncler is a leader in the field of technical outerwear. The iconic down-filled jackets cater for life both on and off the slopes, making them a hit with snow-sport enthusiasts and urban dwellers.
Founder Réné Ramillion established Moncler in the French Alpine village of cheap moncler jackets Monastier-de-Clermont in 1952, manufacturing a simple range of tents, sleeping bags, and quilted jackets designed to protect workers from the cold. Mountaineer Lionel Terray discovered the jackets’ potential for protection in harsh climates, and the brand transformed into a performance replica man moncler jackets outfitter for skiiers and mountaineers. A streamlined, lightweight down jacket developed for the French alpine skiing team at the 1968 Winter Olympics in Grenoble became the precursor to Moncler’s signature model. Now a global lifestyle brand seen on mountains and city streets alike, Moncler continues to develop inventive and feminine styles of quilted down jackets, vests, parkas, and fur accessories presenting a vision of the luxury of alpine life under president and creative director Remo
Moncler Founded in 1952 by René Ramillon, Moncler takes its name from the French Alpine town of Monestier-de-Clermont. Equipped for extreme weather, the brand cut its teeth producing quilted sleeping bags and tents, while the first quilted jackets were simply a means to keep workers warm on the slopes. Counting the French national downhill skiing team as clients, Moncler was bought in 2003 by Italian entrepreneur Remo Ruffini, who re-introduced the Moncler quilted jacket as a marker of superior style on and off the slopes. Gaining cult status for its lightweight down jackets across men’s, women’s and children’s styles, a Moncler jacket is designed to keep you warm and dry without adding bulk or unnecessary detail.
Moncler is a French-Italian apparel manufacturer and lifestyle brand, founded by René Ramillon. Moncler’s name was inspired by Monestier-de-Clermont, and the brand is well known for its down jackets. Moncler is currently operating diffusion lines that includes Moncler Enfant, Moncler Grenoble, Moncler Gamme Rouge, Moncler Gamme Bleu and Moncler Lunettes.
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