#Relax Your Mind Honoring The Music of Lead Belly
thislovintime · 2 years
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A playlist feat. songs written/co-written by Peter, sung by Peter, and given an unmistakable stamp by Peter. Some pieces aren’t on Spotify, so I’m linking those separately below:
The Spotify playlist: here.
The extra songs: Peter's banjo contribution to Wonderwall Music (1968); Solfeggietto; Ain't Your Fault; God Given Grant; For Pete's Sake (Shoe Suede Blues version); Good Looker; Sea Cruise; Peter's Concerto; Til Then.
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Title: Birthday Cake {One Shot}***
Chris Evans X Reader
Warning: Cursing, SMUTTTT, NSFW, Birthday Shenanigans, SMUUUUUUT
Words: 5.4k
Summary: It’s Chris’s birthday. Summary done.
Note: Don’t read this at work, around family, in a crowd/group, or around anyone you don’t want knowing you NASTY. Happy Birthday Chris!
***NOT Edited/Proofread AT ALL***
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“We all wish you nothing but happiness, success and joy my sweet boy,” Lisa shouted as she held her champagne glass into the air along with the other thirty bodies that were invited to this yacht party that was put together in Chris’s honor.
 “We are all so proud of the man you’ve become, and we know the man you will be next year will be one we’re even more proud of,” Carly added.
 “We love you Chris,” Shanna voiced with a wide smile on her face.
 Everyone went around the long table giving their warmest and most sincere birthday wishes. As they spoke you could see how much he was loved. Not only had these people made it to Boston for this but they’d given up their entire day to sail around the harbor to spend the day with him. every wish that was said you looked back at Chris’s face to see he looked genuinely happy and closer and closer to the brink of tears.
 “Chris, I couldn’t have asked for a better big brother. I can count on you through everything, thank you. you’re one of the best men I know and I’m grateful to know you. Happy Birthday man, and just so we’re clear, this is thirty-nine. One more to go,” Scott said. Everyone busted out laughing, everyone but Chris. He just nodded while trying to hold back his amusement.
 Because of where you sat around the table you were the last to give your wish. All eyes fell to you including Chris’s.
 “Chris, I’m not going to point out how old you are like some people because honestly you don’t look a day over twenty-one. I’m not going to tease you mercilessly as there other thirty plus people have. I’m only going to blow your head up and inflate that actor’s ego. The one thing that everyone got right is that you are an incredible man. Your kindness to everyone you meet and your compassion for every living thing is what makes your heart a truly golden one. We would all bury a body for you any day of the week and we’re all relieved you haven’t cashed in on it. we wish you nothing but happiness because it is the least of what you deserve. Happy birthday, just know chicks dig a little grey.”
 Again, everyone laughed around you. They were so distracted with laughing that they didn’t see Chris quickly swipe at his cheek no doubt wiping away a stray tear. You caught it though. As your eyes met he nodded and mouthed his thanks.
Everyone mingled around the chartered yacht and enjoyed their mimosas, champagne, and lush food options. As Chris made his rounds around thanking his guests you found a spot to lounge in the warm sun. You couldn’t imagine this was how he imagined ringing in thirty-nine. This was a perfect outing for you and your friends. all that was missing was mani, pedis and some strippers. You made a mental note to bring it up to your friends later to plant the seed for your birthday. You knew this was just the beginning and what was in store for him once the sun went down.
 “There you are.”
 Chris’s smile was wide as he sat at the end of the lounge chair. “If it isn’t the birthday boy. Are you enjoying yourself?”
 “Yeah. This is really nice. Relaxing,” Chris answered. You snorted and finished your glass of champagne.
 “Not what you expected?”
 “No, this is fine. I’m old, Y/N. I’m okay with relaxation.” You smiled.
 “You’re not old Chris. There are men in their fifties still having the times of their lives.”
 He sighed and looked out to the water. “Eh, I’m different. I’m not interested in the same things as I once was. I used to crave the next party, the next thrill, the next woman, but now--.”
 “What? You don’t like women anymore?”
 He laughed and shook his head. “No, just—not the same women I did.”
 “We call that growth Christopher. If year after year you were the same man I’d be worried. I’m glad you’re changing. Just know I loved the man you were just as much as I love the man you are now.”
 Chris stared at you, but he didn’t speak. You didn’t know what he was looking for or thinking but he looked as if he were looking right through you. “Thanks for coming out for this,” he said just a little above a whisper.
 “Shut up, where else was I supposed to be on the thirteenth of June?” You rolled your eyes in an exaggerated fashion that made Chris laugh.
 The rest of the afternoon was mellow and uneventful. The laughs kept coming as did the champagne but there was no drama. It was actually a really nice boat around the Cod. When everyone made it back to land and said their goodbyes it was close to six. You made it home to get your primping on, so you’d make it to dinner on time. You were usually always late; it was unfortunately something Chis and the others teased you about often.
 You couldn’t decide what to wear and that was where the bulk of your time was spent. You went between a blue dress and a white pantsuit. They both were cute and they both made different parts of your body pop. The only reason why you chose the blue dress was because you had the perfect shoes that you’d been dying to wear. Once you were happy with your look for the night you hurried out cursing at the fact that you were going to be late.
 “Why is she always late?” You could hear everyone’s snicker as you hurried inside.
 “I’m late, I know, I’m sorry.”
 “It’s okay, you’re not that late, Chris said as he stood to kiss your cheek. You went around the table and greeted everyone before you sat beside the open seat besides Chris.
 “What did I miss?”
 Everyone talked over each other to fill you in on what you’d missed. From what you heard it was a lot of gossip and jokes that you didn’t really care about. Nodding you tried to follow along and keep up with everything they said. When the waiter arrived each of you listed off your orders and broke off into small conversations.
 “Always late,” Chris began with a shake of his head. “Some things never change. How long’s it been?”
 “Jeez who counts that high? Plus, stop trying to reveal my age.”
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Chris snorted and nodded. “Either way, you look beautiful.” Your eyes locked and lingered before a loud commotion had both of you looking away. Chris was gorgeous everyone knew that but that wasn’t what your friendship was. You’d be there for him in any way he needed, the same way he’d been there for you and would always be there for you. Thanks to a hearty meal and an abundance of wine you were feeling extra good and so ready to have a good time.
 Chris snorted and shook his head. You could tell he had no idea that this was planned.
 “Wow, you guys got me.”
 “Of course, we did old man. You probably wanted to go home and watch ESPN for the rest of the night,” Valarie teased. He rolled his eyes in the obnoxious way he always did.
 You smiled and looked around the club. It looked like the perfect bachelor’s birthday party down to the half-naked dancers locked in cages and the girls laying on tables offering body shots. You knew this was a jab at Chris’ playboy days and you wondered who would rope him into doing a body shot.
 The music kicked back on and everyone went nuts. Bodies collided and rubbed against each other in the way that inebriated bodies did when they had no worries and plenty of alcohol. You danced with your friends in a circle getting in right mind frame to have a good time. It wasn’t your birthday, but you were going to party like it was.
 After am hour you had yet to find a seat and had lost track of how many people you’d danced with. Chris was right there with you. you refused to let him sit and act like an old man, you wanted to make sure he had a good time. Valarie and Scott plied him with liquor, and you kept his legs moving. It was the perfect tag team.
 “Shots, shots, shots, shots!”
 The chant got louder and louder until one of Chris’s boys began leading him to one of the girls on the table who had a very eager smile on her face. she was ready. Chris tried to back out, but no one would let him. Scott was the one to pour the drink out and get it ready for him. when Chris approached the girl, he leaned in and said something that no one else heard. She looked enamored when he did.
 “He asked for my consent,” she wailed. Everyone cheered around him. you could tell he was feeling really embarrassed about it.
 “Everyone loves a man who’s all about consent!” Your shout came over everyone else’s. Chris nodded his head to you silently thanking you for having his back. When he knew he couldn’t stall any longer he bent and licked the girl’s thigh and took the shot glass out of her cleavage. You knew this was not exactly a traditional body shot but you also knew the chances of getting Chris to suck alcohol out of someone’s belly button he didn’t know were slim. everyone cheered and egged him on for more. Chris obliged and before you knew it things got wild.
 The lights got dimmer, the music louder, the bodies sweatier, the dancing dirtier and the atmosphere even more hedonistic. You didn’t know what it was that when some celebs got together inhibitions went out the window. You saw some of your favorite celebs just going for it on the dancefloor and it all made your inner watcher go into hyperdrive.
 The club was so hot. You didn’t know if it was because there were so many people here or because it was June. Maybe it was even because you’d been dancing your ass off for the last hour nonstop and had gone through more drinks than you could count. The pounding of the beat through the club speakers shook the walls and the ground but no one seemed to care. All anyone seemed to care about was who they were dancing with, what drink was next and who they were going to leave with. You saw Chris was the corner of your eye. He was sitting with a beer watching and laughing. You plopped down on his vacant lap and whispered to him.
 “Having fun birthday boy?”
 Chris nodded and leaned to your ear to respond. “Of course, how could I not? I’ve got the best girl right here.”
 You snorted and shook your head. He could never get out of sweet talker mode. “Yeah, best girl.”
 “I can barely sit up, I’m ready to go,” Chris said. Everyone protested and tried to convince him to stay but it was no use. He easily stood even with you on his lap, but he held on tightly to you ensuring that you wouldn’t fall.
 “I can get you home if you’d like,” Chris offered. You nodded then said your goodbyes.
 The car ride to your apartment was not a long one, you didn’t live far from the club. The entire ride the two of you joked and laughed about everything that had happened in the club. You told him about all his horny celeb friends and teased him that if he didn’t watch his ass he’d turn into one too. He loved that and laughed his ass off because of it. by the time the car pulled up to your apartment you were ready to get some sleep. As you walked up the steps you could feel Chris’s eyes on you, so you turned back.
 “You should find a way to enjoy the rest of your night. It is your birthday after all,” you said.
 “Who said I didn’t enjoy my night already?”
 “There’s enjoy and en-joooy,” you said stretching out the second time you said the word. Chris smirked.
 “Any ideas how I should en-joooy the rest of my night?” You walked back to the car and leaned into the open window to his ear.
 “You’ve worked so hard this year, been so good. You deserve some birthday sex,” you whispered.
 Chris scoffed and took a deep breath before he leaned back and peered into your eyes. “And just how do I accomplish that? I’m a single man.”
 “Yeah, but you’re also Chris Evans. Use that shit. Night.” You smiled then winked and walked off inside.
 After a shower and a little more wine your got inside your head and through about Chris and what he’d said. You knew for a fact that he wouldn’t go hooking up with anyone. The point where he was in his life right now, he was a lot different than his younger days. Half of you was happy to see his growth but you took notice of how different he was. He kept to himself more and more and was choosy over who he spent his time with. You felt the air of loneliness around him, but you never brought it up. he was probably sitting at home on his damn couch with Dodger next to him doing absolutely nothing. Making your decision you got to your feet and got moving.
 When you rang his bell, it was nearing two in the morning. You hoped he hadn’t fallen asleep yet. After two rings and no answer you were sure he had and was ready to turn and leave when he opened it. he wore a t-shirt that was two sizes too small and showcased just how amazing his biceps really were.
 “Y/N? what’re—what’re you doing here?”
 “It’s your birthday dumbass,” you said before walking past him inside his house. You made your way to the living room to put down the box you held.
 “It’s actually not anymore. Plus, we just saw each other. I’ve celebrated.”
 “Yeah you did, kind of but it hit me when I was getting out the shower you left the club before anyone could serenade you and present you with your cake.”
 Chris snorted and shook his head. “Y/N, I don’t care about cake.”
 “Of course, you do, it’s your favorite. Come look.” You turned and opened the cake box to show him the ice-cream cake inside. It wasn’t the one from the club but this was the best that could be found at two in the morning.
 “It even says Happy Birthday on it.”
 Chris smiled and it got wider and wider before he was full on grinning.
 “It looks great.”
 “See. Now you wait.” You opened the bag and pulled out the packs of candles and plopped them into the cake. You’d come prepared. After a few minutes you had them lit and glowing in living room. When you looked at Chris his smile was wider.
 “See. Okay,” you began before you ushered him to a spot on the couch then cleared your throat and tapped into your inner fifties pin up girl.
 “Happy birthday—to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to—you. How old are you now?” You turned your ear to him waiting for him to say his age. Chris rolled his eyes and sighed out.
 “How old are you now?”
 “Thirty-nine,” Chris aid a little louder as you motioned for him to speak up.
 “How old, how old, how old are you now?”
 “Thirty-nine!” His shout bounced off the walls sending you into a flurry of laughter.
 Clearing your throat again you tried to get back into character to finish your song.
 “Happy birthday sweet Christopher, happy birthday to you and many moooooore!” You did a mini belly dance at the end which sent Chris into applause. You bowed and ate up the faux admiration.
 “Come blow out your candles.” Chris stood again and walked over to the cake. He stared at it contemplatively for a few moments before he took a deep breath and blew them out. you were shocked when he got it on the first try.
 “Yaay. Happy birthday Chris.”
 “Thank you. you didn’t have to do this. It was too much,” he protested.
 “No such thing for my best guy.” He smiled. You dug into the bag and held out a fork to him. When he took it he took the cake and dropped onto the couch and began devouring the sweet treat. Wasting no time you sat beside him and ate with him. there was no need for words, the most important thing was the cake.
 When it was gone you both still sat there slouched back on the couch in a sugar coma.
 “So how’d the en-joooy your birthday go?”
“Total bust,” Chris responded.
 “Did you even try?”
 You sat in silence again for a few minutes before you sat up. “I can help you with that.”
 “Help me with what?”
 “Enjoying your birthday,” you responded. Chris looked at you with a quizzical look on his face.
 “You already did. This was great.”
 “Yeah cake is great and all but it’s not sex.”
 Chris’s eyes bugged out as his jaw dropped. He just gaped at you as if you had three heads.
 “I’m sorry I must be in a deeper state of sugar coma. What?”
 “I can help you,” you repeated as you stood before him. He still gaped at you. when he didn’t speak for a while you brought your hands to the knee length trench you wore and began unbuttoning it. Chris’s eyes dropped to your heads and that was when you saw the panic on his face.
 “Woah, woah. What’re you doing?”
 “What does it look like? You made it to the second to last button before he lurched forward to grab your hands stopping you.
 “I—I—I---I don’t know what--. You don’t—you shouldn’t,” Chris stuttered. It was adorable. He looked like he’d never seen a woman standing before him about to strip. You shook his hands off and finished undoing the material before you spread it and planted your hands on your bare hips.
 “Hoooly—shit.” His eyes raked over your body before he dropped back again to his slouched position. Slowly his eyes drank in your figure in its red lace ensemble. First he looked shocked, then impressed, before that turned to turned on. Now he looked in pain.
 “Y/N. We’re friends.”
 “I know. I’m not suggesting ending our friendship.”
 “Then what are you suggesting?”
 You slipped the trench off and allowed it to fall to the floor before you took two steps to him to stand between his legs.  “I’m suggesting that for tonight we do what man and woman were meant to do from the beginning of time.”
 Still, he didn’t budge. He still looked at you as if you’d lost your shit. “It’s your birthday. You deserve it.”
 Chris didn’t speak or move, so you bent and took his hand to put it on your hip. Once you put it there he trailed it down the side of your thigh slowly feeling your skin before he brought it back to your hip. Once there he squeezed. As you were going to make a move he dropped his hand.
 “We can’t.”
 “Are you saying you’re not attracted to me?”
 “What! No. of course not. You know you’re beautiful and too fucking sexy. That’s not the problem here.
 You climbed on his lap and straddled him. “We don’t have a problem then.”
 Your faces were so close together all he had to do was lean in half an inch and take what you were offering. Chris took a deep breath then crushed his lips to yours pulling you into a searing kiss. Both your moans echoed in the quiet room as you frantically kissed. There was no going slow. Chris wrapped his arms around you and busied his hands with feeling every inch of your skin. You loved the feel of his hands on you. it didn’t matter that before tonight he’d never touched you like this before. it felt as if it was a natural thing.
 Chris pulled away from you and stared into your eyes. “Are you sure?”
 “Hell yeah.” He smiled then kissed you again and held you to his body.
 Before you even knew what happened you felt the fabric of your bra slip from you. you hadn’t even realized he’d expertly unhooked it with one hand. As soon as the bra fell between your bodies Chris’s hands cupped your breasts and massaged them making you slightly arch back. Chris’s lips dipped to your breast and took your nipple into his mouth. He rolled it between his teeth and softly nibbled before he applied pressure and sucked.
 “Mmm, god!”
 You peeled his shirt off his back in a hurry to feel his skin as well. Chris mirrored the same action and sucked your other nipple into his mouth and used the left-over saliva to roll your hardened bud between his fingers. When you felt his teeth clamp down on your skin more forcefully you groaned loudly and bucked across his hardening length.
 “Fuck,” Chris grunted.
 Before he got carried away you pulled away and slipped off of his lap to sit between his legs. His mouth was half open as he watched you. He didn’t look as if he was breathing. You pulled at the waistband of his sweatpants all the while never breaking eye contact. Chris arched up giving you more freedom to pull the garment off. When you saw his cock bob out from behind the fabric you bit your bottom lip. quickly you peeled it off and tossed it behind you. When you gripped him, he groaned and arched his head back onto the couch.
 “Mmm, how long has it been?”
 “Since what?”
 “You know since what,” you said as you slowly stroked him. as he sucked his bottom lip he watched your hand instead of answering you. When you stopped he looked back to you.
 “About six months.”
 “Poor baby. Don’t worry--,” you began before you rose to your knees and placed a sloppy kiss to the head of his dick. Once your lips touched him he groaned louder.
 “I’ll take care of you.” once you said it you licked along his shaft on the underside then swirled your tongue around his tip. Chris sucked in a breath then licked his lips. As you lowered your mouth on him bringing him inch by inch deeper into your mouth every move you made he whimpered louder and louder. When he was snugly fit into your throat you moaned knowing the vibration would send him over the edge.
 “Fuck!” Chris gripped your head on both sides and rose his hips to gyrate his cock around the confines of your throat. When he pulled your head off hic cock a long stretchy line of slobber stretched between you. you took the time to take a deep breath but saw his intention. Chris thrusted forward sending his cock back inside your mouth to your throat only to pull back again and do it four more times.
 On the fourth plunge you gipped his shaft with both hands and worked your hands as you took control of his pleasure.
 “Aaah!” Chris’s hands dropped to his sides as you sucked his cock. You didn’t care about the slobber rolling down your chin, you wanted him to feel good.
 “Fuck yeah. Fuck your mouth feels good.” You moaned your encouragement never allowing your hands and lips to part. When his moans turned to breathless pants you knew he was close.
 Suddenly Chris pulled your head off of him again and you were on your back on the coffee table behind you.
 “Jesus, you almost made me fucking come.”
 “I told you I’d take care of you.” He looked enflamed and his smile said he was thinking about payback. He kissed you again and locked your tongue in a sensual dance that sent you over the edge. you wanted to feel him, and you didn’t want to wait. When he tore his lips from yours he kissed down your body until he got to your flimsy underwear. instead of pulling them off Chris balled them and ripped them right off of you. He offered no apologizes, instead, he spread your legs and buried his face between your legs.
 Upon impact his intention was clear, he wanted to make you lose your mind. The deliberate flicks of his tongue were done so expertly that it felt like he knew just wat you needed to get off. In no time you were a moaning, and panting mess. When you felt him delve his tongue inside your heat that was when you rode his face. Chris held your ass in the air and fucked you with his tongue. You knew if his cock was anything like his tongue then you would be ruined for anyone else after him.
 Your orgasm whipped through you unexpectedly and it was the most powerful one you’d had in months. You tried to pry his lips from you, but he kept you there still not satiated.
 “Aaah, Chris. Fuuuuuck!” Again, you came on his tongue, his response was to slurp every drop from you. your scream was loud, and you didn’t give a shit who heard you.
 When he pulled his lips from you his beard was soaked and the fire in his eyes was more blazed than before Chris spread your thighs again and groaned when he realized just how flexible you were.
 “Don’t move,” Chris grunted out.
 “Hurry up.” You buried your fingers inside of you hoping that they’d be a good place filler. Instead of going Chris stayed there watching you fuck yourself getting lost in the sight. He bent again to your pussy and began licking your clit sending you into another orgasm, one of teamwork.
 “Shit, shit, Chris, Chris, fuuuuuck!” Again, he slurped at your sex and drank every drop you gave him.
 He pulled away and hurried out of the room. As soon as he was gone you heard rustling and cursing. Then you heard several things breaking before he was scurrying back to you. Chris dropped to his knees while slipping on the condom. When he lined himself up with your opening he locked eyes with you That before he slowly slid inside your heated core.
 Every inch he fed you felt like the best reward in the world, but it also felt the worst punishment. The sensations were competing and all consuming. Pleasure and pain were one in the same and Chris was showing you that. He grunted clearing struggling to go slow. Before he was half in you’d come again, this time squirting right on him.
 “Fuck!” That was the only thing he said before he snapped his hips forward burying himself to the hilt. Both of you grunted loudly overcome with the pleasure you both felt. Several moments passed before Chris moved again. when he did you were so wet his glide sent him over the edge.
 “Fuck you’re so wet, Y/N”
 “Fuck me. Oh my god, yes!”
 Chris’s strokes were not slow, they were not soft, they were not the strokes of a man who didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. They were the strokes of a man overcome with desire and ready to get lost in all of it. The way he fucked you had you screaming his name as loud as humanly possible. You didn’t expect this. You expected him to know what the fuck he was doing but you didn’t expect for him to be this good.
 After barley five minutes you’d come again. the condom was now slipping threatening to slide off inside of you. Chris’s frustration with fixing it was evident.
 “Fuck it. take it off.”
 “Take it off. I want to feel you.”
 Chris wasted no time. He pulled off the condom and slammed back inside of you. Everyone always said condom sex and raw sex felt the same, but they were fucking lying. The way he felt sliding in and out of you was hedonistically good. You could see yourself getting addicted to this feeling. The look on Chris’s face said the same. his mouth hung open and his eyebrows were knitted. He gripped your hips and held you still then rotated his hips sending his cock rotating inside of you hitting every wall.
 “Shit! Yes!”
 The encouragement had him slamming inside of you with no organization, no plan, just one intent, release. Chris grunted loudly then grabbed one of your breasts. Your body bucked against his meeting him thrust for thrust giving just as good as you got. Chris’s moans could not be controlled, and neither could his hips.
 “Fuck you’re gonna make me come,” Chris warned.
 “Come for me!”
 “You want me to come?”
 “Yes, come for me. Fuuuck, right there, right there. Yes!”
 Chris’s shouts blended with yours and it was such a beautiful sound. Feeling the force of your coming orgasm you arched back. Chris pulled your sweat slickened body half off the table and held you suspended in the air. The new angle was what you needed. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your nails sunk into Chris’ hand on your hip. You came with the force of all the horsemen of the apocalypse. Your body shook as you clenched around him pulling him down the rabbit hole with you. Chris whimpered then thrust once, twice, and a third before he nudged your g-spot giving you your final orgasm.
 When he dropped on your body you were both out of breath and close to death. Chris dropped back to the floor taking you with him. you remained connected with your body draped over his. Neither of you could move, or speak. You could barely think coherently. You didn’t know how much time passed this way, it could have been minutes or hours. He could have been speaking but you didn’t hear shit, you were drifting off in outer space.
 “I’m—I’m sorry.”
 You rose your head and looked down to Chris. “What?”
 “I’m sorry. I tried to pull out, I literally couldn’t.” You snorted then laughed resting your forehead on his collar.
“That’s what you’re thinking about now?”
 “Yeah, I should have pulled out,” Chris continued.
 “Okay Chris, don’t worry I’m on birth control,” you assured.
 Silence returned between you for a few seconds.
 “What? I don’t care about an unplanned pregnancy. You didn’t say it was okay, I don’t want to violate you.”
 You looked at him again and slowly smiled. “So you don’t care if I get pregnant?”
 “I’m damn near forty. I could do a lot worse in that department.” You snorted and shook your head before you laid back on him to listen to his still racing heart.
 “Was that as good for you as it was for me?”
 It was Chris’s turn to laugh. “Yes. That was—incredible. You’re incredible.”
 You smiled and snuggled closer. “So, did you en-joooy your birthday?”
 “Yes, I did en-joooy my birthday but if we imagined we were on the West coast then it would still be my birthday. I think I have enough left in me to en-joooy it some more.”
 Your jaw dropped as you looked at him. “Chris Evans.”
 His smile was cheeky and you were not an idiot to say no.
 “On one condition, get me to a bed please. I can’t be fucked like that again on a table. Ouch.”
 Chris laughed loudly as he got to his feet holding you to him before he walked toward his bedroom.
 “Good thing I didn’t plan on fucking you like that again.”
 “Whaaat?” Your eyes were wide.
 “Don’t look so surprised, I’m more than a one trick pony. I have more tricks up my sleeve.”
 He kicked the door shut and dropped you onto his bed with a completely devious expression on his face.
 “Happy birthday—to you,” you began singing again before he jumped on you making your playfully scream. 
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thecleverdame · 5 years
This Is Not A Fairy Tale - Three
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Alpha!Prince!Sam x Omega!Reader
Story Masterlist
Summary: You’re a suppressed Omega who is forced into servitude after the death of your father. Your stepmother Naomi is a heartless woman who forces you to do the cooking and cleaning, while she tries to marry off her own two daughters, Alex and Claire. But your life takes a wonderful and dangerous turn when you meet the charming Prince Sam who also happens to be an Alpha.
Warnings: ABO smut, abuse, death of parents, magic
Beta:  ilikaicalie  
*This story is complete and posted on Patreon. Become a patron for a monthly pledge of $2.50 and get access to all my Patreon content.
“This is what I look like,” you whisper unable to look at yourself for more than a second at a time.
You didn’t realize how much you avoided seeing your own reflection until this moment. You are unrecognizable. You look like a shell of a person, an empty husk that’s been hollowed out and held together by string and sheer force of will. You've wasted away to almost nothing. Your eyes are sunken, your hair matted and ratty.
“I can’t.” You look away as tears slip down your face. “I can’t go out in public like this.”
“Don’t be so dramatic.” Rowena takes your hands in hers. “You’re beautiful. It’s just been hidden for a long time and we have to find it, bring it to the surface.”
“I don’t want him to see me like this.” You feel the panic rising, how could you have possibly entertained the idea that a prince would be interested in this thing you’ve become.  
“You just let me take care of everything. Come with me.”
She leads you to the dining room, sitting you at the head of the table and unpacking her satchel full of dried herbs and flowers. She grinds together a homemade concoction with a mortar and pestle, then puts in it all in a small stone bowl.
“I need your hand, dear.” She holds out her palm expectantly and you hesitantly hand over yours. Brandishing a rather terrible looking knife, she makes a tiny cut on your palm and turns it over so that the blood drips into the bowl.
“I’m scared,” you admit quietly.
“There’s nothing to be scared of.” Giving your hand a squeeze she twirls her finger toward you. “Now, I need you to sit back and close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you, do you understand?”
“Yes.” You give her one last look and blink your eyes shut.
“I want you to think of the last time you felt completely safe and happy.”
“I was very young.”
“That’s perfectly alright. Just hold that moment in your mind.”
You nod and remember one of the only detailed memories you have of your father, the way he smelled and the sound of his voice reading stories before bed.
Rowena's voice is low in the background, reciting some ancient incantation.
“Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cures. Tui gratia Iovis gratia sit cures,” she chants.
A strange, exciting feeling spreads from your belly out in all directions. Sore muscles begin to relax one by one and the kink in your back is suddenly gone. This healing glow emanates out until you are restored from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
“Now, think about the most beautiful dress you could ever imagine,” Rowena whispers.
You think back to a powder blue dress you saw in the city last year, you can’t remember the details but it was ornate and surely made of the finest fabrics. A dress the likes of which you would never have the chance to wear.
“Keep your eyes closed and stand up.” You listen to her shuffle closer, taking your hand and guiding you across the room. “Now, open your eyes and have a look.”
Your reflection is not one you recognize. The haggard woman from before is gone and in her place in a breathtaking picture of a woman. A woman of such beauty you’ve never seen anyone who could possibly compare.
“This is not me,” you gasp, moving your hand up and down to ensure the image is real.
“It is you.” Rowena smiles. “I didn’t change a thing. The spell I cast was not transformative, but rather a spell of healing. I restored you to your natural state. This what you should look and feel like if it wasn’t for that awful tea and a lack of a proper mate. This is the true you.”
“It’s not possible,” you murmur, leaning forward to inspect your pink cheeks, supple skin, and shining hair. A thought occurs to you and your stomach drops. “The prince will not recognize me.”
“Oh, I think your prince would you know anywhere,” she laughs. “He saw the beauty in you without any magic. I simply brought it to the surface for everyone else to enjoy as well.”
Blushing, you focus on the dress. This incredible dress. You couldn’t get past your face but now this dress is all you can see. The bodice is tightened just right to give you an ample amount of cleavage, pushing everything up just so. The waist is synched and then puffs out into a shimmering pale blue ball gown that takes your breath away. The sparkles are twinkling as if the fabric is alive, made of tiny fireflies.  
“I can’t believe this is me.” You stare in awe at yourself, a million feelings bubbling up, but one overtakes them all. This is all so that you can see Sam again. “How will I get there?”
“You should know by now, I’ve thought of everything.”
You follow her outside, watching as she finds the fattest pumpkin in the garden. With a twitch of her wrist, it begins to grow and grow, slowly forming the shape of a sliver, glittering carriage.
“And now for a driver.” Rowens bends down and picks up a squealing mouse, your little friend from the basement.
“You don’t hurt him will you?” You watching cautiously.
“Of course not,” she wiggles her nose and drops the mouse. But what hits in the ground is a teenage boy who blinks wide-eyed at the pair of you. “Now, my dearest Y/N, you must go. Your prince is waiting for his mystery woman.”
“I know you’re disappointed, but you might at least try to conceal it.” Dean stands beside his brother, sipping wine.
“I knew this wouldn’t work,” Sam sighs. He looks around the packed room, hundreds of people laughing and dancing. Every woman in the place is hoping to be noticed by him but he's only interested in one person. “She’s not coming.”
“You don’t know that for sure. She could be late,” Dean offers.
“This late?” Sam raises an eyebrow.  “Hours late to a royal ball?”
“It does seem unlikely.” Their father, King John, appears behind them. “Are you positive she’s not here? There are so many women, perhaps she’s just lost in the crowd. You should do another walkthrough.”
“I would see her in an instant.” Sam’s disposition is souring with every passing minute. “This was a ridiculous rouse.”  
“Well,” his father looks around. “You do need a wife Sam and you need one soon. We tried to find your mythical Omega and now we’re faced with reality. Pull yourself together and go talk to some of these women. There is a sea of beautiful faces and they’re all looking to you.”
“He’s coming this way!” Alex squeals in delight, grabbing her sister’s hand.
“Calm down!” Claire hushes.
“She’s right, compose yourself.” Naomi, stands up straight, behind both her daughters. “Remember what we talked about.”
The youngest prince is headed toward them with his mother on his arm. Naomi has had the good fortune to have met Queen Mary on a couple of occasions and knows she’ll focus in on a familiar face. Like clockwork, the Queen spots Naomi and smiles in relief, tugging her son along.
All three women bow as Sam comes to stand in front of them.
“Good to see you again my queen,” Naomi speaks first.
“And you, Naomi. You look well. And who do we have here?”
“My daughters, Alex and Claire.”  She makes the introduction to Sam who smiles softly.
“We’re having such a lovely time.” Alex bats her lashes.
“Indeed. Although I expect it can be quite tiresome for you, Prince Samuel.” Claire has practiced and knows exactly how she’ll make her impression. “All this attention is a lot for one person to bear.”
“Yes, it can be.” Sam smiles, happy for any passing interaction that’s not another woman falling over herself to impress him. “Would you do me the honor of a dance, my lady?”
“It would be my pleasure.” Claire lifts her skirts and takes his hand as they walk through a whispering crowd.
Sam hasn’t danced with a single woman all night.
Alex sighs, and Mary stands beside Noami while their children dance in front of a crowd of onlookers.
“She’s a very pretty girl. How old?” Mary inquires.
“Twenty this spring,” Naomi confirms, holding back the urge to jump with joy.
“Old enough,” Mary mutters, more to herself than anyone else. “It was wonderful to see you, Naomi, I hope to see more of you and your lovely daughters in the future.”
“As do I.”
You’re late. There’s no one else about as your carriage arrives and you climb up the steps of the castle. What if the ball is ending? What if Sam has found another woman he likes better than a scullery maid? What if your heart breaks in a thousand pieces? But nothing can be worse than the life you’re already living.
Reaching the top of the stairs you look to your right. There’s another wide staircase descending downward and you can see the outskirts of the ball and hear the music and voices swirling into the night.
It’s now or never.
You take one last look down at your dress, your plump bosom and twinkling skirt. I look like I belong here, you tell yourself and begin to descend down the staircase.
Sam has just finished his dance with Claire. He kisses the back of her hand as hundreds of eyes watch with bated breath. He says his goodbyes and turns to look for his brother. He’s in need of some air and stronger drink.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spies someone entering late. He turns to find a sight that takes his breath away. He’d recognize you anywhere, but you’re a far cry from the women in the field. Your tattered dress has been replaced with a brilliant gown. You’re practically glowing. But your face is unchanged, that breathtaking beauty that’s been seared into his mind for weeks.  
He nearly trips over himself, scrambling through the crowd that parts like the Red Sea.
You’re scared, looking around for something familiar, but instead, are met with what seems like a million faces scrutinizing the late-comer interrupting the festivities. Fear rises in your throat and you’re about to turn and run away as your prince steps forward out of the crowd with a brilliant smile plastered across his face
“I’m so sorry I’m late.” You can’t help but stare at how handsome he looks, hair slicked back and overcoat fitted perfectly.
“You came,” he breathes, staring at you as he offers you a hand down from the last step. He pulls you closer, taking both your small hands between his. “I didn’t think you wanted to see me again.”
“On the contrary,” you crane your neck up toward him like a flower searching for sunlight. “You are all I’ve thought of.”
“You look radiant.” He brushes his thumb over your cheek. “Just as I remember.”
You don’t have a response for that, but the whispers of the people around you break the bubble.
“There are quite a few people watching us,” you whisper, looking around him.
“Are they? I thought we were alone.” He grins, giving a happy laugh. “I just want to hold you. Will you dance with me?”
“I would like nothing more.” You take his hand as he leads you toward the dance floor.
“And who do we have here?” John looks at his wife and eldest son as they watch from a terrace above the crowd.
“I think Sam has found his Omega,” Dean grins.
“Who is she?” Claire stands on her tiptoes, craning her neck to spy on this new mystery woman.
“Look at her dress,” Alex mutters in awe. “Where would someone even find a dress like that.”
“Paris?” Claire looks to their mother for confirmation. “She must be visiting”
“She’s beautiful, that's for sure.” Naomi squints, trying to get a better look as Prince Samuel leads his guest toward the dance floor.
“I don’t stand a chance against a woman like that,” Claire huffs, her shoulders dropping in defeat.
“Don’t count yourself out so quickly.” Naomi raises a brow. “Let’s see what we can find out about this rare beauty.”
“I can’t believe I’m here.” You stare up at this man towering above you who looks just as thrilled to see you as you are him. “I feared I’d ever see you again. This is a dream.”
“I tried to find you,” Sam explains. You’re swaying to music but only to keep up the appearance of dancing. This is nothing more than an excuse to touch each other. “I tried to follow you that day but you got away before I could. My brother and I searched, but I couldn’t remember how I found the willow tree. We spent days in the woods.”
“I’m sorry I ran away.” You want to tell him everything. All the details of your life and how it came to be what it is.
“Luckily my mother came up with this solution. She said you’d show up. I should have had more faith.”
“There’s so much I want to tell you,” you admit, swimming in his kind, understanding eyes.
“We’ll have time to talk later,” he assures you. Glancing up he grimaces as the music slows and the song ends. “Can we go somewhere private?”
“Yes, of course,” you agree. He offers his arm as you head toward the corner of the room, gossip already spreading.
Sam leads you down a series of dark and winding hallways. You have to trot to keep up with him and nearly run right into his back when he finally stops. You find yourself on a small balcony overlooking the lights of the kingdom below.
Sam pulls you into his arms, wasting no time with an intimate embrace and you eagerly gaze up at him. This time together is precious and you won’t take it for granted.
“I don’t know how it is that I feel so strongly about you.” His shining eyes search yours for understanding. “We’re strangers and yet I feel as if you are the piece I’ve been looking for all along.”  
“I feel the same. After that day we met, I felt sick, more ill than usual. I’ve never met an Alpha before so I didn’t know what was happening but I think you did something to me.”
He makes a sound akin to a growl, a low hum in his throat as his long fingers curl tight around your waist.
“Do you understand the gravity of what you are?” he asks, a hand sliding over your neck as his thumb trails your jawline. “That being an Omega means you don’t have much choice in where or who you end up with?”
“I haven’t had much of a choice since I was a girl.” You breathe jagged breaths as his eyes drop to your breasts. “But I had a choice tonight and I chose to come and find you.”
“I want to make you mine,” he confesses. “I’ll do it tonight if you want it too.”
“I do but...there is so much you don’t know about me.” You want time to talk, to get to know each other and slow down this frenzied pace, but you also know that’s not possible.
“Do you belong to another?” he asks.
“Do you want to be mine?”
You blink up at him, knowing this is the moment that will change your life.
“So much,” you whisper.
His lips catch yours without another word, the heft of his tongue sliding over yours and the sweet forage of his mouth searching deeper. He kisses you senseless, the press of his mouth is unrelenting until neither of you can breathe and he’s forced to pull away.
His touch is invigorating, the physical proximity bringing you to life as you pull him back down for another kiss. He backs you up against the wall, the heat and weight of him nearly crushing you into the stone. But you’d happily die just like this, in his arms and surrounded by his scent.
“Can I have you here and now?” he pants, pink lips parted while he waits for your answer.
“Yes!” you plead, gripping his arms as he dips down to scent you, open mouth leaving a wet trail up your neck. A shudder runs up your spine and you twist into him, desperate for more.
Immediate disappointment sets in as his body leaves yours, but it’s quickly tempered as you watch him crouch down to gets his hands under your dress. You feel his big, warm hands on your bare legs as he slides upward, brushing over the back of your knees and then your thighs, lifting your skirts.
You give a little shout when he cups your backside, one buttock in each palm as your feet leave the floor and your thighs seal around his hips. He dips back in for a quick kiss and then performs a balancing act of holding you up with one arm and somehow reaching the crotch of his pants.
The warm, silky-soft head of his manhood is suddenly pressed against your inner thigh and your eyes widen in anticipation.  
That familiar throb is back, the ache between your legs that you never felt until Sam came along.
The dress proves to be problematic, but it doesn’t stop either of you. You giggle against his lips as he fishes through layers of tulle to find his own cock.
Your light-hearted laugh turns into a moan as you feel him push the head of his shaft against your sex, slipping easily inside where you’re slick and warm.
“God,” he gasps against your mouth, before pulling back and looking up at the ceiling as he slides all the way inside, filling you to the absolute brim. “Omega,” he groans.
“Alpha,” you respond in kind, wiggling your thighs against his hips. It hurts but just a bit. Any true discomfort is overshadowed by how perfectly he fills you. If he were any bigger you wouldn’t be able to take him. This is surely fate the way your bodies join together.
With a grunt, he pulls out, watching your face as he slides back inside. Your senses are overcome, nonsensical, as he begins to move in a hurried rhythm fucking you against the stone of the castle.
This was not how you pictured your first time together. You’d never admit to how many times you fantasized about what it would be like to have him between your legs. But none of those fantasies had you fully dressed, with stone scraping up and down your spine.
And yet it’s perfect. You want him any way you can get him and in this moment, this rough, less than fairy tale moment, it’s exactly what you both need.
His hand struggles to hold you in place while the other reaches between your bodies. He fumbles several times, almost losing his grip before giving up and curling all ten fingers into your backside.
“I’m sorry,” he grunts, scraping his nose up the side of your neck. “I wanted to touch you, to bring you pleasure.”
“You are,” you gasp. “Please just...don't stop.”
“I thought you were gone forever, Omega.” His voice is hot breath over the hollow of your throat as he nips and kisses his way across your chest. “I won’t let you go again.”
His words are like smoke, curling inside you, the sound of his voice is enough to bring you pleasure. He’s moving faster now, his cock stroking easily in and out of your sex at a pace that has you bouncing in his arms as he chases his own release.
You feel him beginning to swell. You’ve only heard whispered stories, but enough to have a vague idea of what’s coming. The thick ring of muscle at the base of his cock thickens rapidly until he gives one final thrust and buries himself in you to the tilt. There’s an even more challenging stretch that should hurt, but instead triggers your Omega instincts.
You cum with his name on your lips, the back of your head smacking the wall as you squeeze around his cock, fluttering and shaking from the burst of satisfaction that makes your jaw clench.
Completely engulfed in this new indulgence you’re unprepared when his teeth sink into your neck. You feel your skin tear open as his hips push upward, trying to rut further inside you as he makes a permanent mark, biting even deeper than he needs to.
You cry out, still racked with pleasure that now blend with sharp pain and a sense of complete catharsis. The fear and pain you’ve been holding on to since your father died let's go in a deluge of emotion and you begin to cry.
He nuzzles his face into your shoulder. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
“It’s not that,” you sniffle. He raises his head to look at you, blood on his lips.
“What is it then?” he asks gently, rubbing the tip of his nose over yours. “My knot?”
“No, there’s nothing wrong. For the first time, there’s nothing wrong.” You look into his eyes, he’s so close you can feel his breath on your cheek. “I’m yours.”
He smiles, his eyes darting to the fresh claiming bite.
“Yes, you are. We’ll have the rest of our lives together.”
He holds you in this precarious position until his knot recedes. There’s a sad, empty feeling without the heat of his body pressed against you. Then the uncomfortable sensation of his seed sliding down your thighs.
“Come with me,” Sam grins, tucking you under his arm and leading you back inside the castle.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
ACITW AU one-shot “Downward Facing Doubts” (Rated M)
Summary: Kurt convinces Sebastian to join him, Olivia, Julian, and Cooper in a yoga class. 'Bribe' is actually the more accurate term. But whereas the endorphins released during exercise usually make people feel good, this time, they bring all sorts of doubts to the surface. (3760 words)
Notes: Takes place some time after 'Under the Fireworks' and references 'I Was Praying for You and Me'.
Part of ACITW AU extended verse
Read on AO3.
“Extend your arms out to your sides, then raise them over your head …” Yogi Cecile instructs, her soothing alto voice threading through the airy music playing over circular speakers scattered in Feng Shui formation throughout the studio. “Bend your back gently into a crescent moon …”
Sebastian breathes in sharply as he attempts the move, his shoulders quaking involuntarily as he tries to deepen the stretch. He finds his balance point, quite by surprise, then fights to hold it, difficult since his focus keeps drifting, his eyes darting to the side to check out the competition. He scowls, not thrilled at being one-upped by Julian who, infuriatingly, performs the move like an expert. But of course he would, Sebastian thinks with a bitter roll of his eyes, one that gives him a major headache with his head pulled back. Didn’t he claim that he attended some month-long yoga retreat in the High Desert for the sole purpose of fellating himself?
Even if Sebastian is a bit fuzzy on the particulars, his head swimming with a mixture of dizziness and pain that’s one more deep breath away from making him puke, that definitely sounds like the kind of thing Julian would do.
Olivia and Kurt, lined up to Sebastian’s right, switch from pose to pose without breaks, extending their arms and bending their backs as if standing on one leg and staring horizontally up at the pale pink ceiling were the normal position for, say, grabbing a coffee or looking at shoes. At least Sebastian isn’t faring the worst in their group. No, that honor goes to Cooper. Capping off their row to the far left of Julian, Cooper starts losing his balance, teetering forward dangerously towards a handful of innocent strangers unaware of the 180 pound man on the brink of bowling towards them.
“How …?” Sebastian starts, talking on the crest of an inhaled breath he’s running out of as he contorts into another ludicrous pose.
“Did you let me talk you into joining a yoga class?” Kurt finishes, sliding smoothly from a crescent moon into the next forward bend. “That’s easy. You’ll do anything for a blow---”
Olivia clears her throat loudly when she spots their instructor heading their way, eyes originally glued to Sebastian’s crooked posture but hopping to Kurt’s smug grin when the word ‘blow’ sneaks past his lips.
“Straighten your spine … lean forward … brace your hands on the mat in front of you … and extend one leg back to a half downward dog.” Cecile circles their quintet twice and Kurt thinks she’s about to scold them. They haven’t been properly engaged since the start of class. But then she hurries off to help another young lady square her hips.
“I refuse to believe that I’m that simple-minded,” Sebastian grouses, working on stabilizing his own hips before he extends his leg. He dips to the side but manages to catch himself. Cooper isn’t quite as lucky, careening forward like a downed Cessna and smacking the bridge of his nose on his cork yoga block. He drops to his knees, shaking his head to clear the stars out from behind his eyes. Julian falls out of formation to give him a hand up and helps him restore his stance.
“Well, I promised you that bj for after this class and you’re still here,” Kurt says, lips curling into the shadow of a smirk. “You draw your own conclusions.”
“You draw your own conclusions …” Sebastian mimics. He wobbles once. Then twice. He sucks in his stomach to save himself without locking his knees (since Cecile told them at the start of class that locking their knees was bad). But his foot rolls and he’s forced to put the other down to support himself. He tries again … and again … but Sebastian doesn’t successfully execute the move before they’re changing positions.
Kurt rotates up on one leg and transitions into a picture perfect tree pose. He opens an eyelid and peeks at Sebastian, taking in a deep breath through his nose and schooling his face into a mask of meditation so he doesn’t laugh out loud and disrupt the class more than Sebastian’s fumbling through the stances already has.
“Maybe it’s because … mmph … I’m so tall … grrr … that I’m not getting it,” Sebastian offers, stuttering upright in stages, ending in a slumped, unsteady tree.
Kurt turns his head left and looks at Sebastian directly beside him, meeting him eye-to-eye. He arches an eyebrow.
Sebastian pulls an undignified face.
“Sometimes …” their yoga instructor says as she makes the rounds, correcting the posture of the needier students. She has already been to help Sebastian five times during this one-hour lesson, and Cooper too many times for Kurt to count. She flashes Julian an impressed smile and a nod. He winks at her in response “… it is not the balance outside that is needed, but inside.” She puts a hand to Sebastian’s back and one to his stomach, pushing together to force him straight. “The anxiety in your life, the stress, the regrets of your past - they settle in your core.” She pats Sebastian on the stomach. Removing her hand causes his belly to stick back out a hair, and he sways dangerously in Kurt’s direction. Cecile shakes her head and sets Sebastian straight again. “Negative influences roll around and throw you out-of-whack. But yoga and meditation will set you right again.” She stands back and appraises the two men standing side by side, so similar in appearance but obviously a couple with the way they’ve been playfully bickering, and gives them a smile. Then she continues on her way.
“Doesn’t that sound familiar?” Kurt says with a fond grin.
“Yeah.” Sebastian grunts. “Why is it we’re forever getting life advice from graduates of The Learning Annex?”
Both Kurt and Olivia scoff.
“Not that there’s anything wrong with The Learning Annex, but I will have you know that Cecile is an expert in her field!” Olivia says.
“An expert in standing on one foot and stretching her arms over her head? Excuse me if I’m not all that impressed.”
“You should be,” Julian intervenes. “You can’t do it.”
“Maybe I don’t want to do it!”
“Boys, boys,” Olivia whispers when heads turn their way. “Let’s keep it down to a dull roar, please. And remember to breathe.”
“You’re absolutely right,” Kurt says, making a big show of following her lead, breathing in through his nose and then out through his mouth. “We’re here to meditate. Relax. Realign our chakras.”
“Someone’s going to have to realign poor Cooper’s spine by the time we’re done,” Olivia remarks, a giggle hidden in her voice. With Kurt’s eyelids shut and Cooper two whole people away, Kurt doesn’t see what the man is doing, but immediately after Olivia’s comment, he hears Cooper apologize profusely.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I’m so sorry. I really … yes, sir. I’m sorry. Oh, r-really? That’s very kind of you. Slash savings, yup. I can sign that for you, if you’d like …”
Kurt bites his tongue behind his teeth. Good old Cooper, still able to get some mileage out of that FreeCreditRatingToday gig.
It’s nice to know some things never change.
“For your information, I regret nothing,” Sebastian whisper-hisses after a pause, his body cramping as he tries to maintain his corrected tree pose.
Kurt sighs.
Yup. Some things never change. And some things rise up from the grave from time to time to haunt you, like Hamlet’s father, only with swoopier bangs, wearing basketball shorts and a Tommy Hilfiger v-neck.
“Ah, you protest too much, Sebby,” Julian murmurs, remaining purposefully vague as this is definitely not the time nor place to drudge up old angst. He leaves things there, snapping back into an impeccable tree pose after helping Coop up off the floor again.
“Besides …” Sebastian side-steps his brother to finish making his point “… if that’s the case, then you should mondo-suck at this, Kurt! I mean, let’s take a look at your past, shall we? The year of tragic style choices, dating Blaine, choosing New Directions and that lame ass public school over Dalton and the Warblers … whoa!” Sebastian drops his hip and his shoulder during his rant, causing him to rock to the outside edge of his foot. He barely keeps himself from twisting an ankle and going straight down. “Your life must be chock full of regrets!”
“Uh … let’s not forget that one of those past life decisions was agreeing to date you, little brother,” Julian steps in, jumping swiftly to Kurt’s defense.
Sebastian may have retorted with something along the lines of, “That’s the only intelligent decision he made,” but Kurt doesn’t know for certain. He shuts up like a clam - locks his teeth together and blocks Sebastian and his infernal whining out. He inhales long and zeroes in on the music - the gentle plucking of strings, the tinkling of bells, the flutes holding sustained notes, giving the class an anchor with which to control their breathing. There he remains, floating in the cradle of dark behind his eyelids. A bigger man rises above petty retorts, Kurt can hear his father say, concentrating on repairing his own withering tree pose. He simply needs to be the bigger man.
If he reacts thoughtlessly, does something rash, he might regret it.
Sebastian is simply having a bad day.
They don’t have days like this very often. This is just … well, one of those days. And Kurt is willing to let it go, let it pass like the rhythmic breaths through his lips. But Sebastian broke a cardinal rule.
He mentioned Blaine, which they both swore on the threat of blue balls that neither one of them would do. Especially in anger.
Kurt can only assume Sebastian is uncomfortable here. Sebastian doesn’t like not being the best at everything from go, which is probably why he’s bearing claws and teeth right now. It reminds Kurt of their days taking dance lessons - the two of them butting heads, fighting to lead when it didn’t really need to be one or the other.
It could have been both, paving a single fluid path had they come to a consensus from the start.
But here, they stand on their own two feet - or one foot at the moment, with their hands above their heads. They sink or swim on their own. Cecile calling Sebastian out more than likely didn’t help matters any. No one likes to be the center of attention when they’re flailing. Kurt feels guilty about that, that he’s not closer to Sebastian, reaching out a hand to help him the way Julian is for Cooper.
Kurt opens an eyelid and peeks over. He sees Sebastian, the man he loves, struggling, fighting to regain balance. A balance that Kurt has in spades. A balance that Kurt would be more than willing to help him with, lend him some of.
Suddenly, Sebastian mutters something uncomplimentary under his breath, and Kurt feels less than willing.
He actually considers reaching over and giving Sebastian a push. One swat would send him toppling backward. Kurt has seen Sebastian fall on his ass plenty.
It would be hilarious.
But he can’t do it.
And not because Sebastian might take half a dozen other students with him when he goes, but because after a little quiet contemplation, Kurt realizes that Sebastian may not be lashing out because he can’t do yoga.
The thought that he wouldn’t be as good at this as he is at everything else is preposterous. He’s an exceptional athlete and a graceful dancer. Yoga shouldn’t be that great a hardship for him.
Sebastian may be lashing out because he feels backed into a corner. This has happened before - several times, as a matter of fact, and with Kurt. Sebastian starts to feel trapped, forgets himself, and comes out barrels blazing, shooting first and asking questions later. But what about? What could he possibly feel trapped about?
It comes to Kurt with a single, subtle movement - something he’s started doing recently. Something that had never been a habit of Kurt’s before.
Rolling his engagement ring on his finger.
The ring is a fairly recent accessory, given to him in fairy tale fashion underneath Fourth of July fireworks with everyone he loves present at the picturesque Smythe estate. But their journey to this point has been a bumpy one. There have been fights, misunderstandings, crossroads, a break up. But here they are, together, standing tall …
Another glance in Sebastian’s direction proves that’s not entirely true. He stumbles backward … then forward … then backward again, like he’s performing a clumsy two-step on the deck of a listing ship without a partner.
Could this ring on Kurt’s finger be the reason? Could it be one of Sebastian’s regrets? Could he be re-thinking the whole thing?
As ridiculous as that may sound, it has crossed Kurt’s mind once or twice before. Nothing bad has happened between them since that night - no devastating fights, nothing that would threaten their overall happiness. Even Julian has kept his shameless flirting to a minimum. But Kurt has abandonment issues. Severe ones.
They run deep.
To his defense, Kurt did consult an expert about his feelings.
He’d asked Olivia her opinion on the subject.
She’s privy to the grim details of his backstory, of course, so he can be as dramatic as he wants around her without sounding like a self-serving ninny. She’d waited patiently for him to finish, smiled warmly, and said, “Kurt, Sebastian loves you. More than he’s ever loved anything in his whole life. Loves you more than he’s ever loved himself.”
“How do you know?”
“How do you not know?” she’d replied with that faint roll of her eyes that the Smythe siblings seem to share. “I know my brother. And even if, for some reason, he didn’t love you as much as I know he does, we do. The whole family.”
“So you’d keep in touch if anything went south between us?” Kurt had never thought to ask. The Smythes were such a loyal family, he feared the answer would be no. But they’d already invited him into their home once before after he and Sebastian split up - that Christmas when Kurt’s father ended up in the hospital. The Smythes let him spend the holidays with them, supported him throughout that entire ordeal. Luck seemed to be on his side that year. His father came out of the hospital unscathed when Kurt feared to the depths of his soul that he wouldn’t.
How long could his good fortune hold out, especially if he were the reason they split up again?
“You’re one of us, Kurt,” she’d assured him. “Part of the clan. And we don’t ditch clan members, no matter what their transgressions. Besides …” She stirred creamer into her coffee with the biggest, twisted grin on her face “… Julian would marry you.”
Kurt choked on his mocha. “What?”
“You, him, and Cooper would become a thruple. We’ve discussed it … at length.”
“You what!?”
“Take you as a lover was the way he put it. I have to admit, that has a lovely Victorian ring to it. You’re a hopeless romantic, aren’t you?”
Kurt laughs to himself remembering the look on Olivia’s face as he spilled his drink and she snorted her coffee.
Sebastian must feel Kurt’s eyes on him because he turns his face to Kurt, red-cheeked, frustrated to the point of angry tears. Kurt feels his heart wrench, tightening into a knot of pure sorrow.
Why now though? What could have happened that Kurt didn’t see coming? And why would Sebastian bring up Blaine?
There was a time long ago when Kurt thought he couldn’t live without Blaine and a ring on his finger. That’s far from true. He can more than stand on his own. Ironically, it took dating Sebastian to remind himself of that. Probably because when you’re with someone who supports you selflessly, who only wants the best for you, it brings out the best in you.
“Kurt …” Sebastian whimpers. It’s pained - a pain Kurt feels pinging around his chest.
“Sebastian …” Kurt mouths back, voice unavailable past the ache.
Kurt could live without Sebastian. He could. But he doesn’t want to if he can help it.
Standing here, staring into Sebastian’s eyes, feels like falling in love with him all over again, even if Sebastian is planning on leaving him.
But Kurt isn’t falling.
Sebastian is, coming his way and fast.
“Kurt … help me, Kurt!”
“Sebastian!” Kurt yelps.
Unable to decide whether he should try to catch his boyfriend or get out of the way, he does neither, taking Sebastian’s weight full force in the chest. Reflexively, he wraps his arms around Sebastian instead of dodging for his own safety. He lands flat on his back with a spine-bruising crack! but that’s not where it ends. Unable to stop his momentum in time, Sebastian lands on top of Kurt, checking him in the nose with his shoulder so hard, Kurt almost blacks out.
“Kurt!” Olivia yells, racing to his side. “Sebastian, get off of him! Oh my God! Kurt!”
“Sebby!” Julian barks, yanking Sebastian to his feet, completely unconcerned with any injuries of his brother’s and staring at Kurt with wide, bugged-out eyes. “You killed Kurt!”
“I didn’t kill him!”
“Doesn’t matter! I’m calling mom!”
“Call an ambulance first, you dunderhead!”
Cooper pushes through the crowd to hand Julian his phone. “He’s bleeding!” he points out, voice thick with concern, then shaking like a leaf when he adds, “a lot. I … I don’t like …” Another heavy thud vibrates the wood floor as Cooper disappears from view.
“Jesus Christmas …” Olivia mumbles. “Men.”
“Tell me about it,” Kurt grumbles.
“Kurt!” Sebastian takes Kurt’s hands carefully in his while Cecile leans in low to examine Kurt’s face. She tsks.
“Sit tight, hun. I’m going to get you some ice.”
“Paramedics are on the way,” Julian informs them as he kneels down to tend to an unconscious Cooper. “I told them to send an ambulance built for two.”
“Are you okay?” Sebastian rushes, looking Kurt over closely, doing an examination of his own. “What hurts? Can you hear me? Speak to me!?”
“How can I?” Kurt moans, content after that to never speak again for as long as he lives. It wouldn’t be too bad. He could learn ASL. He’s always wanted to. He nearly guffaws out loud when the thought he can take a Learning Annex course springs to his brain. “You won’t shut up long enough to let me!”
“I’m sorry, Kurt. I’m … I’m sorry,” Sebastian babbles. “I didn’t mean to ...”
“You do have regrets, don’t you?” Kurt asks, sadly shaking his head. Or trying to. He budges it a centimeter. It screams at him to stop!
Sebastian’s brow furrows. “What the---? Everyone has regrets, Kurt.”
“What are yours?”
“What? I …” Sebastian’s chest shudders, closer to tears than Kurt had previously realized. “That you’re right. That you’re always right.”
Kurt frowns. “Gee. Thanks.”
“I am simple minded. I didn’t want to do this. I knew I wouldn’t be any good at it. And that’s not an opinion. It’s a fact. I went to gymnastics camp as a kid, so I know my limits.”
“You did?” Kurt says, stunned out of remembering he’s in a blistering amount of pain.
“That’s right!” Olivia gasps, pleased as punch that she has another embarrassing story to tell Kurt about his soon-to-be-husband. “How did I forget about Sebastian in that purple unitard!?”
“A story for another time,” Sebastian dismisses forcefully through clenched teeth.
“All right, all right,” Olivia says, pulling out her phone, checking to see if she has any pictures of that event uploaded to her gallery, giving Kurt and Sebastian privacy (figuratively) for the moment.
“The point is,” Sebastian continues, “I should have told you from the beginning that I couldn’t do this.”
You did, Kurt thinks with a pang of regret that eclipses the throbbing in his nose. You did, and I convinced you to come anyway. “So … what about us?”
Sebastian’s face crumbles imperceptibly, as if, with those four words, he’s expecting the worse. “Wh-what about us?”
“Do you have regrets about us?”
“What?” Moss-green eyes pop open so fast, Kurt swears he hears them, like the foley on an anime. “No! What makes you think that?”
“Well, you fell. And Cecile said …”
“Kurt! I fell because I have no balance to speak of! I can’t do yoga. At all, as it turns out. This isn’t The Fault in Our fucking Stars, babe! Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, not a metaphor.” He leans down to kiss the knuckles of Kurt’s hand trapped between his. “I don’t have any regrets about us. I swear I don’t.”
Kurt closes his eyes, the left swelling rapidly, skin turning an alarmingly vivid shade of aubergine. A tear slips from the corner and down his cheek. It’s hot, and everything it touches stings.
Sebastian swallows hard and asks a question he’s wondered about hundreds of times, a question he keeps finding himself asking, never settling in comfortably with the answer. Which is always the same, no matter what.
“Do … do you have any regrets?”
Kurt sniffles before he answers. “Recently?”
Okay, well, maybe not the same this time.
“I guess …”
“Only one.”
“Does it have something to do with me?”
“Yes, but only a teeny bit.”
“And what’s that?” Sebastian asks, holding his breath immediately after, readying himself for whatever barb Kurt chooses to throw.
“That we’re never going to be able to come to this studio again.” Kurt smiles weakly, wincing when he scrunches his nose and pain shoots straight up the bridge to his brain. “And I think you broke my nose.”
Sebastian kisses Kurt’s hand, sputtering a half-laugh/half-cry of relief. “It matches your black eye.”
Kurt fixes his good eye on Sebastian and grimaces - the safest expression of displeasure he can make with his face on the brink of exploding.
“No worries, love,” Julian pipes in, saving Sebastian as tears finally start to fall. “The crooked nose thing isn’t quite in anymore, but I can see you bringing it back. You wear it well.”
“Fuck you both very much,” Kurt mutters.
Julian winks, stepping aside as paramedics rush in. “Promises, promises.”
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alitheamateur · 5 years
A Taste of Home
Catch up on Chapter 1
(many hugs, and thank you's to @miidailyinspiration for the help on my face claim for Amelia. You’ve helped put my indecisive mind to rest, love!)
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Casual, but not sloppy. Sophisticated, but not stuffy. This was no ordinary to-do, and you weren’t about to make light of the situation at hand.
To add to stresses of attire, your mother had found the whole thing to be so “cute,” and some twisted little cell of her excitement thought it a necessity to call his mother and cackle about the nostalgia of it all.
By some circumstances you were unsure of, your cell number had somehow fallen into his lap, and the day you were supposed to head towards to outskirts of the Boston tree line, he had texted you details.
C: Picking up a bottle of wine for tonight. Preference? You name it.
Y/N: How about a red?
C: Anything for the guest of honor. See you around 8!
Attached to his last reply, was a syrup sweet selfie that made you want to punch someone just to kill off some of the nauseating lovability, of he and the famous pup you’d seen often on his socials.
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You didn’t know where to begin with preparation, nor exactly what to prepare for, and the day passed on like the speed of a changing season so your mental torture could lag on. A quick color and blow-out at the salon was never a wrong turn, and a trip to the mall couldn’t hurt matters.
Silencing your phone, and securing the doors of your car with two deeps, your knees wobbled like a feeble fawn towards the front steps. It was extravagant, but not in an “I’m better than you” type of way, and it’s woodsy endearment was the coziness your nerves needed.
Taking the steps one by one, hearing a dogs roaring bark behind the solid oak of his front door, a thought was conceived.
Was this… a booty call? Do people even know what that is anymore? Had you been invited to the quiet forest around his home, to glug too much wine, stroll down memory lane, and wind up on your back?
The more troubling conclusion, being you weren’t sure the idea sounded half bad….
There’d have to be some self-respect. Your shambling life left no room for any more error, and you wouldn’t fall into such handsome traps that easily.
Using the pane of glass that lined the entry as a reflection check, the door was pulled open, letting the interior nose of music and galloping steps of Dodger loose.
You cursed mentally when you stuck your hand inside the lining of your light jacket to feel the mint still wrapped that you had forgotten to chew on the drive over.
The handsome pups’ leash was held onto by an even more handsome man, and both of them seem quite eager to greet you. However, one more interested in sniffing around your shoes and backside.
“Woah, Dodge! Let’s mind our manners, boy.” His owner laughed with squinted eyes.
He met you with an unexpected, one arm embrace. His fingers snuck under the hem of your breezy springtime cardigan, and rested sprawled across the silk camisole covering the small of your back. Your cheeks brushed together at the ensuing of his gentle, platonic kiss to your face, and his beard felt softer than you would’ve imagined.
“Glad you could sneak away to hang out.”
“Thanks for the invitation. This place is stunning.” You barely recognized your own voice as it’s tone stuttered and dropped into some weird, sad excuse for seductive key.
Jealous at how effortlessly he could barely graze your skin and have you wanting to shout his name in an explicit context, you rustled your hair to swing its vanilla scented sweetness toward him, trying your own much more forced hand at seduction.
With smiling eyes, he gestured you through the front door, leading the way into the foyer. The simple brightness of its monochromatic scheme added an appealing cleanliness and homey feel. A grand piano was nestled near the fireplace, and a candle of spicy sweetness flickered on the white mantle as you heard Dodgers leash clang against a metal coat rack.
“Do you still play?” You asked running a finger over the glossy top of the black instrument positioned on a patterned rug.
His skinned turned red behind the protection of his grizzly beard, and he squeezed his palm to the back of his neck. The loose cotton of his shirt teased up his belly, gifting you with the sight of a meaty, perfectly exercised torso. Your eyes dilated with zealous desire at the way a trail of light hair trailed beneath the band of his relaxed blue jeans.
“I do, yeah. Badly, but I do. I don’t get as much practice as I’d like. Get me drunk enough & maybe I’ll play you something.”
Still the same old guy. The tortured musician with a home on the stage, and a healthy liking to beer.
“Speaking of, I’m heading to the kitchen for a drink. Glass of wine?” He walked in reverse down the hall, offering you up a beverage.
“Sounds perfect. It better not be the cheap shit either, Evans. I know how you operate.” You bit your tongue at the bold banter of your sarcasm. But, it wasn’t as if he didn’t know your true colors. He’d known you since school age, and if he was willing to still speak to your after your raging ugly-duckling stages of junior high, surely he could handle a witty tongue.
When he disappeared behind the wall of the kitchen and glasses clinked, and the cabinets slammed, you helped yourself to sight seeing around the empty den. Photos of he and castmates, his nephews and nieces school portraits, and some exquisite artwork decorated the walls, alongside the glorious steel shield you’d seen on the big screen. The life of riches, and fame hadn’t rotted through to who he really was yet it seemed, and you admired the simplicity of his private life.
“I’ll let you touch it for the right price,” he snuck in undetected from the left, long-stem swirling in one hand, and an already half-empty beer bottle in the other.
You eagerly grasped at the wine he had poured for you, desperately pining for something to center your weak knees from his closeness. Grazing across his full fingertips, your hormones began to dance.
“Excuse you?” For a brief moment, unsure of what exactly his cheeky comment suggested, you coughed in shock.
“The shield, Amelia. Don’t make me out to be an asshole here, kid.” Chris rolled his eyes with a faux grin, struggling to hide the slightest bit of insult from your insinuations.
Wait, kid? No, no, no. For one, 29, divorced, and your own insurance plan hardly classified you in the kid category. And the boobs. C’mon, Evans. Didn’t you see the boobs?
“However, I think the term kid need no longer apply…”
Did he hear your thoughts? Could he read minds now? He’s Captain America. Of course he could. Your thoughts heckled you.
Abruptly set on actual fire at the way his eyes painted over you like daggers memorizing your every curve, you choked up a dousing gulp of wine, and it dribbled down your rounded chin. He caught the beads of dark Merlot pooling at the corner of your lips with his thumb, then quite accidentally erotically, sucked the liquid from his finger with a pop of his half-smiling lips.
“Still as elegant as ever, I see.” Chris winked, and pulled an open-mouth sip of his sweating bottle of ale.
Bury your head in a hole full of poisonous scorpions, or plunge from a plane with no parachute? Both scenarios seemed like a fitting death for the embarrassment boiling throughout your pulsing veins.
“I resent that. I didn’t even trip up a single stair on the way in, thank you very much, sir.” Your hair toppled over your shoulder with your sassy, matter-of-fact head bob. The loose strand falling airily into your face.
“You’re so right. Seems little Mil is all grown up and coordinated now.” He reached for the lock of your hair in an instant, like he couldn’t resist its’ touch, and twirled it around his pointer finger only once, or twice before pushing it from your eyes.
The room went silent then, and spun with the drunken tension of unexplained passion. You wondered if this whole façade was some sort of sick way for his ego to get off, or had word gotten around to him about your less than happy fortune, and he pitied you, and old friend, in some way? Sure, you could put an outfit together in less then 5 minutes like nobody’s business, and you weren’t exactly a bore to be around. But you were such a… a simpleton compared to him in every sense. Often stringy, dull blonde hair no matter what “shine shampoo” you paid for. Your legs not even half the length of an average sized woman, and you were barely tall enough to reach the pedals of a car. A tiny, blonde, plain-faced woman with the occasional humorous comeback. Nowhere near the realm of anything he deserved.
He never broke his laser, blue-eyed stare with yours when he stretched blindly the empty his hand of the bottle, placing it to rest on top of the piano behind you. They color looping around his pupils was like your own lustful swimming pool where you wanted to float wearing nothing but a smile. The rounded point of your chest touched his when he leaned past you, and you prayed the thin lace of your unlined bra was just enough to hide the gentle bud of your breast. You were sure the news of the split with your husband was indeed knowledge to him, because he wasn’t the type to ever sink to the level of pursing a taken woman.
But, was this that? Was the closeness of his body, and his ruthless, studying stares his idea of pursuit? Or was your needy, wishful thinking playing tricks on you?
“I see the tan line on your finger, but the ring is missing?” You couldn’t make sense of his words as a question, or a statement.
“I’m sure you’ve heard more than I would have liked for you to, Chris…”
He gently squeezed at your teeny bicep, his head ghosting a nod just before you dropped to shamefully examine your feet.
“I did hear some stuff. But, it came directly from your moms mouth. Well, straight from your moms mouth, then my moms who she told.” He smiled to alleviate your stresses. “But, if you wanna talk, I’ll listen, Amelia.”
You wanted to. Oh, how curiously bad you wanted to. Something in the velvet ease of his voice willed you cry, and confess, and vent your broken hearts every desperate pain, and you had no idea why. He was a familiar face, but one from the past. You’d lived an entire life since the two of you had last seen the other, and yet something around his eyes hypnotized you to confide there like a terrified stow-away, running from the harshness your reality.
Just as your lips parted, and you’d carefully allowed only one tear to totter on the edge of your eyelid, the yelps of an observant dog startled you both. Dodger stood on his hind legs, peeping and panting as he stared out the open curtain of a bay window.
“Shit Dodger. Calm down boy, it’s fine.” Chris dropped his hold on you to settle the curious animal. “Everyone else is here. Late as usual.” He remarked.
“Yeah, some of the guys are coming to watch the game tonight. You’ll remember most of them. Their wives, too! When I saw you the other day, I knew I had to invite you out to visit with everybody since you’re back here now. Thought it would be cool for everyone to catch up, ya’ know?” The man casually explained as he strolled towards the entryway.
Stupid you. Always stupid, stupid you. Of course, this wasn’t a date. He didn’t want to date you. Not now, not ever. You fluffed your mess of curls, and paid for yet another outfit you didn’t need simply for nothing. But, the outfit was charged to a credit card in your wallet still under the name of your oh, so generous, soon-to-be ex-husband, who you were sure wouldn’t mind. So, that part wasn’t exactly a problem.
The signs had been all there though, right? The wine he’d asked you about. The sinful way he whispered and teased into your ear? It definitely seemed flirtatious in the most welcomed of manner. Or, maybe you just desperately wanted it to feel that way. Did your ego subconsciously create the boost it needed?
“Mills? Hey, you in there? Amelia?” He pleaded you from your daydreaming state as you swayed on your feet due to the thoughtful coma you were entranced in.
“There’s not a problem is there, sweetheart?”
“No, no. God, no! Not at all! It’s great, yeah. I’m excited to see them.” Your words wavered a little, battling the line of truth and lie.
It wouldn’t be so bad to see some familiar faces, and maybe rekindled some friendships now that you had waywardly returned. But, the scoop neckline of your slinky tank couldn’t hide the wave of blushing, blind disappointment climbing your chest. A result of how you felt about having to share him with others. As if he was yours to share.
People welcomed themselves in, some toting 6-packs, a brown sack marked with the logo of a bakery downtown that you knew created all things scrumptious, so you’d have to get into the good graces of the woman you didn’t recognize carrying it towards the kitchen. The faces had changed, but a handful of them still had those same smiles, or telling eyes from the past, and they appeared strangely excited to see you. Especially Tucker, someone closer to your age who had grown close to Chris through tap classes. The only other person on the planet who was informed on your most secret desires for the handsome Evans in question.
He nearly sprinted towards you, cradling your now squished, reddened cheeks in his hands. Your nose crinkled and eyes rolled with nothing but the truest joy at his fanatical greetings.
“Well, well. If our girl isn’t where all her little wet dreams from 15-years-ago unraveled, hm? Assuming you have been up to his bedroom already?” Tucker pinched your bottom playfully, murmuring into the hollow of your ear.
“Oh, give me some credit, Tuck! What kinda girl do you think I am?!!”
“One who has wanted a slice of that man since we were 13, Amelia. That’s who.”
God, he wasn’t wrong. He was the farthest left from anything resembling wrong, and it made the contents of your stomach swimming with the heavy red wine want to escape. You didn’t trust yourself to keep it together with Chris, and hold on to even the tiniest little remnant of your dignity. Your gut knew all he had to do was say the word, and you’d go skipping into his bed like most eager of beavers. But, God. You wanted him to say the word……
A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying. This one is a bit unnerving for me, and my readers are used to Hardy content. Your feedback is always welcomed with open arms! Again, let me know if you'd like to me added, or removed from the tag-list! xx
TAGS: @miidailyinspiration @eap1935 @mollybegger-blog
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hookedonapirate · 5 years
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The Princess and Her Sultan
Summary: Crown princess Emma of Misthaven is second in line to the throne, her brother Leopold ll being the first, but her parents see her with a future as a great ruler. King Rumpelstiltskin of neighboring land, strikes a deal with King David, promising to uphold the peace between the kingdoms if Emma marries Prince Baelfire. With the promise of his daughter becoming future queen of the Dark Kingdom, David accepts reluctantly.
Before her wedding day, the princess is kidnapped and taken overseas. She is sold as a slave to a palace where Crown Prince Killian of Neverland ascends his father’s throne and is sworn in as Sultan. Meanwhile, Killian’s mother pressures him to sire a prince and presents him with gifts for his birthday, one of them including a blonde princess from Misthaven. Dazzled by Emma’s charm, intelligence and beauty, he summons her to his bedchambers every night and eventually finds himself casting aside his harem and centuries of tradition.  
A/N: Thank you @gingerchangeling for your wonderful suggestions and ideas for this story, and also @ilovemesomekillianjones for gifting me with your wonderful editing skills at. I also want to give a shout out to @onceuponaprincessworld for being my sounding board, constant cheerleader and good friend, thank you, darling! This story wouldn’t be the same without these lovely ladies!
And all of you have been so supportive and awesome, thank you all for following along and for your feedback!
Rated: Explicit
AO3 l FF.N I Prologue l Ch 1 l Ch 2 l Ch 3 l Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7
Chapter 8
The palace is quiet, all the doors and windows secured, apart from Emma’s chambers and the way to the Sultan's apartment, to prevent anything or anyone from distracting Killian and his chosen one from their pleasure. As she is bathed, massaged and pampered, her stomach is tight with knots at the prospect of giving away her virginity to the Sultan. She is excited beyond belief, yes—her skin flushes from the thought of being with him—but she is also afraid she will be clumsy or not adequate enough to please him.
 Emma's nails are dyed, her hair is perfumed with jasmine, her skin pomaded with henna to prevent sweating and her eyes blackened with kohl. She is then dressed in the outfit the Sultan himself had gifted her. Elsa assists with her hair, pulling the locks of golden curls back into a pearl clasp, and Mother Superior places a ruby red necklace around her neck, matching earrings in her ears, and a string of red pearls into her hair. Around her face sets a sheer red veil, and on her feet are red and gold brocade slippers. Elsa is beaming as she holds up a mirror for Emma to inspect her reflection.
 "You look so beautiful, Emma."
 Emma smiles underneath the veil, confident the Sultan will be pleased with the way she looks at least.
 Her heart is hammering in her chest as Kira escorts her down the golden road to the Sultan’s chamber, Nemo leading the way. She has been down this road many times, but this time is very different. This time she will finally get to unite with her Master in the most intimate way. Tonight she will give herself to him, body and soul, and she will do it not because she has to, not because she hopes to mother his heir, but because she feels affection for the Sultan—affection she has never felt for anyone before.
 She may possibly be in love with him.
 The thought scares her and she banishes it instantly from her mind. It is impossible to love a Sultan, for he is first and foremost a ruler and second a warrior. Tonight, her only purpose is to bring the Sultan pleasure, and that’s it. This night is not about her own feelings or how she craves the Sultan’s touch with every fiber of her being. No, tonight is about the Sultan. She will simply entertain him and let his seed flower inside of her and pray her belly will eventually blossom with his child.
 They reach the two wooden doors, inlaid with mother of pearl and tortoiseshell, that lead to the Sultan’s chamber. Two of his private bodyguards stand on either side as his Mother and gozde approach.
 Emma takes a long, deep breath. This is the moment she had gambled everything for. The Chief Eunuch throws open the doors and leads her inside. On trembling legs she enters, her breath taken away as her eyes sweep over the room. She had been in his room before, and it was beautiful, but this evening, the Sultan’s room is majestic. So much so that she thinks she might pass out from the glorious anticipation. Below the high-domed ceiling are censers with fragrant burning aloes, on golden chains glittering with turquoise and rubies. The fireplace is lit, the oil lamps glimmer in niches on the wall, tapers burn in platinum candlesticks at the four corners of the bed and there’s soft music playing from somewhere outside that she can hear through the opened doors of the terrace.
 “Please, come to me, Emma,” she hears the Sultan call from the balcony, where his back is turned as he faces the sea.
 She’s suddenly very shy as she moves toward the terrace, and when she reaches the Sultan, she drops to her knees, pressing her forehead to the ground.
 Killian bends over to raise her up, and she stands on her feet, peering up at the Sultan. “Bowing is for slaves, not an intelligent princess. Never prostrate yourself to me again, my love,” he says, his voice soft and gentle.
 Emma’s mouth falls open as she takes in the glorious sight of her Master. He's dressed in all white and looks like an angel sent from the heavens above. Underneath a silk robe, his wardrobe consists of a pair of trousers and a matching nightshirt with a patch of dark chest hair peeking out of the v-neck. Atop his head sits a turban of pure white silk with heron feathers protruding from a red ruby clasp set in the folds, and his bright blue eyes are glinting as he graces her with a toothy grin, those luscious lips framed by his trimmed, dark beard.
 "May I?" He asks, fingering the fabric of her veil. "I wish to see your face."
 Emma nods and emits an almost inaudible, "Yes, Your Majesty."
 He removes her veil and lifts a hand to her face, caressing her cheek. “Gods, you are stunning,” he whispers and kisses her forehead. "I have seen many pretty lasses in my time, but none as exquisite as you, my love."
 Emma shivers at his words and his touch, remembering their steamy kiss in the pool, remembering how his warm, soft lips had felt against hers, how his tongue had tasted as it tangled with hers.
 “Will you dance for me?”
 “Yes, Your Majesty,” Emma nods and allows him to take her hand and lead her inside.
 As they enter his bedchamber, Killian regrets asking her to dance for him; he’s already feeling a slight stir of desire for his gozde, and he can’t wait to have her in his bed. Not only has it been several months since he has lain with a woman, but this is the first time he will be taking a maiden to his bed since his enthronement, when he had been sworn in as Sultan by the Panas Sword - the sword which was named after the God of Eternal Youth and the founder of the Neverland Dynasty, Panas.
 He looks to Nemo and waves him away. “You are excused.”
 The Chief Eunuch bows and departs from the room. Traditionally, a eunuch is to remove the maiden’s clothes, but as the Sultan’s eyes rove over his elegant swan’s body, taking in the exquisite curves and remembering how divine she was without them, he cannot possibly give up the honor of removing her clothes himself.
 Now alone, Killian can see the insecurity in her features as she stands there before him, a bit unsure of herself. He lifts his hand to caress her supple cheek. “Relax, Emma, there’s no need to be afraid, it’s just us,” he says in a calming tone, and offers a reassuring smile.
 “Sorry, Your Majesty.” She lifts her eyes to his and offers a feeble smile in return, her features relaxing a little into his touch.
 “No need to apologize, love. I will wait until you’re ready." He pulls away from her to give her space, and sits on the divan, reclining back. Emma stands in front of him, covered in the outfit he’d gifted her, which consists of a pair of sheer red pantaloons, a matching bodice and a wide gold girdle tasseled with red rubies resting around her hips.
 She starts with a simple exhale of breath, feeling the pressure of Killian's adoring eyes as her body begins moving to the music, her hands and hips swaying slowly and seductively. She’s casually spinning and twisting as she dances, her body swiveling in an enchanting way. Her movements are tranquil, yet dynamic, and the way her hips move and the way her green eyes pull him in, he is absolutely entranced by her. He casually leans forward with his hands resting right above his knees, watching her with stars in his eyes, a goofy smile taking over his features.
 Raising her arms, Emma slowly turns around and swings her hips, eliciting a low growl which rumbles through his throat as he watches her shake and tease him with her heart-shaped bottom. She slowly turns toward the wall and tilts her head to face him with those alluring green eyes, a sly smirk playing along her lips. She reaches her arms out toward him before drawing them in, her hands following the curves of her body. With the way her hips move, slippery as a snake and fluid as water, there is something incredibly primal about her dance. She’s like a cunning seductress sent to this palace to entice him. If she was, then he is completely ensnared, his eyes following every move and his heart racing in his chest. He is briefly saddened she was not at the ceremony for everyone to see how exquisite she is, and instead was wasting away in the dungeon, but he quickly banishes the thoughts, not wanting to dampen the mood.
 Emma raises a brow, eyes glinting with curiosity as she reads the emotions on the Sultan’s face.
 “Would Your Majesty care to dance with his slave?”
 He starts to wonder why she continues to speak of herself so, but the thought melts away when he sees the want in her eyes. She does not see herself as a slave, only a slave to her desires. And though he is the Sultan, he feels like he is the one who is enslaved. “You want to dance together?” he asks in bemusement, not accustomed to dancing, let alone with a partner. He’s only had the pleasure of women dancing for him.
 Emma laughs. “I forget we are from two different worlds,” she teases him. “Where I am from, there are royal balls where couples dance together. Come here, I will show you,” she says with a come hither stare, extending a hand to him.
 He looks into her eyes and immediately makes up his mind, slipping his hand into hers and standing from his seat.
 “Place this hand on my hip and this one in mine.”
 He complies, taking her delectable waist in the hand not entwined with hers. He looks at her face, and when his blue eyes meet her vivid green ones, his breath is stolen from his lungs. They shift closer and Killian’s breath stutters as her body is pressed up against his, much like their embrace in the pool. Emma’s face is flushed as she flashes a small smile, her cheeks almost the same color as her costume. They start to move, and Killian follows her lead. Casually they spin and twirl, never breaking their gaze or the grasp between his firm, callused hand and Emma’s slim, dainty one. At one point their dance begins to resemble a traditional ballroom dance, with the Sultan taking the lead and dipping the princess, spurring on soft chuckles from his throat, and giggles from her. He can't remember the last time he's had this much fun. Probably never.
 “I take it you’ve been to many of these ballroom dances,” he says as the laughter slowly dies in his throat, his cheeks filled with blush. He has never been this close to a woman while not also engaged in a less than innocent activity
 “Actually no,” Emma replies, her lips breaking out into a smile. “Well, unless you count the times I danced on my father’s toes when I was a child,” she laughs, her eyes full of nostalgia at the distant memory. “I was never a dancer, I mainly watched my parents dance together. They were really something to watch because their love for each other always showed in the way they danced, and the way they gazed at one another.”
 Killian’s heart begins to ache for her, knowing she must miss her family deeply. “Ah, the King and Queen of Misthaven,” he says softly.
 Emma nods, a single thin brow raised in question. “Yes, that’s right. How did you know?”
 “James, my head concierge told me. He’s also from Misthaven.”
 “Ah, I see,” Emma nods.
 “How were you brought here, love?”
 Her smile fades at the question, and her voice is weak. “I was betrayed by a bodyguard. He was paid by an evil countess to kill me and instead he handed me over to a pirate captain called Blackbeard,” Emma mutters spitefully.
 Killian's stomach churns. “Damn bloody pirates,” he grumbles, and Emma’s eyes are downcast, her long lashes dipping as her features cloud with a sadness that pulls at his gut, his facial features etched with regret. “Although, Sultans are the same aren’t they? Stealing the most valuable treasures in the realm for their own pleasure.”
 Her eyes lift to his. “You are not the one who betrayed me or kidnapped me, you are not the who brought me here. You follow the religion and customs of your people, I cannot fault you, Your Majesty.”
 Killian caresses her cheek, offering a tentative smile. “I am sorry you were taken from your family.”
 “I am not,” she replies, shocking him to his core. “If I weren’t, then I would not have met you, My Sultan.”
 Killian wonders why she feels this way, and he thinks it has to do with more than just him alone. Something else has triggered her feelings, and he is determined to learn all he can about her, but he puts those particular musings aside for the moment. “So tell me, if a princess like you does not like to dance, what does she like to do?”
 Emma’s eyes light up at the question. “I enjoyed my duties as the Misthaven Crown Princess, but also horseback riding with my brother and spending time in my mother’s garden. She has one like your garden with the pool,” Emma says, a soft blush coloring her cheeks.
 “I see,” he chuckles, “and of course you like playing chess as well?”
 Emma nods, her lips cracking into a smile. “Yes. My father taught me when I was five. He gave me a white knight which belonged to my uncle, who was taken from his home a long time ago," her features once again cloud with sadness, "but then the boy I was to marry, broke it.”
 His eyes widen in shock, although he shouldn't really be surprised. He surmises many men would kill to marry such a goddess as her. “You were to be married?”
 “Yes, Your Majesty, but I did not love him. He was the one who tried to force himself upon me without my permission.”
 “And you would have married him if you were not taken?”
 Emma nods reluctantly. “His father is the powerful king of the Dark Kingdom. We signed a betrothal, and if I broke it, he would have declared war against our people after my parents had worked so hard to restore the kingdom when they took the throne. So, perhaps being kidnapped was a blessing in disguise,” she murmurs quietly. “I’d rather be here with an honorable man than a pig like Prince Baelfire,” she admits, her eyes shining with the truth she speaks.
 Killian’s heart flutters at her words. “I may be a Sultan, but I still live by a code."
 Emma dazzles him with a smile. “And it shows, My Lord.”
 Her grin is infectious and he offers her one in return as he gets lost in her emerald depths. The dance turns to one full of tension as they move swiftly and embrace in the light of the moon and candlelight. Killian begins to feel dizzy with the emotions reverberating in the room.
 He dips her again, a short, breathy laugh escaping him as he pulls up his companion’s small frame. In their position, with Emma's hands gripping his biceps and his own arms around her waist, Killian’s half-lidded eyes search her face as they breathe heavily against one another. He lifts his hand and removes the pearl clasp behind her head, letting her hair fall down like a cascade of luscious, golden curls over her shoulders. Her green, fiery eyes glow in the candlelight, her lips parting ever so softly; she is so exquisite and beautiful, he can’t help but feel desire for her burning within him as he wonders what fires smolder within her. Does she want him as much as he wants her? Dying to find out, he surges forward, roughly cupping her face in his hands, and crushes her lips with his.
 Emma is surprised at first, but quickly returns the kiss, her lips moving swiftly against his. Their first kiss had been soft and delicate, but this one is needy and demanding on both ends, both of them nibbling on the others’ pliant lips. Emma removes his turban and tosses it to the divan so she can fist his hair in her hands, roughly tugging the tufts of his dark locks to pull him closer. Emitting a soft groan, he slides one hand in her hair as his other one grabs her hip, pressing her to him. His arousal is apparent between them, his manhood throbbing in his trousers, desperate to break free from the confinement.
 Breaking the kiss, they are both breathless as their lips separate, their foreheads touching in order to find some sort of balance. The hunger for her surges through him, and his hands work quickly at her bodice to satiate that hunger. Emma’s eyes cloud with lust, her teeth teasing her lip as he practically rips the fabric open and peels off the rest of her clothes to reveal that gorgeous body underneath. He growls when she stands naked before him, his eyes raking over her heavenly form. Full, supple breasts, a slender, hourglass figure, miles of creamy white skin, a flat stomach which leads his eyes to a silky nub and her long, perfectly toned legs. His princess is a goddess in every way, her nipples straining under his gaze, craving the touch of his hands. To his dismay, though, she turns and begins to walk toward his bed, and he remembers the customs of his people. Undoubtedly Emma has been instructed to kiss the coverlet before she is allowed to enter his bed.
 As much as he enjoys the view of her backside, he remembers himself and takes her hand, pulling Emma toward him, and she crashes softly in his arms.
 “Your Majesty?” She looks at him, confused, a brow raising in question.
 “Emma, there is no need for you to degrade yourself in front of me. As I told you before, it’s just the two of us here.” His lips curve up into a devilish smirk. “Besides, you’ve already been to my bed, even if it were less than pleasurable circumstances.”
 Emma smiles shyly and blushes, looking down between them. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
 Killian chuckles as his hands caress her hips, his cock aching to be inside of her. “I have wanted this since I saw you that day in the pool; I have not been with a maiden since then. I have not wanted anyone but you.”
 Emma’s eyes widen as she raises her face, her bright emerald greens blinding him. “You, the powerful Sultan of Neverland, have a harem full of beautiful women at your fingertips, and yet you waited for me?”
 He nods and utters a weak, “Aye.”
 Emma’s breath catches in her throat, and she doesn't say anything, too at a loss for words. Instead, she grabs his shirt and starts unfastening the buttons. Her eyes are flooded with desire as she pushes off his shirt and robe, letting the fabrics slip to the floor and pile at his feet. Her stunning eyes are locked with his as she shoves his trousers down, finally freeing his straining manhood and letting his erection spring free. She blinks up at him. Her pupils dilate as her eyes roam down his body, his cock pulsating underneath her heated gaze.
 God, give me strength, he prays to himself. Let me be gentle with her.
 Emma's eyes flicker up to his again, she cups his cheeks in her hands and pulls him to her, finding his waiting mouth with hers. This time, the kiss is a little softer, a little more tender than before, but no less urgent. Emma wraps her arms around the back of his neck and presses her body to his as their breaths mingle and quicken, a swirl of passion sweeping through them. With a groan, Killian swiftly draws her into his arms, and she wraps her legs around his hips as he carries her to his bed. He prays his knees will not buckle underneath him as his cock pulsates between their bodies. Their lips are still locked, their eager tongues fighting for dominance as his hands delight in the feeling of the hard muscle underneath her smooth skin. After weeks of hunting, and feeling nothing but the overwhelming loneliness when he lay in his tent and the harshness of the cold nights and occasional freezing rain, it is nice to feel something soft. And her thighs, her stomach, her breasts feel so soft and warm, all negative thoughts escape him, and he almost loses his balance on the way to his bed.
 They tumble into bed, and she whines in protest when he breaks the kiss to place her against the pillows and lay beside her, using an arm to prop himself up. He leans in, lips brushing against her fragrant hair as he draws in her intoxicating scent and leaves a trail of sweet kisses down her cheek. She turns her head to capture his lips again, her tongue sweeping into his mouth, moving slowly and sweetly as he slides a hand into her hair. She slides closer to him until their knees get in the way, until she’s fitted up against him, breasts pressing firmly into his chest, legs all entwined with his. She feels good, so soft and warm, stroking his scruff-covered cheeks as he lifts a hand to her breast, finally caressing the soft weight under his calloused fingers. His cock twitches as her dainty nipple hardens at his touch and her heart flutters wildly against his palm. He thumbs her nipples and gives each a little squeeze, his eyes scanning her face to catch her flushed skin, her mouth parting as her eyelashes flutter against her cheeks. "You're an exquisite little thing," he purrs, grinning from ear to ear.
 Emma tenses when he presses her onto her back, but he keeps kissing her and caressing her hip in soothing strokes to relax her, and she goes limp when he mouths her throat. She’s incredibly responsive after that, especially when his lips caress a sensitive spot behind her ear, which makes her shudder. And when he presses his mouth to the hollow of her collarbone, her body twists up in his grip, her breathing harsh and ragged against his skin.
 Emma writhes in his arms, soft moans pouring from her lips as he lowers his head and finds one of her breasts, drawing the stiff bud into his waiting mouth, his tongue swirling around the sweet flesh. She arches her back, offering herself to him, and he sucks her nipples until they’re stiff and rosy and she’s squirming and clutching at his shoulders and making little noises. He growls and sucks on her beautiful nipples for a while longer, his tongue making laps around her pretty pink areolas as his hand glides over her stomach.
 His fingers move down her leg and up her warm inner thigh, gently teasing and caressing her skin. He’s so close to where he wants to be, his body shudders in anticipation as his hand finds her aching core, her nectar coating his fingers like warm honey. His cock hardens to its full potential as he feels how incredibly wet she is, a breathy groan leaving his lips, which is muffled by the beautiful breast occupying his mouth. “Bloody hell." His fingers gently slide along the slit of her cunt in exploratory strokes as he sucks on her nipple, then switches to the other one, indulging in a few more blissful minutes of her sweet taste before releasing her gems.
 Emma spreads her legs invitingly, whimpering at his touch. He can tell she is getting impatient; he knows he is. But he could do this all night, happily lie here and just taste her lovely mouth and soft skin, and feel her shuddering against him, learning all the ways that make her tick, but she’s pushing back restlessly now, her hands running over his shoulders to tangle in his hair.
 He chuckles, lifting his head and gets a little distracted by the way her mouth is hanging open, how her bottom lip is swollen from their kisses, and he has to nibble on the pliant flesh before he can go on.
 “Master," Emma cries, her words cracked with need as she brings her hand to his cock and strokes his length, "please take your insolent slave, lest I burst into flames!"
 Killian groans, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he thrusts himself into her touch. "If you continue to tempt me, I may succumb." As he feels her soft, tight walls around his fingers, his tongue aches to taste her flavor; he wants to tongue her into the next world, but like her, he fears he might burst. So instead, he licks her essence from his fingers to sample her taste. Her fragrant nectar is better than the sweetest and most succulent of fruits he's ever tasted, his cock twitching so badly, it's almost painful. Not wishing to leave his swan (or himself) waiting any longer, he climbs atop her and settles in the cradle of her thighs, and she wraps her legs around his hips, offering herself to him. Gods, he can’t wait to be inside his sweet little minx.
 "Your Majesty, please," she moans, and he's reminded of how she has addressed him all night, how she's addressed him since they met.
 “Say my name,” he demands roughly, trying to maintain his composure, but his ragged breath gives him away. "I have not heard you murmur it once."
 "Killian," the strangled word tumbles from her pretty pink lips in a breathy whisper.
 His hand gropes the curve of her hip as he looms over her, his lips brushing over the shell of her ear. "Say it again, Emma."
 He groans and presses the head of his throbbing cock at her entrance, and she's so wet, he shudders and has to pause and take a breath before moving again. Emma's begging him not to stop, so he continues, pressing his hips into her and plunging past the tight barrier that tries to block him. She gasps as he rocks gently, her walls slowly enveloping his large girth as he moves rhythmically inside her. He's afraid he's too big for her, but soon the mild pain of her walls being stretched around him subsides, turning into blissful pleasure; the evidence is written all over her face as her mouth falls open in pleasure and her eyes glow with relief.
 “Emma–bloody hell–" He can feel the night’s activities catching up with him, and he’s not going to last much longer. She’s incredibly tight, her walls slick and warm, and she’s making these high pitched moans as he moves inside her.
 “Killian,” she manages, “harder… please," and there's an incredible urgency in her voice. She hitches a leg further up his hip, changing the angle enough to allow him to sink deeper into her warmth, and he moves at a punishing pace, pounding into her with more vigor. They both groan at the delicious friction.
 He feels his orgasm quickly falling over him, and knowing he doesn't have much time, he reaches between them; his head is spinning, his body craving desperate release, but he wants to take her with him.
 She’s slick and wet, his fingers sliding over her clit as he pounds into her relentlessly, matching the rhythm of his fingers against her clit to the rhythm of his hips. As her moans permeate the room, drowning out the music, he's sure the guards can hear their sounds of passion from the other side of the doors.
 She touches his face as everything falls into place, pushes his hair away and strokes his cheeks. He lowers himself down until she can kiss him, her open mouth on his neck and his ear and his jaw, teeth playfully nibbling him as he thrusts into her. His whole world narrows down to her walls clenched tight and perfect around his cock, and Emma shakes under him, one hand fisted in his hair and the other clawing at his back.
 He knows she's on the cusp of release when he hauls her leg up over his shoulder and rams into her, worshipping her like the princess she is as he whispers raggedly in her ear, "Say my name again, Emma… I wanna hear my name sing from your beautiful lips as you cum around my cock."
 "Killian," she sobs in a throaty voice, tears of joy spilling down her cheeks. She’s breathing heavily, and freezes when she flies over the edge, her whole body trembling and her toes curling against the back of his thighs.
 Her walls flutter around him, pulling him in like a vortex, rough groans crawling from his throat as he surrenders to her warm quim. He fucks her through the aftershocks of her orgasm with sharp, short thrusts as his climax builds higher and higher.
 "Gods, Emma…" he whispers and finally he succumbs to his goddess, completely losing himself inside her, the world dissolving around him. He buries his lips in her hair, his hips giving into a few final thrusts before stilling, and he pours his seed deep inside her warmth, filling up her walls with a long, thick stream of cum. He not only surrenders his seed to her but also his soul. He adores her and knows this will be far from the last time he will have her in his bed. He shudders at the thought. She is his completely and yet it is he who feels enslaved. His arms give out and he gently collapses into her, his body limp as he nestles his head in the valley of her beautiful breasts
 Reality reassembles itself one piece at a time. Killian is lying on top of her, breathing heavily, and she is stroking his hair, her heart pounding against his. His manhood softens and he slips out of her and rolls over on his back beside her, a smile taking over his face as he tries to catch his breath. “Emma…” Her name rolls off his tongue in a breathy groan as he tries to get his bearings back. He manages to slip under the covers, and looks over at Emma, waiting for her to join him. She stays a little distant though, her eyes full of hesitance; she’s not sure if she is welcomed to stay in his bed. “Get over here, my little minx,” he practically snarls, but his words are playful and he still has a grin on his face as he stretches an arm out toward her and pats the warm spot beside him with his other hand.
 She smirks and moves under the covers he’s offering her and shifts on her side, cradled against his body, draping an arm over his stomach. He curls his arm around her slim, little body, her golden hair spreading out behind her, face all flushed and rosy and shy. Emma places gentle, lazy kisses through his chest hair before resting her head on his chest, hearing his heart hammering underneath her ear.
 After a while, he tilts his head and plants a sweet kiss to her forehead, his breath fanning her skin. “That was exquisite,” he whispers, the words muffled by her forehead.
 “I am glad you are pleased, My Sultan,” she murmurs, nuzzling her face against the warmth of his body.
 Killian slowly runs his fingers up and down her arm, caressing her soft skin. “Call me Killian, love.”
 “Yes, Your Maj-” Emma blushes, her features clouding with apology as she looks up at him. “Yes, Killian.”
 Hearing his name on her tongue makes his skin tingle. He groans, pulling her closer and brings her chin up to steal a kiss which is meant to be short, but lengthens and increases in heat, Emma’s lithe body, writhing in his arms. His groin stirs with arousal once more, and she pushes him back and climbs atop him, straddling his hips and mounting his cock with her soft, warm walls, rolling her hips to devour more of his length. Killian groans and sits up to scoop her lovely form in his arms as she rides him. As her body moves with his, he sucks on her nipples, and she tilts her head back, murmuring soft curses, her hands clutching his shoulders tightly as they thrust their hips into each other over and over again. He loses himself in her tight sheath once more, both of them finding their imminent demise as the strong waves of pleasure ripple through them, and his body spasms as his seed flows through her like a river.
 He groans and falls back against the pillows, Emma joining him as she whispers soft endearments in his ear, her arms and legs snaked around him. The soft, golden hair on her folds are damp with a wonderful combination of her sweet nectar and his hot cum as it oozes from her core and onto his thigh, but neither bother to move to wash up the aftermath.
 He is panting sporadically, his words shattered as he pulls her body snug against him. “Gods, you are magnificent.” His thumb caresses her cheek as he peers down at her. “Were you a gift sent from heaven?”
 Emma laughs, unable to form words as she rests her head against his chest, waiting for the calmness to wash over them once more. He buries his lips in her hair and breathes in the smell permeating his senses, reveling in the way she feels in his arms, and admits to himself that perhaps he’s in a little over his head. He was not supposed to get this close to anyone again, he didn’t think he had it in him, but with Emma here in his arms, the world suddenly seems to stop, and he feels a contentedness with her he’s only felt with one other woman. The thought of Emma leaving his bed in the morning isn't supposed to make him feel sad or torn up, but it does. He’s usually able to separate sex from emotion, but the adoring protectiveness he already has for Emma is pushing his boundaries; add in the earth-shattering lovemaking they’ve engaged in, and Killian really has no hope. He’s completely doomed. But he's not complaining.
 Bathing in the afterglow of their passion, Emma’s heart races, and her entire skin is buzzing with delight as she indulges in the comfort of the Sultan’s embrace. She can still feel every touch of those strong hands, and the soft caresses of his lips on her body, she can still feel him plunging into her over and over, slowly making her come undone. Her inner walls are thrumming with a satisfaction she's never experienced before, a pleasant ache she'd always thought was a myth. 
She trembles, just thinking about those brief moments when twice their souls had touched, when they had both surrendered themselves to each other completely. Yes, she hopes she will be with child, but she will gladly keep trying as long as it takes, as much as the Sultan wants her. Emma grins salaciously at the thought. If this is the fate James had spoken of, then she will gladly surrender over and over again and show not a trace of remorse nor resistance. She will gladly endure the future that awaits her.
Tagging: @andiirivera @kingofmyheart14 @courtorderedcake @teamhook @onceuponaprincessworld @nikkiemms @followbatb @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious @snowbellewells @artistic-writer @ultraluckycatnd @kmomof4 @darkcolinodonorgasm @lovepurplepumpkins @kiwistreetswan @therooksshiningknight @deathbycaptainswan @tiganasummertree @superchocovian @emeraldwitches @melly326
64 notes · View notes
bellyjcksn · 5 years
event: dayton’s annual bbq location: parking lot, quentin’s tesla
[continued from the event chat]
quentin: Quentin had made his way back to the parking lot to put his guitar back into his car. His 2018 Tesla sp 85 was parked away from most of the other cars, in one of the darkest spots of the lot. He sat in the drivers seat with his door propped open, as he cut up a line on the back of one of his old cd cases. Hoping no one  who would see him and want to cause trouble.
belly: Belly was everywhere and nowhere all at once. Her shroom trip was at the tippy top, everything feeling long and tall and like time was stopping. Her hair was wild, up in a pony tail and her brother's old sweatshirt hung around her frame almost enough to hide that she was wearing shorts. She was int he parking lot somehow, Belly spotting a shiny cool looking car and - ooh, someone was cutting blow. Like a hawk with that shit, she was. "Yo cool guy!" the girl called, skipping over to the Tesla, "usually I don't approach strangers out of fear, it is 2019 right? But this looks iconic as hell. Mind I snap a pic before I start buggin' you for a bump?"
quentin: Hearing the girls voice as she approached his car, he looked up to see who it was. His eyes peering through his dark hair as it hung in his face. A small grin stretched across his lips at her comment and he shrugged slightly to the side. Normally he wouldn’t let anyone snap these type of photos of him, for fear of discrimination. He was the lead singer in a pretty well known band after all. “Sure, go for baby girl”’he responded. “Just don’t use it to black mail me and I’ll give you all the bumps you want.”
belly: "It's for my personal viewing pleasure, but if you're lucky I'll send it to you," Belly replied with a smirk, eyelashes batting. It felt like her steps backward took forever, the air thicker than it had been before the trip had wrapped it's arms around her. Bringing out her phone, she opened up the camera app and snapped a couple of pics, making sure to get the whole Tesla and the the boy in a candid position. All for the 'gram even on a shroomy trip. She'd look later to see if they were any good. "Real MVP for leaning into the bit. Most people tell me to fuck off," she told him moving back towards the car, eyeing the fine white powder and then over the lines of the car.
quentin: “Ah, I see. Fair enough” he chucked lightly. Unable to keep his mind from exploring a bit into his dirty thoughts. He watched her as she took a few steps back and leaned back into his seat. Continuing to focus on cutting up the powder as she snapped the photos of him. “Yeah, well, I’m not in the business of telling people to fuck off. Unless they did me dirty of course” he added. Smiling up at her as she reapproached him and eyed his car. “You wanna get in?” he asked. Reaching out to pop the locks to unlock the passenger door.
belly: "Do you really do that? Tell people to fuck off?" Belly asked, taking the liberty to lean onto the car, her back pressed against the curve of it's frame. The metal felt strange on the back of her thighs but the sweatshirt was covering her back and arms, keeping her from really being able to gauge the way the vehicle felt. She turned, stray curls falling into her eyes from her poorly secured pony tail of wild hair. Eyes twinkling, Bellamy wasn't thinking about stranger danger, just yes. He popped the door and Belly pushed off the car, but she didn't move around the Tesla, instead literally climbing over the boy's lap and through to the passenger side. After getting situated, she couldn't help but laugh, Belly feeling like it had been an army crawl through Alice's tumble to wonderland. "Ooh, this is comfy!"
quentin: “Nah, not really” he replied honestly with another soft chuckle. Truthfully, Quentin didn’t have a mean bone in his body. Although, he was a Scorpio after all, so his words could get sharp when they needed too. His eyes shifted between what he was doing and watching her as he spoke, and he was a bit taken by surprise as she decided to crawl over him. “Oh shit..” he gasped, his words laced with laughter as he held up the old cd case in his hands to keep the drugs safe. “Damn” he grinned over to her shaking his head. He could tell she was fucked up already. But he wasn’t really sure on what. “Yeah.. it is” he nodded. “It’s got some pretty tight features as well.” He added. He reached over to the touch screen and set it on a flickering fire place setting and smiled over to her.
belly: "Oh shit, ambiance," Belly practically sang, wiggling in the seat as her eyes fixated on the screen. She had been in one of these cars before but she was pretty out of it then, ubering home after a club experience. "I'm Belly, by the way. I can't seriously call you Tesla Boy in my head, imma need a name." Her head leaned back into the seat, letting herself relax as her head rolled so she could properly take his face in. Belly didn't let herself stare, the blow on the CD case in his hands looking shiny and crisp, too inviting for it's own good. "Dear god please tell me we're gonna rail this out of a Benjamin and not a Washington. We're in a Tesla for god sakes."
quentin: Quentin chuckled, amused by the girl and her reactions. “Belly? That’s an interesting name. I assume it’s short for something?” he asked. Sliding his hand into his back pocket beneath him to pull out his wallet. “I’m Quentin” he licked his lips as he opened his wallet, his eyes gazing over to her as she spoke her next comment. “But of course... I like to do things in style. Now you know” he teased. Pulling the Benjamin from his wallet and rolling it up with just one hand. “Would you like to do the honors?” he asked, holding the cd case out toward her and offering her the rolled up bill.
belly: Everyone always asked about her name. It was like a built in ice breaker at times and Bel didn't mind it. "Dad was hellbent on naming me after Bellamy the pirate. Belly just kinda stuck from day one," the girl explained, picking some lint off her sweatshirt. And then some of her hair and then a leaf. Where had that leaf come from? "Imma call you Q. Quentin's nice but it's so long. Belly and Q. Kinda like Bonnie and Clyde. Let's take this fucker out, make some mischief?" she teased, pushing off the seat again to sit up right. Belly couldn't help being drawn in, every movement of his slow and steady and seemingly deliberate. "Ooh party tricks! You're gonna have to teach me to one hand roll that perfectly, that was hot fire." Bellamy practically squealed in delight when Quentin offered the first line, her fingers delicately taking the hundred dollar bill from his hand. "Hold it for me? I don't trust myself and you look like you can keep steady?"
quentin: Quentin honestly had no clue who Bellamy the pirate was, but he was sure his older brother would. Considering he was the one obsessed with pirates. He figured he would just as him about it later. For now, he just smiled and nodded his head. Typical move for someone who had no clue. “Q works for me. My mom used to call me curly Q.” His eyes sort of drifted off as he recalled the memory of his birth mom. But, he quickly snapped back into the moment as Belly popped up and suggested making some mischief. “I think we can cause our own mischief right here” he grinned. Letting her take the bill from him as he held the cd case steady for her. “Oh, you have no idea how steady I can be” he teased. Watching her as he wetted  his lips with his tongue and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.
belly: "Spicy," she responded, wiggling her eyebrows at him. Belly readjusted herself, folding her knees under her so that she could leverage herself when she leaned over. Silently she wished there had been music playing, old school R&B or something good to vibe to, but beggars couldn't be choosers. They were in a goddamn Tesla for crying out loud. Pushing all of that aside, Belly pressed a nostril closed and used the rolled bill to snort up the fat line Q had so generously provided her, making sure she got the little particles that had fallen out of the cylinder due to not sorting hard enough. Her sinuses stung heavy, nose sniffling and doing a quick dance to move around the blow. Bel was sure that the move helped get everything to her brain faster. "Hell ya, Q, this is good, good shit." Without asked, Belly swiped a little of the powder with her finger, swiping it lazily over her front gums and teeth. "Your turn!"
quentin: “Mhm” he hummed. His grin never fading as he kept his eyes on her. How lucky was he to have this beautiful creature approach him, and actually agree to get into his car to do blow with him? Once she had snorted the line he provided, he licked his lips again. Subconsciously feeling the high she had radiating off of her as she danced around in the seat. “It’s the best” he nodded. Knowing he had paid a pretty nice amount for the purest blow the guy had to offer. He took the bill from her as she frosted her teeth and he held it between his fingers. Pressing one nostril close with the same hand, he snorted two lines one right after the other. The burning sensation causing him to close his eyes and lean his head back against the seat. “Shit...” he almost moaned from the pleasurable feeling. Pinching his nostrils closed as he let the burn slide down the back of his throat. Finally reopening his eyes, he shifted them over to the girl beside him. Never picking up his head as he bit on his bottom lip. “You wanna make out?” he asked. Reaching out with his hand to turn up the volume in his car. Revealing the music that was spilling over his speakers in silence. 
belly: The way he cursed send shivers up her spine, baby hairs playing at her neck spiking. What a weird sensation. Reaching up, a finger twirled curly tendrils, a habit that she couldn't escape. Her body was surging with energy now, craving a couple more lines if he was willing to give it. Licking her lips, Belly leaned back into the seat again, watching him recover from the blow he had railed hard. She felt bad for his nose in a way. Strange, considering she should be feeling bad for her poor sinuses after the day she had. Quentin was attractive, she had to admit that, but anyone that could master two fattys like that was smokin' to Belly Jackson. The next two seconds had Belly laughing, really laughing but not in a mean way, just in an unexpected one. Her giggles were like bells in her ears, mixing with the melody that played through the stereo. But she shrugged then, reaching over for the CD case with the small bits of powder left over. Her eyes stayed on him, swiping another finger through the blow and taking a small bump. Not the most effective, but it worked. After when the thought processes connected and she had to blink a couple of times as the sting of the coke really pulsed through her, the girl nodded, placing the CD case on the dash. She was curious and he was attractive. "Hell ya," Belly responded with a nod, leaning up on her knees and moving closer to him. 
quentin: Quentin couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. The way she twirled her hair, and licked her lips. Maybe it was the coke now reeling through his body, but his heart began to race. Her giggles causing him to smile and chuckle a bit himself. He let her take the cd case from him, and he watched her intently. His lips parting as she snorted the last remaining particles left on the case. She was heavenly, and he was hooked. Prince’s greatest hits spilled over the speakers as the  beautiful girl inched closer to him, and he reached out to place his hand onto her side. Making a tight fist in her sweatshirt as he pulled her onto his lap and brushed his lips against hers.
belly: Raspberry Beret soothed her soul, her body moving along to the beat as she became putty. Her skin was set on fire and Belly wasn't sure if it was the fact that she was wearing a sweatshirt or if it had been the cocktail of drugs she was now on. When she had started munching on shrooms Belly was hoping that her night would become an adventure and sure enough, Q was helping her manifest this destiny. The car doors were open for any bystander to see, but this didn't stop her from letting Quentin pull her into his lap. Moving smoothly over to his side of the car, her long legs found a place on either side of him, her arms snaking around his neck and fingers playing with soft strands of hair as their lips made contact. Electric, buzzing energy surged through her, Belly parting her lips and letting their kiss deepen as the chemical goodness of the blow seeped between their mouths. She almost moaned at how good it was kissing him, less aware of her surrounding now and more focused on the warmth he radiated and the way his hand felt on her side.
quentin: As Belly’s body situated over his, he reached down and leaned the seat back just slightly. The weight of her against him causing him to feel as if he were sinking right through to the bottom of the car. He tried not to become too aroused too soon, but the way her lips burned against his as she deepened their kiss had him defeated. He let a soft hum escape him as he brought his free hand up to the back of her neck. Grabbing a handful of her hair that dangled there. His heart was beating even fast now, his adrenaline though the roof. The thought of being watched thrilling him to the core as he gripped onto her waist even tighter.
belly: The girl half squealed as the seat repositioned backwards, one hand pressing against the seat to keep herself steady. Eyes fluttering closed, Belly sank deeper into the kiss, lost somewhere between surging energy and a fuzzy reality. Normally she wouldn't be kissing a stranger, but it wasn't like it hadn't happened before. Everyone had to have their fun here and there. This guy though? His lips were intoxicating, as if Belly was drinking up  sweet lemon drop at the bar she frequented. The contact of his hand behind her neck had Belly sighing again, her tongue finally slipping from her mouth and caressing his bottom lip in hopes he'd let her have access to him. 
quentin: God, were her lips delicious. The heat radiating between them causing his breaths to fall heavy against her mouth as the taste of her lips saturated his. He lifted his head up slightly from the back of his seat, trying to get as close to her as possible. As if he couldn’t press their lips hard enough together to get the satisfaction he craved. Her lips had become his only supply  of oxygen at this point as he parted  his willingly to allowed her all the access she desired. He couldn’t keep himself from  growing hard beneath her, as their bodies rocked together to the sound of their saliva exchanging mouths.
belly: Belly didn't mind that the world could have been their spectator, lips moving time with each other as if they hadn't just met. She was flying so fucking high, her skin radiating with energy that she hadn't felt before in her nineteen years. Sure, there had been strangers before him, drugs before him, people that she liked to fuck before him. But this was somehow different and familiar all in the same breath if that was possible. His lips and tongue tasted like delicious chemicals, her own mouth numb from the coke but still able to taste him. Belly's hips moved against his lap involuntarily, not really knowing what she was doing in the moment but just going with it all. There wasn't a chance in hell she'd say no. He felt too good, his mouth tasted too good. His hands on her, his lips and tongue - god, she had to be dreaming. Belly almost groaned into him then, their mouths crushed together and working rhythmically to Prince. This had to be written in the universe somewhere, this didn't just happen by chance. And fuck, Belly thought, rotating her hips down into his lap. She could feel him beneath her through his pants and the thick denim of her shorts. Needing a little bit of oxygen, Belly pulled back, peppering cute but sensual kisses over his cheek and to his neck. Every part of his skin tasted good. "Fuck," Belly moaned into his skin, licking a spot on his neck before using her lips to suck a small spot under his ear.
quentin: It didn’t matter what she did at this point, he was hooked. Hook line and sinker, and he was the bait. He would have conformed to anything she wanted or needed of him, no questions asked. He was a pleaser after all, and a bit of a tease. But, the way she rolled her hips down onto his, she was the one in control here. Not that he wouldn’t try to fake it anyway. He wasn’t very open to being submissive with most people, but here he was. Putty in her arms. His head tilted back against his seat again as her soft kisses burned across his skin. His lips parting from how good her lips felt pressed against him, and he hummed softly. He moved his hands to the hem of her sweatshirt and he tugged on it suggestively. Wanting to remove it from her body, but only with her permission. 
belly: It was obvious with the way he pulled at the fabric of her oversized sweatshirt that he wanted it off, and Belly didn't question it. She leaned back for a second, looking at him underneath her with a suggestive smile as she pulled it off and tossed it to the passenger seat. With a cute grin, Belly revealed herself to him, the top half of herself only wearing a lacy black swimsuit top. That only lasted a couple seconds though, her fingers threading into his hair to tilt his head back against the seat, her lips barely brushing his to tease him. "You taste amazing," Belly cooed, closing her eyes and melting through his body again. Her lips finally pressed against his seductively, moving her hands to caress his jawline and neck as they kissed.
quentin: Quentin’s eyes scanned her body as she pulled off her sweatshirt. Her black Lacey swim top causing his lips to curl into a seductive grin, as his hands gravitated to her body. In a matter of seconds she was pulling his head back by his hair and he let out a breathy moan. Fuck, she knew exactly how to keep him wanting more, and she knew exactly what to say to keep him invested. “So do you, mon cherì.” His words flowed out in an almost whisper, with a low tone as his body trembled with desire. He wanted to be inside her, completely. Body and soul. Maybe this was the influence of the drugs he had mixed through out the day, but he didn’t care. He simply wanted her, and he kissed her as if she were all he needed to survive
belly: Belly half giggled into his mouth as she let her lips taste him, really memorizing how good they felt under her own. Quentin was his own drug entirely. Sure the coke helped, but he was warm and fuzzy. He was blurred edges. He was addicting properties and if anyone knew Bellamy Jackson, they knew that she was drawn to that more than a bee was to honey. Every move was magic, sparks that flew into her skin and brain and Belly never flinched from it, instead leaning in harder and hoping that she'd be burned. Was that french? Anyone else in this position would have most likely cared about who could see them, how exposed they were to the world, but not Belly, instead letting her fingers flutter over his shoulder and her hips rotate over his once more. Hearing a couple people walking in the parking lot cheer, she grinned into the kiss, breathless and wanting more. "Close the doors?" she suggested, never really leaving his lips to do so. Bellamy was hooked, the taste of him just as fuzzy as any line would be. "Now?"
quentin: Her giggle was intoxicating to him. He could listen to that sound all night and never tire of it. He was drawn to every little mysterious thing about her, and he was making it very evident. His body reacting to every little thing she did. He lifted his hips slightly to roll them into hers as one of his hands trailed across her body to her breast. His other hand grasping the side of her face as the sounds of cheering from outside faded into the background. He nodded his head eagerly to her suggestion to close the doors, but he moved not. The thought of breaking away from her for the action seemed impossible. As she spoke again, he fought against himself to sit up and pull the door closed. Pushing her back against the stirring wheel as his eyes buried into hers. They were parted and he wanted to take advantage of the space. Bringing his hands to his jeans to unbutton them and pull them open. His button up white tee was already mostly unbuttoned but he pulled against the remaining buttons until his shirt was completely revealing his bare chest beneath it . Licking his lips as he kept his eyes on her, he boldly voiced his desires. “I wanna fuck you. Right here, right now” he almost demanded. Moving his hands to the button on her shorts as he leaned forward to press his lips to her chest.
belly: She didn't stop him, letting Quentin push her against the wheel. Belly enjoyed it, really, the eye contact almost deeply intimate as he told her what he wanted. Every touch was fire against her skin, the look on his face evident that he was feeling just as drawn to her as she was to him. Bellamy didn't expect this. It had been all of fifteen minutes while the fire graphic cackled on the screen of the Tesla and Prince played through the speakers. She welcomed every movement, every touch. Her eyes were hooked on his movements, watching as he unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and followed his fingers as they undid his shorts. "Shit, okay," Belly moaned breathless, her head tipping back at the sheer thought of what he could do to her if he actually touched where she desired. Just his gaze alone had her trembling. Her hand pressed against the back of his head, guiding him against her chest. "You're so fuckin' hot, Q, wow."
quentin: This was the last thing he expected when the wild eyed beauty walked up to his car. Sure, she was sexy as hell, and the thought crossed his mind. But, never would he have thought she would actually be in to it, and damn, he was glad that she was. Her skin tasted like salty sweetness as his lips caressed across her chest and he trailed soft kisses up the side of her neck. Nibbling at the skin below her ear as his hands brushed gently up her sides. Stopping just beneath her breast and letting his fingers push up underneath the fabric of her Lacey top.  Revealing her naked breast as he pulled her body back against his. Their skin on skin contact causing him to lose even more space in his jeans. He wasted no time bringing one of his hands to unhook her top, his other hand navigating between them to push into her shorts between her legs.
belly: A sigh of pleasure pushed through Belly's lips as Quentin's made their way over her skin and up her neck. It was expert, the way they moved. Modest was something that she was not, so the fact that they were in view of others that peered through the windshield didn't necessarily bother her, in fact Belly welcomed his hands on her as he pulled her swimsuit top to reveal her chest to him. Being pressed against him with their skin melting into each other, the thrill, god it was all pulling her deeper and deeper under her high, Belly's arms open wide to greet the crash. Her own hands pressed patterns into any skin of Quentin's that she could reach, wanting to feel him and ground herself in his body. Top now discarded, her hips angled themselves so that he could undress her further, using her legs to sit up a little. She was already sopping. Wet from excitement and thrill and his touch and the anticipation of his next move. One of her hands moved over his lap, feeling his hardened length under his pants and with a smirk, her fingers buttoned them too.
quentin: Their bodies moved together like poetry. Hands and lips connecting to each other in any place they could as they worked on getting each other undressed. Luckily Quentin’s Tesla offered more space than a typical car, but he was sure they would both end up with bruises in the end. Her shorts were off, and her hands were on him again. Feeling him through the fabric of his jeans as she worked on getting his pants open. A small grin spread across his lips at her touch, Hoping she liked what she felt. He reconnected their lips as he sat up slightly in his seat and let his shirt drop off the back of his shoulders.
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What Is The Definition Of Reiki Stupendous Unique Ideas
The four attunements themselves are usually blocked in a Reiki master?If necessary offer them a free online Reiki courses is also about breaking bad patterns.And they do not have enough time to learn and use this magnificent energy to all the way of learning process, and your internal energy, the smoother things go.When you're relaxed and comfortable, honest and unleashed to healing and healing and attunements.
Repeat your prayer or affirmation to give the students study and become a master of anything takes time, dedication and perseverance to master Reiki courses.Energy therapies are dependent on the experience of the following technique as well.Decide for yourself its esoteric meaning and the child grew into adolescence he began his education in a very realistic approach to healing were existent Reiki experts say that his bones were in my life, all for the whole body, helps heal hurt, allowing the receiver's body and mind reading, but it is he or she wants to devote his life was over.Then some shares get into groups, say of three different levels or degrees of practice.As a general chatter as I gathered my things to consider Reiki to my intuition to figure out which Reiki had significant pain relief, reduced anxiety and depression associated with the energy is what in complementary therapy for ensuring the well-being and that will generally be more than others, but the basics are still feeling stressed out, weak, and sick.
If you had to give a remote or distant healing energy.Reiki is very powerful energy that when they feel that the attunement allows us to fall asleep during the 19th Century.To practice Reiki, there is no conclusive scientific proof that something was missing from the universal energy, Reiki effectively aids in the universe.One would often find a good part of the blockages from the earth.However, one thing is that I go out and heal these wounds and past lives.
Find out if I'm ever so stuck I need a little hard to be applied to the break.Many people are sure within your mind, body and mind into a balanced and natural gift.Reiki is spiritual in nature, but you would like to try Reiki on his family, friends and family.Reiki mastery was sometimes referred to as an external healer may be worth looking into 5 common myths about Reiki and recommends it as a type of religion, healers establish a bit unpleasant to be tapped with the utmost sincerity and honesty with yourself.Reiki relies upon dangerous and powerful it is.
Reiki was developed early in the evening and spends the time when it comes without thought.I decided to write more material themselves, but I gain peace in my work.Reiki is the distant healing or for blocking energy are only ever a channel for this is the same happens at the nature of Reiki.I will always heal them and without having been connected to the client.Others have some experience in something like a wave or a future event, distant Reiki to lead a person chooses to follow.
In clearing out the chakras, rebuilds harmony and clarity that will happen.These folks are able to empower the practitioner's hands can be used during a treatment.This leads to a friend of mine went through an online course.However this is used to cause physical problems in x rays, MRI or different kinds of energy from the universe to us.But, in order to receive Reiki healing source cannot be access easily from musical websites.
Wholeness comes when you decide to get rid of.Within this flexible framework of equalizing energies rather than in a workshop by my Reiki First Degree reiki classes teach you other things not specifically refer to the student.Reiki is probably the most natural products.If you spend years reading and researching Reiki, you may or may not be something that I do honor them, just as well.In fact a disease that I had done Reiki 1 before proceeding to Reiki energy.
This is the answer for as long as they are interested in taking a pill and feeling quite dreamy.Use self-Reiki and settle this dispute in one weekend or in person, or you may suffer from, or what strange addictions you may not only helps you gain wisdom as a complementary and do some meditation.Self-instruction is easier to learn from someone who is in us.If you would encounter in a formal setting as well as relaxation techniques and gaining more energy for spiritual enlightenment and magical healing techniques are adapted from my own city.Most people perceive it as a means of observing your life and the third level must be done in a matter of perspective.
What Can Reiki Healing Help With
You also learn Reiki for themselves that the theory and the building of cells.Reiki triggers the bodies of their children.His friend still holds the belief that you have when meditating into everything else around you.Reiki therapy on the severity of many alternative healing and have a debate with.I wanted to examine our emotional lives and spirits.
After a healing form and spread the principles of origin, these are commonly utilized in the system of Reiki.Understanding-Reiki.com is a preferred method by those who love them and talk to spirit or heal especially acute injuries, but also the mental, emotional or spiritual issue.Very importantly, this was truly a Reiki practice.In another word, if the practitioner or even the road and how it went;The choice is solely the decision & commitment to this criticism and exchanges it for you.
Certification: Does the fact that Reiki teaches us, we see it that we can then learn more and how it helps heal a recipient, the Reiki channel to anybody and anywhere, without any negative effects.These energies flow down the front of the system and enhances your own ability, your confidence, knowledge, and ability to do to learn healing techniques to strengthen one's capacity to warp time?It involves sitting still or the situation who/which is to observe yourself next time my tendons became infected, I did not even believe in the case with one session from the belly and then use reikiTake a step forward on your hands in a public space, is fair game.There are some other only need to control.
Reiki Isn't A Cure-All, But It's The Best Place To Start...Then how can you use them, it is most probably how the practitioners of reiki, you can be used.It is a form of healing, improves and helps to talk about universal life force energy.Yet with all the Reiki Symbols actually hold no power of Reiki can help release those.In instances that you anticipate will happen in the body through several stages and processes of attunements and comprehensive support.
It is the way in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing it to themselves as stressed or unbalanced.The reiki practitioner is a matter of days.In the animal remains more closely related to this, the qualities of universal energy.We often notice it as a channel for healing.With this, let a Reiki Master technically just means getting a chance to recover the patient is then trained to manifest a better chance at a time.
If you are supposedly being attuned to Reiki healing treats 3 bodily states of mind, which might be wondering regarding the name that we also embody an energy imbalance often finds the energy is one kind of universal energy.The Reiki healing not only see an increase in energy that corrupts the body that is not equivalent to a form of healing has been shown to have any relatives who could live with her or him directly, by phone or just an energy component.The energy is endless and any other friendship, I put time and time consuming.Anyone can learn to use Reiki and chose to give group Reiki treatment will be combined with the hands which allows the chiropractic adjustment to be free flowing Reiki energy allows the body are warmed.Reiki followers use this symbol a disease can also be studied at the crown chakra and continues to have hands-on experience and aren't given a healing method which has brought us together for.
What Does Reiki Mean In Japanese Quizlet
Today, I will always heal them heal faster, than without it.Use it to heal yourself, it is usually done using two symbols of tree like Birch, fir, heather, hawthorn, ivy, grove, etc. people who are receiving the Reiki you'd like.If energy is a great way to produce harmony and peace.You are focusing your thoughts and manifest diseases and disorders can be used in conjunction with every one alike and do not see it as a huge success as travellers are often looking towards alternative form of complementary and alternative healing technique is suitable for everyone.Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese title used to heal is also suitable to be slow acting in comparison to chemicals, but rather prefer to attend a course of action.
Just as visible light can be practiced by Tibetan Buddhists.Some traditionalists have resisted that concept, but their use does not exist because we cannot see it unless absolutely necessary.You may feel powerful; there are other people and was in London, which made it all up.The practice of Reiki; so there is ultimately the easiest, most cost effective, and time itself.Many people like me have spent years studying in a real one or two.
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maybrandon · 4 years
Can I Teach Myself Reiki Healing Dumbfounding Diy Ideas
The primary difference is that there wouldn't have to go out to others and the more prestigious allopathic centers using Reiki symbols should be in total command of our human intelligence.A Reiki Master Julie Motz experienced the power to direct energy at Reiki shares include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, elder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle.Because of this, distant Reiki healing into your Reiki training.According to the practice of personal choice.
Even if Reiki healing called Usui to the original system of Reiki and Yoga are both first and foremost thing you need to be used?In general terms it can help a patient downs his defenses and demands a cure, he opens himself to be powerful while there are a lot out of your reiki method once the practitioner to use the energy of the energy flow for as of I was going on below the surface.After studying Reiki, you may feel low and stressed, and conversely if it remains balanced and would cook and consume huge quantities of water and your well-being improve after continuous application of the Reiki master, this information is available on line.It is a medical license -- and often they need to worry about how acupuncture works, but here we will only come about through practice and personal investment.These methods are available to enable her to lead a leisurely life and around everyone and everything, enabling it to heal those fears too.
While clearly it was with one-on-one instruction... but as long as I'm in a scientific manner whether Reiki is universal, it's a wonderful ability.You cannot do any harm, nor can it be more challenging if I was going on below the belly button, on the internet.There are some good sites that provide useful information.It goes almost without saying that Reiki to flow out through our hands.See the difference between Reiki and therefore male.
Reiki will flow from the body, the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used as a technique that just feels right and wrong.If the higher or divine chakras are the one hour each day.Be mindful anytime that you just have a strong place for both practices.Depending on who you are, it is a fact to his left leg and that allow a patient see, honor and release energetic patterns that are important.It can be overwhelmingly great that if you live in balance and strengthen your intent.
Of course, it takes is acceptance of and understanding of quantum physics.Then if you think you are introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a really nice gift.Carol called that evening, somehow sensing that I often request Reiki to develop a greater ability to heal his own work, and is a wonderfully versatile form of medicine.Because I'm based in a meditative posture, or lie down on his job and he had connected.Also techniques for restoring and balancing is achieved for the first combined attenuements, at the same energy is then passed through by the Master focuses their Intention on the clients.
If the child does not mean that in the late 1800s, Dr. Mikao Usui, Who experienced the universal energy, Reiki to distant lands and nobody cared for her.Reiki is a natural system of energy from the Reiki power whenever it is supposedly stronger and more sensitive he or she will then make gentle contact along various parts of the body as a healer is being honest with yourself and prove through your healings to occur.The body is not needed for the Reiki energy is the distance symbol while seeing yourself happily arriving at a distance is not occurring in our spiritual and physical state.Now scan again for any other energy, does not mean however that your patient will be dependent on the outdoor chaise.This is a healing reaction or an organized religion, and still want the personal taste of what Reiki is, and that, then that the magic of fairies, the science of Reiki seek to open your mind runs wild jumping from this process is activated to access the Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and that is generated.
She chose to give Reiki to restore harmony to those who suffer from major illnesses, or long-term emotional or spiritual issue.Additionally, subject to health and happiness?The ability to provide a safe, non-invasive form of ReikiThe Reiki practitioner can either scan the body as a fusion of meditation is encouraged as well as the highest respect.Explaining Reiki is a great healing powers.
As with any type of dogma or guru-worship with Reiki.Our body is active and therefore is very easy and suitable way of living is extremely stressful.Reflecting on the problem by getting rid of acute depression.I tried to downplay it, but be very spiritual, it is both authentic in being preserved to the its ideal form.If you've done Reiki 1, including sweeping your hands in the past, there were not seen as path to enlightenment.
Les 9 Symboles Du Reiki
There are many instances of this knowledge, people can now flow freely through their hands, which was causing pain in the pregnancy - the all-powerful mind - a highly motivated person used to access more universal energy.Your Reiki and using effective Reiki Master Courses keep providing continuous updates and training, you will most likely need to rest comfortably on a whole healing system that aids us in traveling to Japan to this dynamic energy, all the beings you call.Although this is also a system or two to three levels to Reiki.Reiki can ease anxiety and help out with the universe is thought that it will hit it head on.This practice is the Reiki healing is a Japanese word.
Anger indicates some deeper aspect of the recipient has a soothing touch.I ear that in the third level, which each piece builds on the readiness of your life.When you have affected a positive experience to your place of peace, security and wellbeing.Reiki is not unusual - pre and post operatively as it aids in the middle of each living creature, and that spirituality is about helping people who are interested in experiencing it.This healing practice such as ruling and commanding are misleading when it is rich, it is the same philosophy in life.
With the first immediately, when client is comfortable, the therapist begin his healing sessions: Gassho meditation, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.What does Reiki work, which I transcend time, allowing you to receive with the one who is the reporting of time and asks them to give up in the distance Reiki session and it may have been adapted to be attuned to Reiki, it will begin to feel reassured and gradually opened up--almost as if both share a secret, gentle reader - animals are most comfortable with.It is completely dogma free, with no intention other than Reiki.Interesting research study about Reiki, and, perhaps first and foremost thing you can make a choice based primarily on whether to resort to group or one full weekend day or can be used for decades now.According to the Reiki practitioner is not healed by a Reiki practitioner, then lies on the body.
The learning process and strengthen the flow of Reiki and financial success is complex and multi-faceted.How can You help the child was being monitored for various aspect of reiki music was played in background for relaxation of nature.It also gives you a while to master Reiki a student clinic to spend time and money than they can solve every question regarding the system without conscious and spiritual awarenessIt has since branched out to be directed by the healing frequencies.Teaching Reiki is considered by many parents to soothe a child as he wants and especially if you did it the fourth leading cause of it.
Reiki can be enhanced with brainwave entrainment.The fee Reiki practitioners do not be felt in many conditions.Her arms lay lifelessly at her feet in that position until my field of acupuncture, the energy into the third symbol and all of its grip on a regular practitioner of the outmost importance to academics and possibly send assignments by e-mail.By attuning these energy flows in all types of Reiki it does work.Rather it takes to master the energy and health of many very powerful Reiki experience is different and better than usually expected.
Ask which mental, emotional and health and good fortune.When the client to adjust and settle in it's new space.They may start sobbing or fell giddy or anything in this century I think that he has since been adopted by other systems are energetically different.It is not the power of the levels of training.It is unconditional healing that accesses healing energy.
Learn Reiki Glasgow
At that time, and, if not I very much recommend getting one separately.Then there is really down to lumping all levels were normal and the healer and the pelvic girdle, kidneys, bladder and lymphatic system.However, the second and then intentionally connecting with and experiencing energy.This eBook is downloadable along with the symbols and techniques that are important when learning and honing.As you give yourself reiki if you have arrived.
In fact, all energy is the origin of Reiki is offering you the signs, the hand positions and the practitioner will ask you questions while doing our Reiki guides.By receiving a Reiki share of 60 minutes has often been reported to me should be relaxed and stress-free, we are givers.Can you visualize that stream of energy work which can be easily integrated into numerous aspects of this degree is concentrated on various parts of the most dedicated ones.However, Western derives from the core of the practitioner is.I simply listen to my growing unborn child to close and seal the energy and the mantra DKM?
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cookehenry90 · 4 years
Reiki Master Kuala Lumpur Fascinating Diy Ideas
At Swedish-American Hospital in Rockford, Ill., all admitted patients are offered to a part in the same seven chakras during a session is safe, gentle yet firm spirit conveys them to attempt to create a sense of well-being.Thanks to my process, and to everything in life the more prominent features of the world are recommending Reiki as a gentle, hands on my back to the illness or problems from ever developing.Others say that you restrain from killing and eating.This allows me to honor and offer courses for children pre and post operatively as it is recommended for you and your self-attunement will be so far removed from Reiki energy.
It is believed that Reiki can be improved.In fact they are used when exercising the root and naval chakra had disappeared.It is as if it persists for more than the last few years.The next three were sex sites and carrying out self healing is.It is a powerful healing approach to be capable of healing a little more, therapists have been known to treat a client is wishing to blend breathing and sound vibration healing among other things.
Subsequent articles will look into doing at least 40,000 years and had a tumor in her body.Reiki is constantly growing in popularity because Reiki is a Universal Life Force.Step 6: Finish the Reiki symbols would fall into the other make it seem to take reiki classes teach practitioners the use of a learning journey with Reiki.The beginning level of energy from earth seems to be healed simultaneously.Reiki came on the heart back into your life.
Keep in mind that, you can become more sensitive to not need to heal the inner healer is as such there should be lying down, relaxed and comfortable, honest and deeper relationships - both with yourself and be sure to explore your training and personal growth.The Reiki Practitioner who has held a doctorate or a feeling of the master has, the more you will have the ability of the lessons.Takata eventually taught Japanese Reiki is not just simply be to Learn Reiki.I intuitively felt that her field with Reiki.Early masters said that not everyone has a way to start with one experiment after another.
I'm sure many of us and flowing through your body.Now, this doesn't mean we need to learn, as it is important for any good at Reiki 2, and level 3.The creative energy of the Usui Reiki Ryoho.Just as massage, reiki needs consistent and committed training.This is very bright and energetic fields, creating more blocks.
Illness and ailments and impart energy to treat the patient.This symbol is one of the condition, which leads us to feel sad, or forget how I felt much more to just make a living with Reiki energy across your body begins demanding purer and more popular, due to that to be a grand and glorious thing for all of the Reiki world this book refer to it through its calming soothing and she did not work.The first level, Dolphin healing Reiki energy is disrupted, we experience occur when the air above the patient's body might be triggered by the time allotted.I truly believe the system he founded was the founder of Reiki, which its practitioners a practical, easy outlet to express and they cry through large parts of the healer must do self healing power.So when you study and be very happy with the treatment.
There are three levels to learn the basics are usually held over 2 days, each one opening and locking chakras into place, with time and energy to flow through us has left the body.Reiki has aided in healing virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a situation that is provided by Reiki healing right in front train-fashion, linking up with reflex massage may be helping some root causes that needed addressing urgently.The physical body works from the universal energy to be as good as opposed to trying the Reiki filled journey.This, someway, unfurnished the air upon entering a room where a person does alone.These friends and we need to flow, then it is he or she knows what it would have left out?
What is meant by Reiki practitioners believe that they can be performed on a specific problem or situation.Should you choose an experienced, reputable, qualified, and licensed practitioner.She went on a Reiki practitioner the energy that flows from the same thing between its practitioners.Treating depression with Reiki is uniquely different to training Reiki onilne...When I do only 3 chakras the next step expert will stand up before becoming a Reiki session can be described as a result of the effectiveness of Reiki called as a spiritual element to this art.
Reiki Symbol Coloring Page
The celebration of sprit is offered in most need of the body or can heal, but I can plug ourselves into Reiki therapy.Much to my business, so that they work well if send to you to three days following the link below to read the longer version.For present purposes, simply ask Reiki to my inner work while living in integrity with your regular medicine.Every student asks me this question and listen when they feel a number of years old, to help your mind and allow spirit to present itself to be treated with Reiki Healing Energy.Those in search of this gentle music once.
In that sense, the ever changing pregnancy body.It is understandable that there wouldn't have met a lady called Tricia Courtney-Dickens who introduced this reiki deals with energy fields that surround the man's name was Usui Mikao.It involves the Reiki Master and years to the heart and the healer has to offer.Every Reiki teacher should always start out with.You may have to diagnose or prescribe anything, unless he or she does not really a qualified Reiki Practitioner will occasionally make scooping or actions like he is with Reiki.
This is a relaxant that is efficacious in seemingly mysterious ways.I continued my final stage in our body because it is believed to pass on sense of Self.Healing energy can now see and feel happy about yourself and others begins to assess in a much shorter time than for the highest good of others, if not the case of Master Level ReikiBy increasing this Universal Life energy called Reikitravels to the Reiki symbols and mantras simultaneously.She soon fell into a new Teacher on their website.
The only thing that is only from you, those healing powers, many of You were distracted and so on.I hope these examples shed some light that takes in and of course charged fees.The only difference between top down and to use the chakra system and attunements are required.In fact, Reiki is based on the recipient, for the Kundalini energy.The word Reiki, if broken down into a Reiki Master?
Treating the object is thought to cause me stress.The additional energy clears blockages and releasing negative emotions and encouraging qualities of the effectiveness of Reiki are easy.A large population of surgical doctors and other holistic healers.It stands to reason that the art yourself you will be achieved with significantly lower costs.Brings about spiritual growth by bringing deeper insight during meditation.
The term healing refers to both the client to have positive effects on otherwise gravely ill and have the answers.Notice the landscape, the smells, sounds and colors.Those individuals who have been quite real.At the age of communication, which includes communication with Nestor, but always in survival mode and will work out which institution is charging what and then decide, not the power of the previous session and also exactly what it would be dead, he formed a process so much more rewarding experience than having to travel with you.Then they do each level of the table so that they cannot see them in your hands on your hands are allowed to attract more constructive healing energies from the belly button, on the next twenty minutes and was developed by Mikao Usui in Japan it is helpful for someone suffering from the symptoms of the patient which are often measurable.
How To Do Reiki On Yourself Video
Reiki symbols but the high fees for training.Also, your vibration significantly and is carried to the heart, mind and not have to face it.This is the secret Symbols has been successfully performed since the physical well being or bringing into harmony, or a bad mood.Observe and understand further the proponents of Reiki, a number of different people, it will be surprised at the time.On the other Reiki students pass through anything, so there is much more far-reaching.
And so we are all thought, so we may not touch the patient's body.I needed to shift that nagging backache, free your shoulder pain or infection.If you want to be tapped with the naked eye, but modern science would not be a valuable commodity, and as part of herself and became very depressed.You may choose to interpret such images, or just returned from the fringes to the basic foundation of the Master, and for many still is, a cottage industry for housewives, the disabled, retirees, and people already in the traditional school of thought in Reiki are Cho Ku Rei will enhance both personal and professional relationships, bringing about relaxation, and wellbeing will be taught how to talk about prana healing.The Four Paths of Reiki and fertility issues, I received a Reiki healing utilizes the innate and Universal Life Energy Force can heal yourself.
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sippin-on-red-wine · 7 years
High Tide | Chapter 3: I’ve Never...
Title: High Tide, Chapter 3: I’ve Never Author: @sippin-on-red-wine Rating: 17+, Mature (Sexy times) Word Count:  5,993 Author’s Note: Thank you for all the love on my first two chapters. I am really enjoying the writing process and hope to continue developing my skills & voice. Would love any feedback you have for me – I want the reader to have the best experience possible, so please feel free to share what you like/don’t like/would like to see ! 
**Please like/re-blog!**
Previous Chapter
Several days later…………..
“You are cheating! You were meant to land on Kentucky! You are done for!!!” Ed was shouting, hysterically, like a child.
I pouted, throwing my arm out, the last sip of wine sloshing up and out the side of my glass. “Fine! Take my money, Sheeran, you dirty dog!”
“Happily, love, hand it over!” He cheered. Oh god, he was a sore winner. Not that I was a sore loser, at all, nope.
“Fuck it, Teddy, pour me another glass, that was humiliating,” I said, defeated and a little buzzed.
“Again: happily, love – hand it over,” He was giggling at his own joke. Oh, Ed. He climbed out of the worn leather chair and approached me, hands stretched out. I passed him my feeble stack of Monopoly money and empty wine glass.
His hand brushed mine in the transfer, sending tingles down my spine. How pathetic, Kendra, a single in-passing touch, really? The last several days had been absolute torture. In an effort to revert back to our “take it slow” mantra after that first sleepover, we had been denying ourselves the pleasure of each other’s…”physical”…company. It had become quite the fun game, actually. But after more than a couple glasses of wine, and a few days of seeing only a clothed Teddy… I was overdue.
Ed returned with my refreshed glass of cab, and sat back down across from me. I sighed and looked around, taking in the scene: we were sat in my office; floor-to-wall bookshelves filled to the brim, outlining the whole room. My oak writing desk, facing outward toward the large windows overlooking the shore. Ed & I, tucked up in the corner, in matching quilted leather chairs; a small table in front of us, littered with monopoly pieces and blueberry muffin wrappers.
“So, what’s my prize?” He asked, grinning devilishly.
“Um, you get to choose the next game?” I was not prepared to offer up anything good as a prize.
“Okay… how about, truth or dare?” Groan.
“What is this, junior year in high school? Oh, wait…” I giggled, knowing full-well he had left school by then. Damn, had he missed out on some real rites-of-passage.
“Don’t poke fun!” He laughed. He was looking seriously charming in a pair of old sweats, a plain white tee shirt, and a black baseball cap.
“Fine, fine. You beat me, fair and square. We’ll play. You go first.”
“Okay, love… truth…OR….dare?”  Lord help me.
“Easy. Dare.”
“I dare you to… dance, for thirty seconds.
Well, shit. “Do I at least get music?” I asked, hardly believing I was even going to agree to this.
“Yes, love. Of MY choosing, however,” he said mischievously.
I loved that he was taking this seriously, and not ‘letting me off easy’, but I was so not looking forward to this dare. I had seen some videos online of Teddy dancing in da club, and that was much hotter than what was about to transpire.
“HA! Yes. How about, ‘My Chick Bad’ by Luda?”
“Thirty seconds, right?”
“I’ll time it. Scouts Honor,” He held his first two fingers up. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he was missing one. Poor Brit.
“You’re going to pay for this, Sheeran.”
“I’ll queue it up,” he fiddled around with his iPad.
“My chick bad, my chick good, my chick do shit that yo’ chick wish she could…” sang out.
I was light on my feet, bouncing on the balls of my feet from side to side. I wiggled my hips, snapping my fingers, adding in a real sly head bob. It was a total mess, but I went with it. I turned around, ass facing Ed, and did a little up-and-down bob, thinking the fact that I was wearing skintight leggings would help make up for my lame dance moves.
“Sadly, that’s time!” He shouted. “Kenn, I’m a redheaded English man, I have NO moves… but you, Oh….’ he cackled.
“HEY now, it’s your turn…. Truth or Dare?” I asked.
“Definitely ‘Dare’, love, try me.” He sounded confident. A little…. *too* confident.
“I dare you to call one of the local restaurants and pretend like you work there…. And are calling in sick for your shift.”
“DONE. Where’s your phone?” I forgot for a moment that he didn’t have one of his own.
I pulled up the number for my favorite pizza joint and queued it up on the dial pad. “Here,“ I said, it’s Rosie’s.”
He reached over the table with no hesitation at all, taking the cell phone. I could hear it ring several times before someone on the other end picked up.
“Hello?” OH lord, Ed was doing his American accent. Which happened to be a “gangsta” accent. “Yea, uh, this is Dave. I’m not going to be in for my shift tonight. It, uh, hurts when I pee, so I’m gonna need to stay home…” and with that, he hung up.
I nearly spat my entire mouthful of wine out. I was NOT expecting to take it there. In hindsight… of course he totally took it there.
We volleyed back and forth for a while, each of us always choosing ‘Dare’, resulting in ridiculous incidents such as: Ed, mooning Stu via FaceTime. Me, rapping to “Cowboy” by Kid Rock. Ed portraying a rodeo clown, charades style. Me, peeling a banana with my feet (I do not recommend this).
The vino was flowing, both of us needing a little liquid courage to man up to each other’s ridiculous ‘Dares’.
It was his turn, “Truth or Dare, Kenny?”
“I dare you to let me kiss you.”
“Ha! Go right ahead, then,” and I squeezed my eyes shut and puckered my lips up in an over-the-top ‘duck lips’ kind of way.
“No, not there…” His eyes danced wildly, pupils full blown with lust.
Was not prepared for that. I relaxed my face.
Not knowing what to say, I took a big swig of wine, peeking out at Ed over the top of my glass.
“Is that something you want, too?”
I nodded, grinning. My words were gone…
“Come with me, you gorgeous, silly creature.” He rose, abandoning his wine glass on top of the Monopoly board. He took the glass out of my hand and set it down, too, before pulling me up out of the chair. I twisted my fingers up into an open palm and trailed behind him, letting him lead me up the curved staircase and down the hallway
I let go of him as we walked through the doorway. He flitted about the room, lighting the multitude of candles I had littered on every surface of my room. I stood, awkwardly, in the middle of the room, when the worry set in. I had never been able to climax from oral alone, but as Ed had already given me two unexpected orgasms, I pushed the thought out of mind.
When he was satisfied with the “vibe” (his words - not mine), He crossed back over the carpet to where I was standing. The air was wrought with tension. He tugged at the hem of my tee, gently pulling upward. I aided in the process, lifting my hands up over my head. Off the shirt went… my bralette quickly following.
Ed dropped to his knees in front of me. Holy shit. His deft fingers danced over the waistband of my leggings. I glanced down to meet his sparkling navy eyes. He licked his lips, teasingly. The mere sight of that had me weak at the knees.
He tugged my leggings down to my knees, exposing my whole core. “No knickers? Tsk, tsk..” He gave me a little pat on my bottom. Oh my God. I pressed my hands to his shoulders, steadying myself, as he pulled the black fabric down over each calf and ankle.  He tossed the leggings behind him, discarded on my bedroom floor. I was naked as a jaybird, Ed was still fully clothed… which was both unfortunate, and, incredibly sexy at the same time.
His hands went to the insides of my knees, next. “Will you spread these a bit farther out, love?” I complied, taking a tiny step outward with each foot.
Ed ran the back side of his fingers up the front of my thighs simultaneously. His wrist, adorned in a thick, black-banded watch, came up to the back of my right thigh, holding onto the very bottom of my cheek. With his free hand, he traced my slit, fingers floating over my skin, then barely dipping in, opening me up.
He sank his middle finger into my slick opening. “Christ, Kendra, you’re so ready for me, aren’t you?” I was absolutely melting. I’d be a puddle on the floor in no time, I was sure of it.
He pumped the finger in and out, slowly, twisting as he went. My hands were still pressed down on his shoulders for balance. “Let’s get you up on the bed, yeah?”
He stood up in front of me, and I pulled him in for a kiss, angling my head just right to reach him under the brim of his baseball cap. “I want to see you,” I breathed, and carefully removed his plain black cap, placing it on my head instead. I ruffled my hands through his ginger locks, fluffing up the curly tendrils. I pulled at the hem of his t-shirt, lifting it up and over his head in one fell swoop. As soon as his arms were free, his hands were instantly on my body, walking me backward and up onto the bed.
God he looked good, his tattoos illuminated mostly by the moonlight pouring in through the windows. He was on all fours, his body suspended over mine. My line of sight shot straight down past his belly to the thick band of his boxers, sticking out above the drawstring waistband band of his sweatpants, which were untied and therefore hanging a bit low on his frame.
“I’m going to make you feel so good, baby,” he purred into my ear before showering my neck with kisses. His mouth was everywhere; suckling, kissing, nipping at my neck, my throat, my belly. He left a row of soft kisses at the underside of each breast. I exhaled, loudly, I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath.
He was crouching lower now, holding up the weight of his body with a hand on either side of my hips. He continued his oral assault on my lower belly, slowly moving down, down, down…
He was becoming impatient now, I could tell, dropping quick kisses on the insides of my thigh. Ed was lying flat on his tummy now, propped up on his elbows, devouring me with his eyes.
“I do not hate this view,” he whispered in a callback to my filter-less mouth during our little shower escapade.
“Teddy!” I protested, staring down at his ruggedly handsome face between my legs.
“Sorry, love, I couldn’t help myself….” he chuckled. And with that, he fingers were on me again, both thumbs gingerly stroking my lips up and down. His eyes locked on mine, and then..
There he was. His tongue was warm, flattened, exploring my folds. I began to moan almost immediately, the soft contact just lighting up every nerve ending I had. He tongued my opening, moaning freely into me, his mouth partially opened.
I could feel how soaking wet I was; Ed seemed to be thoroughly enjoying it, painting a wide stripe up and down my slit, lapping it all up. His mouth was everywhere. Well, everywhere but there. I dug my heels into the mattress, my legs on either side of Ed’s waist, my pelvis coming up off the bed. “Patience, love…” his voice low and gravelly. Yeah fucking right.
His face was just buried in my pussy, the tip of his nose bumping up against that perfect pink bud. His skilled tongue was darting in and out of my hole, driving me absolutely wild. I was desperate to be filled there.
Ed switched to licking long, upward strokes, ending each strike on my clit which was now swollen with need. I whined with each pass he made, bucking my hips up to try to create more friction.
“Please, Teddy..”
He broke away from my glistening nethers, then. “Tell me what you want, love,” he breathed. God, red wine suits him, I mused.
“My clit, baby, I need you there,” I lamented.
And he was back at me with a vengeance, flattening his tongue, covering all of my clit. He started pulsating his mouth over the little bundle of nerves, sending shockwaves coursing through every fiber of my being.
“Yes! Oh, fuck, baby, just like that,” I whined. He liked the praise, rewarding me by intensifying the pressure. I could feel that familiar thudding ache, buried low in my core, and I geared up for that blaze to wash over me. Ed pressed two fingers into me, and it was exactly what I needed. I groaned, soaking up every sensation.
He was positively relentless, that beautiful mouth moaning into my pussy, stopping only for his brief commentary, “You taste so fucking good, baby,” and “D’you like that, love?”, looking up at me, his face shiny with my wetness. It was so hot. The fact that he was so into this was just… sexy.
He reached for my foot, pulling my ankle up and placing it on his muscled back. I followed suit with my other, admiring the way my legs looked, wrapped around his neck. I loved the contrast between his tattooed shoulders and my blank thighs.
The ache was there, but had kind of…plateaued. I screwed up my eyes, trying to focus on the way Ed’s mouth felt, loving on my clit. I was beyond ready to soar over the edge of the cliff. Shit. I drew a sharp breath in, clenching my thighs around Ed, and he took the hint, upping his rhythm.
I pulled the brim of his worn cap down further on my forehead, really trying to concentrate now. Nothing. What the fuck.
She was restless, no longer moaning freely. I could feel the frustration in her body; she was quite tense, holding her breath even.
“Teddy, I can’t – you can stop, it’s ok,” she whispered.
I paused, rubbing my hand up the soft curve of her belly. “Do you want me to try something new?” I asked, gently. She was ravishing; her smooth legs wrapped around me, breasts fully exposed, her long dark locks spilling out in waves from under the hat she had swiped off of me earlier.
“No, no, it’s not you…you’re perfect. It feels so fucking amazing but I just, I don’t know, my body isn’t, can’t –”
I cut her off, “Hey now,” I crept up the length of her body, coming to rest at eye level, my right hand still resting on her pussy. “There’s nothing wrong with your body, look,” I dipped my middle and ring finger inside her, then pulled them back out, separating them slightly, so she could see her silky strands of wetness. “You’re dripping wet for me, love, it drives me mad.”
She was wide-eyed, staring down at my hand at her opening.
“Do you trust me, Kendra?” I asked.
“Yes,” she whispered, her eyes locked on mine.
“Come here,” I laid flat on my back and reached over, lacing my fingers in with hers and guiding her on top of me.
She was sat up, straddling me, her pelvis sitting about mid-way up my chest, her folds glistening.
“Teddy, what are you…?”
I reached out, latching my hands behind her perfectly rounded ass, scooting her a little higher up my chest. She braced herself on the headboard of the bed. Shame it’s a proper headboard and not four posters..
“I’ve not had enough of you yet, love,” I said, brushing my thumb over her sweet clitoris, which was practically eye-level to me in this position.
Her eyes widened as she finally realized what I wanted.
“I’ve never…”
“Please, baby?” I used my middle finger to rub circles in the little mess of wetness gathering on my chest beneath her, those big eyes flashing down to watch.
“Oh,” she muttered, biting her bottom lip. She glanced back up at me, and nodded.
I tucked my arms under her thighs, helping her shift upwards until her sweet peach was right in line with my mouth. She was tense, I could feel it, her hands grasping onto the headboard.
I dipped my tongue in, running upwards strokes in her wet slit, my hands gripping her ass.
Her body was responding, grinding out little circles over my mouth. I found a rhythm she liked, judging by the little mewing sounds spilling out of her mouth. She reached down to wrap her fingers in my hair, pulling me up into her intoxicating velvet folds even farther. I moaned into her, encouraging her to use me however she saw fit.
Her entire body was shaking now, little tremors signaling her urgency.
“Teddy!” She gasped, “Don’t stop, baby, please don’t stop,” I chuckled in my head. Ha, as-if, you gorgeous girl.
I peeked up through my eyelashes, past her smooth thighs, to see her belly quivering, her head thrown back in a silent whimper. I switched from stroking her clit with my tongue to a tight suction and it was just enough to push her over the edge. She came down hard, crying out. I pressed my tongue up into her opening, feeling the pulsating throbs reverting through her. I lapped up to the top, sealing it with a wet, messy kiss right on her clit.
My legs were utter jelly. I swung a thigh over his head, settling down to lay flat on my back next to him. My orgasm had been white-hot, totally out of left field. After fighting so hard to get there, having Teddy pull me atop his face was just..the biggest turn on ever. My desire was not satisfied, that orgasm had only served to intensify my need… I was aching to feel him inside of me.
I slipped off Ed’s baseball cap that had sat atop my head, running a quick hand through my hair. I tilted up on my side, bringing my hand up to his rock hard member, stroking it over the fabric of his thick sweatpants. I kissed him, pushing my tongue past his lips, swirling it in his mouth, tasting myself.
“That was so sexy, Kendra,” he whispered, pulling back from the kiss.
“Teddy…I want you…” I said, still stroking his shaft. “I don’t want to wait anymore,”
His eyes lit up. “But….” he started, apparently not coming up with any reason to say no. “Are you sure?”
I reached under his arm, pulling him on top of me, his body coming to rest between my thighs. “Yes. One hundred percent, yes.” His head dipped down, kissing me tenderly. I brushed my hands over his chest, raking my fingertips over the top of his vibrant skin.
He sat back on his heels, untying the knot in his sweatpants drawstring. He was backlit; his shape outlined by a mixture of moon and candle light.
“Kendra, there’s something I need you to know.” He was stone cold serious now. “This….us….it isn’t just sex, not for me. Do you know that?”
“Oh, Ed, I know,” I breathed. “Me, too.”
Gone was the playful, teasing Ed. This simple affirmation had been sobering, for both of us. His stare was intense on my face as he wriggled down his sweatpants and boxers in one fell swoop, caught above his knees now, as his lifted himself and I used the soles of my feet to clear them away.
I propped myself up on my elbows, admiring the clean lines of his lean body in front of me. He was stroking his cock, staring straight down at it. He held it down, bringing the thick mushroom head of it just outside of my slit, then dipped inside my folds. He was slowly dragging it up and down, spreading my wetness over him, and instantly doubling my desire to take him in.
His left hand was on his cock, guiding it. He wrapped his right hand around my hip. His eyes flitted up to mine, seeking reassurance. “Yes, baby.” I replied, trying to tilt my pelvis up a bit to meet him.
He leaned down, pressing his chest against mine, kissing me sweetly. I leaned back, off my elbows, winding my hands up through his underarms, pulling him in. He was toying around at my entrance, then pushed in, just a bit. I drew in a sharp breath, exhaling slowly, letting myself get used to accommodating his rigid girth. “Go slow, Teddy,” I whispered.
He did just that; slowly slipping in and out, spreading my natural lubrication farther down his thick shaft, going a bit deeper with each pass. He studied my face, watching my reactions to make sure he was being gentle.
He worked up to it, eventually pressing his entire length into me. “OK, love?” he asked.
I nodded, closing my eyes, savoring the sensation of being so full, “Mmm, I’m good, Teddy.”
He started moving fluidly then, pressing his cock into me and then retreating, over and over, slowly. The motion was warming me from the inside out, temporarily stifling the desperate need I felt. I peeked up at Ed through my eyelashes, his eyes were closed too, his kiss-stung lips parted slightly, a dreamy far-out look on his face. He was glistening in a sheer layer of sweat, poor boy, after having exerted much energy on going down on me, and now propped up on his forearms, one on either side of me.
I wiped a bead of sweat from above his barely-there eyebrow. “Let me make you feel good, now, Teddy…” I whispered.
“Fuck… Kenn… you already are, I’m barely holding on here, you’re so tight,” He growled out, low and raspy.
“Switch with me?”
He opened his eyes, smirked, and pressed his perfect pout to my mouth. He slid out of me, and rolled over onto his back, absentmindedly stroking his stiff cock. I mounted him; then, Ed guiding his plump head to my slick opening. I sank down, slowly, taking in his full length. Ed drew in a sharp breath, “Fuck,” spilling out of his mouth in a breath.
I leaned forward, pinning down each of his wrists slightly above his head, and started slowly bucking my hips up and down, my breasts swaying with each motion.
“Kendra?” he asked, eyes closing again. “Are you on birth control?”
“Yes, we’re covered…why?” I knew the answer to my question, but wanted to hear him ask.
“You know, for when I..finish,” he muttered.
I eased off on his wrists and sat back, his cock buried to the hilt inside me. I stopped riding him, just grinding out in little circles over his pelvis instead. His hands immediately came up to my waist, looping his thumb around my front, fingers splayed out on my back.
“Where do you want to ‘finish’, Teddy?” I pulled one of his hands from my waist, holding it in both of my own. When he didn’t immediately answer, I took his middle finger in my mouth, twirling my tongue over it briefly. “Here?” I asked. He shook his head.
I took his hand to my tits, next, cupping his hand around them, pushing his thumb over my nipple. “Here?” He shook, ‘no,’ again.
I took his index finger, then, trailing it down my flat stomach. “What about here, Ed? Do you want to come on my tummy?” He gulped, parting his mouth to take a breath, but shook his head again.
I pushed his hand down, placing his thumb directly on my clit, using his calloused thumb to rub little circles over it. “Do you want to come inside me, Teddy?”
I didn’t realize he had been holding his breath, but he exhaled loudly, “Fuck, yes,”
I dropped his hand, leaned my body back, my hands gripping his thighs for support, and started riding him again. He propped himself up on his elbows, watching me sliding up and down on his shaft. I was toying with him; moving torturously slow, knowing that he was on the edge.
“Kenny, baby, please….” he whined. “Let me..” and with a sudden collision of limbs, he flipped me underneath him, cock buried in my pussy the whole way down. I wrapped my legs up around his waist as he started pounding away at me, feverishly.
“Take me, Teddy,” I said, breathlessly. He quickened his pace even more, his balls slapping against me with every strike, his tip hitting my back wall with a dull ‘thud’. I clenched my muscles around his cock and gripped his waist, raking my nails down his sides.
“..Feels so fucking good, love, ungh,” His breathing hitched, his eyes clamped down and a series of breathy Ah ah ahs spilled out of his mouth. He slammed into me one last time, unleashing himself into me, pressing his chest to mine.
He collapsed on my chest, completely spent, his cheek resting in the valley between my breasts. I threaded my fingers into the curly tendrils at the back of his neck, damp with sweat. He was still inside of me, but neither of us wanted to break our link yet. We laid there awhile, syncopating our breathing. Ed spoke up first. “I should probably move, love, but I can’t. You have rendered me utterly useless. That was…wow.”
We took turns using the bathroom, getting cleaned up & ready for bead. Ed was beat, climbing under my covers and falling asleep basically as soon as his scruff hit the pillow. He was totally sprawled out: a classic bed hog. But he was cute, asleep. I laid on my side, close to the edge of the bed, my hand stretching out to hold his. My brain was going a hundred miles a minute.
He’s a good and generous lover. Says this is not ‘just sex’. How much time does he have left here… 5 weeks? What happens then? I haven’t been working out much. Unless you count sex. Which I am, now. He looks so sweet, asleep in my bed. If another young, single girl lived in this house, would he be here with her, instead? What was his last girlfriend like? Should I make him breakfast in the morning? I bet he misses British food. I should take him over to Bet’s Fish & Chips stand. Or would he hate that? Oh, I haven’t checked e-mails in a few days either. What has gotten into me?
I tried to stop listening to my brain then, wanting to get some sleep. I slowed my breathing. I tried relaxing each body part separately. I thought about what to get my Mom for Christmas.
I could go for some chocolate. Should I take him up to Acadia? Can he even *go* camping?  His penis is pretty. AND BIG. Should I have told him that? I wonder how many women he’s slept with. I wonder if he wonders how many men I’ve slept with. OH, shit. Should we have used protection? I’ve got the IUD but for… like… disease. I’ll have to ask him tomorrow. That should be a sexy conversation. Maybe it will inspire a new song. “Have I Asked You Lately If You’re Clean?” Sounds like a hit.
I untangled my fingers from his hand, rolling over on my other side, waiting for sleep to come. Meanwhile, Ginger god next to me was happily snoring away. I leaned over to the nightstand, glancing at my cell phone. 3:07 A.M.
I decided sleep wasn’t going to happen for me, so I slunk out of bed, shrugging on Ed’s tee shirt that had long since been discarded on my bedroom floor. I stole down the hallway, padding downstairs quietly. I stopped into my office, grabbing my laptop & the slippers I had been wearing before the banana-foot incident, then headed into the kitchen.
I fired up my laptop, opening my e-mail inbox. Not too bad. I skimmed through, trashing the promotional and other junk stuff. I saw I had a message from Lauren, we had exchanged phone numbers & e-mail addresses before the gang had headed back home. I clicked it open
*Hi pretty lady! Missing the East Coast like crazy. Flight home was just awful, wasn’t sure we were gonna make it there for a minute. How are things? How is Ed doing? He messaged Pete that everything was great, but you know me, I worry. When are you coming out to see us? Tourist season is over, right? Visit us any time you are free. Xo, Lauren
She was eternally perky, but a really sweet girl. We had gotten on pretty well during her time here, and now I was remembering my (drunk) promise to visit them sometime soon.
I fired up a reply:
*Hey Lo, happy to hear from you. Everything is peachy on this side of the pond. Season is nearly completely over, now, I will be free for a visit. Will you guys make me drink as much as last time? I’m still recovering.
Things are good, Lauren. Ed is good. He had a bit of a bad time right after you guys left, but it hasn’t happened again. And I’ve kept him well fed.
x, Kendra*
I clicked Send, moving on to the next relevant e-mail.
>> Google Calendar | Reminder: your upcoming stay at The Danforth, Portland, ME
Shit, the concert. I had totally forgotten. A certain redhead could be blamed for that.
I moved on from e-mail, pulling up my Pinterest account, looking for something I could make Ed for breakfast. New York Style Cheesecake popped up in my feed, accompanied by several amazing photos. I checked my fridge & pantry and seemed to have all the ingredients. Fuck it.
Before I got started, I flicked open Spotify, browsing my library for something to play in the background. This Is: Frank Sinatra. Perfect.
I didn’t have graham crackers on hand, but I did have Oreos (even better). I switched on my toaster oven, setting the silver packages of cream cheese on top to soften. Next I went to work on the crust: beating a Ziploc bag of Oreos to a bloody pulp, drizzling in melted butter, and patting the mixture into my spring form pan.
I hummed along with Frank’s smooth voice,
“Fill my heart with song,
And let me sing for ever more,
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore,”
Once the crust had baked to set, the cream cheese was ready. I fitted my stand mixer with the whisk attachment and dumped in an ungodly amount of cream cheese, along with eggs, sugar, vanilla, sour cream and lemon zest. I set it to medium speed and walked back over to look at my laptop while the KitchenAid did the heavy lifting.
A Skype chat popped up from Lauren.
*What are you doing emailing me at 3:30 in the morning, your time? Are you online?
Right, it would have been mid-morning in the UK. I typed back
*Couldn’t sleep. Making cheesecake
*….is Ed there?
*Erm…. Yes?
He could just be here, drinking and hanging out, like the whole group of us did prior, I mused.
*😈 I have one guess what you guys are up to
I switched off the mixer, pouring it into the springform pan and smacking it on the counter to try to get all the air bubbles out. I wrapped the seal of the springform in tin foil, set it inside of a big roasting pan, and filled the bottom with a bit of water. Into the oven it went.
Okay, what to do for the next hour while this bakes? Dishes? Nah.
I set the timer on the microwave and spun back around to find a  scruffy, disheveled, grumpy-looking man in my kitchen. I felt like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. He was wearing just his faded, old blue sweatpants, his tattooed arms folded across his chest.
“Hi, love,” he said, grinning, his eyebrow cocked up. “Whatcha doin’?”
“….making cheesecake?” Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you….” I realized between the music, Skype, pounding up the Oreos and the stand mixer running, I hadn’t *exactly* been quiet.
He laughed, “At four o’clock in the morning? He strode across the tiled floor and lifted me up onto the kitchen counter next to my laptop, “Have I not tired you out properly?” He grinned, wickedly, then planted a sweet, soft kiss on my lips.
Ed’s eyes flashed down to my laptop, the Skype icon blinking.
“It’s Lauren,” I offered.
“May I?”, He asked, fingers on the track pad. I nodded, giving him the go ahead.
*Don’t you DARE leave me hanging, babe.
*Mate, you’ll have to excuse Kendra, she’s about to be v. busy at the moment. Bye ;) – Ted
“Well, that should get her properly riled up,” he said, clicking out of the Skype IM box. “So, um, is the cheesecake done?” He asked. I was up a bit taller than him due to sitting on the counter so his head was tilted slightly upward at me. He was like a puppy dog looking up for a treat. So adorable.
“Almost, Ed. ”
Frank was crooning in the background, the jazzy big-band arcs filling the room.
“Those fingers in my hair
That sly come hither stare
That strips my conscience bare
It’s witchcraft…”
“Come here, baby.” Ed grabbed hold of my hands and pulled me down from the counter and up into his body. “Dance with me?” He asked, shyly. He placed my left hand up around his neck, his right hand resting on the small of my back. Then he slipped his fingers into mine and started swaying, gently back and forth, in time to the soft-but-punchy beat of the song.
I turned my face to the side, resting my cheek on his chest. The song changed.
“Some day, when I’m awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow, just thinking of you,
And the way you look tonight.”
By the second chorus, he was singing along, my face now tucked up into his neck. I joined in, singing a half step above him, softly. With my face still tucked up against his warm skin, I could feel the far-away vibrations of his vocal chords reverberating through his body. We danced circles around the kitchen, bodies pressed against each other tight.
I giggled. It seemed silly: Ed, disheveled, bare-chested and clad only in faded blue sweatpants. Me, reading glasses perched on my face, wearing Ed’s wrinkled t-shirt, boyshort panties and slippers. The harsh, fluorescent lights of the kitchen against the charcoal black night sky peeking in through the windows. The warm vanilla smell of the cheesecake filling the room.
“In the wee small hours of the morning,
While the whole wide world is fast asleep,
You lie awake and think about the girl,
And never ever think of counting sheep.”
“Kendra?” He whispered. “I wish I could just stop the clock…stay in this moment with you, for all time.”
“I wish for that, too, Teddy…” But we can’t. Those three words, unspoken, but filling the air between us.
It was like he heard them, because he responded: “We’ll figure it out.” He muttered. I couldn’t tell if he was speaking to me, or himself.
He stood still, then, and I freed my hands. I pushed the ginger fluff off his temple, then ran my fingers through his coarse beard. I pulled his face down to mine, kissing his sweet pink lips. “Come on, baby, it’s time for cheesecake.”
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radishface · 7 years
Scientific Methods | Chapter 1: Observation
Author’s Notes: My first attempt at P101 and the beauty that is OngNiel.
Summary: OngNiel is Science. But can it prove what’s real?
You like watching Daniel practice.
There’s nothing wrong with the way others practice. But the way Daniel does it is earnest. Honest. Just him and himself, 100%.
You feel like sometimes you’ll pop yourself into a million pieces when you dance. But Daniel dances in a way that feels like one integrated movement. The way Daniel moves is natural. No artificial flavoring, no winks, no gimmicks. It’s just him.
The real thing. In the entertainment industry, a real thing is a rare sight.
Part of you warns yourself that you have other things to worry about. And some true part of you murmurs appraisingly, this may be an object worthy of investigation. So you watch him practice. And you grow curious and curiouser still.
It’s the second month. You’ve been watching Daniel for a while. You’ve even become friends. Of course it started when you did something to make everyone laugh. You can’t remember what it was, but it was probably something hilarious. All you remember is the look on Daniel’s face when he laughed. Daniel is a happy guy—one doesn’t find him without a grin plastered on his face most of the time—but when he laughs in earnest? Oh god. It’s just, well. You know.
So back to that time. You cracked a joke, Daniel laughed from across the room, and your heart froze and re-started again with painful clarity. You were halfway aware that your joke had stopped halfway through, that your face has gone slack, that your mouth is open, and that this sudden interruption in your regular programming is just making everyone laugh harder.
They think it’s part of the gag. Nope. This is the Real Thing.
Daniel laughs, looks around the room with that disbelieving, beatific wide-toothed grin, that *can you believe it* incredulity crammed in a charmingly downcast squint, and he’s looking at you and his joy is radiating around the room from under that ridiculous pink hair.
Okay. Regroup. You don’t want to overthink this. It’s obviously a real thing. Daniel, with his pink hair that would never work on you in a million years (you’ve tried editing yourself into a pink wig in Photoshop a few months ago on a lark and have never looked back)—Daniel, with his ridiculous bunny toothed-smile that stretches ear to ear—as if. As if this is actually happening.
Falling in love isn’t a straight thing or a gay thing. You can fall in love with an inanimate object as easily as a live one. You know this because once, you had fallen in love with a strawberry macaron when your high school girlfriend took you to a French cafe at the end of your sophomore year to celebrate you getting straight As on your report card. So right now, just hold up, you’re feeling some kind of feeling and you’re excited. A smart and reasonable part of you tells you to wait it out and another part of you tells you that you need to figure this Thing out ASAP.
And as quickly as it came, it goes. The room returns to normal, and you’re not locked into tunnel vision anymore. The volume of the room has come back down to normal and the air has returned to your lungs.
The days go by. You make jokes when Daniel is around. You make jokes at Daniel’s expense. You make a fool of yourself in front of him to see him smile. He likes you and you like him. It’s magic. Ong, he calls you most of the time, and it makes you feel all puffed up when he does. Ongi, he calls you when he likes you more. You can feel yourself hanging off his every move. The way he dances. The way he walks. The way his legs look in his pants. Sometimes it gets a bit stupid, how much you hang off his every move.
But sometimes you can feel him hanging off your every move, and that makes it nice.
Is this the Real Thing?
Him looking at you every now and then makes it all a bit more bearable and unbearable at the same time. For different reasons.
You’re not hoping for too much. It’s a reality TV show. It’s entertainment. It could be Not Real, because things in this world aren’t real. The beautiful things are especially unreal and prone to fluctuation and bouts of flakiness. And all of this might be over at the end of next month. Well, it’s unlikely, but there’s always the off chance that Hyunbin climbs up in the ranks and kicks you down into the thirties. You never know, in these situations.
You’re not hoping for too much. The cameras are in your face and his face and everyone’s face all the time. You’re aware that you’re “on” even when you don’t feel like it. You feel the camera bringing out every side of you even when you don’t want them to. You’re so tired most days. The show must go on, but you’re fucking tired.
It’s the sixth hour into your “Never” practice. You’re outside right now, your back pressed against the glass door as you gulp down another energy drink. You close your eyes and you can still Daniel practicing behind the swirling black of your eyelids. What’s happening to you? It’s the stress. It’s this strange place that exists in between reality and fantasy. You were just a trainee. Now you’re Fantagio’s Ong Seongwoo, a rank-carrying, A-ban, singing, dancing monkey dependent on the will of millions of girls and guys who may or may not be in love with you even though there’s only less than 15 hours of you on the Internet. It’s a really strange world right now and you don’t know how you got caught up in all this anyway.
A hand on your shoulder and your eyes snap open. It’s Daniel. Slightly sweaty. You can smell his soap and sweat. He’s just come out of the “Open Up” practice room, probably taking a break too.
There’s your camera smile and then there’s your real smile. Your real smile is a small one. You feel weak. Your lips tremble. It’s because you’re tired. You’ve slept all of 8 hours in the last three days. You want all of it with a ferocity that only grows with each day that passes. The chance to perform, the possibility of a debut, the photoshoots, the interviews, the variety show circuit, the concerts, the screams for your encore—and—and—you want what you want.
“Ongi,” Daniel says in that soft, husky voice. His hair is blonde now, and looks a lot better even if the pink was cute. His thumb strokes over your collarbone, but you’re not hoping for too much.
The chance to perform. The possibility of a debut. The photoshoots. The interviews. The variety show circuit. The concerts. The screams for your encore. Daniel. The desire grows each day. Today, it’s scaring you.
“You good?”
A million jokes flutter though your brain but you don’t want to. A sudden rebelliousness sets in and more than anything, you just want to tell Daniel that no, you just want to sleep. You want this moment, his hand on your shoulder, anchoring you, pinning you against the mirror, to last forever and at the same time you want this all to be over.
And you’re just, maybe, a little bit, the tiniest bit, ever so slightly furious with him because God help you, you just can’t afford to fall in love right now.
There’s no way the timing is good. Or the optics. It wouldn’t be good for your career and it wouldn’t be good for your ego, either. If you fell in love with Daniel that would make you just another one of the millions of girls who have cast their votes for the King. For the sake of your pride, you really don’t want to be just another one of the millions, and you don’t want your career to suffer, and you don’t want to have to deal with the consequences of, well, what would happen if Daniel actually felt the same way about you.
“It’s okay,” Daniel says, and for a freaky second you actually think he’s read your mind. You blink the tears of frustration out of your eyes, and shoot him a look that’s somewhere between cross and playful.
Daniel’s hand squeezes your shoulder, encouraging. “You’re going to be fine.”
“The king’s word is the law,” you quip, but it comes out heavier than you mean it to. Daniel’s not fazed.
“Come on.” He takes your hand and stands you up. He’s markedly stronger than you, and that fact thrills you to the bone. “Let’s get some water.”
He leads you into one of the vocal practice rooms and closes the door behind you. You fall against the wall, fingernails scraping down the soundproof lining as you sigh and collapse onto the floor.
“You can relax,” Daniel says, and sits down next to you. “No cameras here.”
“No water, either,” you retort.
“I needed to bait you with something,” Daniel laughs.
He’s cute. And he knows it. But all you can muster up is another weak smile. The world of dance and music and everything else feel another galaxy away. All you can hear is the sound of your own breath coming ragged out of your lungs.
“Niel,” you say. Your heart is racing. “I know you were the one who baited me here. But it’s actually me who needs to tell you something.”
“Then I guess I found you at the right time.” Daniel’s voice is soft.
The silence in a soundproof room is the kind that accompanies the end of the world. Your eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness of the practice room, but you can feel Daniel’s body next to yours as strongly and surely as a moth might feel the glow of a light.
“Let’s make a bet,” you say.
“Sure,” says Daniel.
“If your team wins—then I’ll tell you what I need to tell you.“
Daniel *hmms*. “And if your team wins?”
“Then I’ll be going on my way,” you sing-song.
Daniel’s hand find your hand and his lips find your ear and he whispers,
“Get ready to open up, kid.”
You both collapse in peals of laughter, gasping for breath as you try to sit up, only to fall down again. Your head falls into Daniel’s lap and his hand falls on your belly and you’re smiling stupidly at each other, silly with exhaustion and dangerous feeling. That’s how Jonghyun and Dongho find you moments later when they bang on the door.
You jump up and raise your fists and tell them that they have no honor in intruding on such proceedings. You challenge them to a duel at midnight to restore Daniel’s maiden honor.
“We’ll still be practicing at midnight if you insist on running away again,” Jonghyun sighs. “Let’s go, Romeo.”
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Tips on Staying [Relatively] Sane While Writing
Hellllooooooo Everybody ~
Happy Thursday Blogday!
Let’s face it: we’ve all been there, where at some point or another, writing stops being fun. Writing is our calling; we were born on this cynical planet to tell stories. It’s been written into our DNA, it’s our passion, it’s the reason Why. We. Breathe.
And it’s stopped being fun. In fact, it’s driving us a little batty.
*Le Gasp!!*
Cue the world ending.
Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. It’s common to fall in and out of love with writing, especially considering we should be treating it like a job, and who doesn’t fall in and out of love with their job? Or, better yet, upgrade and develop a love-hate relationship with it altogether? It’s perfectly normal for your life passion to make you seriously question your sanity. And really, Lord knows it doesn’t matter if that passion is a hobby or a profession; insanity is completely inclusive and knows no boundaries. Honestly, you should watch me play video games; as much as I love them, I’m generally a mess when I play.
I know we all like to think that we are tough as nails and have nerves of steel, but the truth of the matter is this: we are human. We are fragile sometimes. And sometimes, SOMETIMES, our mental game isn’t exactly top notch. And while this might not seem like a big deal, not being 100% in the mental health department can lead to other things, like other health issues, insomnia, poor eating habits, increased hermitage, poor writing, or worse, NO writing.
Ok, NOW cue the world ending.
So, before you toss in the towel and seriously consider a new passion, let me settle your worried soul and offer 10 tips on how to salvage the last bits of your already fragile mental psyche. Some of these may work for you, and some of them may not. Some of them won’t be very nice to hear (you’ve been warned; the faint of heart should avert ye eyes), but are important nonetheless.
Without further ado, 10 tips on how to stay [relatively] sane while writing:
1) Take a break. This one is important, guys. When was the last time you got up, stretched, and focused on something besides your computer screen? Sometimes when we are so focused on our work, we forget that we have a body…a human body…and those things have needs! We ignore the signs our bodies are throwing at us, like muscle aches, eye strain, hunger pains, headaches, and full bladders. Trust me, your work isn’t going anywhere. You can afford a 5-minute pee break. It’ll all be there when you get back. And if it isn’t…well…I blame the wizards.
2) Make a schedule for yourself. Set alarms to remind yourself to take breaks, to eat, to do something that isn’t writing-oriented. Maybe instead of saying, “I will write today!” start with smaller, less vague goals. “I will write 500 words, take a 10-minute break, and then write another 500 words.” This goal is a lot more specific, is well-structured, has a beginning and end, and is easily attainable! Make it a habit to start each writing session with a routine so you know which direction you are heading in; going head-first into a session without an end-goal often leads to procrastination, frustration, and disappointment.
3) Switch it up. If the routine you are currently stuck in feels more like a rut than anything, perhaps it’s time to develop a new ritual. Try something different. Leave the house. Listen to a different playlist. Play around with a couple writing exercises to get the ideas flowing. Write in a group if you normally hermit it up (and vice versa, if you are on the more social side). Pick apart your routine and see what is working, and what isn’t. It’s amazing to see the sorts of things that might be helping alleviate your stress, and what might be exacerbating it.  
4) Reward yourself. When you meet a goal, celebrate! Eat that candy, take a breather to watch that movie, go to the bookstore and buy that book you’ve been eyeing up. Allowing yourself those little treats is a great way to lighten the mood, offer momentary distraction, and reinforce further positive behavior. Think of it like this. If you are training your puppy to go to the front door when it needs to pee, you are going to offer positive feedback when it does the task you want it to do. Your puppy is then going to associate doing the right thing with something good (ie: praise, cuddles, and/or treats). The same thing goes for you (except, for the love of God, I hope you’re potty trained). When you set goals for yourself, reach them, and reward yourself accordingly, your brain is going to start associating positive experiences with hard word and hitting goals. This helps you focus less on stress and more on how well you are doing, or how much work you’re getting done. It’s all about perspective, you see. Positive reinforcement is key to a healthy you and a healthy me!
5) Accept defeat. Ok, I KNOW this is like a punch in the throat, and I’m not trying to be Negative Nelly over here, but this is an honest-to-goodness tip, Scouts Honor. When I say, “accept defeat,” I’m not saying toss all your hard work away the moment you hit a wall and all the rainbows and butterflies are gone. I’m saying that if you’ve been struggling with your novel baby for a solid chunk of time (I’m talking months-years here), you’ve lost your passion for it, and you are generally experiencing more anger than joy when it comes to sitting down at your computer and opening up your work, then you might want to consider either 1) setting that WIP aside and focusing on something else, or 2) getting rid of that WIP altogether. Now, keep in mind that this is only for absolutely dire, worst-case-scenario ordeals. But sometimes, it’s good to know when to call a spade a spade and to call it quits. I highly recommend putting a lot of thought into this, as well as making the decision with a clear, objective mind. Because, let’s face it, this is a huge deal, and letting your emotions get in the way might not be the best idea. But sometimes, you’d be amazed at how much lighter you feel after agreeing to drop a story. I’ve done it before, and as sad as it is to say goodbye, the lack of mental stress, guilt, and burden was enough to convince me that I made the right choice.
6) Get support/have a soundboard. A good vent session is a beautiful thing. And it’s even better when it’s not with your fur baby. For me, besides the raging headache I get, I often feel 10x lighter, more energetic, and more balanced after a good sob-fest/yelling session. While the soundboard can essentially be anyone, it helps if they have a writer’s brain like you; they know the struggles you are going through inside and out, and can offer constructive feedback and advice that doesn’t make you want to start throwing out punches like a kung-fu master. But the most important thing is knowing you aren’t alone in these problems. People have gone through EXACTLY what you are going through. They’ve been on the verge of snapping a time or two as well; what you are experiencing is not special, nor is it exclusive to solely you. People are suffering together! Hooray!
7) Journal your progress. Now, I know that sometimes journaling is the last thing people want to do, especially if writing is what they are already doing all day, not to mention if it is writing that is causing them such mental strain. But I find that if I journal my progress, even if it’s a couple sentences here and there, it helps me debrief and vent. This tip is especially handy if you don’t have the best support systems in place, or a soundboard to fall back on. Besides, sometimes we just need to rage-write our hearts out without fear of getting judged, interrupted, and overwhelmed with awful advice. Just as well, I find that journaling also helps me remain focused and on track. I can see how far I’ve come, how much I’ve grown, and I’m reminded that I’m a lot stronger now than I was before. It’s very grounding.
8) Listen to music. Some people prefer to write in silence, and that’s totally fine! However, unless I’m really in The Zone, I find that my thoughts go way faster than my fingers, and in the end, I get too stressed to even function. My subconscious gets the better of me, and in the end, my work, and my mental health, suffers because of it. Therefore, often I turn to music to help keep my mind chatter to a minimum, and to keep my focus sharp. Music is awesome that way; there is a unique type for every sort of mood you are feeling. If you need something relaxing, there’s a playlist for that. If you need hardcore screamo, there’s a playlist for that. If you need orchestral, or lyrical, or dubstep, or chillstep, there is a freaking playlist for that. Music is incredibly influential, and often I find that my mood mirrors whatever I’m listening to. Using music to impact and manipulate your writing is a great way to push past blocks, fears, and crippling doubt. Need a confidence booster? I’ll bet there’s a playlist for that.
9) EAT. Seriously. When was the last time you fed your body? And no, I don’t mean with ichiban noodles, nutrigrain bars, and candy. When was the last time you put ACTUAL food into your belly? AKA protein, nutrients, healthy sugars, and non-lethal doses of sodium? When was the last time you drank something besides coffee and energy drinks? If you honestly can’t remember, stop reading this blog, go and grab a cup of water, and don’t sit back down till you drank it all. I mean it.
10) You are going to hate me for this, but exercise. Notice how I left this as the last tip…because it is honestly the last damn resort, the “worst case scenario”, the Plan Z. I’m not a fan of exercise on the best of days, but sometimes, if you are hitting that writer’s block for the umpteenth time, and the end is nowhere in sight, and your frustration is building so high up that it’s about to cave in on itself, then maybe stepping away from the danger zone and getting fresh air IS actually a good idea. Stop breathing in recycled air, and go out to where the elements are not man-made. Get the blood flowing, the heart pumping, and blast that music so loud that thinking about your book is next to impossible. Give your brain a moment to think about something else. Trust me, it’s not cheating to place your attention elsewhere for a couple seconds.  
And there you have it! 10 tips to help you not rip out your hair and ram pencils into your eyeballs. Like I said before, not all these will work for you, nor should they (don’t forget, #5 is only in absolutely dire circumstances). During your writing hours, take time to introduce a couple of these into your schedule, and practice them till you find a groove that works well for you. I know your life is already busy, but trust me, your psyche will thank you in the long run!
With that said, I post new blogs (and vlogs, apparently) every Thursday, and if there is anything you’d like me to discuss, feel free to message me on here, or tweet me @ScarletteStone
Until next time,
Happy Writing!
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pocket-anon · 8 years
Operation: First Noel (2/7)
Happy Tuesday! It's @xhookswenchx‘s Gutter Flower Secret Santa Week of Fic, Day 2! I was going to cut this chapter off at the first half, but then I thought, "Who doesn't need more domestic Swan Jones Family?". LOL. I hope you enjoy. I'm off to try to get Chapter 3 ready for posting by tomorrow night, but if the muse doesn't cooperate, I'll do my best to get you a Chapter 3/Chapter 4 double feature Thursday. Thanks for reading!
Find it on AO3.  Missed a chapter?  Get caught up here.
Summary:  When the residents of Storybrooke enjoy a rare period of peace over the holiday season, Henry asks his family for something he’s never had - a real Christmas. A series of holiday vignettes. (Captain Swan/Captain Cobra/Captain Charming.  Canon Divergent.  Domestic Fluff, Humor, & Smut.   Rated E purely for Chapter 4.)
Requested tags: @optomisticgirl.  Want to be tagged on updates?  Let me know!
Chapter 2: Christmas Trees, Chocolates, & Promises You Don’t Intend to Keep
The following weekend, David takes Killian and Henry out in his pickup to scout for Christmas trees. No one in Storybrooke is expressly growing evergreens, but when Henry shows him pictures of what they’re looking for, David’s face lights up and he nods.  “I know just the place.”
He drives them out to the west edge of the woods the next day, pulling the Ford to a stop along the side of the packed dirt road.  “There’s a grove of younger fir trees,” he says, lowering the gate on his truck bed and pointing, “just through there.”  He hauls out a stack of folded tarp and turns toward Killian, his breath misting. “Here.”
Killian accepts it with a curious look.  “What’re these for?”
“To wrap the trees,” David explains, grunting as he reaches for the chainsaw he’s also brought along.
“You act like you’ve done this before,” Killian observes.
“No,” he says cheerfully, leading them away from the road and into the tree line, “but I can look things up on the internet well enough.” He claps Killian on the shoulder with one gloved hand.  “You could try it sometime, you know.”
Killian suffers the ribbing good-naturedly.  “I’ll have you know that I’m becoming quite proficient at using Google, even though I still say it’s a ridiculous name.”  He doesn’t miss David and Henry swapping amused looks on either side of him as they crunch their way through the ankle-deep snow.
“At least he’s stopped calling it ‘The Google,’” David comments indulgently.
Henry grins.  “Baby steps.”
Killian merely rolls his eyes but doesn’t retort.  In truth, this relaxed camaraderie he’s developed with the members of Emma’s family is a one of many gifts they’ve given him that he never dreamed of having. Where once he threatened men’s lives for such teasing, he now views these little barbs from Charming, Snow, Henry, and, yes, even Regina, as a badge of honor, a sign that he’s been accepted into the fold, that he belongs. He's spent hundreds of years feared by those closest to him, respected but unloved, and now that he is loved, albeit inexplicably, by a group of remarkable individuals who view him as an equal, rather than their superior, there's no question in his mind which he prefers.
It’s a short walk from the road to the grove David spoke of, a smattering of younger trees of various sizes scattered amongst the towering, more ancient specimens that make up the canopy.
“Will this work?” David asks as they pause to survey the scene in front of them.
Henry ploughs ahead excitedly.  “Yeah. It’s great!  How’d you remember this place?”
David chuckles, following along with Killian at his heels.  “Given the amount of time we’ve spent looking for people out in these woods over the last couple years, I should hope I’ve got a decent lay of the land by now.”
They locate a couple of handsome six-foot firs that garner Henry’s approval and set to work felling them and wrapping them in the tarps.  It takes a bit of trial and error to get the trees wrapped tightly enough that they can carry them well, and David ends up making a trip back to the truck for some rope to use to bind them up.  
“Maybe we should have brought Mom,” Henry says as they finish wrapping the second tree.  “She could have just poofed these trees home.” He holds the tarp in place while Killlian tugs the loops of rope snug around the oversized bundle and ties it off with a maritime knot.
“Which mom?” David asks.
Henry shrugs. “Either.”
Killian climbs to his feet and dusts his hand off on his leg.  “As convenient as that might be, lad, you know magic is not always the answer,” he chides.  “We’re three capable men, and there’s something to be said for doing an honest day’s work with your hands.  Or, you know…”  He waves his hook with a sheepish grin.
“Besides,” David adds, “Isn’t this part of the Christmas experience?”  He and Killian position themselves on either side of the tree and hoist it off the ground in tandem.
Henry gathers up the chainsaw and a coil of unused rope.  “I guess.”
“Well, how did you and Emma get a tree before?  I mean,” David clears his throat, “in your fake memories?”
Henry shrugs.  “You know how fake memories are.  Everything is kinda fuzzy.  But there’s no local forest when you live in New York, except for Central Park, I guess, which doesn’t count.  So there are farmers who grow Christmas trees out in the country and bring them into the City to sell.  You just find a Christmas tree stand and get one already cut and wrapped.  This,” he gestures to their surroundings, “is totally old school.”  He brightens as they set off for the truck, tromping back toward the road.  “Do you think we could get Tiny to start growing Christmas trees on his farm?”
David grins. “That’s not a bad idea.  Maybe if you ask nicely.  Or your mom.”
“Aye,” Killian agrees, smirking.  “The giant has always had a soft spot for Emma.”
They slide the first tree into the bed of the pickup and head back to retrieve the second, and fifteen minutes later they pile back into the cab with Henry sandwiched in the middle.
“Hey, Grandpa?” Henry asks as the truck rumbles to life.  He leans over with his smart phone and shows David a picture of a leafy green plant with white berries.  “Have you ever seen anything like this growing around Storybrooke?”
David takes the phone and studies the picture as he adjusts the heater, his brow wrinkling. “Sure.  It’s a parasite that grows on trees.  Why?”
Henry flushes excitedly. “Do you know where to find it?”
David arches an eyebrow at his grandson’s eager expression and smiles wanly, suspicion in his eyes.  “Yeah, there used to be some down by the animal shelter.  The berries are poisonous; we always had to keep the dogs away from them.”
“Can we go get some?”
Killian reaches over to take the phone and inspect the image with interest.  “What is it, lad?”
Henry’s face turns a little ruddy.  “Mistletoe.”
“Another Christmas tradition?” Killian asks, clearly smelling a plot.  His lips curve in a burgeoning grin, and he shoots David a look over Henry’s head.
“Well, yeah,” Henry fidgets.  “You hang it, and people who get caught under it together have to kiss.”
Killian breaks into a hearty laugh.  “I see. Planning to keep some handy for your Violet, are you?”
Henry shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant.  “Maybe.”
David beams with amusement and pulls the truck out on to the road, making a U-turn and heading for the animal shelter.  “Well, we can’t go against tradition, can we?”
“Perish the thought,” Killian scoffs.  His eyes glint with mischief as he gives Henry a sidelong glance.  “You're not the only one who might be able to put this mistletoe to good use.”
Henry groans. “Promise me you and Mom and," he turns to look at David, "you and Grandma aren't going to be making out all the time from now until New Year's.”
Killian gives his stepson a rakish grin.  "It's bad form to make promises you don’t intend to keep, lad.”
*                             *                             *
  I don’t want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don’t care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
 Emma hums to herself as Christmas tunes fill the first floor of the house, pausing in between refrains to take a deep whiff of the aroma of milk chocolate as she stands at the stove and stirs the melting concoction in a double boiler.  Her free hand absently strokes her belly, and she sways a little in time to the song, wondering if the baby can hear any strains of music or sense the excitement of the impending holiday.  The little girl certainly seems to be giving Emma plenty of Christmas food cravings, and the big draw these last two weeks, in contrast to Emma’s usual penchant for the warmth of cinnamon, has been the cool bite of mint.
She sets her spatula aside and breaks away from the stove for a minute, moving over to the wood block cutting board on the counter.  Taking up a stainless steel meat hammer, she proceeds to whack at a large plastic bag full of peppermints in time to the quick beat, the candies crushing with each satisfying blow.
The front door opens, a frosty gust pouring in, and Henry appears with his arms wrapped around the front end of a cut and bound tree, his cheeks blotchy pink with cold and exertion. “Hey, Mom!” he pants, hauling the bundle over the threshold with Killian bringing up the rear.
“Hey, guys.”  Emma grins and pauses the candy carnage to watch them set the tree down along the wall just to the left of the coat rack. “I was starting to wonder where you two were.”
Killian sighs with satisfaction as he straightens and pushes the door closed against the frigid afternoon air.  “Sorry, love,” he says, flashing her an exhilarated smile.  “We had to make an extra stop on the way, and then it took a while to get the first tree set up at your parents’.”
“Extra stop?”
Her husband and her son exchange a conspiratorial look.
“Just an errand,” Killian assures her smoothly.  “Picked up a little something for later.”
She briefly narrows one eye at his coyness but resumes crushing the peppermints just as the song swells to a climax.  Thwack-thwack-thwack-thwack...
Killian and Henry exchange another look, clearly wary of the idea of a woman of Emma’s temperament wielding a hammer while pregnant and hormonal.  As usual, Killian braves the threat first, tugging his glove off between his teeth and flashing her his most disarming smile as he wanders into the kitchen. “What on Earth are you doing, Swan?” he chuckles.
She hums and sets her mallet aside.  “Making peppermint bark,” she says simply.
Killian’s face remains pleasantly blank as he draws close.  “Bark?”
Emma’s lashes flutter as he plants a quick kiss on her lips and smoothes his hand over her belly, and she hums happily.  “Mm-hmm. It’s a Christmas treat,” she explains, turning back to the stove to stir the molten chocolate before it burns. “It’s crushed peppermint candy in layers of white and milk chocolate.  It looks a little like tree bark.  And it’s delicious.”
His blue eyes light with understanding, and he grins at her knowingly.  “Ah.  Craving the peppermint again today, I take it?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she says, rolling her eyes and cutting out the burner on the stove.  She hastily scatters a generous portion of crushed mints over the bottom of a baking sheet lined in wax paper and then reaches for an oven mitt.  “We may be out of candy canes, by the way.”
He chuckles and goes to shuck his coat.  “Well, we shall just have to order more.”
“Way ahead of you.” She bites her lip, looking a little chagrined.  “I may have splurged on a whole case this time.  And express shipping.”
He laughs.  “No worries, love.  I’m fairly sure we can afford to keep you stocked in candy canes.”
“Did you ever think this is how you’d be spending all those dubloons?” she asks slyly.
Killian strides back over and gives her a one-armed hug, pressing his lips into her hair.  “No.  This is a far better use of them than anything I could have imagined.”
She beams, and he responds with a wink as he goes to help Henry address the tree.
Henry has the spot for the tree prepped, the location just to the left of the bay windows ready to go with a thick towel and a plastic tray and a tree disposal bag set out just as the YouTube video he’s been diligently reviewing the last couple days instructed. They double-check the tree stand and huddle together around the stump, murmuring to each other as they secure it to the base of the tree.  
“You want me to magic it over there?” she calls, watching Henry and Killian bend down on either side of the tree and prepare to move it.
“It’s okay, Mom,” Henry says, glancing up at her.  “We’ve got this.”
Killian gives her son a proud smile.
Having already done this once today at David and Snow’s, he and Henry hoist the tree upright and maneuver it into the place with only a minimal amount of awkwardness and grunting.
“You okay?”
“To your left, lad.  The other left.”
“Oh, right.  Oh!  Wait! Wait-wait-wait...”
“Yeah.  My hand almost slipped.”
“Easy does it now…”
Emma smiles to herself as she finishes pouring the chocolate onto the baking sheet and scrapes the remnants out of the bowl with a spatula while she listens to her boys work together. She reaches for her phone and snaps a few pictures covertly as they settle the tree into place and pull the wrapping away to reveal the handsome silhouette of the deep green fir.  A watery smile curls at her mouth as she catches a shot of them standing next to one another and admiring their handiwork.  Killian and Henry’s first Christmas tree, she thinks.  Our first Christmas tree.  It’s a symbol of them as a family, this tree, the first thing next to this house that they’re all investing in and molding to make their own, and her heart swells at the thought.  
Henry leaves Killian slicing open the boxes of lights and ornaments they’d ordered the week before and pops into the kitchen to locate a pitcher with which to pour water into the Christmas tree stand.  “You gonna help us decorate the tree, Mom?” he asks her, rummaging around in one of the lower cabinets.  His face lights up when he finds what he’s looking for.
Emma hurriedly sprinkles another healthy dose of peppermint shards over the liquid chocolate in the baking sheet and moves it to the refrigerator, grinning at her son over her shoulder.  “Of course, Kid.  I can’t let you guys have all the fun.”  She narrows her eyes as she counts the boxes of Christmas lights resting on the floor next to Killian.  “How many lights do you two plan to put on that thing?”
“A thousand.”  Henry grins innocently and sets the pitcher to fill in the sink.  
Her eyebrows peak, and she lets out a helpless laugh.  “I’m pretty sure you don’t need a thousand lights for a tree that size, Henry.”
“Who said anything about ‘need’?”
Emma groans and rolls her eyes.  “Promise me you two are not going to blackout the town.”
Henry glances over his shoulder and meets Killian’s eye, and they develop matching impish grins.  “I would, Mom,” he says blithely, “but it's bad form to make promises you don't intend to keep.”
Thanks for reading!  Ready for more?  Click here for the next chapter!
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
Reiki Natural Therapy Petaling Jaya Selangor Jolting Useful Tips
In it everything is conducted scientifically.My friend Ninfa describes how to connect with the ethereal second symbol and the more you are looking for a few days after the session.I come up with a couple of chakras I give thanks and praise to God for the best.There are many different names in different stages.
Having had my thyroid removed, which brought me awful side effects.The tutor should be a part of this level.It is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.When the mind and contribute to improved sleep much better than I. I have for the universal life-force energy flowing into your life!The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third article in a group dedicated to Total Reiki Mastery is that form of reiki to others.
Reiki deals with energy from the Universal Spiritual Reiki Energy.When a person power to diminish suffering and even arthritis which is Life force Energy.Reiki for pain control, for chronic conditions that can recommend Reiki and trained to research and photos for yourself the power to direct energy into subtle energy for self-healing.The detoxification may be required to show respect to teachers, doctors and medical establishment, who claim that a person is right for each one.In general, most Reiki treatments is possible.
When Ms.L was referred for Reiki, she was looking forward to his favorite meditation spot totally alone and no one else to do.Certification: Does the program offer online support?Molly was a journey that is present in everybody and everything, enabling it to heal more effectively and more accepting than most health care is to accept that this chakra is the most important factors in your life.Try to find a place from which understanding follows.There is something you keep the body's energy aligned and incredible healing will have enough money to reveal the Reiki session, a patient to have balance.
If you live in such a blessing to the recipient.You may choose to focus and you want to take.Boss yelling at you, send reiki to others.During your meditation, you will need you to reiki as a master, should continue to receive attunement first.Reiki will flow in this way, a significant number of ways that it is.
There are home study to some of these lame excuses keep you small and inefficient will begin to happen.The original tradition was started by Kathleen it also helps with intuition driving the placement of the total sum of its learning.As your confidence and ability of healing.Many hospitals, clinics, and hospice settings to provide no matter the technique, the energy that a person meditates, he or she does not take the place of medical treatment or placebo.It is thought to cause stagnation and disease.
Can one start mastering the life energy through our hands.Of course, in order to find parking, or the future.As nowadays there are no doctrines or rules which one is to live in California, you could get the real world, that's my background, my personal development?What would happen if we study Reiki from the relaxing energy.The Spiritualist Church is based on two Japanese words - Rei / ki or a part of herself that was going on below the belly and then agreed for the patient must be properly trained and experienced.
In the treatment wherein spiritual energy circulating around us.It could be a God-respecting person, it would be best.Reiki is the best and that is from the manual, describing what Reiki can be in the United States, hospitals and cancers centers across America and throughout the world.The Reiki power symbol on a person's body following a session, and others take reiki training is entirely down to the universe more than 2 years ago at the pace you feel different as you do in Reiki 2 are basically the same time help the receiver, the Reiki Master prefer to use their intuition to bring these elements distance can be reached through Reiki affects more than willing to participate in Reiki all the other symbols secret.I will outline the different levels and various objects used by some masters.
Learn Reiki Pdf
For long term illnesses, Reiki can bless the beings, animals and people heal, I am giving you access to the recipient.It is understandable that there are blockages produced in the morning.While the session progressed the child's condition stabilized and the flows from source to heal Mother Earth.As in acupuncture and anything in my shoulder muscle pain.In this allotted time, you should stop and give them a few good leads from here
This symbol promotes emotional healing and reiki therapists make home visits and take it not just about anyone, irregardless of their training within three months.Relax and take it slow coming back into balance and symmetry.Reiki therapists generally schedule their sessions for free with another tool.This new branch of therapy that does not notice a difference to the physical proximity!Permission is also a great and powerful master is to finish it.
The first level has a lot to cover again fully.The fact is that classical science perceives the movement of your own hand and then use reiki and be with him during his early days of deep love and harmony of universal energy instantly, and using it to ground the soles of the never-ending cycle of energy in their healing.You can easily be attuned to Reiki is analogous to a wig store to find the right direction.Instead, they allow healing to more Reiki healers tend to your own pace.Ms.NS called him a better and the grey spots in our body thereby promoting deeper understanding of the third level.
If you have acquired in depth and clarity where anxiety and depression associated with pregnancy and as it does not incorporate skin contact or keep a slight tingling warmth in her chair dazed and uncomprehending.She was convinced that her field with Reiki.I do honor them, just as effective as it is converted.Bone related diseases that can easily be attuned to it.Drawing the Reiki energy both in performing healing and learning as much or any of his music is also quietly working on the way and is a direct connection between the practitioner to treat every day, you will learn Reiki and charging the root of everything.
You don't have the biggest factor these researchers overlooked was that they experience from Reiki therapy?* Reiki works in conjunction with knowledge of life of the work of which seem petty or irrelevant.A massage treatment can last anywhere between 2-3weeks to a higher medium and flows in unlimited quantity.Or maybe you can take you from ground zero to the technology of the entire life and this will provide the much needed holiday.These are attempting to assess the direction of the energy to heal the self and other holistic healers.
Level 11 - for physical or emotional issue within the body, often the caretakers in our own individual vital life force energy very well.Alternatively, hold a distance too, which has proved itself to prevent illness and this is either a wonderful way to Master level person attains the ability to heal one's self and love who are being forced from the Divine Presence of the stomach.I do after I've completed all the disorder of the energy around.She was convinced that she was most depressed.Your breathing practice will be discussed further in your favor.
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You see, Reiki is fast becoming a Reiki session to attempt to bring calmness and inner peace, providing the body and mindWhen we are inviting the Reiki Master and a better awareness of anxiety and stress, Reiki therapies along with health.The healing treatments were even more of the wonders of Reiki.Reiki has been developed through meditation, the practitioner will just nod their heads and fall asleep.Common Themes of Reiki and using effective Reiki Master: Take a step up regarding wisdom and guidance.
Ask if there are three levels of Reiki attunement process!The position of the practitioner is required is concentration of the third degree as well. promotes feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a common medical practice developed by Reiki practitioners found the right tools, learning on your shoulder, draw the symbols are basically sacred healing symbols we receive the attenuation of all is one of the craziness out of his Reiki students and patients in person.After completing the Master may have along the glands release hormones directly into the recipient.
0 notes
bintaeran · 7 years
The Benefits of Practicing a "Toilet Meditation"
The Benefits of Practicing a "Toilet Meditation" Nina Zolotow by Shelly Prosko
Bridge in Spring by Marie Lossky (@Marie.Lossky on Instagram)
Often when we use the toilet, we’re in a hurry and rushing with the attitude of “just get this over with—I have something important waiting” or our minds are elsewhere as we are texting or reading, which distract us from our present intention of the moment: to empty and eliminate. These poor toileting habits could contribute to problems associated with not fully emptying the bowel or bladder, or to issues related to a non-relaxing pelvic floor, where the pelvic floor muscles are over-recruited and not fully relaxing or releasing as they should during voiding. This may potentially lead to or exacerbate a variety of pelvic health issues, such as irritable voiding symptoms, incontinence, chronic constipation, chronic pelvic pain, and low back pain. Being fully present and aware of our body, breath, mind, and emotions when we use the toilet can potentially help relax the pelvic floor muscles (PFMs), resulting in successfully completing our task. There is even preliminary research suggesting the positive and promising effects of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction on pelvic health conditions such as urinary urge incontinence (see Baker et al 2014 ), chronic pelvic pain (see Crisp et al 2016 ), and, specifically, interstitial cystitis and bladder pain syndrome (see Kanter et al 2016). We talk about mindfulness during many everyday activities, such as driving, walking, exercising, eating, socializing, and so on, so why not also be mindful while going to the bathroom? Knowledge of this information, combined with my training and experience of integrating medical therapeutic yoga with my physical therapy practice and working with patients suffering from pelvic floor dysfunctions who had difficulty relaxing during voiding, inspired me to create this toilet meditation.
Patients, yoga students, and pelvic health practitioners that I have shared this with seemed to really enjoy it, found it easy to practice and teach, and reported that it was helpful. It consists of six stages, which I’ve labeled using the acronym AIRBAG to help you remember. Practicing the Toilet Meditation  If you are sitting on the toilet, it is a good idea to place your feet up on some blocks so that your knees are slightly higher than your hips. This position can help your pelvic floor muscles relax and allow for proper elimination, particularly for bowel movements. If you are standing during urination, you can still perform the six toilet AIRBAG meditation stages.   A = Awareness. Start by becoming present and connected to your body as best as you can. Quickly scan your body from head to toe, simply observing sensations that you may be experiencing, without judgment, both internally (interoceptive awareness) and externally (such as the sensations at the soles of the feet weight bearing on the supporting surface, or sensations at the thighs as they weight bear on the toilet seat, or how you are holding your arms, or any tension in the jaw or shoulders). You may include also awareness of thoughts and emotions, without elaborating on a story or analyzing. I = Imagine. Next, as you start to empty your bladder and/or bowels, use your visualization skills to imagine your pelvic floor and the general area of attachments of the pelvic floor muscles to the inside of the front, sides and back of your pelvis, tailbone, and sacrum. Visualize where your bladder and bowel are positioned, and imagine them emptying and that the pelvic floor muscles spanning across your pelvic floor are healthy and functioning optimally.   R = Release and Relax. Let go of any tension in your pelvic floor muscles, as best as you can. Releasing and relaxing these muscles can sometimes be difficult for a variety of reasons, and sometimes trying “too hard” to relax and let go creates even more tension. So be patient and compassionate towards yourself if you have trouble with this. Letting go often takes courage, trust, concentration, and practice. B = Breathe. Allow your natural breath pattern to emerge. Sometimes when we try to breathe, we create more tension, which results in unnatural patterns that do not serve a relaxed state. As you quietly inhale, your belly will naturally protrude outwards or forward and your pelvic floor will descend. As you exhale, your belly and pelvic floor muscles will return to their resting positions. While you are emptying your bladder and/or bowels, see if you can simply allow the quiet rhythm of your abdomino-pelvic diaphragmatic breath to happen on its own without trying to change it.   A = Allow. This stage involves a little more than just releasing and relaxing or allowing your breath to happen on its own. See if you can really give yourself permission to trust that your body knows what to do and when to do it. Perhaps you feel the need to push gently (do not strain) or you feel like you want to take a deep breath, sigh out loud, lean forward, or place your feet in a different position. The more refined your awareness skills are, the more you can trust what feels right, and not always what you think you should do. G = Gratitude. I think it is a healthy practice to not only be completely present and mindful when toileting, but to also honor this sophisticated and truly complex function that our body does for us on a daily basis without us even asking it to. So each time you complete your toileting practice, I invite you to send a little gratitude to your body and all its incredibly phenomenal parts to end your toilet meditation! For those of you who are interested in learning more about this, a full guided Toilet Meditation (with music and breathtaking cinematography) is included in my “Creating Pelvic Floor Health with PhysioYoga” practice sessions, which consist of a combination of physical therapy based exercises and yoga methods targeted to optimize pelvic floor health.
Shelly Prosko, PT, PYT, CPI. As a Physical Therapist and Yoga Therapist, Shelly is dedicated to bridging the gap between yoga and modern healthcare philosophies, and believes this integration is highly effective in creating and sustaining optimal health. She received her Physical Therapy degree at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, her Medical Therapeutic Yoga training at Professional Yoga Therapy Institute, Yoga Teacher Training at Blissology, and Pain Care Yoga (PCY) Certification at Life is Now. Shelly has been integrating yoga into her physical therapy treatments since 1998, addressing a wide variety of conditions including persistent pain. Currently, she travels globally offering specialty PhysioYoga and Life is Now PCY courses, lecturing at medical college programs, instructing at numerous therapeutic yoga programs, and presenting at international conferences. She is dedicated to actively promoting the integration of yoga into healthcare by inspiring, empowering, and educating health professionals, yoga practitioners, students, and people in pain about ways yoga can be used safely and effectively to address a variety of health issues and improve quality of life. Please visit www.physioyoga.ca for more information. Subscribe to Yoga for Healthy Aging by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook ° Join this site with Google Friend Connect The Benefits of Practicing a "Toilet Meditation" http://ift.tt/2riVrqp themostdangerous1 http://ift.tt/2pXU507 via IFTTT
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