#Reiki One Symbol
just-a-ghost00 · 4 months
Who's coming towards you and what do they bring to the table?
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Group 1 - Spider lilly
Who are they? In Japanese culture, the spider lily is believed to bloom near graves. It is associated with the afterlife and the notions of death and rebirth. This flower holds a very scorpionic energy. It is also a symbol of eternal love. This specific white lily shown in the picture is also a symbol of purity and innocence. If we take that into account, the person coming towards you can be viewed as mysterious and deep, somewhat cold. But once you get to know them, you realize that they are rather outgoing and pure, kind and childlike. They marvel at the beauty of life and want nothing but to love and be loved.
Looking at the different cards you got, there’s a lot of emphasis on communication and voicing one’s opinions or truth without fear. This person could have a beautiful voice. They could be a singer or a spokesperson, an advocate or any other profession that involves speaking to a large audience. This person seems to be shy and rather harsh on themselves. They take pride in what they do and the values they stand for. When their actions are not in alignment with their ideals, they tend to criticize themselves a lot. They are represented by Bismuth and Turquoise, both blue crystals. The throat chakra holds an important significance to this person, as well as emotions, intuition and water. Blue could be their favorite color. This person could burn themselves out often by being present for others more than showing up for themselves. They could get throat sickness quite often, especially when they are repressing their truth or telling lies. They have a sharp tongue. They use their voice to shed light on what is contradictory or what needs to evolve. They help people shift their perspective. Teaching could also be their career path.
What do they bring to the table? - Queen of pentacles, 7 of wands, 4 of cups, The Moon, The Fool, Judgement, White Numen
This person brings in major shifts in your life. Renewal is the best way to describe it. They will literally put your world upside down in order to help you gain perspective on what is going on. They’ll show you that there’s nothing wrong in standing for what you believe in. They’ll also teach you how to be the bigger person and choose your battles wisely. They’ll help you introspect and listen to your intuition, take a new start in life and get retribution by accomplishing what you were meant to do in this life time. This person will help you find your true calling and your voice in this global cacophony that is the world we currently live in. With them, you will create a reality in your image. They will also help you value yourself more and set yourself free from any dependence or addiction. They’ll help you detach yourself from people’s judgmental views. Significant zodiac signs for this group are Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio. You can wear blue or connect to the energy of Bismuth and Turquoise to understand this person better on a spiritual level and manifest them into your life.
Group 2 - Lavender
Who are they? Lavender is known to have soothing properties. It is often used in aromatherapy to ease the mind and release tensions related to anxiety, stress. Lavender is a symbol of devotion, serenity and grace. With its purple petals, it could be associated with the spiritual realm. This person is very delicate and kind hearted. They consider people with a lot of care and kindness. They have a pure heart and make people feel safe. They remind me of Taurus and their Venusian sensual and loving energy. This person is down to earth and wise beyond their years. Their crown chakra is highly active. It wouldn’t surprise me if this person already connected with you through your dreams. They could very well be a therapist, a reiki practitioner, a healer that uses alternative medicines or unconventional practices like crystal healing or sound healing. This is further confirmed by two cards of the Threads of fate deck that are related to air and ether : share wisdom and The Sage. This person is a guide and mentor to others. They could be a teacher, some type of guru or an important public figure, a coach, a counselor. This person is very powerful and influent. They could have published a book or a study or shared their experience and what they learned over time online.
They are represented by the hammerhead shark. They have a lot of determination and drive. They are also incredibly mature. They could very well be older than you. I’d say at least ten years older. Purple and blue could be their favorite colors. If they were a major arcana, I think this person would be the Hermit. So Cancer could also be relevant. They are also represented by Kyanite and Amethyst. Kyanite is advised to people who feel restless, who overthink or get caught in their mental space too often. This shows that this person is a deep thinker. They take things seriously and meticulously. Amethyst is often used in spiritual practices to deepen our connection to the spirit realm and gain clarity. To hone our psychic skills. This person feels very connected to their higher self. They know who they are, what they were meant to do and where they’re heading. They are focused on their mission and won’t lose their time with insignificant matters.
What do they bring to the table? - 7 of cups, 3 of wands, 9 of cups, Temperance, 4 of swords, The Lovers, 5 of swords Other significant zodiac signs are Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. This person will teach you how to identify your needs and choose a path that is in alignment with your higher self and your highest good. They’ll help you find balance and emotional satisfaction in the projects that you pursue, the actions you take. They’ll teach you how to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and being overwhelmed by life so that you can retreat and protect yourself. They’ll teach you how to pick your battles wisely and ignore petty attitudes from your peers. They’ll help you handle the pressure of being your true self and choosing yourself over others. They’ll teach you how to love yourself and how to love, how to be in love and receive love. I can say here that this relationship has romantic potential. Surprisingly this part of the reading is the shortest but I feel like there’s no need to overanalyze this because this person will be pretty clear with their intent : they’re here to help and support you, "and that is all you need to know" they want to add.
Group 3 - Sunflower
Who are they? I associate the Sunflower with the bold and brave Leo. I heard in my mind "only the brave" which is the name of a perfume from Diesel. So this could be this person’s perfume. With it’s bright colors and relation to the sun, it is safe to say this person has a bright personality. They are outgoing and friendly, like to be seen and admired. They take great care of their body and appearance. Hence the fragrance reference. This person is cheerful and ambitious. They don’t like lying down and contemplating. They would rather act first and think later. They could have anger issues and sometimes be jealous. The signs of Leo and Aries could be significant. Blue and green could be their favorite colors. This person is represented by the whale shark and the octopus. They are very clever and resilient. They have a strong moral compass and always lead their life according to their values and principles. They remind me of Changbin from Stray Kids. This person likes to make their own mind instead of following others. They’re a natural leader and a loner. With The Creator card and the Withdraw card from the Threads of fate deck, this tells me that this person is creative and works independently. They could be a fashion designer, a writer, a producer, a webdesigner, an architect, a freelance artist in any domain. This person could be known on social media. On the withdraw card is a sleeping fox. This tells me that this person likes their solitude. They need time alone to recharge and create. They don’t like showing people their tricks. They like to surprise and impress. The creator card shows a hand holding a wand. This for some reason reminds me of Harry Potter. Maybe your person is a potter head. In this case, they’re the typical Gryffindor : athletic, loyal, thinks with their heart (or something else a bit lower when the heart isn’t functioning). They have a strong sex drive and are pretty sensual. Their body matters a lot to them. They go to the gym often.
What do they bring to the table? - 2 of cups, ace of swords, page of wands, ace of pentacles, six of cups, The Tower, 7 of wands
To put it simply, they bring love, sex and a whole lot of fun. But this will be challenging for you, as you are not used to this type of energy. Significant zodiac signs are Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces. They bring in new opportunities and a new start romantically speaking. They bring in new experiences and that includes sexuality. They will help you reconnect with the past and make amends with it. They will help you heal your inner child and release trauma regarding intimacy. They will challenge you and push your buttons to get the best out of you. That is their way of showing you love. This is the type of person that will wake you up one morning and get you out of bed to work out with them, and gently scream at you positive affirmations while you’re working on that "summer body" you always wanted. They’ll show you how to have fun with life and explore all the hidden parts of you that you were burying because you were afraid of rejection. They’ll cut through your walls and uncover your masks for you so that you can finally get the happy ending that you deserve. They’ll be your knight in shining armor except that instead of saving you they’ll get you to save yourself. If you ever try to push them away, they’ll only come back stronger and needier. You won’t get rid of them easily.
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azure-cherie · 1 year
Asteroid Kaali 4227
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Also referred to as Mahakali, Bhadrakali, and Kalika (Sanskrit: कालिका), is a Hindu goddess who is considered to be the goddess of ultimate power, time, destruction and change in Shaktism.[1] In this tradition, she is considered as a ferocious form of goddess Mahadevi, the supreme of all powers, or the ultimate reality. She is the first of the ten Mahavidyas in the Hindu tantric tradition.She is regarded as the ultimate manifestation of Shakti, the primordial cosmic energy, and the mother of all living beings. The goddess is stated to destroy evil in order to protect the innocent. Over time, Kali has been worshipped by devotional movements and Tàntric sects variously as the Divine Mother, Mother of the Universe, Principal energy Adi Shakti .She is also seen as the divine protector and the one who bestows moksha, or liberation.
As per my interpretation the placement of asteroid kaali in someone's chart is somewhere they are blessed with divine power to put efforts and change things, the placement of ultimate power , somewhere they can start their tantra /spiritual practices with , place where they can attain moksha, where Kali protects .
First house/Aries
You have the principle power over yourself you know yourself and your motives and you know how to use your own inner energy to cultivate change within yourself and with others, your attainment of spirituality in this lifetime would be through yourself, through working on your body , observing others etc. You are protected by Kali when it comes to wounds and physical ailments, she would be helpful for you to receive guidence in matters of self confidence and growth , in becoming your best self , she could be a guide to your dark feminine aspects.
Second house/Taurus
When it comes to your attainment of power it comes through sense of possession , buying things , mostly things which match your aesthetic value , you have the power to make a lot for yourself if you choose to step into it , your power comes from your stable subtle beauty and eye for it , your spiritual practices can begin with a fair ground to improve your allure , glamour magick or enchantment, you will be protected in your finances .
Third house / Gemini
Your voice is your awakening, your opinions your weapons , you are the trigger, your power lies in accepting your voice , using it for the good , you could also use manipulation for getting things you want , your affirmations and mantras could be your initiation to your practices, you can even receive mantras in dreams if you wish to , you could have oracular abilities as well.
Fourth house/ Cancer
Your sense of security is your foundation, you're the embodiment of the mother type in triple goddess symbolism, you're fertility in full bloom , your power lies in protection , birthing of new ideas , creativity, your power sterns from love , you could do protection magic as well as magic that involves feeling your sexual energy, as well as moon magic . Take a note of your energy on full moon.
Fifth house / Leo
This gives very much "The love witch " vibe, your transformation is through love your transcendence is through love , with young love in your heart and forever in your mind you can create the life that you want , you could be blessed with great deal of manifestation, since Kali protects this area for you , you will be ripped off from any wrong person in love , and eventually the right person will come into your life . You're esoteric, you could start with channeling your daimon however be careful.
Sixth house/ Virgo
Healing is something that you can do , not just for yourself but for everyone around you , in the physical realm as well , you know the people say so and so doctor has magic within them they cured someone no one else could , that kind of magic , you can choose to heal people and yourself, starting with reiki and small healing spells , making potions as well . Regardless of the good side you have the thing about inflicting pain and vodoo as well , but do it to the bad people who deserve the pain .
Seventh house /Libra
Your power lies in relationships that you make , you derive so much love and support from them that it helps you in your practices as well , your vivid imagination as well helps you get so many things , your partner could be source of magic , you can do spiritual things together and based on the foundation of counterpart energy you guys can grow together . Kali will protect the relationship that is right for you.
Eighth house / Scorpio
You're the embodiment of transformation true form of dark feminine, you derive power from sexual practices, from changes from the things that kill you , you make them their power, sex magic could be a great option for you . Kali will protect you in areas of your transformation, whenever you are brought down remember you will definitely rise above greater
Ninth house / Saggitarius
Wisdom and education are so important for you to get the power that you deserve, you're intelligent and mindful and that will lead to you getting the most in life , you could be a guru , you could do great in philosophical fields. You can write sacred literature and esoteric books , your knowledge is sacred and will be protected
Tenth house/ Capricorn
You're methodical and know how to do things the right way that is your greatest power , you will hardly fuck up anything because you are so into working hard and making things perfect, with great connections you will lead an easy pathway to success. You will be granted ample strength in doing what you put your heart to.
Eleventh house / Aquarius
This placement very much reminds me of the origin of Kali , please read on it for greater information, the point where she goes on destroying the evil around her , you guys will be blessed by Kali to maintain yourself even in the times of extreme chaos, she will look after, you have a very great power to change things through rightful violence, violence works for you , use it wisely tho.
Twelfth house/ Pisces
Your power is your strong almost blurring intuition, visions , you know so much but do you tell them enough, if you pray to Kali and wish for her to come visit you in her dreams she will , she will guide through the spiritual part in your life , worshipping her will be life changing in subconscious ways , even i cannot explain.
Thank you so much for reading i hope this helped take care love love .
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chitra111goddess · 6 months
This is a mini observation since ive been Watching avatar the last airbednder and tell me why most of the cast are hasta natives 👁👄👁
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It makes sense cuz hasta's symbol is the hand, it's how we harness and channel that Chi energy
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"The Sacred Hand
The traditions of Tantra and Hatha Yoga, Buddhism and Taoism, agree that the palms of the hand contain energy vortices (chakras or power-points) that connect the physical body (brain, organs, glands, veins, tendons) with the subtle or energetic body (chakras, nadis, meridians)."
Hasta being in Virgo is all about mastery of one's craft but the moon influence def adds that spiritual mystical element, bending and manipulating energy with our hands is where the mercury influence comes in
This also includes Reiki healing which is channeled by the hands , Virgo is related to Chiron known as the wounded healer.
Hasta natives.. the magic is at ur fingertips ✨️
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theawakenedstate · 5 months
5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid
Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let’s explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here’s How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing journey. I’m a big advocate for Consistency. Why? It not only helps me spiritually grow but it gets me results!
One area I’ve been consistent beyond spiritual practice has been my journey with the chakra Healing system. I’ve learned a lot over the years about how to properly understand energy work through Chakra Healing. 
However, just like any new ager out there, there are a lot of mistakes I’ve learned over the years. After 13-14 years on this healing path, I’ve personally refined my chakra strategy so I always get incredible results. 
I wanted to share some common mistakes that many people are making when it comes to energy work and the chakras that they might not be realizing. 
#5 is def my soap box I will admit LOL 
But In general – these are mistakes I’ve personally gone through and eventually realized there are stronger tools out there to help you heal easier. Likewise, in some cases even faster!
2 hour + somatic breathwork?  Not remotely Necessary when you’re dealing with the chakras. 
Here’s my tips and tricks on Chakra Healing to help you avoid these common Mistakes I see continuously in the spiritual community. 
Catch the full Episode on the Youtube or Season 3 of the Podcast: Awaken & Manifest your Best Life
1 – You’re Using Surface-Level Tools to Solve an Internal Problem
Ever caught yourself getting lost in a sea of crystals, essential oils, and sage, hoping they’ll magically fix your energy imbalances? While these tools are fantastic for boosting your vibes, they’re like the sparkly cherry on top. One common mistake in chakra healing is relying solely on surface-level tools like crystals and oils without going deeper into the root cause of energetic imbalances. While these tools can help aid in the process, (I call these amplifiers because they amplify the energy of that chakra) true healing occurs when we address the core issues within each chakra.
2 – Thinking That you ONLY need Yoga Asanas and Color Therapy
If you’ve been hanging your hopes on wearing specific colors, Eating certain foods or striking yoga poses to heal your chakras, hey, you’re not alone! Another misconception is the overemphasis on yoga asanas and color therapy as the primary methods for chakra healing. While these practices can complement healing, they should not overshadow the importance of addressing Your Beliefs behind your Mindset, Your Internal Programming, Emotional Health and internal energetic frequency for lasting transformation. It’s about balance, yo 😉
3 – Confusing Chakra Healing and Reiki as the same thing. Spoiler Alert: It’s not
 Reiki Healing and Chakra healing are completely different methods. It’s like comparing apples and oranges – both juicy and delicious, but with their unique flavors. While Reiki casts a broad energetic net for overall alignment, chakra healing zooms in like a laser beam on your individual energy centers. For Example, Reiki focuses more on healing the energetic field with symbols, chakra healing delves deep into individual energetic centers, providing a more targeted approach to addressing specific issues within the energy system. Chakra Healing also works specifically with your unique programming and Patterns that are looping in your nervous system.
4 – Listening to Sound Frequencies and Meditations to Heal – Yet Avoiding the inner work
Here’s the thing, sound frequencies and meditations can enhance your chakra healing journey, but they should not be the sole focus. It’s important to enhance these practices with adding internal work on Your Energetic Patterns. For Example, working on your Internal State of Consciousness surrounding your emotions, mindset, and habits to facilitate sustainable healing results.
5 – Only Focusing on Releasing and Clearing Work – Nothing Else.
Let’s chat about the shadow-side of healing – a vital but often overemphasized piece of the puzzle. While diving into your shadows is important, The real healing is when you empower your chakras. A key aspect of effective chakra healing is empowering the chakras through repatterning. This is the deep work we do inside The Ultimate Chakra Academy Simply releasing negative energies or even Shadow patterns is not enough; true healing occurs when we replace old patterns with new, empowering beliefs and behaviors.
Why are people not able to properly heal?
When we only do releasing work, we’re not actually shifting and changing the pattern. And what happens instead is it reverts. The entire pattern starts to revert and come back! Have you ever had that happen? This causes the entire script to change. (and maybe you lost money from that, all the same, right?)
Avoiding the Real Internal Work to Truly Heal
The hugest thing I want to emphasize here is you notice, all these mistakes aren’t actually working on your emotions or your patterns. They’re kind of, bypassing those emotions. Naturally, they’re energy tools, they help, but they’re not working with the emotion. If the tool does not work with the negative pattern or the emotion itself, Then it’s just like an amplifier. Instead, When we work with a Chakra, we’re opening up the Energy pattern that makes up your beliefs, emotions, actions, and even working on the habits that keep the pattern going.
We’re not looking at the actual programming itself. We’re not looking at the actual pattern or the framework of the pattern. We’re instead bypassing that and using different tools to try to access it. Chakra healing makes up a pattern. If you want to raise your vibe, heal, or manifest? Change the Energy Pattern, Change the Results.
In conclusion,
By avoiding these common mistakes and approaching chakra healing with an Empowering mindset, you can unlock the transformative power of this unique practice. Remember, true healing begins from within, and each step you take towards nurturing your chakras brings you closer to manifesting your best life. ✌️
P.S. Ready to enhance your chakra healing journey? Grab your Chakra Starter Kit for a look behind the scenes of Energy Vibrations, how to heal your Chakra Centers and my signature chakra detox Framework! Free access to sign up here:
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5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid
Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let’s explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here’s How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing journey. I’m a big advocate for Consistency. Why? It not only helps me spiritually grow […]
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koalatysleep · 4 days
With Studio Pierrot and Togashi, it's always about the Symbolism and the Subtext, even in YYH merch! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Original picture credit: yyh4ever, Scribblings by yours truly 😆
Just in case we missed the Mulberry Soul Bond references all throughout canon where Kuwabara (literally Mulberry Field) is the Divine Mulberry that Nourishes & Protects Yusuke who's likened to a mulberry silkworm that ONLY eats mulberry leaves (symbolic of how Kuwa is Yusuke's One True Love aka SOUL Bond of True Harmony), the tree behind Yusuke IS A MULBERRY TREE!
Take a look at these real-life Mulberry Trees and tell me it doesn't look like the tree behind Yusuke 😝😜😉
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The position of the Mulberry Tree behind Yusuke's head is visually telling us that Kuwa (mulberry) is always on Yusuke's mind, and that Kuwa will always have Yusuke's back! 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
Also L❤️VE how they reference the Sun God divine connotations of Mulberry (kuwa) in Kuwabara's last name by putting a muted Gold color on Kuwa's jacket, coz it's autumn and the sun's muted!
The muted gold's also coz Kuwa's obviously still Retreating from Love with Yusuke due to his mis-read that Yusuke gave his life to save Keiko from Suzaku coz Yusuke's in love with Keiko, which Kuwa's actually heartbroken about, thus the muted color & Kuwa's over-compensation to give Yusuke & Keiko space by throwing himself desperately at aroace Yukina, who's the very definition of unavailable, coz Kuwa doesn't really wanna get over Yusuke! 🤣
Kuwa's also declaring himself in love with Yukina out of jealousy, to prevent her from becoming yet another female love interest for Yusuke coz the Yukina rescue mission was literally a handsome-hero-Yusuke-saves-beautiful-Yukina setup, right after Kuwa's heart was broken by his own mis-read post-Suzaku fight.
Unfortunately by doing this, Kuwa took himself out of the fight to have romantic love with Yusuke coz Yusuke thought Kuwa's really in love with Yukina, just like how Kazemaru (shuriken ninja guy) took himself out of the fight by mis-timing his blast, so we could be here all day if we really dig into the multi-layered subtext & foreshadowing in canon!
For now I'll just say I love the jealous downturn tilt to Yusuke's mouth and the forced nonchalance of his body language as Kuwabara fawns exaggeratedly over Yukina, which is consistent with anime whenever they depict a jealous Yusuke and an over-compensating Kuwabara! 🤣
Ahhhh the romantic tragic-comedy that is our boys' love story continues!
And of course, we get more references to Kuwa's Divine Gold Reiki with the bright yellow flowers along the path, and references to the Kuwameshi Soul Bond with the blue flowers, which is symbolic of Yusuke's Blue Reiki and Kuwa's Blue Soul when he saved Yusuke from Rando's demon fish!
I also L❤️VE how canon always hints that Yusuke and Kuwa are sharing clothes by putting them in near identical tee-shirts, which is consistent with manga especially Sensui arc, and anime when Yusuke wakes up in Kuwa's bed post-Suzaku fight wearing an untorn long sleeved white shirt that's obviously Kuwa's (coz Suzaku blasted a lightning bolt through Yusuke's shoulder 😭😭 which tore Yusuke's own shirt!)
Even Yusuke's outer long sleeved button-up here seems a little too big & long for him and is reminiscent of the style of shirts we've seen on Kuwa in the past 🤣 Did ya appropriate Kuwa's shirt to keep warm Yusuke? 😜
The only relationship that seems to be going right in this picture is Hiei and Yukina's, since Hiei seems to have told her he's her brother and is wearing a Hiruiseki openly while walking beside her, and Kurama is of course sanguine and at peace so his relationship with himself is good LOL.
But I'm hopeful the manga + anime ending sets our beloved Yusuke and Kuwabara up to finally get together, coz guess what else Mulberry Trees do in real-life? They only bloom when all threats of frost are over 🤯🥹❤️
Now that the Makai (symbolic of Yusuke) & Human Realm (symbolic of Kuwa) are opening up to each other peacefully, this ending is symbolic of how Yusuke & Kuwabara's romantic relationship can finally blossom without the threats of life-or-death fights, and without Yusuke having to worry about putting Kuwa in mortal danger by painting a bigger target on Kuwa's back if he lets the world knows he's head-over-heels in love with Kuwa! 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️
If you'd like more meta about canon subtext & symbolism, try this Kuwameshi Meta series on AO3, especially the Audacious Soul Bond Romance meta!
If you'd like to see our heroes realize their True Harmony Soul Bond with each other in an alternate canon fic, try The Good Fight!
Say their first names Yusuke 幽助 and Kazuma 和真 with me!
Souls (幽) in True Harmony (和真) who Help (助) each other!!
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grey-sorcery · 1 year
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Visualization Vs. Conceptualization Visualization, Reiki, & Fascism Introduction to Gnosis Basics of Spellcasting Spell Design Introduction to Energy Work Energetic Constructs The Subtle Body Energetic Senses The Cost of Energy Work
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Visualization is a tool that harnesses the power of imagination and perception. Through the deliberate creation of detailed mental imagery and the infusion of unwavering clarity, one can navigate the vivid construct of the mind, fostering a profound connection between the envisioned reality and the path to its actualization. Aphantasia, a cognitive condition characterized by the inability to summon voluntary mental images, engenders a distinct disadvantage in the realm of visualization-oriented practices. This social bias, predicated upon the assumption that all individuals possess the ability to visualize, inadvertently marginalizes and devalues the lived experiences of those with aphantasia. Consequently, the prevailing emphasis on visualization as a means of manifestation perpetuates an exclusionary paradigm, reinforcing ableist narratives that ascribe lesser worth and potential to those bereft of this inherent cognitive ability.
How to Visualize
Visualization is a cognitive technique that enables individuals to create vivid mental imagery of desired outcomes. By skillfully employing this method, one can effectively construct intricate mental pictures, harnessing the faculties of imagination and perception. To embark upon this journey of mental creation, find a tranquil space where external distractions are minimized, affording the mind an undisturbed canvas. Close one's eyes, and let the mind's eye unfurl, summoning a scene of vibrant clarity. Immerse oneself in this vivid realm, invoking the senses to weave a tapestry of sensations that engulfs the mind. Envision textures and colors, conjuring a panorama rich in detail, akin to a masterful painting springing to life. With each breath, deepen the connection to your vision, rendering it palpable and immediate.
Pit-Falls of Visualization
Visualization is ubiquitously viewed as a means of manifestation and widely considered a form of energy work. This consensus couldn’t be further from the truth and is based on innate ableism and class separation, which is invariably tied to white supremacy (Ref. Law of Attraction & New Thought). Developing a reliance on visualization as the cornerstone of your practice rather than it being merely a tool, similar to correspondences, will result in rendering your spellwork ineffective at worst, and inefficient at best. Visualization operates within the confines of the human mind's perceptual boundaries, restricted by the limited range of experiences one has encountered. As a consequence, attempting to conjure images or concepts beyond one's experiential scope may prove evasive, as the mind can only reference and synthesize familiar elements. This inherent limitation hinders the user by immense amounts in terms of innovative approaches to witchcraft, responsibly processing UPG & biases, interacting with spiritual entities, and utilizing higher spatial dimensions in spellcraft.
Visualization in Use For Gnosis
Firstly, the process of planning spellwork, visualization serves as a cognitive map, aiding in the construction of a comprehensive framework within the practitioner's mind. This mental blueprint allows for the seamless integration of various components, such as symbolic representations, ritualistic gestures, or energetic alignments. Through the meticulous visualization of each step and component, practitioners establish a sense of coherence and intentionality, ensuring a harmonious orchestration of their magical endeavors. This also aids in generating a space that is free from distractions.
Secondly, By harnessing the power of vivid mental imagery and immersive cognitive projections, individuals can establish a connection between their consciousness and the decided state of gnosis they seek to embody. Visualization becomes a catalyst for heightened awareness, engendering a state of deep insight and transcendent understanding that could potentially surpass ordinary meditation.
Effective Applications in Spell Design
Visualization facilitates the embodiment of memories, correspondences, divine/spiritual connections, and abstract concepts, enabling practitioners to fully immerse themselves in the spell's essence. By mentally experiencing the sensations associated with the desired outcome, practitioners establish a continuous plan of action that encompasses all associated nodes, constructing a threshold with reliable accuracy. Furthermore, visualization can aid in conjuring emotions that one may use to fuel a spell, by then energetically channeling that emotion through the subtle body during the working.
Effective Applications in Energy Work
When first learning energy work, visualization can aid immensely by creating mental frameworks that can be used to guide energy into desired forms. As an example, by picturing a sphere in your palms, you may then begin to manipulate energies within and around your subtle body in order to get it to fit within the confines of the sphere. One may even visualize rotation within a construct, or other properties in order to have a better comparison for the desired outcome. Using visualization specifically for creating simple energetic constructs will always be effective and will likely not become a detriment. However, if visualization becomes too ingrained into your energy work, it may eclipse the genuine work you’re doing and replace it with imagination. Beyond this, visualization cannot be used effectively to create constructs in higher spatial dimensions. 
Other Potential Uses
Symbolic Empowerment: Visualization can be used as a tool to observe objects, talismans, or symbols within personal meaning and power, establishing a profound connection to harness their correspondences.
Divination: Practitioners can utilize visualization to immerse themselves in the imagery of divinatory tools like tarot cards, runes, or scrying mirrors, facilitating a deeper understanding of the symbolic messages conveyed.
Spell Component Activation: Visualization can aid practitioners, mentally, when charging and activating spell components through energy work such as herbs, crystals, or oils, imbuing them with desired qualities or intentions prior to their incorporation in spellwork.
Ancestral Connection: Through visualization, practitioners can engage in ancestral work by envisioning their ancestors to help when communing, seeking guidance, wisdom, and blessings from them.
Dreamwork: Visualization aids in dreamwork practices by actively envisioning and intending dream recall, lucid dreaming, or specific dream experiences, enhancing the practitioner's ability to explore and learn from the realm of dreams.
Effective Alternatives to Visualization
Conceptualization: Embrace the power of conceptualization to articulate and comprehend desired outcomes with intellectual precision.
Scientific Integration: Incorporate empirical knowledge and logical reasoning into spellwork, aligning intentions with a metaphysical understanding of how spellwork can interact and move through aspects of the current scientific model.
Abstract Concepts: Explore the realm of abstract concepts to fuel spellwork endeavors, delving into profound abstractions that transcend visual imagery.
Metaphorical Language: Utilize metaphorical language to create resonance and evoke desired transformations, tapping into the depths of the mind through symbolic associations.
Cause and Effect: Formulate spells by synthesizing theoretical constructs and understanding the intricacies of cause and effect in the manifestation process.
Energy Transference: Explore energy transference as a key aspect of spellwork, understanding how intent, passion, gnosis and energy work interact and influence outcomes.
Symbolic Representations: Embrace the power of symbolic representations to convey intentions, utilizing abstract symbols with personal significance.
Rationality and Spirituality: Harmoniously integrate rationality and spirituality, blending scientific comprehension with metaphysical exploration in spellwork.
Intellectual Precision: Focus on precise and clear articulation of intentions, utilizing intellectual faculties to direct the working towards desired outcomes.
Energetic Senses: By relying on senses inherent to the subtle body, visualization becomes obsolete when it comes to energy work. 
These alternative approaches empower individuals with aphantasia to engage in spellwork that transcends visual imagery, leveraging conceptualization, scientific understanding, and abstractions to manifest their intentions and connect with the depths of the mind.
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
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Today the sun "stands still" (that's what Solstice means) in its journey through the north and south equator. There is a battle between the dark and the light, and we have the shortest day of they year. At the Solstice we celebrate rebirth. "On the winter solstice the sun reaches the southernmost point in its path, warming the southern hemisphere and creating summer there, while its absence cools the northern hemisphere and creates winter there. Capricorn nights are long in the north and the winter solstice is the longest, darkest one. Thus does Capricorn remind us to take a serious look at life and prepare to achieve under the difficult conditions of winter." Today we should slow down, take in the shift and to contemplate over our responsibilities and focus to shine our own light brighter. Now we have Sun and Saturn in Capricorn and we are in a week of creating new within and around us. Mythologically, in many different cultures, this marks a day of celebration and this is what people in the North (Scandinavia) believed: "In Northern Europe, the year's longest night is called "Mother Night" for it was in darkness the goddess Frigga labored to bring the Light to birth once more. The Young Sun, Baldur, who controlled the sun and rain and brings fruitfulness to the fields, was born. Frigga's blessing is invoked for all birthing women, and a white candle that last burned on the solstice is a charm to provide a safe delivery.". This is truly a symbol of us birth, life, death and rebirth. It is a great time now to close the chapters of this year and embrace the new which will bring many blessings and surprises❄️ #wintersolstice #capricorn #summersolstice #lawofpositivism #meditation #dailyaffirmations #astrology #numerology #111#1111 #444 #222 #mindful #mindfulness #positiveenergy #lawofattraction #positiveaffirmations #yoga #meditation #buddha #buddhism #healingenergy #reiki #kundalini #sohum #moonchild #hippiespirits
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reikisreiki · 7 months
Hello is anyone interested in REIKI symbols. lets share some. me and you: this is my first one:
Cho Ku Rei (Power Symbol)
Description: The Cho Ku Rei symbol, also known as the Power Symbol, embodies the essence of power, protection, and physical healing. It consists of a spiral or coil shape with a vertical line intersecting it, representing the flow and focus of Reiki energy.
Usage: The Cho Ku Rei symbol is used to increase or concentrate Reiki energy in specific areas during a healing session. It can be applied at the beginning of a session to enhance the flow of energy, or targeted at particular areas of the body that require extra attention for healing.
Method: Practitioners may visualize or draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol with the intention of amplifying the healing power of Reiki energy. They may place their hands over the symbol and channel Reiki energy into it, activating its protective and healing properties.
Reiki Practice: Integrating the Cho Ku Rei symbol into Usui Reiki practice empowers practitioners to harness the full potential of Reiki energy for physical healing and protection. It serves as a versatile tool for enhancing the effectiveness of healing sessions and promoting overall well-being. Inorder to see the symbol click on the wikki link below.
You can also buy my book or let's say preorder my e-book with more then 50 symbols for only 2.99 after pre order it will cost 4.00. enjoy.
The link:
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bosses-stay-flawless · 9 months
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Cute jacket I ordered, I’m working on creating my own Reiki symbols, I believe that the process of healing is a highly personal one. I have benefited so much from the example of others yet there comes a time when you grow and you reach a point where you can trust your own process. I have always been a supporter of the unique, individual and creative process of others. I have also always celebrated those same qualities within myself.
Trust us also an inside job. My current mantra: I trust myself, trusting myself is an integral investment in my own process.
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harmonyhealinghub · 1 year
Unlocking Your Inner Balance: Understanding Chakras
Shaina Tranquilino
July 29, 2023
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "disk." Within our bodies, there are believed to be seven main chakras that form a part of our energetic system. These spinning wheels of energy are said to be responsible for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Each chakra corresponds to specific organs, emotions, colours, sounds, elements, and even life lessons. They are interconnected and influence one another's functioning. When all chakras are in balance and open, energy flows freely throughout our body, promoting harmony and vitality. However, if they become blocked or imbalanced, we may experience various physical or emotional ailments.
Let's explore the seven chakras individually:
1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, it represents our foundation and connection to the Earth. This chakra governs feelings of safety, security, stability, and survival instincts.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Positioned just below the navel area, it relates to pleasure, creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. This chakra encourages us to embrace joy and passion in life.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the upper abdomen region near the diaphragm area, this chakra influences self-esteem, personal power, confidence, motivation, and willpower.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Found at the center of the chest near your heart area; this chakra symbolizes love—both for oneself and others—as well as compassion, forgiveness, and emotional healing.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located at the throat region, it governs communication, self-expression, authenticity, and speaking one's truth. This chakra encourages clear and effective communication.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned between the eyebrows, this chakra represents intuition, inner wisdom, insight, imagination, and perception beyond the physical senses. It is often associated with enhanced spiritual awareness.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Situated at the top of the head or slightly above it, this chakra connects us to higher consciousness and divine energy. It embodies spirituality, enlightenment, and cosmic unity.
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Now that we have a basic understanding of each chakra let's explore how to balance them:
1. Meditation: Regular meditation practice can help activate and align your chakras. Focusing on each individual chakra while visualizing its specific color and chanting its corresponding sound can be especially beneficial.
2. Yoga Asanas: Certain yoga poses are known for their ability to stimulate specific chakras. For example, grounding standing poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) can activate the Root Chakra while heart-opening poses such as Camel Pose (Ustrasana) target the Heart Chakra.
3. Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations related to each chakra can help reprogram your subconscious mind and promote energetic balance. For example, "I am safe and secure" for the Root Chakra or "I express my truth with clarity" for the Throat Chakra.
4. Energy Healing: Seeking assistance from an energy healer or practicing self-healing techniques like Reiki can aid in clearing blockages within your chakras.
By becoming more attuned to our chakras' needs and addressing any imbalances or blockages we may encounter along our journey, we give ourselves a powerful tool for self-healing and personal growth. Remember, achieving balance in our chakras is a lifelong process, so be patient and compassionate with yourself as you embark on this transformative path.
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kaushalkumar1711 · 2 years
8 Reiki Healing Facts You Probably Didn't Know About
Reiki healing is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation, balance energy, and reduce stress. It is becoming increasingly popular in the Western world as a holistic approach to wellness.  
Despite the growing popularity of the Reiki healing course, there are still many people who don't know much about it. In this blog post, we will explore eight facts about Reiki healing that might surprise you. Discover the fascinating history, science, and potential benefits of this ancient healing technique.
1) Reiki healing is not affiliated with any religion
It is an energy-based healing practice, originating in Japan, that focuses on channeling life force energy to help restore balance and promote healing. Reiki healing course is an accessible form of natural healing that can be used by anyone, regardless of religious beliefs.  
2) The word 'Reiki' comes from two Japanese words - Rei which means 'God's Wisdom or the Higher Power' and Ki which is 'life force energy
Reiki healing course is a spiritual practice that focuses on the connection between an individual and their higher power. The concept of Rei is a divine energy or wisdom, while Ki is the energy that connects us all. By connecting these two elements, Reiki works to restore balance and well-being.
3) A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you
Reiki healing is known to produce a feeling of deep relaxation and peace as if your body is filled with warmth.  
During treatment of the Reiki online course, you may feel a tingling sensation, or energy is gently flowing around you, almost as if the air itself is buzzing.  
The sensation is often described as a 'glowing radiance', which can bring feelings of bliss and comfort to the person being treated.
4) During a session, you remain fully clothed
Reiki healing is a non-invasive therapy, so you must remain fully clothed. Reiki online course allows you to relax during the session and focus on the healing energy that is being directed towards you.  
During the session, the practitioner may place their hands lightly on your body or just above it. There is no need to remove any clothing, as the Reiki energy will pass through clothing just as easily as skin.
5) A typical session lasts between 60-90 minutes
Reiki sessions usually take place over an hour and a half. During this time, the practitioner will assess the client's needs, select and use the appropriate techniques, and provide feedback.  
The duration may vary depending on the client's condition and how deeply the practitioner works. Most practitioners focus on providing the client with a sense of relaxation during the session.  
6) It is common to experience deep relaxation during a session
Reiki healing helps to restore the body's natural balance and relax the body and mind. During learning reiki online, one may experience a deep sense of calm and peace, as the body and mind relax. People often report feeling lighter, more relaxed, and refreshed after a Reiki session.
7) Some people report having mystical experiences during a session
A Reiki healing session can be a powerful experience, and it is not uncommon for people to report feeling a sense of connection to something greater than themselves. People often describe a feeling of peace, joy, or understanding during the session.  
8) There are three main symbols used in Reiki which focus on mental, emotional, and physical healing
The Power Symbol, The Harmony Symbol, and The Distance Symbol. Each Reiki course symbol is designed to provide specific benefits such as calming the mind, boosting self-confidence, and restoring physical energy.
Reiki healing is an ancient healing technique that has been used for centuries to promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. It's a holistic practice that works with the body's energy to restore balance and harmony.  
Reiki healing is an ancient form of energy medicine that has been practiced for centuries. It is often used to bring balance and healing to the body and mind, as well as relieve stress. While many people are aware of the basics of Reiki healing, some interesting facts about it might surprise you. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring eight facts about Reiki healing that you probably didn’t know about. From its roots in Buddhism and Shintoism to its ability to treat physical ailments, Reiki healing has a lot to offer those looking for a holistic approach to healing.
Reiki healing is a holistic therapy that has been around for centuries. It is not associated with any religion and uses life force energy to promote mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Reiki course healing sessions typically last between 60-90 minutes and involve the practitioner channeling this energy to the recipient.  
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hypathie · 1 year
Hanzo Shimada's Drag Queen Names
Because he would be a deadly queen.
Do forgive my mistakes if you see any, I don't speak japanese (neither english lmao). Here are the main categories I've looked at to find inspiration.
Related to this post :
Japanese Gods (Buddism and Shintoïsm)
Enma-ō 閻魔王 King of Hell (Buddism).
Fudō Myō-ō 不動明王 God of fire and anger (Buddism)
Zōchō-ten 増長天 "he who causes to grow" King of the south. His symbolic weapon is the sword. Associated with the color blue (Buddism). Sounds like the legend of a certain dragon, huh ?
Izanami 伊邪那美 the creator deity of both creation and death in Japanese mythology, as well as the Shinto mother goddess (Shintoïsme).
Real persons who existed
Hattori Hanzō gave his name to Hanzo. In fact this surname means "demon"... FIERCE
Shimada Ichirō. Another samourai. He's famous because he assassinated a powerful politician in 1878.
Sada Yacco, geisha, descendant of a family of samurai.
Jingū, Tomoe Gozen, Nakano Takeko are all Onna-musha (女武者) female warriors in pre-modern Japan. They fought in battle alongside samurai men. Inspiring I guess.
Arashi アラシ : Best stack you can have in Oicho-Kabu, a traditional japanese cards game. In opposite the worst stack, called Yakuza, might be the origin for the term used nowadays to call the outlaw gangs . It's also a name that is still used, meaning "storm", or is a metaphor for emotional turmoil.
The Great Mirror of Male Love (男色大鏡 Nanshoku Ōkagami) is a collection of homosexuality stories by Ihara Saikaku, published in 1687.
Shimada Shinzaemon, hero from the japanese movie called "13 assassins".
Kuwabatake Sanjuro (桑畑 三十郎), a wandering ronin and master swordsman drawn into a gang war. He is a character from the movie Yojimbo.
Random japanese names
Reiki (Unisex) A practice of healing the spirit. Yeah Hanzo needs to be healed.
Rin : (Unisex) A cold, severe and dignified person. It's litteraly Hanzo's personality.
Ahmya (Female) means black rain. Melancholic, like him.
Random adjectives
Blue - 青 aoi
Redemption - 取り戻し torimodoshi
Honor - 栄誉 eiyo
Dragon - 竜 ryu
Bow - 弓 yumi
Arrow - 矢 ya
Archer - 弓術家 kyuujutsu ie
Let's mix my favourite ones ...
Arashi Saikaku Jingū Hattori Ahmya Ihara Blue / Aoi Zōchō-ten
Have I just done hours of research to realise that my favourite Drag Queen name for Hanzo would be Blue ?
I just want him to walk into a room and say
Hi, I'm Blue.
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reikifromlourdes · 2 years
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The photo below has been infused with the Energy of a 4 Leaf Clover. This rare clover is a symbol of luck and happiness. You can find it at https://www.youtube.com/@transformationalvibrations This is the last week to sign up for the January Reiki Sunday Special (one hour Reiki for $35.00) for more info, go to reikifromlourdes.com Blessings, Lourdes #restrelaxationreiki #reikifromlourdes #reikihealing #reikienergy #energyhealing #luck #happiness #energyforluck #energyforhappiness
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This powerful symbol is the last of the three symbols attuned to Reiki 2 students, along with Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki written about in my previous articles. The name of the symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, is commonly translated as ‘No past, no present, no future’ and is used primarily to send distant healing across time and space.
When using this symbol reiki energy is sent into a situation in the past, across distances in the present, or into future events. It really is quite an amazing tool to have this knowledge, and access to it for yourself and others. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen‘s vibration merges with the energy field of an individual or the energy of a place or situation, rather than with the physical body. If sending to a person or pet, it is most effective sent to the energy field as a whole so that the energy can then be free to dissipate to where it is required most, whether that be on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. It is the energy itself that has the knowledge as to where it is needed most. We are merely acting as a channel or facilitator.
Another perhaps more accurate translation of the five characters which make up the name of this symbol is ‘Correct thought (or correct mindfulness) is the essence of being‘. By using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol we become one with the energy which flows through us and across all time and space. If you view the path that we take through life from birth to death as a single stream of energy, the idea is that we can send energy and intention to any part of that path – whether it be past, present or future – for our highest will and good.
By being attuned to this symbol, students can direct energy into the past to heal old wounds and allow clients to release negative emotions held from past situations and events. Energy can also be sent to absent clients across time and space, across any distance, to help with present issues, and energy can be sent to future appointments, meetings and events to prepare the energy for the best result. This is an empowering way to create an open and optimistic mindset with the expectation of good things to come.
As with all reiki sessions the intention of the practitioner or student is so important, it literally is the key to unlocking the energies and sending them with positive intent to where they are most needed. It is a useful tool where the client is uncomfortable with a conventional one-to-one session, is in a distant country, or when a session is required in an emergency. In whichever way you chose to use this symbol it really is a powerful vibration which can be sent to anywhere on your Soul Continuum, or that of your client’s, creating a positive ripple travelling to where it is needed most. A very valuable and effective tool.
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wabisabireiki · 5 days
The scorpion and the moon
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Dearest, I signed up for a Friday the 13th (9/13/24-flash sale tattoo with my regular artist). Felt around on their flash for what sang to me and there was a little scorpion holding a crescent moon and star. My mom is a Scorpio and I've been trying in my own ways to smooth over the challenging aspects of our relating that has gotten courser over the years through my healing process ( and no doubt her unspoken gilt and shame). He, my artist booked me out a few days after the 13th and it fell on the day before the full moon. The timing was perfect though not on the 13th. I was his last appointment for the day and we spent my session catching up and talking about Preacher ( the show), mutual acquaintances, life, movies etc.
About a week before that I had listened to the diary of a ceo podcast with Andrew Huberman, and in it Andrew talked about how much relationships were such a big part of his life. In the talk he says he texts certain people ( not family) every morning. And that those morning texts between he and his friends are such important aspects of his life. IMO: Connection is becoming harder to navigate in this modern world because it is full of false alarm distractions/ exploitations. I have since started to text my mom every morning. Just a "Have a good day, or hi, hello", etc. I noticed she always responds in a way that I sense makes her feel cared for. I'd been sharing with her a lot about my Jung animus studies when I see her, which has also been with more consistency as of late.
A few years ago when my mom went on a short stint of leaving her Christianity to discover new age spirituality, she got her reiki certification and had begun to search outside of a religion. One time we went to a metaphysical shop and we both got tarot readings from a gifted psychic. When it came time to get my reading the psychic asked my mom to give us some privacy. She then relayed to me in a question, that there was something in the relationship with my mother that had greatly affected me and was more or less containing/ holding me back? I had never considered this before. I was blindsided and confused. Over the next couple of years I would delve deep into my unconscious ( Scorpio territory) and I would see, especially recently that I inherited so much from my mother's unconscious ( NO DIVING, as the sign says). As I continue to excavate the depths, what I see specifically now in this timing is how much my thoughts, feelings, sensations, and emotions were just copied and pasted over to my blueprint. Once you see it, you SEE IT.
This full moon eclipse for me is the culmination of all I have seen and felt that is not mine. There is a lot to leave behind ( not in abandonment) but in recognition that it is not mine. It is not me and I don't need to do something with it ( like remove it, fight it, condemn it). I find it hysterical that I took this pic to show someone my tattoo and it had the 'no diving 'sign in the background bc I was reading by the pool. It brings me back to so many childhood memories of growing up in El Paso near the mountains and all the run- ins I'd had with scorpions. 🦂 Never did get stung, but specifically one memory we went swimming at a family friend's and there was an alive scorpion just chilling at the bottom of the pool! They are always diving!
The great reckoning is going "OH! This beautiful substance ( in my metaphor a scorpion) that is within the scorpionic symbol- is indeed poison in one state and especially when it is retaliatory. It's other function(s) is/are heavy ( dangerous, of great pressure) exploration, adaptability, deep knowing, courage, power, resiliency and of course transformation."
A medicine. A magical alchemical process.
I find when my mom and I get together I am telling her a lot about the animus lately ( very virgo/ pisces axis) I see her intrigued and guarded.
This little tattoo is literally a symbol that I hold the rights to my self empowerment, which I am ironically just realizing that is what most of my tattoo's symbolize. It's still pleasing to me to think, "remember that one time I had no idea I was letting all of these attachments run my unconscious beliefs?!".
And how just this year an intentional mastery of said thoughts, feeling sensations, and emotions would be my focus.
CHEERS to all the scorpions out there, you continue to be one of my most beloved teachers and guides. And my South node in ♏️ 🥂
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Orlando Spiritual Consultations: A Journey into the Mystical Realm
Orlando Spiritual Consultations
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In the vibrant and enchanting city of Orlando, Florida, the interest in spirituality has seen a remarkable rise. People are increasingly seeking guidance through various spiritual consultations, including astrology, psychic readings, and holistic healing practices. This article explores the world of spiritual consultations in Orlando, focusing on the services provided by local astrologers and psychics. It delves into the types of spiritual services offered, the significance of these practices, and how they can enhance one’s life journey.
Understanding Spiritual Consultations
Spiritual consultations are tailored sessions where individuals seek insights into their personal and spiritual lives. These consultations can encompass various practices, such as astrology, tarot reading, palmistry, energy healing, and mediumship. Each approach serves as a unique tool for gaining clarity, understanding, and healing.
The Role of Psychics and Astrologers
Psychics and astrologers play a vital role in the spiritual consultation landscape. They act as intermediaries between the spiritual realm and individuals seeking answers. While psychics often rely on intuition and extrasensory perception to provide insights, astrologers use celestial movements and charts to interpret an individual's personality traits, challenges, and opportunities.
Psychics: Psychics utilize their intuitive abilities to tap into the energy surrounding individuals. They can provide guidance on various life aspects, such as relationships, career, and health. Psychics often employ tools like tarot cards, crystal balls, or even their own intuition to facilitate readings.
Astrologers: Astrologers interpret the alignment of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth to create a natal chart. This chart serves as a blueprint for understanding personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Astrologers can provide insights into significant life events, trends, and cycles based on planetary movements.
The Spiritual Landscape in Orlando
Orlando is known for its thriving tourism industry and entertainment options, but it also boasts a rich spiritual community. With an array of metaphysical shops, wellness centers, and skilled practitioners, residents and visitors can explore spiritual consultations that cater to their needs.
Popular Spiritual Services in Orlando
Astrological Readings: Astrological consultations provide individuals with insights into their life paths. By analyzing the positions of the planets, astrologers can reveal information about personality traits, relationship compatibility, and potential challenges.
Psychic Readings: Psychic readings offer intuitive guidance based on energy assessments. Psychics can tap into a person’s aura and provide clarity on specific issues, helping individuals navigate uncertainties.
Tarot Card Readings: Tarot cards are a popular tool among psychics and spiritual consultants. A tarot reading involves drawing cards that symbolize different aspects of life. The interpretations can provide profound insights into the past, present, and future.
Energy Healing: Many practitioners in Orlando offer energy healing services, such as Reiki and chakra balancing. These techniques aim to clear blockages and restore balance to the body’s energy system.
Mediumship: Mediums serve as conduits between the living and the deceased. They can communicate messages from loved ones who have passed away, providing closure and comfort to those in grief.
Workshops and Classes: Orlando hosts numerous workshops and classes on spiritual development, covering topics like astrology, psychic development, meditation, and energy healing. These events allow participants to deepen their understanding of spirituality and enhance their intuitive skills.
The Significance of Spiritual Consultations
Engaging in spiritual consultations can have a profound impact on an individual's life. Here are several key benefits of seeking spiritual guidance:
1. Clarity and Insight
Many individuals seek spiritual consultations during times of uncertainty or transition. Whether facing career changes, relationship challenges, or personal dilemmas, psychics and astrologers can provide clarity and insight. By gaining a deeper understanding of their circumstances, individuals can make informed decisions aligned with their true selves.
2. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery
Spiritual consultations encourage self-reflection and personal growth. Astrological readings often highlight strengths and weaknesses, prompting individuals to explore their potential. Psychics can provide guidance on overcoming obstacles, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.
3. Healing and Release
Many people carry emotional burdens that hinder their progress. Spiritual consultations can serve as a healing outlet, allowing individuals to release negative energies and emotions. Energy healing techniques, in particular, help individuals restore balance and harmony in their lives.
4. Connection with the Spiritual Realm
Consultations with psychics and astrologers create a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. This connection can offer comfort, reassurance, and a sense of belonging. Understanding that there is more to life than what meets the eye can be a transformative experience.
5. Enhanced Relationships
Astrological compatibility assessments can help individuals understand their relationships better. By exploring the dynamics between partners or family members, individuals can foster healthier connections. Psychic insights into relationship challenges can also provide valuable perspectives.
Choosing the Right Spiritual Consultant in Orlando
Selecting a spiritual consultant is a personal journey. Individuals should consider their specific needs and preferences when choosing a psychic or astrologer. Here are some tips for finding the right fit:
1. Research and Referrals
Start by researching local practitioners online. Read reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge their credibility. Additionally, seeking recommendations from friends or family members can lead to trusted consultants.
2. Specialization
Different practitioners may specialize in various areas of spirituality. Some may focus on astrology, while others excel in psychic readings or energy healing. Consider what specific services you are seeking and find a consultant who aligns with those needs.
3. Consultation Style
Every consultant has a unique approach to readings. Some may use tools like tarot cards or crystals, while others rely solely on intuition. It’s essential to find a consultant whose style resonates with you.
4. Intuition and Comfort
During the initial consultation, trust your intuition. Pay attention to how comfortable you feel with the consultant. A positive and open environment is crucial for meaningful insights.
5. Pricing and Accessibility
Consider the pricing structure of consultations. While some practitioners may charge per session, others may offer packages or sliding scale fees. Ensure that the consultant is accessible and offers sessions that fit your schedule.
Spiritual Events and Festivals in Orlando
Orlando hosts a variety of spiritual events and festivals that provide opportunities for individuals to connect with practitioners, attend workshops, and explore spiritual practices. These events foster a sense of community and offer insights into different aspects of spirituality.
1. Spiritual Fairs
Spiritual fairs often feature a diverse range of practitioners, including psychics, astrologers, healers, and vendors. Attendees can receive mini-readings, explore various spiritual products, and participate in workshops. These fairs create a vibrant atmosphere for spiritual exploration.
2. Workshops and Retreats
Many wellness centers and spiritual organizations in Orlando offer workshops and retreats focused on personal growth, healing, and spiritual development. These events provide immersive experiences and opportunities to learn from experienced practitioners.
3. Meditation and Mindfulness Events
Meditation and mindfulness have gained popularity in recent years. Orlando offers numerous meditation classes, group sessions, and mindfulness workshops. These events promote relaxation, self-awareness, and inner peace.
Testimonials from Spiritual Consultation Clients
To illustrate the impact of spiritual consultations, here are a few testimonials from individuals who have experienced the transformative power of psychic and astrological readings in Orlando:
Testimonial 1: Sarah
"I was at a crossroads in my career and didn’t know which direction to take. I consulted with an astrologer in Orlando, and the insights I gained from my natal chart were eye-opening. It helped me realize my true passions, and I’m now pursuing a career that aligns with my soul’s purpose!"
Testimonial 2: John
"After losing a loved one, I felt lost and heartbroken. I reached out to a medium in Orlando who connected me with my grandfather. The messages brought me so much comfort and closure. I truly believe that our loved ones are always with us."
Testimonial 3: Maria
"I attended a spiritual fair in Orlando and had a tarot reading. The cards revealed aspects of my life I hadn’t considered. The experience empowered me to make positive changes, and I feel more aligned with my true self."
The Future of Spiritual Consultations in Orlando
As the interest in spirituality continues to grow, the demand for spiritual consultations in Orlando is expected to rise. Practitioners are adapting to modern needs by incorporating technology into their services, such as virtual consultations and online workshops.
Moreover, the blending of traditional spiritual practices with contemporary wellness trends is becoming increasingly popular. Mindfulness, meditation, and holistic healing are being integrated into spiritual consultations, creating a comprehensive approach to well-being.
Orlando’s spiritual landscape offers a rich tapestry of opportunities for individuals seeking guidance, healing, and self-discovery. Whether through astrology, psychic readings, or energy healing, spiritual consultations provide invaluable insights into the complexities of life. As more people embrace the mystical journey, the spiritual community in Orlando will continue to flourish, providing support and enlightenment to those who seek it.
If you’re considering embarking on a spiritual journey, explore the myriad of options available in Orlando. Each consultation can serve as a stepping stone toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe around you. Embrace the magic and wisdom that await you in the world of spiritual consultations.
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