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hot take! Halloween is a Christian holiday (that's not the hot take) and it's not a coincidence that Reformation Day falls on the same (that's not the hot take), AND THUS it is not a coincidence that Satan exerts such overt effort to claim it as his own (that's the hot take)
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unfug-bilder · 2 months ago
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Deutsche Geschichte. Heute: Der Kürbis.
RIP (C) Andreas Prüstel
Damit bekommt auch die Aussage "Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders" ein neues Momentum.
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fishelfe · 1 year ago
This is how Christianity appropriated all these holidays, isn't it?
When I’m an old lady I’ll still be informing young people that Halloween never existed in this country until the 90s /early 00s when people who sell us stuff realised they could use it to sell us more stuff, and Halloween-themed stuff suddenly appeared in shopping centres without warning and was relentlessly marketed to children, and adults saw right through it and disliked it (“what’s this American sh*t, why are there pumpkins and witches in shop windows this never used to be a thing”) until they got used to it and young generations grew up thinking Halloween had always been a thing here even though kids born just a decade earlier had to be taught about it by the TV or school. Also it trampled over our pre-existing Fun Cultural Event When Kids Get Dressed-Up which had never needed to be marketed so aggressively and therefore became less relevant
I don’t mind at all if you love Halloween but it’s so weird to see my younger cousins convinced that it was always a thing in France when I remember being taught at school what trick or treating was, like “let’s learn about cultural traditions that are exotic and fun and different from ours!!” and I’m not old. Millennials literally saw Halloween get astroturfed into our culture with no explanation when shopping centres just went “from now on this is something we’ve always done” and we had no choice but to be like well OK I guess 🤷‍♀️
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ukulelegodparent · 1 year ago
Ideologically I don't agree with Bavaria but they kinda went of with the an Allerheiligen frei haben
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franzis-frantic-thoughts · 1 year ago
Feiertage 2024 - wie ihr euren Urlaub am Besten (TM) legt. AKA: Das ansteigende Durchschnittsalter dieser Website geht auch an German Tumblr nicht vorüber.
Januar - Scheiße. Der 6.1. ist ein Samstag. Der 1.1. war immerhin ein Montag, wohoo!
Februar - keine offiziellen Feiertage. RIP to you Karneval Freaks.
März und April - Berlin und MeckPomm haben an 8.3. den Internationalen Frauentag, das ist ein Freitag! Ostern ist vom 29.3. bis 1.4. Vier Urlaubstage davor und/oder danach sparen euch zumindest zwei Tage Urlaub für insgesamt 16/10 Tage frei.
Mai - Der 1. Mai ist dieses Jahr ein Mittwoch. Wenn du Montag und Dienstag davor nimmst, gibst du 2 Urlaubstage für 5 freie Tage aus. Das gleiche gilt für Donnerstag und Freitag. Christi Himmelfahrt ist dieses Jahr am 9.5. Das heißt, wenn du den 2., 3., 6., 7., 8., und 10.5. frei nimmst, kannst du dir insgesamt 12 Tage am Stück gönnen, mit 6 Urlaubstagen. Pfingsten folgt am Wochenende vom 19./20.5. und Fronleichnam (BaWü, Bayern, Hessen, NRW, RPF, Saarland) ist am Donnerstag, den 30.5. Hier empfiehlt es sich auf jeden Fall den Brückentag am 31. zu nehmen. Nochmal ein 4-Tage-Wochenende. Ob man das mit Pfingsten die Woche vorher verbinden will, ist fraglich. das wären 8 Urlaubstage für 16 Tage frei am Stück.
Juni und Juli - Nada. Bc fuck your nice weather, that's why.
August - Bayern und Saarland feiern am 15. Mariä Himmelfahrt. Das ist ein Donnerstag. Gönnt euch den Brückentag, meine Freunde!
September - Thüringen bekommt durch den Weltkindertag am Freitag, den 20.9., ein langes Wochenende. You go, Thüringen. Good for you, Thüringen.
Oktober - EinigkeitundRechtundFreiheit! der 3. ist ein Donnerstag, Brückentag ahoi! Die evangelischen Bundesländer haben Reformationstag (31.10.) am Donnerstag. Schlagt zu, ihr Lutheraner und lasst es an Halloween krachen!
November - Allerheiligen am 1.11. ist folglich ein Freitag, gut für die Katholiken. Sachsen hat außerdem noch am 20. Buß- und Bettag, das ist ein Mittwoch. Zwei Tage davor oder danach und ihr habt 5 Tage frei!
Dezember - Oh du Fröhliche! der 24. und der 31. sind jeweils Dienstags. Viele Arbeitgeber schenken ihren Angestellten diesen Tage komplett, oder zur Hälfte, oder bestehen auf Betriebsferien. Die Weihnachtsfeiertage liegen mitten in der Woche. Das heißt mit insgesamt maximal 5 Urlaubstagen (23., 24., 27., 30., 31.) kann man 12 Tage zwischen den Jahren blaumachen und die Feiertage so richtig genießen.
2025 fallen die Drei Heiligen Könige auf Montag, also sind die ersten beiden Januarwochen entspannt kurz.
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isalabells · 1 year ago
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Happy Halloween Reformationstag to all who celebrate, but esp to @notajoinerofthings
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say-duhnelle · 2 years ago
Shouldn't that say October 1517
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electrosquash · 1 year ago
The slight anxiety of accidentally skipping work because you're not sure whether your Bundesland celebrates Reformationstag or Allerheiligen
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ivabellini · 2 months ago
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Posted @withregram • @annett.renneberg #instagram #foto Gestern Bilder von Zuhause mit Katze - heute ( an einem recht grauen Herbsttag ) ein bisschen Sonnenstimmung mit diesem Bild vom Meer 🐶 🤣 Wünsche Euch einen schönen Reformationstag. #hintergrundgestaltung #top #🐶🐕🧡
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famosoentrescalles · 2 months ago
hi! I was meaning to write this on Monday but *gestures vaguely* the week happened. What are you dressing as for Halloween? Would you wear something fun for work/school? If social norms weren't a super annoying thing what would you actually wear if you were to go all out? If you're part of the staying home gang, how do you plan to spend Halloween eve? 😊🎃
hello 🫶🏻 these damn weeks, every week...
i'm not dressing up for halloween, and i don't have to go to work, because in my state halloween is an actual christian holiday (reformationstag) and everything is closed. if i'd go to work, i'd probably dress up appropriately for my work, aka nothing that gets in the way but maybe some fun makeup or a costume top. idc about social norms so if i'd get the chance i'd dress up from head to toe, probably in something gothic inspired.
this year, we have friends over for brunch and pumpkin carving and watching a scary movie. 🎃
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trans-lykanthropie · 1 year ago
Pretty dope how Reformationstag is on Halloween this year. I mean I still don't have any plans but at least I'm not at work
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underthewingsofthblackeagle · 2 months ago
... dann ist endlich Reformationstag!
Post Tenebras Lux!
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Noch 10 Tage ...
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gwendolynlerman · 1 year ago
Deutschribing Germany
Public holidays
Public holidays can be set by the federal government or the Länder. Only the Day of German Unity is set by federal law; the rest of them, even those celebrated all over Germany, are made holidays by state legislation. As a result, there are between ten and thirteen (in Bavaria), depending on the state. Most states have either ten or eleven public holidays.
The nine holidays observed nationwide are the following: 
January 1 - Neujahrstag (New Year’s Day)
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Karfreitag (Good Friday)
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Ostermontag (Easter Monday)
May 1 - Tag der Arbeit (Labor Day)
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Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day): it commemorates the ascension of Jesus into Heaven and takes place 39 days after Easter Sunday.
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Pfingstmontag (Whit Monday): it celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit and marks the resumption of ordinary time. It takes place fifty days after Easter.
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October 3 - Tag der Deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day): this holiday commemorates German reunification in 1990.
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December 25 - Weihnachtstag (Christmas Day)
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December 26 - Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag (Boxing Day)
Public holidays observed in only some states include:
January 6 - Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany) - Baden-Württemberg (BW), Bavaria (BY), and Saxony-Anhalt (ST): it celebrates the visit of the Three Wise Men after the birth of Christ. Groups of children dressed as the Three Wise Men known as Sternsinger (star singers) go from door to door to sing, ask for donations for worthy causes, and perform the traditional house blessing by marking the year over the door with chalk.
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The numbers indicate the year, while the letters mean either the names of the Three Wise Men (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) or the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat (May Christ bless this house).
March 8 - Frauentag (Women’s Day) - Berlin (BE) and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV)
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Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) - BW, BY, Hesse (HE), North Rhine-Westphalia (NW), Rhineland-Palatinate (RP), and Saarland (SL): it celebrates the Eucharist, that is, the body and blood of Christ embodied in sacramental bread and wine. It takes place sixty days after Easter Sunday.
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August 15 - Mariä Himmelfahrt (Assumption of Mary) - BY and SL: this holiday celebrates Virgin’s Mary ascension into Heaven after her death.
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September 20 - Weltkindertag (World Children’s Day) - Thuringia (TH)
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October 31 - Reformationstag (Reformation Day) - Brandenburg (BB), Bremen (HB), Hamburg (HH), MV, Lower Saxony (NI), Saxony (SN), ST, Schleswig-Holstein (SH), and TH: it celebrates the onset of the reformation, as Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on this day.
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November 1 - Allerheiligen (All Saints’ Day) - BW, BY, NW, RP, and SL: this holiday commemorates all Christian saints.
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Buß- und Bettag (Repentance and Prayer Day) - SN: it falls on the second Wednesday before the First Sunday in Advent.
While Father’s Day has a fixed date (Ascension Day), Mother’s Day takes place on the second Sunday of May. Furthermore, there is another unofficial holiday, Rosenmontag (“rose Monday”), which takes place on the Monday before Ash Wednesday. It is a de facto holiday in Catholic western and southern Germany, and especially celebrated in Carnival strongholds such as Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Mainz.
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Some public holidays (Good Friday, All Saints, and Prayer and Repentance Day) are quiet days (stille Tage), which means that public dancing, live music at inns, and noisy activities around the house, such as playing loud music, vacuuming, and construction with electric tools, are prohibited.
Holidays that always fall on Sunday are not determined by law but are quiet days: Volkstrauertag (Memorial Day), which takes place two Sundays before the first day of Advent and commemorates people who died in armed conflicts, both military and civilian, and Totensonntag (Sunday of the Dead), which is the Protestant equivalent of All Souls’ Day that commemorates the faithfully departed and falls on the last Sunday of the liturgical year in the Evangelical Church.
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Some days that are not designated as public holidays are quiet days in certain states, such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday, All Souls’ Day, and Christmas Eve (beginning in the afternoon).
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geschichtenimperium · 8 days ago
Adventskalenderminutengeschichte: 15. Dezember - Zu früh geleuchtet?
Andreas fuhr mit dem Auto langsam auf sein Grundstück zu. Überall leuchteten die Vorgärten um die Wette, wer die schönere Weihnachtsbeleuchtung habe. Sollten die Nachbarn versuchen, einander zu übertrumpfen, er war dieses Jahr der erste gewesen, auf dessen Grundstück der Advent als erstes Einlass gefunden hatte. Bereits am Reformationstag hatte er die kleinen Lichter auf seinem Ilex leuchten…
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helendalibor · 8 days ago
Adventskalenderminutengeschichte: 15. Dezember - Zu früh geleuchtet?
Andreas fuhr mit dem Auto langsam auf sein Grundstück zu. Überall leuchteten die Vorgärten um die Wette, wer die schönere Weihnachtsbeleuchtung habe. Sollten die Nachbarn versuchen, einander zu übertrumpfen, er war dieses Jahr der erste gewesen, auf dessen Grundstück der Advent als erstes Einlass gefunden hatte. Bereits am Reformationstag hatte er die kleinen Lichter auf seinem Ilex leuchten…
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animestan69 · 1 year ago
Frohen Reformationstag
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