#Reflexology Point: Lungs
modernreflexology · 10 months
Acupressure is the best way to increase lungs capacity. Therefore, massaging these 4 acupressure points for the lungs can prove beneficial to strengthen lung health
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nookishposts · 3 months
Hit Pause
I haven't been able to really write in some time and there are reasons. My life is on a pause for the next while, because my brain and body made me do it; I was not listening so they ganged up to make their point.
I was sitting at work one day, after a series of back-to-back respiratory viruses had left me physically depleted, and suddenly I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. My mind went blank and the simplest tasks slipped away into a maze of confusion. It was scary. I went to see my primary care provider and together we began to untangle the knots that had choked me into a complete stop. She is a smart cookie and knew the right questions to ask. She also had had an eerily similar experience herself, for which I remain very grateful as it means she "gets" what I have a hard time explaining. Including the brutal self-recrimination part.
(I was raised in the era of the Protestant work ethic motto of "Suck it up Buttercup" meaning I went to work no matter what, without complaint because that's what was expected. Taking time off was akin to weakness, in mind and body and that was shameful. We didn't want to let our co-workers down, or miss a paycheck. In those days, employers had the same expectation and could find ways to fire a person they saw as "slacking" if it interfered with production. Thankfully, workplace laws are different now and workers are a bit more protected.)
There were a number of contributing factors. I'd said goodbye to the massage and reflexology practice that had sustained me for 27 years, and with which I had defined myself more than I realised. I/we had experienced a huge number of significant deaths over a period of 10 months, people who had been key figures in my life; family members, mentors, teachers, and contemporaries: I stopped counting after we hit 20. I had taken on a full time job with a health centre I believed in and had worked for previously in a part time capacity, a job that I was very pleased to get, but one that shifted constantly.
Repeated viruses tanked my immune system. I stopped sleeping more than a couple of hours a night and awakened choking on mucus and flailing from nightmares. My muscles and joints hurt and I didn't digest food properly, leaving me with constant nausea and poor nutritional uptake. I fought to get up and just kept trying to push through each dizzying day, but ended up calling in sick more and more often. I became anxious and angry at myself for feeling so vulnerable: because anger is easier than admitting fear. It bothered me deeply that my wonderful office mate and our exceptional manager kept having to cover my ass and that clients, volunteers, and programs were left waiting. Even my teeth were crumbling. From clenching everything back into my throat and lungs. And my soul.
And then I stopped being able to think at all, or remember the simplest things.
I went numb in order to cope.
Blood work revealed that my vitamin D stores were 20% of what they needed to be. I tan easily and figured I was getting enough D from being outside a lot on our micro-farm. Nope. Symptoms of D deficiency include: joint pain and swelling, muscle weakness, tingling and numbing of hands and feet, cognitive issues, disturbed sleep architecture, extreme fatigue and cramping muscle spasms. My practitioner was smart enough to order the test based on a hunch, and she was bang-on. Suddenly a whole lot of seeming unconnected symptoms made perfect sense. Its a slow cumulative deficiency. I am now taking 5 times the daily recommended dose of D and it's starting to make a difference after only a couple of weeks. It's going to take time to get me where I need to go. I am still not sleeping and hence undergoing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for chronic insomnia. Medications don't work for this, it's a matter of re-setting the sleep drive with careful steps over time, and knowing that it gets worse before it gets better.
But my brain remained in overwhelm drive.
In a flash of inspiration I called my therapist from decades ago, to see if by some chance she was still practising and would agree to see me on zoom, to teach me some better coping strategies. She is, and she does, thank heavens! She knows me and we can skip the preliminaries and get right into things. She also dovetails really well with my primary care practitioner and they tag team me. Together they added to the list of official diagnoses, Compassion Fatigue, which I'd only dimly heard of. I had not had time to grieve and process between the deaths of loved ones, so a cumulative effect swamped me into feeling nothing at all. I was offered the analogy of hitting my thumb with a hammer...the pain is so extreme that you don't even feel it at first because your body goes into protective mode until you can catch up. It was also pointed out to me that I'd put a great deal of my creative and caring energies into a successful practice over 27 years and having to let it go had taken a significant piece of my identity with it. I'd specialised in working with people for whom massage had been challenging: people with body dysmorphia due to illness, trauma, size, scars, age, etc. I missed them. I missed listening, easing seized and painful muscles, and supporting others as they became more comfortable with themselves through patience and practice, one gentle , non-judgemental step at a time.
Which I now need to do for myself. Irony of ironies.
I am at that age where elders and contemporaries are getting sick and dying, it's a statistical inevitability. But these rapidly disappearing loved ones were not acquaintances, they were all people who had impacted my life significantly and helped form the person I am still becoming. They represent to some degree my history and my story. Even now, I find myself picking up the phone to call or text, or composing an email, forwarding a joke, needing to ask a question or seek advice from someone who has moved on to whatever comes after the death of the body. I can put the phone down, but I can't remove their names from my contact lists. Reminders and triggers are everywhere. Rather than fight or deny them, I try to allow them to be part of the shifting kaleidoscope that contributes to my new normal. Growth means change, and some of that means loss. I grieve not just for myself but for the families and friends of those key people. Too many, too quickly.
I have the luxury of medically-endorsed time off. EI sick benefits are coming soon. I have been instructed to rest, eat simply, not think too hard, just allow thoughts and feelings to surface without judgement or analysis. To doodle freely and bypass expectations. That's not easy for a usually over-busy brain like mine. I have to take my vitamins, not push myself, not make any big decisions for a while. Thankfully, my Beloved also gets it, and is gently supportive, watching me slowly return to the person she has lovingly invested so much in. The stony, stoic flatness I experienced was unnerving for her too. My body remains exhausted and unpredictable, my short term memory and word-finding skills still suck and I have to remind myself that it's okay to not be okay. Having met a couple of people who have been through something like this, really helps me feel validated in the amount time it will take to become well again. Regarding my employment work situation, I have been reminded : "Its not your job to take care of them. It's theirs." Okay.
If I am fortunate, I will get another 25-30 years on the planet and I want to spend them well, especially since they seem to go so fast. The last thing I want to be fighting is myself. Managing perceived expectations versus the glorious sticky mess of human reality is a fool's game and can make a person sick. And it can all be gone in a heartbeat anyway, in spite of our best intentions. Savour it all.
Pay attention when your body speaks. Give your brain a break. Love yourself enough to be appreciative of all that you are, and forgive what you aren't. We are so much better at offering these axioms than living them. Learning the hard way is still learning.
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acupressureequipment · 6 months
Use of Hand Acupressure Points Chart for Health Healing
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Our health needs to have unadulterated things like food, water, etc. One such thing is medicine, too. However, according to health research, one should not take medicines frequently because they can reduce our body's natural antibodies and weaken the immune system. 
But the question is, how can we make our bodies fit and healthy without medicine? This is where traditional health practices like Acupressure come into the picture. 
For those who feel curious about reflexology or acupressure, the human body has a lot of points where pressure can be applied for healing and relaxation. Some regard these locations, such as pressure points, as being used to stimulate other body parts and the entire health system.
Ancient science proves that pressure points can be used to promote a person's recovery from injuries and other health conditions. The application of pressure is a non-intrusive kind of therapy; therefore, it’s compatible with any other treatment that a doctor recommends.
Let’s get into the next sections to go deeper into the hand acupressure points chart and its uses. 
How do pressure points work?
Pressure points are used in acupressure and reflexology, which explore the bodily relationships of mind and body. This is why hands are said to have several of the body's strongest pressure points.
Reflexology practitioners say that applying pressure to specific points on the hands can energise and treat various body areas, including internal organs if you're tired or sick. 
Acupressure can improve numerous health concerns and using the points with the right hand acupressure tools and chart does not have any side effects because they are noninvasive and nonpharmaceutical. 
It is simple and one can also stimulate their pressure points at home or anytime, anywhere. 
What are the hand pressure points?
Hand acupressure points chart can become a valuable tool for beginners and people seeking self-care techniques. This chart defines the hand's key points corresponding to different body areas and specific health concerns. 
From relieving headaches and reducing stress to improving digestion and promoting better sleep, the chart offers a comprehensive guide to addressing a wide range of health issues naturally. 
Here we are discussing eight essential pressure points in the hand. Where they are, what they do, and how you can stimulate them for your benefit:
Heart 7
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In the crook of your wrist is the Heart 7 pressure point. It lines up with the space between your little finger and ring finger.
Next to this pressure point is a bone inline. Acupressure therapists say that putting light pressure on this spot may help in the prevention of sadness, anxiety, insomnia, and heart palpitations.
Small Intestine 3
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The pressing point ‘Small Intestine 3’ is on the outside of your hand, right on the edge. The point is where your hand curves down just below your pinky finger.
People believe that putting light pressure on this point can help with back of the head headaches, neck pain, and earaches.
Lung Meridian
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Just look at the edge of your hand to find the pressure point known as the lung line. It starts at the base of your thumb and goes down the side of your hand, finishing just below the wrist crease.
Following this line with your finger or any hand acupressure tools if you have a cold, might help ease the chills, coughing, runny nose, and sore throat.
Inner Gate Point
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You can find the inner gate point in a certain place on the inside of your wrist. With one hand, feel about 3 cm away from the middle point where your wrists touched.
According to acupressure, you should rub this point with your thumb to help yourself with digestion and ease any stomach pain or sickness.
Outer Gate Point
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The outside gate point is on the back of the arm, between the two tendons. It is on the back of your wrist, put three fingers from your other hand on top of your wrist is that point.   
Some acupressure experts also think that putting pressure on this part of the hand could give your immune system a quick boost.
Wrist Point 1
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Your wrist point 1 is on your wrist. Follow the line of your finger down your pinky to the crease in your wrist. You will get this point right there.
Reflexologists putting pressure on point 1 on your wrist will help you be happier by keeping your feelings in check.
Base of Thumb Point
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Your base of the thumb is this point. Put your finger on the base of your thumb and run it down to the crease in your wrist. Gently pressing on and rubbing this point with your finger can help with breathing and respiratory problems.
Hand Valley Point
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The hand valley point is in the thick skin between the thumb and index finger. Acupressure theory says that putting a firm touch on this pressure point may help lower stress and ease headaches, toothaches, shoulder tightness, and neck pain.
The Bottom Line
Reflexology is not a field valid in medicinal sciences. It's not the same as going to the doctor when you're sick or hurt because you can acupressure yourself. However, it could help you get better faster and generally keep you healthy.
There is no chance that acupressure will hurt you, so you can do it without any worries with the help of a hand acupressure points chart.
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bellaspadubai · 2 years
Russian Massage-What Exactly is that?
Russian massage, often known as Eastern European massage or Eastern European style massage, originated in the Soviet Union. Typically, this kind of massage is categorized as "sports" massage. Depending on the specific methods used, Russian massage might be either a connective tissue massage, a point massage, or a reflexology massage.
Russian massage is quite similar to Western sports massage, however, it is often performed more slowly and gently. The goal of a Russian massage is to increase internal body temperature by the use of friction. Together, this method and vibration are used by the masseuse to alleviate soreness and stiffness in the muscles. Stress in the mind is also reduced.
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Can you explain the point of a massage center in al Barsha?
If you want to unwind your muscles, try a Russian massage. Some common massage methods include kneading, slapping, and vibrating. We're going to be concentrating on the areas of the body that feel or create pain. Russian massage is said to boost the health of your neurological system, immune system, and lungs, according to its proponents.
How can one get the benefits of a Russian massage in al Barsha?
All parts of the body may benefit from a Russian massage in al Barsha. The primary goal is to alleviate muscular stress. Additionally, it helps to increase blood flow throughout the body. A patient's capacity to breathe, digest, and recover may be negatively impacted.
The therapeutic process often results in enhanced mobility, a faster metabolism, and less muscular weariness for the patient. In certain cases, Russian massage is used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment to speed recovery from an illness or accident.
Russian massage could help just about everybody. Athletes often experience this. Diseases of the skin, blood abnormalities, and severe stomach aches are only some of the numerous ailments for which it has been tried as a treatment. Russian massage may help treat your problems, but you should check with your doctor first.
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tdatdroleplay · 4 years
Finding Friends
Including @HisTeenDream @WorkOutTheKinks @SassInScrubs 
Lux: Thanks. I appreciate your time. [She shook the man’s hand and then watched him leave. He’d given her a decent estimate on the window, and was planning to come and fix it in the next day or so. After watching him leave, she got back into her car and left for the hospital to go and visit with her dad. The drive wasn’t long, and she was there in a few minutes. Once she’d parked, she hurried into the hospital, got her visitor’s badge, and went upstairs to her father’s room. She was hopeful that he’d be discharged today.]
Berlyn: [She had been going through her schedule for her impatient physical therapy sessions when she came across Mr. Wilder’s name. She smiled as she checked her watch and had decided to head up a little early. He was a funny man. And she always enjoyed getting to have sessions with him though she wished more than anything that his visits for treatments would decrease because of remission. But they hadn’t been that lucky. Yet. She also had enjoyed the days when Lux was there. She would give her dad a hard time, but encourage him all the same. It was such a blessing to see him light up when she would visit. She lifted her hand, knocking on the door before she entered.] Hey Mr. Wilder. How are you feeling today? [She grinned as she saw Lux too.] Hey girl...how’s our guy doing? 
Londyn: [She was pulling a double in oncology, and she felt pretty tired. But the work was worth it. She was heading down the hall when she saw her sister head into Mr. Wilder’s room. She knew that he was going to be going home either today or tomorrow, and it was rare that she had the chance to speak to her sister while they were on the clock so she headed in after her with a smile.] Getting your therapy today, Mr. Wilder? [She smiled as he told both her and Berlyn to call him Eric. She smiled at Lux.] Good to see you here again. Did you just get in? [She looked at Berlyn.] Don’t go easy on him. He’s stronger than he looks.
Lux: [She was telling her dad about the estimate on the window when his physical therapist and his favorite oncology nurse came in. Twins. Identical twin sisters. She smiled at them as they came in.] Well, he seems to be doing pretty good today. Ate a little more this morning he said. And I’m going to go and get him some lunch too. How are you two doing? [She sat in the chair nearest her dad as the Winters sisters glanced at her dad’s chart.]
Berlyn: [She laughed at both her sister and Eric. She shook her head.] You really need to eat for your daughter, Eric. She’s only giving you the best advice. [She smiled and then looked over at Lux.] I’m doing well, thanks for asking. Just ready to get this guy home so we can work on some breathing exercises. [She grinned at him.] How are you, love?
Londyn: [She did a little check on Eric, just to make sure he was breathing alright, that his vitals were good and stable before Berlyn got to work on him. She stood near Lux’s chair.] Lunch sounds good, especially if it isn’t coming from here, right? And you know...the more you eat, the stronger you get, and the sooner you can head home. [She laughed softly and then nodded.] Berlyn and I are good. Just working pretty hard. Pulling doubles every now and again. 
Lux: Well, I know you guys work hard. I always see you guys buzzing around the halls. [She smiled and then nodded.] Mhmm. It’s dad’s choice. Whatever he wants for lunch, I’m going to go get. [She wet her lips, ready to answer Berlyn’s question when her dad chimed in saying how she had a new boyfriend.] Dad…[She shook her head and smiled.] Hank isn’t really new in my life at all. 
Berlyn: [She grinned and shook her head.] Listen to this...you’re seriously spoiled! [She nodded her head as she started to work with his ankle joint. But when he blurted out about Lux having a boyfriend now, she looked over at her and grinned.] What?! Girl, you’ve got the gossip. /And/ your daddy is the one sharing it? Honey, have we told you nothing about how much we enjoy hearing the goods? [She laughed softly and moved onto his other foot.] We’re just gonna get some reflexology in this time, Eric. We’ll do more serious work at home, alright?
Londyn: [She laughed as Eric outed his daughter.] Uh oh! [She laughed and shook her head.] Hank, huh? Who’s Hank? Berlyn and I wanna know all about him. And look at that smile on dad’s face over there. I take it you approve? [She lifted a brow as she took a few more minutes in the room with her sister, Lux, and Mr. Wilder.]
Lux: [She laughed softly, shaking her head.] Hank’s a guy I’ve known for years. We went to high school together. We were always friends. But we reconnected when I moved back here. [She smiled and lifted a shoulder.] Yeah, dad approves. He likes Hank. They’ve been hanging out while I was in college. And you know I’ll give you details. Just…[She pointed at her dad and shook her head as though to say not in front of him. Looking at Berlyn and Londyn, she couldn’t help but draw comparisons. They were close. They were twins. And Nic and Nash were close. Like brothers. Londyn and Berlyn were gorgeous girls. They definitely qualified as lovely ladies. And they were smart and ambitious with careers of their own.] Do you girls...I mean can you take a lunch break at the same time? Maybe we could all get some food outside the hospital. And I could bring dad back something.
Berlyn: [She grinned and then bounced her brows.] Hank’s a good name. [She nodded her head when Londyn pointed out that Eric seemed fine with Hank. She wet her lips and smiled.] Of course we can. We’re from different departments. But even if we weren’t...I’d like to see them try to get us to not do something together...they can’t even tell us apart. [She laughed softly and then gave Eric’s leg a squeeze.] When I come back, you gonna work on arms with me? 
Londyn: Lunch break...who am I kidding? /Any/ break sounds like a piece of heaven to me. Are you ready now? Cause...we can go now. [She laughed as Berlyn finished up with Mr. Wilder for now, his lower extremities done.] I think upper body’d be great. And remember, she’s gonna make sure you know all those breathing exercises too. [She smiled, looking at Lux.] I just need to clock out for break. Give me five minutes, OK? We’ll meet out in the hall by the door?
Lux: [She smiled when she saw the look on her dad’s face. He seemed pleased that she was going to be having lunch with friends. She hadn’t done much of that since she’d moved back. Hadn’t taken a lot of time for herself. But she didn’t mind.] Alright. Meet out in the hall in five then. [She watched Londyn and Berlyn leave the room, and she looked at her dad.] So tell me, dad, what do you want for lunch?
Berlyn: [She grinned and nodded when Eric said he was more than happy to do that. She tugged her sister’s scrub sleeve and the two of them headed out into the hall. She shook her head.] Wanna come down with me to get my bag? I’ll treat us today. You got last time. [She smiled.] And just for the record, I’m glad she’s seeing someone. Every day she’s here. Every day she’s sinking deeper into her emotions without finding any kind of happy. /But/ Eric is stable. And that’s a huge positive. Especially considering his treatment response….has anything changed there? 
Londyn: [She walked out of the room with Berlyn after agreeing to meet Lux outside the door. She was a nice girl who had a lot going on in her life at the moment. Looking at her sister, she smiled and nodded.] Yeah, I’ll go with. Give me just a second. [She hurried behind the nurse’s station to make sure everyone knew she was on break before walking downstairs with her sister to get her bag.] Yeah, I hope the guy’s a good guy. She deserves some happy after all the stuff with her dad. Well…[She looked at her sister.] he isn’t in remission yet, but the latest tests showed a shrinking of the mass in his lungs by a few millimeters. It’s good news, but not the news they want to hear, you know?
Lux: [She kissed her dad on the head and then headed out into the hall to wait for Berlyn and Londyn. It took them a few minutes to make it back up to her dad’s floor, but once she saw them, she started walking toward them, her purse on her arm.] Well, my dad’s requested either The Jerk Shack or Big Bib BBQ. Either of those OK with you two?
Berlyn: But it is good news, Lon. Not responding and getting worse would be news they don’t want to hear. [After grabbing her bag, the two of them made it back to meet up with Lux and she heard their options.] Oh...girl...hmmm. And if those are our choices, he has to be getting his appetite back, those are some seriously flavor explosions. [She laughed softly.] I vote for Big Bib. 
Londyn: I know...it’s just hard because I don’t want them to get their hopes up just yet. You know how this goes. Maybe I’m just jaded. [She gave her twin a small smile and then hurried to grab her things. Once they were back up on the floor, she saw Lux coming toward them. She looked at her sister, she knew what she’d choose. She nodded.] That’s fine with me. Can’t go wrong with Texas BBQ. And on the way there, we can discuss this Hank of yours. [She laughed as they got onto the elevator, heading down to the first floor.]
Lux: [She nodded with a smile.] Sounds good to me. I love BBQ. [She got into the elevator with the twins and then headed out to the garage to get to her car.] Well, what would you like to know? Hank’s an officer with the SAPD. And he’s in the middle of taking tests to join SWAT. He’s a sweetheart. Always has been. [She smiled as they reached her car, all of them piling in to head out to the BBQ joint.] We actually reconnected in a really crappy way. Dad’s house was broken into and Hank was the responding officer.
Berlyn: Wow...no way! Broken into? Was everything alright? I’m sorry, that just sucks. And I can’t stand people doing things like that. It’s like, work for your own belongings. [She shook her head.] Oh...so he’s a cop, but he’s got ambition? That’s a good thing. [She grinned.] A little danger, a little blue collar. [She laughed softly.] A man in uniform isn’t a bad thing. What’s he look like? 
Londyn: [She shook her head, her brow furrowing as Lux mentioned her father’s house getting broken into.] I swear, what’s wrong with people? Like...your dad is having a hard enough time without having to worry about his property being damaged or stolen and worrying about his daughter’s safety. But at least I guess something good came from it, huh? [She smiled and then laughed.] I was getting ready to ask the same thing!
Lux: [She drove out of the garage and toward the restaurant.] Yeah...it was really upsetting. Coming home to see that. All my dad’s meds were missing. His gun. They even took some of our kitchen appliances. [She shook her head with a sigh.] And my cello. [She smiled when Berlyn and Londyn started talking about Hank.] Yeah, he’s a great guy. And he’s going after something he really wants. He’s going to get it too. [She looked at the twins.] Gorgeous. That’s how he looks. Brown hair, brownish green eyes, the most adorable smile. And y’all...the arms? The chest? Shoulders? All there. And he has a few tattoos too. What about you two? Are you guys seeing anybody?
Berlyn: [She shook her head.] That’s horrible. Taking a man’s cancer meds? They don’t even have street value. That’s just terrible. [She sighed.] I hate the way it seems like things just kick you when you’re down. [She listened to Lux talk about Hank and she grinned.] Well, sounds like you like him a lot, huh? Get’s that engine going. [She laughed softly and shook her head.] Me? No...I haven’t dated in a few years. These jerks out here...just be glad you found yourself a good one. 
Londyn: [She hated that someone had broken into their home and taken their things. Taken medication and a gun and Lux’s cello. She had heard Mr. Wilder talk about how beautifully she played. But then she started describing her new man, and she laughed.] Well, he sounds pretty hot. [She scoffed.] Me? No. All I do is work really. I haven’t had time to meet anyone, get to know them, or anything like that. And like Bery said...guys out there are shit. [She laughed as they pulled up outside of Big Bib BBQ.] I’m starved.
Lux: [She parked the car and then nodded.] Oh yeah, he definitely gets me going. He’s…[She blew out a breath and then laughed, her cheeks a little pink. After getting out of the car, they headed inside the restaurant, got themselves a table and started to look over the menu. She bit her lip as she looked up at the twins.] Well...you know...I know you’re both busy and everything, but if you guys were interested...Hank has a couple SWAT friends that I could introduce you both to. No pressure though. [She lifted her hands in submission, not wanting them to feel put on the spot, to feel like they had to accept. She ordered herself a Coca Cola, the brisket stuffed baked potato, baby back ribs, a side of potato salad, and the peach cobbler.]
Berlyn: [She laughed at how red Lux’s cheeks were.] Awe...look at that. That’s actually really sweet. [She looked from Lux to her sister.] Uh...seriously? [She shook her head.] Friends, huh? And they’re also men in uniform? [She grinned and shook her head before she ordered.] I’m gonna have the brisket, jalapeno sausage, pulled pork and potato salad. That’s it for me. [She looked at Londyn.] What? I’m hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast. [She laughed.] 
Londyn: [She laughed.] It is sweet. I want a guy who makes me blush and shit. [She huffed out a breath and then lifted her brows as she heard Lux ask if she and Berlyn would like to meet some of Hank’s friends.] So these guys are part of SWAT? Are they cute? Not to sound shallow but…[She laughed a little.] Tell us about them. [She looked at Berlyn as she ordered.] Nothing. You get it, girl. I’ll take a Sprite, the lean brisket, sweet potato casserole, and the green beans please. Oh...and an order of banana pudding. Thanks.
Lux: [Before the server left, she put in a to go order of brisket, jalapeno sausage, sweet potato casserole, and greens for her dad. Once everyone had ordered, she went back to talking about Hank’s friends.] Yeah, seriously. If you guys are interested in meeting them that is. I mean...I’ve briefly met them. They’ve been in SWAT for awhile. They’re partners. And yeah, I’m sure they have uniforms. [She laughed a little.] But they’re Nic and Nash. And they’re both pretty cute. Definitely on the tasty side. One’s got tattoos and he’s a little quieter and more mysterious. The other’s loud and proud. He’s a goof, but not in a stupid way. Both have dark hair. Nic has...blue eyes I think. Nash has like a...hazel color. Greenish. They seem like nice guys. We talked about all of us celebrating once Hank’s spot in SWAT is secured. If you guys wanted to...show up...I’m sure they wouldn’t be hating it. [She smiled with a shrug.]
Berlyn: [Her brows lifted as she started to talk about these other guys since Londyn asked about them. And she was interested in knowing that too. She lifted her brows a bit and laughed.] Oh...that’s interesting. [She grinned.] See...I’m the quieter of the two. We both know that. [She laughed softly.] But…[She shook her head.] a blue-eyed loud and proud man who’s also into protecting and serving? Yeah...that’s much more up my alley I think. [She laughed.] So...his name is Nic? Short for anything?
Londyn: [She arched a brow, the server bringing their drinks. She sipped on her Sprite for a few seconds before speaking.] That’s fine. I can totally handle a tattooed mystery man. I mean...what they do? That alone has to be seriously interesting. [She glanced at her sister before speaking.] You let us know when you guys are ready for the celebration. I think Berlyn and I might just be interested in showing up and meeting these guys. 
Lux: [She laughed at the way Berlyn and Londyn were already picking and choosing who would be getting Nic and who would be getting Nash. Sight unseen mind you. She took a sip of her coke and then nodded.] Yeah, it’s short for...Nicolae. Hank said he’s Romanian. Hank said they’re best friends, more like brothers. And...well, they did ask if I had any friends. So...clearly they’re both single.
Berlyn: [Her brow lifted when she said he was Romanian.] Well, that’s even more interesting, isn’t it? He’s a member of law enforcement, has a sexy little name that rolls off the tongue. [She laughed and sipped her lemon water.] Well, either that or they’re just assholes who are just looking for some side chicks. Wouldn’t be the first time, you know? [She sighed.] I just hope these are good guys, but like Lon said. I’d be willing to meet up with them. At least make some friends, right?
Londyn: [She looked from Berlyn to Lux.] You don’t think Hank would be OK with that, do you? You know...hooking two guys up with women when they aren’t single? [She pursed her lips. She did /not/ want to be any part of that fucking drama.] Cause Bery and I got enough drama as it is working at the hospital. We don’t need anymore. [She smiled and then nodded.] But if you say they’re decent guys, I’m more than willing to give it a shot.
Lux: [She smiled and shook her head at Londyn and Berlyn.] No way. Hank’s not like that. And he wouldn’t be OK with that. Plus, I met those two. No rings. I checked. And...they really did seem honest in the fact that they just hang out with each other. Talked about heading back to one of their places and drinking beer and watching sports. [She laughed.] I’m pretty sure they’re on the up and up. [She rubbed her hands together as their meals were set down.] God, I’m so hungry. 
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Berlyn: [She laughed and started to shake her head.] Girl, have you seen my plate? Look at this? They gave me a nice full plate that I just know I can get down with. [She grinned and shook her head.] Right. What Lon said. We’ll trust your guy since you trust your guy. [She grinned.] I really am happy for you, honey. You deserve something good. And honestly, I wanna meet him too. Think we could...I don’t maybe meet up and do some drinks or...I don’t know. [She laughed.] I’m not the best at making plans like that. 
Londyn: [She immediately grabbed for the Honey BBQ sauce that was sitting on the table, squirting it over her brisket with a smile.] Have you guys ever had the sweet potato casserole here? It’s /de/licious. [She grinned and then nodded.] Yeah, we should do something where we can talk. Not like...a restaurant where there are all sorts of people around and we’re...a bar might be good, or might be noisy. Just depends where we go I guess. Got any ideas, Lux? I mean...there has to be a place where we can have a good time but be able to talk too. 
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Lux: [She  snagged the Hot n Spicy sauce for her ribs and then tapped a finger against her lips.] Hmm...I get what you’re saying. Maybe a lowkey bar. Not like a sports bar or anything. Just someplace like...a lounge or something? Some place where we could get drinks, get to know each other. I think that’d be great. [She picked up her fork, getting ready to dig into her brisket stuffed baked potato.]
Berlyn: [She nodded her head.] Well, we could do Liberty bar? Or maybe Zombies? [She laughed about Zombies. That one being sarcastic. It was a heavy metal rock bar.] We could do Havana’s too. That place is seriously lowkey and the entire back is filled with low light, couches, loveseats. Things like that. Or maybe Bar 1919. [She was stabbing the pickles and pork before sliding the fork into her mouth with a nod of her head. It was really good.] 
Londyn: [She nodded.] I say Havana’s. It’d be a comfortable place to chill and talk. And we could still be in a place where we could get drinks. [She grinned, spooning a bite of the sweet potatoes into her mouth.] I’m excited. When are we doing this? Because it needs to be soon. I’ve been working too much. So has Bery. And we need some social interaction. Hot guys are a plus. [She laughed.] And I wanna meet this Hank guy too.
Lux: [She was going at that food, her fingers sticky with BBQ sauce as she ate the ribs. Pausing to speak, she lifted a shoulder.] Well...we said we could all go out when Hank makes SWAT, but it doesn’t have to be that. I mean, we could just go out whenever we feel like it. Whenever you guys have a day off and they do. [She shook her head.] Lord knows my schedule’s clear. 
Berlyn: [Her brows lifted as she scooped up some potato salad.] Oh, like a celebration? That would be nice too. Give us a chance to meet your guy when he’s riding high. [She grinned and shook her head.] Look at Lon being all impatient. [She bounced her brows.] She’s a total dude. [She laughed and shook her head.] Just teasing. 
Londyn: Hush it, Bery. I can’t help it that I’m just looking forward to doing something other than working. [She laughed, shaking her head as she cut into the brisket and then stabbed it with a fork.] But I’m good with the whole celebration thing. That’s perfectly fine with me. [She wet her lips, drinking down more of her Sprite.] So what are your plans for the rest of day? [She looked over at her sister.] You too? How long’s your shift?
Lux: I’ll tell Hank about you guys being interested and we’ll go from there. [She smiled at the sisters. Shaking her head, she shrugged.] I don’t really have plans. Just gonna take dad his lunch back and sit with him for a bit. See if he’s gonna get discharged today or tomorrow. And then I guess I’ll be heading home. The guy’s coming to fix the busted window tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll see Hank once he’s off work.  Do you guys have any plans?
Berlyn: [She shook her head.] I’m off at five today. I have a few more patients after Eric and then my charts need updating and then I’m as free as a bird. [She laughed softly.] I doubt I’ll be doing anything though. Zero life at the moment. [She smiled over at Lux.] Well, I’m glad your window’s getting fixed. That’s a good thing. 
Londyn: Yeah, no life here either. I’ll be getting off a double. So...I see sleep in my future. I’ve just got one more round when I get back. And then I can crash. [She smiled, her banana pudding being brought over.] Thanks! [She looked back at Lux and Berlyn.] Of course that’s after I drive home. [She grabbed her spoon to dunk it into the pudding.] 
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Lux: [She laughed.] We’re a trio, huh? No plans at all. Just hanging out at the hospital and then heading home. [She shook her head.] You guys know that if you ever want to hang out, you can always give me a call. I appreciate what you do for my dad, and I know this makes me sound like a total loser here, but I don’t really have a ton of friends, you know? I just moved back a few months ago. So if you guys ever want to just get together, go for dinner, go shopping, just give me a call. 
Berlyn: [She laughed and nodded.] Well, at least you have yourself a good man. So a life is in the works for you. [She laughed softly.] Dates and all those good things. [She nodded her head.] Oh yeah, most definitely. We’ll get together. Sometimes our schedules don’t line up..[She indicated between her and Londyn.] But we do our best. So don’t feel bad if the two of you can hang out and I can’t. 
Londyn: [She laughed.] Hey, Bery, you never know. Maybe a life’s in the works for us too. I mean...we’re meeting guys. Maybe we’ll have dates and all that good stuff. [She smiled, finishing her pudding and then wiped her mouth with her napkin.] That was good. And yeah, same goes for me. If I’m working and you two wanna hang, don’t feel bad at all. I promise I won’t get mad. 
Lux: [After finishing her meal and getting her father’s to go order, she went ahead and paid.] I do have a good man. And I’m overjoyed to say that. [She smiled and stood up, getting the bag.] Thanks for coming out to lunch with me. It was fun. And I’ll definitely be giving you guys a call as soon as Hank makes SWAT and then we’ll make some plans. [She and the twins started back out to her car to make their way back to the hospital.]
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evolvemedical · 5 years
Medical Massage Therapy for Pain Relief
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Massage therapy is a safe, natural, and non-invasive treatment that is used to manage a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and associated problems.
 Massage has been practiced in both Eastern and Western from thousands of years and was one of the earliest tools used by the people to relieve pain.  
Studies conducted by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) show that more and more people are turning to massage therapy for the treatment of their health issues, and healthcare providers are increasingly recommending the treatment to their patients.
What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is a scientific manipulation of the body’s soft tissues, include the muscles, tendons, and connective tissue for the purpose of normalizing them.
The goal of the practice is to treat painful muscular conditions, and reduce pain and illness and promote physical and mental relaxation. It reduces muscle soreness and fatigue by enhancing blood circulation that results in increased amounts of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.
Types of Massage Therapy
There are several types of massage therapy, with all treating varying needs and providing various benefits.
Swedish massage, hot stone massage, Aromatherapy massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, trigger point massage, reflexology, Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, prenatal massage, couple’s massage, and chair massage are some common types of massage.
Many massage therapists use a combination of massage therapy techniques to effectively address the health needs of patients.
How Medical Massage Therapy Eases Pain: 
Massage therapy can ease pain in various ways. Some of them are discussed below.
By Releasing Endorphins
While you receive massage therapy, your body releases large amounts of endorphins in your bloodstream. These endorphins act as natural painkillers and provide instant relief. 
By Relieving Muscle Tension 
When circulation is poor in a specific area, it slows down or blocks the flow of blood there. This means, the cells in your body don’t get all the oxygen and other nutrients they need, which results in pain.
Massage therapy increases the blood circulation to the affected muscles and brings in increased oxygen and nutrients to the blood to ease the pain.   
By Improving Your Quality of Sleep 
Day time pain affects an individual’s quality of sleep in the night that increases the intensity of pain the next day. Since massage relaxes the body, it can help you fall asleep easily and have longer periods of sleep, which in turn reduces pain. 
What to Expect from Your First Massage Therapy Session?
On your first visit to a massage therapy clinic, your therapist will ask you some of your current symptoms and medical history. They might ask to speak to your primary healthcare if they are concerned that the treatment could interfere with your current medicines.
With most of the massage therapy techniques, you lie on a specially-designed table to receive the massage. Your practitioner will then cover your body with large sheets, exposing only the parts on which he/she works on. He/she will not massage your genital areas.
During the massage, your therapist will apply gentle pressure to patient’s muscles and joints to ease pain and tension using his/her hands. The amount of pressure applied vary greatly between the types of massage.
Most massage therapy sessions last from 60 to 90 minutes; however, this can depend on your therapist. He/she might also play some relaxing music during the session.
Most of the people report massage therapy as a soothing and pleasurable experience. Some others, however, say that they experience a little numbness and pain while receiving the treatment. 
Despite being safe, massage therapy is generally contradicted. It is recommended not to use this treatment if you are suffering from the following conditions.
Blood Clots
Experts at Evolve Medical recommend the patients with high blood pressure to avoid receiving massage therapy.
This is because high blood pressure causes plaques to develop in the arteries, and they may rupture as a result of pressure excreted during a massage that could lead to the formation of blood clots into the body. If these blood clots travel into the lungs, they can be fatal. The risk of such an event, however, is very low.
 People suffering from deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a serious condition that causes blood clots to form in one or more deep veins of the body, are at a higher risk.
 Nerve Damage
Massage therapy may potentially cause strain in the nerves that sometimes result in nerve damage. It usually happens when excessive pressure applied to a specific area causes the nerves to contract, and interfere with the blood circulation.
 Allergic Reactions
Some massage therapists use various creams, oils, or lotions in order to slide their hands smoothly over the patient’s skin and promote relaxation. If you are allergic to any of these creams and oils, they may cause an allergic reaction like skin rashes. Therefore, it is important to inform your therapist of any allergies that may be caused by the use of these products.
Internal Bleeding 
People suffering from hemophilia, a disorder that impairs the body's ability to make blood clots, may have internal bleeding while receiving massage. This is because the pressure applied by the therapists could result in rupture of blood veins, which may lead to leakage of interstitial fluids.
Bone Fracture 
Several health conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and cancer, can cause the bones to become frail. People living with these conditions may be susceptible to a bone fracture while receiving massage therapy.
Besides the actual diseases, the treatments and medications used by these patients may also weaken their bones. Bones undergoing the healing process may be also vulnerable to fractures during the massage.
Massage therapy is one of the safest complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment that provides instant and long-term relief from pain.
In addition, massage therapy also improves immune system activity and restores normal digestive system function. When combined with regular exercise and a balanced diet, massage therapy can be a highly effective and powerful modality for a healthier lifestyle.
Massage therapy can relieve not only pain but also improves your overall physical and emotional wellbeing.
For more details visit our website: evolvemedhealth.com
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jamesandea15-blog · 5 years
What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Essential Oils for Swollen Lymph Nodes
EBV infections in children generally do not cause mono symptoms, or they're so mild they resemble the signs of brief, childhood illnesses. The prostate cancer cells will be extended a grade utilizing the Gleason system. Just because you are feeling fatigued, it doesn't automatically mean that you've got lymphoma. A couple of drops utilised in a bath can assist with bowel difficulties. Normal use of honey can help alleviate pain and swelling. The spleen is another filtering organ that's located within the abdomen below the diaphragm. Neroli is helpful for easing anxiety in pregnancy, together with treating preventing stretch marks as it stimulates healthy skin regeneration. At times, swollen lymph nodes are due to an underlying condition. The swelling will decrease over time, when you're ready to control the underlying cause. Lumps were among the huge reasons I went to my doc for support. Most lumps aren't due to cancer. Cysts and irritation brought on by shaving can also result in swollen lymph nodes in the armpits. It can help eliminate the pain and relieve the swelling. It is also helpful to relieve pain, which is a typical symptom of mononucleosis. You may use juniper oil for subsiding body swelling caused because of premenstrual symptom or water retention within the body. In addition, it enhances the blood circulation in the body. CompressDepending on the sort of pain, you may use a hot or cold compress. The Good, the Bad and Essential Oils for Swollen Lymph Nodes Pokeroot is a helpful herb for improving the circulation of lymph. Anxiety might also be the reason. Some lymphomas which aren't skin lymphomas can lead to a rash, for example angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. Treatment for the injury, infection, or disease will often make the lymph glands to go back to usual. It stays in your body. Generally speaking, infections are the most typical causes of lymph node enlargement. Actually, the body has around 600 lymph nodes. Stereotactic Radiosurgery is perfect for otherwise inoperable tumors, like those in the brain that can't be treated with traditional surgical techniques. These interleukins may bring in inflammatory cells to survive as it's shown in the lab they can't survive without the inflammatory cells. After all, it is a miraculous vessel that provides you life! You have to use therapeutic grade essential oils to guarantee safety and optimal outcomes. Give a great deal of cold fluids. Red root is another gorgeous lymphatic for which there are lots of species in the wild along with in garden shops. So diffuse a few drops of lavender in your bath and have a wonderful soothing soak. It's possible to mix and match any of the critical oils listed in the post, just be cautious with the circulatory oils since they are regarded as hot oils. Many times, essential oils must be put together with a carrier oil first before applying to the epidermis. It is crucial to use organic oils or oils which are free of pesticides and unadulterated. It contains anti-bacterial. Lavender oil is quite secure and gentle for dogs. It can help you to beat stress so that you can relax and get well. Essential Oils for Swollen Lymph Nodes: No Longer a Mystery If you're suffering from a respiratory problem or congestion then essential oils are an amazing selection of treatment. Besides drinking lemon juice, there are lots of procedures of using lemon to deal with swollen glands. If your swollen gland doesn't reduce in proportion, isn't painful and gradually gets larger, you should seek out the care of a health professional. Being in a liquid form, it's an outstanding lymphatic cure for young kids and the elderly. Children generally have a more active lymphatic system, so their glands might feel enlarged from time to time. For the purpose, you ought to make use of cleavers. Echinacea is popular for helping strengthen the immune system. Its potent antioxidant characteristics reduce the oxidative stress that's brought on by reactive radicals that may lead to cellular damage. This therapeutic herb stimulates the role of the lymphatic system to reinforce appropriate functioning. The intriguing part is they are in different locations. When you're using essential oils, it is quite important to remember that they're extremely concentrated and a tiny bit goes a loooooooong way. When you know how both issues are related, you can begin treating them. With the steady increase in pollution levels each and every day, it has come to be a common ailment. The capability to improve cardiovascular and pulmonary health alongside strength and flexibility will allow patients the capacity to aid their tolerance to chemotherapy and radiation when maintaining or improving their capacity to do everyday pursuits. Physical activity can increase functional health and psychological and emotional welfare. Manage your weight if you're on the heavier side, and attempt to make sure that it remains within optimum limits. Other people discover that their leg movements feel weak or uncoordinated when they're contemplating how their legs feel. My body is just one of the things that I question the most. What You Don't Know About Essential Oils for Swollen Lymph Nodes Swollen tongue is arguably among the most unusual anxiety symptoms you'll be able to experience, and not everybody experiences it. They may have a link to underlying health problems that resolve on their own or may need treatment. Typically, they come from a viral infection, for example, when you suffer from a common cold. The spleen is another filtering organ that's located within the abdomen below the diaphragm. To see to the sinuses, lymph drainage massage will concentrate on the neck and head, but could also be used to drain the lungs as needed. They mean that your body is fighting an infection somewhere in your body. This herb provides the body with capsaicin that's thought to alleviate the pain. Cysts and irritation brought on by shaving can also result in swollen lymph nodes in the armpits. It shares a whole lot of the exact symptoms as seborrheic dermatitis. It is also helpful to relieve pain, which is a typical symptom of mononucleosis. One of the simplest methods you may attempt to minimize the swelling of a lymph node is eating garlic. The heat increases blood circulation, which then will ease the swelling and pain. CompressDepending on the sort of pain, you may use a hot or cold compress. Essential Oils for Swollen Lymph Nodes Secrets That No One Else Knows About Unlike our circulatory system, lymph does not own a pump. From time to time, a couple of swollen lymph nodes are the sole indication that anything isn't right. Not all swollen lymph nodes are abnormal, and therefore don't neglect to seek advice from your health care provider. Your healthcare provider might need to see to the problem that has led to the lymph nodes to swell. When it has to do with a lymph nodes drain, you've got to check at your physical wellbeing and diet. Although HIV is a potential cause, there are a number of different problems that may lead to swollen lymph nodes. Since the lymphatic vessels are only beneath the epidermis and can readily be stimulated, massage therapy can also lessen the effects of swollen lymph nodes. The lymphatic system comprises of an elaborate setup of organs, vessels, and lots of lymph nodes that are situated in various sections of the human body. These interleukins may bring in inflammatory cells to survive as it's shown in the lab they can't survive without the inflammatory cells. Our Dual-Action Cellulite Massage Tool is quite helpful in breaking down the stubborn places. Lymphatic massage for horses can be an extremely strong tool in your normal horse care arsenal. Or consult an expert massage therapist. Sunblock ought to be worn on the affected region to minimize the danger of sunburn. Natural remedies aren't any different. If you are a newcomer to using essential oils, the ideal strategy is to use an excellent reference book to know the appropriate dilution and application for each oil. Lifestyle changes like not showering every single day, eating a proper diet, and guarding your hair and scalp may also make a huge difference. Make sure to get the whole fat versions of anything coconut as the fat is the thing that makes the product healthy. Fennel oil provides the peace of the mouth area as a result of the licorice-y content. Coconut oil has many advantages for dogs. It is one of the popular essential oil and can be easily found in stores. If you have issues, let your doctors know. Children who get chemotherapy to take care of some kinds of cancer have an elevated probability of developing leukemia later on. Tell the medical provider in case you have any metal in or on your physique. If you're likely to have hormone therapy, ask your doctor what you could expect it to do. For this reason, you ought to consult your health care provider before taking cleavers. Your physician will go through your health care history and conduct a physical examination first. On occasion a biopsy could be done to learn more info about the reason for the swelling and to select the ideal therapy. It is crucial to realize that the signs of leukemia may resemble other blood disorders or medical issues. There are a couple of varieties of prostate cancer. To acquire additional information on essential oils for swollen lymph nodes please look at essential oils for swollen lymph nodes. Aromatherapy may also be used topically. Lymphatic massage for horses can be an extremely strong tool in your normal horse care arsenal. Always check with your physician before using aromatherapy.Be sure to seek advice from a reflexology chart to understand what points to prevent. A sore throat brought on by swollen glands may keep you from enjoying the food and the everyday lives. My fever subsided the morning after. Your horse doesn't need to be quite sick to profit greatly from lymphatic massage. There are a couple different herbal solutions it is possible to utilize to de-flea your dog. Make sure to get the whole fat versions of anything coconut as the fat is the thing that makes the product healthy. It contains anti-bacterial. Lavender oil is quite secure and gentle for dogs. It is one of the popular essential oil and can be easily found in stores. Swollen tongue is arguably among the most unusual anxiety symptoms you'll be able to experience, and not everybody experiences it. Swollen lymph nodes under chin can happen due to several different factors and wellness conditions. The glands are working to become rid of the issue that's causing the swelling. You ought to do that to repair the malfunctions of the lymph nodes. To see to the sinuses, lymph drainage massage will concentrate on the neck and head, but could also be used to drain the lungs as needed. They mean that your body is fighting an infection somewhere in your body. With all above-mentioned home treatments for swollen glands, you can eliminate swollen glands effectively. Cysts and irritation brought on by shaving can also result in swollen lymph nodes in the armpits. It shares a whole lot of the exact symptoms as seborrheic dermatitis. Bacterial infections may also lead to sore throats. The garlic is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties which can help in cutting the swelling that happens in the lymph glands. Eat two garlic cloves every day to turn your lymph glands avoid any type of swelling. Normally, lymph nodes swell in the region where the infection is the most likely occurring. From time to time, a couple of swollen lymph nodes are the sole indication that anything isn't right. Not all swollen lymph nodes are abnormal, and therefore don't neglect to seek advice from your health care provider. Red root and echinacea are likewise an effective team for shrinking swollen lymph nodes, especially whenever there is a minimal grade infection within the body. Opting to see to the cold sore with more natural methods is likewise an alternative. Even if cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, it's still named after the region of the body where it started. Staging is the procedure of doing tests to discover how many diverse portions of your body are affected by lymphoma. Employing the technique of reflexology is one of the best ways to treat blocked sinuses. The infection-fighting white blood cells are found in the lymph nodes are called lymphocytes. If you have issues, let your doctors know. In case the infection worsens, medical attention is necessary. For instance, if it's a bacterial infection, your healthcare provider may prescribe an antibiotic. Presently, sarcoidosis does not have any cure. Treating the underlying condition is frequently the only thing needed to resolve them. Systemic symptoms result from the effect of the lymphoma on your body for a whole. EBV infections in children generally do not cause mono symptoms, or they're so mild they resemble the signs of brief, childhood illnesses. It is crucial to realize that the signs of leukemia may resemble other blood disorders or medical issues. Just because you are feeling fatigued, it doesn't automatically mean that you've got lymphoma. The Death of Essential Oils for Swollen Lymph Nodes Normal massage may also be useful for your skin as it receives the circulation going and the nourishing oils utilised in a treatment help to maintain skin feeling soft. The very first key to reducing lymphatic sluggishness is to create sure you are drinking an adequate quantity of water. Before going into the specifics of identifying the greatest essential oils you may utilize to receive your lymph nodes back to its usual condition, it will help to learn why it's so important to take decent care of your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is similar to the garbage man working within your body. It is responsible for moving white blood cells through the body. First of all, your lymphatic system plays a critical function in regulating your immune system. While high doses of vitamin C are offered in supplement form, it's also a fantastic idea consume plenty of vitamin C-rich foods. Stress It's not surprising that a normal dose of massage therapy is beneficial for your stress levels, it operates by helping decrease your blood pressure, improve your quality of sleep, and by decreasing your stress levels, it's also considered to help decrease the potential for heart disease. This therapeutic herb stimulates the role of the lymphatic system to reinforce appropriate functioning.
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senergybodyworks · 2 years
Insomnia Patients can undergo spiritual healing therapy At Senergy for Triggering Better Sleep
With the help of spiritual healing therapy, you can now get relief from sleeping troubles that may have been causing sleep deprivation for years. It is necessary to undergo spiritual therapies to get well. 
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Work stress is increasing these days, which is increasing the stress on your nerves. Some of you may sound peacefully at night, but there are many out there who are struggling to get a good .night's sleep. If you feel that you are getting disconnected from yourself or you need to regain your mental balance. Visit Senergy for spiritual healing therapy. We believe that alignment of the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional elements of life is crucial for leading a healthy and stress-free life. 
 Best reflexologists are here
Do you know that any tension in the feet, face, or hands can affect what is going on in other parts of your body? The human body comprises tissues, bones, tendons, nerves, nerve endings, and muscles. 
 Whether pains or aches, sleeping problems or tension, the reflexologists working with us are the best in the area. We will offer massage therapies that will literally melt away all the stress and aid in tackling the issues of life. 
 Hand reflexology at work
Reflexology is more like a reboot button that will give you the time to let the body relax and heal. It is an ancient therapy and based on the theory that various points on the face, feet, and hands correspond to different areas of the body. So, when we apply massage to the reflex points, we stimulate the nervous system to open energy pathways that may have blocks and congestions. 
Following the sequence
We have come up with hand reflexology for sleep that will help you to get rid of sleep problems. Our target points include
Pineal gland: this gland regulates hormones, one of which is melatonin, which regulates sleep patterns.
Head and brain: a clear mind 
Lung: aiding in deep breathing for better oxygen regulation.
Diaphragm: to release tension held in the body.
Solar plexus: settling mind and body. 
It's an art, and we have the most skilled therapists at our center who will help you to relax in the truest sense. As we release the stress from the neural system, we can think better and feel happier. The hormonal imbalance that may cause insomnia will bid farewell once and for all.
Contact Details
Name: Senergy, LLC
Address: 1762 Phillips Court, Erie, Co 80516
Phone: 303-859-1084
Website: https://www.senergybodyworks.net
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oberoirealty · 2 years
Seeking A Connection to Nature, Close to Home
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Remember that feeling of reinvigoration the last time you went out for a walk in the park? Or your last trek where your lungs last experienced fresh, clean air? How about the joy your kids felt when you walked around the garden identifying various plants, trees and birds that you came across?
So, while the role of nature in improving our health is undisputed, it is hardly accessible to us given our busy schedules and city life. Urban residents rarely go out for a run-in peaceful environment and taking the day off with the kids at the park is a thing of the past. Natural views have become so scarce in urban settings that families have to wait for their annual holiday and step out of the city to experience actual greenery.
Our everyday lives are confined to closed spaces like offices, public transport. Even the urban sources of recreation, entertainment and rejuvenation are often restricted to establishments that are based in concrete structures.
With a rapid increase in lifestyle diseases due to numerous factors such as pollution, stress and sedentary lives (among other reasons), thus resulting in a renewed appreciation of nature and its unsung role in significantly improving our quality of life.
There is a growing body of scientific evidence that tells us how exposure to nature positively impacts our physical and mental health. Research led by the University of Exeter found that people who spend at least 120 minutes in nature a week are significantly more likely to report good health and higher psychological wellbeing than those who don’t visit nature at all during an average week.
New home buyers today seek a connection with nature closer to home. While civic authorities are working to address the needs of accessibility, real estate developers are rising to the challenge too. Since the trend is a preference towards integrated developments that offer holistic living, the finest developments include ample open spaces, parks and gardens within the property as well as outside it. As home buying trends at Oberoi Realty indicate, more and more urban citizens are looking for apartments with such premium amenities, especially post COVID-19.
Today, real estate developers have evolved into lifestyle designers. The rise of eco-consciousness has a significant role in this. It means going beyond the basics of shelter. For instance, the impeccably designed Oberoi Garden City — its beautifully landscaped gardens with large, open spaces keep the connection with nature alive.
In addition to that, there are long jogging tracks, expansive walkways, uninterrupted views of the Aarey greens and amenities like a reflexology path, verdant gardens, cycling tracks, jogging tracks. An oasis in a concrete jungle, this soothing living experience is offered while maintaining connectivity to important transit hubs and connecting points.
These homes enable a better, more holistic lifestyle by respecting the need for remaining close to nature — through sight, sound and by embracing it within aesthetic design.
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coevolveposts1 · 3 years
Best spacious Apartments Near Manyata Tech Park, CoEvolve Northern Star
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Your search for spacious Flats For Sale In Bangalore North has ended here. If you are wishing to own a well engineered, well-architected, well-designed Apartments Near Manyata Tech Park, CoEvolve Northern Star is your answer. Developed by coevolve estates this project has been awarded as Asia Pacific Greenest Residential Project by World Green Building Council. Residents of this project will be living a dream life here. If you're also interested in knowing more about what this project has to offer to you, here are a few amenities and specifications you should pay attention to:
Some of the specifications of the project include. Solar water heaters, Rainwater harvesting, solid waste converters, water treatment system, water softener plant, etc. The infrastructure of the project is disabled-friendly. Lighting in the common area is powered by the energy generated using windmills and solar panels.
 The project is built with a sustainable approach to development. The project claims to conserve 25.2 million litres of water annually.  All the items used in the construction of the apartments are branded high quality. 
Apart from offering various amenities like children's play area, worship place, rooftop entertainment facilities like swimming pool, table tennis, AC multipurpose hall, well-equipped gymnasium, steam room, Sky Deck, poolside bar, etc. Apartments In Thanisandra Main Road project also takes care of the environment and the cleanliness of the surrounding. 
As far as the area of housing units is concerned, the flags are spacious, comfortable and filled with natural light and fresh air. The project is closer to nature and yet accessible from the city. You can lead a perfectly balanced life at CoEvolve Northern star.
 As far as the security is concerned, CCTV camera is installed, there is a security cabin at the entrance of the project, security personnel are available 24*7. All the flats have intercom connectivity. The premises also have a car wash bay.At the point when you need to reach out to the landowner to pose an inquiry about something, you'll have the data right where you need it, as opposed to with nothing to do to find it. 
 On the accounting page, you can likewise monitor whether you have taken a gander at the loft, and any side notes that you might need to recall about the property. So, if you wish to buy Flats for Sale In Thanisandra, you can give this project thought and be a part of this unique and sustainable lifestyle.
 Your kids can enjoy the badminton court and explore the sportsman inside them. For example, Water Stream, artificial Waterfall, Lily pond, Treetop trail, Chalk Gallery, ample lung spaces with seating, yoga corner, Amphitheatre, Campfire, cycling Track, Jogging Track, reflexology Path, and much more. Climbing Wall for kids: let your kid have the best of all amenities with the climbing wall. 
CoEvolve Northern Star Bangalore is meticulously designed to bring you an awe-inspiring lifestyle and convenience. Apartments In Off Thanisandra Main Road hosts a series of facilities like a Fountain, Lawn Tennis Court, Visitors Parking, Barbecue, Reflexology Park, etc., and all the other essential things to fulfill the resident's everyday needs are located within. 
 The project CoEvolve Northern Star was decorated by this award for its sustainable construction by AGC and World green building Council.
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10 Hidden Ways Foot Massage Can Help You Treat The Most Common Health Problems
After a tiring day, we all want to lay down like a log and just sleep all the time as if there is nothing else left to do. But, at this time, if someone gives you a foot massage, nothing can be a better combination. Foot massages are things that we pay less attention to, but they are essential for us. 
To talk about it, one of the main reasons foot massages are necessary is because of the mere work our legs do all day. We run errands, work all day, and our entire body is balanced on our legs most of the time! So, although that's a lot of work for them, they surely deserve some massage! 
There are several reasons why leg massages are necessary: what was just stated, and the others are really subtle. For example, having frequent foot massages can improve the physicality of the foot, which makes it less painful, even if we stand for long durations of time. In addition, it makes your foot stronger, which is necessary. 
Another thing related to foot massages is foot reflexology. It is essentially applying pressure to specific points of our foot that relax the muscles of our body. Here are some of the critical reflexology points on our foot - 
(1) Lung point - The lung point is placed between your big and small toes on the balls of your feet. Stimulating this spot on both feet with light pressure may help improve circulation and remove any accumulated muck from the lungs.
 (2) Heart point - On your left foot, beneath your third and tiny toes, is the heart point between the balls of the feet and where the arch begins. Use a soft circular motion to stimulate this region to decrease tension, the primary cause of heart attacks. Stimulating this spot enhances blood circulation and the efficiency of the heart. If you get chilly quickly, rubbing it will make you feel better since it improves blood circulation.
(3) Neck point - The point between the first and second joints of each toe is the neck point. Apply pressure here using the squeeze and release method to treat neck discomfort.
So as you see, there are various reasons why is a foot massage so necessary. There are also some hidden health benefits that most of us are not aware of; to know about them, keep reading!
It Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
High BP is a common cause of heart attacks. Although lifestyle changes and medication are important for lowering and maintaining blood pressure, a study found that massage your feet on a regular basis can also be beneficial.
Helps With PMS & Menopause
Premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms such as tension, sleeplessness, migraines, and mood swings can be alleviated by daily foot massages. A thumb's breadth from the ball of the foot, in the arch of the inside foot, is the massage point.
It Can Help With Cancer Symptoms & Side - Effects of Chemotherapy
Foot massages were shown to help cancer patients find relief from pain and nausea, as well as other symptoms associated with therapy, such as shortness of breath and low energy levels, according to a study headed by scientists from Michigan State University.
Cope With Double Sclerosis  Symptoms
Symptoms of multiple sclerosis include double vision, blindness in one eye, muscle weakness, sensory difficulties, coordination issues, and crushing weariness. Foot reflexology-based massage relieves extreme weariness in MS patients and aids in the relief of motor, sensory, and urinary symptoms.
Reduces Edema Effects
Edema, or swelling of the feet caused by a build-up of fluid, can be uncomfortable and is common among pregnant women, mostly in the third trimester. Massaging your feet for 10-20 minutes every day can help to reduce this problem.
Is Beneficial For Pregnant Women
Edema, or swelling of the feet and ankles caused by fluid build-up, is common among pregnant women, especially in the third trimester. Massaging your feet for 10-20 minutes each day can help to reduce this problem.
Helps in Getting a Good Sleep
Everyone appreciates a good night's sleep. A warm bath is a fantastic way to do this. We guarantee you'll sleep like a baby if you combine it with a foot massage.For the best results, squeeze the top of your foot inward and look for a dimpled space. Then massage this area for 2 minutes.
Helps With Health Problems  Like Diabetes
Foot massage improves circulation, which aids in healing and maintains the condition of your muscles and tissues. This is especially crucial if you have diabetes or other health issues contributing to poor circulation or nerve damage.
Fewer Headaches
Getting a foot massage can help you get rid of a headache quickly. Whether it's a sinus headache, a headache caused by tension in the neck and shoulders, a headache in your temple area, the front or back of your head, or a headache in your temple, massaging various locations on your foot will effectively ease these sensations.
Spinal Relief 
The spine may be traced on the insides of both feet, with the first vertebra located just below the big toe. By stimulating the equivalent area on your foot, you can alleviate back pain. Apply deep pressure to the site and rub in a circular motion for around 30-45 seconds.After reading so many benefits of getting a regular foot massage, you may now understand how important it is to care for your leg muscles the way we care for the rest of our body parts! Legs form the balance of our entire body, and it is necessary to take care of them. Contact your local spa today!
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dietsauthority · 4 years
DIY Massage Therapy and Reflexology
Massages feel wonderful, right? All of us like to obtain one, yet few individuals like offering a massage. Treating on your own with a massage will certainly leave your body glowing throughout the whole day. Book a massage therapy therapist at the very least when a week, as well as appreciate all the advantages massage therapies provide.
What if you could not offer a professional? Unfortunately, many individuals are out of work, suggesting very few could afford a high-end massage therapy. If that is your case, you could sure use the advantages of a Do It Yourself massage treatment at home.
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DIY reflexology massage treatment does not take much initiative and it super-easy, as well as that it is as reliable as expert therapies when it concerns easing pain and also tension. Response massages have verified to be potent in the treatment of numerous disorders, including persistent fatigue, frustration, or even depression.
Traditional reflexology concentrates on the foot mainly, but there are numerous stress points on the body, and you can profit by boosting each of these. Inning accordance with traditional Chinese medication, the body is a network of power networks frequently described as meridians. When massaged properly, the meridians can stimulate the healing procedure as well as provide overall relaxation.
Check these tips on just how to eliminate pain, lower tension as well as enhance your mood using basic DIY reflexology methods:
Instant Mood Boost
The pituitary gland produces hormonal agents that are directly connected with discomfort relief. You can balance the function of this gland by using certain pressure on particular factors on your hands and also feet.
Pay unique focus on your thumbs and/or the large toe. Apply moderate to hefty pressure for concerning 5-10 minutes as well as you will really feel an instant bliss.
Mental focus
Improper thyroid feature results in mind fog or lack of ability to concentrate. The factor that is connected with the thyroid gland is additionally found in your huge toes as well as thumbs.
Stimulating these pressure factors will boost your focus, balance your heartbeat as well as reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Relieve Stress and Tension
Full body massage unwinds tense muscles, however basic reflexology techniques could supply the exact same result. The nerves are linked via a complex system of webbing, and you could access it by stimulating certain points on your feet and also hands.
Roll your finger over the pointer of your large toe to relieve stress in the spine as well as alleviate migraine as well as migraine.
Relieve Cold and Flu
It could seem weird to you, but you could easily access your sinuses and also throat with the feet. Use some pressure to the side of the big toe as well as the base of your foot. This will stimulate the blood flow to your lungs as well as throat. It is likewise a great means to clear out germs and also infections naturally.
Massaging your feet is a superb way to lower tension of daily life. You can find specific reflex points on your feet. When promoted, these factors can increase the cleansing of your kidneys, liver, bladder and also lungs.
Use these massage therapy strategies to eliminate uric acid buildups in your hands and feet. Some pressure points are a lot more delicate than others, but you ought to not feel any kind of pain while doing the reflex massage.
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meandthemuse · 4 years
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There’s a hole in my foot and I see straight through it. I see my husband peering at me through the hole in my foot, because he’s as curious as I am and wants to figure out how to help me fix it. The hole is in the shape of a coronavirus cut-out and the cut-out is hovering above the hole in my foot.
I stopped on the cross country meet golf course in 1994 because my foot hurt and a stranger came from the woods with a reflexology chart. He knelt down to tell me why I couldn’t run and how it was my foot’s fault. I remember nothing more than this strange man and his laminated chart of colorful feet. I haven’t thought of this in a quarter of a century but now I’m dreaming about a hole in my foot and I must know what it means. 
The hole is the size of my grandmother’s brain tumor. Her tumor is in there and so are all the letters and pictures I never sent when she was in the hospital because I was too afraid I’d send them and she’d die and the letters would come back saying RETURN TO SENDER because she had deceased before they arrived. The tumor is in the hole in my foot and the envelopes with the pictures in them and the airplane I never got on because I didn’t go see her when she was sick. And now she’s gone and I’ve got it all in the hole in my foot.
I’ve put her and all the past women from my family in the hole now and no one seems to mind. They’re in there as I know them right now and they’re in there as babies and they’re in there wearing bikinis and going to prom and growing old. They’re in there cooking dinners for ungrateful people and their hair is all tangling up together with strands of hope and despair. They want out of their stories but they don’t want to leave the hole in my foot. I want to pull them out of my foot and out of the cold ice and hug them one-by-one but I can’t and I’ll just have to, at some point, put my foot down and choose to walk on them or with them.
I put my childhood home in the hole in my foot because I can mostly only remember the good things until the end and I put my current neighbors’ house in there because I love them and always want them across the street. I put our house in there because I don’t want to move but I also don’t want to stay so it will be safe in there until I can figure it out. All the pets from all the houses are in there which means there’s so much fur that the hole in my foot feels warm like a fur coat. I can’t walk because the roofs of the houses are pointy so I lay down and cover myself with the blanket of animal fur. It feels good to rest. 
The dead fiddle leaf fig tree is in there and so is the live one. I’m trying to water them both but the water runs right through the hole and provides nourishment to nothing and no one. I’m so tired and dehydrated but I can’t get to the water.
My son is in there and so is my daughter. Because the hole in my foot is a perfect circle, they fit by wrapping their arms around one another. They’re so happy and they play Ring Around The Rosie but without the words because they don’t know them. They never fall down at the end of the rhyme because I keep my foot raised to keep them from falling and because they don’t know the words that would tell them they should fall.
The TV antennae is in there and the unread copies of The New York Times and the old cell phones in the junk drawer. The unbroken wishbones of past Thanksgiving turkeys are in there and so are the pairs of broken chopsticks. The brown spider I kept in a paper bag in my closet when I was six or seven, the sticker book that disappeared and the dresser that fell on me. My dad’s bandana, my first saxophone and the lemonade stand from 1990 are all in the hole in my foot, too. A five-stick pack of Big Red is in there from basketball game concessions and so is a basket of onion rings. Popcorn and cigarettes have gathered in the hole along with french toast and venison. 
My bad choices and my good choices all cram in there and they’re swirling around in a confusing cosmic soup. It’s hard to know which are the good ones and which are the bad ones so I have to just label them all choices and be okay with the space they’re holding inside the hole in my foot and I think this would make my therapist nod with approval.
I close my eyes to remember which foot had the hole in it when I dreamt that it did but I don’t remember. I continue to open my eyes to peer at the tab open on my computer with the color foot charts, like the stranger’s from the non-existent woods on the golf course, because I need to figure out what it means. The hole in my foot correlates to the area of the solar plexus and esophagus and perhaps the bronchial area but because I don’t know which foot, I don’t know if it also correlates to the right or left lung and breast and if it also reaches my heart. And then I wonder if my heart hurts because there’s a hole in my foot or because my heart hurts.
I close my eyes to fill in the hole but I don’t want to lose it all so quickly open them again. And this has gone on for days and maybe weeks and it might go on for the rest of my life. I’ll keep closing my eyes to remember and I’ll keep opening them to not forget. And all the while I’ll feel tired and so thirsty, missing my homes and my family and the filtered water from the fiddle leaf fig and wishing I had a fur blanket.
Illustration by Matthias Brown.
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ellymackay · 4 years
Use the Wisdom of Ayurvedic Medicine to Improve Your Sleep Tonight
Use the Wisdom of Ayurvedic Medicine to Improve Your Sleep Tonight is available on EllyMackay.com
You’ve heard me talk a lot about circadian bio rhythms, and how crucial they are to our sleep and our broader health. What if I told you there is a form of medicine that has advocated the importance of daily bio rhythms—the daily when—for thousands of years?
Ayurvedic medicine is probably the first adopter of bio time as a foundation of medicine and disease prevention. The earliest Ayurvedic practitioners understood that the when of daily life—of sleeping, eating, exercising, performing mental and physical tasks—has a huge impact on how we think, feel, and age, and how healthy we are.
That makes this traditional medicine inherently sleep supporting. There are other principles of Ayurveda that are tailor-made to support sleep, including:
A focus on balance, or homeostasis, in all aspects of life
Consistency in routines
A practice of letting go and calming the mind
Optimism and gratitude in mindset
Today I’ll talk about what Ayurveda tells us about sleep and how to sleep better.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, originated in the Indian subcontinent as much as 5,000 years ago. It’s been practiced ever since, and is now used around the world, often as a complement to allopathic, or conventional Western medicine.
Ayurveda states that each person has a unique constitution, a combination of mental, physical, and emotional energies. While each of our constitutions are different, they’re all composed of three basic types of energy, called doshas. Each of the three doshas govern different parts of the body, mind, emotions, and experience:
Vata the energy associated with movement. It is composed of ether and air (2 of the 5 elements that make up all energy). Its qualities are light and cold, and it is found in the bones, legs, ears, and colon, among other places in the body. In balance, vata feeds creativity and flexibility. When vata is out of balance, it stokes fear and anxiety.
Pitta is composed of fire and water. Ayurveda says Pitta is has sharp, hot, liquid and searing qualities. Pitta is deeply involved in digestion.  It works in the intestines, stomach, sweat glands, blood and lymphatic system. In balance, pitta fuels intelligence and understanding. Out of balance, it can give rise to anger, hate and jealousy.
Kapha is made up of earth and water. Its qualities are cold, wet, heavy and solid. Kapha resides in the chest, lungs, throat, health, stomach, lymphatic system, and in fat. In balance, kapha promotes compassion, love and forgiveness. Out of balance, it can lead to unhealthy attachment and envy.
In each of us, one of these energies is typically dominant, our primary energy force, and the other two are present in smaller degrees.
The fundamental goal of Ayurveda is balance. A person’s natural constitution—their makeup of vata, pitta, and kapha energies–is inherently balanced. A constitution in balance is optimal for health. But challenges of life throw doshas out of balance—and this leads to dysfunction in the body, and to disease. What are those challenges?
Stress and negativity
Environment, everything from light to toxins and pollution
Ayurvedic medicine works to maintain and restore balance, for all aspects of life—including sleep.
Sleep in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicine from its origins has recognized sleep as essential to life and health. Sleep (nidra) is considered one of the pillars of health along with energy management (brahmacharaya) and food (ahara).
An Ayurvedic text describes the pivotal, life-forming role of sleep this way:  
Happiness and unhappiness, nourishment (good physique), and emaciation, strength and debility, sexual prowess and intimacy, knowledge and ignorance, life and death—all are dependent on sleep.
(Hat tip to this terrific article at Kripalu for sharing this quote.)
Ayurveda also puts great importance on the when of sleep. Thousands of years before modern scientists identified the circadian biological clocks that regulate our sleep as well as our mental, physical and emotional lives, Ayurveda understood and promoted the importance of the timing of activities, including sleep. Ayurveda also advocates the importance of consistency, and routine, to sleep.
Chronobiology and circadian-based medicine are today at the forefront of preventative health care and disease treatment. (I’ve talked about how circadian knowledge and treatment are being used  in the treatment of diseases including cancer and Alzheimer’s.)
Ayurvedic medicine has been using bio rhythms as therapy for thousands of years.
The science of sleep and Ayurveda
Ayurvedic medicine is based on following natural bio rhythms, of maintaining balance, of reducing mental, physical, and emotional stress. These concepts are all well studied in relation to sleep. What about research that looks directly at sleep in Ayurvedic terms? There is a small body of research with some interesting findings.
Sleep problems, like other health issues, arise from an imbalance of energies in the body. Remember the three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha? In each of us, these three energy forces have a balance to maintain for optimal sleep.
Ayurvedic medicine points to sleeplessness and insomnia being caused by excess vata and pitta energies. Pitta out of balance is also associated with intense, potentially disruptive dreaming. Excess Kapha, on the other hand, is associated with oversleeping. The source of these imbalances, you’ll recall, can be any number of factors, including diet, stress, lack of physical activity, and other illnesses.
I was particularly interested in a study from 2015 that investigated whether doshic imbalances could be connected to sleep problems. During a weeklong residential yoga program in India, researchers assessed dosha values for a group of nearly 1,000 adults, and also gathered information about their sleep.
The scientists analyzed their data to see if the dosha values—the amounts of vata, pitta, and kapha energies present—had any relationship to the individual’s quality and quantity of sleep.
They found:
People with higher vata scores experienced more symptoms of insomnia, including taking longer to fall asleep and feeling less rested in the morning.
People with higher kapha scores had more daytime fatigue and sleepiness, and took longer naps during the day.
Other recent research has also shown a dominance of vata linked to more frequent awakenings throughout the night, and an excess of kapha to fatigue.
Ayurvedic tips for better sleep
In its holistic, mind-body-environment approach to wellness—an approach rooted in the maintenance of health through prevention and consistent attention to natural bio rhythms—Ayurveda has a great deal to offer in improving our sleep.
How can we incorporate this traditional science to our lives? There are lots of ways. You can find out about your constitution, and learn about your primary dosha, which will help give you insight into particular sleep challenges. For example, Vata types may be prone to insomnia, while kapha types may sleep too much or at the wrong times.
Kripalu has a quiz to determine your dosha, which you can take here. I took the quiz and I was a Kapha! For a complete, professional assessment of your Ayurvedic constitution and your health, you can find Ayurvedic practitioners here.
There are also many Ayurvedic rituals that are easy to incorporate into your life. Here are several that are perfect additions to a bedtime routine, and can also help to keep you calm, focused, and centered throughout the day.
Stick to a consistent sleep routine. How many times have I suggested this? It can’t be said enough. The body and mind thrive on consistency, especially when it comes to sleep. Ayurvedic medicine puts a great emphasis on the consistency of one’s sleep schedule. Set a bedtime and wake time and stick to them, 7 days a week.
Hit the sack earlier. Ayurveda encourages earlier bedtimes, with the idea that sleep in the earlier phases of the night is the most restful and restorative. The first third of your night is when you’ll experience the most slow-wave sleep, which is critical for cell health and physiological functioning, including immunity. Every stage and phase of sleep is important, though. The final third of the night is when you’ll get the most REM sleep, which refreshes the mind and processes emotions.
Bedtime is where we typically have the most control over our schedules. So if you’re not getting enough sleep, adjusting bedtime backward is a good place to start. Use my bedtime calculator to determine your ideal bedtime. I also recommend you work with your chronotype when considering shifting your bed and wake times. A Lion may do great going to bed at 9 p.m. But that’s not likely to work for a Wolf. On the other hand, a Wolf who’s staying up until 1 or 2 a.m. can benefit tremendously by scaling back to an 11 or 11:30 p.m. lights out.
Eat a light and early dinner. Ayurveda suggests that lunch be your biggest meal of the day, followed up by a lighter dinner at least two hours before bed. That’s great advice for sleep. Reducing the activity of your digestive system will help you sleep more soundly, and allow your digestive system a much-needed rest. Here are some common food mistakes at bedtime I see my patients make.
Give yourself a massage. Self-massage, or massage by a partner, will help open up blood vessels, release heat from the body, lower blood pressure, ease stress, calm the mind, and soothe the body. Ayurveda recommends using ghee as a massage oil. Other essential oils are specifically sleep promoting, including rose and jasmine. Here’s my roundup of seven of my favorite essential oils for sleep[MB1] . The head and temples are key areas to massage, as are the feet. Read about how reflexology can improve your sleep, and try it out before bed.
Use a weighted blanket. I wrote not too long ago about this weighted blanket trend that is becoming more popular. In Ayurveda, an excess of vata is associated with feelings of lightness, especially in the legs. Too much vata is also connected to heightened arousal and stress. Adding weight to the body while in bed can be soothing, calming, and grounding, both mentally and physically.
Breathe with intention. I’ve long been a fan of breathing exercises as part of a pre-sleep routine. This is a basic mindfulness practice that can have a transformative effect on mental and physical relaxation, and in facilitating sleep. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend alternate nostril breathing as a way to lower excess vata, balance the left and right sides of the brain, and help with sleeplessness. Here’s how it works:
Get in a comfortable position on your bed. You don’t need to be lying down.  
Close your eyes.
Use your finger to close your right nostril and inhale a breath through your left nostril.
Now, close your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril.
Alternate sides and repeat:
Close your left nostril and inhale through your right; close your right nostril and exhale through your left.
Try working up to 10 minutes of this breathing exercise, before lights out.
Check out more good Ayurvedic tips for sleep in this Kripalu article, and this one from Yoga Journal.
Sweet Dreams,
Michael J. Breus, PhD, DABSM
The Sleep Doctor
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  The post Use the Wisdom of Ayurvedic Medicine to Improve Your Sleep Tonight appeared first on Your Guide to Better Sleep.
from Your Guide to Better Sleep https://thesleepdoctor.com/2020/08/04/use-the-wisdom-of-ayurvedic-medicine-to-improve-your-sleep-tonight/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2020/08/04/use-the-wisdom-of-ayurvedic-medicine-to-improve-your-sleep-tonight/
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