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I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet, but Jimbei and Zoro have insane parallels.
Both of them were in phisical captivity when Luffy met them (he freed all of his crewmates, but they were the only ones in literal chains) and although they were both initially reluctant to join him, they ended up trusting him almost immediately.
Both were also already infamous, Zoro as a bounty hunter and Jimbei as an old pirate. And if you think about it, their roleson the crew are also similar. Both of them tend to ground Luffy and make him reflect on important things whenever he needs it. They end up being figures that contrast his usual impulsivity very well.
And of course, Jimbei was the only one at Marineford while Zoro and theothers weren't. And while everybody felt guilty about it (they shouldn't it wasn't their fault!!!) There were a couple of scenes where Zoro's feelings were put on emphasis.
So it really makes the mutual respect between the two much deeper once you start digging into it.
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Buddha Vajrayana
A full-body portrait of Buddha transforminginto a wrathful Vajrayana deity, with a dynamicbackground that illustrates the contrastingenergies of Buddha's compassion and thedeity's wrath. The transformation should bevisually striking, with the Buddha's calm andserene demeanor gradually morphing into thefierce and powerful presence of the deity. Thebackground should reflect this transformation,with calm and peaceful elements on one side,and tumultuous and chaotic elements on theother.
#buddha#buddhist#buddhism#dharma#sangha#mahayana#zen#milarepa#tibetan buddhism#thich nhat hanh#vajrayana
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landscapes 1 feels like a salt flat at night under the moonlight but the water returns on the long-washed dryshores turning silver in the bone-white midnight and the silver shardpatterns on the reflective sea make a fragementary bridge that lead into the moon but the night's not long enough to reach theother side and you fall into the water with the strange and slippery creatures to catch and carry you inward and down
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Reflections Part 2/ The Other
Gabriel 1/ A Storm In The Ocean
Gabriel I
Mycelium works in mysterious ways. He’d learned that through observing Paul Stamets. He’d learned that this network, used as a weapon of destruction in his universe, could also give life elsewhere.
Gabriel chuckles low, dark. Unhappy.
He was so close. Close to having it all—his revenge, his victory, his empire, and her.
But she refused to come.
Georgiou had gotten to her once again, this time, turning her against him. Michael hadn’t even let him explain.
Now he’s trapped—neither living nor dead, but caught between.
A sword through the back. But the twist—came from her, as she’d stepped aside as he reached for her, letting him fall into the light.
He saw his own death approach in blinding brilliance, and when he woke up, he was here.
Wherever here, is.
“Serves you right, you rat bastard,” Hugh says, coming to stand next to him and crossing his arms as they both look down at the scenes below. “Everything you touch, you destroy.”
“I wasn’t the one who killed you,” he throws back tartly. “But believe me, if I could now…”
They both know the threat is empty.
“Is this what it’s like?” He asks, quieter now, the mask of bluster fading as he watches Michael pet her tribble.
It’s how he spends his time now. Simply watching her. Watching over her. Still trying, even in death, to protect her when he’s failed to do so twice now. The only comfort is that this time, it was his life that was taken, not hers. At least he managed that.
He watches her walk the corridors of Discovery quietly, the pet in her arms. And he watches her at work—on the bridge, engineering. He sees her when she’s asleep, but his heart hurts when she tosses, and he knows it’s not restful. He can see everyone and everything that goes on there—the entire crew of the Discovery, but it is Michael he focuses on the most. The place where his attention never wavers.
“Always,” Hugh says. Gabriel knows the doctor does the exact same thing. Only, he watches over Paul. Watches, as his husband walks into a room that housed two people, but is now home to only one. He watches as his lover stares at the bed but is unable to bring himself to lie in it. And he watches as Paul does as he’s had the past few weeks, and turns to the couch, sleeping curled up and alone.
The temperature around them falls, and Lorca looks up and around as the place they’re in darkens.
“What is that?” he asks.
Hugh turns. “A storm is coming.” He points.
Below them, the Discovery sails on, oblivious to the gathering of ionized particles beginning to spark and churn in the distance. Separate from them, Gabriel and Hugh are the left behind.
“Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything,” Gabriel says, to himself.
“I thought you hated poetry,” Hugh turns to look at him, surprised.
“C.S. Lewis,” Gabriel says absently.
A Storm In the Ocean
The only option is escape. The storm is too strong for the old freighter to manage. Cracks in the painted-over rust begin to crawl up the ship’s walls, revealing the extent of the decay. They are all dying creatures here. He learned to embrace it a while ago, how to survive while teetering on the edge. Gabriel Lorca learned how to survive.
The alarms begin to sound as the ship starts to break up, the storm raging outside.
“Abandon ship,” he gives the order.
The crew scrambles, taking with them what they can—mostly intelligence files.
He watches from the bridge, holding the ‘Lisbeth, as steady as he can as the pods take off, each carrying a soul. The crew complement is dropping…
35…30…24…21…17…16…10…6…4….1…A flash of light streaks across the front viewer and the Lisbeth trembles violently, a loud, yawning sound that he knows, can’t be good…
“Captain, we’re at a safe distance, sir. Evacuate…evacuate…”
His XO’s voice comes through on the conn. But Lorca is tired. And he thinks now is as good a time to die as any.
“No can do, Xhian,” he says calmly. “Take care. Keep up the fight,”
Because he’s done with it.
Another bolt, this time, hitting its target. The electricity begins to course through the ship, snapping circuits, frying wires,
“It’s been a good ride, my lady,” Lorca pats the ship’s conn. Waiting.
He sees it as it comes, and as the light approaches, he stretches his arms wide, embracing it. .
“You’re awake.”
He opens his eyes and sits up quickly in the bio bed glaring at a man in white medical Starfleet-issue scrubs.
“Who the hell are you, and where am I?”
“I’m Hugh Culber, and as for the where, well that part’s complicated,” the man tells him, taking a step back.
“Trust me, at this stage of the game, I doubt anything would surprise me,” Lorca grouses, getting down from the bed.
“Yeah well…about that,” Culber says, right as the doors to sickbay open. Lorca’s eyes go to where Hugh’s are looking and he comes face-to-face with…himself.
Now he knows for sure that he’s dead
“You son-of-a-bitch,” he mutters crossing his arms. “How the hell did you get here?”
“I died,” Gabriel tells him.
“Took you long enough,” Lorca says, bitterly. “You know how much of your shit I had to deal with in your universe?”
“Yeah, well, yours ain’t much better, buddy.”
Hugh looks between the two of them and just shakes his head, moving back.
The two Gabriels glare at each other, angrily.
“Look—Captain Lorca, I get you’re angry. None of us volunteered to be here, but” Culber looks to Gabriel. “I think you two have some things to discuss. And for the record, sir,” he can’t help but call Lorca ‘sir,’ “unlike us, you are not dead. Just passing through.”
Gabriel rubs his temples, growing annoyed with himself. No, really. Lorca is an asshole. And his patience is getting thin. But when Lorca accuses him of murdering Michael, it’s the final straw.
“I didn’t kill her!” He yells, turning on himself. “How dare you judge me, you don’t know shit about me!”
“Oh, I know enough,” Lorca tells him. “You betray your emperor, you take her daughter, and you murder her, stage a coup and I get to spend the past year on the run for the crimes of a traitor.”
They argue over this. Back-and-forth, back-and-forth.
“So what about you?” Gabriel challenges. “What about Katrina?” After all, turnabout is fair play.
At the name, Lorca’s eyes get flinty. “What did you do to her?”
Gabriel smirks. “Only what she wanted me to do.”
Lorca is first to swing, his fist finding Gabriel’s face. A face so much like his own. But it’s pointless. Really. They’re equally matched and trade body blows and kicks until they collapse, both breathing hard, exhausted and feeling like defeated men.
“I loved Katrina,” Lorca says defensively, feeling the burn behind his eyes at the mention of her name. “If you hurt her…”
“YOU hurt her,” Gabriel pants out. “Admit it. All those years you went—kept pushing it off, pushing it back…delaying it. If you wanted her, you should have said something decades ago. THEN you get mad when she asks for five more years? You had 25! Don’t think I don’t know. You made it all so clear in your personal logs. So who is more wrong? I adored my Michael. I treated her like the queen she was MEANT to be, and you don’t know the cost…” at that, even Gabriel stops, not able to bring himself to say the other thing.
It gets quiet as they stare up into nothingness.
“What do I need to know before I go back,” Lorca says, voice low. Will I be arrested on-sight for some shit YOU did?”
“Depends,” Gabriel tells him, honestly. “You’re crew may not be too happy to see you.”
His crew. At that, Lorca turns his head. “You were on the Buran? What did you do to my crew?” He asks, with a sick feeling in his gut, knowing he won’t like the answer.
“You saw what happened to you when you got to my universe,” Gabriel says, voice flat. “I did what I had to do to survive in yours.”
There’s a fresh wave of anger-fueled adrenaline and at the words Lorca moves fast, jumping on Gabriel and wrapping his hands around his own neck, squeezing tight.
“You sick, son-of-a-bitch,” he growls, the grip tightening as the knuckles begin to show under the skin. He squeezes, watching as Gabriel’s face turns red, then gradually darker, the blood rushing to eyes so much like his own, tinting them red. His counterpart, gags, thrashing, hands gripping his own but the grip doesn’t break and he watches with icy calm as gradually, Gabriel’s body stops thrashing, the hands around his stop clawing, the breathing stops…and finally, the imposter goes limp and Lorca is left to stand, dazedly, his own heart in his throat, looking down on what remains of himself.
His crew. Dead. Murdered, and the last face they likely saw, he knows, was his.
The nausea hits immediately, sending him stumbling, reeling and he turns away from Gabriel’s body and begins heaving. Nothing but bile. After a moment of this, he slumps against a wall and slides down, wearier and heavier than he’s ever been before. Lorca closes his eyes. Maybe this really is death, he thinks. So be it.
Hugh comes in and looks on in disapproval at both Gabriel Lorcas lying on the floor, bloodied and beaten.
“Time’s up, Captain,” he says, breaking Lorca out of his despair.
“Up for what?” Lorca asks.
At that, Gabriel’s eyes open and he gets to his feet, rubbing his neck. “Fuck, that hurt,” he rasps then, at the look of shock on Lorca’s face, starts to laugh. It turns into a hacking cough.
Hugh ignores him. “You should be going now,” he tells Lorca. “Just thank your lucky ion storms you won’t be stuck here, with him. Follow me.”
The doctor reaches a hand down and the captain takes it, allowing himself to be pulled up. The two men start walking to the door, past Gabriel who stands there with a strange look on his face. He’s not laughing anymore. Or coughing.
“Wait,” he calls to them striding over and stopping them before they can walk through the door, blocking it with his body. For this, he speaks directly to Lorca, his voice low, carrying with it urgency. The games are done. This, what he has to say now, is serious.
“You’ll see them both,” Gabriel warns himself. “Your Katrina. My Michael. They’re both there.”
“I don’t give a damn about Michael,” Lorca snaps. “I need to fix whatever the fuck you did to Katrina.”
But Gabriel shakes his head.
“Look,” he sighs, knowing himself and trying to decide how to convince Lorca to give him this one thing. “I just need you to tell my Michael the truth. It’s all down there,” he gestures. “In my quarters. In my files. You know which ones,” he says…stopping short of saying the other word. Please. Lorca studies him a long moment, and they speak, not with words but with other things. Gabriel knows himself. Lorca does too. Please, he asks himself. Hugh takes a step back, giving them space. It’s silent here, now as the mirrors of Lorca contemplate one another.
“Don’t make me…”Gabriel says quietly, reaching out to clasp Lorca’s wrist. “It’s important.” The grip tightens.
“I don’t owe you a damn thing.” Lorca nearly growls the words as h he snatches his hand away.
“PLEASE! There! I said it, are you satisfied now?” Because now, Gabriel isn’t so cocky. Now, he’s out of bluster and underneath that armor of arrogance is still a man. Reluctantly, Lorca nods. He will grant himself this because a part of him, grudgingly, understands. He knows what it has taken himself to even say the word “please.” He knows he had to humble himself. And that’s a tall order and in both universes, it seems, the word itself largely absent in both their vernaculars.
“Gabriel, Captain Lorca,” Hugh interjects. “We’re running out of time. The window is starting to close.”
“There are things there…not even you know,” Gabriel starts talking faster. “Just tell my Michael the truth. All I ask.”
Lora just nods, lips tight. But he’ll honor the request. Gabriel nods back, stepping aside and allowing them to move past. Culber steps out in front, guiding the way. They walk just a short distance and the doctor stops and turns to the captain.
“I…have a request as well, if you could,” Hugh says, once they’re alone.
“Sure.” Because he really has no problem with Hugh.
“Tell Lieutenant Stamets I’ll be waiting for him at the opera. He’ll know what it means.”
“Will do, doctor,” Lorca extends to him a hand. “And thanks --” There’s no completing the sentence. He sees the white flash coming toward him and before he can speak again, it engulfs him.
#USS Archangels#star trek discovery#fanfiction#Reflections/TheOther#michael burnham x gabriel lorca#gabriel lorca x katrina cornwell#gabriel lorca#michael burnham#katrina cornwell
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Please note that you must meet the minimum length requirement foreach section. If your paper is under the length requirement, it incurs at least a 10%penalty. Its okay to go over the length maximum, but please try to stay close. Please follow these requirements. 1.Summary: What happened in the exercise? (atleast 0.5 page no more than 1 page) While I know the specifics of the scenario and each partysrole, I do not know what actually transpired during the exercise. Please give me a short synopsis ofwhat exercise you are writing about, who was involved, and what happened between you and theother party. 2.Analysis: Why did the negotiation happen the wayit did? (at least 1.5 pages – no more than 2 pages) Now that I know what happened, explainwhy it happened. Using at least 3 class concepts, (some examples shown below), provide an analysisof how your decisions and actions (and those of your partner) led to the ultimate outcome of theinteraction. In this section, be sure toapply and define the concepts you use. The definition onlyrequires a sentence (or less), but make sure it is clear you are defining the concept. For BATNAand ZOPA, you must tell me more than what the acronym stands for. Make sure the definition isclear and distinct. Use italics, underlining, quotation marks or bold to add clarity. Specifically, some examples of conceptsinclude: BATNA/Reservation point/Goals/ZOPA First offers and anchoring Power/Leverage/Persuasion Tactics Your/Your partners personal negotiation style Preparation and planning Distributive approaches to negotiation Integrative approaches to negotiation Ethical considerations Cultural barriers 2 3. Takeaways: What did you learn from doing this exercise? What will you dodifferently the next time? (at least 1 page nomore than 1.5 pages) Please conclude by reflecting on what you learned in this exercise that willmake you a better negotiator. What would you do differently if you were to encounter a similarsituation in the future? Provide specific examples and behaviors. The format of thereflection paper should follow these guidelines: Length = See guidelines foreach question Font = 12 point, Times NewRoman Margins = 1 inch Spacing = Double spaced Cover page = Include yourname, date and assignment title (does not count against length of paper) You will be graded on thefollowing criteria: Summary (20 points):CONCISE, easy-to-follow, description including what simulation you are writing about, who was involved,and what happened. Analysis (60 points):APPROPRIATE, in-depth application of at least 3 class concepts (see chart). Forfull credit, you mustprovide original analysis that uses class concepts but also goes beyond our online lectures and debriefs. Takeaways (40 points):INSIGHTFUL, original discussion of lessons learned and future changes in your approach tonegotiation. Again, the best answers will contain unique insights not mentionedin the lecture or debrief. Overall writing clarity andquality (30 points): Logical flow and structure of paper, appropriate grammar and spelling. ORDER THIS PAPER NOW. 100% CUSTOM PAPER CategoriesEnglish, MLA Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post navigation Previous PostPrevious Chapter 14 Case Study 2: The Arbitration Case of Jesse Stansky Instructions: GoNext PostNext International Trade
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Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal responses, please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to theexperiences provided in online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings, and theother related materials, as well as what is happening in your day-to-day life.
Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal responses, please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to theexperiences provided in online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings, and theother related materials, as well as what is happening in your day-to-day life.
1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal responses, please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to theexperiences provided in online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings, and theother related materials, as well as what is happening in your day-to-day life. Thinkabout and reflect upon how the ideas discussed and ideas in the readings can beincorporated…
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1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal respo
1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal respo
1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal responses, please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to theexperiences provided in online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings, and theother related materials, as well as what is happening in your day-to-day life. Thinkabout and reflect upon how the ideas discussed and ideas in the readings can beincorporated…
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1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal respo
1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal respo
1Reflective Journal -stabilizing a Substance Abuse patient,In your journal responses, please attempt to link your thoughtful responses to theexperiences provided in online meetings, your psychotherapeutic readings, and theother related materials, as well as what is happening in your day-to-day life. Thinkabout and reflect upon how the ideas discussed and ideas in the readings can beincorporated…
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Archive Project - December 1, 2013 - Hunger Games and Catching Fire Reviews
The Hunger Games, 2012 Directed by Gary Ross 142 Minutes Official Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMGRhAEn6K0 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, 2013 Directed by Francis Lawrence 146 Minutes Official Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keT5CRhhy84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HarryPotter movies stand as probably the most successful series of novel adaptionsof all time. As such, in the post-HarryPotter world every Hollywood company now wants to try and get the rights tobook adaptions that could potentially make a lot of money. Of all theattempts I have seen in the past few years none have been quite as noble as TheHunger Games adaptions (unless my memory is lapsing really hard right now). Havingnow seen Catching Fire I am excited to see where the series goes. That beingsaid, I have not, and do not plan to, read the novels anytime soon. I’m judgingthese as movies separate from their source material. Lets getstarted… ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE HUNGER GAMES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The storyof The Hunger Games, goes something like this, in a dystopian future where theworld has been devastated by war, the remaining people are rounded up intotwelve districts where they are forced to perform slave labor to maintain TheCapital, a powerful urban center that prides itself on it’s own exquisitelifestyle. To keep the districts in check a yearly tournament is held known asThe Hunger Games in which twenty-four children are forced into an arena to afight to the death with only one survivor. Two children are chosen randomlyfrom each district from a jar filled with tickets from bread lines prevalentthroughout the district. The more food children take from the government, themore likely they are to end up in the Games. The themes presented in the storyshow a critique of modern society; the division between the rich and poor, themedia and the objectification of women. I can honestly say that my favoriteelement of the original Hunger Games was the main character of Katniss herself.Not only is she a brilliant role model for young girls reading the novels andwatching the movies (as apposed to Bella), but also she’s a well-written anddynamic character. She’s smart and strong but also scared and overwhelmed byher circumstances. She provides for her family in the place of her parents andrisks her life to protect the ones she loves. I also like how her character isnever “dependent on the guy”. In factmost of the movie is spent with her working together with or even defendingother characters as opposed to merely relying on the male lead to save her allthe time. Unfortunately, Katniss’ depth andstrength as a character aren’t reflected in her supporting cast with only a fewexceptions. While characters like Pita and Haymitch get plenty of screen-time,her family and most of her opponents in the games don’t receive more than a minuteof screen-time. I remember thinking during all of the scenes depicting theother fighters that what tiny bits of personality we are seeing could have beenmuch better payoff if they had been established and given screen-time butinstead all we are shown are one-note characters that die immediately. This isprobably reflective of bad script writing, as it a bit of a weak point for thefilm. Despite its rich source material,much of the story itself feels reluctant to explain the world around it, leavingaudience members in the dark. It does attempt to remedy this through expositionbut is accomplished by bluntly explaining directly to the audience concepts inthe movie; most notably in the “Tracker Jacker” scene in which they have toexplain why it’s a bad idea to get stung by killer bees. The bad screen writing is alsoevident in the pacing. The Hunger Games feels really slow at times and it tendsto drag its heels a lot during the second act. A lot of what happens isn’t verymemorable either. I totally forgot the majority of what happened in this filmsince the last time I saw it. And now, the film’s greatest andmost immediately notable issue, THE CINEMATOGRAPHY. It feels like the directorof photography for this movie was Jason Bourne on a caffeine trip. In actionscenes the use of shaky-cam is obnoxious. Maybe the point was the obscure theviolence to lower the movie’s rating so it could be shown to kids, but that isa horrible reason to promote bad filmmaking. I’d also like to point out thatKatniss never directly murders anyone in the film with her primary weapon untilan hour and a half into the movie. I find this to be a major issue. The sounddesign is… surprisingly good. It gets the job done. I don’t have much else tosay about it. Despite myranting, I wouldn’t go as far as to say that The Hunger Games is a bad film. Itisn’t. It has its strengths and it’s weaknesses but I could recommend it toanybody as something decent to watch. Anybody who has read the books wouldprobably love this movie and it does a good job to set up the opening act toits trilogy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATCHING FIRE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set a yearafter the first movie, Catching Fire depicts the aftermath of the events of themovie. Without spoiling the first one, the events of the first movie have begunto spark revolution in the eyes of the districts. To suppress the districts andreinforce their power, The Capital sets a plan to replace the normal pool ofcandidates and choose exclusively from survivors of previous Hunger Games. If a personwere to sit down and create a list of all of the problems with the originalmovie that needed to be fixed for the sequel, and then went on to do them,Catching Fire is the movie you would end up with. The result is a significantimprovement from the first film. In a lot ofways, Catching Fire is a repeat of the first film. The same basic premise iscopied over. Katniss is trying to live her life in bad circumstances when sheis sucked into The Hunger Games and her life becomes entangled into thedelicate political workings of The Capital. Same premise, but havingestablished the characters in the first movie, this one takes the liberty ofusing the first two acts for world building and further character development. Unlikethe first, the audience is actually shown the other eleven districts and TheCapital. We are given a taste of theirworld and each group of people’s way of life. All of the elements from theoriginal film that worked well are brought back and strengthened. Katniss has all of her personalityfrom the first movie but is changed and damaged from having to participate inthe Hunger Games and having had her life completely dominated by The Capitalsmedia coverage. Katniss’ supporting cast is morefleshed out, The President of the Capital is given a greater role and we beginto see more of why he supports the Hunger Games. The other opponents are givenfleshed out personalities that are established in the second act of the movieand are given significant screen time (downside being most of them die offscreen anyway). The story has less blunt expositionand shows the audience a lot more. Plus the pacing is much better. I didn’tfeel bored watching Catching Fire unlike the original. And of course, the cinematographyin this one is significantly improved. No-more shaky camera! In Catching Fire,all of the action scenes are shown by keeping the camera in place and lettingthe content of the scene provide tension and it works really well. All the positive ranting aside, thestory still has a few issues. There several convenient plot moments in whichthings that happen wouldn’t happen logically in real life, these likely beingsubject to the adaption and not flowing very well in the movie. The movie also ends on a severecliffhanger that teases Mocking-jay Part 1 (November 2014) which I am nowexcited to see. While I’ve heard a lot of people complain about thecliffhanger, it honestly didn’t bother me all that much. It might be that I’mjust not as invested in this series as some people but the movie itself ended ona note that felt satisfying, if even a bit teasing but I can overlook that. I’d go as far as to say thatCatching Fire is a good movie. Not a great one, not even mediocre. It is good,it fixes the problems with its predecessor and for that I find it very enjoyable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall, as The Hunger Games,Four-Part Trilogy, continues I find myself getting more drawn into the universeit offers. While a bit preachy at times, I find that the story it offers andthe well-written character of Katniss make it stand out from a lot of bookadaption movies. If nothing else, in the Post-Harry Potter world it is nice tosee another series finally start to reach the level of critical success it hasattained that actually deserves it. I’m brave enough to admit that alot of major adaptions that have come out lately just haven’t worked that well.Twilight suffers from sub-par source material, Percy Jackson movies feel derivativeand underwhelming and Enders Game was surrounded by mediocrity and controversysurrounding its writer. I recommend The Hunger Games andCatching Fire! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hunger Games is available on DVD, Blu-Ray and digital download. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is now in theaters. Thank you for reading! Live long and prospers! 1Nicole Marie1 ShareLikeCommentShare
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I love all the colors of the Christmas season! During all the business of the season, the end of the year and all theother stuff...take some time to breath, to reflect, find peace with yourself in this previous year...and get ready to embrace everything about 2020 that you are in control of. https://www.instagram.com/p/B54I7m9JRYp/?igshid=14t8xof01kxao
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((guys how do you know when your tiredness is what’s leading to mild visual hallucinations
because theother night when I was driving home in the twilight I could have sworn there was a poorly-reflective cyclist in the lane next to me (THREE TIMES) but when I got up to where they would be there was nothing
and today the little flat plastic piece on the fax machine looked like it was shaking back and forth when I know that’s physically impossible
and I keep thinking there’s a fly on my smoothie out of the corner of my eye but there is not
is it stress or is it tired?))
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...Otherwise . Who? . What? What other? What other people? What other people think. What other people think of... . Me You Them . What other people think of... What other people think. What other people? What people? What? . Who? . . #exnihilo #Transplendent! #Zines #SelfPublished #Astrology #Zine #TransplendentZines #Zodiac from a #Sagittarius #LunarPerspective #yoga #meditation #reflection #optimism #creativity #imagination #collectiveconciousness #balance #focus #theother . #foreignCorrespondent #scheveningen #denhaag #zuidholland #nl
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... When there's nothing quite wrong, but it don't feel right ...
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Nonwoven Materials & Products market to Undertake Strapping Growth During 2013 - 2019
Nonwoven materials and products are the fabrics made of parallel laid,cross laid or randomly laid webs bonded with application of adhesives or thermoplastics fibers under the application of pressure and heat. Nonwoven fabrics possess properties such as liquid repellence, absorbency, resilience, softness, stretch, strength, flame retardancy, thermal insulation, cushioning, filtration and acoustic insulation among others. Owing to all these properties, nonwoven materials and products are widely used in several industries across the globe. The major product segments of nonwoven materials and products consist ofpolypropylene, polyester and nylon. Nonwoven materials and products are utilized in variety of applications in industries such as medical, healthcare, textiles, construction, agriculture, automobile, paper and packaging among others.The revenue generated by the global nonwoven materials and products market was USD 28,783.8 million in 2012which is expected to reach USD 45,363.7 million by 2019, growing at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2013 to 2019.
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Polypropylenenonwoven fabric accounted for the largest share of the global nonwoven materials and products market in 2012, followed by polyester and nylon nonwoven fabrics. The polypropylenesegment of nonwoven materials and products market generated revenue of USD 16,438.7 million in 2012 and is anticipated to reach USD 25,808.2 million in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 6.7% from 2013 to 2019.Though polypropylene market is the largest product segment of nonwoven materials and products, the other segment that includes cellulosics, bio-component fibers and nano-fibers, is the most attractive market.
Durable applications segment was the largest market segment of nonwoven materials and productsin 2012. The durableapplications segment of the nonwoven materials and products marketgenerated revenue of USD 17,716.0 million in 2012 and is anticipated to reach USD 28,335.6 million in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 7.0% from 2013 to 2019.Disposable applications segmentis theother major application segment ofnonwoven materials and products.Durable applications segmentdominated the global nonwoven materials and productsconsumption in 2012 and the consistent growth in automobile, construction and agriculture industry across the globe is driving the nonwoven materials and productsmarket.Moreover, the robust demand from medical disposables market is the key factor that is acting as a growth driver for the nonwoven materials and products market.
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The global nonwoven materials and products marketis segmented based on geography.Asia Pacific represents the largest and the most crucialmarket for the nonwoven materials and productsindustry.In the recent past, nonwoven materials and products marketin Asia Pacificwas driven by strong demand from the medical, construction and agriculture market in emerging economies such as China and India.Europewas the second largest market for nonwoven materials and products followed by North America and RoW. Due to the saturation in the European and North American market, Asia Pacific is expected to be the most attractive market for nonwoven materials and products in the future.
The continuously increasing medical and health care industry across the globe is propelling the demand for nonwoven materials and products. Polypropylene nonwoven fabric was the largest consumed nonwoven material across the world in 2012 which is used in applications such as automobile, construction, air and liquid filtration, industrial, medical, hygiene, textiles and protective clothing among others. The growing demand for nonwoven fabrics from medical disposables and durable applications segment is expected to drive the demand for nonwoven materials and products in the future. However, the issues regarding volatility of raw material prices and saturation in developed markets may curtail the market growth in future. Freudenberg SE, Ahlstrom Incorporation, Du Pont, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Polymer Group Incorporation, and Asahi Kasei Corporation are some of the major manufacturers of nonwoven materials and products.
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It is likely too late now to have my 2018 Calendar in your palms by the weekend if you haven't already ordered online but if you're in Narrm there are a few @brunswickbound 361 Sydney Road and the State Library location of Readings bookstore in the city. Also if you order from link in bio now until Dec 27th and use code SHIPSHAPE you'll get free shipping within Oz and free shipping worldwide on first 5 orders (calendars only). While stocks last, as there are only a few left, I hope to sell out before 2018! $25 / $20 AUD. 10% of online sales to SOS Blak Australia. BIPOC PM me if you're in Berlin or London as pick up may be possible Image: Speak No? (2017): indian ink marker, watercolour, coloured pencil and synthetic polymer paint on cotton paper, 127 × 96.5 cm A self-portrait processing ideas of cultural connection on ‘returning to the Motherland’ as a second generation emigrant of India. Investigating her positioning having been born relatively privileged in the diaspora whilst further distanced from language and culture than those raised in the colonised country of origin, TextaQueen reflects on projecting ‘otherness’ onto those sharing tangential legacies yet living distant experiences. Women wearing dupattas from various regions of India float away behind her, an urban-resilient rhesus monkey covers her mouth while it screams a translation of the artist’s frustrated disconnection and a culpable colonial legacy possesses her strained pupils. #textaqueen #2018calendar #freeshipping #speaknoevil #rhesusmonkey #dupattas #theother #theotherwoman #colonialism #connection #disconnection #communication #emigration #southasiandiaspora
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Looking at my last week in London this time round and not ready to communicate too much about it yet. Image is May in my 2018 Calendar. More than half of limited edition print run is now out to new homes in the world or on their way there, thank you. Available from link in bio. $25 AUD / ~$19 US / 16.5 Euro / £14.6 / 1244 INR / 2944 LKR / 2020 PKR etc. BIPOC discount option and those in Berlin PM me if you'd like to pick up one in Neukölln. 10% of online sales to SOS Blak Australia. Image: Speak No? (2017): indian ink marker, watercolour, coloured pencil and synthetic polymer paint on cotton paper, 127 × 96.5 cm A self-portrait processing ideas of cultural connection on ‘returning to the Motherland’ as a second generation emigrant of India. Investigating her positioning having been born relatively privileged in the diaspora whilst further distanced from language and culture than those raised in the colonised country of origin, TextaQueen reflects on projecting ‘otherness’ onto those sharing tangential legacies yet living distant experiences. Women wearing dupattas from various regions of India float away behind her, an urban-resilient rhesus monkey covers her mouth while it screams a translation of the artist’s frustrated disconnection and a culpable colonial legacy possesses her strained pupils. #textaqueen #2018calendar #speaknoevil #rhesusmonkey #dupattas #theother #theotherwoman #colonialism #connection #disconnection #communication #emigration (at Varanasi, India)
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