underfell · 1 year
Ok but the idea of Undyne’s armor being based off of Griffith’s?
First of all, the idea goes super hard and I love it.
And B, does that imply there’ll be parallel’s between Fell Undyne’s character and Griffith’s, or are you just interested in the aesthetic?
Technically I’d parallel berserks whole premise of betrayal, if anyone’s a resemblance to Griffith it’s Asgore. Despite everyone counting on you, You want something so bad so you sacrifice everything to have it, including the people that care and love you. That’s basically the parallel.
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stuffyflowers · 2 months
Wait ok monngos ask is also making me think in general abt kanako and chujins magic. I want to know what type of bullet patterns they have. Whether they have any cool abilities like cerobas hp depletion or starlos slow-motion. Whether they even HAD strong magical abilities at all. I must know.
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groovyships · 2 years
I'm a girl who makes out with other girls and also a guy who makes out with other guys. Hope this helps! :]
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meowloudly15 · 2 years
The recent addition of Leonie Fire Emblem to my favorite characters list is proof that I have a type, and that type is "tough young women with a boatload of tenacity and also So Many Problems Like Good Lord Girl Get A Therapist"
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noxtivagus · 2 years
thinking about something i realized earlier w the characters i like
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summer scions!! I absolutely love the new portraits for all their smug happy expressions. Except Y'shtola, who is not going to deign to give a camera a proper saucy look because that's silly. Urianger is smirking twice as hard on her behalf.
Glam review under the cut!
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I unlocked Alphinaud first of the twins and didn't know Alisaie had a little necktie yet, so I'm deducting a point from my first impression because the sheer delight that he had a silly little necktie of some sort no matter the situation delighted me so thoroughly. Since they're still engaging in matchy twin dressing to some degree, I have to assume they either like it and won't admit it after digging in so hard, or Ameliance sent them off with cute outfits and matching backpacks, and they still don't really shop for themselves.
He's got the practical watch/compass gloves which are good for a technically proficient Sage and probably the most practical gear he's ever worn except for when he was poncho Alphy, but wearing ankle-length jeans seem like the least weather-appropriate choice of the Scions if we assume their average skin coverage is a good weathervane for the temperature in Tural. I chalk it up to teenage awkwardness.
8/10 unless he and Alisaie chose their outfits themselves, in which case it's a 9/10
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I think Alisaie is the only Scion to keep a single piece of their default gear, and those are her usual gloves. She's colour-matched around it.
Because of the gloves and boots, she looks the most ready for hardcore hiking, somehow, and her matching Alphinaud with a cute button down shirt with rolled up sleeves along with that particular choice of baggier shorts (when she normally wears more form fitting shorts) do give me the closest to butch vibes it's probably likely to get for main characters. So I'm giving her an extra point I stole from Alphinaud for the lesbian vibes.
9/10 or 10/10 if she made these choices all by herself.
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Everything about this cracks me up, from his portrait above to the image of him tanking open shirted once he pulls mobs.
Believe it or not, he's getting an additional point for those shoes simply because the competition in practicality in tanking is G'raha.
I had a moment of excitement when I thought the necklace was pink because that's always a cute Ryne/Minfillia thing fanartists give him with ribbons and such, but once I got zoomed in on him it was red, so I guess he's just been shopping. Although, the turquoise shorts are her eye colour and the actual large diamond shapes are secretly Mothercrystal coded in those colours, which just cracks me up that you can pick out one of the worse days of his life (Urianger's grand Warrior of Darkness plan) in his Chill Summer Beach Vibes look.
Douchebag beach bro shell bracelet as well, which really makes me double down on him and Urianger spending way too much on tourist bait along the stalls in the Famous Turali Market. The hat and sunglasses are giving him one of the Most tourist-y looks thematically reflecting how a lot of the Scion guys were just here to hang out, narratively or literally. Maybe he's trying not to get such an intense tan again, which is the only reason he's not entirely topless.
11/10 I could not stop laughing when I got him and Urianger to 100 and Beheld The Brilliance in the same moment.
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Please note the raised sunglasses in Urianger's portrait, which are not the model his character uses.
I am delighted that I had been incorporating that island watch into my healer glams on both the logic you need to know your clock positionals but also they're largely the smarty pants jobs (WHM being vibes only aside - it gets its own glams :P). And here's Urianger and Alphinaud both using watches.
Now, I had a moment of being vaguely disappointed he had trousers not a skirt or something else swishy and androgynous, but then I did realise that I, a nonbinary weirdo who relates to Urianger since he made me nonbinary, have actually gone to a couple of garden parties dressed in some variation of this exact outfit of light trousers and a nice button up. Plus, the earrings are in both ears, so no "Google, which ear is the gay one?", these are just straight up cute femme dangly earrings with his favourite little dudes on.
More importantly, the colours he's repping are those of Lopporit Radio. He probably tunes in every night for his broadcasts :')
Mirrored sunglasses for the guy notorious for keeping thoughts and plans close to his chest and choosing deliberately to be enigmatic even when it serves zero purpose except for I guess gender affirming care. (The gender is Weird Bitch.)
I can't tell how I feel about those dad sandals. I suppose it depends if he's wearing them like a fashion model (brand new and clean with perfect pedicured feet) or if those are REALLY dad at the beach-like and, since I'm not a foot person, this for me is only a choice between "not off-putting" and "AURGH".
9/10 the proximity to Thancred hauls him up several points of misgivings I had, and the lopporit shout outs are killing me :')
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I unlocked Y'shtola last and holy fuck I am a lesbian. I don't even recognise where those boots come from, so either a really expensive glam or something I just have not stumbled on. She has toe rings I think? And painted nails? I have no idea if the garter (?) is part of the boots glam or a custom thing as result of not recognising the boots and how much of them is normal. I feel like they customised a lot on her anyway - the back of her top has purple beads that match her staff (not dyable on the real piece)
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and I think the necklace has to be part of the top instead of a separate necklace piece with the way it hangs, AND the bracelets are a glove piece with the original summer glam, but I assume they're layered with the false nails, also in the glove slot. All in all it's giving the sort of effort which is starting to creep up to what I'd expect from the modding community not the game. I mean, not THAT good but getting close. Baby steps towards what fandom can make :P
She really is god's favourite meow meow.
Anyway I can't really judge this fairly because it's really hot and I love her so I'm just going to give it 100/10 and move on. :)
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how did I get a picture where Estinien looks like he's stooping to get in the frame...
The fact he has Azure Dragoon Blue Top and then Violently Nidhogg Fuchsia shorts is the colour theory that absolutely killed me. When he lights up during his burst and starts glowing pink all over his shorts are like. Taking him over like the eye once did I think.
love a guy who can embrace his past trauma and dress to match all that has passed before and all that he intends to do now (kill something large and tasty, grill it on the beach, fall asleep with a beer in hand until the waves come in and wake him up).
I gave him that wooden bracelet in the glam he has on my desktop screen so once again I'm feeling weirdly vindicated.
Other details: no ponytail despite the warm weather because he's got enough ventilation. The fact there's cactaurs on his shirt when he's on record for eating them is amazing. We should imagine he's wearing his jobstone like that pendant (since he's one of the only guys with a confirmed jobstone despite being the Guy Without A Job notoriously that one time.)
Unlike Thancred's hat and sunglasses combo, which seems fun and boisterous somehow, he seems the most walled off of all the sunglasses wearers even though he's not the most mysterious. The visor really helps make it a sort of wall. Maybe just because his terse upfront personality and somehow despite his clothes horse habits THIS amount of whimsy seems the most out of character at first glance, but he DOES look uncomfortable to me.
Somehow I find everything about this outfit excellent for his character but also like maybe he was forced into it, everyone cornering him and telling him the Scion Beach Party was a mandatory work event and he was not allowed to beg off of it and he did put some work in expressing himself but also is going to go find a much quieter corner to lurk in for the day, when not competing with Thancred (can't grill, loves it) for the barbeque (Estinien can grill, would only do it because the threat of Thancred doing it wrong is too high).
confused 7/10 mostly because I think Krile is blackmailing him and not because I don't love everything about this.
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Here's how G'reenha Tia can still win -
Anyway here's the deducted point for tanking in flip flops (PERFECTLY acceptable BLM gear btw but he's Mr Versatile.)
(I joke but the main character of my novels is a flip-flop wearing menace who could and would tank in them)
Between the padlock and key necklace and the woven bracelet right after we all went feral over the Thavnarian bracelets for couples thing so recently (and Corvos is just across the water!) he's absolutely dripping cutie pie love interest coding yet again.
(Also yes I know the lock and key thing is very funny because we were introduced to him learning he was a fancy key to a big door.)
Gains a point back because the other green g'raha thing is I'm pretty sure people use this shirt glam because it kinda looks like it has weed on it.
Don't quote me on that, vibes only.
Anyway he came colour coordinated (with his original eye colour and hair colour not the bright Allagan dalamud red dye that goes with his normal outfit) so so precise and neat, like he's going to some sort of formal event, and even with flip flops he really does seem incredibly put together like the twins or Y'shtola, just for full outfit cohesiveness.
As someone who would hold G'raha's hand on the romantic gondola vibe, 10/10.
3 out of 10 and a huge cringe if you would not. He's got to stop Striving.
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Hey it's the star of the show!! Adorable hairstyle out, cute plot-important earring on, and wearing her exact character colours but adorable beach wear :)
I love that she looks kind of like she went to the girls for advice and got the top from Y'shtola and the shorts from Alisaie, and she probably was very serious and stressed about getting this right even though there's no rules and no one's judging her -
Anyway the ballet shoes are adorable and go with all the cute picto spins and twirls :)
I think the strict colour scheme does speak to the slight lack of fleshing out she got so far in the story (we don't really have any real character reason that picto in particular spoke to her and this glam isn't one of the many fun takes people had on how to dress to meet that brief ). I don't think DT did more than just repeat that she's serious and sweet and trying really hard to get out of her shell and be more fun and creative and also she's been practicing dodging really hard she shouts mid-Trust combat (bless her). But ALSO getting out of the shell is really hard and she only found out everything and got some closure in the final level 100 quests so there wasn't really much to do with her after that.
This is like her First Non-Plot-Critical Whimsy Moment and losing the hood or any cat ears entirely (and there are perfectly functional cat ears to wear in game) is a good step considering we know she wears it precisely because she needed a sort of advance PR campaign to make her look cute and approachable before she opened her mouth and started bringing down the vibe (serious scary children are SO funny though and i love that for her). Having the same top as Y'shtola is a good thing for trying to make her less childish and have her trying to show that now as she takes this huge step out from the background. I mean, it still has a slight sense of her costuming herself and pushing herself out of comfort zones as she always does, but it's 100% in character so I adore it.
1000/10 because Krile is great and there's so much going on here and it's so fun when a character's whole personality is a costume and then they're like aurgh wait do I even want that??
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deltaruminations · 2 years
i think one of the most telling examples of how we’ve been influenced to think about gaster is that if we say no to him after he asks if we want to continue after a chapter 1 game over, we’ll proceed to hear the absolute gentlest most heartbroken fucking unaccompanied piano arrangement of gaster’s motif any of us has ever heard and we’ll still be like "huh wonder why THAT’S there."
it’s because he’s sad!!! he’s fucking sad!!! this is the sound of an incorporeal man holding back metaphysical tears!!! WHY would the game have us linger here at a black screen instead of immediately going back to the menu like a normal RPG would? because it wants us to have this quiet moment in the dark with him, to finally catch him in a moment that’s raw and deeply vulnerable and unmarred by either cryptic mythologizing or his own mask of confident, neutral professionalism, just a black screen and a tender, melancholic song. and then he closes the fucking game himself.
it’s like, after narrating our ending, he just can’t think of anything else to say. he doesn’t want to tell us to go away because he probably doesn’t want us to, we’re both his last hope for success and the only person he’s been able to "connect" with in a very long time. he just sits there awkwardly with us while he quietly processes the situation, before he finally accepts that this is the world’s (and his) fate and he can’t force us to stay there with him any longer.
again im not trying to woobify him, what im saying is that we’re so used to seeking out spooky, vaguely sinister lore for an extraplanar entity that even when we finally meet him, it doesn’t occur to us that he could just be another character, one who’s VERY different from the other characters but a character nonetheless.
gaster is fundamentally cryptic and ambiguous, possibly in part because he intends to be hard to read. i think he hides himself between layers and behind clinical speech and trees because he’s uncomfortable with being seen, but he isn’t a perfect rational being, he’s just a guy, and he can’t connect with us without risking "pieces" of himself seeping through. just as undertale challenged us to hunt through it for pieces of gaster’s lore, deltarune is now going out of its way to give us insight into his character, but just as with his lore, we have to seek it out and consider it carefully in order to learn anything. like do you understand why im suddenly so obsessed with this guy!!! not to mention all the ways he parallels kris and chara and alphys and serves as a reflection of the player and. god. i love these fucking video james so much
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corpupine · 5 months
I've been doing a lot of thinking...and I feel like I need to scream this out somehow even though I'm sure it's been talked about before (and I'm putting it under a readmore because it gets long).
No matter what, in any playthrough you do and any timeline you create.
UNDERTALE is a game about guilt.
You have Toriel, so guiltridden she couldn't protect her own children that she devotes herself to never letting another child leave again. And then they do!! over and over again, that guilt compounds until it's the center of her life and every choice she makes!!
And obviously Asgore, so guiltridden that he couldn't protect his own children from humans that he spends the rest of his days trying to get out and get revenge on them--as if that will stop the voices in his head saying, if you had been out there with them you could have stopped it, you could have stopped those humans from killing your children, and maybe he could have!! Or maybe not!! He'll never know and it eats him from the inside out!
Alphys, oh my sweet summer child this fandom does not deserve you!! Alphys, so guiltridden from her own perceived failures as a scientist that she began to try anything, anything to make the King happy, and it seemed to be working at first, and then it was so everlastingly worse, how can you cause something worse than death?? without even trying??
And it shows up in little ways, silly ways, too! Ways you wouldn't even think about as guilt! Undyne! She feels guilty that she won't let Papyrus join the Royal Guard so she gives him cooking lessons instead! Papyrus feels guilty that he's not in love with you after one date so he'll "keep being your cool friend and act like this never happened!"
SANS MY BOI don't even get me started. His guilt isn't as physically obvious but he made a promise to toriel, he promised her he would keep the human safe, and in timelines where you save everyone he follows you pretty much all throughout the Underground (even if he doesn't do anything to help smh) because he'd feel guilty not doing it, and in timelines where you kill everyone he feels guilty for not stopping you, AND in those SAME timelines he feels guilty for stopping you because it means he's breaking his promise to Toriel to keep you safe I!!! This boy can fit so much cosmic guilt in him!!!!
Asriel! FLOWEY!! Do you ever wonder if he feels guilty about being the one to wake up again? The one to survive, when Chara had to die twice?? He sits at their grave and he will do anything, anything to drown out those thoughts so he befriends and kills and torments and it's all the same and it's all useless!!
And their guilt compounds each others'! Toriel makes Sans make that promise because of her own guilt, which increases his! Asgore's guilt is what pushes Alphys so far past the limits of ethical science, because he increases hers!
And all of this, all of this, ALL OF THIS pales in comparison to you!!!
You!! The player! You return to the Underground after maybe accidentally killing Toriel or a few others because you didn't know, you never wanted to hurt them!! You listen to Flowey and you come back and you save them all!
You! The player!!! You cry at the ending and you'd feel guilty, so guilty about letting them all go, wouldn't you? So you ignore Flowey's pleas to let it alone, and you come back again, you say hello to your dear friends but this time it isn't the same, this time you kill them all because you want to see everything this game has to offer, might as well get your money's worth, the fights are cool, right?? And then you get hit with the most unsatisfying atomic bomb of an ending and the only thing left is your own reflection staring back at you from the black screen of your computer as the horror dawns, what have you done???
YOU!!! The player! You go back again even though there is no Flowey left to tell you to, and you save them all again because I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, nobody deserves what I did to all of you, and it's all good, nobody remembers, and then you get to the end. The game knows what you did!!! It never forgot, and it'll make certain you never forget either!! Guilt!! Guilt, guilt!!! It's baked into the code of this game!!
Anyways tl;dr, maybe it actually did make sense to give this game to the pope
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ancha-aus · 28 days
RealAgeAU Drabble - Curious Sight
What is this?! Two Drabbles?! @spotaus It is more likely than you think.
Mostly because i was REAL impressed you guys managed to keep it equal. like how? Also because i really wanted to do both so here you go! both!
This one is a lot shorter though hihi
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Just his luck.
Why did he have to have a favourite pie in a whole other universe?
The Toriel looks very apologetic “I am very sorry. They just sold out very quickly this time. I will have new ones tomorrow morning!”
Blue smiles as he pushes down the disappointment “It is okay! I can always try again later.”
Toriel smiles before motioning towards the other goods she has for sale “Anything else? The cupcakes are amazing today.” she smiles.
Blue shakes his skull “No that is alright. Thank you so much for checking!” he waves and leaves the small bakery.
He sighs as he stands outside.
His luck sucks today. He had hoped he could cheer himself up with some nice pie but it seems like they are out after all. Ugh. Then again, maybe it is his own fault for liking things outside his own universe so much.
Blue looks from side to side. Maybe he can look around a bit? See if there is another bakery. He doubts it because the town, and well this very universe, is very small and he hadn’t seen it when he visited this place with the Stars all that time ago.
But well. He doesn’t really have anything planned today.
He looks left and right and decides to go right for now. He wanders down the street and waves at people along the way.
Okay. So he can’t get the cherry hazelnut pie he wanted. Which is a shame. But he can do something else to cheer him up!
It had just been rough in his underground. Alphys had been very distrusting of the human this time around and it had been exhausting to get her to at least try to get to know them. That is not even the multiverse mess.
At least people don’t demand his help at every turn anymore. Sure he loves helping others but before it got so bad. Back when Dream was still doing the positive guardian thing. People had also demanded help of Blue. And Blue loves to help! But there had been the fear that if he said no it would reflect badly on Dream and Ink.
There is a reason he hardly travelled the multiverse alone before. It was just easier to give himself rest that way.
But now with Dream officially having a new god goal and Ink still being MIA it means people stopped bothering Blue all the time!
Blue tries to ignore the hurt that thinking about Ink brings. He had done so much to help Ink and had thought they had been friends! That Blue meant something to the other! Apparently not. Seeing as Ink hasn’t even shown his face anywhere yet, aside from meetings but Blue doesn’t really count that. They don’t even hang out afterwards. Ink just leaves again.
Blue shakes his skull and keeps walking. It is fine. Ink is also a god and probably busy with god stuff. Reaper was going to talk with Error and Ink about their godhood after all. Ink is probably just busy.
Blue just… he hopes Ink didn’t just… forget him…
Blue shakes his skull and pats his own cheeks twice. Come on Blue! Snap out of it! You got this! No need to dwell on the negatives. Especially if you don’t know what Ink’s reason is! There is no reason to worry or feel sad about things you don’t even know yet!
Blue sighs as he grabs his phone. His phalange hovering over Dream’s icon. No. Dream is dealing with enough. And asking him to track down Ink just so Blue can ask him why he doesn’t want to hang out anymore is just… a lot.
Blue scrolls through his contacts and pauses when he sees Red’s name. Huh. It has been a while since he hang out with Red. Maybe the two of them can go to some motorcross universe and drive a set of bikes around? Just go fast and have fun with a friend? He taps a message and sends it.
Blue grins at his phone as he waits. Oh this is going to be great. Just him and a friend having fun and talking about motorcycles!
A ping and Blue grins before it falls. Red says he can’t at the moment. Bad run going on in his universe and that his brother is very stressed. Apparently the last reset had gone very badly and Red had died and apparently Edge had gotten somekind of memory or dream about it and is hovering a lot more than usual.
Blue sighs but types back that he gets it and if he needs help just to let him know. Red answers with a thumbs up and a thanks.
Blue sighs and just looks up. Huh. He recognises these streets but can’t quite remember where from. Maybe all these areas just look alike? Blue shrugs and looks back at his phone.
Maybe he can ask Sans, or whatever everyone decides to call him. Sans is a bit… strange. No one is quite sure why, Sans least of all. It is just weird how everyone just decided that no nickname really fit him. They tried Comic and Classic. But in the end everyone just ends up referring to him with Sans.
Which is weird as fuck with all of them originally being Sans. Yet Sans is the most Sans.
It is hard to explain.
He finds the number and grins as he is typing a message.
A moment later he answers that he is down to hang out.
Blue grins as he starts typing, not really paying attention to where he is going. He texts his friend about maybe going to Outertale to just hang out at the café. Or even to try and find a new universe.
Sans says he is down and asks if he wants to meet wherever he is now to travel together or to meet at Outertale and search for each other there.
Blue thinks and is about to type for Sans to come to him as he looks up for a reference for Sans to teleport to. Only to freeze.
That is the Cuddly Cat.
More importantly.
That is the back of Killer’s jacket leaving around the side of the building.
Blue doesn’t even answer the text as he runs towards the other road.
He gets there just in time to see the portal melt shut. Blue searches for the right app on his phone and holds it near the slowly fully closing rift. Praying he was fast enough to manage and get there in time.
It takes a moment and the signal the app is picking up disappears. But it is still loading and Blue stares at the program as it slowly slowly loads.
Then it pops up with coordinates to an universe!
Blue stares in shock before seeing another message of Sans appear at the top. He quickly texts him that he is very sorry but that he just spotted the gang out and about.
Sans’s reply is mostly confused. Asking why it matters as Sans thought that was all already solved? So why try and track their movement?
Blue is thorn. Does he share that Dream doesn’t actually know if Nightmare is dead? That Dream is actually looking for Nightmare?
Blue ends up typing that Dream still wants to personally apologise for the gang and Sans says he gets it and just let him know when he got time to hang.
Blue sighs as he opens the right chat window and starts to type. But then removes the message as he tries to type one again.
Over and over as he struggles over what to exactly say before he settles on a message.
“I saw the gang. I know to which universe they went. We got a lead if you want to check it out?”
And he waits.
His phone pings.
Seems like he got plans after all.
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nights-at-crystarium · 8 months
Fragments - episodes 31-35 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
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The chasm in their understanding of what makes Vivi tick.
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The stakes in this scene seem low and the twins are just overdramatizing the danger for the sake of unwinding and being silly, right? Yesn't. One wrong move or word, and they join those leafmen scattered all over the place.
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Finding the line between bad actor and caring sister.
Of course Alisaie wants to hang out with Vivi. She doesn't want to admit that to herself, let alone risk looking desperate in her brother's eyes. Tsundere moment. It's been a while since they've. Had a rest. Between rescuing Minfilia from Laxan Loft and making their way to Il Mheg. Alphinaud, at least in my hc, isn't as physically durable, but definitely as stubborn and proud as Alisaie, so he wouldn't simply agree to chill out for a moment. Alisaie makes him tunnel-vision her bad (?) acting and openly throwing the game for supposedly selfish reasons, while she gets what she wanted, AND forces Alphi to sit his ass down.
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I’m sorry but I really need to point out that her ahoge did, in fact, launch into the stratosphere.
More under the cut~
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....Can you blame her tho.
Vivi’s shirt’s a bit more plain than usual, he needed to wear something practical under his crystarium guard disguise in Laxan Loft.
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The flashback in episodes 32-33 has no dialogue per se, only monologues, to emphasize how disconnected they are.
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Technically both vivis are real, but Exarch’s memories are definitely heavily skewed. He’d only known Vivi during the CT quests, in this story it’s a month or two in summer, during which literally nothing bad happens, sans the finale. Alisaie, however, got lucky to experience Vivi during Stormblood, his absolute low.
Exarch and Alisaie sit on opposing sides of the bias, one wears pink glasses, delusional and bluepilled, the other one’s (heh) redpilled, perhaps a bit too much. Hence Alisaie feels the whiplash when her jerkass woobie friend suddenly acts mellow (back in the present), still she has the expertise to tell that he’s not affected by a fae spell or anything.
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Full page because I’m so proud of the paneling here, simple as this trick is, these speech bubbles blocking Vivi from sight neatly illustrate that Alisaie just babbles away, paying no heed to his state.
With the power of flashbacks and stories told by one character to another, I’m able to revisit any moment in their past whenever I please. I didn’t commit to a linear story because there was no story! Well, just the outlines. Vivi as a character began in ShB because I really needed to fuck that old man, I started writing down the lil scenes loosely connected by the canon plot, and that’s how the whole concept of Fragments came to be.
It may not work for everyone, but my secret sauce’s that you don’t have to begin at the beginning. Make a guy, put him in a situation, then ask a lot of whys and hows to expand his story backward and forward.
Keeping the past events for later allows me to flesh things out at a leisurely pace. This Alisaie flashback is actually an iteration, originally I’d planned to have Vivi stand alone and just think the broody thoughts, and that was supposed to be the transition between ARR and ShB arcs. I grow more writing muscle as I go, and I’m infinitely happy that I avoided that angsty infodump.
Okay this’s becoming a big fat tangent, but I wanted to acknowledge another pitfall: overusing a character as a mere exposition tool. I wouldn’t do this for, say, Tataru or Y’shtola. Being THE flashback haver makes sense for Alisaie because a) they’re close with Vivi, b) her worldview and opinion on Vivi are changing in ShB, she’s a smart lil thing who would slow down and reflect when appropriate, c) she has a distinct arc in my comic, and knowing what’s going on inside that elf brain will give you the most entertainment out of her actions in the present moment.
I’m new to writing and very excited about the story that comes together as we speak, so I like to show around my kitchen. Please lemme know if you enjoy this. I don’t know if I’m parroting the boring 101s, or if this’s actually useful to someone.
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“Meals made for me” YEA HE CAN’T COOK. Well, barely.
New sharp outfit, procured by our most magnanimous branch. The “tail” will help me draw the upcoming Titania fight, it adds fluidity to his movements.
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*presses the upgrade button*
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There's a lot happening in his head that's not being shown. I hope at least some readers wonder who or what he leaves behind in his mind's eye in this moment. What we know for sure is that he doesn’t take too long to make a decision.
Not sure if subtle, but I did try the breadcrumbing:
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Unfortunately for everyone, including himself :’>
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I love this one especially because, instead of telling that about himself, Vivi asks Ardbert, kinda gauging his wol experience against the other wol’s.
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Episode 34 really shook people awake and reminded that we’re off the msq rails with this story. I loved the response it evoked in the tags, lots of thoughtful rambling about being a hero.
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Fae temptation jokes and all, but Feo Ul really says what Vivi needs to say out loud to himself.
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Normalize prioritizing self-care over world-saving.
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Vivi genuinely cares about Feo Ul. That’s unusual. It might be my storytelling mistake that I didn’t show much of his typical indifference before this scene, unless you count the episodes where he does this
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instead of hurrying the fuck up with the msq. Or, perhaps, it’s okay, since this gets plenty of attention later on. You won’t miss the fact that he isn’t eager to set himself on fire to keep others warm. Feo Ul just lucked their way into his heart, and, as a result, he approaches the Titania fight with unusual consideration.
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/srs mode on ^
Remember how I just talked about developing this story in all directions at once? I planned Vivi to have this demeanor during the early days of writing Fragments. Like, most of the time. He’d be a broody bitch, get slowly thawed by Exarch’s kindness, and... That’d be it. In veeeeeery broad strokes, this’s still the case, but the current iteration has much more nuance.
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Vivi and Titania’s likeness has no deep meaning, take it or leave it. Vivi cares about appearances, he was bound to notice this. Feo Ul can see souls, visuals are secondary to them. But Vivi, being himself, must doubt and question everything.
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He moves fast and thinks a lot as the adrenaline speeds him up.
Notice how he lets Titania speak and remains quiet. This’s common in most fights: he doesn’t indulge with chats or banter those who he sees as mere targets to destroy. There’s like a point of no return, if an enemy poses no threat and can be talked out of dying, Vivi will speak, sadly he enters this fight knowing that Titania has to die no matter what.
Once he’s familiarized himself with the situation, and realized that Titania’s more than just a mindless husk, things change up a bit. But for now, he just runs in circles, analyzes the situation, and overthinks about their visual resemblance :’>
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Sorry not sorry but unintentional reference x’DD
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To be fair Vivi IS being a magical boy in this miniarc so this works lmao.
Wrapping up on this note, thanks for sticking with me and reading till the end~
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pinbones · 3 months
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2 -- Alphys wakes
Wakey wakey let's get shaky!
Crochet makes for difficult subjects! They're feather-light and like to topple about. They need wire to help them move and stay still for a picture. But I loved making Alphys and a funny little bed. (While in use, the lab's bed does not resemble an easy-to-draw cube.)
Making her glasses was fun and being able to finally position crochet arms is amazing. I love wire, wire is my new best friend, even if it's pokey and a little too happy to be in frame sometimes. Wire is even useful for holding temporary eyelids in place (ouch).
I'm not sure how moving the camera turned her eyes green. I swear they're still purple IRL. All the colour looks washed-out... I'm still learning what options a camera even has, let alone how to use them.
As for the set... I couldn't make paper work (even though I had the exact colours of her lab laying around) and I was too impatient to paint the cereal box I was planning on using as a plan B wall. Soooo just pretend the (unfortunately a little reflective) box lid is the wall of her room. It's at least better than the actual wall behind the desk.
All in all I loved making this. Stop motion is far easier and more fun than I thought it would be, and I'm excited to play around with it.
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dimonds456 · 2 years
the "Chara is Evil" theory is actually hilarious in hindsight.
Undertale, a game known for its depth, characters, and worldbuilding, a game in which no character in two dimensional and are proven to not be time and time again, has a flat villain whose only motivation is bite bite murder kill kill bite?
are you SURE?
Like, Asgore's first mention is from Toriel, who paints him as this literal monster who is only out for blood. It instills this dread in you throughout the game. But, everyone outside the Ruins talks highly of Asgore, as if he were the best, most wonderful person they've ever met! So now you're just confused? Is he good or evil? So when you find him and realize he's a good person who has done evil things, you realize that Toriel knows something the others don't. That being the divorce fghdsak
Papyrus is just the Skelator, funny doofus archetype who is supposed to be over the top dramatic and still fail at every turn no matter how much he learns. You get that impression immediately. While most of that is true, he is far from a doofus. He is probably the smartest person in the Underground (much to the fandom's chagrin). He is just Full Of Love and wants to do right by everyone, which leads him to make really interesting choices.
Sans is just the lazy, laid back supportive but deceptive older brother until you realize he knows about the different timelines, and suddenly he becomes a whole other level of complex.
Undyne is just a murder hobo until you learn that she just loves her friends and loves her neighbors and loves her people with her whole heart and will do anything to keep them safe.
Alphys is just the geek nerd until you learn about her guilt, trauma, and depression.
Toriel is just the tutorial character until you learn her backstory.
Napstablook is socially awkward until you realize their deep loneliness.
Monster Kid is a fanboy (gender neutral) with a deep underlayer of imposter syndrome and inadequacy.
Shyren is just shy
Burger Pants is stuggling hard.
All of the monsters rely on that feeling of hope, and their King's war is based on restoring it.
And last but not least, Flowey was the villain whose only motivation is bite bite murder kill kill bite. HE was the one with 2D motivations, anime speeches about you being weak, talking about being a god, stuff of the like. He is largely written off.
Until you learn his true identity. Learning that Flowey is ASRIEL suddenly gives all of his actions new light. Learning about his lack of a soul, how he tried to do good, but got bored, and he couldn't feel love. He is a reflection of you, the Player, who must be committing Genocide in order to even hear him talk about this. Flowey suddenly becomes one of the most important, deep, and thought-out characters in the game.
and we thought Chara was a 2D villain.
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stuffyflowers · 1 month
Masterpost of everything we learned from the Kissy Cutie AMA with Merengue on ACDS for those wondering
(Merengue is the creator I should probably mention that lol)
The game, particularly its theme of racism, derived from the rise of Trump in 2016, during which hatred towards Mexicans was popular. As a Mexican woman herself, she says this was a very personal source of inspiration and she considers Kissy Cutie a "healing journey."
Similarly, Sona is inspired by her personal experience living with a controlling parent. Her confusing motives and reactions take you off guard. She depicts a complex person who is full of regret but fails to be better.
The endings were were a criticism of dating sims, trying to follow Undertale's ending style and the fandom.
She regrets making the truest ending so hard to obtain. She is tempted to make TikToks showing people how to get all the endings to stop the suffering.
She would love to remake Kissy Cutie, but "ran out of budget on the intro." In all honesty, she would think about it if people are really interested.
The game has so many artstyles as no artist wanted to compromise to draw all the sprites. While the end product worked, she would have preferred a more homogenous artstyle.
If she were to remake the game, she would like to redraw everything herself.
The yellow soul was renamed to Clover as the demo of Undertale Yellow had released during development. There are also references to Flowerfell (such as in Sona's final transformation), which was another fan creation she loved.
Sona's powers had many changes during production. She was going to be a doll-like monster that absorbed human souls (and goes bald at the end?), then she was going to have Flowerfell reset powers, but in the end she was made to be a witch whose powers came from an ancient artifact. She is also able to turn the monsters human through "determination."
She wanted to explain every loose end left in Undertale, hence the focus on Chara's backstory and their upbringing with Sona. She says Chara is the main character, not Sona.
She was nervous about doing a Sans path due to his popularity at the time. So she made him "that way" on purpose.
She handles the Frisk/Chara/Player relationship "like the Catholic Church handles the Holy Trinity."
She has played Danganronpa, but has not read Homestuck or watched Glitchtale.
The characters with no sprites are a result of their artists abandoning the project.
Alphys, Mettaton and Toriel paths were planned, but never got far.
The Alphys route was being written by a friend who she began to distance from. She never got to see any of it.
She has not played Undertale Yellow, only the demo.
The disappearance of the 42 Ayotzinpa students is another source of inspiration (The scene in which you find Mettaton's body likely alludes to this).
She loves and encourages fan content of her game, including using the game's code as a base for projects.
The humanification arc was intended to explore how a racist would 'solve racism' without violence, by turning everyone into "someone like them."
The human designs have slightly pink hair to reflect Sona's influence. Human Papyrus was inspired by his in-game comments about wanting muscles and hair, human Sans was "the typical fandom approach," and everyone else became anime characters.
The music was the last thing worked on. It was rushed and they didn't know what they were doing.
Sona was not intentionally similar to Monika or Makima.
Sona is (supposedly?) wearing a black mourning dress (Likely mourning Chara hence the yellow flowers).
The cover of Waterfall is her favourite track.
The idea of Sona being a skeleton named Arial was tossed around briefly.
The truest ending was created after some staff requested the option to save Flowey and Sona. It also fulfilled her plan for Sans and Papyrus to take over the orphanage.
Sona's final transformation intended for her to be kept human "but not without her sins showing"
The glitchy text character was Flowey. The glitchiness showed the interference and Flowey being manipulated
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capricioussun · 1 month
I don't know if I or another person have asked but what's your interpretation of Fell Papyrus?
I swear I'm going to try and keep this from becoming a novel but I can't be held accountable for if I fail.
Edit post-typing: I failed. Anyway
So, similarly to the US boys, I started off basically taking the UT boys (as I see them) and going all the way back to the beginning and seeing how the changes would ultimately affect them. This pretty consistently has a bigger impact on Papyrus than Sans because I've always seen Papyrus as very...sort of impressionable? Or reflective. A lot of his behaviors come from those around him and their expectations.
To me, he comes across as the type of character to try to mold himself into a specific shape because he sort of lacks his own sense of self. I've always headcanoned this as coming from my standard lore of being like, partially synthetic and receiving a larger part of Gaster's soul than Sans in their creation, meaning he takes more after someone with low empathy and serious issues with derealization, and only became even more sort of..."detached" from himself after Gaster shattered and it damaged his and Sans' "code" (Papyrus more so, again, because of having a larger percentage of Gaster's soul).
In UF, because of how Gaster was, and because of how much fear he semi-unintentionally instilled in Sans, that Sans then went on to try and teach Papyrus through the lens of, he wound up with a tremendously overzealous responsibility complex. Gaster had impressed on the boys how important they were to his plans to free monsterkind, all the way up until shattering when the boys were still young. And then Sans tried desperately hard to teach Papyrus how to be entirely self sufficient and survive in a world as cruel as theirs because he believed he'd get killed or Fall Down at pretty much any moment (Sans was a very, very stressed out kid/teenager).
So Papyrus essentially learned Anything can be an exploitable weakness, not to show emotions, do anything for the sake of surviving, and above all else, protect those that need protecting, with Sans, and eventually Undyne, at the top of the list. This is also where his deeply secretive nature really settled in, and also why he struggles so much to accept...really anything good that's offered freely. Kindness, friendship, help. He has to remain untouchable, unreachable, the one to provide and not take, because if he messes up, if he lets the wrong person in, he's not just risking his own well being, but by extension, everyone who's depending on him.
It's also a really good way to distract himself from the crushing loneliness. Saw a tumblr post the other day that resonated so hard w/ my ideas of him that said something along the lines of "if I cannot be wanted I will be needed, and if I am not needed then let me be used until there is nothing left". He was never really allowed to develop himself as a person, not fully, so he completely filled himself with what he thought he had to be. When those things are taken away, he has nothing, and he’s too terrified to let that happen.
It's also why I hc he, in some ways, winds up having a really really hard time after surfacing in some of my ideas/aus/stories. He was needed underground, Sans needed him, Undyne needed him, Snowdin needed him, and by extension the whole underground did, to keep the balance. Above ground, everyone calming and becoming happier, Sans and Toriel settling down, Undyne and Alphys settling down, being a replaceable member of the ambassadorial team, he's hit with this just...utter loss of self.
Getting carried away on the specifics. He and UT Papyrus actually align in a lot of ways it's hard to see at first glance. Both have their "roles", both have a specific sort of "bit" they do with their brothers, both let Undyne believe she knows what's best because they believe it's what best for her, both, despite knowing better, desperately want to believe in the greater good. Despite all the aforementioned problems, despite preparing his whole life to kill humans, he's the first to give up and try to help Frisk. They're just a child. A child who wants to help, who's scared, who doesn't even have a brother to look after them.
In reality he’s a nervous wreck. My man is TIRED. He puts himself under tremendous pressure and doesn't know how to express nor understand emotions. His schtick is so well rehearsed anything that goes off script completely blindsides him. The soft, silly, bratty goofiness is really only under a very thin layer of ice. It doesn't take much to crack it, but that only makes him that much more defensive and paranoid. He can't risk anyone knowing how "weak" he truly is, even if most anyone who's been around him any amount of time can see it clear as day, because he’s about as good at hiding it as UT Papyrus would be lol
At least they don't know about the [REDACTED]. That, he’s actually really good at hiding.
I do wish I'd given him a different nickname than Edge looking back, but back when I'd nicknamed my main guys I just went w/ the fandom usuals so now he’s forever cursed to be Edge bc I associate it too strongly lol
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frozen-spaghetti · 8 months
Papyrus' Heaven Theory - I Swear It's Not Card Friends
Updated June 4th, 2024. Currently probably the definitive version of Papyrus Knight.
Part 1 - The Flaws with Papyrus Knight
a. "It's out of character"
Well, this is the main flaw that Papyrus' Heaven is made to address. However, this section is to run through the argument, so let's see here:
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Papyrus is often seen as a simple, happy, and whimsical guy. And on the surface level, in Undertale at least, he does seem to be.
He also has one core difference when compared to the rest of the main cast: He cannot kill you. Toriel can kill you if you're not careful. Sans can kill you in his battle, though it's hard to reach. Undyne and Asgore have essentially made it their job to do so. Mettaton lives in a killer robot body designed to murder humans, a body created by Dr. Alphys. Flowey is a genocidal maniac who will kill you, only to revive you and do it over and over again.
But Papyrus? The only instances of him being able to kill you were a rare glitch in older versions of Undertale, which appears to now be an impossibility.
Now, someone this nice surely cannot have been an evil Knight in another timeline, right?
Well, let me present you a mini-theory within this theory:
Papyrus' Disremembrance Theory
There is a LOT of evidence that Papyrus is intentionally making himself forget many things, many important things.
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Dialogue from the King Papyrus ending as well as the Lost SOUL battle paints a dark picture for Papyrus' backstory. Him saying absolutely nothing during part of the fight is haunting, and could imply that he's unable to remember what he would've said at that point. This is especially relevant as it comes at the same time Sans says "you'll never see 'em again," which is a very likely reference to his time in Deltarune's reality. The King Papyrus ending is quite terrifying too, it alludes to his "usual encouragement" not always working, which seems to imply there are past coping mechanisms of his.
This—coupled with the evidence that he's from the DELTARUNE reality—implies he is deep in denial and has forced himself to forget nearly everything. By the way, if you're not aware of said evidence, check out my post detailing the evidence Sans and Papyrus are from the DELTARUNE universe. It's fairly good, but I did not address the sun argument...so I will now.
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A major argument against the Papyrus Deltarune theory is that he doesn't know what the sun is. Clearly, he cannot be from Deltarune's Light World if he does not know what the sun is!
Well, my answer to this is fairly simple. He likely has beaten the Deltarune reality out of his mind so hard that he doesn't remember what the sun is. He has to strain himself to even remember there was grass, after all. He does use the term "sun on my skin" but I believe he isn't fully aware of the connection between "the sun" and a big ball in the sky.
To wrap up Papyrus' Disremembrance theory, I'd like to point out that it nicely contrasts Sans' whole "don't forget" thing. This is even reflected in the Lost SOUL dialogue; Sans is clearly grieving while Papyrus has fully made himself forget.
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Now - back to the main point!
Since we have established Papyrus is in denial, and has made himself forget practically everything that occurred in his time in the DELTARUNE reality, we can now treat his Undertale incarnation as a "soft reset" of sorts. Many traits of his shine through, but he is a fairly different person.
For example, I believe one of his core traits is his "I WILL BE THE ONE!" mentality.
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If Papyrus really is the Knight, him being obsessed with a goal of causing a world-changing event to happen would add up. The core motivation for both would be to become worshipped and to achieve what he perceives as the greater good.
It would also be consistent with how Asriel—the Angel in Undertale's world—deceived him into doing his bidding. Assuming that the Knight is working for Deltarune's Angel, that could be a recurring theme for Papyrus' story.
Lastly, I will mention how most Papyrus Knight theories mess this up. They often claim he does not know about the Roaring, or that he makes the Dark Fountains just to get some Darkner buddies. And, while that may be on the surface level closer to his Undertale characterization, it does not add up with the in-game evidence. Queen makes it clear that the Knight goes by 'Roaring Knight' and King implies he was ordered to fight the other kings by the Knight. This clearly implies they are devoted to doing the Angel's bidding, regardless of if it's morally wrong.
b. "He's from Undertale, so he can't be the Knight"
I won't spend too long on this one since it is absolutely unchangeable, but I will bring up a counterpoint, one that I explained earlier.
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Papyrus is kind of a Deltarune character???
If anyone who first appeared in Undertale counts, it would be the skeletons.
Hell, W.D Gaster in Deltarune is very heavily implied to be the same Gaster who built the CORE in Undertale's reality.
It appears the skeletons are strange, interdimensional beings. Gaster exists everywhere at every possible time, and Sans and Papyrus are known to have hopped realities.
Essentially, this argument is a bit weaker for someone like Papyrus than someone like Undyne who isn't the same character across both games.
I do get it, though. However, I do think there is room to debate he's being treated weirdly compared to nearly everyone else.
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This line about Papyrus.
This damn line about Papyrus.
I don't think it proves he's the Knight at all, but Toby Fox is totally conditioning us to wonder where the hell Papyrus is.
And given the way the newsletters have been using Papyrus, it's honestly odd to imagine he won't have some strangely major role in the plot.
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I could easily use something like this GIF as "evidence" but it really isn't. I could argue it ties Papyrus to a future Dark World location, I suppose. But really, the main takeaway is that Papyrus is treated extremely weirdly when compared to the rest of the returning Undertale cast.
c. "Nobody knows who he is"
Well, this flaw is near-unfixable. However, it is possible to turn it into a slight strength.
Firstly, though, there are ways for him to be more known to the main cast.
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Deltarune has teased a Papyrus hangout in a similar vein to Undertale's date. Not only has Sans directly told you that you'll hang out with him soon, but the Steam page hints that Papyrus is busy—implying he will show up later.
This could easily pay off in a hangout later in the game, which causes the Fun Gang to familiarize with him. Hell, it's possible there's a Dark World adventure with him later on. However, I have a question to pose to you:
Does it really matter?
Well, likely, yes. Though, it is potentially not as much of a flaw as you would think.
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Consider, for a moment, who else do we know for sure has created a dark fountain? Kris. And, tell me if this sounds familiar.
"Antisocial person lacking friends, who—in the grand scheme of things—lives under the shadow of their older brother."
Sure, this isn't exactly that unique of a character archetype, but if the two Dark Fountain creators share those traits, it could mean something.
Kris isn't as unknown as Papyrus is, but still— many people do not know them very much. Some don't even know their name; Undyne addresses them as "Asgore's kid" and even the ones who do know their name are not quite familiar with them.
Some More Weird Parallels Between These Siblings
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Kris and Papyrus are both compared to Luigi from the Mario series.
Yes, I get it's stupid to bring up Luigi in an essay about Papyrus being the Roaring Knight, but hear me out here.
In debating Papyrus Knight since I wrote the original draft of this essay, I've mostly encountered the response that it's a basic trope and cannot be considered as an intentional parallel.
However, knowing Toby Fox directly acknowledges it and considers both of them to be Luigi-like characters...that makes it far more plausible of a comparison to make. Both of them are younger siblings who, despite their circumstances, wish they were "as good" as their elders, being Asriel and Sans. Just LOOK at Kris' room.
Papyrus and The Fun Gang
Papyrus is absolutely one of, if not the best character to make the Knight in relation to the Fun Gang.
I know that sounds odd. How? The Mayor is a character who they all at least know exists, and a similar thing could be said about Alvin, or even a more out-there candidate such as Alphys.
But...one thing nearly everyone else has in common is that they are figures of authority. Figures not nearly comparable to the teenagers who were pulled into a universe-defining story which puts fate into their hands.
This could apply to Kris (albeit limiting the affected parties for obvious reasons) and arguably Dess, but Papyrus really does work the best from the perspective of an "equal" antagonist.
This becomes especially clear when you consider the main antagonists so far.
A king, a queen, some criminal mastermind guy. To have their creators and ultimate superior be just another sad teenager like the Fun Gang could work as a better story.
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The main issues with Papyrus Knight have been fairly addressed.
They will be hard to correct, but I have gotten them out of the way in order to pave the foundation of my theory. If the Knight is creating these worlds, why? They don't just want little Darkner buddies...if so, why would they order Spade King to overthrow the other kings?
Well, the motivation comes down to one word.
Okay. This is a bit funny. When I originally made the theory, I considered Dess was controlling him to create an Angel's Heaven. But now i go against said idea. But I'm too lazy to change the title, so pretend that nothing happened.
Part 2 - Papyrus' Heaven Theory
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The General Idea
If you just want the key details of Papyrus' Heaven, here you go.
Papyrus doesn't want the Dark Worlds for friends, for fun, for adventure, or whatever. He is fully convinced that whatever he is doing is working toward a great new future.
In Undertale, we see his "I WILL BE THE ONE!!!" mentality with his ultimate goal of saving monsterkind, by capturing the final human. I believe he felt that very way about being the Knight. That he is ultimately a legendary hero.
This parallels the Fun Gang, who are also a group of inexperienced teenagers lacking friends who have been turned into prophesied heroes of the world.
Papyrus is aware, in some way, that a Roaring exists and believes it's either a necessary evil or the key to the perfect end for the world. He is not going to have a Berdly moment where Ralsei tells him it's bad and he stops.
What he did hurt him so much that he repressed the memories and vowed to be a better person.
Now, let me look at a few of these points in further detail.
"Papyrus doesn't want to make fountains for friends, fun, or adventure. He believes he's bringing a grand future."
Well, I can sense a counterpoint coming.
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If he is aware of the Roaring, and believes it could be used to help save the world, why would he not just start the Roaring right then and now?
Well, I feel the easiest way is to connect this to Gaster.
Sans is fairly obviously connected to Gaster, but what many people don't consider is the strange level of meta knowledge he possesses. Not only does he wink at what we can only conclude is the Player, but he fairly accurately knows the release window between chapters of Deltarune. (2 years to describe the window between Chapters 1 and 2, which is correct if you don't round upwards.)
Given he says you'll most likely see Papyrus again when Asriel returns, we can infer this will likely be around when a major story moment occurs. This is probably sometime between Chapter 5 and Chapter 7, however it is most likely during Chapter 5 proper, as that chapter may take place in the Flower King shop for various reasons. These include but aren't limited to the likely placement of the Church in Chapter 4 based on various context clues, the potential for a Flower King area to serve as a pseudo-endgame with Flowey characters and the like, and the May 2024 newsletter giving us some content regarding the Flower King shop a while after Chapter 3's development completed.
There are also many reasons to believe Chapter 5 will end with the Roaring beginning and heavily feature the Knight, such as Chess Theory and the original release schedule.
Regardless though, given that Papyrus is known to have some form of relationship with Gaster, I could see him having some level of fore-knowledge. It'd be interesting if Gaster actually needs the Knight for the Legend to come true, and thus is affiliated with them.
"In Undertale, we see his 'I WILL BE THE ONE!' mentality which may carry over into his attitude as the Knight."
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Papyrus is strongly devoted to his goals in Undertale. Sometimes, painfully so. He is very, very committed to making sure Frisk is captured. Even after they become friends with him, he continues to aid Undyne in capturing him.
And yes, he is very aware of what he's doing.
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Papyrus very much knows the consequences his actions have, and does not cease even despite the fact he is friends with the person who is going to be murdered; their blood would be on his hands. Yet he is unrelenting.
I imagine this is a personality the Knight could have.
To endanger children by placing Dark Worlds in a school and a library, and to continue creating these Dark Fountains even after having learned of the Roaring (if he didn't already know of it) is something I cannot see many characters doing. Of course, that can be addressed with others, but Papyrus in particular is very stubborn, or to put it another way, determined.
Regardless of whether a Knight Papyrus would want recognition or love, I believe he absolutely considers himself to be a hero. Perhaps he is misguided. And, if the Delta Warriors are also misguided, then it'd be a double misguide. Two opposing sides, and yet both manage to be wrong in a sense.
Does Papyrus Want Recognition Again?
Speaking of, though, it is entirely likely that Papyrus wants to be hailed for his work as the Roaring Knight.
Perchance Sans is being truthful when he says Papyrus wants friends, and Papyrus takes that in an unhealthy direction using Dark Worlds.
While Kris used the Dark Worlds to make new friends with Lancer, Ralsei, and Susie, as well as improving their bond with Noelle and Berdly, the Knight has been shown to have manipulated the chapter bosses in order to worship them. Maybe not directly, but they absolutely have displayed behaviour that implies that the Knight feels like a god to them.
It is presumable that Papyrus may also want to gain praise from other Lighters in this manner as well, but he certainly has taken the role of a 'god' to some Darkners.
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"Papyrus is aware of the Roaring and considers it necessary to fulfill his grand goal."
Given Queen calls the Knight the Roaring Knight, this is a pretty clear-cut case.
As I mentioned in the last section, Papyrus absolutely does know his actions have consequences, and it's very hard to change their mind. In Undertale, thankfully, most of his actions were benevolent. But in this case, he is really acting in a dangerous manner which is bound to hurt many people.
"What he did hurt him so much that he repressed the memories, and vowed to change and improve as a person."
I already covered this earlier, during the Papyrus' Disremembrance segment.
However, I do want to expand a little more on a specific argument against it here.
I've seen Papyrus' ignorance at what a human looks like being used as a point against him being from the Deltarune world, or a point against him having met Kris.
Now, if Papyrus' Disremembrance theory is correct, that explains that argument away.
Next, I'll cover more tangible evidence for the theory.
Part 3 - Some Potential Evidence I Guess
Susie Is QC Lmao
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When talking about the Roaring Knight and the Dark Fountains, Susie says this:
"The Roaring Knight…
Since they started showing up,
Everything’s gotten a lot more interesting, hasn’t it…?"
This is odd. It's very, very similar in wording to the way QC describes Sans and Papyrus being new in town. She says the following:
"There’s two of ‘em…
Brothers, I think.
They just showed up one day and…
… asserted themselves.
The town has gotten a lot more interesting since then."
The focus on the Fountains being new and the very similar choice in wording leads me, and others, to believe this may be an intentional parallel. Of course, there are other Knights who could be 'new' like the Vessel, but Papyrus fits the best by far, because of the fact the original statement was about him and Sans.
Papyrus and Dreams
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Papyrus is weirdly frequently connected to dreams.
If you take even a casual glance at Deltarune, it's pretty clear dreams are significant to this game.
"This robot was the embodiment of a lightner’s dreams."
“The edge of shadow, where reality and dream meet.”
In the Undertale 5th anniversary alarm clock winter dialogue, Papyrus talks about how he let Sans sleep despite wanting him to help to clean up after the holiday party, and adds that this dream was his gift to him.
In Papyrus’s room, upon inspecting his bed, he talks about his dream of driving down a highway:
Papyrus and the IcePalace Maze
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Now, I'm including this one more for the hell of it rather than because it's really evidence. But, regardless, here it is.
On the Spamton Sweepstakes website, clicking on the black door of the blue and white d_a_m_n_y_o_u_t_e_n_n_a page leads us to Noelle’s blog.  https://deltarune.com/icepalace_glaceir/. In her blog entry, she talks about the cross shaped maze in the ice area from the game Dragon Blazers. If the player wasn’t accompanied by a specific character to guide them, they got lost and became stuck forever.
In the Undertale 5th anniversary alarm clock winter dialogue, Sans describes how Papyrus threw a holiday party for everyone and made a maze out of snow and ice, in which Asgore got lost:
"this winter, papyrus threw a holiday party for everyone. 
[...] oh yeah, he even made a, uh, a “welcoming puzzle” for the party.
a giant labyrinth made of ice, snow, and musical ornament, 
you, uh, had to get through it to get to the front door.
think asgore got lost in there for a while.
undyne had to go save him."
Mettaton refers to it as a "mind maze" which is extremely interesting if it truly is referencing a Dark World.
To be clear, though, my claim is that it is a parallel to Papyrus' previous actions, not that they really created a Dark World here. That would be silly.
The True Meaning of the Word Font
There is a very compelling case that the word 'font' means 'Dark fountain.'
Papyrus (as well as Sans and Gaster) use the more common modern definition of 'font' which is essentially just a computer typeface.
However, the more traditional definitions oddly line up with a description of a Dark Fountain.
Don't put too much stock in this one. It's mostly a fun coincidence!
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"A receptacle in a church for the water used in baptism."
This one should be fairly obvious.
Darkness is compared to water a lot. Down to the word 'fountain' being used at all. The filename for the background in the intro is "IMAGE_DEPTH" and the sound effect when Kris and Susie fall into a Dark World is called "ocean."
The 'baptism' part is especially interesting though.
A 'holy fountain.' Not only does King describe fountains as Holy, but so does the soundtrack. The theme of the Dark Fountains is called THE HOLY. Given it is in all caps and fairly reasonably connected to Gaster, it's interesting that a skeleton who uses a strange font himself would describe them this way...
"A reservoir for oil in an oil lamp."
Not much to say on this, other than the fact oil is VERY dark. A very dark liquid such as Darkness may be comparable with oil.
"A source of a desirable quality or commodity, a fount."
Now this really just describes the Dark World.
Not only does the Dark World act as a form of 'Dream World,' but it actively amplifies the skills and powers of those who enter.
Monsters are able to use magic, or at least harness it more powerfully than normal.
Given the way Dark Worlds work, you could very much consider them to fit this definition of font.
Papyrus' Heaven - Conclusion
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This is my first long-form theory, and I hope you liked it. Please point out errors or holes, and I'll go back and edit them!
Updated June 4, 2024 to reflect changes in my, and other people's, visions for how it should go.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#saw smth on twt of him in yk one of the trust dungeons#i shld rlly do the new ones sometime oh dear i have a lot to catch up on#I'M RLLY EXCITED THO! i want to do a lot. so i will fix my schedule. simple.#i'll sleep soon n just be productive tmrrw i need sleep but#alphi's always there to /comfort you n he's the cutest. mwah#i want to catch up yes.#n then gbf i rlly wna do better next gw ! >:3 i rlly want lich tho oh my god#w school i haven't been procrastinating anymore. at least not last minute#i won't write about it anymore but i think i'm. clear about it now in my head#n so i'll learn to live with this. n i'll just be myself.#i'm really not so nervous anymore. i think reflecting abt my place in life n this world n having my family n#the dear friends i still have that. after thinking of what each of them mean to me.#i've come to terms with letting some go. things aren't the same n that's normal n i'll learn to live with it.#just. drifting apart normally#n then there's others i want to get to know better n be even closer w when my social energy is better c:#yeah it's a lonely feeling but i'm good at managing things like that#the only way is forward. n#ah i'm not gna ramble abt it anymore#i'll focus on my studies first n then i'll find my way certainly bit by bit. at my own place. just by being myself. n that'll be enough#i'm gna sleep soon today was well i rlly love spending time w my family :( they're not perfect either ofc but. i've always had them.#but i wish that. from time to time when they talk abt the future n#i'm abt to cry even just thinking of it haha it probably won't be anytime near but the idea of death. mortality. is just#thanks to fiction n music n stories i'm familiar w it but. experiencing it. is smth i haven't actually. yeah yet#though i know of loss. in a way that. we can't have the past ever again. or old friendships n#the fleetingness of time rlly. just. sigh. it suffocates me everyday i think#which is one reason why i try so hard to do my best for the sake of the present n the future n remember the past so keenly#maybe a bit too much that i'm more tied down to it instead. but.. i have to do what i can. i can't hesitate anymore.#so i'll stop writing n get to sleep. as always i'll just. do more tomorrow. n i'll rest now so i can actually do more tmrrw.
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