#Redwood Originals
love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
Tig Trager who takes his ol’ lady on bike rides, just because.
Tig Trager who will argue with his ol’ lady for no apparent reason. He gaslights her and yells at for minimal things, then comes home and makes love to her as an apology.
Tig Trager who steals his ol’ lady’s cigarettes. She gets so mad over it but she can’t stay mad at him for long.
Tig Trager who after doing a hard job for the club, likes to just lie his head in his ol’ lady’s lap. Sometimes he eats her pussy, anything that makes him forget the faces.
Tig Trager who sometimes lets his curiosity get the best of him, he pictures himself leaving the M/C, taking his ol’ lady out of charming and starting a family with her.
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so... i'm rewatching soa
And what the fuck is up with how the guys treat Juice... Like I've heard people talk about how he kinda stayed a prospect before. But it never really hit me until I rewatched, and I don't like it. I might be taking it too seriously but I don't think it's fair, like, he does everything he can for the club but they still act like he's not really one of them, at least in the earlier seasons. Then there's season 4 in which he get closer to Chibs and we finally see him be cared for by one of his brothers. But aftet that and the betrayal, I feel like the way he's handled truly resembles a kid who fucked up and not someone who was trapped and made a bad decisions. We can really see it in the way Jax handles both Tig and Juice's betrayals. He resents Tig but ultimately saves him, even though we suspect he didn't originally want to. But with Juice, he immediatly gives him up, it's weird, like he doesn't care for him and is more angry about the fact that he strayed from his authority than about the fact that he hurt the club. I just don't think Jax would have accepted that another brother be given the same treatement Juice got in prison, even for the same crime against the club. And it pains me to see that such a deep, sensible character was so easily given up on, it badly reflects the club's attachment to brotherhood and mutual care.
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rosechata · 2 months
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amongst the giants
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pickleweed2 · 7 months
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a huge two-stem Redwood with beautiful trunk flare
Redwood National Park, California
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nuheyenuh · 4 months
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Russula Californiensis Among Oxalis Oregana pronto plate lithograph, 2019
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wandering-jana · 4 months
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Gould Grove Nature Loop.
Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California. Oct. 2020
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sherrylephotography · 10 months
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My photography @sherrylephotography
September 2033
Redwood trees are some of the oldest trees on this planet. Well worth a visit if you have never been to a redwood grove.
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chloe-skywalker · 2 months
I Know Them Better - Jax Teller
Jax x Fem!Reader
David Hale x Sister!Reader
Warnings: SOA
Word count: 1,942
Summary: Being Hale’s sister and dating Jax is complicated to say the least. Especially when hale doesn’t know about it
Authors Note: First Jax Teller story! So excited for this. There will be more!!!!
Sons Of Anarchy Masterlist
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The sun was breaking through the curtains which in return woke Y/n and Jax up slowly.
“Good mornin Darlin.” Jax smirked as he opened his eyes to see Y/n laying there next to him.
“Back atcha handsome.” Y/n smirked back not even opening her eyes, enjoying being in bed with her man. Since they were currently at Y/n’s house they didn’t have to worry about being interpreted or so they thought.
Right when they both were gonna try to go back to sleep there was a loud pounding on Y/n’s front door. Which made both of their eyes open quickly and widely.
“Are you expecting someone?” Jax asked her.
“Not that I know of. Stay here.” Y/n got up and threw on a shirt and a pair of shorts before glancing back at him and she noticed his nervous and apprehensive look. “I’ll yell for you if I need you, my knight with shining motorcycle.” she teased him.
Y/n walked down the hall and headed over to her front door only to see her brother on the other side causing the racket.
“David.” Y/n said his name in shock, why was her brother at her home she thought as she opened the door and greeted him.
“Y/n.” he greeted back as he entered her home.
“So what’s up brother?” Y/n said loud enough for Jax to hear so he knew who it was and to not come out of her room.
“I need you to be careful around town.” David told her as they stood in Y/n’s kitchen.
“Why? What's up?” Y/n furrowed her brows.
“Samcro’s up to something. And I have a bad feeling about it.” Hale told her annoyed at Charmings local Biker group.
“Why do you hate them?” Y/n questioned her brother trying not to sound upset with him for judgment of the Son’s. But it was hard not to, he judged them and doesn’t even know them.
“They’re criminals Y/n.” He told her simply.
“They may not be completely innocent but they also protect the town David. You have to see that.” Y/n tried with David often but it was hard when she had to not let on to her and Jax’s relationship. 
Y/n could see from her spot standing in the kitchen down the hall and saw Jax listening in to their conversation. He just smirked at her.
“Their good deeds don’t outweigh their bad ones.” Hale stated to her before sighing. “Just be careful okay? I don’t want you to get hurt because of them.”
“Okay. I’ll be careful.” y/n nodded along to appease him. But She wasn’t going to stay away from Jax or the club. But he didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.” David smiled at her gratefully. He sometimes hated that she was still living in Charming, it made it harder to protect her. “Oh I won’t be able to have our normal weekly dinner tonight. I have to work late.”
“Okay, that's fine.” Y/n smiled at him.
“Bye Y/n/n.” Hale hugged her before heading for the door to leave.
“Bye Bro.” Y/n watched him leave before hearing the front door shut.
“Man, he really doesn’t like us huh?” Jax spoke from the entrance to the hallway.
“Not funny.” Y/n rolled her head to look at him. It was hard for Y/n that she essentially had 2 different lives. Y/n was close to her brother and they normally talked about everything but she couldn’t share with him anything about her relationship because he wouldn’t approved.
“Well, since you're not gonna be busy tonight. Why don’t you come to TM. We’re not having a party but we are all gonna be hanging out at the clubhouse. That way you don't have to be alone and get more time together.” Jax suggested walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Jax knew Y/n hated being alone and he’d take any time they could spend together.
“Okay. I don’t like being alone and I miss all the guy’s.” She nodded in agreement looking up at him.
“What about me?” Jax raised a brow teasing her.
“Of course you.” She shook her head with a laugh at his antics, as she headed into the kitchen with Jax on her tail. Y/n grabbed a drink from her fridge as Jax watched her for a moment biting his lip before pushing off of the kitchen wall and leaving the room. Y/n called out at his retreating form. “Where are you going?”
“To pack you a bag.” He called back from down the hall, turning into her bedroom.
“Jax?” Y/n pushed off the counter top to follow him into her room.
“We’re staying the night at the clubhouse.” Jax states.
Y/n raised a brow, she knew all he’d try to pack. She rolled her eyes at his packing taste. “If all your gonna pack is lingerie-”
“I’ll pack other things.” He smiled mischievously.
“Like what?” Y/n asked him with a tilted head, curious to his other thoughts on what to pack.
“Extra of my clothes and you can wear those.” Jax smiled cheekily.
“Hmmm.” Y/n hummed, nodding amused at his answer.
^     ^     ^
@ TM  Next Morning
“Aye Lass, Morning.” Chib’s greeted with a nod and a smile upon seeing Y/n exit the dorm hallway.
“Morning.” Y/n greeted the Scottish man with a smile on her lips.
“Hey Darlin, you look good.” Jax looked her up and down as she walked over and he handed her a glass of orange juice.
“Hmmhmm, I’m in your clothes after all.” Y/n hummed smiling up at him knowing exactly what he was getting at.
“You should just wear my stuff from now on.” He smirked with a shrug.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” Y/n laughed, and then her phone started ringing.
“Hey, Whats up?” Y/n said answering her phone upon seeing her brothers name flashing on the screen.
“I need you to come down to the station.” David stated cutting to the chase.
“Why?” Y/n asked confused as to why he’d want her down to the police station?
“Just to talk about something. See you soon.” He wouldn’t say over the phone.
“Bye.” Y/n barley got it out before the line went dead.
“I have to go.” Y/n said looking up at Jax with a tight lipped, slightly sad smile. She didn’t want to leave.
“Nooooo. Why?” Jax whined wrapping his arms tighter around her waist as he sat behind her on a stool.
“Sorry, brother calls.” She sighed getting out of his hold and standing up.
“You gonna be okay, lass?” Chibs asked, they all considered Y/n family. She’d been around since her and Jax were in highschool.
“Yeah. Y/n/n. We could come with.” Tig offered fully prepared to back up the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“Nah, I’ll be okay. Brother just probably wants to rant about you guys anyway.” Y/n waved them off.
“You comin back?” Jax asked as he hands her her keys.
“Yeah, I’ll be back. Love you.” She smiled and leans over to kiss his cheek.
“Love you, too.” Jax squeezed her waist before watching her go.
^     ^     ^
“Hey. Why’d you need me down here?” Y/n walked into her brother's office shutting the door behind her before she went to sit down across from him.
“The Son’s are planning something. It’s gotta be big because they’ve been having meetings with every rival gang around. Its gonna be big and its gonna get people hurt. If not killed.” David explained to his sister stressing the possible implications of what he believes is to come.
“Maybe they're making deals to protect the town.” Y/n shrugged. She of course knew what was going on, Jax told her things even she shouldn’t know. But she couldn’t tell her brother that.
He shook his head in denial. “They aren’t. I know them. This is going to have a ton of casualties. Their gonna-”
“Stop! Just stop.” Y/n cut him off having had it with his obsession of making them the bad guys. “I know them better than you do. I know exactly what they do and what they were doing. Because unlike you I actually know them, and no I won’t share what is going on with you. Sorry.”
Hale furrowed his brows. “How do you know so much about Samcro?”
“In fact, whose clothes are you wearing?” He spoke up again. David noticed finally that she was wearing a men's shirt way to big for her, what really got him though was that the shirt had a faded “Samcro” printed on the front.
“I’m wearing Jax’s shirt because He’s my boyfriend. Had been for almost a year.” Y/n let out a stressed breath and just came out with her secret relationship that was only a secret to her brother.
“For fuck’s sake!” David let out angrily shaking his head.
“Shut up and listen.” Y/n told him standing up, taking charge of what was going to be said. “They are good guys. They may be in some not so legal shit, but they're good guys. Either give them a chance or back off some. You're stressing yourself out to unhealthy levels when it comes to Samcro.”
Y/n worried sometimes at how stressed the thought of the Son’s made her brother it was so unhealthy for him.
Y/n got up and stormed out of his office and the station. Right now she only wanted to be around the Son’s. Mainly Jax. Her Jax.
Once she got back to TM  Chib’s was the first to notice.
“Jackie boy. Someone's back and she looks stressed.” Chibs called out as he watched Y/n pull in on the faster side and all it took was one look at her body language to know something happened.
“Don’t think that talk went so good.” Juice commented as they all watched Y/n, the girl normally so calm and mostly relaxed acting very agitated and stressed.
“Y/n/n, what's wrong? What happened?” Jax asked as he approached her halfway seeing how stressed she was Jax pulled her into him for a few moment’s knowing his embrace comforted her.
“He knows about the club’s meetings with the rival MC’s, and he knows about us.” Y/n told Jax stepping out of his hold looking up at him. Jax looked shocked when she mentioned their relationship being outed to her brother. Y/n sighed before telling him. “I couldn’t take it anymore. He noticed my shirt as well. I had to tell him. . . I also told him to back off the club. You're all good guys and he’s stressing over it in unhealthy ways.”
Jax cupped the side of her face, he knew how worried she was about her brother finding out about their relationship. With how much he hate’s Jax and the Son's, how could she not worry. “I know you're worried that you’ll lose him because of our relationship. I’m sorry Darlin.”
Y/n gave him a half smile. “On the bright side we don’t have to hide and sneak around anymore.”
“Come on, Darlin. We missed you.” Jax mirrored her half smile. That was a perk of David now knowing, but Jaxx just wanted to cheer her up at the moment.
Jax wrapped his arms around her shoulders and guided her over to where the others were. They were her family to and they’d support her no matter what.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 (sorry I didn't have my list on me and I didn't know if you wanted to be tagged in SOA stuff)
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lia-serrano · 2 months
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"A special loneliness comes from exiling ourselves from nature." - Diane Ackerman
© Lia Serrano
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Saturday, October 7th
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uwhe-arts · 1 year
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. . . | uwhe-arts
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Elk Meadow section of Redwoods State Park, California, December 2021
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wild-raven-and-crow · 8 months
Fire and Drought
Drought left the forest vulnerable to fire.
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Still-living trees rise up from soot-black roots, a testament to the fire-resistant bark of the redwoods.
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The silhouettes of former redwoods stand among those that still live, and the forest is made more beautiful by their company.
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jaggedlensphoto · 26 days
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Driving through trees in the Redwoods.
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pickleweed2 · 7 months
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A group of Bird's Nest Fungi, Genus Nidula, fruiting on decayed fir branches.
composed of two 50 and 100 image focus stacks
Redwood National Park, California
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wayoutwest · 10 months
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Redwoods hdr
Harry Snowden
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