#Red vs. Blue Zero
ehhgg-art · 25 days
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haven’t had time to draw lately. here’s a tucker
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tuckersno1defender · 3 months
I know it isn't part of the main canon but that scene in rvb zero when Tucker is babbling about his sword and Wash laughs fondly and goes "man I missed you" IS EVERYTHING TO ME????
Like especially with Tucker flatlining, Wash was probably terrified thinking he'd never get Tucker's smart ass remarks, hear him going on tangents, his complaining, his voice, see his smile again, hear his laugh, and the fact that it reminds me of Tucker losing his mind everytime something happens to Wash as well I JUST,,,,THEY'RE EVERYTHING TO ME?????
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skwistokwarrior · 6 months
if i had a nickel for every time rt removed washs disability, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's a bit fucking weird that it's happening twice.
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mattastr0phic · 6 months
Just finished RvB up to Zero, time for some thoughts without spoilers under the cut:
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You can take this with a grain of salt if you'd like cause I'm a new fan, but I don't understand why I saw so many people hate Zero so much.
I do agree it was fast-paced, with characters that I felt were harder to get attached to, and sidelining characters we already had (and backtracking their progress some). For some characters, I could only figure out their connections by being told, not shown. But the animation was amazing, even if the short areas where they tried to mimic the in-game talking felt unnecessary, and I figured out the reveal early (but I thought it was neat). There IS also that one weird plot hole (cough cough that they reference over multiple seasons so why does it work THIS time) that I would've appreciated being referenced, but it's completely ignored.
Overall, I think it was pretty jarring between it and the other seasons, especially because this one had a more serious tone, which's why people hate it a lot. But I actually dislike the Paradox seasons a lot more, excluding Season 15.
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harbingersecho · 9 months
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releasing these out there before the year ends </3 these were practice/initial ideas for a whole rvb fighting game thing that I haven't worked on for like 2 months lol
ft. Tex as a Grappler + CT as a 50/50 Mix-Up
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turkwriter · 6 months
Burnie Burns: "We're retconning Seasons 15-17 as Epsilon simulations."
Red Team Fans Who Actually Got Fed Real Character Arcs for Simmons, Grif, DONUT, and (Honorary Red) Locus:
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fishfingersalad · 25 days
how hard would someone have to try in order to convince Epsilon to put on a Hatsune Miku outfit and do a vocaloid dance? like it for sure could be done but like would you need to bribe him? beg? ask him nicely?
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All in favor of collectively retconning Restoration in fanon say I.
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0utpost-alpha · 5 months
If the final season of RvB doesn’t somehow make it to DVD, I may go Sarge on someone.
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radiantrookie · 2 months
The Reds and Blues interacting with the Shatter Squad
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pretzelforte · 2 months
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heres some tiny and raymond screepcaps :3
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rvb-canon-grimmons · 4 months
Wheres the alternate universe where instead of zero we got an actual full final season of rvb and then a few years later we just got zero as a quick little movie which brought upon the end of rooster teeth.......i envy the me who lives in that universe
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tuckersno1defender · 3 months
tucker high maintenance bf who will yap anywhere anytime no matter the circumstances especially to his bf Wash who he had scared half to death during a mission but he's always gonna give Tucker his full attention no matter the circumstances because hearing him talk is his favorite thing in the world and he never wants to take it for granted
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harveybwabbit92 · 5 months
Belial: From now on, if anyone's going to be making my girl cranky in the morning, it's gonna be me.
R/n: Aww, that's so sweet.
Belial: Shut up, bitch.
R/n: Jackass.
Zero: Are you sure these two love each other?
Riku: Trust me, they do.
Zero: How-
Riku, looking traumatized: The walls in this place are thin. I've heard ...things...
{Yes, Riku had heard things he'd like to repress (Riku now has noise cancelling headphones or earplugs on hand.)...but he's also heard his dad say some of the most sweetest and sappiest things to R/n, that he briefly wonders if it was really Belial or not?}
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alolan-persians · 5 months
Hey guysss no spoilers but is rvb: restoration work purchasing through official means?
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billfinarts · 1 month
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RvB: Towards the Sky
Trouble Finds Me Not - Pg.11
Enter Sergeant Buzzkill aka West
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