#Red eyes at night sailor´s delight: Obsession
subject257 · 5 years
Tonight was great, same deal tomorrow while I’m still here? ;P
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My Favorite Smile
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC/BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG-11/T- (this one has a couple ✨swear words✨ in it lol. I don’t usually write them out, but sometimes you just gotta say what you mean)
Original Idea: X (Obsessed with this channel right now)
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) 2,182 words... it’s a longer one again. I casually wrote this in, like, two hours. @welovegroot @jason-redhood @jason-todd-squad
Holding his coffee and croissant, Jason looked around the crowded café for a place to sit. Every table was occupied by at least one person, and the rules of personal space in public said the couches were full, with one person sitting on either end.
His eyes fell on a table with a single occupant.
His heart stuttered to a stop. Wait… is that her? Damn, she looks good this time. He scoffed at himself. Who am I kidding? She looks good every time. Should I talk to her? Should I tell her? She didn’t believe me last time… and I don’t know if I can stand another lifetime without her… but last life we didn’t meet till I was almost fifty. I really wasn’t expecting to find her this early.
He straightened up and strode over to her table. “Excuse me, is it alright if I sit here? The café’s pretty crowded and the other tables are full.”
She looked up and Jason’s brain stopped working as she met his eyes. She was just as incredible as she always was. Thousands upon thousands of years, and he still never got over how beautiful she was. “Sure, go ahead,” she said with a smile before going back to her phone.
“I’m Jason, by the way,” the man said, sitting down.
I glanced back up and gave him my name in return.
He smiled. He had a handsome smile. Just looking at him… something tugged in the back of my mind. “That’s a pretty name,” he said.
My ears warmed and I looked away. “Thanks,” I muttered. I looked back at him. “Sorry if this sounds… weird—but have we met before?” I cringed but smiled. If we had…oh it’d be so embarrassing if I’d forgotten him. And a man as handsome as him—how could I have forgotten?
But a look of delight crossed his face, before being replaced by one of neutrality. “Not in this lifetime,” he replied.
“Kind of an odd way to word it,” I remarked before I could overthink whether that sounded really rude or not.
Jason’s ears turned red. “Well… yeah I guess so. Sorry.” He looked down at his coffee cup and croissant and chose to take a sip of his drink. After swallowing, he looked back up at me. “This is probably gonna sound really creepy, but please just hear me out for a few minutes. Do you believe in soulmates?”
I reached up and scratched an itch just behind my ear. “I mean… kind of? I think maybe they exist for some people, and other people could be matched equally well with multiple potential partners,” I said.
His shoulders slouched with a sigh of what might have been relief. “Thank goodness,” he said. He met my eyes. “Because… we’re soulmates. You and I. Sometimes—very rarely—two people are so destined to be together, that they’re reborn over and over to stay together throughout thousands of years’ worth of lifetimes. Sometimes we both remember, sometimes only one of us does. I don’t think there’s ever been a lifetime where neither of us remember. Besides the first, I guess. Back when we didn’t know we’d be reborn. We never look the same twice—different bodies, different backgrounds. But we always have the same soul.”
A reasonable person would have thought he was making up a really long, bad pickup line. But I stared at him with rapt attention. Like some missing puzzle piece I’d been looking for my entire life fell into place. It just sounded… right.
“How do we find each other, if we look different every time?”
He took a deep breath. “Well… when one or both of us remember, we can… kind of sense it? Kind of see it? Like, right now, I see you, but I also see every face of yours that I’ve seen across every lifetime.” He cleared his throat. “Sometimes we don’t. Find each other, I mean. The distance between where we’re born or the timing of our rebirths keep us apart. But there’s only been… three of those, if I remember right.” He laughed. “So glad you believed me this time. It would have sucked if you got a restraining order—because those are a thing now—and I had to spend this life without you.”
I leaned forward, shoving my phone in my pocket. “Tell me more,” I said.
“Where do you want me to start?”
“Um… I don’t know. The beginning? Our first life?”
He nodded. “Ancient Greece,” he said. “Like, really early in Ancient Greece’s history. The gods blessed us. Bound our souls for eternity. Your hair is actually the same color now as it was back then. Kind of a… nostalgic favorite of mine. You’re absolutely stunning every time I see you, but I have some favorites. You do too.”
I snickered. “Oh really? Like what?”
“Well… I always think you’re adorable with dimples or freckles. Green eyes are a favorite of mine too. And your current hair color is my favorite. There were also a few times where you were a little taller than me. Those were nice. You’re most comfortable to hug that way. But, without fail, every single lifetime I see your smile and I think, ‘That one. That one’s my new favorite.’” He chuckled. “As for you, you’ve told me that you like me best with brown eyes—even though you don’t like brown eyes normally. Um… you also like it when my hair is curly.” He gestured to his black hair, slightly curled, with two white curls arcing down the center of his forehead. “You told me… seven lifetimes ago? That you like me best with piercings and tattoos, but when I brought it up last lifetime you said even when I have them I still look like, and I quote, a ‘giant nerd.’”
We both laughed. Jason sighed and shook his head.
“Then again, you said that was your favorite during our pirate lifetime. And I can also say hot damn you looked good with tattoos and a big hat.”
I gasped out a laugh. “We were pirates?”
He laughed too. “Yeah. Well, you were. To start with, anyway. You and your crew were visiting my town and you, absolutely drunk, stumbled into my house. I was a carpenter that time. Thank the gods we both remembered that lifetime or I probably would have shot you. You spent half the night drunkenly blathering about how much you hated my hair when it was long the way it was and that you’d cut it off if I didn’t. The next morning, when you’d sobered up, you apologized. And I’d said it was fine. And… you asked me to come with you. I’ve spent dozens of lifetimes endlessly in love with you. So, like the lovesick fool I am and was, I said yes.
“It… was not a long lifetime. Pirates rarely made it to old age. We were both killed when a Royal Navy ship attacked us. I went down first. You told me in our next lifetime that you single-handedly killed half of that crew’s sailors in revenge even though you knew you’d see me again—because you’d been having so much fun that life and they ruined it. Eventually their captain killed you himself.” He took a bite of his croissant.
It was certainly a lot to take in. But everything he said was so vivid… I wasn’t sure if it was my imagination coming up with the images or… memories that had merely been locked away somewhere deep inside. The sea. The deck of a ship. An octopus tattoo on my left forearm, tentacles reaching to the back of my hand, a similar one on his tanned, scarred neck. Curly auburn hair, a scruffy beard. Brown leather coat and blood under his nails. Pierced ear and eyebrow. A tattoo of a mermaid with a face and wild hair that I knew must have been mine on his right thigh as we found alone time together in my cabin—a pile of leather clothes in a heap on the floor, topped by a big hat with a big feather.
I met his eyes again. “Tell me about another one.”
He smiled. “Well… there was another time I was a soldier. You remembered. I didn’t. I passed through your town on my way to report for duty, and the weather got bad. Your family owned a tavern that doubled as an inn. So, that was where I stayed. You didn’t tell me. I fell in love with you anyway. You would tell me stories and sing for me and make me food in private. When the weather improved, I went off to war and, miraculously, I survived. Even though I spent most of my time that fight thinking about you. I came back to your inn and asked you to marry me. You said yes. We were married soon after. I had to leave a lot. Fighting battles I didn’t care about. Eventually, I came home injured and dying. You held my hand and promised you’d see me soon. I thought you meant heaven or just said it to comfort me. You never told me we were endlessly-reborn soulmates.
“When I was about fifteen my next lifetime, all my memories came back. We both remembered that time, actually. When we ran into each other again we got into such a big argument about you not telling me. Literally picked up right where we left off. Two twenty-year-olds bickering like the old married couple we were. The life after I don’t remember is always a bit of a wild ride as all my memories come back. I imagine it’s similar for you. It’ll be similar for you.”
He reached across the table and took my hand. I squeezed his fingers. Our hands fit together perfectly. I wondered why I’d told him I liked him best with brown eyes when his blue eyes were absolutely gorgeous. “So… what now?” I asked.
He made a face. “Beginnings are always hard when one of us doesn’t remember. Because I have thousands of years of love for you, and you don’t even know me.” His fingers tightened around mine. “I’d like to take you out on a date, if you’ll let me.”
“Does it count as a first date?”
He smiled. It was a sad smile. “It can. It does for this life.”
“Have we… ever had children? Together?”
Jason regarded me thoughtfully. “We have,” he said. “But our bloodlines never last long. Usually we’re lucky to get great-grandchildren. We’re blessed to be together forever, but our families die off quickly. You speculated once that it’s the blessing’s attempt to make sure we’re not reborn into our own bloodline.”
“So we have no living descendants.”
“No. It’d be a little weird if we did. Like ‘Hey, kiddo, you’re our great-great-great-grandson! I know we’re younger than you but trust us!’” Jason laughed.
I could get drunk on that laugh. “I’d… I’d like to go on that date.”
He looked elated—and relieved. “Me too. I’d like to get to know you again.” He glanced around the crowded café. “What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere quiet and I can tell you more stories about our lives? You’ve always been the far superior storyteller, but I learned from the best.”
I smiled. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here. I want to hear everything.”
He helped me to my feet. I gathered my jacket, cup, and phone. “Great. I can’t wait to tell you about the time I was a magician.”
I giggled. “My place or yours?”
“Mine. I have a memento from our most recent past life that I tracked down. I’d like you to have it.”
“What is it?”
Jason didn’t answer immediately. Just held my hand as we left the café. Gotham’s overcast autumn sky was chilly. “I… I want it to be a surprise but I’m also too excited to tell you.” He bit his lower lip, staring at me. “Gah. Fine. It’s your wedding ring. I found it at an antique shop not far from where our oldest niece lived. We didn’t have any kids, last life. We didn’t meet till I was forty-nine and you were forty-three. We both decided it was too late for kids. But I had a few nieces and nephews. Our oldest niece was in charge of our estate. We died in the eighties. But I found your ring. You can use it again, eventually, if you want. Or we can get you a new one.” His face reddened. “I don’t mean to presume. But I don’t know if I can live without you this lifetime after having you for such a short time last life.”
I squeezed his hand. “Let’s try that first date first. I feel this pull toward you I can’t explain, but we’ll build up to the soulmate thing. Okay?” I smiled at him.
Jason couldn’t help but stare at her. Those eyes, that stunning face. This one, he thought. This smile is my favorite.
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callunavulgari · 7 years
Scrapbook 2018
Scrapbook for 2018! A reminder, for myself and others-
Italicized titles = enjoyed muchly, bold titles = love, titles with an asterisk* = OBSESSION and titles in (brackets) are re-watches/re-reads. And lastly, strikethough = DISLIKE.
Goals are: read forty-five new books this year, finish six video games, write either 30 fics or 70k total, finish the damn Sabriel AU, and write something original. 
(Guardians of the Galaxy 2)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
(LOTR: Fellowship)
(Wonder Woman)
Black Panther
The Ritual
Cloverfield Paradox
Pacific Rim Uprising
A Wrinkle In Time
(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
(Star Wars: The Last Jedi)
Wolf Children
The Red Turtle
Europa Report
Avengers: Infinity War
A Quiet Place
Deadpool 2
The Conjuring
A Tale For The Time Being | Ruth Ozeki
La Belle Sauvage | Phillip Pullman [Fin]
London Falling | Paul Cornell
A Swiftly Tilting Planet | Madeline L’Tengle [Fin]
In Other Lands | Sarah Rees Brennan [Fin]
They Both Die In The End | Adam Silvera [Fin]
Thunderhead | Neal Shusterman [Fin]
The Sun and Her Flowers | Rupi Kaur [Fin]
The Paper Magician | Charlie Holmberg 
A Tale For The Time Being | Ruth Ozeki [Fin]
The Diviners | Libba Bray [Fin]
The Paper Magician | Charlie Holmberg [Fin]
We Were Liars | E Lockhart [Fin]
Lair of Dreams | Libba Bray [Fin]
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan
The Goblin Emperor | Katherine Addison
I Am: Seventeen Brushes With Death | Maggie O’Farrell [Fin]
Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman [Fin]
Phasma | Delilah Dawson
Caraval | Stephanie Garber
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan
The Goblin Emperor | Katherine Addison [Fin]
Phasma | Delilah Dawson [Fin]
Caraval | Stephanie Garber [Fin]
Tess of the Road | Rachel Hartman [Fin]
Clariel | Garth Nix [Fin]
Seraphina | Rachel Hartman [Fin]
Before The Devil Breaks You | Libba Bray
Before The Devil Breaks You | Libba Bray [Fin]
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan
Salt to the Sea | Ruta Sepetys  [Fin]
The Wicked Deep | Shea Ernshaw  [Fin]
Hamlet | William Shakespeare  [Fin]
Fangirl | Rainbow Rowell [Fin]
The Scorpion Rules | Erin Bow [Fin]
The Thief | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
Hear The Wind Sing | Haruki Murakami [Fin]
The Tropic of Serpents | Marie Brennan [Fin]
Only Human | Sylvain Neuvel [Fin]
World War Z | Max Brooks [Fin]
The Queen of Attolia | Megan Whalen Turner [Fin]
The Stand | Stephen King
Shadow Scale | Rachel Hartman [Fin]
London Falling | Paul Cornell [Fin]
Goldenhand | Garth Nix [Fin]
The Bright Sessions (Eps 30-41)
Wolf 359 (Eps 5-8)
King Falls AM (Eps 5-6)
The Bright Sessions (Eps 41-52)
Wolf 359 (Eps 8-13)
King Falls AM (Eps 6-7)
Penumbra Podcast (Episode 1)
Wolf 359 (Eps 14-49)
The Bright Sessions (53-55)
Planet Earth II
Devilman Crybaby
Steven Universe s4
Brooklyn Nine-Nine s1
(Stranger Things 2)
The Orville
(The X-Files)
The Flash s3
The Flash s3
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Gifted
The Good Place
The Runaways
AP Bio
Voltron s5
(Soul Eater)
Battlestar Galactica
(Sailor Moon)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Cards
Bride of the Ancient Magus
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
Battlestar Galactica
The Flash
AP Bio
(Yu Yu Hakusho)
Persona 5 Animation
Westworld s2
Westworld s2
The Flash
Lost In Space s1
Persona 5 Animation
Siren s1
Steven Universe s5
Prey (18 hrs)
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds (20 hrs, FIN)
Monster Hunter World (8 hrs)
Monster Hunter World (25 hrs)
Kingdom Hearts BBS (1 hr)
Monster Hunter World (25 hrs) 
Witcher 3 [FIN JFC]
Life Is Strange
Life Is Strange
Final Fantasy 12: Zodiac Age
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Dany - 98 hrs; Brienne - 5 hrs)
Dragon Age: Inquisition (Dany - 138 hrs - FIN; Brienne - 5 hrs)
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone DLC
Just the One, Two by Panny | Jessica Jones | Jessica/Trish | 10k They say you should never meet your heroes, but what about when you've been sort of in love with them since they broke your mother's marble sink? 
Daylight by @notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Rey/Luke | 3k “Can I ask what you think it is you’re doing?” Luke says. His voice is only a little strangled. The silence that falls in its place is awkward, thick as sand. “Oh,” Rey stutters out. “Is that not—?” “No,” Luke grits out. “Please put your clothes back on.”
run all the lights by @fahye | Captive Prince | Damen/Laurent | 8.5k He’s a slim, too-pretty boy of twenty, and the men of this particular underworld talk about him as though he’s an open flame, a sparking engine near a pool of gasoline: volatile, and not to be handled. Kid’s got balls of sheer fucking steel, Damen’s contact said. Which must be true, because having just lost a race against Damen for pink slips, Laurent looks him straight in the eye and says, “Double or nothing?” in a voice like vodka poured straight from the freezer.
They Say It's Mighty Fine by apocryphal | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 23k "Hello. This is Alpha Vernon Boyd, calling from Camp Remus about—""Derek?" Talia asks, confused. "You're calling about Derek? Is he okay? What happened?""Oh, boy." Melissa blows out a breath. "All right. Is he hurt?""He's been there for two hours, what could he possibly have—" John pauses. "Hang on, Camp Remus? Like the werewolf camp?"
León de mi Corazón by clockheartedcrocodile | The Exorcist | Tomas/Marcus | 16k | Not for the first time, Marcus wishes he were a poet. Tomas drinks up beautiful words like wine, practically thrives on them. He thinks of his own clumsy attempt at a letter, begun and re-begun until the whole thing had been consigned to the rubbish bin. It was laughable.Besides, he thinks, Tomas and Jessica wrote letters because they could not have each other.“You have me,” he says, quiet enough that Tomas won’t wake.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme (femmequixotic) | HP | Drarry | 163k After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems.
Under the Covers by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 72k Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
the party never ends by brawlite | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 7k Billy wants a fight from Steve Harrington. He'll do just about anything to get it, too.
what a wicked game you played (to make me feel this way) by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | WIP | Billy knew Steve Harrington would ruin him. Steve knew Billy Hargrove was nothing but trouble.They never expected it to end up like this.
don't just stand there by brawlite | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 3.5k Steve kisses a stranger in a club in a desperate attempt to spurn an advance from an unwanted admirer. Turns out, it's not really a stranger at all.
there's nothing wrong with me (loving you, baby) by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 4.6k | “Mr. Hargrove,It has come to HR’s attention that you have, once again, used company property incorrectly. Please refrain from using the break room as a work out facility during your lunch hour. If you are in need a gym recommendation, I'm happy to provide you some. Remove your weights from the lower cabinets at your earliest convenience.Regards, S. Harrington”This isn’t the first ridiculous email Steve has had to send to Hargrove, and Steve sincerely doubts it will be his last.
in waves by lymricks | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 45k Plant your feet, Billy wants to scream at him. I’m going to bowl you over.
can't you see them? (can't you feel them?) by ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 8k | They're breathing down your neck.
Little Pockets of Upturned Loneliness by SeptemberEndings | Stranger Things | Gen | 5k | Months pass, and nothing bad happens to Will.
isizathu by black_nata | Black Panther | T’Challa/Erik | 8k |  "What do you want?" T'Challa whispers. Almost like he's pleading. All Erik wants to do is wrap his fist around that smooth throat and make him beg some more.
falling for you in hawkins, indi-fucking-ana by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 31k | Billy gets his shit together. Steve figures some stuff out. They fall in love.
thank god you see me the way you do by LazyBaker | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 6k |  Five times Billy has had sex and one time he made love.
Secrets Make This Town by Oop | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy/Hopper | 5k | Hopper knows that Billy Hargrove sucks cock like he was born for it and he knows Steve Harrington is hung like a pornstar. He knows these by accident.
another city (better than this one) by notbecauseofvictories | Star Wars | Gen, Ben Solo & Lando | 6k | “You really should be more creative with your aliases,” Lando says mildly. “I’ve had every anagram of ‘Skywalker’ flagged since the first time you tried to run away from home.”
his hands so cold they shake by plinys | FBAWTFT | Percival/Credence | 4k |  A soul mate is meant to be a blessing, but Percival feels anything but blessed.
We Keep Meeting by scioscribe | Hamilton | Hamilton & Burr | 4.5k |  In which Hamilton finds himself a little more non-stop than even he expected, and Burr doesn't know why he's surprised that even death can't make Alexander Hamilton lie down and be quiet.
There Aren't Any Stars in the Sky by Ambrosia | Star Wars | Reylo | 4k | “Why are you here?” Rey asks. She appears to be meditating. Even his muscles remember the basics. Her eyes are peacefully closed.“Your mind is most open when you Jedi meditate, ‘letting everything go’,” he tells her, striding around in a vicious, predatory circle. “Which you would know if you had an at least halfway-competent teacher.”
Found Wanting by sellertape | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 2k | It didn’t take superpowers to know what Mark wanted him to say. He wanted him to lie. It didn’t take superpowers to get Damien to do what you wanted.
pull out the insides by SpineAndSpite | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k | “Stop,” Damien says again, more insistent this time.“I’m not doing it on purpose.” Mark's heart pounds in his ears and he sees Damien’s hands shaking. God. They shouldn’t have started talking about sex. Shouldn’t have filled in the colors and shadows to this pencil outline of a sketch forming between them. They shouldn’t have given it a name.
Life Is Not A Love Song by DetectiveJoan | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k |  “Oh, you know the old saying — once bitten, twice mildly paranoid that everyone you’ve ever met is secretly working for the shady government agency that kidnapped you.” Mark's voice is sing-song through the dressing room door.
I Want You To Want Me by Ryuutchi | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k | Food, scotch, sex-- I don’t know, Damien; there's a lot of good things in life.
(coming for the king, that's) a far cry by lipgallagher | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 17k |  billy and steve 'pretend' to be gay boyfriends in love for what is essentially just extremely small-time personal gain.
all these to me by lymricks | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 9k |  Three times Steve and Billy share (a bed, a meal, the truth) and one time they share (a virus).
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya | Yuri On Ice | Yuuri/Viktor | 197k | ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
no need to say goodbye by smolsarcasticraspberry | Voltron | Allura/Shiro | 13k | The juniberry tree blossoms every seven years, and when it does, a gateway opens up to another world - a world that Shiro first explores as a child. There, he meets Allura.
(shoot the lights out, hide) till its bright out by lipgallagher | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 50k | The most dangerous thing walking around Hawkins goes by the name Billy Hargrove. And he fucking knows it.
so this guy walks into a bar by MasterOfAllImagination | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann | 2.5k | “Bourbon,” Hermann says, hooking his cane on the edge of the bar and sliding by degrees onto a stool.“Straight up?” the bartender asks.“Please.” Does he look like the kind of man who enjoys having his nostrils fumigated by undiluted whiskey? “On the rocks.”
Seeing in Color by what_alchemy | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann |  The Dr. Geiszler Hermann had found in the publications — printed pages worn with constant handling and tucked into his briefcase for easy access — was an eloquent scientist whose work functioned at a level far above almost anyone else Hermann had ever encountered in the field, and yet he neither patronized his readers nor expressed himself in the inexplicable jargon which so infected much academic work.
Strong Enough by therealraewest | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann | 4k |  "I would like to speak to Newt."
Laying Siege by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 8k | “Marry me instead,” Jaime said.
Fool by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 15k | Jaime didn’t really expect things to go well when he rode north, but after all, they hadn’t been going well otherwise, so it wasn’t that much of a change.
heartstrings by taylortot | Miraculous Ladybug | Marinette/Adrien | 60k |  one of marinette’s rare unlucky days turns into something treacherous. thanks to a certain cat, the real danger passes, but there are other things to be more afraid of. her heart, for example, might be one of them.
Words by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Brienne | 10k |  “So we’ll look for you in the North," Robb Stark said, "coming to pay your debt."
ashes to ashes, dust to dust by romanoff | Marvel | Tony/Steve | 2k | Series | Steve and Tony seek closure with a conversation.
nanna by biggrstaffbunch | Thor | Thor/Loki | 1k |  Thor, after.
just in it for the game by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor/Loki | 6k |  “It's excellent rehabilitation for my image,” Loki says, widening his eyes. “They love you, and because of that they'll trust me. You wouldn't ruin this for me, would you?” 
these fragments by Wildehack (Tyleet) | Avengers | Loki/Valkyrie | 4k | “Someone has to survive this day,” Thor grinds out, pressed briefly close to her by the fight.“Someone will,” she tells him.
Make Me by Ajaxthegreat | Star Wars | Hux/Ben Solo | 52k | A genocidal megalomaniac Emperor and a very slutty smuggler/occasional Resistance spy walk into a bar.
cherry pie by brawlite, ToAStranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 61k | illy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.***
the ghost and good queen val by Wildehack (Tyleet) | Thor | Loki/Valkyrie/Thor | 8k |  “Oh my god,” Korg says. “You did! You saw a ghost!”
Suspicious Minds by astolat | DA | Iron Bull/Dorian, Inquisitor/Solas | 4k | “Hm,” Bull said, thoughtfully. “Something I’ve been curious about. Solas.”“You want to talk about another man now?” Dorian said.
  By The Still Waters by emilyenrose | DA | Fenhawke; Inquisitory/Solas | 83k | Hawke was left in the Fade. Fenris goes looking for him. He doesn't go alone.
Some Things Are Certain by cupiscent | Star Wars | Anakin/Obi-Wan | 7k | Detained far from where he should be by random chance, Obi-Wan meets an unusual slave.
For Better or Worse by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 22k |  Wherein Damien and Mark are soulmates, and this changes enough.**
killing me to love you by mostlikelydefinentlymad | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Mark | 2k |  Mark waits by the phone.
give my reflection a break by autoeuphoric (FreezingRayne) | The Bright Sessions | Damien/Joan | 5k | When the bell rings, she almost doesn’t answer. She hasn’t ordered anything and it’s too early for carolers. She does not speak to her neighbors, and she’s not about to start today.Joan gets up and answers the door anyway. Because she wants to.
Try, Try, Try Again by anticyclone | The Bright Sessions | 8k | Joan gets mugged. Damien interrupts. Interrupting is kind of his thing.
sharp shock to your soft side by agivise | The Bright Sessions | Mark & Damien | 22k | The universe is a cruel, unforgiving bitch, and honestly, he's a little sick and tired of it. Sure, he deserves it or whatever, but still, totally uncool, universe. Real poor timing.
Scarier Things by starkraving | The Bright Sessions | Mark & Damien | 5k |  Mark drags Damien back across the country in what amounts to the most karmic reverse kidnapping in history, but stopping to take hipster pics of scenic overlooks will not protect you from the scary stuff lurking in the liminal space behind highway truck-stops.
Patient Intake by starkraving | The Bright Sessions | Joan & Damien | 9k |  ssume Joan takes a less passive approach to Damien’s influence in her life. Assume she’s sitting in her car with the engine running and he’s on the sidewalk in front of her. Assume there’s six months between this moment and the moment she first met him.  
Artifice by buttpatrol | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 23k | A story told in parts about colour palettes, identity, robot uprisings, sensational trials, space, and messy love.
blow your mongrel mind by endquestionmark | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Jacobi | 13k | The first time Eiffel sees Colonel Warren Kepler — shockingly real, after so many days spent somewhere between delusion and despair — what strikes him most is how still Kepler is.
Calling Out My Name by vlasdygoth | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 2.5k | Five times Kepler called Jacobi a pet name, and one time Jacobi managed to pull it off on him.
and twice as bright by endquestionmark | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 6k |  “Eiffel.” Very quiet, hardly audible through the echoes. “What is it like?” 
2017 [Multifandom Mashup]
MCU Films // ♫Can't You Hear Me Knocking (12 Strong trailer version)♫
Arya & Brienne // The Rules Were Wrong
play with fire [Black Butler]
kylo ren & rey【 In a Dream, in a Nightmare 】TLJ spoilers
Stranger Things || Above and Below
Jim Hopper || Do you ever feel cursed?
Stranger Things || Sweet Dreams
Stranger Things || Time After Time 
Darth Vader // The Force is strong with you
Game of Thrones || We Live In A Beautiful World
Allison Argent | Look What You Made Me Do
Kylo Ren and Rey l Hearts A Mess
►Stranger Things | Stay Alive
not alone | stranger things
Will Byers || You're home now
Voltron | Cosmic Love 
Voltron | Broken Crown
River, MARVEL. [2k]
Voltron | Radioactive
S O L D I E R ll Voltron AMV
Loki // Hustler
a morphine toast
Bucky x Steve || Brooklyn (Go Hard)
Fullmetal Alchemist || Brother
Anime Mix - Legends Never Die [AMV]
Death Parade AMV - Feeling Good
AMV - Crucible of Souls - Bestamvsofalltime Anime MV ♫
[AMV] Transmutayshun - FullMetall Alchemist: Brotherhood
AMV Dazzling Inferno
kylo ren || animal
FLESH || Yuri on Ice
Roman&Peter || Piece by piece
◼️ quentin&eliot; give me love
Hannibal/Will - Take Me Back
Kylo Ren // In The End
(Marvel) Avengers | The End
Thomas & Newt ✘ Could I have saved him?
Multifandom || Wake Up
The Avengers | The Final Curtain
(SW) Darth Vader | A Light In Darkness
loki laufeyson | saturn (+ragnarok)
Loki - Birthright
Infinity War | I Was Here 
Avengers: Infinity War
MARVEL || Bohemian Rhapsody
River, MARVEL. [2k]
The Expanse || A War Built On Lies
Avengers || Together
MARVEL || Lions Inside (collab w/ djcprod)
COMIC FILMS - Bohemian Rhapsody
Pixar: The Complete Supercut (2018)
Let Us Be Brave
👑black panther👑 
X-Men || Revolution (ft. Ruelle)
Choir & Crickets | Jeff Russo
Black Lung Heartache | Joe Bonamassa
Undiscovered First | Feist
Tribe Society - Kings
Never Give Up | Sia
Silvertongue | Young the Giant
Vikings Soundtrack
Sweet Dreams | Mark Hadley
A Hazy Shade of Winter | The Bangles
White Rabbit | Jefferson Starship
Stranger Things Theme | Kyle Dixon
Go To War | Nothing More
Does Your Heart Break | The Brilliance
Please Speak Well of Me | The Weepies
Smallest Light | Ingrid Michaelson
Flying | Cody Fry
My Friends | Oh Wonder
New Rules | Dua Lipa
Young As The Morning Old As the Sea | Passengers
Never Be The Same | Camila Cabello
Slow Down Love | Louis the Child
Come Together | Gary Clark Jr.
Don’t Think Twice | Utada Hikaru
Your Tongue Like The Sun In My Mouth | Sophie B. Hawkins
&Run | Sir Sly
Giver | K.Flay
Black Panther Soundtrack
Daddy Issues | The Neighbourhood
Whatever It Takes | Imagine Dragons
Carry Me Back To Her Arms | Jessica Curry
The Healing | Gary Clark Jr.
These Days | The Black Keys
No Roots | Alice Merton
Susanne Sundfør | The Golden Age
The Blue Whale | Steven Price
Everywhere' by J2
Sinners | Barns Courtney
Sam Tinnesz - Play With Fire (feat. Yacht Money)
Here | Junna
Robert DeLong - Favorite Color Is Blue (Lyric Video) ft. K.Flay
Steve James | Warrior
Hold My Liquor | Kanye West
Sweatpants | Childish Gambino
The Sailor Song | Autoheart
Steve James - Warrior (feat. LIGHTS)
Mother Mother - Reaper Man
Hello | Via Audio
Beyoncé | Back to Black
James Brown - It's A Man's Man's Man's World
Emeli Sande - Daddy
Nathan Angelo - Leigh
"In The End" Linkin Park Cinematic Cover (feat. Jung Youth & Fleurie)
Black Space/Stand By Me | Imagine Dragons
Dear God | Lawless
Sinners and Saints | Andrea Wasse
Ghost | Natasha Blume
Peter Gundry - Tales of the Night
Metal Gear Solid V Medley: Quiet's Theme / Sins of the Father | Freya Catherine
WOLVEN STORM ORCHESTRAL COVER (Witcher 3 - Priscilla's Song)
Amulet | Copal
Holding Out for a Hero | Nothing But Thieves
Everybody's Looking For Something | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 4,790 words | On the third weekend of May during their last year at Hawkins High, Steve Harrington throws a party.Billy crashes it.
taste you on my tongue | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 2,290 words | “You’ve never felt pleasure like it, Steve,” an old girlfriend had told him once, her eyes bright with memory. Steve shrugged. “No vampires here, though.” 
Home | Star Wars | Reylo | 1,670 words | “Rey,” he says into the quiet. “Just drive.”
hits like a drum | Stargate Atlantis | Mcshep | 3,507 words | “Believe it or not, having something with sharp teeth breathing down your neck is not actually conducive to one’s thought process.” John barks out a loud, abrupt noise that might be laughter, his breath tickling the hairs at the base of Rodney’s neck. “I’d have thought it would be good motivation.”
feed the hunger | Stranger Things | Steve/Billy | 1,792 words | “Thought you wanted to fuck me, Hargrove,” Steve whispers, and presses a sweet kiss to the hinge of Billy's jaw. “Now's your chance.”
Apotheosis | Marvel - INFINITY WAR | Thor/Loki, Steve/Pepper/Tony | 4,450 words | Grief, a story told in three parts.
We Could Be Heroes
Daddy Issues
danien: back in black
1 note · View note
tuesdaydnd · 7 years
Pirate’s Creed part two
Pirate’s Creed
02- The Flying Gang
           Everyone feels much better after their last adventure, in fact they seem to have developed new skills and have more life. Reynaud uses the crystal skull to contact their mentor. When he describes the page of parchment and the strange vision he saw, Mentor recognizes it at once.
The Eye of Thoth uses pages from an ancient Atlantean book to gain their special powers, but Atlantis wasn’t the only power in the prehistoric world. There was another island on the other side of the world in the Pacific called Lemuria. The Lemurians were brutal dictators who used their power to enslave people. Atlantis defeated them in a great war, but apparently some of them survived and fragments from Lemuria occasionally surface. These Lemurian writings served as the basis for the Ophidean Order.
The page is very important and Mentor promises to send someone to translate it as soon as possible. Reynaud also mentions that the Sunderland was ordered to kill Captain Hornigold and his crew, but to spare Jennings and his people. Mentor doesn’t know for certain why these orders were issued, but obviously they should keep an eye on Jennings.
In New Providence, the pirates are delighted to see them and Hornigold wants to hear all about their raid on Havana. Although it’s true they only brought back a fraction of the gold that was there, just the fact they were able to strike at the heart of Spanish power and escape gives the pirates hope.
There is a meeting of all the pirates. Hornigold proposes a pirate republic, but Reynaud suggests a council of captains to make decisions. Every pirate gets a vote, and the council is overwhelmingly approved.
Jennings isn’t satisfied with one island. He wants to use it as a base of operations to expand their power, taking over more territory. No one thinks this is a bad plan, but they must start small before they can expand. Reynaud lays out his plan to take the Spanish Treasure fleet. He will need every man and every ship to pull this off, but if they succeed it will be something that will go down in the history books.
Attacking the ships at sea will not be easy. First, they have to find them. Ships are sent out on a reconnaissance mission to locate the fleet. They know the fleet can’t sail until they repair the damage done when the Santa Maria’s gunpowder blew up. The only advantage they have is that the fleet will be relatively easy for them to catch once they sail past New Providence and enter the straights of Florida.
The last time they went up against a Man O’War most of the crew was on the shore. Now they’ll be facing a full crew who are ready for trouble since both the Santa Maria and the Conception have been attacked. When the fleet leaves Havana their scouts give them word of how the fleet is formed. The two Man O’Wars are at the front and back of the fleet with five treasure galleons between them. The ships are far enough apart that they won’t collide, but close enough that if one ship is attacked other ships will be able to see it. At night the flash of cannons will be visible for miles.
The decision is made for the two Eye of Thoth ships to attack the Spanish Man O’Wars and put them out of action while the rest of the pirate fleet sweeps in to take out the galleons. They have thirty ships altogether, with Jennings and his Bathsheba and Hornigold in his Ranger leading the rest of the ships. Reynaud and Xi are on the Basilisk, the Doctor and Max are on the Kraken.
They approach the treasure fleet under the cover of night. The Kraken and the Basilisk separate and approach the Conception and the Santa Maria. The plan is to hit both of them at the same time in the dead of night. As the two ships near their targets, the wind shifts and the sky grows dark. The sea swells, making navigation difficult.
The Kraken heads for the most northern ship which turns out to be the Santa Maria, the Basilisk goes for the last ship in the fleet, the Conception.
The wind and rain reduce visibility so badly that they have no trouble approaching their target. Swinging the Basilisk around they attach it to the stern of the Conception with grappling hooks. Reynaud and Xi lead the men on board. They move quietly at first and only wound rather than kill. Soon they are spotted and the Spanish open fire.
Xi uses his powers of suggestion to take control of one of the sailors, but the sound of gunfire snaps him out of his trance. As the crew swarms him, Xi has to fight to the death as waves crash over the side of the ship.
Reynaud cuts his way across the deck. He tries to go below deck and is stopped by gunfire. At the bottom of the ladder he sees Captain Diaz, who he last spoke to in Tortuga.
Meanwhile the Doctor and Max manage to get the Kraken into position and fight their way onto the deck of the Santa Maria. The ship is rocking violently and when the Doctor throws his knives the wind simply whisks them away. He is forced to fight with his hand axes. Fortunately the wind and rain make it impossible for any of the guns to be of use.
Max finds his uncanny sense of balance is the only thing keeping him upright as the violently rocking ship tosses the Spanish sailors to the deck. A powerful wave washes several of the Spanish over the railings of the ship to their doom. From his position Max sees the treasure ship behind them wildly waving a red lantern. It is the well known signal for a ship in distress.
On the Conception Reynaud is speaking with the captain as one gentleman to another.
“If you do not disengage you ship neither of us will survive,” Diaz warns.
“Surrender and join our republic,” Reynaud counter offers.
“I serve my king.”
At that moment the Conception lurches violently to one side. Reynaud loses his balance and falls part way down the ladder before catching himself. Fortunately the Spanish soldiers were tossed about by the movement of the ship and couldn’t shoot. All around him he hears the wood creaking as the full power of the storm strikes them.
On the deck of the Santa Maria Barnaby uses his whips to clear the deck of sailors. As the Doctor, Klydell and Max fight alongside him they hear a terrible sound as their ship the Kraken suddenly tears free, pulling off part of the railing on the stern of the ship. Trapped on the Spanish vessel they continue to hold off the crew, the only thing saving their lives is that the storm is too bad for guns to fire.
Looking back over the railing Klydell sees a black ship with torn and tattered sails sweeping back and forth between the ships. It seems to have no trouble maneuvering despite the storm. There are nets draped over the side, dragging the water.
“It’s the Black Freighter!” one of the sailors calls out. “He’s come to take the drowned men to crew his ship.”
It seems like a good many people are about to drown when the call comes up from below that the Santa Maria is taking on water.
On the Conception Reynaud makes a deal with Captain Diaz. They will agree to a truce until the storm ends if Reynaud will disengage his ship to keep both ships from being smashed to pieces. Reynaud orders the Basilisk cut away, leaving him and his boarding party on the Spanish Man O’War.
On the Santa Maria Barnaby heads below decks and finds that the Spanish crew is far too busy trying to pump out the water to fight. Although he is trapped on a sinking ship, Barnaby decides to take the chance to destroy it. He goes to the powder room and begins to set it to explode.
Meanwhile the Doctor has become obsessed with the Black Freighter. He manages to get a grapple onto the ghost ship as it glides by and swings on board. On the rain swept deck he confronts undead sailors. The captain is a sinister skull faced figure wreathed in lighting. The captain orders the Doctor to be killed.
When the undead sailors attack the Doctor defends himself only to find that the men have sea water instead of blood. When he hacks at a limb he finds his sword stuck fast, for the bones are as hard as iron.
Before he is overwhelmed the Doctor dives into the hold through a gaping hole in the deck. There in the space where the nets are emptied he picks his way through the drowned men to find the ones that are still alive. He tries to arm them and get them to fight back, but they are too overwhelmed with terror to be much good. When the crew moves in on his the Doctor descends a ladder to the next deck.
This turns out to be the gun deck, where strange brass cannons are watched over by the undead crew. The master of the gun deck hurls fire at him, forcing him to climb out a gun port. Outside he sees another net being drawn up. Handing his knife to a man to cut himself free,  he encourages the still living men to fight back against their fate.
On the deck of the ship the sailors make a stand, but the undead crew make short work of them. Grabbing another rope the Doctor plans to swing down to the gun deck with his grenados and hope that he can do some damage.
On the nearby Santa Maria Barnaby has planted his charges and he emerges on deck to find the Doctor gone. On the Kraken Archibald lowers a few of the sails and manages to regain control of the ship to bring it around. Barnaby, Max and Klydell quickly attach ropes and swing across.
As they do so there is an explosion from below decks. The Doctor is in the process of trying to use his grenados when the sudden explosion causes him to lose his grip in the rope and he falls into the churning sea.
The Black Freighter vanishes into the storm. The Santa Maria burns. The crew of the Kraken spots the Doctor in the water and pull him on deck. Even though he is safe, the Doctor has become obsessed with the Black Freighter. He wants to go after it. Finally, Barnaby has no choice but to lock him in the brig.
The next morning there is little sign that the Spanish Treasure Fleet ever existed. Every ship has gone down and one of them has been smashed into the beach where it has become the meeting place of the Spanish survivors.
The pirates and the crew of the Conception put to shore where Reynaud and Captain Diaz will fight a duel over the ship. It is a contest between gentlemen. When Diaz unexpectedly loses his sword early in the fight Reynaud graciously allows him to pick up the blade and continue. Both men are wounded in the duel, but finally the Frenchman has the upper hand and Diaz is forced to surrender.
As per the terms of the duel Diaz and his men are given longboats and enough provisions to reach the nearest Spanish outpost. Diaz tells Reynaud that the ship has recently been careened and the barnacles scraped from the hull, but the mast is cracked and it only survived the storm because a metal brace.
Renaud decides to rename the Man O’War the Waterheart. Max is given command of the Basilisk.
On the Kraken Barnaby has to decide what to do with the Doctor. Even in the light of day with the ghost ship vanished he continues to talk about it and wants to go after it. He begins babbling about glowing eyes and crystal skulls and shows his captain a notebook full of gibberish.
When given a chance to rejoin the crew the Doctor refuses to stop talking about the Black Freighter. Finally Barnaby allows the crew to vote. The Doctor is put to death. He struggles to the end and tries to break free, but there is no saving him, the contact with the ghost ship has driven him mad. Perhaps this is the fate of anyone who dares to challenge the Black Freighter.
Meanwhile Xi takes Clydell and a few of the other men into the woods to cut a tree for a new mast. After they’ve gathered most of the wood they need they are attacked by Natives. A Seminole warrior goes after Xi with a club that is spiked with alligator teeth.
Most of the men take cover when a rain of arrows falls on them. Clydell goes after them with his knife and hatchet. He calls to them in the language of the tribe that raised him, the Nez Perce. At first, he gets no response, but one of the warriors finally answers him in a heavily accented voice.
When the warrior tells them that this is their land, the pirate replies “Not anymore.” This enrages the warrior who calls out for the rest of the tribe to kill the intruders. Clydell drops from a tree onto the warrior and kills him with a hidden blade. Before he can scramble to safety, he is hit with two arrows.
He manages to make it back up the tree, but he is trapped in the branches by the natives. Some of the pirates were sent back to get help from the beach, but will it arrive in time?
On the beach Reynaud hears the gunshots and heads into the woods with Hans and Zahara and some of the crew.
Barnaby takes Max and the rest of the crew to attack the beached ship where the Spanish soldiers are starting to gather.
In the woods Klydell tries to leap from one tree to another, but falls and is at the mercy of the Indians. He decides to play dead.
Reynaud arrives with his men and begins to cut into the Indians. Xi and his people come out from cover and join the battle. Zahara and Afia flank the natives and attack them from behind.
During the battle Klydell tries to make a break for it. He wounds one of the Indians with a thrown knife, but is stabbed with a spear before he can get away. Xi rushes in to save him. They manage to escape, but both are hit by arrows.
The tide of battle turns, and the Seminoles retreat. Once they are no longer under attack Xi shares his healing salve with Klydell which saves him from bleeding out.
As Barnaby leads his men onto the beach they have to attack under the rifle fire of the Spanish. Several men ar struck down until they get close enough to use their pistols. Finally they are able to take on the Spanish in hand to hand. Max stabs one soldier and lifts him into the air, filing the rest of the soldiers with terror. Barnaby is using his twin whips and grenades are being thrown.
The Spanish retreat to the remains of their ship and continue shooting under cover. Realizing it would be suicide to attack their position, Barnaby orders his men to grab the longboats and turn them upside down. By carrying the boat over their heads they can attack the Spanish ship with some cover of their own. The wood of the boat isn’t thick enough to stop the bullets, but the Spanish are shooting blind and most of their shots are harmless.
Throwing the boat into the mass of soldiers, the pirates strike with swords, hidden blades and whips. The soldiers are overwhelmed and have no choice but to surrender.
The pirates patch up their wounded and mourn their dead. The wrecked ship is searched for treasure. Meanwhile the timber is finally brought out of the forest and Xi goes to work on the new mast. Once he is done with that he and Klydell still want to go into the swamps to try and catch a baby alligator.
As the wrecked ship is being searched a figure suddenly appears and attacks them. He seems to have come from nowhere. The man spits venom into Zahara’s eyes, blinding her. Reynaud and Barnaby immediately attack and a furious battle is engaged with a foe who clearly has supernatural powers.
Meanwhile Xi, Klydell and the new Doctor go into the Everglades to try and find an alligator. After nearly sinking into quicksand they encounter Seminole Indians. This time, instead of attacking, they seem amused by their quest. Since they don’t feel threatened by the three pirates the Indians agree to help them.
They find a full sized alligator basking in the sun. They try to kill the animal, but it proves to be tricky, rolling over and nearly drowning Klydell before Xi is able to stab its soft underside.
Back at the shipwreck healing salve restores Zahara’s eyesight. The attacker appears to be subdued, but almost escapes. “I work for the masters of the world,” he declares under interrogation.
After getting rid of the leeches that clung to Klydell the three pirates bring the alligator carcass back to the beach. They also find alligator eggs and bring three of them.
Just as it begins to get dark a cannon ball suddenly hits the beach. One of the pirate ships salvaging the Spanish wreck has unexpectedly fired on them. As the cannon fire tears up the beach and destroys the wrecked ship, everyone returns to the Waterheart. The prisoner tries to dive overboard and drown himself, but he is caught. They find a strange black cube in his pocket. It is made from some unnaturally smooth substance and has tiny gold filament no thicker than a human hair running through it.
Max, on board the Basilisk moves to intercept the attacking ship befoe they lose it in the dark. When the other ship opens fire on them, the red hot cannon balls start a fire on the Basilisk. As the crew is fight8ing the fire, the shifting currents pull him away from the other ship.
On the Waterheart Reynaud and Barnaby continue questioning the prisoner. Meanwhile Xi is taking the skin off the alligator and cutting it up. Zahara is stunned to see the bones of the alligator start to reform, coming together to form a whole alligator skeleton which rises up on its hind legs and approaches her.
Apparently the voodoo training with the Baron is paying off. The alligator spirit warns Zahara to beware the man of fire who is laying in wait. “He works for the snakes,” Zahara is told. “Soon you will burn.”
When the message has been delivered the bones fly apart again and return to their original positions. No one else in the room saw anything unusual happen.
The fire on the Basilisk has been put out, but they have lost the attacking ship in the darkness. Since Barnaby and Reynaud are still interrogating the prisoner the rest of the pirates decide to get a ride from another of the pirate fleet to pursue the attacking ship. They still don’t know why one member of the fleet would turn on them.
In the interrogation room Reynaud and Barnaby continue to question their prisoner. He admits he doesn’t know what the cube is. All he knows is that he was supposed to take it back to Spain and deliver it to Von Hellinger. Reynaud gets a chill down his spine when he hears the name. Von Hellinger is his arch enemy, a Dutch mercenary he fought during the War of Spanish Succession. He thought that he killed Hellinger, but not only is the man alive, he is working with the Ophidian Order.
The pirates on their borrowed ship follow the ship that attacked them all through the night and into the next day. When the sun rises they see that the ship is the Asp, a nimble sloop with cannons on her open deck. Zahara tries to communicate with the other ship, but the pirates are warned to stay back or they will be killed.
“I am your death!” the captain roars before opening fire. The two ships exchange cannon shots, with the Asp’s heated shot starting fires. Xi climbs overboard to sneak onto the enemy ship, but before he can reach it, the Asp rams the pirate ship.
Xi climbs on board and begins to fight. Most of the rest of the pirates swing over on ropes. During the furious battle they don’t notice that the captain leaps onto their own ship where he faces Zahara and Afia. The captain is swinging two red hot cannonballs on a chain over his head as he storms the ship.
The cannon balls smash down and sear anyone who gets in his way. The fires on the ship are growing even as the pirates start to take the other vessel. Afia manges to shoot him in the leg, but the powerful captain keeps fighting. Zahara is forced to take him on with only a pair of hand axes. During the course of the battle it seems as if the red hot cannon balls will tear through her.
Zahara mutters a silent prayer to the Baron. From Zahara’s point of view it seems as if everything freezes. Into the strange frozen deck the Baron suddenly appears. He tells Zahara that he will save her life if she does something for him. He wants the medallion that Captain Jonas of the Black Freighter wears around his neck. Zahara agrees to get it, although he knows nothing about the Black Freighter, and the one pirate who was on board went mad and had to be hung.
Instantly everything starts moving again. The chains holding the cannon balls snaps, sending them rolling across the deck. Zahara cuts the captain very deeply, and brings him down to the deck. Driven by an almost supernatural frenzy the captain continues to fight, until Zahara has no choice but to finish him off.
On the Asp the pirates are victorious. The ship is theirs. The surviving pirates are more than hapy to have a new captain. They feared and hated their old captain. His name was Fiera, and he seemed immune to fire. He used to take hot coals from the fire and juggle them. There is a forge on the deck so he could heat up cannon balls anytime he wanted. In addition he talked to people in his sleep who somehow gave him orders.
Captain Fiera’s worse offense in the eyes of his crew was that he refused to let them pillage the wrecks like the rest of the pirate ships were doing. After finding a single object he insisted that they stop, and then ordered them to attack the beach for no apparent reason.
Doctor Hans Grubermeisterberg gets a chance to dissect the corpse. He discovers that Fiera had bones and muscles that were much denser than normal. It’s possible that this is what happens to anyone who unlocks the hidden powers of the human body, such as they have with their training.
In the captain’s quarters Xi finds the object that the crew described. It is a large gold plate, probably used by natives for cocoa. On the back has been scratched a map of South America with a strange star shape and a line coming out of it.
After repairing the damaged bow, they sail back to New Providence to meet up with the rest of their team. They find the once shanty town is now buzzing with activity. There are numerous new buildings and new docks have been built for the arriving ships. Jennings has exchanged cannon fire with the Spanish and warns the rest of the pirates that the wrecks won’t be easy pickings anymore.
Hornigold has big plans for New Providence. To make it a proper pirate city they will have to be defended from attack. Fort Nassau has started to collapse since it was abandoned and the rusting cannons should be replaced. It would also be a good idea to have an old ship serve as a gun platform in the harbor. Hog Island mostly blocks the entrance to the harbor, allowing just two places where ships can sail in. With the fort operational and a gun platform, they can effectively hold off attacks.
At a meeting of all the pirate captains it is decided that they will take gold off the top to cover defenses and then split up the rest of the spoils. Although there is some debate, Reynaud is able to sway some people over to his side and the vote passes.
When the gold is divided up everyone is still very wealthy. This is fortunate since everything in town is very expensive. The merchants know that the pirates are flush with gold and are taking every advantage of it. On top of that the island has so few resources that everything has to be imported, which drives the prices up.
The largest trading post on the island belongs to Kaitlin Rowe, an elegant, sophisticated woman who buys and sells almost anything. As a member of the Rowe shipping family she can place stolen goods in stores in Boston or London with no questions asked. Of course she makes a very good profit.
When she asks Reynaud for the Lemurian fragment he realizes that she also is a member of the Eye of Thoth. She is able to translate the writing on the shard and says that it contains the secret to becoming invisible. She can have the translation ready for him in three days.
Outside on the streets of New Providence there is a commotion. Captain Cazalla announces that the captains have held back the best spoils from the wrecked Spanish ships. He specifically mentions a gold plate that wasn’t put with the spoils to be divided.
Barnaby sees the riot brewing and knows that Reynaud has the gold plate with the mysterious map and is going to sell it to Kaitlin Rowe. Barnaby goes and gets the plate. After making sure the map has been scratched off the back he shows the plate to the crowd.
Barnaby demands to know why Cazalla is stirring up trouble over the plate. Under intense questioning by Pierre, Cazalla admits that Vane told him about the plate.
Meanwhile in the bar known as the Old Avery a new recruit named Bobbob makes the acquaintance of Anne Bonny a pretty but tough new barmaid. When someone is too forward with her Anne decks him. One of the other men tries to bash Anne’s head in with a bottle, but Bobbob stops him. One of the pirates pulls out a sword, but Bobbob shoots it from her hand, earning a free drink from Anne.
Barnaby and Pierre arrive in the Old Avery looking for Charles Vane. They find him at a table with Calico Jack and some of the crew from the Bathsheba. Barnaby demands to know why Vane nearly started a riot. Calico Jack tries to calm everyone down, but is ignored.
Reluctantly Vane admits that he saw the plate in a dream. He sent Cazalla out after it because he knew Cazalla had the biggest mouth.
Barnaby decides to take it up with Jennnings, Vane’s captain. As they leave they see Calico Jack flirting with Anne Bonny. On the Bathsheba Barnaby demands that Jennings do something.
“If you don’t get your crew under control, I will,” Barnaby threatens.
Jennings is unfazed. He declares that his crew is his responsibility, and there aren’t any laws against what Vane and Cazalla did. On impulse Barnaby touches his eye, making the sign of the Eye of Thoth. Jennings gives a start and reaches for his sword.
When Reynaud hears what has happened he calls for a meeting of all the captains. They need to decide on the rules for their pirate republic. There is much raucous debate, with Jennings arguing that the more rules they have the more they will be like England or Spain. Most of the captains think that there have to be rules of some sort. After spirited discussion they settle on:
1.      No murder.
2.      No riots
3.      No raiding other pirates
The punishments are death for violating the first two. Death by guillotine is voted as the most popular form of execution. For the lesser offenses there is to be punishment by the stocks, flogging or having to clean all the ships in harbor. The offenders are to be judged by three captains who are impartial. The accused can have someone speak for them, which will undoubtedly lead to pirate lawyers.    
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subject257 · 6 years
I love you for not kissing me when you had the chance because you want all of me, but still... Still really wish you had.
Goodbye love.
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subject257 · 6 years
>One Nerf dart, applied by hand to Obsession's forehead. "You're not bad. And that image is a lovely sentiment at any time of the morning. Thank you."
He rubs his forehead, even though it obviously doesn´t hurt, ¨Yeah, guess that was a fair nerf, glad you liked it though!¨
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subject257 · 6 years
Had a nightmare, glad you’re here 
Course I’m always glad you’re here
<3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3 <3
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subject257 · 6 years
((No?! Well too bad here´s a memory, that´s also a nightmare that he´s having tonight.))
257´s body still twitched as he lay in bed, left over shocks from earlier. He bit his thumb and sighed, the wall was practically covered to the brim in tallies, waiting for them to come. While his exterior seemed merely sad, perhaps slightly broken by the experience, his mindscape was a battlezone.
¨We might as well stop tallying because they´re never showing up. They´ve abandoned us!¨ Anger said, glowering, ¨And now we´re stuck here with people who treat us like trash-¨
Joy growls, ¨Stop talking like that! They´ll show up eventually!¨ Anger grumbled something about 6 damn months. Joy narrows his eyes, ¨If you keep talking like that we´re going to have to muzzle you.¨ The duo glared at each other Obsession stepped between them.
¨Hey hey, now I´m not usually the peaciest of peace makers but you guys need to calm down. Honey or Dibbles would hate to see us like this!¨
¨Who cares what they´d like to see us like! They´re not here!¨ Anger said.
¨It has been a while, it... Doesn´t seem likely.¨ Logic quietly agreed.
¨See, even he thinks we´re stuck!¨ 
Joy rolls his eyes, ¨Logic´s not always right.¨
¨We messed up, now they hate us-¨
¨Stop it!¨ Obsession cried.
¨AND THEY´RE NEVER COMING BACK!¨ Anger finished, shouting. A wisp of black smoke trailed into the room. 
¨H̶̳͇̳͎̼̋̍̇͛͡ȩ̶̭̘̝̖͕̞̤́͊͋́̓͞͞´̷̡͙͕̹̗̪͓̻͆̀̾͑̕s̴̢̡̛̱̥͙͉̺̖̀̀̒̈̋̎̒̉ r̲͙͖̤̠̮̉͛̂̒͆̑͌̈́͢͜ͅi̛̖̙̯̥̦͛̀̐͑̍͟͝g̲͓̫͍͉̫̔̆̆̿̃͠h̡̲̥̥̰̖̺̯̏͌̈̏̿̔̈́͂̂̒͢t̨̟̞͍̺͈͖̔̊͑̂̏̀̄̏͢͜ͅ y̷̨̛͉̣͕̞̻̫̔̿́̍̄́̕͠ͅọ̵̲̳̩͎̼̮͍̫̿̀̂̃̐͗ư͎̞̳̗̹̜̹̓͒͊͜͞ k̢̧̛̳̗̳͉̂͆̎͒͂̚̚͠ń̵̡̛̞͙̦͍̩̉̓̅͒̇̃͡o̵͍̫̫̙̮̱̰̱̅̀̅̏͊͜͟͠ẇ̡̧̹̝̪͇̣̀͒̽͛̆.¨ The voice didn´t seem to come from any particular
source, instead loudly echoing, bouncing off every corner of the wall. Obsession shivers, feeling his eyes flicker green, ¨Fear, stop it... This isn´t like you-¨
The black smoke only thickened ¨.Q̶͚̜̣̹͈͚̊͋̏̀̔̇U̵̢͈̤̼͔̿̇͑̿͗͋͜͡ͅÌ̡͈̪̖͖̱̰͊̅̇̕̕E̸̳̮̟̬̺͊̆̅͒̌̋̓T̷̨̝̟̼̼̪̘͌̎͘͠͠͝ ¨ 
The sound of the shout was practically deafening, yet even underneath it Obsession could hear whispers ´worthless, helpless thing´ ´Of course no one´s coming why would they´ ´They hate us, I know they do, we all know they do.´ ´We should just quit´ The longer Obsession listened the thicker the smoke seemed to grow. Obsession coughed, he felt like he was choking on it. His eyes started burning and quickly flicking from red to green and back again.
¨SHUT UP!¨ He shouted, eyes bright red, as he used what little power he still had in 257´s mind to push the smoke back. He grabbed the side of his head, trying to stop the tears from coming, ¨Just shut up and leave us alone Fear.¨ 
There´s a short pause,
 ¨Ì̸̧̢̼̙̮͔͕͂̒̌͛̏̽͒͋̆ c̛͕̼̰̠̟͔̟̖̦͗̽́́̕̚͝͠a̢̬̮̰̠̳͔̎̂͋̀͗̆̓͜͟͝ṉ̯̳̯̱͕̋̌̑̄̓̈̕´̛̛͕̬͔̹͕͍͙̔̄̀͛͟t̸̗̰̠̠̻͋̉̅́̽̾͞͡.̳̹̺̩̭̲̤̊̈́͌̾̋̐.̠̙͖̫̰̣́̊̇͆͒̒̉̽̐̅͢͢.̶̹͖͓̞̦̜̏̇̏̎̂͜ Ọ̸̺͉̪̙̦̤̠͆͋̋̇̑͟͟͞b̸̩̰͈̖̮͕͍̰͙̉̃͌̀̀͆̂̔͡s͈̻̝͕̗̟̋͂́͛̎̽͂̍̀͟ẻ̵̮̞̥̩̹̫̪̏̎͛͊͒̀̚͟͜͡͝s̸̺͚͈̞͙͖̐̀̓̌̀͗̈́͘s̴̙̲̱̟͖̟̥͌͋͆͋̀́i͙̻̙̱̪̅͒̔̌̽̿̓̿͘͟͝ō͖͈̘̺͙̄̽̉͌n̲̯͔̳͖̓͂̆́̅̏́͐̕͞,̷̲̞̲͈͒̄̾́̆̅̉͂͟ͅ J͉̲̲̠̺͂̐͐͒̈̅̔͐̏ő̷̟͚̙͔̱̪̐̽̒͠ỷ̬͈̖͚̮̠̐̾͂̿̏͆̕͜͜͞ y̥̬̥͔̭͆̏̕͟͟͝͡ơ̝̼̣̤̺̮͍̱̗̍͌̓̈́̾̕͟͡ű̢͕͍͇̬̱̣͓̠͋̏͒̽̋̈́´͉̲̣͓͓̦̓͑̈́̏͐͞ŗ̶̖̱̩̟̿́͂̾͞e͈̩̻̗͎͂̏̓̎̋ h̡̡͕̲͇̗̳͇͎͙͆̃̈́̃͗̐̈́̆͌ư̧̲̩͖͇̩̫̠̽̓̉̈́͘͡͞ͅr̸̨̦̝̭̞̽̎̌͑̏̾̕t͔̲̭̥͆̉͑̂̑͢į̵̭̩̼̪͎̼͕̉̓̿́̇̀́͘͜͢n̷͕̻͎̫̝̯͈̝͗͗̾̚͢͡g̞͉̻͔̭̜̻̤̒̈̑͛̉͞ ű̙͚̟̝̣͈̱̹͋̉̑̿͐͢͜͞͡s̵̱͔̯̖͍̣̪̔̽́̀́̎́͜͠͠ͅ.̸̺͍̘̳̤͈̀͂̀̑̐͌ T̷̨̛̮͔̱̹̜̫̘̫̀́͑̅̽͛̃͂͛h̶̘͍̗͙͙͚̓͋͐̔̾͘͠e̲̝͔̤͕̪̩͆̂͋̾̉̍͟͡y͈͕̼̳͖̮̗͉̽̌̏̀͘͜͜´͎͓̙͎̳̬̅̊͆̏̆ṽ̵̨̻͕̻̝̥͕͙̭̖̍͊̿́́͑̀͝͡e̛̠̳̬͚͕͇̥̰̔͐̊͐͌̚͢͡ m̵̢͙͚̼͔̼̃̀͌̈͌͘͟͝͠ȍ̵̮̼̬͓̪̩̆̓̀̒͜͡v̯͎̝͔̟͕͓͙̜̈̒̈́͑̃̕e̵̡̢̗͈͎̓̅̓̋͑d̶̟̜̰̞̻͓̑͒̔̾̂̇̿͑̚͡ͅ o̰̭̝̻̠̠͓̺̓̉̆͊̌͞n̶̡̡͚̤̤̱͎͇̟͈̾̅͑̋͝͝.̵̡͔͕̞͙̜̜̾͆́̏͘͟͞ W̴̜͙̻͕̠̦͊̈́̊͆̀̓͊̆͂͜͜͡ͅȅ̷̖͓̬̗͈̫͛̏͛̂̔͐̀ ḿ̶͉̫̩̖̥̻͔̝̂̇͑̓̀ͅē͇͇̤̼͓̗͈̤̑̋̈͘ą̜̻̮̜̤̦̰͆̇͒͂̂͗͐̔̔͟ͅǹ̴̢͚͔͓̘̻̣͒͋̇́̃̎ ņ̸̞̣̻̲̹͖̩͓̽̇͋̚͢͠ơ̴̙͓̬̌͌̀̒̓̿̉̂͜͢ẗ̛̟̲̥̭̙͚̥́̏̇͊h̭̲̪̖͚̤̠̭̽̇̀͐̈́ͅi̡̧̛͈͉̠͚̯͔͔͖̋̑̈̽͗͝n̡̡̛̠͉̘̫͖̬̍̉̄̇̐͂̀̌͘g̷̢̧̮̫͑̔̆̊̚͝͞ͅ ţ̷̛̗̘̬̠̻̬̺̊̿̀̀͆͗̿͘o̧̝͍͉̪̠̞̿̐̉͛̚͜͟ t̸̙̝̖̯̥̠͐̿̅̓̾̒͠h̴̡͔̺͕͕̜̪͕̉́̏̀͞e̶͎͖͚̭͖̣̪̮̾̅̉̇̌̉̈͛̕͢m̡͓̩̱̗̹̱̣̄̔̀̌͆͠.̗͉̲̥̝̜̎͆̓̂̏͟ W̸̢̨͙̟̖̣̤͔̎͂͒̎̽̂̽͘͠ḙ̶̛̞̱̲͗̉̇̐͗̋̈́͡͞ͅ m̭͓̜̖̽͆́̆̋̕͟ȩ͓͕͙̺̗͂̊̔͛͊̉͆̕̚̕a̧͈͉̻̻͙͉͂̌̆́͆͢͡ń̷͕̹̱̺̯̳̾̈̒͆͒̎̀͝ n̡͇̩̻͐͐̈́́͋̉͢ő̵͉̤̩̰͕̮̪̎́̅͛̾͡ţ̶̙̼̯̘̲̳̀̑̓̏͌͘͢͟h͙͔̰̘͖̹͈̋͐̅̄͜͞͞i̹̦̯͕̣̐̊̓̎̆͗̉͒̔͐n̴̜͈̭̦̜͗͐̌̿̏̍͜g̶̢̖̯͕̜̙̬̘͆̄̒͂̃͌̎ ț͈̪̗̣̓͛̽̔̍̀̊̍̃ớ̸̰̻͍͚̒͐̆͘͘͜͠͞ a̵̛̗̜̰̖̬̪̎̅̅́͛̒̍͐ͅn̸̨̻̻̰̰̞̥̑̃́̔͗̑̓͞ẙ̛͇̝͚̩̖̝͑̏̅́͟o̲͓͈̦̦̿̀̀̕͞͝n̵͇̖̖͖̮̳̩̮͊̽̆̑̽͋͞e̪̖̰͖̲̬̭̹̗̮͆̈̈̋̎͒.̛͈͓̝͖̻̯̖͚́͐́̊̌͡¨
¨Mother.¨ Logic says his voice still not rising above a whisper, ¨They Agency, they still...¨
Anger rubs his forehead, ¨Please tell me your fucking with-¨
Logic chuckles darkly, ¨You know we´re right.¨
Obsession shakes his head, ¨No, you´re wrong, they´re coming-!¨
His voice was cut off by the smoke curling around his throat, repeating that he´s hurting them, he needs to just quit, he needs to just go away for a while...
And Obsession found himself believing it, and Logic felt no need to bring him back when the Agency was remodeling the mindscape. He was too stuck in the past. Too difficult to work with. So for a few years Obsession 
He´s not sure when he was brought back, but he felt like it was during his mission. As it was revealed that Dibkins saw through his facade as his alternate...
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subject257 · 6 years
M!A Obsession becomes the dominant part of your personality for 3 days.
His leftover eye, and the eye that Zim has suddenly grow a bright red. He wraps his arms around Dibkins, who´s still by his medbay bed. ¨Soft, sweet delightful cat.¨ He coos, ¨I´m so glad you´re here, you´re so sweet for staying with me, it´s one of the things I like about you, along with everything else.¨ He tries to boop Dib´s nose and hits his cheek.
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subject257 · 6 years
God his dancing is lovely. There´s another world where he does this professionally I swear it. His beauty and grace~ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
~~~~It could make a boy swoon~~~~
Hope I can get a live show ;)
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subject257 · 6 years
There are two things I adore: Dib and knives, so his recent posts have brought me so much delight!
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subject257 · 6 years
Then naaaaaaaaaaw <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3 <3<3  As long as you’re saying it fondly love. <3
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subject257 · 6 years
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