#Red Seedless Table Grapes
lazzarafruits · 4 months
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Quality Australian Fresh Table Grapes by J & F Lazzara & Sons - Lazzara Fruits
J & F Lazzara & Sons is a family run business, proudly owned and operated by Joe and Frances Lazzara alongside their four sons Josef, Stevan, Dean and Brien. In recent years, Joe and his sons have expanded their operations and implemented innovative and sustainable farming practices, which have attributed to the success of the company in producing a high quality product that is recognised and valued by their customers. https://www.lazzarafruits.com.au/quality-australian-fresh-table-grapes-j-f-lazzara-sons/
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#SunPacific#Candyland #SunPacificCandylandCandyRedSeedlessTableGrapes #RedSeedlessGrapes #GrapesFruitReview
I tried the Sun Pacific Candyland Candy Red Seedless Table Grapes and these were really good.
These red grapes had a light sweet flavor while also being firm and soft.
These grapes were pretty tasty and are refreshing.
I would eat these again but in chicken salad.
Got at Meijer.
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moo-blogging · 3 months
Just thinking about postwar Levi feeding your little toddler fruits.
You folded and gently dropped the last piece of baby clothes into the woven basket. The sky was painted with soft yellows and purplish clouds. Birds sang as they headed home. You carried the basket and walked carefully down the stairs from the rooftop into your house.
You heard your toddler squealing happily and banging her little fists on the coffee table. Your toddler was now at that age where she got really excited about the mundane things. A cat walking by the roof? Happy screams. A bicycle rang somewhere down the streets? Curious big eyes looking around for the sound.
You placed the clean laundry in your master bedroom and headed downstairs to the living room where you left Levi with the baby. You watched in the shadows. You had this new habit of observing your husband and baby in silence.
Levi sat at the edge of the sofa, hunched by the coffee table as he cut red grapes in halves. His delicate fingers held his pocket knife, carefully removing the seeds before he gave one half to the impatient toddler. The halves grapes looked so small in Levi's palm but looked so big in your toddler's little fists. She took both halves into each palm. Her eyes were sprakling with delight as she pushed one half of the grapes into her mouth. Grape juice leaked from her opened mouth as she grinned. Levi mirrored her grin too. His eyes had softened so much, there's wrinkles by his eyes as he grinned at his little toddler.
You smiled to yourself. You loved watching Levi living a normal life as he should have years ago. But it was never too late for love and happiness. You descended the stairs. Upon hearing your footsteps, both father and toddler duo lifted their head in unison and turned toward you. You were greeted by the same glistening bluish grey eyes. Your baby wuggled her hands, sticky grape juice flying around the living room.
You took a handkerchief from your pocket and kneeled by your baby, wiping her mouth, slimy with saliva and sweet grape juice as you cooed, "are you enjoying the grapes? You like the grapes daddy cut for you?"
Levi quietly pushed a bowl of cut grapes toward you, all seeds removed. "We got the wrong grapes," he said, "these have seeds." You got the grapes. And you overlooked if they were with seed or seedless, but Levi never blamed you. He used "we" when you or baby made a mistake. That was his gentle love.
You tugged the handkerchief onto baby's shirt collar and Levi gave baby another half grapes. Baby was smiling as she ate the grapes. You sat next to Levi and took one half of grapes from the bowl. You gave it to Levi, trying to feed it to him but he nudged at you. "I had them as I cut," he nodded toward you. "You eat." And so you ate. And the grape was sweet and juicy.
You leaned against him, watching your toddler as she took halves of grapes from the bowl. Four eyes on two as your baby watched you back, grinning as she ate the grapes. Love griipped your heart and happiness filled up your chest so fast, you had to unload it. You turned and immediately welcomed with Levi's lips on yours.
You could taste the grapes on his lips. As you pulled away, you leaned your head on his shoulder. You took a seedless half grape from the bowl and ate it.
"Thank you, Levi." You leaned into him closer. "Thank you for this life."
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all-hail-draculaura · 2 years
Wishes Come True?
Its been awhile since I last wrote fanfiction, please excuse the mistakes made. I love fanfictions where the fictional characters come to ‘life’ and deal with the real world or vice versa or straight the worlds just collide and become one. This is a Morpheus x reader fanfiction
Summary : When your besties finally influences you to do some New Year’s Eve superstitions and they actually work out for you. Makes the saying of ‘Be careful of what you wish for’ little too serious in the this case. Now you have to figure out how to get The Sandman back to their universe or deal with the consequences.
Word Count : 3,007
Warnings : bad language, use of drugs, alcohol consumption, low-key a crackfic
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“So you’re telling me that I got to eat twelve grapes under a table while making one specific wish for each grape under sixty seconds while attempting to not choke and wear different colored underwear that each have their own meaning for something to happen in the new year. Yeah, that sounds about right”
“C’mon, I mean when you put it like that, it makes me sound like I’m a crazy person, but I don’t want to be the only person to do it, and it's not like we both have something going on in our personal lives anyway.” My friend, Delia, was trying to compel me into doing some New Year's Eve rituals, so we can have a ‘fun’ new year.
“Fine, I’ll do it for your sake, but I just want you to know one very important thing.” I looked her dead in the eye. “Yeah, whatever it is, just as long as we get to do it.” She accepted easily. “Get seedless grapes, I’m not going to die by grapes with seeds in them.”
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The plan was for us to go to our other friend’s house for a New Year's Eve party, but of course, something always has to happen to prevent us to come together, even for holidays. The friend that was hosting the party had to cancel due to getting Covid and didn’t want to risk anyone else getting it. So the new move was just for Delia and I to get drunk and high at my house, eat some fast food, and watch some crappy movies.
As I waited patiently for my friend to arrive, preparations were in order. The only decorations I have of course are memes related to New Year’s Eve being printed and left over colored streamers from different holidays. Clearly ready to welcome the New Year. Checking if I had enough alcohol and zaza for us to hit to make this evening ever so special. Sadly, I was lacking in the alcohol department, so I sent off a quick text to my friend for her to stop by the store to do a last minute run. After that was said and done, I took a quick rinse and got ready, deciding on wearing some clothes instead of wearing pajamas on New Year's Eve. I put on a chunky knit sweater in my favorite color, and I was about to put on pants, but I remembered I promised to wear different colored underwear, so pants aren’t an option. Debating to myself which underwear colors should I wear, I decided upon the colors yellow for money, blue for my health, white for happiness, and most importantly red for romance. Obviously, I put red first because at this point I am just desperate for another person’s touch, then white, blue, and lastly yellow. Putting on a simple pleated skirt, the look is completed, and so I can be comfortable wearing this many pairs of underwear.
Hearing my phone go off, my friend texted me that she was there. I headed downstairs to go open the door and welcome her in. “Hello bestie, I hope you're as excited as I am for tonight!” she exclaimed. She held two bags in her hands, which I’m assuming contained snacks, grapes, and alcohol for our evening. “You know it, just set the bags in the kitchen. I’ll order us some DoorDash right now if you want.” I said. “I’m craving Wingstop, you down?” she asked. Agreeing with her, I went ahead and started to order what we wanted to eat.
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After hitting some of the devil’s lettuce we were able to consume our food with such finesse, and with alcohol in our systems, we can easily say that we were far out of it and relaxed. “So, let me see what underwear you’re wearing?” I asked, staring at the TV that was playing Bluey. I turn to pay attention to her, only to see her make a face. “I know you didn’t just forget to wear the underwear now did you!” yelling at her. She made a dumbfounded face and sheepishly said she was in a rush for time. Shaking my head in disappointment, I flashed her the underwear I was wearing. “Oh my gods, you actually did it. Maybe you’ll have a better year than me,” she joked.
“I want you to know that I’m not going to let you forget this right.” I snorted at her words, giving her a playful shove. Turning back to watch the TV, watching Bluey wasn’t cutting it right now, it was time for something different. “You want to rewatch The Sandman until it hits New Year?” I asked her. “Hell yeah!” she cheered. Putting on the show to have a marathon into the new year. 
“Ever notice how Morpheus kinda acts and looks like Edward from Twilight?” Delia jokes. “You know, saying that makes me realize I have a type in men now,” acknowledging her words,“Sad, tall, angsty, emo men are just superior.”
We made it to episode 3. Dream a Little Dream of Me by the time I took notice of what the time really was. “Shit, we have to go hide under the table now, it's 11:53” we scrambled to set everything together. We sat under the table, clutching our grapes in our bowls. Checking the time again, it's 11:59, I panic thinking about the wishes I want to come true in the next year. Then boom, it hit 12. I started stuffing grapes into my mouth with different wishes like wanting to pass my classes, become a skinny legend, and other dumb stuff. I got to my last three grapes, thinking about something really dumb to make. Wishing for The Sandman show to be real, I wish to be a part of a storyline with them, and I wish for Morpheus and I to fall in love. I checked the time again, 12:01. Smiling like an idiot, some part of me wanted to believe that my wishes would come true, but this is the real world, not some y/n fanfiction. “Happy New Year, bestie!” Delia cried out. She proceeded to tackle me in a loving embrace. “Happy New Year to you, too smelly.” I mustered out, not being able to breathe from getting the air knocked out of me. We got up from under the table, dusting and cleaning up our messes. We talked about our wishes and joked about how our new year was going to be especially magical for me this year.
It was getting late for the both of us, sadly, I made sure to order my friend an Uber to be safe. I bid her farewell and told her to text me when she got home to be safe. Now I’m left to my own devices. Starting to clean up the mess that we made, gave me time to notice how something now felt off. I brushed it off, thinking to myself it was just my high coming down along with sobering up. Cleaning gets done faster when you aren’t having a party. I texted my close friends and family Happy New Year while getting ready to shower. A shower will help with this off feeling, I hope. I peeled off my clothes, only to leave my underwear on to see myself in the shower. Examining the many layers of undies I had on, laughing to myself about superstitions. Longing hit me as I removed each layer to be left with red panties. I did wish for a romantic relationship, it gets so lonely you know. Getting fully naked now, and stepping into the warm water of the shower, muscles relaxing and being able to take deep breaths.
Allowing myself to daydream a bit while washing my hair, as I stood with the warm water hitting back, it felt as though the place where I was standing started to shift. I open my eyes to see I’m in an area of blackness, the only light coming from a spotlight over my head. “You wish for the King of Dreams and Nightmares to be real?” a female dissonance rang out. In front of me were three different women that were shifting in and out of each other, all at various stages in their life. A voice in my head said ‘The Hecate, the fates, the three in one, the maiden, the mother, the crone they have come to answer your requests.’ 
“Sisters, it seems she finally realized who we are, and don't want to keep her waiting now.” “Pity for the foolish girl to wish upon such things.” “Hush now sisters, after all this will be an interesting turn of events.” “Even Destiny couldn’t have seen this from happening, could he.”
“Please, can you tell me what is happening? Are you really going to make my wishes come true? This can't be real, you can't be real, this is my imagination.” I pleaded.
“Know this Y/n L/n, when you lay your head tonight in your dreams you may find yourself in a place you may only know from the screen and paper. Till we meet again,” with their final statement, they disappeared, and I'm back in my shower.
Cold water now pelts my back as I am left what to think about what just happened, whether the whole thing was imaginary. No matter how hard I tried to remember what just occurred, it was like my mind was trying to get rid of such an event. I rinsed whatever shampoo was left in my hair and turned off the water. Stepping out to dry myself off, leaving me time to think of what I just forgot, maybe I forgot to feed my cat or check my emails. I try to brush off the anxiety inducing feeling and just change into a t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. Attempting to try to snuggle up in my blankets to find some comfort.
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Today, in my dreams, I find myself lying on the sand of a beach. There is familiarity to this beach, to the grayness of the sands, the deep inky colored waters of the ocean. Sitting up to examine my areas, everything feels too real to the touch, the grains of sand between my toes, the warmth of the sun that was hidden by the murky clouds, the breeze that teased my skin causing goosebumps to appear. The feeling was very uncanny valley, but if this was a dream, it shouldn’t be too scary. Looking behind me to see a great wall with spectacular detailed gates. It dawned on me that these were The Gates of Horn and Ivory from The Sandman. ‘Great, I dreamed of being in the dreaming realm, ironic’ I thought to myself, picking myself up.
I wandered over to the gates, trying to remember what the gates meant and how to enter the true dreaming realm. “The dreams that pass through the gates of Ivory are lies, figments, deceptions. The other admits the truth. No one guards the horned gate anymore. I remember the way of old.” I recite from the comic book with ease, shocking myself with it. ‘Maybe I have a better memory when I am sleeping’ I mutter to myself. Regardless, I made my way towards the Gate of Horn. I didn’t need much force to open up the stone door, it's like it knows that I won’t do any harm to the world. I said thank you as I walked inside to the true center of the Dreaming, the gates closing behind me with a soft thud. To say I was in awe is an understatement, the clouds cleared up here, exposing the sun rays that encompassed the beauty that was of the land. It was like a wonderland with many mythical creatures that you could read about in books and see on screen, dreams and nightmares walking a muck in casualness.
My gaze landed upon the palace, it was ethereal, nothing compared to the show or the comics. I made it my mission right then and there to go forward and attempt to enter. The feeling of being watched suddenly came up again, the hairs on the back of my neck raised to the intensity. I looked up to the sky to see the infamous Matthew the raven staring at me as he flew past me, presumably to his master. Ignoring that, I say to myself, “The wilderness must be explored” quoting the child from the movie ‘UP!’ as I ventured on towards the castle.
The walk went gracefully as you could imagine it, seemed like the people of the realm were used to dreamers just walking about. Which is a huge relief on my behalf. The fan in me got excited as I passed each unique landmark that was featured in the show. The Houses of Mysteries and Secrets were a particular favorite of mine to pass by, only due to seeing them interact with each other and Goldie. It wasn’t long before I stood at the front of the castle of the King of Nightmares and Dreams. Anxiety came up in tidal waves telling me no, not to enter, but female voices in my head were saying to enter. I pushed through my fears and opened up the palace door and entered.
Wonderment filled my eyes, captivated by the beauty from within the architecture. Everything is immaculate to say the least, nothing could ever truly replicate the elegance of the pillars, the colors that showed down from the ever-changing glass panes, the lustrous floor tiles, the helix and flawless stairs that led up to a more beautiful throne that of which held its king. Making eye contact with him sent a shiver up my spine. His icy blue eyes pierced right through me, making every sensor in my body want to run, but couldn’t. Fight or flight wasn’t an option that was granted to me. 
“See boss, I told you someone entered the realm through the gate.” Matthew defended himself. “Silence, now human how did you enter through the gate, more importantly my realm?” his voice boomed with authority. 
“I entered through the Gate of Horn, the gate of which that only lets in those who of truth and how I entered in your realm is what I myself are still trying to figure out, Lord Morpheus” I confess. His brow furrowed at my statement. “You know who I am?” he interrogated. ‘Shit, I fucked myself over that one. Wait, this is my dream, why am I scared? Might as well see how far we can go with this without dying’ I thought to myself. “Lord Morpheus I know of all your titles, Dream of the Endless, the King of Nightmares and Dreams, Prince of Stories, Ruler of the Dreaming, and many more, sir. I know of your raven, Matthew, and your librarian Lucienne who helped keep order while you were away when you were captured. There are many things that I know of, but know this my Lord, I come to you with no harm, just curiosity.” I explained, hoping that I didn’t just doom myself.
His eyes were filled with anger, maybe bringing up his capture wasn’t the brightest idea in the world. “How could you know of such things, you are just a plain mortal.” 
First, ouch. Second of all, this isn’t turning out well for me. I guess it's true, never meet your heroes. Before I even could defend myself more, he appeared right in front of me. It was a bad time to be in awe of his grace, but he looked so handsome in person. From how his hair fell from head down to face, framing his features perfectly, how his skin of was alabaster and radiant, his lips were the shade of a rhododendron in the late spring, his gaze, a fierce and cold rage held in his eyes, and his eyes were like a galaxy of stars, wanting to get lost in them forever without fear. It made me realize that we were both analyzing each other, but in my case it was deepening my love for the fictional character. When we made eye contact, it was like something clicked in him and me. I blushed and looked down towards the floor, seeing my reflection in the clean marble tiles.
“I swear to you, I truly do not mean any harm. If you wish to ban me from the Dreaming, I will not put up a fuss. I am willing to tell you anything and everything I know if you let me stay.” my voice stammered. The fear of rejection choking up in my throat like a dry pill to swallow. I looked back at him. “You may stay,” was all he said. I smiled in glee and relief. “I promise you, my lord, anything you wish to know, I will speak all that I know of, should you just ask.” There it was again, silence and staring at each other. This time his eyes were clear of rage, only filled with now somber. “My first question for you, mortal, what is your name?” he asked.
“My name is (Y/n) (L/n), my lord.” answering his question without hesitation. Before he could continue speaking, I felt myself start to wake up. Why must all the best dreams come to an end. I bid my goodbye to the king.
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I woke up in my bed, thoughts racing. ‘Did that really happen? Did I really meet the Dream King himself? He was so scary, but really was handsome though. Ugh, I am never watching The Sandman that late ever again.’ I get up to start up my day. I pass by the window and see a bird perched on my windowsill, not just any bird, a raven. My eyes widen at the thought. I bust that window with lighting speed. “Are you Matthew?” I asked, thinking I'm still fighting off sleep. “Yes ma’am.” 
Oh, shit.
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Hope y’all liked the first chapter. Like I said, it has been a fat minute since I last wrote fanfiction so any corrections are greatly appreciated. 
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justbusterkeaton · 2 years
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Grandpa Buster in his forever home with Eleanor, Grandkids, pets and miniature trains 💕💕
“We moved into the ‘ranch,’ as Buster called it, in June 1956.
Buster had a swimming pool built, and, since he wanted to raise chickens, he built a chicken coop, which looked like a schoolhouse, behind the house.
Woodland Hills, which is north of Hollywood in the San Fernando Valley, did not have many residents at that time. As he was the only famous homeowner in the area, Buster was named honorary mayor of Woodland Hills.
The house in Woodland Hills was something we both adored, and when Buster was not working we enjoyed being at the ‘ranch.’ We liked having friends over for barbecues and bridge games, and we treasured our quiet moments alone. Buster had a vegetable garden and fruit trees and would spend hours watering them. He liked collecting walnuts from our nine walnut trees and enjoyed finding four-leaf clovers, something he had a talent for spotting quickly since childhood. He had a dozen Rhode Island Red hens that he called his ‘girls.’ He gave them names like Zsa Zsa, Marilyn, and Ava. He had a rooster too.
Buster swam every day and enjoyed cooking, playing his ukulele and watching television, which fascinated him. Buster loved trains. His favorite film of his own was The General, and he had a toy train that ran on tracks around our picnic table and back into the garage. The cars were big enough to hold a Coca-Cola or a hot dog, and Buster used to drive food around to our guests whenever we had a picnic”
-Eleanor Keaton
“Our swimming pool is of natural stone, and we decorate its borders with colored stones collected in each place we visit. Today the most exciting moments of my life come when I step out on my own property and walk around it, accompanied by Elmer III, my amiable 180-pound St. Bernard. Sometimes Jenny, our cat, also comes along.
There were nine walnut trees in the garden when we bought the house, and I since have put in all sorts of fruit trees, including lemon, orange, tangerine, lime, plum, peach, apple, crab apple, and apricot. We grow three kinds of grapes–Tokay, Concord and Thompson seedless–and also have raspberry and boysenberry bushes, and an artichoke bed. Each spring I grow radishes, cabbages, turnips, beefsteak tomatoes, and lettuce. I built a chicken yard in the rear of our land and a miniature railroad that carries peanuts, soda pop, sandwiches, popcorn to guests seated around a small garden house near the pool, for the accommodation of visiting grandchildren.
If there is a better place in the world to be–when I’m not in front of an audience or a camera–someone else will have to name it.”
- Buster Keaton
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jade-escobar · 8 months
The Wedding Planners
Jade had been putting together some snacks for the guests she and Rodrigo would be expecting any minute now. They had invited Jasper, Fletcher, Frankie and Ziggy over to discuss their wedding, now that the news had been shared with all their loved ones, and were now in the planning stages. She'd arranged a large charcuterie board filled with sliced meats, cubed and sliced cheeses, and circular and square crackers all of different varieties. Currently, she was setting some bunches of green and red seedless grapes on the bare spots of the wooden board and she'd had some beers and Prosecco chilling in the fridge.
"Honeyyy?" she called from the kitchen, picking up the board to bring to the coffee table in the living room. "They're gonna be here soon. Are you coming down?"
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evangelynepoet · 7 months
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow LorikeetYou are the fields of red and the blue tulips of Izmir. You are the harvest green of the Punjab, the orange turban of the Hindu and possibly the setting glow at dusk. However, you are not the black swan that pecks below your tree, the seedless grapes on the picnic table, and you are certainly not the cockatoos suddenly in flight. It is possible that if you changed existence, and…
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sallymadden · 1 year
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Easy Sugar Cone Cornucopias Recipe Sugar cones shaped like cornucopias make for a festive treat! Fill them with fruit, berries, candies, or nuts for a wonderful addition to your Thanksgiving dessert table. 2/3 cup seedless red grapes, 2/3 cup seedless black grapes, 1/4 cup white chocolate chips, 1/4 cup finely chopped candied ginger, 2/3 cup seedless green grapes, 6 sugar cones
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Earlier start of table grape shipments from Brazil and Peru to the US
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Under normal circumstances, California’s table grape production peaks this time of year. However, volumes hitting the market are much lower this season due to the impact of Hurricane Hilary. In order to fill a void in California, table grape growing countries in South America are jumping on early. “Normally, Peru and Brazil don’t ship table grapes to the US until later in the season as they don’t want to compete with California,” says Ira Greenstein with Direct Source Marketing. “However, this time around they aren’t waiting as they see an opportunity to capture a window with strong pricing,” he commented.
Peru happened to have fruit ready early. The northern part of the country (Piura) was impacted by heavy rains this season. As a result, grape production is expected to be down 30 percent from last year. To avoid late-season rains this upcoming season, most of the fruit was pruned to come off early. The plan for Peru is to send this early fruit to the US market. While Brazil typically ships table grapes to the US in December and January, the country already has fruit on the water to the US East Coast right now. With the spot price of red seedless grapes ranging from $28 to $32 FOB and the price of green seedless grapes varying between $22 and $26, Peru and Brazil see an opportunity they want to jump on.
Continue reading.
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atozearth · 1 year
Which Foods Are Bad for Dogs? - A Comprehensive Guide
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Food Safety for Canines Dogs are known for their insatiable appetites, often munching on anything they find tasty. However, not all foods that are safe for humans are safe for dogs. In fact, some can even be deadly. In this blog post, we'll delve into the various foods that are harmful to dogs and should be avoided. Chocolate and Caffeinated Items The Threat of Theobromine Chocolate is one of the most well-known foods that is dangerous for dogs due to a compound it contains called theobromine. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine as efficiently as humans, which can lead to poisoning. Dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate contain the highest levels of theobromine. The Danger of Caffeine Similar to chocolate, caffeine is also toxic to dogs. This includes coffee, tea, and energy drinks. Ingestion can lead to restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, and seizures. Grapes and Raisins Despite their small size, grapes and raisins can pose a severe threat to dogs. Even a small amount can cause kidney failure in dogs. This includes all types of grapes (red, green, seedless) and products made from them, like raisins and grape juice. Onions and Garlic Onions, garlic, and other members of the Allium family (including leeks, chives, and shallots) can be dangerous for dogs. These foods contain compounds that can damage a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia. This is true for all forms, whether raw, cooked, powdered, or dehydrated. Xylitol Xylitol is an artificial sweetener found in many sugar-free products, including gum, candy, baked goods, and even some brands of peanut butter. Even small amounts can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia), seizures, liver failure, or even death in dogs. Alcohol Alcohol and foods containing alcohol can cause significant problems for dogs. Even small amounts can lead to intoxication, which can result in vomiting, loss of coordination, high body temperature, and even seizures or respiratory failure in severe cases. Conclusion: Keeping Your Dog Safe Knowledge is the first line of defense in keeping your dog safe. By understanding which foods are harmful, you can ensure they stay clear of them. Always keep these foods out of reach and educate everyone in your household about their dangers. Remember, if you suspect your dog has ingested any of these foods, contact your vet immediately. Prompt action could save your dog's life. Lastly, while it might be tempting to share table scraps with your furry friend, it's always best to give them treats made specifically for dogs. This way, you can guarantee they're enjoying a snack that's both safe and delicious. Frequently Asked Questions: Foods bad for Dogs 1. What Should I Do If My Dog Ingests a Harmful Food? If you suspect your dog has ingested harmful food, contact your vet immediately. If possible, provide them with information about what and how much your dog consumed, and note any symptoms. 2. Can Dogs Have Any Chocolate or Caffeine in Small Amounts? No, even small amounts of chocolate and caffeine can be harmful to dogs due to their sensitivity to theobromine and caffeine. It's best to avoid these substances entirely. 3. Are There Any Fruits Dogs CanNot Eat? Yes, some fruits can be harmful to dogs. Most notably, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs, even in small amounts. 4. Can Dogs Have Small Amounts of Garlic or Onions? While a very small amount might not cause issues, garlic, and onions can be harmful to dogs and should be avoided. They contain compounds that can lead to anemia in dogs. 5. What Can Happen If My Dog Ingests Xylitol? Xylitol ingestion can lead to a rapid drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia), seizures, liver failure, or even death in dogs. If you suspect your dog has ingested xylitol, contact your vet immediately. Read the full article
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The Rich Elegance of Crimson Table Grapes: Taste, Health, and Culinary Versatility
When it comes to the world of grapes, there's one variety that stands out with its vibrant allure and delectable flavor – the Crimson Table Grape. Known for its deep crimson hue, succulent juiciness, and versatility in both culinary and health applications, these grapes have won the hearts of food enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and chefs alike. In this article, we explore the enticing characteristics, health benefits, and numerous culinary possibilities of these beautiful and delicious grapes.
The Enchanting Appearance of Crimson Table Grapes:
Crimson Table Grapes, also known as red seedless grapes, are a visually striking fruit that captures attention with their intense ruby-red color. Bunches of these grapes are a sight to behold, adorning dining tables and market stalls with their vibrant display. Their rich hue isn't just for show; it hints at the sumptuous taste that awaits those who indulge in their succulent goodness.
An Explosion of Flavor and Juiciness:
One of the most delightful aspects of Crimson Table Grapes is their taste. The berries burst with natural sweetness, offering a pleasant balance of sugar and acidity that tantalizes the taste buds. As you bite into these grapes, you experience an explosion of juiciness that refreshes the palate, making them a perfect snack during warm weather or a delightful addition to fruit salads.
Health Benefits of Crimson Table Grapes:
Beyond their exceptional taste, Crimson Table Grapes offer a range of health benefits. They are a rich source of antioxidants, including flavonoids and resveratrol, which are known for their role in promoting heart health and reducing the risk of certain diseases. These grapes also contain essential vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as minerals such as potassium, which supports healthy blood pressure levels. Incorporating Crimson Table Grapes into your diet can be a delicious way to enhance your overall well-being.
Culinary Versatility: From Sweet to Savory:
Crimson Table Grapes' versatility extends beyond snacking and fruit salads. These grapes can be used in a myriad of culinary creations, both sweet and savory. Their natural sweetness makes them an ideal ingredient for desserts like tarts, pies, and fruit-based sauces. In the savory realm, they pair exceptionally well with cheese platters, adding a burst of color and sweetness that complements the savory flavors.
Growing and Selecting the Finest Crimson Table Grapes:
Producing top-quality Crimson Table Grapes requires meticulous attention to cultivation. These grapes thrive in well-drained soil and require ample sunlight to reach their full potential. Skilled grape growers nurture the vines, carefully managing irrigation and protecting the clusters from pests and diseases. When selecting Crimson Table Grapes, look for plump, firm berries with vibrant color and green, flexible stems – a sure sign of freshness and peak ripeness.
For more info:-
Crimson Table Grapes
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Grapes are a sweet fruit in the summer season. Grape plants are grows like a vine which are found in many colors such as purple, red and black. Grapefruit is typically in ellipsoid shape. Grape is the one of the deciduous and refreshing fruit.
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Grape has more than 10,000 different species some of them are listed below, there are moon drops grape, concord grape, cardinal grape, green grape, and blue grape.
Moon drops grape
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Moon drops grapes are a seedless variety which is tubular in shape. Another name for this variety is sweet sapphire grapes. Grape fruit has dimples at the bottom. Well, mature grape fruits have a crisp texture and juicy flavour.
Concord grapes
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Concord grapes can adapt to all ranges of soil and climatic conditions. This variety mainly grows for economic purposes. This fruit has a thick skin which is too shiny. Another name for this variety is fox grape.
Cardinal grape
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This grapes plant is highly produced in California. It has a large fruit which bears black seed. The study of growing grape plant is called viticulture. Grape leaves alternate and palmately lobed. This fruit has a strawberry taste.
Green grapes
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Green grapes prefer loamy and sandy soils. Fruit plants climb woody vines and they grow with the support of a trellis. It has greenish heart-shaped leaves. Green grapes produce fragrant flowers. Commonly known as white grape plant. This is a non-climacteric grape fruit plant and cross-pollinated crop.
Blue grapes
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Blue grapes are too deciduous. Cluster-like appearance is good to see. Blue grapes mainly used for making juice, and wine preparation. After attaining better growth of the blue grapes plant, the vines will be fixed to the pole so that they can grow vertically. 
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Grapes grow soil with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. Use coconut fibre cover over the soil, the coir helps maintain the moisture and also prevents the beetle from laying the egg. It performs best in deep medium textured soil.
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Grape are fruit tree that needs regular watering throughout their life cycle. During the hot season, a mature vine needs about 8 to 10 gallons of water per day. At the time of berry development, irrigated at weekly intervals.
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Grapes require 7 hours of direct sunlight per day. It promotes high yield and has an economic purpose. Overexposure to the sun can lead to fruit burn. This fruit plant also requires good air circulation.
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Best to use mulch to maintain soil moisture. Application of banana peels, bone meal, wood ash, and well-decomposed manure can enhance the new vegetative growth. 
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Early spring season is the best time to transplanting. Loosening the roots before planting enables the roots to spread out and grow in all directions. 
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Plant vines will have their entire branches pruned and new branches will grow in the spring season. Prune the side branches and any off-shoots. Only allow one or two main stems for the first year. When the plant reaches pencil thickness, it is time to prune all the leaves and trick the plant into winter mode.
Good source of vitamins and minerals. Grow on a creeper in large numbers.
It contains minerals and vitamins including vitamin A and vitamin C.
Grape fruit has low-fat calories and a well-balanced diet.
All parts of the grape plants used as medicine.
The identification of locally suited multipurpose varieties which can be used for table, wine and raisin production is desirable, as this would improve the economic stability of grape growers and hence industry viability.
Go green! Green goes with everything, you know
Grapes fruit plant
Blog created by: Santhionlineplants
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#MountainDewVoodew52023ZeroSugar #ZeroSugarDrinkReview #MountainDew #MountainDewReview
I tried the Mountain Dew Voodew 5 2023 zero sugar version and it was pretty good to me.
My guess is that this soda tasted like the smarties chalk colorful candies with a not artificial candyland grape taste at the end.
This was sweet but not overly sweet to me.
I would drink this again and mix it with other drinks.
Got at BP.
What the non chocolate smarties candies and candyland grapes are.
Home - Smarties®
A blog about obscurity stuff, plushies and food. on Tumblr - #Sun Pacific Candyland Candy Red Seedless Table Grapes
I also too pictures of the canned version of this drink.
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Grapes are a sweet fruit in the summer season. Grape plants are grows like a vine which are found in many colors such as purple, red and black. Grapefruit is typically in ellipsoid shape. Grape is the one of the deciduous and refreshing fruit.
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Grape has more than 10,000 different species some of them are listed below, there are moon drops grape, concord grape, cardinal grape, green grape, and blue grape.
Moon drops grape
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Moon drops grapes are a seedless variety which is tubular in shape. Another name for this variety is sweet sapphire grapes. Grape fruit has dimples at the bottom. Well, mature grape fruits have a crisp texture and juicy flavour.
Concord grapes
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Concord grapes can adapt to all ranges of soil and climatic conditions. This variety mainly grows for economic purposes. This fruit has a thick skin which is too shiny. Another name for this variety is fox grape.
Cardinal grape
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This grapes plant is highly produced in California. It has a large fruit which bears black seed. The study of growing grape plant is called viticulture. Grape leaves alternate and palmately lobed. This fruit has a strawberry taste.
Green grapes
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Green grapes prefer loamy and sandy soils. Fruit plants climb woody vines and they grow with the support of a trellis. It has greenish heart-shaped leaves. Green grapes produce fragrant flowers. Commonly known as white grape plant. This is a non-climacteric grape fruit plant and cross-pollinated crop.
Blue grapes
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Blue grapes are too deciduous. Cluster-like appearance is good to see. Blue grapes mainly used for making juice, and wine preparation. After attaining better growth of the blue grapes plant, the vines will be fixed to the pole so that they can grow vertically. 
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Grapes grow soil with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. Use coconut fibre cover over the soil, the coir helps maintain the moisture and also prevents the beetle from laying the egg. It performs best in deep medium textured soil.
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Grape are fruit tree that needs regular watering throughout their life cycle. During the hot season, a mature vine needs about 8 to 10 gallons of water per day. At the time of berry development, irrigated at weekly intervals.
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Grapes require 7 hours of direct sunlight per day. It promotes high yield and has an economic purpose. Overexposure to the sun can lead to fruit burn. This fruit plant also requires good air circulation.
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Best to use mulch to maintain soil moisture. Application of banana peels, bone meal, wood ash, and well-decomposed manure can enhance the new vegetative growth. 
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Early spring season is the best time to transplanting. Loosening the roots before planting enables the roots to spread out and grow in all directions. 
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Plant vines will have their entire branches pruned and new branches will grow in the spring season. Prune the side branches and any off-shoots. Only allow one or two main stems for the first year. When the plant reaches pencil thickness, it is time to prune all the leaves and trick the plant into winter mode.
Good source of vitamins and minerals. Grow on a creeper in large numbers.
It contains minerals and vitamins including vitamin A and vitamin C.
Grape fruit has low-fat calories and a well-balanced diet.
All parts of the grape plants used as medicine.
The identification of locally suited multipurpose varieties which can be used for table, wine and raisin production is desirable, as this would improve the economic stability of grape growers and hence industry viability.
Go green! Green goes with everything, you know
Grapes fruit plant
Blog created by: Santhionlineplants
0 notes
philodendronleaves · 1 year
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Grapes are a sweet fruit in the summer season. Grape plants are grows like a vine which are found in many colors such as purple, red and black. Grapefruit is typically in ellipsoid shape. Grape is the one of the deciduous and refreshing fruit.
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Grape has more than 10,000 different species some of them are listed below, there are moon drops grape, concord grape, cardinal grape, green grape, and blue grape.
Moon drops grape
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Moon drops grapes are a seedless variety which is tubular in shape. Another name for this variety is sweet sapphire grapes. Grape fruit has dimples at the bottom. Well, mature grape fruits have a crisp texture and juicy flavour.
Concord grapes
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Concord grapes can adapt to all ranges of soil and climatic conditions. This variety mainly grows for economic purposes. This fruit has a thick skin which is too shiny. Another name for this variety is fox grape.
Cardinal grape
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This grapes plant is highly produced in California. It has a large fruit which bears black seed. The study of growing grape plant is called viticulture. Grape leaves alternate and palmately lobed. This fruit has a strawberry taste.
Green grapes
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Green grapes prefer loamy and sandy soils. Fruit plants climb woody vines and they grow with the support of a trellis. It has greenish heart-shaped leaves. Green grapes produce fragrant flowers. Commonly known as white grape plant. This is a non-climacteric grape fruit plant and cross-pollinated crop.
Blue grapes
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Blue grapes are too deciduous. Cluster-like appearance is good to see. Blue grapes mainly used for making juice, and wine preparation. After attaining better growth of the blue grapes plant, the vines will be fixed to the pole so that they can grow vertically. 
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Grapes grow soil with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. Use coconut fibre cover over the soil, the coir helps maintain the moisture and also prevents the beetle from laying the egg. It performs best in deep medium textured soil.
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Grape are fruit tree that needs regular watering throughout their life cycle. During the hot season, a mature vine needs about 8 to 10 gallons of water per day. At the time of berry development, irrigated at weekly intervals.
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Grapes require 7 hours of direct sunlight per day. It promotes high yield and has an economic purpose. Overexposure to the sun can lead to fruit burn. This fruit plant also requires good air circulation.
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Best to use mulch to maintain soil moisture. Application of banana peels, bone meal, wood ash, and well-decomposed manure can enhance the new vegetative growth. 
Good source of vitamins and minerals. Grow on a creeper in large numbers.
It contains minerals and vitamins including vitamin A and vitamin C.
Grape fruit has low-fat calories and a well-balanced diet.
All parts of the grape plants used as medicine.
The identification of locally suited multipurpose varieties which can be used for table, wine and raisin production is desirable, as this would improve the economic stability of grape growers and hence industry viability.
Go green! Green goes with everything, you know
Grapes fruit plant
Blog created by: Santhionlineplants
0 notes
phildendron · 1 year
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Grapes are a sweet fruit in the summer season. Grape plants are grows like a vine which are found in many colors such as purple, red and black. Grapefruit is typically in ellipsoid shape. Grape is the one of the deciduous and refreshing fruit.
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Grape has more than 10,000 different species some of them are listed below, there are moon drops grape, concord grape, cardinal grape, green grape, and blue grape.
Moon drops grape
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Moon drops grapes are a seedless variety which is tubular in shape. Another name for this variety is sweet sapphire grapes. Grape fruit has dimples at the bottom. Well, mature grape fruits have a crisp texture and juicy flavour.
Concord grapes
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Concord grapes can adapt to all ranges of soil and climatic conditions. This variety mainly grows for economic purposes. This fruit has a thick skin which is too shiny. Another name for this variety is fox grape.
Cardinal grape
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This grapes plant is highly produced in California. It has a large fruit which bears black seed. The study of growing grape plant is called viticulture. Grape leaves alternate and palmately lobed. This fruit has a strawberry taste.
Green grapes
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Green grapes prefer loamy and sandy soils. Fruit plants climb woody vines and they grow with the support of a trellis. It has greenish heart-shaped leaves. Green grapes produce fragrant flowers. Commonly known as white grape plant. This is a non-climacteric grape fruit plant and cross-pollinated crop.
Blue grapes
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Blue grapes are too deciduous. Cluster-like appearance is good to see. Blue grapes mainly used for making juice, and wine preparation. After attaining better growth of the blue grapes plant, the vines will be fixed to the pole so that they can grow vertically. 
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Grapes grow soil with a pH range of 6.5-7.5. Use coconut fibre cover over the soil, the coir helps maintain the moisture and also prevents the beetle from laying the egg. It performs best in deep medium textured soil.
Good source of vitamins and minerals. Grow on a creeper in large numbers.
It contains minerals and vitamins including vitamin A and vitamin C.
Grape fruit has low-fat calories and a well-balanced diet.
All parts of the grape plants used as medicine.
The identification of locally suited multipurpose varieties which can be used for table, wine and raisin production is desirable, as this would improve the economic stability of grape growers and hence industry viability.
Go green! Green goes with everything, you know
Grapes fruit plant
0 notes