#Really cool how i've been able to keep up the momentum too. but i want to draw hvhsbfhsj
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oh brother. kinda sucks to have multiple creative interests and you can only do One but it's not the one you want to do at the moment </3
#just me hi#i want to DRAWWW#but i CANNN"TTT#ohhhhhhhhhhh woe is MEE#i can only write!!! what the funk kinda black magic is this !!!#i haven't been able to write for like 4+ months and now it's just BAM. nothing else#was suddenly inspired to start practicing and experimenting with my style and then i opened up clip and. i. i don't know where it went#it's still there but i can't DO anything with it! it's like it's held up on a pedestal and surrounded by glass and i'm a bird#but hey i've written 2000+ words bit by bit over like 3 days so that's pretty cool#Really cool how i've been able to keep up the momentum too. but i want to draw hvhsbfhsj#/MAN it's not even one of my pet projects either what the heck!! [gggggggrrrrrrrroooooooooooaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn]#i wanted to work on p1nk space and now i just Can't. this is the greatest joke known to mankind#like i tried drawing Oath and it's just not happening hbvfhsj. i Almost finished getting the pose sketched out and then !!!kaSPLATZ!!!#suddenly i cannot Stand to open clip what is thisss what is this curseeee#/but i mean like aside from being slightly :/'d from that i've been having fun writing!#i haven't written like this since i was like 13 and i'm scared i'll lose the flow soon fvshvdhs#not like whatever 13yo-me was writing but like there's the Most Minimal block when i'm going :D#and i'm reusing some old elements from another story i couldn't finish and i feel good about it !!#EXCEPT those elements actually make sense with where i know i'm going hvhsdhvjfj#not gonna say i'll ever finish it though cuz doing that makes some part of me dig in its heels and say 'NO. NEVER. this will NEVER leave#the save file!!!!!' lolll#but it's fun :D#//but yah gonna get back to it now :3#toodles and pool noodles !!
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hi! i've just read through a decent amount of ur analysis' and i gotta say 1- ur mind is incredible. the way u break things down and explain it is so interesting to read! and 2- you might've talked about this already somewhere i missed but i would love to know ur thoughts on the exclusion of harvey dent from the penguin? i feel like it was set up pretty well to introduce him? it might've been too much, and like. pulled the focus from oz but i just think that the mentioning of reál's anti-corruption taskforce and dent being a da just could've been so cool. especially considering the way the batman set bruce up to realize he needs to use his influence and power as a member of high society to also make effective change.
Thank you! That's very kind of you.
I don't think Harvey was excluded, I think he was just never really on the table. I don't think there was ever going to be a version of this show that featured Harvey Dent on the cast, even in just a name check, even if WB allowed them to feature him (which I don't think would be allowed, even if The Penguin team asked for it) - yeah, the anti-corruption task force seems tailor-made for him, but that doesn't come up until the last episode after the show worked it's way into Oz being able to step foot into City Hall. The show made clear efforts to distance itself from any major Batman elements that would draw attention away from Penguin and Sofia's stories, hence why all the other comic characters introduced here are total nobodies or minor league nobodies in unrecognizable forms like Magpie or Bloom - Two-Face is as big a Batman villain as it gets outside of the United Underworld, and there's very good reasons why this doesn't and can't namedrop Selina Kyle until the last moment Sofia's on screen.
Even if Harvey is showing up in the next movie, they would have stolen too much thunder from their finale as well as momentum for the next movie if this ended with the big formal announcement that Two-Face Is Coming (and tonight, Harvey Dent fucks men!). Disastrous for Lauren LeFranc's goals with the show (especially given she's not even attached to the next movie), disastrous for Matt Reeves' build-up for his next movie, disastrous for the whole press hype campaign they would want to run off of bringing Two-Face to the movies again following an initial trailer or cast reveal, just not a decision that would benefit anyone other than Two-Face fans combing this hoping for the breadcrumbs of a shout-out.
And to be honest, I'm not really expecting Harvey to show up in the next movie either - now granted, I don't know what to expect with The Batman 2: On Ice anymore. I am almost 100% sure that we're gonna get Robin, especially coming off of Victor in the show, and that's it - if it's gonna have Clayface or Mr.Freeze or Hush or the Court of Owls or whatever, I don't know and I don't even wanna know. But Reeves has made a lot of very concerted and very pointed and extremely necessary efforts to avoid comparisons to the Nolan movies, comparisons that still haunted this movie day one and keep haunting it (or at least they did, I think The Penguin might have actually killed them for now). I don't think he's gonna want at all to be the second guy to use Two-Face in the sequel of his prestigious gritty Batman inaugural offering. Batman Returns comparisons with The Penguin and Catwoman on Christmas? Sure, but nobody's ever seriously or credibly gonna accuse this of ripping off Returns, Batman Returns is an old and weird franchise failure turned cult movie, nobody's gonna think references to it are anything but a cute shout-out. But doing anything at all that invites direct comparisons to the more recent and still very much critically and culturally worshipped The Dark Knight? Unthinkable.
The odds of a Two-Face show? I think they're practically zero given how much similar material The Penguin already covered. The odds of Harvey Dent showing up in one of the spin-offs? Possible. Warner Bros told Reeves they "wanted to lean harder into the marquee characters" and that's part of why The Penguin lived where the other shows died. And if Harvey shows up at all in this world, that's probably his best odds. But to be fair: Batman Villains right now are getting better odds of being in things than any other kind of DC character. Fucking Clayface seems like he's getting a movie now (I'm of mixed thoughts about that, even if I think there are ways this could be really great). Right now, Harvey Dent has better odds of getting a movie or tv show sooner than Wonder Woman or Batgirl, if it's any consolation.
And like I said, he is the biggest Batvillain not in the United Underworld - so on the other hand, he might be too big to be completely sidelined, and it would be weird to set up an emerging anti-corruption task force operating on the political sphere of Gotham City and not at least allude to the guy who tends to be at the origin of that plotline. So, I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see if he gets the call soon.
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I wrote a blog called No Spoiler last year, about how easy it had been for me to avoid spoilers for the previous day's episode of The Challenge, and how that was an oddity in our information-dense, social-media flooded lives. Well, on Tuesday I innocently logged onto Twitter, having missed this week's episode due to my Book Club, and had the result spoiled for me. It was my own fault - as I said in the other post, when you log on to a Twitter account which is specifically for University Challenge then that is the kind of fire you are playing with.
For the past few weeks, I've been watching the Netflix Tour de France documentary with my girlfriend. With no prior interest in the sport of cycling she really got into it (and really loved Wout van Aert, which did make me a bit jealous, but who doesn't?). Despite the fact that it was about last year's Tour, the result of which has been known for nearly a full twelve months, and despite the fact that we watched several stages of this year's race together, she made it to the final episode with no knowledge (besides her correct inclination that there was no way redacted would be coming back from such a large deficit going into the final few days) of the overall victor.
What's the moral of this story? Nothing particularly profound, just that its interesting how siloed our consumption of things is. If I had to estimate, I'd say that I read/heard the fact that cyclist A beat cyclist B in the 2022 Tour de France more than a hundred times in the past month, but if you're not looking out for something, or if your personal Internet isn't pre-programmed to show you it then this sort of thing is far easier to avoid.
It would be pretty funny, I think, if I did go ahead and not review this week's episode, but I've already spent a while looking up cool stats and I don't want to waste them, so with that in mind; here's your first Starter for Ten.
You can watch the episode here before reading my review...
Birkbeck were regulars in the early years of the Paxman era, appearing six times in the first nine series, culminating with victory in 2003, after which they weren't seen for seventeen years. Oxford Brookes, meanwhile, have only been on five times in total, making the quarter-finals twice.
Brookes skipper Manton buzzes early on the first starter, but he's wrong, and McMillan swoops in for Birkbeck to steal the points. An easy bonus set on films nets them a full house, before Manton makes up for his earlier mistake with epiphany. They grab a hat-trick on the Biafran war, but remain behind thanks to the incorrect interruption.
Another from McMillan stretched the Londoner's lead, but Gardner hit back for Brookes to keep things tight. McMillan is then able to give one of the coldest possible UC answers of all time when asked to complete the phrase written on Woody Guthrie's guitar, 'This machine... kills fascists". Rajan shows off his cricket credentials, scolding Birkbeck for mistaking a doosra for a googly, and demonstrating the bowling action at his desk.
The first picture starter continues the ping-pong nature of the game so far, with Broadbent, eyebrows plastered in a kindly frown, quickest to recognise the Togo flag. He blitzes the bonuses too to tie the game. Two more consecutive starters for Brookes open up the biggest lead of the game, but Birkbeck fought back through Huntley and McMillan.
It looks like no one knows the musical on the music starter, but Chadha guesses Funny Girl after hearing the lyric 'good for a laugh', which is excellent quizzing. After the bonuses we're back level, at 110 each.
The scoring has been going at quite the clip and doesn't let up in the second half. Brookes get a couple to go ahead again, but three in a row from Birkbeck nudge them back in front. No one is allowed to build up too much momentum though, and Broadbent buzzes rapidly with games console to regain the advantage for Brookes. Its an absolute basketball match of a quiz, but who is going to be the one to score the dagger?
McMillan puts Birkbeck five points clear, and skipper Chadha gives Taylor Swift (an answer for the second time this series) to put the game beyond Brookes.
Birkbeck 220 - 205 Oxford Brookes
Phew! You can definitely see the effect of Rajan's quicker questioning here.
This was the first match with a combined score of 400 or more since Durham thrashed Strathclyde 360-55 in 2018. You've got to go back to 2014 for the last match where both teams scored more than 200, when Trinity beat Manchester 285-205 in the quarters.
So despite the fact I think the average score is going to be a bit higher this series than in recent history, Oxford Brookes can count themselves supremely unlucky, and will definitely be returning as high-scoring losers.
See you tomorrow for Southampton vs Christchurch
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hey, hope youve been well! i had some dream or hunch or something to post this now. i'm sorry for the big delay, but maybe a monthly cadence is a good rhythm..? not sure. but i feel its best we should respond when we're most comfortable and not asap. my summer's been great so far. i think in general things have been great and i hope i can maintain this momentum! i forgot if i mentioned this last time, but i switched to a new medication and it's been very good so far. how was your switch?
if you have trouble journaling, you could try an app called daylio. i initially used it to only track my mood because im bipolar, but later down the line i started using its journal features. it reminds you every 8pm to do an entry. back then id only mark my mood, but during good times i would write down something. now everyday i write something and attach photos. it has cool features, you should give it a shot. once you reach a high number, you just want to maintain the streak. journaling really helps me maintain my mindfulness and be grateful. it also helps me reflect on progress and remind me how things change even though i sometimes don't feel it.
i believe in second chances too. there were times i wanted second chances. if i feel i should get a second chance, i should give others that opportunity as well. people are able to change and mistakes can be made when emotions are high. i think it's good that you know what you like/need though and you should always stand for it.
random thought but i saw the film 'Talk to Me' recently and it was super good, i highly recommend it. it's a horror flick though, but i feel it has great ideas and themes. other films i've seen this year was the new spiderman and barbie. those are like near perfect films to me lol.
anyway ill leave it at that and keep it shorter than usual. i feel we've been trying to match the energy of previous messages, and maybe it's gone quite lengthy (i take fault for that lol). might as well trim it now!
Hey Anon,
I'm sorry for responding so late. I'm gonna start putting down dates and times from now on so as to keep track for art's sake. You wrote this message on September 4th, 2023, 1:23 PM.
I read the message you sent me in November 2024 too. Responding to this one first so maybe you can read about this little time capsule from when you felt differently. Do you still use Daylio? I've been journaling more lately too. Mostly about anger, sadness, and grief but I hope to take myself on more self dates in the future. Just bring a book and a journal and have a nice meal somewhere. Journal more and learn to love my own company with no phone in sight.
On second chances: I think they must be earned, and I also don't think you owe anyone second chances. That's up to you and your own boundaries. People can grow but you don't have to stick around for it because you feel bad. I would hate for someone to stick around me because they felt pity or something like that. Not saying that's what you're saying, I'm just extrapolating.
I have to be honest, I'm not in the best of moods right now. The reason why I stopped replying for (wow) one and a half years is because I was going through a breakup late 2023. In 2024, I went through another painful breakup, and I just ended another 1.5 year relationship 2.5 weeks ago, which I'm still hurting from. (The timeline is confusing bc I tried doing polyamory)
It's been rough on my heart to say the least. But I'm committing to singlehood and reinvesting in myself and my friendships. I will become my own favorite person, and treat myself the way I'd want to be treated by friends and lovers, so as to attract that kind of love too. It's been lonely though, I have to be real. And heartbreaking when I found out my most recent ex went on a date a week after we broke up. Somewhere deep down I hope he realizes he fumbled, and how unfair of a relationship it was to me. I put in 80% of the effort, and basically carried our relationship, as I believed each empty promise, and fought for us on my own (he can attest). It was a slow painful dissipation of let down after let down. He made me feel really hard to love. Lol. He literally went on his phone and started replying to messages DURING our breakup convo. It completely confirmed I was making the right choice but wow was it brutal to see right after I told him I felt he couldn't prioritize me. Funny how he proved me right one last time. (I hear you universe, I got the memo!!!)
But I am cementing many lessons. (some for the nth time..)
I am so lovable as I am. I don't need to prove it or beg to be seen, known, and loved.
Curiosity and consideration are the foundation of love
Invest in people the amount they invest in you
Believe actions over words
Pay attention to your gut
No emotion is illogical. Get curious about yourself first and foremost.
How people treat you is a reflection of them. How you react is a reflection of you.
You accept the love you think you deserve
A good partner *wants* to show up for you
All the things you want from friends and lovers are things you should do for yourself. Get used to the standard you set for yourself. This way, you wouldn't accept anything below that standard.
De-center men. Prioritize true friendships over romance.
People can only meet you as deeply as they've met themselves.
If you are actively working on your growth and healing and you're with someone who is NOT prioritizing inner healing, they will slow you down and you will feel like a mother and therapist.
If you feel yourself dimming your self expressions and interests bc of your partner, investigate that.
Someone who really loves you will always make time for you
Only let ppl into your inner circle if they actually improve you and your life
A short term relationship is a drug, a long term relationship is a mirror. Not everyone can face themselves in the mirror. That's not your fault.
This is all I can think of right now, as I am currently sick and stressed, working on my thesis and juggling many things such as loneliness and friendship heartbreak. But I hope this was at least entertaining. I know I will look back on this and think, "Oh Belle, you were really hurting but oh how you've grown. I am so proud of you."
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Can we talk about Weiss in V8 chapter 13? Can we talk about how amazing she was in that episode despite all the batshit crazy insane shit happening around? Like it starts out with a full on Team RWBY Vs Cinder battle royale.
Weiss is literally never still even for a second here. She's clearly learned from Volume 5 that staying still in battle for a fighter with her attack type is a bad decision so she's constantly moving over here appearing on all sides in a matter of seconds while keeping the movements of her teammates in mind as well.
She's literally mid fight here half through zooming across the battlefield after an attack and she's already setting up a glyph to boost Blake up so she can attack Cinder keeping the momentum of the fight going in the split second she needs to move across.
Weiss's fighting style often leans to support and a series of attacks rather than one heavy blow. And support is probably the most complicated role to play in a fight.
It's all about insane mid battle calculation. She has to keep track of her team's movements to perfectly time her glyphs (also deciding what type of glyph based how her teammates are moving and their surroundings) and HOW EXHAUSTING IS THAT??? Because she not only has to keep track of the opponent's movement but she's also keeping her eye on three other people who are in continuing motion looking for any gap she can offer support in??? While constantly moving on the field and launching her own attacks in tandem with the others???
The minute Ruby is falling back Weiss is already pelting ice picks at Cinder. And okay mad props to Cinder because this entire attack sequences from RWBY was hardcore and Cinder managed to dodge it all. And back to Weiss.
So we have this insane battle where everyone is mentally exhausted and then we have Neo attacking Ruby and Yang falling into the void. And I've seen a lot of people shitting on how Ruby and Weiss didn't react fast enough and let me just say they acted exactly how you'd expect them too.
I don't have the pic here cause Tumblr has a limit but if you remember the split screen showing Ruby,Weiss, Blake and Neo we can all see Blake already starts moving. Ruby starts getting attacked by a feral Neo a second later and has no time to even process any event(a running theme this volume Rubes your breakdown is coming).
Now here Weiss starts moving a literal second later. And now remember this is Weiss, master of mid fight distance calculation.
The minute Weiss turned and saw Blake she knew. She knew that judging from how fast Yang fell of the ledge and how fast Blake moved the only person who had a sliver of a chance of saving Yang was Blake. She knew she would be a second late if she tried. She knew that summoning a glyph in the event of Blake missing would be no use because she's done the math in that heated second of fear and anguish and knows that she will be too late.

Which is why Weiss Schnee master of logic and cool headedness in the battle field and emotional wellbeing off the battlefield knew what would happen a second later. She knows Yang. Weiss was the first person we've ever seen Yang be vulnerable around. And I bet the reason Weiss was so sure Blake would find her way back to them is because Weiss and Blake are alot more similar than you think. So Weiss knows. She knows the Blake Belladona would not hesitate for a second to jump into the literal unknown for Yang.
She would too. But they're in the middle of battle and Ruby is being attacked and thousands of Atlas and Mantle citizens are in the middle of a space that shouldn't exist and she knows despite how she wants too she cannot jump. And she cannot let Blake jump either because she cannot and will not lose another member of her family today. And she immediately pulls Blake literally dragging her from the surface(and this is no easy feat because we know how crazy swol Blake is and adding that with mad grief Blake is basically the strongest most impulsive person in that space right now) and you can see from that single frame that Weiss herself is so close to tears but she has to hold it together for Blake. For Yang. For Ruby.
And once Blake takes off in a rage she knows that Cinder is left with no one to fight her. And Weiss (who is probably a little traumatised after having been stabbed and almost dying because of her) she immediately faces Cinder and Weiss is frantically dodging because remember Cinder was able to take on all four of them with barely a scratch and now Weiss is facing her alone.
And I also love this because it seems like Weiss is just zig zagging her way in a frenzy but she's trying to make herself really difficult to target here. You know how they say to run zig zag when your being chased by an animal right? That's what she's doing here. She's stays in a position for just enough time for Cinder to shoot her fire and then immediately takes off in a tangent making cinder have to spend a split second trying to reorient her attack cause all her attacks shoot in a straight direction.
I included this picture because she looks so fucking cool here. She literally fights fire with FIRE and I love her stance and pose and if you've actually read this far you can kinda guess I love everything about her.
And now we see her skating up. Because she knows the advantage and how being in a higher position can help. She needs to get to higher ground. And I'd like to highlight that Weiss only takes this pathway cause at that moment it is completely empty. She assumed that people had already finished evacuating from there which is why she chose that place. But it turned out that particular door was one for Atlas and Atleasians were alot more hesitant to use the gates than people from Mantle which is why there are people still there(this might also have been a convenient plot narrative to make Jaune aware that Cinder was here, who knows we shall see)
She uses her gravity glyph to try and hinder the airborne higher ground advantage that Cinder has. And it works. Cinder is momentarily focussed on Weiss allowing Penny to regain her stance and figure out her weapon situation.
And then an Atleasian steps out and Weiss realises in a matter of milliseconds that shit she has to protect them.
And if you notice Cinder is imitating Weiss's attack here. Weiss attacked Cinder with the same Ice pick move 5 minutes ago. And Weiss has to protect herself and the now emerging Atlas citizens. And I love how it's shown that she doesn't have the time to fully summon her Knight so only summons the arm and blade and protects everyone from actually getting hurt. Also I don't know if this the first time we've seen the summoning glyph for the knight in this angle but it is absolutely gorgeous and I really want to see what the Nevermore one looks like.
And I ran out pictures but Cinder literally tosses Weiss over the edge and the only thing stopping Weiss from certain fall in the void is her own gravity glyph which she is maintaining after all of the stuff I mentioned before.
I mean we know that Weiss has the lowest stamina of the team and the role that takes up the most energy. And she's still standing and she still going to fight in the next episode.
I just-- GODS Weiss Schnee is an absolute legend and possibly the best ally to have on the battlefield. She's is a super skilled ,level headed and versatile fighter whose constant presence and observations in the battlefield are such an asset and I wouldn't be far off in saying that she's probably the smartest fighter after Ruby and there's a reason they're partners because for every wacky absolute bonkers plan Ruby has, Weiss will be there to build the foundation to launch off from. And I cannot wait to see her learn and grow even more.
#rwby#rwby spoilers#weiss schnee#ruby rose#yang xiao long#blake belladonna#me writing a weiss simp post?#more likely than you think#rwby meta#or a weiss analysis post I guess#I mean i know we're all super distracted by the extremely distressing events of the last ep#but weiss was a silent heroine in this#and deserves more appreciation#because damn what would team RWBY do without her#ey i hooe we never find out#anywho#I LOVE WEISS SCHNEE SHE'S SO COOL#long post
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If you're accepting non-superhell prompts, I'd love to see a conversation between Nora and Emerald! I've been REALLY loving these microfics, I've subscribed to you on Ao3, I'll read whatever else you write
[Gahhh that’s so nice you’re so nice!! thanks for being patient on this one, finding my Nora took some doing]
It’s occurring to Emerald that she’s never had a close female friend before.
You say that like you’ve ever had any friends before, the voice in her head that sounds suspiciously like Mercury needles her, but she brushes it aside. Like—okay, yeah, she’ll concede the point when it comes to Cinder. In hindsight, whatever they’d had going on between them may have been... super intense... but it probably had never been friendship, in the usual definition. But she and Mercury were friends, no matter what the judgy little shitstain version of him who lives in her head has to say about it. They’d always gotten along. Told each other stuff. It’s not like there’s more to it than that, right?
It had always been like that. Been—instinctive somehow, with guys. Before Cinder, on the street, it was always the men who’d been easiest to manipulate; who would empty their pockets for a smile and a sob story. And then she and Merc had been two sides of the same coin for so long, and then... well, Hazel’d liked her enough to die for her, apparently. (Which—that’s a door that she keeps closed, thanks. She shuts it firmly again, now.) Oscar seems fond of her, in a sweet, uncomplicated sort of way that she really doesn’t know what to do with, seeing as he shares headspace with like a trillion year old man and the idea that anything to do with that kid could be “uncomplicated” is batshit. Ren vouched for her once, and then again, and now he keeps doing it, like it’s habit, like she should just be used to the fact that people are going to have her back, to ask her if she’s eaten, to turn to her with a raised eyebrow in conversation like her opinion would be constructive.
Now that she’s noticed the pattern, it seems like the kind of thing she should probably… work on, or whatever. And Nora seems like an obvious place for Emerald to start. They’ve been thrown in together a lot, lately, Emerald and Oscar expected to fill in the gaps of what’s left of the old JNPR by default. Not that they’ve ever really had a conversation about it—Emerald can’t think of the last time Nora said two words to her that weren’t combat warnings like “more Grimm coming” or “on your left,” but. That’s probably just because things have been tense. She remembers Nora being friendly, on the whole of it. Off-puttingly friendly, even, back at Beacon.
How hard could it be?
The answer, it turns out, is absurdly hard. Nora’s barely ever in the temporary barracks they’re all living out of, instead always checking on the refugees, going on supply runs over esoteric requests, volunteering for extra patrols. Emerald used to find that kind of dogged do-goodery gag-inducing, but now that she’s been the helping hand herself a few times, she’s starting to see the appeal. The way people look at you when you’ve been of service, it’s—nice. Really nice. But Nora works utterly thankless jobs, the kind most people don’t even notice, let alone appreciate. And when they have their insufferably long leadership meetings and they’re talking about distribution of resources or whatever, Nora’s a fierce debater—jumping in to advocate for the people from Mantle sometimes even before May can. As far as Emerald can tell, she does this stuff just because... she believes in it. Because it’s the right thing to do, and someone has to.
She can’t imagine what it would feel like, to have the attention of someone like that turned on her. She’s craved it from the wrong people for so long, but now that she has her pick of options... she’s letting herself actually want the right kind, for once. She thinks.
Which is all to say that largely through no fault of her own, Emerald unexpectedly finds herself sitting with a profound, fervent desire for Nora Valkyrie to think she’s cool.
She hates that.
Fighting with Nora is easy.
(—er. Alongside. Fighting alongside Nora is easy. Emerald’s done fighting with these people. Very done.)
It’s weird, because Emerald’s finding working with a full team to be a real adjustment. When battles get big enough to merit it, she’s used to keeping to the sidelines to use her Semblance for nefarious purposes, or, in a jam, used to having Mercury’s six—literally, because all the forward momentum from his feet-first style always left his back wide open. Figuring out where to put herself so that Oscar can use her shoulder as a fulcrum as he dodges, or trying to aim for the Grimm Ren isn’t already shooting (ugh)—it’s taking work.
But somehow, it’s not work for Nora. Nora seems to anticipate with perfect ease how Emerald will move or what she’ll be doing; Nora bobs and weaves around their ragtag little band with her war hammer like it’s breathing.
It doesn’t bother Emerald until it does, and she means to bring it up casually but there’s never a good time. So it just… stews, and stews, until she can’t keep it bottled up anymore.
Which means that instead of the earnest question she intends it to be, it comes out like this:
“Okay, seriously? It’s creepy how you do that.”
It’s just the two of them, plus the handful of dweeby Atlesian tech-types they’re escorting back from their foray installing some fancy hydro-filtration modules on the outskirts of the camp. And it’s not like Emerald had felt outmatched by the half-dozen Ravagers that had decided they looked like lunch—she can shoot Ravagers in her sleep, at this point—but still. The way Nora had moved around her, it was like they’d been fighting side by side for years.
Nora just cocks her head to the side. “Do what?” she asks, like she hadn’t just basically read Emerald’s mind in front of the water nerds.
Emerald does a complicated gesture with her hands, wrist over wrist, and then flicking two fingers—trying to evoke the way Nora had flipped over Emerald’s back and then kicked off, just trusting Emerald would reel her back in with a chain in midair before a Grimm could fly away with her sorry ass. “That.”
“Oh!” Nora laughs and rubs at the back of her neck, looking sheepish. “It’s nothing. I guess it’s just not a big deal for me? Like—I was there when Ren built StormFlower. The cables are newish, but we practiced so much back in Atlas… I dunno. It’s just reflex, when your weapons are so similar. Fighting with you, it’s almost like fighting with him. I don’t even have to think about it.”
Nora swallows, then, and makes a face Emerald can’t interpret—disappointed, maybe, or ashamed. Which: good. She probably should be, taking things for granted like that.
“Well—just—” Emerald’s not even sure what she wants to say. Ask, next time? Don’t? “You shouldn’t make assumptions. I’m not your boyfriend, okay?”
The venom she puts behind the word is directed more at herself than Nora—frustrated, again, that she’s put herself in the position of wanting so desperately to be liked.
Nora just nods, looking glum.
“Yeah,” she murmurs, cheeks pulling in a bitter smile. “You’d think I’d be able to keep that one straight, huh?”
She says it with such pointed irony that for a second Emerald wonders if she’d gotten it wrong somehow, but like—Nora and Ren are a thing, right? That’s—everyone knows that.
“Hey, what—?”
“Let’s just go,” Nora says, and Emerald automatically falls into line behind her.
They make the rest of the walk back in silence.
Sometimes at night, when she can’t sleep, Emerald likes to climb up to the roof of the barracks and look out over the refugee camp.
It’s—peaceful, is all. A good reminder of where she is; how far she’s come. The night sky in Vacuo has more stars than she’s ever seen, and being able to watch over all these people who have somehow become her responsibility… well.
A part of her will always be standing on the rooftop at Beacon, looking down on pure chaos as a queasy, frightened sensation twists in her gut and its noxious voice whispers you did this, you did this, you did this. What did you think was going to happen, you stupid little girl? You don’t get to feel sorry for it now.
But she does.
Weird how the only thing that’s helped is actually doing something about it.
She hears a scuffling noise over her shoulder, and she’s got Thief’s Respite drawn and ready before she can even really register what she’s heard. She relaxes when she sees it’s Nora at the other end of the barrels, unarmed and hands raised—a funny little smile on her face, like yeah, fair enough, I should have known better than to try and sneak up.
“Just me,” she says, unnecessarily.
Emerald holsters her guns. “Can I help you?” she asks, and—what is it about her voice, that makes sentences that would be nice if any other human said them come out straight-up hostile?
Nora shrugs, hands dropping to her sides. “I was hoping we could talk; I figured you’d come up here if I waited long enough.”
Well, see—what kind of lesson is she supposed to take from that? She’s been hoping for Nora to talk to her for weeks, and acting like a bitch is the thing that gets her what she wants? Good guys are supposed to know better.
And there’s the way she said it, too. Like everyone knows Emerald comes up here to brood; like it’s a big open secret. The knowledge sits uncomfortably in her stomach, makes her feel watched. Even now, even here, she can’t get a moment alone. Not really.
“What, so you’re spying on me now?”
Nora’s eyes narrow. “I have a pretty bad track record when it comes to losing people. Makes a girl want to put in a little hustle when it comes to keeping tabs on her friends.”
And Emerald would snark at that, or maybe apologize, or something, only—
Nora thinks they’re friends?
“Well, take a seat, I guess,” she mumbles, scooching to the side as though she needs to make room on the massive, empty roof.
Nora walks over and joins Emerald on the asphalt, letting her legs dangle over the edge. Seemingly unsure of where to start, she stares at her hands. Emerald stares too, but her eyes can’t help but wander—tracing the way scars, silvery in the moonlight, spiderweb up Nora’s bare wrists and forearms to fetter her shoulders, clavicle, neck. Like cracks in a pane of glass, right before it shatters.
(Only that’s not it at all, is it? It’s not a sign of weakness, but a warning of strength. I care this much, her scars announce to the word. You wanna try me?
Hazel’s arms always looked like that.)
Emerald doesn’t want to be the one to break the silence, sure that whatever she’d say would be incredibly stupid.
Luckily, Nora has no such qualms, and opens with: “I really admire you, you know?”
Emerald stares, jaw slack, certain she’s heard wrong. “I—what?” She’d say something defensive, like yeah right or you don’t have to make fun of me, only Nora’s eyes are so wide and so guileless they don’t leave any room for argument.
“I mean it,” Nora adds. “I know we don’t know all that much about each other, but… here’s what I do know: I can’t remember a time I saw you without Mercury right behind. Just like me’n Ren. And the way you fought for Cinder…” Nora smiles a sad, private little smile. “You don’t fight like that unless it’s personal; unless someone means something to you. Just like me’n Ren. And now you’re here. All on your own. And you didn’t have to be. That’s—don’t you think that’s crazy brave? I sure do.”
Of course she fucking doesn’t. Crazy brave would have been walking away the first, tenth, hundredth time she had a flash of panic about what she was doing. Or, better yet, doing something about it. Crazy brave is taking thirty thousand volts to get to your friends; it’s flooding your veins with pure crystalline power and saying Go, I’m doing what Gretchen would have done, it’s—
She closes that door.
“It’s not like I really had a choice,” she sighs, dodging the question.
“Oh, you know that’s not true,” Nora scoffs dismissively, tilting sideways to nudge Emerald with her shoulder.
And Emerald jolts, because—look, it’s not like no one touches her. They have to manhandle each other all the time in battle, and… and Oscar gives her high fives sometimes, which makes her embarrassingly pleased. But what Nora’s offering now, that kind of buddy-buddy casual contact…
… it’s been a while, is all.
“So, why did you want to talk to me?” Emerald asks, overwhelmed and suddenly desperate to find a way to get this conversation over with. She feels like she’s sprinted five miles; like she’s had the crap kicked out of her and she has to go somewhere to lick her wounds. Too much, too fast.
Nora laughs—a chuffing, cynical noise that doesn’t sound at all like her. “Looking for pointers? See, I’m trying this thing where I do things on my own, but I just—I suck at it. Like today; you saw. Even when I’m not with Ren, all I do is… is act exactly the same way I do when I’m with Ren. Like I literally don’t know how to exist without him, whether he’s actually there or not. And I know that’s not fair to anyone; I didn’t mean to treat you like—” She shakes her head, biting her lip. “You’re not just some stand-in. It’s not you at all. I’m just—broken, or something. One trick pony.”
“No, hey—”
“But you figured it out,” she barrels on, which is good, because Emerald doesn’t actually have a clue what she would have said there. “You don’t have anyone and somehow you’re just, like—good to go!” Nora says it cheerily, like it’s a compliment, but has the grace to balk a little when she hears how it sounds. “…sorry. That’s—sorry.”
Emerald shrugs, drawing her knees to her chest and resting her chin there. She feels like an idiot; building it up for weeks like spending time with Nora would solve all her problems when, surprise surprise, Nora’s just as fucked up as she is.
“Hate to disappoint you, but I don’t have any hot tips,” she mutters into the crooks of her elbows. “I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Like—you want to know the really sad part? I was just following your lead.”
“My…?” Nora can’t even finish repeating it, which: Emerald can’t blame her. It’s so dumb. “Huh?”
“Come on. You know.”
“I don’t,” Nora says, voice thick with exhaustion. Like she’s sick of herself. “Ask anyone—I’m not the brains of the operation.”
Hearing Nora talk about herself that way makes Emerald’s chest feel tight; like her ribs have locked in place so her lungs can’t expand. She doesn’t know how to explain it; not without sounding like a starry-eyed fangirl or a moron with a crush and that’s not what this—it’s only that—
She chooses to start a different way.
“You wanna know why I switched sides? Like, really why?”
Nora softens, and reaches out to touch the back of Emerald’s left hand, where it dangles over her knee. “Sure,” she says, but Emerald barely hears it; it’s taking all of her concentration not to clench her fist or pull away in response.
“I overheard Oscar—or, Ozpin, I guess, I don’t know—talking to Hazel about Salem, about her goals. And… listen. No one joins under Salem because they’re trying to kill the world, okay? I mean, no one but Tyrian, anyway. We were all just trying to… find ways to get by. And when Cinder found me, she—” Emerald swallows, hard. This cuts too deep, too close. It’s not something she can just say. “I wasn’t trying to be some big villain, or something. I was just—looking out for the people who were looking out for me. And why wouldn’t I? No one else ever seemed to think I was worth it.”
“Of course you are,” Nora cuts in, quiet but vehement. “Everyone is.”
“See, the worst part is that you mean that when you say it,” Emerald grumbles, scrubbing at her face until smears of color kaleidoscope behind her closed eyes. “I figured people like you didn’t exist, and then Cinder and Merc were glad to prove me right, and—I let them. You know? And maybe if I’d just held out a little longer…”
“You’re not the only one here who’s ashamed of her past. Harriet tried to blow up Mantle, like, a month ago.”
“That’s not—forget that. I’m talking about you. Nora.” It’s the first time she’s ever said her name like that—addressing her, in conversation. It feels… astonishingly intimate, for so small a thing. Emerald powers past it. “Every day, I see you do something ridiculous, like double back on a patrol because you forgot you promised some kid a candy bar, or something, and that—matters. To me. It’s so stupid, but it’s not, because… argh! I want—it’s—” She tries to get her mouth to form the words, that’s the kind of person I want to be, but they stop in her throat.
Still, Nora seems to get the message. Her eyes seem suspiciously shiny for a moment—but when she blinks, it’s gone. “I… thank you.”
“Don’t mention it,” Emerald grumbles. Saying it like she means it: seriously. Don’t mention it.
“I understand what you mean, though. For years, the only person who looked out for me was Ren. And if he’d said…” Nora trails off, then, cocking her head to the side as she works through something. “Huh.”
“Nothing, just. I remembered something. I was about to say that if Ren told me the only way for us to get by was a life of crime, or something, I would’ve taken his word for it, but—the opposite happened. We decided to enroll at Beacon. And that wasn’t his idea; it was mine. I always wanted to be a Huntress. To… to be the one strong enough to help people, instead of always needing the help. He wasn’t sure if we would make it, but I was. We were together, right? How could we lose?” She chuckles, a little, shaking her head at herself. “Get a load of that. He followed me.”
They smile at each other, then. Like they’ve figured out something profound. Maybe Nora has; Emerald hopes so.
“I’m glad you’re here, Emerald,” Nora says, and—there it is again. The frisson of electricity that comes with being referred to by name.
Of course, then Emerald ruins it by blurting out:
“Of course you are, all your other friends are dead.”
Which—“Fuck!” she sputters, because she didn’t mean to say that. What is wrong with her? “Sorry! Sorry.”
Nora only grins at her, feral and incisive. “Yeah, well. Yours are evil, so. Pick your poison. At least I’m proud of mine.”
“Still glad I’m here?” Emerald jeers, because her first instinct is still to press on the bruise to see how much it hurts.
Nora laughs, and gets to her feet. “Believe it or not, yes. If putting your foot in your mouth was all it took to get booted from Hero Club, I’d have been kicked out a long time ago.” She reaches down to offer Emerald a hand; Emerald takes it, letting Nora pull her to standing. “Now go and get some rest, huh? None of us can ever sleep when you’re up here thinking so loud.”
“That an order?”
“Advice. Friends give it, from time to time.”
And—yeah. Maybe they do.
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would love to hear ur thoughts re. these street woman fighter's performances and who you would personally vote as the "better dance crew" in how they interpreted each other choreos and the song.
this was for their first elimination round (ep4) and it was interesting to hear from the judges + why they gave the points they did. (i'm not entirely sure if you're watching the show's episodes. they are roughly 2 hours long. so if you would like more context, pls let me know! i wrote brief comments underneath each one as well as the winners [spoilers ahead!]. assuming you are not: for this mission, each crew is paired with another crew and they have to choreograph one of the soloist songs. songs were "split" into two parts: part one [would be one song] and part two [another song]; one crew would choreograph one part and follow the other's crew choreograph for the other part.)
1. boa - eat you up (want choreo) + better (ygx choreo). dance crews: ygx vs want
winner: ygx. boa gave 151 pts to ygx and 49 pts to want (the biggest gap in points between crews), sharing that although want choreographed eat you up, ygx was more cohesive (pointing to how want wore hats and it was messy). additionally, ygx had better stage presence and was able to capture the camera more. also, because ygx is the only crew to have a b-girl and use it in their routine, the judges applauded want for doing the best they can.
2. cl - doctor pepper (wayb) + hello bitches (prowdmon). dance crews: prowdmon vs wayb
winner: prowdmon. judges shared that doctor pepper's routine is a trademark of wayb and that they should have been the standout. however, they felt like prowdmon did it better.
3. hyuna - crazy (4minute) (coca n butter) + i'm not cool (hook) + lip and hip (hook). dance crews: hook vs coca n butter
winner: hook. the two dance crews are VERY different in terms of style. coca n butter is described to be more hip-hop while hook is definitely more reflective of the current/newer trends. (when hook was first introduced in the show, they were known as the crew who was famous only for tiktok dances.) the judges shared that hook was more fun and interesting, given their stylistic choice of wearing the pink wigs. whereas it seemed for coca n butter, they felt like something was lacking (they showed something but it didn't feel they did.)
4. jessi - what type of xx (lachica) + nununa (holybang) + gucci (holybang). dance crews: holybang vs lachica
winner: lachica. (this was the only battle where both crews came in v close pts. whereas for the other crews, there were huge point-gaps.) judges had a hard time choosing, sharing that for lachica they were more detail-oriented while holybang had better teamwork.
imo, i agree with the judges' choices. though i would have to say i think wayb did their routine (doctor pepper) better than prowdmon. they stood out to me then, but when it came to the second part (hello bitches), prowdmon was better. i loved lachica's performance - it was v clean + reminded me of something a kpop group would do (which like, the crew largely works with kpop acts like chungha, boa's better, etc. so it makes sense).
this was LONG. thank u if u do read it and post! i miss the kingdom "era" when u would post weekly reviews. the two are v different but this new mnet competition show is the only one i'm invested in. i'm not sure if it's big internationally? i know it is v popular in korea right now. while i've only seen i-fans talk about the show as it relates to chaeyeon (want) because she's an idol. - swf (streetwomanfighter) anon :]
omg this is so long and well organized, forget me writing reviews anon you should do it!! i'm not currently watching the full episodes but i've been catching the few clips that pop up in my youtube recommended occasionally, so i definitely don't have all the context but i'll take a crack at it!
ok so my assumption/from what i can tell, they have a bit of leeway to alter the competing group's choreo as needed to better suit numbers and formations. i also went and found the individual versions of these because why did they make them so small on the split screen, don't they know i'm old and wear glasses. also: MNET FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY STOP MOVING THE FUCKING CAMERA. WE DO NOT NEED SCROLLING VERTICAL BOOM SHOTS OF THIS. just keep the same lens at eye level it's really not that hard. this is like, one of the worst possible ways to shoot dance it is SO annoying. ok i'm done bitching about that let's go.
1. boa - ygx vs want i agree with the big point gap on this one, and i think want made a couple of choices that were not cohesive enough, and obviously they also got set up to fail by ygx. actually i think both groups made choices that were not particularly good, but ygx had more of the skills to back up what they were doing than want did. breaking is very difficult and requires a lot of upper body strength and a higher centre of gravity, which are two physical traits that are less common in women. personally i wouldn't have tried to break to better because although boa songs do have more of a beat than other idol music, it's still not at all the right type of music for breaking. it's gotta be fast, breakers rely on speed, because it's all about momentum; they're literally throwing themselves around the stage. here's the final from battle pro 2019 for example. the music is basically beats only; heavily lyric based music, like idol music, is bad for battling in general because there isn't a lot of consistency. i have more to say about this but i'm getting off track. basically by choosing to handicap the other team (because they don't have a bgirl at all) they shot their own bgirl in the foot because the song is too slow to properly show off her skills. i applaud want for making bold choices, like the hatwork and attempting the breaking, but ultimately when combined with their styling the performance looks disjointed. also they have some formation cohesion issues that make it look a bit like they'e struggling to keep up, even with their own choreo.
2. cl - prowdmon vs wayb i agree with the judges, i think prowdmon bodied the wayb choreo. i actually thought that was their choreo at first. they have the best presence that i've seen of all the groups and the performative "hard bitch" attitude fit in with their genre setting. wayb had several mistakes and synchronization issues that in my opinion made them look sloppy in comparision to prowdmon, who were sharper and had two more people to put into formations. 3. hyuna - hook vs coca n butter ok personally i don't like either of these choreos, but i'm agreeing with the judges here, i think hook's was the mildly more engaging. i can tell that they're very young and do mostly short form tiktok content because i see a lot of eye catching moves, but i don't see a lot of strong connective tissue between those moves. they have good ideas but they also really struggle with putting people into formation and balancing it out well. it doesn't help that they're a seven member crew going up against a four member one, so they have three extra people to figure out what to do with. there's a lot of empty space where there are members waiting in position for a group formation. it also doesn't help at all that they (mnet) appear to just be rawdogging the songs together without any kind of mixing, which is a huge detriment to groups that have to choreograph for two in their section. i'm not cool and lip and hip have two totally different feels and kudos to hook for at least trying to get them to at least visually be cohesive when mnet is go girl giving us nothing sonically. coca n butter has much more of an old school hip hop style, so putting these two up against each other was (probably a random lot draw) an interesting choice. personally i would have been more interested to see hook against want with the boa tracks and ygx against coca n butter with the hyuna tracks. however, i think the reason why coca n butter's stage felt like it was lacking is because they tried to emulate hyuna, without having the stage presence or the weirdness of hyuna. it feels like they're trying too hard and there isn't really any personal character in the piece, versus with hook, who embodied hyuna's weirdness a little more authentically and took a completely different direction. 4. jessi - lachica vs holybang lachica took this one easily, although their formations were a bit wonky for nununana, they covered it fairly well and i think they managed the best transition between songs (between nununana and gucci). they were sharper with good stage pictures and had a good gimmick with the double fringe on the gloves and hats. holy bang had some issues fitting their extra person into the what type of x choreo, but they did well with their own choreo. however, like with coca n butter and hook, because lachica took a new visual spin, this felt too derivative of jessi, so it wasn't that interesting for me to watch. i do think they are one of the groups on the stronger end of skills and presence. --- as far as visually what performances i liked the best, since would this even be a writeup by me if i didn't talk about design, here's a quick breakdown:
prowdmon - got some rudimentary setpieces, got a theme, got some fun variations on a uniform look; excellent for what i assume was limited budget capacity and also it's a dance crew show.
lachica - great continuity of effect in costuming with the fringe, and using the gloves as a mouth/lip effect was one of the most interesting choices of these routines.
hook - the pink wigs and the black latex on the checkered floor was a nice gimmick that was a bit of a nod to hyuna's weird without being too derivative. i'm not expecting a whole lot because these are dance crews but i think this was a decent amount of styling effort.
want - they made a bold choice with the hats and even though it didn't quite pay off for them i still respect it.
coca n butter/ygx/holybang/wayb - ygx and wayb did basic hip hop type styling and while it's absolutely fine, it's just boring. holybang went for a directly inspired jessi look, and although yes bodysuits, overall it wasn't that interesting either. coca n butter get props for doing a costume change and actually incorporating that into the choreo but it feels too much like it's trying to be hyuna weird with the caution tape strapped over their tits and asses.
as a final note/question to you, my lovely invested swf anon, what's the format of the show? are there stages like this every episode to review? if these were from the fourth one only, is there anything worth me reviewing in the first three? i'm not particularly interested in the aggressive competitive nature of the show and editing so i don't particularly want to watch the full two hour episodes, but if you think it's worthwhile for me to review stuff then i will. otherwise if there's a set structure (like with kingdom) i can seek out the stages specifically and review them if i know what i'm looking for.
#street woman fighter#swf#swf reviews#i dont really know what the international reception is. the very few people ive seen talking about it on twt#have been insane kpoppies disrespecting boa. so not the best ifan showing so far#am i back in my review era already???? we shall see#(while i still have like EIGHT different asks left. if you wonder why im taking so long to get to some of them. that is why)#(OH plus the first half of the stylings post. and the fabled fave choreos post. so many things in my drafts rn)#(but also please dont stop sending me questions it makes me very happy. the gerbil in my brain is just slow)#dear anon who just asked me about red lights and kink. mwah you are welcome to slide into my dms anytime you like#wait by putting kink in the tags did i just invite a bunch of pornbots onto this#whatever lmao#might need to start a new organizational tag for this because it's only kpop adjacent. thoughts for later#text#answers#ngl these group names are gonna drive me insane. why are all dance crew names so fucking weird
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I was incredibly fortunate to get to write for the wonderful @fight-surrender in the Carry On Secret Snowflake exchange, and she gave some of the best prompts I've seen. I ended up choosing to write a meet-cute (a meet-ugly, really) that takes place on the beach and centers around Simon's new fixation on the supposed dangers lurking below the waves.
I have to give a giant thank you to @foolofabookwyrm and @caitybuglove23 for being excellent betas, cheerleaders, and for helping me get the fic formatted and posted when my computer stopped working - you guys are the best! 💜💜💜
You can read the fic below, or on AO3!
I've always wanted to go to the beach. Growing up in care, I never had the opportunity to, but now that Penny and I are done with university and enjoying weekends without the threat of homework hanging over our heads, I finally can. Of course, we don't live close to the beach, so our day trip took some planning, but it gave me time to look up all the best places to eat, and it gave Penny time to watch every possible documentary about the ocean. I watched a lot of them with her, and while I know I probably won't see all of the tropical fish that swam across our TV screen, I'm still really excited to see the ocean.
Unfortunately, I also happened to be in the room while Penny watched some show called “Predators from the Deep”, or something along those lines, so my excitement is also tinged with trepidation (or outright fear) of some of the things lurking under the waves.
“Sharks aren’t anything to worry about, Simon! They don’t want to attack you, and the likelihood of even seeing a shark here is extremely low.”
“It’s not the sharks I’m worried about, Pen! It’s all of the other stuff, all those little parasites, and the poisonous things, and the spiny ones.” The documentary was filled with shadowy shots of spiked balls and spotted tentacles just waiting to attack some unsuspecting wader.
“Don’t eat any of it then,” she replies, hardly even paying attention to me as she smooths out her blanket and sets up the umbrella.
“You said you were worried about the poisonous things, so just don’t eat anything you find in the ocean.”
“They can hurt me even if I don’t eat them! What about that one octopus?”
“That was venomous, not poisonous, there’s a difference.” She squirts sunscreen into her palms and then slaps them lightly onto my cheeks, not allowing me time to squirm away.
“Whatever, venomous then, there are still things to be scared of in there!”
Penny ducks under the arm I have flung out to point at the ocean with, and grabs two waters from our cooler.
“You’ll be fine Simon, I promise.” She shoves a bottle into my hands. “Rub in your sun cream, and let’s walk by the edge of the water, alright? You’ll like it, we can find shells!” She starts off, picking her way through the sand and looking back only once to make sure that I’m following her.
It turns out that the water feels quite nice, even soothing. The sounds of the waves and the feel of cool water splashing my ankles combine to make me feel safe. They make me forget about the horrors lurking off-shore.
Penny has a handful of shells and has started handing me others to put in the pocket of my swim shorts. I’ve found a few shells of my own too, but I stopped paying such close attention to the ground about ten minutes ago, when I noticed a man about our own age playing in the waves with his younger siblings.
He has dark hair, originally falling around his face but now wet with seawater and slicked back to emphasize his widow’s peak. He’s still too far away for me to tell what color his eyes are, but as Penny and I walk closer I’m able to make out more of his facial expressions. He seems to be putting on sneers for show and occasionally gives bright smiles for the younger kids swarming him. He’s wearing one of those long-sleeved swim shirts, but it’s clinging tight to his body. He looks like he could be a footballer with all of the muscles I can see, even at this distance.
I’ve been trying not to stare too openly at him, but I can’t really help it - there’s just something about him that keeps drawing me in.It’s almost as if I’m under some sort of spell or thrall. Right now though, I’m extremely glad I’ve been so captivated by him, because I seem to be the only person on the beach who realizes the danger we’re all in.
Curling around the man’s left ankle are the tentacles of an octopus, surely about to stick its fangs into him and inject him with its venom (or whatever it is octopuses do to kill people).
"Octopus!" I yell. I’m at a loss for any other words, but I’m desperately trying to warn Penny as I sprint off to rescue him.
"Ooh, where?" She doesn't sound nearly concerned enough for the looming threat of death hanging over us all, but I'll talk to her about taking proper safety precautions later. Right now, I have to go save the life of the prettiest person I've ever seen.
"Octopus! Octopus!" I can't seem to make any other phrases come out of my mouth, but eventually the man looks up to see me barreling towards him, flailing my arms and yelling at the top of my lungs. He raises an eyebrow at me, staying far too calm considering the mortal peril he's in, and glances behind him to see who else I could possibly be talking to.
Unfortunately, that means he's not paying attention enough to sidestep me when the combination of my momentum and adrenalin send me toppling into him. We both splash down into the small waves lapping at the sand and I scramble to extricate myself from his long limbs as quickly as possible, crawling down to examine his ankles and prepared to risk my own life if I have to pull the octopus off of him.
"What are you doing? " His voice is lovely and posh, the vowels round and smooth and expensive.
"Saving your life, mate, you're welcome by the way," I grunt as I make another unsuccessful grab for the tentacles.
"From what? All you've done so far is endanger me, pushing me down and holding me in the water." He pauses. "If this is your attempt at murder by drowning, I think I pity you. First, you caused a scene by yelling the whole way down the beach before you assaulted me, and now you're not even bothering to hold my head under this truly pathetic amount of water. You're an absolute disaster."
"I told you—" (why are these tentacles so hard to grab,) "I'm not trying to kill you, I'm trying to save you."
"Save me from what, exactly?"
Ha! I've got you now, evil cephalopod!
I hold the octopus up in triumph, feeling the water drip onto my sodden hair.
"From… a clump of seaweed?"
"What? No. No, it's an octopus."
Slowly, I lower the mass in my hand down to eye level, and immediately I feel my cheeks flame in embarrassment.
"Oh. Right. Sorry, then."
I try to push back from him and stand up, but my hand won't release the seaweed (it really did look like an octopus!). When I try to move a wave hits me, washing the sand out from under my foot and making me flounder for a few moments, only compounding my embarrassment. When I finally look up at the man I accidentally assaulted, he seems entirely unbothered by anything. He's lounging back on his elbows, somehow managing to look down his nose at me even though I'm sitting up fully now, and it's simply unfair how defined his abs are, even under his shirt.
"Do you make a habit of doing things like this?"
His eyes are too intense for me to look at any longer, they're a grey color that seems to be shifting to reflect the ocean behind me, and I have to busy myself with peeling the green fronds of seaweed away from my fingers.
"Like what?"
"Attacking strangers or playing the hero, take your pick."
"Sorry. I thought it was an octopus and I didn't want you to die," I mumble. This prick should be grateful, where does he get off being so smug anyway?
"Why on earth would I have died from an octopus touching me?"
"Because they're one of the most deadly creatures on earth!"
"What? No they're not. Not the ones around here, anyway. The blue ringed octopus is incredibly deadly, but it lives in the Pacific Ocean."
"But, couldn't they-"
He levels me with a look that could probably set me on fire.
"Mordelia!" One of the children comes running over from where they fled when I tackled their brother. She looks to be about twelve or thirteen, and while she isn't quite as dark and villainous looking as her brother she still has his same air of superiority. "Does this gentleman need to be worried about being attacked, maimed, or killed by any octopuses while swimming today?"
This kid - Mordelia, I guess - levels me with the most condescending look I have ever seen, and just scoffs . Actually scoffs at me, like I'm an imbecile. (Although, I still have seaweed stuck to me, so she may be onto something there.)
"No. Most accounts of cephalopod attacks can't be proven, and the few that have been entirely substantiated occurred in vastly different habitats or under circumstances that this beach couldn't support."
With that, she turns and runs back to the rest of her family, leaving me with only a parting eye roll.
"She's going through a marine biology phase."
It's the first thing the dark haired man has said to me in a casual manner, and I startle a bit.
"Did you also have a marine biology phase?"
I think my question catches him off-guard, and I smirk.
"Perhaps," he answers after a beat. "But Mordelia's has been going on for three years now, so we think it may actually stick. Mine dried up after only a few months."
He smiles at me for the first time since I knocked him over, and it's almost painful how handsome he is, sprawled out elegantly on the beach like he's in an ad for expensive watches or cologne or something, and I can't believe I tackled him because of some stupid seaweed.
"I had a dinosaur phase," I confess, smiling back at him.
"Why doesn't that surprise me?" I reach down to help him up, and I'm shocked at how cold his fingers are, and how much I want to warm them up in my own. It's too bad I made such a horrible first impression, I would otherwise be sorely tempted to ask him out on a date. "What's your name, by the way? You've already attacked me, had we been in cars we would have exchanged names and proofs of insurance by now."
I’m such a mess. I didn't even think to ask what his name was.
"Simon. I'm Simon."
I go to shake his hand, and then realize that we're still holding hands, and I feel my cheeks grow redder still.
"Hello Simon, I'm Baz. It's nice to meet you, although the next time we meet I sincerely hope you can refrain from throwing yourself quite so bodily at me before we've even said hello."
"Yeah, umm, I'm sorry, really, I-" My brain catches up with my mouth. "Wait, did you say next time? "
His mouth curls up into a grin, and he gives my hand a squeeze as I try to figure out how I messed up so badly and things still worked out so well.
"Of course. For our first date, perhaps we can go to the aquarium and you can see what an octopus really looks like."
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Adding here:
He not only read the Hobbit, a children's fantasy novel, when it first came out in 1937, which means he probably had to somehow get it from England to Brooklyn, but also considers this something to brag about. Especially considering how little respect fantasy fiction got, like how it took so long for LOTR to actually catch on because "escape" was considered this horrible taboo thing.
According to a fantastic meta I'd reference if I knew how to find it, he designed his Howling Commando outfit himself and it was at least 80% for the drama. And I think he really liked the outfits airmen wore because he basically cribbed at least 40% of his look from them?
He duck faces in the middle of fights.
As much as I can rant about how TFATWS did Bucky dirty, everything to do with Bucky and Sam's nephews is adorable. The smile as he watches them play with the shield? Letting at least 3 children use him as a human jungle gym, including allowing 2 of them to hang off his metal arm like a monkey bar? Not to mention showing up, like, 2 hours late with a banged-up cake. Bi uncle Bucky.
Every time his metal arm is shown to be able to be gentle. Sure, he can punch through concrete with it and that's cool, but arguably better is that same "gonna casually use this to slow my momentum when I've been yeeted from a moving vehicle like nbd" arm can also be gentle. And, relatedly, that after everything, Bucky wants to be gentle.
Everything about the flashback scene in TWS
Geeking out at Wakanda's tech
Apparently forgets the fact that he has a metal prosthetic arm, because he's right-handed
When he laces his fingers together and plays with his thumbs
Twirling knives, which is 100% for the drama. And then sitting on the boat with a paint scraper (or something), and twirling it, too. Is he bored and restless? Has he found a new improv weapon and needs to figure out how to make it look cool? Either way.
Intentionally not killing the SWAT team in Bucharest even though they'd been sent to kill him, because, "I don't do that anymore."
Every time he smiles.
Is willing to stay in a burning building and die rather than leave his best friend.
"You're keeping the suit, right?"
You can basically count on Bucky to care for people, including people he just met.
He uses the backpack strap.
"WTF?!?!" is almost his default mode. This man should be grateful for the serum because it's basically the only thing that's stopped him from having ulcers and going grey early due to stress.
Just, how he protected skinny!Steve without being condescending about it. And, relatedly, how he knew how awesome Steve was before the serum. He didn't care about Captain America; he was there for Steve, even when he could've gone home and even when it led to his presumed death.
And that he'd apparently do it all again if he had the chance, even knowing what would happen to him if he got on that train.
Distracting Tony from killing Steve when all he could do was grab Tony's ankle because he'd just had his arm blown off.
"Can you move your seat up?" "No." Both times.
Basically tried to talk Steve out of helping him prove his innocence because, "I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve."
reasons bucky barnes is too good for this world collected from both the mcu and comics, feel free to add if you like
as the winter soldier he botched a shot because a little girl got in his line of fire
his first christmas as himself again he gave a wad of cash to a homeless vietnam vet
after the events in washington d.c. he returned to his handlers but didn’t kill them (just beat ‘em up a little) bc he didn’t want to spill anymore blood
he got really emotional when the young avengers patriot, hawkeye, and vision saluted him and said it was an honor to work with him
once told off one of his soviet handlers for suggesting that the black widow belonged to anyone
visits his little sister at the alzheimer’s hospital where she lives
has actually uttered the words “holy cow” on screen
wanted to be a park ranger
saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in theaters with his dad and little sister
actually put his hair in a manbun and wore an apron over his uniform to make eggs and bacon for himself and steve
builds model spaceships while living on a spaceship in space
adopted a space aardvark he found in chains, scared, and alone
also adopted a tiny child who has been known to be an actual menace bc she had been used as a weapon and he knows what that’s like
his name is literally “bucky barnes”
lives by the code W.W.S.D. (What Would Steve Do) when things are looking tricky
sat with a couple of kids on the fourth of july to watch the fireworks while eating a red, white, and blue popsicle
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