#Razewing Ratha
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ou .. my animal
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drakomachina · 10 months
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my razewing rathalos (postgame) design for ratha! im preparing to replay stories 2 and getting in da mood by drawing my baby boy.
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photogenicfirecracker · 7 months
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Ratha!! The little guy ever!!!
Commission for @rathalascendant :]
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jkage-94 · 3 months
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Some more monhun fanarts~
Drawn in Krita.
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goldieclaws · 3 months
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My bestest friends in the whole world who have every disease.
Reblogs appreciated, thank you! 💖✨
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sentientballofpeas · 5 months
Hey everyone! I drew razewing ratha poorly.
Will post more soon.
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mortnoire · 2 months
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Revenge for @rave-in-the-grave
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tigibopper · 4 months
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Morning! Have another Ruhan!
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kizzorelli · 3 months
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Art fight attack on @drakomachina ! Proud of the shading on this bad boy. I love the razewing design,,
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rave-in-the-grave · 5 months
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we do a little modding
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drakomachina · 4 months
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reference sheet i never posted… my razewing ratha design!!!!! my favorite guy who only eats plastic SOMETIMES
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myassburnsdawg · 4 months
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astxrope · 4 months
Out of curiosity, how would one go about modding monster hunter stories 2? I wanna mess around with retexturing Ratha in my own style but have nO IDEA where to even start or what programs to use.
Asking for a friend.
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monsterhunterwhore · 1 month
Welcome to the newest addition of my evergrowing attempt at oc infodumping and blog organization! anyway, heres the two main OCs of this blog:
Monster Hunter Stories 1 MC:
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Suvaryn or Ryn, partners with Blaize(Ratha). yes i renamed the main monstie. it pisses me off that they gave both rathalos the same damn nickname and never let you rename it, even after the story ended. moving on.
Next up!
Monster Hunter Stories 2 MC:
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Meleni Roudyr! (image is from right after fully bonding with Eiwyn(also Ratha)) They actually share a primary bond with three monsties: Eiwyn (razewing rathalos), Babydoll (shrouded nerscylla), and Nei (zinogre).
Meleni does have traditional tattoos that combine the Mahana markings and the Samoan tattoos/body markings. still have to do more research for specifics
Meleni, like their grandfather Red and a select few of Mahana Village, has an extended life span thats tied to their monstie companions. Ryn, Cheval, and Avinia also have extended lifespans. Lilia does, in fact, also have an extended lifespan despite not being a Rider, due to her bond with Blaize/MHS1 Ratha.
Lilia's a unique case, and i thought it made sense to adapt her bond with Blaize to essentially being the same as a Rider Bond in my HC. Her Bond does vary a little bit, in that she only received minor cosmetic changes and the extended lifetime, such as slightly pointier ears, the bright red-orange hair streak, and light blue sclera with darker red pupils.
Cheval never really fully bonded with Blaize, but does end up with a similar scar on his eye, mirroring the Rathalos. The only remaing trace of his initial bond with it is that under certain lighting, his red hair looks almost the same color as Blaize's scales. Post-Story of MHS 1, Cheval starts to fully Bond with his Rathian, finally allowing him to be seen as a mature, well-balanced Rider among the inhabitants of Hakum Village.
The inhabitants of Rutoh village undergo a similar change to that of the Riders Bond due to the village maintaining a fairly sizable herd of Kelbi. While not everyone is born with Kelbi horns, they will begin to grow and gain a specific hue once they reach about three years of age, after meeting the herd and pairing up with a baby Kelbi. Ena and Alwin have spilt horn colors as they have Bonded with both a Monstie and a Kelbi. There are a select few whose horns have multiple hues as they have Grazed(paired) with several Kelbi and are expected to become the next caretaker of the herd after the current Taker becomes unable to.
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cringywhitedragon · 2 months
As a Stories Player, this pretty much sums up the differences between the Mainline and Spin-off fights with Velkhana
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Tack on a certain Rad Hunter, a good setup, healing items and it’s pretty much a good example of “BRING IT ON!”
Credit goes to NCHProductions for the original Velkhana image:
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sonicasura · 3 months
A Surge of Power
No.10's power was unlike anything Hoshina's ever seen, calculated punchs that shook the earth when hit, a harden hide that could take load of punshiment and still stand strong, and even if you did damage the hide the Kaiju's regeneration would fix it in a second. It was truly a devastating force, made worse by it's seemingly intelligent nature.
Another earthshattering punch hit the training ground taking all in it's away from the sheer strength of it's punch. This was bad, he had a sinking feeling that he himself wouldn't be enough to Neturalize the Kaiju. It was learning all his moves just from seeing them once, the gaps in it's armor, were now being reinforce with extra muscle making Hoshina have to exert even more force for his attacks to work. As it stood his suit would over heat leaving him defenseless.
Hoshina: * Thoughts* Dammit.... at this rate all my energy will be exhausted, there.... there has to be some..!
It was at that moment Hoshina wanted to facepalm, he did have something that could help even the odds and potentially turn the fight around.
After dodgeing another punch Hoshina began retreating backwards to give him enough distance, eyes never leaving Kaiju No.10, he sheathed his blades.
No.10 who saw this was unhappy at the implication of Hoshina putt away their weapon.
No.10: Sheathing your weapons? Are you planing on running away. No... this won't do at all, you are supposed to be my rival. To flee battle like a coward
That. Would. Make. Me. FURIOUSSSSS!!!
The roared echo out across the training facility pushing rubble back from the sheer force, and caused Hoshina to dig in his feet, to keep from flying backwards. However while this would indimidate many, Hoshina just had a smug smirk adorning his face.
Hoshina: Jeez I didn't take you for the chatty type but I'm afraid you got it all wrong.
Grabbing something from behind his back, he unsheathed a pair of blades much different from the last one. These were the finalized version of the Smithing Core's " New Wave" weapon. The dual blades have been made from Seregios's scales acting as the bladed part, along with the finest steel, and tge handle being reinforced with Nergigante Scales.
These weapons where Hoshina's Ace in the hole.
This revelation only excited No.10 and caused him to go back on the attack with even more frevor than before.
A head to head clash ensued, however the advantage was turned over to Hoshina, the blades cut the through No.10 armor and allowed Hoshina more attack oppritunities, with not have to solely aim for the gaps in No.10's plating. There was another effect taking place however that both were unaware of
The effect that caused wounds to be more painful and take longer to heal. This effect was devastating and it currently had No.10 in it's iron hold. Every slash left wounds that took longer and longer to heal, and sapped away at No.10's energy from regeneration. A wound that would normally take No.10 less than a second to heal soon took 2 seconds, than 4, than 7, than 10. The slow down on regenration was something Hoshina immediately took notice of and used to his full advantage.
" Sword Slayer Technique No.6 Eightfold Slasher"
A devastating blink and you'll miss it flurry of slash hit No.10 and seemingly kill the Kaiju. The team monitering the fight cheered however Hoshina cut the celebration short.
Hoshina: It's not dead yet I only managed to knick the core before it moved.
No.10 putting all of it's power to transform into a towering Kaiju and soon a massive red behemoth stood in the training facility. Hoshina stood wide eyed at the monstrosity, especially when Okonogi told him that the Fortitude clocked in at 9.0. This was bad Hoshina had put almost all his energy into that clash and No.10 still had the energy to keep on fighting.
This however is when 2 things happened
Okonogi: Wait, the fortidude it's.... decreasing!
No.10's fortitude went from 9.0 to 8.1, then to 8.7 then back down to 7.7, the fortidude began to heavily fluctuate rapidly going back to 9.0 before dropping once again to 7.9.
Unknown to all, when Hoshina knicked the core. The bleeding effect wrapped it self around No. 10's core causing instability, and caused it to be unable to hold a stable fortitude as it's energy was literally being sapped from it's very core.
The second thing was a powerful fireball hitting No. 10, as all eyes turned to the skies and were met with Rider and Ratha joining in on the fight.
Rider: Hey, Captain dude catch!!!
A jar was thrown down to Hoshina, which he caught
Rider: That should give you back your stamina, hurry up and chug it down!
Not wanting too look a gift horse in the mouth Hoshina did just that, and in an instant felt as good as new.
It seemed like luck was on the Defense Forces side today.
What do you think? And sorry for the length of the post.
Don't worry about the length cause I don't mind! This is definitely awesome btw.
Bleeding tends to be quite the nasty ailment for even a prepared hunter. Hunting Seregios or any other monster that can afflict the status was quite the pain in the ass whenever I played MHGU, not as bad as the Deviljho surprise encounters. Stamina potions definitely would be useful for the Defense Force since it would stave off overheating for quite awhile.
I can see Hoshina leave enough of a sample inside the jar for the Science Division to analyze later. Despite being weakened, No. 10 is definitely hyped to tussle with Rider. This oversized beetle does want rivals and will throw hands even against a teenager.
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