#Raynes Park packing and moving
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mtcremovalsposts · 9 months ago
Removals in Raynes Park SW20
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Planning a move in Raynes Park SW20? Look no further than MTC Removals for a seamless and stress-free relocation experience. Our expert team specialises in providing top-notch removal services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re moving your home or office, we offer comprehensive solutions including professional packing, secure storage, and efficient transportation. Serving the vibrant community of Raynes Park and surrounding areas, including Lower Morden, Merton Park, Wimbledon Chase, and New Malden, we pride ourselves on our reliability, affordability, and exceptional customer service. Trust MTC Removals to handle every aspect of your move with care and efficiency. Contact us today for a free instant quote and discover why we are the preferred choice for removals in Raynes Park SW20.
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raynepup · 2 years ago
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[ india eisley, female, she/her ] whatever you think you know about KITTY RAYNE, the 20 year old, ASEXUAL, NEW COMER, it is likely time for you to start reconsidering. the rumored WEREWOLF is often described as INDEPENDENT + STREETWISE, but don’t let them fool you; they can also be BLUNT + NAIVE, which often has them regarded as the THE WARD. they are UNEMPLOYED, but it’s also said they are a BETA within the BLOOD MOON PACK. whatever you hear, you can’t deny there’s more to them that meets the eye, and it’s time we start uncovering the truth. 
The Rayne pack was a small pack, living in a cabin in a national park, and despite the small size, they were highly respected by other packs in the surrounding towns, but feared by any human that came upon them for their reputation. Kitty was the youngest of her siblings, her father the overbearing and powerful Alpha of the pack. They relied on their wolf side over their human side, so would regularly hunt for meals, living in the middle of the woods, and avoiding venturing into town as much as possible, aside from the school-aged weres, who attended just to avoid suspicion. They hunted humans, shamelessly, most in the pack over the age of ten having blue eyes from having made their first kill. But being only seven and the pup of the pack, a lot was kept from Kitty, still learning the basics of being a werewolf when the pack was attacked. During a family meal, hunters attacked the family with wolfsbane vapour. All the doors and windows were barricaded, and Kitty remembered screaming as her mother and older sister fell to the floor. Her father put his hand over her mouth to silence her, leading her and her eldest brother to the kitchen, where her other brother and sister were lying, the plates of food they were carrying in smashed on the floor. 
 Keeping between the trees and away from the roads and trails, Kitty could see her father was struggling to breathe, but he refused to admit it, the three of them moving until they got to their closest ally's land. At that, her father asked for a place to stay, and aid in tracking down the hunters that did this, wanting revenge. The pack laughed at him, telling him to beg, and Leo Rayne was not one to beg. He demanded the Alpha fight him, and it was only moments later that Kitty watched as her father bled out on the floor, his throat slashed. 
Without an Alpha, Kitty and her brother were given two options - join the Blood Moon pack, or join their family. Kitty knew of the pack, her sister having been betrothed to marry into it, and how much her father told her they should show them respect, that their morals aligned with her family's. And so she accepted her new pack, her new family without a second thought. 
While not diagnosed, Kitty has autism, and struggles to know how to properly socialise, and often misses social cues. Her brother is one of the few people that can touch her as well without her freaking out
The first and only human she's killed was a school counsellor when she was in high school. After she got into a fight she was sent to speak to her. The woman already had concerns about Kitty, and when she tried to push her to tell her what was going on, she got too close and Kitty lashed out, shifting and attacking her, which the pack had to help cover up.
Her brother recently got a Labrador puppy she named Pig. He claims the dog is his, but really he got it for her.
She collects Happy Meal toys. It's something she's done since she was little.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
My little brothers revenge part 3
The next 2 weeks flew by after that, with the only strange thing being that Justin started to have A LOT of close call's with getting to the backroom on time and was leaving a ton of skid marks in his pants, and that Justin had also apparently seen the error in his ways and had asked to try and host a D&D session for Alex and his friends to make up for everything he'd done.
Naturally of course Alex wasn't sure about whether or not to trust Justin, but then the bully had gone out of his way to get permission from their parents for Alex to have all of his friends over while they were gone for the session to happen.
"I just think with how rough he's had it lately, he could use a treat, and it'll be a good bonding experience for us since he's kinda too small to play football with me and the guys." Justin had said, acting sheepish.
After that Alex had dialed back the amount of ex-lax he'd been sneaking into Justin's drink's since he felt just awful about trying to make Justin a diaper boy when he was being so nice.
Of course Ben warned him it could just be a trap and to keep up the treatment (and had asked for pictures of Alex next time he had a uh-oh accident as payment for his words of wisdom) But Alex choice to believe in Justin, a choice he would come to regret.
With their parents gone Saturday morning, most of the day was spent with Alex helping Justin go over the rules for the campaign in the morning, and then hanging out and playing with his friends in the afternoon while Justin went out to hang with Grizz and Rayne.
"Man, hard to believe that Justin is being such a cool guy." Lyle said and winced as they were walking back from the park, having played a game of touch football with some younger kids (and having gotten their butts kicked, which only confirmed Alex's belief he was NOT meant to play the damn game)
"areeee you sure he's on the up and up on this?" Kyle asked, rubbing at his arm where a 5 year old had punched him.
"What? Guys come on, it's the four of US vs. him if he tries anything. we can take him!" Alex said full of misplaced pride and swagger even as he had a slight limp.
"..you realize a group of five year olds just whooped us right?" Max asked, Pausing to spit out more dirt from when he'd been driven into the ground.
"Yeah but there was a equal number of them to us and they were all sneaky like ninjas." Alex said, waving a hand. "Sides, worse case go for the nuts. it's like the weak spot on the death star."
"You've been going to your mom's self defense class again haven't you?" Max asked and chuckled.
"...Maybe." Alex huffed.
"heh, just don't" Lyle started.
"Scream out 'he's got my purse!' this time." Kyle finished and the rest of the losers club laughed while Alex blushed and fumed.
"Guys it was ONE time, let it goooo!"
While the losers club was out and playing their little games, Justin and the boys were getting everything ready for the pampering.
as it turned out the old crib wasn't going to be big enough for even just one of the boys, while the old playpen might of fit two at most though it would be cramped.
Thankfully two solutions provided themselves in this, their darkest hour in the form of finding a old car seat of Justin's that looked big enough to MAYBE hold Alex, and a old high chair that would hold Max for sure.
"So..how are we going to hide ALL of this upstairs? I know Alex and his friends are dorks, but their not stupid." Grizz asked.
"Oh, what if we went and put like sheets over them, and tell them their ghosts!" Rayne suggested eagerly.
"...Rayne buddy why don't you go have a juice box." Justin said, patting the hulking boys back.
as the muscle bound boy headed up to the fridge for some apple juice, Grizz and Justin exchanged looks.
"Man, he's our friend and everything, but Jesus.. does he eat paint chips or something?" Grizz asked.
"Go ahead and ask him, I'll go and get the bucket to mop you up after he creams you." Justin chuckled. "Ok ok..back to the problem at hand..We could Make get the high chair in the broom closet, and the playpen all folded up in the linen closet. Car seat, I dunno.."
"Yeahhh whole lotta time to waste between getting them pampered and getting them in they're seats." Grizz agreed then added with a blush.. "and I didn't go though all the humiliation of buying 4 packs of those discount diapers just for them to go to waste."
By now Rayne was coming back down the steps with his juice box and smiled and waved a hand.
"heh, Yes Rayne?" Justin asked, waiting for the stupid idea to come out.
"What if like, you have the playpen and stuff all set up down here but hidden behind some stuff and we just send up the gaming area down here. you can claim you wanna set a atmosphere for the game, capture the feeling of going though a dungeon." Rayne said and smiled big time.
"...H-U-H..Man Rayne, you need to drink apple juice more often!" Justin chuckled. "Good idea!"
"nah, then i get the poops." Rayne said but grinned big time.
"..Noted?" Grizz said/asked with a sweat drop.
It was after supper, and with bellies full of Pizza and root beet, the boys made they're way down the dusty (though not as dusty as before) basement, the twins semi hugging each other as the basement's lights only worked in two of the four areas, casting long scary shadows.
Max was mostly ok, though he could of sworn he'd seen something move out of the corner of his eye.
"Uh..Alex,Justin, you guys sure you don't have rats?" he asked, a twinge of worry in his voice.
"Oh yeah, we get checked regularly, Dad's TERRIFIED of them, it's why we can't go to Disney world." Alex said, laughing though he was getting a little bit creeped out being in the basement after dark.
still he wanted to try and support Justin who clearly was making a effort. plenty of large blankets had been rolled out onto the stone floor and a coffee table was set up in the middle, not on the blankets but they were bunched around it.
there were books and note pads and pencils and dice, all the great makings for a table top game and Alex turned to smile at his friends as they took in the site.
coming around the table and looking at the set up, the boys all whistled and Alex smirked at his friends under the pale light of the basement.
"See? I told you guys we could trust Justin!" he beamed.
"heh, Oh?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, the guys were kinda worried you were gonna pull something." Alex said, rubbing the back of his head. "Buttt I knew you were trying ..to.." Alex trailed off as he saw the look on his brothers face.
"Yeahhh about that, maybe listen to your friends next time." Justin advised.
"Whatever! It's four on one Justin, we CAN and WILL kick your butt!" Alex said, balling up his fists and looking over his shoulder to his friends.
The twins and Max nodded back and got ready to fight but Justin didn't look too concerned.
"oh no, Four little dorks who already got their butts kicked by five year olds and they're threatening me. what ever will I do. Oh woe is me." Justin said, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic fashion then grinning and snapping his fingers. "Oh wait, I know..Grizz, Rayne, wanna help me get our soon to be slaves dressed and ready for they're new life's of cooking, cleaning and doing homework for us?" Justin said.
two shadows moved out from behind a pile of boxes and indeed there was Justin's buddy's.
"Oh, by the way, feel free to fight back, but anyone who does gets a spanking. if your GOOD little boys, we'll get you dressed with minimal fussing." Justin added.
Alex of course chose to fight, as did Max since he had to have his buddies back.
the two of them lunged at Justin going for a combo knee and groin attack but Justin caught Alex in the air and just hoisted him over his shoulder with Alex's head and arms over his back and yanked down Alex's pants with his free hand and started to slap the boys butt, getting howls of pain from him.
Max meanwhile had gotten his ankle grabbed by Rayne as he went to leap and was tugged back and put under Rayne's beefy arm and much like Alex, pants were yanked down and his butt was slapped, Max howling away as Rayne giggled and gave Justin a silly grin.
"it's like I'm playing the bongo's!" he giggled childishly.
Lyle and Kyle meanwhile had taken inventory of how sore they already were, how big and strong Justin and his friends were and had just stayed put, holding each other hands while Grizz looked down at them and smirked.
"heh, so your gonna be good boys?" Grizz asked.
Both twins nodded then jumped at the sounds coming from their friends.
"H-hey! stop that! They'll-" Lyle started, looking at Alex and Max who's buns where getting red even with their undies protecting them.
"-Be good boys like us! Come on, Please stop?" Kyle finished, wincing and fighting the urge to bury his face in his brothers shoulder.
"Hmm I dunno.. Alex, are you gonna be a good boy or make your widdle friends into liars?" Justin asked, pausing for a second.
Alex of course had been beating on Justin's back, for all the good it had done him and was now stood in front of Justin, tears running down his face and pants around his ankles.
Likewise, Max was set on his feet, though the tears weren't as free flowing and he gave a glare at the Twin's who suddenly found something VERY interesting to look at at the floor so they could avoid eye contract.
"Hey now, none of that Maxie, those two might of just gotten you out of the 5 minutes spanking we had planned." Justin said.
"F-Five Minutes?" Alex whimpered, and put a hand to his sore butt. it already hurt so much from just 30 seconds!!
"well give or take a bout 30 seconds." Justin said and smirked.
a hissing sound was heard and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was, as Alex started to sob heavily as a puddle started to form under him where his accidents wasn't being soaked up by his pants.
"well, I'm gonna count that as a third vow to be a good boy..what do you say Max, wanna make it four for four?" Justin asked.
"Rot in hell! I'll never give in!" Max vowed.
Never as it turned out lasted all of anther 40 seconds then Max had a accident too. Following a quick clean up that would keep the boys from making puddles all the way up the stairs, Justin had Alex and Max take a quick bath together to both boys embarrassment, with Justin supervising to 'keep them out of trouble' while the Twin's mopped up the piddle accidents and got the wet clothes in the wash under the watchful eyes of Rayne and Grizz.
since the cat was out of the bag so to speak Rayne and Grizz had the twins help them bring the supplies for tonight's fun up into the living room, the urine smell in the basement being a big deciding factor.
The twins had a very good idea what was gonna happen as they carried the packs of diapers upstairs for the bullies, as well as a bag of dirty socks.
Well ok, the twins knew what the diapers and baby furniture was for, but the socks stumped them.
"Um..Mister Rayne?" Lyle asked, and held the bag up with one hand, the other being used to hold his nose.
"Hmm? me? Oh I'm just Rayne kiddo. what's up." Rayne said, confused at first but then smiling.
"I think I get most of what your planning, but why the stinky socks?" Lyle asked, looking over as Kyle was being a super good helper and getting the playpen set up, even though the look on his face made it clear he didn't wanna be helping at all.
"Oh the socks are for..are for.." And Rayne trailed off, and rubbed the back of his head, then turned to Grizz. "Hey Grizz, what are the socks for again?"
"We're gonna get the babies who aren't doing homework to wear them on both hands, one hand for the ones who are, and use about 3 socks per hand and tape for make shift baby mitts." Grizz called over.
"Ohhh yeahh..So that." Rayne said and smiled brightly.
"B-But why stinky socks? I don't wanna get athletes foot on my hands!" Lyle whined and whimpered.
"Oh! this part I do 'member! it's cuz you won't be tempted to try and tug'em off with your teeth after those socks have been on me and Justin's and Grizz's feet!" Rayne said, ever so proud of himself that he'd recalled that much.
"I..but..Ewwwww!" Lyle whined and started to cry.
"oh hey hey, look, it's just kinda fair if you think about it!" Rayne said, pulling the smaller boy into a hug.
"H-How so?" Lyle sniffled.
"well we're gonna hafa smell you guys when your blort your diapers. So see? it all works out!"
Somehow not only was this NOT a comfort for the twins, but started Kyle bawling too.
With Alex and Max washed nice and clean, they huffed and pouted as they were marched down stairs in just they're towels and were greeted to the site of of Lyle and Kyle (Aka mentally labeled the traitors in both boys minds) sitting side by side in Alex's old playpen wearing nothing but three pairs of dirty white socks on each hand that were taped up at the wrist with green masking tape and at least 4 pairs of white and pink diapers around their hips.
Finishing the look off as a bib around each twins hip, Lyle had Big bird on his while his brother was rocking cookie monster.
"Heh, nice touch with the bibs!" Justin commented. "I was gonna let them keep their shirts on."
"Well you know, I found a box of them in the basement and thought, why not?" Grizz said.
The twins had tear stains on their cheeks and Justin raised a eyebrow at that.
"Did they have to get spanked too?" He asked.
"Oh nah, just had a little sob feast. kinda shocked it didn't happen sooner. they ARE babies after all." Rayne giggled.
"So what do you have picked out for our two little naughty boys to wear?" Justin asked, chuckling and yanking the towels off of the younger boys who yelped and covered themselves despite the fact that A) they had both already seen everything B) so had Justin and C) they we gonna have to move their hands once they were diapered.
"Well I was thinking something retro, and classy at the same time." Grizz said, taking on a snobbish voice and making the other bullies smirk. "Something that screams 'I'm a big dumb baby slave, but at least I can do homework.' You know, a look for the ages."
"I see I see. Looks like you two little brainiac's get to do our homework while we supervise the good boys. And Don't even THINK of fucking it up. We'll be taking all SORTS of pictures of you dweebs in all your big baby glory and won't be shy about sharing it with your classmates." Justin chuckled and then pointed over to the changing mat's on the floor.
"J-Justin come on, do we HAVE to wear diapers?" Alex tried one last time.
"Alex I'm shocked, don't tell me you WANNA run around in the buff all night!" Justin said.
somehow the boy's blush got worse and along with Max he scrambled over to the changing mat's without further argument.
thickly diapered and one hand in the make shift baby mitts (Left hand for Alex and right hand for Max) and sporting Elmo themed for Max and Oscar the grouch for Alex, the last two of the loser's club was living up to it's name.
Max had been put in a old wooden high chair which even as small and shrimpy as he was was still a tight fit and had the bullies English and Social studies homework out in front of him.
Alex meanwhile had oddly easier been strapped into a old car seat and pulled up to the coffee table and handed the Math and science homework.
"Since when do you even get this much homework over one weekend?" Alex had asked, eyes going wide.
"Oh yeah, we asked for extra homework to make up for our falling grades. our teachers loved we were trying. So again. Don't make us look bad." Justin said and ruffled Alex's hair, making the huffy diapered shrimp squirm and try and get away.
"I can't believe I actually thought you were turning over a new leaf." Alex huffed and sulked.
"Honestly, neither could I, but you just wanted it to be true sooo bad~ Though I'm not without a degree of mercy." Justin chuckled and at that moment Grizz came in and set a baby bottle full of milk on Max's tray, then on in reach of Max.
Meanwhile the twins were being handed one each by Rayne and just took them with some difficulties in both hands and started to drink, they they wrinkled they're noses.
"heh, I guess the socks kinda keep you from fully enjoying the moo juice. Ah well, not my problem. I expect that ba-ba drained in a hour little man, I don't need you getting all dehydrated with all the crying and pissing you've been doing." Justin snickered and after handing Alex his ba-ba, walked away.
For a tiny split second Alex was tempted to grab the bottle and toss it at Justin, but then his common sense kicked in stead and he went to work, pausing every so often to drink the oddly sweet milk.
The twins tummies were starting to hurt as they chugged down they're milk but with the lack of room in the playpen and their stinky sock mitten's they weren't sure if they were gonna be able to pick the bottle back up if they put them down.
Since they had maybe already lost they're friends after betraying them before, they had silently agreed to just try and be the best big babies they could tonight since there was no point in getting a spanking now anyways.
"Sheesh, I guess that sob feast they had really dried them up. Careful little guys you're gonna give yourselves gas bubbles!" Rayne said, looking almost legitimately concerned.
"heh, don't tell me you're going soft on us man." Grizz teased, lightly elbowing Rayne side.
"Huh? no, I just don't wanna have to burp them and risk getting spit up on me."
"..You uh, Know their not REALLY babies right?" Justin asked after a second. "So I don't think that's gonna be a worry."
the mental image of being held in the bullies arms and being burped like a oversized baby wasn't exactly appealing to Kyle who slowed his chugging down but Lyle seemed to speed his up.
"..heh, I think one of them WANTS to be burped!" Grizz said.
Tugging his ba-ba out quick Lyle went to defend himself but in stead let out a massive belch that did kinda make his tummy feel better.
Kyle on the other hand took the other option when it came to gas relief as before anyone could say anything about the burp, a muffled long fart came out of Kyle's behind and the boys eyes went wide as saucers making it clear who had cut the cheese.
"Sheesh, couple of Gas holes over here." Justin laughed then wrinkled his nose, taking a step back. "Ugh, If his FARTS smell this bad.."
"yeahhh Maybe we shouldn't of put all that laxative powder in there." Rayne said, rubbing the back of his head.
With THAT announcement all four boys who had been taking a drink, Lyle having just put his bottle back up to his mouth dropped them and looked at the bullies.
"Rayne, they weren't suppose to know about that." Scolded Justin, then he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"oh..uh sorry. How can I make it up to you?" Rayne said, while all four of the diapered losers club squirmed and whined in their baby prison's.
"Guess who gets to change all four stinkers himself?" Justin asked.
"Grizz? that's not fair he did- ...OH!...oh." Rayne started to argue, but then his face lit up as he got it, then fell as he got it.
Hearing about how the milk had been tainted, Alex grabbed his and was trying to pry the lid off to dump it out when Justin came over and shook his head.
"Ah ah ah, Bad baby brother! I guess you're gonna have to take a homework break so big brother can bottle feed you." Justin scolded, getting Alex out of the car seat and into his lap while Justin sat on the floor, pressing and rubbing the nipple on Alex's closed mouth.
"Open up little man, it's either you drink your special ba-ba and make 'present's for big brother or I get out the enema kit mom got for dad." Justin said.
Alex's eyes widen and he stared at his brothers face, wondering if Justin would really actually use that horrible looking thing on him..then recalling he was currently dressed like a big baby and opened his mouth.
"Good boy! Guess i could of just made you drink it on your own with that threat..eh, Your kinda cute like this. In a total loser big baby sorta way." Justin snickered.
Alex suckled down fast and hard, just wanting to get it over with and glared at Justin, willing himself to be able to make his asshole of a big brother end up crapping HIMSELF before Alex fudged his huggies.
As the cramps started to build in his tummy, Alex didn't think that was going to happen.
Seeing Alex being bottle fed by his brother and Grizz coming over Max gulped and gave a sheepish smile.
"I..Don't suppose you could just take the nipple off so i can chug this and get it over with huh?" He tried.
"heh, I suppose so. at least then I don't have to worry about burping the nerdy baby." Grizz said and started to unscrew the top. "But just so you know, if you try and just dump it out, I'll be tanning your ass for 5 minutes strait, then just giving you a enema."
Whether it was the threat itself, or the fact Max had loaded up on fluids on the way home he'd never be sure, but the poor boy gasped and whimpered as a hissing was heard and he soaked his diaper.
"Heh, We got our first wet diaper! Man, you must have a hair trigger bladder huh?" Grizz asked, and offered the opened ba-ba to Max. "Bottoms up soggy pants."
Whining softly but knowing he was stuck (in more ways then one with his diaper bloating out in the high chair) Max gave a week smile and drank as fast as he could.
The twins meanwhile had been given new instructions by Rayne who had decided if he was gonna have four sets of poopie diapers to change, he might as well get a cute site first.
The nicest of the three bullies (if only due to his lower IQ) he'd understood when Lyle and Kyle hadn't been abler to get they're ba-ba's picked up between the cramped space and the baby mitt and had picked up their bottle's and handed them to the other.
"Um..Rayne? I-I had more of my ba-ba gone." Kyle said meekly. "This is Lyle's."
"I Know, I want you to bottle feed each other, it'll look so cute!" he said and then with a big of shuffling around got them facing each other. "Your twin brothers so you're both close..So go on, help you brother drink up!" He encouraged them both.
Knowing better then to argue, the Twins shifted around and worked out how to get their arms out of the way of the other then both were drinking up, eyes closed and noses wrinkled from the smell of the socks, and the mini poots that were escaping almost constantly now as they were almost finished their ba-ba's.
As such with they're eyes closed they didn't see that Rayne had grabbed Justin's camera phone (After losing three cells of his own, Rayne wasn't trusted with one anymore.) and snapped a few pictures of the cuteness in front of him, and when they finished he fished them both out of the playpen and had them each put a head over one of his shoulders, apparently having gotten over his stance on burping them.
As they felt the big strong pats on their back and looked at each other over the simple giants shoulder, both twins wet their diapers at the same time but just like how they normally talked, one would burp then the other then the first one, back and forth till Rayne was sure he'd gotten all the gas bubbles out.
The twin's weren't sure how they felt about this, since Clearly Rayne was strong enough to support BOTH of them with just one hand making them feel even smaller then before, though it DID feel good to get all that gas out even if they're tummies were still cramping big time now.
"Feel better little guys?" Rayne asked, smirking.
Lyle started to nod while Kyle went to say something, but that was when the ba-ba's special ingredient kicked in. Both twins stiffened and little gasps came out of their mouths but that was nothing compared to the torrent of muck that poured out of their backside as the pink and white diapers rapidly expanded and even with the slits cut in them it was clear they were rapidly approaching a overflow point.
"Sheesh, that didn't take long." Grizz said, holding his nose.
"Oh man, their fucking toxic!" Justin complained.
between the sick sounding wet farts you could HEARD the diapers crackling as they fought to keep up but it wouldn't be till the diapers were fully loaded that they Twins would snap out of their shocked silence.
Rayne went to say something to comfort them but it was like a shrill alarm going off as both twin once again started wailing and crying, and Rayne winced, his own nose wrinkling.
"Uhh.. Can I just go and hose them off in the back yard?" He semi shouted, trying to be heard over the twins.
"Are you kidding? they'd alert the whole block as to whats going on!" Justin said, gagging a little. "Oh Man..I did NOT think this though..."
"Well what did you expect a dirty diaper was gonna smell like?" Alex huffed, though he was making grossed out faces too, plus knew that was his future."Sun shrine and rainbows?!"
"Also it's WAY too cold out to clean them up outside anyways Rayne, you'll make them sick."Max pointed out
"You two, shut up and get back to work. and Rayne..I know we were gonna make them sit in it but for the sake of everyone noses, change them now....and uh, take them to the basement to do it." Justin huffed.
Rayne nodded and off he went with the little stinkers and Grizz turned to Justin.
"Ahhh.. maybe we'll just use the pictures of them, but let them take dumps in the potty..I mean.. " he was saying, moving to go and open some windows.
"Ngggh, you might be onto something there." Justin said, then noticed Max and Alex exchanging looks and smirking. "..what's with the looks?"
"It seems to me, like the balance of power has shifted." Max said with a evil grin.
"Unless you WANT us unleashing hell in our diapers over and over again, you're gonna knock all of this off now, and hand over the pictures." Alex said smugly.
"Are you REALLY trying to threaten us with stinky diapers?" Grizz asked, half amused half in disbelief.
"If you thought the twin's were stinky they don't hold a candle up to Max, and Justin you know how bad I can be when I'm NOT loaded with ex-lax."
"..Mistakes have been made." Justin groaned, face palming.
"Are you kidding me?! I went though all that embarrassment and blew all that money on diapers and we're gonna cave in now?" Grizz huffed, looking pissed.
Max left out a poot and that fresh tears to the bullies eyes.
"Consider that a preview of whats to come." Max said and gave a evil laugh. "and tick tock guys.. us 'babies' can only hold it for sooo long~"
"Look Grizz, I'm sorry but unless you wanna be the one helping Rayne change diapers." Justin started to say, cut off by Rayne's cry of horror from the basement. "Then the plan failed."
"This is fucking bullshit!" Grizz huffed and then stormed out of the living room, grabbing his jacket.
"Grizz come on! wait!"
"No way man, screw you! I'm going home!" Grizz growled back and took off, slamming the door.
"...Well I hope your happy now!" Justin huffed at the big babies.
"Oh, we will be.. but first.. socks off and let us out of our baby prisons." Alex said, then smirked. "and don't worry, I have a feeling the diapers WON'T be going to waste."
For the first time since this little war had started, Justin felt a pang of worry.
In the aftermath, only the twins ended up messing their diapers and once Rayne found out the plan had fallen though he sulked and huffed and stormed off home too to do the extra class work that no one else was gonna do for him now.
The Pictures were turned over as promised and Justin figured Alex just deleted them, never suspecting that they were kept for blackmail power of a sort later on, and while no one else had a smelly diaper that night, all four boys kept wearing one just in case.
The twins were forgiven by Max and Alex after a bit, mostly due to how traumatized they seemed from having made such big stinkies and having to get cleaned up and had sucked on their thumbs when they weren't playing video games with Max and Alex, though they had conked out hard shortly after.
Justin, as the last bully standing, got the 'honor' of taking the shovel and going out to the trail to 'bury the treasure' and was less then happy when he came back and got told to go to bed and rest up, he was going to need it.
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valentines-in-london · 6 years ago
I Need Fire (Part 20)
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Authors Note:  Hey all!  I am so freaking sorry there hasn’t been an update in a while!!  Life has been crazy and also I got a bit tripped up with this chapter.  For more beach making out inspiration check out Bon Jovi’s “Livin In Sin” video as well haha.  Thanks for sticking with me and please tell me what you think of the chapter! Word Count: 3,622 Warnings:  drugs, angst Taglist:   @freddiessmallnipples @triplehaitches @samanthadegaro @lauravic @oh-well1 @la-sorciere-fleur @anxious-diabetic @xdeath-soulx @fanofnightz @songbirdkisses​ If you’d like to be added please let me know!
Previous Chapter  //  Master List  //  Next Chapter
Chapter 20
Rayne had no idea what to pack, she had never been somewhere tropical before in her life but that was exactly where she was going: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  Tommy had surprised her with a trip to Cabo for Christmas. It wasn’t a long trip, only three days but the day after they got back Tommy would go into the studio with Motley and Rayne would start really gearing up for Stanley’s fashion show. Life was once again about to get extremely hectic so the next few days were precious.
“I literally just packed tank tops, a bathing suit and one pair of jeans.”  Tommy smiled as he zipped up his luggage.
“Of course you did.” Rayne laughed as she packed some hair products in her bag.  Quite possibly the worst thing about any type of travel when you had curly hair was packing hair product.  Traveling with no product was the equivalent of a death sentence. “I’m giving up, if it’s not in here I’ll just have to live without it for a weekend.”
“You packed a bathing suit right?”  Tommy questioned rolling onto his stomach on the bed.
“I did.”  Rayne replied.
“A bikini?” Tommy smiled wide.
“Tommy, no one wants to see this in a bikini.”
“No correction, I want to see you in a bikini.”  Tommy said with his usual blend of sexy and genuine.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready?  We’re going to be late for our flight if we don’t get a move on.”
“I was born ready. I’m waiting on you foxy lady.” He pushed himself up and off their bed.
“Well I’ve been ready.”  Rayne said defiantly as she threw one more thing in her suitcase before finally zipping up her bag.  That was one of Tommy’s favorite quirks about Rayne, she always waited until the last second to be ready and then acted like she was the one waiting on Tommy.
Rayne and Tommy arrived at LAX, they parked their car and walked across the street to get to the ticketing desk.  It was all going wonderfully, until an older gentleman with a camera approached them and began snapping photos.  “Where are you off to Tommy?”
“What are you doing dude?”  Tommy questioned taking a few quick steps to put himself slightly in front of Rayne.
“Just my job.” The photographer kept snapping photos.  “Is this your girlfriend?”
“Dude, you can take as many pictures of me as you want but leave her out of it alright?” Tommy spoke defensively.
“But that’s what people want to know.”
“Who are these people?”
“Whatever magazine buys the photos.”  The photographer said vaguely.  The walk to the door felt like the longest walk of all time.  Rayne thought that he would stop when they entered the airport, but that was not the case.  
Rayne could feel Tommy’s agitation; she reached for his hand giving him a gentle squeeze as they approached the ticketing counter.  “It’s okay babe.  Just go with it.”
Rayne and Tommy checked into their flight and were given their boarding passes in a swift fashion. The photographer had definitely drawn the attention of others in the airport, most wondering who the hell they were and a small handful who knew exactly who Tommy was.  A small crowd had gathered around the ticketing counter making Rayne and Tommy have to slowly push their way toward the escalator up to the security checkpoint.  Tommy had never been so happy to see a bunch of officers with badges who quickly turned away the photographer and got Rayne and Tommy through security fairly quick.  When the officer looked at Tommy’s passport he nodded his head, “Alright you’re the dude from that Motley band!”
“Yeah.”  Tommy said less than enthused and walked through the metal detectors.  Once they had gotten through and into the concourse Rayne grabbed Tommy’s hand and pulled him into a secluded gate area.
“Hey, calm down.” She spoke soothingly, running her hands up and down his arms.  “I can feel how angry you are.”
“What the fuck was that?”  Tommy finally spoke after a few moments.  “A fucking photographer invading our privacy to sell the pictures to some fucking magazine?  And taking pictures of you?  Fuck that.”
“Hey, shhh.” Rayne placed a hand on his cheek. “Sadly that’s the price that comes with fame.  Is it one of the good sides?  No.  But there’s nothing we can do about it now. Maybe we need to start thinking about how to handle that situation.”
Letting out a heavy breath Tommy shook his head.  She could feel him starting to calm down.  “That’s not how I wanted this vacation to start.”
“I know baby. I’m sure that’ll be the worst thing to happen on this get away.  Okay?”  Rayne smiled. “Come on, let’s go to our gate and forget about it alright?”
Tommy nodded his head and he and Rayne walked hand in hand to their gate.
Once Rayne and Tommy walked into their suite in the resort almost everything from earlier in the day was forgotten.  Tommy dropped both of their matching bags on the floor while Rayne held two large margarita glasses in her hand.  The weather was warm and the cold drink not only tasted delicious but it felt delicious too.  Rayne handed a glass to Tommy before taking a step out onto the back deck which was open to the sand on the beach where the teal water was calling to them.  Tommy quickly changed into his black and pink spackled swim trunks, Rayne however took a few minutes to change into her bathing suit. She had packed a bikini, at Tommy’s request, it was the last thing she threw into her bag before they left. Rayne looked at herself in the mirror before taking a deep breath and letting her hair out of her pony tail.
When she walked out Tommy’s jaw went a bit slack.  Rayne was in a leopard string  bikini which hugged her curves just right despite how unsure she was. Rayne rolled her eyes, “Don’t look like that, you’ve seen me naked.”
“You look amazing, come on.”  Tommy grabbed Rayne’s hand and the two walked hand in hand towards the ocean.  The Mexican sun felt hot on their skin so when the cool water brushed their feet it was a welcome feeling.  Rayne immediately dove under the water flipping her hair out of her face as she reached the surface.  Tommy was still only up to his knees in the water.
“What?  Too cold for you California boy?”  Rayne called out to him splashing in his direction.  “Come on, I’ll warm you up.”
Tommy still remained where he was so Rayne swam back to him like a lioness stalking her prey. When she got within arms length of him she pounced on Tommy sending him to fall right into the water. Tommy gasped as he came to the surface, “Oh you are so dead.”
“Am I?”  Rayne teased playfully splashing him with water.  “You’ll have to catch me first.”
With that Rayne was swimming off into deeper water with ease while Tommy slowly chased after her. For having such long lanky limbs he certainly didn’t have speed in the water.  When Tommy finally reached Rayne she was calmly floating in the salt water.  
“Oh no you’ve caught me.”  Tommy leaned down and kissed her causing her to no longer be floating in the water but now kicking her feet to stay afloat.  She wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck and grazed her nose with his. “I guess someone is feeling better.”
“How could I not be when we have a beautiful private beach, a romantic suite and soon enough a gorgeous sunset?”  Tommy enthusiastically replied.  
“Good.  I’m glad.”  Rayne said wrapping her legs around Tommy’s waist and kissing him softly.  “I’m gonna go grab a lounge chair and get some sun.”
“Sounds good.” Tommy replied as he began swimming back to the shore with Rayne.  As Rayne walked out of the water she quickly brushed her hair off of her face, dripping wet with salt water.  There were four empty white lounge chairs on the beach in front of their room, Rayne picked the one that her bag was closest to and laid down before reaching into her bag for a pair of sunglasses.  Soon after Tommy approached her and shook the water off him like a wet dog causing Rayne to laugh as the water splashed her.
“You’re such a dick.” Rayne laughed brushing the water droplets off her sunglasses.  Soon the warm sun evaporated any traces of ocean water on both of their skin while they silently laid down enjoying the peace and quiet.  Rayne pulled out a magazine and started flipping through the pages.  
After about thirty minutes Tommy broke the silence, “This is paradise.”  Rayne couldn’t help but smile, she was actually impressed that Tommy lasted half an hour without talking even though he was fidgeting like crazy.
“It is glorious.” Rayne nodded her head continuing to read her magazine.
“What are you reading?”
Rayne sighed and turned her Cosmo magazine to show Tommy the name of the article MEN YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT.  “I’m reading my trash.”
“What does it say about men you can live without?”
“Well, let’s see number one, a man that disappears for extended periods of time.  Number two, a man that is constantly surrounded by other women.  Number three, a man that doesn’t know how to relax.”  Rayne laughed as she made up the third quality, all were made up but it was all in good fun.
“What?  Give me that!”  Tommy snatched the magazine from her hand and his eyes began scanning the words.  “It doesn’t say any of that.”
“You’re so gullible.” Rayne chuckled from the chair next to him.  “But seriously, do you know how to just chill out?”
“No, not really.” Tommy admitted.  “We should go out on jetski’s!”
“I’ll go out jet skiing with you if you promise that you’ll let me just sit and do nothing when we get back.”  Rayne sat up in her chair pulling her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose.
“Fuck yes dude! It’s a deal.”  Tommy jumped up from his chair reaching for Rayne’s hand to begin walking down the beach to the docks at the far end of the resort.
Rayne and Tommy had gotten the last two jetski’s available and quickly zoomed off in the water. Rayne had never been on one before, but quickly got the hang of it.  Tommy, of course was finding the biggest waves he could to jump over and get the most hang time in the air.  Rayne on the other hand cruised along the shore when she wasn’t doing donuts.   Tommy eventually made his way over to Rayne, “I’ll race you to the dock.”
“You’re on.” Rayne called over to him circling around in the water to be facing in the right direction.  “Ready?
Rayne reached the dock first and with a gleeful cheer she threw her fist in the air.  Quickly turning the jetski around to face Tommy with a smile on her face. "Bet you didn't think I'd beat you huh?"
"Two out of three?"  Tommy charmingly asked.
"Oh no, only losers throw that out there after they lost.  I won fair and square."  Rayne said defiantly before she did another donut around Tommy.  
"You wanna go for a real ride?"  Tommy changed the subject patting the back of his jetski.  "You've just been staying pretty close to the shoreline."
"Oh I've gone for a real ride plenty of times."  She teased him.  "But another one can't hurt. Let me bring this back to the dock."
Tommy followed Rayne as she returned the jetski to the man at the dock.  Soon after she hopped on the back of Tommy's jetski, wrapping her arms around his waist.  "I think you made this proposition just so I'd be straddling you."
"Trust me baby, if that was the case you wouldn't be straddling me there."  Tommy turned his head slightly before accelerating in the water causing Rayne to yelp and hold on tight.
She was sure Tommy was a slight adrenaline junkie, he loved things that went fast and had a hint of danger to them.  Tommy would find the best wave he could and punch the throttle to get as much air as he could off the wave. The first time they did it Rayne had to admit she was a bit afraid but she got used to the feeling the more they went along.  And she would never turn down a chance to wrap her arms around Tommy and that was a requirement for this activity.
Once the waves grew smaller and the sun began to set Tommy stopped and began to make his way back to the dock.  Giving him a light squeeze Rayne asked, "Why don't you bring your motorcycle back from your parents place? You'd be able to ride along the coast back home."
"That sounds like an excellent idea babe."  Tommy smiled docking the jetski and hopping up onto the wooden dock before reaching down to help Rayne off the jetski.  He pulled Rayne close so that their chests were flush against each other. "Have I told you how much I love you lately?"
"I'm always willing to hear it more."  Rayne winked up at her boyfriend.
"Well I love you."
"Now how about that real ride you promised me earlier?"  She teased biting her lower lip.
"Oh now you're asking for it."  Tommy deviously smiled before he made a move to wrap Rayne in an embrace but she was a step ahead and dodged his move and began running down the beach back toward their suite.
She stayed ahead for a good while but Tommy's long legs allowed him to catch up to Rayne lifting her slightly off the ground.  She looked into his eyes and instantly knew the look that shot from them. Tommy's lips lowered to Rayne's and she happily met him halfway.  Carefully the two dropped down into the sand, Rayne laid down on the sand while Tommy straddled her as the waves casually lapped at their skin.  The two continued to kiss, intertwining their fingers. Rayne wished they could live like that forever, in their own private paradise, no worries and no one else around.
Wrapping her leg over Tommy's she made a quick move to switch positions so that she was on top of Tommy straddling his waist.  Tommy buried his hand in her wet hair and pulled her down to kiss him once more. Slowly pulling away from him Rayne smiled down, brushing her hair to one side of her face.  "What do you say we skip dinner? Because right now I don't want anything but you."
"Now that sounds like a plan."  Tommy grinned rubbing his hands up and down Rayne's thighs.  As fast as she could Rayne popped up and off Tommy before running towards their suite.
Hours later Rayne laid in bed next to a sleeping Tommy.  She couldn't help smiling to herself that she had worn him out but she still wanted to get cleaned up and ready for bed.  Once the shivers stopped rushing over her body from her orgasms she pushed herself out of bed.  The sun had long set and it was dark in the room. Rayne quietly walked over to her and Tommy's bags reaching around for her skin care and birth control.  Feeling a few smooth bottles she grabbed them and walked into the bathroom closing the door before she turned the lights on. Once her eyes adjusted to the light she looked down at the bottles on the counter confused. She must've reached into Tommy's bag and not her own.
The red bottles in front of her weren't her skincare bottles at all, and they had no label.  Rayne picked one up to examine it further, she couldn't even see through it so she decided to twist the top and open it.  As soon as the lid came loose she knew what it was and when she lifted it to find a very tiny little spoon like contraption it sealed the deal.  It was a bottle filled with cocaine. She knew that Tommy had used in the past but didn't think that he used when he was at home. As soon as she thought it she realized how naive that must have sounded.  On top of that she couldn’t help but think how much trouble he would have been in if the caught him with any of this at the airport.
It didn't make sense to her why he would have to bring cocaine with him on a three day vacation.  How could he not be without it for three days? Rayne then closed the small bottle with the powder in it and looked at the other two bottles she had mistaken for her skincare products.  Again they were not labeled and when she opened them up both had little white pills in them, one bottle they were oval and the other were round. Though she had no idea what they could be as they were so general but she knew that they weren't prescribed to him.
Closing the bottles Rayne steadied herself against the bathroom cabinet taking a deep breath.  She wanted to wake him up that second and question him but she knew that wasn't the best route to take, she needed to get her emotions under control because they were all over the place.  She was angry at him, in complete shock, angry at herself for her own naivety, sad that he needed these things even when he was alone with her. Slipping out into the bedroom Rayne put the bottles back where she had found them and grabbed what she had originally intended from her own bag before slipping back into the bathroom to shower.
The next morning Tommy and Rayne sat around the table in their room clad in plush white robes and room service in front of them.  Rayne was nibbling on some fresh fruit while Tommy was eagerly scarfing down pancakes and bacon. She watched him carefully still in shock over her discovery from the night before.  If he really was hooked on coke or pills, what else could he have been hiding from her?
"So what do you want to do today baby?"  Tommy asked between bites. Rayne thought about it for a moment before she grabbed a glass filled with a delicious mimosa taking a small sip.
"Well yesterday I went jet skiing with you and then we took all our activity to the bedroom.  So today you're going to make good on your promise and just relax with me."  Rayne smiled. Suddenly Tommy's inability to sit still made sense in Rayne's head.
"Did I promise that?"  Tommy asked.
"More or less."  Rayne smiled taking another sip of her drink.  A relaxing quiet day would give Rayne time to live in her thoughts and think about exactly how to go about having quite an uncomfortable conversation with her boyfriend.  "So have you talked to Vince at all since he got out of jail?"
"No.  I don't know what I would say to him."  Tommy shrugged his shoulders.
"So the first time you're going to see him is when you get to the studio?"  Rayne asked.
"I guess.  Vince is a big boy I'm sure he's fine."  Tommy concluded causing Rayne to put her head down and sigh.  "What? You don't agree?"
"I don't know.  Maybe guys really are wired differently than women but I couldn't imagine going through what Vince must be going through alone."  Rayne reasoned.  "He just got out of jail for vehicular manslaughter, the person who died was one of his friends, and his best friend's girlfriend was in the car with him that night and I don't need to elaborate any further.  That's a heavy cross to bear alone."
"He's not alone. He has Jo."  Tommy took a bite of bacon.  Rayne only shook her head she didn't think she could win this one.  One thing she was sure about was that Vince and Jo's home was on the way to work and she would be sure to stop by when she got back to California and make sure they both knew she was there for them whatever they needed.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe that's enough for him."  Rayne shrugged her shoulders.  "You know him better than I do."
Later that day Rayne was laying out in the sun while Tommy went for a swim in the refreshing ocean water.  She watched as he splashed around, dove under waves and attempted to body board. She couldn't help but smile watching him.  Tommy always approached everything with unrelenting enthusiasm, and it was infectious. But now she couldn't help but wonder how much of that was Tommy and how much of that came from outside sources.  Ever since she had known Tommy she knew about the drugs, so she couldn't be a total hypocrite and act like her discovery came as a total shock. But that didn't make it any less shocking to have it thrust right in your face.  Because even though she had known about it she never saw him do it, and maybe that was where the problem really was. Was I enabling his habit because I didn't say anything as long as I didn't see it?  Rayne thought to herself.  
She watched as Tommy came out of the ocean pushing his hair back and off his face making his way back to her.  She knew she couldn't wait to talk to him. Grabbing a towel Tommy began to towel off, "Babe the waves are incredible today you gotta come in with me at some point."
"I will."  Rayne smiled up at him. "But first can we talk about something?"
"Yeah sure, what's up?  Is everything okay?"
"That's what I want to talk about."  Rayne took a deep breath before she spoke her next words.  "Tommy I found some stuff in your bag that I want to talk to you about…"
Take me to the next chapter......
--- Well there it is, we’ve tip toed around the drug thing a bit with Tommy but now it’s reared it’s ugly head again.  I truly hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I hope it was worth the wait and again I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in a bit!!  Please let me know what you all think I love and adore all feedback<3
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a-kayy47 · 6 years ago
Learning to Live
I never knew how to be on my own until it was the only option I had. My childrens father had pushed me past my limits. I had let a lot slide in our relationship of the last 7 years, the drugs, the cheating, the occasional beatings, but when I came home and find him in OUR bed with his little tart of a girlfriend and drugs in the house I was officially done! That was our one agreement nothing was to come into our home and be around the kids. I silently thanked God for never letting me marry that man. As soon as I walked in and saw that I calmly turned and walked out and into my daughter's room and started packing her stuff. "Anna she doesnt mean anything to me!" Johnny said as he entered Rayne's room. I scoffed "Isn't that what they all say, Johnny you know Im not even mad anymore. We haven't loved each other in a long time and the only reason I've stayed is because I never thought I could make it on my own. But being on my own would never be as bad as watching the father of your children and a man thats supposed to love you do this right in front of you're face." I said folding Rayne's clothes and putting them in her duffle bag. "Come on dont do this! The kids won't understand." Johnny said grabbing my arm and trying to pull me up. "Let go of me Johnny!" I seethed. "You're not taking my kids away from me!" He said tightening his grip on my arm. "Like you spend time with them anyway." I remarked which earned me a backhand to the face. "Go ahead Johnny slap me around some more it wouldnt be the first time, but it'll sure as fuck be the last!" I said through gritted teeth. That earned me a black eye and a bust lip along with a few cracked ribs I'm sure of. After he was done he gotdressed and left for his afternoon shift like nothing ever happened.
Setting against my daughters bed holding my newly brused ribs all I could do was laugh, how could I be so foolish to stay in a relationship with someone like this for so damn long! I had no more tears to cry. I pulled myself up off the floor and went back to packing my daughter's duffle bag, if I wanted to have our stuff packed by the time the kids got home from school I only had a couple hours. I finished packing Rayne's duffle bags and set them by the top of the steps and moved to Jameson's room to start packing his. After I got everything packed I carried the 6 bags down to the garage and packed them into my Tahoe. After putting the bags into the suv, I went and sat on the front steps waiting for the kids to get off the bus.
Three o'clock rolled around and the bus stopped in front of the house. I watched my two beautiful babies get off and run full force towards me. "Hey momma" Jameson my seven year old greeted me as he sat down beside me. "Hey babies how was your day?" I asked trying to be as normal as I could before I completely up rooted their lives. "Good. Momma whats wrong with your eye?" My 5 year old daughter Rayne asked. She's always been the one to notice the little things "Let's go inside babe and I'll explain everything." I told them getting myself up letting out a wince from my ribs being moved.
"What's going on momma?" Rayne asked. Jameson and her looking intensely at me. "I hate to do this to you babies but...we have have to leave. There is a lot about your dad that you don't know and momma feels that this isn't a safe place for you anymore. So we're going to go on a little roadtrip." I told them holding back tears and trying to make this 'little roadtrip' fun. "Where we going?" Jameson asked. "Where do you guys wanna go?" "Let's go see Aunt Brit!" Rayne said excitedly. "Yeah, I miss her and we havent seen her since she lived in Georgia and thats been like 2 years ago." Jameson replied giving me puppy dog eyes. "Well I guess I could give her a call and shee where she living now and if she'd be up for some company for a while." I told the kids. "Yayyy!" The kids high fived and celebrated with each other. "Okay, Now I already packed your clothes so go grab whatever else you want to bring and put it in the duffle bag that's laying on top of your beds. And remember we wont be coming back here for a very long time so get the stuff you absolutely cant live without. While you guys do that I'll call Aunt Brit." I told them and they scurried up the stairs.
Setting at the bottom of the stairs I dialed Britni's number. After three rings I get an answer. "Hello" Brit greets me. "Hey B how ya been?" I asked almost on the brink of tears. Britni and I haven't talk for a couple years ever since she found out about me knowing that Johnny was cheating on me and using drugs to her I was a fucking idiot and derserved better and she wasn't going to sit around and watch it happen. Good thing she didn't know about the occasional beatings. "Annie?! That you?" She asks halfing yelling. "Yeah it's me, this a bad time?" I ask. "Absolutely not! Let me step out of the garage so I can hear ya better. So what's up? How's the kids?" "They're good. But I do have a favor to ask." I tell her getting straight to the point. "Sure, anything for you and those babies!" She told me. "I'm leaving Johnny and I have no where to go." I muttered out feeling ashamed that it's took this long for me to leave. "Baby girl you know you and those kiddos always have a place with me. I'm just glad you finally left that basturd! I'm working at a garage out in Cali and got a two bedroom apartment just around the corner from the shop. You come on out babygirl I got you!" She told me which brought a smile to my face. Knowing that someone that isn't even related to me could be there for me at the drop of a hat. But then again she always has been since kindergarten. " Thank you so much. You don't even know how thankful I am!" I told her. "Shut your mouth bitch and get your ass out here I miss you and the squrits!" Britni said chuckling. "As soon as they come down from packing toys I'll be on the road! We miss you too something fierce." I told her hearing footsteps coming down the stairs. "Okay, I'll text you the address to the shop cause I'm here 75% of the time." She said inhaling sharply. I figured she was taking a smoke break while talking to me. "Awesome love you babe see you soon!" I told her standing up and turning around to see the kids standing there holding their backpacks ready to go. "Love you to babe. I gotta get back to work keep checking in through." She told me sternly. "Promise." I told her and we ended the call.
"Well babes it sounds like we're heading to California!" I told the kids laughing seeing their jaws drop. They've never been further than Georgia and that was the last trip we took. "That's clear across the country!" Jameson explained. "It sure is baby we have a very long trip ahead of us." I told them walking towards the garage. Coming from West Virginia to California was about a 40 hour drive with no stopping. "Alrighty do you have everything you need or want?" I asked one last time before we got settled in the car to start our journey. "Yepp we got everything momma." Rayne answered. "Let's get buckled in then and get going."
By now it was already 5 o'clock and we haven't even left the county. I figured we better stop and fill up with gas and get some snacks and about 10 ice coffees if I was going to drive through the night. By the time we got back on the road I received a text from Brit with the address of the auto shop she was working. Brit may be a bit ditzy but there was one thing that bitch was good at an that was fixing cars. She had the life that I had always wanted. Getting to travel all over, not being tied down, now don't get me wrong I love my kids to death and would go to war for them but it was never in my agenda to have two kids and an a steady boyfriend at 25 but there I was watching my best friend living the life I had always wanted.
After about the fifth hour of being on the road the kids was fast asleep and that gave me time to drown in my thought. Was I really doing this? Where the hell had I grew the balls to leave? I'm on my own rasing two kids. I'm going to be alone forever, no man in his right mind will ever want a plus size single mom with baggage. I mean I'm not huge at least I don't think so but after having two kids and a love for some good food I'm about a good 16,18 jeans of course my big ol' ass and hips takes up most of the room. And if I do say so myself I've got a pretty nice full rack, and have two full sleeves of tattoos which I've always got compliments on. That and my long black hair with my olive complexion is what first attracted Johnny to me. Wait fuck Johnny dont think about that prick. After that thought is when I turned on my favorite station and started to drown out my thoughts.
Stevie Nicks' voice filled the vehicle and pushed all the negitive thoughts out of my head making me focus on her voice and the road. After another 3 hours of driving I decided it was probably a good idea to stop and get a hotel room for the rest of the night.
Pulling into the rundown motel parking lot, I looked back at my two sleeping kids and thanked the lord of giving me such wonderful blessings even though their dad was a dick, they was perfect. Getting out of the car I opened Jameson's door first and gentley nudged him awake. "Wake up baby." I whispered. "Mommy where are we?" Rayne asked waking up rubbing her eyes along with Jameson. "We're at a motel somewhere in Missouri." I told them unbuckling Jameson then moving to Rayne. None of us slept well in that shitty motel but it was better than nothing. The next morning around 10 we got back on the road. I drove for about 12 hours straight that day and only pulling over at a truck stop to sleep. It wasn't that I was really watching my money since I had been saving all of my tips from the salon for the last 12 months for this trip and working at one of the best salons in three county I made bank. It was the fact that I couldn't sleep in hotels, everytime I would fall asleep I would wake back up thinking that Johnny had found us. Not that he would come for me but he'd come for the kids. This driving for 8 sleeping for 8 had become a routine for us for the last couple of days. And was working pretty well.
After four days of driving and sleeping at trucks stops we was finally in Navada. "Alright kids, you can get unbuckled let's go in and get some snacks!" I told them as I got out. Walking in the the gas station I noticed about four bikes on the opposite side of the gas pump's and smiled it had been so long since I'd been on the back of a bike.
"Okay, now you can get whatever you want but remember you have to eat good food before your candy." I told the kids. As they went picking out their snacks I grab a bottle of water and a blue powerade. When I gathered the kids up I noticed two of the bikers were standing in front of us in line. 'Sons of Anarchy' I thought to myself taking in the kutte. Hearing a Scottish accent they drew my interest more, making me think of Brit she was always a sucker for a man with an accent especially a Scottish one. I watched as the men payed for their gas and cigarettes and walked back out to their bike.
Putting our stuff on the counter for the cashier to ring up and prepaying for gas I handed her cash and picked up our bag.
I got the kids settled into their seat and the snacks passed out then I went to pumping gas still kind of being to nosy for my own good. I couldn't help it though there was something about those bikers that drew me in. As I was eavesdropping I heard the sexiest voice I have EVER heard. Peaking over the pump to see where that husky voice was coming from I looked into the darkest eyes I've ever seen and from that moment on I was hooked. All I got was a subtle wink and I was weak in the knees. I finished pumping and got back into the car and immediately called Brit to tell her about this dark eyed mystery man.
"Talk to me. " Brit answered after the third ring. "Holy Shit I think I'm in love!" I said with a smile on my face. "What the fuck are you talking about? You smoking again?" She asked full out laughing. "Bitch this ain't funny I'm dead serious! We locked eyes over the gas pump, his eyes were so dark it was like he was looking straight to my soul!" I told her with excitement. Good thing the kids had their headphones on so they couldn't hear me gushing about this mystery man. "Chick you really are sex deprived aren't you." She replied to the statement. "Yes but thats beside the point, Im fucking serious. Plus he was with a MC, had Sons of Anarchy on his kutte, along with the other three that was with him. And his friend had an Scottish accent so I can bang dark eyes you bang the scot!" I said acting like we was in highschool again making a plan on how to bang these random guys we didnt even know. All I heard on the other like was Holy Shit and Britni laughing hysterically. "Whats so funny bitch?" I asked "Was you in Navada when you seen these guys?" She asked me. "Yeah why?" I replied confused as to how she knew that. "You'll see when you get here horndog." She said laughing and then hung up. I looked at my phone disgusted. What the fuck was this bitch talking about? Now not only can I not get this mystery man out of my head but now Im thinking about what I'll have awaiting me when we get there.
- In Charming
Brit's POV
Hanging up with Annie all I could do was laugh, Bitch had no idea what she was walking into. As I was walking across the lot from the garage to the clubhouse the guys that we had just been talking about pulled in. "Hey baby how was the run?" I asked my ol' man leaning in for a kiss. " Good as can be expected lovey." He answered in that deep Scottish accent I love oh so much. "Whats goin' on here?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading me into the clubhouse. "Well...there is something I need to talk to you all about." I said sweetly. "What did ye do know lovey?" He asked taking the shot of whiskey the prospect gave him. "You remember me talking about my best friend Annie and her kids? And how her kids sperm donor is a piece of shit and beats on her and is a druggie piece of shit?" I asked getting angry and clenching my teeth just thinking about what all he's done to her. "Easy there darlin' might blow a fuse." Tig joked. "I just hate his fucking guts. She deserves so much better." I told them. "Okay well what about her?" Chibs asked trying to get me back on track. "Well she finally left him and she'll be here." I was telling him before my phone interrupted me. "Well actually she's here now." I said with a little chuckle. "Listen don't worry she knows how this life works, we grew up in my Uncle's clubhouse so she knows the part and let me tell ya she plays it way better than me." I said laughing. "Well fellas I guess lets go meet the lass." Chibs said as Happy and Tig followed us out to the lot curious to see whonthis Annie was.
I pulled into the lot and it was stepping back in time. It reminded me so much of Uncle Tommy's clubhouse. "Alright darlings we're here." I said letting out a breath I didnt realize I was holding. "Mommy why are we here?" Jameson asked. "This is where Aunt Brit works. We have to meet her here first then we'll follow her to her house." I explained to both of them. While the kids were getting unbuckled I quickly checked my hair and put on some mascara and chapstick. I took one more quick glance in the mirror and saw Britni followed by three guys making their way toward us. I decided it was time to get out, as I got out I pulled the distressed demin shorts down a little in the front so they wouldnt look so short and pulled my shirt up a little so I wasn't showing so much cleavage. "Bitch!!" I heard as I was opening the back door for the kids to get out. I automatically got a huge grin as soon as I heard her voice I had been to damn long since I had seen my best friend. I turned around and immediately stopped when I seen him. It was him dark eyes from the gas station! I was frozen. My heart was pounding out of my chest! As I stood standing there like an idiot the kids took off running to Britni.
"Hey kiddos! You've gotten so big look at you!" Britni said talking a good look at them.
"I'm seven now Aunt Brit!" Jameson told her a little cocky. "Well you're almost a man!" Brit said with a slight chuckle. When I heard her laugh I snapped out of my trance and started paying attention to the exchanges between my children and the Aunt they haven't seen in years. "And look at you babygirl I can't believe how beautiful you are! I'm so glad you took after your mother and not your ugly ass daddy." She said laughing and looked at me. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Why don't you kids go play over on the swing set while me and your momma talk?" Britni said looking at them. "Can we momma?" Rayne asked. "Go on." I said smiling and kissing both of them on top of the head before they took off running for the pay ground.
"How was the trip?" She asked pulling out a cigarette and handing it to me with a look knowing that I needed one. "It was good the kids were great. They're actually excited about starting over." I remarked taking a hit of the Marlboro red. "So you gonna introduce us to this beautiful women or what?" Tig said looking me up and down. "Shut up Tig you pervet fuck!" She told him. I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Annie this is my ol'man Filipe or Chibs as most people know him by." She said with a smile plastered to her face. "Nice to meet you!" I said as I studied him a little better, then my eyes went wide! He's P the guy with the accent I thought to myself. " Aye, nice to meet ya lass I've heard lots about ya and thee rugrats." He said with a smile shaking my hand. Yepp that's confirmed, I thought to myself. "That pervet there is Tig." "Nice to meet ya doll." Tig said as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. Dark eyes just rolled his eyes at Tigs gesture. "And that's Happy the grouchy fuck." She said and looked at me with a shit eatting grin on her face. My heart stopped. I could not believe that he was here she knew exactly who I was gushing about! That bitch. "Hi." I said shyly. All I got was a head nood but that was good enough for me.
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alexandrasirowy · 7 years ago
Post Title: YA Scavenger Hunt
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Welcome to this October's YA Scavenger Hunt! Hi, I'm Alexandra Sirowy, author of the YA thrillers THE CREEPING, THE TELLING, and the just released FIRST WE WERE IV. I'm excited to be hosting special content from author Clara Kensie. At this hunt, you not only get access to content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize--one lucky winner will receive a book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 120 hours, until Sunday, October 8th!
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There are SEVEN contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the PURPLE TEAM! If you'd like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page.
Directions: Below, you'll notice that I've included a hidden number (hint: not so hidden). Collect the numbers of all the authors on the PURPLE TEAM, and then add them up.
Entry Form: Once you've added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.
Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a guardian's permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by Sunday, October 8th, at noon Pacific Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.
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Okay, on to the good stuff! I'm hosting Clara Kensie for the YA Scavenger Hunt! Clara Kensie grew up near Chicago, reading every book she could find and using her diary to write stories about a girl with psychic powers who solved mysteries. She purposely did not hide her diary, hoping someone would read it and assume she was writing about herself. Since then, she’s swapped her diary for a computer and admits her characters are fictional, but otherwise she hasn’t changed one bit.
Today Clara is an award-winning author of dark fiction for young adults. Her debut, the super-romantic psychic thriller Deception So series, was named an RT Book Review Editors Pick for Best Books of 2014, and Deception So Book One: Deception So Deadly is the winner of the prestigious 2015 RITA© Award for Best First Book. A little about Clara’s book DECEPTION SO DEADLY!
"Winner of Romance Writers of America's RITA© Award for Best First Book RUN.
It’s all sixteen-year-old Tessa Carson has ever known. Hunted by a telepathic killer, Tessa and her family have fled home after home, hiding behind aliases to survive. Her scars are more than just physical, and as the only one in her family without a psychic ability, she lives a life of secrets, lies, and fear. After the Carsons flee to a new hideout and take on new identities yet again, Tessa meets confident, carefree Tristan Walker. Their attraction burns fierce, but she runs from him too, knowing their love can never be true when she can’t even tell him her real name.
But Tristan has secrets as well—secrets that will either save Tessa, or destroy her. The only way Tessa can save her family—and uncover the real reason they’ve been hunted all these years—is to forget everything she’s learned from a lifetime of running away, and run straight into danger head-on."
Find out more by visiting Clara's website here!
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How a Bullet List Inspired the Award-Winning Deception So Series and Changed My Life!
My Deception So series is a super-romantic YA thriller about a psychic family on the run from a deadly past, and a first love that will transcend secrets, lies, and danger. The first book in the series, Deception So Deadly, is the winner of the RITA© Award for Best First Book. But I never set out to write an award-winning book. In fact, I never set out to be an author at all! Here’s how the series, and my career, came to be:
If you’re reading this and participating in the Young Adult Scavenger Hunt, you’re probably a huge reader. Me too. I even did YASH as a reader before I participated as an author! I’ve always loved reading. Some characters I love so much that I never want their book to end. I’m never ready to say goodbye to them. (Seriously, JK Rowling could write a thousand-page book entirely about Luna Lovegood going grocery shopping, and I’d read it.) A few years ago, I realized that the only way that I’d never have to say goodbye to books I love would be to write them myself. I could develop characters I love, and write and write and write their stories. I could then spend years with my characters, instead of just a few days. A perfect plan, right?
Excited by the idea that I could spend years with beloved characters of my own, I sat at my computer and made a bullet list of all of my favorite elements to include in the book:
Young adult Psychic powers Realistic heroine - not perfect, but relatable Devoted hero - mysterious and hot Sweet, knock-your-socks-off romance Dark plot – Danger – Scary villain Huge, never-saw-it-coming plot twists
I had a vague idea that it would be cool if the characters had secret identities. And that’s as far as it went. I was stuck.
A few weeks later on a cloudy November day, I was pulling out of a parking spot at the store when I was hit with a series of “what ifs:”
What if there was a teenage girl who was the only member of her family who didn’t have a psychic power?
And what if they moved from place to place, taking on new identities at each new hideout, because they were being hunted by a killer—and that killer had psychic powers too?
And what if that girl met a boy who was hiding some shocking secrets of his own…
It went on from there. I went home and wrote the story in a whirlwind of inspiration, being sure to include my bulleted list of favorite elements. That story became Deception So Deadly, and holy cow, it won a RITA© Award, one of the most prestigious awards in the industry! I loved the Deception So characters so much that I gave them a sequel, Deception So Dark. Now I’m writing the third book in the series, Deception So Dangerous. If I’m still having fun after that, I’ll continue the series with even more Deception So books. I’m thrilled that readers love these books as much as I do. Best of all, I’ve been able to spend years and years with the characters I love. I’ll never have to say goodbye to them.
Want a sneak peek of the book that started it all? Read the first page of Deception So Book One: Deception So Deadly by Clara Kensie
My cell phone rang, loud and shrill, shattering the classroom’s silence. He found us. He was coming.
The teacher scowled, reaching out her puffy hand to confiscate my phone as I slid it open and held it to my ear. Answer on the first ring—that was the rule.
One word, my mother’s panicked command: “Run.”
With trembling hands, I swept my American History notebook into my bag. Leave nothing personal behind—that was another rule.
Every second, he was getting closer. I stumbled toward the door.
“Maddie, where are you going?” Mrs. Landon demanded, then her voice softened. “Is something wrong?”
I rushed past her and out of the classroom, my breath coming in stuttery little gasps. Dennis Connelly was coming. How did he find us again?
I raced to my locker—the combination, what’s the combination?—and cleaned it out, stuffing everything into my bag. Flew down the stairs. Dashed down the hall, almost colliding with a girl carrying an armful of books. Sprinted past the office, reached the exit—
“Hey!” A security guard, belly hanging over his belt, grabbed my arm. “Where’s your pass?”
My brother darted over, lugging his book bag and saxophone. “Let her go,” he said, his calm and firm tone betrayed by the terror in his eyes. He pulled me away, and when I stumbled, he pushed me out the door. “Tessa, run!”
We were in public, but Logan used my real name. We no longer needed our aliases.
I glanced behind me. “Where’s Jillian?”
The doors burst open and our sister shot outside, her blond hair flying behind her like a shiny cape.
Its engine running, our getaway car waited in the pickup lane with our dad holding the back door open. We ran and dove in. Dad jumped in the passenger seat, slamming his door closed as Mom stomped on the gas pedal and sped us away.
********************** I hope you enjoyed reading the first page and learning how the Deception So series (and my career as an author!) was inspired by my bullet list of favorite book elements.
What are your favorite elements of a book? List them in the comments!
Thanks so much, Clara, for giving us a glimpse at your book! You can get your hands on Clara's book here! And thank you to all you hunters playing along.
Remember, in order to enter to win a prize pack of team purple's books, including my YA dark thriller THE CREEPING, you need to find the hidden number on each post. My third book FIRST WE WERE IV came out this year and it’s my favorite yet. Secret societies, friendship, romance, a small town mystery, and events spiraling out of control. It made this year – 2017 – one of my best yet (psst, 17 is my hidden number!). Add up all the hidden numbers of the authors on the purple team and you'll have the secret code to enter for the prize!
To keep going on your quest, check out Aleah Raynes's blog post here!
I'm also giving away a copy of my most recent YA thriller FIRST WE WERE IV - open internationally!FWWIV is about four best friends who invent a secret society that ratchets out of control and ultimately costs one of the friends their life. To enter to win a copy, all you need to do is to take the IV challenge. Comment on this post or tweet me @AlexandraSirowy using #YASH and #FIRSTWEWEREIV with your favorite four spooky books, your favorite literary foursomes, or your favorite four secretive/shady fictional characters. I'll announce the winner in the comments below and on the YA Scavenger Hunt's site at the end of the hunt! Good luck and happy hunting!!
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jude-devine · 7 years ago
Heavy Lifting | Amelia & Jude
Jude, objectively speaking, was a talented individual. His unnaturally long life had allowed him the time to develop an impressive laundry list of skills that were of use in both the supernatural and mundane worlds, but sometimes his most appealing features were the things completely beyond his control. Sometimes, all his knowledge and all his experience took a backseat to the fact that he was a six-foot-three man with a strong back, and new as he was to Rayne’s organization he could hardly complain that the woman had put him to work on moving day.
It was two days after meeting the notorious Ms. Travers in her Chicago penthouse office - two nights, to be more exact, and he’d thus far spent very little time in his new employer’s company. Of course, Rayne had gotten by just fine without him up to this point. She certainly didn’t require his assistance now, but it was nevertheless it was a bit strange to a thrall so accustomed to coordinating every little detail to sit back and wait to be summoned. He’d already recovered from his worst hangover in decades, and was truthfully glad to finally hear his phone ring.
His mission for the evening was a humble one, it would seem, and ought to be well within his capabilities. Ms. Amelia Blake, the young vampiress he’d briefly met the evening prior, was packing up her office at the library and could use help with all the boxes. Jude arrived dressed for the task at hand, his attire pared down quite a bit from the night prior. In place of the suit and tie was a dark blue button-up with rolled up sleeves, off-black chinos, and a trusty pair of brown ankle-height boots. His Audi was parked in the lot outside, its trunk empty and available if needed.
The library would be closing soon, but Jude didn’t assume that would be an issue given the circumstances. The elderly librarian he spoke to already knew of Amelia’s pending departure, and helpfully directed him to her desk, which he found buried beneath books, files, and personal effects. Tilting his head, he endeavored to peer around the (wo)manmade mountain, looking for the small vampiress he’d met before. “Ms. Blake?” he announced himself, curiously, “Rayne sent me to help... you...” He sincerely hoped she’d called ahead.
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