raynepup · 1 year
The moment he was able to, Kaleb separated from the others and ran from the mountains. He didn’t care to wait around for answers and explanations. He sure as hell didn’t care to give any himself when the armed humans decided to turn their attention to those who’d been held captive. As confusing as the whole ordeal had been, and as much as he wanted to understand why any of it happened in the first place, the newly turned Alpha had more important things to worry about.
Kaleb entered the woods with the intention of going back to the trailer settlement, but was stopped by one of his youngest packmates before he could reach it. The boy explained what had happened to the Blood Moon Pack after Razor’s body was found, leading Kaleb back to the small group of Betas and Omegas who decided to leave Keira’s command but not abandon Creation Peaks. They had been waiting for Kaleb, having heard rumors that he’d been the one to challenge Razor during the storm, the boy convincing the few others the fact Kitty stayed in town was a sure sign Kaleb would come back for them.
Though Kaleb wanted to provide them with the reassurance the wolves so clearly needed, his only concern at that moment was to find his sister. He told them to get further away from what was left of the Blood Moon Pack, to wait for him somewhere closer to town and keep hidden, turning back to search for any sign of Kitty’s scent. By pure luck, he caught a trace of it only a few yards away from the entrance of the forest, his pace quickening when he heard the sound of her heartbeat followed by the excited barking of Pig.
The dog was the first to greet Kaleb, the wolf allowing him to lick his face as he knelt down to pet him. “Good to see you too, boy.” When his gaze lifted again, brown eyes settled on familiar blues, Kaleb quickly reaching out to hold Kitty.
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Kitty wasn’t a hugger, not big on affection or being touched, but as Kaleb held her, she wrapped her arms around him, whimpering softly, scenting him even though she knew it was him. She didn’t know what to say, just holding him until she’d had enough, tapping on the inside of his wrist so he’d release her, letting him know she was done.
“I heard people were found, but I didn’t know where to look. And I didn’t want to go too far into the woods because people kept asking me questions about you, and asking me what to do, and I just wanted them to leave me alone because I didn’t want to see anyone until I knew you were okay.” She pouted, at least letting him hold her hand as he walked them back in the direction of the town, Pig dutifully trotting along beside them now, happy at Kaleb’s return.
She turned to look at him, checking him over for injuries, and finding none, she cupped his face, looking up at him. “I wanna see them.” She said, biting her lip nervously. She knew Razor was dead, she’d known Kaleb wasn’t dead, but... she had to see them herself. To know if they were really free of the pack.
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raynepup · 1 year
Closed starter for @theprodigalsxn​
Leaving Kaleb to take care of things back in town, Kitty decided to head to the trailer to see if there was anything that had been left behind that she needed. It also gave her a chance to check for Kaleb if it was salvageable. Of course, she didn’t tell her brother she was going there, knowing he’d stop her.
Approaching the area, she heard a growl, and she tensed up, seeing one of the omegas that had had problems with her in the past, and she growled under her breath at them.
“I’m just coming for what’s mine. I don’t care about fighting with you.” She growled, but the other didn’t back down. She watched as he paced towards her before he stopped at another growl, glaring and moving away.
Spinning around, Kitty was... shocked to see who was standing there. After the shock she snarled again, shoving him hard. He’d told her that Kaleb was going to die, tried to make her leave town without him, before running away himself. 
“I don’t need you to save me. What are you even back here for?”
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raynepup · 1 year
Closed starter for @xwolfism​
Kitty waited until she was sure her housemate had already left for work before she headed downstairs with Pig under her arm, his leash already on for her to take him for a walk. She had a duffle bag thrown over her arm, deciding that she was finally going to try and go to the trailer to get the last of her things. She’d heard the missing had been found, but not having seen her brother yet, she was more than a little anxious. 
Heading towards the woods, she let Pig take the lead, the hand that wasn’t holding onto the leash shoved in her pocket, keeping her head down with her headphones on - she didn’t want to see anyone, or talk to anyone. It was how she’d missed Pig’s barking, though she noted how he was pulling on his leash. Looking down at him, her hand slipped on the leash and she panicked as he darted into the tree line.
“Pig stop!” She yelled, coming to a stop as she saw him standing in front of someone, and finally catching the scent herself she whimpered, looking up.
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raynepup · 2 years
For a moment, Arynn just narrowed his gaze at the woman and her demands for compensation for being the one to deliver the shop’s order of supplies. He took the bags of supplies and finally cracked a smile at her. “You’re a lot less… you know, grr-like.” He pointed out. “Th-That’s good, though!” He added quickly before drumming his hands on the countertop for a split second and looking over his treats in the plastic displays.
“Alright, alright. Take something you want. I’ll work it out with the boss later, or pay for it myself, or something.” He waved his hand and shook his head some
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“I can shift right here in the middle of the shop, but it’d probably piss off a couple of people.” She retorted, staring at him, her voice deadpan and monotone. She looked at the menu, pointing at one of the pastries on sale, and nodded. “That. And a juice, I guess. Whatever one you thinks best.” She needed to keep her strength up, after all.
“You seem less... scared of me.” She said, leaning on the counter.
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raynepup · 2 years
Kin [Tristan||Kitty]
Shifting didn’t feel like shifting for Tristan. For him, turning into a human was shifting since it changed his true, original form into something else. Of course, he was aware how human minds work and how that belief could be twisted… But he was far too old to care. 
Unless it was his daughter giving him shit. Turned out his little mini me was able to push buttons he wasn’t even aware he had prior. And that’s why he was out in the woods in his true form, running. She’d come home again smelling of a certain huntress while pretending she didn’t know what he was talking about. It was nothing personal, but as his only child, Tristan was quite protective of the necromancer.
Stopping abruptly as he watched a deer notice him, the werewolf’s icy blue gaze stared. Gently, he shifted into his human form, watching the majestic animal in awe. His old age surely had made him rather emotional it seemed… Then, his belly growled at him. “… Tough luck.” However, before Tristan could shift and go on the hunt, a small werewolf pounced. “The fuck… Hey! Hey! That was mine!” he yelled with irritation—almost as if the towering werewolf was throwing a tantrum. 
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It was the only text Kitty sent to her brother’s... friend to explain where she was. The werewolf was never one for words, and with Kaleb missing, she was using even less. Her wolf had been her only friend, relying on it more than her brother ever would’ve allowed. After sending the text she’d shifted, her clothes and phone in a place she knew she’d circle back to after her hunt.
The home she was in felt unusual, being without Kaleb was even more unusual, and the amount of uncertainty in her life right now, the only thing that seemed to make sense to her was being in her wolf.
She stalked her prey, the large deer more than enough of a meal for her. She could hear another heartbeat, another being stalking it, but she was determined. If it was a hunter on it’s trail, she’d kill them as well. She didn’t care right now.
Pouncing at the deer and knocking it off it’s feet, she snarled at the voice of the other, blue eyes glaring back at him.
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raynepup · 2 years
“You sure you don’t want a fritter or something to go with that? I promise - I’m getting much better at making them now!” Arynn questioned the customer at his counter before laughing some and waving them off after they finished their purchase of a coffee and a couple of comic books.
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Letting out a small sigh, he leaned against the countertop and gazed out the storefront at the mounds of snow that didn’t look like they were going anywhere anytime soon. Of course, however, as soon as the roads cleared up enough for the town to resume their lives, that meant he had to return to work.
Glancing around at the rather slow day they were having, he thumbed through  a small e-reader tablet he’d painstakingly photographed and copied the pages of Zara’s personal bestiary and journal into. He had promised her he would review the information contained within its pages, and he had meant it. He really did want to learn everything he could. The original was much safer at his home, where it didn’t run the risk of accidental coffee or sweets batter getting spilled upon it as he moseyed about his day. A small bell dinging from the store doors opening up had him greeting the customer on command before glancing up. “Welcome to Geeks & Freaks.”
( @risingpeaksreblogs​ )
Kitty glared at the bag of apples in her hand, not wanting to be out of the house, and in her human form, but she’d been asked to run an errand from the diner, and given the owner was letting her stay in her house, instead of running the risk of being anywhere near the Blood Moon pack in her trailer, she agreed begrudgingly, knowing her brother would’ve made her do it. Wherever he was.
Recognising the guy behind the counter she sighed, shoving the bag towards him without responding to his greeting. 
“The diner said you were short, she said one of the other workers requested them.” She muttered, hugging herself now that her hands were free. She tried to crane her neck to the back room where her brother usually worked, almost as if hoping he was there for some unexplainable reason. “No charge or whatever, but... I’ll take something free. I delivered it, after all.” Still, her voice lacked some of the fight it had before. She was too worried about her brother and being abandoned by her boyfriend to hold much control over herself. All she wanted to do was shift and run.
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raynepup · 2 years
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Getting to Know You - Task #003
What is in your characters refrigerator right now?
Her one at the trailer is empty, because she and Kaleb were going to make a run for it in the storm. If anything there’s probably leftovers. She hasn’t looked in the refrigerator where she’s staying at the moment, she just says she isn’t hungry.
On their bedroom floor?
Everything. She’s stressed out at the moment, which makes her more feral, her bedsheets are on the floor alongside everything she owns, sleeping shifted among her things the norm at the moment.
On their nightstand?
Nothing. Usually it would be covered in Happy Meal toys, but they’re in the bottom of her bag somewhere.
Your character is walking home in the dark when they hear some noises around the corner. What do they do?
Shift or start growling if she perceived it as a threat. It was how she was raised by her father, to anticipate an attack at all times.
How would they react if they heard someone crying out for help?
Ignore it, unless it was the voice of her brother or someone else she cared about. Otherwise it’s none of her business.
When your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant?
Her mother and sister’s scents are the things she remembers most about her childhood, not so much the food that was on the table. It was normally her mom or Fawn cooking, so she spent a lot of time with them there when she wasn’t watching her dad train her siblings, or spending time with Kaleb.
Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for them to throw out? What is difficult for them to part with? Why?
She can throw away most things, she isn’t sentimental. She has a few things that they secured from the wreckage of her childhood house, just little trinkets, so those she wouldn’t ever part with because it’s all she has left of her family.
It is Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If they’re eating breakfast, what exactly do they eat? If they’re stretching out in the backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel do they lie on?
Probably sulking in her room because Kaleb won’t let her go out and hunt in the woods. Weekends generally mean more humans around, so it’s a higher risk for her to go out then. If Kaleb was working, she’d normally go sit around outside, or go hide in the corner booth in the diner, living on milkshakes.
While driving down the road, your character hits a dog and swerves off the road into a tree. Do they get out to see to the car first, or the animal?
Kitty can’t drive, but if she was the passenger, her first concern would be for the animal. She likes animals better than she likes people, and she really couldn’t care less about a car.
Your character is in a relationship and they come home to find their partner in bed with another person. How do they react? How do they feel?
Kitty can get very possessive, so would probably snarl and growl at the pair, tearing them apart, and trying to fight the person Teddy was sleeping with. Teddy’d face her wrath afterwards for sure, not just from her, but from Kaleb as well.
What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
Kitty very much lives in the past, so remembers a lot from her childhood. She remembers watching her dad train her older siblings, telling them what they did wrong when they lost a fight to him. She remembers Fawn singing her Moon on the Meadow when she can’t sleep, because they listened to a group of girl scouts sing it one time.
Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where are they going? What do they wear? Who will they be with?
Kitty doesn’t go on nights out. She doesn’t have friends, either, just the people she cares about from her pack.
Your character gets into a discussion about death and dying. How would they describe the perfect death? Do they believe in life after? Are they afraid of death?
She isn’t scared of dying, but she’d be scared to leave her brother alone. Though sometimes when she’s being difficult to understand, or Kaleb gets mad at her for being too much like their father, she wonders if it’d be better if she just left him alone, so that he didn’t have to worry about her all the time.
A friend of your character calls, they want to hang out. What do they do? If they stay home, what will your character suggest they do? If they go out, where will they go?
Again, she doesn’t have friends, but if it was Teddy she’d go to their spot out in the woods, and take a picnic.
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raynepup · 2 years
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betsa  furrowed her  eyebrows  at  the  other’s words.  “  you  don’t  know  what  i’m  talking  about  ?  ”  she  scoffed, “  i’m  talking about  how  a  body  ended  up  being  found,  and  that  made  mando  spend  his  day  in  jail  you  know  what  am  i  talking about  now  ?  ”  the  beta  asked, raising  her  eyebrows at  the  other. “  i  don’t  know  who  the  fuck  did  it,  but  i  just  wanted to  make  sure  it  wasn’t you  ”  she  mused,  letting out  a  sigh.  she  could  hear  her  mother  screaming at  her  from  the  room.  “  and  i’m  sorry  ”  she  said  against her  will,  knowing what  the  elderly wendigo  had  told  her  to  do  after  threateningly  growling at  kitty.
“There’s always bodies being found in this town. Still doesn’t narrow it down.” She snapped back, raising her own eyebrows at Betsa. Unless it personally affected her or the pack, she didn’t take notice of the things happening in town. She heard the woman yelling from the room Betsa had left, and she narrowed her eyes at Betsa’s growl. For once, she hadn’t done anything to warrant it.
“I was going to tell you who sent me to your house, but if you’re going to be a bitch, I won’t bother.” She said, taking a step back. She was leaving that night anyway. It didn’t matter to her.
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raynepup · 2 years
When Kitty ran in Teddy’s entire body immediately tensed, especially as she pleaded with him to stop and then began speaking to his father, pleading for his life. Without hesitation he moved, his back to Kitty, making sure she was pressed up against his back as he kept his focus on Razor. 
As Kitty reminded his father that Teddy was his heir and her mate he felt his heart clench, he kept himself ready in case his father attacked, not trusting that it wouldn’t turn violent at any moment. 
If his father wanted to teach him a lesson, now would be the time and the thought terrified him enough to send his senses into overdrive. 
“Kitty, go back to the lobby.”
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It was Kitty Rayne walking in what caught his attention, although Razor did not budge—red gaze locked with his son’s icy blue. It wasn’t until Kitty moved forward that he turned to look at her.
When told about things out in the snow, his gaze narrowed and he looked back at his son’s injuries. Taking a step back curiously at Teddy’s actions at the youngest Rayne’s appearance, Razor ultimately chuckled. “I also told you to kill Morgan and I can sense her here,” he finally spoke, a bitter smile on his lips. The rest of her words left the Alpha unmoved.
“I’ll teach you both a lesson, son, how about that? Am I not a benevolent Alpha?” he goaded, momentarily looking into Theodore’s eyes. “There’s demons in this world. Be proud, son, you survived it,” he explained casually, as if he’d known all along—when in reality, it was mostly speculation from dealing with crazy bitches. “Also, you’re not my heir, but the spare yet again: you have an older sister in this building.”
Closing the gap between himself and his Betas, Razor now looked deep into Kitty’s eyes. “And if you want to make it to the end of the storm you got two choices: bring me Morgan’s head or his,” Razor ordered, pointing at his only son.
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Her shoulders tensed as Razor reminded her once again of his orders - for her to kill one of the people she was closest to. She’d hoped not to see Razor before they left, not trusting herself to not be the flaw in their escape, scared of being overwhelmed at the pressure. But she couldn’t have left Teddy alone with him, not being able to stand back and let him hurt him.
She stared, her eyes wide at the mention of demons, and she reached back to squeeze Teddy’s hand, tightly. It wouldn’t be their problem once they left. But then as Razor revealed that Teddy had a sibling, she squeezed his hand even tighter, trying to ground the beta. She didn’t want him to go through that again.
“Alpha, please...” She whispered, but he was moving closer, staring at her with red eyes, her stomach dropping hard. She felt sick, growing sicker as he gave her the ultimatum. She tried to keep her panic inside, knowing from her brother that there was only one way to deal with Razor. You told him what he wanted to hear.
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“... I could never hurt your son.” She said, locking eyes with him again, taking deep breaths to hide her nerves and lies, hoping Teddy understood what she was doing. “By the end of the storm, you’ll have Morgan’s. But I need to take Teddy with me now to track her down, if you’ll allow it please.” They didn’t have long. They had to get to the meeting spot.
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raynepup · 2 years
As his son finally showed face, Razor couldn’t help arching a brow in confusion at the way he looked. “Are you? Because from where I stood you were having a good ol’ time with a local werewolf,” the Alpha pointed out, unmoving, sporting the blood of his former lover like a medal from a war in pride, almost. Most definitely, unbothered by it. 
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Although, as Teddy continued to speak, Razor bared sharp teeth as he pushed the younger Lorenz against the nearest wall. “Who do you think you’re speaking to?!” Red eyes glowed angrily. “Above your father, I am your Alpha. Unless you’re ready to take the position or die trying, I suggest you shut your fucking mouth unless you want to end up in the hole with Morgan,” the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack warned with a narrowed gaze. 
“You will go when you are dismissed. Now, get ready for some training… Injured or not, you do seem real close to that half-human abomination. So, either stand and fight for your little friend or bring me his heart.” After, hurt and all, he’d forced his son to go in search of his older sister and then his mother before leaving the hospital. Fuck the storm and fuck the townies and anyone who wasn’t Blood Moon Pack quite frankly.
Taking in his fathers form he realized that he was already covered in blood, he could smell Flick even heavier on him now especially as he drew even closer, pressing Teddy into the wall as red eyes glowed angrily down at him. 
He didn’t say a word as his father spoke, taking in his words as if they were law. The warning of ending up in the hole with Morgan made him tense, his eyes shifting blue slowly as he grew more angry at Razor’s speech. 
When the alpha called Kaden a half-human abomination he flinched, especially as he was told to either stand and fight or bring him Kaden’s heart. 
With a snarl he bared fangs at his father, claws extending from his nail beds. “Are you gonna keep talking or you gonna make your fucking move old man?” 
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Kitty looked at her phone, anxiety bubbling in her chest as she saw how close to midnight it was. She hadn’t seen Kaleb since he left her with Teddy, but she knew he was busy making sure everything was prepared. But she’d thought Teddy would be back by now, worrying that he’d either told the Alpha what they were planning, or that he just didn’t want to leave them, and she’d have to go without him. Which she’d be fine with if she had to be, but it would hurt more than she wanted to admit to herself.
Walking the halls after her conversation with Betsa from earlier, she looked confused, catching the faintest scent of Pig, which made no sense as they’d agreed to go and pick him up on their way out. It was followed by the stronger scent of Teddy, and she followed it, tense as she heard the raised voices on the other side. The smell of blood was there as well, and hearing the anger in Teddy’s voice she had to run in, even though she knew she hadn’t completed Razor’s orders. That Morgan was still alive.
“Teddy, stop.” She said firmly, pleadingly. She knew the last thing you did was upset your Alpha, much less when he was your father as well. It was one of the things she knew she and Kaleb disagreed on the most. She lowered her head as Razor turned to look at her, willing to show respect until the end. “I-I didn’t mean to interrupt, Alpha, but... There’s things out in the snow, that’s what I’ve heard from hunters and listening to others talking. You told me to listen to my surroundings, that’s what I’m doing.” She backed away a little, in fear of the consequences for answering him back. “If Teddy got hurt by them, and we don’t know what it is, it could be fatal if you don’t let him heal first. He’s your heir, Alpha. And my mate.” Her heart sped up at admitting that, but it was fine. They’d be leaving soon. “Please, Alpha. Just let him heal.”
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raynepup · 2 years
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she  could  see  the  other  hesitant  to  take  the  food,  she  should  thank  her  mother  for  that,  if  it  was  for  her  she  would  have  let  the  other  go,  and  wouldn’t  have  walked  to  her,  she  didn’t  give  a  shit  about  her,  not  after  their  last  enounters.
betsa  raised  her  eybrows  at  her  words.    “  i  guessed  it  ”  she  mused,  crossing  her  arms  over  her  chest  as  the  other  took  the  food.  “  let  me  ask  you  something  since  we’re  having  a  nice  conversation,  did  someone  of  your  pack  have  something  to  do  with  that  body  that  was  found  and  people  blamed  it  on  mando  ?  ”  she  asked  bluntly. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said, rolling her eyes, her heartbeat steady, because even though she’d asked Kiera what errands she’d been helping her with that night, she’d never been told the truth, and had no idea exactly what she’d been an accomplice to. “I don’t care whose bodies were found, or who killed who. You think it’s someone in my pack? You ask them, but it wasn’t me. I just do what I’m told.”
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raynepup · 2 years
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betsa  took  a  deep  breath  before  she  looked  at  her  mother,  wordlessly  asking  her  not  to  make  her  look  like  a  fool  in  front  of  the  others.    “  god,  and  you  had  to  choose  this  room  ”  she  sighed,  rolling  her  eyes  at  the  other  words.  she  didn’t  know  how  the  elderly  wendigo  could  have  such  a  big  heart,  she  wouldn’t  have  just  thanked  her  and  closed  her  door  in  her  face.  but  at  the  same  time  she  was  happy  she  did  have  that  kind  heart  of  she  probably  would  be  lost.
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“  ay,  mamà,  vos  podes  hacer  lo  que  quieras,  pero  no  voy  a  acercarme  a  ella  ”  she  assured  looking  at  the  wendigo  as  he  told  her  to  bring  kitty  something  as  an  apology.  but  the  woman  could  get  whatever  she  want  from  her.  betsa  sighed,  taking  the  food  and  heading  outside.  “  i  don’t  want  anything  ”  she  shook  her  head,  “  here  ”  she  said  handing  the  other  what  her  mother  gave  her.
Kitty looked at the food as if it was an unexploded hand grenade, hesitant to take anything from the other. Especially even if she didn’t understand what Betsa had said to the woman, but she’d at least heard the word mama. The woman that had showed her kindness wasn’t a wolf like Betsa, that much was clear, but then again, she hadn’t caught any wolf-like scents from her brother, either.
“I didn’t know it was your house, I wouldn’t have gone anywhere near it otherwise. I don’t even know why I had to return that stupid ornament. I don’t choose to go anywhere near you, despite what you think.” She said, taking the food at last, figuring she needed to keep her strength up for the journey. At least she was well rested now. 
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raynepup · 2 years
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betsa  was  walking  back  after  ther  time  patrolling up  and  down  the  hospital, she  just  wanted to  sit  with  her  mother, and  she  did  arrive  at  the  room  with  a  smile  on  her  lips,  but  it  was  erased when  kitty’s  scent  reached  her.  the  werewolf  wasn’t  able  to  get  her  eyes  off  her,  not  when  her  mother  was  there,  she  knew  what  the  other  could  be  capable  of.  she  walked closer  to  the  old  wendigo, kissing  her  cheek  before  her  eyes  moved  back  to  kitty.  “  what  are  you  doing  here  ?  ”  she  asked,  a  low  growl  vibrating  inside her  chest,  which  made  the  old  wendigo ask  her  to  stop.  
Kitty wrapped arms around herself defensively as Betsa growled at her, holding back a smirk when the woman in the room told her to stop. “I was looking to see if there was any spare food, I’m hungry. That’s all.” She looked away as the old woman started explaining to Betsa how Kitty had returned a lawn ornament that her little brother had taken, and she’d given her some cookies a few months ago as a thank you. 
“It’s fine. Whatever.” Kitty said, trying not to roll her eyes. “I’ll try somewhere else.” She turned on her heel and left the room. Hearing footsteps behind her she growled, turning to face the other. “What do you want, Betsa?”
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raynepup · 2 years
Closed starter for @lovclychaos​​
When Kitty woke up hours later, she whined, not catching neither Kaleb nor Teddy around her. She knew Kaleb was probably making sure their plan was going to be foolproof, but... she’d thought Teddy would be with her still. As her stomach lurched, she realised how hungry she was, so dropping the blanket on Teddy’s cot, she started to wander the halls.
That ended up being a mistake, as walking into a room, she was greeted by the kindly old lady that she’d met when she was running errands for Kiera. She fussed over Kitty, asking her about her little brother, asking her if she’d eaten yet, and she forced a smile, it falling as she caught Betsa’s scent in the room. 
“I didn’t ask for anything, before you blame me.” She said, her arms folding her her chest, tense. She couldn’t afford having a fight, not when she needed to be at her best strength.
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raynepup · 2 years
Hearing that it should have been done now had Teddy cursing lowly beneath his breath, his father wasn’t one to wait patiently for something. If she had a deadline and it wasn’t already done, he’d be growing more impatient by the second, which would only force his father to start making more rash decisions on the matter. 
He could do it himself, kill Morgan and say he’d watched Kitty do it. But then she’d hate him for the rest of his life and never forgive him. It wouldn’t do him or her any favors, besides, as soon as the words “We’re leaving.” left her mouth, Teddy knew she’d made up her mind. 
What threw him off about the decision was her asking him if he’d come if she asked, staring at her he looked away, stroking the back of her head as he continued to hold her. 
“You’re asking me to leave behind my entire pack, the pack I’ve killed for, shed blood for. The pack my father and mother are the alpha’s of…”
Looking back at her he furrowed his brow, “I… I can’t answer that, not right now.. I.. I need to think about it. I can’t just… I can’t give you the answer you seek quite yet.” 
She wanted to leave, she wanted to leave tonight. Kitty, Morgan, and Kaleb. If Kitty had it her way, Teddy would be tagging along. Could he really do it? Could he abandon his pack, betray his mother for Kitty? 
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“Technically I’m asking if you’d come if I asked. I haven’t asked yet, because I didn’t want to be disappointed.” She explained, matter of factly, sitting up a little to watch his face, to take his features in slowly. He was a Lorenz at the end of the day. Just like she was a Rayne. She couldn’t criticise him for staying with his father. Kitty would’ve never thought of leaving her father when he was her Alpha, even if that was all it felt like Kaleb and Fawn had wanted to do some days.
“... Kaleb wants me to get a lot of rest. We’re gonna have to go through the worst of the snowstorm shifted, then try and get on the other side. The wind will hide our scent, and our footsteps will get covered by snow.” She explained the plan in a quiet voice, looking around constantly to make sure they were the only two in hearing distance. 
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“... Just stay while I sleep at least? I don’t want Betsa trying to kick me in the face or something.” She explained, curling up in his arms and closing her eyes. 
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raynepup · 2 years
When Kitty kissed his cheek Teddy’s eyes fell shut, he let her snuggle closer into his lap, her head moving to lay against his shoulder. His hand moved to the top of her head as his other arm wound around her waist, holding her close as he ran fingers through her hair. 
She went on to talk about the snow and he listened, his gaze drifting towards the window as the snow flurried outside, he could hear the wind howling and it made him shudder a bit as he pulled Kitty even closer. 
He didn’t care about some diner owner, he didn’t care about the snow. All that mattered was Kitty in his arms right now. 
But then she brought up his father and how he wanted her to kill Morgan, how Kitty could never do it because she wasn’t him. Morgan was like a sister and unlike him she couldn’t kill a sibling. Holding the back of her head he turned his to press a kiss to the top of it as he closed his eyes. 
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“Did he give you a time it has to be done by?” He asked softly, his eyes open and searching the room now as he looked for any sign of his father or pack members that might report back to him.
Kitty pressed herself closer to him as he kissed her head, her breathing calm as she warmed up. Kaleb had told her to get as much sleep as she could before they headed out, and she wanted to listen, but she had to tell Teddy what was happening first. She didn’t think he’d come since it meant leaving his mother behind, but Kaleb was right - they couldn’t stay. And this way, none of the pack could follow them. Any omega that tried, Kitty had already decided she’d kill, but she didn’t plan on telling her brother that. 
“... Should have done it by now. He wanted her dealt with by the time she finished her time digging with the omegas, and she’s been back a few days now.” She whispered, looking around the room as well, but finding it devoid of the pack, unless they were hiding somewhere. “... We’re leaving. Tonight, while the storm can cover us.” Her heart raced, and she tensed up again, curling into herself. “... Would you come if I asked?”
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raynepup · 2 years
Teddy had dropped down onto a little couch, he’d found a room and managed to snag it, shoving some of his belongings there for the time being. Some supplies he’d brought along, things they might need. He had come out looking for his mom when he’d just sat down and someone sank down into his side. The scent was comforting and he knew immediately who it was, opening his eyes he looked over at her and smiled as she pressed her face into his neck. At her question he hummed, laying his head back and closing his eyes. 
“Yeah, I did. You wanna go lay down in a real bed? We can cuddle in there away from prying eyes.” He said softly, moving to kiss the top of her head. 
“Or we can be lazy and stay here, although I do have blankets in my room.” He said with a smile, wrapping arms around her and pulling Kitty even closer.
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She shook her head, comfortable where she was, and not wanting to get up. She just wanted to warm up, despite the fur they’d been out longer than they’d planned, on account of Kaleb finding the diner owner in the snow.
“Maybe later... If I get time.” She admitted, kissing his cheek before she snuggled closer into his lap, moving so she was lying in his lap, her head on his shoulder. She wondered if she’d ever get like this with anyone again, after tonight. Though she hoped that her instincts were right - that Teddy really did hate the pack enough to want to get away.
“They say it looks like it might last a few days...” She muttered, glancing out one of the windows. “... Kaleb found the diner owner nearly passed out in the snow, I guess she slipped or something?” Not that she cared. She just needed something to distract herself from what she had to tell me.
“... Your dad wants me to kill Morgan.” She murmured. “I can’t do that, she’s like a sister to me. And I’m not you, so...”
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