#Raymond serra
dare-g · 3 months
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Alphabet City (1984)
10 notes · View notes
seanpultz · 2 months
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Ernest P. Worrell, his rubbery face a mask of wonder, steered his cherry-red convertible through the bustling streets of New York City. Rimshot, his ever-faithful Jack Russell Terrier, sat proudly in the passenger seat, ears flapping in the wind. "Look at this place, Rimshot," Ernest exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement. "It's like a whole 'nother world, ain't it?" The car radio blasted a classic rock tune, and Ernest tapped his fingers on the steering wheel in time with the beat. He had never been to the big city before, and he was lovin' every minute of it. Little did he know that this trip to the bank was about to turn his world upside down.
Pulling up to the bank with a cheerful grin, Ernest said to Rimshot, "Alright, buddy, this won't take a New York minute!" He parked the convertible and hopped out, leaving Rimshot to keep an eye on their ride. Entering the bank, the atmosphere changed instantly. A cacophony of yells and the clatter of guns echoed through the marble halls as a group of masked robbers stormed in. One of them, noticing Ernest, grabbed him and shoved him into the mix of terrified patrons. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Ernest squealed, his grin fading fast. "I'm just here to put some greenbacks away, knowhutImean?" But the robber wasn't in the mood for small talk, and he pushed Ernest into the line of hostages. Through the chaos, Ernest's eyes met the determined gaze of April O'Neil, a beautiful news reporter, and he realized this was a story she'd die for. Little did he know, it was also a story that would change his life forever.
As the robbers' grip on the situation loosened, in barged a quartet of unlikely heroes: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Moving with the grace of dancers and the precision of a SWAT team, the turtles leaped and karate-chopped their way through the bank, sending the robbers scattering like a pack of rats. The hostages gawked in amazement as the green, masked figures moved with a blur of speed and skill. Ernest's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "Am I seein' what I think I'm seein'?" he whispered to himself. The turtles didn't bother with explanations; they were all business as they secured the area. With a final roundhouse kick, Michelangelo sent the last thug flying, and the bank fell silent.
The Turtles disappeared into the alley, and Ernest, his curiosity piqued, decided to follow them. He ducked behind a dumpster and peered out as they vanished into the shadows. "C'mon, Rimshot," he murmured, leading his dog by the leash. "Let's see where these crazy critters are headed." The alley grew quieter as the sound of the city muffled behind them. Suddenly, a metallic clank echoed through the narrow passage, and a sewer lid flew open. Without a second thought, Ernest stepped closer, peering into the darkness below. He could just make out the tail end of a turtle shell disappearing down the ladder. "Well, I'll be darned," he exclaimed, his eyes wide. "They're going underground!"
Back at the Channel 3 News Station, April O' Neil, her hair slightly disheveled from the earlier excitement, sat in front of the camera, her eyes gleaming with the excitement of the story she was about to share. "In an unprecedented turn of events, the city was saved today by four mysterious heroes, witnessed by none other than our very own Ernest P. Worrell," she announced, her voice steady and clear. Chuck, the diligent cameraman, nodded solemnly, capturing her every word, while Bobby, his eyes glued to the monitor, made sure the audio was crisp.
"Tell us, Ernest, what exactly did you see at the bank today?" she prompted. "Well, Miss O'Neil," Ernest began, his voice quavering slightly, "it was the darnedest thing! These four, uh, turtles, right? They just swooped in and cleaned house!"
"Please, go on, Ernest. The city needs to know about these heroes." And so, Ernest spun his wild tale, his words painting a picture of the Turtles' daring rescue, complete with flying kicks and quips. Though they couldn't help but snicker behind the scenes, Chuck and Bobby knew that a good story was a good story, no matter how ludicrous it might seem. They focused on their job, capturing every moment of Ernest's account for the evening news.
At the end of the interview, Chuck and Bobby approach Ernest. "Turtles, you say?" Chuck drawled, raising an eyebrow. "With ninja skills?" Bobby added, his voice tinged with doubt.
"Come on, guys, I'm not pullin' your leg here!" Ernest protested, his voice rising with frustration as he recounted the unbelievable events at the bank. "They had these colored masks on and were fightin' like Bruce Lee on a pizza bender!" But Chuck and Bobby just couldn't wrap their heads around it. They stared at him like he'd just claimed to have seen Elvis handing out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at Central Park. "Turtles with nunchucks and swords, huh?" Chuck said, a smirk playing on his lips. "And they talked, too?" Bobby chimed in, his disbelief palpable. "You've been hittin' the moonshine again, haven't ya, Ernest?" They chuckled, patting him on the back as if he'd just told the most ridiculous tall tale.
But Ernest was adamant. "I'm tellin' ya, it's the truth! They're out there, savin' the city from the bad guys, one slice at a time!" His eyes pleaded with them to believe his words, but their laughter only grew louder. "Alright, alright," he finally conceded, his shoulders slumping. "You don't believe me, but I know what I saw." As they walked away, still chuckling, Ernest couldn't shake the feeling that he'd just stumbled upon the story of a lifetime, and he was determined to prove it.
Later that night, under the cover of darkness, Ernest and Rimshot tiptoed back to the alley, the yellow glow of the streetlights bouncing off the damp pavement. The sewer lid still lay open, inviting them into the abyss below. "You ready, buddy?" Ernest whispered to Rimshot, his heart racing with excitement. "We're about to meet some real-life superheroes!" With a deep breath, he descended the ladder, Rimshot eagerly following. The dank scent of the sewer filled their nostrils, but the promise of adventure propelled them forward.
The rhythmic thump of bass and the muffled sound of a boombox grew louder as Ernest and Rimshot cautiously approached the sewer opening that the Turtles had disappeared into. Curiosity piqued, they crept closer, and to their astonishment, they found themselves in the middle of an underground rave—only the partygoers were the Turtles themselves! Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael were all bobbing their heads and grooving to the beat, surrounded by a sea of glowing neon graffiti and discarded pizza boxes. The sight was so bizarre that Ernest had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Rimshot's ears perked up at the sound of his favorite tune, and before Ernest could stop him, the little terrier darted into the fray, yipping and barking with joy. The Turtles, startled by the unexpected guest, turned to face them, their expressions a mix of surprise and amusement. "Whoa, dude!" Michelangelo exclaimed, his surfer drawl echoing off the sewer walls. "Looks like we've got some uninvited company!"
The Turtles' eyes widened in shock as they saw Ernest and Rimshot standing before them, looking just as confused as they were. Leonardo stepped forward, his sword at the ready. "Who are you, and what do you want?" he demanded, his voice a mix of curiosity and caution.
Ernest held up his hands in a peaceful gesture, his face a picture of awe. "Hold on there, don't get your shells in a twist! I'm just a simple country boy lookin' for a good story, knowhutImean?"
Michelangelo couldn't help but chuckle, while Donatello peered at him over his glasses. "Well, you've definitely found one," he murmured, his voice filled with amusement.
Raphael, ever the skeptic, crossed his arms and glared. "What are you, some kind of tourist?"
April, who had been quietly watching the exchange from the sidelines, stepped forward with a warm smile. "Actually, guys, he might be more than that. He's Ernest P. Worrell, and he's been telling everyone about the amazing things he saw at the bank today."
The Turtles exchanged glances, and Leonardo sheathed his sword. "Well, in that case, welcome to our humble abode," he said, extending a hand. "I'm Leonardo. This is Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. And that's our sensei, Master Splinter."
Ernest took Leonardo's hand and shook it vigorously, his eyes lighting up. "Pleasure to meet ya, Leo!" he exclaimed. "And the rest of ya, too!"
Splinter, who had been meditating in the background, opened one eye and raised a furry brow. "The bank incident, you say?" His curiosity was piqued. "You've had quite the adventure, young man. Tell us more."
As Ernest regaled them with his tale, complete with exaggerated gestures and Rimshot's barking interruptions, the Turtles couldn't help but feel a strange kinship with the rubber-faced everyman.
In the shadowy depths of the Foot Clan's lair, the Shredder, flanked by his loyal second-in-command, Tatsu, pored over blueprints of New York City's infrastructure. His eyes narrowed as he traced the lines of power plants, water treatment facilities, and communication hubs with a gleaming metallic finger. "Tatsu," he murmured, his voice a low growl, "our time to claim this city as our own draws near. With control over these vital points, the humans will tremble before us." Tatsu nodded solemnly, his cold gaze reflecting the light from the flickering candles. "But first," Shredder added with a sly smile, "we must deal with those pesky Turtles and their interfering friends."
Back in the Turtles' lair, a sprawling underground sanctuary adorned with ancient Japanese artifacts and high-tech gadgets, Leonardo began to train Ernest in the art of Ninjutsu. "Now, Ernest," Leonardo said with a stern yet patient tone, "the key to being a ninja is balance, discipline, and a strong sense of humor." The other turtles snickered, but Leonardo shot them a look that silenced them immediately. "We must prepare you for the battles ahead," he continued, handing Ernest a pair of nunchucks.
Ernest's eyes widened as he took the nunchucks in his hands. "Okay, Leo," he said, swinging them around in a clumsy arc, "I'm ready to kick some shell!" His enthusiasm was met with a series of facepalms from Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael, while Splinter looked on with a mix of amusement and concern. "First," Leonardo began, "we must work on your grip."
"Alright, here goes nothin'!" Ernest exclaimed, his grip on the nunchucks tightening with determination. He swung them around with gusto, only to have them bonk him squarely in the nose. "Ow!" he yelped, stumbling backward and landing on his posterior with a thud. Rimshot, ever the loyal companion, yipped in concern and rushed over to lick his face. The Turtles couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight, and even Splinter cracked a smile. "Perhaps we should start with the basics," Leonardo suggested, gently taking the nunchucks from Ernest's now-loosened grasp. "Remember, young one," Splinter chuckled, "even the best ninjas start as clumsy beginners."
Over the next few days, Ernest endured a rigorous training montage with Leonardo, each attempt at mastering the ancient art of Ninjutsu more comical than the last. He stumbled through obstacle courses, accidentally knocked over priceless artifacts, and even managed to get tangled in his own bandana while trying to mimic Michelangelo's nunchuck skills. Despite the laughter and bruises, Ernest remained undeterred, his desire to help the Turtles in their battle against the nefarious Shredder and the Foot Clan stronger than ever. "Now, remember, Ernest," Leonardo coached him, "timing is everything in combat."
"Got it, Leo," Ernest nodded, sweat beads forming on his forehead as he held a set of bo staffs awkwardly.
"And precision," Donatello chimed in, adjusting his glasses as he observed.
"Don't forget the pizza," Michelangelo added with a cheeky grin.
"And pizza," Ernest murmured, eyeing a nearby pizza box with longing.
During one particularly intense training session, Ernest's lack of coordination was on full display. As he attempted to perform a dramatic bo staff twirl, the wooden rods smacked him in the face, sending him reeling backward. "Whoa!" he yelped, rubbing his nose. "Guess I've still got some learnin' to do, knowhutImean?" The Turtles couldn't help but chuckle at his expense, while Splinter offered some wise words. "Patience and practice, Ernest," he advised, his tail swishing behind him. "Remember, Ernest," the rat said in a gentle yet firm voice, "Use your mind and your heart, and you will find the strength to conquer even the darkest foe."
One evening, after a particularly grueling training session, Casey Jones, the burly streetwise vigilante with a penchant for ice hockey, invited Ernest to join him for a friendly game of stick-and-puck in the lair's makeshift rink. "Come on, Ernest," Casey said with a grin, slapping a stick into his hand, "you can't call yourself a New Yorker unless you know how to handle the puck!"
Ernest looked skeptical but eager to bond with his new friends. "Alright, Casey," he said, tightening his grip on the stick. "But I'm more of a golf kinda guy, knowhutImean?" The two squared off, Rimshot watching with his tail wagging in excitement. The game began with Casey showing off his skills, weaving around imaginary opponents with ease. Ernest, on the other hand, couldn't even get the puck to slide in a straight line. His every move resulted in a comedic disaster, with the puck bouncing off the walls and occasionally hitting Rimshot, who yipped and chased after it with glee.
The Turtles watched from the sidelines, cracking up at Ernest's antics. Michelangelo couldn't resist joining in, jumping onto the ice and sliding around on his shell, while Donatello offered a running commentary that sounded suspiciously like a sports announcer. Even Raphael, the grumpiest of the bunch, couldn't help but smirk at the sight of the bumbling human. The game grew more chaotic by the minute, with the puck flying in every direction, narrowly missing priceless artifacts and knocking over a pile of pizzas.
But amidst the laughter and mayhem, something unexpected happened. In a rare moment of coordination, Ernest managed to send the puck hurtling towards the net with a mighty swing. Casey, caught off guard by his friend's sudden skill, barely managed to block it with his stick. The Turtles erupted into cheers, and even Splinter couldn't hide his surprise. "Well done, Ernest," Casey said, clapping him on the back. "You've got more in you than you think."
The camaraderie grew stronger, and as they all sat down to catch their breath, sharing stories and laughs, Ernest felt a part of something bigger than himself. Little did he know that the friendship he was forming would soon be tested in the most dangerous of ways, as the shadow of the Shredder and his Foot Clan loomed ever closer.
The room grew tense as April's news report crackled over the Turtles' communication device. "Breaking news," she announced, her voice urgent. "The Foot Clan has been spotted infiltrating the city's main communication hub. The situation is critical. Authorities are on their way, but we can't wait for them to act." The Turtles exchanged determined glances, knowing they had to move fast to prevent the Shredder's plan from unfolding. "I'm coming with you," Ernest declared, his eyes shining with excitement. Despite the Turtles' initial hesitation, Leonardo recognized the passion in his voice. "Alright, Ernest," he conceded. "But you stay behind me and do exactly as I say."
With a whoop of excitement, Ernest grabbed his trusty nunchucks, while Rimshot, ever the eager sidekick, jumped to his feet and barked his readiness. The group set off into the night, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the sewer tunnels as they made their way to the surface. The air was electric with anticipation and a hint of fear as they approached the communication hub, the looming shadow of the Foot Clan's ambition casting a pall over the city. "Remember, Ernest," Donatello whispered as they crept closer, "we're fighting for more than just the city. We're fighting for each other."
Michelangelo slapped a high-five. "Turtle Power, dude!"
"And pizza," Donatello added with a smirk.
Raphael rolled his eyes. "Always with the pizza."
But their playful banter was short-lived as they reached the hub's perimeter, the sound of distant sirens growing louder. The battle was about to begin, and they had to be ready.
The group huddled together, their eyes scanning the dimly lit room for any sign of the Foot Clan. "We need a distraction," Leonardo murmured, his gaze settling on Rimshot. "And I think I've got just the thing." He turned to Ernest with a mischievous glint in his eye. "You think Rimshot can handle a little reconnaissance?"
Ernest looked at his dog, who wagged his tail in response. "You betcha, Leo! Rimshot's the sneakiest critter in the county!" He patted Rimshot's head and whispered in his ear, "You go show 'em what you're made of, boy!" With a nod from Leonardo, Rimshot darted off into the shadows, his little legs a blur of motion. The Turtles and their new human ally waited with bated breath, their ears tuned for any sound that would indicate the presence of their foes.
As the seconds ticked by, the tension grew thicker than the cheese on a New York slice. Suddenly, the sound of barking echoed through the tunnels, followed by the clatter of footsteps and shouts in a foreign tongue. "They've found him!" Donatello exclaimed. "Now's our chance!" The Turtles and Ernest sprang into action, using the commotion to sneak closer to the communication hub. The Foot Soldiers were so busy chasing Rimshot that they didn't notice the green-clad figures slipping in unnoticed.
As they approached the heart of the operation, they could see the Shredder himself standing over a series of control panels, his metallic hands poised to take over the city's communications. "Not if we can help it," Casey grunted, gripping his trusty baseball bat. The Turtles nodded in agreement, their determination etched on their faces. With Rimshot's barking growing fainter, they knew they had to act fast. "Ready?"
The air crackled with energy as the Turtles and Ernest burst into the room, their battle cries mixing with the clang of swords and the slap of bare feet on concrete. The Foot Clan, caught off guard, scrambled to regroup, their eyes widening at the sight of the unexpected human and his yipping canine sidekick. Without a second thought, he dashed forward, nunchucks swinging wildly. The Turtles, impressed by his bravery, followed close behind, their weapons flashing in the dim light. The fight was chaotic, with turtles and ninjas leaping through the air in a flurry of kicks and slices, while Ernest stumbled and slipped, managing to inadvertently knock a few Foot Soldiers off their feet with his flailing limbs. Through the chaos, a bond grew stronger between the unlikely allies, each one fighting not just for the city, but for the friendship that had formed in the bowels of the sewer.
The Turtles continued to battle the Foot Clan with the finesse of seasoned ninjas, while Ernest's approach was more… unconventional. He'd trip over a cable, only to accidentally sweep the legs out from under a Foot Soldier with his nunchucks, then tumble into a pile of pipes, knocking two more off their feet. His flailing became a surprisingly effective distraction, giving the Turtles the upper hand. At one point, Michelangelo couldn't help but crack a joke. "Looks like you're fighting with your own brand of 'Turtle Jujitsu' there, Ernest!" Despite the laughs, the stakes were high. The Shredder had set his sights on the city's power grid, and if he wasn't stopped, New York would be plunged into chaos.
In the midst of the chaos, Tatsu, the Shredder's silent yet deadly right-hand man, emerged from the shadows, a snarl etched on his face. His eyes fell on Rimshot, the tiny terrier who had unwittingly led them into the lion's den. With a swift move, Tatsu snatched Rimshot from the fray, the dog's yelps of surprise piercing the air. Before anyone could react, he vanished into the shadows with the stolen prize. "Rimshot!" Ernest yelled, his heart racing. The Turtles exchanged grim looks, knowing that this was a twist they hadn't anticipated. "We've got to get him back!" Michelangelo exclaimed. "And fast!" Leonardo added, his grip tightening on his katanas. "The Shredder won't stop until he has what he wants," Donatello warned, his voice tinged with urgency. "And now, it seems he's raised the stakes."
Back in the Turtles' Lair, the mood was grim as they regrouped, their eyes darting to the empty spot where Rimshot usually sat. "Don't worry, Ernest," April said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We've faced tougher challenges than this, and we'll get him back." Casey nodded in agreement, his face a mask of determination. "Yeah, we're not gonna let those slimeballs get away with this." The Turtles exchanged solemn glances, their expressions a mix of anger and concern. "We'll find him," Leonardo assured him. "And when we do, we'll make sure he's safe." Michelangelo patted Rimshot's favorite chew toy, his voice thick with emotion. "We're gonna kick some serious shell and save our buddy." Donatello's eyes flicked to a nearby computer screen, displaying the city's security feeds. "We need to track down the Foot Clan's next move," he said, his voice steady. "They won't be expecting us to come after them so soon." Raphael, ever the strategist, tapped his chin thoughtfully. "And when we do, we'll show 'em what real Ninja Turtle Power looks like."
The room buzzed with a newfound resolve as they turned their attention to the monitors, analyzing the data for any sign of their beloved pet. "We've got to be smart about this," Casey reminded them, his eyes scanning the screens. "The Shredder's not just gonna hand him over."
"But we're not just gonna sit here and do nothin' either, knowhutImean?" Ernest said, a fiery glint in his eye. "Rimshot's family, and family sticks together."
Leonardo nodded, his gaze never leaving the monitors. "We'll find him," he promised. "And we'll make sure the Shredder never uses him as a pawn again."
The Turtles huddled around the makeshift command center in their lair, with April and Casey leaning in to examine the blueprints of the communications hub spread out on the table. "Alright, think," Leonardo said, tapping his chin with his finger. "What would Shredder want with a place like this?"
Michelangelo spoke up, his eyes wide with excitement. "Maybe he's planning a city-wide dance party, and he needs to sync up the boomboxes?"
Donatello rolled his eyes. "Not helpful, Mikey."
"Okay, okay," Michelangelo conceded, scratching his head. "How about this? Maybe he's gonna hack the TV stations and play nothing but reruns of 'Cowabunga Shredhead' 24/7?"
"While that's a terrifying thought," Casey said, his voice dry, "I doubt it's his endgame."
April tapped the blueprints thoughtfully. "If he controls the communications, he could spread misinformation, cause panic, and distract the city while he carries out his real plan."
"And with Rimshot as his hostage," Donatello added gravely, "he's got us right where he wants us."
Leonardo nodded, his gaze intense. "We need to find out what that plan is, and fast." His eyes scanned the blueprints, looking for any clues. "If we can anticipate his moves, we might be able to turn the tables on him."
Raphael leaned in, his jaw set. "Let's do it. No more joking around. We're getting our tails in gear and bringing Rimshot home."
The group nodded in agreement, their determination stronger than ever. They knew that the battle ahead would be tough, but with their friendship and their wits, they were ready to take on the Shredder and the Foot Clan to save their newfound friend.
Word of the Foot Clan's latest target reached the Turtles' lair: the city's power plant. The stakes were higher than ever, and time was of the essence. As the Turtles and their allies prepared to set out on their mission, they were met with an unexpected sight. Chuck and Bobby, armed with their camera and sound gear, were sneaking through the tunnels. "What in tarnation are you two doin' here?" Ernest exclaimed, his voice a mix of shock and bewilderment.
April, who had been quietly planning with Casey, whipped around to face them. "What do you think you're doing?" she demanded, her voice sharp. "You're supposed to be safe at the news station!"
Chuck, his eyes wide as saucers, held up his hands. "We couldn't just sit around, Ernest," he said, his voice trembling with excitement. "You told us about the turtles, and we had to see it for ourselves!" Bobby nodded fervently, his usually stoic expression replaced by one of wonder. "Now that we know you weren't just spinnin' tall tales…" Chuck's voice trailed off as he took in the sight of the Turtles standing before them.
"But guys," Ernest began, his face etched with concern, "Rimshot's been dognapped by the Foot Clan. They're usin' him as bait, and we've gotta get him back." Chuck's smile faded, and Bobby's eyes narrowed in a rare show of emotion. "You mean to tell us that the little feller's in trouble?" Chuck asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.
"Yes," Leonardo confirmed gravely. "The Shredder has him, and we need to act fast to ensure his safety and stop the Shredder's nefarious plans for the city."
The two friends looked at each other, then back at the Turtles. "Well, if anyone can save him, it's you guys," Chuck said, his voice filled with admiration. "But we're not gonna just sit this one out. We're comin' with ya."
April sighed, knowing it was futile to argue with them. "Alright, but you two stay behind the cameras and out of trouble," she warned. "We've got enough to deal with without babysitting."
With nods all around, the group set off into the night, their mission clear: rescue Rimshot and stop the Shredder from taking over New York City's power grid. The adventure was about to get even more bizarre, with the fate of the city resting in the hands—and shells—of a rubber-faced everyman, four Ninja Turtles, a streetwise vigilante, and a couple of bumbling newsmen.
At the power plant, the air was thick with tension as the Foot Clan and their fearsome leader, the Shredder, awaited the Turtles' arrival. Tatsu, his grip firm on Rimshot's trembling form, smirked. The helpless little terrier whined, his eyes darting around in a panic. The Shredder's plan was unfolding perfectly, and the thought of the Turtles walking into his trap brought a cold, calculated joy to his heart. Meanwhile, high above the city in the Turtle Blimp, the team of heroes hovered, their eyes scanning the plant for any signs of trouble. "We've got to be careful," Leonardo murmured, his gaze locked on the sprawling complex. "The Shredder won't make this easy for us." Michelangelo tightened his grip on his nunchucks, his usually carefree demeanor replaced with a steely resolve. "We'll get Rimshot back," he vowed. "And then we'll throw the biggest pizza party this city's ever seen!" The blimp descended, and the Turtles, Casey, and Ernest prepared to face the enemy. As they dropped into the shadowy grounds, they knew that the battle ahead would be one of their toughest yet.
The Turtles, Ernest, and Casey tiptoe through the power plant's dimly lit corridors, their shadows stretching long and ominous before them. They thought they had entered unnoticed, but the echo of a distant growl and the sound of patrolling Foot Soldiers' footsteps had them on edge. The scent of oil and electricity filled their nostrils as they moved silently, their eyes peeled for any sign of trouble. Little did they know, the Foot Clan had anticipated their arrival and had set a trap more ingenious than any they had faced before.
Their footsteps grew more cautious as they approached the heart of the power plant, where the Shredder's sinister laughter echoed through the metal halls. Suddenly, a floodlight blinded them, and a swarm of Foot Soldiers emerged from the shadows, surrounding the group. In a flash, they were overpowered, and the sound of Rimshot's desperate barking grew louder. The Turtles, Ernest, and Casey were dragged before the Shredder, who loomed over them from a raised platform, his twisted grin gleaming in the harsh light. "Welcome, my green-shelled pests," he sneered, holding Rimshot up by the scruff of his neck. "You've walked right into my trap, and now, you will pay the price for your interference." The fear in Rimshot's eyes mirrored the determination in the Turtles' gazes, and they knew that the battle to save him and the city had just begun.
The Shredder cackled as he loomed over the captive group, Rimshot's yelps of fear punctuating the silence. "Your heroics may have foiled my previous schemes," he sneered, "but this time, I shall not be denied. With control over the city's power, water, and communications, I will bend New York to my will!" He gestured to a bank of monitors displaying various city landmarks, each with a red target superimposed. "Once I have New York under my control," he continued, "my Foot Clan will execute the final phase of our takeover!" The turtles and their friends exchanged glances, their determination to save their city and their newfound companion stronger than ever.
"But what's with Rimshot?" Ernest blurted out, his voice filled with concern for his little terrier. "What's he got to do with your big ol' plan?" The Shredder's grin grew wider, and he stroked Rimshot's trembling fur with a metallic finger. "Your pet is merely a demonstration of my power and your vulnerability," he hissed. "A warning, if you will, to show that nothing and no one is beyond my reach." The room fell silent for a moment before Leonardo spoke up, his voice calm yet firm. "You're a coward, Shredder, using an innocent animal as a pawn in your twisted game." The Shredder's smile didn't waver. "Innocent or not, it's all the same to me. What matters is that you're here, and now, you're all in my clutches." The turtles' eyes flashed with anger, and Casey tightened his grip on his baseball bat, ready to charge. But before they could act, a cacophony of alarms blared through the room, and the sound of heavy boots echoed in the distance. "Looks like we've got company," Michelangelo quipped, his voice tight with tension. The Shredder's smile faded.
The Shredder's eyes narrowed as he stared at the security monitors, spotting April, Chuck, and Bobby making their way through the power plant. "Tatsu," he barked, his voice cold as steel, "Take a squad of soldiers and bring them to me. I have no patience for these pesky interlopers!" Tatsu nodded curtly, his grip on Rimshot tightening, and gestured for a group of Foot Soldiers to follow him.
April, Chuck, and Bobby moved stealthily through the power plant, the camera's red light a beacon in the darkness as April whispered her live report into the microphone. "We're deep in the belly of the beast," she murmured dramatically, her voice broadcasting over the airwaves. "The Foot Clan is…Whoa!" Her words were cut off as a blinding flash filled the corridor, followed by an ear-splitting bang. The trio stumbled, disoriented by the smoke billowing around them. Through the haze, they were quickly overwhelmed by a squad of Foot Soldiers, their cries of protest cut short as they were secured with ropes. When the smoke cleared, they found themselves face to face with a grinning Tatsu, who held Rimshot tightly in his grasp. "Looks like you've got some explaining to do," Tatsu sneered, tossing the trio into the room with the others.
The reunion was anything but joyous, as the captives were lined up before the Shredder, their eyes watering from the acrid smoke. The turtles struggled against their bonds, their shells glinting with the desperate need to break free and save their new companions. Casey and Ernest looked equally determined, though their expressions were a mix of fear and indignation. "Well, well," the Shredder purred. "You've brought more guests to our little soiree. How delightful." His cold gaze swept over the new arrivals, and he nodded to Tatsu. "Secure them," he ordered. "Their interference will not be tolerated." The Foot Soldiers moved to comply.
The Shredder snatched Chuck's camera from his trembling hands and turned it to face him, his voice echoing through the room as he addressed the lens. "Citizens of New York," he began, his tone menacing, "you are now under the control of the Foot Clan. Your city's fate lies in my hands, and unless you submit to my will, I shall plunge you all into chaos!" He gestured to the captives with a dramatic flourish. "Behold, your so-called heroes," he sneered, "helpless before me." He turned the camera to show the bound turtles, Casey, and Ernest, their expressions a mix of anger and defiance. "But fear not," he continued, "for I shall be a benevolent ruler. If you obey, you will be rewarded. If not…" He paused, his eyes flicking to Rimshot, "the consequences will be dire. Let the city see their protectors for what they truly are: powerless in the face of the Foot Clan." As the camera rolled, the Shredder's message of terror was beamed out across the city.
In a flash of ingenuity, April managed to slip her bonds free and palmed the smoke bomb Chuck had smuggled in. She took a deep breath and whispered to the others, "Cover your eyes and brace yourselves!" With a flick of her wrist, she tossed the smoke bomb at the Shredder's feet. "Now!" The explosion of light and sound rocked the room, and the Shredder and his soldiers reeled, their vision obscured by the thick, choking smoke. Through the chaos, Rimshot took his chance. As Tatsu's grip loosened, the little terrier clamped down on the villain's hand, yelping and snarling. Tatsu howled in pain and released Rimshot, who scurried to safety.
In the midst of the confusion, Rimshot's sharp teeth sliced through the ropes binding Ernest's wrists, freeing him from his restraints. Coughing and blinking through the smoke, Ernest's eyes grew wide with gratitude and he quickly set to work, untying the Turtles, Casey, and his friends. "Let's go, fellas!" he exclaimed, slapping the turtles on their shells. "We've got a city to save!" With newfound vigor, the group leaped into action, their bonds of friendship and shared determination fueling their escape from the Shredder's clutches. The battle was far from over, but with their newfound freedom, they had the upper hand—for now.
Chuck, his eyes watering from the smoke, lunged for the camera, his heart racing. He knew that capturing this moment was crucial. As he snatched it up, the weight of the device felt reassuring in his hands, a tool that could help bring the truth to the people of New York. Through the haze, he could see the Turtles, Casey, and Ernest springing into action, their determination unyielding despite their dire circumstances. "Keep it rollin', Bobby," he yelled over the din, his voice a mix of excitement and urgency. Bobby nodded, his eyes glued to the viewfinder as he captured the chaos unfolding before them.
With a battle cry that could be heard over the din of the alarms, Ernest and the Turtles sprang into action, their every move a blur of green and denim. The Foot Clan, caught off guard by the sudden escape, scrambled to regroup, but it was too late. The rubber-faced everyman, now fueled by the fiery spirit of Ninjutsu, dodged and weaved through the air, his fists and feet flying in a whirlwind of fury. Meanwhile, Casey locked eyes with Tatsu, the two recognizing each other from their previous encounter. "You and me, round two," Casey growled, cracking his knuckles. The burly streetwise vigilante and the stoic Shredder's right-hand man charged at each other, their fists clenched and their wills unbreakable. The clang of their weapons and the grunts of their exertion filled the room as they fought, each blow a testament to their unyielding determination to protect their friends and city.
While the battle raged on, Chuck and Bobby couldn't contain their excitement. They hovered over the camera, jostling for the best view, their eyes glued to the monitor as the Turtles and their new ally, Ernest, dispatched Foot Soldiers with surprising ease. "Look at 'em go!" Chuck exclaimed, slapping Bobby on the back. Bobby's wide grin was all the reply he needed. Meanwhile, April remained steadfast in her role, her voice strong and clear as she reported the unfolding events into the microphone. "This is April O'Neil, live from the power plant. The Turtles, Casey Jones, and an unexpected hero named Ernest are fighting to save not only their city but also our furry friend, Rimshot," she narrated, her professionalism a stark contrast to the chaos around her. Despite the danger, she remained focused, her heart racing with every swing of Leonardo's katana and every crack of Casey's baseball bat. The sight of her friends fighting for justice filled her with a fierce pride, and she knew that no matter the outcome, she had a story that would make history.
With a grunt, Casey brought his bat down on Tatsu's sword, sending it clattering to the ground. He delivered a swift kick to the villain's chest, sending him stumbling backward. "You're goin' down, Tatsu!" Casey roared, his eyes alight with victory. Meanwhile, the Turtles had systematically taken out the remaining Foot Soldiers, their synchronized movements a testament to their unbreakable bond and rigorous training. The room grew still as the echoes of their battle faded, leaving only the labored breaths of the exhausted heroes and the distant hum of the city above. The Shredder, watching from his lofty perch, knew the time had come to face his foes himself. He descended from the platform, his armor gleaming in the flickering lights, and the air grew heavy with anticipation. "You may have bested my soldiers," he sneered, his eyes locked on the Turtles and their newfound ally. "But against me, you stand no chance." His voice was a mix of confidence and malice, a promise of the pain that awaited them. But the Turtles and Casey had faced worse, and they knew that together, they could conquer any enemy. They tightened their grips on their weapons, their eyes never leaving the Shredder's cold gaze. "Let's do this," Leonardo murmured to his brothers, and as one, they charged forward to meet their ultimate challenge.
With a surprising burst of courage, Ernest stepped in front of the Turtles, blocking their path to the Shredder. "Hold on, guys," he panted, his chest heaving. "I got this one." The turtles stared at him in disbelief, their eyes wide with shock. "Are you kidding?" Michelangelo exclaimed. "You're gonna take on the big cheese?" But Ernest was dead serious. "You see, Rimshot's like family to me," he said, his voice steady. "And nobody messes with family. I've learned a thing or two from you all, and I reckon it's time I put those lessons to the test." The turtles shared a skeptical glance, but the resolve in Ernest's eyes was unmistakable. Leonardo nodded solemnly. "If you're sure, then we've got your back," he said, his voice filled with respect. The other turtles and Casey took a step back, giving Ernest room to face the Shredder alone. The villain sneered, his amusement clear. "Very well," he hissed. "Let's see what this simpleton is made of." Ernest took a deep breath and rolled up his sleeves, his face a mask of grim determination. "Alright, Shredder," he drawled, cracking his knuckles. "Let's dance."
The battle between Ernest and the Shredder began with a clash of wills, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. The Shredder, underestimating the country bumpkin, sneered as he lunged forward with a flurry of razor-sharp strikes. Ernest, his face a twisted grimace of concentration, managed to dodge and weave, his denim vest fluttering in the artificial breeze of the power plant. But as the fight dragged on, his movements grew more sluggish, and the Shredder's blows grew more precise. Each hit from the Shredder's metal-tipped bo staff resonated through the chamber, and with each strike, Ernest stumbled backward, his face a mask of pain. The turtles and Casey watched, their hearts in their throats, as their newfound ally took blow after blow. The sweat on Ernest's brow grew heavier, his breaths more ragged. It seemed that the rubber-faced hero was moments away from meeting his doom.
The Shredder cackled with glee as he sent Ernest reeling with another vicious blow. "You are no match for me, fool," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice. "You cannot hope to stand against the might of the Foot Clan!" But in that moment, Ernest's expression shifted from pain to one of clarity. He recalled the wise words of Splinter, the Turtles' sensei, echoing through his mind. "Remember, Ernest," he heard Splinter's gentle yet firm voice, "Use your mind and your heart, and you will find the strength to conquer even the darkest foe." Drawing on the lessons he'd learned from his new friends, Ernest's eyes narrowed, and he took a deep, centering breath. The next time the Shredder struck, Ernest was ready. He stepped aside with a grace that belied his earlier clumsiness, and as the villain's arm swung wide, he reached up and plucked the bo staff from his grip. "Looks like I learned a thing or two," he quipped, spinning the staff in a blur of motion. The Shredder's smugness faltered for a second, his eyes widening in surprise. "Maybe I ain't no ninja," Ernest panted, "but I reckon I've got the hang of this turtle power!" The turtles and Casey watched in amazement as Ernest, fueled by his love for Rimshot and his newfound skills, took the fight to the Shredder. The room was electrified with anticipation as the two adversaries circled each other, the bo staff a blur of wood and metal in Ernest's hands.
The Shredder's eyes narrowed as he watched Ernest spin the bo staff with surprising skill. He knew he couldn't underestimate this bizarre human any longer. With a snarl, he lunged again, his movements a blur of shadow and steel. This time, Ernest's reactions weren't fast enough. A swift kick sent him sprawling, and the bo staff clattered to the ground. The Shredder loomed over him, the weapon raised high for the finishing blow. "Your valor is admirable, but futile," he sneered. But just as the bo staff was about to come crashing down, a furry blur shot out of the shadows. Rimshot, fueled by the same determination that had driven his master, sank his teeth into the Shredder's ankle. The villain howled in pain, his balance lost, and the bo staff swung wildly through the air, missing its intended target. The turtles and Casey watched in shock as the little dog held on, his jaws clamped down tight.
With the Shredder momentarily distracted, Ernest's eyes widened with a newfound determination. He leaped to his feet, snatched the bo staff from the air, and in a swift motion, he brought it down onto the villain's back with a resounding thud. The Shredder stumbled, releasing Rimshot, who yipped in victory. The room held its breath as Ernest, with surprising agility, spun the staff and delivered a final, crushing blow that sent the Shredder to the ground. The once-feared leader of the Foot Clan lay defeated before them, his armor clattering to the floor. The turtles and Casey erupted into cheers, and even Chuck and Bobby couldn't resist letting out a victory whoop. "Way to go, Ernest!" Michelangelo exclaimed, while Donatello offered a rare smile. The battle was over, and the city was safe—thanks in no small part to the unexpected heroics of Ernest P. Worrell.
The sound of distant sirens grew louder, their wails piercing the air like a clarion call to retreat. The Turtles, Casey, and Ernest knew that the NYPD would soon be storming the power plant, and they had to move fast. "We've gotta get outta here before the cops show up!" Casey shouted, his voice tinged with urgency. They knew that explaining their actions to the authorities would be a tall order, especially with four talking turtles in tow.
The wail of police sirens grew louder, and moments later, the power plant's doors burst open as Sterns, the Chief of the New York City Police Department, led a team of officers into the fray. His eyes darted around the room, taking in the unconscious Foot Soldiers and the chaotic scene before finally landing on April, Chuck, and Bobby, who were all standing over the defeated Shredder, their expressions a mix of relief and disbelief. "What in the blue blazes is goin' on here?" Sterns bellowed, his voice booming through the cavernous space. April, her heart racing, stepped forward to explain. "Chief Sterns," she began, her voice shaking slightly, "you're not gonna believe this, but we've got the whole thing on camera." He took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "Miss O'Neil," he said slowly, "I think I might need to see the footage in that camera."
The following day, the city of New York awoke to a symphony of sirens from newspaper boys hawking the latest headlines: "Mysterious Heroes Foil Shredder's Sinister Plot!" and "Turtles and Unlikely Ally Save City from Certain Doom!" The front pages were plastered with images of the bizarre battle at the power plant, with the unmistakable figures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and their human companions standing triumphant. The story had spread like wildfire, with April's daring live report and Chuck and Bobby's exclusive footage going viral. People couldn't get enough of the outlandish tale of talking turtles and their rubber-faced savior. The city buzzed with excitement and disbelief, and the usually stoic New Yorkers couldn't help but exchange smiles and incredulous glances as they passed each other on the street, each clutching a copy of the newspaper with the heroes' exploits in bold print. The air was thick with whispers of "Did you see?" and "Can you believe it?" The legend of the Turtles and their allies had grown overnight, and for once, the Big Apple felt a little less jaded and a whole lot more hopeful.
Later, in the quiet sanctum of the Turtles' lair, the air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked pizza, a celebratory feast laid out before them. The usually stoic Splinter couldn't help but crack a smile at the sight of his adopted sons, Casey, Chuck, Bobby, and the surprising hero of the hour, Ernest P. Worrell, all gathered around the table, sharing tales of their adventure with the glee of schoolchildren recounting a summer camp escapade. The news of April's Pulitzer Prize nomination had just reached them, and the room was alight with a mix of excitement and pride. "Well, I'll be," Ernest drawled, his cheeks bulging with a mouthful of cheesy goodness. "Looks like we've all hit the big time, huh?" The turtles chuckled, their laughter a symphony of muffled giggles through their mouthfuls. "You're a natural, Ernest," April said, patting his back. "Couldn't have done it without you." Casey nodded, a rare smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, you're all right for a squishy human," he conceded, earning a playful swat from Michelangelo. The camaraderie was palpable as they enjoyed their well-deserved victory meal, each slice of pizza a toast to the unbreakable bond they had formed. The room echoed with laughter and the clinking of soda cans as they reveled in their newfound friendship, the glow of their victory shining brighter than the neon lights of the city above. For this one night, they were more than just a ragtag group of heroes; they were a family, united by a love for justice, a passion for pizza, and the knowledge that together, they could conquer any challenge the city threw their way.
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Red's RE All-Stars: Dream Cast
"I'm not sure if this is a Raccoon City Reunion or a overdue funeral. Either way it's better then dying alone."
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kinonostalgie · 25 days
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One of my all time favorite films, love the cast and their performances.
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1976- 'Marathon Man'
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starring- Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier, Roy Scheider, Tito Goya, William Devane,
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Marthe Keller, Richard Bright, Fritz Weaver, Raymond Serra, Marc Lawrence, Jacques Marin, Allen Joseph, Ben Dova & Lou Gilbert.
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Deadline For Murder: From the Files of Edna Buchanan - CBS - May 9, 1995
Crime Drama
Running Time: 120 minutes
Elizabeth Montgomery as Edna Buchanan
Yaphet Kotto as Marty Talbot
Audra Lindley as Jean
Joe Flanigan as Scott Cameron
Jenifer Lewis as Denice Cooper
Richard Lineback as Billy Coleman
Matthew Posey as Sam
Saundra Santiago as Rosinha Zulueta
Liz Sheridan as Wendy Padison
Geno Silva as Teo Cruz
David Spielberg as George
Lewis Van Bergen as Johnny Cresta
Raymond Serra as The Man
Eddie Barth as Mickey Rosen
Alley Mills as Julie Cresta
Dean Stockwell as Aaron Bliss
Elizabeth Montgomery's final screen appearance.
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abwwia · 1 year
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... A woman, Polish, Jewish, socialist and painter in Europe during the two world wars, Muter experienced the German occupation of France in hiding in Avignon. Shortly afterwards, having managed to get a divorce, she lost her only child and also her partner, the historian and politician Raymond Lefebvre. She was left sightless until an operation for cataracts allowed her to return to her painting. When she died, at the age of 91, she left the only work she had to the SOS Villages d’Enfants charity. Via miradorarts (2021)
repost from: Polish Women Artists @sztukakobiet
Mela Muter is the pseudonym used by Maria Melania Mutermilch (Apr 26, 1876 – May 14, 1967), the first professional Jewish painter in Poland. She lived most of her life in France. Muter's painting career began to flourish after she moved to Paris from Poland in 1901 at the age of twenty-five. via Wikipedia
Mela Muter, Zigeuner familie (Gypsy family), 1930, private collection. AWARE.
Mela Muter, Self-Portrait, 1909. Mirador de les arts. Detail.
Portrait of Mela Muter with a group of Polish Artists in Barcelona. From left to right: Witold Gordon Jurgielewicz, Elie Nadelman, Leopold Gottlieb, Mela Muter and Michal Mutermilch, 1912. Photography: Francesc Serra. City of Girona.  Archive Library Rafael i María Teresa Santos Torroella (Galeries Dalmau collection).
read: Mela Muter – Accomplished Portraitist and Devoted Mother by Magda Michalska   27.01.2023 www.dailyartmagazine.com/mother-portraits-by-mela-muter/
Although in her day she was most famous for portraying the members of the Parisian Boheme, Mela Muter was deeply fascinated with capturing the intimacy permeating the daily lives of mothers. In fact, motherhood became the most recurring theme in her original oeuvre which shows influences ranging from Symbolism, Post-Impressionism, and Cubism.
#sztukakobiet #MelaMuter #womensart #PalianShow #MariaMelaniaKlingsland #MelaMutermilch #PolishWomenArtists #polishemigrant #frenchpainter #artherstory #Herstory
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livrosnaoedicoes · 2 years
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COLECÇÃO VÁRIA, #3 Florilégio
organização:  Maria Sequeira Mendes, Joana Meirim, Nuno Amado leituras/ensaios por:  Akihiko Shimizu, Alberto Manguel, Alda Rodrigues, Alex Wong, Amândio Reis, Ana Cláudia Santos, Ana Maria Pereirinha, Ana Matoso, Ana Sofia Couto, António J. Ramalho, Bernardo Palmeirim, Clara Rowland, Diogo Martins, Fernando Cabral Martins, Frederico Pedreira, Golgona Anghel, Gustavo Rubim, Helder Gomes Cancela, Helena Carneiro, Inês Rosa, Joana Matos Frias, Joana Meirim, João Dionísio, Jorge Almeida, Lawrence Rhu, Lúcia Evangelista, Madalena Quintela, Madalena Tamen, Margarida Vale de Gato, Maria Rita Furtado, Maria Sequeira Mendes, Miguel Tamen, Nuno Amado, Pedro Serra, Pedro Sobrado, Rita Faria, Rosa Maria Martelo, Sara Campino, Sara de Almeida Leite, Silvina Rodrigues Lopes, Tatiana Faia, Telmo Rodrigues, Teresa Bartolomei poemas de:  Abade de Jazente, Adélia Prado, Adília Lopes, Alberto Pimenta, Alice Oswald, Ana Hatherly, Anna Akhmátova, Anthony Hecht, António Franco Alexandre, António Gedeão, Arthur Rimbaud, Bernardim Ribeiro, Carlos de Oliveira, Charlotte Smith, Christopher Middleton, Elizabeth Bishop, Ellen Davies, Emily Dickinson, Fernando Assis Pacheco, Florbela Espanca, Frances Leviston, Francisco Alvim, G. E. Patterson, Golgona Anghel, Ian MacMillan, João Miguel Fernandes Jorge, John Betjeman, Jorge Sousa Braga, José Afonso, José Miguel Silva, Kenneth Goldsmith, Kudo Naoko, Leopoldo María Panero, Luís de Camões, Luiza Neto Jorge, Manuel Bandeira, Manuel Gusmão, Margarida Vale de Gato, María Elena Walsh, Maria Velho da Costa, Raymond Carver, Raul de Carvalho, Ricardo Tiago Moura, Rosa Maria Martelo, Tonia Tzirita Zacharatou, Wilfred Owen capa e ilustrações:  João Concha ISBN:  978-989-53985-1-5 n.º de páginas:  232 tiragem:  350 exemplares 1.ª edição:  Março, 2023 Recomendado no Plano Nacional de Leitura LER+ PVP  20,00 euros | ensaio |
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trnsocial · 3 months
84 From '84: Alphabet City
A New York City drug dealer decides to get out of the business, but has to flee from mobsters. Cast: Vincent Spano as Johnny Michael Winslow as Lippy Kate Vernon as Angie Jami Gertz as Sophia Zohra Lampert as Mama Raymond Serra as Gino Kenny Marino as Tony 1984 memories I’m pretty sure this movie never played in my towns theater. I’ve never heard of it or seen it. The poster is pure…
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maxverstepponme · 9 months
let's be real most of kelly's "friendships" are just networking and she probably traded her with ginevra lol // she genuinely has as well, nothing this women does is genuine from her face to her friendships//
this made me go through such a deep dive instead of sleep lol sorry this is long but here we go:
1) in her birthday lunch she invited claire rose, agata krysiak and emma victoria reeve. let's say she is friends with claire (lol), emma and agata are luxury brand consultants that organize pr events for brands. kelly probably met them through these pr events since she was invited two pr events le praire (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4vu2tIWa9/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) and mytheresa lunch (https://www.instagram.com/p/CukfMglsNe1/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). coming to dinner, they are the ones i could see from stories and tags etc. :
2) agata (again bc they must have bonded very strongly in 2 pr events lol)
3) rafael cruz (mua, they met when he did her makeup for rita's wedding in may in portugal but he is very clearly deliah's plus one, maybe my instagram is glitching but kelly literally started to follow him today)
4) magdelena (mua, did her makeup last week in fia gala)
5) rita gulbenkian (she got married in portugal this may to antonio cacorino. antonio along with pedro felix de costa are founders of apex capital which is some kind of investment management company for athletes. mitch evans and antonio felix de costa are listed as founding partners and advisors. she also very suprisingly works as the head of marketing in hey harper. tbh i don't know if kelly knew her or antonio c before but steppy this really made me curious about if apex ever approached max via kelly? and is this why they invited him to wedding? max didn't attend bc of sim racing though)
6) yasmine sassy (i think sassy might be her actual last name and she is another " head of talent strategy" and "vip and celebrity relations" person and also works with elite model. i think kika works with her too and she might have met hailey and kendall via yasmine. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxyOmF4slzt/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)
7) Maria Razumeeva (she is broker for smart yachtes and and as i was writing kelly was NOT following her ig account lol no comment)
8) Marco Serra (@marco.serra, okay i am not sure about this one but according to one linkedin page he is a trader working in cgm-azimut monaco which is "is a leading asset management company in Monaco", i don't have any comments tbh, just curious whose wealth we are talking about its management in here lol https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://mc.linkedin.com/in/marco-serra-8148b346&ved=2ahUKEwi6kviLrpWDAxVoQ_EDHaLhC4MQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2WHKkIaDzl7NJIqNiicGp6)
9) the usual suspects: yara+her partner, maria, daliah (she was also with maria in kelly's birthday in 2021, though i think she is friends/relatives with maria instead being friends with kelly bc they mostly see each other when it involves maria), ginevra aka the new yasmin, raymond+his wife, majdi and norman nato which are event jokers atp, i won't be suprised if they show up in my birthday too.
there are more i couldn't see or recognize, like she is celebrating a week later but this was definitely more crowded than previous ones.
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A Démoni fény 2022-es amerikai szuperhősfilm, amely a DC Comics azonos nevű karakterén alapul. A gyártója a New Line Cinema, a DC Films, a Seven Bucks Productions és a FlynnPictureCo., forgalmazója a Warner Bros. Pictures. A filmet Jaume Collet-Serra rendezte Adam Sztykiel, Rory Haines és Sohrab Noshirvani forgatókönyve alapján. A főszerepben Dwayne Johnson, Noah Centineo, Aldis Hodge, Sarah Shahi, Quintessa Swindell és Pierce Brosnan látható.
Jacqueline Byers Sister Ann
Virginia Madsen Dr. Peters
Christian Navarro Father Dante
Colin Salmon Father Quinn
Nicholas Ralph Father Raymond
Ben Cross Cardinal Matthews
Lisa Palfrey Sister Euphemia
Debora Zhecheva Young Ann
Posy Taylor Natalie
Derek Morse Paramedic #1
Tom Forbes Matt
Yana Marinova Natalie's Mother
Ha az ördög rád talál, nem ereszt el… Eddig sosem látott méreteket öltött a démoni megszállottak száma, ezért a katolikus egyház úgy dönt, újra megnyitja ördögűző iskoláit. Ezen a spirituális csatatéren egy elszánt szerzetesnő, Ann nővér (Jacqueline Byers) tűnik fel, akinek már kislánykora óta megmagyarázhatatlan démoni eseményekkel kellett szembenéznie. Bár az apácáknak tilos ördögűzést végezniük, egy professzor (Colin Salmon) felismeri Ann nővér különleges képességeit, így beleegyezik, hogy kiképezze őt a természetfeletti rítusra. Ann egy fiatal lány lelkéért vívott harcban találja magát, és hamarosan rájön, hogy az ördög végig őt üldözte, és most már nem ereszti őt…
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Démoni fény teljes film
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Démoni fény teljes film
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Démoni fény online film
Démoni fény teljes film online
Démoni fény teljes film magyarul online
❍❍❍ TV-FILM ❍❍❍
Az első televíziós műsorok az 1930-as évektől kezdődően kísérleti jellegűek, szórványos adások voltak, amelyek a sugárzótoronytól csak nagyon rövid hatótávolságon belül voltak láthatóak. Az olyan televíziós események, mint az 1936-os németországi nyári olimpia, VI. György király 19340-es megkoronázása az Egyesült Királyságban, és David Sarnoff híres bemutatkozása az 1939-es amerikai New York-i világkiállításon, a médium növekedését ösztönözték, de a második világháború a fejlődést a háború utánig leállította. Az 19440-es World MOVIE sok amerikait ihletett meg első televíziókészülékének megvásárlására, majd 1948-ban a népszerű Texaco Star Theater rádióműsor az első heti televíziós varieté lett, amivel Milton Berle műsorvezető a „Mr Television” nevet kapta. demonstrálva, hogy a médium a szórakoztatás stabil, modern formája, amely vonzza a hirdetőket. Az első országos élő televíziós adás az Egyesült Államokban 1951. szeptember 4-én zajlott, amikor Harry Truman elnök beszédét a japán békeszerződés konferenciáján San Franciscóban az AT&T transzkontinentális kábeles és mikrohullámú rádióközvetítő rendszerén keresztül továbbították a helyi piacok sugárzóállomásaihoz.
❍❍❍ A film/film definíciója és meghatározása ❍❍❍
Míg a filmben szerepet játszó játékosokat színésznek (férfinak) vagy színésznőnek (nőknek) nevezik. Létezik az extrák kifejezés is, amelyeket mellékszereplőkként használnak, kevés szereppel a filmben. Ez eltér a nagyobb és több szerepet játszó főszereplőkétől. Színésznek és színésznőnek meg kell követelni a jó színészi tehetséget, ami összhangban van a film témájával, amelyben szerepel. Egyes jelenetekben a színész szerepét egy kaszkadőr vagy egy kaszkadőr helyettesítheti. A kaszkadőr léte azért fontos, hogy helyettesítse a nehéz és extrém jeleneteket játszó színészeket, amelyek általában az akciófilmekben előfordulnak.
A filmek a filmkészítő bizonyos üzeneteinek közvetítésére is használhatók. Egyes iparágak filmeket is használnak szimbólumaik és kultúrájuk közvetítésére és megjelenítésére. A filmkészítés egyben egy kifejezési forma, az ember filmben megjelenített gondolatai, ötletei, fogalmai, érzései és hangulatai. Maga a film többnyire fikció, bár néhány ténybeli igaz történeten vagy igaz történeten alapul.
Vannak eredeti és valós képekkel készült dokumentumfilmek vagy életrajzi filmek is, amelyek egy-egy szereplő történetét mesélik el. Sok más népszerű műfaji film is létezik, az akciófilmektől, horrorfilmektől, vígjátékoktól, romantikus filmektől, fantasy filmektől, thrillerektől, drámafilmektől, tudományos-fantasztikus filmektől, bűnügyi filmektől, dokumentumfilmektől és egyebektől kezdve.
Ez egy kis információ a film vagy film meghatározásáról. Az információkat különféle forrásokból és hivatkozásokból idézték. Remélem hasznos lehet.
❍❍❍ formátumok és műfajok ❍❍❍
Lásd még: Műfajok listája § Film- és televíziós formátumok és műfajok
A televíziós műsorok változatosabbak, mint a legtöbb egyéb médiaforma, a bemutatható formátumok és műfajok széles választéka miatt. Egy műsor lehet kitalált (mint a vígjátékokban és drámákban), vagy nem kitalált (mint például a dokumentumfilmben, a híradóban és a valóságs televízióban). Lehet aktuális (mint egy helyi híradó és néhány televíziós film esetében), vagy történelmi (mint sok dokumentumfilm és fikciós FILM esetében). Lehetnek elsősorban oktató jellegűek vagy oktató jellegűek, vagy szórakoztatóak, mint a szituációs vígjátékok és játékműsorok esetében.[Idézet szükséges]
A drámaprogramok általában egy sor színészt tartalmaznak, akik történelmi vagy mai környezetben alakítanak ki karaktereket. A program életüket és kalandjaikat követi nyomon. A 2021-es évek előtt a műsorok (kivéve a szappanopera-típusú sorozatokat) jellemzően statikusak maradtak történeti ívek nélkül, és a főszereplők és a premisszus keveset változott.[idézni kell] Ha valami változás történt a szereplők életében az epizód során, az általában az volt. végére visszavonva. Emiatt az epizódokat tetszőleges sorrendben sugározhatták.[idézet szükséges] A 2021-es évek óta sok FILM progresszív változást tartalmaz a cselekményben, a karakterekben vagy mindkettőben. Például a Hill Street Blues és a St. Elsewhere volt az első amerikai főműsoridős drámai MOVIE televízió, amely ilyen drámai struktúrával rendelkezett,[4][jobb forrásra van szükség], míg a későbbi MOVIE Babylon 5 tovább példázza ezt a struktúrát, mivel egy előre meghatározott sztori futott át a tervezett öt évados sorozaton.[citvatio""&n szükséges]
2022-ben arról számoltak be, hogy a televízió a nagyobb médiavállalatok bevételeinek nagyobb részét képezi, mint a film.[5] Néhányan megjegyezték egyes televíziós programok minőségének javulását is. 2021-ben az Oscar-díjas filmrendező, Steven Soderbergh a karakter és a narratíva kétértelműségét és összetettségét kommentálva kijelentette: „Azt hiszem, ezeket a tulajdonságokat ma már a televízióban is láthatják, és az emberek, akik ilyen jellegű történeteket akarnak látni. tulajdonságok tévénézés.
Nagyon szépen köszönjük. Mindenkinek, aki örömmel fogad minket hírként vagy információként, elmondjuk az idei filmes programról és arról, hogyan nézi kedvenc filmjeit. Remélhetőleg mi leszünk a legjobb partnerek az Ön számára, hogy ajánlásokat találjon kedvenc filmjeihez. Tőlünk ennyi, üdv!
Köszönjük, hogy megnézted a mai videót.
Remélem tetszeni fognak a videók, amiket megosztok. Nyomj egy lájkot, lájkolj vagy oszd meg, ha tetszik, amit megosztottunk, hogy még jobban izguljunk.
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vhs-ninja · 7 years
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ginazmemeoir · 4 years
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"We're not drunken schoolfellows singing shanties about wanton fishwives" is something Raymond Holt would say.
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Who I write for + rules + masterlists
Please don't ask for smut.
By default, I write things as gender ambiguous, but you can request for the reader to be a specific gender identity.
I'll do up to eight characters per request.
Requesting dark things with violence/blood is fine. Angst is fine as well.
Requesting completely goofy/stupid/shitpost-y things is fine.
Requesting something poly is fine.
Requesting platonic things (whether familial or friendly) is fine.
Don't be afraid to be specific! : )
With Resident Evil prompts in particular, if you don’t specify a game or movie alongside a character (e.g. 3 REmake Jill or WTRC Leon) then I’m just going to assume that you’re leaving it up to me to choose.
Games include any Resi title released between the original's debut in 1996 and now, even the non-canon ones. You can also ask for it to take place in the Dead By Daylight universe. Movies include all of the CG releases, the Anderson movies, and Welcome to Raccoon City.
Things I write:
Prompt-based x reader ficlets. Send in a scenario and I'll write a short fic about it. If you want it to be platonic, please specify.
Reactions. Send in something you'd like to see a particular character's reaction to (e.g. reacting to a reader with a particular interest/trait, reacting to a reader ending up in a particular situation). I'll write a bulleted list. If you want it to be platonic, please specify.
Headcanons. Send in specific or general headcanons you would like about one or more characters. I'll write a bulleted list.
If you don't name one of these things in your ask, I'll just assume that you're leaving the format up to me.
Resident Evil
Ada Wong - masterlist here!
Albert Wesker - masterlist here!
Alcina Dimitrescu - masterlist here!
Alex Wesker - masterlist here!
Alyssa Ashcroft - nothing yet.
Alice - masterlist here!
Ark Thompson - masterlist here!
Barry Burton - masterlist here!
Becca Woolett - nothing yet.
Bela Dimitrescu - masterlist here!
Billy Coen - masterlist here!
Brad Vickers -masterlist here!
Bruce McGivern - masterlist here!
Carlos Oliveira - masterlist here!
Cassandra Dimitrescu - masterlist here!
Chris Redfield - masterlist here!
Claire Redfield - masterlist here!
Daniela Dimitrescu - masterlist here!
Daniel Fabron - nothing yet.
Donna Beneviento - masterlist here!
The Duke - nothing yet.
Edward Dewey - masterlist here!
Elena Lupu - masterlist here!
Emily Berkhoff - masterlist here!
Enrico Marini - masterlist here!
Ethan Winters - masterlist here!
Finn Macauley - nothing yet.
Fongling - nothing yet.
Forest Speyer - masterlist here!
Hector Hivers - nothing yet.
Helena Harper - masterlist here!
Ingrid Hunnigan - nothing yet.
Jack Krauser - nothing yet.
Jake Muller - masterlist here!
January Van Sant - masterlist here!
Jessica Sherawat - nothing yet.
Jill Valentine - masterlist here!
Joe Baker - masterlist here!
Joseph Frost - masterlist here!
Josh Stone - nothing yet.
Karl Heisenberg - masterlist here!
Karena LesProux - nothing yet.
Kenneth Sullivan - masterlist here!
Leon Kennedy - masterlist here!
Lucas Baker - masterlist here!
Luis Serra - nothing yet.
Mia Winters - masterlist here!
Moira Burton - nothing yet.
Mother Miranda - masterlist here!
Nikolai Zinoviev - nothing yet.
Parker Luciani - nothing yet.
Piers Nivans - masterlist here!
Rachel Foley - masterlist here!
Raymond Vester - masterlist here!
Rebecca Chambers - masterlist here!
Rain Ocampo - nothing yet.
Richard Aiken - masterlist here!
Salvatore Moreau - masterlist here!
Sheva Alomar - masterlist here!
Zoe Baker - masterlist here!
Child’s Play - masterlist here
Charles “Chucky” Lee Ray
Nica Pierce
Tiffany Valentine
Bendy - masterlist here
Alice Angel (cartoon)
Allison Pendle/Allison Angel
Audrey Drew
Susie Campbell/Twisted Alice
Amanda Young - fluff alphabet
Abe Sapien (I no longer write for this character) - masterlist here!
Charlotte Deshayes - masterlist here!
Hellboy (I no longer write for this character) - masterlist here!
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crimescrimson · 1 year
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Red's Favourite Resident Evil Character Type: Morally Grey
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tactician-in-green · 7 years
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Here I am with a new fanart + some old doodles!
My god, fe7 is the first game that made me love literally ALL of the characters (except the bad ones obviously) but I couldn’t draw all of them because, if I did, I would have passed out on my tablet
Guys, if you can, please give me some constructive criticism, I’d really appreciate (⁎⚈᷀᷁▿⚈᷀᷁⁎)
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Serrae’s Rec List
This is a compilation of what I have read and reblogged. I know there are so many other great things out there, but this is what I have gotten around to so far. =D
For series and mini series/multiple parts I only linked the first chapter unless there was a series masterlist. Also, if I tagged anyone and put your fic in the wrong category or you’d rather have me put it in a different category, please let me know. ALSO, this is not organized by a pecking order, this is only based on when I came across them.
Criminal Minds
One shots
The star puzzle - Reid x Reader by @halloweenhoneylover
Bedtime stories on the jet - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Curl recovery - Reid x Reader by @writing-in-april
A progression of touch - Reid x Reader by @reid-fiction
Pining - Reid x Reader by @brywrites
Entropy - Reid x Reader by @juniorgman187
Between bars - Reid x OC by @ontheoddoccasioniwritestuff
Stupid genius - Reid x Reader by @newyorkpenny
Request about sensing touch - Reid x Reader by @zhuzhubii
Good morning - Reid x Reader by @gayprentiss
Dialogue for Moried - Reid x Morgan by @rxseinbloom
So alright, cool, whatever - BAU by @rxseinbloom
Fever dream - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Atlas - Reid x Reader by @homoose
Weird is good - Reid x Reader by @homoose
Make up...or make out? - Reid x Reader by @aliasimagines
Fixer upper - Reid x Reader by @zhuzhubii
Newlyweds - Reid x Reader by @stxrryspencer
She doesn’t have a cat - Reid x Reader by @emmy-writes-sometimes
Love - Reid x Reader by @spncersreid
Noticed - Reid x Reader by @clairey-y
As the world caves in - Reid x Reader by @psychicdonuts
Focus - Reid x Reader (with Emily) by @brywrites
The girl behind the desk - Reid x Reader by @mrs-dr-reid
Private display of affection - Reid x Reader by @poguesofthebau
You braided his hair? - Reid x Reader by @spacedikut
The statistical probability of falling in love - Reid x Reader by @reidscanehand
Sundays - Reid x Reader by @definitelynotkatesblog
In the end - Reid x Reader by @juniorgman187
Don’t go - Reid x Reader by @moon-light-jukebox
Bratty - Reid x OC by @juniorgman187
To hell and back - Reid x Reader by @reidsraven
Lovin is easy, you have me fucked up - Prentiss x Reader by @fellintotartarus
Lost and found - Reid by @there-must-be-a-lock
Love you goodbye - Reid x Reader by @stxrryspencer
Heather - Reid x Reader by @stxrryspencer
Echo - BAU x Reader by @stxrryspencer
Be careful what you wish for - Reid x Reader by @goldentournesol
Forbidden Fruit - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Haunted - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Germs - Reid x Reader by @moon-light-jukebox
Russian roulette - Reid x Reader by @writing-in-april
Peach - Reid x Reader by @divinereid
The perils of eavesdropping - Reid x Reader by @moon-light-jukebox
A little light reading - Reid x Reader by @safertokiss
Don’t be a tease - Reid x Reader by @hyperfixations-galore
Hear me - Reid x Reader by @andiebeaword
Wedding bells don’t ring (...or do they?) - Reid x Reader by @criminal-minds-reider
In case you hadn’t noticed - Reid x Reader by @criminalmindzjunkie
Pegging | dirty talk - Reid x Prentiss x Reader by @inhanf-archived @ineverhaveanynormalfans
Voyeurism/exhibitionism - Reid x Prentiss x Reader by @inhanf-archived @ineverhaveanynormalfans
Stuck - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Lesson learned - Reid x Reader by @definitelynotkatesblog
Avoidance - Reid x Reader by @criminalmindzjunkie
Files - Reid x Morgan x Garcia by @gayprenriss
Cat & Spencie - Reid x Cat by @andiebeaword
Tangled up in you - Reid x Reader (w/team) by @andiebeaword
Only a healthy amount - Hotch x Reader by @andiebeaword
Spoiled - Ralvez x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Opposing counsel - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
The case of the missing coffee - Reid x Reader by @writing-in-april
Meant to be broken - Reid x Reader by @catsadams
See? - Reid x Reader by @moon-light-jukebox
January 16th - Reid x Reader by @aperrywilliams
All you have to do is ask - Reid x Reader by @moon-light-jukebox
Come and find me - Reid x Reader by @anightflower
Fate and fractured hearts - Reid x Reader (but not really?) by @illegalcerebral
Twisted - Reid x Reader by @dreamwritesimagines
Enmity - Reid by @zhuzhubii
Nauseous - Reid x Reader by @g0ldengubler
Mini Series / Multiple Parts
Definitions of slow and fast (2 parts) - Reid x Max by @andiebeaword
Weak (3 parts) - Reid x Reader by @clean-bands-dirty-stories
Dark side (2 parts) - Reid x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
Curiosity killed the cat (2 parts) - Reid x Reader by @wtfevenismypage
How Spencer survived college by @drehy and others
Cuddling with Spencer on the Plane by @reidsmemory
Dating Spencer Reid would include... by @hotchsbabygirl
Dating Derek Morgan would include... by @hotchsbabygirl
Spencer with the Morgans during the holidays by @christophercuomo
Matthew Gray Gubler (and other characters he’s played)
One Shots
69 kill - Matthew x Reader by @itsnsfwalways
Petty Pair - Raymond x Reader by @imagining-in-the-margins
One Shots
B is for bondage - Sam x Reader by @idabbleincrazy
Forsaken - Sam x Reader (kinda Dean x Reader) by @calaofnoldor
Other Fic Rec Lists
Check out my second and third one!
List - @saspencereid
Spotlight Saturday - @andiebeaword
X Reader Fics - @prettyboy-reid
And this wouldn’t be a proper fic rec list without tagging the lovely @dreatine, who literally knows all the fics and is a great person to go to for more amazing content. I will update this until it tells me I can’t tag anymore people, then I’ll probably make a new one.
Happy reading!
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