#Ras mohammed
bettinabalsam · 6 months
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra offre un'esperienza unica per gli amanti della natura e dell'avventura. Situato nel sud della penisola del Sinai, Ras Mohammed è famoso per le sue spettacolari formazioni rocciose, le distese di sabbia dorata e le acque cristalline del Mar Rosso. Durante l'escursione, i visitatori possono godere di sentieri panoramici, fare snorkeling lungo le coste e ammirare la fauna selvatica unica della zona, tra cui uccelli migratori e animali marini. È un'opportunità straordinaria per esplorare la bellezza naturale di questa riserva protetta.
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an-unlived-life · 6 months
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra offre un viaggio avvincente attraverso il deserto del Sinai fino a una delle riserve naturali più rinomate al mondo. I partecipanti possono godersi panorami mozzafiato lungo il percorso e poi esplorare le acque cristalline, i coralli vibranti e la ricca vita marina che caratterizzano questo sito di immersioni iconico. È un'esperienza che unisce avventura e bellezza naturale.
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ras mohammed escursione
ras mohammed escursione è un'avventura indimenticabile nel Mar Rosso. Con le sue acque cristalline e la ricca biodiversità marina, questo parco nazionale è un paradiso per gli amanti dello snorkeling e delle immersioni. I visitatori possono esplorare i meravigliosi giardini di coralli e avvistare una varietà di pesci colorati, tartarughe marine e altre creature marine affascinanti.
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literally-just-ellie · 6 months
ras mohammed escursione
ras mohammed escursione offre un viaggio straordinario attraverso la bellezza naturale e marina della regione. Questa area protetta presenta acque cristalline ideali per lo snorkeling e il diving, insieme a paesaggi desertici mozzafiato. I partecipanti possono esplorare la ricca biodiversità marina, fare escursioni panoramiche e ammirare il paesaggio unico del Mar Rosso. Un'esperienza eccezionale per gli amanti della natura e dell'avventura.
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deadgurlsdontcry · 6 months
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra offre un'opportunità unica di esplorare la bellezza naturale e marina della zona senza la necessità di immergersi. Attraversando il deserto del Sinai in veicoli specializzati, i partecipanti possono raggiungere Ras Mohammed e godere di panorami spettacolari, fare escursioni panoramiche, ammirare la fauna selvatica e rilassarsi sulle spiagge incontaminate. Un'esperienza di avventura e scoperta indimenticabile.
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captrainbow · 6 months
Ras Mohammed escursione via terra
L'Ras Mohammed escursione via terra è un'opportunità unica per esplorare la bellezza naturale della regione senza il bisogno di immersioni. Attraversando il deserto del Sinai in jeep o in fuoristrada, i visitatori possono raggiungere Ras Mohammed e godere di panorami mozzafiato, fare escursioni, nuotare nelle acque cristalline e rilassarsi sulle spiagge incontaminate. Un'avventura terrestre indimenticabile nel cuore del Mar Rosso.
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badolmen · 20 days
Hello dears! I am Mohammed and I am asking you to support my campaign to help me achieve my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need.
I have donated and I encourage my followers to do the same at the GFM link here. You and your family are in my prayers.
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today's vetted fundraisers. please please continue to share and donate in whatever capacities you're able. these families just want to live.
june 25th:
Hani Al-Sharif, his wife, and their five young children ($967/$50,000) - @haniibrahimsh, verified by @/nabulsi
Samer Abu Ras, his wife Shurooq, and their three young children (kr41,032 SEK/kr450,000 SEK) - @sameraburass, verified by @/ibtisams
Siraj Abudayeh, his wife, and their three children ($50 CAD/$82,000 CAD) - @siiraj2024, #219 on @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi's spreadsheet
Mohammed Alanqer, his wife Enas Majed, and their four young children, one a newborn under a month old (€20,360/€38,000) - @mohammedalanqer, verified by @/nabulsi
Basel Ayyad and his family of eight, including his daughter who needs vital treatment to preserve her eyesight (CHF955/CHF60,000) - @basel-1995, verified by @/sayruq
Dalia Mohisen, her three siblings, their parents, and several extended family members (€7,081/€35,000) - @daliamohisen, verified by @/90-ghost
14-year-old Malk Al Zaeem, her siblings, their parents, and their sick grandfather ($16,191 CAD/$50,000 CAD) - @malkzaeem, verified by @/nabulsi
Mahmoud Ziad, his brothers, and their parents (both of whom need medical treatment) ($11,963/$30,000) - @mahmoud-ziad99, verified by @/ibtisams
Mohammed Haboub and his family of four (kr7,860 SEK/kr300,000 SEK) - @mohammedhaboub, verified by @/90-ghost
Nader Shoshaa and family (€6,023/€120,000) - @nadergaza, verified by @/nabulsi
Momen Alostaz's family of ten, including a one-year-old, a newborn, and Momen's chronically ill parents (€12,099/€70,000) - @mo98h, @82188974, verified by @/palipunk
Mahmoud Khalaf's family of eight (€7,597/€30,000) - @mahmoudkhalaff, verified by @/fallahifag
Hasan Saied and his wife Lena ($12,262 CAD/$20,000 CAD) - @hasanandlena, verified by the coat of arms filmmaking group
every link on here is an opportunity to give life and hope. don't turn away. your help is urgently needed, whatever form it takes
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Sun Birb by TheFearMaster
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sokaktamadam · 6 months
ras mohammed escursione
ras mohammed escursione è un'avventura indimenticabile nell'affascinante mondo sottomarino del Mar Rosso. Situato al punto più meridionale della penisola del Sinai, Ras Mohammed è rinomato per la sua straordinaria biodiversità marina e le sue spettacolari barriere coralline. I visitatori possono godere dello snorkeling o immersioni subacquee in acque cristalline, ammirando una vasta gamma di pesci tropicali e coralli colorati, rendendo questa esperienza una tappa imperdibile per gli amanti del mare.
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burnaxburn · 6 months
ras mohammed escursione
L' Ras Mohammed escursione offre un'esperienza straordinaria per gli amanti della natura e del mare. Situato all'estremità meridionale della penisola del Sinai, questo parco nazionale offre paesaggi mozzafiato, acque cristalline ideali per lo snorkeling e il diving, oltre a una ricca biodiversità marina. Un'avventura imperdibile per esplorare la bellezza del Mar Rosso.
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irhabiya · 3 months
Fundraiser Masterpost
this is a compiled list of families who have contacted me and have been vetted, with links to the fundraisers and verification, and the fundraisers' progress at the time of them being added to this post. this will help me keep track of everyone, i'll try to update this as regularly as i can. last updated: July 11th
Mohammed Bardaweel: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €6,119 raised of €37,000
Marah Salem: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €11,567 raised of €55,000
Renad Majed: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, £15,473 raised of £25,000
Tahani Shorbaje: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, $15,967 raised of $50,000
Husam Thaher: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €6,975 raised of €25,000
Tahseen Tawfiq: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €15,245 raised of €60,000
Firas Salem: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €33,245 raised of €65,000
Mahmoud Abu Hamam: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, $14,876 CAD raised of $50,000
Issam Aziz/Haifa Aziz: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €21,667 raised of €25,000
Sanaa & Rana Abu Ghaben: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, $5,576 CAD raised of $100,000
Nada Saftawi: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €11,163 raised of €16,000
Ahmed Alanqar: shared by @/palipunk (under the name Abdallah Alanqar but it's for his brother Ahmed), €23,120 raised of €35,000
Mohammed Alanqar: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein (again, under the name Abdallah Alanqar, this time it's for his brother Mohammed's family), €32,017 raised of €38,000
Abdelrahman Alanqar: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €7,110 raised of €20,000
Amira Alanqar: vetted by @/nabulsi, €11,905 raised of €20,000
Mohammed Hilles: vetted by @/nabulsi, €21,735 raised of €37,000
Tamer Al-Deeb: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €17,627 raised of €40,000
Mohammed Al-Deeb: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €18,423 raised of €30,000
The Sharif Family: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, $8,583 raised of $90,000
Aya Maher: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, €4,388 raised of €25,000
Shahd Muhammad: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, $8,006 raised of $50,000
Mohammad Al Manasra: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, €11,020 raised of €40,000
The Shehab Family: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein (under the name Fahed Shehab), €18,861 raised of €50,000
Samer Abu Ras: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, kr59,051 SEK raised of kr450,000
Bassam Shaqoura: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, €23,571 raised of €45,000
Ahmed & Abdelrahman Al-Nabih: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, €4,872 raised of €30,000
Noor Alanqar: shared by @/90-ghost, €5,400 raised of €40,000
Siraj and his family: vetted by @/nabulsi, $3,176 CAD raised of $82,000
Mahmoud Ziad: shared by @/90-ghost, $12,615 raised of $30,000
Raghad Qanou: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, £3,218 raised of £55,000
Eyad Sami: shared by @/90-ghost & @/mohammedalanqer (whose fundraiser is listed above), CHF5,442 raised of CHF20,000
Ashraf Alanqar: shared by @/90-ghost, €2,413 raised of €30,000
Amal Ashour: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, €9,945 raised of €30,000
Mahmoud Khalaf: vetted by @/el-shab-hussein & @/nabulsi, €12,144 raised of €30,000
Intisar Abushammaleh: vetted by @/nabulsi, $7,874 raised of $40,000
Hanaa Ibrahim: unvetted yet on tumblr however it is very highly likely to be legit! (link to her college alumni collective sharing her fundraiser), $34,390 raised of $100,000
Mahmoud Al-Sharif: shared by @/90-ghost, $755 raised of $60,000
Muhammad Atallah: shared by @/90-ghost, €1,579 raised of €82,000
i still have a couple campaigns that i need to make sure are vetted in my inbox. please let me know if any of the links are missing/don't work!
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shamraed · 3 days
Our Story: A Family's Journey Through War
My name is Mounir, and I am part of a family of seven. We used to live a simple life in Gaza, before the war changed everything.
My father, Raed (47), my mother, Amani (39), my older sisters, Rasha (22), who is married, and Rana (21), who is also married, my brother Mohamed (16), and my little sister Sham (4), we all dreamed of a safe and stable life.
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When the war began, we were forced to leave our home due to heavy shelling nearby.
We took shelter in the shop that was our only source of income— a sanitary supplies shop where my father, brother, and I worked.
We could only stay one night before leaflets were dropped from airplanes ordering a full evacuation of the area. We had no choice but to move to Al-Shifa Medical Complex, where we lived in a tent for a week.
Then, another evacuation order came, and we were told to head south of Gaza.
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With no relatives to take us in, we ended up in an unfinished school building in the central area.
The 90 days we spent there were the hardest of our lives— no water, no food, and nothing fit for human life. We had to walk more than 1.5 kilometers just to buy a small amount of food to keep us alive.
After this long ordeal, another evacuation order came, but before we could leave, the school was bombed.
It was terrifying— we narrowly escaped death, leaving everything behind.
We fled to Rafah, a place that seemed safer at first, but there too, we found no shelter.
We had to live in a tent, in the freezing winter cold.
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We had no way to keep warm, and we nearly froze to death.
My mother, who suffers from chronic asthma, was in a dire situation because we couldn’t find her medications.
She ran out of the medicine that helps her breathe, and she started having painful attacks.
This is one of the many types of medicine that you use, but there is none of it because it has run out
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The smoke from the fire we used for cooking and the terrible smell from the lack of sanitation in the school made her condition worse.
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My little sister Sham is also suffering from skin rashes due to the unsanitary conditions, and she has diarrhea and vomiting because the drinking water is contaminated.
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We are living in inhumane conditions, and we don’t even have the clothes we need to survive the coming winter.🥶(🧥❌)
My brother Mohamed and I carry a heavy burden— we fetch water from faraway places, and we search for food to ease our hunger.
My married sisters and their small children are also in desperate need of baby formula, clothes, and diapers.
Even the food that reaches us in the school from charity kitchens is barely edible due to poor cooking.🤢
This is our life… fear, hunger, cold, and bombing. 💔
We live in constant terror and uncertainty. 😔💔
We desperately need your help and support— any donation can help save our lives and ease our suffering.🥺🙏🏻
My campaign is Vetted by
@gazavetters , my number verified on the ( list #8 )
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horrorhorizon · 3 months
Palestine fundraisers masterpost
Every foundraiser has been verified or is highly likey ledgidaminant. I have been collecting these for a long time and in the start I did not track who verified what. This post is constanly being updated. please check notes for the most recent version
The longer fundraisers are active, the more money needed, as cost of living is extremely high with no avaible work. It is normal that goal gets increased with time!
Website with vetted fundraisers Easy to use and simple. Just share the site whenever someone asks for GFMs for Palestine.
Operation olive branch
Providing water
esims needed!
crips for esims
Palestine activists legal funds
Muhammad Al-Habil low on founds, elderly, children, multiple members in need of medical care
Siraj's Family low on founds, children (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Iyad sobhe low on founds, elderly (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Ruba Abushaban low on founds, elderly, medical care needed (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Fadi Al-Sharif infant child
Tabseem AbuJamie extremely low on founds, children, medical care needed
Hala's family low on founds, toddler (fundraiser unavaible. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Hani Alhajjar 2 toddlers close to goal!
Mariam Radi 3 children under 6
Nour Krayyem low on founds, 9 children, 20 family members killed
Asaad Herzallah low on founds, a child
Hussam Aburamadan low on founds, many children, newborn, elderly vetted link
Mohmmed Alshaer low on founds, multiple children under 10. (Currently not accepting donations. I do not now why 17-09-2024. if this is your fundraiser please contact me)
Jumana Elhalless family now seeking aid for other members
Ahmed Hassan completed!
Hala Jad children, close to goal!
Said Tanani completed!
Halla Morshed' family low on founds, child
Helping the People of Gaza - Mutual Aid Fund provides displaced families with essential supplies, in need of constant donations vetted by el shab hussien
Maha Abu Shammalah completed!
Yousef Alswaisi Doctor who has been volunteering to aid
HELP GAZA'S CHILDREN! DONATE TODAY! see also Help Gaza Children under reading and actions listed in original post in need of constant donations
Dr.Ebraheem elderly, in need of medical aid
Zinh Aldahdoh completed!
Donia Tanani close to goal, child
Ahmed and his family completed!
Help Walid and family escape the horrors of Gaza! original goal completed and now aiding others and asking or cost of living in egypt due to not being allowed to work
Alaa Amsse 2 sick children, very low on funds, pregnant mother vetted by @/ibtisams!
Shehab family 5 children, elderly vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Nada Saftaw children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Fadi Zakout seperated family, low on funds, children in need of emidate medical care vetted @/90-ghost
Abdallah Alanqar 4 children, one newborn, vetted @/sar-soor and @/nabulsi
Samer Abu Ras 3 children, low on funds vetted @/ibtisams
Amal Ashour infant under 2 vetted number 175
Samira Al-hapil Very low on founds, 4 young children vetted by @/90-ghost
Tahani Shorbajee low on funds, children vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
Mahmoud Qassas MEDICAL EMERGANCY, 3 childeren under 7
Mohammed Almanasra 3 children under 7, multiple family members martered, beloved pet cat, medical needs, #192 on the Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List
Bilal salah many children and infants under 8, including newborns, close to goal, Bilal is outside of Gaza and is going through emence struggles while having to worry about his family in Gaza #132 in the Spreadsheet
Reema Samara EXTREMLY low on funds, 5 year old, many family members martered, injuries vetted Gaza evacuation funds
Muna Abo Hamda child vetted el shab hussein
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badolmen · 1 month
how are you?I hope that you are well.❤️😍
I'm sending you a message, hoping you can help me.🤩🙏
I have a fundraiser, and I'm new to Tumblr.🌹
I hope you will help me spread the word and reach the campaign goal. ⚡🎯
Best Regards 🙏🌹
I have donated and I encourage my followers to do the same. You and your family are in my prayers.
Don't be shy about the paypal link - this campaign has been vetted by 90-ghost, see my previous reblog.
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today's vetted fundraisers. eid just began - instead of a happy time of togetherness and celebration, families like these are having to spend the holy days amidst the cruelest of circumstances, deprived of all components of safe and healthy life. now is a more vital time than ever to support these campaigns. any contribution you can make is valuable.
june 16th:
Dentist Tamer Al-Deeb, his brother (also a doctor), and their parents (€8,206/€40,000) - @tameraldeeb, verified by @/ibtisams
Samer Abu Ras, his wife Shurooq, and their three young children (kr8,220 SEK/kr450,000 SEK) - @sameraburass, verified by @/ibtisams
Mohammad Awni and his family of six (€1,535/€45,000) - @mohamedawnisblog, verified by @/nabulsi
Mohammed Al-Azayza and his family, including a young child with Down syndrome (kr2,043 SEK/kr200,000 SEK) - @hamouda-az, verified by @/sayruq
Iyad Sami, his wife Amal Mahmoud, and their four children (the family has been separated for months) (CHF291/CHF20,000) - @eyadsami, verified by @/mohamedalanqer
Momen Alostaz's family of ten (including his chronically ill parents and a newborn) (€10,938/€70,000) - @mo98h, verified by @/palipunk
The Abu Shammalah family of eight (€7,194/€100,000) - @ahmed8311, verified by @/el-shab-hussein
Mahmoud Khalaf's family of eight (€6,129/€30,000) - @mahmoudkhalaff, verified by @/ibtisams
Amani Hasan and her three children ($8,249/$17,732) - @amani93gaza, verified by @/nabulsi
Suad Ahmad, her husband, and several extended family members (Suad is pregnant and urgently needs medical care and a safe place to have her baby) ($10,436/$28,000) - @suad-ahmad, verified by @/fallahifag
if the list seems extra long today, take it as a signal that your help, in whatever form you can give, is urgently needed.
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