#Rapido clone
smithjoe · 1 year
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Rapido Clone App | Rapido Clone Script | Bike Taxi App
Rapido clone is the on-demand Bike taxi app. We offer a highly customizable Rapido clone script. Get a Rapido taxi-sharing clone source code at a reasonable price!
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sanny-ty · 4 months
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🏖️ Old drawings 4/? 🏖️
¡Bueno! hubo un momento en el que estaba interesada en Clone High, al punto de crearme algunos fc y entre ellos, estaba esta Clon de Carolina Herrera.
Lastimosamente sali del famdon relativamente rapido, pero aun me gusta ver a los fc de otras personas.
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gracelewiss-blog · 1 month
Rapido Clone App has undertaken Brand Extension Plans owing to its Phenomenal Success in Online Bike Taxi Booking segment.
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techweblabs · 1 year
From Start to Finish: Building the Ultimate Rapido Clone
The on-demand transportation industry has witnessed immense growth in recent years, and one of the key players in this sector is Rapido. Rapido, a popular bike taxi service, has revolutionized urban commuting, providing a quick and convenient alternative to traditional transportation options. In this blog, we will delve into the concept of building a Rapido Clone, offering entrepreneurs and developers a step-by-step guide to creating their own on-demand bike taxi platform.
Overview of Rapido Clone Concept:
Rapido Clone is essentially a replica of the original Rapido app, designed to cater to the transportation needs of users in a specific region. The primary goal of creating a Rapido Clone is to provide an efficient, cost-effective, and time-saving solution for short-distance travel.
Importance and benefits of creating a Rapido Clone:
Meeting Local Demand
 Developing a Rapido Clone allows you to target specific markets and fulfill the transportation demands of a particular region, city, or locality.
Entrepreneurial Opportunity:
 With the success of on-demand bike taxi services, a Rapido Clone presents a lucrative business opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors.
Convenience for Users: 
 Users can easily book a bike taxi, beat traffic, and reach their destination faster, making it a popular choice for short-distance commuting.
Job Creation:
 A Rapido Clone provides employment opportunities for bike riders both men and women by providing proper safety and boosting the local economy.
Reduction in Traffic Congestion:
 By encouraging bike-based travel, a Rapido Clone can contribute to easing traffic congestion in busy urban areas.
1. Understanding the Rapido Business Model
Rapido’s business model revolves around connecting bike riders (captains) with passengers (users) through a user-friendly mobile app. Passengers can book a ride, track the captain’s location in real time, and pay for the service using the app.
Key features and functionalities of the original Rapido app:
User Registration and Authentication: Seamless onboarding process for passengers and captains.
Real-time Tracking and Navigation: GPS-based tracking to monitor the captain’s location and ETA.
In-app Payment Gateway: Secure and convenient payment options within the app.
Rating and Review System: Allows users to rate captains and provide feedback.
Customer Support: Channels for users to seek assistance and resolve queries.
 2. Market Research and Competitor Analysis
1.  Identifying the target audience
Understanding the target audience’s demographics, preferences, and travel patterns is crucial for tailoring the app’s features and marketing efforts.
2. Analyzing existing competitors in the on-demand transportation industry
Thoroughly study other bike taxi services, their strengths, weaknesses, pricing strategies, and user feedback. This analysis will help you identify opportunities to differentiate your Rapido Clone.
3. Finding the gaps and opportunities for a Rapido Clone
Identify pain points experienced by users of existing services and find innovative solutions to address these issues. Differentiation through unique features or pricing models can give your Rapido Clone a competitive edge.
3. Planning Your Rapido Clone App
Defining your goals and objectives
 Clearly outline the objectives of your Rapido Clone, such as target launch date, user acquisition targets, revenue goals, etc.
 Outlining the scope and core features:
Based on market research and competitor analysis, define the essential features and functionalities your app must include to meet user needs.
 Selecting the right technology stack and platform:
Choose the appropriate technology stack and platform (iOS, Android) for the development of your Rapido Clone app, considering factors like scalability, security, and cost-effectiveness.
4.  Designing the User Interface (UI)
 Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface:
Design a simple and intuitive UI that allows users to book a ride effortlessly and captains to navigate the app seamlessly.
 Wireframing the app layout and navigation:
Prepare wireframes and mockups to visualise the app’s layout and navigation flow. This will help in the development process and in obtaining feedback from stakeholders.
 Choosing the right colour scheme and branding elements:
Use a colour scheme that aligns with your brand identity and appeals to your target audience. Consistent branding elements will contribute to brand recognition.
5 . Developing the Rapido Clone App
 Setting up the development environment:
Prepare the development environment with the tools and resources for smooth app development.
 Implementing the app’s front-end and back-end:
Develop the front-end of the app to ensure a seamless user experience, and simultaneously create a robust back-end to manage user data, bookings, and transactions.
 Integrating essential APIs and third-party services:
Integrate essential APIs for location tracking, payment gateway, and other functionalities to enhance the app’s performance and user experience.
6.  Implementing Key Features
 User registration and authentication:
Enable easy and secure registration for users and captains, with email, phone number, or social media sign-up options.
 Real-time tracking and navigation:
Integrate GPS and mapping services to enable real-time tracking of captains’ locations and efficient navigation.
 In-app payment gateway integration:
Partner with secure and reliable payment gateways to facilitate smooth and secure transactions.
 Rating and review system for drivers and passengers:
Allow users to rate their ride experience and provide feedback, which helps maintain service quality.
7.  Ensuring Security and Privacy
 Data encryption and secure connections:
Implement robust data encryption protocols and ensure all communications between the app and server are secure.
 User data protection and GDPR compliance:
Adhere to data protection regulations and obtain user consent when collecting and processing personal information.
8.  Testing and Quality Assurance
1. Types of testing required for the app:
Conduct thorough testing, including 
Functional testing, 
Usability testing, 
Performance testing, and 
Security testing, to ensure a bug-free and reliable app
2. Identifying and fixing bugs and issues:
Address any issues or bugs identified during testing promptly to deliver a smooth user experience.
3.  Optimizing app performance:
Fine-tune the app’s performance to ensure quick response times and efficient use of device resources.
 9.  Launching Your Rapido Clone App
 Pre-launch marketing strategies:
Create a buzz around the upcoming launch through social media, influencer marketing, and other promotional activities.
 App store submission and approval process:
Submit your app to the respective app stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) and adhere to their guidelines for approval.
 Building a user base and attracting initial customers:
Offer attractive discounts, referral incentives, and promotional offers to attract the initial user base.
 10. Scaling Your Rapido Clone Business
 Monitoring app performance and user feedback:
Regularly monitor user feedback and app performance to identify areas for improvement.
 Scaling the infrastructure to handle increased traffic:
As the user base grows, ensure that the app’s infrastructure can handle increased traffic and demands.
  Expanding to new cities and regions:
 Rapido Clone gains traction in the initial location, and expands to other cities and regions strategically.
11 . Providing Customer Support
 Setting up customer support channels:
Offer multiple channels for users to reach out for support, such as in-app chat, email, or helpline.
Dealing with user queries and complaints effectively:
Train your customer support team to handle user queries and complaints efficiently and with empathy.
12. Marketing and Promotion Strategies
 Digital marketing techniques for user acquisition:
Utilise digital marketing channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing to acquire new users.
 Partnerships with local businesses and promotions:
Collaborate with local businesses to offer exclusive promotions and discounts, increasing user engagement.
13. Monitoring and Analyzing App Metrics
 Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track:
Monitor KPIs like app downloads, active users, retention rate, conversion rate, and customer feedback.
 Utilizing analytics tools for data-driven decisions:
Use analytics tools to gather valuable insights and make data-driven decisions to enhance the app’s performance and user experience.
14. Dealing with Legal and Regulatory Aspects
Obtain the necessary licenses and permits to operate a bike taxi service in the target location.
Ensure your app complies with local transportation and safety regulations, prioritizing passenger and rider safety.
15.  Adapting to Changing Market Trends
Stay updated with industry trends and continuously improve the app to meet changing user expectations.
Incorporate new technologies and innovations that enhance the app’s functionality and user experience.
 FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is a Rapido Clone?
 Rapido Clone is a mobile app that replicates the functionalities of the original Rapido app, offering on-demand bike taxi services.
   2. How does a Rapido Clone app work?
 Rapido Clone app connects bike riders (captains) with passengers (users) through a mobile platform. Users can book rides, track captains’ locations, and make payments via the app.
3. Is it legal to launch a Rapido Clone in any location?
    The legality of launching a Rapido Clone app depends on the local transportation regulations and licensing requirements of the target location. Ensure compliance with all relevant laws.
4. What are the essential features required for a successful Rapido Clone?
Key features include user registration, real-time tracking, in-app payments, a rating system, and customer support.
5. How can I attract more drivers and customers to my Rapido Clone platform?
Offer attractive incentives, competitive earnings, and a user-friendly app interface to attract both drivers and customers.
6. What are some potential challenges in running a bike taxi service?
Challenges may include regulatory hurdles, competition, safety concerns, and ensuring a consistent supply of captains during peak hours.
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brillando420 · 2 years
Como va cultivetas? Q onda hoy!!!! 🖐🖐
🥳🥳Les traje un desafio al que llame "carrera de jiffys"😀😀😀
👉👉Les cuento tuve la idea de comprar dos jiffys distintos, Yo los compro en mi grow de confianza, @gardenglorygrow los chicos ahi son lo mas y la atencion es de 1°, asi que si andan x olivos ya saben, ugarte y caseros.😉
👉👉en el video van a observar el de arriba que es de turba y despues el de abajo que es de coco.💚🥥
👉👉 si observan los videos van a ver que son distintos, a simple vista se nota.
👉👉Yo los coloque en agua, en lo posible de lluvia🌧 y me tome el tiempo de ralizar el video en tiempo real, el cual si subo seria demasiado largo, sobre todo con el de coco🥥, que tardo alrededor de 30 min, a diferencia del otro de turba que tardo solo 5 min., por eso me tome el tiempo de editarlo y adelantarlo para que puedan darse cuenta d la diferencia de cada uno.😀
👉👉si tengo que recomendar obviamente que el de turba es mas rapido y para mi mucho mas lindo, a la vista.
Yo los utilizo para poner esquejes o clones y tambien algun brote o semilla. 🌱🌱
👉👉Es muy funcional a la hr de usarlo y la verdad super facil, podran ver q en el video agregue las fotos del paso a paso asi lo pueden apreciar. 😉😉 y ver como usarlo.
Si les gusto esta info dejame en los comentarios 🌱
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White label Rapido Clone App development to simplify the booking process and increase logistical efficiency for the services. Get the comfort of powerful administration dashboard for uncomplicated management with On-Demand Bike Taxi Software.
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rapidoclone · 3 years
The need for bike taxis has become apparent. Bike taxis are a convenient method to commute due to their ease of traveling. It is easier to squeeze through the crowd, and the driver can quickly take the customer to their destination. Bike taxi apps like Rapido clone app are apt for busy schedules and need a quick and safe mode to commute.
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leahjennifer321 · 4 years
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Rapido clone app solutions for the phenomenal development of your enterprise.
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uberlikeapp · 5 years
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Become a part of the fledgling bike taxi cab business with this cutting edge Rapido clone that comes loaded with all the features that you need in a bike taxi app in today’s competitive digital age.
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smithjoe · 1 year
A Ride Towards the Successful Bike Taxi App Development of Rapido Clone App
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Developing a successful bike taxi app similar to Rapido requires careful planning and execution. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you ride toward the successful development of your Rapido clone app:
Market Research
Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand and competition in the bike taxi industry. Identify target cities or regions where the concept is popular and ensure there is a sufficient user base. Analyze user preferences, demographics, and existing market gaps to shape your app development strategy.
Identify Unique Selling Points
Determine your unique selling points that will differentiate your app from competitors. Consider offering competitive pricing, additional safety features, quick response times, or exclusive partnerships with local businesses to attract users.
Define Feature Set
Create a comprehensive list of features for your bike taxi app. Here are some essential features to consider:
User App Features
User registration, profile management, real-time ride tracking, fare estimation, multiple payment options, ratings and reviews, push notifications, referral programs, and customer support.
Driver App Features
Driver registration, profile management, ride request management, real-time navigation, earnings tracking, in-app chat with users, ratings and feedback, and availability toggle.
Admin Panel Features
User and driver management, ride monitoring, fare management, analytics and reporting, promotional campaigns management, content management, support, and dispute resolution.
Design and User Experience
Hire experienced designers to create an intuitive and visually appealing user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. Focus on simplicity, ease of use, and clear navigation throughout the app.
Technology Selection
Choose appropriate technologies and frameworks for the front, backend, and database of your app. Consider factors like scalability, security, and performance. Popular choices include React Native or Flutter for cross-platform development, cloud-based infrastructure, and reliable database systems.
Development and Testing
Set up an agile development process with sprints and milestones. Divide the development into phases and prioritize core features for the initial release. Conduct rigorous testing at each stage to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Aim for a stable and seamless app experience.
Launch and Marketing
Deploy your app on relevant platforms (iOS, Android) and make it available for download. Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to create awareness and attract users. Utilize social media, online advertising, influencer partnerships, and referral programs to promote your app. Consider offering initial incentives to attract users and drivers.
User Feedback and Iteration
Encourage users to provide feedback and ratings. Analyze user behavior, reviews, and ratings to identify areas for improvement. Update and improve your app on a regular basis based on user input and market trends. Address any reported issues promptly to maintain a positive user experience.
Operational Efficiency
Streamline operations by optimizing driver allocation, route planning, and fare management. Implement efficient customer support channels to handle queries, complaints, and disputes. Continuously monitor app performance, server uptime, and user satisfaction to ensure smooth operations.
Continuous Support and Maintenance
Provide ongoing technical support, regular updates, and bug fixes to ensure the app's performance and security. Stay updated with the latest industry regulations, data protection measures, and user privacy requirements.
By following these steps and delivering a reliable, user-friendly, and efficient bike taxi app, you can pave your way toward success in the competitive market.
How to Build an Efficient Bike Taxi App?
Building an efficient bike taxi app requires careful planning and attention to various aspects of app development. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you develop an efficient bike taxi app:
Define your Business Model
Determine your target market, pricing strategy, and unique selling propositions. Research the competition and identify areas where you can differentiate your bike taxi service.
Conduct Market Research
Understand the demand for bike taxi services in your target location. Identify key demographics, user preferences, and potential challenges that may affect your app's success.
Outline the app Features
Create a list of essential features for your bike taxi app. It typically includes user registration, a booking interface, real-time tracking, payment integration, rating and reviews, notifications, and customer support.
Design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX)
Create an app with an intuitive and user-friendly design. Consider the needs of both riders and drivers, ensuring that the interface is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provides a seamless experience.
Choose the Technology Stack
Choose the best technology stack for your app development. It includes deciding on the platform (iOS, Android, or both), programming languages, frameworks, and any third-party APIs or services you may need to integrate.
Develop the App Backend
Build a robust backend system that manages user data, trip requests, driver availability, and other necessary functionalities. Ensure the backend is scalable, secure, and capable of handling a large volume of transactions.
Implement Real-Time Tracking
Integrate GPS and mapping services to enable real-time tracking of bikes and provide accurate ETAs to riders. This feature is crucial for ensuring a seamless experience and efficient routing.
Enable Secure Payments
Incorporate a reliable and secure payment gateway to facilitate cashless transactions. Offer multiple payment options such as credit/debit cards, digital wallets, or even a proprietary wallet system.
Implement Ratings and Reviews
Enable users to rate and review their bike taxi rides. This feedback mechanism helps maintain service quality and provides insights for future improvements.
Test and Iterate
Thoroughly test your app across different devices, operating systems, and network conditions to ensure optimal performance and stability. Gather feedback from users and iterate on your app based on their suggestions.
Launch and Market Your App
Once your app is ready, launch it on the respective app stores (Google Play Store and Apple App Store). Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to increase awareness and attract users to your platform.
Provide Customer Support
Set up customer support channels, such as in-app chat, email, or phone, to assist users with any issues or concerns they may have. Promptly address user queries and complaints to maintain customer satisfaction.
Monitor and Optimize
Continuously monitor app performance, user engagement, and feedback to identify areas for improvement. Regularly release updates with bug fixes, feature enhancements, and performance optimizations.
Building an efficient bike taxi app requires a multidisciplinary approach involving UI/UX design, backend development, GPS integration, secure payment processing, and constant optimization. It is recommended to work with a skilled development team or hire experienced professionals to ensure the success of your app.
Why Are Bike Taxis Becoming Popular?
Bike taxis have been gaining popularity in recent years due to several factors. Here are some reasons why bike taxis are becoming increasingly popular:
Bike taxis are often cheaper than traditional taxis or rideshare services. They offer affordable transportation options, especially for short distances, making them appealing to cost-conscious consumers.
Traffic congestion
Many cities around the world suffer from severe traffic congestion, leading to longer commute times. Bikes can maneuver through traffic more easily than cars, allowing bike taxis to provide a faster and more efficient mode of transportation, particularly during peak hours.
Environmental considerations
With growing concerns about climate change and air pollution, people are seeking more eco-friendly transportation options. Bike taxis produce fewer emissions compared to cars, helping to reduce carbon footprint and improve air quality in cities.
Flexibility and convenience
Bike taxi services often operate through mobile apps, allowing users to book a ride easily and track their journey in real time. They provide a convenient mode of transportation, especially in areas where parking space is limited, or public transportation options are scarce.
Employment opportunities
Bike taxis can also create employment opportunities, especially for individuals with a motorcycle or scooter who can become bike taxi drivers. It can be particularly beneficial in regions with high unemployment rates or where individuals are seeking flexible work options.
Cultural factors
In some countries or regions, motorcycles or scooters are a common mode of transportation. Bike taxis capitalize on this cultural acceptance and familiarity with two-wheeled vehicles, making them an easily adaptable option for riders and customers.
It's important to note that the popularity of bike taxis may vary from one location to another, depending on factors such as local regulations, infrastructure, cultural preferences, and the availability of bike taxi services.
Benefits of the Rapido Clone App
A Rapido clone app refers to a replica or similar version of the popular Rapido bike taxi app. Developing a Rapido clone app can offer several benefits, including:
Cost-effective solution
Developing a clone app can be more cost-effective compared to building an app from scratch. It saves time and resources by leveraging existing app architecture and functionalities.
Established business model
Rapido has already established a successful business model in the bike taxi industry. By creating a Rapido clone app, you can replicate the proven model and capitalize on its popularity and success.
Quick market entry
Developing a clone app allows you to enter the market quickly, as you can leverage the existing features and workflows of the original app. It can help you save time and be competitive in a shorter period.
Brand recognition
Rapido has built a strong brand presence in the bike taxi sector. By developing a Rapido clone app, you can benefit from the association with a well-known brand, which may help attract customers and gain their trust more easily.
Customer familiarity
Rapido clone apps provide a familiar user experience to customers who are already accustomed to using the original app. This familiarity can enhance user adoption and reduce the learning curve, making it easier to attract and retain customers.
Customization and scalability
While a clone app replicates the basic features of the original, it also allows for customization according to your specific business requirements. You can add unique features, integrate payment gateways, and tailor the app to suit your target market. 
Technical support and updates
As a clone app is based on an existing platform, you can benefit from ongoing technical support and updates provided by the app's developers. It ensures that your app remains up-to-date, secure, and compatible with the latest mobile platforms and technologies.
It's important to remember that while a Rapido clone app offers these benefits, it should comply with legal regulations, licensing requirements, and intellectual property rights. Additionally, it's essential to differentiate your app from the original by adding unique features and providing a high-quality user experience to stand out in the competitive market.
Features of Rapido Clone App
A Rapido clone app can incorporate various features that are similar to the original Rapido app. Here are some essential features that you can consider including in a Rapido clone app:
User Registration
Allow users to register and create their profiles using their email addresses, phone numbers, or social media accounts.
Ride Booking
Enable users to book bike taxi rides by entering their pickup and drop-off locations. Provide options for users to select the type of ride, such as solo or shared, and specify any additional requirements or preferences.
Real-time Tracking
Integrate GPS technology to enable users to track the location of their assigned bike taxi in real-time. This feature provides transparency and allows users to know the estimated arrival time.
Fare Calculation
Implement a fare calculation mechanism that considers factors like distance, ride type, surge pricing (if applicable), and any additional charges. Display the fare estimate to users before confirming the booking.
Multiple Payment Options
Integrate various payment gateways to offer users the flexibility to pay for their rides using credit/debit cards, digital wallets, or cash. Ensure secure and hassle-free payment processing.
Rating and Reviews
Enable users to rate and provide feedback on their ride experience. This feature helps maintain service quality, build trust, and assists in driver accountability.
Driver Onboarding
Create a seamless process for drivers to register, submit their necessary documents, and get verified. Ensure proper screening and verification to maintain driver quality and safety.
Driver Tracking and Navigation
Equip drivers with a separate app interface that includes features like real-time ride requests, turn-by-turn navigation, and directions to efficiently pick up and drop off passengers.
Notifications and Alerts
Send timely notifications and alerts to users and drivers regarding ride confirmation, driver arrival, ride completion, payment details, and other important updates.
Support and Help Center
Provide users and drivers with access to customer support through in-app chat, email, or phone. Include a comprehensive help center that addresses frequently asked questions and common issues.
Promo Codes and Referrals
Implement a promo code system that allows users to apply discounts or promotional offers to their rides. Encourage users to refer the app to others by providing referral incentives.
Ride History and Invoice
Maintain a record of users' ride history, including details like pickup and drop-off locations, ride duration, fare, and payment receipts. Enable users to access and download invoices for their rides.
Admin Dashboard
Develop an intuitive admin dashboard that allows you to manage and monitor the overall operation of the app, including user and driver management, ride statistics, earnings reports, and app settings.
These are general features based on the functionality of the original Rapido app. Depending on your specific requirements, you can add or customize features to align with your business model and target audience.
Wrapping Up
The successful development of a Rapido clone app requires a comprehensive approach that balances user experience, safety, scalability, and localization. By considering these factors and implementing them effectively, you can create a bike taxi app that not only replicates the success of Rapido but also brings its unique value to the market.
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➤ The Bad Batch 1x15 Sub ITA Serie TV Streaming HD
Serie TV! The Bad Batch 1x15 Streaming Sub ITA
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TRADUZIONE: Italiano GENERE: Animazione, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure ATTORI: Dee Bradley Baker, Michelle Ang
La serie è un sequel spin-off di "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" e segue i cloni d’élite e sperimentali di Bad Batch (introdotti per la prima volta in The Clone Wars) mentre trovano la loro strada in una galassia in rapido cambiamento subito dopo la Guerra dei Cloni. I membri di Bad Batch – una squadra unica di cloni che variano geneticamente dai loro fratelli nell’esercito dei cloni – possiedono ciascuno un’abilità singolare eccezionale, che li rende soldati straordinariamente efficaci e un equipaggio formidabile. Nell’era successiva alla Guerra dei Cloni, affronteranno audaci missioni mercenarie mentre lottano per rimanere a galla e trovare un nuovo scopo.
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wonderwheeljdblog · 4 years
Disney Investitor Day: tutte le novità → Lucasfilm
Altro box ed altre novità. La Lucasfilm anche lui cavalca l’onda della nuova linfa al suo principale capolavoro, Star Wars che con la nuova trilogia ha richiamato i vecchi fan ma anche una nuova generazione di intenditori. Con Disney + l’accesso ai film in formato digitali rimasterizzati in alta definizione ha comportano un aumento degli abbonati e con l’esclusiva di The Mandalorian, la storia dietro la storia di uno dei personaggi più enigmatici della saga e per non parlare del tenerissimo piccolo Yoda, i numeri sono alle stelle. già la saga ripercorre molti anni di cronache ed essendo la galassia immensa e i personaggi tanti ci sono tante occasioni per spin off e storia di altri pianeti. 
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anche in questo caso non solo lungometraggi, il prossimo film di Star Wars, in uscita nel dicembre del 2023, sarà Rogue Squadron, diretto da Patty Jenkins, regista del franchise cinematografico di Wonder Woman, ma anche numerose serie che riprendono personaggi dei film o nuovi personaggi nati con la serie Mandalorian. Dulcis in fundo anche il ritorno di Indiana.
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DISNEY+ (series)
Ahsoka: Dopo il tanto atteso esordio in live-action nella serie The Mandalorian, la storia di Ahsoka Tano, scritta da Dave Filoni, proseguirà in una serie limitata intitolata Ahsoka con Rosario Dawson nel cast e prodotta a livello esecutivo da Dave Filoni e Jon Favreau. 
Rangers of the New Republic è una nuova serie live-action ambientata nella linea stessa linea temporale di The Mandalorian, prodotta a livello esecutivo da Jon Favreau e Dave Filoni che si intreccerà con storie future in un crescendo che avrà il suo culmine con un grande evento. 
Andor, uno spy thriller ad alta tensione creato da Tony Gilroy, arriverà su Disney+ nel 2022. Diego Luna, che riprende il ruolo della spia ribelle Cassian Andor di Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, sarà affiancato da un nuovo cast che comprende Stellan Skarsgård, Adria Arjona, Fiona Shaw, Denise Gough, Kyle Soller e Genevieve O’Reilly nel ruolo di Mon Mothma. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Ewan McGregor torna nel ruolo iconico del Maestro Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi per una serie evento speciale targata Disney+. Ufficialmente intitolata Obi-Wan Kenobi, la serie inizia 10 anni dopo i drammatici eventi di Star Wars: La Vendetta dei Sith dove ha affrontato la sua più grande sconfitta, la caduta e la corruzione del suo migliore amico e apprendista Jedi, Anakin Skywalker trasformatosi nel malvagio Sith Lord Darth Vader. La serie è diretta da Deborah Chow, che ha già diretto episodi memorabili della prima stagione di The Mandalorian, e presenta il ritorno di Hayden Christensen nel ruolo di Darth Vader. 
Star Wars: The Bad Batch segue un gruppo di cloni sperimentali con caratteristiche uniche (introdotti per la prima volta in Star Wars: The Clone Wars) mentre trovano la propria strada in una galassia in rapido cambiamento nell’immediato dopoguerra della Guerra dei Cloni. Ognuno dei membri della Bad Batch – una squadra speciale di cloni che variano geneticamente rispetto ai loro fratelli dell’armata dei cloni – possiede un’eccezionale e singolare abilità che li rende soldati straordinariamente efficienti nonché un formidabile equipaggio. In seguito alla Guerra dei Cloni, intraprenderanno audaci missioni mercenarie mentre lotteranno per rimanere a galla e trovare nuovi scopi. Questa serie animata arriverà esclusivamente su Disney+. 
Star Wars: Visions: Presentando uno sguardo completamente inedito e creativo sulla Galassia lontana, lontana, Star Wars: Visions sarà una serie di cortometraggi d’animazione che celebreranno Star Wars attraverso la lente dei migliori creatori di anime del mondo. La serie antologica porterà sullo schermo 10 visioni fantastiche realizzate da molti dei più importanti studi di animazione giapponesi, offrendo una prospettiva inedita e culturalmente diversificata su Star Wars. 
Lando: Il mascalzone preferito della galassia, Lando Calrissian, tornerà in Lando. Justin Simien, creatore dell’acclamato Dear White People e grande fan di Star Wars, è nelle prime fasi di sviluppo del progetto. 
The Acolyte: Leslye Headland, creatrice della serie Russian Doll nominata agli Emmy Award®, porta su Disney+ una nuova serie di Star Wars, The Acolyte. The Acolyte è un mystery-thriller che porterà gli spettatori in una galassia di segreti nascosti e di nuovi poteri oscuri negli ultimi giorni dell’era dell’Alta Repubblica.
A Droid Story: è un esperimento per la Lucasfilm Animation che  collabora con il team di effetti visivi di Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic, per lo sviluppo. Questo viaggio epico ci farà conoscere un nuovo eroe, guidato dal leggendario duo R2-D2 e C-3PO. 
Willow, ambientato decenni dopo il film di Ron Howard del 1988, porta avanti lo spirito di avventura, l’eroismo e l’umorismo del film originale in questa nuova serie che debutterà su Disney+ nel 2022. Warwick Davis tornerà nel ruolo del grande stregone, Willow Ufgood, con Jon Chu (regista dell’innovativo “Crazy Rich Asians”) che sarà dietro alla macchina da presa per l’episodio pilota. 
Indiana Jones 5: Lucasfilm è attualmente in fase di pre-produzione con il prossimo capitolo di Indiana Jones. Al timone c’è James Mangold, regista del premio Oscar® Le Mans ’66 – La grande sfida non è solo riproporre Indy in persona con Harrison Ford, ma portare un personaggio tanto amato e conosciuto in un futuro diverso ed esigente. Indy arriverà nel luglio 2022. 
Children of Blood & Bone: introduce un nuovo eroe ed esplorerà un mondo originale tratto dal romanzo bestseller di Tomi Adeyemi, Children of Blood & Bone. La storia sarà incentrata sulla corsa frenetica di una giovane ragazza africana che cercherà di restituire la magia al suo popolo abbandonato, il Maji. Lucasfilm collaborerà con 20th Century Studios in questa nuova avventura.
Star Wars di Taika Waititi: È in fase di sviluppo un nuovissimo lungometraggio di Star Wars con l’acclamato regista e vincitore dell’Academy Award® Taika Waititi. “L’approccio di Taika a Star Wars sarà fresco, inaspettato e… unico”, ha detto Kathleen Kennedy. “Il suo enorme talento e il suo senso dell’umorismo garantiranno al pubblico un’esperienza indimenticabile”.
Rogue Squadron: Il prossimo film di Star Wars che uscirà sul grande schermo sarà Rogue Squadron, diretto da Patty Jenkins. La storia introdurrà una nuova generazione di piloti di Starfighter, che si guadagnano le loro ali e rischiano la vita in una corsa ad alta velocità, e porterà la saga nell’era futura della galassia. Rogue Squadron arriva nei cinema a Natale 2023. 
(fonte BadTaste)
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uberclone1 · 4 years
You want to require Leverage of Next-Generation Technology to Start-up your own Taxi Business, then you're on the correct Page. our greatest On-demand Taxi Booking App clone Development Services helps you to see your whole globally. planning a Taxi app like Uber Provides a variety of benefits.
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milk-tea-house · 4 years
KUCI Milk Tea House Playlist 11-1-2020
Desktop Error - Just A Little - Ticket to Home Maribel - Ecstatic - Aesthetics Murralin Lane - When I Told You - Our House Is On the Wall Stars Are Insane - Don't Give Up - Waiting For Calm And Then Letting Go Rei Clone - Taste Test - Taste Test Say Sue Me - Old Town - Where We Were Together Medicine Boy - A Window - A Window single Cosmic Child - Blue/Green - Blue ***Yo La Tengo - Bleeding - Sleepless Night B.P. - ES - GoldenBP. ***The Usalsamonster - Rapido Amigo - Amikwag Buttness - Please Don't ask me why - Opera Kinoko Teikoku - Whirlpool - Uzuninaru The Death of Pop - Breathing - Fed Up The Bilinda Butchers - Edo Method - Heaven Slow Crush - Tremble - Aurora ***PANGAR - Curare - PANGAR Clear State - Heartburn - Black Thetan SDK - On The Run - Comfort Zone Spednar - ISP - Solid ***Daedelus - Yew and Me - What Wands Remixes Laksa - Fire Kit - Fire Kit EP Deep88 - Face It - The Black Album Stereociti - Klass - Kawasaki Shapes - Realize - Shapes JNS - Gonna B Late - Overly Vivid Cyber Crash 2000 - Corporate Theme - Machine Warrior Riffs - Girls Attack - Pots N Pans French II - Hytune - Hytune/Quite OK Lone - Circle - Greenhills Road
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alredsnakeplayzone · 4 years
Alred jugo Jedi Fallen order (Por tercera vez)
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Para comenzar y estar claro ME ENCANTA STAR WARS! 
Claro las peliculas de secuela de trilogia no me han gustado mucho pero eso es otro tema.
Pero soy un decente fan, tengo unas cuantas novelas, e visto la serie animada corta y larga de clone wars. e visto las partes que aparece Vader en Rebels. vi media parte de la serie donde se supone que sale poe dameron animado.
Con eso dicho pueden determinar que yo no puedo ser imparcial totalmente con algo relacionado a Star Wars.
Con eso dicho comenzemos!
El juego de star wars fallen order es un ejemplo de que cuando EA quiere hacer un buen juego singleplayer (de un solo jugador) realmente lo puede hacer y con casi nada de micro transaciones ni algo escondido detras de una pared de pagos.
La historia del juegoi trata de un tiempo entre episodio 3 y talvez algun punto antes de rogue one. En si despues de toda la orden 66 y la muerte masiva de jedis pero antes de que todos supieran del super plan del Imperio la ¨Estrella de la Muerte¨
Aqui conocemos al personaje principal del juego y el personaje quie el jugador usara Cal Kestis (Cameron Monaghan)
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Cal es un scavenger (chulquero, chatarrero) del planeta Bracca, con un pasado, para no hace larga la historia, las fuerzas especiales del Imperio los Inquisidores, se enteran que hay un jedi en Bracca y lo van a buscar, aqui Cal conoce a la Second Sister (Segunda hermana) y a la Ninth Sister (novena hermana) con algo de ayuda Cal escapa de las manos de ellas y cae a las manos de una sobreviviente maestra Jedi, Cere Junda (Debra Wilson) y el capitan de la Mantis el alien de cuatro brazoz Greeze.
Aqui comienza una aventurar que pasaran por Bogano, Zeffo, Kashyyyk,Dathormir, Illum y un nivel que solo se puede ir una vez que era la base de los Inquisidores.
La aventura trata de restaurar la orden jedi con un holocron que tenia informacion de la locaclizacion de personas sensibles a la fuerza que el maestro de Cere, Eno Cordova habia escondido en Bogano y solo con la ayuda de Bd-1, un drodide que dejo atras Eno podrian habriar una bovedad donde se escondia el holocron.
No quiero dar mucho de la historia no soy de hacer spoiler (aunque el juego ya esta acercandose a tener un año de estrenado)
Mecanica: La mecanica del juego es algo similar a Blood borne o mas a Sekiro shadows die twice, tiene un sistema de parrying muy bueno y facil de acostumbrarse y cuando ya te acostumbras a los controles y a usar los poderes de la fuerza al poco tiempo sentiras que eres un Jedi.
Tiene niveles de dificultad uno que es bien facil para los que quieren apreciar solo la historia y despues el Jedi Grand Master ( estoy pensando hacer un stream de eso pero no estoy seguro aun)
Creo que unos de los puntos mas fuertes de este juego es en si la historia y las locaciones, me gusta mucho la historia trata de confiar y desconfiar, de un heroe que tiene problemas con la fuerza pero los va arreglando mientras avanza y despues la locaciones que ya menciones... Son hermosos son lo que un fan de star wars espera de un universo expandido.
Ahora si tengo que aceptar que pudieron mejorar las partes de crecimiento de personaje, se siente muy rapido y no muy natrual como Cal coge confianza y crece, senti que pudo haber sido un poco mas complejo y q pasa muy rapido de una mision a otra, claro el tiene buena razon para sentirse asi pero aun asi no lo senti natural
El juego es como un mundo abierto pero no totalmente, se siente como un sandbox pero aun asi sigues una buena linea de a donde debes ir y que hacer, y lo hicieron medio metroidvania, que vuelve al mismo lugar con nuevos poderes y otros lugares se abren, pero creo que se puede dar cuenta que eran mas como una prueba que si salia bien la proxima ( si es que hay proxima) lo mejorarian o lo expandirian. 
Y si lo e jugado 3 veces 2 veces en computador una vez en el play 4 y realmente no me canso de explorar esos mundos y ver los planetas de star wars. 
Si pueden deberian darse la oportunidad de ver el juego o mejor jugarlo, especialmente si eres un fan es divertido y es super entretenido ser un Jedi.
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rapidoclone · 4 years
Cut through the bike taxi apps traffic in the market with the Rapido Clone app
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With the scheduled lifestyle that we are following right now, it is now becoming a painful task even to hail a car and reach our destination. We want to weave through the traffic like a superhero, which is not possible considering that we are just human beings. But to maintain both the schedule and to skip the traffic, people are now using apps like Rapido.
And you want to know about the revenue? The bike taxi alone is earning five million per year. The Rapido app alone makes an average of 15,000 scheduled rides and 30,000 rides a day. By providing the safety and option of availing female riders for females during the night time, it has become a household name among the population.
Using shortcuts and taking a quicker time to reach the destination is the main key to its success. So, why can’t you try the same thing? Don’t you worry? Because the Rapido Clone app is here to make your business more profitable. Let’s look into the basic information of the app now.
Here’s a reason why the app would be more sustainable and successful:
Business model:
The renting costs and maintenance costs are lower compared to other ride-hailing apps, as the app uses a two-wheeler service.
Revenue model:
These two-wheeler services provide people with cheaper service by lowering almost 50-60% of the money charged in taxi-hailing apps. There are about two revenue models available in the app and they are commission-based and B2C commission.
The workflow of the app:
The user will download the app from their store and login into the app with their details or with the social media accounts. They can then check the destination and nearby drivers.
Once the user has entered their destination and checked for any nearby riders, they can send a pickup request to the rider. The rider will then receive the request and can decide whether to accept or reject the request. Once they accept the request, the user will be notified.
The users can also schedule their rides before-hand. The rider will arrive at their doorstep at the right time. This will increase productivity for both ends.
After booking the rider, the payment process is done easily using multiple options provided by the app.
On a concluding note, this app can be developed without months of effort and time consumed using the Rapido Clone script. They are the best way to launch an app easily using the customization and add-on facilitations.
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