#Randy boggs
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ricitosskiittnorsk · 3 months ago
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We draw that it is an alternate universe where Randall never joined the ROR and remained just as silly
Boo She takes a liking to him, instead of Sullivan
Although I'm undecided, whether to make Sullivan and Mike the antagonists or a trio of friends
Whatever it is, Randall is willing to protect her with his life.
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r4n-dall · 5 months ago
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Evil gay😋😋
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clippyzippy · 7 months ago
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Drew this for national girlfriend day, because Randall is my girlfriend. I have nothing else to say tbh.
Actually no, I do - it's been 2 years and 4 months since I first drew Randall, and each time is just as delightfully fun, if not more fun, than the last. Every time I draw him I try out a new coloring or rendering style. He's just so fun. 🦎
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raziiyah · 7 months ago
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do u think he doesn't get it until celia announces it on the intercom, mf can't see
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wreckrinho · 8 months ago
I love randall
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Look at his face KFKGDKVKFK
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beautifulfrog · 9 months ago
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Based on a recent Tik tok trend.
When I watched the second season of Monsters At Work I simply had a hard time remembering that Randall was ever a nice guy. I really wish they gave him the development this character deserves, but for the meantime I'll be happy to know that at least he's alive.
Pd: I don't understand why I can't draw the character in a single style, he's a complicated lizard to draw.
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1v31182m5 · 10 months ago
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mumigeonjo · 6 months ago
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Boo In Wonderland✨
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twisting-echo · 9 months ago
It's time to talk about some things that have been on my mind since the two final episodes of Monsters at Work season 2 dropped.
Despite how much I loved seeing Randall in Monsters at Work, I couldn't help but feel that Randall was out of character and super extra, to be honest. I know that I'm not the only one who thought that Randall's change in character was due to Johnny's asshole influence.
Now this may be my personal headcanon, but going off of what we were given in Monsters University, Randall, better known as Randy at the time, was a sweet, polite, and self-conscious monster who lacked confidence. Yes, he wanted to “get in” with the “cool kids,” but who hasn't given into peer pressure or wanted to hang out with people who seemed fun and popular? What kind of guy tries to make friends through sharing cupcakes? Sweethearts, that's who!
When Randall first revealed that he joined Roar Omega Roar, Johnny ordered him to “do the thing,” and Randall obeyed his command like a trained dog and turned invisible for Johnny and friends to gawk at. At the moment, I assumed that Randall was the group punching bag.
I always thought that Randall's cruel actions were based solely on Johnny's approval and the validation from his peers because that made him feel seen. Little did Randall know that Johnny was just using him for his unique abilities.
Later at the Scare Games, Randall lost control of what I considered to be his bodily functions and accidentally camouflaged his skin into a humiliating pattern of pink with red hearts, which was criticized by Johnny, Chet, and other members of his fraternity. After that, I always assumed that Johnny saw no more use in Randall because his camouflagic abilities are what got him into ROR, and it's what got him out of ROR.
You want me to really believe that Randall actually liked being in ROR and flourished?!
My point is that what I saw in Monsters at Work doesn't line up with what I saw in Monsters University. The only thing that did line up was the fact that Johnny was using Randall, just like he did back in college.
I had always thought that Randall had lost pieces of himself in an attempt to become a member of Johnny's fraternity. To be honest, I was never fully intrigued by Randall until I saw this alternate side of him in Monsters University. However, I can't really explain away his actions in Monsters Inc., but gosh, do I love thinking about the emotional journey he went through to get to that dark place.
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Sshhh, Do You Hear That? belongs to @assrtdj
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I Just Wanted a Friend... belongs to PumpkinSoup on DA.
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Reflection belongs to Planet-Spatulon on DA.
Randall seemed perfectly happy with his friendship with Mike. He was so secretly desperate to appease his new friend that he discarded his prescription glasses just because Mike offhandedly noted that his glasses gave away his invisible camouflage. Mike didn't tell him to get rid of his glasses. Randall did that himself because he made a self-conscious decision. It's like getting a haircut that you really didn't want, but your friend offhandedly said that they thought that you would look good with short hair or dying it another color. That's how low Randall's self-esteem was!
Mike was the perfect friend for him! They spent time together; they lounged on the grass while studying their homework together; they had playful banter, and it was adorable! Mike accepted Randall for who he was, and I'll never forget that. Mike is Randall's true bestie. 🥺
I refuse to believe that Johnny and Randall are “besties” because Johnny is just using him again. Randall literally said that because Johnny saved him from the swamp people, he “owed him one.”
I refuse to believe that Chet of all people was bullied by Randall during his college days, and that's why he's no longer Johnny's number 1. I love Chet as a character, and seeing what he was reduced to in Monsters at Work broke my heart. He was a former shell of himself, and he was literally walked all over by Randall.
It's almost like they retconned, or should I say, Chet-conned his character and his friendship with Johnny by forcing Randall into his spot. I mean, Chet was a loud and obnoxious guy, but in a lovable way. He brought a lot of funny moments and had a couple of good one-liners in Monster's University. But what stood out in his character the most was his devotion to Johnny.
He literally screamed, "Johnny, you're my hero!" during the Scare Games. Johnny is Chet's boy, damn it!
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Roar OhMyGosh belongs to J-Spence on DA.
Full comic by @j-spencer15 right here.
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psychopacifist-rm-arts · 8 days ago
Stylising him
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moonamite · 3 months ago
Why is Randy so skinny
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He will not survive the winter
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year ago
Ngl the funniest part of Monsters University is the revelation that Randall doesn't squint all the time because he's suspicious and paranoid it's just that he can't see for shit
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clippyzippy · 10 months ago
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Oh goodness gracious what do we have here
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raziiyah · 5 months ago
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hey! this is actually something i've thought about quite a lot before so here's how i see it:
since monsters are so diverse in the monster world, there are a vast amount of factors that are considered beautiful. some monsters may like 1 eye, some like 3 eyes and some like 8. some like feathers, scales, or fur. it just comes down to preference. but for monsters, generally, scary = beautiful
firstly, for the teeth thing, i imagined that just like human beauty standards, monster beauty standards can change. perhaps yellow teeth used to be the standard, but then it was discovered that whiter teeth made them more visible and gave them a scarier appearance. also, maybe they discovered that poor dental health caused monsters to lose their teeth sooner, which is a problem if you rely on them for scaring. proper dental care allowed you to stay healthy and kept your teeth in good condition, keeping you in the scaring career for longer. like when sulley is brushing his teeth in mi, mike really emphasizes getting rid of plaque
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this change could also be why randall's teeth in mi are visibly whiter than they were in mu
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as for female monsters, i see it sorta like how jessica rabbit from who framed roger rabbit is in toon town. she's regarded as very beautiful, but not as desireable or successful (to other toons) as roger rabbit, someone more cartoony and goofy looking
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so though the more humanoid looking monsters could be considered beautiful, since being a scarer is known as the biggest achievement a monster could have, if you're scary, you're considered beautiful on a whole other level.
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another idea i had is that scaring could be considered as a male dominated career, so the scary/beauty standards for female monsters aren't as scrutinized as much as male monsters. this could be why there are more female monsters that aren't necessarily as "scary looking"
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this could also play a role into why the pnk's are so cutthroat- with a more conventionally beautiful appearance, they might not be considered the most successful in monster society. sure they could be models and movie stars
(though i can still see """scary/conventionally unattractive""" monsters being just as viable as models and moviestars in the monster world, maybe even more so),
but since scarers are the creme de la creme, "prettier" monsters could sometimes be seen as beautiful but maybe not typically the image of someone "successful" or "desireable" (my oc lia is a scarer and has a body type similar to the pnks so i made this an insecurity of hers hehe)
but monsters can combat this by showing their scariness through their glowing eyes, teeth, claws, etc. this could be valuable as well as there's a scary/surprising factor to appearing "innocent" at first, which could be advantageous in scaring, if you know how to use it (like the pnk's in the toxicity challenge or terri and terry in the scare simulator)
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also considering the movie poster seen in maw; it's about monsters in space, likely referring to aliens. humans could be considered aliens/alien-looking to monsters because they come from another world, and heather has a more humanoid appearance
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on the other hand, hss is more favored as "one of the most powerful, scary monsters in campus, and they have a more traditionally "scary" appearance. and in monsters at work, of the female monsters in the mu sororities, rosie levin was the one who made it to the same scare/(laugh) floor that sulley/(mike) are/(were) on, at monsters inc.
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so really i think beauty is subjective in the monster world since everyone is so different. conventionally beautiful monsters are still beautiful, maybe even some monster's preference, but scary monsters are generally favored most, because of how much monster society is centered around scaring. after all, "scariness is the true measure of a monster."
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@moonlight-monster @randall-simp-nadt88
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wreckrinho · 8 months ago
Huh...? H U H ? ? ?
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(Note: I'm as tall as Randy...)
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1v31182m5 · 10 months ago
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