#Randomfish Review
therandomfish · 4 years
A Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting- A Randomfish Review
Did you like the remake of Ghostbusters where there were female Ghostbusters? Well then you’ll love the all female remake of Monster Squad... 
Is that accurate? Kind of. It feels like that right from a main character who believes in monsters, a villain who wants to bring together an army of monsters and of course sometimes the most random of moments. Although it isn’t an actual remake and it is it’s own thing want to make that clear. 
What’s the story? Kelly Ferguson (played by Tamara Smart)  is the kid at school who is apparently tortured by the kids of the town because she apparently saw a monster in her room and everyone just calls her “Monster Girl” oh and she skipped a grade because she’s smart, thanks to the exposition teacher (or maybe he’s the math teacher I forget) 
Okay first thing to dissect is this..... WHY?! Why are the kids still torturing her about THAT? First off these are teenagers there would be plenty of gossip around town I’m fairly sure and secondly this doesn’t appear to be a massively small town so this type of thing wouldn’t be as well known as it is! There is the generic bully girl played by Anisa Harris who just picks on her coz she’s nerdy and weird but... again this feels very pointlessly generic... haven’t we evolved our bullies since then? 
Kelly then gets’ guilt tripped to babysit her Mum’s boss’s kid because her Mum just assumed that she would be doing nothing ever and that she wouldn’t be trying to grow up and move on with her life like going to a party that was randomly announced in the hallway by some dude... I mean I can’t exactly say that’s it’s a bad scene either just convenient and to be honest if we sinned movies for being convenient then we’d just hate all movies (right CinemaSins?) and that the dude that is clearly the hot guy at school said he’d go and Kelly now wants to go in order to impress him and steal him away from Anisa Harris (yes the character has a name but she is so bland and forgettable why should I remember that character’s name?) but she goes to the boss’s house to babysit the kid named Jacob Zellman (Wow, I’m starting wonder if his mother is anyway related to Zelda or Hilda Spellman and just changed their names out of embarrassment) with the mother leaving behind a massive set of insane rules. However we learn that Jacob sees monsters just like Kelly did and while Kelly didn’t end up being taken by the monsters Jacob definitely does... okay now with the designs of the “Toadies” as they’re called in the film that’s not bad... what makes me laugh however with the rise of the villain of the film called Grand Guignol played by Tom Felton (yes THAT Tom Felton as if there’s any other) being a leader of some kind of boogiemen type of monster I began to wonder if we were about to get a modern take on the song “Dance Magic Dance” all of a sudden. 
We then get introduced to the films’ resident badass on a scooter (not a motorbike because that doesn’t equate badass anymore apparently) who is Liz played by Oona Laurence who turns up with all the information and starts essentially dumping exposition on us! From names of monsters to the book that she has to read to understand everything about the monsters and all of this completely cavalier while carrying a baby on her back. After chasing down one of the toadies they bring it back to their headquarters where we actually get an idea why the film is called this; A Babysitters Guide to Monster Hunting where we learn that apparently this organization has existed for hundreds of years. We see pretty quickly that the writer of the book also wrote the screenplay as he just says things while assuming that the people who’ve read the book are watching and everyone else be damned.... well I am part of everyone else and I say “No! You be damned for once!” We then meet our resident variety of side characters who will do next to nothing; Fat Kid (I mean  Curtis Critter played by Ty Consiglio), Cassie Zhen (played by Lynn Masako Cheng) and Berna Vincent (played by Troy Leigh-Ann Johnson) I say their names and characters now because to be honest they do a little behind the scenes stuff and try to give themselves focus but the crux of the whole thing rests on Kelly and Liz (who if you couldn’t tell from the attitude and the “hog” has a dark backstory) so they go off to get Jacob back who is being forced to bring his dreams to life which is why Draco Felton was trying to get him and why he was trying to get Kelly all those years ago too (yeah, that was a thing apparently Draco Felton has been stalking kids for years, there there’s an image in your fangirl minds about Draco Malfoy stalking kids) and so they go off to try and get a creature that can help them get the pieces together to take on and destroy Draco Felton and so they go to.... any guesses anyone? Yes you are correct madam it was the party that Kelly wanted to go to! They go there, words are exchanged, the boy that Kelly likes is confused but impressed I guess with the way she is as herself, generic bully is put in her place by Liz and, despite her saying that she wouldn’t go to the party while she was supposed to be babysitting Jacob there are videos on Instagram of her jumping off of a higher floor in someone’s home... that’ll look great Kelly well done also you wanna relax after jumping down a floor and landing on your face? No? Okay what do I know? They collect what they need and the nerd crew at the base (told you I’d forget their names they’re so forgettable those.... who?) make a device that Kelly can use to essentially punch Draco Felton to death (PUNCHING PEOPLE: As long as it’s monsters, it’s okay) they travel to a cat monster type person who traps them, LIz gets taken away by Felton and Kelly, who has been shockingly okay with this whole ordeal just gets up and heads for the lair on Liz’s scooter (sure she wont’ mind, at least fill up the tank you greedy whatsit) where we had learnt previously that Liz lost her brother to Draco Felton (see? Dark backstory) and he had hypnotized her with his lullaby even though we were shown that NEVER HAPPENING until we got to Liz so SCREW YOU MOVIE! Kelly snaps her out of it, they punch Draco Felton to death, Jacob is reunited with his mum just in time (Ferris Bueller would be proud) and Kelly begins her initiation into the Babysitters club and the ending is her looking at a book one of Draco Felton’s relatives, not going to the movies with a boy (because girl gotta save the world yo) and she’s feeling happy about this life of danger and madness she must now lead..... obviously this is baiting for a sequel, will it get one? I dunno we got a sequel to the Kissing Booth for crying out loud, something that didn’t need to happen in the least yet it did! 
So what did I think of it? Well it’s trying to be like the monster hunting, wise cracking monster kid movies of old, hence why I referenced monster squad but does that make it good? I mean the acting isn’t awful, Tom Felton does a pretty good job with that role and it did take me a while to realise it was him under the makeup. Tamara Smart and Oona Laurence were fine as leading ladies although Oona felt like she should have been older when playing this role, just to show the difference in age and to show what the life could do to you. As it stands it feels like when Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy meet in Breakfast club if they went hunting for Judd Nelson after he turned into a werewolf or something. 
But with all of it being said, this film was funny in places, tried to offer a sense of scariness that needed to go a bit further with it’s ideas 
I’d say a solid 7/10 (yes I do ratings) 
Please like this and let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to review next 
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therandomfish · 5 years
Titans Randomfish Review SPOILERS!!!! 
SPOILERS!! Please do not watch this video unless you have seen Titans in it's entirety but if so. Plase enjoy
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therandomfish · 2 years
Metal Lords: How to melt faces and make friends
Hi everyone, my name is Nick Braunton and I am a Randomfish. I am also a very huge fan of Heavy Metal, the genre not the film made in 1981. On Netflix they just released the film called Metal Lords. Holy crap that movie! I’ve now watched it multiple times and wow is it awesome. Starring Adrian Greensmith, Noah Urrea and Isis Hainsworth this movie centres around 2 dudes called Hunter and Kevin who are in a band called Skullfucker and they’re looking for a bassist for battle of the bands. How best to describe this movie? I would say it was School of Rock esque but that’s not even it. There isn’t a Jack Black character in this. It’s about a couple of guys and eventually the girl that joins them becoming a band and learning about the strength and the beauty of heavy metal. It’s the type of film that you wouldn’t of seen being made during the era where every religious leader, every overprotective parent and every head of school saw heavy metal as a genre something to be stamped out because it meant losing your children to a world of orgies and drugs and they were the ruling social class and therefore anything that threatened them or seemed to would be destroyed. This movie talks about the good things from the music genre, the idea of taking control, of living life your way despite what everyone else says and it’s about a love for the music, which was kind of what the metalheads where about anyway, the drugs and orgies were just a wonderful by product.
The acting in this is brilliant where we have Adrian Greensmith as Hunter the unapologetic yet well meaning metal head, Noah Urrea as Kevin, the nerdy best friend who becomes as metal as Hunter and Isis Hainsworth as Emily, the cellist who joins the band and ends up hooking up with Kevin. Each one of theses characters does have a cool arc they go on in this movie; Hunter learns to let go of wanting to push everyone away so no one will hurt him including his friends and family along with being a better friend to both Kevin and Emily. Kevin becomes more confident in himself and even has a moment where he’s playing drums for another band after he and Hunter fall out where he ends up in a hot tub with a hot girl and she’s kissing his neck and he’s getting advice from various metal legends Tom Morello, Kirk Hammett, Rob Halford, and Scott Ian about being with a girl he actually likes or some random hot girl who may never speak to him again afterwards. Though I have to say I love Emily’s arc. She, much like the boys isn’t well favoured in the school social hierarchy and has to take meds in order to keep her anger under control and when she doesn’t she has outbursts which honestly I can totally relate to as I had moments of unbridled anger back when I was a teen too. She is shown to have a crush on Kevin pretty early on from when they first start speaking and is also the one to suggest that they start dating and everything else though she is very aware and doesn’t take things too fast for either of them. She and Hunter having a fight becomes the catalyst of Kev and Hunter’s fight in the film but we do see how Hunter can learn to compromise and be a good friend as opposed to being a complete dick all the time and he apologises for upsetting her and to Kevin too. But like I said all the actors are amazing, I highlighted the 3 main leads only but the whole cast does pretty brilliantly well.
If you’re not a metal fan because you genuinely can’t stand the genre then by all means never watch this movie because it is everywhere but if you’ve never really listened to metal before and might be even the least bit curious then I heartly recommend this film to help you get into this mighty genre of music. And if you are a fan then what the hell are you doing if you haven’t seen this yet? Go…. Watch it already!
Randomfish out
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therandomfish · 5 years
Solo A Randomfish Review 
(Watch and subscribe)
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therandomfish · 3 years
Masters of the Universe: Revelation Review
Hi all, my name is Randomfish. Sorry it's been a while since I posted anything. I'll be honest I didn't know what to write about on here but that all changed with the release of this show.
He-Man is a popular character that many kids of the 80s can remember. However while many kids watched this show I didn't see He-Man til the remake of the show in 2003 when I watched random episodes on Saturday mornings. We didn't get the complete run of the show over here in the UK but I knew enough about the show to understand it. And so when I first heard about this through Fatman Beyond (with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin check it out if you haven't already) I was excited and automatically over it at the same time but as time moved on I got more and more excited to see it as a continuation of the original series and as a series that wasn't going to be just a repeat of the original show but stuff we hadn't seen before as well.
So did that show deliver on it's promises..... oh HELL YEAH!
Also from this point on SPOILERS! So if you haven't seen the show Masters of the Universe Revelation yet then leave here, watch it then come back okay?...........Okay
So episode one is INSANE! We get 2 scenes being shown against each other. One with Teela being raised to the rank of Man-At-Arms in Eternos by King Randor and Queen Marlena and other showing He-Man dumping some unknown soldiers off at Castle Grayskull and although it's something people will roll their eyes at I was kind of immediately suspicious especially when He-Man didn't rock up on Battle Cat since they've always been together in any version of the show. It's revealed pretty quickly that the no named soldiers were actually Skeletor and Evil Lyn in disguise but the Sorceress is able to hold them both back, with Skeletor's plan being shown that he wants' to get inside the castle to the power still. We get some rather normal behaviour from Orco who attempts to help Cringer deal with his issues with fireworks making noise by putting him in a soundproof bubble but forgets the other thing Cringer needs....AIR! I severely doubted that Cringer would be the first to die but it was still nice to see him get rescued by (drum roll please) PRINCE ADAM! But wait, I thought in not at all a sarcastic manner "If Adam is here then who is at Castle Grayskull?" Turns out that in the He-Man universe we have Terminators or at least a version of them as it turns out that's who the fake He-Man was. Eventually the Sorceress can't hold back all of Snake mountain's forces (including random skull wearing dudes just rushing with spears along with the various crew members) and she calls out to Adam and while Teela, Duncan (previous man at arms) and their forces go to deal with Skeletor's forces we get Adam transforming into He-Man in an updated yet still badass way!
There is a fight between Snake forces and Eternia forces which culminates with Skeletor and Evil Lyn vs He-Man and Teela in the chamber where the Orb of Power resides. We get an appearance by Moss Man (apparently Eternia's version of Swamp Thing) and Skeletor sets him on fire! Was he a big thing in the original series? Someone help me out because I'm drawing a blank. But then He-Man goes savage and impales Skeletor on the sword of power but also unlocks the hidden place where the Orb was put by the Elders. Skeletor goes to destroy the Orb and take it for himself but He-Man (after a time out help from the Sorceress) uses his sword and his magic phrase to absorb the blast of the magic. You'd think the day is saved yes? Well we get Teela seeing He-Man turn back into Adam, both he and Skeletor are destroyed by the blast and magic is pretty much starting to be stripped from Eternia. Randor finds out about his son being He-Man and banishes Man at arms from the palace for knowing about it and lying to him. Teela also leaves realising that the magic in the world has caused nothing but problems and wants nothing more to do with it, despite the pleas of Orco. AND THATS JUST THE FIRST EPISODE! WHAT THE HELL?!
But how do i review this? With my mouth held open and ready to receive more of this amazing and awesome show! Because hell yeah Kevin Smith did AWESOME with this
Honestly if you want to hear my actual thoughts on the rest of the series just comment below and let me know.
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therandomfish · 3 years
Bridgerton Review
So, are we fans of Jane Austin? Oscar Wilde? Writers of that nature? Then buckle up kids because this is….. in a lot of ways almost exactly like that. Oh and SPOILERS!!!!!!!
Bridgerton is a drama series made for Netflix set in 1813 set in London at a time when young ladies were produced in from of royalty and then attended various functions in order to attract a suitor. First off I want to give some props to not only the design of the show but the choice of performers to play these various roles; everyone fitted their role perfectly and spoke eloquently. I will not single out any actors or actresses in this review as being exceptionally amazing but will say the cast as a whole was phenomenal.
So what’s the plot? Well there’s the main family of this show AKA The Bridgertons with their mother Violet (played by Ruth Gemmell) along with the 3 sons “The stick in the mud” Anthony (played by Jonathan Bailey), the “middle one with odd one out tendencies” Benedict (played by Luke Thompson) and the “one that needs a good slap in the face from reality” Colin (played by Luke Newton) we then get the one with more main-character-itus than the others called Daphne (played by Pheobe Dynevor) the nerdy daughter Eloise (played by Claudia Jesse) and then we have the one who disappears and only re appears once Francesca (played by Ruby Stokes) and finally the 2 youngest Gregory and Hyacinth (played by Will Tilston and Florence Hunt) and Main-Character-Itus Daphne is brought before Queen Charlotte (played by Golda Rosheuvel) to be presented by her mother to show that she is ready to seduce a man and get married (ahh the days of England when that type of thing was the only thing we were worried about; now that I think about it looking at some of the ladies around these days maybe they are still only worried about that), Daphne’s brother Stick in the mud or Anthony is taking over for her father in these matters as her father would’ve be in charge of making sure the suitor was suitable for the daughter in question. However Anthony is also (as in customary in these types of shows) a big old hypocrite who wants his sister to marry very specific people and make her do what is expected of her all while he is going around having sex with an opera singer Siena played by Sabrina Bartlett and talking about not wanting his responsibilities to the family but he has to do stuff. However he really misses the mark when he ends up pairing up Daphne with a dude called Nigel Berbrooke who is played by Jamie Beamish and also you’ll be glad to know isn’t in this show for very long due to getting punched in the face and exposed as a randy bastard but through a charade and touched fingers and sideways glances she falls for a Duke called Simon Bassett played by Rege-Jean Page (I apologise for the butchered spelling of the name) and they end up together by the end and while their story is the main front of the show and the main focus their relationship is quite believable in a lot of ways, they start out as friends and even when the Queen herself is opposed to them being together they make a plea to her and Simon makes the best speech ever about being friends first and transcending to love is what makes a relationship and in this case a marriage stronger because of it. We do get a secret that Simon is hiding but in all honesty it is something that even some people today would stick to; he makes a vow that he will never have kids to his dying father who was more interested in securing his family name and a male heir than he was in the health of his wife and honestly something that you stick to out of anger is a hard thing to let go of but of course he eventually does and there is a happy ending for them and you genuinely feel good for them when they do reach that moment.
However lets focus on the rest of this insane cast, I already mentioned the main family and their performers and like I said, Anthony is stuck trying to be the man of the house, his story is simple, he is a dick trying to do what’s right, he then tries to make amends to the opera singer he was shagging then decided to dump and gets told (rightly so) to get stuffed and so he decides that marrying for love is a dumb move (weird ending but okay) the second son is an artist and he meets up with another artist who shows him the artistic and creative world where he can paint and draw to his hearts content and of course he learns that his new friend is bisexual and he doesn’t know how to deal with it and you know what? They focus on that just long enough that you feel like you got just the right amount of that story, with the story focussing mostly on Benedict feeling like an outcast and finding common ground with his artist friends and also he got to draw attractive women in the nude.. he must have loved that day on set.
And finally we have the youngest of the three older siblings Colin who gets into a mess with a pregnant woman, now hold on, this is linked to another family called the Featheringtons with 2 older daughters who I swear look like they’ve been watching the evil stepsisters and have been emulating them ever since and a younger daughter called Penelope but then we also get the a character who joins the family and ends up going to the social events, trying to find a husband with the daughters called Marina Thompson played by Ruby Barker who is pregnant who ends up trying to get Colin to marry her and to sleep with her so he thinks the baby is his and feels guilty enough to stay with her. Now there are a lot of extenuating circumstances surrounding this, up to and including that Marina got pregnant from a soldier and he hasn’t been in communication with her and Baroness Featherington (who is a bitch) makes her believe that he wants nothing to do with her anymore and all sorts of things but Colin rightfully calls her out on a lot of stuff in her behaviour and other such stuff.
But going back to Penelope for just a minute and the younger sister of Daphne in the main family. They are the apparent intellectuals who decide to look down at the women who want to get married and are fine with prancing about as they don’t want to and want to pursue knowledge more and they are all reading what is essentially something like The Sun just a giant gossip column made by someone called Lady Whistledown (who is voiced by Julie Andrews) her identity is kept secret until the very last episode and almost the last frame and honestly I felt like this was the one thing in the whole show that really let me down. Keeping her identity secret wasn’t necessary and even when it was revealed it didn’t feel earned, having her voiced by a specific actress made me want to see that actress playing a role or have her be revealed to be someone who we hadn’t seen all show and made us wonder why she did this and have her give a smile of satisfaction at what had happened. But part of the Eloise and Penelope storylines is that they both want something they can’t have, Penelope wants Colin to herself (who saw that coming read my enthusiasm) and Eloise doesn’t want to have to choose a husband at all, being the type of woman who would say things like “I don’t need a man to feel complete in my life” and I do enjoy those characters because they are a breath of fresh air among all the other cardboard cutouts of the others who are trying to copy the main characters but sadly she is stuck with all the usual stuff a woman like her gets in a society like that was and she just didn’t feel like she grew much over the course of the show.
But overall, how was this one? Well in all honesty I would recommend watching it, not just because of the well written dialogue, not just because of the brilliant casting but because all together it makes the show sensational (just like all the drama is mmmm it’s delicious)
 Randomfish out
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therandomfish · 3 years
Fate: Winx Saga Review
Well.... what do I even fucking say to this? This show had so much promise. So much intrigue attached to it and it just gave us......bleh and not even good bleh or memorable bleh just bleh 
It feels like the show wants to be an angst filled remake of the happy go lucky animated series that was Winx Club. But there’s a problem with that, how were you going to do that and still make this interesting? 
Well they do try right from the get go, we see the opening of our main character Bloom (Yep you lost me) who apparently is attending a school for fairies that all have various elemental abilities and you learn about your elements and your magical powers over the course of the school year. Oh and you have 2 separate sets of students, you have the fairies and you have the specialists, now the fairies have the magic and the specialists learn how to defend their fairy from attack with swords and various potion ideas etc.... well this isn’t set up like every young adult fiction in the entire world ever! Honestly the second I saw the main male character (he was the first male character to speak in the show so I just guessed)  who is called Sky by the way befriend our main heroine Bloom about being lost I kinda just assumed “Oh yeah, you’ll both be trying to suck each others tongues out of your mouths before this season is over” and of course I WAS RIGHT! It’s kinda sad but that’s the state of affairs we are in. Young Adult fiction is good but it appears to be suffering from a case of cut and paste-itus. I feel like I’m watching Shadowhunters on Netflix again (that feels ironic) 
But let’s get to the other characters, because Bloom and Sky aren’t the only characters in this hell hole. We have Stella (a light fairy who’s parents “just don’t understand”), Aisha (a water fairy who is obsessed with the rules and being best), Terra (An earth fairy who has the less desirable body type when it comes to teenagers), Musa (A mind fairy who is the empath who feels everything from everyone), Riven (A specialist who is the resident bad boy asshole) and finally Beatrix (the obvious bad guy so therefore she must be an underling) Did you like those intros? Good because I’ll be honest they do have some good points but again, it feels like these characters are just rehashing the same old stuff from previous books or tv shows or whatever. This wouldn’t be so bad, in fact would almost be admirable from these people but they don’t even attempt to hide it or anything with how deep in the angst pool they are or how evil or misguided they make all the adults in this show...They all seem to make bad choices or misguided choices that come back to bite them in the ass and it’s so annoying. 
We see some side plots like Musa going out with Terra’s brother or Stella feeling insignificant because her mother is such a controlling and manipulative bitch. But the main plot revolves around Bloom learning that she isn’t human at all but a “changeling” which is a fairy baby switched with a human one that is dead or about to be dead (which is pretty fucked up) and we also learn that her parents were a part of some town that got blown up by a psychotic ex head of the school and was assisted by the current head and Terra’s Dad (who works at the school) and then got imprisoned underneath the school. There’s evil monsters hunting people that are just zombies or white walkers basically and then there’s Beatrix who tries to get Bloom to free the psychotic ex head and then leave with them and Riven who goes from being a bad boy stereotype to just being a dick  but (of course) Bloom does not go with them and they save the day at the end of the season. 
So why do I come down so hard on this? It doesn’t seem that bad. And you would be right. It doesn’t SEEM that bad..... the acting isn’t too bad, but does feel very wooden at times. It just feels like this show wants to be another Shadowhunters so bad and it just doesn’t work that way. But I will be checking out future seasons... why? Because while I feel that some of the characters were wooden, many weren’t and the plot? As predictable as it was.... I still wanna know what happens next. Though I wouldn’t wanna watch it again....
Until next time. Randomfish out 
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therandomfish · 6 years
Daredevil Season 3 review- SPOILERS!
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therandomfish · 5 years
Randomfish Review Big Bang Theory and other finales
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therandomfish · 5 years
Randomfish Review Star Wars Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Teaser Trailer!!!
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therandomfish · 6 years
The Grinch who stole Christmas Randomfish Review- You wanna spend a little quality time with The Grinch? Jim Carrey could use some social interaction! ;P 
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