#Ramy Seaon 3
thenerdsofcolor · 2 years
The Middle Geeks Episode 43: 'Ramy' Season 3 Review
.@TheMiddleGeeks are joined by @tariq_raouf to review #Ramy Season 3.
Tariq Raouf joins us once again to review the third season of Ramy, out on Hulu now! (more…)
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For the dating thing: Josh Washington or Akmunrah (is that how you spell his name?)
i love josh but 100% ahkmenrah, he is the reason i fell in love with rami. So i have been obsessed with ancient Egypt for as long as i can remember and its actually what im hoping to specialize in at school but for now it’s archaeology then hopeful graduate egyptology program anyways lol sorry little bit about me but anyways its just something that i have a deep love for as i know many people do. But sweet jesus, when i first watched night at the museum i wish it would have been now so i could fully appreciate the fuck outta ahkmenrah and rami like god damn. Like i would social media that shit to launch ahkmenrah into a bigger part in the third movie (because we all know he fucking deserves it) and then there would be so much more fanfiction about ahkmenrah like who the fuck wouldn’t want to get fucked by a hot god like beautiful Egyptian Pharoah, honestly that sounds kinky and hot af. Like i remember when i was little like maybe 4 or 5 wait actually lemme do the calculations… nevermind 8 or 9 and my school did a movie day and when the scene where ahkmenrah first came in and started off as a mummy then unwrapping his dirty linen all i could think to my tiny child brain “oh god only knows what decay and horrors lie under those wraps. And then he revealed his face and i swear to god everyone’s developing, hormonal, tiny ovaries fucking exploded. It was like a fucking tsunami of screams flooded the gym from both the beauty of ahkmenrah (rami) and the burning pain and getting ovaries exploded at such a young age. But anyways that was that didn’t think too much of it because i was more fascinated in the culture and artifacts in the movie or should i just say in the simple way, they mentioned EGypt and if anyone mentions Egypt, my head would do a fucking 360 spin slamming myself into the wall and giving me whiplash but i never really rewatched the movie again. BUT HOLY JESUS, fast forward some time later and noting is on tv but night at the museum and the second one was on and i had always kind of ignorged night at the museum and i shit you not it was because i read a fucking tumblr post with a really witty punchline about how ben stiller made shitty movies so i was a little suspicious but watched it anyway and man i was actually laughing really hard at some scenes like there is some good lovin comedy, AND HEY TUMBLR WHAT THE FUCK you told me Ben stiller made shitty movies and it made me ignore night at the museums igsistence. and hey, “dodgeball” is a classic like if you can dog a wrench you can dodge a ball, good quality shit. I couldve hopped on this rami-wagon in my prime younger years, when i was actually super into writing. I mean i love creating imagines but im so tired and pissed off all the time now because of reality and sometimes forget to put the word “the”. Anyways watched the second movie, first movie was on again later so i was like i needa watch this bitch. But then i made pasta half way through and forgot to pause it so i kind of missed Ahk’s big reveal and then i remeber just seeing him and Nick pop out of his tomb room and Larry talking to the big Jackals. AND I DIDNT THINK ANYTHING OF IT ONCE AGAIN WHICH IS STUPID BECAUSE I THINK A FEW MONTHS LATER I START GETTING REALLY BACK INTO ANCIENT EGYPT AND I START REMEMBERING HIM AS A PHAROAH. AND LIKE WHEN HE TOOK OFF HIS WRAPS FROM THE WHOLE FIRST TIME I SAW IT AT SCHOOL. and then i remmeber seeing this one post about rami and ahkmenrah where someone was like “ why is a white guy playing a egyptian pharoah” and then someone comments “are you kidding me? thats rami malek, he is egyptian!!!” AND I JUST THOUGHT FREAKIN BRAVO! LIKE WELL DONE GOLD STAR FOR YOU!” so anyways checked imbd or imdb i always forget what fucking goes first the b or the d but nevermind so it was ramis name under ahkmenrah and first thing i did was look up ahkmenrah on tumblr then i found imagines for ahkmenrah and i just fell in love with him and egypt all over again. Which is sort of amazing because as i kid i saw it was interested more in egypt itself rather than the hot pharoah and then from then to when i watched night at the museum again finally after a few years of finding new interests and not keeping up as much with egypt i fall in love with it all over again because a movie i watched in my happier more simple times of being a kid and dreaming of going to egypt and just digging, possibly finding a mummy or even just a small pot used for water or oils, a movie that is meant for the hopes and dreams of kids who aren’t always considered the smartest because theyre job may involve the past rather than the future or may seem boring or not as smart as a doctor (not bashing doctors still amazing what you guys do every job as equal amazement if you look close enough and really think) but a movie that was made to inspire kids to learn helped me fall back in love with egypt and also go to school for, for a career goal. It also is amazing it happened through the love of a character which proves just how importnat art and history can be. and then here we are still a little hopeful and stil in love with ahkmenrah and then ironically i started getting into rami when mr robots first season was 3 quarters into the seaon and just fell in love with elliot and rami and just ugh everyone of his characters hopped on the rami-wagon it a pretty lit time.and  all i could think was here we go again, another fandom another person i can hopefully meet and just tell them how much their character meant to me, to show how much acting can mean to some people who are given their wildest dreams through live action. I mean that is one of my wildest dreams would be to have a museum come to life. LIke personally for me it would just be like my life made, i would ever be bored, frekin stuff coming to life. Possilby a hot pharoah who will tell you what actually happened back then and just be all pharoahy and stuff and arguhfdio, anyways sorry to make it a long story but its just something that has alaways meant a lot to me, and im also kind of baked right now so i have the confidence to say it,/ type it, anyways point is i do love josh and all of ramis other characters but Ahkmenrah will always hold a special place in my heart
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