#Ramses Curse
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aimarskloset · 7 months ago
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Ghostly Gazette #6
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rockheadcd · 2 years ago
thinking about how much roark has never truly been alone because his parents gifted him an egg for his birthday to take care of when he was a lil dude since he loved fossil mons and just dinosaurs in general so much he REALLY wanted his own buddy like dad had basti.. ramses' egg was as big as him for the longest time and took a couple of months to hatch, but he tried to take that egg just about everywhere like his lil towel cape...
and when ramses finally hatched the first thing lil rock did was throw his arms around him and proceeded to get bit because ramses wanted some fuckin lettuce but y'know what it was the best day in roark's life because his best friend was finally able to see the world with him and mom and dad were there to make sure he learned how to properly take care of him. hilariously enough, it didn't take long for ramses to be able to listen to either parent, and he still will obey requests from byron to this day as well. as long as roark trusts a person, ramses is willing and able to as well ( it's easier than trying to think about it himself ).
roark really never felt loneliness even when asago fell ill and wasn't able to keep up with him as he was heading into grade 4 and 5, but ramses was there by his side. children were easy to distract when there was something equally energetic to occupy their time in the outdoors—and when the outdoors was a whole forest and steelix tunnels that have since been rebranded as caves, it was far too easy to escape in the most literal sense ( and it's not like either of them truly understood the gravity of the situation, for asago would do anything to be herself with her only son ). even the few times roark has played with volkner during league administration meetings did he not really understand the concept of loneliness, having figured he was shy for shyness sake, unaware of the strained relationship volk and ira had. ramses was happy to play with the both of them, no less. volk wasn't lonely with both of them there, right?
truly, roark didn't really understand until asago passed. he was alone quite a bit, but he wasn't lonely. he had his best buddy. he still had asago's team. he had some of byron's with him at home. basti, as far as he was concerned, was a timeless artifact and she would be around for his whole life. and ramses was still there, he was finally taller than him, and they were inseparable. it was quieter in that period of his life. he figured that was part of loneliness. he wasn't wrong, but he had a routine that wasn't terribly affected by the loss. he was sad, because he missed her, but he was beginning to understand it was more than just a lack of noise at home.
sits down and puts my head in my hands. all that constant buffering never really left him process the survivor's guilt because he rarely had the chance to be alone long enough to get through the long-standing damage, just the short, painful worst of it. he took after and modeled himself after his dad, 'mons and all, occupations and all, because he figured he was fine with what he was surrounded by ( as opposed to pretend, he didn't pretend he was fine, he genuinely thought he was fine ), because they have always been there. and then volk happens and he finds a reason to want to offer all of that to someone. and then he's gone, missing, when that normalcy is there, and it all comes back tenfold. he went too many years feeling fine and that the missing pieces were just a part of life and paying less and less mind to it ( liar, his habits are an exact reflection of the ways he hurt ), and suddenly he can't keep up and for once he feels so, so lonely. it's silence, it's the inability to connect without the confirmation he's on the other end. volk may as well have been his first real, personal connection to someone that wasn't his family and it hurt for so long he really has no idea he managed for a decade the first time around. this boy can fit so many repressed feefees and fears because he knows what's next. he doesn't know what he's going to do when it's byron. he really doesn't know what to do when it's ramses ( he refuses to think about a life without his first buddy ).
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bargainsleuthbooks · 2 years ago
#TheMummyCase #AmeliaPeabody #3 by #ElizabethPeters #BookReview #CozyMystery #AudiobookReview
I'm thoroughly enjoying listening to the #AmeliaPeabody mysteries again. #BarbaraRosenblat is a joy to listen to as she tackles the late #ElizabethPeters work. #TheMummyCase is the 3rd volume in the series. #Bookreview #audiobookreview #cozymystery
Radcliffe Emerson, the irascible husband of fellow archaeologist Amelia Peabody, has earned the nickname “Father of Curses”—and in Mazghunah he demonstrates why. Denied permission to dig at the pyramids of Dahshoor, he and Amelia are resigned to excavating mounds of rubble in the middle of nowhere. But before long Amelia, Emerson, and their son, Ramses, find themselves entangled in The Mummy…
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rudjedet · 2 years ago
Egyptologists: The pyramids weren't built through slave labour but rather by workmen who received wages
Tumblr randos: Oh my god can you stop being slavery apologists for like one second you filthy fucking imperials??
Egyptologists: The strikes under Ramses III were caused by a famine rather than a deliberate and malicious mistreatment of the workforce. That's projecting a modern bias and uncool for a number of reasons.
Tumblr randos: Jesus christ you capitalist shills, stop sucking pharaoh dick like royalists
Egyptologists: You all need to stop claiming ancient artefacts of non-white people are cursed and need to be put back, that's fucking racist
Tumblr randos: Well yeah you're colonialist racists the lot of you!!
Egyptologists: ...you really have no idea what words mean do you
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loomingcastle · 7 months ago
I keep seeing peepaw Nightmare and sometimes Dream too so like..
Let’s just make the retirement home multiverse guys (does that already exist??)
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Meemaw Dream is a reference to Muriel from courage the cowardly dog. That shit was my favorite show to watch as a kid, I especially loved the King Ramses’ Curse episode, yet I see some of ya’ll get scared from that as a kid 😭 (not judging <3333)
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couldtheycatchkira · 7 months ago
3,700 Follower Celebration!
Scenario: Light obtains the Death Note and Ryuk appears before him. The first day goes as you'd expect. However, that night, a strange fog rolls in, and a figure, a spectre, an apparition manifests at the end of the street. A howling, moaning voice courses on the wind, inspiring dread with each ethereal word. It demands but one thing of Light: "Return the Book of the Dead... Or suffer the pharaoh's curse... Return the book... Return the book, or suffer my curse...!"
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leahthedreamer · 1 year ago
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Aleksandr Selevko (EST) SP- Pharaoh Ramses II, The Mummy’s Curse || ISU European Championships 2024
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tabletopmonsteroftheweek · 2 months ago
Return the Slab...
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This one I was a bit indecisive on what type of Phenomenon it'd be, so I included two types
Phenomenon: King Ramses’ Curse
Type: Panic (motivation: to make people act irrationally) OR Zone (motivation: to harm anyone in the area where the slab is)
Power: King Ramses’ Curse has three plagues listed on the slab, with a 4th symbol showing himself. The symbols on said slab will vanish when the curse is in play. A few hours after first obtaining the slab, King Ramses will manifest and demand the slab to be returned to those nearby. If refused, he will cast the curse. During that time he will watch on, and when the curse passes demand the slab once more. This will repeat until all curses have gone through.
1st curse: Floods. The area in which has the slab will begin flooding uncontrollably
2nd curse: Noise. Overwhelming noise will consume the area, not leaving a moment for any silence.
Final curse: Locust. Ravenous locusts are sent into the area, devouring anything and anyone in sight. It will not stop until the slab is returned, or all in the area is consumed.
The presence of the Slab makes others act a bit irrationally as well, where they will attempt to keep it for themselves or try to sell it off to a high bidder. People in the area will have this nagging feeling to search for it, to the point that when its found they will fight and possibly hurt each other for it. Those that are in possession of it will refuse to give it up, may hide it away, and/or even kill to keep it for themselves. If offered a high enough price they may give it up. They will never listen to King Ramses.
When the slab is moved to a different location, the curses reset.
Weakness: The simplest way to stop all this from happening is to return the slab, either by bringing it back to Egypt or handing it over to King Ramses’ spirit. The slab can be returned at any time, even during the curses.
1st Curse: easiest solution is to drain the flood water somewhere, especially if its in a building.
2nd Curse: plugging your ears will help muffle the sounds, but you must make the area soundproof to fully stop the noise. Sometimes the source of the noise will manifest that you can find and destroy.
Final Curse: none, returning the slab is the only way to stop it.
Custom Moves:
ITS MINE! The Slab has a weird effect that people always want it and refuse to give it up once obtained, believing it can make them rich beyond their wildest dreams. Hunters can be influenced by the effect when they first enter the area that is affected by The Slab. They must roll +weird to avoid getting affected.
On a 10+, they resist the effect until the Slab is relocated.
On a mix, they have a choice: they either resist the effect or follow its influence. If they do the latter, they mark experience.
On a miss, they follow its influence, attacking the other hunters if they get too close to the slab. They take -1 ongoing in the Slabs presence.
The Noise! The 2nd Curse brings an overwhelming amount of noise into the area. If the hunters don't have any noise-suppressing ear muffs or plugs, they take -1 ongoing until some are aquired or the cursr ends.
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flightyalrighty · 6 months ago
Favorite horror genre?
uhhhh horror! i wanna say horror is my favorite horror genre :)
To actually answer your question (sorta):
The one I can tolerate watching a movie of: Horror Comedy, Psychological Horror, Werewolf Stories, probably old 70s/80s slasher horror
The ones I enjoy from a far distance (consuming through every which way other than directly): Supernatural Horror, Analog Horror (somewhat), Folk Horror, idk like all of it? I just really like horror in general. My anxiety won't let me touch most horror things with a ten foot pole, however.
I am, without a doubt, a total coward. When I was young I couldn't set foot in a Spirit Halloween bc the sound the welcome mats made scared me. I couldn't handle Courage The Cowardly Dog after that King Ramses' Curse episode. Dolls FREAKED me out, especially American Girl dolls. The concept of ghosts still scares me a LOT.
So, because I'm a coward, and I know my limits, I experience horror in what few ways I can.
If I see absolutely anyone on youtube talking about a horror movie I've never heard of before, I'm absolutely gonna be looking up everything I can about that movie and pretty much experience a deconstructed version of it, a practice that I'm pretty sure takes a year off my younger film degree sister's life every time I do it.
I do horror best in the form of comics, where I'm in complete control of when I'm gonna see Stuff, and the still images are things I can handle way better than Jumpscare City (modern horror films).
I enjoy videos by Ryan Hollinger, May Leitz (Nyxfears), In Praise Of Shadows, Dead Meat, and many more. If you haven't heard of her before btw, DEFINITELY check out Nyxfears if you haven't already.
My thoughts are very scattered here. Anyway yeah i like horror :)
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polysucks · 1 day ago
-puts a mirror under your nose to check ur breathing-
hey man it's been a while since you've talked about harrenhal
You know what? you're fucking right. I don't talk much about my obsession with harrenhal on my tumblr. i should do that more often.
If I could marry Harrenhal I would. Harrenhal’s story is literally just hubris and the inevitable decay of overreaching ambition—fables that we see told time and time again in real-world history. There is nothing the Geyrg writes that isn't derivative of other art before his. but soooooo many rulers, empires, and civilizations have undertaken whack ass projects meant to immortalize their power, only to see their visions trickle down their legs like a wet fart
We got the tower of babel
Which like-- man I don't know shit about the bible and I will preface anything I say that is anywhere NEAR adjacent to religion with that. but. If there is one thing I do know, it's human arrogance in fiction.
it was meant to be a monument to human greatness, defying natural order and even divine power. (womp womp)
It was never completed NOR served its intended purpose, as divine intervention (ayo brynden rivers wasgood) ensured its failure.
Just as Harrenhal became an empty ruin, Babel became a symbol of the dangers of overreaching ambition by desecrating [the] god[s]
Ozymandias (ramses II)
Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem Ozymandias describes a ruined statue of a long-dead king whose mighty empire has vanished into dust.
Like Harrenhal, Ozymandias’ works were meant to last forever, but time, war, and decay ensured their ruin.
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!' fucks so hard and reads as if Harren the Black was gloating himself from the Tower of Dread. what was supposed to be a symbol of unbreakable power instead became an empty, cursed shell that barely resembles what it used to be.
Both remind us that nothing built by mortal hands can really challenge the devastation time and what may come of fate.
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
King Louis XIV of France built the Palace of Versailles as a symbol of absolute monarchy and divine rule. have i ever mentioned that I love monarchy history?
It was [is?] extravagantly expensive, draining the kingdom’s resources—just as Harrenhal’s construction bled the Riverlands dry. evil rulers gonna be evil i GUESS
Its grandeur could not protect its rulers. By the time of the French Revolution, the monarchy that built it was toppled and executed (bring back the guillotine) much like House Hoare’s yeeting at the maw of Balerion the Black Dread.
Like Harrenhal, Versailles became a symbol of excess and very few people coould hold it successfully (everyone died)
and my absolute FAVORITE.
harrenhal. but it's actually Chernobyl.
Harrenhal: Built to be the grandest castle in Westeros, a testament to Harren the Booty's dominion over the Riverlands!!!
Chernobyl: Constructed as part of the Soviet Union’s ambitious nuclear energy program, Chernobyl was meant to be a symbol of Soviet technological superiority.
Harrenhal’s Doom: The castle was still newly built when Aegon the Conqueror came with his baddies in tow and turned it into a Spicy Meatball. Harrenhal was designed to withstand any land-based siege, but it never stood a chance against dragonfire. BECAUSE HE DIDN'T THINK TO BUILD FOR DRAGONFIRE.
Chernobyl’s Doom: The Chernobyl Reactor 4 explosion in 1986 was a firestorm that could not be contained, much like Balerion’s flames. The reactor burned for days, spewing deadly radiation into the air. BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT RADIATION POISONING.
Harrenhal's fate: Since Harren’s yeeting, every single House that has claimed Harrenhal has met disaster. The castle is believed to be cursed (it is) its halls filled with ghosts (it is), and no one has held it for long. The only smart thing petyr has ever done is refuse to stake claim over his hold. he should tho. he totally should.
Chernobyl's fate: The area around the ruined reactor became the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, where radiation levels are still dangerous and will CONTINUE to be dangerous. Most of the surrounding towns, including Pripyat, remain abandoned, decayed, and overgrown, much like Harrenhal.
Both places have survivors and witnesses who tell and retell haunting tales and rumors and legends—Harrenhal’s curse manifests in tragedy after tragedy, while Chernobyl’s “curse” is literal: those who stayed too long suffered from radiation sickness.
and finally:
both are fucked up horror stories in themselves
There are rumors of ghosts—Lady Shella Whent’s weeping specter, the burned souls of Harren and his sons, and wait! There's more! If you call now--
The castle’s YUGE size and GAPING corridors (like ur mom) create an oppressive presence that can be felt all over the Riverlands
No matter who holds it, death follows. (im sorry i have said this so much but it's so fuckin metal)
Chernobyl in Popular Culture:
The real-life horror of radiation poisoning is alarming enough, but Chernobyl has become a breeding ground for horror films, video games, and urban legends. (no one talks about how Tarkovsky's Stalker in 1979 p much predicted the event but ALRIGHT)
There are true stories of mutated animals, less true stories of ghosts of workers, and really real eerie abandoned homes and workplaces that are literally disastrous to the earth's health.
The “Elephant’s Foot,” the mass of nuclear lava inside Reactor 4, is lethal to anyone who stands near it. That shit is so metal. Again. Sorry.
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synergysilhouette · 1 year ago
An alternate take on "The Princess and the Frog" (2009)
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Given that I've remade several Revival-Era films by now, it was only a matter of time that I remade the film that started it all (unless you're one of those fans who considers "Bolt" the start of the Revival Era). I wasn't the biggest fan of this film for musical and story reasons, so I hope you aren't too offended by my changes.
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The film features more fantasy elements--I recall controversy about how voodoo was portrayed as magic rather than a religion, and to alleviate that, I think we should confirm that it's magic we're dealing with rather than a specific counterpart to a real-world concept. I'd definitely take inspiration from Alphonse Mucha imagery for the visual (though the art I imagined was inspired by his late 19th century work more than his early 20th century work). I do like the idea that magic is regarded as mystical and dangerous, explaining why Tiana steers away from it while Naveen is enamored by it.
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2. Naveen's background and culture is more clearly defined--It was CONFIRMED when the film was released that Naveen's race is fictional since Maldonia is a fictional place, however many fans view him as being Indian. I noted in another post that they could've easily made him the prince of an Indian-inspired country (or a fictional Indian state) and educated in Europe, explaining the westernized fashion and interests--even though westernization was common in general around that time. Of course, if we go the "fictional location" route with the setting for the film rather than New Orleans, this isn't as much of an issue--but it'd still be a nice touch if it was an explicitly Indian-inspired fantastical kingdom, perhaps taking inspiration from Indian fantasy films.
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3. Play the duality plotline--Naveen is cursed to be a frog during the night, and a human during the day, albeit forgetful of this. A big criticism people had was that the two leads of color were frogs for most of the film. What if this wasn't the case? Naveen appears to Tiana both as a vain frog and a hedonistic young man. Due to Dr. Facilier's curse, Naveen is unable to remember his froggy curse by day, and thus cannot go about solving it, and the night is filled with shadow monsters who hope to stop him from breaking the spell, with Lawrence and Dr. Facilier manipulating him during the day to make him marry Charlotte. Tiana takes pity on his frog form (not knowing that he's the prince), and unlocks his kindness and selflessness, and as time goes on, human Naveen becomes kinder, and finds himself thinking about Tiana until they share a kiss at Mardi Gras, where he marries her instead of marrying Lottie, like the villains planned. When Facilier tries to get revenge on Naveen, Tiana battles him and breaks his talisman in a similar fashion to the original. (I feel like there's some inspiration you can take from "Howl's Moving Castle" with the plot.) Also when the kiss on Naveen fails to work the first time, Tiana gains the power to speak to animals.
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4. Give Lawrence and Dr. Facilier more backstory--It's mentioned that Lawrence has been taken advantage of all his life, and it'd be more powerful to see his villain arc if we knew how much pain he went through rather than simply seeing him as greedy and selfish from the start. Plus Facilier's magic is QUITE interesting, and something I'd love to know more about. Perhaps tying into the racial subplot, he had a life similar to Tiana and her family, only he couldn't achieve his dream and turned to the shadows. Some may consider this a sympathetic villain story, but I do think that Facilier's backstory in the original would've included some racial themes as well.
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5. Make Ralphie older and give him more relevance--I do like the idea that Ralphie is close in age to Naveen (with Ralphie still being the younger brother), and they have a relationship similar to Dreamworks characters, ie Moses/Ramses, Sinbad/Proteus, and Miguel/Tulio. I also like the idea that while Naveen is selfish but somewhat innocent of the world, Ralphie is selfless but easily stressed and flustered. I picture him being a mix of Aladdin and Hercules. I love the idea that he came to keep tabs on Naveen, and both he and Naveen pursue Charlotte, though Ralphie actually develops feelings for her, and she reciprocates. Plus I do wish he had a different name, but that's just me.
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6. Charlotte's friendship with Tiana is a bit more pronounced--Some people think that her selfless act for Tiana at the end of the movie was too little, too late, as they found her annoying and spoiled. I'd enjoy more moments where we get to see their friendship, ie after Lottie gives Tiana a makeover, she asks her what happened at the party (which Tiana apparently never told her about since Lottie mentions how they're both getting their wishes granted that night).
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7. Embrace the green--I do want Tiana to enjoy wearing green without it being associated with her being a frog. The concept art has really great designs, and it could correlate to her growing to love Naveen--plus it'd make her a good contrast to Lottie, especially if it was Eudora making these dresses.
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8. Alter the soundtrack and side characters slightly--Take "Never Knew I Needed" and make it an actual song for Tiana to sing! I'd also take Luis and make him a human (his story did feel like a racial allegory) while Ray would stay a firefly for his "Evangeline" story. Plus this could also make "When We're Human" a solo for Naveen. And maaaaybe make the "Down in New Orleans" a song for Tiana or an ensemble number. And a part of me wants Lottie to have a song (maybe with Ralphie).
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9. Remove Mama Odie and give Eudora more credit--I say this since Mama Odie didn't really do much to move the plot along (her advice of kissing a princess didn't really matter since Naveen and Tiana get married anyway), and she gave Tiana a good amount of insight that she wasn't able to appreciate until later. Allowing her mother to be a bigger part of her story is BIG for a Disney princess, especially if Tiana is staying human and staying in town.
Lemme know what you think! I hope you enjoyed this reimagining.
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questions-about-blorbos · 7 months ago
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This question was sent to our inbox and we made a separate poll in response to it. If you want to put your Blorbo in a situation of your choice and see if people think they’ll survive, send your Blorbo and the situation in which you want to see them to our inbox and we’ll post a poll for you! (For more information, check our pinned post.)
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madolcherrydolly · 4 months ago
one time i had a dream that i was watching courage the cowardly dog, the king ramses curse episode specifically and the slab was the dream stone and instead of king ramses antasma showed up and right as he did i woke up in a cold sweat
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embersoftheorder · 1 month ago
their embarrassing memory from years ago
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Bright. Night time shouldn't be this bright. Or was it day. These should be questions more than statements to Cheryl's throbbing head, but honestly rationality was not what she could muster at the moment. What she could remember was the dress she was in, lots of drinks, a lot of dancing, and finally ending up here. Where that was and where her dress had gone were becoming important followup questions.
Drawing the blanket, modesty became priority one as she tried to slowly sit up. It was mistake. Easing back again with a wince and groan she would blink a few times to eyeball the ceiling above her, which was very familiar to her now. It was home. Patting the old mattress and feeling the blanket reasserted these comforting factors. Sighing softly she would close her eyes and feel the old Drustvar wool between her fingers as it reminded her of home.
A sudden crash of cutlery and glass made her eyes snap open to the pain of the sun but the terror of not being alone. Wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, adrenaline shoved the lurching stomach and pounding head as she searched for a weapon of some time. Her axe was no where in sight and she was in her bedroom, a faint sense of relief seeing her dress from the previous night in a pile. Eventually her hand would grasp onto a letter opener she kept on her night table and stood shakily. It would rough holding her blanket in one hand and the makeshift knife in the other, but fighting naked might through off anyone. Or leave her totally exposed.
"Maybe I can just scare them," Cheryl muttered softly to herself as she crept to her bedroom door, the old wood flooring beneath her cold but thankfully silent to her weight. Her head would lean against the door, the wood cold and comforting to the pain as she closed her eyes as well to focus. Both were welcoming but treacherous as she needed to continue to maintain focus.
Heavy thumps of feet. Clattering dishware. Cooking fire. Food. The inquisitor's stomach rumbled in primal need at the idea of eating, hunger and nausea fighting for dominance which gave the edge to nausea.
Focus idiot, she could hear Eld scold her sharply. He'd never really called her names, but the inflection he usually used was never far off. Focus.
Gripping the letter opener in one hand and adjusting the blanket ends held tight she would take in a deep breath. One. Two. Three.
Her foot kicked the door, only then remembering it should be pulled if you were leaving the room. Her loud curse echoed in the bright lit morning as she danced back hopping on one foot. One foot was joined by two more as they came rushing up to her door and flung open.
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"Cheryl? Ah! Good morning!" The deep baritone of a very red looking demon dwarfing the young woman as he practically filled up her apartment. Wide shoulders, huge crest, bright (literally) shining blue eyes, and a big toothy grin wrapped in tentacles and black hair. Ramses looked like every late night cautionary tale for young children, much as people had for years known only as the Eredar. The present had finally caught and much had changed in the last few years with many finding the dark times needing to be in the past. The Man'ari had been offered forgiveness for the most part though many would never forget. Still Ramses was doing his best to do his best despite the hatred and prejudices inflicted upon a 'man' of his stature.
It also didn't help he was also missing his clothes.
"How do you feel my friend?" His huge hands coming to rest on his hips as he grinned down at her.
Cheryl gaped a moment before pulling the blanket tighter around her comparatively tiny form. "What in the ever living fuck Ramses!?"
The red faced Man'ari tilted his head a bit as he rubbed at his head a moment as he looked down at her. "Living fuck? Is that a thing?"
"Damn it, put some clothes on!"
A slow blink before understanding kicked as he let out a 'ahhh' before stomping off a bit to grab a towel that barely helped anything. "Is this better?"
Not even in close, was all Cheryl could force herself not to admit as she looked away with her face feeling like it was matching his skin. "Much. What are you doing here? Why are you naked? Why am.."
A thought suddenly dawned on her as she stopped and widened her eyes as she looked back to him. "Oh Tides no. No No no no, we did not. Did we? No. NO we couldn't have. Could we?"
Ramses frowned in concentration as she babbled on, always having trouble with messy common language the people of the Alliance spoke. His large hands raising as she tried to calm her down. "Slow down, slow down. You are going to fast friend. I cannot understand. What are you so afraid of?"
"Ramses, did we?" Her free hand would come to motion to her underneath the blanket and then back to him. Her eye brows shot up as her face continued to warm and brighten. "You know."
A slow blink before Ramses began to laugh far to heartily, his voice bellowing against the walls as he slapped his belly. "Did we have sex?"
Only red was in Cheryl's face as she gaped, a thousand different thoughts racing through her brain. Did they? Did she? Did they use protection? Could she get pregnant from him? Would he want her to? Did she have feelings for him? Was this real? Should she in pain? From what we she saw before, she definitely should be.
Finally Ramses came to a calming as he reached up to wipe at his eyes and shook his head. "No friend, we did not."
A very long sigh let loose from Duun as all her previous fears deflated with a hint of regret at the thought of maybe something had been there. But in the long run, it was FAR better to not. He was a friend, colleague, and way to odd for her to imagine being anything more than partners.
But the real question finally came to mind.
"If we didn't why am I naked?" Cheryl peered up at him, new fears and suspicions arising as she asked.
"Oh, cause you popped like a boil last night," Ramses casually replied, his hands always speaking along with his words as he motioned from his belly to his mouth. "It was quite horrible."
Cheryl's eyes narrowed and a frown began to settle more on her face. "And why are you?"
"Well, how do you think you got home? I carried you. For a woman off an island, motions not good for you."
Embarrassment and shame filled her more as she bowed her head trying to sink in the mass of blankets to hide from his indirect teasing. "Tides, I think I have a problem."
"Oh you do," Ramses nodded sagely as he straightened again, his hand slipping to tighten the towel about his hips. Cheryl looked back up at him expecting more of a lecture and scolding from him, but the Man'ari thumbed behind him. "Food is burning for sure. It's a big problem."
The inquisitor let out a sigh as she shook her head, Ramses chuckling again as he turned to stomp back to her kitchen. "I am bad guy in sense, but I wold not take vantage of you in such a way. Very not nice you know?"
Rising from her puddle of blanket and pity, Cheryl would follow him toward the kitchen as her soft steps padded behind the hooves of the former legionnaire. "I mean, I think it works in both ways if I was that bad last night."
Ramses gave a shrug as he approached her stove to check on his simmering bits of meat, nodding as he flipped them over. "Good news, not burned."
"Besides, friend, you are as you would say, not my type," Ramses would use a fork to poke at the chop a couple more times before flipping it over.
"OH yes, you are so small and I am," he would motion with his large hand to his frame. "I would break you."
Cheryl couldn't help but give a soft laugh as she made her way to a chair at her small kitchen table. "Some people would find that a challenge."
"Oh really? Well I have certain things I like," Ramses began to search her cupboards, the doors banging a few times as he delved for plates. "Generally six arms, flames, and horns do pretty amazing things."
She blinked and stared at his back as he let out a laugh as he found what he was looking for, speaking over his shoulder as he began to plate. "Two is nice, but when you see what four more can do."
Ramses turned back to her with a sharp toothed grin. "You can never go back."
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dawn-in-the--adan · 1 year ago
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Courage the Cowardly Dog season 1, episode 7a - King Ramses' Curse
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dzthenerd490 · 3 months ago
File: Courage the Cowardly Dog S1 E7A
Code Name: King Ramses’s Curse
Object Class: Neutralized/ Joke
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AKF has been placed back onto the tomb of its original location and will never be removed. This has led to the neutralization of SCP-AKF and thus no further containment procedures will be made. To understand anything further of SCP-AKF it would have to be removed, as such testing has been prohibited by the Administrative Staff.
Description: SCP-AKF is a slab that belongs to the tomb of King Ramses that was stolen by two thieves. These thieves are believed to be the first victims of the curse and are the reason that SCP-AKF reached Nx-AH: Nowhere, Kansas, USA.
SCP-AKF is seemingly a normal slab but once claimed by a living being they will be targeted by the ghost of King Ramses. He will appear before them and warn them of three curses that he will unleash if they do not return the slab to its original location.
The first curse is to suffer a great flood all around them, this can either happen inside a house suddenly being filled with water or an open area getting hit with a large wave of water. Though this curse can lead to drowning its rather easy to survive if one stays calm and knows what to do. The next curse is quite odd as it just manifests a phonograph that plays “The Man in Gauze” sung by Jody Gray and Andy Ezrin. The curse is supposed to manifest agonizing music and though the song is extremely repetitive its actually very catchy. Foundation staff who have it recorded often like to play it in the background while they work. There have even been Foundation staff who like to dance to the song in break room areas when it plays on the Foundation music radio channels.
It has been theorized that these two curses are meant to trick the thief of SCP-AKF into thinking that there is nothing of actual danger, as the third curse is anything but harmless. The third curse is an attack of thousands of locusts that are able to and will eat anything and everything around SCP-AKF. Once the locusts are done they will devour whoever is holding SCP-AKF, erasing their presence entirely from existence. 
SCP-AKF was discovered in 2000 when the Foundation satellite observing Nexus Point-AH it saw the three curses on display attacking Entity of Interest: Courage the Dog and his owners. After the third curse was implemented, Eustace refused to give up SCP-AKF, so a drone was deployed to take it from him. Originally it was to be sent to Site-AA, but that led to half of the Site being flooded, nearly leading to a containment breach. As such it was decided to have SCP-AKF be placed in its original location in King Ramses’s tomb. It is for this reason that SCP-AKF was declared Neutralized but also due to its lackluster anomalous abilities it was also given the dual classification of Joke. The first anomaly of its kind to have such a ridiculous classification.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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