#Ramón Salazar
chaoticretwtau · 4 months
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Just another day of Lady Dimitrescu objectifying a man
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starleska · 2 months
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Ramón Salazar is so funny because no matter what version you're looking at if you say 'he's twenty' everyone goes 'he's WHAT'
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Can you please do something sweet about reader applying Ramón Salazar's makeup for him? Basically reader pampering him 🫶🏻
Let me help you my darling
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Ramón Salazar x wife!reader
warning : fluff, comfort, kiss, tiny tiny angst, no use of Y/n
info : Thank you very much for the request dear to write for our sweet lord was once again a pleasure i hope you like this little one-shot
In the days of the high times of the house and the Salazar family everyone loved the overlord family, appreciated them for what they did, for the generosity and help they gave to their people.
A family with generations of service, honour and loyal followers behind it, but as time goes by, everything cracks, and a crack that has run through the newest lord for almost more than twenty years has been nothing but flaws from his birth and everything his family has not stood for.
Ramón was reminded of this every day, whether it was his lack of masculine handsomeness, his body too small to be taken seriously or his cruelty as he was rumoured to be and even his personal servants kept as far away from him as possible.
The people who were left turned their backs on him and everything he owned was in danger of being covered in dust except for the day he met his future wife at the annual aristocratic meeting held by the noble houses so as not to remain in contact with each other. the secrets of the families were something that was only given to the blue bloods.
There in her seat the long dark dress a soft smile she had looked at him had not dared to get close to him like the others, she had stayed with him had kept up correspondence with him and now a few moons later as winter turned to spring it had been months since the bells of the tower had rung for the wedding they were together the house of Salazar.
Ramón Salazar the Castelan and his wife the Lady of the Castle Salazar had taken after him with pride and joy, their lands were still hers but her task was at his side and it seemed as if his house, the future he had dreamed of, was within reach.
If there weren't the days when he was reminded that even with love by his side he was still him, a wayward boy with no parents and no security and above all someone who looked hideous to the nobility.
,,Are you not well, darling? Shall I tell the servants to make some soup?" he heard her anxious voice as she came into his room, breakfast still untouched when it had been brought to him hours ago. they were supposed to have a little nap together in the garden and read through the library together again but he hadn't turned up.
She saw that he was standing in front of his mirror, he seemed to be standing there the whole time just looking at her, but she saw the tension, saw that he could hardly look at himself and above all that he wasn't wearing his make-up.
,,Excuse me…but I think it's better if I stay here, dear‘’ she heard his voice quietly, almost barely a whisper, as he didn't want to turn to her, he hated it too much when she saw him like that.
Those looks, the past, she knew a little about it but it didn't matter to her, she hadn't made him her husband for that, ,,Don't Ramón my dear, please look at me," she replied, her hand holding his, slowly turning him round, looking at his face without make-up, the small scars, the faded pocks and the trembling lips as if he had been crying and yet she saw a neglected lord who really only wanted recognition and goodness inside.
Her hand held his while her other stroked his, gently at first as he flinched back but when she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and a ,,Let me help you…you know a Lord-no the Castellan of Spain should always come forward with pride and honour" she reminded him, the words his mother had once said, the words the etiquette every nobleman should abide by.
It took a moment before he moved, a quiet ,,Thank you dear" came from him and he clasped her hand more firmly, placing a chaste kiss on the back of her hand before sitting down on the wooden and gilded chair and handing her the make-up in the golden jar.
Smiling at him, she took the cotton pad in her hand, knowing how he liked it, how he looked best and how he had equalled his ancestors more than two decades ago, ,,Of course you can do it best, but I allow myself to show how well I care," she murmured, dabbing the white cream on his cheeks and watching the ‘grotesque’ of him slowly disappear.
Little by little she applied his make-up always hearing a compliment whether it was her dress, her hairstyle or just the devoted look in her eyes her husband always came up with a new word to make her smile, she came closer to him as she took care of his hair spreading the white powder in it.
His hands gently placed on her hips he smiled at her warmed cheeks, ,,I care about your closeness my love such a touch shouldn't be strange to you" he murmured and kissed her wrist seeming to feel her quick ouls which she only returned with a smirk and tried to pull away from him.
She was about to pull away when he grabbed her wrist and she looked back into the face she had seen at the meeting, a small smile highlighted by the pink lipstick, the white encrusted hair and a calm voice.
,,My heart beats faster and faster knowing that I know you as my wife…I am once again in your debt my love" he brought his hand to meet her, stroking the gold wedding ring before pulling her into a soft kiss, smiling as her own lips were slightly pink from his make up before the lady hooked up with her lord and the two of them could finally enjoy a picnic together in the garden.
Because no matter what came no matter how low she would sink they were a light to each other that would be fuelled by their love for each other and together they would do anything.
@goldenponcho , @xgrisleyx , @ghostssi @xboxjuice
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ghostsghoul · 3 months
im ovulating so bad ramón salazar looks like a snack
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@angelstargel 🤤🤤🤤
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offical-ouroboros · 1 month
U woke him up.
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crispy-dib · 5 months
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This is so clever but a very *very* small audience is gonna get why. Send help-
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betelblyanyaart · 8 months
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Как за каменной стеной Оригинальный Рамон в шмотках ремейка ля
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kirlias452 · 1 year
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For @ghostssi
Ramon Salazar Dating Headcannons
● Loves doing ballroom style dancing with you when the two of you are at functions/parties.
● He’d let you lay your head on him if you’re ever tired.
● Will hold your hand wherever you go.
● Would spoil you here and there (eg. Dress you in the most fanciest of clothes, have you wear expensive jewlery, ect.)
● Calls you his ‘dearest’, ‘my dove’, or ‘Mi amore.’
● Will have his henchmen at the door of any room the two of you are in. He doesn’t want any unwanted being with you and him in the room you’re in.
● Will kiss your hand on occasion.
● Ramon may be a bit strict from time to time, but he hold you in a special place inside his heart.
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Resident Evil 4 where everything is the same except Salazar is tall.
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dinjoyer · 1 year
C’mon Ramón he cant help being humongous 😓
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diesarah0 · 1 year
How is he not a tumlr sexyman yet??😳
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starleska · 24 days
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gee i sure do love my fancy, anachronistic noblemen with long white hair who wear blue regalia, are subservient to a higher authority and fill their castles with cartoonish traps 🙈✨
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salazarsrighthand · 1 year
It's crazy that no one is talking about Isidro Uriarte Talavera, a named character in Resident Evil 4 (2023) who:
- created the Novistadors
- transformed Salazar's housekeeper into Pesanta (U-3/Black Robe)
There is literally one post on this whole damn site referencing him by name. That's crazy to me. He doesn't even have a wiki page!!
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Hello! I absolutely love your take on Ramón Salazar! May I please make a request for him with a reader who is awfully shy and who can hardly find her voice around him? She leaves a note apologizing for her inability to speak up and confesses that she quite enjoyed his company and is looking forward to see him again. Thank you! <3
Unspoken words on paper
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Ramón Salazar x fem!aristocrat
warning : fluff, kiss (chaste)
Summary : Weekly long feasts were held at various castles and in the early summer of Spain such a feast took place at the castle of Ramon Salazar, surrounding lords and ladies came but one highborn lady in particular truly found something for young lords. Only the words seemed to fail her when her eyes looked at him, she never seemed to be able to say anything until an idea came to her and she reached for ink and paper.
info : Many thanks anon for the Ramón Salazar request it was really sweet to write this and hope you like it have fun everyone :)
The letter with the seal inscribed in the dark wax had reached her with longing and joy as she reached for the letter opener and immediately recognized his handwriting.
Finally, after a break in the long winter, spring had come to Europe, freeing the lands of the rich and poor from snow and slowly restoring their colorful beauty, allowing people to go out longer without freezing, the sun slowly regaining its warmth and the mood lifting.
With this warmth also came the announcement and finally the invitation of the aristocrats of the Salazar family to her castle for the week-long festival where the nobles met again, the lords made contracts and agreements and their wives and ladies looked for parties to marry and exchanged the latest news.
But most of all she was there for him, the guest she had seen a few times before she was introduced to him and she had only uttered a pitiful ,,My lord" before her voice left her and she disappeared into the crowd again, but she would not give up this time she might even make it, her heart wanted to come closer to him.
The weeks that remained seemed endless and she had had new clothes tailored, jewelry brought and felt prepared as she looked at the dark blue fabric with the golden embroidery, the necklace with the dark blue gemstone hanging from her neck and the finger in her hand decorated with the finest stitch, ,,I can do this," she murmured to herself and looked at herself in the large mirror before she was in her carriage on the way to her castle a few days later.
Her maids rode the letter for her and tried to ease her nervousness, these human masses were a bit overwhelming but he Ramón seemed to make her heart beat so fast that her throat tightened with overwhelm, knowing how horribly some lords and especially the other ladies talked about him.
She didn't care, she had even stood up for him from time to time, he couldn't help his illness, his family had pushed him to give everything and greatness wasn't all that was reflected in the beauty of his castle but this side of blue-blooded people was merciless, ,,I always found your efforts so heartfelt my lord" she murmured the words she wanted to say to him but this constriction in her throat seemed to get worse the closer they got to the castle.
The last few hours seemed to be the height until she stepped out of the carriage her maids adjusted her dress one last time and she walked up the steps into the entrance the inside was familiar to her the great hall was decorated everything was wrapped beautifully he had outdone himself he truly wanted to be accepted.
She heard herself being announced as well the eyes were on her for a moment and her fingers clutched at her fan as she walked down the steps into the hall and found a few familiar faces at least, old friends from academies and meetings of parents she occasionally took a few of the snacks offered on silver trays and the champagne calmed her at least a little.
Until she heard her friend's voice softly in her ear, ,,The little lord seems to have been watching you for some time…oh here he comes," she said and she followed the older woman's gaze and to her excitement Ramón stood up from his place on the balcony and came down to his guests straight towards her.
Nervousness and excitement her heart skipped a beat as she saw the familiar smiling face, the white washed hair and yet that little smile on his lips, ,,A welcome to see you here my lady it pleases me to see that you have accepted my invitation and to see you here now delights me indeed" he said bowing slightly and with a nudge from her friend she curtseyed and was about to pull away when his hand gently placed itself on hers.
Warmth spread over her body as she spread her fan out and hid slightly behind it, almost flinching as his lips kissed the back of her hand, ,,Thank you my lord," she said so softly she wasn't sure he had heard it but that little chuckle from him told her he had.
She avoided his gaze a little until he seemed to find his courage in a place where he was usually only hurt and asked, ,,Would you accompany me a little?" She didn't utter a single sound but a hasty nod and she heard him laughing as she hooked his arm and continued to hide behind her fan.
Feeling his gaze full of gentleness and excitement, she had put on extra flat shoes and they seemed to be the same size, their clothes were similar in color and she had made it so that she had seen that he had looked at her dress several times, ,,Your dress is truly a sight for sore eyes, you should recommend these tailors to me," he said, trying to put some small talk between them and she only nodded.
He led her further around the room before they both went outside into the rose garden white roses lit golden by the light of the hall his voice of joy and stories reached her again but she barely said more than a few words until the bell announced the night and the highborn began to retire to the castle's assigned guest rooms to continue the celebration tomorrow.
,,I wish you a pleasant night, my lady," Ramón bid her farewell with a final bow and a kiss on her hand as she watched him disappear into the dark corridor before she hurried into her room with a hand on her heart and leaned against the door, relieved and even more attracted, her eyes looking around the room and finding the pen, the small inkwell and paper on the table.
An idea formed in her mind as she sat down at the table, pulled the candlestick closer and began to dip the tip of the quill into the ink the minutes passed hurriedly as she revealed her inner self to him with every word she sang from his arrival, his handsome appearance, how warm he was to her, his kindness and his compliments had made her heart ache despite the fact that she hadn't sighed.
The more she wrote, the more reassured and hopeful she became that maybe he would reciprocate, so they could keep in touch without her stumbling over her shyness, writing the sentences faster and more devotedly until she finished, hoping for another meeting in the next few days.
Looking at the letter for a moment she dropped it once before putting it in an envelope and writing her name on the back before ringing the bell for servants to take it to his Lord Salazar, the time seemed endless as she thought of the two kisses, his snaftiness towards her he seemed glad to have been endured by someone at all.
As she lay down in bed, snuggled into the blankets and pillows and closed her eyes, she felt inside that her heart would beat with his as soon as they met again the next morning and did each other a kindness.
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saddlerfan · 1 year
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I will always love the fact that Resident Evil 4 has four (major) evil residents… well played, Capcom, well played
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