#Ralph Session New York Vibrations
queenjo1 · 6 years
Wildblood + Queenie's November Bangers
Wildblood + Queenie’s November Bangers
As we head into the most sparkling of months, its time to let off a few sound bangers. Be it the Brazilian underground electronica of Manni’s Take 6 on Society 3.0 Music, the hot Parisian house of DJ Steaw’s Rise on Rutilance (oh those drums!), the jacking Chicago flavours of Chrissy’s Resilience on Chiwax or the organic, leftfield electronica of the legendary Kittin and her Cosmoslongplayer on…
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siphanhyphen-blog · 7 years
“Living what you Love”
We ask for your support if you believe in our mission/ what we stand for & you too want to be part of something life changing. Let’s all rise & fly together for world peace. Let’s wake people up a bit. As Siphan.. I will continue to ask people questions that get them diving deep; “What do you like to do?”, “What would you do if you could do anything?”; opening them up a little bit. Let’s shed the beliefs (& belief systems) that weren’t working for us all & redefine ourselves. On the “Siphan & Hyphen” show, I will be walking & biking around the streets of New York sharing my gifts while daring others to do the same. Through singing & rhyming in the flow w/ my mandolin & electronic sounds I will spread the mission of RAKit Club; sprinkling that stardust just so people can get a little taste of the “dream world”. 
The new web-series associated with RAKit TV will also feature live jam sessions promoting artists as well. Recently RAKit Club threw its’ first “PlayStation” event, which was a result of collaborative “brainstorming”; proving thoughts become things. It involved a community of people coming together to express & further discover themselves through music, meditation, yoga, dance, & more in one space at once. It might have been just a fleeting thought for a while but it finally actually happened. “What you focus on grows”, I restate Infinite Waters (a YouTuber & psychologist named Ralph Smart) so be aware of where you are expending your energy. 
Release Date: 7/24/2017
Or rather..  24/7 .. ‘cos this is going to be life 24/7 ..
“Living what you Love”
When it feels so right.. & you know you are on path…? Keep GOING.
Article Written by: Danielle Patoir (aka Patoirlove or “Siphan” from the new web- series show titled “Siphan & Hyphen” featured on RAKit TV. www.patoirlovemusic.com
RAKit Club has a new RAKit TV Show.. Live Streaming from “the Artists’ safe-haven; Music Venue Stage”. Think Saturday Night Live meets… well a random community of artists and musicians of all sorts rotating around at the circus like animals. “This is what I do everyday.. music & exercise. It is what keeps me alive.. what keeps me going.. & sharing experiences with others? A true necessity. Otherwise, I might as well have never been born.” Patoirlove.
Patoirlove has finally found her “niche”, the welcoming “family”, “team” or “community” she only dreamed of being part of.. until now.
First, let me show you RAKit club… https://www.facebook.com/rakitclub/
Yesterday, RAKit Club threw an event called “PlayStation”, which includes meditation, live music, yoga, dance, & more. It all happened in the flow & went from 2-8pm where people basically did what they wanted, when they wanted; taking turns & rotating between instruments, the microphones, yoga mats & the dance floor. There was also food on the kitchen table & a garden out back. Some songwriters played their songs while different musicians joined in and some covers were redone; though the night was mostly filled with live jams & free-styling. Is this the first of its kind? Has something just been invented? In all honestly? Yes, it truly feels like a movement is taking place. Want in? ‘Cos someone does.. this had to have been written in the Akashic records already ‘cos it feels like a dream come true. Get on it. ;)
Patoirlove has been wanting to make an event as such for awhile now.. though her idea was to call it “U-Fit”… the concept of incorporating music & exercise in a rotating manner has been on her mind for awhile now. When this event was talked over with Micha Lazare (owner/ runs RAKit Club) & Eli Epstein- Deutsch (the violin player/ meditation guru) it felt as if all was aligned; though no one knew exactly how it was going to pan out. It was a free-flowing structure model if you will; left open to the gods above (or the universe). What took place was simply was a collaboration of everyone’s thoughts in a melting pot & as a result magic spew from the mastermind. So much uplifting positive energy; working together as a team; lifting the “RAKit Club Dream” while supporting the overall mission of “WORLD PEACE!!” to those who want to listen.
It is about spending time with people of similar interests & passions, with those who are motivated & seeking similar goals. That’s what RAKit club is doing & it can only fly higher with the help of more people who understand. We all have our parts in this play.. we’re all characters in this movie.. we’re all artists, writers, actors, actresses, creators; stardust from above seeking understanding if we want to. Glancing through the lenses we were born with & interpreting the reflections that mirror our every move. We’ve got to erase distractions, the confusion, the scratches, & pay attention to what moves us; trust & go with that.
It is about waking up in the morning & being happy you are alive; knowing you have this time on this planet to explore it & share your gifts. Time is valuable. If you had only one day what would you be doing? What do you enjoy talking about? What gets your senses going? Sadly, a lot of people I ask don’t know.. or only do those things on the side as “hobbies”.  They don’t “have enough time” to “dive deep” or they are too exhausted by the end of the day that they only have enough energy to watch someone else’s show. What would YOUR SHOW look like if you could make one? Think about it.. LIFE is a show.. Would you watch it? Would you LIVE STREAM it? Do you want to share it with others?
Well, the idea is we can “live stream” life at RAKit Club.. where we would be sharing what we love doing; sharing the dream world that it is here at RAKit Club. Not only are we spreading good vibes of inspiration but including those who are too far to travel as well. Tune in to us as we are “in the flow” living at a high vibration, to get yourself in “alignment” as your greatest versions. You can come here via the internet; virtually. If you can attend a “PlayStation” event sometime you can come engulf all your senses into the mix but until then..  feel free to join us via Concert Window where we will be airing the future.
Why aren’t our “hobbies” our “life”? Why can’t we get paid to be “awesome”? I am on a mission as “Siphan” in the new show titled “Siphan & Hyphen” to explore this concept because I simply can’t handle watching the suffering & hate in this world. Honestly, I don’t even watch the news.. yeah go on & fill me in quickly but it mostly seems to be vibrating too low to handle. According to Abraham Hicks, if you hold a thought for 17 seconds, more thoughts of that frequency come in; so when it comes to anything other than greatness? Tell me the message in 16 because I don’t have time for it.
We all have special talents and passions inside of us if we can find them. Perhaps they can be referred to as “gifts" & this world would achieve “world peace” if it was one big “gift giving party” where we exchange our expertise. We have everything we need. This is a world of abundance. Someone once told me that whatever it is you need is close by; that stuck with me. It comes down to the art of asking & the ability to receive all that you ask for. Dreams come true.. as yesterday was proof; even if it was only one “task” of this mission completed; it was a stepping stone in the right direction.
As I briefly mentioned.. I will be going out and about as “Siphan” for my new show “Siphan & Hyphen” in support of RAKit TV; where I will be sharing my gifts of rhyming in the flow (words made up on the spot) with the mandolin, electronics & jokes, & human interactions. My character persona who I created is also the “author in the sky”, creator of the longest rhyme book (audiobook) in history, & she also takes phone recordings & makes them into one- or two-minute- films.
How will you express yourself? This brings me back to the beginning… “What you focus on grows”. Where are you expending your energy? I have already said yes to this entire dream… & my energy is in it.. let me know if you want in..
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