#Rain Cathedral Bells
astraystayyh · 1 year
Young and beautiful
hyunjin x reader. mutual obsession. lots of fluff. they are in love your honor (but still haven't told each other).
feedback is highly appreciated <3
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You never really understood the difference between loving someone and being in love with them.
That is until you met Hyunjin.
You didn't love him the way you loved sunsets or the smell of earth after the rain.
You were in love with him. You were so submerged in Hyunjin's love that it was all you could feel within you at times.
Other emotions come and go in you, like tidal waves lapping softly at the shore. But the love for him stays- it echoes inside you like the distant ringing of a cathedral bell.
You imagined that your love for Hyunjin slowly seeped into your body and intertwined itself with every atom that formed you. That loving him became a certainty for your being, just like your name or the lines stretching across your palm.
Still, despite all those grand feelings you harbored, you never dared to confess to him. Those five words were stuck in your throat, and you had to force them down each time Hyunjin existed near you.
You didn't want to scare him off. But most importantly, you didn't want him to feel forced to reciprocate your feelings.
So you didn't say it. But you kissed the mole under his eye whenever his face was close enough to you. You sent him daily reminders to drink water because he tended to forget it. And you slipped encouraging notes in the pockets of his jackets, so he'd find them randomly throughout his days.
Those were wordless confessions you sent his way in the hopes that he'd understand. That he'd feel your love and he'd store it inside him, keeping it safe until the day you finally found the courage to say it.
And on mornings like this one, it was especially hard to not shout your love for the whole world to hear.
You rose before Hyunjin, and the sun was streaming through your curtains- its golden rays casting an ethereal glow on his sleeping figure. You slowly trace the outline of Hyunjin's face, sliding your finger down his eyebrows, his eyes, his nose and his plump lips. His lips reminded you of soft cushions, rosy and yours.
"Morning, angel," he whispers, eyes still closed, and you bury your head in his neck, "Morning, baby."
His arms instinctively wrap around you, pulling you closer to him. But it wasn't enough. It was never enough with him. You wished you could crawl inside of him and build a home for you to rest in there.
Hyunjin places a soft kiss on the top of your head, and you retaliate by kissing his neck. Once, twice, and then you stop counting.
"I think the rest of my body is getting jealous of my neck," he giggles and you lean away, smiling cheekily. "Really? We can't have that, can we?"
"No, that'd be sooo unfair," he pouts playfully and you laugh, before straddling his lap. You start with a kiss to his forehead and he smiles at you so brightly, you feel sorry for the sun shining outside, for it could never rival with your Hyunjin.
You then kiss his eyes- the left one first, then the right one. The tip of his nose is next, his rosy cheeks follow, and finally, his mouth. His lips move against yours slowly, his hands finding your hair and gently threading through it. There was no rush- you had the rest of your life to love him.
When you both inevitably pull away, panting for air, Hyunjin grabs your hand and places it on top of his wildly beating heart.
"You feel it?" he asks breathlessly and you nod timidly in response. Sometimes you couldn't believe the effect you had on him.
"Whenever you laugh, I feel as if my heart is in the palm of your hand. And you are squeezing it to the beat of your laugh," he speaks quietly, making your breath hitch in your throat.
"When you kiss me, I feel as if my skin is on fire, tingling all over from your lips. But it's not a burning sensation, it's more of a warm one. You make me forget all the days I've spent feeling cold before you." He clasps your hand in his tightly, as if holding it gave him the force to speak.
"And when you look at me I feel as if you are the answer to all my prayers. Even the ones I haven't made yet." He pauses, gazing deeply into your eyes, "You are everything to me, yn. And I don't- I don't mind if you don't feel the same. I love you enough for the both of us."
"You love me?" you question, eyes wide staring into his. It felt as if your heart was leaping out of your chest, leaving you dazed in its trail.
"I do."
You start to giggle, bewildered by his words, which then morphs into a fullblown laugh. Hyunjin simply looks at you, a confused smile adorning his face.
"So you're telling me," you try to speak through your laughter, "I've been torturing myself for the past weeks so I wouldn't tell you and you love me?"
"Wait. You love me too?"
"Do I love you?" you repeat incredulously, "Hyunjin you are everything I've ever loved and more in human form."
"Say it," he whispers breathlessly and you beam at him.
"I am in love with you, Hwang Hyunjin."
"Say it again," he grins, as he grabs your body and spins it around, until you are laying on the bed and he's hovering over you.
"I am in love with you."
"I'm in love with you," you giggle and he sighs happily, leaning his forehead on yours.
"I think your laugh just gained a strong competitor."
"What do you mean?"
"You saying I love you has just become my favorite sound," he explains, kissing your forehead gently.
"My poor laugh was dethroned?" you ask and he nods sadly, "Unfortunately. But you know what my favorite favorite sound will be ?"
"You saying yes when I ask you to marry me."
"Who says my answer is yes?" you tease, even as an evident blush creeps up your neck.
"I'll keep asking until you agree."
"it might take time."
"I'll still ask even when I'm seventy."
"Yeah? even when I'm no longer young and beautiful?" you joke, referencing to one of your favorite songs to listen to together.
"Nonsense, you'll always be beautiful. And I...", he leans down, bopping his nose with yours, "I will love you till my last breath."
"You do love me," you whisper in relief, any hint of teasing gone from your voice and he smiles softly at you.
"More than you'll ever know."
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
The worst opening ceremony ever
That’s because you’re looking at it all wrong. The opening ceremonies are incomparable, for a whole list of reasons:
The economic and financial situations, both in the country that’s hosting and for the entire world.
The country hosts
The creative and production teams involved in putting on the shows.
Geopolitical tensions and issues of the times
The athletes involved
You’re expecting 2008 production value in a 2024 world that’s dealing with different economic crises, two very significant wars with WW3 breakout potential, and a rising far-right/return to dictatorship. It’s incomparable.
You have to look at the opening ceremonies as their own standalone unit. And when you consider last night’s spectacle that way, it was actually a tremendous success:
Arson shut down most of the French trains and there were enormous fears of what it meant for the ceremony, but it went off without a hitch.
It rained the whole time, but all the performers still made good performances, no one was injured, and everyone made it.
Celine Dion made her first major public singing appearance while dealing with a huge medical condition. If you don’t know the significance of Celine Dion to the French or the song that she performed, then just be awed by her commitment to turn up, IN THE FREAKING RAIN, on TOP of the Eiffel Tower to perform. Who cares if she lip-synced? It was raining! She showed up anyway, with every right to demand the performance be relocated to the flat ground under cover.
The athletes all had a good time and were excited.
The cityscapes during the torch relay showed off Paris’s incredible architecture and skyline. Name any other city that can do that and have it be so meaningful.
The bells of Notre Dame rang for the first time in 5 years, they gave credit to all the workers and trades/crafts that have been restoring and repairing the cathedral, and gave an homage to the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
There was a lady in a croissant costume. A CROISSANT costume!
They had a choir of headless Marie Antoinettes accompanying a heavy metal band that was performing AT the very same prison she was held captive at.
They lit a piano on FIRE and floated it down the Seine while performing “Imagine.”
They acknowledged France’s bloody, violent history without it being preachy or sentimental. (Watch the LA 2028 ceremony ignore the US’s bloody history - I guarantee you it’ll highlight our melting pot culture but it won’t even touch on the oppression, slavery, Civil Rights era, or how indigenous peoples were treated, much like the London 2012 ceremony didn’t acknowledge Britain’s bloody history.)
They highlighted all the ways that French culture contributed to the global community; music, literature, love, fashion and Coco Chanel pink, Louis Vuitton, the Eiffel Tower, croissants, the minions, and French people’s contributions to modern sport (as well as foreign success in French sport).
The homage to Assassin’s Creed, the Phantom of the Opera, and other famous masked French figures in the torch relay and flag-bearers.
They had an opera singer dressed as the French flag singing the national anthem from a sloped rooftop over the stadium in the rain. I had literal chills, y’all. It can’t get more patriotic than that.
Organizers made statues of important French women to display during the ceremony and they’re DONATING all of them to Paris after the Olympics! I don’t know if you caught it, but the male-to-female representation in Paris’s statues is 4.5:1 (over 200 male statues, just 40ish female statues). It’s an incredible start towards gender equality in Parisian and French history that a lot of countries could take a note from.
Les Mis! Who doesn’t love a good musical interlude?! Especially one introducing a segment paying tribute to the French Revolution. (And I must admit, I’m now kinda expecting LA 2028 to have a Hamilton nod.)
The image of Assassin’s Creed with the dove wings behind her as she walked up.
All the athletes running together for the final torch relay - more chills! (Usually that doesn’t happen.)
Raising the Olympic cauldron by hot air balloon so everyone could see.
That amazing light show from the Eiffel Tower.
and so much more.
Yeah, the can-can line was sloppy and the audio quality was poor, the parade of nations took forever (they always take forever though) and no one understood the order they were coming in (because it wasn’t explained until *after* the ceremony that the upcoming hosts are also at the end) and there’s a ton people offended by the threesome and the drag queens on the grounds of religious morality (you can see my reaction to that criticism in the earlier post below), but overall, all things considered? Considering the entire 4-5 hour show, in the spectacle that is Paris, with a terrible weather forecast, in the unprecedented geopolitical times we’re in?
It was a kick-ass opening ceremony.
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yomogi-mogi-mochi · 1 year
Unnecessarily Convoluted Analysis of TWST Dorm Architecture
Putting that Art History degree to use 💪 I am getting my Masters in art history, so I am like semi qualified?? to do this. Tried my best with some of the dorms since some don't have an explicit cultural/architectural parallel irl. And obviously lots of liberties taken since I'm sure the people at Disney were not going for historical accuracy
Masterlist here
Much of this analysis can from my Spolia fic (Malleus x Light Fae MC)
Diasmonia: Early Gothic
Gothic- but early gothic. It's got a few flying buttresses, indicative of technology in later gothic movements- but in combination to the lower ceilings (lower than later gothic), fewer levels (celestory, triforium, doric columns, and shorter windows makes me think it's early gothic (more towards Norman architecture/Sens Cathedral), because it's a lot simpler and less technologically developed than high gothic (larger windows, rose windows, higher and pointier style, flying buttresses, more decorative stuff like Corinthian columns and stained glass). Still, I think the Fae would be been more concerned with its structural integrity against the waves of time- therefore gargoyles become a very prominent symbol in protecting this eternity and preservation of architecture since it basically prevents rain/weather from eating away at the building.
There's some interesting symbolism with Malleus' fixation with gargoyles, but I'm sure you can make that connection on your own based on what's out in Chapter 7 and how he reacts to both Lilia's and MC'S impending goodbyes.
Gothic was actually a term used by the French to demean the style, since it was seen as more 'savage' and 'lower' than classical architecture- which is symmetrical, solid, and values very literal and realistic (albeit idealized) characterization. Gothic architecture in contrast is a lot more airy, focuses on light and windows, and values more allegorical representations, which is why it resonated so well with the religious ruler and monarchies because they were able to not-so-subtly point to their influence and power in every single way without it being in your face all the time.
Because of this very stank contrast, it was labeled as "gothic" because people were criticizing it to be "savage" and "unkept". The goths were painted this way because they were mainly responsible for Rome's downfall, leading to the dark ages. Regardless of the French ruthlessly roasting the goths, this type of design flourished after the dark ages because technology was beginning to be advanced once more, and materials were more readily available.
My theory would be that the fae began to first develop this architecture because they had the advantage of magic, but then the humans were influenced by it- which leads them to high gothic (Noble Bell College), as well as Baroque and Rococo architecture (like the Pomefiore dorm). The Fae kept their style of early gothic since they didn't really see a point in changing much- maybe just more decorative gargoyles called grotesque as a symbol of the Fae's gratitude in their protection against time.
Also the hallways have what are almost like ribbed vaults which was one of the primary and first symbols of gothic architecture because they allowed more weight to be distributed to the vaults, and therefore allow for bigger windows.
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Another distict characteristics in gothic architecture are clearly defined elevations.
Traditionally, they will have the celestial at the top, then gallery, then the main arcade (especially as we get into the later gothic periods and buildings get even taller and taller). Of course Disney isn't completely accurate with these things, but it seems that they're sort of going for that vibe, as many things end up being as our contemporary notions of historical design often creates a vague iconography of things that is often a copy of a copy of a copy of the original medium.
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However I do think the intention to mimic the original design is still there overall, and combined with many of the other elements such as the prevalence of pointed arches that are a symbol of gothic architecture, and the sheer number of windows that were allowed originally due to the technological advances of the gothic era (and of course Malleus' own obsession with gargoyles), I think it would make sense to categorize this is like "gothic adjacent".
If I were to redesign the diasmonia dorm however, I would definitely begin by fixing the exterior- but I think they were referencing Malificent's tower in the Disney movie than any sort of historical accuracy lol. You win some, you lose some.
Pomefiore: Rococo with a touch of Art Noveau
Very obviously modeled after French Rococo architecture- the illustration of the hallways of Pomefiore dorm are almost exactly like the Palace of Versailles
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It is definitely a toned down version- but pretty spot on, right? When I first saw the Pomefiore dorm I immediately Googled a picture of the Palace of Versailles cause I knew I saw it somewhere. Autistic spidey senses at it again.
Honestly wish they went more all out with the chandeliers, and had painted ceilings on the dorm colors- but I feel like they got the general vibes right. It feels closer to Romanesque with its simplicity but it still holds an aura of decadence and frivolity that I like. Very rich, extravagant like it's members (maybe not so much Epel lol)
Elements of Art noveau in the furniture (the peacock chair) and the embroidery of the uniforms.
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Also, the peacock chair sort of reminds me of James McNeill Whistler's Peacock Room. He was an American impressionist that was sort of the forefront of art nouveau, since impressionism was one of the mainstream movements that really began the explosion of Japanese inspired design that is also used in Art Nouveau aesthetic.
(Vil would definitely have this room if he could)
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The carpet in the room reminds me of William Morris' designs, and just art nouveau in general.
As far as I can tell, the exterior is based on a variety of German castle styles from 13th century Romanesque styles, to 18th century Neo-Gothic styles. Which is coincidentally what a lot of the castles on Disneyland are based off of.
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Everything is very florial, Corinthian, and extravagant. I love it. It's very baroque, I dig it.
Please don't come for me I'm not as well versed in Non-Asian and Non-Western architecture except for religious architecture in Turkey and Jerusalem so I'm gonna try my best with this one
So I think it mixes a lot of the icons we think of in association to Arabic architecture like domes, pointed/ogee (rounded, then pointed)/multifoil (multiple curves) arches, and ornate floral designs that derive from the use of calligraphy in Islamic structures (as iconography, or pictures depicting the faces and bodies of religious figures were not allowed).
And I think all those tiny buildings resemble Minarets, or tall towers built adjacent to mosques where the muezzin can issue the call to prayer. But the artists were probably like "hm. Not enough. How do we make it more arabic??" And of course the contemporary orientalist perspectives that dominate the artistic realm made they go "quick just add a bunch of domes"
I think Kalim's room and the lounge in particular best shows the general "airiness" that parallels Islamic acthicture (ie the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque on UAE)
Open air courtyards are also a characteristic element of Islam architecture, which you can see with the areal view of the dorm, and also makes sense with Kalim's unique magic.
Jali window designs (the intricate gold metal covers on the arches) are also popular on Islamic architecture
The Haga Sophia in particular has been described to have a dome "suspended by the heavens", as the section connecting the building and the dome is made entirely of arches that allows the sunlight from the heavens to pour inside the building. Though the haga Sophia is a very special case, as it was occupied by varying religions with different architectural styles at certain periods- I think it's also a good representation of our contemporary prototype of Arabian architecture that makes up the final design of the dorm.
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Ignihyde: Classical Greek
Looks like it's modeled after the Parthenon, which was built during the Classical period on Greece where Athens was flourishing as a center of mathematics, technology, and architecture. These are sentiments which becomes reflected in the Renaissance afterwards, such as symmetry and a very systemic way of approaching things. I think it fits perfectly with this dorm, since they're the "tech geeks" of NRC
It's got your pediment, your doric columns (would have preferred ionic columns but whatever Disney), your arcades. Pretty straight forward unlike the actual movie it's based off of lol (Hercules has so so many mythological inconsistencies. Like why are you talking about Achilles in the movie??? Trojan was hasn't even happened babe stop manifesting that shit)
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I think the symmetry and order of Classical Greek design goes well with the overall futuristic look Ignihyde and the Island of Woe are going for. Pretty clever, Disney.
Heartslabyul: Tudor Revival Style
Though Alice in Wonderland is set in the later 19th century, I think the Tudorian Revival style than began in the beginning of the 20th century just shortly later fits best.
Turdorian revival style is characterized through half timbering, which is like the timber panels you see on the surface of the building; oriel windows (windows that jut out); mock battlements; and courtyards.
The Tudorian revival style also takes elements from Elizabethan era architecture and perpendicular gothic architecture, hence the long gallery and the tudorian four point arch)
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The glass panes in the lounge leaves me to believe it's sort of like a glass house where part of the house is sort of like a greenhouse. This is characteristic of Victorian glasshouses that rose with the availability of timber, paint, and brick and the popularity of botany in the Victorian era propelled by botanical imports from British colonies. Architecrs like Joseph Paxton were also known for his opus magnum- the Crystal Palace, which held the Great Exhibition of 1851 (kind of like a world expo with the theme of industry and art) also popularize the movement- and was a significant sign of wealth, as glass and window taxes were especially high. But in the later century when iron and steel frame construction was advanced, people could be built out of iron and window panes, so they could be assembled easily, and also afforded by middle class citizens.
So it's basically a mix of Elizabethan and Victorian revival styles (tudorian and gothic), which is in theme with the Victorian period the original media is set in, albeit taking inspiration from styles little later in the period.
Again- I am blind when it comes to Non-Asian/Non-Western architecture- but this one was kinda confusing cause it really doesn't have any architectural cohesivity??? Like it's just got a general "jungle vibe" which I'm not surprised at because Disney is infamous for glossing over non-white cultures and kind of just simplifying them into a "general vibe" which wow yikes my guy
Kind of reminds me of Mese Verde, which are structures made directly within a cliffside, or the Great Mosque of Djenné and the African Heritage house in Kenya which have very smoothed, natural designs that blend into the environment
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What I could gather from my research and my juicy autistic brain, savannas are regularly subjected to wild fires- so a lot of the heavy, rocky architecture and interior style makes sense, opposed to one made of wood (which are mostly in the inside of the structure, besides the roof which I imagine is less likely to catch on fire). Much of the building seems also to be directly carved within natural rock formations- a very functional use of the resources around you- very savannaclaw!
The textiles in each of the dorm members' rooms resemble Kente fabric, a style of hand weaving from Ghana, originally reserved for royalty but now commonly worn for ceremonial occasions and such. Also unlike other African textiles styles, it's strictly a male practice. I think it would make sense for Sunset Savanna, a place where women are highly respected and perhaps take on more political and military positions- leaving largely men to the practice of textile making (both are honorable acts- not comparing the two). There aren't distinguished aesthetic styles of textiles that differentiate each weaving from another- rather, it is divided by technique and region- so this is not like a definite connection, just thought it was interesting to includle
Textiles seem to occupy the only decorative role in the entire dorm- so perhaps there is significant cultural significance? Maybe there is a certain region that's known for their practices? Or is weaving a symbol of adulthood or growth and therefore is why they're hung up in each of the dorm member's rooms with the exception of Ruggie, who may not have had the socioeconomic privilege of making one? Or does the practice vary across species? Much to speculate 🤔
Octavinelle: Art Deco and Art Nouveau
Saved this one for last because oh boy I don't even know where to start with this. Obviously the design is very creative and I love it, but there's a lot less historical elements I can use to analyze the style, kind of like the Savanah claw exterior.
But it leans towards the art deco style, which is most fitting for the business dorm I think.
Elements of Art deco like geometric aspects of design, thematic and aesthetic consistency, and decorative/geometric windows are seen throughout the dorm interior and exterior
But I think the art nouveau elements are also there too, with the cheeky sea-themed elements that use natural shapes and icons into the architecture, design, and surfaces of the dorm.
Otherwise, not much else to say about this dorm 🤷 it's not really based in anything historical but there are bits and pieces of art nouveau and art deco in there, but I definitely wish they would lean more into the art deco elements since I think it would go well with the general themes of the dorm values.
So uh, yeah. Told you it would be convoluted.
Feel free to add and or correct!
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witchersmistress · 1 year
Wedding Night Woes
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Hello my darlings!! here is a little more Walter for ya....
Trigger Warnings: Blood, swearing, violent threats, Walter being an asshole. loss of virginity, more asshole behavior from Walter. gentle rough sex, body peircings.
Word count: 3.5K
Walter’s POV
My wife stands before me in the very spot I signed my life away for her three years ago. Her watery eyes meet mine, and I smile at the blood smeared across her lips. I felt her body stiffen when I kissed her at first. The way she tried to fight me. But a part of her, the best part, melted into me. Her body is going to crave being mine. I’m going to parade her around as my own personal fucking trophy for all to see. For her father to be disgusted and ashamed. The bell is rung, slicing through the silence of the Cathedral. She jumps at the loud intrusion, trying to take a step back, but I hold her in place. My eyes drop to the blood trail that makes its way from her neck to her chest. She will bleed for me in more ways than one tonight.  “Walter.” My name is spoken softly on her trembling lips. “Yes, little darling?” My eyes lift to meet hers. “Go to hell,” she whispers, referring to my last statement.  I smile at her. “It’s going to be so much fun bringing you to your knees, Mrs. Marshall.” She swallows.
 Amelia’s POV
 He grabs my hand and helps me off the altar, and immediately pulls me down the aisle covered in the white carpet. Everyone stands on either side to watch us go. My parents don’t even try to catch up and speak to me. But what is there to say? It’s too late. I’m now married in the eyes of the Ravens. The pastor didn’t even ask those who opposed to speak now or forever hold their peace. Because he knew it wouldn’t have mattered. Once a Master chooses his Ravenias, there is no going back. We make our way outside and rain instantly drenches me. I squeal, throwing my free arm over my head. He’s already got a black limo parked right in front of the Cathedral, and he holds the back door open for me to jump in. That’s probably the most gentlemanly thing he’ll ever do for me. I get as far away from him as I can, which is hard, considering my dress is in the way. Finding a seat, I yank on my train just as he shoves it into the car and gets in. Placing my hands on the now ruined silk, I don’t even bother looking out the window to see if my family came out to see us off. It doesn’t matter. There was a big and elaborate wedding reception planned that was also supposed to take place at the Cathedral but I’m guessing that’s no longer needed.
 He proved his point and made me his wife. We sit in silence as the driver takes the curvy two-lane road while the rain comes pouring down. He takes us downtown and my heart races when he pulls under the awning of the hotel, knowing why we’re here. I was hoping that he’d skip this part. The valet opens the back door for us, and Walter exits. It takes me a moment to get back by the door, and I mumble a thank you as a man at the valet helps me out. “Congratulations.” The guy smiles when his eyes land on my wedding dress, and I feel my shoulders slump, unable to thank him this time. No matter how rude of me that is. Walter takes my hand and drags me up the black velvet stairs and through the glass door. I feel eyes on us, so I keep mine on the white marble floor with the black diamond inlay design. My heels get caught in the dress, and I almost trip, but he yanks on my hand, keeping me up. We make our way through the elaborate lobby of the luxury hotel and to the elevators. We have to wait for ours, and I try to calm my breathing. I’ve spent a lot of my childhood here at the Harlowe. My father owns it. He has over five hundred locations in the United States alone.
People check in having no clue what kind of illegal activity goes down here. The Ravens place their members throughout the world to benefit their society. They will take the worst kind of evil, dress it up in a ten-thousand-dollar suit and give them an expensive bottle of scotch and the ability to suck your soul out of your body without you knowing. I’ve seen my dad do it too many times. Poor bastards never see it coming. Our elevator opens up, and we step into it. Walter pulls out a card before scanning it. This is the only one that has access to the floor. H for the honeymoon suite lights up and takes us over twenty-five floors up in silence. I run my wet hands down my dress when the door slides open, and we step into the suite. On any other day, it would be gorgeous. Red and white rose petals litter the white and gray marble floor. A black circular table sits in the middle of the foyer. A glass vase sits on top with the most beautiful red roses I’ve ever seen, and a bottle of champagne along with two flutes sits on either side. He walks past them, stepping down into the open living room. I slowly follow. “Gavin will be here shortly.” He finally speaks to me, making my pulse race. I’ve heard that name before. I’ve seen him a couple of times when he came to visit my father.  I’m pretty sure he’s a doctor. That has to be wrong. “Who … who is he?” That’s my biggest fear. That he’ll whore me out. Let others use me because I’m no use to him. Sell my body to make him some extra cash.
 This isn’t a marriage out of love. So why would he treat me with respect? “A doctor,” he clips, removing his black tuxedo jacket from his broad shoulders while walking farther into the room. I take a look around, seeing more flowers all over. The overwhelming smell almost makes me gag. I swallow nervously. Afraid I was right. “Why … Why do we need a doctor?” He comes to a stop and turns to face me, his peircing-blue eyes scrutinizing my smeared makeup from the downpour. I hate that I care what I look like right now. “Are you on birth control?” My cheeks flush. Phil didn’t want me on birth control. He wanted a baby straight away. An heir. A Raven is nothing if he doesn’t have someone to carry on his name. I hadn’t quite figured out how I was going to keep that from happening, but I wasn’t going to have Phil’s child. I answer Walter. “No.” “Exactly.” Turning his back to me, he goes over to the baby grand piano. A silver tray sits on top with a tinted decanter with an M in the middle. He removes the glass diamond top and pours the whiskey into one of the glasses that sits next to it. “The last thing I want to do is knock you up,” he adds.
I want to be happy that he doesn’t want to get me pregnant because I don’t want kids either. But instead, it pisses me off because it’s just one more way he’ll control me. Why wouldn’t he take away my ability to reproduce? Taking in a deep breath, I remind myself it’s something we agree on. But that thought also makes the hair stand on the back of my neck. He’s going to fuck me. I knew this day would come. That it would be my wedding day when a man would take my virginity. I just never thought it’d be my sister’s ex. A part of the agreement of me being handed over to Phil was that I was a virgin. I know the Ravens have to abstain from sex their first three 8 years at Barrington. He wanted me to remain one until our wedding night. If I didn’t bleed for him, then I would be considered a whore. My parents promised him my innocence, and I had to deliver. I know for a fact that Phil had been fucking women the past few years. I didn’t care. I actually prayed to God, hoping that Phil would fall in love with one of them and forget about his arrangement with me. They were not answered. Instead, God laughed at me and sent me someone far worse than Phil. 
“Here.” Walter offers me the second glass of whiskey, and I look from it to him, making no attempt to take the drink from his hand. “I didn’t drug it,” he growls. “I don’t believe you.” I lift my chin. He could have very easily slipped something into it since we entered the room. It only takes a second to spike a drink. I know. I’ve seen it done before. He rolls his eyes and throws the one he’s offering me back, proving that it was, in fact, not laced with something. Setting both down on the tray, he walks over to me, closing the distance, and I stiffen. “Why would I drug you?” I swallow nervously but answer honestly. “Makes me compliant. Easier to take advantage of.” Reaching up, he runs his hand through what’s left of my bun, pulling bobby pins loose and letting them drop to the floor at our feet. The long, wet curls fall down across my bare back and over my shoulder, some falling in front to frame my face. “That would be too easy.” He finally speaks, his knuckles brushing it off my shoulder. “I want you to feel me holding you down. I want you to hear yourself gasping for breath when I force you to come. And I want your eyes on mine while I make you cry. I’ll never drug you, Mia, because I don’t need you compliant. You’re now my wife, and I can take whatever I want from you.” My throat closes up while his eyes bore into mine. He’s got it all figured out. I hadn’t realized until just now that he’s had this planned. I thought it was a last-minute thing. Like he just woke up this morning and decided he would crash my wedding and make me his wife. 
But I was wrong. He’s had this plan for quite some time. The Cathedral, the hotel—he’s rubbing it in my father’s face. It wouldn’t have been hard for him to figure out any of this information. It's been in the works for years. My parents and Phil are making a big deal out of this day. “Walter, please…” “You’ll do that too, little darling.” His hand moves to cup my jaw and he lowers his lips to my forehead, brushing them against my skin. Words spoken as soft as the tender kiss and my pulse races at how calm he can be. How well he can hide what he really feels. He hates me and my family. I’m nothing more than an outlet for his revenge. His cell rings, making me jump, and he pulls away to answer it. “Hello? Yes, send him up.” The elevator dings before the door opens, and he turns, giving me his back. I let my shoulders fall while trying to calm my breathing. “Mr. Marshall. Good afternoon, sir,” a man’s voice says. “Who the fuck are you?” Walter growls. “I’m Jackson,” the man answers. “Where the fuck is Gavin?” he snaps. “He got caught up in surgery and asked me to fill in for him.” Walter pauses a second before he speaks. “She’s in here.” They enter the open living room a few seconds later. Walter is holding his cell to his ear, eyes on me. But after a few seconds, he hangs up. “Hello, Mrs. Marshall.”
 The kid gives me a big smile, and my stomach sinks that that’s what I’ll be known as now until the day I die. So easily stripped of my maiden name that once meant something to me. Harlowe is known around the world—wealth and power are just a couple of things. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always hated that my father is a Raven and the life we have to live, but that doesn’t mean I want to be a Marshall either. “This will only take me a second.” He places a briefcase on top of the piano and pops it open, pulling out a couple of packages. He rips one open, revealing a syringe, and the other is a vial full of liquid. “Whoa.” I take a step back. “I thought—” “You’re getting on the shot,” Walter interrupts me, and I look over at him to see he’s now standing at the island in the kitchen, making himself a new drink. “Too many women are irresponsible when it comes to taking the pill, and I refuse to wear a condom when I fuck my wife.” He glares at me, daring me to argue. My cheeks redden at the way he talks to me in front of this stranger in the room, but this is one fight I’ll let him win. The guy inserts the syringe into the vial and pulls back the plunger, filling it with the liquid. Once done, he looks at me. “Turn around and pull up your dress.”
 His eyes drop down to the train, and he frowns. “Walter might have to hold it for me.” I take several steps back away from him, my heels tripping over the silk material, and I fall onto the bench seat at the piano. “Excuse me?” I shriek, wide-eyed. “Turn around—” “You will administer it in her arm,” Walter snaps at the man, and I flinch when I hear him slam the glass down. “Of course.” The man nods, walking over to me. He opens the new alcohol pad before rubbing it on my arm. He lets it dry and then grabs the skin. “Small pinch,” he says and sticks me. I don’t even feel it. 
There are too many other things running through my mind right now. “How long will it take?” I ask, hoping he says days, maybe weeks. It could buy me some time to stay a virgin if Walter refuses to wear protection. “When was your last menstrual cycle?” the guy asks. “Earlier this week,” I answered softly, counting the days in my head. Phil planned our wedding around my cycle. I’ve always been like clockwork. I just recently got off it. He smiles. “You should be good then. As long as it’s five days out from when you started, it should work immediately.” Fuck my luck. “But I also brought some morning after pills that you can take just to be on the safe side. Just remember, they aren’t to be used as a form of birth control. Just last resort. You may experience some bleeding for the next couple of months but that’s nothing to worry about. Make sure to schedule another shot within twelve to thirteen weeks for it to be the most effective.”
 His eyes drop to my chest, and silence fills the large room. My eyes shoot over to Walter in panic. Am I paying? Will he let him fuck me now that I’ve received the shot? Is that another reason he’s putting me on birth control? So other men can’t get me pregnant when he allows them to fuck me? A Raven raising another Raven’s child? Unheard of as far as I know. If it’s not their bloodline, they don’t want it. It’s just another awful thing on a long list that disgusts me about these men.
 Walter was about to take another drink but set it down. Not as hard as last time. “Is there a reason why you’re staring at my wife’s chest?” he demands. I hate that my thighs tighten when he calls me wife. Like it actually means something. As if he will protect me. I could laugh at myself right now if I was alone. Walter Marshall only cares about himself. History proves that. “Oh no.” The guy chuckles. “The blood.” His eyes meet mine. “Do you need stitches?” “She’s fine,” Walter growls before I can say anything. “And your services are no longer needed.” “Just in case.” He removes some Band-Aids from his briefcase and drops them on top of the piano. Like they’re going to do me any fucking good.
 Walter walks him to the elevator, and then he returns. He stands with his hands in the pockets of his dress slacks. His crisp white button-up that once fit him like a glove is now wet, sticking to his skin and showing off his hard chest. My eyes drop to the way his abs flex as he breathes. His sleeves are rolled up, showing off his tanned and muscular forearms. A Rolex watch that I know must have cost him over a hundred grand sits on his wrist. All Ravens wear their crest on a ring while attending Barrington but take it off after graduation. They no longer need it. The brand on their chest is reminder enough of their devotion. My eyes drop to his wedding ring. It’s simple—a silver band. I haven’t gotten a good look at mine. But I feel it. It’s bulky and heavy, weighing me down. I used to think he was hot. I found him attractive when my sister dated him and was jealous of her. I was so stupid. 
An immature little girl who didn’t understand how the world works. I hate that he looks better now than he ever did back then. How is something so stunning so evil? He walks over to me, and with each step he gets closer, the louder my breathing gets. “Stand up and turn around,” he orders. Getting right to it. I stand on shaky legs and turn around to face the piano. I feel him reach up and unzip my dress. My breathing is erratic, my heart hammering in my chest. The room sways as the soft material slides down my body and pools at my feet. Heat covers every inch of my skin. All of a sudden, it’s too hot in here. I tremble when he gently moves my hair to lay over my shoulder before his knuckles touch the top of my spine and slowly run down the curve of my back, making goose bumps rise all over. “Don’t be nervous,” he whispers, and I close my eyes tightly to keep from crying. I’m trembling. My heels are shaking on the marble floor, and I can feel the sweat beading across my forehead. I feel like I’ve turned my back on my sister. 
Even though I don’t have a choice in the matter, she would still hate me for what’s about to happen. She loved him. He just didn’t love her in return. Not the way she deserved. “Face me,” he softly commands. Taking in a shaky breath, I slowly turn to face him but keep my eyes closed. “Look at me, Mia.” His hand cups my cheek, and I open my watery eyes to meet his. His thumb brushes over my parted lips and I sniff. His eyes drop to my neck and then my chest, following the blood from when he cut me with the dagger at our wedding. Blood is our oath. I had to bleed for him in front of his fucking cult. And I’ll bleed for him now when he rips my innocence away. His knuckles run down my sternum and outline the top of my white strapless bra. Reaching around me, he brushes his lips on my ear while I feel him undo it.
 The material falls to our feet seconds later, making me whimper. When he pulls back, his piercing-blue eyes darken while devouring my breasts. I hate that my nipples are hard. I’ve waited so long for this moment. To become a woman. I wished I could have done it a hundred times with him. Back before he took the one thing that meant everything to me. “I’m going to take it easy on you,” he speaks softly, “because it’s your first time.” “Thank you,” I whisper, hating that he’s going to have so much power over me. That I’m going to have to thank him for everything. I will forever rely on him for food, shelter, fucking survival. Men like Walter don’t allow women to have their own careers or lives, for that matter. They are owned. Ravenias doesn’t need to know who she is. She belongs to her Master, and serving him is all that matters in their lives. His hand grips my chin and lifts my face, so I have to meet his cold stare.
 “It’s still going to hurt, Mia.” My stomach tied in knots, but my pussy pulses. I don’t understand it. Why is my body reacting to him when my mind knows it’s not right?  “And afterward, I won’t give you the courtesy of going easy,” he adds. “Do you understand?” “Y-yes.” My voice wavers, and my feet shift in my heels. He pulls away and gives me his back, ordering, “Go to the bedroom and lie on the bed.”
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In the summer of 1339, as the rain's gentle touch graced the serene realm of Aarbyville, St. Anthony's Cathedral emerged as a solemn stage for a poignant ceremony. Lady Jane Landgraab, clad in somber mourning attire, her countenance veiled by the shroud of grief, stood beside her 7-year-old son, Lorus. Their hearts weighed heavy, for before them lay the dark stone coffin of Lord Michael Landgraab, who had passed away unexpectedly in his slumber at a mere 40 years of age.
Lady Jane and Lorus, their shared loss etched in their eyes, gazed upon the final resting place of their beloved. Their expressions conveyed profound sorrow, and an aura of disbelief clung to them like a shroud. As the cathedral bells tolled in mournful unison, mother and son leaned upon each other for silent solace, their tears the only words their hearts could speak.
Their shared grief brought them to the tranquil chapel nestled within the cathedral's embrace. Here, silence reigned, providing a sanctuary for their emotions to flow freely. Together, they wept, finding consolation in their shared sorrow, a flicker of light in their darkest hour.
Into this poignant scene stepped Lady Jane's brother, the formidable King Wilhelm of Windenburg. He had come to pay his respects to his brother-in-law and to offer what comfort he could to his grieving sister.
With a heart heavy with sorrow, King Wilhelm approached Lady Jane. His eyes mirrored the shared grief that weighed upon their family. With great tenderness, he expressed his deepest condolences, using words of sympathy and support to alleviate the crushing burden that had fallen upon Lady Jane's shoulders.
Yet Lady Jane's distress ran deeper than mere grief; she was overwhelmed. The responsibilities of her newly acquired title as Lady of Aarbyville had proven to be a burden too great. Lord Michael's sudden and untimely passing had left her in a state of disarray. The prospect of shouldering the governance of the realm, especially with a 7-year-old Lorus in tow, was something she could hardly bear. She felt lost in this unfamiliar role.
Understanding the depths of his sister's despair, King Wilhelm knelt beside young Lorus, his promise to be their unwavering pillar of strength resonating with sincerity. With this pledge of support, Lady Jane glimpsed a glimmer of hope through her tears and embraced her brother in a somber, heartfelt hug.
In the weeks that followed, King Wilhelm became a familiar presence at Castle Landgraab in Aarbyville, the stately home that had graced the Landgraab family since the days of King Otto III of Tredony. Within the confines of her late husband's office, amidst the faint scent of history and the volumes of leather-bound tomes, Lady Jane's inner turmoil became evident. The weight of responsibility bore down upon her, and she struggled to cope with the immense demands of leadership.
Recognizing her predicament, King Wilhelm stood by her side, both as a brother and a ruler. With a heavy heart, he assisted Lady Jane in drafting a decree, one that would relinquish her power and place the realm of Aarbyville under Windenburg's dominion. The decree proposed that Aarbyville would henceforth become a duchy within the expansive realm of Windenburg. It further stipulated that when young Lorus reached the age of 18, he would ascend to the position of Duke, inheriting Castle Landgraab and its responsibilities.
For Lady Jane, this decision was a momentous one. She knew that her signature upon that document would irrevocably alter the course of her life and that of her son. The potential risks and uncertainties weighed heavily on her mind. King Wilhelm, always the supportive brother, placed a reassuring hand upon her shoulder, assuring her that brighter days lay ahead.
King Wilhelm was acutely aware of the strategic importance of this decision. The annexation of Aarbyville was not just about expanding his vast empire; it was also about securing trade routes and a wealth of resources. Aarbyville was strategically located, and seizing power from this region could help King Wilhelm strengthen his political alliances across the globe. This decision had far-reaching implications, and King Wilhelm was resolute in his belief that it was the right path for his kingdom. Aarbyville was once an integral part of the vast Tredonian realm, had remained steadfastly loyal to its Tredonian heritage since the days of King Otto III in the 12th century. When the mighty Tredonian empire fell to Bagley's rule in 1314, Aarbyville chose a different path, emerging as a sovereign state, proudly maintaining its Tredonian roots. Situated along the picturesque coastline, just a few miles from Windenburg's borders, Aarbyville had embraced its unique status. In the wake of the Tredonian empire's decline, this thriving city had evolved into a beacon of commerce and trade, fostering diplomatic relationships with neighboring kingdoms.
In the days that followed, King Wilhelm stood before the people of Aarbyville in the main town square. As he addressed a sea of expectant faces, some filled with trepidation, he outlined the transition into Windenburg's fold. He explained the laws and changes that would come into effect and assured the people that their basic needs, from meat to grain and wine, would be met. With words of hope and prosperity, he promised to rule justly and benevolently.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, King Wilhelm and Queen Cordelia hosted a magnificent banquet at Windenburg Castle. The grand dining room was filled with nobles, royals, and dignitaries from across the realm. The banquet was a celebration of new beginnings, prosperity, and a unified realm.
The tables were laden with a sumptuous feast. A boar's head, fresh-baked bread, a medley of cheeses, an array of succulent meats, and a lavish selection of desserts graced the banquet. It was a celebration that marked not only the integration of Aarbyville but also the dawn of a strengthened realm.
During the banquet, King Wilhelm, ever the astute strategist, observed his favored courtier, Benedict Britechester, gazing intently across the table at Lady Jane. This sight sparked a shrewd idea in the king's mind, one that could benefit not only his kingdom but also Lady Jane's future.
Following the banquet, the celebration continued within the royal court. King Wilhelm and Queen Cordelia presided from their opulent thrones, overseeing the festivities. King Wilhelm then called forth Lord Benedict and Lady Jane to ascend to the dias before the monarchs.
With a voice that resonated throughout the hall, King Wilhelm proposed the betrothal of Benedict and Lady Jane, a union of great honor and strategic importance. It would bind the Britechester bloodline with the royal family of Windenburg for generations to come and Marrying Lady Jane to Lord Benedict would also ensure the Landgraab family's continued loyalty to the crown through her son. This marriage would serve as a binding agreement, solidifying King Wilhelm's control over Aarbyville.
Overwhelmed by this great honor, Benedict took Lady Jane's hands in his. Their eyes locked in a moment of mutual understanding, recognizing that this union was more than politics; it was a connection of two souls.
In the following weeks, as they courted and drew closer, their bond transcended the realms of politics and power. Love blossomed between Lady Jane and Lord Benedict. They found solace and strength in each other, two souls who had weathered the storms of life together.
Lord Benedict not only secured a place in Lady Jane's heart but also embraced a parental role in young Lorus's life. His care and kindness did not go unnoticed by the mourning child. Lorus came to see him not as a stranger but as a guardian and a friend.
By the early fall of 1339, Lady Jane and Lord Benedict were wed at the renowned Westsimster Abbey in a grand and splendid ceremony. It was a union born of politics but solidified by love. As they exchanged their vows, their smiles spoke of the profound connection they had formed.
Following the wedding, King Wilhelm granted the new couple a generous gift. Since his own wedding three years prior, he and Queen Cordelia had worked tirelessly to expand the land that had been gifted to them by King Thomas, Cordelia's father. This area had been transformed into a thriving town with abundant farms and resources. King Wilhelm's gift to the newlyweds was that he had named the realm the duchy of Britechester and appointed Benedict as Duke. The couple came to the throne room at Windenburg Castle, where Wilhelm publicly bestowed upon them the titles of Duke and Duchess of Britechester.
By the spring of 1340, the couple eagerly anticipated the arrival of their first child. It was a testament to the enduring power of love amidst the backdrop of political strategy and destiny. The realm of Windenburg, now further strengthened by the bonds of family and alliance, stood poised for a bright and prosperous future.
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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p — CHOI YEONJUN × FEM!READER | g — fluff &/or angst, wedding!au | w — none¿?
a/n — oh, yeonjun, always the victim for my vent writing pieces 💀 kind of inspired by corpse bride ++ idk what this is. lol.
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an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth. a soul for a soul.
that's what yeonjun believed in.
the church bells’ ringing echoed off the marble pillars as he stood by at the end of the church— a sunshower's light peering through the cathedral glass, casting a rainbow upon his anticipating features, his eyes getting fuller the longer he stared at the doors. the uncommon phenomenon of the sun and rain caused a stir amongst the guests, creaky whispers and opposing forces as whispers gushed like wind, “what unusual weather.” “oh, I sure hope this ends right.” “rain on a wedding day, tsk!”
his palms clapped together in a tight grip, he pursed his lips. a sigh wavered through the air as he straighted his back, and all eyes were on him— the white of his coat painted orange as the day grew, the broach adorning crystals upon his tie shooting beams; beams that caught your eye as you entered with the bottom of your dress, soaking wet. the rain caused your dress to appear blue as the liquid seeped through the fabric, but, “nothing can be done at this moment. the wedding must go on.”
and you felt your back straightening as yeonjun sucked in a breath. tears rushing to his eyes as the air, sharp from everyone's conflicted words about “such a wedding,” pricked his insides so painful. but the lips he was biting so long wavered into a smile, like he noticed your bridal bouquet didn't match your dress at all— yet, were his favorite. their petals drooped as they let yet another raindrop fall onto the sequin of your dress— your trail wetting the carpet you walked on.
and the hushed whispers turned thin until they could no longer be heard— souls of palpitating colors glaring at you like they wanted to be you. all of a sudden, it made sense, you and yeonjun. “of course, why have it any other way?” and, why, “god, how charming does the sun look on her, doesn't it?”
and you watched yeonjun blink away his tears as you stood in front, his cold fingers warming at the touch, the eyes that grew brighter despite the light. and you didn't even hear his vows twisting in his throat as he stumbled— sheer panic across his eyes. but, as the rainbow hit your face as you fluttered your eyes, he knew. his voice wavered, the crowd held in air as he leaned closer.
an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth. a soul for a soul. yeonjun believed in his fairness— the right to justice, to take back what had been stolen from him years before, underneath a cherry tree, a pretty sunshower just like this one.
and now— a kiss for a kiss.
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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autodiscipline · 1 year
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Les Soirée 夜の舞踏会/洗礼の章~生誕篇 初回限定 -Birth Arc, Lt. First Edition-, 1999
On the eve of Bastille Day ominous thunder rumbles
In the near-freezing rain the knighted Crie Niere VII laments, "A Love, cursed by fate, is the price of my blood," "I kneel before thy corpse & offer a covenant of blood"
Is it raindrops or rather tears of tragedy running down those cheeks?
The moon just shudders narrowly & answers not
The pair, bound by blood, forbidden to each other, slowly go mad.
Underneath the blessing of fluttering poisonous feathers,
Echoing in the church's cathedral is a beautifully sinful song, is it an eternally undesired love?
    "Thou shalt have thy son, my son, surely born as a noble angel or a god."
    "Surely born as a monster or a demon."
The morning of Bastille Day, hymns are sung, feeble gazes towards the child
A bewitching banquet for those who praise, and disobey God
Beneath the window adorned with rusted candlesticks, time flowed silently through muddy waters
Out of love cursed by immorality, a child was born
In the sky, quivering in despair, a flock of crows gathers & the black hounds howl as though possessed
In time with the noontime bells, in the square of town, the execution of a criminal took place
& the people were ominously blessed with the birth of a child
The gods lament, the demons rejoice, the midwife, the priest & the nobles, conceal their faces in horror,
The child cried out for the first time, like a shriek
    ...Go mad ... 
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Phantom of the Opera Soundscape Library
This is a masterlist of PotO inspired soundscapes I've created. I struggled for weeks to find good ASMR ambience for writing until my good friend @enigmawritesstuff put me on to the myNoise.net sound generator.
Though I created these for some of the hyper-specific settings in my fic When the Longing Returns, (the stable, the dormitory, etc.), they're also good for general PotO ambience. I figure if I can't find good Lair or opera house asmr, most other writers and readers probably can't either. So please, consider this a resource, my gift to you, for the good of all Phan-kind.
Wandering Child (Church Bells (slow), Wind and tree creaks, Wind, Church Bells (faster), Footsteps in snow, Crows, Carriage, Horse and harness, Wind 2, Horse hooves)
Cemetery Walk Preset
Carriage Ride Preset
Carriage House/Opera Stable (Distant Bells, ambient tone, barn/stable, horse munching, distant crowd chatter, distant clatter 1, footsteps, distant clatter 2, blacksmith hammer, rustling hay)
Opera House (Low ambient string tone, deep ambient tone, higher string tone, fireplace crackle, distant singing, flame, crowd chatter, steps, gaslight hiss, cheery babble)
Hallway Preset
Refectory Preset
Foyer Preset (Crowded)
Foyer Preset (Empty)
Empty Stage Preset
Dressing Room Preset
Backstage (Low ambient strings, deep ambient tone, higher ambient strings, ambient horns, flame, crowd chatter, distant clatter (2 kinds), hammering, gaslight hiss)
Ballet Dormitory (Ambient tone, blowing fabric, bells, window wind, wooden creaks (2 kinds), whispering, morning birds, gaslight hiss, cheery babble)
Day Preset
Bedtime Preset
Night Preset
In the Bois (Background Paris, winter wind, Church Bells, snowy footsteps, trotting horses, birds, carriages, children playing, snow thaw, cheery babble)
Phantom's Lair (Lapping water, oar/pole in water, low ambient tone, organ music, lantern/gate squeak, torch/flame, horse & harness, footsteps, pen scratching paper, dripping water)
Tunnel Walk Preset
Boat Ride Preset
Erik Composing Preset
The Setting Sun Inn (Church bells, Chatter, Fireplace (three kinds), footsteps, coin clink, table sounds, wind whistle, light snow) Note: This is the first scape I've done exclusively for Gaston Leroux's novel. When Raoul follows Christine to Perros they lodge at the little inn there, called the Setting Sun, run by one Mme. Tricarde.
Breton Winter (Chilly coastal sounds, night birds, wind rustling heather, crashing waves, light snow) Another 'scape for Leroux, also for The Magic Violin. I've tried to capture the hillside on the edge of the moor overlooking the sea where Christine tells Raoul about her visits from "the Angel of Music"
Other Soundscapes
Chateau Destler (For Guardian Angel by @madamedestler)
Chateau de Chagny (For The Phantom's Atonement by MadameDestler, Chapter's 1 and 3)
Christine's Room Preset
Engagement Party Preset
Madame Bassett's (For The Phantom's Atonement by MadameDestler, Chapters 2, 14, and 15 )
Lounge Preset
Claire's Room Preset
Lyon Cottage (For The Phantom's Atonement by @madamedestler)
Cozy Evening Preset (With Rain)
Cozy Evening Preset (No Rain)
Spring Afternoon Preset
Church Saint-Jacques (For Corpus Christi by @madamedestler. A little combination of Church echo, wooden creaks, fabric rustle, and most important for any sinful assignation--rain and thunder. This is such a vivid setting for a fic, and I really wanted an excuse to do a Cathedral scape. The Church Saint-Jacques is one of the two actual churches in Perros-Guirec. The one that features in Leroux's book may be the other: the Chapel Notre-Dame-de-la-Clarte)
Christine's Sleeping Cell Preset
Night Confession Preset
Sounds of St. Florent (For Sacred by TryingNotToLoveYou. This is such a breath of fresh air. Very specific to the fic because of the Corsica setting, but really good fun because of all the sounds one doesn't often get to use for a PotO scape.)
Boat Ride Preset
Dining Hall Preset
Rain Dance Preset
In Church Preset
For Salvation by TryingNotToLoveYou
Walk from Vornay (For Chapters 1 and 3)
Tavern Preset
Windy Walk Preset
Chateaux Menetou
Chateaux by Night Preset
Chateaux by Day Preset
Dinner Preset
By the Stream Preset
Horse Ride Preset
Bellanger Ball (For Chapters 18 and 19)
At the Ball Preset
Carriage Ride Preset
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tmbgareok · 2 years
hello! i’m a big fan of how the bass line in lucky ball and chain resembles the westminster quarters, and i was wondering if this was intentional or more incidental? excited to see you guys later this month!
JF: I am going to look up Westminster Quarters right now, but I can tell you I am unfamiliar with that material. In 1988/89 there were some records that were really "front of mind" when we were making Flood, an while it might not be directly in the mix, there were ideasI was definitely thinking about. The Housemartins and the Smiths were definitely getting pondered. And around that time I first really got into the Shangri-Las as well as (after seeing them live) The Jesus and Mary Chain-specifically the album Psychocandy. The Jesus and Mary Chain kind of revived the original "rock and roll" 1 6m 4 5 progression in my mind--the chords that drive like half the droop songs, a lot of Phil Spector and a lot of garage rock. So even though it ended up sounding totally country, it was actually the idea of reworking a rock cliche that got it going...
PS: I just searched for Westminster's Quarters on Spotify and realized it's literally the "ding dong" melody played on the bells on the quarter hour at Westminster cathedral. D'oh. Well I think we all know that music--it's like the sound of half the doorbells in the US. I can hear what you are thinking in how it relates to the song--both kind of quickly climb up to the fifth and come back down--but yeah--no direct connection there. I would say the Spector productions of Walking in the Rain and Today I Met the Boy I'm Going to Marry were far more fron't-of-mind in the vibes dept.
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shy-girl04 · 4 months
I am sitting
In the morning
At the diner
On the corner
I am waiting
At the counter
For the man
To pour the coffee
And he fills it
Only halfway
And before
I even argue
He is looking
Out the window
At somebody
Coming in
"It is always
Nice to see you"
Says the man
Behind the counter
To the woman
Who has come in
She is shaking
Her umbrella
And I look
The other way
As they are kissing
Their hellos
And I'm pretending
Not to see them
And instead
I pour the milk
I open
Up the paper
There's a story
Of an actor
Who had died
While he was drinking
It was no one
I had heard of
And I'm turning
To the horoscope
And looking
For the funnies
When I'm feeling
Someone watching me
And so
I raise my head
There's a woman
On the outside
Looking inside
Does she see me?
No she does not
Really see me
'Cause she sees
Her own reflection
And I'm trying
Not to notice
That she's hitching
Up her skirt
And while she's
Straightening her stockings
Her hair
Has gotten wet
Oh this rain
It will continue
Through the morning
As I'm listening
To the bells
Of the cathedral
I am thinking
Of your voice
And of the midnight picnic
Once upon a time
Before the rain began
And I finish up my coffee
And it's time to catch the train
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schiltron · 5 months
Oh this rain it will continue through the morning as I'm listening to the bells of the cathedral.....
I am thinking of your voice.........
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tmcrome · 7 months
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Appreciating the Simple Things in Antibes, France
Late Thursday afternoon, a small group of us flew out of Rome and into Nice Côte d'Azur – the southeastern coast of France.  We spent all evening trudging through the rain and cold, searching for our hotel in the dark with minimal cell phone use, due to lack of service and battery power.  It seemed like forever until we finally found the correct bus that would take us close enough to our destination that we could finish the day’s travel by walking.  We were hungry and tired.  My first impression of food in France that night?  McDonald’s french fries.  This was not what I expected at all.  Throughout the evening, I kept reminding myself of G. K. Chesterton’s quote, “An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered,” and that the following day we’d be out of cold, rainy Nice and at an Airbnb in Antibes where we’d be able to crash, relax, and enjoy the weekend.  
The following day was warm and sunny, but we still had a full day ahead of us with our bags on our backs as we wandered through the streets like pilgrims before reaching our Airbnb.  Things were happening though.  We found our way to the ramparts of Antibes where we enjoyed a picnic lunch of freshly baked bread (from the local bakery “PAUL”) with jam and cheese–traditional, authentic French cheese.  We found a little coffee shop that sold chai lattes and was conveniently located next to a charming little bookstore–that we would soon find had many of our favorite childhood stories.  So, with our tasty beverage in hand, we moseyed our way next door where we enjoyed our lattes and spent an hour or so in the children's corner of the bookstore, reveling in the nostalgia of our youths.  We explored a little more, played cards in a piazza, and eventually checked into Airbnb.  The rest of the trip was spent doing simple, little things – it wasn’t an extravagant escapade exploring the French alps, or the Eiffel Tower, but simply a quiet weekend in a little seaside town strolling around tasting the different pastries from various French bakeries . . . cooking a four course dinner in full French fashion while listening to the Les Miserables soundtrack . . . witnessing one of the most beautiful sunsets of my life and simultaneously hearing the Cathedral bells tolling in the background (this was incredible!) . . . sitting at the seaside under the moonlight and listening to the crashing of the waves against the rocks–the sounds of God’s creation . . . watching Ty devour four eclairs for breakfast on the last day, one last go at French pastries . . .
We experienced complications throughout the trip, but that only added to the adventure.  The journey was not perfect, but it was worth it.  The real treasure truly was the friends we made along the way.  We laughed, we bonded, we made memories, we experienced a new culture and had a marvelous time–together.  And when things were perfect for just those few seconds at a time, it made those simple things – like cheese & bread and chocolate eclairs, chai lattes and childrens books – all the more special.  Our time in Antibes truly reminded me of the beauty in the simple.
Oh, and the best part of all? The marzipan piggy pastry – who knew one could find the most joy in a little pink pig?  I’d travel back to Antibes just for that!
-Sarah Carter
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intothewildsea · 10 months
@andessence (quasimodo)
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Before the sky opened up and rain began to pour, Niamh ducked into the large building. She'd seen it towering up into the sky and had been drawn towards it, never having seen such a beautiful building. It was mostly empty, as it was the middle of the day, save for a few people praying in the pews.
She wasn't sure what to do now. She'd never been in a cathedral before - she didn't even really know that was what the building was. It was quiet, though, so she assumed that she needed to stay quiet.
At least until the bells began to ring.
It startled her a bit, the loud noise. No one else flinched, though, so she realized it must have been normal. Curiosity got the best of her and she began to wander, looking for the source of the noise. She found stairs and went up them, thinking that perhaps the bells were higher up in the building. She wasn't sure how they could ring on their own. Someone must have been ringing them. But who could be strong enough to ring such big bells?
Her slippered feet were quiet as she climbed upwards. She hadn't seen anyone, yet, so perhaps no one was there. Maybe the bells were ringing on their own.
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paindivinemp3 · 1 year
i was tagged by the beloved @synthetickitsune the to list the first ten songs that play when I hit shuffle (i used my mixed playlist for this ^^ )
1.fever by max changmin
2.knock by lee chae yeon
3.kiss me until my lips fall off by lebanon hanover
4.romance by buck-tick
5.black no.1 (little miss scare-all) by type o negative
6.dayflower by cathedral bells
7.enemy by giselle ft. gemini
8.dancing in the rain by lacuna
9.reden by tokio hotel
10.kiss by nct dojaejung
tagging: @etherealyoungk @wonuhour @yootaesowl @mijimina @pure-softheart (if you want to do it, ofc, no pressure <3)
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my toxic trait is I re-read my old writing for inspiration (from moth work, 2019):
Lonan’s heartbeat and the church bells gong in a staccato so identical, he doesn’t notice he’s walked an hour and a half away from the motel. He doesn’t remember why he’s walking or when he started,  doesn’t remember the last time he slept or his mother’s maiden name. He doesn’t remember when it started to rain, or what rain really is, or what the cycle of precipitation looks like or which stage he’s currently in. He doesn’t remember how many sisters he has, or the difference between astronomy and astrology. He only remembers the sequence of how to pray the rosary: ten Hail Marys, one Our Father. Hail Mary. Our Father. Hail Mary. Our Father. This is what guides him to the cathedral. Lonan isn’t Catholic anymore. He maybe never was. He can’t even remember this. But he knows he’s a sinner. God will never let him into heaven.
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thebigscaryu · 1 year
Songs for every letter of my url cause Haney likes to torture me @haneys :3
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-"girlfriend" hemlocke springs
-"universal time" 12 rods
-"no 1 fan" majesty crush
-"ghastly" glare
-"receiving line" title fight
-"akaneiro ga moeru toki" scoobie do (gungrave url I hauve to)
-"valentine" glaze
-"everything at once" cathedral bells
-"only" nine inch nails
-"void in blue" glare (again)
-"en" sukekiyo
-"revolute" 12 rods (also again)
-"doors" cold rain
-"orbitron" duster
-"stranger times" life on venus
-"elevator out of the catacombs" girls rituals
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