#RadioApple Dance
roseshewrites · 4 months
RadioApple Week ; ~DANCE~ I forget the day number oops)
Am I doing this right?! I completely missed this whole week because I literally just rejoined tumblr. Anyway, here's my out of context mid-fanfic contribution to RadioApple Week. (You'll have to forgive the inconsistencies of Alastor's knowledge of the song it's an unedited WIP, regardless one of my favorite scenes)
-Getting the ballroom ready for a patron's wedding venue
-Fred Astaire songs ensue
"You shouldn't apologize." 
Alastor looked away from Lucifer at the blue windows, as if invested in them instead of what he had just seen- a magnetic little creature bouncing and brimming with ideas, his eyes shining with the love of dreams and invention. Lucifer was... 
Well, he was rather cute at that moment.
"Oh," Alastor said, "I mean, you shouldn't apologize for loving something. Don't bring yourself down. It will turn you cold." 
He allowed a true grin and added, "Anyway, if you should turn all depressed and miserable on us, your daughter will have a fit, and that ruins everyone else's day." 
"Yeah you're right," Lucifer said. "Huh. So what do you know about being depressed and miserable?" 
"Nothing at all," Alastor responded airily, "Shall we let Charlie know this may be the only available room?" 
Lucifer turned around and on a whim it seemed, made blue and white twinkle lights appear around the ceiling rim with a wave of his hands, making the room seem full of starlight. 
Alastor heard him whistling a tune from behind him.
"What is that from?" It sounded familiar. 
Lucifer chuckled, "You're a fan of tap dance, and you don't know Fred Astaire? He is *the* king of tap. It's from Top Hat." 
"I don't watch picture shows."
He was lying. He remembered that song, now. He'd seen the movie, used to play it on repeat back when he'd actually owned a television set...before Vox had inexplicably ruined them for him.
"You should. You'd like that one. *Isn't this a lovely day to be caught in the rain?*," Lucifer sang. 
Alastor heard the little patter of a tap routine being conducted behind him and he whirled about to see it, amused. 
"You dance like Fred." 
Lucifer tried out a few different simpler footworks.
"Thought you don't watch 'picture shows.' And really? I always thought I was more of a Ginger." 
"I've seen it. And Fred's style is ecstatic. Well. More airy...he'd off and fly away if he didn't have her to  ground him." 
"You were going on your way now you've got to remaaaain..." 
"Oh, do stop, we have things to do." Alastor shoved him away, only for the little king to bounce back on his left, continuing to sing, "Just as you were going, leaving me all at seaaa! Gah!" (Alastor had shoved him again) 
"The clouds broke! They broke, and oh, what a break for mee!" 
Alastor whirled to get in his face, "Will you not shut your trap!" 
"I will after you dance with me. I know you adore the routine. I can see it. Your feet don't lie," Lucifer grinned. 
Alastor did. He knew how the song continued. He knew every inch of this scene; he'd watched it many times. It was one of the only movies he *would* sit and watch.
I can see the sun up high, though we're caught in a storm... 
I can see where you and I could be cozy and warm.
He remembered the expressiveness of Ginger's face as Fred cooed this song to her, giving him the time of day only in her smile, then giving up halfway through the song to let herself dance with him. 
Alastor let his radio crackle into the air, summoning the rest of the song with ease. 
"Let the rain pitter patter, but it really doesn't matter if the skies are gray...long as I can be with you, it's a lovely day!"~, Fred Astaire's voice echoed about the empty and softly lit ballroom. 
"You win. I'll dance," Alastor smirked, "But can you keep up?" 
"Oh it's on, Ginger!" Lucifer chuckled. 
"Then take it away, Fred." 
Astaire was a leader in his style, and Ginger a follower. Lucifer...there was that dominating presence again, that shine of confidence as they moved together, their footsteps and the song echoing around the room in tandem. It was one of the only times, Alastor thought, that he did not mind dancing in a style was more fluid, more of a matcher for his partner, and Lucifer's beat and energy was right on time with his. 
"Do you know round? How about swing?" Alastor tried a deviation from the movie routine and barely gave Lucifer time to adjust, but he caught on quickly, his deep laugh bouncing off the walls, then lost it just as fast but cracking up again as he tried to regain his balance. 
"Those are my feet you are trampling all over, sir," Alastor complained, catching Lucifer before he could stumble again and hit the floor. 
The music was reaching the faster part now, the bit that was full of thunderstorm noises and lightning, but they both were stationary- 
"Hah," Lucifer, still in Alastor's arms, looked up at him grinning, "A good dance partner you are not. Who throws styles all over the place like confetti?" 
"Hmm perhaps it's your fault for not reading my mind," Alastor responded. 
"Hey radio face, if I could read your mind, I'd have a whole lot of answers to a whole lot of questions I have right now." 
"Lucifer...shut up." 
"Make me," Lucifer challenged. 
Alastor kissed him. 
It was Lucifer's turn to make a noise of surprise and protest, to resist just the tiniest bit, push at Alastor's chest with his hands uselessly, then quickly melt...his lips were hot, and skilled, and now that Alastor was close to him again, he was detecting a soft sweet scent like perfume or shower soap.. 
Just when Alastor wished it to go on further Lucifer drew them apart, whispering, his breath warm on his lips, and said, "Alastor...you're confusing the *shit* out of me right now." 
"Hmm...well," Alastor murmured, then grinned, "Payback's just an ornery old bitch, isn't it?"- he patted Lucifer's cheek sassily, "We should go and see what your daughter thinks of the room." 
With that, he left Lucifer behind, who was muttering some curse or other under his breath. 
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notherpuppet · 5 months
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Let’s Dance
Part 5/12
Part 4 | Part 6
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
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And I couldn't look away from the angel on the stage
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radiodemonxkingofhell · 4 months
Okay so we all saw Alloplush's animatic of Alastor and Lucifer singing the Masochism Tango, right?
I have to say that this is my favorite part of this animatic!
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Look how fucking ecstatic Alastor looks being with Lucifer as he brings them back into a dance...
And Lucifer's very soft smile and slight blush at Alastor, they look so damn HAPPY being in each other's presence like I- 🫠
Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention Alastor's EAAAARRRSS 😭
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nose-nippin-fun · 7 months
I just adore the idea of Lucifer bonding with various hotel members.
Angel teaching him pole dancing as a fun exercise to get him out of depressive funks.
Husk shooting the shit over drinks and letting him talk out his complex feelings surrounding Lilith.
Letting Niffty inspect new creations (mostly ducks) for any blemishes and gifting her a little roach duck as thanks.
Going for flights with Vaggie and listening intently to stories of everything he’s missed with Charlie to try and understand his daughter better (and also teasingly asking when the wedding is).
Bonus points if Alastor sees him pole dancing and is like:
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morningstarwrites · 3 days
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"I am merely asking if you'd like a dance lesson."
Scene from Ch. 10, Of Saints and Sinners!
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drunkenmantis · 4 months
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Dance with the Devil (page 05) <<prev next>>
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dirtgrubber · 1 month
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“your favorite part, hmm?”
chapter 29- Of Saints And Sinners by @morningstarwrites
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jupterwyx · 4 months
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“My soul is on fire
It's aflame with desire
Which is why I perspire when we tango”
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mintychocoice · 3 months
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I adore any art where they simply dance together, so I decided to give it a go.
Finally figuring out procreate!
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gildedoak · 6 months
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"Now we just have to let it cook on low heat for two hours." "Kaaaaay. What do we do until then?" "OH, I'm sure we'll find SOMETHING to do."
I was listening to Water Wall from the Transistor OST and thought of Lucifer and Alastor dancing a slow tango to a bass-y jazz number in the hotel's expansive new kitchen. I ended up finding Unsolved by Mythical Score Society and it creates such a gentle, sexy mood. Loved how it turned out. ❤️
If anyone has additional music recommendations for this scenario, please pass them along! I'd love to hear them.
Not sure why, but the colors look more fluorescent in the photo than they really are. Must be the lighting.
(Image description and reference photos under the cut)
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[Image Description: A sketchbook page of four drawings of Lucifer and Alastor dancing a tango, with Alastor leading, as music plays in the background. Both men are missing their jackets, and are instead wearing kitchen aprons, with their shirt sleeves rolled up. Lucifer's apron is a buttery yellow, and Alastor's is lime green. Both look like they're actually enjoying themselves.
Various reference photos are featured under the cut.
End Image Description]
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that-radioapplelover · 2 months
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notherpuppet · 7 months
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Radioapple slow dancing brainrot hours *airhorn*
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leonidele · 7 months
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here Have some Radioapple (more under the cut)
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All done on today - 2024/1/3
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viviarts-c · 22 days
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Alastor.exe has stopped working
Ritual Self Torture Masterpost
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katyakurae · 26 days
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Dancing, safe and flustered
Alastor: Lucifer put me down! In this instant!
*flustered radio noises*
Lucifer: Nope >:3
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