#RV Tangaroa
wellingtonnz · 4 years
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NIWA vessel RV Tangaroa
RV Tangaroa is a research vessel operated by the New Zealand National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. It was purpose-built as a Deepwater Research Vessel for the then Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Research Centre at a cost of $27 million to replace the ageing GRV James Cook.[1] It has a DNV classification of 1A1 (stern trawler) and Ice 1C (sufficient strength and power to operate in ice floes up to 0.4 metres (16 in) thick). It was transferred to the new National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in 1992.
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geekykool · 5 years
Scientists Discover New Creature Frozen in Antarctica
During a 50 day Antarctica expedition,  scientific researchers aboard the New Zealand ship RV Tangaroa discovered something new and unexpected. They spent their time digging in the mud 3,500 meters below the surface.  They found a species never seen before still frozen. Just seeing the pictures brought me flashbacks to old horror/monster movies.  It really sounds…
Scientists Discover New Creature Frozen in Antarctica was originally published on GeekyKOOL.com
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ccwfcom · 4 years
اكتشاف مخلوقات غريبة "لم يسبق لها مثيل" تحت الجليد
اكتشاف مخلوقات غريبة “لم يسبق لها مثيل” تحت الجليد
اكتشف علماء أنتاركتيكا عددا من المخلوقات الغريبة تحت الجليد “لا تشبه أي شيء رأوه من قبل” خلال رحلة رائعة عبر المياه المحيطة بالقارة الجليدية.
وقامت بعثة أنتاركتيكا برحلة بحرية لمدة 50 يوما عبر المحيط الجنوبي وما وراء الصحراء المتجمدة. وعلى متن سفينة الأبحاث النيوزيلندية RV Tangaroa، استخدم فريق دولي أحدث التقنيات لمسح قاع البحر. وسمح نظام التصوير Aegis للعلماء بالتقاط صور مبهرة لعالم مجهول.
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thegulfindians · 4 years
International scientists discover new life in Antarctica
International scientists discover new life in Antarctica
Antarctica is the land of mysteries, and to unravel them, an international team of scientists carried out a 50-day voyage across the Southern Ocean and beyond the frozen desert in New Zealand’s research vessel RV Tangaroa. During the expedition, researchers used the aegis imaging system, and it helped them to capture some fascinating images of the unknown world.
Even though the mission is still…
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wellingtonnz · 4 years
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RV Tangaroa at Miramar wharf
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wellingtonnz · 6 years
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Evans Bay and RV Tangaroa, NIWA research vessel
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