3416 · 8 months
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justin bieber really does bring out the fruity vibes in the room... more of this actually. he's living my dream.
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HELLO i’m back and i’m bringing some more concepts (sorry in advance if i repeat some btw 😭)
- ok so like imagine if yall went to a concert and like he would be DANCING SO HARD and u would basically whisper-shout bc it’s loud (lol) what the artist/band is doing on stage to him… he would be so grateful for that ????
- omg also can we PLS imagine him as a dad to be trying his veryyyy best to build a crib and like help decorate the room??? trips to ikea!!! and harry feeling material on blankets to see which is best for his bubba!
- speaking to dad to be harry… HIM AT A ULTRASOUND appointment!!!! y/n would count all the babies toes for him!!!!!!! and he would so sob when he finds out the gender 🥰 and would be holding ur hand so hand bc he’s so lucky ????
- ok wait this is a but random but i can imagine him being a best man one day for like his best friends wedding and you would whisper in his ear that he looked beautiful ( him with his suit and colourful tie HE picked out 🥲) and he would blush like crazy… also would defo dance with you all dance night… conga? yeah. chicken dance thing? he’s doing that for an hour straight… and hearing ur laugh?? hes DEAD.
- alsooooo night routines would be so cuteee!! he can hear you taking ur makeup off and would go to the counter of ur bathroom and sleepily ask if you could do his moisturiser or something… or he would sit on the counter and wait for you, ask abt ur day, would get some snacks for ur night movie or something. but random but hey ho!
- small dates are a must btw!!! walk on the pier? yup! just harry feeling the wind on this face makes him so happy! and he doesn’t feel self conscious around you or anything… and if someone gave him a funny look you would be SO close to punching them in the damnnn face!! he’s very lucky to have u lol
sorry if these are bad! it’s evening in the uk so i’m tired lol. watch me come back tomorrow 💞 have a lovely day and hope u like these lol!!!!!! xxx
Okay they are done babyyyy @sunflowerstyles-6
“oh my god, Harry he just fell!” Y/n giggles, watching the concert they caught at last minute. They didn’t even really know the band but they have heard a few songs and the band wasn’t very well known so pit tickets were pretty cheap. “What?!” Harry asks, stilling his dance moves and snapping his head toward his girlfriend. Y/n laughs loudly, “He almost fell off of the stage!” Y/n giggles, clinging to Harry. “Is he okay?!”
y/n nods, kissing harrys cheek. “Keep on dancing, baby! I want to get some videos of you!” Y/n yells over the music, pulling away from his and stepping back to take videos of his crazy head banging and jumping.
Building a crib:
“Honey, it’s okay. I can get someone else to build it.” Y/n says, rubbing her eight month bump while standing in the nursery that belongs to their second baby. “Hush, lovie. I’ve got this. Just let me take my time.” He says, growing frustrated with his pregnant wife but he still kept a smile on his face while talking to her.
“Okayyy, I’m going to watch ******. Yell for me if you need us.” She says, letting her man do what he needed to do.
Soon enough Harry yells her name, Y/n was selling up the stairs with their first born. She smiles while she leans against the door frame, breathless from hauling her big belly up the stairs. “You did it, baby.” She smiles, patting his cheek. “So proud of you.”
Yeah… you guys don’t get to know the name until a blurb comes out 😎 me also using they/ them pronouns so you don’t know the gender yet HAHAHAH
“Bubby, stay on my lap.” Harry whispers to his baby, hugging them while their mummy gets an ultrasound. “Okay… one second and I’ll be able to tell you the sex!” The woman standing in pink scrubs smiles, rubbing the wand over Y/n’s swollen belly.
“Okay, you’ve got a (YOU WISH YOU KNEW HAHAHAHA) in your belly!” The kind lady announces with a warm, excited smile on her face. Y/n jaw drop while Harry and ****** squeal. “ANOTHER?” Y/n cries, making Harry giggle. “Hush, you are gonna love it, baby.”
Best man:
“Don’t be nervous, silly.” Y/n giggles to her fiancé while she fixes his bow tie. They were at Harry’s best friends wedding. Mitch and Sarah had gotten engaged just a couple months before Harry and Y/n had, Harry now being his best man and Mitch going to their wedding as harrys best man.
“Hush it! I’ve got to walk in-front of all of those people.” Harry whisper yells, pointing to the door where people are slowly trickling in behind.
“Baby.” Y/n says, grabbing his face and looking straight into his eyes- he can instantly senses the eye contact and it makes his cheeks burn. “You look fucking beautiful. You are a dream. After the ceremony is over we are gonna go dance out asses off, and have the time of our lives. You aren’t Gonna have a worry in your mind so don’t get worked up now.” She says, hushing him with a firm kiss to his lips before he can even speak. “Thank you,” he cups her jaw. “I needed that.”
Soon enough Harry is screaming at the top of his lungs while doing the cha-cha slide- his suit jacket slipped off and shirt almost completely unbuttoned.
Night routine:
“Are y’ taking off your makeup, beautiful?” Harry asks from the bed, his voice tired and croaky. Y/n nods from the sink in the bathroom- “yup!” Harry groans, rubbing over his face. “Come take mine off, beauty.”
Y/n laughs at her husband, rolling her eyes while she pats her face dry with a towel. “Baby, you don’t wear makeup!” She yells back, stepping into the door way between their bathroom and bedroom. “Yeah but… come make me pretty. Wanna talk to you.” Y/n rolls her eyes but grabs a sheet mask and other things to doll up her husband nonetheless.
“You don’t need this, you’re pretty enough.” She says, swinging a leg over him and straddling his hips while he relaxes his head down into his pillow while she slides the slimy mask onto his face. “Yeah, yeah. How was your day?”
“It was fine, ****** was a little crazy today, but they went down so good for me during nap time.” Y/n hums. Harry smiles, “good.”
“How the company going?” Y/n giggles on-top of her husband, watching him lips form back into a smile. “It was good, sales are still going up!”
“Was it a good day?”
“Never when I’m away from you.”
Small date- at the fair!:
“No, H, come on! Give me a pretty face.” Y/n giggles, trying to take a Polaroid of him while he makes silly faces, pulling at his cheeks and lips to make himself look crazy. “Okay, okay, I swear. This one I will smile.” Harry makes a pretty face, closing his eyes while he smiles, pulling up his shoulders shyly while he does it. “Awe, you are so pretty.” Y/n coos at her fiancé,. Pulling up the camera to her eye.
As soon as the photo is shot harry is switching poses and shoving his corn dog into his mouth like a mad man. “Damn it Harry!” Y/n yells at her fiancé, making her erupt into giggles, almost making himself fall on the ground.
I realized that I spoiled that part about Harry eventually starting his own company… at least you don’t know what the company is 😭
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For a concept, Auston trying to teach Mia how to skate for the first time?!
A/N: ok, so I was actually going to include this scene in an upcoming part of Just What I Needed, wrote some of it, didn’t love it and then scratched the idea entirely lol. But, you made me want to bring it back from the graveyard that is my google docs and so I finished it and don’t hate it hahaha. Hope it does what you were thinking justice!
Word Count: 2.1k
"You must be joking."
"I assure you that I'm not," Auston replied with a massive grin as he took what looked like a standard shoebox, but you knew better than assuming they'd be something as simple as a pair of shoes with the large CCM logo printed across it. "These are for Mia."
"Auston, she's two," you told him, not being able to keep yourself from smiling at how excited your husband seemed.
"I know, but she's a freaking walking machine, babe. I wouldn't be surprised if she picked up on skating pretty quick too."
At that, you had to laugh because he had a point.
It was the middle of March, and your now two-year-old daughter was all over the place. She loved moving and just being active in any possible way she could. With you being 25 weeks pregnant, it was sometimes tough to keep up with her. But luckily, Auston could, and you weren't even surprised that he'd try teaching her how to skate as soon as he felt she was ready.
"Could you bring her to practice tomorrow, please?" Auston asked, breaking your train of thought. "I haven't told the guys yet, but once we're done, I figured I could try skating around with her a bit and see how she likes it."
"Of course," you told him and pushed away from the doorframe you were leaning against. You then walked further into the kitchen, going right up behind him and wrapping your arms around his middle before leaning against him and placing a soft kiss on his shoulder as you watched him unbox the skates. "How do you know these will fit her?"
"When I took her downtown last week, we went and got her sized for them," he explained, still grinning as he looked over his shoulder at you and leaned down so he could peck your lips. "Then, I ordered a custom pair. I also got her a helmet."
"So extra. But at least you're making sure she's protected," you teased and rested your head against his shoulder as you waited to see what the skated looked like.
Needless to say, you were impressed.
They were a classic pair of black skates, but also the tiniest and cutest pair you had ever seen. The ordinarily white patches that were on the skates were red on these and were paired with a set of light blue laces, coinciding with the two colours Mia had been claiming to be her favourites as of late. But that wasn't what really caught your eye. What stood out the most to you was how the tongue's inner part on each skate had a little AM stitched into them.
"AM?" You asked and glanced up at your husband, expectantly.
"Amelia Matthews," Auston said proudly before closing the box and turning around in your hold so that he could wrap his arms around you. "What do you think?"
"I think they're adorable," you told him honestly. "She's going to love them."
"I guess we'll find out tomorrow," he responded and leaned down to catch your lips in a much longer but very sweet kiss. However, the moment was short-lived when a rustling noise sounded through the monitor that was sitting nearby on the counter, followed by Mia's groggy voice calling for you. "Looks like our girl is up from her nap."
"Looks like it," you agreed and stood on your tiptoes to place one more peck on his lips. "She doesn't know you're home yet. Wanna go surprise her?"
The next day around the time you knew practice would be ending, you and Mia headed to the Ford Performance Centre to pick up Auston. Mia was very excited to see her dad, Mitchy and the other guys, but you were looking forward to seeing how this whole skating lesson Auston had planned would play out.
Once the two of you went inside, it was obvious the guys were just finishing up and would soon be getting ready to leave. They were all huddled up, going over some final things, when a distinctive noise sounded over the guys' muffled chatter on the ice.
"Daddy!" Mia exclaimed excitedly as soon as she spotted Auston, loud enough for everyone to hear. And it wasn't long before Auston's previous sombre-looking demeanour melted away at the sight of his daughter.
Everyone laughed before accepting that it was now the end of practice, and there was nothing else to go over for now.
Auston then skated over to the boards as you set down the bag with Mia's skates in them and other belongings on the bench before turning back around to face your husband.
"Hi, Mini," Auston greeted as he took Mia from you and kissed her on the cheek, making her smile widely before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him.
"Hi, daddy."
Auston then looked back at you and leaned over the boards to peck your lips. "And hello to you too."
You rolled your eyes at his cheesiness but couldn't keep yourself from blushing a little bit. It was ridiculously easy for Auston to get those butterflies that resided in your stomach to flutter like crazy, and he knew it.
Just as you were about to say something back, another voice ruined the moment as they approached.
"Miaaaaaa!" Mitchy exclaimed as he skated up to them, holding his arms out so that Auston could pass his goddaughter to him, not stopping at all, just taking her and skating around a bit as she giggled and clung on to him.
You and Auston watched the two go, grinning widely before he turned back to face you and winked.
"You're looking mighty fine today, Mrs. Matthews," he flirted and leaned against the boards again, smirking at you. "That's a nice hoodie. Where'd you get it?"
"Your side of the closet," you replied and winked suggestively. "Looks better on me, anyways."
"You're not wrong."
A moment later, Mitch returned with your daughter but didn't give her back as more guys came over to say hi to her.
"Whaley, mommy," Mia said as she leaned against Mitch's shoulder and pointed towards her stuffed whale that was resting on the bench beside everything else. "Please."
"Are those skates?" Mo asked as he nodded towards the bag as you moved it to grab the whale and handed it to Mia.
"They are," you confirmed, making all the guys standing nearby light right up.
"No way," Mitchy said as he held onto Mia's whale so she wouldn't drop it. "Are you going to try skating Meems?"
"Uh, huh," she replied before waving to Freddie as he skated over too.
"Well, this should be good," the goalie said as he came to a stop and reached over to ruffle Mia's curls.
"We'll see how it goes," Auston chuckled and took Mia back from Mitch. "C'mon, baby girl, let's get you laced up."
You watched with a smile as he came off the ice and set Mia down on the bench so that he could put her skates and helmet on for her. The guys just about melted over how freaking cute she looked wearing skates for the first time, Mitchy even going to the extent of grabbing your phone from your hand so that he could snap a couple of pictures as Auston finished tying up the first skate.
"You better send those to me," he told you firmly as he handed the device back.
"Yes, Mitch, I will," you responded with a pointed gaze. He then glanced towards the other guys, who were now closer to Auston and Mia, before leaning near you and lowering his voice a bit.
"How're you doing?" He asked and gave you a sympathetic look.
"I'm ok," you told him honestly. "I've been feeling better lately. Just trying to take it easy, so this little one doesn't give me any more troubles."
You then smiled at your cousin and rubbed a hand over your growing belly, making him smile too.
"Good, please keep me posted about everything. I worry about you, and if you ever need Steph or me for anything, we're only a text away."
"I know, Mitchy. Thank you."
Before he could say anything else, Auston was picking Mia up from the bench and taking her onto the ice, which soon captured all of his attention again.
"Steph's going to be so mad you didn't tell her this was happening," he stated before skating off towards your husband and daughter.
A slight feeling of panic washed over you because you knew Steph would most definitely not be impressed by you not telling her that Auston was trying to teach Mia how to skate for the first time but then figured sending her some videos would make up for it.
However, even that plan was soon scrapped when another set of footsteps approached and soon enough, Steph herself was brushing past you.
"Can't believe you were going to let me miss my goddaughter skating for the first time," she grumbled as she set down her bag and grabbed her phone before walking towards you and giving you a sideways hug. "But hi, I missed you. Feeling better?"
"Much," you told her with a chuckle and returned the hug before nodding towards the ice. "Missed you too. Are you ready for this all to go down?"
The two of you then leaned against the boards, side by side and started recording as Auston set Mia down on the ice.
"Daddy," she gasped nervously as she slipped a little bit once her blades touched the slick surface, but Auston was still holding on to her.
"It's ok, Mini," he told her. "I got you; just keep your feet down. I won't let you fall."
He then started pushing off the ice slowly and continued holding her up as the two glided across the ice together. She wobbled a bit, but the longer they did it for, the steadier she became. And she was having the best time going around like that with all her guys out there with her.
Eventually, Auston let go of her once he was positive she could stand in the skates on her own without falling. He stayed level with her, though, ready to catch her if need be as they moved onto the next part of the so-called lesson.
"Ok, baby," Auston started as Mitchy sat on the ice in front of her, no more than two feet away with his arms extended towards her. "Try to get to Mitchy."
"Ok!" She replied excitedly and went to take a step towards him, but slipped and increased your heart rate. "Woah!"
But Auston caught her, causing you to let out an audible sigh of relief as Steph snickered from beside you.
"Told you I got you," Auston told Mia as he helped her stand upright again, then got down on the ice too just so it'd be easier to catch her again, which everyone knew was inevitable. "Always."
For the next ten minutes or so, she tried to make it across the small space that separated her from her Mitchy. She wasn't too successful, which was to be expected, but she gradually became more confident and was genuinely having fun.
Mitch moved a little bit closer as they were getting ready to wrap it up for the day, and on Mia's very last try, she managed to shuffle across the ice into Mitchy's arms.
The other guys, who were now joined by Will and a few others, had skated away a little bit and were gathering pucks left from practice all stopped to watch her final attempt, then cheered and hollered as they watched her do it.
"Yeah, Mia!" They all yelled before quickly skating over to them again, not leading up on their cheering as they approached your very excited toddler.
"I did it!" She squealed happily and smiled at each of her guys as she held onto Mitch so she wouldn't fall.
"You did!" Mo said while taking her from Mitch and sat her on his shoulder as he began skating around. "We'll make a hockey out of you, now won't we?"
"Only if she wants to," Auston chuckled as he stood back up and skated towards them to take his daughter back. "Good job, Mia!"
The way she was absolutely beaming as Auston held her close again, and she immediately clung onto him as he skated back towards the bench had you feeling so happy, it was unexplainable.
You loved everything about your little family and those who have become the most important to your little girl. It was moments like those that reminded you just how loved she was. And that thought alone made everything seem right.
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Episode 2: “In all seriousness, I think I’m just stupid.” - Mo
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Oop, so Madeline went bye bye without hitch. And Mitch lol sort of popped off a bit which turned out rub some people the wrong way.
Well as long as it doesn’t endanger me, it’s ok. Except for the fact that Michael brought up my name to Julia as a potential target just because we haven’t had good talks.
Honestly tho, talking to Michael is hard because he’s like a robot or whatever. He really is a big blue robot or whatever.
Right now, I think I’m in a good spot to not be that worried on Michael. I’ve got an alliance with Jason and Julia. Though we haven’t solidified a duo or whatever, Jared and I are working together as well probably. I’m getting closer with Ali and Benji and I have had talks of watching each other’s back.
So far the potential targets if we lose are Mitch and Noah. I have talks with Mitch and I think he’s sort of a lose cannon but right now he trusts me I think so yeah. People are leaning towards Noah because he talks the least with people.
But I do hope we win immunity, UgH!! I blame Drew for not putting me on a dominating tribe grrrr where’s the monte Rosa winning streak power when you need it.
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AHHHHHH BEEEP BOOOP BEEEP BOOP. This twist sucks. There is a power dynamic that is going on.  Julia, Ben , Ali , and I are in an alliance. Seperataly though. I don't think they are aware of how much strategy I talk with Julia (which is how we want it). It seems Ian Jason are the biggest threats since they are liked and have numbers. BUT I CANT TAKE THEM OUT BECAUSE OF THE TWIST AHDHEUEJIDKD. So it seems Mitch is the target but I can't let Ian and Jason stay too long otherwise I am fucked. It's only a matter of time before they realize what I'm doing and I become a target (maybe even next tribal). BEEEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP
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So last tribal went super smooth. Madeleine bye girl, but you were a ticking time bomb and you needed to go. And you also threw MY precious name out to Jared. In my first confessional I said I didn't want you here, and I got what I wanted. Now we are on this round. A puzzle challenge for immunity? Seriously? This has me FUCKED up boo. But I don't know weather to worry or not about tribal council. Last round, after I stirred the pot a bunch for the Madeleine vote she had an elaborate plan to get Mitch out that I myself pressured her into doing. I let Mitch know about her plan and at tribal shit got interesting. He blew the fuck up on the girl. And this was beautiful. It put a target on his back. So I might just be in the clear. His name will definitely be brought up just for that. This tribe doesn't like crazy explosive people (lol me in crossroads). But I also have gotten so far on this idol board, I might have the chance to snatch that bitch up. Lets pray everything goes well for me!!!
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I realize in hindsight that im coming off as really mean in my confessional, but it was just like,,, in the moment? Yk??? A more concise version - usually when people like JJ fly high and take control early on, people get mad and they crash and burn really quick. So as much as it might break my heart, I might have to let that happen.
Forgot to mention thoughts on relationship statuses atm: Jules says she trusts me Alex says he trusts me Mo says he trusts me JJ says he trusts me Tom is iffy but I feel like we have a stronger relationship? Especially if he’s closer with JJ (which I personally believe he is) he’ll feed him info that’ll go back to me I have a good relationship with evan for the most part ? We talk on and off but we’re both just busy lol Caeleb my grandson/angel and I have a great relationship - we talk about Pokémon a lot Willow and I are iffy but like a fun iffy And David is the most innactive, but we bond over not talking on calls sometimes
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So first things first thank GOD we won immunity I was not getting good vibes from people so I think I would been gone. Anyhoot, I definetly feel like there is an alliance already formed between Tom and JJ for sure and then possibly Jones Jules and lets throw in Alex, Those 5 seemed to be so comfortable and non scrambly this past tribal that im SUS. Going into this challenge wowie a math puzzle, not good for me and it showed! I definitely think we are losing now so I really have to push the vote for like Evan maybe because a bitch wants to stay and he's probably more inactive than I. Listen guys I really want to be on more but as Rihanna said I just gotta Work Work Work Work Work Work so that's that on that. I just hope they let this bitch stay!
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Okay so let's get INTO this:
I know that my biggest weakness is the fact that I don't do a great job at times of talking to people. Ever since Day 1 though I've been making a solid effort to speak to every single person on my tribe two or three times every day.
So let's start with the first reward challenge. I tried really hard because I wanted to make a good first impression challenge wise. I feel like if you put in a solid performance in the first challenge, your tribe will be more understanding if you struggle in a future challenge.
As soon as I saw the flag part of the first immunity challenge, I knew that we were going to probably lose it no matter what, and there was strategy behind me wanting to take it on. Everyone on my tribe was already hyping up the fact that the other tribe had that part in the bag, so I knew that if I put in a solid effort and lost, it would be seen as "He stepped up for us and tried hard even though he had no shot" rather than "he fucked it up for us". I had to step on Madeleine's toes and kind of be rude to make sure that I got to do the flag, but that didn't really concern me since nobody seemed to like her anyway?
Now when it came to the first vote of the season, pretty much the whole damn tribe told me they wanted to do Madeleine. I think the fact that she really didn't talk to anyone until she NEEDED to is what played a major part in her elimination. Honestly, I didn't really like her at all LMAO, so I didn't mind seeing her go home.
The fact that Madeleine was already basically screwed and confirmed to go home was great bc it gave me the opportunity to take advantage of that situation for myself and build up my trust/credibility with other people. Madeleine came to me just a couple of hours before the voting deadline with her plan to get a group of people to vote against Mitch and send him home. I basically just was like "yasss I agree that's a great plan sis omg you're MIND". I asked for a list of who her 'numbers' were before agreeing to vote with her, and of course with her being desperate, she had no choice but to comply. Sis sent me a whole ass list of her alleged allies, and I was gagged becuase literally all of them had been shit talking her and saying that they were voting her out ALL DAY.
I took that information to Mitch and let him know about her plan, which gained me some brownie points and trust building with him. And then I went to the people she listed and was sort of like "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that she's going around telling people who she thinks you're voting for". Overall, I think that Madeleine's messiness really benefited me and my connections with the tribe.
Following Madi's elimination, if I had to rank my tribemates in terms of who I trust most to least, it would work out like this:
1) Julia 2) Ali 3) Mitch 4) Jason 5) Ben 6) Jared 7) Ian 8) Michael
Julia, Ali, Mitch & Jason interact with me the most. They always respond when I message them to start a conversation, and they aren't shy about hitting me up and initiating conversations. Ben, Jared & Ian won't really initiate conversations with me, but if I message them first they'll always message me back pretty quickly and engage with me. With Madeleine gone, Michel is now the most difficult for me to socialize with. Our conversations tend to die quickly if I don't put in maximum effort, which is kind of annoying, but I'll keep trying because I relaly don't want to end up like Madi and have everyone vote me out because I didn't try with them.
I'm kind of nervous at the moment with this vote just bc nobody is really giving me names yet? I'm hoping that the reason why is that they are waiting for tomorrow morning and just don't want to throw out names too early. I feel a bit like Sandra in the sense that as long as it's not me, I don't care. I'm not sacrificing my game for ANY of these people. That's what I love about these TS orgs; these people aren't my friends and I don't feel bad at all about sending any of them home LOL.
I'm really hoping to form a more formal alliance soon, but I want to be VERY cautious. I'd rather keep it small with just a few people that I trust not to go throwing me under the bus and leaking shit. An ideal situation would be me, Julia, Ali & Mitch as a strong foursome, but I need to talk to them separately as individuals first and try to figure out if any of them are already in group chats/alliances before I try to pull them into a commitment. The last thing I want is to try to form an alliance with people that are already set in other groups.
Anyway, I'm just going to try to continue being super social and hope that it plays out in my favor. BTW this twist is evil and I despite it, but I'm just going to have to work with it and adapt.
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tom was really drunk and messaged me all these nice things so i really want to make him my ally now even though he's messy!!!
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Well, today we probably lost the competition. Considering I was 4x faster than my maze partner. Willow doesn't know how to do math. David probably hasn't done his competition.
But in the same light, Evan and I did really well in our competitions. So, who knows? I might actually like to lose a competition. It would be interesting to see if people's heads are actually where they say they are.
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I’m so upset, I always get fucking challenges in games that I CAN’T do I don’t know how to do it. Then we talk about our scores and Evan was like oh I did it in a minute but I could of done it quicker if I had a mouse and I’m just like I SCORED 16 MINUTES AND IM FINE BECAUSE I DIDN'T SCORE OVER TWENTY MINUTES.
In all seriousness I think I’m just stupid. Like when I was doing the challenge I was confident. I always go in with a “I’m gonna do great!” attitude and then I hear about how well the others did and it’s like getting hit by a car.
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I'd also like to give an update on how I feel about everybody in this game.
Alex seems like he's the person I'd like to work with most, but he also seems the most hesitant to commit to any kind of long term alliance. Jules & Jones are really difficult to tell apart, but they're both lovely people. They seem to be super open to working together, and they both compliment me out the butt hole. Tom is really sweet. He seems to be very easily woo'd by attention and compliments, which shouldn't be too difficult. He's like. Super cute and very fun to talk to. Mo is cool, we share a lot of the same sense of humor, lots of the same references. Its also super comforting that he's also on the same timezone as I am. Evan seems really cool. I feel awful about never responding to his messages on time, which could really hurt my game. Caeleb is so fuckin cute. Like he's just a wholesome lil bean, I don't know how he's going to survive in such a cutthroat game like survivor. Maybe that's his strategy, have everyone underestimate him. Maybe he's scary and spooky. ^ Y'all really got me out here talking like a tumblrina.. Anyways, onto Willow. We seem to have the same conversation everyday and it never really goes anywhere. Awkwardddd. For David, whenever he does go on call, he never talks, and it just becomes this awkward silence, he really brings down tribe morale.
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https://youtu.be/71NJ9oc-WrI <- Video didn’t embed
Video afterthoughts: According to Alex JJ seems more interested in the idea of a swap happening and is now turning onto the idea of voting David? I’m gonna actually talk to jules about how they feels tho bc they said they trust me and I wanna like,, show the trust in return? I want them to feel good w me as much as I feel good w them
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It seems like me and Julia created the vote once again, and AGAIN it is not traced back to us. Michael is under the impression he created the vote (lol) which is good for us, no blood on our hands. The reasoning behind planting Mitch and Michael as targets into people's head was to see how they scrambled so we could flush every alliance. We now know Mitch and Michael are working together. If all goes well it should be unanimous (if we even had to go to tribal).
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We didn't go to tribal the first time around so David got to stick around. I have an odd feeling that we didn't win immunity so tonight will be the actual chance to do so. I really do think it'll be him because he's so inactive and I think its best to keep our tribe active and playing rather than scrambling and weak. Plus I have talked to many people about it so it would be a pretty big blindside if it was someone else and I would be left aghast!
JJ is clearly an influencer in the tribe, and I think he likes me and wants to keep me around and I am perfectly fine being a number in his game. At least for the time being, because at this point that's a strong strategy for me. I think I am making real genuine connections that I can profit from, both strategically but also personally because we have some fun people here :).
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okay so this is the end, hold your breath and count to ten. i'm going home. i can just sense it, its my time and i can feel it hap-hap-happenin'. the vote is theoretically noah, but everyone is going quiet so i think its me. my takeaways are that i was too wishywashy, and left myself vulnerable due to my poor social game.
in other news, if the vote is noah i will be SHOCKED. i think we will probs swap too, so we will see. I think it wont matter this is the end, I'm going byebye very very soon rippy rip!
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https://youtu.be/KdBeFE1iYWg <- Video Confessional from Day 6
https://youtu.be/ZQZ1ktG2lU0 <- Tribal Council #2 Vote
(Both did not embed)
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Day Numero 6; Honestly nothing is popping off in this game for me! So hard to type a confessional because i could be highly naive about my position in this game and i could be getting votes tonight but i have not heard any names except for david once again. 
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
A Puck and A Date- JVR
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Ok anon gave me free reign of players and I haven't done a JVR one in a while and I need my fix! Lol! Also check out @nhl-hockey-fanfic! She has a William Nylander 14 parter that is awesome as well!
Warnings: None!
Anon Request: Hey could you do an imagine where a player hits you with a puck and he feels really bad about it and asks you out on a date? The player can be anyone, sorry if that doesn't make any sense. I love your writing by the way 💙
              You don't remember it happening.
              Heck, you don't even remember the last play made before it happened!
              All you knew is that you woke up staring at a white ceiling with fluorescent lights beaming so brightly that you had to close your eyes again.
              "(Y/N)?" your best friend asked worriedly. "Are you awake?"
              "I'm gonna say yes because if Heaven is this bright, Jesus and I need to have a talk." A laugh bubbled up out of your friend's mouth as well as another unidentified male chuckle.
              "Lights are off now." You opened your eyes and looked around.
              "Where are we?" you blurted.
              "The training room, apparently" your friend responded. "Do you remember what happened?"
              "We were at a hockey game" you said.
              "What game?" the male voice asked.
              "Uhhh... Leafs and Sens" you said. "Woah buddy! Who are you?" you demanded as he grabbed your wrist.
              "I'm the team's doctor. Reemer asked me to take a look at you. I'm just taking your pulse."
              "Oh." Well now you felt stupid.
              You waited as the doctor took all your vitals and looked in your eyes with his small flashlight.
              "Any dizziness, nausea, anything out of the ordinary?"
              "Just a headache" you said.
              "Well that's to be expected when you get a puck bounced off of it" he chuckled.
              "WHAT?" You looked to your friend for help.
              "Yup" she confirmed. "JVR was trying to clear it and it flew up over the glass and knocked you right upside the head."
              "Oh my god! Were people looking?"
              "Babe" she said slowly. "It knocked you out."
              "Reemer convinced the trainers to save you from the paramedics and let me take a look at you. You have a concussion but other than that all your scans look ok" the doctor said flipping through some papers.
              "So I can go? Before anyone sees my face?"
              "I'd suggest you wait here until the crowds clear. Also" he paused looking up from his paperwork. "Reemer asked us to keep you until after the game so he could see you."
              "He wants to see me?" you asked dumbfounded. You looked down at your JVR jersey. "I can't meet him!" The doctor chuckled.
              "It would be easier now than having him track you down. He's very persistent. I'll leave you ladies alone for a bit." The doctor slid out of the room and you turned to your friend.
              "What?" she asked.
              "Am I dreaming? I can't meet JVR! I'm wearing his jersey!"
              "He wants to see you. As the oldest sibling, he's probably used to getting what he wants."
              "But, but, but I love him!"
              "Yeah? So? It'll be a good thing. He'll see you and fall madly in love with you!"
              "No way! Uh-uh! We need to get out of here now!" You sat up on the bed you were still laying on. You pressed a hand to your head as the room started to spin.
              Too fast.
              "You have two choices" your friend said. "Wait and meet JVR and deal with it for 5 minutes while he says sorry or go out in public and face the crowds. Your choice." You groaned as the final horn sounded. Looks like it made the choice for you.
              "You're not a good friend."
              "I'm the best friend! I let you get hit so you could meet JVR. I want an invite to the wedding" she teased. You glared at her. You looked up as someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" she called.
              "Oh my god" you breathed as the door opened to reveal a sweaty JVR.
              "I'll just wait outside" your friend said, squeezing your hand. "Good game, JVR."
              "Thanks" he smiled at her as she passed by him. As the door closed, you noticed how much of the room he took up. "Um, hey there."
              "Hey" you smiled. "I wish I could have seen the win."
              "Doesn't happen often" he joked. You laughed. "How are you feeling?"
              "I got a headache, but other than that I feel fine."
              "Ok good. That's good." He paused. "As soon as I saw it hit you I felt horrible. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
              "Win the next however many games will get us into the playoffs?" you suggested. JVR laughed.
              "I can do my best. But I was thinking more along the lines of dinner?" Your eyebrows rose in surprise, making your headache worse.
              "What?" you asked, rubbing your head. JVR went to a refrigerator along the wall and opened the top compartment, pulling out a blue ice pack. He wrapped it in a towel before setting it on your head. "Cold" you shivered.
              "It'll help."
              "So will Tylenol and sleep" you said. JVR chuckled. "Now can we go back to dinner?"
              "Sure. I need a shower first but..."
              "Woah I never said yes to dinner."
              "Oh. Right." JVR pushed a hand through his sweaty hair. "Well, uhhh..."
              "(Y/N)" you said with a smile.
              "(Y/N)" he repeated. "Well (Y/N), I'd really like to take you to dinner as both a sorry and a date."
              "Oh um..." JVR's cheeks pinkened slightly. "Figured I should ask a pretty girl wearing my jersey out while I have the chance. I don't see many of those with Auston and Mitch around." You laughed. "So what do you say? Dinner?"
              "I guess I could be ok with dinner." His face brightened.
              "Great!" He pointed behind him. "I'm going to go shower."
              "I guess I should break the news to my friend."
              "Yeah. I'll send her in." He turned and left the room, your friend stepping back inside.
              "I change my mind" she said. You frowned at her. "I don't just want an invitation. I better be freaking maid-of-honor!"
Omg I love JVR! As if you guys didn't know that! So anon I hope you enjoyed this! Up next: Tyler Seguin!
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Gotta share with the people how you think Carson reacted to the cross check situation. Only cause I like your idea and think it needs to be known
Oooof omg ok so I was talking to @goingdelux18 yesterday just thinking out loud lol but Carson would’ve been so torn up about the cross checking situation. Like she’s been with Auston since his rookie year and has never seen him get THAT aggressive and so that itself would rub her a weird way and then on top of the possibility of him being suspended for it (which has now happened) she just wouldn’t know what to think or do. Like after the game yesterday she’d know that he was frustrated about it and wouldn’t want to make him snap or anything and so she’s just kind of awkward and doesn’t know how to approach it which of course Auston picks up on especially with how she’s just quiet and doesn’t say much when he knows of course she’s worrying about it all and like of course she’d believe him if he said he didn’t mean for the hit to be to the head and she just again wouldn’t know what to think and would be nervous and concerned about the possibility of a suspension because she doesn’t really know what that entails and Auston’s never been in a situation like this. And then when she does say something after they get home and get Mia in bed I could see Auston telling her she doesn’t need to worry and that he has it under control but that doesn’t make her feel any better about the situation at all and so she’s kind of like “oh… ok” and says she’s going to go shower or something because she just feels overwhelmed and I could see her confiding in Mitchy about how she’s feeling about it all and I think Mitch would be the one to make her realize how although what she’s feeling is completely valid, Auston really needs her in a moment like that. And so her hiding essentially because she’s stressed most definitely isn’t going to make Auston feel any better, if anything, worse because she’s upset. And it’s just a bit of an eye opener for her that she didn’t even realize she wasn’t really supporting Auston in that situation because she was overwhelmed and of course she’d want to change that and go back out and talk to him immediately. And that talk would make a world of difference, just her letting him vent and accepting that whatever happens will happen and they’ll move forward from it together
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