#RR's Rattles
tachvintlogic · 1 year
The Pitstop
It was a normal day at the Justice League Watchtower Satellite. Heroes were milling about, Batman was monitoring Earth from the deck, there was an astronaut tapping on the glass, Flash was joking with Martian Manhunter...
What, what was that 3rd thing?
Batman looked up and saw in front of his view of Earth was an astronaut, wearing NASA's latest suit design. He stood up which alerted Flash and Martian Manhunter to the strange sight.
He tensed as the astronaut began to phase through the walls and entered the deck. Batman was able to activate the intruder alarm when the astronaut removed their helmet.
The astronaut was a caucasian male approximately in his early forties. There were bags under his blue eyes like many of his own cohorts, and he had black hair as well.
"We need to dock."
"Excuse me?"
"Who are you?" asked Martian Manhunter.
The astronaut's face brightened immediately upon noticing Martian Manhunter. "Oh! I'm part of the manned Mars mission! We just launched and were on our way, but something is making a weird noise, and we don't know what it is. Since we're so close, can we just dock one of your garages so we can figure out what it is and fix it?"
Batman recalled that NASA had launched less than a few hours ago.
"How did you get through the glass?" asked Flash.
"I'm the token metahuman crewmember. So can we dock or not?"
"Of course," said Martian Manhunter, looking at Batman. And what was Batman supposed to say? No?
In the parking garage, Martian Manhunter was talking the other crewmembers while the Watchtower's engineers and the metahuman astronaut, who they learned was named Danny Fenton, inspected the space shuttle and tried to figure out what was making the strange noise.
Batman watched from the sidelines as the others bustled about. They had been at it for an hour, and Batman wondered if he should ask Tim to come by and help. He had informed Tim of the development while the astronauts were docking. After all, he had been involved in some of the designs of this particular spacecraft that were done by Wayne Aerospace.
He was doubtful that Tim could help that much. After all, in all likelihood it wasn't something he designed that was the problem.
Then, one of the engineers fiddled with something and Batman suddenly heard loud rattling.
A crewmember who was listening to Martian Manhunter startled and their eyes widened. "That's it! That's the sound!"
"What it that?" asked Batman.
The engineer pulled out a piece of equipment that had the Wayne Enterprise logo on it. "This module is broken," she said, "it could be repaired but honestly," she inhaled sharply, "this thing is a hot mess."
Mr. Fenton jumped and landed on the ship like the artificial gravity didn't affect him. When he saw the logo on the broken equipment, he shook his fist at the sky.
"Of course it's something by Wayne Industries! We give them half our budget hoping they're share some cool alien inspired technology like whatever they did to build this satellite and instead we get half-assed garbage!"
Batman made a point to not share the latest gadgets with the US government (he didn't trust them), but he wouldn't call their products that weren't built using alien tech garbage. That seemed a little harsh.
"Seriously, was the person who designed this sleep-deprived when they made this?" Suddenly Batman found the walls and floor to be incredibly interesting and looked away.
"Oh that's par for the course when it comes to the stuff they give us."
"I am so sorry."
As they discussed how to improvise a replacement for the equipment quickly enough to avoid drastically altering the astronaut's flight path, Batman got a text from Tim.
So I'm free now. Did the astronauts figure out what was wrong or do they need me? - RR
He texted back.
They figured it out. The engineers have it handled. - B
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darth-jayne · 3 months
I've had a sci-fi story idea rattling around my brain for... I dunno, a long time now, and it finally started flowing out onto the page last night and I got a solid few hundred words down that I'm really happy with.
I don't know if this is going to go to short story length or further or what, but I was *writing* again!
I stayed up literally all night until I suddenly noticed the birds were chirping and it wasn't super dark out the window anymore. Crashed out for a REM cycle and then woke up astonishingly soon feeling surprisingly good. Haven't even had a nap today, been busy doing parenting.
I have another pile of paragraphs with delusions of novel that has been sitting untouched for an actual decade because I had been reading entirely too much George RR Martin when I started working on it and put some distasteful things in that were nigh-unto load bearing for the plot, and I felt painted into a corner by wanting to take some things out but not knowing how to salvage the continuity.
This morning I thought of a simple, elegant workaround that needs basically one scene added, two modified, and a wording changed on the prophecy and bada bing, tada boom, that could feel safe to work on again soon too.
I think it'll actually make more sense this way than what came out while I was very near rock bottom!
Hell of a good solstice night/ first day of the season!!
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melrosing · 1 year
There's something that bothers me about your outline for RR, and that's dates of different events, that are mixed
Jaehaerys dies in 262 AC, and at that date, Rhaegar is only 3, Tywin and Joanna aren't married (the year after), and the twins won't be born before 266 AC. Unless Jaehaerys II had a long reign in your version, having Aerys meeting his future murderer when Tywin becomes his Hand is a bit complicated
But I like your idea and how you see the events during Aerys' reign!
(Another thing, but that's more about the decisions that surprised me in the show: Jaehaerys II Targaryen's generation has been cut out of the show, making Egg Aerys' father)
Oh yeah I note at the start of part one that Jaehaerys just has a longer reign in this version - it’s one of those things that works fine when you’re just rattling off events and can skip some non-years inbetween (as AWOIAF does), but for purposes of adaptation things need to be a bit tighter. So cutting years that add nothing to the story keeps things at pace!
There do need to be time jumps in some places or it would be Aerys vs a bunch of 5-10 year olds, but the initial few years of his reign without Tywin I figured was an easy cut.
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yolacricket · 6 months
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gravelish · 2 years
Coeur d’Alene Loop (Day 2)
Avery to St. Maries ID
29 September 2022
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The basic plan for the second day was simple - just follow the St. Joe River 48 miles downstream to St. Maries. The main road does this, switching sides of the river a couple of times, but while that would have been paved, it also would have had narrow shoulders and log trucks. I chose to follow the alternate route, which sticks to gravel roads on the opposite side of the river, much of it on the old Milwaukee RR grade. There were almost no cars and I could barely hear the trucks across the valley over the noise of the wet gravel in my drivetrain.
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The rain arrived last night, as forecast, and it kept up all day long. I lingered in Avery with a faint hope that the harder rain might pass, but by 10:30 I had to head out. The route along the river was pretty, even in the rain, and with a couple of brief exceptions it was flat (dropping 400 feet over the entire day). The gravel surfaces varied enormously. Some were great. Some were not. The rockier sections were okay, but the worst was the last 10 miles where fresh gravel and bad washboard made riding unpleasant.
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I stopped at the Calder Store for lunch about halfway through. I had heard that the trail was closed at the Bear Creek Bridge just west of Calder, but that it could be bypassed on the Trout Lake Road. This added some small hills, since the road climbs the valley side above the old rail line, but worked well. The only problem was that I couldn’t tell where to cut back to the rail trail on the west end of the closed section given most of the potential options were posted ‘Private.’ But I found something that worked.
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I rode into St. Maries around 5:00 and hosed off the bike before checking in. I washed the mud off my clothes and gear, cleaned up the sand (that seemed to be everywhere), and headed to the Pizza Factory for dinner.
Today was a good reminder that riding in the rain on wet gravel can quickly remove dry chain lube, can lead to all sorts of strange rattling in the gears, and will sand off resin brake pads right down to bare metal!
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ravenousrhyndac · 3 years
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Winter Watching
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lemon-natalia · 4 years
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'"It's just a sword," she said, aloud this time . . . but it wasn't. Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. [...] The Many-Faced God can have the rest, she thought, but he can't have this.' - Arya II, AFfC, George RR Martin
Decided to draw one of my all-time favourite Arya scenes, as she gives up needle outside the House of Black and White
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black-streak · 5 years
Saturday night's alright for fighting (but Sundays are meant for rest) - Who's Vixen?
Part 8
The trolls have it, no cuddling here. No Jasons were harmed in the making of this chapter, though I would love to see what you guys think she was doing with the cloth. Tim might have thoughts on how he finds them.
Tagged people! They're here! @poshplumcot @emjrabbitwolf @mystery-5-5 @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @fandomkitty8 @dast218 @silvergold-swirl @shizukiryuu . @my-name-is-michell @kurogaya913 @elspethshadow @thecatnipmademedoit @shamefullove. @littleblue5mcdork
If anyone asked Marinette what possessed her to think taunting Red Hood was a good idea, she'd immediately shove Plagg in their face and run. Truly, it had to be that damned cat's influence making her into the petty creature she resembled right now. 
Sure, three weeks had passed since Jason had interrupted her first true masked interaction with Red Robin, but that only meant she'd had time to plan for this.
She'd evaded the others easily, knowing Robin and Red would be on the lookout for her specifically, but that didn't mesh well with what she wanted to come of tonight. Either one could interrupt later, but for now, she needed Hood alone.
Grateful the flute never manifested on this merged suit, she imagined the illusion she wished to create. Building the magic beneath her claws, Tuemessian scraped once across the concrete, allowing a gray tabby cat to manifest where she pulled back from. Down below, she saw Red Hood turn at the sound, looking up and seeing the cat tracing a path down the pipes onto a fire escape and down into the alley beside him.
Picking her way across the roof, she watched as he disregarded the cat, making way for the fire escape the cat just exited. Upon reaching the top, he looked around the roof, only to find the same cat sitting on the roof ledge, watching him.
Hood only stared a moment before shaking his head and looking ahead, seemingly mapping out a way across the rooftops before taking off.
And so the chase began.
Every roof he stopped on for more than a moment, the same cat would appear, stalking across the edge of his vision. Only now every time he turned to look, the creature disappeared.
After four or five reappearances, Hood turned unexpectedly, catching the cat in his sights, gun pointed at the devilish creature. 
Seemingly nonplussed by his threat, the cat leaned forward on its perch and sniffed the barrel of the gun before meowing at him and jumping down the side of the building.
Looking over the edge, he watched it pick its way over to a dumpster and disappear inside it. Heaving a sigh, he took its place sitting upon the roof ledge. He still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Dropping his covered head into his hands, he took a few deep breaths through the helmet, contemplating taking it off a moment just to stave off the claustrophobic paranoia. Only for water to rain down on his head.
"What tHE FUCK," Hood yelled, jumping up only to have a cloth wrap around the mask, rubbing back and forth across the surface. Twisting and reaching out simultaneously to throw off his attacker, he was met with air. Rapidly turning in a circle, he found the spot he sat in still wet, cloth on the ground at his feet. So not his imagination. Something was following him.
Oh, game on.
Running over the rooftops again, he focused in on anything behind him, listening for even the slightest breath of air, a single scratch of concrete, anything. 
Feeling a shift of air right behind him, he dropped down and swept his foot behind him, bracing for impact, only to find none.
An indistinct giggle sounded to his left and he launched himself towards the sound, only to force into a tuck roll when no impact came. Landing on his feet, he took off once more, still focusing behind himself, only to have his arm yanked on, veering him to the right, only then noticing the billboard he almost ran headlong into. Stopping short once more, he pressed his back against the darkened side of the sign, peering out into the night before him, assessing the situation.
One, someone was following him. Obviously.
Two, they were toying with him. It pissed him off to no end, but nothing had been violent as of yet.
Three, they prevented his dumbass from faceplanting into… 
Peaking around the edge of the sign, he saw it was an advertisement for Wayne Enterprises newest project. Oh, that just fucking figures.
Three, they prevented him from the embarrassment of bashing his face into his family's billboard. He'd never hear the end of it had someone caught That on camera.
Okay… so the presence was most likely benevolent, if a little playful and sneaky as all hell. 
Giving a rattling, bone deep sigh, still watching the empty space before him, he reached up and clicked on his comm for the first time that night, switching to a specific channel.
"Yo, babybird."
It took a moment too long for the other end of the line to click open, but he waited, knowing the lack of desire to respond to the nickname was the only reason for the hesitation.
"What is it, Hood?"
"Your shadow get bored of you?"
"....how do you mean."
"Pretty sure it's following me."
".... Good luck with that."
Jerking forward, he yelled over the com, "What do you mean, good luck?! Come collect it, it obviously likes you more!"
"No it doesn't, you just said it was bored of me."
"It helped you though!"
"... What exactly did it do to you then?"
"...Nothing violent. But it obviously has Something against me."
He was met with radio silence for a solid minute. Hood was beginning to think RR might have turned his end off and left him to his fate, in which case he was going to personally hunt the bird down and make him take the damn stalker back. Suddenly, the line flicked back open.
"I'm in route, hold tight."
And with that, the line went quiet. He considered comming Batman as well if only to fill him in on the situation, only to shake the thought away, 'Fuck that, he'd just over react. Harmless or not, he'd attack for simply walking on his terf.'
In his distraction, Hood forgot the space he created behind his back. That is, until he felt a hand pressing into the tense muscles of his upper back, right into the tender spot by the shoulder blade where a knot had formed. Reacting without thought, he reached over and locked his hand around a tiny wrist. 
At first, all he felt was shock. Four months of trying to even prove the existence of this shadow and now he holds it by the wrist. That was when he saw it. The same tabby cat from earlier at the edge of the roof. The second he spotted it, the cat was on the move, claws bared and teeth glinting as it hurled itself towards him.
Pulling his arm around, forcing the wrist to follow, he used the shadow, that now was an indistinct black blur, as a human shield. It seemed to wrap around him and suddenly the cat was gone. Sitting stock still and gripping the wrist a little tighter, he watched for the cat to reappear only to hear a giggle in his ear. 
Part of the blur pulled back and revealed catlike eyes that would put Selina's costume to shame, the iris a vibrant glowing blue bleeding into silvery gray scleras. The second he took note of the eyes, the rest of a body became apparent, settled into his lap, legs wrapped around his torso and wrist held in his hand the other coming up and quickly tugging his helmet off, tossing it aside in a swift movement before he could react. Red chose that moment to land on the other end of the rooftop.
The creature tilted its head, something in the hood flicking at Red Robin's voice, but eyes not leaving Hood, looking like a predator having trapped its prey after a long hunt. Which meant no sense since he caught her.
"Get off him."
'Vixen' as littlebird called him, arched their back, using the captive wrist and tightened legs as a tether point to go back further until they were looking back at his brother from an upside down vantage.
"Aww, I was just having a little fun. He interrupted mine after all."
"Come here, little shadow."
With that, they pulled free of his grip like it was nothing, twisting off him and disappearing, only to reappear in front of Red, pressed into his space and bushy tail swishing behind them. His brother seemed completely unfazed by the visual confirmation of the nonentity that had been stalking them all this time.
"So you decided to finally trust another?"
Giggling, the figure pulled the hood down from their head, ears popping out from under it, probably what had been twitching earlier.
"Yeah, figured I'd mess with him while I still had anonymity on my side," the voice finally took on a tone, sounding feminine and painfully familiar.
Coming out of his stupor at this display of casual trust between the two, Hood loudly cleared his throat, gaining the attention of both.
"Hey Red, Vixen. Excuse me, but what the fuck is going on here?"
The rather small girl? Woman? Whatever. Turning towards him, the facial features and hair came into view along with that same soft, female voice, seemingly taking notice of him again.
"Hiya Jason."
"... Pixie pop?!"
"Damn, how much of the glamor did you take off?" Red asked.
"Most of it. My face looks like mine smeared in paint with weird eyes to him right now," she stated, making her way back over to him and offering a hand.
"You're the goddamned shadow that's been driving Bats in circles?!"
"Well yeah. But it's okay! Alfred knows."
"Of fucking course Alfred knows, he knows everything… but you know as well. All of us?"
She nodded solemnly.
Letting out a sigh, he ruffled her hair only to stop as his hand hit an ear.
"So what the hell is with this getup anyways?"
"You heard about the whole situation with a ladybug a few years back in Paris?"
"Yeah, with the magic shit that barred us all from the city, I remember. You telling me it's connected to that?"
"Let's just say it's the same source of power. I'll tell you more another time. Point is, the fox bits are real in costume, so gentle please?"
Immediately tugging at an ear tip, dragging an upset whine from her, "I don't know, should I be nice to someone who was perfectly content messing with me all night?"
Smacking his hand away, she pouted, not paying attention as Red immediately put his hand on top of her head in a soothing motion.
"You deserved it."
"Oh yeah, and how is that?"
"Startled me three weeks ago on a rooftop when I was stalking Red. You were waiting for me to make myself a little more solid so you could catch me!"
"Well excuse me, little grudge keeper, but I wouldn't have tried to catch you if you'd just let us know it was you. When did you get so vindictive anyways?" He asked, gaze flickering to the casual contact between the two in front of him before brushing it off as their unusual form of comfort they seemed to have with one another.
"Oh yeah, because Batman is always so welcoming to anyone in his city who seems not completely human. And you're not the most inviting vigilante yourself there. Really, would you have accepted me as a non threat if I did just immediately reveal myself."
"Alright alright, point taken, kid."
Seeming to fidget in place, she looked up at him, tugging the fabric normally covering her mouth up a bit to hide under.
"You're not upset, are you?"
Softening, he pulled her into a bear hug, enveloping her into his chest, "Course not, sweetheart. I'm going to get you back for that stunt you pulled earlier though!" He threatened, ruffling the hair between her ears once more.
"Try and retaliate and I'll tell everyone about you almost running face first-mrph," he cut her off by smothering her face further into his chest.
"Point made! We should get going, yeah?"
Pulling free, she glared up at him, before making way to the edge of the roof, Red following them.
"How long have you known your shadow was Mari, anyways?"
"Hey! Codenames only."
"Right, Vixen."
"Actually it's Tuemessian," she deflects, changing the topic and jumping on Red's back, much to Hood's amusement.
"Oh yeah, like the Greek fox?"
"Hmm, destined to never be caught. Pretty fitting, though the original mythos has you created to punish Thebes for its crimes."
"And that isn't what I'm doing?"
Blinking back, he stopped a moment, "oh hell, you really thought it through, didn't you?"
She disappeared from sight, though a trained eye could see the fold in fabric where her weight settled around Red, who was surprisingly quiet throughout the encounter.
"Mmm," she hummed in that weird mix of voices once more.
Taking off across the rooftops once more, he realized one crucial detail he missed, "You knew she was your shadow this whole time!" He called after them, receiving a bark of laughter in return.
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debiteful · 4 years
for a writing request, may I ask for some digestion vore with a female cha/rr pred from gu/ild wars 2 with human prey, with a little fearplay?
Honestly I almost didn't do this one because it's fandom specific, but after a quick google I guessed I could do a passable job. I have never heard of this game before so I hardly know the setting, or the size difference between a charr and a human. Hopefully this does the request justice!
Content: female charr pred (anthro cat), human unwilling prey, soft vore, fatal vore, painful digestion, fearplay, belly bulge, minor size difference
The fearsome warrior put a clawed foot on my chest, pinning me to the ground. I felt like a beetle, flailing around on the ground. My movements ceased as the tip of her sword came to rest against my throat. Her lips curled back to reveal sharp fangs and a snarl rumbled in her throat.
"Just finish me already," I panted, my breath rattling past my lips. Her sword flicked back then swung past my face to bury into the ground. To my shame a small squeak escaped; I had always wanted to face death stoically.
Her foot lifted off of me and she dropped to her knees. Holding onto the hilt of her sword, she leaned over me until we were nose to nose. Her hair fell down around her face, and her eyes were hard, glittering emeralds. These details hardly mattered, but my still racing mind took it all in.
This close, I could feel her hot breath wash over my face as she spoke, "Your death will be a slow one my felled foe. You're gonna be plunged into a hot, dark place and feel yourself be torn into innumerable pieces."
Her words made my heart race. Just what sort of torment was she going to inflict upon me? Where could she take me in such an isolated place? She was surely powerful, but a live man was not easy to carry off. No, this had to be somewhere near, but where?
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as if she could see the panicked thoughts racing through my mind. She sheathed her sword and pulled out a curved dagger. Reflected light flashed across the blade and I flinched away. Was she going to cut me up?! When I felt the tip slip under my armor and press into my skin, I took a deep breath. This time I was determined to not make a sound.
"You're awfully brave for now, but," with a flick of her wrist she cut a strap of my armour, "We'll see how long that lasts." 
She licked her lips and set to work. Between that knife and her powerful hands, she easily tore away my last line of protection. Now I lay in my under shirt and pants at her mercy.
She ran her claws down my cheek and I shuddered. Just what was going to happen? I couldn't make myself say a word. 
A moment later she made it truly impossible as that paw wrapped around my throat and lifted my face to eye level as she sat there. Her eyes roamed across my face, and though I closed my eyes tightly, I could feel her gaze burn across the rest of me. 
I heard a wet noise, only to have her rough tongue take across my entire face. I gasped, opening my eyes to see her maw open wide. That muscular tongue flicked back out and snapped my mouth shut. My face was pushed up along the saliva covered surface and into her mouth. Her jaws closed around me, and I kicked out my legs frantically. She made a small cough as I jolted forward, but a few powerful gulps had my face squished into her throat. Those muscles rippled over my face, smothering me and trying to take me in further.
I felt her arms wrap around me and shove me in further. My flailing legs meant nothing as she forced me into her esophagus. Her jaws opened and closed as if reflexively, gently chewing and pressing those fangs harmlessly against my shoulders then back then thighs.
Bit by bit I slid down into her stomach. From the start the space felt so small. It gave me a moment to breathe but then my whole head filled it. With my face pressed against the slimy folds, it began to stretch to accommodate my shoulders, my torso, and finally my legs. I was forced to curl and though it stretched around me, every moment was resisted.
Once I was completely down, I tried to settle into some sort of comfortable position. None was to be found. I gave up, relaxing with all my limbs jumbled together inside of this brute. Only then could I feel the movement all around. With a great many gurgles, the belly walls shifted around me. It felt as if it was trying to compact me even further, though my body wouldn't budge.
I wasn't quite sure when it started, but now I could feel fluids pooling with me. Slimy fluid dripped down into the few gaps between my contorted body parts. I was quite aware of when it began to burn. The fluid was eating away at me, tearing at my flesh and breaking me down inside this inescapable stomach.
Though he was no longer aware, the powerful warrior was still enjoying him. Her belly bulged out pleasurably past her armour, growling loudly. His movements had been amusing to watch, but now the surface was smoothly rounded, calm. When she rubbed at it, she could feel it soften up by the minute. Before long she was able to give deep massaging strokes that only encouraged the process as a whole. 
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strafethesesinners · 4 years
17 Questions
17 Get to know me questions. Answer 17 questions then tag 17 people you want to get to know better. Tagged by @f0xyboxes thank you!! 
1.Nicknames: Never had one. I’ve been referred to as “Strafe” a couple of times on here and honestly that would be a WICKED nickname but I’m not going to ask anyone to call me that...
2.Zodiac: Pisces
3.Height: 5′6″(167.64cm)
4.Hogwarts House (you can change this one to something else if you don’t like HP, idk like D&D class or Divergent Faction or something): honestly don’t know. Way back when Pottermore first started I made an account and got Hufflepuff, then a few years later I forgot my login and made a new one and got Gryffindor, then when they changed it up I made a new one and got Slytherin....
5.Last Thing I Googled: Taco Bell Menu/Sunday hours for the one near me
6.Song Stuck In My Head: “Orange Crush” R.E.M
7.Number of Followers: 102 (!!!!)
8.Amount of Sleep: my sleep schedule is nonexistent. I guess on average though I get like 6 hours, then if I have the day off I’ll sleep for like 12 (not straight, I wake up every couple of hours or so)
9.Lucky Number: don’t have one
10.Dream Job: No job at all. “I don’t dream of labor” as they say.
11.Wearing: pajamas
12.Favorite Song: uh literally hundreds haha. I’ll go by my favorite songs of the past couple of weeks which have been “American Jesus” by Bad Religion, “True Faith” by New Order, and “the Passenger” by Iggy Pop.
13.Favorite Instrument: don’t play any but to listen to I guess guitar or banjo
14.Aesthetic: Virginia summer nights filled with fireflies, loud music and friends. Purple crocuses, dirty plates and cups stacked on dusty dressers, the smell of laundry detergent and faint scent of wheat beer, old band t-shirts from your teens, the slightly musty smell of an old car interior, the whir of a computer fan, the smell and sound of fizz from a just opened energy drink, split lips and the faint taste of blood, muffled sound of heavy metal through headphones, the rattle of pill bottles in the bottom of a purse, worn out combat boots and overlarge flannel shirts...
15.Favorite Author: JRR Tolkien, George RR Martin, Susan Cooper, Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, lots more.... Do poets count? I have more favorite poets than novel authors I think. I’m big into the Romantics (Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley, Whitman) and Modernists (WB Yeats, TS Eliot etc.). And Victorian era poets too (Matthew Arnold and Robert Browning...) (I really need to get back into reading though, I just keep reading the same books over and over.....)
16.Favorite Animal Noise: spring peeper frogs and toads singing, and cats purring. 
17.Random: don’t hate me but I never could get into to Pokemon like, at all. I used to hate it because I got teased for not liking it, now it’s just like something that’s there that don’t mind if I can blacklist it/I’m not overexposed to it lol..... I’m tagging: @risenlucifer @madsismad @goodboiboomer-fc5 @fromathelastoveritaserum @edensfate @amistrio @indigorox @alwaysseedfamily @dep-yo-tee @unleashed111 @ja-crispea @jack-morrison @nightwingshero  @deputy-janai  @returnofthepd3  @farcry-5fan  @tomexraider’m particularly interested to see what people come up with for their aesthetics but no pressure at all! 
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saundraswriting · 4 years
Hercules Chapter Nine
SUMMARY: Things finally get moving. The BAU starts making moves to find this killer by going to the RR meetings. Spencer and The Team finally get some pieces they were missing.
WARNINGS: (I kinda hate this chapter ngl) No warnings.
Previous // Next
Garcia and Spencer looked up aviaries and stables and butcher shops in the city. The police helped build a team to stake out the private meeting area, where the unsub would see select members of the RR group it seemed and from there pick his victim. The smaller group could get together for a couple weeks but people were starting to notice they don't come back, Cameron was for one, Leo another. Cameron told his brother which is how they got this far to begin with.
All that was left was getting Reid and J.J, ready for the meeting tonight. The team also decided to plant a few people on the surrounding rooftops to try and land some surveillance equipment. The team and the police helped change the two agents appearance enough to not be recognizable, they also worked on the cover stories, making them separate and vague. The plan was to get in and get out and not bring attention to themselves.
Dr. Spencer Reid and Agent Jennifer Jareau were ready. The rest of the BAU and members of the Police that were helping out were ready. Spencer stood of to the side at a member of the tech department finished with J.J's wire.
""Pretty Boy, You'll be safe." Derek didn't ask. He demanded, his voice firm and steady, leaving no room for doubt.
"I know. You have my back. I am always safe with you around." Spencer admitted almost nonchalantly. He beamed at Derek unaware of the effect his words had. Derek felt his heart skip a beat, the trust and warm smile Reid gave him just about brought him to his knees.
"You got that right." Derek squeezed Reid's shoulder. "I'll be in your ear the whole time."
"Is that supposed to be reassuring?" Spencer teased, trying to ease his nerves.
"Yes. Don't even try to fool me. I know you, Spencer Reid. Don't tell me the idea of me having you back, being in your ear isn't easing those nerves? I know you are on edge lately with this case. I know and you know that you will be fine." Derek's attempt to soothe Spencer was successful.
Hotch and Gideon came over with a techie. Derek took the tools and shooed the techie away.
"Remember Reid, all we need is the description of the man holding the meetings. A name would be best. The point is not to be taken for further meetings. J.J is going to help you find possible future victims. We need some possible names before the end of the day. Be small, discreet, unnoticeable. We want you in and out." Hotch said. Hotch had bags under his eyes like deep purple bruises. He looked paler but his eyes were as alert and sharp as ever. He had a small smile lie he knew he was wasting his breath.
"You are under no circumstances to go any farther into this group. This is purely recon to figure out what is going on. Nothing we could learn is worth your of J.J's life. Do you understand?" Gideon looked similar to Hotch, like he knew his words were heard but instantly ignored.
Spencer nodded. "I understand. Now let's get me wired and get to the warehouse." Spencer's nerves were regaining traction. He was beginning to tremble and lost what little color he had left.
Hotch and Gideon looked at Morgan who looked fiercely determined and they took that as their cue to walk away. The two of them had said their piece, made their point as useless and ignored as it was-Spencer was a well trained troublemaker. Derek began unbuttoning Spencer's shirt trying not to ogle his pale chest. For a Brainiac with not enough gym time Spencer was well toned and defined. The dips of Spencer's abs made Derek drool. After a few minutes of non-subtle staring Spencer began to blush, a deep red creeping down his throat and across his chest. Derek gently ran his fingers down Spencer's chest lingering in the feel of skin on skin. Derek was stuck, imagining how else he could get spencer to tremble and blush underneath him. Spencer shivered at the sensation bringing Derek out of his brief fantasy.
"They are right, you, know. This isn't the final showdown. we have time. Don't be foolish. I won't be there to tackle you put of the way of any danger." Derek spoke while outfitting him with the wire. He could see his words didn't ease his nerves as much as before. "I know you will be fine. You know you will be fine. You are smart. You can only be successful if you have all the facts. I want you to be able to make the best decisions available to you." Derek buttoned the last button on his shirt. "Are you ready, pretty boy?
"Yeah, as ready as I will ever be, going into a possible UnSub's lair with little to no backup or weapons. Just another day. "I'll be careful. Use my brain and stay sharp." Spencer rattled off, forcing a smile that didn't turn out quite right. "I'll have you in my ear the whole time. I am only an observer."
Derek pulled Spencer into a tight hug, nuzzling his hair. "You bet your sweet ass I will be. You just say the word and I'll be there." Derek murmured into his ear. Spencer hugged him back, sighing at the sensation, remember how it felt to have Derek touching him.
"Aw. You think my ass is sweet?" Spencer giggled at Derek's dumbfounded face. Spencer didn't flirt well on a good day but after the way Derek had just touched him and the fact that they were soulmates paired with the effort Derek was putting in, made Spencer want to push a little.
"Pretty boy... you ass is sweeter than sin. Sometimes, I can't help but stare, thinking you have to know how I feel about it or you wouldn't wear the pants you do somedays." Derek muffled a groan into Spencer's hair. "One day soon, I'll show you how much I love your ass." Derek whispered filthily into his ear.
Spencer's face lit up instantly with a blush and he squirmed in Derek's embrace. "We should go, you're just gonna kill me with your teasing." Spencer said. Derek let him go with a laugh. Derek often teased Spencer but Spencer rarely if ever started their banter, it was a nice change of pace for their dynamic.
The BAU, police and stakeout team left the department and split up. The BAU went to an abandoned warehouse to monito their agents at a very small mini command center. A few police officers set up shop on the surrounding roofs to hold position and plant surveillance equipment for the future. The third team went to the second meeting location and prepared for a long stakeout waiting to see if any of the possible victims show up in the next few days. J.J and Spencer hesitated outside the warehouse, separately. J.J finally took a breath and pulled her cover over her like a second skin, a woman with a deep inner strength that came from pain. Reid loitered outside a few more minutes, gathering his wits and strength. His dithering was interrupted by his coughing, as his stood there looking frail and ill someone helped him into the building.
"Come. Sign in. I will pray to Apollo for you. " They said. Spencer nodded and thanked him and signed in, using his reading skill and memorization his picked some names that could be referenced later, he looked for names revolving around horses and stables and cattle and birds and swamps and metal, names for either of the next two labors, trying to get ahead.
The warehouse was well lit, there was pews divided into clearly divided sections laid out like a clock. Each section was decorated to indicate which god or goddess the pews were for. Spencer shuffled over to the pews painted yellow with sunflowers and lyres and bows with full quivers. There was fresh bundles of laurel and oranges on the sides of each pew. Apollo was the God of sun, art and healing.
Spencer picked a seat and settled in tiredly, he barely needed to exaggerate his sickliness to promote distance thankfully. He used the distance to speak into the wire describing all he saw. There was a dais raised slightly higher than the pews, all around the inner circle of pews. The inside of the dais had a large fireplace as well.
At 7 pm on the dot, the lights dimmed and the fire was lit dramatically. A man stepped onto the platform. The meeting of the Religious Revolution had began.
Spencer sat perfectly still, waiting as the man droned on, he was reciting a Greek myth but not the Myth of Hercules. So Spencer paid bare minimum attention. The man was far more important. Spencer sat studying his mannerisms and characteristics. He was tall medium build blonde hair. He was warm and welcoming and unimposing almost gentle as he recited the myth. 'A small to medium sized group he can charm but lacks the confidence to manage large groups. He is smart. He could be the one behind this.' Spencer thought. He committed the leader's face to memory. Spencer was unsure if that was the only man to be in charge of sermons so he made the plan to speak to him after the meeting, not wanting to tell the others and have them yelling in his ear. Spencer looked around and didn't see anyone with awe or reverence in their expression further confirming the man speaking was the man behind this. Another hour passed and the sermon came to an end. A few gathered around the man, the lights were turned back on, some people used the dying fire to throw in offerings while they prayed.
Spencer saw J.J. head towards the door, pausing at the sign in book. While he waited to step over to the speaker he whispered into his mike about staying a few minutes. The few people that had stopped to visit the speaker left leaving an opening for Spencer.
"Hello! Welcome to Religious Revolution. A place open to the idea that the Universe is managed by multiple deities. We share and revel in other's ideas and beliefs." The leader welcomed Spencer. "My name is Evan Lafferty. This is all my doing, the layout and idea but the comfort others receive here is all on their doing with those they believe in." He swung his arm out wide to encompass all the building.
It may be on them, but you orchestrated it. You have done a wonderful job." Spencer agreed. He could hear in his ear piece the team objecting.
Spencer was aware that their were pieces that fit the profile, Evan was good with small crowds but one on one and he floundered slightly, lost some of the charm. Spencer hypothesized it was social anxiety. One person full focus was too much, but several people's partial focus was okay.
"Thank you. Now why are you here Mr...?" Evan trailed off questioningly.
"Konkle. Mr. Konkle. I am here to appeal to Apollo. I have been too sick for too long. Modern medicine and my family's prayer tree aren't enough. Spencer told Evan. "My wife and I had a big fight recently and I have been sick since. I was thinking of appealing to Hera for marriage assistance as well but historically she is hard to please." Spencer took a breath. "Take Hercules, he was made to do all those labors and one extra because he tried to benefit off them." Spencer knew it was a risk but he needed to see what Evan's opinion was, see what the next step was. The UnSub was killing to fit a delusion, a long deep one.
"Hera was in the right. First her husband had an affair and the child is named in her 'honor' but the act is a slap in the face. Then to benefit off his punishment of going mad and killing his family. There is no conceivable way the cleaning of the Augean Stables would be a pittance in her eyes. And he cheated on the labor to begin with." Evan ranted. Spencer felt his nerves finally settle, he had done it. He solved the case. Found the UnSub. All he had to do was end the conversation and leave. He finally got the Team ahead of him.
"I agree. To cheat on your punishment for being responsible for your family's death is very unbecoming." Spencer mollified. "Evan, I believe we will get along just fine." Spencer smiled at the man before coughing long and hard into a tissue. Evan led Spencer to a pew and sat him down to wait out the fit. After a few moments the fit stopped, his head pounded and his stomach cramped as if he was about to vomit. He caught his breath again-it rattled in his chest and was quick to go and quick to leave. "I'm okay. Ii just need a minute." Spencer was speaking to both Derek who he knew was quietly panicking and Evan. "I am sorry. Where are my manners?" Spencer admonished himself. "I know your name but you don't know mine. Let me properly introduce myself. I am Mr. Arnett Konkle." Spencer held out his elbow, Evan looked at it confused. "My hands are dirty." Evan gave a nod in understanding and bumped his elbow against Spencer's.
"I have to say I agree with you, Arnett. We will get along sickeningly well." Spencer hid the thrill of satisfaction. Evan didn't count the Augean Stable labor as legit, meaning the Stymphalian Birds with bronze beaks and toxic dung were next. With one comment, Spencer knew that Evan was looking for his next victim and who better than a sickly estranged man with a name meaning Eagle in Greek?
"Let me give you my number? We can meet up again outside of congregation. I can give you my undivided attention." Evan said. He handed Reid a slip of paper with his number on it and bid him goodnight. "And don't forget to sign in." He reminded before moving towards some waiting folks.
Spencer hobbled to the door, he could feel his pneumonia, lack of sleep, and lack of food catching up to him. He didn't let himself falter, moving to the book of names to peruse it for names again. Once done, Spencer exited the warehouse and saw a car was waiting for him, The driver nodded and Spencer got it.
They got the precinct quickly and as soon as the car stopped Derek was at the door pulling Spencer into his arms. Derek's eyes were hard and angry and lips pressed thinly together. His hands were gentle were they touched Spencer, he was a giving as a brick wall. They didn't speak, Derek needed the physical reminder that Spencer was safe. Spencer could feel the anger radiating off his soulmate. Once they got to the others, Derek let go of Spencer, waling over to the others. Spencer tried not to show how much his distance and anger affected him.
"I know I went off script and off plan but! I had good reason. Now, let me get stripped of my enhancements and I will explain." A Techie popped up and had him back to normal in a flash. Spencer relaxed at the removal of makeup and contacts and the wig. They also took the wire and comms to return them too. "So, I sat and observed but it didn't lead to much so I had to push a little farther. So I decided to speak to him-"Spencer was cut off by the others talking over him. "Yes, I know. But I had to know. His delusion doesn't allow for the Augean Stables to be consider an action of repentance. So he won't make that killing public. The next one we will see is the Stymphalian Birds. The only was to catch him is to be on his radar. So I go names that may be important but I also made me one of those names. If I am chosen, we have a direct connection to the action of killing. I have the ability to save myself or be saved. If not me the next person he chooses will be a victim." Spencer explained. He was speaking to everyone but kept looking at Derek, who still had anger in his eyes but his body softened.
"Reid, that doesn't matter. You put yourself in danger. You made contact when we said not to." Hotch tried to lecture, but knew Spencer was right.
"I know but I have his name and number. We can see if it pings near any of the sites. We can do this. I got it all figured out. We have options." Spencer tried to reason.
"Spencer, you are not wrong. but we wish you'd clue us in on it. You did the right thing. Hopefully yes you turn his attention on you and buy us some time. But you still took a huge risk that could have ended badly." Derek gently scolded. Spencer looked up at him with watery eyes and a trembling lip. "Oh, pretty boy, I'm not mad. come on, it's fine."
In front of the slightly confused team Derek stepped into Spencer's space-a privilege he didn't take lightly. "Pretty baby, everything is fine. I know, you're tired and sick and hungry. We'll get you all sorted and then we'll talk okay. Hush now, I'll take care of you." Derek said. The team knew the two were close but they were getting closer. J.J looked on with pride and happiness shining in her eyes, She could see Spencer finally letting Derek in. Slowly but surely.
"D'r'k, pl'se." Spencer slurred, sloughing into Derek's side.
"Anything for you, my pretty baby." Derek willingly took all his weight and made eye contact with J.J.
"Hotch, let's call it a night. We can regroup tomorrow." J.J. grabbed her and the two guys' bags before hopping into a car the Seattle PD let them borrow. Once at the car, Derek climbed into the back dragging Spencer with him. J.J. drove.
"Baby, we're heading to the hotel for the night. I'll take care of you." Derek whispered in his ear, cuddling him intensively in the backseat.
"You're good for him. I am glad you are his soulmate." J.J said. "I know you are chomping at the bit to claim him but you are doing well. He is opening up to the idea of you and being with you."
"I hope he realizes that I will always be here. He will never be alone again." Derek told her.
"Trust me. Spencer loved you long before he knew you were his soulmate. But that is something you should talk to him about."
"Yeah but I didn't say anything until I knew. To him that will make my feelings seem invalid. Even though they have been there for years." Derek sighed.
"That is a conversation you will have to have with him. He has know for 9 plus months you were soulmates. That doesn't mean he hasn't been paying attention. He wouldn't say anything if there wasn't anything to say." J.J said.
The trio got to the hotel, Derek pulling Spencer out with him and J.J grabbed their bags. The car was parked by a employee who saw the struggle. They got to Derek and Spencer's room, J.J dropping off the bags.
"Thank you for everything." Derek winked.
"Take care of him." J.J ordered. There was the promise of bodily harm if he failed, Derek knew it was coming. He nodded solemnly.
"Yes ma'am. Now go call Will and Henry. Tell them we said hi." Derek politely kicked her out. J.J laughed at the clear dismissal and left."
Derek laid Spencer on the bed and cleaned up the room a bit, letting Spencer doze. After he was done Derek hopped into the shower and cleaned up letting the water ease the tension remaining from hearing Spencer make contact with the UnSub. Derek had been so angry and worried not being able to help. Derek stepped out of the shower waking Spencer up.
"Pretty boy, come on. Spencer wake up. I am going to order some dinner. Go get cleaned up." Derek shook Spencer awake. Spencer woke up slowly, fighting it.
"Okay. Thanks Derek. Then I think we should talk." Spencer said. He hopped in the shower and was done quickly. By the time he was done, the food had arrived and Derek leaned against the headboard of one bed, patting the bed in invitation.
Spencer smiled and climbed in, sitting cross-legged very close to Derek's warmth. He began eating, not paying attention to the fact he was scarfing food down at an almost disgusting rate.
"Slow down, kid. We got time." Derek laughed eating a much slower pace. Spencer blushed and slowed down.
The finished eating and sat quite absorbing each other's warmth and presence.
"What did you want to talk about Spencer?" Derek finally asked. Spencer played with his fingers building up the courage to answer.
"Us. I wanted to talk about us." Spencer looked up and locked eyes with Derek. His soulmate, Derek Morgan. The man he had been in love with for years.
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So that is terrible chapter nine. I am hoping to finish this up soon but we will see. 
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laniidae-passerine · 5 years
You guys have been really sweet about my really dorky Ruby Redfort posts recently so I thought I’d put in some work and get as much information as I can about everyone’s favourite code cracking, messy, doughnut eating Spectrum worker!
(Note: I am missing books 2 & 3 because I refuse to buy anything but hardback RR books, and there are other requirements because I’m a picky girl... so could someone else check those???)
Anyway, let’s begin today’s episode of Information about Blacker! Spoilers, maybe? Err on the side of caution!
Look Into My Eyes:
Blacker is a terrible dresser, doesn’t brush his hair and apparently doesn’t own a mirror. We stan one relatable king!
“He was a dishevelled looking man and his badge was upside down and his hair didn’t look like it had been combed since Christmas” [pages 149-150]
Ruby notes that he has a nice voice and is visibly friendly.
“He had a nice voice though. It had warmth - she could tell this from just a few words.” [page 150]
He drinks? so I’d assume he is not Muslim, Mormon, Baptist or Sikh. Although he could just be the child of people from any of those religions, and not be religious himself, so so much for figuring out his personal background or possible ethnicity.
“‘We (Blacker and Lopez) got a drink at Blinky’s bar’” [page 176]
He owns a car!
“‘at around four I dropped her off at that fancy salon off of Twinford Square’” [page 176]
He gave Ruby a key code to access the office in Trashford, indicating he trusts her a large amount.
“‘Well, it’s not technically a break-in. I have the key code, Blacker gave it to me’” [page 257]
Despite his long term belief that he has never ever met the Count, Blacker actually has - he met him when the Count was disguised as Klaus Gustav. Also he may be able to pilot a plane, if Hitch is being literal:
“‘Please tell me Klaus Gustav is safely in Twinford?’ said LB. (Hitch replied) ‘He is - Blacker flew him in yesterday.’” [page 329]
Take Your Last Breath
Catch Your Death
Feel The Fear
Blacker is the first person to suggest that there is a mole in Spectrum in the breiefing with Dixie Deneuve. He’s not one to blindly believe in Spectrum, no matter what Ruby’s paranoid brain tells her.
“‘Is it possible that the prototype has been taken by a person on the Spectrum team?’ asked Blacker.” [page 202]
He eats food that goes well with soy sauce and is an implied messy eater, indicating a varied palate beyond jelly donuts. Maybe eats East Asian food a lot because he’s from there?
“Ruby found (Blacker) wiping soy sauce off his jacket.” [page 217]
He has a good-ish working relationship with Miles Froghorn and is the only known person who gets along with Miles, referring to him by his first name.
“Blacker looked at Froghorn. ‘Come on Miles, Rube is actually asking a fair question.’” [page 218]
He’s a known diplomat, and knows how to get people to like him. Also, note he’s able to get one of those rare near-smiles off Froghorn!
“Froghorn stood up, very nearly smiled at Blacker, and without speaking another work exited the canteen. That was the other thing you couldn’t but admire Blacker - he was a diplomat.” [page 219]
He is not one for keeping clean. Vaguely unhygienic, but we’ll let it go, because he’s just that wonderful.
“He (Blacker) winked and wiped his hands on his jacket. He caught Ruby’s eyes and shrugged, ‘Ah, it needs washing anyway.’” [page 223]
Blacker is the one to have dubbed Mile’s office, room 324, the ‘Frog Pod’. It doesn’t seem mean spirited though, so maybe he’s allowed to make a little fun out of Froghorn because they’re buddies. Or whatever it is they have going on?
“As usual, Froghorn was in room 324 (the Frog Pod, as Blacker called it).” [page 274]
He openly admits to having messy living quarters and perhaps implies that he lives in an apartment.
“Blacker shrugged. ‘Could be the owner of the apartment is away or if he is anything like me then he wouldn’t notice a break-in - I’m telling you my place is real chaotic.’” [page 277]
He uses a transmitter watch, which is probably Spectrum issue, to communicate with other agents such as Buzz and Froghorn.
“He pressed the transmitter button on his watch, no answer, so he tried again and this time the call connected and he spoke into the tiny speaker. ‘Hi Buzz, I am trying to locate Froghorn - could you get him on the line?’” [page 289]
He’s a genuine, kind guy and just the world’s biggest sweetheart what a lovely man - I love him so much and I’ve never even met him 🥰🥰🥰
“Ruby smiled. Blacker was about as cool as a partner as she could wish for and at that moment she felt pretty lucky.” [page 366]
He can whistle. Devastatingly important information, I know.
“Blacker whistled - he could see it all.” [page 388]
He has had other important cases in the past, and was/is a full on field agent.
“‘Ah, once, back when, I had to work undercover tracking down some orchid smugglers. I learned a lot about the business.” [page 396]
Pick Your Poison
He doesn’t consider himself a particularly lucky person.
“‘I got lucky for once, just missed it,’ said Blacker, ‘So you wanted to see me?’ [page 273]
He is a trustworthy and honest guy, the reliable sort.
“Blacker was no liar. Blacker was the one person she could 100% count on, aside from Hitch.“ [page 286]
He is no usually thrown by many situations, a bit of a social butterfly if one will, and I’ve just realised every sentence I’ve typed has begun with ‘he’.
"He was never rattled - soda, yes; jelly donuts, always; but when it came to people he was as steady as they came." [page 370]
Both he and Hitch are slightly prone to morbid jokes, à la one dear, very, very de-parted Marshall Boyd.
“Hitch: ‘You don’t have to convince me, you should see the state she left Baby Face in - or rather I should say, states.’ Delaware: ‘How do you mean? Where is he now?’ Hitch: ‘Well, he left his heart in San Francisco.’ Blacker: “His head was found in Monterrey.’ Hitch: ‘And his legs have yet to show.’ LB: ‘Excuse me?’ Blacker: ‘He’s a goner.’” [page 503]
Blink and You Die
He is not fond of Superskins, but it seems like he’s been in one before, as he has an idea of what being in one is like. Also, he’s a smart man because he doesn’t like helicopters (working, I’m sure they’re just fine but you likely can’t jump from them due to the propellers- that thing begins to drop, pray to whomever that it just doesn’t catch on fire when you crash).
“‘No, mam,’ said Blacker. ‘Don’t like helicopters. And there’s no way I’m putting a Superskin on, not unless I have to.’ ‘They make you feel claustrophobic?’ ‘No, they’re just a heck of a struggle to get in and out of.’” [pages 131 and 132]
He’s not pro child agents, despite his friendship with Ruby, implying he agrees with LB’s stance on the matter.
“‘But I think his brilliance sorta clouded Spectrum’s judgement, made them think it would be easy enough to find a whole trope of children who could do just what he did.’” [page 355]
And that’s all the relevant information I can find about Blacker! Also, I accidentally re-read the part of BYD where LB begs Bradley to be safe and not die, but she knows he will, she knows deep down it’s the last time she’ll see him alive and now I’m about to cry, oh god. Thank god Agent Blacker exists.
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ravenousrhyndac · 3 years
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Since it's a Winter season, expect a whole flood of winkers. ;}
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paindealt · 5 years
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stiffled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / russian tea / dandillions / squeezed limes / italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / sea cucumbers / peppermint hand cream
Tagged by: @hadou--ken​ ( thank you !! ) Tagging: @cryomistrss​ @desxderium​ @hxttrick​ @fiery-assassin​ @goreburdened​ @rr-89p13​ @kathexismania​ @malfestcd​ @maximummuses​
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nikhilsangani · 2 years
RR vs LSG, IPL 2022: Rajasthan Royals pip Lucknow to move table top
RR vs LSG, IPL 2022: Rajasthan Royals pip Lucknow to move table top
https://sportstar.thehindu.com/cricket/article38471274.ece/ALTERNATES/LANDSCAPE_590/ChahalJPG Trent Boult came around the stumps before getting the ball to swing in from outside the off stump. As K.L. Rahul looked to flick it towards the leg-side, the delivery sneaked through to rattle the stumps. After Shimron Hetmyer and Ravichandran Ashwin’s 68-run partnership for the fifth wicket guided…
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dailycrictalk · 2 years
10 Daily Cricket updates 30 March 2022
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Today I am going to share with you 10 daily cricket updates March 29 2022, With accurate information. So, without delay let's get started with 1st update.
1- 5th Match IPL 2022 SRH vs RR full Highlights. Rajasthan Royals (RR) kicked-off the season with a commanding 61-run win over Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in Match 5 of the Indian Premier League (IPL). Chasing 211, SRH got off to the worst possible start as Prasidh Krishna and Trent Boult combined to rattle the top-order. Skipper Kane Williamson was dismissed on 2, while Rahul Tripathi and Nicholas Pooran failed to open their innings. Meanwhile, Jos Buttler and Yashasvi Jaiswal provided RR with a solid start after they were invited to bat first. The pair added 58 runs for the opening wicket before Jaiswal was dismissed by Romario Shepherd on 20(16). Umran Malik then dismissed Buttler on 35 off 28 balls. Sanju Samson along with Devdutt Padikkal added 73 (41) for the third wicket, before Padikkal was cleaned up by Malik on 41 (29). Samson completed his half-century but was dismissed soon on 55(27) by Bhuvneshwar Kumar. Shimron Hetmyer then took charge and played a late cameo of 32 in just 13 deliveries, helping his side post 210/6 on the board. In response, SRH could only manage 149/7 in their 20 overs. Thus the Rajasthan Royals (RR) comfortably won the 5th Match of IPL 2022 by 61- runs.
2- Mitchell Marsh could miss entire IPL 2022. This year, many overseas players will not be able to participate in the IPL 2022 due to bilateral series or injury. Australian all-rounder Mitchell Marsh is all set to miss the 1st ODI against Pakistan on March 29 after he suffered and injury while training. Mitchell Marsh has reportedly suffered a hip flexor injury and is likely to miss entire ODI series against Pakistan. This also put his IPL 2022 campaign in doubt as well. Mitchell Marsh was picked up by Delhi capitals (DC) for 6.50 Crores. Mitchell Marsh could miss entire IPL 2022 due to his injury.
3- Moeen Ali has joined Chennai Super Kings. As I mentioned in some of my previous post, England all-rounder Moeen Ali has not been able to reach India due to non-confirmation of visa. But now after the confirmation of visa, Moeen Ali has joined Chennai Super Kings (CSK). Moeen Ali could not play the first match of IPL 2022 chennai super kings vs kolkata knight riders due to unavailability. But now Moeen Ali will be seen playing all the matches ahead of Chennai Super Kings in the IPL 2022. Moeen Ali's return to the Chennai team can benefit CSK a lot.
4- Statement of Yuzvendra Chahal on RCB. In this season's IPL 2022, Yuzvendra Chahal will not be seen playing for the RCB team as the Bengaluru team did not retain Chahal or bought him in the mega auction. For the last 7 years, Yuzvendra Chahal was playing for the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) team, but now this street is broken. Yuzvendra Chahal will be seen playing for Rajasthan Royals (RR) in IPL 2022 this season. Although Chahal has represented Rajasthan Royals before in 2010, but in that season Yuzvendra Chahal did not get a chance to play a single match. After being dropped from the Bengaluru team, Yuzvendra Chahal has made another big statement on the RCB franchise. Yuzvendra Chahal has said that "I would have said yes if RCB asked me if I wanted to stay on, but they didn't, was told they would go for me in the mega auction". It is clear from this statement that Yuzvendra Chahal wanted to serve the Bangalore team even further. But the Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) team did not even ask Chahal before dropping him from the team.
5- Ness Wadia interested to buy 1 women's IPL team. The BCCI has refused to organise the Women's IPL this year. Like every year, this year too BCCI will organize women's exhibition matches in place of women's IPL. There will be no Women's IPL this year, but the BCCI has confirmed that the Women's IPL will be organized in 2023 next year. Co-owner of Punjab Kings Ness Wadia has given big Statement on Women's IPL. Punjab Kings co-owner Ness Wadia said that, "We would be more interested to own a team in women's IPL". The BCCI had contacted the current IPL team owners and asked if they would buy teams in the women's IPL to be held in the future. Women's Cricket viewership is very less So, Most of the current IPL team owners have refused to buy women's IPL team except Punjab Kings co-owner Ness Wadia.
For full updates of 30 March 2022, Please Visit the link given below.
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