#RR Steve leader
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steve leader from ruined reality!
this man. this fuckin' guy, man.
... i. forgot his bread. uh. just. just take as him as being younger ig.
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taking a silly little break from the horrifying realities of this silly Steve show
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me when self indulgent shipping
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codajaiden · 2 months
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The Matrimony of the night
Their wings glimmered and take flight
And thus the Star and Moon shine bright
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viaphni · 7 months
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Are Light's eyes canonically orange now?????????? I LOVE JT.
But poor soulless though. Man is not good enough to even have his own set of eyebrows. Maybe thats why he wants control of Lights body. All he wants is eyebrows.
I remember we discussed in Discord the idea of like... Soulless gaining control of Light's body... and since Soulless and Light the exact same person, just with opposite goals, Soulless would be able to speak and operate within Light's body with no problem. He would find the outpost and the kingdom and all of their bases, learn all of their plans and intel, and nobody would know
If it's a battle for control, I'm sure they'll be rapidly swapping back and forth. If only Light had listened!!!!!!! I used to make such a big deal about like,, Light always being told it was His Fault even though it Wasnt all his fault. Really ironic because now it is ENTIRELY lights fault
Like.... the only reason he agreed to work alongside Ruin and Fallen was to get his old crystal back. Which i don't exactly understand? His old crystal is significantly weaker and is also fractured/split. I guess its his only connection to himself back home but I thought he didnt want that connection
Maybe Light still does have a level of want for his universe? That could open up an interesting path cor his character. I don't know. I'm really excited to see what goes down from here
Also RR hitting the 90's in episode counts!!!!
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agentem · 2 years
Is Viserys I a veiled GRRM and more coherent thoughts about "House of the Dragon"
I didn’t want to watch House of the Dragon. Like many readers of George RR Martin’s epic A Song of Ice and Fire series, I did not have any real desire to see HBO churn out more faithless adaptations of the books I loved. A great many people love Game of Thrones the TV series that was based on Martin’s (currently) five-book series. I liked it a lot at first. It was fun to see characters I knew come to life. And it was wonderful that suddenly other people in the world knew what my “House Stark” t-shirt was about. But I had to stop watching Game of Thrones in season 4. Something had changed and now it felt “off.” I unsubscribed from HBO Max.
Then HBO put the first episode of House of the Dragon up on YouTube for free, and I figured I might as well watch. Free things are my favorite kind of things.
It’s easy to get swept up in the grandeur of the scale of Dragon. However I found myself drawn to the little details. King Viserys I Targaryen (Paddy Considine.) wears the crown of Jaeherys I Targaryen as it was described by Martin. The dialogue was dense with references to other places and people in Westeros. All the lords and ladies wear their house sigils on their person at all times, so you know who is from what house.
Basically, it was like GRRM took someone by the scruff of the neck and said, "THIS is what it looks like. Do it right."
Further, the tourney scenes look a lot like George RR Martin’s own models. Yes, GRRM is a nerd like us who likes to play with tiny knights.
Curiously, I thought I recalled him criticizing the tourney scene in Game of Thrones’ first season. He wanted it to be bigger. House of the Dragon comes out of the gate with a big tournament in the first episode.
He also didn’t like a boar hunting scene involving King Robert in Thrones. Sure enough, the third episode of House of the Dragon has a hunt.
Further, Martin had spoken on his personal blog about complaints of lack of diversity in Game of Thrones. He agreed there should be more people of color and though it would’ve been a good idea to make the Valyrians Black people. Now the leader of House Velaryon—the second most famous house from Old Valyria—is played by Steve Toussaint but, unfortunately he is getting hate for it.
Whatever your feelings about House of the Dragon thus far, it’s incredibly clear from the show, that he’s had more input on this series. So much so that I have started to wonder about what some added details might be intended to convey.
In the book “Fire and Blood” that House of the Dragon is loosely adapted from, King Viserys is described as someone who turned the Red Keep into "a place of song and splendor". He looks like this. On the screen, they’ve add the curious detail that he is a fan of the history of Old Valyria, and is making a model (models again!) of it in his rooms. This reminds me of Martin himself, who loves medieval history and model-making.
Viserys is also desperate for his male heir to just come out already, but these things can’t be forced, so in the end he’s torn between two warring factions and doomed to never be able to appease both of them.
It got me thinking about the pressure Martin is probably under to finish A Song of Ice and Fire and his own desire to see his world rendered properly on screen. Of course, all characters are a reflection of their creators on some level, but was the choice to make Viserys more like Martin himself intentional?
If so, whose choice was it and what does it mean for the show and the books? Does Viserys’ decision to replace the impetuous Daemon Targaryen as his heir maybe reflect Martin’s own decision to pick Ryan J. Condal as the co-creator of House of the Dragon over the Game of Thrones showrunners? Could the show’s theme of the patriarchy of Westeros not allowing a woman to sit on the Iron Throne be about Daenerys Targaryen’s surprising end on Thrones?
I have no answers to these questions but House of the Dragon sure has got me thinking about the world of Westeros more than I have since 2011, when A Dance of Dragons was released.
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benevolentgodloki · 5 years
Week 14
Surprise! An alternate dimension Steve dropped in and joined the team. We now have all members so far applied, but there are currently two more places available (three if someone wishes to claim the Amora one and change her to your muse!) If you wanna be involved, which literally involves you doing nothing but getting tagged in these updates, hit my IMs up to enquire.
Steve - Level 0 Crusader @heroesbeyondtheninerealms
Positive Quirks
Eagle Eye: Better at ranged crits.
Negative Quirks
Egomania: This Steve is currently obsessed with himself!
Since last week’s adventure, Toni Stark unfortunately went down the alcoholism road and now refuses to do anything to destress that doesn’t involve booze, developing the Tippler quirk. Similarly, Frank had some sort of epiphany during his meditation and achieved Enlightenment, which now means he only wants to meditate.
An update on levels since I’ve not been keeping adequate track: Stephen, Kili and Natasha are all now Level 2.
Highly stressed from the last mission, Bruce took himself to the pub while Emily chose to test out her newly acquired gambling perk. Hopefully she won’t disappear again this time. Stephen went to meditate. Amora sought to be rid of her fear of the unholy so that she could be more useful in the ruins missions while one of the Steves (Tiff’s!) had his vulnerability treated. Those who chose to go adventuring buffed up their weapons and armour, except for their new leader - the Steve from another reality.
Team for this mission: Steve (Gwen’s), Ashley, Thor and Rocket.
Mission: Scout. Ruins. Short. Level 1.
First corridor: Having scouted ahead they knew there was a trap upcoming. The team was not highly adept at dealing with them, though Rocket had the best chance. The little tinker’s paws worked well to clear the path.
Corridor: Thor’s expertise in scouting the ruins allowed them to map the next area. A little bit of loot later made the journey uneventful for another stretch.
Corridors: Once again Thor scouted the next two hallways. A battle was ahead. A trio of skeletons were slain without even a single scratch to the team. Ashley and Rocket blighted and stunned the peskiest of them, Thor shouted them into submission and Steve cleaved them through.
Corridor: A skeleton ambush, easily dealt with. Ashley took minor damage and then the team got a rhythm for stunning the monsters. Steve and Thor bashed them to bits. Only one torch remained. They made a note to pack more next time.
Final Battle: Monsters beaten without a hitch.
Steve (Gwen’s)
Gained a negative quirk: Misses the Spot: Less good at criticals.
Thor - NOW LEVEL 2!
Gained a positive quirk: Skilled Gambler: Get thee to a poker game.
Gained a positive quirk: Slugger: Bashes harder with her mace.
Rocket - NOW LEVEL 2!
Heroes mentioned today: @geniusbillionairephilanthropist @moonbeammuses @surgeonofthemysticarts @alwaysxinxtrouble @lokislittlespider @marvelousxmuses @the-renegade-child-of-time @soulstcne @araedi @rr-89p13
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macnews-org · 2 years
Autographed Apple artifacts hit the auction block
Autographed Apple artifacts hit the auction block
A new auction is offering a selection of autographed Apple items up for sale, including photographs, manuals, and other artifacts signed by Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. Running until June 15, RR Auction’s Fine Autographs and Artifacts event includes a wide variety of documents and items signed by famous names, including presidents and religious figures, and major historical leaders. As part of…
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Did The Radical Republicans Do
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-did-the-radical-republicans-do/
What Did The Radical Republicans Do
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What Was The Difference Between Lincolns And Johnsons Reconstruction Plans
Panel: Republicans Are Still Trying To Convince The Public Biden Is Radical
Johnsons plan wasnt as willing to give as much freedom to newly free slaves as Lincolns was. Johnson wanted to give the land back to the south unlike the RR. Johnsons plan gave less protection to freed slaves then the Radical Republicans plan. Unlike the 10% plan, the plan they had wanted to punish the south.
Making Black Demands Known
For now, the only leverage blacks could apply in making their demands was the threat of the continued presence of federal troops and agentsespecially of the Freedmen’s Bureau, which whites particularly hatedin the South. These demands included, first and foremost, the right to vote, to serve on juries, and to obtain education. Although economic issuesparticularly that of landownership, and whether the federal government would compensate the former slaves with free landwere of great concern to blacks, they generally avoided making demands in this area because they did not want to alarm whites. Their statements were sprinkled with the references to such popular nineteenth-century values as hard work, honesty, thrift, neatness, morality, and Christianity. They asked for civil and political rights but not for “social” equality with whites, emphasizing that they did not wish to socialize with whites if whites did not desire such contact.
What Are The Four Powers Of The President As Outlined In Article 2
He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all
Recommended Reading: Kaines Lapel Pin
Why Did Radical Republicans Disagree With Lincoln
The Radical Republicans opposed Lincolns plan because they thought it too lenient toward the South. Radical Republicans believed that Lincolns plan for Reconstruction was not harsh enough because, from their point of view, the South was guilty of starting the war and deserved to be punished as such.
Why Did The Radical Republicans Eventually Abandon Reconstruction
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Slaves had little rights or opportunities, such as the freedom of assembly or the right to an education. Why did the Radical Republicans eventually abandon Reconstruction? Reconstruction was no longer progressing as they had hoped. Northerners were outraged at the Souths secret attempt to expand slavery.
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Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan
The postwar Radical Republicans were motivated by three main factors:
Revenge a desire among some to punish the South for causing the war
Concern for the freedmen some believed that the federal government had a role to play in the transition of freedmen from slavery to freedom
Political concerns the Radicals wanted to keep the Republican Party in power in both the North and the South.
Liberal land policies for settlers
Federal aid for railroad development
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The Civil Service Half
Although the factions of Republicans can be found from Civil War to the end of Reconstruction, the;heyday of the above factions was during the Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and;Ulysses S. Grant administrations.
Here we see two types of Republicans, one who wants social justice and one who is pro-business .
Simply, as the argument of Reconstruction ended key voter issues switched and the debate;became more about stances on Gilded-Age business policy and less about reforming the south .
Reconstruction ultimately ended in a corrupt bargain or;Compromise of 1877, which was struck by Republicans over the 1877 election.;In the bargain Republicans traded the end of Reconstruction for the Presidency, and from then on we get an awkward 100 year lull. First we get Plessy v. Ferguson, and then black codes and Jim Crowe.
It isnt until;LBJ finally signed Civil Rights 1964 and Voting Rights 1965 that the battle the radical Republicans started saw real progress again.
It was Civil Rights that;marked the true victory that had been fought for since;the 1860s, and perhaps it isnt surprising that this resulted in many of the Southern Conservative faction of the Democratic party becoming Republicans over time. The full story is way more complex, but we tell it here.
TIP: Radical is an insult used;by ;as far back as the late 1700s and is still used today. It is a less friendly way to say .
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Grant Is Elected President
The 1868 presidential election would be the first in which African Americans would participate, and they would play an important role in the election of the next president, Ulysses S. Grant . A career army officer and a hero of the Civil War, during which he had helped carry out such presidential orders as the Emancipation Proclamation, Grant had shown no previous interest in politics. His stance as a moderate made him an attractive candidate for the Republican Party, which wanted to put forth an individual who would represent stability during a troubled period in the nation’s history. To oppose Grant, the Democrats nominated a rather colorless figure, former New York governor Horatio Seymour . Their campaign centered on the theme of maintaining white supremacy at a time when, racists maintained, blacks were threatening to take over the country.
The sight of black people voting in the 1867 elections to choose convention delegates had been difficult for many
The Radical Republicans After The Death Of Thaddeus Stevens
KKK Democrats Lynching Killing Black & White ‘Radical Republicans’
Thaddeus Stevens died on August 11, 1868. After lying in the state in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, he was buried in a cemetery in Pennsylvania he had chosen as it allowed burials of both White and Black people.
The faction of Congress he had led continued, though without his fiery temperament much of the fury of the Radical Republicans subsided. Plus, they tended to support the presidency of Ulysses S. Grant, who took office in March 1869.
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What Was The Radical Republicans Plan
The Radical Republicans reconstruction offered all kinds of new opportunities to African Americans, including the vote , property ownership, education, legal rights, and even the possibility of holding political office. By the beginning of 1868, about 700,000 African Americans were registered voters.
What Brought Reconstruction To An End
Compromise of 1877: The End of Reconstruction The Compromise of 1876 effectively ended the Reconstruction era. Southern Democrats promises to protect civil and political rights of blacks were not kept, and the end of federal interference in southern affairs led to widespread disenfranchisement of blacks voters.
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What Laws Were Passed In The South After The Civil War
Jim Crow Laws After the end of Reconstruction, racial segregation laws were enacted. These laws became popularly known as Jim Crow laws. They remained in force from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 until 1965. The laws mandated racial segregation as policy in all public facilities in the southern states.
The National Endowment For The Humanities
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Stevens carried the resolutely determined spirit of a fighter with him throughout his life.
Illustration adapted from Matthew Brady photograph / The Granger Collection, New York
In 1813, a young Thaddeus Stevens was attending a small college in Vermont. This was well before the time when good fences made good neighbors. Free-roaming cows often strayed onto campus. Manure piled up. Odors lingered. Resentment among students festered. One spring ;day, Stevens ;and ;a friend borrowed an ax from another students room and killed one of the cows, and then slipped the bloody ;weapon back into the unsuspecting classmates room.;
When the farmer ;complained, the school refused to let the wrongly accused man graduate. Stevens, unable to stomach this injustice, contacted the farmer on his own, fessed up, and ;made arrangements to pay damages. The farmer ;withdrew his complaint, and, within a few years, Stevens paid the farmer back. In gratitude, the farmer sent Stevens a hogshead of cider.
The anecdote demonstrates early on in his life Stevenss basic characterhis rashness, his inconsistencies, his convictions, and his tenacity.
Future president James Buchanan worked with Stevens on a case being tried in York. During a break, Buchanan attempted to persuade the rising attorney to get involved in politicson the side of the Jacksonian Democrats. Stevens declined, as he was still in search of the political party that best matched his beliefs.
Steve Moyer is managing editor of Humanities.
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What Was The Radical Plan Of Reconstruction
After the election of November 6, 1866, Congress imposes its own Reconstruction policies, referred to by historians as Radical Reconstruction. This re-empowers the Freedmans Bureau and sets reform efforts in motion that will lead to the 14th and 15th Amendments, which, respectively, grant citizenship to all
The Union League: Helping Blacks To Mobilize
The Union League was a political organization that gave many African Americans their first exposure to the mechanics of politics and voting. Spawned during the Civil War as a Northern white organization supporting the Union war effort, the Union League originally comprised both the elite Union League Clubs as well as gatherings with more diverse membership. Meetings tended to be secret, an aspect its leaders considered a benefit when they decided to extend the Union League into the South during the Reconstruction era.
Whites who had supported the Union during the war were the first Southerners to join the Union League. As the Reconstruction program engineered by the Radicals in Congress got underway, the Republicans realized they could use the Union League to enable the political mobilization of the nearly four million former slaves living in the South. They organized a campaign employing paid speakers, both black and white, who traveled through the South giving speeches and informal talks about the importance of voting and of exercising political rights.
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Why Did Radical Republicans Oppose Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan
4.8/5Radical Republicans opposed Lincoln’s planRadical RepublicansLincoln’s planexplained here
Radical Republicans opposed Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan because it did not ensure equal civil rights for freed slaves. After the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, the new president, Andrew Johnson, issued his own Reconstruction Plan.
what happened to Lincoln’s 10 percent plan? Lincoln’s blueprint for Reconstruction included the Ten–Percent Plan,which specified that a southern state could be readmitted into the Union once 10 percent of its voters swore an oath of allegiance to the Union. Lincoln wanted to end the war quickly.
In respect to this, who opposed the 10 percent plan?
Congress, however, refused to seat the Senators and Representatives elected from these ‘Ten percent‘ states. Many people in the North were opposed to the Ten percent plan and President Lincoln and Congress had reached a stalemate. Then the unthinkable happened. President Lincoln was assassinated by James Wilkes Booth.
What was Congress’s counter proposal to Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan?
Congress passed this bill in 1864 to counter Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan for Reconstruction. The bill required that a majority of a former Confederate state’s white male population take a loyalty oath and guarantee equality for African Americans.
Reconstruction Of The South
During Reconstruction, Radical Republicans increasingly took control, led by Sumner and Stevens. They demanded harsher measures in the South, more protection for the Freedmen and more guarantees that the Confederate nationalism was totally eliminated. Following Lincoln’s assassination in 1865, Andrew Johnson, a former War Democrat, became President.
The Radicals at first admired Johnson’s hard-line talk. When they discovered his ambivalence on key issues by his veto of Civil Rights Act of 1866, they overrode his veto. This was the first time that Congress had overridden a president on an important bill. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 made African Americans United States citizens, forbade discrimination against them and it was to be enforced in Federal courts. The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution of 1868 was the work of a coalition formed of both moderate and Radical Republicans.
The Radicals were opposed by former slaveowners and white supremacists in the rebel states. Radicals were targeted by the Ku Klux Klan, who shot to death one Radical Congressman from Arkansas, James M. Hinds.
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What Did The Radical Republicans Stand For
Radical RepublicansRepublican
The Radical Republicans believed blacks were entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites. They also believed that the Confederate leaders should be punished for their roles in the Civil War.
Additionally, what were three policies that the Radical Republicans proposed for reconstruction? On the political front, the Republicans wanted to maintain their wartime agenda, which included support for:
Protective tariffs.
Liberal land policies for settlers.
Federal aid for railroad development.
Thereof, what was the Radical Republicans plan?
The Radical Republicans‘ reconstruction offered all kinds of new opportunities to African Americans, including the vote , property ownership, education, legal rights, and even the possibility of holding political office. By the beginning of 1868, about 700,000 African Americans were registered voters.
Did the radical Republicans favored emancipation?
Radical Republican. Radical Republican, during and after the American Civil War, a member of the Republican Party committed to emancipation of the slaves and later to the equal treatment and enfranchisement of the freed blacks.
Which Republican President Inspired The Teddy Bear
Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican U.S. president from 1901 to 1909, inspired the teddy bear when he refused to shoot a tied-up bear on a hunting trip. The story reached toy maker Morris Michtom, who decided to make stuffed bears as a dedication to Roosevelt. The name comes from Roosevelts nickname, Teddy.
Republican Party, byname Grand Old Party , in the United States, one of the two major political parties, the other being the Democratic Party. During the 19th century the Republican Party stood against the extension of slavery to the countrys new territories and, ultimately, for slaverys complete abolition. During the 20th and 21st centuries the party came to be associated with laissez-fairecapitalism, low taxes, and conservative social policies. The party acquired the acronym GOP, widely understood as Grand Old Party, in the 1870s. The partys official logo, the elephant, is derived from a cartoon by Thomas Nast and also dates from the 1870s.
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An African American Majority In The South Carolina Legislature
Because blacks in South Carolina vastly outnumbered whites, the newly-enfranchised voters were able to send so many African American representatives to the state assembly that they outnumbered the whites. Many were able legislators who worked to rewrite the state constitution and pass laws ensuring aid to public education, universal male franchise, and civil rights for all.
Bookmark this item: //www.loc.gov/exhibits/african-american-odyssey/reconstruction.html#obj12
What Were The Goals Of Reconstruction For Radical Republicans
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They wanted to prevent the leaders of the confederacy from returning to power after the war, they wanted the republican party to become a powerful institution in the south, and they wanted the federal government to help african americans achieve political equality by guaranteeing their rights to vote in the south.
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How Did Congress Take Control Of Reconstruction
In early 1866, Congressional Republicans, appalled by mass killing of ex-slaves and adoption of restrictive black codes, seized control of Reconstruction from President Johnson. The 14th Amendment also reduced representation in Congress of any southern state that deprived African Americans of the vote.
Two Different Plans For Reconstruction
During the months following the April 1865 conclusion of the Civil War, the U.S. Congress was the stage for another kind of battle. A group of senators and representatives known as the Radical Republicans opposed the Reconstruction program put forth by President Andrew Johnson . Having gained that office unexpectedly when Abraham Lincoln was assassinatedonly days after the war’s endby an enraged Southerner, Johnson had surprised everyone with a plan that allowed white Southerners to virtually recreate the days of slavery. The Republicans had managed to win public support for their own vision of a reconstructed South, which they saw as a place where free labor and industry would thrive and where, most importantly, access to equal civil and political rights would allow African Americans to become full, responsible U.S. citizens.
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What Was The Key Difference Between The Lincoln And Johnson Plans For Reconstruction Quizlet
What was the key difference between the Lincoln and Johnson plans for Reconstruction? Unlike Lincolns plan, Johnsons plan barred from political participation any ex-Confederate with taxable property worth $20,000 or more. How did the Thirteenth Amendment change the Constitution? It abolished slavery.
A Cross Section Of Black People
Radical Policies Do Not Unite | Nick Adams | Open Mic
Nevertheless, a broad cross section of blacks made it to the Freedmen’s Conventions. There were many uniformed veterans of the Union army, who had fought against the Confederacy to win their people’s freedom. There were ministers, teachers, and tradesmen as well as plantation workers. The earliest conventions were dominated by free blacks , but as time went on an increasing number of former slaves took part. African Americans took considerable pride in the sight of black people meeting in such numbers, for such a serious purpose. Commenting on a convention held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in early 1865, a black newspaper editor, as quoted in Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery, called it “a great spectacle, and one which will be remembered for generations to come.”
Among the most prominent black leaders at the conventions, some were Northern blacks who had come South to work as agents of the Freedmen’s Bureau , including Tunis G. Campbell and Martin R. Delany . South Carolina native Francis L. Cardozo had escaped slavery to become a minister in Connecticut. Leaders from among the ranks of the former slaves include such notable figures as Robert Smalls , whose bravery during the Civil War had made him famous, and Prince Rivers , a former coachman who had served as a sergeant in the Union army.
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practicingmedicine · 3 years
Practicing Medicine: Chapter Three
Battery Level: 97%
Wireless Signal: (?)
Operating Temperature: 82F
BP: 120/90
SPO2: 100%
Temp: 98.5F
RR: 15
HR: 70
Day: 23 SEP. 2279
Time: 15:00
Current Temperature: 69F
Atmospheric Pressure: 753 mm
Background Radiation: 0.231 RAD
“Oh, that’s terrible! I mean, I had known that Penny was sick, but I didn’t know that she had cancer !” said Mrs. McBain. She gave my hand a tight squeeze, and then released it. “If there’s anything we can do…”
“There’s one thing,” I said. Both Mrs. McBain and her recovering husband looked up at me. “Look after my momma. Make her nice meals, give her hugs, and send a letter to the followers if anything happens. I hope I won’t be gone for long, but if I don’t come back…” I thought for a moment. “Look for help. If you can’t find any, at least make her comfortable.”
Mr. and Mrs. McBain shared a look that suggested they were worried about me. “Of course, I’m sure that ain’t gonna happen. I just like to plan for the worst!” Mr. McBain smiled at me from his bed.
“I appreciate that kind of thinking, son. Things can go to hell in a handbasket pretty quick,” said the Sheriff. His wife glared at him.
“He’s not going to die, Kurt! Don’t you suggest that kind of thing!”
“I wasn’t suggesting nothin! Just saying that it’s good to have a plan- it’s a staple of being a good doctor, or so I hear,” said Mr. McBain, looking at me again. I forced a laugh.
“Yeah, I guess it is! Now, you two, can you do that? Can you look after my mom for a few weeks?” Immediately, Mrs. McBain nodded. Mr. McBain gave a thumbs up.
“Of course, Isaac! It’s the least we can do, really,” said Mrs. McBain. I smiled.
“Thank you,” I replied, and headed for the door. Mom might come looking for me soon, and this’d be one of the first places she’d check.
“Wait, Isaac- do you want to call your mom before you leave?” suggested Mrs. McBain, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shook my head.
“No. Well, yes, but I’m afraid that she’ll change my mind.” I hung my head. I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity, but I needed to do this. I suspected that I was going to have to make a lot of these kinds of choices in the near future. “Thank you though. I’ll try to repay you somehow when I get back.”
“Isaac, dear, you already have.”
I smiled at that. “If you say so.” A cloud of dust blew in around my legs as I opened the door. “See you folks soon- tell Mom I said goodbye, and that I love her!”
And just like that, I left behind everything I knew, and strode into unknown territory.
Well, not really, “ Unknown territor y,” not yet. The next place I went was the town square, which was quiet and empty today. I was thankful for that. I strode past mom’s Casino, which was my next destination, and crouched down next to a little patch of brown grass and concrete between the sidewalk and Bison Steve’s. That was where Father had been shot. After that, he backpedaled for a while, and then ran into the side of the Casino, where he fell down and bled out.
I walked over to the wall. Me and mom had painted it together, before he died and after. I usually left him something; The first time it had been the snow globe he was going to give me, then it had been cactus flowers, and it kept changing after that. Whenever it stormed, the items got swept away, which I was okay with. He wasn’t even buried there, and it wasn’t like he was in any state to need the stuff. I would just start over, leaving something new every time.
But not this time. Not only was that in the past that I was trying to leave behind, but it was also kind of stupid, as I was starting to realize. Instead, I just crouched down next to the spot, put down my bag, and tried to make myself look presentable.
“Howdy, Father- I’m going on a little adventure, out in the wastes. I’d be real grateful if you could watch over Momma til I get back.” I didn’t know much about communing with spirits- still don’t, but it felt like a nice thing to do. After all, I was going to be gone for a while.
And after that, I stood up, wiped away the tears that had been gathering in my eyes, and walked into mom’s bustling Casino. The mysterious new city of New Vegas had taken a toll on business, but Primm still had the most convenient Casino on this side of the Mojave.
“Good evening, Mr. Saller! How you doing- I heard you saved the Sheriff’s life today!” said Johnson Nash, an old, wrinkly-skinned man and the overseer of the Mojave Express mail delivery here in Primm. I smiled as I approached him.
“Howdy Mr. Nash. My mom is dying of cancer. Are there any caravans passing through here?”
Mr. Nash looked surprised. His gaze shifted to the window. “Well, I… Really, Penny? I’m so sorry, boy, she’s always seemed so strong to me! I never would have guessed that she…” he turned his head to look at me again. “Sorry. I’m reminiscing. You just missed an NCR caravan heading up to Nipton. If the schedule keeps going like it has been, another caravan should show up next month…”
“Crud,” I muttered. I thought about saying something less polite, but Mr. Nash didn’t like me swearing.
“Sorry,” said Mr. Nash. Then, his expression changed. He glanced over his shoulder.
“Oh, I almost forgot! There’s an unsponsored one preparing to leave right now, bound straight for New Vegas. It’s a little caravan, three people, a couple of brahmin and a wagon. They’ve run the route a few times, but they don’t usually pass through here. The leader- Gram, I think it was, says he’s with the NCR. He’s got a ranger with him, so normally, I’d be inclined to believe him. But, the NCR never told me about them like they do with the rest of their caravans, and only the ranger wears a uniform.”
I started to walk away. “Thanks, Mr. Nash--where can I find them?”
“They’re out back behind the Casino, sort of over by the hitching posts, but I wouldn’t mess with them. They seem kind of shady to me,” he said. I turned my head to grin at him.
“Oh, I’ll be fine, Mr. Nash. I’m sure they’ll jump at the opportunity to get a doctor on board!”
“Hands behind your head! That’s right, don’t move an inch!”
I shouted out in pain and surprise as the great-big person with the ranger uniform pushed their boot even harder against the small of my back, no doubt leaving a bruise. Without even registering it, I had moved both of my hands behind my head.
“Good. Hoplite, search him!”
A stout, bespectacled ghoul wearing a plaid three-piece suit with a tan cowboy-hat sauntered into my field of view. I hadn’t met many ghouls before, but I could tell by his demeanor that he was no spring chicken. Maybe pre war, maybe not, but definitely vintage. Maybe even antique. He stared at me for a while, then took off his hat, and tilted his head in my direction.
“He’s got nothin, Tandi. If he had a gat, he would have tried to reach for it when you spotted him,” said the ghoul. My ribcage felt like it was going to crack open as the ranger put even more weight onto their one foot.
“That’s not what I’m worried about. I bet he’s a legion slave, check his collar, look for brands on his skin!”  
“I ain’t a slave,” I said, and instantly regretted speaking. The ranger laughed, a strange, hollow sound once it got passed through the helmet.
“Well, the kid ain’t a slave! What a goddamn relief!” The cheery Texan twang didn’t mesh with the deep, slavic voice. Every word that the ranger spoke sent chills down my spine.
“Look!” I shouted. I reached for my coat collar, and the ranger raised their foot and jammed their heel into my back again, harder than before. I screamed out something incomprehensible.
“Try it again, slave-boy-“ I could hear the ranger pull the bolt back on their submachine-gun, and I’m pretty sure I pissed my pants a little. “…And I put a round in your kidney! Maybe death don’t scare you, but pain like that’ll make a tough man cry. Ain’t that right Hoplite?”
The ghoul let out a tired sigh. “I’m not about to play good-cop bad-cop with you, Tandi. Let the poor kid go.” The Ranger kept their foot on my back for a few more seconds, pressing just hard enough to give me a sharp pain in my ribcage. Finally, they released me, leaving me aching in the sand.
As soon as I had recovered enough to breath, I flipped myself onto my back and started coughing. My whole goddamn chest was aching, which was an unfamiliar and unpleasant feeling. Of course, that wasn’t what I was thinking about. I was instead thinking about how I almost got shot, how I almost died less than an hour into my journey, how I almost failed my momma…
I started crying. I knew immediately that it was a bad idea, so I kept it silent, but I couldn’t help but let a few tears leak down my face. No one seemed to notice it, probably because they were still talking amongst themselves.
“…we do with him? Like, I’d feel kind of bad leaving him here…”
“Whoa, big friggin’ idea right here: why don’t we ask him what he was doing? He don’t look like a bad guy to me…”
“Leave him here. He’s a runt and a coward, and the only thing I-“
“Buzz off, Tandi! No one invited you to this conversation!”
“Yeah, shut up, the adults are talking!”
“What? I am thirty years your senior, Savvy! ”
“… Ladies, please. If we don’t make a decision soon, I think the suspense might kill him.”
“Still time for me to kill him.”
“Hush! I think he’s listening to us!”
All eyes turned to me. After a few seconds of feeling like a bug in a magnifying glass, I threw my arms into the air and craned my neck in what I can only describe as a full-body shrug. The ghoul laughed as my arms and legs thumped against the sand.
“Did that hurt? That looked like it hurt,” said the person who I hadn’t seen yet. I could hear her walking closer to me. I didn’t look up.
“Little bit,” I admitted. She was standing behind my head now, and, not wanting to lift my neck, I strained my eyes to look up at her. I couldn’t see her so well against the glare of the sun, but I could make out the general look; she was a young, heavy-ish woman with a bob of black hair and what I recognized to be some-kind-of-Asian features, wearing a faded floral sundress and a floppy hat. I smiled up at her, and she smiled back.
“Howdy there!” I said, and then regretted speaking so loud. My chest still ached.
“Hi! I’m sorry about our ranger. She’s kind of aggressive,” said the girl. I snorted. “Anyways, what’s your name? And, uh, would you like to stand?”
“Isaac, and no, not really,” I replied. Still smiling, she withdrew her hand.
“That’s okay. What were you doing back here? Was this just bad luck, or were you trying to find us?” I nodded absently.
“Both, I think.” I saw the ghoul cast a sidelong glance at the ranger.
“A wise guy? Oh, this’ll be fun. Maybe we should kill him after all,” said the ghoul, and I laughed a laugh that was really just a thinly veiled prayer to God that he was joking. The girl gave him a look.
“Gram, hush. Why were you looking for us? And don’t beat around the bush anymore, I hate it when people do that.”
Normally I would agree with her on that, but I felt like I had a little bit of a right to be insufferable. Given the circumstances.
Don’t push your luck, I thought to myself, you want to join up with these folks. You can still spin this to your advantage! Except, I didn’t really know how I was gonna do that. None of them were taking any sort of pity on me, so I doubted I could play the poor, innocent boy card, and I wouldn’t press the dying momma thing. Past that… well, I wasn’t really sure what to say.
First though, I decided to stand up. I couldn’t have looked very impressive, lying in the dirt like I was. Trying to appear as though I weren’t in incredible pain, I stood and dusted myself off. I turned to face the girl in the dress, who was looking awful unimpressed with me.
“Well, since you asked me so nice, I’ll keep it simple- I need to get to New Vegas as soon as possible. Someone at the casino told me about y’all, so I came to see if you might take me on.” I turned my head to look at the ghoul. “You’re Gram, right? Nash told me about you. Said you were kinda shady, but I trusted that I’d be alright.”
The Ghoul nodded. “Yeah, that’s me. Sorry, but we ain’t taking any new members. We run a taut ship here, and to be honest, I don’t think we need anyone else gumming up the works.” I started to talk, but the ghoul raised a hand to silence me. “And, forget about paying to come along, because this job here is paying enough for my retirement! Don’t think I didn’t see that look in your eyes, kid.”
There went that avenue. I tried not to look defeated.
“That’s alright! I don’t got much money anyways,” I said, which was technically true- I wasn’t very liquid right now. “I was thinking about offering my services. I’m a doctor, see!”
“Nah, see, I already told you, we don’t- wait!” I could see the look on his face change as he registered what I said. “Wait, a doctor? Ah, I should’ve guessed by the coat! You roll with the Followers?”
“No. I’m looking to see them, actually. My aunt Julie leads this here chapter, and my father was a big shot there. Taught me a thing or two, before he died.” I said. I showed him the badge on my coat, which was a little metal circle with a stenciled-on cross with forked ends and a circle at the point where the two lines crossed. He examined it for a moment, then nodded.
“Badge seems genuine, so I don’t think you’re lying about your pops. But, how do I know you’re any good as a doctor? We can’t exactly have you perform a demonstration.”
I had a solution to this one!
“That’s easy! I saved a man’s life this morning, and I can prove it! Name’s Kurt McBain- he’s the Sheriff of this town. Ask anyone in that Casino, and they’ll tell you that I’m not lying. Mrs. McBain shared the news with everyone , so there’s no shortage of people who know,” I said, grumbling the last part like I was disappointed. I was secretly thrilled that she’d told so many people, but I was pretending to be disappointed because it seemed more in-character.
“Cook, why don’t you go check up on that story? Tandi, go check the perimeter, make sure this isn’t some sort of distraction. I think I’d like to talk to the kid alone.”
The other two members of the group departed wordlessly, leaving me alone behind the Casino with Gram, the weird ghoul who spoke like a gangster from one of the pre-war crime novels that my father would read me sometimes. He scared me less than the ranger, but more than the other person- Cook, he had called her. I couldn’t really put a finger on why.
“So, Isaac, let’s assume you’re telling me the truth, for a moment. Just how good of a doctor are you?” asked Gram, walking past me to lean against the peeling Casino wall. I thought for a moment. That was a hard question.
“Well I’m more of a medic, really- general physician in a pinch, but I studied for trauma. Given enough supplies, I can patch up most folks who haven’t got irreversible organ damage,” I replied, thinking back to how I’d repaired the Sheriff’s leaky artery with a stimpack. I might’ve been able to fix it without one, too, if I knew going in what exactly I’d be doing, but I wasn’t sure if I trusted my emergency sutures to hold on their own just yet...
We talked for some time about what I’d done, and what I could do if I absolutely had to. I explained to him that if I set up a pip-boy profile for everyone in advance, I’d be able to get all sorts of information that I’d otherwise have to find out the old-fashioned way. All the while, Gram was scratching the back of his neck, looking over at the back door to the Casino like a deathclaw might come bursting out at any moment. He always kept one hand in his coat.
“Well, Cook’ll be getting back pretty soon, and I’ll call Tandi over the radio once Cook gets back. Assuming you ain’t lying or holding anything back, then you’re on. I’ll give you ten minutes to pack up, and then we’re leaving.”
Despite everything, I smiled- I just couldn’t help it! The sun hadn’t even set, and I was already starting my journey to save my mom. No one could tell me it was just an idea now, because I was taking actions- taking risks, I realized, and it was already paying off. I was elated!
Suddenly, the back door to the Casino opened up. Cook stepped out, her expression unreadable.
“Hey, Gram? So, I asked around, and I’m pretty sure that he’s for real. There were some people who hadn’t heard about the incident, but most of the people who I talked to confirmed that the story was true,” she said. Gram raised one of his bushy eyebrows.
“Hm. How many is, “most?” How was your sample size?”
“Eight out of the Ten people who I asked answered in the affirmative. No one actually denied the story, they just denied knowledge of it. The details didn’t deviate much between accounts, either.”
Gram turned his whole upper body to look at me. He whistled. “Damn, Isaac! Either you’re the fifth best conman I’ve ever met, or you ain’t kidding about the whole doctor thing. I’m gonna go with the latter, because I’ve usually got a pretty good eye for cons.”
“Are you sure, Gram? Not knowing about it is what makes a good con. What if you’ve been getting tricked all the time, and you’re so bad at spotting cons that  you didn’t see most of them- even in retrospect!” suggested Cook. Gram scoffed.
“Please- when you’re alive for as long as me, you learn a thing or two about people and their tricks.” He sounded cross, but I could tell that he was smiling. Cook made a dramatic gesture.
“That’s what they want you to think! It’s how they’ve tricked you for so long!”
“Who’s tricked who?” asked the ranger, emerging around the corner with their barking-iron drawn. Every muscle in my body tensed as I tried not to jump out of my skin.
“Cook was telling me about all the cons I’ve apparently missed. I got a pretty good eye for cons, right, Tandi?”
“How do you know you can trust my answer?”
Cook grinned from ear to ear, and I found myself smiling too- her grin was infectious. “I told you! You’ve been blind this whole time, Gram! I guess living so long has given you some sort of complex…”
Could I wedge my way into this conversation? Did I even want to? The group seemed to run on an awful lot of unspoken rules and agreements, and I definitely didn’t get the impression that I had been invited to this particular conversation just yet.
“Et Tu, Isaac? Has this all been some sort of set up?” Gram asked, throwing his arms out and contriving to look betrayed. I took my invitation and tried real hard to look menacing.
“I’m sorry brother, but you shouldn’t have crossed the mob. You saw what happened to Sunny, didn’t you?” I said, making a little finger gun and calling desperately on my vague knowledge of “The Godfather.” Gram raised an eyebrow.
“First off, that’s not what Pacino sounds like and Michael didn’t kill Sonny. Second, you’ve seen The Godfather?” He sounded more intrigued than surprised. I shook my head.
“Read it, actually. My father read me a lot of books when I was younger. Are you from New York?” I stopped. That was a weird place to end the sentence, since they couldn’t understand the train of thought that led there. “Sorry. It’s just, we were talking about The Godfather, and you sound a lot like the voice my father would put on when he was playing New York mobsters.” Gram looked at me strangely, or at least I imagined he did, then nodded.
“Yeah, yeah I lived in Brooklyn before the war. I’ve been a lot of places since then…” He seemed to think for a moment. “Have you seen what New York looks like nowadays? It’s worse than the Capital Waste. If I hadn’t gotten outta there, I’m sure I would’ve gotten killed by now.”
“Well, I haven’t been, but-“ I started, getting ready to recount one of my many stories about father’s adventures with the Followers. Before I could finish, the ranger stepped between us.
“Beggin’ your pardon, Hoplite, but the sun’s setting, and I don’t want to spend another night in this shithole. Are we taking him or not?”
Gram shrugged. “Depends. Are you sure you wanna come…”
“Isaac,” I said. Gram nodded.
“Right. Now, Isaac, before you agree to anything, I feel like I’m obligated to warn you about the dangers of this run. There are raiders out there, there are legion assassins, mutants, and because of these things there will probably be death. We haven’t had a casualty in years, but you’re still probably going to watch someone die.” That last one hit me like a punch in the gut, but I think I managed to keep my reaction under wraps. I just nodded. “You ever seen someone die, Isaac? Are you gonna shut down on us as soon as someone gets shot?”
“Yes, I have,” I replied, and left it that. Gram looked satisfied.
“Good. Let’s get going. Isaac- as of this moment, you’re hired. I’ll give you ten minutes to pack. Be quick,” he said, shooing me away. I shook my head.
“Actually, I’m already packed.” In retrospect, I probably should have taken a few choice magazines with me, but those weren’t particularly vital. I had my jump bag with me, and I had the clothes on my back.
It was kind of sad, actually, to think that I didn’t own a single item worth taking with me that I wasn’t already carrying. Maybe I just wasn’t thinking hard enough.
“Well, in that case, we’ve got no time to waste- let’s hit the road!”
Under normal circumstances, I’d have felt awful sad, leaving home like this, not knowing if I was ever gonna return. But today, I was satisfied. I’d made a decision, and I was finding a way to carry it out!
“Cya soon, momma,” I mumbled, and loaded my bag onto the back of the wagon. I was leaving all-standing, and the journey ahead of me would surely be long, dangerous, and full of unpleasant surprises. I might even die a horrible death, end up face down in a pool of radioactive waste...
I’d never been more thrilled in my entire life!
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awesometeennews · 4 years
IPL 2020: Rajasthan Royals Predicted Lineup vs Chennai Super Kings
IPL 2020: Rajasthan Royals Predicted Lineup vs Chennai Super Kings
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Rajasthan Royals are all set to play their opening match of the IPL 2020 against Chennai Super Kings on 22nd of September at the Sharjah International Stadium. CSK started their campaign on a winning note against MI.
Rajasthan Royals had traded captain Ajinkya Rahane to Delhi capitals for this term and appointed Steve Smith as the leader. RR squad members including Steve Smith, Jofra…
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viaphni · 7 months
The RR Discord was on ACTUAL drugs last night
7 of us , giggling like madmen and crazed with hyperactivity,, , we figured out the True Roles of the Ruined Reality.
Void is an Italian Man,
Light is American (just American),
General Proxima is a Texan Dad (General Texima)
Toxin is a French Man (Luigi)
Cliff is Canadian
Professor is Florida Man (Professor Floreda)
Violet Leader is a middle aged white suburban american mom with live laugh love signs
Pink Leader is hippie American dad
Drug Violet is Ohio (Ohiolet)
Yellow Leader is "whitewashed guy by Italy" (I still don't understand what this means)
Soren is British
Steve Leader is Karen
And then the 🦅 and the 🦖and the🤫🧏and the🚑and the🇮🇹vs🇫🇷ohh say does that start spangled baaaaaaaa🔥🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
But yeah. That conversation was WILD
oh and. General "Women want me, fish fear me" Texima
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Thats all
@codajaiden Do you remember The most mentally ill google doc ever created
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quizmint · 4 years
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Steve Smith a great leader, backs young players: Riyan Parag | Cricket News Steve Smith and Riyan Parag (PTI photo) NEW DELHI: Over the years, Rajasthan Royals (RR) have gained the reputation of giving young players a chance to shine on the biggest stage.
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jayleeg · 7 years
1) I'm just so tired after Civil War; so tired of fandom. I love Tony Stark, I'm "Team Iron Man" or whatever, but do people understand that that's a marketing gimmick- the teams? Both sides have done things that are right and wrong, and both have understandable actions/ reactions; it shows that superheroes are human. The point of any iteration of CW is to show that Steve and Tony are better together- that's literally the lesson.
2) The universes that escaped the consequences of CW were ones where they were able to sit down, talk and compromise- together. And the point still stands, because guess what, in IW they’re going to “kiss and make up”. They have to. They’re the leaders of the Avengers, the leaders of the only superheroes in the MCU, and they want and care about the same things. It’s who they are. And gosh, not to be too on the nose, but literally “Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean” applies.
Yes! This! Thank you Team Iron Man, I want to hug you right now.
Seriously any fan that thinks that either Tony and/or Steve, the two most popular characters in the franchise, whose relationship actually has a 50+ year history, and who’ve always worked best when they’re unified, are going to go anywhere if the fans of either scream loud enough on Tumblr is seriously deluding themselves. 
It a shared universe. It will always be a shared universe. The writers, themselves, have stated that they wouldn’t have split them up if they didn’t intend to have it be a ‘learning moment’ and put them back together again. 
I have a Marvel RSS feed and I read an interesting article not too long ago. I forget which publication posted the article, I’ll have to dig it up again, but the gist of the article proposed that the reason GotG works so well for people, as a franchise, on a psychological level, is the bonds between the team that formed. That Marvel is pulling a thread with GotG, that focuses heavily on familial ties and the idea behind made families and audiences are not only responding to it, they’re totally eating it up. As a comic reader I can confirm that the best panels, the ones I love the most, are Steve and Tony teasing each, or Sam and Steve having each others’ backs. Basically, unified fronts.
People on Tumblr can talk about clinging to ‘pettiness’ and ‘salt’ all they want. It doesn’t sell - not in the long haul. Doesn’t allow parasocial relationships between audience and fictional character to stick. May sell at first. But wont last. Love is stronger than hate. Always.
I’ve used this example in meta before but it’s so fitting to this topic I’m bringing it up again. When Star Trek the original series first aired the character of Spock really struck a chord with people - the idea of being alien, not fully accepted into society, really resonated with the audience. For Gene Roddenberry, the show’s creator, who had to fight to keep Spock as a character to begin with (the network thought that Spock’s ears made him look devilish… networks in the 60′s, man) this was a problem, because the network wanted the focus on Kirk, not Spock. 
During roughly this same time Gene Roddenberry struck up a weird friendship with Isaac Asimov, the godfather of science fiction. Initially Asimov criticized the fledgling show for scientific inaccuracies, and Roddenberry decided to respond to the criticisms with a letter to Asimov that basically read, to paraphrase, “I know, dude, I know, but *you* try dealing with NBC, they wont let me get away with anything. Every script is an uphill battle”.
From there Asimov and Roddenberry became pen-pals, united in their mutual disdain of censoring art, particularly when it applied to science, and a friendship formed (Asimov soon became an adviser for the show) and Roddenberry asked Asimov for advice on how to get people to like Kirk as much as Spock. Asimov’s response (and keep in mind that this guy authored over 90 books - he was the George RR Martin of his time): ‘Make them friends. Make them save each others lives. Put them in as many frames together as you can manage. Make it so everyone can’t think of one without thinking of the other.’
Over fifty years later and guess what’s still a successful franchise? And guess what duo is iconic? Moral of the story, fandom? Friendship, not animosity, is way more endearing to a franchise’s longevity. 
Source on the Roddenberry/Asimov thing
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musicgoon · 6 years
Recommended Reading
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Providing A Freshly Curated, Weekly Link List on Christianity & Culture.
Find all of my weekly recommended reading link lists with the RR tag. Dedicated link posts with personal commentary can be found with the link tag. Real-time news and article sharing happens on Twitter and my Facebook page.
I love seeing new things on the Internet and I love reading and your comments, so please keep in touch. And to get all of my blog articles, exclusive insight, and more from my many projects, you can subscribe to my newsletter.
How Do I Know That I Am Elect? How Do I Know My Faith Is Genuine?
Tragedy’s Warning: Responding Biblically to Evil and Disaster
How to Live a Simple and Wasted Life
On Earth as It Is in Heaven
What Do Pastors Like Most about Their Ministries?
Russell Moore On Social Justice Without A Social Gospel
Jesus Died for Your Spouse’s Sins
When Children Aren’t Being Discipled at Home
Are We Adopted for Us or for God?
The Enduring Vision of Albert Mohler at Southern Seminary
Why Does Piper Avoid Politics and What’s Trending?
Passing the Baton in the Midst of Battle
The Home of Everything We’ve Always Longed For
Death Is but a Doorway
How Hillsong Church Conquered the Music Industry in God’s Name
Why Does John Piper Journal?
How Pastors Win (and Lose) Our Respect
What the Kavanaugh Conflagration Was Really About
4 Reasons You Should Consider Teaching or Volunteering in Kids Ministry
Tips for Reading Better & The Future of Books
Six Ways the Songs we Sing on Sunday Should Transform Our Life
Scripture: Our Inerrant and Infallible Authority
John Frame’s 9-Point Checklist for Evaluating Theological Writings
The Seven Traits of a Healthy Church Leader
6 Ways to Ruin Your Children
Is Tim Keller a “Cultural Marxist”?
The Good We Never Ask For: What God Does for Us in Suffering
How the Architecture of Hospitals Affects Health Outcomes
Forging the Oregon Trail
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walnutmusic · 7 years
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Announcements Thank you for serving with me! (1) This month, please prayerfully consider your service in the music ministry for the upcoming church year by reviewing our worship leader covenant. (2) The purpose of the worship leader covenant is to better oversee and provide accountability for our music teams. (3) It is expected that you agree with and will abide by it – you do not need to reply to this email. However, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4n5dfvg94uiazz/Covenant.docx?dl=0
Recommendations Walnut Commentary: Hurricane Harvey with Steve https://youtu.be/DRk8Hgbnm9Y?list=PL_vN-vM53O-8tOhjyb_8fmRiUXoBvnI3O
Suggested Reading Serious Joy from John Piper http://www.ligonier.org/blog/serious-joy/ Resources Bookmark our team website, where you can find chord sheets, admin documents, and more. http://fcbcwmusic.tumblr.com Check out my recommended reading link list. http://musicgoon.com/tagged/rr Visit my blog. http://musicgoon.com
Recognition Thank you Steph, Chloe, Endora, Joyce, Gabe, and Philip for leading in English w me! Thank you Ryan for leading in CW!
English 9/3 Jon 9/10 Ray (New Church Year/Baptism) 9/17 Bambang 9/24 Victor 10/1 Aaron 10/8 Jon 10/15 Ray 10/22 Bambang 10/29 Victor 11/5 Aaron 11/12 Jon 11/19 Ray 11/26 Bambang 12/3 Victor 12/10 Aaron 12/17 Jon 12/24 Ray 12/31 Bambang
Children 9/3 Aaron 9/10 Joyce 9/17 Not Jon 9/24 Joan 10/1 Ryan 10/8 Serena 10/15 Jon 10/22 Joyce 10/29 Joan 11/5 Ryan 11/12 11/19 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 12/24 12/31
Unikoi 9/1 Aaron 9/8 Chloe 9/15 Aaron 9/22 Chloe 9/29 No Unikoi (last Friday of the month)
In-Transit 9/7 Aaron 9/21 Brian 10/5 Aaron 10/19 Brian 11/2 Aaron 11/16 Brian 12/7 TBD (Aaron away) 12/21 Brian
Serious joy in a sovereign God, Aaron
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