#RPG Latino
spilledsecretsrpg · 2 years
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justarandomnobody · 2 months
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This is a new feat in Starfinder 2e. While I think it's great, if it's not translated to Spanish like this:
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I'll burn the publisher to the ground.
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desertbleuoc · 9 months
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x6 avatars Bad Bunny (benito antonio martinez ocasio)
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fateloe · 3 months
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¡Arturia Pendragon Alter se une a 'Light of Extinction'!
Ya no existe compasión en el Tirano de los Caballeros. Entre la fuerza y el terror, el brillo dorado de su leyenda fue manchado por el negro, y fortalecido por la Sangre de Albión.
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face-claims-central · 5 months
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Natalia Castellar Calvani - Puerto Rican, 1999
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fom-rol · 4 months
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El viaje de las máscaras
Al morir, los espíritus llegan a un lugar que les resulta familiar; imágenes difuminadas de lo que alguna vez fueron pasan por sus mentes. Entre la hierba alta y el dulce aroma de la naturaleza, un universo lleno de seres inmortales se levanta para darles la bienvenida a su nuevo viaje. 🌸✨
Un viaje en el que recordarás quién, o quienes fuiste en un pasado distante, y en el que deberás asumir tus decisiones para volver a sentir la vida una vez más.
El plano espiritual te recibe, y quizás te reencuentres con personas que alguna vez amaste y deseaste ver con todas tus fuerzas cuando estabas con vida... 🕯️🌌
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universidaddesalemrp · 8 months
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El amor se siente en el aire. La Universidad de Salem, con las fraternidades Corvus Lyra y Corona Borealis te invitan al evento de San Valentín en el autocinema. En esta noche todo puede cambiar.
Entra a Universidad de Salem
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lotusgraphics · 1 year
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Universidad de Salem
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La magia es de todos y para todos. O así se creía al principio. Cuando el sistema del mundo empezó a cambiar, los poderosos se guardaron la magia para ellos mismos, reservaron la posibilidad de ser un gran mago solo para quienes podían pagarlo. A lo largo del mundo nacieron instituciones privadas que le permitieron el conocimiento mágico solo a las élites.
Durante el año 27 a.C., en algunos puntos del mundo surgieron extraños nodos de magia que contenían un poder inconmensurable en tres puntos distintos. Quienes los estudiaron llegaron a la conclusión de que su existencia era una fuente de poder para la humanidad, que al dominarlos se podían lograr grandes cosas, que podía dar vida y muerte, conocimiento y poder. Su custodia estuvo a manos de estudiosos, druidas, sacerdotes, reyes y videntes, hasta que poco a poco se rodearon de prestigiosas universidades: la Universidad Brigantia de Estudios Mágicos en una isla secreta al sur de la Isla de Mann, la Escuela de Artes Superiores de Mictlantecuhtli y la Universidad de Salem en Occidente. Se cree que otros nodos se pueden encontrar en zonas todavía no descubiertas del mundo.
Las escuelas que tuvieron la osadía y la valentía de edificarse alrededor del nodo, son consideradas poderosas, renombradas y autónomas; pero también han sido centro de la lucha de clases que ha gobernado al mundo desde siempre.
Con el paso del tiempo, las desventajas sociales se volvieron cada vez más marcadas en el mundo, al punto de que algunos magos no tenían ni siquiera acceso a educación mágica, canalizadores de magia y oportunidades. Los magos de élite que han dominado la magia académica creen que el derecho a la magia viene solo del estudio y el aprendizaje privilegiado.
A lo largo de la historia han surgido chispas de rebeldía ante este método: estudiantes autodidactas, profesores que se encargaban de llevar el conocimiento a los menos favorecidos, magos que practicaban solo magia antigua, todos castigados con dureza por las élites y apagados en distintas guerras y rebeliones.
En 1997, Hecate Seger, una poderosa bruja nacida de las élites, logró controlar el nodo mágico de Brigantia y empezó una guerra para esclavizar y dominar a la civilización menos afortunada con la magia negra y el asesinato como estandartes. Hécate creó a los Ejecutores, un grupo de radicales que se encargaban de investigar a posibles disidentes y asesinarlos (profesores sin licencia que enseñaban magia a otros, autodidactas, miembros de la llamada Resistencia).
Con el objetivo de dominar todos los nodos conocidos, movió su guerra y su gobierno a Salem, pero ahí encontró su perdición; primero con la creación de la Resistencia, un grupo de ciudadanos que se unieron en su contra y después con uno de sus oficiales, el licántropo Frank Nothomb, quien planeó un golpe de estado con la creación de un grupo secreto: W.A.N.D. (Wisdom and Necromancy Division), formado por magos elegidos por un vidente por sus capacidades mágicas y no por su poder adquisitivo, que aprendieron las artes de la magia negra y la nigromancia para luchar contra los ejércitos de Seger. Magia negra contra magia negra.
Seger perdió Salem y regresó a Brigantia, pero los ejércitos de Frank Nothomb la persiguieron y liberaron al nodo brigante y también a la universidad en lo que después sería conocida como La Gran Guerra. Un año después, WAND tuvo que volverse contra su creador, Frank Nothomb, cuando se convirtió él mismo en un dictador genocida. WAND se volvió una organización internacional que trabaja mano a mano con distintos gobiernos del mundo para controlar la magia negra con nigromancia. La Resistencia, por su parte, se volvió un partido político: la DMU.
Desde entonces ha comenzado un proceso para hacer el acceso a la magia más democrático: las universidades del mundo que se dedican a los estudios mágicos dan becas y oportunidades a quienes demuestran talentos excepcionales, también a quienes muestran aptitudes en exámenes de admisión.
Sin embargo, la sociedad sigue dividida en una lucha de clases constante, y también comienza a sospechar que WAND no es del todo la organización limpia que afirma ser. Después de todo, ¿quién puede confiar en nigromantes?
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all-games-fast · 9 months
🏹MEJORES Juegos RPG para PC de Bajos Recursos🔥
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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Evangelion: Shinji, asuka y rei
-Shinji: todos los problemas psicológicos del dsm, necesita todo un país de psicólogos! (Argentina)
Asuka: insoportable pq así ignora sus traumas. representa el espíritu nacional argentino.
Rei: autista y crónicamente deprimida. representa el consiente colectivo nacional argentino.
Misato: vive a base de birras, te caga a puteadas por cualquier cosa, maneja como una psicópata y tiene un pingüino (argentina y de santa cruz)
-shinji, no hay nada mas argentino-coded que un gay deprimido con un walkman
-Asuka, Es la típica morra castrosa con pedos mentales que te encuentras en una secundaria pública latina y también es tu mejor amiga con la que tendrás un rompimiento demasiado intenso
-Shinji Ikari because he's the prettiest girl at the quince
-Asuka nge mexicana para siempre
-madotsuki de yume nikki. todo el chiste de yume nikki es que no sabés nada en concreto sobre la vida de madotsuki sin embargo yo se con certeza que es peruana-japonesa
-Madotsuki (Yume Niki) Vi la nominación de la otra persona y si x'd El chiste del juego es que no se sabe nada de ella, solo caminas alrededor de su subconsciente y sueños, pero la chica tiene motivos peruanos en su cuarto, en sus sueños, y la apariencia aparece en un tejido antiguo del Perú, por lo que se cree que es peruana/japonesa. Ella sería la unica protagonista medio latina de rpg japones famoso.
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This blog!
🍇 I'm a secret hellenist, polytheist and witch so i can't practice what i believe in a very extravagant way, so i decided to create a blog dedicated to my religion and practice but also about my journey and interests, so the account is a mix of everything. My main blog is @harleyquinnirl1!
About me!
🍇 Mikhail Alexandre, +18, autistic adhd, brazilian latino, non-binary bisexual, i use he/him, they/them and it/its pronouns.
My interests!
🍇 Animations: Steven Universe, Pokemon, Slugterra, Monster High (G3), The Owl House, Amphibia, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, Nimona and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure.
🍇 Games: Ensemble Stars, League Of Legends, Overwatch, Honkai Star Rail, Doki Doki Literature Club, The Arcana, Your Turn To Die, Danganronpa, Pokemon, Beast Of Bermuda, The Isle, Path Of Titans, Baldur's Gate 3, games from the Life Is Strange franchise, between others. I like simulation games, animal games, games with choices that affect the course of the story and interactive visual novels or visual novels in general.
🍇 Others: Cartoons, Animations, Rose Quartz, Harley Quinn, DC, Percy Jackson, Felps (Youtuber), Cellbit (Youtuber), Studio Ghibli, Games, RPG, Myths, Religions, Human Behavior, Autism, ADHD, Disorders And Disabilities, Dinosaurs, Animals, Alternative Fashion, Countercultures, Arts, The Color Pink, Sexuality And Gender, LGBTQIA+ Novels and Music.
🍇 I do not support “mspec lesbians", “lesboys” and labels that contradict and disrespect identities that already exist (e.g. I do not support mspec lesbians because lesbians are non-male people who like other non-male people, saying you are an mspec lesbian is contradictory because lesbians are not from the multisexual aspect and trying to put men under the lesbian label is disrespectful), I swear a lot sometimes, i use tone indicators sometimes and i prefer that people use them with me too if they are making a joke or something like that because i’m bad with tone, i'm otherhearted and furry.
🍇 Basic criteria (homophobic, racist, xenophobic, etc.), proshipper, hater/anti of my interests and characters that i like, anti-furry, anti-therian, radfem/radgay, transmed, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronouns, ableist, pro-israel, anti rarepair and people who doesn't know how to accept other people's opinions about things that don't hurt anyone (headcanons, ships etc that are not problematic).
🕊 For my posts about Aphrodite i use #for aphrodite
☀️ For my posts about Apollon i use #for apollon
🍷 For my posts about Dionysus i use #for dionysus
💬 For my posts talking about random things or about hellenism i use #coffee talk
🗂 For my posts with things i did i use #barista's choice
🔁 For posts that i reblog i use #coffee refills
My accounts!
🍇 My main blog: @harleyquinnirl1
🍇 My hellenistic, polytheist and witch blog: @mikhailhellenicjournal
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diyakkul · 9 months
bc I'm bored and I miss them ♡ (diyakkul on AO3) warning for spoilers ahead??
First thing first: Neteyam and Lo'ak are half latinos!! And they perfectly speak Spanish (Lo'ak has a bit of an accent and Neytiri blames Jake's horrible/broken Spanish he had to learn to speak with Mo'at);
Neytiri never wanted Neteyam and Lo'ak to become actors because she didn't want the media to target them as 'nepo babies' due to her past fame;
Neytiri's choice to stop her actress career was solely hers after marrying Jake— he wanted her to continue;
Neteyam's first acting role was playing a tree in an elementary school musical recital;
Lo'ak was the first one to sign himself as an extra to start his acting career and dragged Neteyam with him;
Jake and Neytiri found out their sons were acting as extras while watching a movie on Netflix:
"Hey, doesn't that guy look like Neteyam?" Asked Jake as they were cuddling on the couch. "That guy is Neteyam!" Neytiri shouted after pausing the movie and studying the guy up close.
Their theatre club teacher was the first person they called when James Cameron sent them the script for Pandora;
Neteyam and Lo'ak bought their 'villa' together;
For Lo'ak was love at first sight when he saw Tsireya sitting in the script reading room;
Tsireya used to be a child model and did a few commercials when she was younger;
Tsireya and Ao'nung grew up together since Tonowari and Ronal are best friends;
Rotxo was already their friend since they attended the same high school for 'rich kids';
Ao'nung is the nepo kid par excellence, his first acting role was in one of Tonowari's movies as his own son, and doesn't care about being called a nepo baby;
Tonowari = Dwayne Johnson/The Rock btw;
Ao'nung *stared* at Neteyam throughout the first reading meeting but was so shy and overawed by his beauty that he forgot to say 'hi' back (the rest is history);
Neteyam was glad he had to switch roles with Lo'ak until he realized his character (Rai'uk) had too many scenes with Ao'nung's (Sahné);
After the switch roles news, Tsireya had to listen to Ao'nung's two-hour-long cheer in their usual nightly FaceTime call (Rotxo pretended to be sleeping);
Lo'ak and Spider used to challenge themselves in 'illegal golf cart racing' between a studio and another until James Cameron caught them;
Rotxo and Kiri had their very first kiss in his dressing room in the middle of the first season recording and had been dating ever since secretly;
Rotxo and Kiri used to share secret notes between one take and another;
Neteyam has never accepted roles in musical movies because he thinks he isn't good enough but he occasionally shares song covers on Instagram;
Among the cast, Tsireya is the one who shares the most moments/photo dumps;
Ao'nung had a secret account just to follow Neteyam before opening his own Instagram account;
Neteyam and Rotxo always read fans' tweets together;
Spider's podcast had to be a joke but too many people started following him, so he went with it;
Kiri will more likely end her acting career after the last season of Pandora because she wants to travel the world and do environmental volunteering work with Grace;
Neteyam sometimes thinks about accepting modeling offers;
Ao'nung's Instagram explore page: South Pacific landscapes, RPG games, Neteyam, surfing stuff;
Ao'nung's house is so big that Neteyam didn't meet his boyfriend's parents until two months after they went back together (Tonowari once opened the door for him and Neteyam couldn't stop praising him for his movies, Ao'nung had to drag him away + he met Ao'nung's mother in the middle of the night while he and Ao'nung were making a late night snack in the kitchen);
Neteyam and Ao'nung's housekeeper are partners in crime;
Neteyam and Ao'nung moved close to Lo'ak and Neteyam's old villa since Tsireya moved in with Lo'ak to be neighborhoods;
Ao'nung felt so betrayed by Rotxo after learning he had actually been dating Kiri for all those years he didn't speak to him for two weeks straight (Neteyam had to intervene);
Neteyam and Ao'nung sometimes like to share cute videos about their daily life or do Instagram lives together;
TMI (+18): Rai'uk and Sahné were switch;
Every time rumors about Lo'ak and Tsireya breaking up spread around the internet, they post a story thumbing their noses;
Neteyam will become a director;
Ao'nung will join the cast of a highly successful action movie after a long hiatus after Pandora's fourth season: it will become a franchise, and Ao'nung'll live off that success.
Lo'ak will still do back-and-forth between horror and action movies;
Tsireya will slowly retire from Hollywood's spotlight after founding a cosmetic and haircare brand that will be a worldwide success (girl boss, she actually will make more money than Lo'ak);
Rotxo will eventually join Kiri in her environmental volunteering work around the world, and they will found two sea animal rescue centers: the first in Awa'atlu and the second in California;
Lo'ak and Tsireya are going to have two twins: Raul, a boy, and Lani, a girl;
Neteyam and Ao'nung will be more than happy to just be the funny gay uncles and will adopt two dogs, a French bulldog named Rainé (after Rai'uk and Sahné's ship name, Ao'nung's choice) and a beagle named Coco (Neteyam wanted to call him Cacao but 'caca' is still the only thing Ao'nung knows in Spanish and laughed too much);
Kiri and Rotxo were fine being the rich uncle&aunt couple until Kiri found out she was pregnant in one of their trips to Awa'atlu, they'll end up having a girl named Raina.
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demonecelestiale · 1 month
Introducing the team of Perfect Seraphines Precure
The season was introduced here! Now let's meet the three Cures and they're magical items. I prepared only their school uniforms for now and you're gonna see why. sorry in advance for eventual typos.
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Sakura Aino a.k.a. Cure Euphoria, the pink Precure of fun!
age: 15 y/o
japanese descent. Her dad is former mangaka and now free lancer illustrator Hirohiko Aino and her mom is the workaholic office worker Naoko Umakoshi
goes to the Edengarden Public High School (the uniform i was inspired by the ones seen in the movie Do Revenge).
every week has a new hobby. literally. she's addicted to internet tutorials.
she plays all kind of video games, but at the moment she loves playing multiplayer online games.
personality-wise she's right in the middle between Cure Grace and Cure Summer
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Selena Rubio a.k.a. Cure Nocturne
age: 15 y/o
latino descent. her parents are both from Venezuela and they are both CEO of succesful companies. she's the rich girl of the group.
goes to the very exclusive and female only Madame Serenity Academy (the uniform is the same as seen in Clueless, albeit i failed to do the pattern, so it's just dark purple)
her parents tried for years to get her into horse riding, tennis or golf and they failed hard. she spent her time watching comedians on youtube and despite her elegant appearance, she's the less serious one. her jokes mostly suck.
her favorite videogames are RPGs and JRPGs
personality-wise she's 98% unserious. she's also a total lesbian
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Celeste Starlight a.k.a. Cure Asteria
age: 15 y/o
africandescent. her father he's a dentist and her mother owns a bridal shop. she also has an older brother that frequents a university out of town
goes to the Supernova Performing Art School (for the uniform i got inspired by the movie The Craft)
she's a one woman band as she knows how to play guitar, drums, keyboard and bass. she's also a terrific songwriter and can write you a full song in 15 minutes. singing? we don't talk about that
she loves to play rhythm games (duh), soulslike and platformers, but she would play whatever games if you told her that the soundtrack is good
personality-wise she has a zero bullshit attitude and she's generally not very patient.
And now... their items!
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For Transforming each one of them get a Curetendo D-Seraph created form their hearts. They also get a cartridge. The henshin goes pretty much like this:
Cure take out the D-Seraph and her cardridge
She insert the cardridge in the slot on the back (like you do with a NDS family console)
she take out the stylus and on screen she select the game (again. like you to with a NDS family console)
the henshin start (it's very similar to the henshins of Kira Kira Precure)
the D-Seraph ends up in their pouches
As a power-up they gain a Seraphstick that get created form the stylus (just like Cure Felice does for her attack). With the Seraphstick they gain a more powerful version of their purifier attacks.
Last tidbit: as they all frequent differents school, they mostly meet right after school so they tend to not change clothes
Next time i'll introduce the mascot (you know. the bear) and his items and with that i'll talk some more about the lore (i don't have the villains yet. sorry)
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desertbleuoc · 6 months
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x 8 avatars de bad bunny (benito antonio martinez ocasio)
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fateloe · 2 months
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¡'Fate/LoE' y 'Asteria RPG' ahora son foros hermanos!
¡Demos una cálida bienvenida a Asteria RPG a nuestros afiliados hermanos!
Tras continuas guerras y crisis, tres diosas en su misericordia pagaron un alto precio para reconstruir un mundo donde la magia y la tecnología coexisten, ¿te atreves a explorarlo? ¡Encontrarán más información en su Tumblr!
De nuevo, agradecemos a la cálida administración de Asteria a quienes apoyaremos en su trayectoria en el mundo de los foros de rol, ¡mucho éxito y que su proyecto siga adelante!
Por nuestra parte, seguimos buscando afiliados hermanos, si te interesa nuestra iniciativa para tu foro de rol, recuerda revisar nuestra publicación al respecto, ¡muchas gracias!
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face-claims-central · 5 months
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Mariana Barcelos - Brazilian, 2002
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