#RBC 2018
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"The second night of TIFF was a busy one for Armie Hammer. He and fellow actors Dev Petel and Nazanin Boniadi are in town to premiere Hotel Mumbai, director Anthony Maras’s debut feature, which focuses on the Mumbai terrorist attacks that took place 10 years ago.
For Mr. Hammer and his wife, actor Elizabeth Chambers, this was one of three stops on last night’s social circuit: earlier in the evening at the pre-world premiere party given for director Tim Sutton’s new film Donnybrook at RBC House, the pair made an appearance in support of friend Frank Grillo, who alongside Jamie Bell and Margaret Qualley star in the film. [...]
Night two culminated with the annual hot-ticket HUGO BOSS-hosted soiree, which this year, hosted alongside Amazon Studios, served as the world premiere celebration for Felix Van Groeningen’s greatly anticipated Beautiful Boy, staring young man of the moment Timothée Chalamet, Steve Carell and Amy Ryan. Mr. Chalamet, who wore a Haider Ackermann embroidered suit, breezed into the party and headed for the second floor of the club where he was later joined by party hopper Mr. Hammer, making for a Call Me By Your Name reunion of sorts."
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On Sunday, April 21, professional golfer Scottie Scheffler – the number one golfer in the world – won the RBC Heritage tournament in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina – his second tournament win in as many weeks. He bested Chris Kirk by four strokes.
The week prior, Scheffler won his second green jacket at the Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on April 14. Scheffler finished his round at -11, besting second-place Ludvig Åberg by four strokes.
The 27-year-old turned pro in 2018. He and his wife Meredith are expecting their first child later this month.
Following his dominating performance at the Masters, Scheffler gave a powerful pro-faith, pro-family press conference. He responded to a question about his desire to win by recounting a conversation he...
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Déjà, il faut savoir qui produit cette « étude ». Ou plutôt qui finance quoi.
Sur 1 847 105 €, le réseau « Action Climat » est financé à hauteur de 1% par ses adhérents, mais à plus de 50% des fonds privés. Le gouvernement ajoute 31% du total.
Voici la liste des financeurs ayant soutenu le Réseau Action Climat en 2022 :
Agence française de Développement (AFD) Agence de la Transition Écologique (ADEME) Climate Works Commission Européenne (Programme LIFE) ECOS EUKI Feedback Fondation Carasso Fondation Européenne pour le Climat (ECF) Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme (FPH) Fondation Oak Mairie de Paris Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères Ministère de la Transition écologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires
Dès lors que l’on trouve la Commission Européenne, on sait à quoi s’en tenir. La municipalité écolo-socialiste de Paris est du même calibre.
Le plus intéressant est toutefois l’identité des fondations privées, car nous parlons nécessairement de fonds issus du monde des affaires, pas des impôts.
La fondation Feedback a été créé par Hal Harvey, un agent des familles Rockefeller et Hewlett qui a été chargé d’infiltrer les bureaucraties gouvernementales de nombreux pays.
Il a été baptisé « l’écologiste le plus puissant du monde » par le journal allemand Die Zeit. Disposant de fonds illimités pour recruter, former et soudoyer, il a méthodiquement pris le contrôle du ministère de l’économie allemand après une décennie d’infiltration. C’est lui qui a nommé l’un de ses associés à la tête du ministère, l’écologiste de gauche radical Robert Habeck.
Vu de France, personne ne comprend l’acharnement du gouvernement allemand à poursuivre une politique anti-nucléaire tout en s’alignant sur Washington qui mène une guerre contre l’alliance énergétique germano-russe. Sans le gaz russe, l’industrie allemande est condamnée à moyen terme face aux concurrents mondiaux.
Les Allemands ne le comprennent pas davantage. Une enquête de novembre dernier indique que 73% de l’opinion allemande désapprouve l’action du gouvernement Scholz. Les écologistes sont à 12% d’intentions de vote. Il faut préciser qu’en plus de Habeck, l’écologiste Annalena Baerbock occupe le ministère des Affaires étrangères où elle impose les vues des juifs de Washington, tant sur l’Ukraine que la Palestine.
Une autre fondation citée est la fondation Carasso, de son nom complet Fondation Nina et Daniel Carasso. Daniel Carasso est le juif séfarade qui a fondé Danone. La fondation est dirigée par leur fille, Marina Nahmias.
La Fondation Européenne pour le Climat est une organisation fondée en 2008 qui est présidée depuis 2017 par la juive séfarade Laurence Tubiana. C’est elle qu’Emmanuel Macron avait mandaté pour circonscrire la crise des Gilets Jaunes via la Convention citoyenne pour le climat.
La crise avait été déclenchée par la hausse mécanique des taxes sur le carburant votée par la majorité socialiste sous la présidence Hollande, première étape vers le rationnement de la consommation de la classe moyenne maquillée en « écologie ».
La fondation Oak, quoique officiellement située en Suisse, est une structure légalement basée dans l’île anglo-normande de Jersey, un paradis fiscal d’où elle gère une fortune colossale. Rien qu’en 2018, elle a accordé 350 millions de dollars de dons à diverses initiatives, notamment contre l’utilisation des énergies fossiles. Après des recherches poussées, la presse américaine a découvert qu’elle était indirectement contrôlée par la Banque Royale du Canada via une filiale, la RBC Trust Company Jersey Limited.
La Banque Royale du Canada n’est pas détenue par l’État Canadien, mais par des actionnaires, dont le groupe Vanguard qui gère plus de 7,000 milliards de dollars d’actifs dans le monde.
Personne ne va jamais voir qui finance ces coquilles vides écolo-réchauffistes qui payent des provocateurs pour bloquer les routes ou saccager les musées.
De bout en bout, la finance internationale est le commanditaire et cette finance veut que la plèbe intègre l’idée qu’elle ne pourra plus manger de viande, ni rouler en voiture.
Le discours sur l’apocalypse climatique ne sert qu’à faire accepter une baisse drastique du niveau de vie, baisse devenue inévitable avec l’énorme masse de dettes qui écrase les états occidentaux.
« Les résultats montrent qu’il est possible de réduire de 50% la consommation de viande tout en satisfaisant l’adéquation nutritionnelle et sans avoir recours à des produits enrichis ou à des supplémentations », ce qui « conduirait à une réduction de l’impact carbone de l’alimentation comprise entre -20% et -50% selon le type de changements alimentaires associés ». L’alimentation représente 22% de l’empreinte carbone de la France, et « 60% de ces émissions proviennent de la production, au niveau agricole, des aliments que nous consommons ». L’étude souligne qu’en France, « après deux décennies de baisse entre 1990 et 2012, la consommation de viande par habitant affiche une légère hausse depuis une dizaine d’années ». « La consommation de poulet par habitant en France a en effet plus que doublé entre 2000 et 2022 », ajoute l’étude. Plus généralement, « la quantité de viande consommée par habitant en France est aujourd’hui deux fois supérieure à la moyenne mondiale ».
La moyenne mondiale est notamment calculée en intégrant ce que mangent les noirs et les indiens tous les jours.
Tant que vous mangerez à votre faim, les financiers internationaux estimeront que vous vous gavez, vous et vos enfants, et ils voudront vous enlevez le pain de la bouche pour vous ramener dans le rang.
Le réseau Action climat, qui fédère une trentaine d’associations, et la Société française de nutrition, ont effectué « un travail de modélisation de régimes alimentaires durables » avec le bureau d’études MS Nutrition. L’étude prend comme référence les engagements pris par la France dans le cadre de sa 2e Stratégie bas carbone, qui vise notamment une réduction des gaz à effet de serre de son secteur agricole de 46% d’ici 2050.
Ce sont aussi ces financiers qui éradiquent les agriculteurs avec un mécanisme de concentration des fermes. L’accumulation de normes pseudo écologiques visent à éliminer d’office les agriculteurs qui ne peuvent pas suivre. L’objectif est de détruire la capacité de production.
Si vous vous demandez pourquoi ces financiers planifient cette liquidation des koulaks, c’est très simple : pourquoi attendre une dépression sans précédent, avec son lot de révolutions et de violences, si l’on peut ajuster la demande en compressant l’offre autoritairement ?
Pas d’offre, pas demande, c’est facile.
Dans l’esprit des financiers internationaux, il faut vider les étalages avant que les plébéiens ne soient trop pauvres pour se payer quoi que ce soit et ne demandent des comptes.
En leur disant que s’il n’y a rien dans les magasins, c’est pour survivre à la fin du monde, les affamés sont censés avoir l’impression d’être des ascètes, pas des gueux.
C’est un pari risqué, mais les banquiers juifs sont décidés à le tenter.
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In 2022, for the first time in modern Russia’s history, not a single person successfully escaped from a Russian prison, Russian Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) Director Arkady Gostev said on Monday.
The outlet RBC noted that in August 2022, two convicts briefly managed to escape from a prison in Perm Krai, but they were caught just two days later.
In 2019, the FSIN’s press service reported that over the previous 25 years, the number of successful escapes from Russian prisons had decreased by a factor of 140. According to the agency, there were 140 escapes in 1994, 25 in 2000, 11 in 2010, eight in 2015, and only one in 2018.
In November 2022, the independent outlet Mediazona reported that Russia’s prison population had seen its largest decrease in over a decade since Wagner mercenary group founder Evgeny Prigozhin had begun recruiting prisoners to fight in the war in Ukraine.
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Part 4: FPA member
To conclude Part 4: FPA member Scam-Rescue told his story here. That was his scam experience with HQBroker in a nutshell (stripped of his money by retention agents and recovery agents, which are usually the same). More detailed information kindly provided to us, show the following - money flow:
Amongst the 4 identical US California shells, 2 we recognize easy: Capzone Llc and Fsmsmart Llc. Other 2 are Trend Line Llc and Rbc Solutions Llc. This Trend Line Llc may or may not be associated to the Ukrainian TrendLine Group (https://trendline.group/en) details here, we do not know, but that company deals in It infrastructure, domain hosting, similar services...
California business extracts link, link, shows Vcorp Services (their LA office), used for incorporation of all of them, within a few days time (7th to 13th Feb 2018).
So, Cristina Teoxon Watson, added to Ms Nora Toexon Carlos. Honest mistake in misspelling? No. Obviously related and both involved. Intentional misspelling of names in registrars is scammers specialty in forex space, we learned that long ago, especially with the Israeli, Russian, Ukrainian, Arab and Hindi names in UK registrars. It happens quite often.
Christina Teoxon Watson available details: https://www.whitepages.com/name/Cristina-Teoxon-Watson/Broken-Bow-OK/17qew8nr (per last address, moved far away from Vallejo, CA to Broken Bow, Oklahoma). http://www.dentistscalifornia.org/watson-cristina-teoxon (dental assistant till end 2016)
The above search and details should really be something the law enforcement should investigate, as it is a clear link to the scam scheme FSMSmart and 'co'. But, there is very low chance that it will be done. At least here victims and interested parties have a permanent record for future reference.
For a closure of Part 4, we will just add that more was available re HQBroker and its Philippines BDS Services ltd - call center exposed earlier in this long thread. But the 'smart' scheme guys made it happen and the person exposing at the time had to remove/block the content. Damn shame! Still, lot is available for readers who want to learn all that there is on this scheme at: https://wealthesteem.org/?s=hqbroker
Now we finally conclude Part 4 and move to Part 5 creation - more boiler rooms to be exposed and people around them.
Stay tuned ...
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RBC Training Ground 2018 Toronto: Meet Sara Villani
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Mohammed Aldossary and Khaled Alsiari: Pioneering the B2B Marketplace by Bridging Gaps in the Wholesale Trade at Sary
Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the food sector such as small shops, mini-supermarkets, cafes, and bakeries get their goods in wholesale trade. Wholesalers are like middlemen. They are also known as wholesale distributors. These middlemen buy goods in bulk from manufacturers and suppliers. The goods are then stored, packaged, and prepared for sale to smaller businesses and retailers.
The advantage of wholesale trade is that the purchased goods are bought from manufacturers at a lower price but in bulk. This allows them to sell those goods to smaller businesses and retailers in smaller quantities but at a fixed and negotiable price. The benefits of wholesale trade are the financing capabilities, storage of bulk goods in warehouses, smooth supply chain operation with digital transformation in wholesale trade, transportation costs made easy, and a profitable sale of bulk products and goods to SMEs and small retailers at a fixed or negotiable price for SMEs.
E-commerce retailing of wholesale products and goods for SMEs is the easiest solution and tech innovation present. SMEs and small retailers also can benefit from this online wholesale trade innovation by having continuous access to good products. E-retiling is currently used a lot and helps many small businesses and shops to have their products stocked well. E-commerce or online commerce uses the help of technology to access social media platforms allowing them to reach out and engage with these small retailers regularly.
Therefore in this article, we will be sharing insights into a Saudi Arabian B2B marketplace – Sary, which allows SMEs and small retailers to reach out and connect with manufacturers and wholesale distributors online when buying any goods and products in bulk. Co-founded by Mohammed Aldossary and Khaled Alsiari, Sary’s mission is – “to help organizations operate more efficiently and grow”.
About the Co-Founders of SARY:
The Co-founders of Sary are – Mohammed Aldossary who is the Chief Executive Officer and Khaled A. Alsiari who is the Chief Technology Officer. The co-founders started Sary in 2018.
Mohammed’s educational experience includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Organization Studies from York University, and a Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University. The co-founder continued to work in various leadership roles at different companies since 2012, such as – Creative Manager, Strategy Consultant, Project Lead at RBC Wealth Management, Investment Consultant at Abdulaziz Al Othaim & Sons Holding Company, CEO and Co-Founder of Lbabk, General Manager at Careem and at Circ, and finally co-founded Sary alongside his colleague Khaled A. Alsiari.
Khaled A. Alsiari banded together with Mohammed Aldossary to reinvent the wholesale trade experience. Khaled has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Software Engineering from the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. His career took off in 2009 and has since worked in managerial positions in several companies. With his experience and skills amassed, he applied his knowledge and learning in whatever he did and wherever he went. Khaled became a Project Manager at Remal IT, an IT Solution Manager at Naba, a Business Development Manager at TTP Creative Agency, and then in 2018 co-founded Sary.
Mohammed and Khaled, being entrepreneurs and drivers of changers, started Sary B2B Marketplace to encourage and empower businesses to shift their connections and interactions to online platforms so that operations can be better improved by being more efficient, and adaptable, helping to cut down on a lot of costs and time spent.
About SARY:
This B2B Marketplace or business-to-business marketplace is an online platform made for SMEs and retailers such as mini-supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, and hotels. The e-commerce platform allows businesses to connect with manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers for the smooth and efficient bulk purchasing of goods and products. The company was established in 2018 and launched in 2019, in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Integrating the use of both technologies and operations in business to drive efficiency and seamless connectivity, Mohammed and Khaled – the co-founders of Sary started this online platform in the Middle East to bridge the gap in strategic and digital marketing operations between small business owners. “A One-Stop-Shop” in purchasing wholesale goods, Sary allows the purchase of over 30,000+ Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) of popular and in-demand brands at affordable prices via mobile (available on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store) and website applications.
Sary has been funded with around 112 million dollars by investors such as Sanabil Investments, Wafra International Investment, Angel Investors, MSA Capital, and many more. The products and goods that are retailed through Sary help SMEs in stocking their shelves in less than 24 hours. Quick and efficient, offering happy and wholesome discounts, they keep true to their word. Flexible payment methods are also provided to increase customer experience and satisfaction. With smart wholesale trade, Sary is indeed pioneering the B2B Online Marketplace for business owners.
Visit More : https://entrepreneurgulf.com/mohammed-aldossary-and-khaled-alsiari-pioneering-the-b2b-marketplace-by-bridging-gaps-in-the-wholesale-trade-at-sary/
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MOSCOU – Les procureurs russes ont intenté une action en justice contre le milliardaire sanctionné Andrey Melnichenko, bien que le président Vladimir Poutine intensifie la pression sur les riches Russes pour qu'ils rapatrient leurs avoirs de l'étranger. La plainte contre M. Melnichenko, le fondateur du plus grand mineur de charbon à vapeur de Russie, Suek JSK, et la marque d'engrais EuroChem Group, a été déposée le 17 août dans la ville sibérienne de Krasnoïarsk. Il vise M. Melnichenko, Suek et deux autres sociétés, a rapporté le dossier sur le site Internet du tribunal, qui n'a pas fourni plus de détails. Suite à l'invasion de l'Ukraine par M. Poutine et aux sanctions qui ont frappé l'économie, le président russe a critiqué les industriels et autres riches Russes qui maintiennent la richesse à l'étranger et les a appelés à rapatrier leurs actifs. Quelques jours auparavant, M. Poutine a demandé au gouvernement et aux groupes de pression d'accélérer le transfert des sociétés vers la juridiction russe. Tandis que Suek est basé en Russie, EuroChem, qui n'est pas impliqué dans l'affaire, est enregistré en Suisse tout en détenant des actifs importants en Russie. L'affaire concerne des actifs énergétiques que des sociétés liées à M. Melnichenko ont achetés en 2018 à des sociétés liées à l'ex ministre du gouvernement Mikhail Abyzov, qui a été arrêté et inculpé en 2019 dans une affaire de détournement de fonds présumé, a rapporté le fil de presse RBC. M. Melnichenko a reçu la réclamation, a affirmé son porte-parole. Une audience est prévue le 7 septembre. D'une valeur estimée à 13 milliards de dollars américains (18 milliards de dollars singapouriens) d'après l'indice Bloomberg Billionaires, M. Melnichenko réside désormais aux Émirats arabes unis après avoir vécu de nombreuses années en Europe. Il a été sanctionné par l'Union européenne et les États-Unis suite à l'attaque de la Russie contre l'Ukraine. Il s'est ensuite retiré en qualité de bénéficiaire d'une fiducie qui contrôle les participations dans les sociétés qu'il a fondées. Cela a laissé sa femme - la chanteuse serbe Sandra Nikolic, citoyenne de l'Union européenne - comme bénéficiaire, mais elle a aussi été sanctionnée par la suite. D'après M. Poutine, les hommes d'affaires russes qui ont déplacé leurs biens et leurs familles à l'étranger doivent se rendre compte qu'ils resteront des "étrangers de seconde classe" malgré le fait d'avoir acquis les titres de "comtes, pairs et maires", a-t-il déclaré aux législateurs en février. BLOOMBERG
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Ottawa opens up fast-tracked immigration applications to health-care workers
Joanah Eloisa Sigue grew up in the slums of the Philippines and always dreamed of a better life. Sigue studied nursing, graduated at the top of her class and set her eyes on Canada. But paperwork and processing slowed her down.
“It was a waiting game to get here because I have to be approved by the college of nurses,” said Sigue, who is a registered nurse.
That was more than a decade ago. Sigue has been in Nova Scotia working as an RN for 13 years.
The process of licensing nurses has picked-up pace since May. That’s when Nova Scotia’s College of Nursing started to fast-track licenses for nurses trained in the Philippines and six other countries.
A day after the federal government launched a streamlined immigration process for experts in science and technology, it’s now doing the same for healthcare workers.
“Today we’re going to be issuing 500 applications across Canada to apply and within about a week there will 1,500 more,” said Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Sean Fraser.
Healthcare workers are one of several categories of labourers Canada is seeking to prioritize and fast-track as part of its Express Entry program. The aim is to also bring in people who work in trades, agriculture and transport.
Fraser expects the change to double the number of international health-care workers that come to Canada through Ottawa’s Express Entry Program by the end of the year from just under 4,000 to about 8,000.
“I can tell you that in no sector is the labour shortage more prominent than in the health-care sector,” said Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos.
The health minister cited statistics from an RBC report that estimates Canada will be short 44,000 physicians by 2028. He also noted an analysis conducted in 2018 that anticipated a shortage of 100,000 nurses by the year 2030.
“And that was before the pandemic,” Duclos said. “We’re opening the door to welcome more of these in-demand qualified health workers. From personal support workers, to orderlies to nurses and so many more.”
Sigue said the pandemic put nurses under a lot of pressure and this announcement offers hope.
“We’re in dire need of staff that would be helpful, especially for me because we work in long-term care and we all know that for a fact Nova Scotia is an aging population,” Sigue said.
For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/udpVbHU
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Nicolas Echavarria at the RBC Heritage
If you want to watch Nicolas Echavarria at the RBC Heritage, there are several ways you can do so. The tournament will be broadcast on the Golf Channel and NBC Sports Network in the US with live streaming available via PGA Tour Live. You can also follow updates online through official PGA Tour websites or social media accounts such as Twitter.
Additionally, many sports betting sites will offer odds for the event which could provide insight into how Echavarria is faring throughout play. With a combination of these options, fans should have no trouble following his performance during this year's RBC Heritage tournament!
Visit the RBC Heritage website: Go to rbcheritage
com and click on the “Watch Live” tab at the top of the page
This will give you access to live streams of all PGA Tour events, including Nicolas Echavarria's performance in the RBC Heritage tournament
Find out which TV channel is broadcasting Nicolas Echavarria's round: Click on the “TV Schedule” tab in order to find out what time and day Nicolas will be competing as well as which TV channel is broadcasting his round
Check for odds associated with Nicolas' performance: Odds can often be found online by visiting sports betting websites or through bookmakers based in Las Vegas or other parts of the United States that offer gambling services related to golf tournaments such as this one
Watch live streaming coverage of Nicolas Echavarria's rounds : Once you know when and where he'll be playing, simply go back to rbcheritage
com and click on “Watch Live” again – this should take you directly to a page where there are links for watching any given golfer (including Nicholas) play their rounds
Where Can I Watch Rbc Heritage?
If you are looking for a place to watch the RBC Heritage, then look no further. The tournament can be watched live on PGA Tour Live and Golf Channel, both of which provide extensive coverage throughout the event. You can also catch up on past rounds with replays available at any time.
Additionally, if you have access to CBS Sports Network, they will feature exclusive coverage during all four days of the tournament. Finally, some NBC affiliates may broadcast certain holes or featured groups from their local markets as well. No matter where you are located or what device you use, there is sure to be an option that works for your viewing pleasure!
Who is Favored to Win the Rbc Heritage?
The RBC Heritage is an annual golf tournament held in Hilton Head, South Carolina. It's a PGA Tour event that began in 1969 and continues to be one of the most popular tournaments on the tour. This year's tournament will take place from April 16-22nd and there are some big names competing for the title.
Many golf analysts believe that Rory McIlroy is favored to win the title this year as he has been consistently performing well on the PGA Tour throughout 2018-2019 season, including several top ten finishes. He also won The Players Championship earlier this season and appears to have all of his game coming together at just the right time for him to make a run at winning another major title. Other favorites include Dustin Johnson who recently moved up to number one in world rankings, Justin Rose who was runner-up at last week’s Masters Tournament, Brooks Koepka who won both back-toback US Open titles over last two years and Tiger Woods whose comeback story has captivated fans around the globe.
All these players are considered strong contenders for winning this prestigious event but it surely come down to what kind of form they show on day of play during tournament itself which could determine who ultimately claims victory - making for an exciting competition!
Harbour Town Golf Links
Harbour Town Golf Links is an iconic golf course located in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Designed by Jack Nicklaus and Pete Dye, it is renowned for its challenging layout and stunning views of the Calibogue Sound. Harbour Town has been consistently ranked among the best courses in the world and is home to one of golf’s most prestigious tournaments: The RBC Heritage presented by Boeing.
With its sweeping fairways, long par-3s, small greens and unique lighthouse hole, Harbour Town Golf Links provides a great challenge for any level of golfer!
In conclusion, Nicolas Echavarria's performance at the RBC Heritage is sure to be one to watch. With a live stream and tv channel option available, as well as odds for how he will fare in the tournament, fans of golf can easily stay up-to-date with all of his progress throughout the event. It'll definitely be an interesting competition that you won't want to miss!
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The FX Global Code: Why Now Is the Time
So, how has adhering to the Code helped us?It has become a training and education tool for new members of our FX, trade support, and operations teams and is part of our onboarding materials.It has prompted a review of our policies and an in-depth discussion about the Code’s applicability, which has strengthened our understanding of how the market functions as well as its best practices.It has empowered our trading staff to demand best execution practices, and all our counterparties must sign the Code.It has enabled us to continuously improve our policies and procedures. Each update has removed ambiguity.It has increased our confidence in our internal policies and procedures and highlighted the strength of our governance framework to clients.As corporations and asset managers look to demonstrate their commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) values, they should embrace an opportunity for a thorough review of the governance framework supporting their FX business.Signing the Code has also benefitted our clients. It has integrated a global standard that contributes to an efficient and ethical functioning of an otherwise fragmented and decentralized FX market. Counterparties that have signed the Code can use it as a guide in unexpected circumstances or disputes, such as fair treatment of all clients with settlement transactions on Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, an unexpected public holiday. Initiatives have also sought to reward firms that sign on to the Code with access to additional pockets of liquidity. For example, the global FX trading platform 360T announced that as of 1 October 2022 only Code signatories or market makers offering firm liquidity will be able to make prices anonymously on its electronic communication network (ECN), 360TGTX.What if I told you that the largest, most liquid market in the world is also one of the least understood? Its $2.1 trillion daily spot turnover dwarfs that of bonds or equities, and all its transactions are conducted over the counter (OTC). The market also connects thousands of participants in 52 different jurisdictions and facilitates a further $5 trillion daily in forwards, swaps, and options, in addition to spot transactions.
I am talking, of course, about the highly fragmented foreign exchange (FX) market.
Such a large and interconnected market should operate in an open, liquid, fair, robust, and transparent manner. Since the global financial crisis (GFC), the FX market’s daily turnover has approximately doubled. That has raised expectations regarding transparency and liquidity and has necessitated increased oversight. I have had a front-row seat to the FX market’s evolution over the last 20 years and recall all too well how it often made headlines for all the wrong reasons as information imbalances between dealers and clients led to abuses. “Suspicion of Forex Gouging Spreads,” the Wall Street Journal blared in February 2011: “Some of the largest investment firms in the U.S. have been overcharged by banks for currency trades, bank insiders and others claim, broadening the scope of alleged abuses in pockets of the $4 trillion foreign-exchange market.”
In response to such excesses, G10 central bank governors launched a global initiative to establish the FX Global Code (“the Code”) in May 2015. Over the next several years, representatives from 16 central banks, in collaboration with private market participants from both the buy-side and sell-side, drafted a comprehensive document. RBC Global Asset Management (RBC GAM) participated in one of the working groups.
The final 70-plus-page document, published in 2018, went beyond ethics to embody industry best practices. Organized around six leading principles, the Code outlined what market participants expected from themselves and each other:
Ethics: “To behave in an ethical and professional manner to promote the fairness and integrity of the FX market.”
Governance: “To have a sound and effective governance framework to provide for clear responsibility for and comprehensive oversight of their FX market activity, and to promote responsible engagement in the FX market.”
Execution: “To exercise care when negotiating and executing transactions.”
Information Sharing: “To be clear and accurate in their communications and to protect confidential information.”
Risk Management and Compliance: “To promote and maintain a robust control and compliance environment to effectively identify, manage, and report on the risks associated with their engagement in the FX market.”
Confirmation and Settlement Processes: “To put in place robust, efficient, transparent, and risk-mitigating post-trade processes to promote the predictable, smooth, and timely settlement of transactions in the FX market.”
The Code is not part of regulatory frameworks in most jurisdictions, so adherence to it is voluntary and signifies the participant’s commitment to good governance and good practices as well as promoting fair, transparent, liquid, and robust markets. The Code is meant to apply to all wholesale FX market participants — both buy- and sell-side as well as trading venues and other entities that provide brokerage and execution services. The Code allows for proportional implementation, however, as specific circumstances and variations in business activities may dictate. This acknowledges that dealers’ activities are inherently different from those of asset managers, corporations, or central banks, and not every principle applies to every participant. For example, as an asset manager, RBC GAM doesn’t make markets for clients and doesn’t conduct any proprietary trading on behalf of the firm, so many of the sell-side rules don’t apply to us. Determining which principles apply is the first step before a market participant can confirm adherence to the Code.
As a living document, the Code is maintained and updated to reflect market changes, which is a key objective of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee (GFXC). The GFXC website is an excellent resource for information and tools to facilitate adoption. The original 2018 version of the Code was updated in 2021, and with each triennial revision, participants are expected to re-affirm their commitment to the latest document.
In the four years since the Code’s release, most sell-side FX market participants have signed on. Buy-side adoption, however, has been slow to follow. Limited resources, that FX constitutes a small part of their business, the Code’s voluntary nature, and the perception that it’s a “sell-side thing” are among the reasons cited for the poor buy-side uptake.
Having worked as a portfolio manager for more than 20 years, I find this perplexing. We have relied on our in-house FX desk for execution for more than 25 years at RBC GAM. Based on our experience, we believe that as an ecosystem, the FX market requires all participants to know, follow, enforce, and uphold the principles. We care about best execution in FX just as we do in fixed income and equities: It’s an important part of our governance framework.
As the FX market grows and evolves, more needs to be done to improve its functioning and integrity. Progress requires all buy-side professionals to commit to globally recognized best practices. And progress continues with engagement in continually improving them. We have sought to do this at RBC GAM and hope other asset managers will recognize the benefits of signing on to the Code and adhering to its principles.
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꧁Confía en mí ꧂ 12 de febrero de 2018 Lee por favor: 1 Reyes 17:7-16 La Biblia en un año: Levítico 13; Mateo 26:26-50 -… no os afanéis por el día de mañana… (Mateo 6:34).- Después de graduarme de la universidad, conseguí un trabajo con un salario bajo. A veces, el dinero no me alcanzaba para la próxima comida, así que aprendí a confiar en Dios para tener mi provisión diaria. Eso me recordó la experiencia del profeta Elías. Durante su ministerio, aprendió a confiar en la provisión diaria de Dios. Poco después de anunciar una sequía en Israel, resultado del juicio divino, el Señor lo envió a un lugar desierto, donde usó cuervos para llevarle diariamente la comida y un arroyo para renovarlo (1 Reyes 17:1-4). Pero llegó la sequía, y el arroyo empezó a reducirse hasta que se secó. Fue entonces que Dios le dijo a Elías: «vete a Sarepta […]; yo he dado orden allí a una mujer viuda que te sustente» (v. 9). Sarepta estaba en Fenicia, y sus habitantes eran enemigos de los israelitas. ¿Alguien le ofrecería refugio? ¿Y una viuda tendría comida para compartir? La mayoría preferiríamos que Dios proveyera en abundancia mucho antes de que se acabaran los recursos en vez de darnos solo lo suficiente para cada día. Pero nuestro Padre celestial susurra: Confía en mí. Así como utilizó cuervos y a una viuda para sostener a Elías, nada es imposible para Él. Podemos contar con su amor y poder para suplir nuestras necesidades diarias. — Poh Fang Chia Nuestro Señor Jesucristo suple todas nuestras necesidades, antes que le pidamos el sabe que queremos y conforme a su voluntad provee, sí, provee en la medida justa y perfecta, no tenemos por qué pedirle exageradamente y aunque así sea él nos da solo lo necesario, sería bueno que leyéramos y meditáramos en Éxodo 16, donde claramente Dios nos muestra su bondad al alimentar a su pueblo, que tengas un gran día y que la bendición de Dios y su provisión en la justa medida sea en ti y en tu familia -Señor, gracias por saber qué necesito y por proveerlo.- -Dios suple nuestras necesidades…de a un día por vez.- (Tomado de la versión diaria electrónica de Nuestro Pan Diario, ediciones RBC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CokBQZEOnp9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Russia’s Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov predicts that real wages in Russia will increase by 5.4 percent in 2023, which should offset a one-percent drop in real wages in 2022, reports Interfax.
The Russian outlet RBC points out that this forecast amounts to peak real-wage growth since 2018. In September 2022, the ministry had predicted a 2.6-percent increase in real wages in the new year, but has since improved its expectations.
The minister says that low unemployment, employer competition over talent, government pensions and subsidies, and new minimal-wage standards will likely lead to a 10.9 percent increase in nominal wages.
Reshetnikov expects Russia’s GDP to increase by 1.2 percent this year, after a 2.1 percent drop in 2022. This improves the ministry’s earlier forecast, which only looked forward to 0.8 percent growth. The main driver of economic growth, Reshetnikov says, will be the recovering consumer demand encouraged by better wages.
RBC notes that this forecast is more optimistic than most independent expert assessments. The World Bank, for example, predicts a 0.2 percent drop in Russia’s 2023 GDP, compared to the year prior. The Moscow-based Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting also expects Russia’s GDP either to stagnate or else to drop by up to 0.4 percent.
Russia’s Economic Development Ministry forecasts 5.3 percent inflation in 2023, compared to the 5–7 percent projected by the Central Bank. Other economists who spoke with Interfax said they expected inflation to hover around 6.2 percent.
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Daily Raids on Crypto Farms as Abkhazia Intensifies Mining Crackdown
Authorities in Abkhazia are stepping up efforts to clamp down on cryptocurrency mining amid electricity shortages in the winter months. The government of the breakaway Georgian region announced it’s also taking measures to prevent imports of mining equipment.
Abkhazia Creates Headquarters to Combat Illegal Crypto Mining Operations
Police in Abkhazia are conducting daily raids to identify mining facilities that have been illegally connected to the power grid and inspect previously shut down crypto farms, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the partially recognized republic in northwestern Georgia revealed in a press release. The department also said it’s closely monitoring the activities of individuals and entities providing services for the supply and maintenance of devices designed to mint digital coins in order to prevent the importation of mining hardware in the territory which is still banned. Furthermore, a republican headquarters to combat illegal crypto mining has been established on the order of President Aslan Bzhania. It includes the heads of the Ministry of Economy, the State Security Service, the Interior Ministry, the State Customs Committee, and other departments. The body is chaired by Prime Minister Alexander Ankvab who has demanded that power engineers in the region investigate all cases of illegal connections of mining farms to the distribution network, according to the government press service. Quoted by the Russian business news portal RBC, he stated: The situation in the electric power industry is extremely difficult, so the fight against mining, along with other measures, should significantly reduce the load on the infrastructure. Ankvab insisted that all unauthorized installations and the operation of transformer substations must be eliminated with the help of law enforcement and stressed that the executives of electric utilities bear personal responsibility to change the current situation. The prime minister instructed customs officials to identify and suppress attempts to import mining equipment. Over the past several years, many people in Abkhazia turned to the mining of digital currencies as a source of additional income and the government blames the power-hungry production for the republic’s growing electricity deficit. The Russia-backed de facto state temporarily prohibited crypto mining and hardware imports in 2018 in an effort to deal with the energy crisis. In 2021, the ban was extended until the spring of 2022 and then prolonged again. Do you think Abkhazia will continue to crack down on cryptocurrency mining in the future? Tell us in the comments section below. Read the full article
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Global Sickle Cell Disease Drugs Market to Witness Growth at a Substantial CAGR during 2022-2030; Market to Grow Owing to Rising Prevalence of Sickle Cell Disease Among Infants
Research Nester released a report titled “Sickle Cell Disease Drugs Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2030” which delivers a detailed overview of the global sickle cell disease drugs market in terms of market segmentation by treatment type, disease type, end-user, and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global sickle cell disease drugs market is projected to record a substantial CAGR during the forecast period, i.e., 2021-2030. By treatment type, the market is segmented into blood transfusion, stem cell transplant, and pharmacotherapy, out of which, the stem cell transplant segment is projected to hold the largest share in the market during the forecast period owing to the increasing demand for stem cell transplant, as it is the only treatment method that can completely cure sickle cell disease. However, high cost of this treatment is expected to hamper the segment growth. The market is segmented by end-user into hospital, homecare, specialty clinics, and others. Out of these, the hospital segment is projected to hold the largest market share over the forecast period, owing to rising number of hospitals coupled with the growing patient pool of sickle cell disease.
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The growth of the global sickle cell disease drugs market can be attributed to the growing cases of the genetic disease among people on account of various factors such as unhealthy lifestyles, and hormonal changes, among others. Due to the deletion of chromosomes in the genes, the red blood cells get elongated and form sickle-shape. These RBC cannot carry oxygen, which makes the affected individual deficient in oxygen, causing various problems, such as, acute pain in chest, swelling in limbs, and dizziness. Moreover, the increasing investment in R&D activities, is estimated to boost the market growth.
Geographically, the global sickle cell disease drugs market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region, out of which, the market in the North America is estimated to lead the market during the forecast period. This can be attributed to the presence of leading pharmaceutical companies in the region, coupled with increasing investment in R&D activities for the development of new drugs. Moreover, increasing government investment in healthcare sector, and high per capita healthcare expenditure, is estimated to boost the market growth. As per the data by the World Health Organization (WHO), over USD 10,050.279 was spent per capita for healthcare services in North America, in 2018. The market in the Asia Pacific region is anticipated to hold a significant market share over the forecast period, owing to the advanced treatment options and high demand for targeted therapies, backed by growing population and increasing cases of the disease.
High Medical R&D Investments to Boost the Growth of the Market
There is an up-surge in research related to treatment for genetic diseases, owing to the severe symptoms of sickle cell disease. The increasing demand for novel treatment methods, along with the growing government and private funding in the R&D activities is estimated to boost the growth of the global sickle cell disease drugs market over the coming years.
“The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry.”
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However, the high cost of treatment, can financially and mentally drain the patient’s family, which is anticipated to restraint the growth of the market during the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global sickle cell disease drugs market which includes company profiling of Addmedica SAS, Medunik USA Inc., Emmaus Life Sciences, Inc. (OTCMKTS: EMMA), CellSeed, Inc. (TYO: 7776), Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: GBT), Sio Gene Therapies Ltd. (NASDAQ: SIOX), Imara, Inc. (NASDAQ: IMRA), Modus Therapeutics AB, Bluebird bio, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLUE), and Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (NASDAQ: VRTX). The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products, and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts a detailed overview of the global sickle cell disease drugs market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
More Information@ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/sickle-cell-disease-drugs-market/3094
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