raisedbyabrother · 1 year
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He was not going great in the sewers, but Yoshi would have never had it any other way. All his four boys where sleeping in a basket that had a small pink blanket so they could be comfortable, Yoshi has only been getting supplies from dumpsters and alleyways so they don't have much but it still works
They have been running low on food and Yoshi will need to go out to get more food, better drone than later, yeah? He puts down the basket gently and makes sure his boys are still sleeping, "see you soon my boys", he hasn't gotten the chance to name the little ones yet, he will decide on it fate he gets some more food though
He walks to a sewer cover and opens it, leaving it open so if he carries to much food he wont need to set it down to open the hatch. The ally he is in right now has already been searched for food a while ago when he first came to the sewers, he puts his cloak hood up and dashes out of the ally into the closest ally beside it, he finds a half eaten banana that hasn't gone Brown yet, but that's all he can find in that ally
He dashes to another ally and finds a big dumpster, he opens the dumpster lid up and looks inside, nothing, it must-have been emptied a bit ago considering there wasn't even a piece of paper in it, what bad luck, Yoshi sighs and looks a bit around the ally, also nothing, he gets out of the ally and is prepared to dash to another one when a human cries out "AHHH!! GIANT RAT THING!!!! HEEELP!!" 
Many people start gasping and screaming at Yoshi, he dashes to another ally faster than any times before, the humans still see him though and they call someone on their phones
Yoshi quickly searches for a sewer gate, none, that's not good!! 
Sirens sound out and police cars park near the ally, many officers come out of multiple police cars and back people away while pointing their guns at Yoshi, ready to fire If he even moves an inch
A police officer says "hands in the air!" Yoshi raises his hands, the policemen cuff Yoshis wrists and ankles and get him into a police car quickly, many people are filming, one of the officers pulls out a syringe and says "this won't hurt a bit.." they put it into his arm and he immediately starts getting tired and he passes out
He wakes up in what looks like a hospital room, Yoshi looks around, the door to the room hes in opens and in comes someone wearing an EPF uniform, they say "Hamato Yoshi, also known as the famous Lou Jitsu, you have illegally went into the sewers and also stole many items from stores, you have also turned into a giant living rat.. we cannot have you stealing anything more or causing chaos"
Yoshi starts begging "please- let me go! I can't be here! I can't die!!" The EPF man sighs, suddenly Yoshi blacks out again, then he feels a horrible stabbing pain in his chest, he screams bloody murder as he feels something wet and sticky trail down his chest, it starts getting harder and harder to breathe, until eventually, everything goes white
He hopes his boys are okay... he didn't even get to say goodbye... good luck, my boys.. stay safe..
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
Very important RBaB AU question : is Beast!Luigi big enough to scoop up Mario by the overalls like a scruffed kitten ? He's so smol and Luigi is now so Big.
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El asilo político en España: para usted sí, para ti no por Ruth Toledano
Fuente: https://www.eldiario.es/opinion/zona-critica/asilo-politico-marlaska-sahara-occidental-refugiados-venezuela_129_11654995.html Mohamed Ali Mohamed Slimani llegó al aeropuerto de Barajas en un avión procedente de El Aiún, capital del Sáhara Occidental ocupado por el reino de Marruecos. Con él venían Rbab al-Tarad Yahi y su hija en común, llamada Aziza, de solo un año y medio de vida.…
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shoobabbap · 1 month
'hmy g******thef********,rbab*
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foragecore · 6 years
i like reading criticisms of vegans, and theres lots of good ones, but most of the time its just "ohh look at me im gonna eat this baby cow are you #triggered you stupid vegans?? go eat your plants haha"
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arbabnaseebkasi · 5 years
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rbab Naseebullah Kasi,
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skippyv20 · 5 years
RBab will be the only kid in 65 million British population that will have a birth certificate signed by the “QUEEN”. This surrogate birth fraud will forever make history!
There’s is bigger problem than just the birth certificate. Do we really know if harry supplied the sperm… Harry is so heavely watch by press just when and where did this sperm trsnsfer process take place..is harry the father_???
Well given what we know....if HM were to sign it?  The UK government would have questions!  Why even have that out there?  It will NEVER happen!😁❤️❤️❤️❤️
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kritainfomatics · 4 years
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Portfolio Theory and its Applications
Task description
Betting against beta (BAB) is an investment strategy developed by AQR capital which has also gained attention from academics with the creators of the strategy publishing an article in the Journal of Financial Economics (see Frazzini and Pedersen; 2014). The BAB strategy exploits an anomaly in financial markets where investors aren’t compensated sufficiently for the systematic risk (CAPM β) they take on in their investments.1 To employ the BAB strategy, we aim to make a portfolio that has a β of zero. This is achieved by taking a long position in a portfolio of assets with low betas which is then combined with the risk-free asset (levered up) to make the portfolio have a beta of 1. A similar portfolio is constructed from high beta assets and levered down to have a beta of 1. The BAB portfolio is then a long position in the levered low beta portfolio and a short position in the levered high beta portfolio. To provide clarity, recall that the CAPM suggests that returns follow Ri,t = αi + βiRM,t + i,t where Ri/M are the excess returns on asset i and the market respectively. The betting against beta portfolios is a self financed portfolio which consists of a long leg and a short leg, both of which involve a 100% investment. To create the short leg, we identify the set of assets i = 1, 2, . . . , n which have the lowest betas β i . This has excess return given by RL,t = 1 n Xn i=1 Ri,t (1) 1This is one of several documented low volatility anomalies. 1 and will have βL = 1 n Pn i=1 β i,t. Since the risk free rate has a beta of 0, we can lever up the beta by borrowing at the risk free rate. To do this we invest 1 βL in the risky assets and fund it at the risk free rate. The excess returns on this portfolio is given by Rˆ L,t = 1 βL RL,t (2) A similar approach can be taken with the highest beta assets to produce a portfolio RH,t which can then be levered down to produce the portfolio RˆH,t. The returns to the betting against beta portfolio are given by RBAB,t = Rˆ L,t − RˆH,t (3) The success of the BAB strategy suggests that this portfolio has a positive expected excess return. The BAB portfolio can be expressed as a view within the Black-Litterman model and your task is to implement the Black-Litterman model where views are produced using the BAB portfolio. To create the BAB portfolio for your analysis, you are to create the long leg from the assets with the 5 smallest betas and the short leg from the assets with the 5 highest betas. To implement this view within the Black-Litterman framework, you may use some simplifying conditions. First, you may use the 30 industry portfolios as your investment assets. These may be found in the Ken French data library https://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/faculty/ken.french/data_ library.html You are to use the average value weighted returns with monthly frequency. These are provided in an excel spreadsheet called BL BAB Data.xlsx together with the market capitalisations of each industry and some preliminary calculations to get you started.2 To construct your views (and other statistical parameters) at date t, you are to use the previous 60 months of returns. Your view will be that the BAB portfolios expected excess return will be the same as the average estimated from the previous 60 months, and the uncertainty in your view 2Note that the market capitalisations are approximate as there are some data errors between the data I used for the market capitalisations and those used by Ken French. Nonetheless, these discrepancies are small. When asked for the market portfolio returns you should use the returns provided by Ken French. The market cap weights are required to implement the Black-Litterman model. 2 will be the variance of this portfolio computed over the same time period. You may assume that the covariance of all error terms in CAPM regressions is zero. Note that since there is only one BAB portfolio on any date there will only be one view per date. The covariance matrix you use should in your analysis be the sample covariance matrix. Using a risk aversion parameter A = 3 and weight-on-views τ = 0.5, compute the returns on the portfolio which uses the BAB strategy (via views) if it is rebalanced each month (portfolio weights are recomputed for each month) beginning in January 2010 and finishing in December 2019. You are to use teh standard CAPM formula (x = A−1Σ−1 (r − rf1)) to produce your new allocation vector even if this requires additional leverage. You are to write a short report which addresses the following: • Provides a brief overview of the betting against beta strategy and how it is implemented (including maths). • Provides a brief explanation of the Black-Litterman model and how the BAB views are implemented. • Provides a back test of an implementation of the Black-Litterman model with views generated from the BAB strategy. • Provides the results from a Fama-French three factor regression RBL,t = α + βMRM,t + βSMBSMB + βHMLHML + t where RBL,t is the excess return on your Black-Litterman portfolio, to identify which factors this strategy s exposed to. • Examines the performance of the Black-Litterman portfolio with comparison to the market portfolio as a benchmark. • Provides a recommendation to your employer about using your tested strategy in the markets, making sure to discuss any potential shortcomings of your research that you think may need to be addressed. When writing your report, you should take the view of a research analyst who works for a large active fund manager. Your explanations should be sufficiently clear so that someone who is experienced in finance, but not necessarily the Black-Litterman model or the BAB strategy, can understand and could potentially replicate your study. Your report cannot be more than 5 pages, including references/appendices and should be typeset in a standard setup (12 point font, 1 inch margins and single spacing). Make 3 sure you think carefully about how to best present your results. You should use tables and figures to present data so that it can be easily understood by the reader. The marking scheme will be as follows: Component Marks BAB discussion 15 Black-Litterman discussion 15 Back test accuracy 20 Regression analysis 10 Performance measure 10 Recommendation 15 Presentation/discretionary 15
URL: www.kritainfomatics.com
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For a detailed price structure kindly get back to us. Anytime  
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beedinghearts · 5 years
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@hollyastrix i am.......incredibly sorry for this (not really tho)
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summernightsftyou · 4 years
Where w is rbab going 💔
Shes staying here
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olihen69 · 7 years
A400M UDAPTE 2017
2013 0003 F-WWMS A400M 003 Airbus On order test a/c with Airbus, after test to FAF c/s F-RBAO 0005  A400M 005  Not taken-up cancelled test a/c, will not be build c/s F-RBAN F-RBAA  007 A400M-180 01. Aug 2013 A400M Mar 06, 2013 (6th à voler) Aug 01, 2013 (1st livré) FAF 1st EC-407 F-RBAA Named Ville de Orléans. *Active* F-RBAA  ET01.061 Active sep14 jun15  F-RBAA ET01.061  jun15   F-RBAB  008 A400M-180 06. Nov 2013 Ville de Toulouse A400M Jun 07, 2013 (7th à voler) Nov 06, 2013 (2nd livré) FAF 2nd F-WWMQ F-RBAB Named Ville de Toulouse. *Active* F-RBAB A400M 008 ET01.061 Active sep14 feb16c/s F-RBAB Active Del Jun 2014c/s F-RBAB may15 06. Nov 2013  Active  F-WWMQ Ville de Toulouse 2 FAF
2014 F-RBAD  011 A400M-180 13. Aug 2014 Ville de Cambrai A400M Feb 24, 2014 (10th à voler) Aug 13, 2014 (5th livré) FAF 4th EC-401 F-RBAD Named Ville de Cambrai. *Active* ET01.061 Active sep14 dec15  F-RBAD ET01.061 ActiveEC-401 nov14 13. Aug 2014 Active  EC-401 Ville de Cambrai F-RBAE  012 A400M-180 08. Sep 2014  A400M May 12, 2014 (11th à voler) Sep 08, 2014 (6th livré) FAF 5th EC-400 F-RBAE *Active*   ET01.061 Active sep14 dec15 Ville de Colmar  ET01.061 F-RBAE may15 F-RBAF  014 A400M-180 12. Dec 2014 A400M Oct 10, 2014 (14th à voler) Dec 12, 2014 (8th livré) FAF 6th A4M014 F-RBAF Named Ville de Colmar. *Active*ET01.061 Active dec14 feb16   ET01.061 Active  Ville de Cambrai may15 EC-400 / A4M014   RAF 006 20.12.11  RAF F-WWMZ  2011  Military  12/20/2011  Active  re-rgd to EC-406 19.12.14   *015* A400M Aug 30, 2014 (13th à voler) Nov 17, 2014 (7th livré) RAF 1st EC-405 ZM400 Named City of Bristol. *Active*RAF  1st EC-405 ZM400 Named City of Bristol.*Active* THK *009* A400M Aug 09, 2013 (8th à voler) Apr 04, 2014 (3rd livré) THK 1st A4M009 13-0009 *Active 221 Filo Active 16apr14 sep16   Turkish AF 16.04.14 A400M 2013  EC-409 / A4M009 *013* A400M Jul 30, 2014 (12th à voler) Dec 23, 2014 (10th livré) THK 2nd A4M013 14-0013 *Active* 221 Filo Active 22dec14 sep16  Turkish AF 22.12.14 A400M for 221 Filo 3 FAF 2 RAF 2 THK
2015 FAF F-RBAC  010 A400M-180 25. Jul 2014   A400M Jan 23, 2014 (9th à voler) Jul 25, 2014 (4th livré) FAF 3rd EC-410 F-RBAC Named Metropole de Lyon. *Active* ET01.061 Active sep14 jul16 Metropole de Lyon c/s F-RBAC A400M 010 ET01.061 Active  F-RBACjun15   0019 F-RBAG A400M F-RBAG A400M-180 19. Jun 2015  A400M Jan 23, 2015 (18th à voler) Jun 21, 2015 (13th livré) FAF 7th A4M019 F-RBAG *Active*  ET01.061 Active jun15 jun16 Ville de Cambrai c/s F-RBAG A4M019 23.01.15  ET01.061 Activejun15   EC-409 / A4M019 0031 F-RBAH A400M F-RBAH A400M-180 22. Dec 2015A400M Nov 16, 2015 (30th à voler) Dec 30, 2015 (21st livré) FAF 8th A4M031 F-RBAH *Active*ET01.061 Active dec15 jul16  c/s F-RBAH 22.12.15 A400M  (8th)  F-RBAH    EC-401 LUFTWAFFE *018* A400M Oct 14, 2014 (15th à voler) Dec 19, 2014 (9th livré) LUFTWAFFE 1st EC-408 54+01 *Active*018 A400M EC-408 54+01  18. Dec 2014 (9th livré) EC-408 M-180  Luftwaffe LTG62  delivery 19dec14 SVQ-ETNW  ex EC-408 Luftwaffe A400M EC-408 (cn 018)Sevilla - San Pablo (SVQ / LEZL), Spain 14 October, 2014 Maiden flight of the first A400M for Luftwaffe, returning to Seville after 5 hours volanting. Future 54+01. LTG 62 Luftwaffe 1st  EC-408 54+01*Active*54+01 18. Dec 2014  Active  EC-408 LTG 62 awaits A400M 54+01  A400M 018 LTG62 Active dec14 jun16 named "Wunstorf" EC-408 *029* A400M Oct 02, 2015 (28th à voler) Dec 21, 2015 (19th livré) LUFTWAFFE 3rd EC-409 54+02 *Active* 54+02  A400M 029 LTG62 Active dec15 oct16  EC-409 21.12.15 A400M C frd SVQ-Wunstorf  (2nd) EC-409 Luftwaffe  3rd  EC-409  54+02 *Active* *030* A400M Oct 14, 2015 (29th à voler) Dec 10, 2015 (18th livré) LUFTWAFFE 2nd A4M030 54+03 *Active* 54+03  A400M 030 LTG62 Active dec15 sep16 10.12.15 A400M C frd SVQ-Wunstorf (3rd)  A4M030 Luftwaffe  2nd  A4M030  54+03 *Active* MALAISIE *022* A400M Jan 30, 2015 (19th à voler) Mar 12, 2015 (12th livré) RMAF 1st EC-400 A4M022 M54-01 *Active* M54-01  A400M 022 22 Skn Active 30jan15 21may16  Malaysia - Air Force   1st  EC-400  Active for 22 Skn Active 12-03-2015 Active  delivery 12-13mar15  30.01.15   *032* A400M Nov 19, 2015 (31st à voler) Dec 27, 2015 (20th livré) RMAF 2nd EC-400 A4M032 M54-02 *Active*M54-02  A400M 032 22 Skn Active 19nov15 21may16   for 22 Skn 27-12-2015 EC-400 27dec15 ex A4M032  Malaysia - Air Force   2nd *Active* RAF *016* A400M Oct 23, 2014 (16th à voler) Feb 05, 2016 (22nd livré) RAF 6th EC-406 A4M016 ZM401 *Active* *017* A400M Dec 23, 2014 (17th à voler) Feb 27, 2015 (11th livré) RAF 2nd A4M017 ZM402 *Active* ZM402  Atlas C1 017 70sq Active feb15 jul16   *020* A400M Mar 22, 2015 (20th à voler) Jul 06, 2015 (14th livré) RAF 3rd A4M020 ZM403 *Active*ZM403  Atlas C1 020 70sq Active jul15 jul16   *021* A400M Apr 10, 2015 (21st à voler) Feb 05, 2016 (23rd livré) RAF 7th EC-401 A4M021 ZM404 *Active* *024* A400M Jul 02, 2015 (23rd à voler) Sep 10, 2015 (15th livré) RAF 4th A4M024 ZM405 *Active*ZM405  Atlas C1 024 70sq Active sep15 jul16   *025* A400M 6 Jul 2015 (24th à voler) Oct 02, 2015 (16th livré) RAF 5th EC-405 A4M025 ZM406 *Active* ZM406  Atlas C1 025 70sq Active oct15 jul16   THK 14-0023 A4M023 A400M 023 EADS Written Off   w/o 09may15 *028* A400M Sep 09, 2015 (27th à voler) Nov 25, 2015 (17th livré) THK 3rd A4M028 14-0028 *Active*14-0028  A400M 028 221 Filo Active nov15 dec15 3 FAF 2 LUFTWAFFE 2 MALAISIE 4 RAF 1 THK
2016 EDA *044* A400M Sep 05, 2016 Dec 01, 2016 EDA(1st) EC-400 T.23-01 *Active*  17. Nov 2016  Active  EC-400 T.23-01-10074 31-21 A400M 044 Airbus Militar 05. Sep 2016 17. Nov 2016  jun16 nov16 acceptance flight 02nov16; d/d 07nov16 EC-400 T.23-01 A400M-180 31-21 EC-402  A400M 002 Airbus Militar To Civil jul11 sep16   EC-404  A400M 004 Airbus Militar To Civil mar12 oct16   EC-406  A400M 006 Airbus Militar To Civil jun15 jul15   Le 5 septembre 2016, le MSN44 a décollé depuis l'aéroport de Séville pour son premier vol. Cet appareil est le premier A400M destiné à l'armée de l'Air espagnole. Paradoxalement, alors que l'avion de transport européen est assemblé en Espagne, sur le site d'Airbus Defence & Space de Seville, il n'avait jamais volé sous les cocardes de l'armée de l'air espagnole. Ce vol à duré 3 heures et 45 min a annoncé Airbus DS. L'appareil doit être livré à l'Espagne dans quelques semaines. L'Espagne a commandé 27 A400M mais Madrid est l'un des derniers clients à recevoir l'appareil. En effet la France, l'Allemagne, la Turquie, le Royaume-Uni et la Malaisie ont déjà réceptionné une partie des exemplaires commandés. En juin 2016, 26 A400M étaient en service à travers le monde. La Belgique et le Luxembourg n'ont pas non plus encore pris compte d'appareil. La Force aérienne espagnole vient de recevoir son 1er A400M, a précisé Airbus 17 novembre 2016. Pour Madrid, il s'agit du 1er A400M sur les 27 avions commandés. L'Espagne devient la sixième nation à mettre le nouveau transporteur en service.La livraison de l'appareil, le MSN44, a été l'occasion d'une cérémonie à l'usine Airbus de Séville. Pour l’armée de l'air espagnol, l'A400M remplacera la flotte de C-130 vieillissant. L'A400M transporte deux fois plus de charge sur la même distance, ou la même charge deux fois plus loin. Par ailleurs, Airbus est en train de certifier son appareil pour le ravitaillement en vol.L'Espagne va recevoir 14 appareils d'ici 2022, et les 13 derniers seront livrés à partir de 2025. La flotte espagnole sera basée à Saragosse dans le nord-est de l'Espagne avec les C212, C295 et CN235. FAF   F-RBAI  033 A400M-180 10. Jun 2016 F-RBAI A400M 033 ET01.061 Active jun16 jun16  c/s F-RBAI A400M  (9th)  F-RBAI   10jun16 ex A4M033 Force Aerienne Francaise  2015  A400M Feb 04, 2016 (33rd à voler) Jun 10, 2016 (25th livré) FAF 9th A4M033 F-RBAI *Active* F-RBAJ  037 A400M-180 (On Order) F-RBAJ A400M 037 ET01.061 Active jul16 aug16  c/s F-RBAJ  FAF   (10th)  F-RBAJ  On Order  A4M037 A400M ?? Jul 27, 2016 (29th livré)  A4M037 F-RBAJ *Active* LUFTWAFFE *035* A400M Feb 15, 2016 (34th à voler) Jul 13, 2016 (27th livré) LUFTWAFFE 4th A4M035 54+04 *Active*LTG62 Active jun16 dec16   *040* A400M ?? Sep 09, 2016 (30th livré) LUFTWAFFE 5th A4M040 54+05 *Active*LTG62 Active sep16 nov16 *041* A400M LUFTWAFFE A4M041 54+06 21. Dec 2016   (6th) *043* A400M 2016 Dec 15, 2016 (34th livré) LUFTWAFFE 6th 54+07 *Active* LTG62 Active dec16 dec16   o/o  A400M  Airbus On order MALAISIE *036* A400M ?? Jun 11, 2016 (26th livré) RMAF 3rd A4M036 M54-03 *Active*M54-03  A400M 036 22 Skn Active 13jun16 13jun16 for 22 Skn  A400M -180 36  M54-03 Royal Malaysian Air Force delivery 11jun16 SVQ-AZI ex A4M036  Royal Malaysia Air Force 2016 Malaysia - Air Force   (3rd)   RAF ZM401  Atlas C1 016 Airbus Militar Active apr16 apr16 at Getafe EC-406, A4M016 Oct 23,2014(16th to fly) 05. Feb 2016 (22d livré) RAF   6th EC-406 A4M016 ZM401 *Active* ZM404  Atlas C1 021 Airbus Militar Active may16 apr16 at Getafe A4M021 Apr 10,2015(21st to fly) 05. Feb 2016 (23rd delivered) RAF   7th EC-401 A4M021 ZM404 *Active *026* A400M Aug 07, 2015 (25th à voler) May 11, 2016 (24th livré) RAF 8th A4M026 ZM407 *Active* *027* A400M Aug 21, 2015 (26th à voler) Dec 12, 2016 (33rd livré) RAF 12th A4M027 ZM408 *Active* *034* A400M Jan 25, 2016 (32nd à voler) Sep 16, 2016 (31st livré) RAF 10th A4M034 ZM409 *Active*     *038* A400M ?? Jul 23, 2016 (28th livré) RAF 9th A4M038 ZM410 *Active*  22. Jul 2016  (11th)   *039* A400M ?? Oct 28, 2016 (32nd livré) RAF 11th A4M039 ZM411 *Active  (12th) 28. Oct 2016  Active  A4M039   *045* A400M ?? RAF (14th) A4M045 ZM413  21. Oct 2016 22. Dec 2016 RAF   (14th) ZM413   1 EDA 1 FAF 4 LUFTWAFFE 1 MALAISIE 7 RAF
2017 EDA TK.23-02-10075 31-61 A400M  Airbus Militar On order     TK.23-03-10076 31-62 A400M  Airbus Militar On order     FAF 053  A400M-180 02. Dec 2016 Jan 03,2017(37th livré) FAF   11th A4M053 F-RBAK/0053    Active 0062 F-RBAL A400M 062  On order    c/s F-RBAL LUFTWAFFE 046  A400M-180 26. Oct 2016  Jan 31,2017(38th livré) LUFTWAFFE   8th A4M046 54+08    Active   048  A400M-180 03. Feb 2017 Jun 30,2017(46th livré) LUFTWAFFE   10th A4M048 EC-408 54+09  Active 049  A400M-180 ?? May 31,2017(44th livré) LUFTWAFFE   9th A4M049 54+10  Active 057  A400M-180 ?? Aug 11,2017(48th livré) LUFTWAFFE   11th A4M057 54+12  Active   *054* A400M LUFTWAFFE (11th) *On order,* assembled Royal Malaysian Air Force 050  A400M-180 16. Jan 2017  Mar 12,2017(40th livré) RMAF  4th A4M050 M54-04 active RAF *042* A400M RAF (13th) ZM412  31. Oct 2016 16 mar17 (41st livré) 14th A4M042  Designated Atlas C1. Active 045  (13th) ZM413 10 février 2017  13th A4M045(39th livré)  Designated Atlas C1. Active *047* A400M RAF (15th) ZM414   04. Jan 2017 17mar17(42nd livré)  15th A4M047 Designated Atlas C1. Active *052* A400M RAF (16th) ZM415 14. Feb 2017 14 juin 17   RAF (45th livré) RAF   16th A4M052 ZM415.Designated Atlas C1. Active *058* A400M RAF (17th) *On order* *Preliminary only below* ZM416  Atlas C1  on order On order   on order ZM417  Atlas C1  on order On order   on order ZM418  Atlas C1  on order On order   on order ZM419  Atlas C1  on order On order   on order ZM420  Atlas C1  on order On order   on order ZM421  Atlas C1  on order On order   on order ZM422  Atlas C1  on order Not taken-up     ZM423  Atlas C1  on order Not taken-up     ZM424  Atlas C1  on order Not taken-up THK 051  A400M-180 01. Feb 2017 Apr 07,2017(43rd livré) THK 4th A4M051 15-0051 Active  for 221 Filo 055  A400M-180 ?? Jul 14, 2017 (47th livré) THK   5th A4M055 16-0055 Active   *056* A400M THK (6th) *On order* Overview  A400M  for 221 Filo Unknown   10 o/o
FAF 1 LUFT 3 RAF 4 RMAF 1 THK 1 Airbus MilitarySpain Founded: 01-1999 Web: http://www.airbusmilitary.com/ 5000   A400M    Airbus Industries     Structural test airframe 5001  A400M     Airbus Industries     Fatigue test airframe 001  A400M Dec 11,2009   Airbus Industries  F-WWMT  First prototype. In Aeroscopia Museum, Toulouse 002  A400M Apr 08,2010   Airbus Industries EC-402   Active 003  A400M Jul 09,2010   Airbus Industries F-WWMS  Last flight Oct07, 2014. Stored 004  A400M Dec 20,2010   Airbus Industries EC-404   Active 005  A400M     Planned 5th prototype.Cancelled      Not built  006  A400M Dec 20,2011   Airbus Industries F-WWMZ EC-406  Active 023  A400M-180 May 09,2015   Airbus Industries EC-403 A4M023 (14-0023)   Intendedfor Turkey - Air Force.Crashed minutes after take off from SVQ on first flight. Written off Armée de l'Air (French Air Force) - CTMArmée de l'Air (French Air Force)France Callsign: COTAM Web: http://www.defense.gouv.fr/air 007  A400M-180 Mar 06,2013 Aug 01,2013(1st livré) FAF    1st  EC-407 F-RBAA/0007 Named Ville de Orléans. Active 008  A400M-180 Jun 07,2013 Nov 06,2013(2nd livré) FAF   2nd F-WWMQ F-RBAB/0008 Named Ville de Toulouse. Active 010  A400M-180 Jan 23,2014 Jul 25,2014(4th livré) FAF   3rd EC-410 F-RBAC/0010 Named Metropole de Lyon. Active 011  A400M-180 Feb 24,2014 Aug 13,2014(5th livré) FAF   4th EC-401 F-RBAD/0011 Named Ville de Metz. Active 012  A400M-180 May 12,2014 Sep 08,2014(6th livré) FAF   5th EC-400 F-RBAE/0012 Active 014  A400M-180 Oct 10,2014 Dec 12,2014(8th livré) FAF   6th A4M014 F-RBAF/0014 Named Ville de Colmar. Active 019  A400M-180 Jan 23,2015 Jun 21,2015(13th livré) FAF   7th A4M019 F-RBAG-0019 Named Ville de Cambrai. Active 031  A400M-180 Nov 16,2015 Dec 30,2015(21st livré) FAF   8th A4M031 F-RBAH/0031    Active 033  A400M-180 Feb 04,2016 Jun 10,2016(25th livré) FAF   9th A4M033 F-RBAI/0033  Active 037  A400M-180 ?? Jul 27,2016(29th livré) FAF   10th A4M037 F-RBAJ/0037    Active 062  A400M-180 FAF F-RBAL/0062    commandé,  assembled 065  A400M-180 FAF F-RBAM/0065    commandé,  assembled 073  A400M-180 FAF F-RBAN/0073    commandé Fuerza Aerea Española (Spanish Air Force) - AMEpain
T.23-01 A400M-180  17. Nov 2016  Active  EC-400  31-21 044  A400M-180 Sep 05,2016 Dec 01,2016(33rd livré) EDA  1st  EC-400 T.23-01 Code31-21. Active 070  A400M-180 EDA TK.23-02   Code 31-61. commandé,  assembled    A400M-180 EDA TK.23-03   Code 31-62. commandé German Air Force - GAFGerman Air ForceGermany Callsign: GERMAN AIR FORCE Web: http://www.luftwaffe.de/ 54+11 A400M-180   On Order   54+13 A400M-180   On Order   54+14 A400M-180   On Order   018  A400M-180 Oct 14,2014 Dec 19,2014(9th livré) LUFTWAFFE    1st  EC-408 54+01  Active 029  A400M-180 Oct 02,2015 Dec 21,2015(19th livré) LUFTWAFFE   3rd EC-409 54+02    Active 030  A400M-180 Oct 14,2015 Dec 10,2015(18th livré) LUFTWAFFE   2nd A4M030 54+03Active 035  A400M-180 Feb 15,2016 Jul 13,2016(27th livré) LUFTWAFFE   4th A4M035 54+04   Active  040  A400M-180 ?? Sep 09,2016(30th livré) LUFTWAFFE   5th A4M040 54+05Active 041  A400M-180 ?? Dec 21,2016(36th livré) LUFTWAFFE   7th A4M041 54+06 Active 043  A400M-180 2016 Dec 15,2016(35th livré) LUFTWAFFE   6th A4M043 EC-403 54+07  Active
054  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE A4M054 54+11  commandé,  assembled 059  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE 54+13    commandé, assembled 061  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE 54+14    commandé, assembled 063  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE 54+15    commandé, assembled 064  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE 54+16    commandé, assembled 067  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE A4M067 54+17  commandé,  assembled 069  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE 54+18    commandé, assembled 071  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE A4M071 54+19  commandé 074  A400M-180 LUFTWAFFE 54+20    commandé Royal Air Force - RR / RFRRoyal Air ForceUnited Kingdom Callsign: RAFAIR Web: http://www.raf.mod.uk/ ZM416 A400M-180   On Order   015  A400M-180 Aug 30,2014 Nov 17,2014(7th livré) RAF    1st  EC-405 ZM400 Named City of Bristol.Designated Atlas C1. Active 016  A400M-180 Oct 23,2014 Feb 05,2016(22nd livré) RAF   6th EC-406 A4M016 ZM401  Designated Atlas C1. Active 017  A400M-180 Dec 23,2014 Feb 27,2015(11th livré) RAF   2nd A4M017 ZM402  Designated Atlas C1. Active 020  A400M-180 Mar 22,2015 Jul 06,2015(14th livré) RAF   3rd A4M020 ZM403 Designated Atlas C1. Active 021  A400M-180 Apr 10,2015 Feb 05,2016(23rd livré) RAF   7th EC-401 A4M021 ZM404  Designated Atlas C1. Active  024  A400M-180 Jul 02,2015 Sep 10,2015(15th livré) RAF   4th A4M024 ZM405 designated Atlas C1. Active 025  A400M-180 Jul2015 Oct 02,2015(16th livré) RAF   5th EC-405 A4M025 ZM406 Designated Atlas C1. Active 026  A400M-180 Aug 07,2015 May 11,2016(24th livré) RAF   8th A4M026 ZM407  Designated Atlas C1. Active 027  A400M-180 Aug 21,2015 Dec 12,2016(34th livré) RAF   12th A4M027 ZM408   Designated Atlas C1. Active 034  A400M-180 Jan 25,2016 Sep 16,2016(31st livré) RAF   10th A4M034 ZM409  Designated Atlas C1. Active 038  A400M-180 ?? Jul 23,2016(28th livré) RAF   9th A4M038 ZM410 Designated Atlas C1. Active 039  A400M-180 ?? Oct 28,2016(32nd livré) RAF   11th A4M039 ZM411   Designated Atlas C1. Active 056  A400M-180 RAF ZM416    commandé,  assembled 058  A400M-180 RAF ZM417    commandé,  assembled 060  A400M-180 RAF A4M060 "ZM417"ZM418 ??    commandé,  assembled 072  A400M-180 RAF A4M072 ZMxxx     commandé 075  A400M-180 RAF ZM419    commandé Royal Malaysian Air Force - RMFMalaysia 022  A400M-180 Jan 30,2015 Mar 12,2015(12th livré) RMAF   1st  EC-400 A4M022 M54-01 Active 032  A400M-180 Nov 19,2015 Dec 27,2015(20th livré) RMAF   2nd EC-400A4M032 M54-02  Active 036  A400M-180 ?? Jun 11,2016(26th livré) RMAF  3rd A4M036 M54-03    Active Turkish Air Force - HVKTurkey Callsign: TURKISH AIRFORCE - A400M-180   On Order   009  A400M-180 Aug 09,2013 Apr 04,2014(3rd livré) THK   1st  A4M009 13-0009 Active   013 A400M-180 Jul 30,2014 Dec 23,2014(10th livré) THK   2nd A4M013 14-0013  Active   028  A400M-180 Sep 09,2015 Nov 25,2015(17th livré) THK  3rd A4M028 14-0028   Active
133  A400M-180 Luxemburg - Air Force      commandé. livraison prévue 2019 136  A400M-180 Belgium - Air Force      commandé. livraison prévue 2019
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Compass Point Real Estate is Back!
You’re probably noticing a familiar logo reappearing around town... because “Compass Point Real Estate” is back!  The quotation marks are because we’ve been here the whole time, doing business, serving the community, and creating many happy customers as RE/MAX Beach and Beyond.  While we’ll be providing the same great service and creating even more happy customers, we’re thrilled to be back in our own skin!
Returning to our roots as an independent brokerage gives us the flexibility to serve our clients, agents, and community best with the local emphasis and knowledge that are so critical in the real estate market.  We’ve ensured that our listings will continue to have incredible international marketing exposure, appearing on all major real estate listing websites, including Remax.com!
Our outstanding website is getting a face lift and moving back to CompassPointRE.com.  See you there!
Compass Point Real Estate: Personal service.  Professional results.
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rocio-aj · 9 years
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rojo. tu quieres jugar?.
odio mi cámara, pero ni modo.
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RE/MAX Beach and Beyond would like to congratulate our September 2015 Top Producers!
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Welcome to Peggy Hartman!
RE/MAX Beach and Beyond is proud to welcome Peggy Hartman to our team of talented professionals! Peggy is a native Floridian whose attention to detail and extensive knowledge of the local market will ensure you have the best representation in every transaction.
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To learn more about Peggy and her background, please visit http://verobeachandbeyond.com/agents/phartman/.
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