#RAGHHHHH just trying to sort things out for now
fanofthelamb · 4 months
I wanted to draw Narinder with longer hair but it devolved.
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So how about a little bit of rambling, then? A lot of this is just canon divergent stuff I think? So if you're not into that, this isn't for you.
HUGE CW: lots of sensitive topics such as slavery, family death, cannibalism, etc. Please read at your own risk and take care of yourself.
Narinder found Leshy and the two traveled together around the Valley together. Eventually they ran into Heket who joined them.
A few key points (not in chronological order):
Narinder has been travelling alone since he was a child, after having to kill his mother.
Narinder is the first to have extra eyes, having had them since he was a child due to being blessed by the at-the-time God of Death. He used his hair to hide this third eye, fearing that it would make him stick out as a beast to either be killed or exploited.
Leshy calls Heket and Narinder his siblings but also does consider them to be parental figures to him, since they both helped raise him after his family was eaten.
Heket was originally a slave who was made to fight. She obtained the talisman she wore from the Fox, after luring her owner to him to be eaten.
Narinder saved Leshy from being eaten alongside his family, and since then Leshy has always clung to Narinder for guidance and protection. Narinder taught Leshy everything he knew about living life as a mortal. (Shamura taught them everything they knew about life as a god.)
Heket is not from the Valley, but Narinder and Leshy are.
VERY messy sloppy unfinished map below v v v
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The Valley is considered a pretty dangerous place, filled with cannibals and slavers. It's left a mark on the three of them.
Narinder and Leshy will occasionally stick their faces in other's when meeting them; they WILL not pull away until the other backs down. To them, it's just social etiquette they learned from cannibals.
The three of them often won't eat meat they haven't personally hunted themselves, unless it's from the Lamb. It was a general rule from the Valley that if you didn't personally see the meat come from an animal, it more than likely came from a person.
Heket and Leshy both feel the need to do a head count and make sure all 3 of them are still around. They won't admit it most of the time, but they still find themselves a little fucked up from Narinder being snatched by slavers.
Narinder is obsessed with collecting wood because of his mother, and cannot for the life of him mine stone because of his time in chains before the crown. The sight of a pickaxe makes him as sick as the sound of chains does. (a lot.) The lamb takes Narinder's fear of mines seriously, but only knows bits and pieces about what happened. Nogrejul knows about the trigger but not why. They enjoy tormenting him with it and it's specifically why they requested to be a miner.
(Unrelated to the valley but still notable)Heket and Leshy are the only ones allowed to skip out on fight pit rituals; the lamb is fully aware of Heket's past and allows Leshy to keep her company. (They are maybe a little softer than they'd like to admit. They will murder anyone who brings this up to them.)
Leshy loves to burrow since it was how he "safely" travelled on his own in the valley(you're never fully safe in the valley), but thanks to the long history of constant construction on cult grounds, there's often different dangers, such as old nails, in the ground. Leshy is often injured while burrowing because of this and spends way more time in the med bay than he'll admit.
Leshy loves to cook, but too many meat dishes at once sends him into a panic, because of this, Leshy often has a partner he cooks with that'll cook the meat dishes after he's done with the others so he doesn't have to smell it.
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