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sabinerondissime · 6 months ago
Hier, j'ai lu que le racisme avait été inventé par les élites. Perso, je crois que le racisme est né en même temps que l'humanité. Il vient des guerres pour conquérir de nouveaux territoires et de la peur de l'autre dans toute sa différence. Il est profondément ancré dans cette terreur de perdre nos acquis et de devoir changer nos habitudes. Il y a ceux, assez intelligents , qui dépassent cela pour ne voir que l'Humain dernière sa couleur. Et il y a les autres..
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raisongardee · 24 days ago
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"En régime pan-médiatique et publicitaire du sens, où c’est l’opinion publique fabriquée qui décide en dernière instance du bien et du mal, toute dictature idéologique, je l’ai maintes fois relevé, doit disposer pour s’exercer, et pour couvrir ses crimes et méfaits, d’une arme absolue de langage, qui paralyse absolument l’adversaire, le pétrifie comme le regard de la Méduse, le dissuade de toute velléité de résistance ou d’opposition, qui le vouerait immédiatement aux gémonies médiatiques et sociales, à la fameuse sorte de tyrannie si bien prévue et décrite par Tocqueville, "qui laisse le corps et va droit à l’âme". Le Grand Remplacement et le remplacisme global disposent ainsi de l’insulte raciste, qui a fait taire à jamais plus d’un imprudent, au point d’offrir une couverture parfaite à un génocide par substitution : la destruction des Européens d’Europe. La Grande Déculturation et la Petite Bourgeoisies son fourrier, le Petit Remplacement leur pratique habituelle, ont dans leur arsenal mépris de classe, qui a suffi à faire rentrer dans leur coquille bien de vaillants défenseurs putatifs de l’orthographe, de la syntaxe, de la musique et de la haute littérature. Qui veut être qualifié de raciste ? Qui veut traîner sur ses lieux d’activité coutumiers le reproche de mépris de classe ? Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, et surtout pour des "intellectuels", c’est s’accommoder de la mort civile (et bien sûr professionnelle). On a toujours des femmes, des maris et des enfants à nourrir, des crédits à finir de rembourser, de vieux parents à faire la fierté de."
Renaud Camus, La Destruction des Européens d’Europe, 2024.
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months ago
Hello, how are you? First of all, excuse me for sending the message in English, I don't speak Catalan just yet.
So, recently I've been researching about the immigration in Europe and found out that Catalunya is one of the places in the Iberian Peninsula that has received the most immigrants throughout the years. So, I wanted to know: what are the feelings that most Catalans have on this matter? If you don't want to speak for most Catalans, I'd love to hear your own opinion!
I also ask this because recently I stumbled upon this video on Twitter, I don't know if you have seen it, where this guy named Quim Masferrer was interviewing a black woman and got VERY surprised that she spoke Catalan. Probably because he thought that she was an immigrant and could only speak Spanish. You mentioned in one of your posts that people usually tend to change to Spanish when speaking to black people, assuming that they don't speak Catalan.
Salutacions des del Brasil!
Hi! English is no problem at all, don't worry.
Yes, you are right that Catalonia is one of the places in Iberia that has received the highest amount of immigrant people. We started getting international immigration from outside Iberia in the 1990s, and since then it has continued growing.
According to elections results and polls, Catalonia's population has a better view of immigration than the average.
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Share of votes for political parties in favour of restrictive measures on migration in the European Parliament elections of 2019. Source: European Union. You can see Catalonia is one of the greenest places (with lowest votes for parties that seek to restrict migration), and Catalonia's shape can be clearly seen from the greener tone it's painted in compared with its neighbours.
Every so often, polls are conducted on the topic and they always show something similar.
Catalonia has also held the largest demonstrations in Europe in favour of welcoming refugees (in 2017). This was a protest against the Spanish Government, which is the one who has the power on immigration and refugee issues, because they were not allowing enough refugees in, and people in Catalonia wanted to allow them in.
This is not to say there aren't racists, of course there are. Sadly, the fascist parties are growing in all of Europe, particularly among young men/boys. This is also happening here, with the Spanish supremacist party Vox. And outside of people who are directly fascists, racist beliefs still persist in other parts of the population, often ones who would like to get rid of their racist beliefs, but we live in a society.
What you mention about the black woman speaking Catalan is one of them (I saw the video when this episode was on TV, link here for anyone who wants to watch it). Well-meaning Catalan people who want to be welcoming do this when 2 problems come together: on the one hand, the fact that many people still aren't used to people who don't look or sound like they're from here actually being from here, and the fact that many people would be very surprised if any people who aren't originally from here would speak our language or even knowing that it exists. So when they see someone who looks African, Scandinavian, from any other part of the world, makes mistakes when speaking Catalan or sounds like they usually speak Spanish, the Catalan person will 99% of the time switch to Spanish with the well-meaning intention of making it easier for the person they see as "foreigner". This is often useless, because a person who speaks Mandarin or Wolof won't be helped by you speaking Spanish instead of Catalan, but our history has convinced us that it will.
People are not switching to Spanish on purpose to call the other a foreigner, they're doing because we come from centuries of illegalization, persecution and discrimination and we have internalized the idea that we are worthless, not "citizens of the world", and that only our most immediate surrounding speaks our "useless" language, while The World speaks Spanish, the respected and widely-spoken language that everyone admires. That's of course not true, someone who just arrived from, say, China might know as much Catalan as Spanish: that is, none. But in our minds, because of all these centuries of brainwashing through physical violence, the school system, media, etc, literally everything saying we're "provincial", "rural" and "worthless", and that we better hide the fact that we speak the language we speak if we want anyone to understand us, and that it's so so so rude to speak in Catalan instead of Spanish or to even be heard by a Spanish speaker when we speak Catalan; while also making us believe that the whole world loves Spanish and that most of the world speaks Spanish and that everything will be better if we speak Spanish- well, at the first moment of seeing someone they identify as a "non-Catalan", the Catalan person full of self-hatred will immediately use Spanish.
Of course, this is racist (nowadays many people whose ancestors are African have been raised in Catalonia, sometimes even born here, or might have been living here long enough to speak it! it's racist to assume that just because of their looks or accent, that they are foreigner, and that they can't know the language of the place they live in and that they need us to make the effort of switching to an "international" language instead). But if you speak in Catalan to a racialized person or a person who comes from Spain (outside the Catalan Countries), many non-migrant Catalans will call you racist for it, because they'll say you're making things hard for the immigrant for no reason. They'll say, "why would you bother them with Catalan? You should make things as easy as possible for them", with the underlying assumption that Catalan is worthless and we should give up our right to speak it when it slightly inconveniences someone. And, again, the view that the immigrant person needs us to simplify and speak to them differently from how we would speak to a non-immigrant person because they can't know this, is very racist, even though it's done thinking that it's just being polite and, sometimes, believing that it's anti-racist and that it would be racist to treat them like any other person. At the same time, this alienates immigrant, racialized and Spanish people from the community, effectively showing them that we consider them a foreigner and not one of us, and we don't transmit the feeling that they need to learn it to live here, so in the end some of them will only learn Spanish (why learn Catalan, if nobody will speak it to them? Everyone speaks to them in Spanish, so that gives the idea that that is the language they need to learn) which fuels this circle.
So yeah, most people will do this racist thing because they believe it's the non-racist and polite thing to do. But, like racialized people have been saying for a very long time, that is not true at all. I have heard many racialized people (including friends of mine) explain how strangers in shops and restaurants will speak in Catalan to everybody and, when turning to the racialized person, talk to them in Spanish, clearly singling them out for their looks as if they needed any help, as if they couldn't speak our language perfectly (and even if it wasn't perfect, so what?). Some days ago I saw it again, I was waiting at the queue of the CAP (local healthcare centre) and the nurse attended everyone in Catalan. When a Moroccan family arrived and asked in perfect Catalan what they needed, the nurse (for the first time in that whole time) answered in Spanish. The Moroccan women continued asking in Catalan, and the nurse continued answering in Spanish, until the 4th interaction in which the Moroccan girl who was speaking ended up switching to Spanish as well. I can't imagine how heartbreaking that must feel.
I hope this answered your question. I hope you will understand why people act the way they do when they switch, that is not a matter of wanting to treat foreigners or those read as foreigners badly (actually, all the opposite). I hope you won't be too harsh on us for this, because it's a result of our own oppression and a manifestation of our internalized Catalanophobia.
Now, message to the other Catalans reading this: absolutely judge yourself harshly if you do this. Reflect and change your ways.
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Sales grenouilles
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huariqueje · 2 years ago
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Citizen insurgency and role of Andean women 2023-02-03 
By Linda Lema Tucker .  sociologist
Women are being protagonists of this great story that is yet to be written: the protests of the citizen insurgency. These days, in Lima, great days of democratic struggle are taking place, in which hundreds of women, from the most infinite corners of Peru, with loud and forceful voices, demand the resignation of Dina Boluarte, the closure of Congress and Constituent Assembly.  
They left behind their children, the harvest, the cattle. They have broken the private sphere and have joined political affairs, to propose solutions to old problems that are still unresolved. They have faith that a new dawn in Peru is about to arrive. In protests they are distinguished by their colorful and bright skirts, their woven llicllas that they carry on their backs and shoulders, and their wonderful Aymara or Quechua language. They are not willing to return to their towns until Dina resigns, because her resignation is to fulfill that promise they made to the sixty murdered Peruvians, who would fight until the end, until this dictatorial regime abdicates. They carry in their memory and are the inspiration of their struggles, the story of brave Quechua and Aymara heroines, who preceded them as inspiration. They also know that this is a new time, in which the collective force has to overcome the old that has to lay the foundations for a rebirth of a new state, in which forgotten sectors of the country participate in power in a constitution of a new republic.
Women, the streets and the new leaderships These days, with great intensity and force, women march through the streets of Lima, launch harangues, sing and dance huaynitos, demanding the resignation of "la Dina", as they usually call her. We have walked blocks and blocks with them, until the police surprised us and repressed us with tear gas. The gas suffocated, when I saw that, in their saddlebags, they carried handkerchiefs and vinegar to avoid burning in the respiratory tract. We continued marching and he heard the loudest proclamation, "Dina, murderer, the people repudiate you." Until arriving at Plaza Dos de Mayo, where a commission of women waits for the compañeras to get sandwiches and drinks. That solidarity surprises me. But it is striking to see new women leaders, Quechua and Aymara, who, with braids, flip flops and a Peruvian flag tied around their necks, continue to harangue with surprising force, offer interviews and express their feelings and opinions about the meaning of the struggle. of their communities and towns. They do not stop demanding Boluarte's resignation, saying: “She ordered our children and brothers to be killed and has not asked for forgiveness. She is a ruthless woman, who is militarizing our towns to continue killing us." This energetic political possession with which women speak is an expression that something important is happening in deep Peru.
They continue to protest in the central streets of Lima, in addition, they have done so in districts called exclusive, San Isidro and Miraflores, where, before, some "gentlemen" believed they belonged to them. Let us remember that, not long ago, Andean women were kicked out of Larcomar in rejection of their ways of dressing and customs of a country that, paradoxically, has a multiethnic and multicultural origin. In addition, for many years, the program La Paisana Jacinta was broadcast on television, which constituted an insult and a racist attack on the dignity of indigenous peasant women.
That is why, the insurgency that is developing now against this regime, is marked by the historical accumulation of so many abuses, discriminations and violence against the majority of the population that has an indigenous origin, therefore, the necessary democratic change must come from the original peoples in order to eliminate so much pain and establish a different destiny for millions of Peruvians.
Fighters tied to history  Throughout these days, we have observed that women are united by history, that history that feminist women are now writing and that is being repeated today, by Andean women, university students, workers, housewives, and feminists, who they have joined the historic struggle in the streets, in the relief brigades, in the alternative press, in the aid of food on the highways, the women with multicolored skirts, flip flops and huaraca in hand, confront the police – like we have seen in the networks -, actions, all of women to put an end to a totalitarian regime, anti-women, as Micaela Bastidas did in Cusco, or Rita Puma Justo, in Puno, heroines who, like many others, raised their voice of protest and participated in historical episodes, against domination and gender violence, exercised by patriarchal and oppressive regimes, which considered indigenous women as an inferior race and gender.
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blogapart3bis · 2 months ago
Carnival Row, saison 2
Aujourd'hui sur Blog à part – Carnival Row, saison 2 Dans un monde victorien où les peuples féériques existent, celles-ci sont cantonnées dans le ghetto de Carnival Row et sujettes au racisme des humains. #Fantasy #Steampunk
Dans un monde victorien où les peuples féériques – fées, faunes, centaures – existent, celles-ci sont cantonnées dans le ghetto de Carnival Row et sujettes au racisme des humains. Et, dans cette deuxième et dernière saison, les tensions pourraient bien se terminer en guerre civile majeure. En effet, The Pact, la nation ennemie de The Burgue, la ville-état où se déroule l’essentiel de l’action,…
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mariannaszymanska · 8 months ago
Les mers du Sud :
Paradis artificiels pour photos instagrammables d'occidentaux
Eaux transparentes, sable blanc et chaud
Rêve de Resort :
alcool et nourriture à Gogo.
Transats en rang d'oignons sur la plage.
Décor pour touristes fortunés
Derrière les murailles, sont parqués les habitants de ses pays cauchemardement paradisiaques.
"Allez, chéri, faisons cette sortie dans le village d'à côté !"
Et ils assitent au carnaval de masques souriants :
"Ces enfants sont mignons, ils jouent avec un rien !"
" Ils ont l'air si heureux et nonchalants !"
"L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur, vraiment !"
Préjugés raciaux et post-coloniaux :
Nous sagageons leurs terres, leurs ressources, leurs âmes et leurs corps.
Nous prenons pour quelques instants de pseudo-bonheur, des clichés qui enrichiront nos réseaux sociaux.
Ces enfants, pour eux, le paradis, c'est ici, chez nous :
un eldorado d'argent et d'opulence.
Dans les bas fonds de notre Mare Nostrum aux eaux couleurs mer du Sud gisent leurs corps par milliers dans les sépultures fantomatiques de notre indifférence.
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carbone14 · 2 months ago
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Vernon Baker – 1950's
Vernon Baker s'engage dans l'armée américaine en 1941 et est affecté dans l'infanterie américaine. Rapidement repéré par ses supérieurs il intègre une école d'officiers et sort avec le grade de second lieutenant. Sur le front européen il est affecté à la 92e Division d'infanterie, unité «afro-américaine», dont les hommes du rang et les sous-officiers sont noirs, tandis que les officiers, à de rares exceptions sont des blancs. Le 5 avril 1945, Baker s'illustra lors de l'attaque du château d’Aghinolfi près de Viareggio, une position lourdement fortifiée par les Allemands. Le commandant du bataillon le recommande pour la Medal of Honor, mais le dossier est refusé aux échelons supérieurs.
A la fin de la guerre il restera dans l'armée mais sera rétrogradé au rang de master sergeant avant d'être promu First lieutenant pendant la guerre de Corée par manque d'officiers expérimentés. A la fin de la guerre il sera à nouveau rétrogradé au rang de sous-officier jusqu'à sa retraite.
En 1993, une commission de l’U.S. Army se penche sur les dossiers des soldats afro-américains de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des questionnements ayant été soulevés quant au fait qu’aucun d’entre eux n’a reçu la Medal of Honor. Les travaux de cette commission montrent rapidement qu’ils ont été victimes du racisme de la hiérarchie de l’époque et que les recommandations les concernant n’ont généralement abouti au mieux qu’à la Distinguished Service Cross. Sept afro-américains se voient alors décerner la Medal of Honor, dont Vernon Baker, le seul à être alors encore en vie lorsque la médaille lui est remise par Bill Clinton le 13 janvier 1997.
Il est enterré au cimetière national d'Arlington.
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inbooyork · 19 days ago
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Just saw a video of French president Emmanuel macron saying African countries should be thankful for colonialism or the French army invasion.
The mask of racial tolerance and acceptance is slipping in the west. They don’t care how they are perceived by peers.
This is why atrocities continue; the perpetrators decided the acceptable and punishment; today they declared this permissible. Disgusting.
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icariebzh · 10 months ago
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observatoiredumensonge · 1 month ago
J'ai mal... à ma France !
Reprenons notre France !
Temps de lecture = 2 minute Je dois avouer que je ne reconnais plus mon pays tant qu’il est soumis à cette religion qui est tout sauf d’amour. Par Jeanne Moulin d’Arc Continue reading J’ai mal… à ma France !
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reconnaitrans · 2 years ago
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102e témoignage
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useless-catalanfacts · 9 months ago
Fragment de l'entrevista a les Sey Sisters al Zona Franca.
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Le message est clair
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jloisse · 1 year ago
"Notre race est la race maîtresse.
Nous sommes les dieux
divins sur cette planète. Nous sommes aussi différents des
races inférieures
qu'elles le sont des insectes"
-MENACHEM BEGIN (1977-1983),
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