changingplumbob · 11 months
York Household: Chapter 7, Part 4
Yorks are all done! I know, I'm also amazed I managed to limit it to 4 parts. In this part Deanna thinks about her future, preteen Kelly arrives on the scene, and I try to have a science fair (emphasis on try)
Paris is Deanna's girlfriends so of course she's gonna get a 16th birthday cake and customary makeover. Kelly may be evil but I'm trying to help him get friends. He still doesn't see the point in being friends with family though.
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Deanna: Thank you so much for agreeing to this
Joey: No sweat sis, happy to bake
Calista: So strawberry
Deanna: Of course, she loves pink
Joey: So we're making your girlfriend a non-birthday, birthday cake
Deanna: Basically, shouldn't you measure that
Joey: Trust the process De, and grab a bowl
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Deanna: Me and cooking don't make the best pair
Calista: Come on honeybug, it's a chance to learn
Deanna: I won't have to toss stuff around
Joey: Only if you want to
Deanna: I suppose I could do icing, that seems simple enough
The three manage to successfully cook together, only took 2 sim hours
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Deanna: What are you doing Joey
Joey: Don't you have homework to do
Deanna: I suppose
Homework today is a breeze despite Joey hurtling around the kitchen
Joey: Ta da, a back up
Aaron: A back up?
Joey: Yeah, if someone eats the cake strawberry cake, since it doesn't have a topper, you have a back up
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Kelly invited over Anya after school today and she is in a bad mood. While most of the family is in the kitchen Kelly tries to take her mind off things. Turns out there's not many kid activities, shocking. Video games it is. The game makes her feel better but now Kelly is mad at losing the game.
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Kelly: What are we doing
Anya: Cloud gazing
Kelly: There's no clouds in the sky though
Anya: So bask in the light rays and use your imagination, there's a warthog
Kelly: And a pack of hyenas coming to eat him
Anya: And an elephant to stomp on them
Kelly: Blood goes everywhere
Anya: You're so weird
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Deanna: Wait, it's cheer day? Or is it football day?
Paris: Played sims, never dressing for the occasion
Deanna: Notice anything
Paris: Someone left a free cake on the table
Deanna: It's for you silly. You're 16 now
Paris: Aww you remembered
Deanna: Want to dig in
Paris: Everyone, come have my cake
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Reece: Did you actually make this
Deanna: Well, Ma and Joey mainly, but I made the icing
Paris: Cake for breakfast, I feel like such a rebel
Tamika: You don't want any Lilith?
Lilith: I need to think about my football physique
Reece: Way to make me feel bad for having some
Noe: You'll be fine dude
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Paris: Thank you for this
Deanna: I'm glad you like it
Tamika: So what will you do with your 16-ness
Paris: Nothing crazy
Noe: Crazy is good
Paris: I got an advance on my clothing allowance so I might check out what Thriftea has
Deanna: Will you change your hair? Add some pink?
Paris: Wait and see
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First class of the day. Samir walks in late without a shirt... I'm guessing this is his fitness outfit or whatever the category is called. When he sits down even Noe gets flirty despite being straight, Reece gets uncomfortable. This can't be appropriate school attire but the teacher doesn't flinch.
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Business class carries on with the students paying various amounts of attention. You're meant to be on the path to embracing the hustle and bustle guys! When the class ends Deanna checks in on her girlfriend. After the cake neither of them is feeling hungry so they decide to head outside to relax.
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Foreign languages is harder than normal as the teacher doesn't prepare the whiteboard. It doesn't last long though, then Deanna and Paris are free to go shopping. After browsing through a few racks, and trying on some outfits, Paris finds some she likes. She also gets a haircut and new makeup.
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Back home, now preteen 10 year old Kelly is surprised to find his older sister Devin at the door. Initial joy turns to dismay when he hears she's there to babysit him until an adult gets home. Feeling he's quite old enough to look after himself he begins insulting her and giving his best arguments.
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Arriving home to the nonsense Aaron puts his foot down. First off Kelly is grounded for being mean. Imagine my surprise to discover grounding can also include banning devices and toys. No TV for Kelly. Next up he gets put in a time out for arguing with his sister. Reluctantly he sits down.
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Kelly spends his time out fuming over the situation. His pa is a lawyer, all he does is argue with people for money. Why is it that when Kelly argues it's suddenly bad behaviour? He knows he only has level 3 mental skill but how does that make sense? As soon as he's free he speeds off on his bike.
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Finally the Science Fair Deanna requested is here! Unfortunately it goes about as well as Reece's football day, i.e. a comedy of errors. First off all students seem to stay indoors, knew I shouldn't have placed that many computers. Deanna completes what I think is a game submission for the contest?
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Deanna buys a computer team shirt, I go to CAS to style it properly as the weather changed. When I get back the competition judge and vendor leave. Then some students and other faculty members appear. I get Deanna to do another competition entry but can't submit it and the event ends with no winner.
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When she gets home she goes right to bed. Her parents are already asleep so guess what Kelly is doing? That's right, he's watching the TV despite being grounded, and laughing manically about it. He manages to not get caught and heads to bed happy.
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Exam day, best day of the week, or not. I tend to always follow my sims to exam day or they end up failing regardless of if they have studied or have a good grade. Lunch starts and I begin my normal snopping on background sims. Why does Samir look so sad? Reece is talking to a Lothario, that's why.
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As fun as it is to snoop on background sims it is still Deanna's rotation. She is feeling extremely confident today and doesn't hold back on PDA with her girlfriend. Tamika is feeling pretty stressed so Deanna tries to calm her. It doesn't work so Deanna runs through some tips for their next exam.
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These two are both looking overconfident and I love that for them.
Deanna: Did you study for this
Reece: I am a genius but yes
Deanna: How are things going with Samir
Reece: I'd rather talk about you
Deanna: Since when
Reece: Since the watcher saw you queue up a talk about marriage interaction
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Deanna: How would you know that
Reece: Genius sims get to know we're in a simulation now
Deanna: It got cancelled, did the watcher tell you that
Reece: Still, you wanted to talk about it
Deanna: Maybe, I just hate to think of her alone in that foster home. I'm aging up next time it's my rotation, I have to start thinking of the future
Reece: I know what you mean, can't be teens forever
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After school it's still a beautiful summers day in Willow Creek so Kelly again takes off biking around the neighbourhood. Paris comes home with Deanna after school. The two sit and flirt and Deanna thinks about the future. She's sure she's in love, but can she and Paris be this happy forever?
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Aaron has not had a great work day so when Calista arrives home she asks him out on a date. It's Friday and their rotation is ending so completing or not completing work tasks will have no effect. They head to the Willow Creek lounge where I basically shoved a pile of activities under one roof.
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The couple spend time catching up, flirting, and gossiping about coworkers and their kids. They also make use of the karaoke machines, singing a poor duet happily. That's the end of the Yorks this rotation. Next time Deanna ages up, and Kelly might finally get his sleepover.
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roomplus · 6 years
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螺旋階段で繋がるメゾネット賃貸。ミニマルでシンプルな空間に螺旋階段と照明のアクセントが効いた素敵なお部屋です✨ r0703 ※WEBサイトで紹介してる、賃貸で住める物件です👌 #賃貸 #自然素材 #リノベーション #リフォーム #デザイン #Design #札幌 #インテリア#建築 #不動産 #白#バーティカルブラインド#minimal #room #house #照明#デザイナーズ#建築家#interior #interiordesign #architecture #メゾネット #螺旋階段 #renovation #シンプル#八軒#ミニマル
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supertrainstationh · 4 years
Hi-Res R0703 by Bill Wright Via Flickr: English Electric Type 3 Co-Co D6768 with brake tender departs from Tees Yard on a loose coupled train of empty 21T coal hoppers. 17th April 1967 A high resolution scan of a Kodachrome II transparency and since given a seven year clean up. 
Aah! A Diesel Brake Tender!
As I understand, a lot of photographers of railways back then found Diesel Brake Tenders ugly and undesirable, so photos of them aren’t especially frequent.
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changingplumbob · 11 months
York Household: Chapter 7, Part 3
Deanna tries to help Reece with his boy problems, Paris is always welcome to the York's food, and Aaron is not a very helpful lawyer. Also I do read mod notes but I may gave neglected to go back and read old notes when getting new mods. Sorry high school sims.
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Deanna invites Reece to the park with her and Kelly. Reece is still in a bad mood so she suggests they try swing their worries away. The two have fun embracing their youth, forgetting about romantic endeavours for a spell. The sun here is amazing! Makes getting pictures so much easier.
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Kelly wants to declare someone an enemy, but doesn't have any sims he dislikes yet. He scans the park and finds a random sim who he thinks he can get under the skin of. Slowly he begins a campaign of rudeness and mean interactions. Unfortunately the sim leaves before Kelly can declare him an enemy.
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Deanna: If you want to talk to him, then just text him
Reece: He's the one that ran, he should text first
Deanna: Forget should, do you want to talk to him
Reece: Yes but-
Deanna: No buts, text him
Reece: He's older, he should be sweeping me off my feet not the other way around
Deanna: Ridiculous
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Reece: What do you mean
Deanna: That's just like saying the guy has to win the girl. We're not straight, we can't afford to get sucked in those kinds of stupid stereotypes
Reece: Okay but who's the man in your relationship
Deanna: OMW shut up idiot
Reece: Kidding, kidding, but I'd gladly be his girl, his guy...
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Reece: Be his anything really if things went back to how they were
Deanna: You don't want them to go back
Reece: I don't?
Deanna: You want them to change for the better
Reece: Fine, what am I saying in this text then
Deanna: You could start with a greeting
Reece: Yeah but, hi, hey, hello, yo, sup...
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Deanna: Just pick one
Reece: Right, now what? I should probably apologise right
Deanna: What?
Reece: For kissing him
Deanna: Are you sorry for that
Reece: I'm sorry for things being weird but it was pretty wonderful
Deanna: Then don't apologise. Be brave and throw in an "I miss you"
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Reece: Okay I got "Hey Samir, blondie here. Missing seeing you. Let's catch up at school"
Deanna: Blondie?
Reece: *blushes* it's just what he calls me
Deanna: Cute!
Reece: Shut up
Denna: Now press send, dare you
Reece: Fine
*text swooshes off*
Reece: Oh ship what did I do, can I unsend
Deanna: No
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Reece: I might have a heart attack
Deanna: You won't, just use your yoga breathing tricks
Reece: *deep breaths* So what now
Deanna: Ball is in his court, now we practice patience
Reece: Really
Deanna: You want to be a zen guru right? Got to start somewhere
Reece: Thanks for helping De
Deanna: Any time
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The pair decide to have a game of chess since they're in a park after all. Deanna may have a tech focused brain but Reece is a genius. In a tight spot she distracts him and switches some pieces. Lucky for her Reece doesn't seem to notice, or is too polite to say anything. He still wins the game.
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Kelly: I want to go home
Deanna: Ma and Pa are probably still on their date, come and enjoy the clouds
Kelly: Be boring? No. I'm going to have some fun with this stuff I found
Reece: Should we be stopping him
Deanna: It'll all wash away in the rain, and he really doesn't listen to me anyway
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Kelly: I don't feel so good
Deanna: Oh duck, you look terrible
Kelly: I'm telling ma you swore
Deanna: Of course you are, come on then, later Reece
Kelly: Later Reece
Reece: Feel better soon, and don't get De sick
Kelly: Where's the fun in being sick if I can't infect others
Deanna: Come on evil one
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Deanna: Oh good ma, you're home
Calista: What did he do now
Deanna: He got sick
Kelly: *itches*
Calista: Don't scratch, you'll just hurt yourself, water and a nap
Kelly: But ma
Calista: If you want to get better you drink water and you nap
Kelly: Fine but I'm not happy about it
Deanna: Course not
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The water and the nap seem to do the trick. Kelly wakes up feeling better and has enough of an appetite to have a late dinner. Since he slept away some of his Sunday he has a long session playing with Bun Bun before he heads back to bed.
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Calista and Aaron choose to work from home the next day. While Aaron files documents and attends a deposition Calista spends the morning baking and thinking about her next career steps. In the afternoon she heads to the gym where she runs into Eliza. She also meets the new gym trainer Trevor.
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Deanna invites Paris over after school and all the kids are delighted to see the sweets.
Kelly: Cupcakes
Paris: Pink cupcakes
Deanna: Thanks ma
Paris: Yes thanks Mrs York
Calista: You don't have to call me Mrs York
Paris: What then
Deanna: Officer York
*group laughter*
Calista: Calista is fine
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While Deanna has to go to computer club Aaron and Calista enjoy getting to know Paris a bit better. If Deanna is home the parents can hardly seem to get a word in when the girls are talking away. Afterwards they all settle down to have dinner together so Paris can avoid the foster home "dinner"
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The teen school project this week is a suspension bridge. Like normal Deanna asks her parents to help. Calista has the arts and crafts hobby while Aaron is always happy to check her math for her. Together they make an excellent quality bridge, perfect for all the virtual toy cars.
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It should surprise no one that Kelly chooses not to do his homework or school project. Instead he invites Fergus over the road to play some video games. After failing to win puts him in a rage Fergus heads home. Kelly takes out his frustration by scribbling in his journal and fixing some evil plans.
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With Deanna at school I realise the building is awfully empty. Thanks to the teleporter I manage to get most students at school even if they don't flag as students. Deanna heads to class and I realise my bigger problem, no teachers have shown up today. Clearly I broke something, sorry virtual peeps.
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Paris: This is so weird
Deanna: There must be conflicting mods
Paris: Huh
Deanna: Joey always says that when things go wrong
Paris: Hey did you notice Reece and Samir are talking again
Deanna: I saw them sit together but talking is even better
Paris: Did you help
Deanna: Kiss me and I'll tell you
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Deanna is the only one at career day apart from the guests. I get her to chat to them but then we cut our loses and head home early.
I got the regions restriction mod without rereading the high school mod notes that said using both causes teachers to not appear. Region restrictions is gone for now.
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Great news, both Aaron and Calista have been promoted. Aaron is now a Promising Prosecutor but damn it his work prep task is still offering representation. Calista turned down covert ops and has picked the military officer path. Her new title is Fourth Lieutenant.
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Working from home lets them visit with Devin and Luna who have a visitor. Cassandra is hoping Aaron can give her more information about the supposed contract. Sadly it seems that Dina and Nina do indeed have charge of the capital funds and custody of Milton. But if things change Aaron will help her.
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Calista has been working on some newborn onesies and is excited to give them to her daughter-in-law. When one has twins I'm pretty sure you can't have a stockpile of clean clothes that's too large. Calista then knits some more while trying to calm down a still angry Cassandra.
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changingplumbob · 11 months
York Household: Chapter 7, Part 2
Hightlights include a prom filled with continuity errors, me using my watcher powers to stop sims eating burnt popcorn, and Kelly rebelling against a sleepover he was not included in.
I had to play through prom twice because I saved/exited during prom and could not get it to reload. You'll see colour, prom royalty and location differences. We're just going to pretend it's all the same prom.
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First up, photo time. Couple of shots of Deanna and Paris. Snapshot of Deanna and her childhood mate Reece. Group photo of the whole crew, Noe, Reece, Deanna, Paris and Tamika.
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Deanna: Where are you heading
Paris: Those were the official photos
Deanna: And...
Paris: And I want a photobooth picture
Deanna: Might cost you a hug
Paris: Deal
The first romantic photo booth picture went horribly wrong but since things reset, the end picture was a cute success.
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Deanna spots Reece furiously scribbling in his journal an decides to go do some recon with Samir.
Deanna: Hey you
Samir: *grunts*
Deanna: Still not a fan of crowds
Kawikani: I practically had to twist my brothers arm to get him here
Deanna: Why come if it's that bad
Samir: *blushes and grunts*
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Deanna looks over and sees Reece has dragged himself to the dance floor. Poor dude is forcing himself to dance despite hating pop music, wish I could see what's going on in his head. He doesn't seem to want to socialise, so she goes back to her date.
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Deanna: What are you doing out here
Paris: Dancing in front of everyone just suddenly seems daunting
Deanna: How about you block them out, and just focus on me
Paris: Just you huh
Deanna: I hate dancing. If I'm willing to give it a go, it seems like a reason to try
Paris: Hold my hand babe
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Despite their reservations the couple have fun. Paris can be graceful, she is a cheerleader after all. Deanna seems inspired and throws herself into the dance, dong her best to help Paris feel confident. For most of the time, it does feel to them like they are the only ones in the hall.
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Paris: That was brilliant babe
Deanna: Yeah, you're amazing
Paris: Care to show me how amazing I am
Deanna: You sure
Paris: Babe if you don't kiss me soon-
Deanna leans forward and the two pairs of lips meet for the first time.
Paris: -my heart will explode
Deanna: New or continued sentence?
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Deanna: Guess who just-
Reece: *grunts*
Deanna: Wow, you're even copying his mannerisms
Reece: I am not, I just hate pop music
Deanna: Yet you knew who I was talking about. Have you tried asking him for a dance
Reece: He looks too uncomfortable, I don't want to make it worse for him
Deanna: *sighs* Thank goodness I don't like boys
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Reece: Anyway, he's busy paying homage to the prom royalty
Deanna: Who, Jaq
Reece: The tall blondie. Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer. I'm happy for you, really
Deanna: Promise me you'll swing by tomorrow for some best friend time, my afternoon is free
Reece: *sighs* okay, I'll see you then
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Deanna: Buttered popcorn here we come
Paris: You sure you know what you're doing
Deanna: It's a popcorn maker, how much effort do I really need to put in
Paris: I haven't seen your glasses before
Deanna: They're not exactly vogue
Paris: They're cute babe
Deanna: Have you picked us a movie then
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Paris: Unfortunately, the options are limited
Deanna: But it's going to be a scary one
Paris: You promised you'd try
Deanna: I will, but I'm nervous
Paris: I'll be right beside you. Wait- is that burning?
Deanna: Darn. It'll be okay, Joey says the watcher can fix even spoiled food
Paris: You first
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Deanna: This isn't so scary
Paris: It's the opening credits
Deanna: Oh
The film begins with sims bustling about in old fashioned clothes. Slowly the sims begin disappearing and soon it's a ghost town. Then time jumps forwards.
Deanna: Wait, what happened to all the sims though
Paris: We'll find out
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Eerie music begins to play and we see a car load of sims run out of gas, stranding them in the town for the night.
Deanna: Why are they splitting up, that's a terrible decision
One of the sims walks through the park, then a pan down shows an arm reaching up
Deanna: Zombies! Did they kill the others?
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The film carries on with some bizarre twists, turns and jump scares. In the end everyone is dead, except for a couple of undead, who are happy at least
Paris: Their true love never wavered, it was beautiful *sobs*
Deanna: I think you're over tired
Paris: Maybe
Deanna: Come on sleepy, let's bunk down
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Midnight might be the witching hour but for Kelly, 3am is the pranking hour. After switching his alarm off he heads downstairs, trying to keep quiet. He makes it to the lounge undetected. Holding in a giggle he thinks about which prank would cause maximum disruption but least chance of a telling off.
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Balloon wake up call it is
Deanna: OMW what's happening
Paris: Need... sleep.. WTF
Kelly: Boom, you just got pranked
Deanna: Kelly we were sleeping
Paris: I was having good dreams
Deanna: I'm telling ma and pa
Kelly: Are you though
Deanna: What do you mean
Kelly: Do you have any evidence
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Deanna: I'm awake and so are you
Kelly: After you and your girlfriend woke me up for fun
Paris: Excuse me
Kelly: My word against you two, teens are known for dares at sleepovers
Deanna: Are you serious
Kelly: Wake them up now and who will they really be mad at
Deanna: You little twerp
Kelly: Go cry
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Triumphant, Kelly returns to bed. After some time calming down the girls do manage to get back to sleep.
Aaron: Did you peek in on the girls
Calista: Both are dead asleep still
Aaron: Perhaps the smell of pancakes will wake them up
Calista: Kelly to, he doesn't normally sleep in this long
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Calista: Is that meant to be popcorn
Aaron: Maybe in another life
Calista: I'll clean
Aaron: She certainly didn't inherit our cooking skills
Calista: She did not. Oh, that reminds me, I was going to invite Devin and Luna over to give them my knitting
*dials phone*
Aaron: Tell them it's pancakes
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Deanna does wake up to her grumbling stomach. The scent of cooking butter has wafted it's way to the lounge
Deanna: Wake up
Paris: 5 more minutes babe
Deanna: Pa is cooking something
Paris: I've only had cereal for breakfast for years
Deanna: Come on, get up
They take a quick commemorative selfie.
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Deanna: Kelly startled me awake at 3am
Devin: What
Deanna: Paris and I were asleep, he says we have no proof
Devin: Ma!
Kelly: It's a lie!
Calista: What?
Devin: Kelly woke the girls up in the night
Kelly: Pa, they woke me up, I can't prove it but neither can they
Aaron: I thought I was the lawyer
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It's too late to discipline Kelly for anything, he leaves the house and speeds off on his bike. Calista gives Luna and Devin the gifts she made for their impending twins. Two cute knitted penguins in different coloured hats, because even if the boys look the same, they'll have different personalities.
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Devin isn't as great at knitting as Calista. Calista can teach her how to knit but since I'm not controlling Devin I can't tell if her skill level gets much of a boost. Fingers crossed. Devin wants to make cute knitted toys to.
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Calista: I thought I'd find you in here
Aaron: Logic is important for a lawyer
Calista: We've both finished our promotion tasks you know
Aaron: We have? Well then, should we have the afternoon off
Calista: Meaning
Aaron: Send the kids to the park. We can go check out a film, have a nice date
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changingplumbob · 11 months
York Household: Chapter 7, Part 1
Next household for this rotation is the Yorks. Highlights include kids ignoring my fun outdoor summer setup in favour of TV, me ignoring Deanna being in a distant phase by still getting her to have a heart to heart with her ma, and water balloon antics.
Kelly may be an evil kid but since his aspiration is Slumber Party Animal he needs to try make friends. Deanna is looking forward to attendng prom with her girlfriend Paris. Calista is keen to knit for her future grandsons. Aaron… also exists?
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A sunny day dawns in Willow Creek and we return to the York household. Deanna is the first to wake up today, she's entering a phase. Deanna is now distant, and will get tense around her family. At least it's prom tonight so she can get out of the house.
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Callista and Aaron get up and ready for the day. While they're busy Deanna rushes her way through breakfast so she can be gone by the time anyone else is in the dining room. Success! She probably will have a stomach ache now but whatever.
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Aaron: Anything on the agenda today
Callista: Workout, and maybe some knitting
Aaron: Morning Kelly
Kelly: Hey pa
Callista: Are you doing anything today Kelly
Kelly: Could I invite some friends round later
Aaron: I suppose
Callista: But go easy on the shenanigans
Kelly: Ma, it's me, of course
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Aaron: He seems to be doing okay
Callista: He does, maybe the evil trait isn't as hard to deal with as we thought
Kelly wanders to the backyard and contemplates what to do until his friends get here. Making a mess sounds good. He pulls out what seems to be flour and chocolate syrup and goes wild.
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The fridge is pretty empty so Aaron decides to start his day by making food for the week. First up, French toast for breakfasts. Next, some vege chilli. Callista tries to go jogging but again the action doesn't work and she returns home early. Workout on the exercise machine it is.
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Upstairs alone, Deanna sets about calling her friends to check up on them. Noe and Tamika are pretty drama free. Reece is sill not sure what to make of Samir, he clearly likes Reece but is it friendship or something more? Paris is excited about her prom outfit, although worries it'll look plain.
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Anya: You got a splashpad
Kelly: New today
Drake: Very nice
The kids mill around the water emitters and have some fun. They splash each other and all manage to cool down from the heat. In the end though they can't ignore the call of technology, and the TV inside beckons.
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Deanna is a member of the computer club which means programming. She gets set up to practice while Gerald, first of his name, looks on. Aaron needs to improve his debate skill for promotion so mirror debate for him. Callista wants to knit something for her upcoming grandkids and gets busy making.
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Anya: Can I join
Kelly: If you're quick
Fergus: Shush up, I'm trying to concentrate
Atlas: Try but it won't help you beat me
Kelly: Brianna do you have to mop just this second
Brianna: Someone could slip
Anya: Leave puddles long enough and they dry you know
Fergus: Can anyone even slip in puddles
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Brianna: Fine, fine. I'm sitting
Chasity: Look out behind you Anya
Anya: I see him, I see him, take this
Fergus: No fair getting help from backseat drivers
Drake: This track looks pretty unsafe *sips*
Atlas: It's virtual Drake, it doesn't have to be safe
Kelly: Crashes are the best part anyway
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Kelly: OMW stop blocking the TV Brianna
Drake: It's only character selection though
Anya: There is no only in competition
Atlas: The blue one is mine
Chasity: Does it do anything extra
Atlas: Be blue
Brianna: So no
Kelly: He just likes that one best
Fergus: I call yellow
Anya: Too slow, I have it
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After finishing her homework Deanna approaches Callista to ask a favour.
Deanna: Hey ma, you know it's prom tonight
Callista: You've mentioned it a dozen times, I am definitely aware
Deanna: Well, I was wondering, could Paris and I have a sleepover tonight after we get back?
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Callista: What does the foster home say
Deanna: They'll give her permission so long as an adult approves
Callista: Sure, invite her to stay
Deanna: Thanks ma, I'll let her know right now
Callista: You two are getting pretty close
Deanna: We are
Callista: Will you sleep in the lounge or your room
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Deanna: Lounge of course
Callista: You could both sleep in your room if you wanted
Deanna: Thanks ma but... I mean... we haven't even kissed yet
Callista: Really?
Deanna: I may be 16 but she's a year and a half younger, I don't want her to feel I'm pressuring her into anything
Callista: Do you love her
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Deanna: Aren't you meant to say, you're a teen, you don't know what love is
Callista: Avoiding the question
Deanna: I'm definitely smitten but I don't want to be creepy clingy girlfriend
Callista: Be honest girlfriend. Maybe she wants to kiss you but is afraid you'd push her away
Deanna: I'd never. But you're right, she can be shy sometimes
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Callista: Let her know what you're feeling
Deanna: I'll think about it
Callista: We have sleeping bags and spare pillows. Anything else you'll need tonight?
Deanna: Popcorn, we're going to watch a scary movie
Callista: I'll dig the maker out of the cupboard for when you get home
Deanna: Thanks ma
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Kelly's friends start to head home and he heads back outside. He has already reached level 10 motor skill but wants to learn to ride his bike so he can cruise around the neighbourhood. The animations seem to suggest he's getting overheated but no moodlets so I keep pushing my luck until he can ride.
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Paris: What are we doing here
Deanna: They put water balloons out in summer
Paris: Awesome, what are the rules
Deanna: No rules, pelt until we drop, winner takes all
Paris: All what
Deanna: Glory, now dodge
Paris: I did it! Watch out this cheerleader is gonna get you
Deanna: Fudge that water is cold
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Deanna: Oh it is on
Paris: Hit me if you can, my reflexes are fire today
*water balloon sails past Paris*
Deanna: Damn it, I thought this would be easier than football throwing
Paris: You just need practice babe
Deanna: You'll help me practice?
Paris: I'm right here aren't I, just go for it
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The next few time the water balloons find their marks and the girls drip puddles. Paris is winding up for her next throw when the grass seems extra slippery and she skids over, catching some air.
Deanna: OMW that was hilarious
Paris: *laughs* my first flight
Deanna: How are you not covered in mud
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Paris: No idea I-
Deanna: AH! right in the eye
Paris: Ship babe are you okay
Deanna: Of course, my contacts are still in luckily
Paris: Lets stop or we won't have enough time to get ready
Deanna: Quick selfie
Paris: You know it, now come on
Deanna: Hey slow down
Paris: I'm excited for prom, I can't
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Paris: And you're sure you talked to the manager
Callista: Yes. I asked for the foster house manager and told her specifically we were having you for the night
Paris: Thank the watcher, she didn't want me attending prom
Callista: She didn't?
Paris: She thinks I need to learn to stop complaining
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Paris: Ready to get- what's that
Deanna: Before we get changed I just wanted to give you something
Paris: What is it
Deanna: You'll have to open it. I want you to see you how I see you tonight, beautiful
Paris: It's gorgeous babe
Deanna: So you'll wear it
Paris: I will proudly wear your corsage like we're a couple from the 50s
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Deanna: Up high
Paris: These dresses really do look great
Deanna: We look great
Paris: Your sister is so sweet to buy them for us
Deanna: She knows how much you mean to me
Paris: And how much is that
Deanna: Let's go with a lot
Paris: You mean a lot to me to babe
Deanna: Let's head out
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