arce-elliot · 3 years
Magnus Archives - First Impressions (126-150)
Season 4 is a doozy, but we’re gonna make it through I swear. As usual, as an intro, I had about 75% of the show already spoiled for me and now I’m getting through it and recording my initial comments. Here we gooooo
EP 126 (Sculptor's Tool): - good lord lady leave Gabriel alone he's just trying to learn - ah yes Sannikov Land, my favorite amusement park, I hear their rollercoasters are killer - it's nice that Martin has a pet, even if it is just a tape recorder - hey Peter kick rocks EP 127 (Remains to be Seen): - Ah yes, another letter to Jimmy Magnet - "I want that tree obliterated" - alkjflaskdf this poor random man - Basira's trying that's something - EXCUSE YOU RAT MAN - basIRA TF U DOIN EP 128 (Heavy Goods): - JON LEVELLED UP NICE - and so ends the story of our little cockney couriers :C EP 129 (Submerged) - God can Martin and Jon please be friends again I'm suffering - as someone who lives in a hurricane area this is funny EP 130 (Meat): - wonder what entity this episode's about -  AYYYY GERTRUDE - meat pit meat piet meat pit - lmao as much as I rag on Gertrude she's great EP 131 (Flesh): - Jon just casually chopping his fingers off, what an opening - "Melanie I'm trying to chop off my fingers get out of my room" - "I need the Boneturner" "Well guess what buddy it's your lucky day" - "is it gonna hurt" IT'S YOUR RIBS, YOU STUPID MAN, OF COURSE IT'S GONNA HURT EP 132 (Entombed): - COFFIN TIME MOTHERFUCKERS - "i think i'm stuck" just keep digging, just keep digging, just keep digging digging digging - guess y'all are just gonna be roommates now - thank GOD now someone get them some damn water EP 133 (Dead Horse): - father son camping we love to see it - okay but "Everchase" sounds badass - can everyone get along for FIVE MINUTES EP 134 (Time of Revelation): - O O F MARTIN'S INTRO HURT ME PHYSICALLY - oh hey Adelard what's good - New Fear Unlocked! - damn that's a lot of bodies - I'm super interested in this fear study we're getting into - Martin yelling at a full ass avatar is hilarious - OH WAIT MARTIN LEFT THE RECORDERS AWWWWW EP 135 (Dark Matter): - time to go back to spaaaaace - that's an old ass tree - YOOOO THEY JUST TRAPPED SOME RANDOM DUDE ON THIS R O C K E T??????? THAT'S FUCKED OH MY GOOOOOD - Elias is such a s h i t EP 136 (The Puppeteer): - why are we all babysitting daisy she's grown - LMAO JON QUIT COMPELLING EVERYONE - spiiiiider tiiiiiime - jon and daisy being buddies now is actually v nice EP 137 (Nemesis): - OH is this the statement that Gertrude had sent over? Did she record it and just never send it back? - MURDER SHIP MURDER SHIP - nice try Slaughter better luck nex- well just nice try I guess - I mean hey Gertrude was right I guess - they DID have to blow up the Unknowing from the inside - also awwww Gertrude's attached to the lil emo man - ERIC DELANO MENTION I know we're approaching that episode and I am not ready actually EP 138 (The Architecture of Fear): - FINALLY THIS MOTHERFUCKER - lmao what a sad old man, him and leitner would be friends - damn I sure hope Jonah doesn't become an avatar of the eye, that would surely suck EP 139 (Chosen): - AYYYY AGNES! - DIY messiah - I feel so bad for Agnes - Jon is so upset about Martin :C EP 140 (The Movement of the Heavens): - "some weird monster disease" - comet boy's a zombie now, nice - YES THE RIB SCENE - Basira and Jon are gonna kill Santa EP 141 (Doomed Voyage): - oh this is a good title seeing as we were JUST planning to go somewhere - LMAO POOR BASIRA - Jon: my tape recorder senses are tingling - OH SPIRAL? - GOOD POINT JONATHAN!!!! Like I love Basira but he's right, they all can't keep wanting him to use his powers and then also being mad at him for not being human - In the same vein they can't keep praising Gertrude and then getting mad when he acts like her EP 142 (Scrutiny): - "I need to speak to a manager" - Martin: I've decided I am the manager now - "he look like shit? ah that's Jonathan" - awww this poor lady - "no one talks to me anymore" Martin that's not fair you're literally avoiding everyone EP 143 (Heart of Darkness): - there's seeing and then there's Seeing - "eye's peeled" LMAO - ayyyy astrophysics lady - jonny boy please stop trying to look at entity shit it hurts ur eyeballs - AYYY HELEN HOW ARE YOU - helen's just like "did you have fun with your playdate? okay go get your sister and get in the car, I'm making pot roast for dinner" EP 144 (Decrypted): - AYYY NUMBER STATIONS - I diagnose you with doom - Martin stop being a shit EP 145 (Infectious Doubts): - GERTRUDE IS INCREDIBLE AHHH - Gertrude: Banishment ritual complete Mother of Puppets: What was that? Gertrude: Banishment ritual? Mother of Puppets: Say it again, slow, just the first word Gertrude: ...Banishment- Mother of Puppets, binding her to Agnes: Wrong EP 146 (Threshold): - Door Time Door Time - OH IT'S THIS KID - okay funny haha aside I'm trying to be forgiving here but everyone constantly ragging on Jon and making excuses for everyone else is gross EP 147 (Weaver): - I SAID TO LEAVE THIS DUMP ALONE - hehe nice Daisy - stop wanting Jon to use his power and then get mad when it drains him for the love of GOD make up your MINDS - Annabelle is terrifying bye EP 148 (Extended Surveillance): - okay Basira is on my nerves rn but this is pretty great get his ass - god I can't believe I'm saying this but I miss Elias, Ben Meredith is a treasure - god I know why people say to take this season slowly it drains you - AUTO-CANNIBALISM, AMAZING EP 149 (Concrete Jungle): - love Professor Mansplain - okay to be fair if I saw a little stone snake I would also pick it up - I'm starting to feel like Martin like "OKAY PETER I GET IT THE EXTINCTION IS REAL" - "maybe he just needs some help" THEN WHY DON'T YOU HELP  HIM, MARTIN?? - lmao martin can go ghost now EP 150 (Cul-De-Sac): - "life is hard" me too Herman me too - the MOOSE - i miss when Jon and Melanie would actually get along sometimes rip
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oliverjameson · 3 years
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Originally posted by all-the-crackships
full name: Oliver Lucas Jameson
nickname(s): Ollie, O
reason for name: N/A
date of birth: November 2nd, 1985
age: 34
gender + pronouns: Cis-male, he/his/him
place of birth: Quebec, QC, Canada
parents: Darcy Rachelle, Reese Jameson (deceased)
siblings: N/A
moral alignment: Neutral Good
Scent: Gucci Guilty Black
relationship with family (close? estranged?): Extremely close with his mom and maternal grandparents. Not so close with his father’s side of the family, but has met them a few times.
pets:  Cookie (corgi), Moose (sheltie)
height: 5’11”
build: Lean, broad shoulders
nationality: Dual-citizen Canadian/American
ethnicity: French, German
distinguishing facial features: High left side dimple
hair color: Dark brown
usual hair style: Combed, but a bit unruly
eye color: Blue
complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birthmarks, scars): White skin, a few freckles high on his cheek, scar on his left eyebrow
disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): N/A
what do they consider their best feature?: His hands.
worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: Broken ankle from snowboarding
A P P E A R A N C E 
favorite outfit: T-shirt and athletic shorts with sneakers.
glasses? contacts?: Contacts, but prefers glasses when reading.
personal hygiene: Showers daily, regular facial grooming, entire 6 step skin care routine.
jewelry? tattoos? Piercings?: Three tattoos; 3 small stars on his right shoulder, a very small  lightning bolt on the inside of his ankle, and a surgical blade on the inside of his left index finger
what does their voice sound like?: Deep, slight French Canadian accent on certain words which gets more defined when drinking.
style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): Articulate, Quiet
accent?: French Canadian, but only slightly more when he’s been home.
unique mannerisms/physical habits: Licks his bottom lip when he’s nervous or stressed, wrinkles his nose a lot when he’s concentrating.
left handed or right?: Left 
do they work out/exercise?: Jogging, Lifting
B E L I E F S & I N T E L L E C T
known languages: English and French
zodiac: Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Rising, Cancer Moon
gifts/talents: Excellent surgeon, dribble a soccer ball for upwards of 10 minutes.
religious stance: Raised Catholic, not practicing
political stance: Liberal views
pet peeves: Honking cars, cold food.
optimist or pessimist: Optimistic 
extrovert or introvert: Extrovert
I N T I M A C Y & R E L A T I O N S H I P S 
relationship status: Single
sexual orientation: Bisexual
ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate: Someone that is willing to listen. Someone that is admitting their faults, and can recognize when it’s time to stop. Someone that is ready to be open and not looking for anything too serious.
ever been in love?: Yes.
what’s their love language?: Physical touch. Gift giving. Doing something for someone without being asked prior. Doing laundry.
most important person in their life?: Mom.
level of education: Doctorate of Medicine
profession: Orthopedic Surgeon
past occupations: Soccer coach, bartender
dream occupation: Current job.
passions: Medicine, outdoor sports.
attitude towards current job: Challenging, but rewarding.
spender or saver? Why?: Saver. No reason.
which is more important – money or doing something they love?: Doing something they love.
phobias: Snakes and rejection.
life goals: Start a family, pay off his mom’s house.
greatest fears: Being alone forever.
most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: Any type of public humiliation.
something they’ve never told anyone: He reads romance novels on his Kindle so no one has to see a paper trail. Was a sugar baby in college to help pay off a semester of school. 
biggest regret: Not being honest with himself out of fear.
compulsions: Jumping to conclusions.
police/criminal/legal record: N/A
Vices: Real Housewives series. Particularly Beverly Hills and New York.
hobbies: Reading, crossword puzzles, and hiking.
favorite color: Navy blue
favorite smell: Rain
favorite food: Salmon burgers and sweet potato fries
favorite book: The Great Gatsby
favorite movie: Notting Hill
favorite song: Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell
coffee or tea?: Coffee
favorite type of weather: Weather to be comfortable wearing a sweatshirt and shorts. Low 70’s.
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
Alphabet Angst for 8K Challenge
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For 8,000 followers, I wanted to do something special, so I decided to do a challenge. I read a ton of smut and fluff and that’s mainly what I write as well, so  with this challenge, I want you to RIP MY HEART OUT!
Here are the rules:
Reblog to signal boost.
Write for any Supernatural or Criminal Minds character you wish.
If smut is involved in your fic, that’s cool, but no underage or incest please.
Crossovers and Alternate Universes are welcome! Go crazy!
Send me an ask with your choice of prompt, as well as a backup just in case. Up to two people can have the same prompt.
No word limit at all, just please use the ‘keep reading’ feature for anything over 500 words.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tag at the bottom or write warnings at the top of your fics so that people don’t have to read things that upset them. If you don’t tag in some way, I won’t reblog until you do.
I realize that life can get in the way sometimes, so the due date will be June 30, 2020. If you need an extension, let me know.
If you take a prompt and finish it, you are of course allowed to ask for another!
When you’re ready to post, tag your fics with #nicolesalphabetangstfor8k.
Most importantly, have fun writing and MAKE ME CRY!
Prompts are below the cut. They are one word/concept only! Take the prompt and run with it! I will make a masterlist with all works after I have at least half submitted.
Afterlife - @official-and-unstable-satan
Almost  - @deanwanddamons​
Broken - @katekarnage7​
Curse - @wonderboygenius​
Cancer - @devotedwaywardangel​
Friend - @moonlit-martyr​
Guilt - @milkywaysandnebulas​ @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal
Grief  - @naturallytom​​
Hospital - @the-hufflepuff-dramatist​
Hell  - @covered-byroses​
Insanity - @myinconnelly1​
Knife- @leahxx129
Massacre - @bi-danvers0​
Nightmare - @morganas-pendragons​
Numb - @heycasbutt
Orphan - @saintd0lce
Occult - @lunarnirvana
Quit  - @there-must-be-a-lock
Sacrifice - @wingedcatninja​ & @deanwinchesterswitch​
Scapegoat - @looksmokin​
Torture - @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​
Two-Faced - @myinconnelly1​
Ultimatum - @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal
Unfaithful - @crashdevlin​
Vengeance - @illegalcerebral​
Not a one because it’s ‘X’ :D 
Yearn - @venusavengers​
Zugzwang - @re1d​
Zombie - @give-me-a-moose​
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lilibetts · 5 years
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Please wait, LoveAlarm is syncing itself to your heart!
Falling In Love With Riverdale, Theme 1: Sugar
Part 1/3
At this very moment in the not-so-idyllic town of Riverdale, Betty Cooper is 16 years, 41 weeks, 1 day, 20 hours and 34 minutes old and, to see Kevin describe it, she has been in love with Archie Andrews for 1 year, 5 months, and 14 days.
From inside the relative security of the F Hallway girls’ bathroom, she takes a deep breath to mark the magnitude of the moment, and hits [Install] on her phone. It takes less than a minute for the blue line to complete a circle and once it does, she opens the app and fills in her personal details.
Please wait, the app cheerily asks her, bright pinks and blues swirling across the screen, LoveAlarm is syncing itself to your heart!
Well, Betty sighs to herself, there’s no going back now. 
LoveAlarm is the latest matchmaking app to launch and in the two weeks since, it seems like *everyone* at Riverdale High has downloaded it. It syncs itself to your heart and a bright red heart alarm would ping if there is someone within twenty feet who loves you.
Naturally, the romantic landscape of Riverdale High School has been completely leveled. 
Midge Klump and Moose Mason both downloaded the app, only for it to tell Midge her love was unrequited. Ginger Lopez had situated herself in a prime location outside the gym doors when basketball practice let out—nobody within twenty feet of her—in the hopes that when the team’s star power forward, Anthony Parrish, came out, their phones would mutually ping. 
Instead, it was Ben Button who walked down that stretch of the hallway; instead, it was Ben Button who made her phone ping.  Then Anthony came out and *his* phone pinged, but Ginger’s did not again. According to the school grapevine, Ginger had lost her shit and called Ben a ‘baby-faced freak’.
Truthfully, the whole concept behind the app horrifies Betty, but she has to know. Making sure that every possible setting for the app is set to her phone’s vibrate function, she shoulders her backpack and heads into the cafeteria.
The walls are decorated from corner to corner with red, white, and pink streamers in anticipation of the Valentine’s Day party that will be held on Friday. PizzaShak is giving them a great deal on heart-shaped pizzas.
Her friends are at their usual table in the corner and with every step Betty takes, she is closer to knowing. When Archie hears his phone chime once she is within the twenty feet circumference, will he put two-and-two together? Will her own phone buzz with the truth? All around her, the crowded cafeteria is full of hopefuls checking their phones.
The round table has three curved benches attached to it. Kevin and Veronica share one, and across from them, Jughead and Archie split the other two. Betty slides into the space on Jughead’s left, exchanging happy hellos with her friends. Wordlessly, she hands over one of the two sandwiches she’d packed for Jughead to take. As always, he makes a show of letting out an aggrieved sigh when he spots the lettuce and sliced tomato in there with the turkey, but dutifully takes his sandwich while sliding over the remaining brownie square from his vending machine packet. This is their unspoken pact: she makes sure the bottomless pit that is Jughead Jones is sated with something healthier, he makes sure she gets a non-Alice-approved treat.
The sandwich she made is gone in three bites.
<Good?> she signs, arching one eyebrow.
<You know it,> Jughead replies, still chewing the last mouthful of turkey sandwich.
Betty has been deaf since she was three years old, after a bout with meningitis, and just because she’s well-liked among her peers doesn’t mean many of them would go as far as to learn sign language for her. That Kevin, Archie, Jughead, and Veronica have is part and parcel of why they’re her best friends.
A booted foot taps insistently against hers under the table and Betty turns away from Jughead, still grinning, to focus on Kevin. 
/Did you watch The Bachelor last night?/ His hands move as rapidly as he speaks.
/No,/ Betty tells him. /Unlike you, I actually studied for the History test./
“Har har,” Kevin deadpans. They’re both distracted by Veronica clapping her hands. 
“OMG!” she says gleefully, slapping Kevin’s bicep. /Kelley is an ICON! I told you./
As much as Betty loves her friends’ ridiculously dramatic day-after recaps, she’s too distracted to really pay attention to whatever last night’s spectacle had been about. Across the table, Archie is checking his phone, thumbs tapping and sliding across the screen. A wide grin splits his face and he turns the screen out to show Jughead.
3 people in a twenty feet radius love you!
Betty flushes and looks away, embarrassed. Of course. As covertly as possible, she takes advantage of everyone’s inattention to check her own phone.
Nobody within a twenty feet radius loves you.
As Cheryl Strayed wrote, “acceptance is a small, quiet room”. As the realization sinks in, Betty watches, as if from a greater distance, Archie glancing around at the nearby tables, determined to figure out who those three people could be. After a few murmured words from Jughead that she can’t decipher thanks to his head being turned away from her, Archie takes off to make the rounds. A process of elimination, most likely.
Betty isn’t sure what she feels. Irritation more than disappointment? Relief? The latter emotion surprises her, especially now that she knows Archie isn’t in love with her. Kevin, and then later Veronica when she’d arrived in Riverdale, have been after her to confess her feelings to Archie but Betty has kept demurring or putting it off. Her usual excuse being that she’s too scared to wreck her friendship with him. 
Sure, they’re right when they say she’s being a coward; but is her relief after the LoveAlarm revelation just relief that now she won’t have to actually bare her heart?
She turns off her phone.
                                                    He knows he shouldn’t be, that this definitely qualifies as eavesdropping, but here Jughead is, glancing up and over to the table where Betty is sneakily carrying on a conversation with Veronica.
It’s 7th period Honors Bio and all they need to do is finish a worksheet before the bell rings, which is easy enough, but Mr. Beeker had also stipulated silence in the classroom, so it’s a clever loophole that Betty has found. Abby, her interpreter, is absorbed in her phone, leaving Jughead to covertly watch shifting hand shapes and fingerspelled letters.
<You’re not as s-t-e-a-l-t-h-y as you think you are,> Veronica signs smugly.
<Your phone. At lunch. You d-l LoveAlarm.> Smugness melts into concern. <Well?>
This is news to Jughead, and unwelcome news at that. He shouldn’t be surprised that Betty has downloaded that stupid app and really, he should’ve seen it coming. Dread fills him as he awaits her response.
Of course Jughead refuses to download LoveAlarm. Why would he give an app his heart data? They’d only sell it to soulless companies looking to target him with ads tailored to the object of his romantic yearning.
The facts are these: Jughead Jones is 17 years, 3 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes old. He’s also been aware that he’s deeply, irrevocably in love with Betty Cooper for 1 year, 4 months, and 19 days. An eternity, basically.
 A rare beam of sunlight has broken through the February gray outside, casting a pale glow on her downturned face, the long eyelashes that brush her cheeks. It’s the flare of her nostrils and the tight press of her lips together that tell him she’s upset. 
There’s a sharp pang in his chest.
<He doesn’t.> The words, accompanied by a shake of Betty’s head that makes her ponytail bounce, are all he needs to understand. 
Jughead isn’t obtuse, he knows which ‘he’ they’re talking about, the only one ‘he’ it could be: Archie. Blame Kevin, he’s shit at subtlety. 
So, Betty had downloaded LoveAlarm and now she knows Archie isn’t in love with her. The latter isn’t news to him but he would’ve been fine if Betty had continued to go through life not knowing that particular fact. But it’s the sentence that comes next that breaks his heart.
<I have a zero. Nobody loves me.> What goes unspoken but, to Jughead, is writ large upon her face is: ‘I’m not lovable’.
He looks away from their conversation, angry that anyone would make her feel like this. Ashamed that he is a guilty party in this.
That night while lying on his bed, Jughead finds himself torn.
What he had seen earlier has given him food for thought. Which is just as well because he likes to take the time to think broadly and deeply, much in the same way he likes to eat. Next to him on the bed, his phone is open to the App Store, and LoveAlarm waits there patiently, ready for his decision.
Is Betty Cooper worth it? Unquestionably Yes.
Is he willing to risk discovery? Having his heart spilled right out there for her to see...even worse, for others to see? Vulnerable and already bruised, where it’d easily be crushed into messy smithereens?
Unable to answer that, his brain circles back around to the first question: is Betty Cooper worth it?
With a low, drawn-out groan, Jughead hits [Install] and gives corporations access to his heart.
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galaxywhump · 5 years
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Trope: Being Watched Fandom: Original Work
[blue for requested, red for completed]
Timeline: roughly one year pre-capture
This one wasn’t requested, but I got inspired, so here it is.
cw: pre-whump, implied slavery whump/human trafficking, stalking, creepy/intimate whumper, betrayal, alcohol abuse.
taglist: @faewhump​ @inky-whump​ @whole-and-apart-and-between​ @slaintetowhump​ @moose-teeth​ @whatwasmyprevioususername​ @procrastinatingsab​ @insanitywishes​ @special-spicy-chicken​ @redstainedsocks​ @garbagewhump​
“Smile for the camera!”
“Hey, I wasn’t ready!”
“Eh.” Berkeley shrugs, opening the gallery on his phone. “Doesn’t look too bad. But I can take another one if you want.”
Edwards rolls her eyes and smiles, doing a peace sign, then a thumbs up. Berkeley laughs, snapping photo after photo after photo.
“You’re gorgeous, darling, gorgeous!” he says in an over-the-top manner, and there’s more laughter. “Okay, time for a new victim.”
He turns around and points the phone at Wren, who up until now has been watching their antics with a patient smile, tapping one fingernail against the empty shot glass.
He shakes his head with an awkward chuckle, putting his hand forward to shield his face from the camera.
“Aw, lieutenant, don’t be like that!” Edwards says, pouting, and Berkeley nods in agreement.
“The best squad in the League deserves to be immortalized,” he grins, and Wren can’t help smiling as well. “And what’s a squad without its leader?”
“The best leader!” someone shouts drunkenly and others join in, cheering. Wren puts his hand on his chest in a dramatic gesture.
“Gah, you’re embarrassing me!” he says, and Berkeley uses this moment to take a quick photo.
“Guys, I did it!” he whoops, putting his fist up in the air, and Wren rolls his eyes at him, genuine smile never leaving his face. Berkeley moves closer and unceremoniously wraps his arm around him, turning on the front-facing camera and holding the phone up. “Now a selfie!”
Wren lowers his head, shaking with laughter, and Berkeley squeezes him tight.
“Come on, don’t be a buzzkill,” he says, blue eyes glimmering with excitement and intoxication; he jokingly pokes Wren in the cheek, making him laugh even harder, though the way he flinches doesn’t go unnoticed. “One pic.”
“Alright, alright!” Wren looks up at the camera, at their bright eyes and wide smiles.
“Drunken selfie!” Berkeley shouts, the sound almost deafening Wren.
“Drunken selfie!” he echoes, and the phone screen lights up one, two, three times.
“Shut the fuck up!” someone screams from the other end of the bar, and both Wren and Berkeley flip them off, laughing away, until the other rangers call for them to come join for a toast and proceed to scream at them to hurry up as Wren goes to get a refill and Berkeley leaves for a moment to urgently text a friend.
-heres ur sunshine 😎
Daniel takes another sip of his beer and zooms in on the pictures, his smile as wide as Wren’s.
-hope ur not jealous 😏, another message follows, and he shakes his head with a laugh.
-Like I consider you competition, kid.
-ull get the files soon
-cant believe were doing this
-freakin insane
-ur a crazy son of a bitch daniel
He snickers again, tapping his fingers on the table, a pleasant shiver of excitement running down his back.
-Just don’t chicken out on me.
-i wont
-but it might take a while u know
-I’m a patient man.
-ok ppl r waiting for me gtg
-Have fun, you two.
Wren Rackham
Age: 24
Gender: male
Occupation: League ranger, first lieutenant
Family: Father: Nathaniel Rackham, Mother: no data, Siblings: none
Marital/Relationship status: bachelor, single
Miscellaneous: TBA
Type: special order
Ordered by: Daniel Rooney
Daniel gets up to pace around the room for a moment, close to bursting from ecstasy and anticipation.
It’s all so official, so real. Right there, before his very eyes, confirmation of his victory. He still needs to wait, of course, but he has waited so long already - what’s a few more months when the prize is so worth the wait?
“I don’t have any-anyone,” Wren mumbles into the bar, which further muffles his slurred words. “Juss- no one. At all. I’m s-so fffucking lonely all the fucking time.”
“I’m sorry,” the bartender says, looking at him with helpless sympathy, wishing some patron would come up to order something and save her for just a moment. “Maybe it’s… not that bad?”
“It fucking isss…” he groans, lifting his head, the sudden movement almost making him fall from the stool. “My life sucks.” 
She tries to come up with anything to say to that, but fails spectacularly.
I’m a goddamn intern, she thinks, her eyes darting around the bar. Not a therapist.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she says, and Wren tries to focus his glistening gaze on her before moving it lower, to his empty glass.
“Iss okay. Jusss pour me ‘nother one.”
She sighs and reaches for the glass.
“Sorry, but I think I’ll need to cut you off.” She keeps her voice soft and calm, but her body tenses as she waits for him to lash out on her like she’s seen so many drunks before do. To her relief he just sighs, resigned, and lets his head drop again.
The man at the end of the bar types something on his phone and holds it at an inconspicuous angle as he snaps a photo.
Miscellaneous: depressed, isolated, drinking problem,
He hears Wren’s slurring voice and looks up to see him talking with someone equally intoxicated; the person reaches to brush their fingers over Wren’s cheek, and he leans into the touch with a serene smile.
The man follows them with his gaze as they disappear behind the back door; he raises his eyebrows with a smirk and types some more.
desperate for affection.
He too gets up from his stool and leaves the bar, camera at the ready.
“Well, now you won’t convince me you’re not jealous.”
“I don’t consider drunk assholes competition either,” Daniel says, perfectly calm as he scrolls past the picture of two silhouettes in a tight embrace.
“That’s fair,” Berkeley snorts. “So, your offer still stands? Cause if you’ve changed your mind tell me now, I don’t wanna be left in the lurch.”
“You won’t.” Daniel stops browsing for a moment, his gaze lingering on one of the photos, a fond smile forming on his lips, softening his features. “He looks nice with a smile.”
“Don’t get used to it, I doubt he’ll be smiling when he gets here.”
He shrugs.
“I don’t mind. He’s perfect anyway.”
“You’re a goner, buddy,” Berkeley scoffs and reaches for the tablet to open Wren’s files again; he starts to hum a joyous tune only to stop himself and shake his head.
Daniel doesn’t seem to mind, though, completely absorbed by the pictures.
“You know what?” Berkeley says, skimming through the files only to come back to the ‘Miscellaneous’ section. “I never thought this whole thing would be this easy.”
“This whole thing?” Daniel looks at him and raises his eyebrows. “We’ve only got a file so far.”
“It’s a start! But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking…” Berkeley clicks his tongue, frowning. “I’m talking about freakin’ Nathaniel Rackham’s only son being such a hot mess. I thought he’d be surrounded by… people, I guess? Or that he’d be more careful, at least, instead of clinging to randos.”
“All the better for us.”
“Absolutely!” he laughs and smiles to himself as he reads the last addition to the section, the conclusion, underlined three times. “He really is perfect.”
no one will miss him.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x03 Commentary
  bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Opening my phone in the morning: 
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 What the fuck happened
Kat: You don’t wanna know
Kat: You’ll find out soon enough
Zee: Yeah ok I went to tumblr. Why did I do that ?
Kat: If you wanted to know I could have told you
Zee: I just opened the freaking thing and glanced at the first thing on my dash. Clearly, it was the wrong thing to glance at.  I yeeted out
Giulia: will I cry
Kat: Do you want the honest answer
Giulia: No
Kat: Didn’t think so
Giulia: Im so tired already
Zee: Oh shush
Kat: Don’t I know it
Nat : ok i'm read
Nat : or not . whatever
Giulia: I’m not!! Help
Giulia: Ok im ready
Kat: Question first!
Zee: Uh oh
Giulia: I don t like it
Kat: With the download, do y’all have the green CW screen first?
US: no
Giulia: * stressed* Why 
Kat: Because I watch my recording, I don’t download so I want to make sure I start in the same spot
Giulia: Oh ok.... Geez
Zee: Are we ready?
Nat : Are we all not ready
Kat: I think we are right?
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Ghost’s town again yay
Nat : Unpopular opinon: I hope Ketch dies
Kat: Sames
Giulia: Well he done anyway so
Kat: ...
Giulia: GREAT
Nat : idgaf about Ketch
Nat : AH GHOST TOWN THE 3RD YAY I'm so happy
Kat: Love these random ass hunters
Giulia: I see white pants I think Jensen jib10
Nat : Legit wanna throw my laptop away
R: The "Rafforza l'incantesimo"
my italian ass: GASPS
Giulia: Look at Rowena pretty dress
Kat: Yyyeessss that dress
Giulia: Also she brought a change
Zee: Came prepared
Nat : She's the thing that keeps me watching at the moment
Kat: Of course, it’s Rowena
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Nat : UGH I felt that
Giulia: I felt dean
Zee: For me it’s deans legs and cas’s fed up face
Giulia: That place again
Giulia: What
Giulia: Noted
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oh look me walking with my tall friends
that door banging scared the shit out of me
R: Prendi cio che è debole, rendilo forte. D'una piuma d'oca, fai una spada.
Take what’s weak and make it stronger. Of a duck feather make it a sword
Zee: Is she speaking Italian?
R: Dalla nebbia, cemento possente, impenetrabile, inflessibile.
From fog, mighty concrete, impenetrable, inflexible
Giulia: SHE IS
R: Rendilo forte.
Make it stronger
Giulia: And pretty well too
Kat: It’s not working Sam
Zee: Connection lost. Check server
Giulia: Oh no
Kat: And down she goes
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Giulia: Thanks
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Zee: A real drink
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Giulia: Lol
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Kat: This look 🤣🤣🤣
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Giulia: Gotta use it
Kat: Love the silent conversations
Giulia: Fuck off belphy
Nat : Ah angry ghosts . What else is new
Zee: I kinda love his sass
Kat: Same but I still want to stab him
Nat : Wow, imagine this was the last three episodes. It's over in a freaking ghost town. I'm still salty, can you see?
Giulia: Yeah that would fucking destroy me
Kat: Not at all you hide it so well
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Giulia: That’s not who we are
Zee: Go Dean!! Tell them
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Giulia: AWE SAM
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Kat: Aw Sammy
Giulia: SAM
He’s so gentle . Such a big gentle giant, I love him.
Zee: Control your face Sam
Kat: That doesn’t happen. At all.
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Giulia: that strap tho
Nat : Not gonna give up
Kat: He never does. Take a knee
Nat : He's like a leave in the wind, give up not giving up give up not giving up
Zee: Is he us?
D: Oh, I'm not freaked. I'm angry, okay? I'm pissed.
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Kat: Jensen your Texas is showing
Giuls: And I’m loving it
Giulia: I need more then
D: Th-This... This sloppy-ass ghostpocalypse... that's Chuck's ending? No. No, I don't think so. After everything that he has put us through? I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some glorified fanboy get the last word.
Nat : Sloppy Ass Ghost Apocalypse. Yeah, that's about sums it up
 Zee: Glorified fan boy
Giulia: dean speaking up for the fandom 
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S: Anything useful in there? R: Not a thing.
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Nat : You don't have eyes
Nat : snorts
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Zee: You don’t have eyes
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Giulia: Ok that was funny
B: I got an idea, but, uh... you're not gonna like it.
Giulia: DON T
Giulia: TOUCH
Giulia: MAH BABY
Kat: You okay bb?
Giulia: no  I’m fear 
Kat: What
Giulia: Because i just remembered the season trailer. And i wanna be wrong
Zee: Surprised moose
Nat : Did he just say, minions
Nat : But that would mean that Belphy would stay on earth?
Kat: No he’d be in hell
Nat : Ah
Giulia: Ah
Giulia: ... I don t like this
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Nat : Dibs on Samuel
Giulia: Dibs on samuel
Zee: Dibs on Samuel
Nat : Hey
Giulia: AH sam witch confirmed
Nat : I'm calling Dibs on Dean then
Kat: NO
Giulia: Cas🙋🏼‍♀
Zee: Was waiting for Kat
R: Whoever does this, they'll be unprotected. No salt circles... all manner of angry spirits right up in their grill.
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Nat : So yeah, Belphy wants Cas
Giulia: NO Don t look at my bb
B: I want protection.Muscle.
D: Yeah, Cass’ll go.
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C: Well, it sounds like I don't have a choice.
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Giulia: DEAN
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Zee: Dean threw him under the bus
Giulia: ugh
Kat: Oh babe
Giulia: COME ON
Nat : Dean would literally do anything now
Nat : That's how desperate he is
Kat: YUP
Nat : I see more of Ketch than I ever wanted
future me: ain’t that right
Zee: His underwear are ridiculous
Nat : Kill him
Giulia: Jesus lady there is an apocalypse going on
random demon I don’t care about: And you won't give them up? Not for any price?
K: Not at any price.
Giulia: Aw ketch
Kat: ya happy Nat?
Giulia: Eh
Giulia: We are at 2 spn final season deaths already nice
Zee: Casually strolling the graveyard
B: You know, your part in all this is, uh, pretty dangerous.I mean, you could die, get trapped in Hell. Your friends might never see you again. Funny, 'cause, uh,they didn't seem to think twice about it.
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Nat :lol Cas
Zee: Ok
Kat: Hhhhhhhaaaahahhaaa
Giulia: witch stuff
Nat : And what's Dean's role in this?
Nat : I think I got distracted
Kat: Outside by the hole  
Giulia: Being grumpy 
Nat : Ah where he should be 😉
Kat: Ready and waiting lol
Giulia: Well you’d want him in
Nat : Well, not the whole of him
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Zee: so fed up
C: Yet you needed protection, "muscle", for this?
B: Okay, you got me. I wanted company. I wanted your company. What? Shouldn't we at least try and be friends?
Nat : Belphy is Giuls
Giulia: WOW
Nat : You would want Cas' company too
C: You are not growing on anyone. Sam and Dean are just using you. Don't mistake that for caring about you, because I can assure you they don't.
B: Wow. You learn that the hard way?
Kat: Cas should know
Nat : Sush
C: You're wearing Jack, who was like a son to me, like a coat.
Zee: Like a son to me
C: It's an abomination.
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Giulia: im sad. I’m so sad
Zee: I think you should wait
Kat: It’s gonna get worse bb
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Nat : Why does Cas has to go in first
Giulia: what else is new
Zee: The muscle
Nat : Ah
Nat : Do we trust him?
Zee: No
Giulia: I hate how I can recognize enochian
Giulia: I trust bel so little
Nat : I don't think he should say that out loud
Giulia: Oh
Zee: What?
Giulia: WHAT
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Giulia: OMG WHAT
Nat : Don't do it?
C: ♪ Toh-luh dah... ♪
Giulia: OH COME ON
Kat: That’s all you get lol
Giulia: fuck  Oh great that was the “musical”
Nat : Ah Dean's at the hole
Nat : snorts
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Kat: There might be a couple seconds more I can’t remember
Nat : Sam just thinks that he should be with Dean when this all goes to shit
Nat : And I cry
Giulia: ...great
Kat: Nope
C: ♪ ... mee ♪
Zee: Like an angel
Nat : WELL
Giulia: Oh fuck off
Zee: Oh fuck
Giulia: Well
Nat : Who is she again
Giulia: Ardat Some demon who wanted to kill bel
Nat : Ardat Lili is a dangerous storm spirit from ancient Sumeria, a vampiric succubus who visits men at night
Giulia: Thanks Hermione
Kat: Thanks google
Zee: Nerd
Nat : At least I know how to work google. Unlike the majority, it seems
Giulia: well I’m doing 3 things at the same time
Giulia: Everybody wants to rule hell. Nobody learned a thing from Crowley
Zee: It’s been a while since Cas got smacked
Giulia: He’s a fucking angel
Kat: Ugh he’s so annoying
 Zee: That close up Giuls ? 
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Nat : Ah the wind in Dean's hair
Nat : I need that close up Giuls   
Kat: The wind in Cas’ trench
Nat : lol in Cas' shirt
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Giulia: that hand holding
Kat: 😭
Giulia: I’m having anxiety
Zee: We see
Nat : Shouldn't Cas go out before it closes. Before Dean throws that bomb in?Ah, too late
Giulia: I can t take it
Kat: He’s got business
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: what
Giulia: What is happening
Giulia: I’m so angry at everyone
B: It's me... Jack.
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Zee: NO
Giulia: OH NO
The struggle Castiel going through is painful ok. I hate it , HATE IT.
Nat : Ah so Jack is gone?
Kat: His body I guess
Nat : For good?
Giulia: FUCK NO
Zee: WTF
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Well this destroyed me .
Kat: That wasn’t Jack
Nat : Because he's still in the empty, right? He's forgotten there
Giulia: FUCK
Kat: Death has plans
Zee: CAS
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Oh you can see the moment Castiel feels like he’s got nothing left . great.
Nat : What
Giulia: ROWENA
Nat : WHAT
R: Won't need that where I'm going.
Nat : Ah fuck
R: Magic can do anything, Samuel , can contain anything... even the vast multitudes of Hell.
Zee: WHAT?
Giulia: NO
Nat : If I pay the price
R:"Death Is an Infinite Vessel."  A spell so simple it draws its power from its caster.Just two ingredients.
S: Rowena, why didn't you tell us?
shut up Sam 
R: Because, dear, the first ingredient is my own still-coursing blood. And the last is my final breath.
Nat : Rowena loves them to much
Zee: Hold on HOLD ON
Giulia: i love her so much
R: I'll absorb the ghosts and demons and return them to Hell.In time, my body'll break down, and they'll be released right where they belong.
S: No, no. No. Rowena... no.
Giulia: GREAT
Nat : NO AH
R: To perform this spell, I have to die. And it has to be you that kills me.
Nat : Right, in every death book of Rowena, she's killed by Sam
Giulia: WHAT ?! YIKES 
R: My real, permanent demise is at your hands. It's in Death's books.
S: Yeah, well, you know what? Screw the books.
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D: Wh-What about the Crook?
C: It's gone. It was destroyed.
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That what is so ..... wow
R: I don't care about anything enough to take my own life.Not you, your brother... not even the world. But I believe in prophecy. I believe in magic. And I'm here, and you're here, and everything we need to end this right is in our hands.I know this in my bones...it has to be this way. Do it! Kill me, Samuel!
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Nat : I'm-
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: I’m
Nat : Fuck, Sammy
Nat : Sam is too fragile for that
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R:   I know we've gotten quite fond of each other, haven't we? But will you let the world die, let your brother die, just so I can live?
Giulia: NO SHUT UP
Zee: Shut up Rowena
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Giulia: NO
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Giulia: NO
Nat : Dean's pissed. What else is new
Giulia: NO NO
Nat : NO
Giulia: SAM
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Giulia: FUCK
Zee: God damn
Giulia: STOP IT
Kat: She says Dean’ll die and Sam gets stabby
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R: That's my boy.
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Nat : Of course
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Giulia: FUCK OFF
Nat : OH NO
Giulia: SHIT
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Giulia: COME ON
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Nat : CAS
Giulia: CAS BB
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Giulia: oh dean is in the nude
Giulia: Oh he was crying In his room
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Nat : Does Sam actually fit in the bed?
Giulia: Ah yeah ketch too
Kat: Okay I know it’s super sad but these boys are looking GOOD
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C: How's Sam?
D: Not great.
Kat: Get ready babes
C: Sorry about Rowena.
Giulia: No i refuse
Zee: WHAT?
Nat : NO
Giulia: Fuck
Nat : Don't you throw this in Kat
D: You're sorry? Why didn't you just stick to the damn plan?
C: He wanted to eat every last soul to take over Hell, Earth, and every...
D: Yeah, and we would've figured it out... after. With Rowena.
OK but listen...figuring it out later could have been worse , although it’s true that Rowena was a real great asset. Idk man I’m hurting
Giulia: i can feel dean’s anger
Nat : Dean control your anger
C: Something went wrong. You know this. Something always goes wrong.
D: Yeah, why does that something always seem to be you?
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Kat: Oooohhhh boy
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: NO
Giulia: DEAN  U FUCK
you can see the shock and hurt and heartbreak on Cas’ face but it’s fine , it’s fine WE’RE FINE
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C: You used to trust me, give me the benefit of the doubt. Now you can barely look at me.
They both so hurt and I cannot bear this
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Zee: Can’t breathe
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C: My powers are failing, and... 
yeah can we talk about that ? becasue...why the fuck
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C: and I've tried to talk to you, over and over, and you just don't want to hear it. You don't care.
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Nat : The eyeroll
Kat: I know bb
C: I'm... dead to you.
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Nat : The eyeroll
Kat: I know bb
Giulia: I READ THIS 364830173 TIMES
C: You still blame me for Mary.
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Giulia: NO
C: Well, I don't think there's anything left to say.
D: Where you going?
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Kat: You knew it was happening bb
Zee: THE
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C: Jack's dead. Chuck's gone. You and Sam have each other. 
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Nat : I know
Kat: I know
C:  I think it's time for me to move on.
Nat : I knew it but I'm not happy about it
Kat: Group hug
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Kat: As per usual. He lashes out then is sorry about it.
Nat : That's human
Giulia: MEH
Nat : Yeah well, the next ep is kinky
Giulia: gag me
Kat: Yup
Giulia: My heart is broken. This ep destroyed me
Kat: I know bb
Kat: But Jensen directed
Zee: Dean was exceptionally assholy
Nat : We'll get Lumberjack Dean
Kat: That too
Giulia: dean is on a real fine thread
Giulia: I think that’s when there is samifer
Kat: Well the red was there And it was red when we see bearded!dean
Giulia: I currently don’t give a shit honestly
Kat: They’ll make up by the end
Giulia: Yeah i wanna see when
Giulia: Whatever I’m so tired
Giulia: Fuck off
Giulia: Im also pretty real sad.  And that hasn’t happened in long on spn
Kat: Jensen said in an interview it hasn’t happened yet so we’ll see
Zee: We all are
Kat: I know. I knew exactly how y’all would react
Giuls: Ok but it’s not even about destiel. I just hate to see them fight instead of working together
Giulia: My stomach hurts too now. I should go. Kat go the fuck to sleep. And nobody talks to me about the ep
Giulia: Hush i can still hear you over the sound of my soul crying
Zee: In my defense, I told her to sleep
Kat: Give your soul a tissue
Kat: She did. Many times. I didn’t listen like usual
Giulia: That vinyl now looks real good to ease my pain. Not gonna lie
Zee: Take me with you. I’ll probably be a mile back but still
Giulia: I rewatched the end briefly because I’m a dumb bitch.  And yep, i can confirm i screamed into my pillow and got actually teary eyed and boi am I dumb to get actually tears for a tv show jesus and it’s only ep 3 but the threat of the ending is getting tight around my neck already and this is stupid, and fuck. And bye
Giulia: People are hating over everything right now
Kat: Yup. People hate Cas, people hate Dean, people hate the town (@Nat )  Plus, I think it, being the last season, makes people lash out more.
Nat : Hey
Kat: Did I lie?
Nat : No but it still hurts
Kat: Well they’re away from it now At least there’s that
Giulia: Why, where are they Idk
Kat: Do I have to say it?
Giulia: Say what
Kat: Where people are. I don’t think you wanna hear it
Giulia: Exactly
Kat: So we won’t say it lol
Giulis: For what it’s worth all the people throwing hate at Dean and Castiel can all suck my dick.
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl  @destiel-honeypie      @mariekoukie6661      @dragontamerm       @closetspngirl    @rainflowermoon     @mattiecat       @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2    @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee     @ravenhg @evvvissticante @emoryhemsworth​
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astralshipper · 5 years
15x06 liveblog post have fun kids, it’s a long one! 
sam looks so tired but also what the fuck was that thing??????>?>?><>:>? is the bunker haunted god dammit not again
ASCASCASCASCAS I MISSED U. oh my god clarence he kept the name clarence i cant fucking..,,.,, pls.  domestic cas
cas honey. br o th h her r.,,,,. ,.,  guys wanna hug brotherrer..,.,,.,.,, ssosofttt..,.,,, brothiehrrhr....,,,, 
sam learned sign language again i fuckin love u bitch. me with my sign language and him with his we kick ass boom!! eileen maam i love u i wish u could go to heaven u deserve so much better..,,.,,, yes this ep is gonna be rough bc canon love interest but also sam is happy so we gonna power through this because i love elieen and i REALLY love sam and all i rlly need is sam happy so lets just. act like this is okay
yeah u fight cassie! god i love my bro.... cas sir wanna hug u. gosh im feelin bro love tonight... dean u be GOOD MOTHERFUCKER. dean stop being a DICK LEAVE CAS ALONE YOU FUCKED HIM OVER STOP ACTING LIKE HE OWES YOU. MY GOD I LOVE YOUD EAN BUT HOLY SHIT
oh shit we’re going down the bring eileen back line oh shit okay more than one episode update i am afraid ouch this hurts alright astra chill the fuck out hes not yours oof alright just
oh FUCK YEAH HOW ABOUT WE DONT KILL SAM YALL SHITS. sign language sam is still baby but alSO HEY FUCK OFF BITCH IMMA KILL U!!!!! IMMA FUCKIN UHHHHH KICK UR ASS GET AWAY FROM THE MOOSE MAN okay but really i uhhh am gonna have a rough time if we’re doing the bring back eileen thing.... esp bc i LOVE eileen but also,,, sam,,,, canon love interest,..,, it’s bad enough with season 8 and amelia and no one even shipped him and amelia, but now hes got a kickass hunter girl and im gonna uhhhhh yeet myself out
oh SHIT i forgot he screams and they hurt him and im not ready for that shit
cascascascas!!! i love cas!
no talking? bitch who doesnt want sam to talk?? his voice is amazing why WOULDNT you let him talk,,, sam sees a weakness he latches on nice boy is not nice boy, nice boy is surviving
yo cas is ANGRY BOY. i love u but angery boye not necessary... although the sentiment is a big hell yeah, keep authority figures in CHECK!!!  but also?? since when can an angel blade kill a djinn? you kill a djinn with a silver knife in lamb’s blood. just because its cas doing the stabbing shouldn’t mean anything, he should have to smite it for his species to matter. why have we been worrying about getting the right weapons if we can just use angel blades?
MY GOD I LOVE U EILEEN THAT SMILE WAS SO CUTE OMFGAHEDIFLH sam omfG THAT WAS. AHEM. OKAY THAT WAS A BIT HOT IM NOT GONNA LIE. HELL YEAH YOU LEARNED FROM THE BEST!!!  literally like sam: kills someone me: oh youre gonna be hot huh? youre gonna be incredibly fuckin hot huh? youre gonna be the most attractive person ever huh? youre gonna just sit there and be an attractive man without caring about my feelings???
good ep. good tear times. dean stop being a little bitch and be nice to cas and help your brother. are we ever bringing jack back?? i feel like jack is supposed to have smthn to do with the end,,, hes awake in the empty, you cant just DO that. billie was there and everything. surely theres something thats gonna happen from there. jack should be able to get himself out of the empty if he got cas out. i justmiss jack to be honest. also i miss belphegor but that’s besides the point theres no hope for my demon boy
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beachbabywrites · 6 years
Of Course I Hate You // A Veronica Lodge imagine
SUMMARY: When Cheryl asks rivals, Veronica and R, to help her plan her Christmas party, they’re forced to realize that hate might not be what they’re feeling.
A/N: This is based loosely on a Christmas movie I watched this month, I hope you all like it!
Veronica walked into the library, scanning the room. Cheryl had asked her to meet her at one of the tall tables lining the large windows. She didn't spot the red-head, but she saw you at one of the tables, phone in hand, a notebook out in front of you. Veronica took a deep breath, straightened her back and raised her chin as she walked over to you.
"Have you seen Cheryl?" She asked sharply, almost scaring you with how suddenly she was behind you.
"She's supposed to meet me here in five minutes, why?" You replied, sounding disinterested, never once taking your eyes off of your phone.
"Oh." This caught Veronica off guard. "She's supposed to meet me too in a little bit."
"Take a seat, she'll be here any minute." You told her. "Preferably far from me." She rolled her eyes and reached for the phone in her purse that was vibrating.
She glanced down at the phone, then back up at you.
"Hello?" She answered the phone. "Where are you?"
"Veronica? Is (Y/N) there with you?" She asked in the phone. She put the phone on speaker and pulled the chair out opposite from you.
"She is."
"Good, I won't be able to make it today, do you two think you can handle making the guest list?" Your head snapped up to look at Veronica, glaring at the phone.
"What- I mean, I don't see why not." She answered.
"Thanks, love you!" Cheryl hung up and Veronica cleared her throat.
"Invites, alright. We can do that."
"Yeah, okay so we need to start with the core group and work out from there." You told her as you began to write out Cheryl's closest friends out on the paper.
"Who do you have so far?" She asked as she pulled up her contacts.
"Josie, Archie, Betty, Kevin, and Toni."
"Valerie and Melody?"
"I was just getting there." You said as you added their names under Josie's. "Moose and Reggie?" She nodded her head.
Veronica stared at the paper as you skipped over Betty's name and began filling out the next list.
"You're seriously just not going to invite Jughead." You glanced up at her.
"I wasn't going to, since Cheryl was so clear earlier she didn't want him there."
"Betty won't show up without him. I won't show up without Betty."  
You reached an impasse.
"Okay then. Do you think he will come though?" Veronica shrugged.
"I guess that depends on who will be there, he doesn't really do parties so much."
"I was just thinking about his birthday party a couple years ago, he really didn't seem to have much fun. I hope he does come though." You confided in her.
"What about Fangs and Sweet Pea?"
"Are you serious?"
"That doesn't sound like the best idea, I mean, not with Sweet Pea's temper and his issues with Reggie, I would hate for this party to turn into an all out brawl. Besides, Cheryl is fine with recreational drinking at her parties but not drugs, not after N-"
"I was there I know." She snapped back at you. "But if you don't invite Toni's friends, you're just alienating her from them. I think she will have more fun if they're there, and if she's having fun, so will Cheryl. I'll make sure everyone knows drugs will not be tolerated and about the fighting, we will figure something out." You thought for a minute.
"Yeah, you're right. Should Reggie be the one we're not inviting?" You asked and Veronica covered her mouth to hide a chuckle.
"With all of his cavemanish territorial issues, maybe."
"Besides, Cher will look over the list and if there's anyone she doesn't want, she will knock them off."
After a few more minutes of deciding the list, you stood up and reached for your bag.
"I'll get the list to Cheryl." You assured her, then left without another word.
Veronica sat there at the table for a moment, counting to ten and calming herself. As she was collecting her things she noticed something white draped over the back of the chair you were occupying moments earlier. She reached for it and started making her way down the hallway, wondering if you'd left already.
You didn't realize you left your scarf at school until the next morning when you were getting ready to head out the door. When you got to school, you checked the library and the main office for it but no one had seen it or turned it in, you shrugged it off. Maybe you had left it in Cheryl's locker. When you caught up with her in the hall, the guest list was handed over to Cheryl who okay'd it without even glancing at it.
"I texted Veronica last night and asked her to help fill out invites, do you want to help?"
You nodded. "Yeah I can do half tonight and have them in the mail by tomorrow morning."
"Great, I'll let Ronnie know you will be at her place at six."
"What? You'll be there right?" You asked, following her towards the lockers.
"No, I've got things to do, Toni and I are going out tonight. You can play nice, though." She winked at you as she opened her locker door.
"I didn't agree to go to her house... Why are you doing this?" You asked Cheryl, your irritation dripping from your voice. "You know I can't stand her and her holier-than-thou personality."
Cheryl rolled her eyes. "I'm not asking you to marry her."
When you showed up at Veronica's home, she silently let you in and lead you to the living room where the fire was going.
"My mom is out for the evening at a business meeting but my dad is in his office so we have to be quiet." She warned you as she sat on one of the couches. She had s few boxes on the coffee table, one of each card laying on top of them. "So Mom and I had these laying around, if none of these are what you had in mind, we can run down to a store and see what they have."
You picked up a blue and silver invitation. "Do you have one you prefer?" You asked her and she reached for a black and gold one.
"This one." You nodded.
"I think we should have the card match the theme of the party, don't you think?" You asked and she nodded.
"We haven't picked a theme though. What would you go with?"
"Winter wonderland." You answered. "Since Cheryl doesn't celebrate Christmas in a religious way."
"I think we should go with a simple elegance. Gold, black and white... What was that face about?" She asked.
"That color scheme has the Lodge trademark all over it. This is Cheryl's party."
"That she put us in charge of planning. Why do you even care so much since you refused to help her with this in the first place?"
"Excuse me? I offered to help right after she told us she wanted one."
"That's not what Cheryl told me." Veronica stated. You shook your head, trying to piece together why Cheryl would have told her that.
You were silent for a minute, scanning the different cards, desperate for a change of topic.
"How about, blue, silver and gold? With red as an accent color?"
"That's not a horrible idea." She decided. She picked up her phone, tapping away on the screen. "Archie is going to drop them off downstairs in a few minutes. Would you like a drink?" She asked, standing up.
"Um, sure."
"We've got reds, sauvignon blanc and diet coke, water of course. Coffee?"
"Surprise me." You answered as you pulled your notebook out of your bag.
She set a glass of white wine on the table in front of you before sitting down again.
"Thank you."
"I have the addresses for Toni and Jug's friends." She told you, pointing to a small notebook on the table. "I figured you wouldn't."
You glared up at her. Part of you wanted to knock the glasses right off of her pretty face, but you knew that would just complicate things further.
"I have their addresses."
"Were you serious about not inviting Reggie?" She asked and you shrugged.
"The more I thought about it last night, the more I was sure we could prevent a fight if we keep them away from each other. I'm just worried about Reggie in general."
"And Sweet Pea will never back down from a fight."
"Reggie jumps at the chance to start one."
A door opened down a hall and Veronica turned to look over her shoulder. Hiram Lodge walked out of the shadowed hall and smiled brightly at his daughter and you. After a short, tense introduction, he excused himself and returned to his office.
"So besides this party, do you have any plans for Christmas?" Veronica asked.
"Just a family thing. Are you going to Manhattan for the day?"
"No I think we will be staying here for the break. So where do you think the party should be? I doubt Cheryl wants to have it at her place."
"I was actually thinking we do it at Mayor McCoy's home. Josie offered to let Cheryl have it there and she seemed to really like that idea."
At the sound of a knock on her door, she jumped up from the couch quickly to answer it. She came back with a box in her hands.
"Alright, so you take every other name and I'll take the other half."
Veronica wasn't sure what happened that afternoon, she must've been tipsy, but she found herself laughing with you and having fun. You ended up staying much later than planned, but Veronica was hesitant both to have you around any longer and for it to end. She knew in a matter of seconds the mood could shift drastically between the two of you. But in front of the mailbox in her building, she found herself asking if you wanted to go to Pop's with her for a milkshake.
An indecipherable look came over your face then you told her no. There was a renewed tension in the air now as the two of you stared each other down.
"I should be getting home anyway, it is late." You told her, Veronica nodded and walked you to the door.
Back in her apartment, she picked up one of the airplanes the two of you had made out of the baby blue envelopes and took it to her room. She dropped it on her vanity and picked up her phone.
You were sitting with Josie at Pop's sharing an order of fries as you talked about the party. Betty and Jughead were three tables behind you. You waved to them when they looked up, but you turned back to Josie when she asked about the party.
"It's going to have more of a wintery feel than Christmas, we don't want to overwhelm Cheryl." You explained. "The invites all got filled out and put in the mail tonight, we should have a head count within a week. Your mom won't mind having at your place?"
Josie shook her head and put her milkshake down.
"No, she won't mind as long as the place stays clean. The second someone's throwing up they're out. No alcohol either, she's trying to keep her reputation spotless." You nodded.
"That's being taken care of. It's not going to be anything big either, just Cheryl's inner circle and-" Your voice trailed off as the doors to Pop's were pushed open and a certain dark haired girl stepped in and pulled off her black coat. Black eyes staring into yours, eyebrow raised before rolling her eyes and taking a seat with Betty and Jug. "Great."
Josie waved over your shoulder and under her breath asked, "What the hell was that about?"
"She asked if I wanted to come down here with her and I blew her off. Don't give me that look, she's fake. It wasn't a genuine invitation, there are strings attached to everything with her type." You stood up and grabbed your jacket. Even you weren't convinced by your words. "I'll see you tomorrow morning?"
Josie blew you a kiss as you walked out, once you were outside you heard your name being shouted. You turned to see Veronica following you into the cold.
"What?" You asked.
"You left this in the library yesterday." She said, holding out your scarf. Her voice was sharp, but tinted with enough disappointment to make you feel worse. Once the scarf was in your hands, she left you quickly, you caught Betty and Jughead looking out the window at you, their heads snapped away.
On the way home you thought about the icy look Veronica had given you, about how different it was than the soft smile she had when you left her earlier in the evening, how her eyes had seemed warm not unforgiving and you had let yourself day dream for just a second that that smile was meant for you alone and oh how heavenly it would feel to have her bright red lips painting on your neck and cheeks- You slammed on the breaks, your car skidded to a stop as you finally took notice of the stop sign in front of you.
You looked around the dark and quiet four-way stop and took a deep breath. A laugh bubbled past your lips, nervously, as you wondered where that came from.
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ladyginoza · 5 years
Of course I’ll answer this tagging game XD @makishima-shogoo
A- Age: 28
B- Biggest Fear: I don’t really have a fear. They’re just intolerance but I can handle it when given time to ready myself mentally such as blood. 
C- Current Time: 22H07 and I should be sleeping XD
D- Drink you last had: water
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: @lifeinredshades and @vilcade I love you guys!!!!
F- Favorite Song: I don’t have a favourite song. It all depends how I feel at the moment.
G- Ghosts, are they real: Yes they are. I’ve lived in an haunted house for 13 years and I can vouch that they are indeed real.
H- Hometown: Grand Falls and yes my town is named after the notorious falls dropping from a height of 75 feet.
I- In love with: My dog Maya and my cats :3
K- Killed Someone?: Never killed anyone but killed plenty of deer, moose, ducks, and bears.
L- Last time you cried?: Don’t remember.
M- Middle Name: Yes and it’s just as lame as my first name. Sonia, and I hate it >.<
N- Number of Siblings: 4. 2 older half sisters, 1 brother and an adopted sister.
O- One Wish: Infinite wishes so I can have more wishes XD
P- Person who you last called: My brother
Q- Question you’re always asked: How old are you? 
R- Reason to smile: When I want to.
T- Time you woke up: Today I woke up past 9h00. During the week it’s 4h00.
U- Underwear Color: pink 
V- Vacation Destination: I don’t know. I don’t do vacations cause I’m lazy.
W- Worst Habit: I’m lazy...
X- X-Rays you’ve had: Oh dear... Where to begin?. 1 for my neck, another for my knee, and one for my ankle, another for my neck, one for my lower back and one for my wrist and another for my neck XD
Y- Your favorite food: Anything with flavour and spicy XD
Z- Zodiac Sign: Libra
@vilcade @lifeinredshades
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fortjester · 6 years
Musicals As Vines
The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee: Iridocylcitis
A Chorus Line: Oh my gosh, Marlene, your speech was so good. ReAlLy CaUsE i DiDn’T eVeN lIkE iT iT wAs JuSt ImPrOv AnD i JuSt- OH MY GOD WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TAKE THE FREAKING COMPLIMEEEEEENT
The Addams Family: go ahead and pull it through *cat paw through a hole pulls a cord through*
A Gentleman’s Guide To Love and Murder: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! what the fuck dude? we’re trying to sleep. *hysterical laughter*
Amélie: *A sweet saxophone solo* Hi, welcome to Chili’s
Anastasia: Who’s that Pokémon? IT’S PIKACHU! It’s Clefairy! F U C K!
Avenue Q: ShAwTy I dOn’T M I N D/that Nanalan vine where she says fuck
Bandstand: *toy cat on the floor* and i DONT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE ME *cats neck extends horrifically*
The Bands Visit: GET TO DEL TACO. THEY GOT A NEW THING CALLED FRE SHA *giggles uncontrollably* FRE SHA VOC ADO
Bare; A Pop Opera: welcome to bible studies, we’RE ALL CHILDREN OF JESUS! KUMBAYAAAAAA MY LORD-/Two bros, chillin’ in a hot tub, five feet apart, ‘cause they’re not gay
Be More Chill: Hey, bro, what do you want to eat? THE SOULS OF THE INNOCENT- a bagel NO- two bagels
Billy Elliot: *That kid dancing in a far off elevator*
Bonnie and Clyde: Just put the money in the bag. Okay, do you have a bag? We had to bring our own bag? How inconvenient.
Bring It On: PATRICIA! Get it together sweetie, we have a show tomorrow
Cabaret: Two shots of vodka *glug glug glug glug glug*
Carrie: HoW dO yOu KnOw WhAt’S gOoD fOr Me? THAT’S MY O P I N I ON
Catch Me If You Can: *screaming* WHY RE YOU RUNNING? W H Y AREYOURUNNING?
Cats: Dress for the job you want! Oh, you want to be a vet? No, I want to be a cat.
Chess: hi, thanks for checking in, I’m still a piece of garbage!
Come From Away: Canadian animals can be extremely dangerous, but if you respect them, they'll respect you. What the fuck - get OFF THE CAR, YOU STUPID MOOSE
Dear Evan Hansen: *Kid in a tree* Dad, I’m scared! Do you trust me, son? Yes. *Kid falls out of tree, dad turns to camera* Rule number one, never trust anyone/kEVIN, WATCH THE LIGHT, DUDE. wATCH THE LIGHT. *Kevin pauses, and then smashes his pillow into the light, breaking it*
Dogfight: Sarah? Yeah? Never fight and ugly girl; she’s got nothing to lose. Okay, grandma
Evita: *Screaming in a shopping trolley as it rolls out of control in a parking lot*
Falsettos: *Slow zoom in* *doorbell* OOOOoOOoooOOOOOO
Finding Neverland: *Frantic recorder playing in a parked car*
Fun Home: Dad? Is this where you’ve been for the past ten years? *dad sinks back into blackness* DAD N O/*Just that vine of the dad talking on the phone while his kid tries to play frisbee with him and him slapping the frisbee out of the air whenever it comes near him*
Grease: baby it’s You You’Re the ONe I LoVE YOU’RE THE ONE I N E E D
Groundhog Day: It was a gopher, and it was controlling time. I had to shoot it, yeah, I did
Gypsy: Where do you want to get a healthy snack, Rebecca? I want Chipotle. I said a hEALTHY SNACK-
Hadestown: *discordant strum* I love you bitch *discordant strum* I ain't never gonna stop loving you, b I t ch
Hairspray: This land is your land. This land is my land. This land is your land. THIS LAND IS MY LAND, THIS LAND IS MY LAND
Hamilton: So, basically, what I was thinking was *slap* oH fUcK i CaN’t BeLiEvE yOu’Ve DoNe ThIs
Heathers: Don’t tell your mother. Kiss one another? DIE FOR EACH OTHER! *Falls out of chair*/*Guy walking out of 7/11, trips, spills slurpee* SHIT
In The Heights: Zach stop/so, as it turns out, I’m not going to college, I’m going to hell, I’m, uh, not excited
Into The Woods: *screams at kid coming around corner* *kid screams and then stares at the camera in a pissed off way*/oh, I would, but I've just got too much to do, tonight *cuts to him chugging beer and playing a synth on his bed*
Jesus Christ Superstar: I brought you frankincense. Thank you. And I brought you...mhyr. Thank you. MHYR-DUR! *sassy gasp* JUDAS, N O!/Don’t cross me, shout out to Jesus...what rhymes with Jesus?
Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Coat: *Shovelling snow and slips and falls for six seconds before recovering, miraculously*
Kinky Boots: *Crashing noises* *Door opens* I got new shoes
Legally Blonde: Girl, you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.
Les Miserables: wElL wHeN lIfE gIvEs YoU lEmOnS *fun jingle*
The Lion King: Be nice to the babies *cat pushes one kitten off the dresser* NO
Little Shop of Horrors: Put that candy back, I’m not buying you all that mess. OOP, TRY ME BITCH
Matilda: What’s the one thing worse than a rapist? BOOM. A cHiLd. N O-
Mean Girls: *scoffs* you can’t sit here! Actually, Megan, I can’t sit ANYWHERE, I have hemorrhoids
Miss Saigon: daddy? DO I LOOK LIKE-
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812: What have you got for me, today, Mr Postman? Just this LETTER! JOhn I don’t love you
Newsies: BACK AT IT AGAIN AT KRISPY KREME *flips*/what does it say? Hot boy. HOT BOY HOT BOY HOTBOYHOTBOY
Next to Normal: Dad, look, it’s the good kush! This is the dollar store, how good can it be?/THAT’S IT, GET ON TOP OF THE FRIDGE, GET UP THERE! THIS HOUSE IS A FUCKING N I G H T M A R E!
Once On This Island: We all die, you either kill yourself or get killed. WATCHA GONNA DO? WATCHA GONNA DO?
Phantom of the Opera: Dad, I found my new favourite song. *Opening chords of Phantom of the Opera* *dad looks disappointed and vaguely uncomfortable*
Pippin: I wish I could fly away and never come back! Your wish is granted. I miss my xbox
Rent: *All the soft drinks into one cup* Fuck you/*Completely Giving Up, starring Me*
Rocky Horror Picture Show: Wait a minute. Who ARE you?
Singin' In The Rain: *just that guy skipping down the street to that Lady Gaga song*
Sound Of Music: *class full of students singing along to a piano* AW SKEET SKEET MOTHERFUCKER, AW SKEET SKEET, GODDAMN
Spongebob Squarepants: What if my nose was *gasps* Hello i’m squidward haHahA *Begins to cry*/SQUIDWARD! *Squidward dabs* *fans scream*
Spring Awakening: What happened while I was gone? Yo Jessica had three kids. What? I was gone for a day! She been fucking./When we gonna churn butter and chill? EZEKIEL! After my chores
Urinetown: *Kermit sitting on a log* 3 2 1! *water gets poured on him, cuts to him falling off a building*/*kid with a mullet bottle flips a wine glass and dabs, with Mad World playing in the background*
Waitress: I can’t give you the display bagel; it’s not real. TASTY. N O
Wicked: And they were roommates. Oh My GoD tHeY wErE rOoMaTeS
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paradox-1212 · 3 years
greetings fellow worm humans, it is i zim
i just have one thing to say to everybody
this giant headed pig stink thinks that just because he’s taller than me he can call himself my tallest
he thinks he can call himself my supreme overlord
he thinks he can just steal my food like he does
my fricking fundip
well you know what dib beast
the next time im around that disgusting massive head of yours you will be deader than the making fiends fandom
do you hear me
i am prepared to eat your greasy head
ram it into my freaking m o u n t a i n of fundip
be ready to face my attacks of bloody bees and mighty moose
i have g o d on my side, dib
your blood will be removed of cells and replaced with white hot grease to match the texture of your filthy head
your bones will be removed of calcium and replaced with tiny microscopic ants that march around your insides and build colonies
your organs will be removed and replaced with weasels
and that’s not even the start of it
unless you hand over your kneecaps and give me back my fricking fundip
you will receive pain unlike any known form of pain
i will reign down the power of the stars all the way past irk itself onto your slimy face
at least maybe thatll reduce the size of your gargantuan-oversized-fundip-snatching head
you were wondering what phase two is, well
this is much worse than phase two, dib
not even the tumblr stans can save you now
i hope they serve gogurt in hell dib because thats all youll be eating soon
0 notes
Here’s Our 1-A playlist!
You may remember how a little while ago, I (mod Thirteen) posted a little status update saying how we were going a little slow on updates because of a little project we were working on. So here it is!
Basically, each of us chose one (or more) song for each of the characters in class 1-A (+ Shinsou, -Mineta). It was lots of fun, and eventually I compiled them all into one little playlist. Let us know via our inbox or my personal Tumblr @yaoyoyoyo if any of the links are broken!
Under a cut because it’s so damn long:
Yuga Aoyama:
Mod Thirteen- Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds
Mod Shouta- Perfect Isn’t Easy from Oliver and Company
Mod Kaminari- Razzle Dazzle by Richard Gere
Mod Ochako- Lollipop by MIKA
Mod Tsuyu- Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves
Mod Hitoshi- Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson
Mod Tenya- Mi Mi Mi By SEREBRO
Mina Ashido:
Mod Thirteen- Everybody Wants to Be an Astronaut by Royal Republic
Mod Shouta- Toxic by Britney Spears
Mod Kaminari- Strawberry Blond by Mitski
Mod Ochako- HandClap by Fitz and the Tantrums
Mod Tsuyu- Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper
Mod Hitoshi- What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club:
Mod Tenya- Let Me Go by Hailee Steinfled
Tsuyu Asui:
Mod Thirteeen- Bubble Tea by dark cat
Mod Shouta- Return of the Frog Queen by Jeremy Enigk
Mod Kaminari- Levan Polka by Otomania
Mod Ochako- Ready to Go by Panic! At the Disco
Mod Tsuyu- Flashdance – What a Feeling by Irene Cara
Mod Hitoshi- Everything Zen by Bush
Mod Tenya- Wild One by Lucky Rose
Katsuki Bakugou:
Mod Thirteen- Sabotage by Beastie Boys
Mod Shouta- Just Like You by Three Days Grace (This song is supposed to represent his relationship with All Might)
Mod Kaminari- Ass Backwards by Mindless Self Indulgence
Mod Ochako- You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
Mod Tsuyu- Bring Me to Life by Evanescence
Mod Hitoshi- Give It to Me by Agust D | Public Service Announcement by Of Mice and Men
Mod Tenya-  Cool Me Down by Margaret
Tooru Hagakure:
Mod Thirteen- So Much More Than This by Grace Vanderwaal
Mod Shouta- She’s Not There by The Zombies
Mod Kaminari- We Are Giants by Lindsey Stirling
Mod Ochako- When He Sees Me by Kimiko Glenn
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Wiped Out!/Prey by The Neighbourhood
Mod Tenya- The Girl by Helberg
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Mod Thirteen- Where the Lonely Ones Roam by Digital Daggers
Mod Shouta- More Than Useless by Relient K
Mod Kaminari- Bitter Fuck by Joji
Mod Ochako- Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy
Mod Tsuyu- Demons by Imagine Dragons
Mod Hitoshi- Fireflies by Owl City (for my hc that he suffered from insomnia in elementary/middle school)
Mod Tenya- Clear by Pusher
Tenya Iida:
Mod Thirteen- Brother by Kodaline
Mod Shouta- Battle Symphony by Linkin Park
Mod Kaminari- Speed of Love by Owl City
Mod Ochako- Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Mod Tsuyu- Wake Me Up by Avicii
Mod Hitoshi- Run by BTS
Mod Tenya- Bullet Train by Steve Swartz
Kyoka Jirou:
Mod Thirteen- Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco
Mod Shouta- I Like It Heavy by Halestorm
Mod Kaminari- I Love Rock and Roll by Joan Jett
Mod Ochako- Highway To Hell by AC/DC
Mod Tsuyu- So What by P!nk
Mod Hitoshi- At the Mercy of Imbeciles by Bad Religion
Mod Tenya- Boom Box by Laura Marano
Denki Kaminari:
Mod Thirteen- Electricity by Culture Code
Mod Shouta- Electric Shock by f(x)
Mod Kaminari- Gasoline by Britney Spears
Mod Ochako- What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club
Mod Tsuyu- I’m a Believer by The Monkees
Mod Hitoshi- (???)
Mod Tenya- Electric Touch by A R I Z O N A
Eijiro Kirishima:
Mod Thirteen- 7 Years by Lukas Graham
Mod Shouta- I’ll Make A Man Out Of You from Mulan
Mod Kaminari- Whistle (While You Work It) by Katy Tiz
Mod Ochako- Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars
Mod Tsuyu- We Are Young by fun.
Mod Hitoshi- Titanium by David Guetta
Mod Tenya- Shelter by Porter Robinson
Koji Koda:
Mod Thirteen- Something Big by Shawn Mendes
Mod Shouta- Reindeers are Better than People from Frozen
Mod Kaminari- (???)
Mod Ochako- Can’t Stand It by Never Shout Never
Mod Tsuyu- Fireflies by Owl City
Mod Hitoshi- Insects by Kids of Widney High
Mod Tenya- If I Go by Ella Eyre
Izuku Midoriya:
Mod Thirteen- A Capella by Chase Goehring
Mod Shouta- E for Extinction by Thousand Foot Krutch
Mod Kaminari- Waving Through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen
Mod Ochako- The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls
Mod Tsuyu- Eye of the Tiger by Survivor
Mod Hitoshi- Glow by Moose Blood | History Maker by Caleb Hyles | Had Enough by Breaking Benjamin
Mod Tenya- Like That by Bea Miller
Mashirao Ojiro:
Mod Thirteen- Titanium by David Guetta
Mod Shouta- Kung-Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas
Mod Kaminari- (???)
Mod Ochako- Have a Nice Day by Bon Jovi
Mod Tsuyu- Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
Mod Hitoshi- Trails by Pete Cottrell
Mod Tenya- Just Hold On by Steve Aoki
Rikido Sato:
Mod Thirteen- Tea and Toast by Lucy Spraggan
Mod Shouta- Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
Mod Kaminari- Sugar Daddy by Neil Patrick Harris
Mod Ochako- One Week by Barenaked Ladies
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- My Girl by The Temptations (for my hc that he’s a soft man who listens to oldies while baking)
Mod Tenya- River by Bishop Briggs
Mezo Shoji:
Mod Thirteen- Calm Snow by I See Stars
Mod Shouta- Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin
Mod Kaminari- Tainted Love by Soft Cell
Mod Ochako- The Run and Go by Twenty One Pilots
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Tentacles by Ghost Town
Mod Tenya- Anchor by Novo Amor
Shoto Todoroki:
Mod Thirteen- Chandelier– Piano Version by Sia
Mod Shouta- Arsonist’s Lullabye by Hozier
Mod Kaminari- Gasoline by Halsey
Mod Ochako- Clair de Lune by Debussy
Mod Tsuyu- Burn It Down by Linkin Park
Mod Hitoshi- Identity Disorder by Of Mice and Men
Mod Tenya- La Lune by Madeon
Fumikage Tokoyami:
Mod Thirteen- Sleepwalking by Bring Me the Horizon
Mod Shouta- Monster by Skillet
Mod Kaminari- Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
Mod Ochako- Castle of Glass by Linkin Park
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Happy Song by Bring Me the Horizon
Mod Tenya- BLK CLD by XYLO
Ochako Uraraka:
Mod Thirteen- Little Me by Little Mix
Mod Shouta- It’s Beautiful by Sofia
Mod Kaminari- Anyone Who Knows What Love Is by Irma Thomas
Mod Ochako- Sing by Pentatonix
Mod Tsuyu- Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Mod Hitoshi- Thank God for Girls by Weezer
Mod Tenya- Circles by machineheart (Vanic Remix)
Momo Yaoyorozu:
Mod Thirteen- That’s My Girl by Fifth Harmony
Mod Shouta- One Girl Revolution by Superchick
Mod Kaminari- Salute by Little Mix
Mod Ochako- Words Fail by Ben Platt
Mod Tsuyu- Almost There by Anika Noni Rose
Mod Hitoshi- Chairman’s Waltz from Memoirs of a Geisha
Mod Tenya- Brave Honest Beautiful by Fifth Harmony
Sero Hanta:
Mod Thirteen- Tape Machine by STRFKR
Mod Shouta- Duct Tape by The Warp Zone
Mod Kaminari- Mister Cellophane by John C. Reilly
Mod Ochako- Believer by Imagine Dragons
Mod Tsuyu- Geronimo by Sheppard
Mod Hitoshi- Feelings Fade by Gnash (for my hc that he uses his quirk to go to the top of UA to be alone and listen to cringe/angst songs like this while thinking about life. Also listens to blessthefall & blackbear & sws)
Mod Tenya- My Way by Calvin Harris
Present Mic:
Mod Thirteen- Why Worry by Set It Off
Mod Shouta- I Like It Loud by Cash Cash
Mod Kaminari- Big Enough by Kirin J. Callinan
Mod Ochako- Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
Mod Tsuyu- Everybody Talks by Neon Trees
Mod Hitoshi- Back To School by Deftones (for my hc that he and Aizawa were those Kool Kidz Who Were Also Misfitz™ back in high school)
Mod Tenya- Louder by Charlie Who?
Aizawa Shouta:
Mod Thirteen- This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars
Mod Shouta- People Equals Shit by Richard Cheese
Mod Kaminari- Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz
Mod Ochako- Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
Mod Tenya- IDFC by Blackbear
All Might:
Mod Thirteen- Heroes by Mans Zelmerlow
Mod Shouta- Zero to Hero from Hercules
Mod Kaminari- Hall of Fame by The Script
Mod Ochako- The Take Over, The Break’s Over by Fall Out Boy
Mod Tsuyu- (???)
Mod Hitoshi- (???)
Mod Tenya- The Greatest by Sia
Mod Thirteen- Stomach It by Crywolf
Mod Shouta- Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Mod Kaminari- If I Had a Heart by Fever Ray
Mod Ochako- Crazy = Genius by Panic! At the Disco
Mod Tsuyu- Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off
Mod Hitoshi- Slow Motion by Third Eye Blind | MNSTR by Crown the Empire
Mod Tenya- Mustang Kids by Zella Day
Mod Thirteen- Duality by Set It Off
Mod Shouta- Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead
Mod Kaminari- Body by Mother Mother
Mod Ochako- Don’t Mess With Me by Temposhark
Mod Tsuyu- Sarcasm by Get Scared
Mod Hitoshi- Johnny Ringo/Johnny’s Rebellion/Johnny’s Revenge by Crown The Empire
Mod Tenya- I’m Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha
Mod Thirteen- Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds
Mod Shouta- Feisty by Jhameel
Mod Kaminari- Fergalicious by Fergie
Mod Ochako- Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
Mod Tsuyu- S&M by Rihanna
Mod Hitoshi- Bruises and Bitemarks by Good with Grenades
Mod Tenya- Bad Intentions by Niykee Heaton
Bonus: Himiko:
Mod Thirteen- Uki Uki Midnight by BABYMETAL
Mod Shouta- Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate
Mod Ochako- Aftermath by Caravan Palace
49 notes · View notes
hekate1308 · 7 years
The Not-So-Friendly Ghost
Basically, this is pure wish fulfillment. Also, no Beta this time around, because I want to see the reviews coming in whether I’ve gotten over my bitterness before I inflict my typos on anyone again. 
Anyway, enjoy!
@dmsilvisart  @shaonharryandpannisim
Things actually calm down for a while.
Maybe that is the very thing that puts Dean on edge, but anyway, he is the first of them to notice something’s up.
His things start... moving around. Only slightly, just a tick to the left and the right, but he was brought up to notice these things, so how can he not?
Still, he might just be paranoid, so he doesn’t bring it up to Sam or Cas, who just recently moved into the bunker once and for all. No reason to start the alarm just because he’s a little jumpy.
After all, why should the bunker be haunted of all places?
Only that it’s more than him being jumpy, because on the next hunt, he gets knocked around by a ghost who in turns gets thrown across the room.
What the hell?
At first he has no idea what is going on.
And then he remembers a samurai sword sliding into his hand.
There’s a ghost around. Has to be. It’s the only explanation. But why, and how? 
He pretty soon figures out that it’s only around him anything remotely spooky happens, and never when he’s with anyone. Aside from when he’s hunting and his new... bodyguard decides to act.
Dean can’t really say why he doesn’t mention it to Sam or Cas; maybe, he’ll late think, he felt from the first this wasn’t an evil power.
How ironic, all things considered. But that’s for later, when he’s gotten used to this new normal.
For now, he’s curious enough to try an Ouija board one night.
“Hey” he says, feeling as silly as when he did his own ghosting around in a hospital so long ago, “You there?”
Before he can say another word, the arrow slitters over to Yes. If he was talking to a human, he’d say it was an impatient gesture.
“Okay. Next question. Do I know you?”
The cursor flies of the board, makes a circle through the room, and lands on Yes again.
“No need to be so dramatic, jeez. Just can you maybe give me a hint? Most people I know don’t have much of a life span...”
The arrow starts moving fast. He can barely keep track.
“Now, slow down – “ he stops talking because of the three letters he just read.
There are barely any words that start with this combo. There are barely any words that have this combo to begin with.
No. It can’t be. He wasn’t – he wouldn’t come back as a ghost –
“No way in Hell. If you really are who you say you are, tell me something only I would know.”
The cursor moves again.
Fair enough, but that’s easy to guess –
He swallows. “Crowley? Is it really you?”
The arrow draws circles around the word yes, then proceeds to hop up and down the board.
“Hey, I get it.” Dean blinks. Truth is, he has no idea what to do. So Crowley’s a ghost now. Should he help him move on? But that would certainly mean him landing back in hell, and why should they just repeat that? Crowley was- is – a friend. Kind of.
Also there’s the fact that Dean is so freaking happy he feels like bursting into song. He missed the damn demon, alright? Maybe a bit more than he let on when Sam and Cas commented on his bad mood. Repeatedly.
“You feel particularly vengeful? More than you used to be, I mean?”
The arrow skitters over to No.
“So basically you’re just... hanging out?”
“Okay. Cool.”
He’s definitely not going back to sleep tonight. Remembering Bobby, he asks, “So if I... pour out a drink for you, you can actually sip it?”
And that’s how he ends up sharing a drink with Crowley once more, if a bit more quietly than he’s used to, if he ignores the Ouija board, because the demon – ghost – whatever is apparently ecstatic about being able to communicate.
That last motel was god awful –
You needed way too long to figure out it was a tulpa three months ago in Miami –
That ghost was so pathetically weak –
It all runs together after a while, but Dean doesn’t mind in the slightest.
“Dean?” Sam asks the next morning.
“Is everything alright?”
“Sure” he says, looking from him to Cas, who looks as confused as Dean himself feels at the question.
“You were just humming while making me a spinach omelette.”
“So? Can’t a guy just be in a good mood for once?”
Because he is. He really is. Somehow, their team feels more complete now that Crowley’s returned to them – even if only in spirit form.
The Ouija board gets tiresome after a while, so Dean takes a pencil and notebook and it turns out Crowley can write things down. Awesome. He just has to be careful that the others don’t see it, because Crowley’s handwriting is pretty distinct. Seriously, did he practice calligraphy when he was alive?
He still hasn’t told Sam and Cas. Crowley is obviously haunting him specifically anyway, and he’s not doing anything evil, so what’s the damage?
He also knows exactly what they would say and do, and he’s not the least ready to say goodbye, he admits to himself a week after they first communicated.
Turns out he missed the demon more than even he realized.
Thing is, Dean gets that being haunted is supposed to be awful and scary and whatnot, especially if the one who’s haunting you was kind of a friend back when he was alive.
But truth is, it’s not. Sure, it can be a tad annoying when Crowley is bored, but it’s Crowley. Things could be way worse.
One morning, he stumbles into the kitchen. Next thing he knows, a cup of coffee drifts over, exactly how he likes it. “Thanks, man.”
It’s surprisingly easy to get used to it. It helps that Crowley’s bored out of his mind, apparently, because Dean simply stops dropping things, even when he’s had a few drinks; truth is, they just keep getting caught just in time by his helpful spirit pal, as he calls him in his head but never to his not-face.
“Hey!” he complains one afternoon when Crowley switches the channel. “That’s Doctor Sexy!”
I am dead and I can feel my brain cells evaporating, the notepad declares.
He rolls his eyes.
“What do you want to watch, your Highness?”
Huh. The 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice. He doesn’t even have that bad a taste.
It’s then and there that Dean admits to himself that he’s clinically insane, but can’t bring himself to care, especially because soon afterwards a bowl of popcorn comes drifting his way.
And then comes the night when Crowley decides to have an opinion. Dean’s about to reach for the bottle of jack to refill his glass when –
It skitters away.
It skitters further. “What do you think you are doing – “
And with that, the bottle takes flight. “Oh no you don’t – “
Thing is, both Dean and Crowley were pretty sure Sam’s asleep and Cas in his room.
They aren’t. In fact, they’re just coming down the hallway and the bottle hits Sam straight in the face.
“What – “
And so Dean has no other choice but to confess.
Sam is incredulous at first. “A ghost demon? Dean, you’re not so gullible.”
“Do you really think I can’t tell? Crowley, write something down for Sam to make him see.”
Crowley complies. He usually does, unless Dean asks for really stupid stuff.
I am dead, Moose. Thought you’d be happy. You were the one who wanted to kill me dead, remember?
Sam stares at the paper. “That sounds like him.”
“Told you.”
“How long has this been going on?”
Dean shrugs. “A while.”
“A while?”
“He’s not doing any harm, is he?”
“Harm – Dean it’s Crowley as a ghost. God knows what he gets up to.”
That’s what you get for being a helping hand, the ghost writes.
Dean snorts.
“Dean – “
“Come on, Sam, we’re good. There’s no danger. Do you feel anything, Cas?”
“Now that I know a spirit’s here, I can feel it, but it’s definitely not vengeful.”
“There you have it, Sammy.”
He leaves them there, wishing that this could be all... Only it’s Sam, and if he knows one thing about his brother, it’s that he doesn’t know when to leave him alone.
And so a few days later, he tries again.
“Dean...” Sam trails off when he sees the chess board in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“Playing chess. Just try doing anything else with him; he’ll cheat every time.”
His king falls down. “Oh, don’t you start, you know you do.”
“Dean, can we talk?” his brother asks. “Alone?”
“Sure. Crowley, stay put, alright? And don’t even think about it. I know exactly where each piece is standing.”
He follows Sam into the library.
“So” his brother begins. “You were just playing chess. With a ghost who used to be a demon”.
“Yep. We were bored.”
“You were – Dean, don’t you realize this is a little bit crazy?”
“Compared to what? God’s sister?”
His brother sighs. “Alright I – look I’m a little nervous, that’s all.”
“Why? It’s Crowley.”
“If you’re worried he’s going to get crazy, don’t be. I think it has something to do with him not being human before he was a ghost, but – “
“Fine” Sam mutters and leaves.
Dean shrugs and returns to the game. “Alright, that bishop was not standing on E3 – ”
Crowley puts it back. “That’s better.”
He gets that most people would consider what he’s doing insane. On a case, they meet some other hunters, and while they’re discussing the options, he asks his notebook, “Any ideas?”
Rachel, the hunter, jumps when the pen gets taken up. “What’s that? Some Harry Potter horcrux thing?”
“Nah, just Caspar the helpful ghost” Dean simply replies, reading Crowley’s answer. “ A wraith? Could be. And you know you’re helpful, shut up.”
When Rachel looks at Sam, he shrugs.
It’s a wraith after all, and they deal with it soon enough.
That night, he gets woken by all of his books being thrown off their shelves.
“What the – Crowley, what are you – “
The Blade he used to fight through Purgatory flies across the room.
“Are you trying to kill someone, stop – “
His closet bursts open and his flannel shirts fall out.
“Crowley – “
The answer is just more chaos, and he would think his demon-slash-ghost-kind-of-friend has finally snapped, only...
Nothing has hit Dean yet. Sure, he’ll have to fix his room, but that’s just a small inconvenience.
Which means that this is not an angry ghost out to hurt him.
No, this is a ghost crying out in panic. But what can possible be the matter? If Dean or the others were in danger, Crowley would act rationally to prevent things from happening; so what –
Unless – if –
Dean sprints out of the bed. “Don’t worry, I got this.”
When he reaches the war room, he hears Cas. “Sam, I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“Cas, it’s getting out of hand. I caught him playing chess with the ghost in the war room.”
“It’s not just “a ghost””. Now Cas sounds decidedly bitter. “I know you want to help your brother, but sometimes you forget – “
“Cas, he was playing games with a demon turned ghost.”
“Chess is a highly interesting strategy game that involves – “
“For the last time: I am doing this. You can either stay or go.”
For one moment Dean is frozen, unable to breathe. For once things have calmed down, they have been hunting quietly, he actually feels pretty good about his life, and his brother wants to –
“Sam” Cas suddenly says, sounding serious, “I don’t think I – “
And that is all Dean needs to storm in and snatch the bowl out of Sam’s hands. “What the hell do you think you are doing?”
“What we always do, help spirits move on!”
“Move on to where? Do you know he’d end up in Heaven, for sure? No you don’t! And can’t you imagine how many demons would be glad to see him back in Hell?” Dean snarls, holding up the bowl, which is violently knocked out of his hands by Crowley.
“Look what you’re doing! What you’re turning into!”
“What do you mean!?”
“The old Dean would never have tolerated a ghost hanging around! We even helped Bobby go to Heaven – “
“When he went berserk, Sam. Crowley will never become a vicious spirit, because he already was – as a demon.”
“We don’t know that for sure!”
“No we don’t, but do you think I wouldn’t be able to tell?”
“We know ghosts can possess people” Sam argues.
Dean looks at him. Finally he says, “Sometimes I think you don’t know me at all.”
He turned and leaves.
He half-expects Cas to follow him, and he does. “Dean, I want you to know – “
“I heard you. You weren’t completely on board. Got it.”
Then, unexpectedly, Cas looks up and say, “Crowley, I apologize to you as well.”
A pillow flies from Dean’s bed and hits Cas on the head. “Pretty sure that was him patting you.”
“I can easily believe that” the angel deadpans.
Dean grins.
The next few days are tense. Sam is silent, Dean is still a bit angry with him, and Cas is... well, Cas.
At least Dean thinks so until he hears the angel talking to himself one day.
“No, no, that would make it worse, I think. Dean’s so happy you’re back. He would probably think it was Sam’s fault.”
Dean listens but doesn’t hear a thing. “Yes, I know. But you and Dean were closer when you were alive.”
He’s talking to Crowley. Dean really shouldn’t eavesdrop but can’t help it.
“Crowley, you must know that... Dean has considered you part of team free will for a while now. He once – I know he has faith in you.” After a pause he adds, “As do I.”
Next thing Dean hears sounds like the notebook being thrown against a wall.
“Crowley?” Cas asks but apparently gets no answer and Dean steals away.
He returns to his room and a piece of paper with the word EAVESDROPER and a caricature of him being painted on it. He chuckles. “Come on.”
He still keeps the drawing.
After another few days during which he pointedly asks Crowley for the most mundane stuff when Sam is around to show he’s not a goddamn monster, his brother appears to be relenting; but he only truly learns what it means to have a ghost on their side during another hunt, when a werewolf who just threw off Cas is about to rip Sam’s throat.
Because he suddenly throws his head back and yowls in pain, giving Sam time to scramble away and Dean to shoot him.
On the way home, Sam’s silent for a long time. Then, he says, “Thanks, Crowley.”
The lights go on and off three times.
“I agree” Dean says, and the world rights itself.
Over the next few months, Sam and Cas start to address Crowley randomly too.
“I don’t recognize that word” the angel explains one day when they’re working on a script in Ancient Greek, “but then, as you would say, it has been a while. Crowley, could you – “
He’s already scribbling down the translation.
On another occasion, Dean finds Sam in the library. “You looking for something?”
“I know there was this one book about Egypt spells, but – “
It falls down in front of Sam. “Thank you, Crowley.” He blinks. “Good God, I just realized I’ve gotten used to this.”
“Join the club” is all Dean replies.
And this seems to be the way things are, until they stumble across an old witch. She hasn’t done anything wrong, but Cas feels her powers on their trip through town, so they decide to check it out.
They didn’t realize how old she is.
Some of the pictures on her wall are drawings from Egypt, around three thousand years ago.
And because she’s so old, she has a few tricks up her sleeve.
Esmeralda (“Call me Esme”) has been nothing but friendly and even made them tea. Dean has put his notebook on the table out of pure habit by this point, but Crowley’s been remarkably silent.
Completely silent.
In fact...
“Oh don’t worry” Esme says, “I performed the spell while I was in the kitchen, he’s resting by now.”
And suddenly Dean knows exactly how Crowley felt that night because – because –
“Did you – you haven’t – “
God damnit, he’s a hunter, he’s not going to have a panic attack in some witch’s living room –
“Oh no – no dearie, of course not. I would never send him to Hell. He seems like such a sweetheart, and he’s so attached to all of you. I don’t think he realized what I was going to do, but honestly I didn’t even try to get in contact with him, because his wishes were rather clear.”
“His wishes? What – “
“Dean – “ Cas says, resting a hand on his arm. “Please, let her speak.”
“So he’s alright?” Sam asks at the same time.
“Oh yes. In fact, I think he’ll be a little bit more in a while... There are some perks to being the only witch who knew the ways of Ancient Egypt and there life after death spells...”
Dean has no idea what she even means, but he decides to wait. He can always put a bullet through her later.
It turns out to be the farthest from his mind when Crowley comes stumbling in from the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.
“Witches – all the same” he grumbles to himself. “Have to tell the boys that – “
“Crowley!?” Dean gets up an d walks over to him. “You made him visible?”
Esme actually looks scandalized. “What do you take me for? I’m not just a witch.”
Dean doesn’t understand until he’s close enough to realize –
Crowley is breathing.
He grabs his wrist.
“Squirrel, what? I’ve been trying for months to – “
“He has a pulse” Dean announces. “Crowley, you’re alive.”
“Human, of course, like his soul has been since he died” Esme says. “But I trust it’s enough.”
“Dean?” Sam asks, “Is that really him?”
“You bet” Dean replies while Crowley is busy figuring out how he came back to life and that now that he’s human, thanks are probably in order.
Sam nods. “Cas?”
“It’s as Esme says” he announces.
Thank God. Thank Esme. Whatever.
“We’ll have to clean out a room for you” he muses when they’re back in the Impala.
Like they did for Cas, months ago.
Crowley, who has until now been pretty silent, replies, “Oh how I’ll miss watching you sleep.”
“Dean doesn’t like that” Cas informs him.
“You really think I wasn’t aware?”
Dean catches Crowley’s eyes in the rear view mirror. Yep, still Crowley. Still a sarcastic bastard, still annoying, but human.
He finds he can live with that very well.
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Title: OK
Characters/pairings: Eileen Leahy x Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Word Count: 1560
Summary: What if Eileen had shown up at the bunker rather than run down by a hellhound?
A/N: This fic probably speaks for itself. I’m not ready to let go of Eileen as a character, nor am I ready to let go of Saileen as a ship. So… enjoy this unedited fluff and angst mess. I am not a person who is deaf or hard of hearing, but I did my best. Do, please, let me know if something isn’t right, though. Gif not mine, pulled from google images. 
Also, there may be a part 2. I have a few scenes I’d like to add to, but it might depend a bit on how season 12 ends next week. We will see. At least for now, here is this.
Warnings: fluff, angst, spoilers for season 12 through episode 21, canon-divergent from episode 21.
Tags: @illshakeyouallnightlong-dean, @winchestersnco, @mamaimpala, @squirels-angels-and-moose, @summer-binging-spn, ((if any of you guys would rather not be tagged in my stuff, please let me know! I promise its okay. ^u^)) As always, happy to add if anyone wants to be tagged in anything!
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When the boys heard knocking echo though the bunker, it was safe to say they were surprised. In part because knocking is so normal and nothing recently had been even close to “normal” about their lives. Also, because the only people who they would even think to expect was either Mary or Castiel, and neither one would have knocked.
Dean looks at Sam with raised eyebrows, but Sam just shrugs a shoulder and pushes his seat back from the table in the war room. He jogs up the stairs, Dean not far behind him, and heads to the front door. He only shares a brief glance with his bother before opening it.
The woman standing in front of him is perhaps the last person Sam expected to see. Her long, dark hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail, a few strands here and there pulled loose. Sam didn’t have to look at her long to tell the exhaustion that was etched into her dark eyes.
Relief tugs her mouth in a warm smile. “Hi, Sam.” Her gaze flickers between the brothers, her smile faltering just a little. “I guess you didn’t get my letter…”
Sam glances at his brother, who lifts a shoulder and shakes his head. He looks back at Eileen. “No, but uh… Come in. Please.” He offers a smile and grabs the small suitcase she had brought with her.
Dean carefully touches her shoulder as she comes in to get her attention. When she looks at him, he says, “Not that we’re not glad to see you, but we thought you were in Ireland.”
“I was,” she explains, a hesitance in her voice that caused the brothers to glance at one another. There were a lot of ways to describe Eileen, but hesitant wasn’t usually one of them. “I’m on the run.” She let out a breath. One that, had Sam not been paying attention, he might’ve missed the way it trembled slightly.
“From who?” Dean asks for the both of them since Eileen was looking at him.
Eileen swallows. “The Men of Letters.”
Sam stiffens slightly. It’s not that it surprised him. Mick had gone on and on about the “Code”, and all three of them knew that if the Code applied to Mick, it applied to the rest of the British Men of Letters. But Eileen was more than capable of taking care of herself. So if she was coming to them for help, things had to be worse than they had thought.
Eileen turns to Sam, her eyes wide with a fear that made Sam’s gut turn. “They bugged my home and my computer. Can I stay here? Just for a few days while I get things sorted out?”
“Of course,” Sam replies immediately. “As long as you need.”
“Thank you,” she says, signing it as well. Despite himself—despite how tired she looks, how urgent the situation that brought her here is—Sam can’t help but smile and feel a slight flutter in his stomach at the smile she gives him in return.
“S-A-M W-I-N-C-H-E-S-T-E-R.”
“You’re getting faster. You’ve been practicing.”
Dean is walking past the bunker’s library when he hears Eileen’s voice float out into the hallway. She had been there three days, already filled in the guys about what she had found out about how she’d been bugged and was pretty sure they were onto her during her time in Ireland. She’d told them in a diner after making sure they left their phones in the Impala. She was taking no chances that they hadn’t been bugged too, and neither of the Winchester boys could blame her after they heard her story.
Dean’s stride slows to the open entryway into the room to see Sam and Eileen sitting on the couch, angled towards each other. Sam’s back was to him, but he’d bet money that his brother is blushing.
“Ah, well…” Sam clears his throat, rubbing his hands on his jeans. “Dean and I both have. And uh, you’re a great teacher.”
Dean rolls his eyes. Smooth, man.
Both boys had picked up a few signs over the months from video chatting with Eileen, but Dean had no illusion that Sam both video chatted with her more frequently than Dean did, and that he put more behind-the-scenes work into learning sign language. From the knowing smile that tugs at the corner of Eileen’s lips, Dean is pretty sure that Eileen knows that too.
It’s Eileen’s scream that wakes Sam up, his blood running cold in the split second it takes for him to process the sound. In the next second, he’s kicked off the covers and is on his feet, grabbing the angel blade he had stashed in the drawer beside his bed and throwing open the door. Dean is in the hallway too, but Sam is closer to her door. It was right across from his room.
“Eileen?” he shouts, turning the knob and throwing his weight into the door. It flies open, slamming a wooden post into the leg of Eileen’s bed. She’d asked to set it up when she first moved in. She was scared. And no matter how much Sam and Dean both tried to assure her she was safe with them, she wanted to make sure that she woke up if someone came into her room. The light from the hallway was easy to turn off. A wooden post positioned just right so that opening the door pushed it into the bed and jolted the frame would be good enough, she said. Crude but effective. 
Sure enough, the huntress wakes with a start, her gasps coming fast and hard. Sam is across the room in three strides, kneeling by the side of the bed. “Hey,” he says softly, not even knowing that Dean checks the room to make sure it was just a nightmare, takes one look at his brother at her side, and then quietly leaves the room.
But Eileen doesn’t hear him and doesn’t see him, her eyes wide and terrified. As gently as he can—afraid he’ll only spook her more—Sam reaches or her hand, wrapped in a death-grip around her bed sheets.
She jumps at the contact, but when her gaze meets Sam’s, she releases a hard breath. Her eyes have the same thin sheen they had when she’d been upset she’d killed the British Man of Letters. “It’s okay,” Sam tries to say, but Eileen has averted her gaze. With the hand that Sam doesn’t have, she covers her face and takes in a hiccupping breath.
Sam sighs softly, his brow knitting together in concern. He brushes his thumb softly against her knuckles. She doesn’t react, but she doesn’t pull away either. So he gingerly turns her hand over in his so that her palm faces up. Her hands are worn and weathered—like every hunter’s—but Sam can’t help but feel like her hands are different than anyone else. She uses them in ways that Sam is doing his best to understand but he knows he has a long way to go.
Eileen’s hands have meaning etched deeply into every crease and scar.
So maybe—Sam thinks—they’re the best tool to help convey meaning back to her. In the palm of her hand, Sam takes his index finger and slowly traces “OK” over and over. He thinks he hears her breath catch faintly, but he keeps doing it, watching her carefully. He just…wants her to know that he’s there for her.
It takes a few times. Sam loses track, but he was never really counting in the first place. Eventually, Eileen pulls her face up out of her hand and runs her fingers through her dark, tangled hair. Her dark eyes look bigger than usual to Sam.
Her fingers slowly fold over the palm that Sam had been tracing in. She looks at her hand, still in Sam’s, and then back up at him. She brings the first up to her chest and rubs a circle. I’m sorry. She glances down, her face a little red but in the dim lighting Sam can’t tell if it’s because she’d been crying or because she was embarrassed.
Sam carefully—askingly—nudges her chin up to look at him. He shakes his head. “Don’t be,” he says, knowing Eileen can read his lips. When he tries to pull her in for a hug, she leans into him, her face pressed against the thin cotton shirt. Sam wonders in the back of his mind if she can feel just how hard his heart it beating.
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anelegyperhaps · 7 years
tagged by @jayenator565
A - age: 24
B - biggest fear: being alone
C - current time: 11:34
D - drink you last had: diet coke
E - every day starts with: wake up, check my email, brush my teeth and get ready for work, take the bus
F - favorite song:  Cosmic Love - Florence and the Machine
G - ghosts, are they real: no, despite what @lyook tries to make me believe
H - hometown: trick question, it’s a city
I - in love with: @lyook unfortuantely
J - jealous of: people who raise one eyebrow
K - killed someone: I’m too Canadian for that. Here we just refuse to hold the door open.
L - last time you cried: the other day
M - middle name: Danielle
N - number of siblings: 1 sister
O - one wish: that I could see my girlfriend’s face...whatever it looks like...I don’t even know anymore
P - person you last called/texted: my mom
Q - questions you’re always asked: “Ohhh, you’re in psyhcology... can you explain my friend does this thing...” “How tall are you?”
R - reasons to smile: @lyook , crazy science, good food, and diet coke
S - song last sang: Despacito
T - time you woke up: I never went to sleep
U - underwear color: white
V - vacation destination: West Virginia
W - worst habit: being nocturnal
X - x-rays you’ve had: dental x-ray
Y - your favorite food:  anything with a potato, eclairs, chocolate cake, moose tracks ice cream, chicken balls and mashed potatoes
Z - zodiac sign: scorpio
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hotairballoon221 · 7 years
Dutch: Animals
A list of animals, from A to Z! (Warning: long post)
Other useful Dutch posts: Beginner’s guide: Dutch Beginner’s guide: Dutch (Part II) Dutch School Vocabulary
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Aardvark - Aardvarken
Albatross - Albatros
Alligator - Alligator
Alpaca - Alpaca
Ant - Mier
Anteater - Miereneter
Antelope - Antilope
Ape - Aap
Armadillo - Gordeldier
Baboon - Baviaan
Badger - Das
Bat - Vleermuis
Bear - Beer
Beaver - Bever
Bee - Bij
Bird - Vogel
Bison - Bison
Buffalo - Buffalo
Butterfly - Vlinder
Camel - Kameel
Cat - Kat
Caterpillar - Rups
Cattle - Vee
Cheetah - Cheetah
Chicken - Kip
Chimpanzee - Chimpanzee
Chinchilla - Chinchilla
Cockroach - Kakkerlak
Cod - Kabeljauw
Coyote - Coyote
Crab - Krab
Crane - Kraanvogel
Crocodile - Krokodil
Crow - Kraai
Deer - Hert
Dinosaur - Dinosaurus
Dog - Hond
Dolphin - Dolfijn
Donkey - Ezel
Dove - Duif
Dragonfly - Libelle
Duck - Eend
Eagle - Arend
Eel - Aal
Eland - Eland
Elephant - Olifant
Elephant seal - Zeeolifant
Emu - Emoe
Falcon - Valk
Ferret - Fret
Finch - Vink
Fish - Vis
Flamingo - Flamingo
Fly - Vlieg
Fox - Vos
Frog - Kikker
Gazelle - Gazelle
Giant panda - Reuzenpanda
Gnu - Gnoe
Goat - Geit
Goldfish - Goudvis
Goose - Gans
Gorilla - Gorilla
Grasshopper - Sprinkhaan
Guinea pig - Cavia
Gull - Meeuw
Hamster - Hamster
Hare - Haas
Hawk - Havik
Hedgehog - Egel
Heron - Reiger
Hippopotamus - Nijlpaard
Hornet - Horzel
Horse - Paard
Hummingbird - Kolibrie
Hyena - Hyena
Ibex - Steenbok
Insect - Insect
Impala - Impala
Jaguar - Jaguar
Jellyfish - Kwal
Jackal - Jakhals
Kangaroo - Kangoeroe
Kiwi - Kiwi
Koala - Koala
Komodo dragon - Komodovaraan
Lion - Leeuw
Ladybird - Lieveheersbeestje
Leopard - Luipaard
Llama - Lama
Lobster - Kreeft
Lizard - Hagedis
Lynx - Linx
Moth - Mot
Mouse - Muis 
Monkey - Aap
Manatee - Zeekoe
Mule - Muilezel
Moose - Eland
Mosquito - Mug
Narwhal - Narwal
Nightingale - Nachtegaal
Newt - Watersalamander
Octopus - Oktopus 
Otter - Otter
Orang-utan - Oerang-oetang
Oyster - Oester
Opossum - Buidelrat
Okapi - Okapi
Panther - Panter
Parrot - Papegaai
Peacock - Pauw
Pelican - Pelikaan
Penguin - Penguïn
Pheasant - Fazant 
Pig - Varken
Piranha - Pirana
Quail - Kwartel
Rabbit - Konijn
Raccoon - Wasbeer
Rat - Rat
Ram - Ram
Raven - Raaf
Rhinoceros - Neushoorn
Reindeer - Rendier
Rattlesnake - Ratelslang
Sabre-toothed tiger - Sabeltandtijger
Salamander - Salamander
Scorpion - Schorpioen
Snake - Slang
Sea turtle - Zeeschildpad
Seal - Zeehond
Sheep - Schaap
Seahorse - Zeepaard
Shrimp - Garnaal
Snail - Slak
Sloth - Luiaard
Skunk - Stinkdier
Sparrow - Mus
Stingray - Rog
Squirrel - Eekhoorn
Starfish - Zeester
Swan - Zwaan
Salmon - Zalm
Shark - Haai
Spider - Spin
Tiger - Tijger
Tortoise - Schildpad
Turtle - Schildpad
Toucan - Toekan
Turkey - Kalkoen
Tree frog - Boomschildpad
Toad - Pad
Vulture - Gier
Wasp - Wesp
Weasel - Wezel
Walrus - Walrus
Whale - Walvis
Wolf - Wolf
Yak - Yak
Zebra - Zebra
Zebu - Zeboe
Ready to go to the zoo in Belgium or the Netherlands? x Tamara
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