#Quora success
in light of a second migration to this site i just need to speak my truth which is that harrow is a redditor gideon is a twitter user and ianthe is a tumblrina hope this helps
#coronabeth is an instagram influencer obviously#and babs is a tiktok one they collab#camilla is like that one user on that math forum who posts answers to insane equations no one can solve without a proof to explain how#palamedes meanwhile is a quora/yahoo answers (rip) certified expert who gives helpful and detailed answers to everything#slash ao3 writer on the side#i know we all see john as a twitch streamer but i think he's most like a discord mod#wait lowkey that's mercy but i want to give them all unique sites so. ok fine john is the streamer and mercy is his insufferable twitch mod#pyrrha stars in like a woodworking/survivalist skill youtube channel that's filmed and run by nona#who is always giving encouraging commentary from behind the camera she just wants everyone to see how awesome her dadmom is#abigail has a channel where she talks about famous historical events or like analyzes media based on historical accuracy#magnus pops into frame as her every now and then bringing her tea or asking a question. she doesn't edit him out bc the fans love him#augustine is a podcaster. the WORST kind#isaac and jeannemary run a gaming channel where they play the same games as jod and bully him online#one day magnus pops in during a livestream. they are embarrassed but the few crossover fans from abi's channel start going crazy in the chat#judith would just like. write a memoir i think#one of those with a super patriotic portrait on the cover#dulcinea is also an ao3 author she and pal do fic exchanges and she's also like a cool fanartist idk on what platform. maybe here#silas has a girl defined channel or he's one of those people who spends all their time arguing in facebook comments#mercy would also be that person considering she literally references that one church lady. her neuroticism is just peak overly online person#oh oh nona and the gang also get pyrrha to do sexy tiktok dances for her channel they are highly successful#god i haven't even gotten into the BoE characters this cast is so fucking large i'm stopping here#the way i was literally just going to add one tag to this and then i couldn't stop lol anyways we have fun here#tlt#the locked tomb#ntn spoilers#nona spoilers#nona the ninth spoilers#tlt spoilers#the locked tomb spoilers#(just in case bc of a few tags)
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The Strategic Move: ILLUMINATION Community’s Commercial Arm for Charitable Success
The ILLUMINATION publications have been providing full free service to all community members, now made up of 32,000+ freelance writers globally through our volunteer workforce on Medium.com since March 2020. It has been an absolute pleasure for our team o
Discover the Strategic Benefits and Impact on Our Nonprofit Mission and Join Our Exciting Journey for Freelance Writers Globally Dear Writers and Readers,  Medium is a wonderful community and now we are integrating and enhancing its value it with Substack community to give a competitive advantage to our writers and delight our readers better with new synergistic input. Collaboration for writers…
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baburajasblog · 11 months
Good Habits for Students: How Top Students Learn?/How do top students studies?
Good Habits for Students: How Top Students Learn?/How do top students studies?
______ Babu Raja
Introduction :10 Good Habits For Student 
How To Sudent Learn?We've all had those moments in school or college when we wonder what that one student is doing to consistently come out on top. We question why our hard work doesn't seem to yield the same results. This feeling is common among students worldwide, leading academic researcher Douglas Barton to explore this phenomenon. His research has uncovered key practices that set high-achieving students apart from the rest. In this article, we'll delve into these habits and explore how they can benefit any student, regardless of their IQ.how do top medical students study?
1. Creating a Study Plan
How to get more out of your studies & Boost Your Grade ?
The first habit that distinguishes top students is their ability to create a well-thought-out study plan. While this may seem obvious, it's surprising how many students overlook this crucial step. Properly planning for success is essential. how do top students study reddit?When you have a study plan, you have a roadmap for your academic journey. It ensures that you cover all the necessary topics and allocate time effectively.
2. Taking Study Breaks
Taking study breaks might not sound like a groundbreaking tip, but it's vital for effective learning. Breaks help refresh your mind, prevent burnout, and enhance retention. Top students understand the importance of balance in their study routine. They incorporate short breaks to keep their minds sharp and focused.
3. Building Their Own Study Notes
Creating personalized study notes is a habit that sets top students apart. Instead of relying solely on textbooks or class notes, they take the time to summarize and condense information in their own words. This practice enhances comprehension and makes revising more efficient.
How to Get more out of your studies & Boost your Grade?
4. Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep is often sacrificed by students who cram for exams, but top students know better. A well-rested mind is more alert, focused, and capable of retaining information. Getting sufficient sleep is essential for optimal cognitive performance.
5. Asking Questions
Top students aren't afraid to ask questions when they're unsure. Asking for clarification or seeking help when needed is a sign of intelligence, not weakness. It shows that you're actively engaged in your learning and committed to understanding the material.
6. Testing Themselves Regularly......
Read More Information? Plz CLICK HERE
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neudollaragency · 1 year
New Faceless YouTube Channel Idea With Ai | Free Text to Video
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i-love-your-light · 10 months
too many thoughts on the new hbomberguy video not to put them anywhere so:
with every app trying to turn into the clock app these days by feeding you endless short form content, *how many* pieces of misinformation does the average person consume day to day?? thinking a lot about how tons of people on social media go largely unquestioned about the information they provide just because they speak confidently into the camera. if you're scrolling through hundreds of pieces of content a day, how many are you realistically going to have the time and will to check? i think there's an unfortunate subconscious bias in liberal and leftist spaces that misinformation is something that is done only by the right, but it's a bipartisan issue babey. everybody's got their own agendas, even if they're on "your side". *insert you are not immune to propaganda garfield meme*
and speaking of fact checking, can't help but think about how much the current state of search engines Sucks So Bad right now. not that this excuses ANY of the misinformation at all, but i think it provides further context as to why these things become so prevalent in creators who become quick-turnaround-content-farms and cut corners when it comes to researching. when i was in high school and learning how to research and cite sources, google was a whole different landscape that was relatively easy to navigate. nowadays a search might give you an ad, a fake news article, somebody's random blog, a quora question, and another ad before actually giving you a relevant verifiable source. i was googling a question about 1920s technology the other day (for a fanfiction im writing lmao) and the VERY FIRST RESULT google gave me was some random fifth grader's school assignment on the topic???? like?????? WHAT????? it just makes it even harder for people to fact-check misinformation too.
going off the point of cutting corners when it comes to creating content, i can't help but think about capitalism's looming influence over all of this too. again, not as an excuse at all but just as further environmental context (because i really believe the takeaway shouldn't be "wow look how bad this one individual guy is" but rather "wow this is one specific example of a much larger systemic issue that is more pervasive than we realize"). a natural consequence of the inhumanity of capitalism is that people feel as if they have to step on or over eachother to get to 'the top'. if everybody is on this individualistic american dream race to success, everyone else around you just looks like collateral. of course then you're going to take shortcuts, and you're going to swindle labor and intellectual property from others, because your primary motivation is accruing capital (financial or social) over ethics or actual labor.
i've been thinking about this in relation to AI as well, and the notion that some people want to Be Artists without Doing Art. they want to Have Done Art but not labor through the process. to present something shiny to the world and benefit off of it. they don't want to go through the actual process of creating, they just want a product. Easy money. Winning the game of capitalism.
i can't even fully fault this mentality- as someone who has been struggling making barely minimum wage from art in one of the most expensive cities in america for the past two years, i can't say that i haven't been tempted on really difficult occasions to act in ways that would be morally bad but would give me a reprieve from the constant stress cycle of "how am i going to pay for my own survival for another month". the difference is i don't give in to those impulses.
tl;dr i hope that people realize that instead of this just being a time to dogpile on one guy (or a few people), that it's actually about a larger systemic problem, and the perfect breeding grounds society has created for this kind of behavior to largely go unchecked!!!
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guardianspirits13 · 1 year
Genuine shoutout to all the unsung internet volunteers- Wikipedia writers, subtitle and closed caption transcribers, alt text and image captioners, people who answer those super specific reddit and quora requests, people who share code to get past paywalls and links to alternative programs.
Y'all are the real heroes and I owe so much of my academic, professional, and leisure success to you <3
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astralarchilocus · 1 year
I’m not normally the type to go on lengthy rants about stuff, but this shit has been frustrating me for such a long period of time that I need to get it off my chest. Biology based misinformation has always been widespread and problematic, but we’re entering a new era of this shit that’s reaching a whole new level of awful. “Pandas and koalas are evolutionary failures!” this, “honey badgers are immortal gods that fight whole lion prides and win” that, it’s all the same bullshit with the exact same set of origins. Carnivora fuckos, TierZoo, NatureIsMetal, Quora, etc. They’re all vile awesomebros or awesomebro infested hellscapes that have managed to successfully misinform a legitimately terrifyingly high amount of people. It’s actually horrifying that you often can’t talk about a lot of these animals without people immediately regurgitating awesomebro tripe straight at your face.
“But is this even a problem, Comet? It just seems like something you’ve been overexposed to because of you being a biology person above all else.” Yes it is, and it’s an enormous one at that! Such a rapid circulation of misinformation like this on such a scale is going to have cascading impacts on the general knowledge around animals and a lot of public perception around biology. And it’s likely going to pose a very legitimate threat to the conservation of a lot of animals. Remember how Jaws worsened already present stigma and misinformation present around sharks, and added to something that became so intense that it actually became a very serious threat to them as a whole? And that Jaws is a fictional story at the end of the day, and still managed to cause such immense misinformation in spite of that? This is literally that situation but with a much wider impact on animals as a whole (given that this insanity applies to animals in general instead of just one specific group), and with the misinformation being much more widely believed to be correct due to it not originating directly from a fictional book and film. Bit of a gross oversimplification, but it’s extremely bad. A prominent example of why this is such a big problem is the situation with cheetahs, who are literally only struggling because of issues (habitat loss and the accompanying population fragmentation and inbreeding) we caused, but are constantly being lambasted as evolutionary failures essentially solely because of the “horribly low hunting success” misconception and the fact they can’t fight predators that either outweigh them considerably, are social, or both, and that cheetahs literally cope fine with kleptoparasitism and just up the amount of kills they make in response to it with pretty little difficulty, on top of generally having the second highest hunting success rate among large-ish African mammalian carnivores. Cheetahs are getting all of their value as a species determined by whether they can fight other carnivores or not, and people try to sneakily obscure that fact by using the actually legitimate inbreeding issue as a strawman to support the “cheetahs are getting outcompeted and would go extinct anyways” bullshit. And this is all going to make conservation efforts to try and protect or save them that much more troublesome, because few are going to bother paying funds for something they deem a useless evolutionary failure. And getting the funds for such conservation efforts is difficult enough as is even without that being considered. Combine that with the fact that said conservation efforts are effectively useless at stopping or at least weakening the actual problems without enough funding to properly financially support such things, and I think it’s abundantly clear how much of a cascading impact this has on everything. And as said earlier, this isn’t only applying to cheetahs, but to so many other animals as well. We are entering what could legitimately turn into a dark age regarding biology stuff, and it is terrifying how omnipresent this shit is becoming. The misinformation is so widespread and commonplace among people currently that it’s almost definitely impossible to properly reverse by now, but that doesn’t mean we should just give up. Now more than ever, we need to fight back against this shit and keep it from getting even worse.
Oh, and to add insult to injury, there is a very strong correlation between awesomebros and bigotry, and most of the stuff just talked about almost definitely has inherent roots in anthropocentrism, general human bias, the aforementioned bigotry, etc. And if fighting back against bigotry isn’t enough of an additional motivator to fight back against this shit, I don’t know what is at this point.
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lemonhemlock · 4 months
What if Queen Jaehaera had lived?
You know, the second reply from Quora user Shadi Barham had me with the "functionally identical" role Jaehaera and Daenaera have, but then lost me with this little pearl of wisdom:
Remember, in addition to Daeron and Baelor, Aegon and now Jaehaera still have three more daughters, who were locked in the Maidenvault, that got passed over for Viserys. Well now with them being the daughters of Jaehaera, it’s likely their claims would receive much more consideration, since they are after all, the products of joining the Black and Green Factions… But legally speaking, without Daemon being trueborn, Viserys would be the legal heir to the throne….
Absolutely not, lol. Viserys does not have a claim over his nieces, he is an usurper. Andal Law functions based on a simpler rule: "a daughter comes before an uncle". Daena, Rhaena and Elaena do not magically have a greater claim depending on who their mother is. The fact that they are the remaining children of the former King is enough.
The last comment I highlighted takes the cake - had Daemon been "trueborn", it means that Aegon IV and Daena would have been married, with Daena the ruling monarch. This is a misunderstanding of the Rhaenys-Laenor situation (it seems that GRRM really did manage to muddle how succession works in the minds of his readers), because, while Rhaenys was the legal heir by Andal Law, the fact of the matter was that the ruling King (Jaehaerys) placed her in a position where people were asked to vote for her. A Great Council is an entirely separate way of settling the succession, it implies that there are several candidates (who can surely present their claims and "manifestos"), but, at the end of the day, the electors pick whoever they want based on whichever reasoning they want. They may just pick because they like someone's outfit, it truly is irrelevant - but of course they would vote based on their own affinities, biases and interests. So, in that situation, it would make sense for Rhaenys to place her son forth in the hopes that the misogynistic lords would be willing to cast a vote for her faction if they had the confirmation that a man would be in charge, sooner or later.
But that doesn't mean that Jaehaerys didn't manipulate the laws of succession to pass over a female claimant and it doesn't mean that the precedents he created with his abuses prohibited female inheritors from then on. We still have female heirs even in the post-Rhaenyra / Jaehaera / Daena world, following the same basic rules of the eldest daughter inheriting in the absence of brothers and the daughter inheriting before uncles - Cersei Lannister being the prime example! It may have escaped readers' notice, but it is she who is styled the Lady of Casterly Rock after Tywin's death, not Jaime (Kingsguard) or Tyrion (patricide) or any of her many uncles or cousins.
Anyway, I maintain that killing off Jaehaera was unnecessary and that the behaviour of Aegon III's children makes more sense in the context of having two very depressed and traumatised parents. More so, Baelon's, Rhaena's and Naerys'* devotion to the Faith can be more easily understood as having been influenced by a mother / aunt who turned to religion in order to cope. Hell, even Aemon being willing to dedicate himself to a life of servitude could have been traced back to Jaehaera's influence, since Larra Rogare was essentially absent for a large part of her children's lives and, thus, the only mother figure left in the family was Aegon III's wife.
*quite a lot of family members within the same generation, don't you think? for this religious extremism to have appeared so randomly
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kremlin · 6 months
i thought quora might be fun in a non-trolling way (weird & pls dont give me shit about this) but there's nothing there. the site is 99% ads and unrelated content by weight and nearly every top answer is chat's gpt + wrong. im sure this fail website will be a spectacular success until it isnt + chapter 7 + lowlife MBAs buy new sports car (really small penis)
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
I’m relatively new to the fandom and have really enjoyed a lot of your posts… I have a question that I couldn’t quickly find an answer to in searching through your tags…
What’s the deal with streaming? Like, I listen to BTS. I enjoy them a lot, I listen to a pretty even mix of all their albums though I probably like MOTS:7 era the best). Some days I listen to them like all day lol (if I’m cleaning the house or something) and I listen to them a lot in the car or while working. I’ve enjoyed some solo releases more than others so I naturally streamed those more. but like the more I start following accounts on here and on army twt the more confused I get about the intense pressure to stream constantly? I’ve heard that people play certain songs (or albums I guess?) on repeat on mute and/or have dedicated streaming devices they keep going all the time.
Not to be negative or rude at all but like…what? Maybe because I’m new to KPop and have never followed it until BTS but that just sounds so weird and… idk the word, maybe disingenuous? Again I do not mean this as an attack I am just genuinely confused. Wouldn’t BTS themselves want us only to listen if we were actually enjoying it and not out of some competitive attempt to get better ratings? It feels so odd to me, like that is not how I would behave with any other artist that I love. I would only ever listen to them out of a genuine desire to hear their music. But there seems to be so much weird shaming out there for when/if songs are not streamed heavily enough? And for any other artist I would just write that off as a difference in taste among the fandom, but here it’s treated like a personal wrong against the artist…?
But as I say that I’m sure there’s more to it… I have definitely seen people talking about payola or chart manipulation so idk. If I should google this instead, just tell me to, I just have already tried and didn’t find that much clarity, just a bunch of people on quora and Reddit talking about certain songs not getting streamed enough.
Anyways this is super long, sorry if it annoys you. Just thought you seemed knowledgeable and levelheaded enough to ask? Love your posts. All the best.
Ask 2:
Okay wait I’m the anon that just asked about streaming and I went and re-read your post about “inorganic success” — I had read it before but somehow I didn’t put together that the 24-7 streaming is an attempt to combat payola or like go up against it I guess. Okay. That makes more sense. I still feel like there’s a weird focus on charting but I guess if it’s about getting more concert venues and more radio play it makes sense.
You can ignore my last ask then I’m sorry if I’m being dense or something lol.
You haven’t at all asked a stupid question. Your confusion is easily explained by you being new to k-pop, and everyone new to this madhouse asks this question eventually. I’ve talked about this before, but can’t find the post for the life of me so I’ll briefly go over it again.
First, you need to understand what k-pop is. K-pop is a system that gamifies music consumption. Competition is something you’ll see in the music industry regardless. Western stans such as Arianators, Barbz, and the Beyhive have organized around streaming goals and efforts for at least 10 years now. But there’s no other music industry that explicitly emphasizes competition among groups and fans, the way the k-pop industry does.
Competition is baked into its DNA:
From the idol training system under agencies with supposed specialities that are treated like warring houses a la Game of Thrones (a mentality created by the Big 3),
to the music shows where fans are encouraged to vote daily and weekly for the best artists and where wins are tied to streaming numbers,
to the highly publicized year-end award show criteria that outline key metrics for wins in streams, sales, and fan votes.
Basically, the k-pop industry creates a clear hierarchy of talent and acclaim for artists in their system, directly stokes fan participation in buying into that hierarchy, and the numbers are the easiest litmus test/short cut to settle the question of who is at the top.
And all of this is served with a cocktail of parasocial delusion and entitlement that has (more easily manipulated) fans thinking their perceived investment into their faves, earns them the right to micromanage their fave idols’ careers. All of this benefits the labels and industry because they’d rather have you more engaged (even if toxically), than not.
Everybody here buys into this system despite what they’ll tell you, some just manage to keep their wits and perspective to prevent getting sucked in, while others fall headfirst into it.
And so, like I said in my ‘inorganic success’ post you referenced, the focus on streaming is part of fans really just playing the game. Excess is something you’ll see on the charts in any case, whether in k-pop or in the West.
The difference with BTS and ARMYs however, is in the why of how the fandom streams. Essentially, you’re more likely to find people just as passionate about the music itself as they are about giving that music its due in hard numbers and consequently, recognition. You’re more likely to find fans like this in the ARMY fandom, than any other, in my opinion. Some people forget that the og ARMYs were k-pop fans first. They were fans who intimately understood how this system worked, they understood why the Big3 maintained dominance in k-pop for literal decades, and they saw the worth in the music BTS made, loved it enough to invest time into the playing the game better than anyone else at the time - pushing BTS from nugu status to where they are now, competing well outside the realm of the k-pop system but in a space that remains complex and highly competitive.
Another aspect that differentiates how ARMYs stream vs other k-pop fandoms, is that due to the sheer size of the fandom in absolute numbers, the average ARMY typically streams less than a typical k-pop stan. Basically, in other fandoms the typical stan has to stream more per person to have even a fraction of the gains seen in the ARMY fandom. ARMYs also aren’t doing anything other fandoms aren’t doing, it’s just that so far, they’re more efficient at it and don’t have to worry too much because BTS makes music that keeps attracting more fans, adding to the size of the fandom. They’ve also generally stayed away from more illegal methods given the intense scrutiny and animosity the fandom has faced for being part of the reason BTS upended the ordained hierarchy in this space. It sounds silly but it’s true.
But that’s only one side of the story. The other side is that in the fandom, everybody here really just does what they want. And many people genuinely enjoy listening to BTS that much and that intensely. Going by personal experience in what I observed before I became ARMY, I noticed that many ARMYs are Type A and organized - people who like and study data. The first time in my life that I saw someone create a spreadsheet for fan theories on a k-pop MV, was when an ARMY made one for I NEED U MV. I’m not sure what it is about BTS, but from the beginning they’ve attracted the sort of fans who genuinely enjoy listening to music often, people who enjoy creating and playing around with playlists, and people who track and measure applicable data. So your assumption that the people who stream like this are people who don’t actually enjoy the music, is wrong. In my opinion. For a lot of ARMYs, streaming and appreciating the music isn’t mutually exclusive.
Personally, I listen to music a lot. And I’ve always been that way, so when I became ARMY, I just sort of naturally fit into that culture. The sort of music BTS makes is a joy to listen to, I play their stuff literally everyday and it feels like the most normal thing in the world for me to sleep to Serendipity sometimes (in my sleep playlist which includes brown noise and rain sounds), or to do laundry to Let Me Know playing, or to drive to UGH and Set Me Free Pt 2 playing. I have multiple accounts because I listen to all kinds of music all the time, and it’s just convenient for me to have things set up such that I can flip on a playlist in every situation I’d want one on.
But like I said, the reality is that everyone in this fandom does what they want. It’s true there are certain people in the fandom who obsess over streaming, these are typically chartmys and akgaes, but most other people stream however they like. Fandom in general is a pressure cooker environment so I don’t blame you for noticing that pressure, but at the end of the day you really should just do what makes the most sense to you.
ARMYs generally recognize the reality of the space they are in, they recognize what it means for BTS, and most simply tweak their normal listening habits to maximize the gain and support to BTS. Plus sometimes it’s fun to play into fandom’s initiatives as a way to connect with other fans (such as in streaming parties).
I ended up rambling but let me know if this answered your question.
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sgiandubh · 5 months
May bank holiday for schools is generally the same throughout various council areas , except for private schools one of which her son attends, so her IGS was correct.
Dear Bank Holiday Anon,
There is usually not one, but two bank holidays in May, in the UK. Also, Scotland's term dates are usually not the same as in England and Wales.
I have checked both with Quora and some private Scottish schools' websites themselves. I do not know which one he attends: I am not a stalker, nor a data miner - are you? - and I do not have inside information, either - do you? I just wanted to give you an answer as accurate as possible.
It is absolutely true that, as a general rule of thumb, private schools are not bound by public authorities' set term dates. However, bank holidays are generally observed, for obvious practical reasons.
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Independent school means 'private school', by the way.
I then took the example of a private, Catholic school in Stirling: Saint Ninian's Primary School (https://sites.google.com/stirlingschools.net/st-ninians-primary/).
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And also of a private school in Glasgow, Hutchesons’ Grammar School (https://www.hutchesons.org/). One of the best in Scotland, actually:
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Your ask is legit, though, Anon and I shall always stand corrected, if you come back and prove me wrong with facts. No problem with me in this regard - just so you know.
PS: I went to a private school myself, for six years before leaving for university. We had to follow the French curriculum and term dates for the Bas-Rhin/Strasbourg School Zone, to which we were attached (in France, there are three different School Zones, with different term dates!) However, we always observed French and Romanian bank holidays. Always. I even sat on the school's board as a student elected representative and I remember the kerfuffle about all this was even worse than allowing optional Bible classes (I was very proudly vocal and successful against it, France being France even overseas).
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[Jimmy Sime - Toffs and Toughs, 1937]
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butter-fly-eff-ect · 2 months
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okay this is my first post since that failed attempt last month BUT SHE HAS GLASSES!! queen just dropped
seriously though i've been waiting for odette since i heard her name and that hair did NOT disappoint (brady daniels we're waiting on you). so um let's go into what the three of hearts symbolizes (i've never done this in my life). please note that this is not an analysis but an information dump because i can't predict things to save my life. i WILL be reblogging this to yap about parallels after i read tgg.
In Cartomancy, three always symbolizes expansion and growth, while the Heart suite symbolizes relationships, creativity, and emotional attachment. Putting that all together, the Three of Hearts represents expanding relationships, success in creative endeavors, and can potentially symbolize a love triangle. Unsure how this plays into Odette's character, but do with this information what you will. My reference sources are Quora, keen.com, and my mother.
I was going to step away from cartomancy and try from a more biblical perspective (after what happened in TFG with the prodigal son), but I don't feel that it's my place to talk about it. It'd be cool to see someone take a jab at it, though. Anyway, that's my paragraph about Odette Morales GOD BLESS JENNIFER LYNN BARNES AND MAY FIVE MORE DAYS PASS QUICKLYY
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stormyy-bluezz01 · 3 months
{{Copy paste from Quora from a user named Ronith Murala}}
I can give you the complete ending as per the Doraemon manga comic.After the outrage of pessimist ending, Nobuo-Sato derived this ending.
Actually, one day, when Nobita returns from school, on his way, as usual, he gets beaten-up by Gian. He then runs to home to ask a gadget from Doraemon so that he can take revenge on him. But when he enters hi room, he finds Doraemon lying unconscious on the floor. He then tries a lot to wake him up, but fails. Finally, he takes out time-television from his pocket and contacts Doraemi. After examining his brother, Doraemi exclaims that his battery had failed and had only two options. One is that taking him to robotic technician in 22nd century who will replace his battery and thus resulting complete memory-loss or else waiting until a competent robotic technician develops a perfect battery for him without any memory loss. Nobita chooses second one. He then completely changes and told his friends a lie that Doraemon went back to 22nd century.He start studying well and becomes determined to become a Successful robotic A.I. Scientist.
The story dates to future where all the friends are graduates. On the last day of their graduation, Dekisugi who is madly in love with Shizuka proposes her. But she eventually rejects him saying that she needs time and permission from her father. Gian is a successful businessman now and Suneo is the president of Honekawa company which manufactures many automobiles. But Nobita is a scientist but still a part of madness and innocent behaviour rests with him. He usually do a lot of silly things which made shizukha to like him and she eventually accepts his proposal rejecting Dekisugi’s.
The night before wedding, Nobita, Shizukha, Gian and Suneo do an adventure in reaching airport on time to handle Mii-chan, a cat to her owner who is leaving abroad. Finally, they make on time and after watching the owner-pet love, Shizukha rememebers her father who gifted a dog Peru on her first birthday. That night, Gian, Suneo , Nobita and Dekisugi had a joyful dinner at Gian’s home and Jeiko served them. Later on, On his way home, Nobita met his teacher and he questioned about his sudden change in attitude.Then he answered that change comes in everyone but it only depends on time.
At the same time, in Shizukha’s home, she helped her mother and went to her ill-health and old father’s room and then she questioned her father whether her decision to marry Nobita is correct or not. Then his father told, “The day when you are born to us, we felt blessed. You gave all the joy to both me and your mother. But now I am proud of you for taking such a best decision. Nobita may be innocent and mischievous but he is one of the kind-hearted and good determined person. I am sure he will make you happy”.
On the day of their wedding, Everyone visited and blessed them. Even Dekisugi arrived with his future wife, a scientist. And they married happily. After few days, when Shizukha entered Nobita’s room to hand coffee, then she saw Nobita repairing something. And finally he exclaimed “I did it”. Then the robot woke up and asked “Nobita, Did you complete your homework ?” Tears filled in both of their eyes and they both hugged Doraemon tightly and then Nobita narrated everything. Thereafter, they lived happily. Nobita and Shizukha used to go for work where as Doraemon takes care of their son Nobisuke.
the part where doraemon asked him about his homework really got me-
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hana-bobo-finch · 1 month
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