#Quin's Journal
shining-vulpine · 4 months
I would love to digitally journal. Being able to put any picture I want into a journal would be incredible! However the vibe and ease of a paper notebook will never compare.
Unless they make a device specifically for Journaling or something...
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beekindac · 10 months
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I thought it would be fun to use limited color palettes based on the big Daniel Smith dot cards. These were the more pinkish quin colors and quin. gold. I can't remember where this idea came from, but it was fun to see how Daniel Smith paints turned out in my art journal.
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quinloki · 6 months
Hi Quin! How you doing? What's NaNo? Please excuse the ignorance, oh! Also will you do a vikingMarco shot? Another idea that got rent free in this brain and i blame you! hehehe (just kidding lots of hugs and good things for you)
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I might have to do a Viking mini-story or something at some point. Or a re-write of 13th Warriors with a One Piece cast cause I love both so much.
Ah, NaNo is NaNoWriMo - which is National Novel Writing Month, and it's a challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days. I forget when it got started, but I did it last year and the year before.
The best part is that you can write 50,000 words of whatever, a single story, short stories, poetry, journaling, etc. the point is to write 50k words, nothing more, nothing less.
I want to write 100k this coming November, I tried for it last November, but work was unexpectedly busy and honestly November in to December was completely awful for me, so I needed to cut myself a break.
Still, I think I can do it.
And the idea isn't to write 50,000 perfect words, the idea is to just bang out a draft and move on. It's good to prep a bit before the month starts. =3
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frostedlemonwriter · 6 months
The Voice In The Wires - New WIP Intro
Genre: Cyberpunk-Horror
Backstory: Shortly after a gifted, but troubled, high school senior--Rachel--kills herself. The junior--Danika--she tutored begins to received text messages and DMs from someone who claims to be the dead student. At first Danika calls it off as someone playing a bad prank. Yet after she finds out other students she tutored received similar messages, Danika delves deep to find who would do such a thing.
Only to find herself going down a rabbit hole that leads to experimental nano-drugs, corporate cover-ups, and a young woman who discovers an ability to directly connect to the internet--where the vengeful spirit of Rachel dwells.
Main Characters
Danika Quin: A bisexual high school junior with few friends, a cat named Neko, and an inquisitive mind. Not particularly gifted in school or athletics. Plays dungeons and dragons on the weekends. Loves anime, and has a crush on the new foreign exchange student.
Rachel Goldsmith: A gifted high school senior who has never failed at anything in life--at least academically. Despite a full scholarship to the University of Washington. She lost out on an opportunity for a prestigious internship over the summer at Pharma-Tek Corp. Constant bullying from a particular Stacey. As well as a growing mental illness she had hidden from everyone outside of her family. Finds herself standing at the edge of a very tall building.
Amber Quin: Danika's older sister, a sophomore at University of Washington for English and Journalism helps Danika in her investigation. Spends too much time buried in her own work that she can't see the forest from the trees sometimes.
William and Sally Quin: Both doctors and rarely home. Oblivious to their daughters' lives, but good-natured, well-intentions.
Emily Goldsmith: Single mother, lawyer, and with the stubbornness of a bull.
There's a few others as well! I am already halfway through a chapter and hope to have several more done soon!
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ras3quin · 1 year
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“I don’t know if she could see Loki, but whenever I saw the thestral get close to her, it seemed as though she could feel his presence.”
So I am writing a sort of fanfic that takes place after the events of the bad ending and kinda also gives a bit of info about my two MCs, Quin and Noé. (And a friend’s mc Corbin)
Basically I wanted to draw a picture based on a lil excerpt from it. And for context Quin rescued an injured thestral and nicknamed it Loki while he kept him safe while he healed.
Also if you want to read it, it’s called The Journal
Tho just know it’s a major WIP
Also I didn’t know if she could see thestrals so I made two versions of Loki, this is when he’s visible to her.⬇️
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pillowxtalk · 1 year
"you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen." { quin to Joshua }
Send "you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen." to see my muse's reaction.
Joshua had asked Quin to come pick him up after the filming of the newest episode of "Dream journal" a series they posted on his group's YouTube channel. They had been filming the Chuseok for this year in which they acted like a family again. It was always improvised acting and the last two times it had ended in pure chaos, which they fans came to love. For the filming of the day the idol had gotten the role of the youngest family member, the daughter of Hansol and his 'wife' Zen.
Quin arrived as they had just finished filming and so he was still in his costume. He decided to surprise the other because he hadn't told him what they were doing and so he decided to stay in his role for a bit longer. Once he spotted his guest he got up and pretty much waddled over to him before sitting down in a chair next to Quin. And as they made eye contact he started, using the voice he had used before. "Hi my name is..." He paused like he had to think. "...Yongbok.", he added, having used his Korean name.
Then he used his fingers to start counting before looking back up at Quin. "And I'm three." Joshua said in an excited tone before playfully sulking as Quin started to laugh after he had looked confused for a moment. He then stopped and reached over to brush a strand of hair out of the idol's eyes. "You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen." Quin then whispered, looking at him in a way that made it clear he meant his words. Which resulted in Joshua's cheeks getting more color and he looked down for a moment. His lips were curled up in a smile but he also felt shy.
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varlaisvea · 10 months
Journal entry from a Riften bunkhouse
~850 words Rated G
Here’s a little snippet from a BIG WIP— i’ve been working on it for almost a year, and this is the FIRST thing I’ve published! 😬 Some of it (like this part) is in the form of journal entries. The whole story spans both Second Era and Fourth Era timelines, and features both the Dragonborn and the Vestige of Coldharbour.
This, though, is neither of them—it’s one of the main characters (OC), a Khajiit from the Second Era (less than a decade after the epic year of 2E 582). He’s in his 30s and from Riverhold, which means he’s lived through the Knahaten flu and two Imperial occupations of his home city. He will someday become the first Khajiiti Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold, and this is an excerpt from his journal as he makes his way to Winterhold for the first time, to enroll in the College.
Please enjoy, feedback welcome! I could use the encouragement!
Tonight, we are staying at a dingy bunkhouse in Riften. I was, quite unexpectedly, unsuccessful in my attempt at seduction a few days ago, but Vihk was still kind enough to invite me to the tavern with him and some of the others from the caravan. I think he was only being polite, and anyway I was feeling quite restless, so I spent the evening wandering the docks and streets in thought. I had heard the guard here harasses wanderers, especially at night, but correctly guessed that account was from someone who is not of my stature or impressively sleek clawfulness. The worst I got was one “keep moving, cat.”
I do not know how long it has been since I have felt motivated, curious, and excited to learn, but today, when I talked to those mages in the caravan, I remembered: this one is also a mage, and has been ever since he asked his mother if he could learn the clan-magic along with his little sisters. Is this not something Araszha once loved about himself—his intellectual curiosity? To feel it again only made me despair for how long it had been gone, and how little I had even noticed its absence. But to catch a glimmer of it… I wanted to cling to it and chase after it. Not in the joyful way, though, in the urgent and desperate way; clawing at strings. A motivation so flimsy it almost feels shameful.
Still… perhaps it is preferable to my prior plans.
A few days ago in Ska’vyn, I noticed a very handsome, very snobbish-looking Dunmer who was traveling with a caravan to Winterhold, and I saw that Riften was one of the stops the caravan would make. Although I had been idly considering traveling to Riften for a while, I only knew two things about the city: it has a reputation for looking the other way on many unsavory activities, and it is very far away from Riverhold in Ne Quin-al. An ideal destination, yes? I told the caravan driver I was going to Winterhold, and paid for passage, planning to charm my way into a lovely evening (or a few) with a deliciously condescending Dunmeri dandy. 
Perhaps in Riften Araszha-dar would be too drunk to wake up in time for the departure to Winterhold, and be left behind—the caravan driver would already have been paid; no skin off his frozen nose. The only people who might notice a missing cat would be aforementioned Dunmer snob (who would doubtless be glad not to have to avoid eye contact with his most recent less-than-wise decision), and other members of the caravan. All of whom would be unsurprised that the slick and shifty Liar-dar they had met was as unreliable as he was insufferable, and perhaps be mildly relieved to be free of such a cat, if they felt anything at all.
Riften’s seedy reputation seems well-earned—one could easily get oneself into misfortune here. It would be easy for someone—perhaps even someone taller and more furry than most Nords—to go missing, especially at night. In fact, I feel one could easily go missing in such a way that, for example, anyone who might be trailing or threatening them would be delayed for days or weeks, trying to get any sort of definitive answer as to their whereabouts or condition. Otherwise, no one would notice or care, especially if one’s very appearance suggested a lecherous thief to most of the city’s inhabitants—a dozen other identical criminal pests come through here every week, probably. I imagine Riften is more accustomed than most cities to seeing occasional bodies fished out of the water, or removed from a dimly-lit alley, or a cheap inn bed. Likewise, the people of Riften are probably more accustomed than most to avoiding the everyday undead—hollow-eyed skooma eaters, beggars, gamblers, drunks. Which is to say: it seems easy to become a ghost here, and whether one becomes a literal or figurative ghost matters to no one, ghost included. 
Even if, say, one’s family worried for them, even if one’s lovingly tenacious family tracked down their last known location, Riften would shrug with bleak disinterest—why would it matter if a given degenerate ends up face-down in a grimy skooma den, in chains en route to a Morrowind plantation, or at the bottom of the lake? In any case, they are gone. And for the sort of people whose lives end here, one way or another, that is a blessing to them and everyone else—even the people who fish bodies out of lakes and skooma dens get some work out of the deal. My wandering tonight confirmed: Riften seems to be exactly what I was looking for, when I decided a few days ago that it was finally time to make my way here.
I am back in my bunk, but of course I cannot sleep. Isn’t it strange, to think that Mother first told me about the College of Winterhold over twenty years ago? It is stranger still to know that tomorrow, I will be able tell her I have finally arrived! 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Youths Captured After Exciting Motor Car Chase," Ottawa Journal. October 3, 1932. Page 15. --- Police "Prowler" Car and Pursued Machine Make Some Thrilling Turns on Lindenlea Streets. --- Chased through the winding streets of Lindenlea and New Edinburgh by a police prowler car, four youths accused of stealing the automobile in which they tried to elude their pursuers were captured at 2.30 o'clock. Sunday morning and arrested on a charge of theft.
The prisoners were: Arthur Seguin, 17, of 45 Springfield road; Fernand Villeneuve, 17, of 90 Catherine street, Eastview: Gerard Cardinal, 16, of 30 Douglas avenue, and Royal Legault, 17, of 25 Durocher street.
Arraigned in Police Court this morning the quartet was remanded until tomorrow without pleading.
While patrolling the eastern sector of the city and rambling around New Edinburgh, Constables Leopold Goyette and John Cavan noticed an automobile cross Beechwood avenue. the boundary between Ottawa and Eastview, at Putman avenue, at high speed.
Put On Speed. Deciding to get close enough to take the license number, the police headed their car towards the direction the others had taken and turned into Putman avenue in pursuit. When they realized they were being followed and overtaken, the occupants of the car ahead increased the speed and darted into the labyrinth of streets in Lindenlea.
Hot in pursuit, the police saw the lights of their quarry's machine go out and realized they could not slacken their pace an instant if they were to catch up.
Around sharp bends, hair-pin twists and right angle corners, the two automobiles roared. the police car steadily gaining. After 10 minutes of dodging, swerving and mad racing. Constable Goyette guided the prowler car past and ahead of the other automobile and forced its passengers to stop at Rideau Terrace and Noel street.
Inspector of Detectives Mortimer Culver said the four boys had a number of articles in the car which they will be asked to explain. They include a loaded black-jack, nine flashlights, a wrench, two pairs of pliers. a tennis racket, a gallon jar and a length of rubber tubing smelling strongly of gasoline, and several bottles of soft drink.
Car Was Stolen. The automobile they were driving, the police said, belonged to Peter Bance, 37 Daly avenue, and was stolen from Nelson street between 9 and 10 p.m., Saturday. It was not damaged in the chase and subsequent capture.
Both Inspector Culver and Chief Inspector George McLeod were warm in their praise of the work which resulted in the arrest of the quin- tet and the recovery of the stolen car. They reiterated their belief that the prowler car system put into operation in recent months had more than justified its existence and was one of the best and most efficient means of crime prevention and detection in use. Lucien Barnabe, 642 St. Patrick street, was among the youths held last night but he was not charged, as he entered the car after it had been stolen.
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fra-1010-exercice-4 · 5 months
Les réseaux sociaux
entre émerveillement et terreur
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La technologie, et son développement rapide, suscite de grandes émotions, allant de l’émerveillement à la terreur. La prise de parole sur les réseaux sociaux participe de ce débat entre la fascination d’une parole libre et la peur du pouvoir destructeur de l’extrême polarisation. Entre les deux, des voix s’élèvent, soit pour remettre en perspective l’impact réel des réseaux sociaux sur nos sociétés, soit pour réclamer des lois et autres mesures pour mieux les encadrer.
Les controverses et les échanges polarisants foisonnent sur les médias sociaux qui les amplifient à la manière d’un porte-voix. Or, des études statistiques démontrent que ces opinions partagées sur les réseaux sociaux ne sont le fait que d’une petite minorité qui forme, certes, « une voix de l’opinion publique dont nous devons tenir compte, leur " micro "étant particulièrement audible. Mais ils ne sont pas l’opinion publique » (Giguère, 2019). Ces données tendent à dédramatiser les angoisses que la parole déchaînée sur Internet engendre. Pourtant, nombre d’événements sociaux et politiques survenus à l’internationale ces dernières années ravivent ces angoisses. Par exemple :
[En] France, l’assassinat en octobre 2020 du professeur d’histoire Samuel Paty après une violente campagne de haine en ligne, et aux États-Unis l’assaut de manifestants pro-Trump sur le Capitole en janvier 2021, en partie planifié via Facebook et Twitter (Nocetti, 2022).
La prise de parole polarisante sur les réseaux sociaux ne serait ainsi le fait que de quelques individus au profil psychologique bien défini : des individus ayant de grands besoins de reconnaissance, de stimulation, d’expression de leur individualité, de connexion avec autrui et de sentir qu’ils ont le pouvoir d’influer sur le monde (Giguère, 2019). La majorité des gens se contenteraient plutôt de consulter le contenu disponible sur ces plateformes sans y contribuer eux-mêmes. Il est néanmoins possible d’inférer que ces contenus peuvent avoir un effet d’influence sur ceux qui les consultent. Le rôle politique des médias sociaux n’est plus à prouver. Ils facilitent le regroupement de personnes autour de sujets divers et leur mobilisation autour de revendications. Apparaît ici une première face d’Internet, positive, « voire prométhéenne, censée favoriser ou du moins fluidifier la démocratie » (Nocetti, 2022), la faisant passer de représentative à participative et collaborative. Mais cette démocratie se heurte à une deuxième face d’Internet, « plus récente, vectrice de désordre et, plus largement, d’aliénation de nos sociétés au discours acéphale que génèrent les réseaux sociaux » (Nocetti, 2022) alors que leur structure algorithmique favorise la diffusion de fausses nouvelles à une vitesse fulgurante au détriment des informations vraies, soit six fois plus vite (Nocetti, 2022).
Il convient donc d’accorder le juste niveau d’attention à cette parole polarisante qui hurle sur les réseaux sociaux en reconnaissant qu’elle n’est représentative que d’une frange de la société, mais il faut aussi savoir reconnaître le pouvoir de déstabilisation que ces réseaux font peser sur la vulnérabilité de nos démocraties.
NOCETTI Julien, « Internet contre la démocratie ? », Questions internationales, 2022/3-4 (n°113-114), p. 122-128. DOI : 10.3917/quin.113.0122. URL : https://www-cairn-info.acces.bibl.ulaval.ca/magazine-questions-internationales-2022-3-page-122.htm
GIGUÈRE, Alain (2019, 26 fév.). « Non, les médias sociaux ne sont pas le reflet de la société ». L’actualité [journal], sur le site lactualite.com. Consulté le 14 avr. 2024. https://lactualite.com/societe/non-les-medias-sociaux-ne-sont-pas-le-reflet-des-opinions-de-la-societe/
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objecteiespai · 6 months
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Ma – a estética do “entre” Ma (間) es un término japonés que podría traducirse como pausa, espacio, abertura o intervalo. No es simplemente un vacío o la ausencia de contenido sino que se trata de un espacio consciente, una respiración que permite poner en valor las otras partes de la obra o incluso crear nuevos significados. Según la filosofía japonesa, ese espacio estaría lleno de energía, y podría inducir un estado contemplativo en el cual es posible apreciar la expansión del espacio y del tiempo. 
Michiko Okano
Arata Isozaki 
(arquitecte) Exposition MA Espace-Temps au Japon
 Tadao Ando (arquitecte) 
 Ma o El sentido japonés del lugar 
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_(espacio_negativo) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_(esth%C3%A9tique) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_(negative_space) 
 Yasujiro Ozu Director de cinema https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasujir%C5%8D_Ozu 
Saló 17 Hibrides: l’espai entremig
“Le navire, c'est l'hétérotopie par excellence. Dans les civilisations sans bateaux les rêves se tarissent, l'espionnage y remplace l'aventure, et la police, les corsaires”.
Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias MICHEL FOUCAULT
Of Other Spaces (1967), Heterotopias.
This text, entitled "Des Espace Autres," and published by the French journal Architecture /Mouvement/ Continuité in October, 1984, was the b
en relació
Artista convidat Arash Nassiri
The ass between two chairs és el títol del taller proposat per l’artista Arash Nassiri, que expressa la incòmode sensació d’estar entre dues coses, dos estats. Justament és l’estat en què l’Escola Massana es troba actualment, en el trànsit de l’an1.tic edifici a un de nova planta. Quins contextos de sentit ens aporta la noció “entremig” (in-between)? En arquitectura es parla d’espais “entremig” com aquells espais articuladors, connectors i comunicadors entre el dins i l’afora, però també d’espais habitats temporalment. Al seu torn, el camp del pensament ens parla d’un estar en suspens, inacabat o en trànsit permanent. Què identifica doncs els sabers i els espais “entremig”? A que fa referència el treball artístic quan se situa “entremig”? Aquest seminari s’adreça a teixir perspectives sobre el valor de “l’entremig” des de la filosofia, la geografia, l���arquitectura, l’art i l’antropologia, que ens ajudin a indagar nous espais de creació i de visió crítica sobre el nostre context immediat.
Apertus 01. In-Between/Entremig narratives i imaginaris del lloc | Escola Massana. Centre d’Art i Disseny.
Escola d'Art i Disseny a Barcelona: arts visuals, arts aplicades i disseny. Batxillerat Artístic, Cicles Formatius de Grau Superior, Graduat Universitari en Arts i Disseny i Formació no reglada.
in between inauguració
 en relació: 
XI Treinta radios convergen en el centro de una rueda, pero es su vacío lo que hace útil al carro. Se moldea la arcilla para hacer la vasija, pero de su vacío depende el uso de la vasija. Se abren puertas y ventanas en los muros de una casa, y es el vacío lo que permite habitaría. En el ser centramos nuestro interés, pero del no-ser depende la utilidad. Tao Te Ching Lao Tse 
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belindathemarimba · 6 months
“Stay with Me (The Journal Song)”:
Adding Vocals & Writing as a Team✒️
I wrote the lyrics as shifting POVs between each verse and the best thing was that quin and sha were able to recognise the narrative I was trying to make. This song’s concept began with ‘what if I had ‘stay with me’ as a hook and each verse was a journal entry, and after every entry the meaning of ‘stay with me’ implies something different. So I’ll break down some thoughts along the lyrics below!
(Guy’s POV)
First page,
I’m reading histories, stories and truths
I know I’ll love you, upon the stars
I’m charting the courses around each pool
Pre 1
Cause one too many times,
We’ll get lost into our own
Wonderlands, take my hand, we’ll
make all the clocks skip time
Ohhh that’s enough for today,
I’ll write back singing
Hook 1 (Lovey dovey ‘Stay with me🩵’ )
Stay with me
Oh won’t you stay with me
Stay with me
Oh won’t you
Verse 2
(Girl’s POV)
Never thought I’d be loved like this
Till my fingers tangle in my guitar strings
(I was inspired by a line in a book called ‘The Song of Achilles!)
No I don’t know
How you plucked all my heart strings
Detuned goes my thinking
(I love these little nods to my alternate tunings😭)
Pre 2
Cause one too many times
We got lost into our own
Wonderlands, took my hand
We made all the clocks skip
The minute hand fights off the engine
For all that its worth so you’ll
Hook 2
(Girl’s POV: is now invested, now her turn to say ‘Stay with me🩵)
Stay with me
Oh won’t you
Stay with me
So darling just stay with me
Oh won’t stay
Oh won’t stay
Great Wall of Thailand (Bridge) (EVERYTHING GOES WRONG)
(Guy’s POV)
Page by page
I’m running it all in my head
I’m losing all of my feelings
Again, again,
Over and over again
(Girl’s POV)
Hypnotised, I
Can’t quite keep up
I can’t lie
I’ve thrown my cards down
All in, praying you’re playing
I’m leaving the pen in your hands
Last verse (Quin)
(Guy’s POV: reading the girl’s ‘last journal entry’)
It’s my last page
I’m almost done
I can’t bear to watch
You like this
Your last words
Read like an incantation
Sore replacement
The same words traversing the page
In mindless direction
I see you giving chase
Is that love on your face?
Ripped your paper heart to pieces
Still all that you say to me is
Hook (Haunting Vibe)
“Stay with me
Oh won’t you
Stay with me ?
Why aren’t you staying with me?
Darling just stay
I need you to
Just stay”
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dontwaitforupdates · 7 months
Alphabet Soup Handwriting
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the text is just their name and the font name. All fonts came from Dafont so you should be able to look them up there. This isn't their exact handwriting just the general idea and vibes. The plain text is below the cut.
Abeni/Aatos Stoll: Marshmallow Bea/Benjamin/Bailey Skinner: Baby Doll Cassandra (Cassie)/Cooper/Charlie Menzie: Amalfi Coast Dapisha Grimm: Lemon Yellow Sun Esme/Eugene/Emery Francis: Let Der B Carnage!!! Fiona/Finn/Francis Richard: Black Shine Georgie Abel: Simplicity Hayden Bauer: Scratchy Ihab Pau: Daniel Julia/Jacenty/Jay Andrews: Paper Note Kaia/Kai/Kaipo Nilsen: Angelina Lark/Luke/Loren Young: Squash Delight Melody/Milo/Madison Kelly: Hello Brownie Narith Polaris: Duckname Ofir (Ollie) Vargas: Samarchy Penny/Pierce/Page Hoffman: Handwriting Quin/Quentin Rees: Frusciante Hand Rada/Radek Werner: Kittendust Savannah/Samuel (Sammie)/Salem Carpenter: My Handwriting Tavani Hood: Signerica Ulyssa/Ulysses Klein: Cutesy Veronica/Vincent/Val Bourne: Skeetch Willow/William (Bill)/Winter Morrison: Milkshake Xanthe/Xavier/Xan Thomas: Journal Yazmin/Yanis Vlanos: Stay Classy SLDT Zoe/Zander Cohen: Farmhouse Children
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babydollmarauders · 8 months
This is the highlight of my night- luke
mine too! fuck school, who needs a journalism degree? i’m gonna live my life bullying quin instead
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fqtoxicity · 8 months
New Post has been published on My Quin Story
New Post has been published on https://www.myquinstory.info/a-drug-free-solution-for-improved-upper-respiratory-health/
A Drug-Free Solution for Improved Upper Respiratory Health
Having an adverse event from Fluoroquinolones means different things to different people.  Many people become vulnerable to viruses and must work diligently to avoid illness.
Before COVID, the fluoroquinolone community was already a community of people where some were actively avoiding colds and flu due to the potential complications that they bring.  They were constantly trying products to find new, non-drug methods for prevention. 
Some if the necessary methods are making sure that vitamin D levels are optimal, along with Vitamin A, and others like Zinc, Vitamin C, etc.
Another way that has been proven to be effective for some, is airway cleansing and hydration.
Since the start of COVID a handful of previously floxed people I know have been using a product for upper airway prevention called FEND.
FEND is not a traditional nasal spray. It’s a nasal misting device designed to cleanse and hydrate your upper airways through the inhalation of a propriety mixture of salts.
From an article in Molecular Frontiers Journal. “The  salts  (a  hypertonic  mixture called FEND) associate with mucin macromolecules near the mucus surface, binding mucus molecules together, thereby  increasing  mucus  surface  tension  and  surface  vis-coelasticity23. These effects help mucus surfaces withstand the  stresses  that  occur  on  air  passing  over  mucus  during  normal breathing23, resulting in fewer respiratory droplets in the airways, and fewer exhaled aerosol particles — a form of “airway hygiene.” (1)
FEND claims to capture and eliminate airborne contaminants before they reach your lungs, potentially reducing airborne virus transmission (including COVID-19) and improving overall respiratory health.
For sensitive people, FEND is gentle and comfortable with virtually no side effects or negative impacts. Unlike most nasal sprays, FEND doesn’t need insertion into the nose, making it more comfortable for some users. The mist is described as gentle and non-irritating.
FEND claims its effects last up to 6 hours after just two puffs, potentially offering sustained protection throughout the day. It was developed by scientists at Harvard University as a natural and drug-free using a saline solution with calcium and magnesium, avoiding decongestants, steroids, or antibiotics.
My experience with FEND started in the spring of 2020.  I was on a phone call with a floxed person who was employed in the movie industry and was forced to work during the initial outbreak of COVID-19.  This person had to be around a lot of people every day on the job site.  She had discovered FEND on a recommendation from a friend and had been using Fend to protect her upper airway from viruses while around groups of people. 
Initially, I was skeptical, however, she insisted that I try it and gifted me a Fend spray. Since then, I have used it along with six other people who I tracked their usage.  So far, none of us have come down with COVID, and three of the five have not had any colds or flu during that time as well.
I will be the first to throw in the caveat that all the people I know who use FEND have been diligent about keeping their vitamin levels in optimal shape and taking other proactive steps such as hand washing and actively trying to avoid those who are sick with respiratory viruses as much as possible.  Still, I believe there is something to keeping the upper respiratory moistened to help avoid viruses from taking hold.
Pros:  FEND was developed by a Doctor at Harvard and does have studies that back its efficacy (2, 3). A non-drug alternative to help avoid upper respiratory viruses.  It does have some good science behind the claims, and according to my small sample, there is some good anecdotal information showing that it works.
Cons: The vials of FEND are small and in my opinion not worth the normal cost of a single one-time purchase, however, in my experience they do last a single person about 30 days.  However, there is a workaround that gives you substantial savings and makes the cost per unit reasonable if you subscribe to a monthly purchase.  Fortunately, you can cancel the subscription at any time.
If you do intend to try Fend, I have secured a discount by clicking on their logo below.  You will be shown a discount code where you can get $5 off and if you use the subscription model with the discount code the price is very reasonable.  My motivation is not to ‘sell’ Fend, but to help keep Floxed people healthy during times of heightened respiratory illnesses.  If you use Fend, please let me know what your experience is, pro or con.  I will use the data to help others. 
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0 notes
Hey Quin <3 You remind me of hot drinks, autumn days, journalling and dungarees
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whatoncoruscant · 1 year
Ben once again takes his letter to Quin once he receives it, the two of them grinning as they study your picture with Scout.
“Man, she’s a cutie,” Quin murmurs.
Ben nods his agreement. “She wants a picture of Boga. And she said to tell you hello, and that she likes your tattoos.”
Quin laughs softly, “Well I love her already. Too bad she isn’t here with us instead.”
“I know… alright- I’m going to go take that picture and write back.” He claps Quin on the shoulder and quickly makes his way back home.
The letter, along with several pictures of Boga, gets to you a week later.
I love your kitty! And happy belated birthday, darling. Ten is a big deal! I hope you enjoy your journal… perhaps you’ll take up writing like Gran and I have. I’m glad to hear she was proud of me. That makes one person in the family, I suppose.
As promised, here are several pictures of Boga. Isn’t she sweet? And so very tiny.
Do you like helping mother bake? I like to bake, but fun stuff like cupcakes and cookies. Is mother nicer to you than father? I hope so.
I hope to hear back from you soon, sweetheart. Enjoy the forest for me- I’m far too busy to find one to spend time in for myself.
Sending my love,
One mistake leads to an entire snowball of horror for my young self. I accidentally picked a wrong spot of the woods, my father seeing me sneaking my binder off and floating a rock to feel better.
That, causes an angry rampage, with him throwing a few things in my room, causing him to find the photos Ben sent, and the letters.
One wrong kick to Scout has us burying her in the backyard, and a beskar binder being slid on to seal the deal, the key thrown into the lake near our house.
Two months after Ben’s letter, he gets one folded scrap of paper back in a self made envelope,
I am magic too. Pls come get me.
- Lili
0 notes