askthepokemutants · 3 years
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Leo: So-
Gareth: Yes, I have no idea which way’s the right way, I apologize.
Leo: Well, it’s not your fault, they did just run off pretty quickly, and left us to figure things out for ourselves...
Gareth: What stuns me is... no one’s even come looking for us, it feels like we’ve been wandering for hours.
Leo: It does make me wonder too...
Gareth: ...
Leo: ... ... So... you also have psychic abilities?
Gareth: To a degree, yes. They were gifted to me by Mewtwo.
Leo: ... What’s... Mewtwo, exactly?
Gareth: ... You... don’t know?
Leo: I know you were told a lot about us by Carla, I think her name was?
Gareth: Yes.
Leo: Right, but... I was born in isolation, I don’t know much about the outside world beyond what’s told to me.
Gareth: ... Well, Mewtwo is what’s called a “Legendary Pokemon”, one of many deity-like beings. I follow Mewtwo as a “Proxy”, more or less a tie between them and mortal beings like you and myself.
Leo: And by agreeing to follow Mewtwo, you were given psychic powers? That’s amazing.
Gareth: ... Sure, I guess it is... better than what this orb on my collar’s for.
Leo: You were experimented on too?
Gareth: Too-huh, right, yes. Mewtwo... gave me a reason to continue living, I guess. I wasn’t too interested in... living like this... with limited emotions and all.
Leo: I can understand that, I used to have a huge psychic power that allowed me to manipulate emotions on a large scale-at least that’s what everyone tells me... My original form was destroyed when I was exposed to some kind of sludge, and now after being “reborn” I... can’t keep my eyes open too long or I’ll pass out, but I can manipulate emotions of anyone I stare at... I guess that’s a fair trade.
Gareth: Your original form... I think that came up in Carla’s report, “Beta Mutants”? Or something like that... hmm... (Reborn.. right, something about certain breeds of Mutants are able to somehow be reborn if they revert to an egg if a certain condition was met... sounds a lot like the creation process of Mew...) Leo... what do you know about that sludge-
???: Excuse me~!
Gareth: ?
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Gareth: ...
Leo: [They’re ready for a fight...]
Gareth: [Looks like they’ve already been in one, but ok... can you tell if they have any ill intent towards us...?]
Leo: [No, their request for help seems genuine... from what I can sense without getting closer... one of them is hard to read...]
Gareth: [They’re a dark type, that’s why... and one of them is a psychic and probably doing the same thing to us.]
????? Leipard: Hello...~?
??? Meowstic: Safe to say they’re on guard the same as we are...
??? Braixen: Well, we just need to break the ice or something, right? They don’t look like they’re from around here, so...
????? Leipard: Uh... Ian-
Ian: Relaaax, I got this-
Gareth: You don’t need to “break the ice”, care if I ask... what happen to you?
Ian: Aah, we’re looking to trade some of our treasures for supplies and uh... ran into the wrong kinds of “merchants”... hah...
??? Meowstic: Pretty much. By the way, you two don’t fit the “rough” types around here... what’s your situation? Lost?
Leo: Well-
Gareth: We were taking a break, my friend here’s-
??? Mewstic: I’ll be honest, your lie would be acceptible for these two, but... come on, you two have psychic abilities, right? I’m not stupid.
????? Leipard: Heeey...
Ian: Rude, Qui... ruuude...!
Qui: Humph.
????? Leipard: Well... since we’re inadvertantly introducing ourselves... my name is Cecil... it’s a pleasure to meet you, or well, it would be under... more favorable circumstances...
Gareth: ... I am Gareth. Former Strident Knight.
Qui: ... Oh?
Leo: ... Well, my name is Leo, we’re um, also searching for this healer...
Cecil: So we’re all lost... lovely~
Ian: Well, we did have some kind of direction... just that it was “past this bridge”...
Gareth: Huh... well, that’s convenient. We could try and seek it out, I guess...
Cecil: Of course... and... we’ll keep our distance if that makes you less uncomfy~
Gareth: ... Right.
Qui: Er, Gareth, right?
Gareth: Yes?
Qui: I know this is out of the blue, but... do you know of a male Meowstic... named “Alan”?
Leo: You know Alan...?
Qui: You know him??
Gareth: Alan’s... let’s find that healer... we’ll explain on the way...
Qui: ... What?
Cecil & Ian: ????
[Finally... they have arrived...?]
@askdeceptiveliepard​ < Reviving Soon
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askthepokemutants · 3 years
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Qui: Not now, “Terrie”!
Terry: I-it didn’t work this time;;
Ian: W-what was pronouncing her name wrong even... supposed to... do...?
Cecil: Distract her, probably.
Chamomile: W-well, she’s going to upset my neighbors...
Gino: ...
Pyre: She’s already upset me...
Dicie: Don’t do anything rash...
Pyre: That’s a lot-
Dicie: Coming from me? Yes, I know... but please don’t, if what Terry said is true, they’re family.
Alan: Okay... f-from the top...
Qui: ... So, all of that... oh gods... Alan-
Alan: I-I know...
Qui: These scars, your tail, too... not to mention those two Pokemon with you... if I wasn’t-
Alan: Hey, you have your own life, ‘cuz... I made bad choices, and I’m lucky I ran into everyone here.
Qui: There’s also the whole “your dad’s a mutant” thing... how could we have not noticed that about Uncle...?
Alan: A-ahah... no idea...
Qui: And where’s Bartholomew? I wanted to actually see how he’s changed...
Alan: W-what?! I just woke up a few minutes ago-Bartholomew’s HERE???
Terry: Y-yep... he’s on our side now, apparently the Strident Knights disbanded or something, too... but I have no idea where he wandered off to.
Qui: Huh... well... all of that aside, miss Chamomile... I apologize for my overreactions and yelling...
Chamomile: T-thank you... Hah... I think I’ll hold off on a nickname tonight. You’re a fiery one though, Qui, actually made me... nervous.
Alan: She might not have the same traits as me because her mom wasn’t taken by Team Machine, but Qui’s still scary when she’s angry.
Ian: T-tell me about it...
Alan: Hah-
Ian: N-no seriously...
Qui: Ian.... I’m not that bad when I’m angry... anyway, these “Mutants”... I should probably introduce myself properly... my name is Qui... it’s a pleasure to meet you all and thank you for everything you’ve done for my cousin.
Dicie/GIno: Mmhmm...
Pyre: Humph...
Qui: Um...
Alan: Congrats, you actually scared them into silence... didn’t know that was possible...
Qui: ... Ah... and Pyre?
Pyre: Yeah...?
Qui: I, well, I apologize for being so rough with Alan... it’s a family thing and he’s like the baby of our entire family... even though we’re cousins, I view him like a sibling. Plus, I do hope we can-when everything on your end calms down-we can maybe hang out? I’d love to get to know more about you-if... that’s OK?
Pyre: Huh...? Sure... I guess?
Alan: ... Hah... phew...
Ian: Hey... where’d Cecil go?
[Family reunion!]
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