#Quest oswald
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onecupofsugar · 8 days ago
This is me, realizing I spent a whole three weeks on a Secret Santa gift in the IMS only to FORGET TO POST IT until nearly two goddamn months later So here's that, I guess??? I dunno, man
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I hope you all enjoy it despite my terrible blunder /j
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denv2 · 4 months ago
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felix collection🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
This week I only drew Felix!!!
While drawing Felix as a college student, I had a major case of "did they have hoods in this era?" but decided to let it go lol.
I like his zany moment.... I'm going to draw more pictures about this... His unwillingness to go back to zany touched my heart so much.
Below are the stories behind each of the pictures! (long)
First, a trio of smiling faces!
As you can see, it's an early Bendy costume, and I chose it on purpose.
I actually drew Bendy and Boris' faces first, and it's not like Bendy at this point in time, it's a little bit younger, and I like how they both have this really innocent, bright smile on their faces, so it's kind of like the first two kids before they get more serious as the story progresses. Felix... I think it's the same way I've always drawn him, but I think he looks a little bit fuller, lol.
Second, osix.
I actually just drew this.
The trio above was also drawn today, but this one was drawn right before I went to bed.
I just... I wanted to do one more painting and I was thinking about what to do, and I wanted to do Felix and Oswald, and then I realized that they're leaning against something, and then I put Oswald to bed.
Actually, I wanted to draw 'Felix is reading to the Bunny Kids and Oswald is watching' < I wanted to draw this one too, but I was drawn to something simple right now. I think I'll do this one later.
Third, college students Felix and Professor Wilson.
I love the feel of this drawing! I've been thinking about Felix's past lately, and it reminded me a bit of this time, so I really wanted to draw the two of them.
I love the relationship between a teacher and a pupil, and Professor Wilson is kind of like a mentor to Felix. They go to archaeological sites together and share research and expeditions, and it's nice to think about that...
I looked at Wilson's outfit at that time, and it was mentioned that he wore a tie, so I gave him a tie, and I added some eye wrinkles to his face to give him a more 'professor' look, and I think he looks like a kind professor. I think it's okay.
Felix. I wanted to make him look like a college student, so I put a hoodie on him, but when I was done, I realized that the hoodie... I realized it was when the hood didn't come out... but I had already drawn it. And I like the feeling of Felix in a hoodie, so it's a classic error, but please overlook it lol.
Fourth, zany-related Felix.
Actually, this was the first thing I drew. I've been drawing Felix all week, and this was the first thing I did.
This is a drawing of a scene from Chapter 172! I love the description of Felix after he uses his gag ability... I love it. It really stuck in my head...
The description of the shadow holding his stomach and laughing reminded me of one of Felix's trademark poses, where he grabs his stomach, leans back, and laughs. I couldn't resist drawing this.
I love the way he's wary of going back to zany... I think I'll be doing more zany-related Felix drawings for a while.
Actually, there's a story behind this one, I drew it without the hat, and then two days later I realized I needed to add the hat, so I revised it lol. I really, really like that hat on Felix, but it's so annoying when I try to draw it and I forget about it 🤣 It's hard to draw.
Finally, Felix and Alex.
Yeah... I really like the feel of this one. I kept staring at it after I finished it...
I love drawing Felix being angry, but he's not just angry. I feel like that image of him being angry and hateful with very complicated feelings is embedded in my head, and I like the feeling of Alex provoking him like that.
Personally, I think it's their facial expressions and the attitude of Alex's hands.
Let me start with Alex, his eyes... I really like how they came out, I just like the feel of them, and I like the mouth! It's a little bit more smirky than the last Alex, but I think it's more in line with how he's portrayed, and he's zany, so I wanted to give him a zany crazy moment. I love the way he's being pushed around by Felix and he's just laughing and relaxed and holding up his hands with his fingertips outstretched. I keep drawing Alex with his eyelids down. I feel like it's more fitting for him.
As for Felix... I think the way he's hunched over and the way he's frowning and glaring at Alex who's smiling is a nice balance. His mouth is a sharper curve instead of just a straight line. His expression towards Alex last time was definitely disdainful, but this time it's angry and more... It's more complex, and I like that.
Lastly, I want to talk about the side view, because I'm not good at side views... But this time, I tried to draw a side view, and luckily, I found the right proportions, so I think I managed to draw it somehow lol. I drew the tip of their eyes to stick out a little bit, but I drew this part while thinking about the original Felix side view and the depiction of the side sticking out, and then I remembered that Sonic fan art also drew this eye part to stick out a little bit. So I think I'll keep that for Felix's side view. The next thing was the ears, and I liked the way the two characters' ears were pointing towards each other lol.
At this point, Alex and Felix are drawn to have some differences in appearance. Felix's fur is more coarse, so it's longer, sharper, and hanging down, unlike Alex's, which is more groomed. Alex is well groomed and has a nicely trimmed back end that sits smoothly on top! You can get a better idea of this by comparing Felix's star picture. I deliberately made the back of Star Felix's hair a little shorter and higher up than it was before, so that it would be similar to Alex's hairstyle now (although Alex actually copied Felix's hairstyle back then).
It's funny... I've been drawing really hard this week lol. I don't know how long I'll keep this up. For those of you who have made it this far, I hope you enjoyed the chat. I always talk like this because... Because I'm bored, but mostly because I'm going to read it again later... Where else can I read about IM Felix... 🥺
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alice-the-kittycat-yt · 18 days ago
Working on pose testing.
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fanta-seee · 1 year ago
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You ever listen to love songs and the shuffle button just decides it’s time for you to suffer, so it immediately starts blasting heartbreaking songs back to back,,,,, yeahhh,,,, :,))
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buttercup-the-cat · 5 months ago
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IMtober day 2: Past
oswald and ortensia
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alexmae79 · 17 days ago
Felix gets badly injured in a fight. Near death type of injured. He’s alone and no one can find him , until finally Oswald finds him and is torn apart. In a daze , he takes Felix back to the house to get him fixed up , but refuses to be separated from him. The Cupbros had to forcefully take him away from the room so Red can take care of him. Oswald has a breakdown, confessing how he can’t lose him , that he means too much to him. Everybody chooses to leave him alone, well except for the BBros, who are equally as bad as him right now. They all stick together and try to stay positive, grasping tightly onto the little thread of hope , knowing that Felix is still alive.
After a few days , Felix wakes up. His sons tackle him , crying happily now that he is awake and getting better. It’s not until they leave the room that Oswald tackles Felix , holding him so tightly as if he would disappear if Oswald lets go. Oswald is silent , just crying into his shoulder. Felix says nothing and lets it happen. And it’s like that for the following hour until Oswald says” Don’t ever do that again… You mean too much to me for you to just leave like that.. without me being able to tell you how much you really mean to me… Please don’t leave..” In which Felix responds with “ It will take a lot more than that to get rid of me.. I won’t leave , I promise..” and they stay in that comfortable silence , holding and comforting each other.
And in that moment , is when Oswald truly realizes how much he loves Felix.
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ch1-kasak0 · 6 months ago
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Shit post👍
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kyomaakuma7 · 2 years ago
anyway hi best friend
could i request Tired Dad Oswald-
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First of all, JUMPSCARE. I know u sent this in over a month ago but I can’t get over the absolute Jumpscare this was to see someone I know in my askbox… scary… but since I know you love Oswald with your whole heart I couldn’t help but draw you something.
And oh god did I push the whole tired dad thing to the absolute max . Drew him like how he would look in the beginning of the comic when he shows up eventually. A wreck.
I did, however, have a very fun time drawing this and playing around with the lighting. 6.5/10 I don’t like the way I drew him all that much, love hate relationship for real- but coloring and lighting brought it from like a 3.5 to a 6.5!
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pa-pa-patato · 4 months ago
Do too think anyone once saw Fanny and Oswald kissing while they were pretending to be siblings?
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midnightfire830 · 1 year ago
What about Oswald Lost Toys AU??
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Wedding Cake toppers! They were a present to a couple.
TW For topics about divorce
The couple eventually had to kids (lets say a girl and a boy idk) and were each given to a kid and were well loved and cared for. However the couple at some point divorced each taking a kid there by separating Ozzy and Ortensia.
When Ozzy’s kid was reunited with his sibling Ortensia wasn’t there.
Thanks for the ask!!!
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lerabann · 4 months ago
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Children sometimes scare their parents.😈
Little witch Holly. 😄
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denv2 · 4 months ago
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Drawing facial expressions is the most fun
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alice-the-kittycat-yt · 5 days ago
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goddes-arab · 4 months ago
Felix & Oswald at the beach.
This is part spoiler of the chapter 276: Book 23: May There Never Be Peace - Marvelous Mays of Bendy and Boris in the Inky Mystery (@theinkymystery ) by @thisanimatedphantom .
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This has been forever in my drafts but finally see the light of day. I seriously adore this story. It has kept me company during University and I can't even express how much it has made me feel.
I wanted to continue the rest of the chapter, but I realized I didn't remember what Kitty nor Alex looked like and I don't think I could create an image in my head if I don't have a visual reference of them, so right now this is all.
Felix hair fights me in every panel I swear.
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buttercup-the-cat · 1 year ago
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Valentine's Day drawings of ships, the drawings are rush =⁠_⁠=
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alexmae79 · 19 days ago
Felix and Oswald going to a “ friends outing “ on Valentine’s day ( date ) and coincidentally sees Cuphead and Bendy at the place they’re having dinner at for the same reasons and ends up becoming a double date
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