#Quentin Metsys
laclefdescoeurs · 2 months
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The Madonna of the Cherries, Quentin Metsys
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pomegranatetemples · 2 years
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De maagd Maria (The Virgin Mary) (1525) - Quentin Metsys
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Da: SGUARDI SULL’ARTE LIBRO TERZO - di Gianpiero Menniti 
Tra le molte espressioni d'arte, l'ostentazione della ricchezza come del potere e del prestigio, ha costituito un modello diffuso, una forma di rappresentazione tesa a introdurre e accomunare la figura del committente alle immagini eroiche - nell'antichità un riferimento lo si trova nel cosiddetto "Principe delle Terme" - ovvero a quelle sacre. Vezzo, debolezza o necessità che sia, intorno a questo paradigma si è sviluppato il racconto storico. L'arte appare nella sua essenza di "sintesi testuale" capace di racchiudere un concetto complesso, articolato, a volte ponderoso. Così accade anche tra la fine del '400 e i primi del '500.Anni di crisi e di fratture irrimediabili. Tra un passato ingombrante e un presente confuso. Sono periodi di ripensamento, inevitabile, sul significato della relazione tra la natura umana e quella divina. È l'età di una progressiva affermazione della scienza e dell'insinuarsi in essa della tecnica come massima affermazione razionale, applicabile a ogni campo, anche a quello del commercio e della finanza. Il riflesso nell'arte è immediato.  Lo avverte prima, come le è consueto. Nell'Europa del Nord, là dove l'etica è nata avendo come unico retroterra la cristianità e non il mondo classico, il passaggio è travolgente: esonda dagli argini del sacro fino a condurre in primo piano le figure della borghesia mercantile e finanziaria, lasciando al margine, relegato in secondo piano il testo religioso tra le mani di una donna che volge lo sguardo alla sostanza materiale, consapevole quanto il marito dell'importanza primaria del denaro, del calcolo, dell'amministrare ripetitivo e metodico, fonte di sicurezza, fonte di benessere, fonte di primato sociale. Soprattutto, chiara visione di una rotta nella bruma della transizione. Il gesto, ripetitivo e consolante come una preghiera, è l'epigono di una catarsi nella quale l'afflato religioso è ricondotto a "ex voto". Il segno dell'etica protestante appare "in nuce", sottotraccia. E il testo pittorico ne assume la veste di testimone, inconfutabile.  Per i contemporanei, quell'immagine non è scandalo. È già mondo. Fino a noi.
- Quentin Metsys (1466 - 1530): "Il cambiavalute e sua moglie", 1514, Louvre, Parigi
- In copertina: Maria Casalanguida, "Bottiglie e cubetto", 1975, collezione privata
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brieucgwalder · 2 years
A morning walk, Brussels
A morning walk, Brussels
The heat in Paris last summer was unbearable. I figured Brussels would be cooler. I grabbed the train to the Gare du Midi. The Southern Station. (Above at the Gare du Midi: Tintin in America, second Tintin album) I had a drink at a local friendly bar. Try the new shot. Only 5 Euros. “Feck P*tin”. I hopped to the Grand-Place. Using my newly acquired panoramic techniques. Clearly COVID was over…
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gregdotorg · 3 months
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Quentin Metsys' Madonna of the Cherries was the most celebrated painting in 16th century Antwerp. After cleaning and removal of some clunky additions, this painting went from being considered one of a dozen copies to being recognized as the long-lost original. A 30-50x glowup.
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thebeautycove · 3 months
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Sublime Art.
Quentin Metsys, The Madonna of the Cherries, 1520.
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Pieta von Quentin Massys or Metsys
Öl auf Panel, Louvre, Paris, France
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visual-sandwich · 10 months
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Quentin Massys (or Metsys)
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victusinveritas · 9 months
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"Virgin in Adoration", touched by the Clayshaper
Original piece by Quentin Metsys (1466–1530)
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MWW Artwork of the Day (9/21/23) Quentin Metsys (Flemish, 1465/66-1530) The Moneylender and his Wife (1514) Oil on panel, 71 x 68 cm. Musée du Louvre, Paris
"The Money-changer and his Wife" is an early example of the genre painting which would flourish in Flanders and the northern Netherlands over the course of the 16th century. Seated behind the table, and each sliced on one side by the frame, the figures are set back from the front edge of the painting. Although sophisticated in their nuances of color, the faces wear an expression of relative indifference. Full of their own life, on the other hand, are the still-life details -- the lavishly illuminated codex through which the wife is leafing, the angled mirror, which reflects the outer world into the picture in masterly foreshortening, and the glass, accessories and coins gleaming on the table and on the shelves against the far wall. In the dominant role which it grants to these objects, the painting marks an important step along the path towards the pure still life.
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Quentin Metsys, ‘Madonna of the Cherries’, 1529
Via: https://www.instagram.com/gettymuseum/p/C896itsMUGN/
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art-mirrors-art · 6 months
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Willem van Haecht - Alexander the Great visits the studio of Apelles painting Campaspe (c.1630) Willem van Haecht, Flemish painter from Antwerp, was best known for creating intricate paintings of art collections and galleries. These works often depicted opulent interiors filled with paintings, sculptures, and other artistic and scholarly objects, effectively serving as a record of the collections of the wealthy and powerful of his time. Thanks to this panel, for examples, we can see the now lost painting by Titian Woman with a mirror, in addition to the famous double portrait of money lender and his wife by Quentin Metsys. Both depict convex mirrors.
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lahija-del-molinero · 5 months
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A Grotesque Old Woman, possibly Princess Margaret of Tyrol, c.1525-30 )
Quentin Massys or Metsys
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opencommunion · 1 year
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Quentin Metsys, The Man of Sorrows, 1520s
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erintaj1 · 2 years
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World landscape: Landscape with Charon Crossing the Styx, oil on panel, 64 × 103cm Prado, Madrid.
Joachim Patinir, also called Patenier (c. 1480 – 5 October 1524), was a Flemish Renaissance painter of history and landscape��subjects. He was Flemish, from the area of modern Wallonia,[1] but worked in Antwerp, then the centre of the art market in the Low Countries.
Patinir was a friend of not only Dürer, but also of the leading Antwerp painter Quentin Metsys, with whom he often collaborated. The Temptation of St Anthony (Prado) was executed in collaboration with Metsys, who added the figures to Patinir's landscape. His career was nearly contemporary with that of Albrecht Altdorfer, the other major pioneer of paintings dominated by the landscape, who worked in a very different style.
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pauljosephrovelli · 10 months
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