#Queen Calanthe X Reader
intimatelysapphic · 2 years
I just finished a Calanthe fic and the character count is too much.
Tumblr is testing my patience rn, well I'll post it tomorrow once I figure out how I want to split it into a different chapter.
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storiesforallfandoms · 7 months
destiny ~ geralt of rivia;the witcher
word count: 1749
request?: no
description: after a long, rough journey, the princess feels safe enough to sleep, so her mage talks with the witcher
pairing: geralt of rivia x female!reader
warnings: swearing, use of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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It was a long, tiring journey to bring Princess Ciri to find her destiny; the Witcher. The poor girl, only a child, had seen far more than anyone her age should ever see. Her grandmother had been smart enough to send a Mage with her at least, but there was only so much one Mage could do against the threats they had faced. When they had finally found him, stood alone after his own battle, and Ciri ran to embrace him, (Y/N) sighed in relief and finally allowed her body to relax.
They set up camp for the night. Geralt promised them he would find them somewhere with an actual bed for the next night, but Ciri could care less about where she was sleeping. (Y/N) knew she felt relieved, too. And finally the young princess could sleep knowing that she was safe.
Ciri was sound asleep next to a fire (Y/N) had built to keep her warm. The Mage was sat against a tree nearby, just watching. Knowing that Ciri was safe, that she felt safe enough to finally let her guard down, gave (Y/N) such a sense of relief that she felt like she could finally breathe again.
“You should be sleeping as well.”
(Y/N) looked up to see Geralt stood over her. She was surprised a man of his size was able to move so silently, but then again it was probably a skill he had to pick up as a Witcher.
“I would imagine you are just as exhausted as she,” he said.
“I am,” (YN) confirmed. “But not so exhausted that my body wishes to rest just yet. I guess it hasn’t realized yet that there is no threat anymore.”
“There are still plenty of threats.”
She shook her head. “Not tonight. Tonight, she rests soundly, and she is safe.”
Geralt looked over at the sleeping girl. For years he had been trying to deny Ciri. He didn’t believe in destiny, and he was the last person who should be looking after a child. But now that she was here, unharmed and at peace, he couldn’t deny that he felt relief as well. There were still plenty of threats out there, that much was still true, but he decided to agree with (Y/N) just this once. Tonight, they were all safe.
Geralt sat across from her. “You did well in protecting her. She likely wouldn’t have made it this far on her own.”
“That’s what I was afraid of,” (Y/N) admitted. “I promised her grandmother that nothing would happen to her, and I am not one to break a promise.”
“I was unaware that Queen Calanthe had a Mage in her kingdom.”
“I’m not a royal Mage. Just an old friend that she asked a favor of.”
“A very good friend to risk your life.”
(Y/N) smiled and shrugged. “I have known Ciri since birth, and her mother before her. I would do anything to keep that girl safe.”
She was gazing at Ciri again. Geralt noticed the look on her face. “Do you have children of your own?”
“Oh, Gods no. Those are very uncommon in my line of work.”
“No lover either, then?”
She chuckled. “Also very uncommon. It’s hard to let yourself fall in love when you are immortal.”
Geralt wasn’t sure why he even asked. It felt like the logical next question after asking if she had children, but Geralt cared very little if she had said yes to having a lover. Or, so he thought anyways.
(Y/N) looked back to him, a sly grin on her face. “Queen Calnthe told me about your ties to Ciri.”
Geralt grunted. “I’m sure she did.”
“She could hardly tell the story without a string of profanities.” (Y/N) giggled. “No one has ever made the queen more angry than Geralt of Rivia.”
Geralt found himself smiling as well.
“Well,” (Y/N) said, tilting her head a little. “Would you look at that.”
“What?” he asked.
“The Witcher smiles. And he looks quiet handsome doing so.”
(Y/N) was nothing if not forward. One does not live for many decades and not become bold and forward. She felt a little delight when she saw a brief look of shock on Geralt’s face. She certainly wasn’t lying, though. Anyone with eyes could see that Geralt was good looking. She was sure he was able to use that to his advantage as well.
Silence fell over them. The only sounds were the wildlife around them and the crackling fire. Both of them turned to check on Ciri at the same time, as if some sort of instinct kicked in for them both. (Y/N) took Geralt’s distraction as an opportunity to really study him. She had seen a look in his eyes when Ciri had run to him earlier, but it was so brief that she couldn’t place it at the time. He had been wearing his tough guy mask since, except for this moment. As he gazed at Ciri, (Y/N) could see two emotions on his face: relief and worry.
“The queen also told me,” (Y/N) said, drawing Geralt’s attention back to her, “that you weren’t going to claim Cirilla at first. She said you called Law of Surprise without truly believing in it.”
Geralt grunted. “All that bullshit about destiny. I didn’t believe any of it. I called Law of Surprise because they insisted on something for me saving Urcheon’s life. I didn’t actually believe I would get anything.”
“And yet...” (Y/N) glanced towards the sleeping princess.
He nodded. “I didn’t want a child by any means. This is not a life for a child. If destiny is real, it has played a cruel trick on her.”
“Or it has given her a father that she so dearly needed after her own passed.”
“And a mother?”
(Y/N) smiled. She couldn’t help it. She hadn’t thought about the next step after Ciri was united with Geralt. Truthfully, she didn’t want to think about it. The thought of being separated from Ciri hurt too much, but she didn’t expect Geralt to want her to travel with them. He had been travelling alone for so many years that she was sure it would take time for him to get used to Ciri being with him, let alone if (Y/N) joined as well. She felt full of joy hearing Geralt insinuate that he wanted her to continue travelling with them as well. She wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Ciri just yet, or to Geralt for that matter.
“What a family we’d be,” she laughed. “A Witcher, a Mage, and a princess. Sounds like the beginning of a terrible joke.”
Geralt chuckled as well. (Y/N)’s smile broke as she let out a yawn.
“You should get some sleep,” Geralt told her.
“As should you.”
“I will.”
(Y/N) nodded. She wasn’t in any position to argue with him over whether or not he was actually going to sleep. She could feel herself finally being bogged down by her fatigue and knew it wouldn’t be long until she gave in completely.
Geralt’s eyes followed her as she moved to her knees. Instead of rising, she leaned towards him to close the gap between them. She lightly pressed her lips to his cheek, leaving a gentle kiss there before pulling away. He tried to keep his face unchanged as she sat back to look at him.
“Goodnight, Geralt.”
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
The sun was high in the sky when (Y/N) woke the next day. The fire had gone out and the heat was instead replaced by the scorching sun. (Y/N) blinked a few times, trying to get her eyes used to the brightness of day. When she finally managed to clear her vision, she noticed she was alone at the camp.
She quickly sat up and looked around. There was barely any signs that anyone else had ever been here. Just the kindle left over from the fire she had lit for Ciri. She felt herself beginning to panic. Had they left her? Had someone taken Ciri and Geralt went after them? Had Geralt changed his mind about having her join them?
She was getting to her feet when she heard the sound of horse hooves against the ground. A horse broke through the clearing in a fast trot before coming to a stop. (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief when Ciri jumped down from the back of the horse.
“Good morning,” the young princess said, walking up to wrap her arms around (Y/N). The Mage was taken back by the gesture at first, but then happily hugged Ciri back.
“More like good afternoon,” Geralt commented, jumping down from his horse as well. “You’ve been asleep for hours. We went on to find food without you.”
“Forgive me for being tired,” (Y/N) said, playfully glaring at Geralt. To Ciri, she asked, “Did you sleep well, princess?”
“The best I’ve slept since we left Cintra,” Ciri admitted.
(Y/N) smiled and cupped her face. “You are safe now, princess. The Witcher and I will look after you and make sure no one will cause you any harm.”
Ciri looked between (Y/N) and Geralt, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. “You’ll be staying with us?”
“Of course. I’ve come too far in this journey to let you go on without me. Although, I will need something to eat in order to continue on.”
She eyed Geralt. He chuckled and said, “Alright then, let’s find you something to eat as well.”
They went on foot with Geralt leading his horse behind him. Ciri was between the two of them, protected by her Mage and her Witcher.
“I was thinking,” Geralt said after some time of walking, “about our discussion last night. About destiny.”
(Y/N) looked over at him. “Yes?”
“Maybe there is such thing as destiny, and maybe it isn’t as bad as I once thought.”
“And what brought you to that conclusion?”
“Ciri was meant to be my destiny, but she wasn’t the only good thing that destiny brought to me.”
He looked directly at her when he spoke. She felt her heart flutter in her chest. She had no good response, so she just kept walking, a smile on her face.
She would have to thank destiny for bringing her to Geralt as well.
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fakeagatha · 2 years
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I posted 66 times in 2022
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#imagining this with agatha was painful
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Photo dump of Eve because I'm on the third episode and in love with Kathryn <3
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80 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Kathryn Kissing Women Supremacy
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117 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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126 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Hello! Would it be alright if I requested something with sally face x a male reader?
Alrighty so since I wasn't quite sure what you wanted, so I did random Headcanons and a small scenario with Sal :)
(The Headcanons don't necessarily match the scenario)
🎭Sal was a little surprised when he found himself attracted to men but he eventually managed to accept himself.
🎭How he knew he liked guys? Well he fell for you.
🎭He was the one who asked you out and he was over the moon when you accepted
🎭Your first date was at an arcade, he picked out all of his coins so you would both have more than enough to spend.
🎭He won you a crocodile plush from a claw machine and he was so pleased with himself since those are hard
🎭You treasured it forever
🎭He was too scared to take his mask off because of his face, let alone to initiate a kiss or a makeout
🎭After a few weeks, he finally took it off and you felt so good that he could trust you
🎭So you had to be the first to kiss him since he thought you would be disgusted
🎭He became a lot more confident in himself after that too
🎭If you're taller/buffer than him it makes him feel protected in public, since he fears being ganged up on because of his mask. Having a bigger guy walking with him in the streets makes him feel secure.
🎭If you're shorter/generally smaller than him then he still feels some type of security since he has someone with him, but he has a much bigger desire to protect you.
🎭He has wants to protect you no matter your size, but sometimes if you're shorter than desire can be a bit bigger
🎭He once bought you a pride flag as a gift, and if you were still closeted then he would get you a tiny pride flag so you could easily hide it if you needed to
Slight smut mentions
🎭Let's say things get a little d i r t y, my man's a switch
🎭His moaning can range from almost silent to really loud, so you gotta be careful if you're in the same building as someone
🎭You caught him jerking off a couple of times and took matters from there 👀
Sal Fisher, who felt guilty after realizing he was attracted to men. He didn't want to disappoint his father by it but he knew he had to accept himself.
He tried his best, but it got harder and harder as everyone started dating people of the opposite gender. When things got even more stressful is when he found himself crushing on you.
The most handsome guy he'd ever seen, also one of his close friends. He was certain you didn't like guys but he took his chances anyway.
Soon he found himself taking a deep breath, before sitting down with you outside.
See the full post
140 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How about Sal fisher with a small timid s/o but when someone insult him his s/o go wild and is ready to fight if needed ?
Yes yes!
Requests/Asks: Open
🎭Sal never thought that you could react that way when someone insulted him
🎭He never took you as that person, seeing your timid behavior
🎭So one day when someone made a rude comment about his mask
🎭Let's just say his s/o lost it
🎭"Shut your worthless mouth and go fuck yourself you fucking failed abortion!" His s/o yelled angrily.
🎭Sal just sort of stared, definitely not prepared for that.
🎭"Get out of my face before I fucking murder you."
🎭The person shoved his s/o in the chest, and that was their cue to attack.
🎭The person ended up running away with a bruised eye and a bloody nose...
🎭*Insert very shocked Sal Fisher face*
🎭Let's just say he feels protected whenever your in his presence
🎭Though he'll always drag you away if he sees you're going too far as he doesn't want you to get in trouble.
276 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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astrid-sama · 2 years
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I'm not ready to say goodbye .....
People delude themselves that if they have been happy up to that moment it is because destiny has blessed them and they will be happy forever, I too believed it, but suddenly life came to throw the harsh reality in my face. It all happened suddenly, my beloved Calanthe had left for the battlefield promising me that she would soon be winning again with the head of the Nilfaardian general in hand, I believed it.
Now with my city under siege and my beloved lioness dying I understand how wrong I was, fate is cruel it makes you happy for a moment it makes you believe that everything would be fine and then stabs you in the back and tears everything away like that in a burro that you don't even have time to react.
My little Ciri ran away with her knight, she will live her destiny will not end here.
But I am at my wife's bedside, it is so excruciating to see her fight for every breath, those eyes usually so determined now fight to stay open, she will die soon I know. I can hear the sound of metal colliding in the corridors the Nilfgardians will soon take control of the castle.
<<escape>> even now with imminent death you put me first, but I don't want to escape. You know me so well that you know what I think<<Do not think about me I will die anyway >>
I nod even though I'd rather die than give you up here. We kiss for the last time, the kiss is full of all our love. You hug me trying to console me, I sink my head into the hollow of your neck trying to impress your perfume in my mind. I would have liked it to last longer, I'm not ready to say goodbye but the enemy soldiers are getting closer and closer so we part.
<<I love you >> you say it while you dry the tears that I did not realize I was shedding, it is the last time I will hear you say these words.
<< I love you too >> there is so much that I would like to tell you and so little time.
I walk away from you with tears streaming down my cheeks, you force yourself to smile and I see that you are crying too, this is the first time I see you cry, I return the smile and then I start running towards the rear exit of the castle, not I look back because if I turned around I wouldn't be able to leave you.
english is not my first language sorry for the mistakes
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the-ghost-of-mine · 3 years
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Y/N knew this would never end well. You knew deep down that you couldn’t live like this, burying your feelings for Calanthe. You had grown close over the years, Y/N becoming her sparring partner and her friend. But you needed more than that, your soul yearned for her desperately but you couldn’t pursue her. You were not worthy of the Queen’s affections, you were no Prince or Princess, you were just a knight. Her knight. You had accepted that this was the only way to have her in your life and you thought you made peace with that. But the ache in your heart tells you otherwise, thoughts of her consuming you.
You knew Calanthe could hold her own in battle - she was the fiercest fighter you had ever come across - but this didn’t stop you from wanting to protect her. You always kept a close eye on her, never leaving her side. More often than not you had buried your sword into the throat of an opponent who had surprised her. This time however, you had taken a slice from the opponents sword to your arm between your armour. This had caught you off guard and you quickly returned the favour by ending him. Calanthe locked eyes with yours briefly, you saw her concern or was it more than that? Y/N nodded telling her you were fine, dismissing the idea that her concern could be interpreted as something else. You had endured worse injuries, but little did she know that you would sacrifice yourself for her, not out of duty but love.
Often you wished you had perished in battle, it was easier than living in this constant suffering. You wondered if she really knew, knew that you’d do anything to be by her side, to have her love. You welcomed the sting from your wound, the physical pain was more bearable than the anguish you insisted on inflicting on yourself daily. But you had learnt how to smile whilst you were breaking inside, you had seen her with people she had taken a liking to. The jealousy rose up like a fire, it burned and yet you would continue to look on. Being in love with Calanthe was your punishment for some wrong doing you were unaware of. It would be far less painful to die in the heat of battle than to have her destroy you by rejecting your feelings. You would endure this torment until death would free you and wake you from this bad dream.
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Being Queen Calanthe and King Eist's lover
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Request: Yes or No
"I cannot wait for this party to end." An amused smile graced your lips, head turning to look at the Lioness of Cintra. Queen Calanthe raised a cup of ale to her lips, taking a sip.
"All these bastards.. Barely any of them are worth my time." She whispered, fingers drumming against the armrest of her throne. Her gaze swept through the room, watching the men drink and laugh.
"If you keep frowning, you'll get more wrinkles." You cooed playfully, staring forward and biting back a smile when Calanthe snapped her head towards you. Eist snickered, covering it up by drinking so he didn't get the same glare.
"Isn't it odd to be your age and bringing someone my age to bed?" You asked, slowly looking at her with a cheeky smile. Calanthe scoffed, fighting back a smile.
"Watch your mouth." Calanthe said, shaking her head. "I am your queen after all."
"Oh, I know, Calanthe. Don't you remember how much you remind me in be-"
"Hush your mouth." Calanthe huffed, cheeks warming softly as she looked forward. Only you and Eist could ever get her to blush. You giggled softly, reaching forward and picking up a cup of wine. Calanthe looked at her daughter, watching her speak with some other young women.
"Would you ever accept a marriage proposal, (Y/N)?" Calanthe asked, turning her head towards you. You furrowed your brows, licking your lips.
"Why do you ask?"
"You won't be young forever." Eist pointed out, head tilting as he studied you. You gave the couple a smile, chuckling softly.
"You shouldn't worry. I'm perfectly happy with the both of you."
Gifs aren't mine
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helenatyler4 · 2 years
I wanna kiss you
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beauty-of-sins · 4 years
I have no idea if you’re still doing prompts but Calanthe x Reader, the reader has been Calanthes lover for years but grows tired of living in the shadows. When Calanthe marries Eist she decides to leave only to be stopped by Calanthe. They fight but make up with loving words and soft reader x Calanthe smut.
A/N: I tried to write smut for this but it ended up really soft. :/ sorry anon. 
You couldn’t do this anymore. It’s a recurring thought as you pull your horse along with you on the dark streets of Cintra, with a dark hood pulled over your head, hiding your features. 
You didn’t know where you were headed and honestly, it didn’t really matter at this point.  As long as you were away from her. 
You had begrudgingly accepted the arrangement at first, understanding that Calanthe’s first duty is not only to her throne but her bloodline. Yet, watching them together hurt more than anything, and you found yourself outside of the castle more often than not these days avoiding having to look at them.   
But watching her in the crowd exchange vows with Eist, with a smile on her face was the last straw. She has no more room for you. 
You get up on your horse, turning back so you can take one last look at the Cintra. Only to see Calanthe ontop her own horse, with a fire in her eyes. The fact that you didn’t hear her was frightening. Your surprise meets her firm glare.  
“Where do you think you’re going, Y/N.”
You recovered from your shock and kept moving like she wasn’t there. You fought to keep the emotion from showing on your face.  She certainly wasn’t that deft. It only served to spur your anger. She sighs before muttering something underneath her breath and turns her horse to trail after yours.
You desperately attempt to ignore it, although the sound of her horse’s stomps next to yours slowly drove you mad. You didn’t last a minute with all your feelings that you buried rapidly boiling up to the surface.
“What are you doing Calanthe?” you hiss, suddenly turning around. Her eyebrows raise and it only serves to increase your ire. “Shouldn’t you have a husband to go home too.”
There’s hurt flashing in her normally steely eyes, and she glares at you even more.
“Don’t “Y/N” me!” you cry out. “The least you could do is let me go, Calanthe!”
She shook her head, “No.” You let out a wry laugh, you should have left as soon as the arrangement was announced. 
“And who are you to stop me.” you hiss, eyes flashing. You watch as she disembarks her steed,  and you turn away moving your horse forward. She’s given up and you don’t know whether to feel disappointed or relieved at this situation. Maybe it's for the best.  
A sharp clang catches your attention, and you look back. The image shocks you to the core. 
Her sword is embedded in the ground, and she’s kneeling down next to it, helmet off. You recognize this position, having seen it hundreds of times.
She’s vowing her service to you. 
You gasp, as she looks up to you with tears in her own eyes.
You blink. This couldn’t be happening, for the Queen to kneel is unheard of, seen by many as a sign of weakness. You immediately observe your surroundings making sure no one else saw her like this.  
“I have my duties to the throne. ” she whispers, her eyes are downcast heavy with emotion, eyes shining. “Do not think that anything I do with him is from the heart. Eist understands this.” 
Your anger subsides but it was such a big task. The mention of his name spurs up anger but you remember he has been nothing but kind to you. It’s unfortunate that you are all tied in this situation. 
“Cal,” you sigh, melancholy clear in your voice. 
“I was wrong, Y/N. I should have made sure you didn’t feel like this. That you would ever think that a man would get in the way of my feelings for you.”   
You get off your horse, with a storm of emotions in your heart. She finally looks at you, and you see nothing but honesty. Here’s a woman struggling with the weight of the throne and her love. It’s difficult to not feel sympathy. She’s as torn inside as you are. 
“I promise you this, Y/N” she pledged, voice slightly shaking. “I will love you until the end of my days.”
The surety of her statement cuts straight through your indecisiveness. You walk towards her and kneel down, bringing her up from her position until you are both standing up. You fall into her arms, and you feel at ease when she holds you. 
You can figure out the arrangement in the morning but for now, it’s you and her.
 You both slowly walk back through the streets, and you don’t know what’s going to happen. Maybe you’ll leave tomorrow or the next day or next week. Maybe you’ll stay. But for now, you have her for tonight. 
She holds you against your chest, muttering words of affection as you drifted off to sleep. In that moment, your anxiety dissipated, as she lay next to you on her wedding night, her form curled around yours. 
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the-bad-batch · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Calanthe Fiona Riannon/Eist Tuirseach, Calanthe Fiona Riannon/Reader Characters: Eist Tuirseach, mentioned - Character, Calanthe Fiona Riannon, Reader, Original Witcher Character(s) Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, War, Polyamory Summary:
You felt anxious. You stood by her door, hands behind her your back, head held high awaiting your Queen’s return. You were a simple servant. Born and raised in Cintra by a farmer and his wife. They’d wanted you to work at the farm, wanted you to a marry a man and raise a family. You wanted nothing of the sort. You wanted more out of life. You found yourself applying for a job at the Queen’s palace. They were looking a servant who would dedicate themselves completely to the Queen.
 In other words, you would belong to her.
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x-reader-theater · 5 years
Take a Chance, for the Nights are Short {1}
Relationship: Geralt of Rivia X Male!Reader
Summary: You must slay a beast to prove you’re a capable knight to your queen. She never said you couldn’t have a little help... 
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 1,405 words
A/N: Hey guys! Look who’s back! College has sucked away all my motivation for anything creative but now that I’m on break, I’m back baby! I started watching Netflix’s ‘The Witcher’ and got so inspired I wrote something for it in a week! This is a series, so there are four chapters to this, and I’m planning for two more stories as well, so you’re going to get a lot with good old Geralt over here! Also, in this story, I imagine Geralt is younger than he is in the games or the show like he just got out of Witcher training. It’s not explicitly stated, but that’s just how I wrote him. Also, your horse’s name is pronounced ‘Yennis’ but spelled like Jennis. Like Jaskier. I don’t know if anyone reads through my author's notes but if you did, here’s a gold star, I don’t know. Please leave a like and a comment and reblog if you can! Those reblogs really help me! Without further ado, “Take a Chance, for the Nights are Short”. 
Chapter: [1] [2] [3] [4]
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Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter of the Second Kind
"Bring me the heart," you hear your Queen's voice echo in your head, like a laughing memory. "Bring me the heart of this beast and I shall grant you your greatest wish…" The echo dies in your head and you close your eyes, letting the mocking laughter fade from your mind. You will not let this woman make fun of you. You will kill the beast. You know you will. You will ride through the forest and kill this beast. "Kill the beast… Bring me, the heart…" 
"Get out of my fucking head you- you fucking bitch!" you scream as you unsheath your sword, swinging it at a nearby tree. "Get out of my head, I know what needs to be done!" You hack and slash, anger gripping your senses as grip your sword. "Stop saying what I need to do!" You scream as your blade hits the tree, and it lodges itself in there, a few inches into the soft wood. The tree itself is bleeding bright red sap that reminds you of blood. You look down and huff out a breath, placing your hands on your hips as you catch your breath, your anger subsiding for a moment. 
You look around before going back to your sword, planting your foot on the tree, gripping the handle, before trying to tug it out of the tree. You pull once, twice, and on the third go, your fingers slip and you fall to the ground. Your head hits the soft earth. You think you see stars for a moment but you blink, and they're gone. You groan as you get up, placing your hands beside you as you haul yourself to your feet. You look over at your horse, Jennis, and roll your eyes playfully as she just stares at you. 
"You could help you know?" Jennis just snorts and you place your hands on your hips. "Oh don't give me that. You're stronger than me, we both know it, now get over here and help me you big lug." She takes two steps backward. "Oh don't you start with me. I could have picked any-" 
"Who're you talking to?" 
You spin around so fast you're surprised your helmet doesn't spin along with you. Standing behind you is a man in all black studded leather armour. He has a silver chain around his throat with the head of a wolf on it. The silver of the chain matches his equally silver hair, that, for his age, doesn't seem to fit. The strangest part, however, isn't his head of silver hair, but his strange, yellow eyes, slitted in the middle, like a cat's. 
You shake yourself out of your daze and clear your throat. "Uh… ahem. No one. I wasn't talking to anyone." 
The strange man, who you now realize is leading a horse behind him, raises his eyebrows in what looks to be disbelief. "Really? 'Cause I could have sworn I heard you talking to someone a minute ago," he says. 
You look toward your sword then back at the man. There would be no fighting him. You're skilled with a blade, or so you tell yourself, but getting past that pure wall of muscle isn't going to happen. Looking at him, he seems relaxed, like he doesn't want to fight you either. 
So you sigh and resign yourself to humiliation by this unnaturally good looking man. "I was talking to my horse…" you say, almost defeated in your tone, but not quite yet. It takes a lot to get you defeated. 
You walk back over to your sword and start to try and pull it out of the tree again as the man speaks. "Hm. Glad to know I'm not the only one who does that…" 
You pause for a moment, not looking at him, just thinking before you grunt and start to try and pull your sword from its temporary sheath. Your hands slip once again, but instead of tumbling to the ground like before, you feel strong hands on your back, steadying you. Looking up you see those cat eyes boring into your own. 
"Careful. Don't want to hurt yourself," he says, steadying you on your feet. 
You pull away and brush yourself off, clearing your throat as you do so. "Thank you, but, Knights of Cintra do not need outsiders help." You stand proudly, with your chest puffed up and your head held high. 
"You're a knight of Cintra?" the man asks in disbelief.
"Well…" Your pose deflates as you say this, "Not yet, but I will be! Once I slay this beast in the forest, and claim the monster's heart!" You stand proud, before turning back to your blade and trying to free it once again. 
The man walks around and leans on the tree, crossing his arms as he watches you struggle. "And, what is this beast that you have to slay?" he asks, sounding almost impressed, though thoroughly enjoying toying with you. 
You stop tugging and sigh, placing your hands on your hips as you look up at him. "I don't know." 
His eyebrows shoot up and he huffs out an incredulous laugh. "You don't kn- you don't know!" You roll your eyes and plant your foot on the tree again, trying once again to free your sword as this man, this stranger, laughs at you. "How can you not know! You were tasked with killing it, were you not? Whoever tasked you must have given you some details?" 
You now have both feet on the tree as you tug. You must have been much stronger in your anger than you normally are. You'll have to remember that for next time. "She-" Tug. "Told me-" Tug. "That the beast is-" Tug. "About 500 paces west of the Jeweled Lake." Tug. Your feet fall to the ground and you gasp in pain, your lungs filling with burning air. You never were good at the running portion of the knight's initiation test. 
The man walks around the tree, to where you were standing almost a moment ago, and he grabs the handle of your sword with one hand, tugging only once before it cleanly falls into his palm with a gentle thud. He flips it around in his grip, testing the weight of the blade, before tossing it into the air and catching it, his hand just missing the sharp edges as he holds it out to you, handle first. 
You tentatively reach out and grab it, slipping it into your sheath. "Maybe the knights of Cintra don't need help, but it seems like their future knight does," the man teases. You walk to Jennis and grab her reins and start walking away from the man, hoping to ignore him. "You know, I was tasked by some of the locals to come and kill this beast too. Maybe, if you help me kill this monster, I can help you become a knight?" 
You stop at that and turn around to see he's been following you, tugging along his own horse by the reins. "And how can you do that?" you ask, doubtful of his abilities. 
He shrugs. "Whatever you need, I'll get it for you." 
You roll your eyes. "Oh yeah? And why's that? Why did the villagers hire you? What makes you so special?" You spit the word 'special' out like its blood on your tongue. 
"Well, I'm a Witcher." He says it so matter of factly like you should already know what he is. But that does make you stop and actually think. 
"Witchers are a myth. They've been dead for centuries. Their order disbanded- well, were forced to disband and the Witchers died along with it." You look him up and down and roll your eyes. "You're lying. There's no Witchers left." 
And with that matter of fact statement of your own, you turn and walk away. Or, at least, you try to, but the man grabs the back of your armour and holds you in place. 
He whips you around and when the visor on your helmet closes, he opens it back up, revealing your eyes to his own yellow ones. "I'm a Witcher. And, I will help you." 
"Why?" is all you ask. You don't really know what to say. 
"Because," he says with a shrug. He lets you go. "I was looking for something fun."
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roxyjinks · 5 years
Yooo if you are a fan of the show “The Witcher” PLEASEEEE message me. I need people to thirst over Geralt with me 😩
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henrycavillupdates · 5 years
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Henry Cavill at the world premiere of #TheWitcher (December 16, 2019) 🌹
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astrid-sama · 2 years
The dances aren't that bad after all (Calanthe x fem reader)
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(Il post c'è anche in Italiano sul mio profilo)
(English is not my first language, sorry for the mistaken)
<<So stay next to me, evil look and pretend to be mute nobody has to know who you are >> Gerald and I are at the royal palace of Cintra to protect Jaskier from the horned royals. He forced us to dress like sad silk merchants by saying it was best to keep a "low profile".
<< Gerald and T / N the intrepid witchers >> suddenly all the guests of the banquet turn to look at us.
<<Fuck>> apparently Jaskier's plan didn't go well.
<<How are you not seen since the times of the plague >>
<< Good times lot of mousesack >>
<<I missed your colorful cynicism, I was afraid of a boring evening but with you two here all is not lost >> sack of mouse then turned to me << Y / N because you and Gerald are dressed like sad traders of silk? >> instead of answering I turn to look at Jaskier and from the expression on his face I guess he understood why we are here.
<< Come with me I want to show you something >> so the three of us walk among the tables full of suitors.
<< I have been a councilor at the Court of Skellige for years, a land with difficult borders but with a tender heart, like me >>
<<So it's an old and grumpy kingdom >> says Gerald making a rat-bag smile.
<< How long will all this last the nobility is better to take it in small doses >>
<< I'm sorry for you T / N but do not hope to leave before dawn the suitors will contend for Pavetta's hand all night, a royal wedding is highly coveted, who would not want to become the king of the most powerful kingdom in the region> > says sack of mouse while taking a sip of beer.
<<So which of these privileged balls did you cheat? >> I asked while drinking a beer trying to change the subject.
<<Come with me I'll show you something >> he says walking between the tables until he gets near a table where a man looking like a pig eats as if he hasn't seen food for days.
<< I would never have believed it but that drunkard down there - he said pointing to the man in front of us - will marry Pavetta the lioness has already planned everything with the uncle of the boy Eist of Skellige, no one would dare to hinder such a powerful alliance> > he said as he watched a nobleman turn a dagger in his hands.
<< Skilled with blades and skilled with women >>
<<All appearance, Queen Calanthe has refused his proposal three times, and useless to continue to try the lioness is not made to stay in the shadow of a husband >> while a lot of mouse was talking I realized how a man ( surely the husband of one of the women Jaskier slept with) was cornering Jaskier, I pointed this out to Gerald and together we headed to rescue Jaskier.
<<Forgive me sir it always happens that Jaskier is mistaken for a cowardly rascal but I assure you that it is not so, Y / N can you explain? >> Gerald says turning to me, obviously he wants me to invent something.
<<You are right, sir it is known that as a child he was hit in the balls by a bull >>
Jaskier nods and the man apologizes before leaving.
<< But thank you very much first attract all the attention and then ruin my reputation at court >> says Jaskier offended.
<< We saved you, now try not to get stabbed before dawn >>
Suddenly the trumpets start to sound and a man announces the return of Queen Calanthe, when I turn to look I find myself in front of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she is in armor with untidy hair covered in blood from head to toe , a real lioness is wild and beautiful.
<<Beer>> shouts the queen, then apologizes for the delay saying that she had to remind the rebels who is in charge, thus making all the men applaud.
I'm still watching her as she walks to the table where her daughter is, Gerald notices it and gives me a knowing smile, obviously he knows about my preference for women.
<<You did not kill a gnat let alone a manticore >>
<<I killed manticore twice as big as you >> two nobles were arguing, each of them claimed to have killed a manticore, which obviously neither of them had done.
The discussion had become so intense that even the queen joined in << There are famous guests tonight maybe they will be able to tell us which of the two lords is telling the truth >> all turned towards us waiting for one of the two to speak.
. <<Neither>> I said and Gerald nodded in agreement.
<< Are you calling us liars? It is obvious that the butchers of Blaviken are lying >> said one of the lords.
<<Maybe they could have met some sub species of manticore >> Gerald adds after seeing the important look that Jaskier gave him. The queen laughed.
<< Maybe our guests can tell us how they slaughtered the elves at the edge of the world >>
<<In reality, Her Highness, we have not killed any elves, on the contrary we were almost to be killed >> Gerald said as the crowd began to laugh at us << At least when their sword has reached our throat we are not there below, I hope it would have been like that for you too, but I doubt it >> I added.
<<Any man and woman willing to admit their failures will make tonight's conversations more interesting, come witcher sit next to me I'm going to change >> said the queen.
<<These damn clothes I'd rather wear my armor >>
Calanthe said as she touched her corset-tight stomach.
<< Me too, and Gerald agrees too >> I replied.
<< In fact, what are two witchers doing at my daughter's engagement party dressed as >>
<< like sad silk merchants >> Gerald said finishing the sentence started by the queen.
<<We protect the bard from the vengeful real horned >> I replied.
<<A heap of idiots, I am glad of your presence will be useful to me, tonight surely some blood will be shed >>
<<I will not waste any more breath, we are not here as a personal guard >> Gerald said taking a sip of beer.
<<You have been hired by the bard >>
<<We are simply doing a favor to a friend Highness >> I replied while she rolled her eyes.
<< I'm just saying that in case all hell breaks loose, I count on you to eliminate some subjects that could be in the way >>
<< Neither I nor Gerald will help you >>
<< As a queen I could force you to do it >>
<<If we were your subjects but we are not >> the queen turns to look at me obviously struck by what I said.
<< I could torment you and force you to obey >>
<<I'm sorry height but the torture does not have much effect on those like us >> the queen smiled, apparently she liked me.
During the party Calanthe and I kept talking and I could have sworn I saw the lust in her eyes as the conversations went on.
Suddenly she got up and started walking towards the exit of the hall, she touched my shoulder lightly as if inviting me to follow her, I waited a little to avoid arousing suspicion and then followed her.
I had only taken a few steps when I was pushed against the corridor wall with Calanthe's lips above mine, suddenly her hands were on my body, I gasped in surprise and she took the opportunity to slide her tongue into my mouth. When we separated we were both breathing hard, Calanthe was looking at me with a hungry look practically undressing me with her eyes.
<<We should move this in more private >> she said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me into her bedroom.
Now I am in Calanthe's bed my head on her chest, our bodies full of bites, hickeys and scratches.
There is no doubt it was definitely the best night of my life.
<<We should go back to the party before anyone suspects something >> Calanthe says as he runs his fingers through my hair, I nod and get up to put my clothes back on.
I was about to leave when Calanthe grabs me <<I'll wait in my rooms as soon as the party is over >> I nodded with a smile on mine lips, I can't wait for the party to end.
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filavandrels-lute · 5 years
Calanthe x fem! reader
I don’t own The Witcher.
A young mage, you left Aretuza without choosing any kingdom to work in exclusively, much to the brotherhood’s chagrin. You had travelled to Cintra a month ago, regaled by the numerous tales you had heard of the place, and of course it’s mighty Queen Calanthe. You had managed to set up a small business selling your magic for any customer at a price, managing to earn yourself a good enough sum of money to live on.
You had just finished serving a young woman with a handful of potions before coming face to face with your next customer; the lioness of Cintra was stood before you, dressed in luxuries you’d seldom seen before.
“To what do I owe this pleasure, your majesty?” You inquired with burning curiosity, eyeing the guards flanking her with anxiousness. Not that she needed them, that much you could tell.
“Well I was simply astounded to hear of a mage setting up shop in my kingdom, and I decided to see for myself if this really was correct or a lot of rubbish,” 
“The rumours are true, my Queen. I’ve been here a number of weeks,” You responded, noting a number of potential customers fleeing at the sight of the monarch.
“And who might you be?”
“I’m (Y/N), I’m from Rivia,”
“Rivia? It’s common knowledge that this kingdom doesn’t support mages, and yet you still came here,” Calanthe mused, her guards seemingly amused by her last statement, “Travel to the castle with me, I would quite like to discuss your plans, but alas I am also needed there,”
You knew you had little option, and as such followed the ruler to her grand residence. You certainly weren't expecting to be allowed to ride with her on her horse, and couldn’t help the warm feeling pooling inside of you as you cautiously held on to her toned stomach and hips.
“An eye needs to be kept on you, and I’m much better at it than some of those incompetant buffoons. Why they applied to become knights I’ll never understand,” Calanthe had informed you with disdain towards two of the handful of knights delegated to accompany her rather than defend the town and castle.
Soon afterwards, you found yourself situated next to the throne engaged in conversation with the brunette. You were enthralled by the beauty as she conversed about her first battle.
“And you, (Y/N), have you ever fought in a war?” She inquired as she raised her goblet of beer to her lips. You could swear you’d seen an almost lustful gaze in her eyes, though if it was it soon disappeared. 
“I’m afraid not, your highness, I have never been in the situation to fight in one. I only graduated from Aretuza three months ago,”
“That recently, and not part of a kingdom?” Calanthe inquired, a hint of intrigue sounding from her.
“No. The brotherhood wasn’t pleased but I know the stories of some king’s wandering hands. I had no interest in that,” You spoke with a slight shiver as you felt more than saw her eyes trail down your body.
“Yes, I’ve heard of some people like that. If you want a mage position here instead of one of those kingdoms, I can always reinstate a mage role here in Cintra. You’ve shown over the course of today to be much more level headed than most mages I’ve had the delight of engaging with. And if you were to be a problematic mage, you would be quickly ridden of, so choose wisely,” You regalled at the woman in front of you, and knew you’d regret not taking the opportunity to work with such a beautiful queen, and with any luck would be able to turn Cintra for the better than continue the rivalry with Nilfgaard.
“I’ll take the job, my Queen. I thank you for the opportunity,” A slight smile graced her lips.
“Excellent. Your quarters shall be made up in the castle. However, that may take some time so you may stay in mine until they’re ready. I will not have my mage sleeping in a pigsty of a servant’s room,” You were taken aback by the offer, especially as you noticed the look in her eyes. It was clear it wasn’t an unrequited lust, it was certainly mutual between the two of you.
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Request: Ciri- The Lost Sister
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Pairing: Ciri x Sister!Reader
Pov: Ciri
Warnings: Angst; Fluff; missing sibling; angst to fluff; Kahr Morhen; first female witcher; transformation.
Summary: Long before Ciri was born, her long-lost sister was lost to the mountains.
WC- 1.2k
A/n: @firefly-graphics for dividers; This is for @chocotacobread as a request! I hope you enjoy
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My grandmother Queen Calanthe would tell me stories about a lone and wild girl that got lost in the mountains. One with a strong arm, and the prettiest of laughs. She was just a few years older then I was. Born a few years before me. Her blonde hair was a staple of every outfit she wore. 
The kingdom was in love with her. Her personality drove the kingdom togood fortune and great times. Even when Queen Calanthe was more then ready for a war that was far from us at that time. When I was older though my grandmother told me a different story. 
One that was riddle with lose, and fright to the ends of the earth. She sat me down, it wasn’t a bedtime story by anymeans. It was just the truth. A dark and scary truth was being told as my grandmother sat me down at the end of my bed. 
“Now listen to my every word child. You are your mothers daughter, but you are also her second daughter. Your mother was my only child, and she was the nicest person in the whole kingdom. She had a true sense of reliability within her, and when she gave birth to your sister the entire kingdom was in enlittlement. A beautiful baby girl, who looked just like her mother. You don’t remember your sister. A little to young to remember her running around the halls, and forever getting the guards in tangles with each other.” My grandmother said looking at me. 
She grasped her hands around my much smaller ones, and gave me a sadden look. “Your sister when you were just a babe went out to the gardens. Your mother was consumed by her need to support you, and the guards were not paying attention. Your sister got lost all by herself. In the gardens she was declared as lost to the kingdom, lost to the mountains and to everything that she was to become.” 
There was a statue in the garden dedicated to my los sister. In the stone it was engraved her name. ARES and under her name was “Lost in the garden, but not to her people and kingdom.” I used to watched the stuate from my bedroom window and used to think that I’d never find her, and the only thing I’d ever know about her was her statue. 
I had forgotten the stories months later, when I watched my grandmother stumble over her words and try her hardest to tell me to be a strong young women that she knew I was. As I ran away from war that Nilfgaard had caused with my kindom I saw yet the same garden that my sister had gotton lost within. It was burning, tall trees, flowers, and status burning and breaking as the horse led me away far away from the horror that was now mine. 
Geralt and I set out to find Kaer Morhen. Or not find it as in it was lost but go back to it. Geralt had declared that if I was going to be requesting his help in becoming strong and able to fight for myself that we would need to go back to his home. 
Kaer Morhen was in the cold and snowy mountains of the land. A long trip up through woods, and mountains and finally through all the snow. I had asked Geralt a thousands questions about where we were going, the people there and what it was like. Every question was ignored. 
“Geralt will you just tell me a little about the people there at Kear Morhen?!” I was more then excited, excited in part to learn more about Geralt considering I had been told that Geralt was destiny. Not that I know what the hell that truly means. But still I asked my questions, and got vague answers back of course. But answers were answers nonetheless. 
“So… I know you said there hasn’t like ever been a female witcher, but is there a female witcher at Kear Morhen?” I asked with a sense of intrigue. He grunted as we stop just short of the gate of Kear Morhen. He turned, and looked down at me. Yellow eyes looking deep into my heart and soul. “Why?” He asked, I just looked at him. “Why, because I wanna know.” I said straightforward. 
He gave me an arched brow, and hummed. Short response for something that needed more then that kind of response. “Yes, Ciri if you must know there is a female witcher the first of the kind. She the best at swords, and hand to hand combat. I’ve never seen that girl not hit a target.” Geralt said as the gates opened on Kear Morhen. 
When Vesemir finally saw who  was at the door he rang out to the rest of the witchers. “Geralt, you must come and fest with us and bring your guest along side with you.” He said patting hard on Geralts shoulder. “Do you remember Ares?” Vesemir asked Geralt. I froze in my spot. 
My sisters name clinging to my mind and my feet began to stick to the snowy and frosted ground. “Ciri?” Geralts voice rang out. “Come meet Ares.” That’s when I saw her, poking her head around the corner and hugging Geralt deeply. Her graze over to me. “Who is that little girl you brought alongside you?” She asked him. 
“Ciri, of cintra. She wants to learn how to fight and to defend herself. She asked me to help so I brought her hear.” Geralt went on, but it didn’t matter Ares  was walking to me. “Cintra?” She yelled from across the yard. I shook my head. “Ares of Cintra?” I asked back. “The lost daughter, the one from garden. Grandmother always talked about how Ares got lost in the garden and was never found again.” I spoke. She stopped infront of me. Her features reminding me of m.. Our grandmother. 
“Ciri…” She went on to say. “I thought I’d neer find you again.” She said as she find her grip on her words. “All I’d ever heard was the stories how your disappearance. I never thought you’d be here with Geralt and all of his people. Wait! Are you the first female witcher that Geralt was talking about earlier?” I asked, my eyes were in amazement. 
Bewildered by the fact my long lost sister was standing right there in front of me. “Geralt talks now does he. He is right, the first female witcher, and proud of it. With Vesemir help alongside with Geralt’s help. They’ve done a good job.” Ares went on to say. 
I didn’t care anymore I just wanted to hug her, I closed the space between us and took a leap into faith. I hugged her tighty, and tired not to cry and failed. Regardless I hugged her and she hugged me back. Finally I had found my lost sister. Geralt may had been my destiny to finding my lost sister. Ares brought her hand up and patted my hair down calming me down. 
“We are together now, Ciri. Together”
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Completed on: 08/16/2022
Posted on: 08/17/2022
The Heros-
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beauty-of-sins · 5 years
Well..... The tissaia x calanthe x reader Fandom has missed u😭
Witcher! Fem Reader x Tissaia de Vries x  Queen Calanthe
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Featuring:  Slightly Touch starved and feisty reader
A female witcher, the first of her kind, needless to say, they were very interested in you. You turned down both of their requests to see you, too committed to your own ways of life to worry about what they were doing. Their rule would rise and fall with time as well, nothing you needed to concern yourself with. 
Until one day your paths crossed once again. 
A young mage had snuck their way out of Aretuza and into the forest where danger lurked in the depths of the swamps. You were on your way to fetch your coin for slaying a beast that resided there when you found her. You briefly abandon your mission and let her ride your horse while you walked her back to the gates of Aretuza. 
Tissaia’s face was stoic, fixing the student with a look that sent the young girl cowering back to her room. You looked down at the Rectoresss with an indifferent gaze. Your job here was finished. You turn to leave but she latches on to your arm preventing you from moving.
Your eyes lock, and you are aware that it’s a command to follow her. She escorts you into her office where the Queen of Cintra rested on her desk, smoking out of Tissaia’s pipe. It seems they have gotten a lot closer over the years than you can remember. The rumors must have been true.  
They take in your unique colored eyes, bright and blazing and swimming with curiosity. There is a moment of silence as you take in each other. 
Calanthe is the one to break it.  
“Fight for me, Y/N.” 
In the Queen’s hand came a bag of coins. You know she didn’t need you on her side. You’ve seen her in battle, every inch of her covered in blood. You know what they wanted. You could smell their arousal as soon as they saw you. It had been quite a time since you’ve had partners aside from the company of brothels. You agreed to the terms, knowing what they really
sought. You take the coins and put it in your pouch, before leaving to take care of your horse and set up camp.  
Later on that night, you walked into their bedroom, following that scent. You stand in front of them stoic, conveying no emotion while you looked down at them. On the inside, you were a nervous wreck, it had been so long since you were last touched. You were pulsing already, feeling your own heat rise in anticipation. 
Tissaia touches your scars, asking a question about each one while Calanthe watches with a curious gaze. Their scent is intoxicating, and its the only thing you can smell in this dim room. Tissaia’s gentle touch upon your skin is not helping. You fight back the urge to growl, as your naturally slow heartbeat begins to speedup. You don’t ask, instead, surging forward into Tissaia’s lips. She gasps into the kiss not expecting the action.  She’s fighting for dominance, and you are winning. Suddenly, you feel hands on your hair pulling you away from Tissaia, back against a grinning Calanthe, it’s only in the candlelight that you can see how messy her hair is. They had been messing around even before you’ve even got there. You can taste her on Tissaia’s lips, and you can spot the hickies on her neck even in the flickering darkness. 
“Is it a fight you want, witcher?” 
You both know you can easily win. However, you relax into her hold, while Tissaia’s nails scratch over your stomach. You’ve learned its okay to let go of control sometimes. To relish these moments in which people desired you instead of looking at you like your some kind of monster.
You lift up the edges of Tissaia’s gown, it had been so long since you felt someone’s touch against your own skin. You were impatient and ripped off her undergarments smirking when you felt just how wet she was. So distracted by her skin that you didn’t notice Calanthe sliding out a dagger, pressing against your neck.
“Not so fast, Y/N.” she leans down, her breath ghosting over your neck, making the hairs stand up. “We make the rules here.” 
You smirk, but let go of Tissaia, who finally regains her composure, although a heavy blush is just now fading from her features. She looks at Calanthe excited to play with her new toy especially one as strong as you that won’t break easily. Calanthe holds the dagger to your neck.
It’s strange. Every other sense tunes in, you become acutely aware of the feel of Calanthe pressed against you, her muscles curving into your frame.  
It sends you into a flight or fight response and it goes against your training to do neither. The knife curves down as she gently slides it over your skin. You find yourself strangely turned on by the action. It would take more than that to even break your skin, you both knew that. The sharpness draws away, replaced by softness at the throat as she kisses your neck, and hands begin to unbutton your shirt. Tissaia pushes you down towards the bed, and the sight of her on top makes your mouth water.  
“Pleasure me.” 
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at Tissaia’s command, but it’s better to let them think they had some control now. It’ll be that much fun when you take it from them later. 
You beckon her to climb up, lifting up the edges of her gown that should have been torn off ages ago. You weren’t that barbaric, however, you immediately get to work starting off by sucking her clit. A little whine falls out of her mouth but she does not reward you with a moan. 
You lap at Tissaia, your tongue swirling against her folds, swiping in methodical circles, it’s only then that she moans, grinding down harder against your mouth. Your greedy, wanting to drown in her that you completely forget about Calanthe. That is, until her teeth sink into your thigh, making you close them. She scoffs, before prying them open with surprising strength. You swear but not for long feeling the edge of a knife cutting through your clothes. 
She’s ferocious and you can understand why Tissaia is infatuated with her. You moan into Tissaia’ feeling her hands dig into your scalp. In the midst of being smothered underneath her thighs, you feel shifting, against your entrance. Calanthe spreads your thighs further and her toy slides in your wetness. It’s one of considerable size, and its slightly painful, that you hiss into her fold, making Tissaia jump above you. It feels excellent, she immediately is able to find your spot, angling herself just right. 
She’s inside you, going in deeper until your eyes roll back. You’ve never felt so full. You pull Tissaia against you, holding her down by her thighs until she cums, making her ride out her orgasm.  Your legs wrap around Calanthe as you finish cleaning Tissaia off. You didn’t like to shirk on any of your jobs. You moan at one particular thrust, sending a shockwave against her clit, at the action. The Rectoress suddenly pulls away from you, leaving you to wipe the cum off your chin. You watch as she moves down.  Tissaia’s legs spread open so that she’s sitting on your stomach, she begins to grind down on it. At the same time, Calanthe’ starts going faster, and you can feel your walls clenching around her toy. 
She’s staring down at your entrance, biting her lip when you can sense the magic in her room.  It’s enchanted, she can feel it like it is her own, the realization makes you flood.  
Calanthe suddenly takes Tissaia in for a kiss, you watch them above you, and you realize you’re going to cum quicker than you thought. Calanthe and Tissaia share an intense look, they both go harder, eyes locked on each other as she went even deeper, inside of you. Tissaia grips Calanthe hair, pulling her in for a heated kiss, biting down on her lip and you all come undone. They both moan in unison, as Calanthe did one final harsh thrust and your back arches of the bed as your vision fades out. 
You can feel Tissaia pulsating, dripping onto your stomach, nails digging into your open thighs. When she’s done trembling, you catch her by her hips, preventing her from falling back, and carefully place her down next to you. Calanthe lays down on the other side, her hair falling down over her shoulder. You look down at the normally composed rulers who had fallen apart at your touch. You take pride in the fact that you were the one who did this to them. 
You wait for their breathing to even out. Witchers can go for hours, a sly smile creeping up on the edge of your face. They don’t know what they signed up for. You climb on top of Calanthe watching her expression turn from hazy to heavy with desire in a few seconds. It’ll be interesting to see how her stamina compares to yours. You lick your lips, excited for the next round. Tissaia’s eyes are on you as you move down Calanthe’s body. You cannot wait to show them just what else you can do. 
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