#Qiang Jin Jiu spoilers
haitang-blossoms · 6 months
On Differential Methods, Politics, & Intimacy for Early Novel!Cezhou (haitang-blossoms' Qiang Jin Jiu meta)
Note: This analysis goes up to Chapter 42 which is where I had read up to before Lianyin's fantranslation was taken down due to official English licensing by Seven Seas. This is also the source of my quoted screenshots of the novel.
The way both Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye weaponise perceived incompetence (through fabricated images of "grateful helplessness" and "devil-may-care hedonism" respectively) is so compelling and really serves to flesh out the realities of the environment they are forced to navigate.
It is a recurring narrative motif that both Shen Zechuan and Xiao Chiye are "beasts" trapped and restrained by the political system of Qudu. However, the difference in social position and status between them is key to why they choose the masks that they do.
Shen Zechuan, both as a by-proxy-traitor to the nation and as the son of a dancer, has always had to keep his head down and not act beyond his station. Thus, it is perfectly natural that he operates within this expected framework: both to survive in the hostile political landscape as well as to conceal his own intentions and moves within the shadows.
Xiao Chiye, on the other hand, was born into relative power. While the Xiao Clan of Libei was never in the favour of the Empress Dowager, they are nonetheless a reputable cavalry with a hereditary title. Xiao Chiye, as the second son, has both less direct political influence as well as responsibility than his father (the prince) or his elder brother (the next-in-line). This is how he is so easily made a "bargaining chip" and assigned to what seems to be a hopelessly dead-end job in order to keep a metaphorical "leash" on any rebellious intent that Libei may harbour. Given his wealth and inevitable position of being constantly in the public eye, the easiest way to cover up the target on Xiao Chiye's back is to present himself as a frivolous hedonist who is too busy chasing after liquor and bed-partners to pose a real threat to the established power dynamics of the capital.
The difference between their methods can also be observed in the way that their preferences are perceived by others:
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Xiao Chiye presents himself as genial: he loves to drink, he is sociable enough to go out with friends frequently etc. However, as seen in the quote above, Xiao Chiye's "friendliness" is actually quite distant in that even the people who think they know him well are unaware of his true preferences. Yet he conducts himself in such a manner that they would not even think to ponder such things. It is a very effective approach for gathering intel: make the other party assume you are giving away much more about yourself than you are, opening the door for them to carelessly overshare from a sense of fabricated comradery.
Shen Zechuan is the opposite: going along with how he is forced to constantly humble himself and downplay his abilities, his preferences have to be presented as equally accommodating to the will of others. There are many instances where he seemingly goes along with others, secretly gritting his teeth the whole way, in order to "soften" them up to be played into his hand later.
And this goes into my next point:
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Even though Shen Zechuan has an image of seductiveness, his entire method revolves around NOT having openly expressed desires because that would only serve as a vulnerability. Xiao Chiye, by contrast, predicates his mask around devil-may-care hedonism.
In this way, desire is both much more familiar to Xiao Chiye as well as easier to integrate into his established reputation than for Shen Zechuan. 
This is key to why Xiao Chiye is the first to accept his feelings and why he is much more comfortable with unabashedly expressing them. Thus, I think the differences in how Cezhou present themselves and the contrasting methods they use to stay ahead in their environment have bearing not only on the political games of their world but also on their relationship and how they relate themselves to each other.
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fengtashuangyi · 1 month
The extras are hard to find (at least translated in English) and most people have never read them, but my favourite will always be the one set in the past. Not only because we get the chance to see Ji Mu alive for once, but because Xiao Jiming and Ji Mu ask their brothers what kind of girl they’d like to marry. And the answers are… interesting.
Here’s Xiao Chiye’s requirements for his future wife:
must be beautiful ✅
should be able to ride a horse in some way ✅
should know some martial arts ✅
excellent aura, just like the moon ✅
not too accessible ✅
Meanwhile, Shen Zechuan’s requirements for his future wife:
should have a gentle temperament ❌
needs to know how to make dumplings ❌
should not be too tall ❌ ❌ ❌ ❌
better if slender ❌
should speak softly ❌
Xiao Chiye—Shen Zechuan, 5–0.
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izartn · 10 months
Read Golden Stage/Terrace and was left very meh. Not bad, not a subject of my devotion either. I prefer my stories either full on R Romantic or leaning towards the plot as in Qiang Jin Jiu, so although the story and charas were perfectly fine it was very much just an entertaining way to pass the time.
I was expecting... Less good behaviour from the protags honestly XD and not in terms of scheming; I liked how few fucks they gave towards a correct confucian behaviour lol. But it didn't felt like an enemies to lovers as it was sold, not even a rival to lovers. Lost opportunity to suddenly lovers fits. I liked that they almost had something as teens but Yan Xiaohan duty/role and Fu Shen relative immaturity at court games made that impossible. The Cui Yu incident as the memory Yan Xiaohan keeps to remind himself to not sink so low in the future was nice, as is the fact he is still pretty much amoral and doesn't have any loyalty to the emperor(s) except self-preservation.
In general I was very meh about Fu Shen and his fam, except his nephew and that throwaway line about how he remembers years later when he's in the throne that Yan Xiaohan once told him as a child that he only wanted FS and not the kingdom. I want to know more about that kid's life bc it sounds fascinating just from that smidge of info. He's assured as emperor despite the regency bc he knows that what his uncles want is each other more than the throne. Fascinating.
As I was saying; Yan Xiaohan on the other hand? Bastard son of an emperor with a concubine of that emp's father, raised in a temple for retired court women by a nun and a eunuch, who taught all he needed to make a life for himself and success on the court? Super interesting. And we don't know anything about their relationship except that his adoptive father made him swear to not marry a women and have children so as to not challenge any the ruling line (bc the emperor knew Xiaohan was his son). Like.
Of course I prefer Xiaohan XD
But anyways just a light read in comparison with other danmei and a dynamic that just isn't my kind of visceral romance, desire being very good for each other. Also the wonkers pseudo democracy too. That was weird XD good weird but like. Very much pfft at times. That Fu Shen is all on board bc he's just, so so tired of incompetent bosses, essentially, and also very much dislikes authority is funny too.
Anyways these are my thoughts. Worth giving it a read if you are interested by the premise (I usually despise forced marriage, except when done as in very all we here adults as in Golden Stage or full on going this is fucked up and not endgame so that's one thing it does well) but not my cup of tea.
I'm still thinking of Xiao Chiye and Shen Zechuan. And there's no comparison with this novel sorry not sorry. Really liked Ce'an, bc he feels very... realistic as a warlord and also just fantasy enough for the story and romance to work? Both he and Shen Zechuan do. I really liked the way they're attracted to each other at the start despite the antagonism (genuine antagonism!!! their first time is genuine hate sex despite the attraction and burgeoning fondness) and the plotting bc they recognize on each other a yearning from freedom and to be themselves. Then they end the story chained in Qudu by their own volition and by love and mmm. Thematically tasty.
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
WN Women Bonus Polls #5: Other Danmei
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[Propaganda below] - Major Spoilers Warning!
Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Her character arc is so good and im so proud of her 🥹 
Additional Propaganda: Baili Qingmiao's story is about breaking out of cycles that trap us in toxic situations. She is the last primordial goddess going through her tribulation, but some asshole thought he'd interfere making him her tribulation. She just wants to help people, but she can't escape her attachment until a bunch of demonic cultivators form a community around her and help her conquer the part of her is sabotaging her and the rest of the world.
DVAWTK Carrd Link 
Bai Rong from Thousand Autumns
Submission: She's funny, pretty, and goes through a great character arc. 
Chu Yue from Global Examination / GUEE / QQGK
Submission: She is the best friend anyone could ever have, and she is compassionate and kind despite the horrible things she's had to endure. She's a vital part in taking down The System (TM). 
Hua Xiangyi from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Surprisingly skillful player in a complicated political arena. Her love interest is her stepdaughter (same age as her). 
Murong Mengze from Yuwu / Remnants of Filth
Okay, this is a tricky one. Major spoilers ahead. Murong Mengze was born biologically male but raised as a woman for her protection by her mother, who used medicine to make Mengze appear female. For most of the novel, Murong Mengze has a female identity and is referred to with female pronouns. At the end of the novel, it seems she is set to reveal herself as a man after taking control of Chonghua, and the narration refers to her with male pronouns at the very end. We don't actually see her unveil herself as a man, though. I'd say that she counts as a transgender woman, but it's okay to disqualify her. Anyway, the real propaganda is that she is an excellent puppeteer, pulling the strings behind the scenes without anyone realizing for a very long time. She controls the kingdom of Chonghua at the end of the novel. 
Wiki Link
Qiu Congxue from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission 1: I haven't finished reading this book yet but Qiu Congxue is just the funniest character to me. her immediate suggestion to any problem is horrific, traumatizing violence and is confused by how this might be inappropriate or undesirable for some people. ultimate problem causer without realizing she might be causing problems. a genius to herself and no one else. she let her body be eaten by hungry ghosts for her cultivation. head intact, body skeletal and she likes it that way. when asked what she should do to interfere with the enemy while undercover in their territory, her sect leader and our protagonist Wenren E replied that her mere presence is enough interference in itself. my stupid queen <3
Submission 2: Skeleton lady full of ghosts (literally). 
DVAWTK Carrd Link
Qi Zhuyin from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Female general in love with her stepmother. Known as the Wind Guiding the Scorching Plains.
Wiki Link
Shu Yanyan from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Aroallo queen <3 
Song Qiutong from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
Submission: I just think it would be funny to have her here.
Ye Wangxi from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
“Among the 72 glorious cities of Rufeng Sect, there is not even one man.” - Ye Wangxi, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 215 (Wiki)
Submission: Righteous, dignified, loyal, brave, etc.
Mod Propaganda: The “last gentleman” in Rufeng Sect, according to Taxian-jun, who she fought to the end in the first timeline when the Rufeng Sect leaders had already bailed 
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zhumengjie · 1 year
the contrast between cezhou relationship reveal to their parents is so funny like with xiao chiye's family he just casually came out of the closet boasting "the most goodlooking man in the whole of dazhou is my wife!" to his dad who threw horse shit at him, meanwhile with shen zechuan's dad it was a dramatic reveal of ji gang finding out that they've been having premarital sex and consequently beating up this hoodlum xiao chiye for digging the most beautiful cabbage in dazhou
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huasahyo · 1 year
I have read Qiang Jin Jiu and honestly think I'll never recover
(Spoilers ahead!)
Oh god, where to start this? Maybe I should start with the very begging: I didn't understood shit. I just saw a kid being tortured and lots of information. When I felt it was too much, I went after the translated map and OMG that was so helpful! Bless the translators for that. After looking carefully at the map, things started to make sense.
As the story went, before the end of book one I was not very familiar with all the characters. I kept mistaking Hai Liangyi for Hua Siqian lol. But during my reading I started to take some notes and was never confused again. The thing is, this book has A LOT of characters and some of them are introduced early but only become major players later (Yao Wenyu, Hua Xiangyi...)
Even though this huge ensemble would make characters easy to forget, this doesn't happen. The author managed to create likeable and rememberable characters pretty easily??? I fell in love with many of them at first read, even if they didn't show up a lot. And there were characters that got me completely off guard, I wasn't expecting them to be so cool and relevant, BUT THEY WERE (Fei Sheng, Kong Liu)! And the antagonists were also brilliant, I love a good story where everyone has a point and no one is actually evil: People from Biansha had their truths and in a war there are no right sides, Xue Xiuzhuo wanted the best for Dazhou (even though I can't forgive what the did to my baby Yuanzhuo), and Li Jianting??? WHAT A LEGEND! Also, Feng Quan plot twist left me speechless, what an interesting character. Every character was very human (in the good and bad way), everyone had their own goals and beliefs. I actually might do a second post screaming about every character because I have a lot to say about them. (hello hasen my love)
The Plot??? Perfectly done. AND WELL EXPLAINED! I was always a little afraid of reading novels with a lot of politics, but I really dug this one. The problems with grains, provisions, registry, army and BRO THERE WAS EVEN SOME AGRARIAN REFORM SHIT
The way this author write the MOST well written battles I have read, without using any magic... it's just... I never thought I would be so enthusiastic about cannons, rocks and GRAINS.
The conflicts in Zhongbo could be all repetitive, but they weren't at all. Each prefecture that Lanzhou took back had a interesting story.
The war with Biansha was also brilliantly written. The way Amu'er was attacking Dazhou from the inside out and the scorpions with those hammers??? My man was a genius. Sadly, he could never have predicted Bai Cha and her son.
Talking about that, the family relationships are a great point in this. Seeing flashbacks about Lanzhou, Ji Mu, Ji Gang and Hua Pinging made me CRY! They were so happy... And seeing Xiao Chiye with his brother and HIS DAD LIKE... Xiao Fangxu and Ji Gang best daddies. Fei Sheng and Yin Chang too, what a beautiful chapter the one that they talk after Fei Sheng has a fight with Qiao Tianya.
Talking about Qiao Tianya, it was refreshing to see a novel with more LGBT characters. The secondary pairings were great, they didn't steal the spotlight from cezhou, but were very enjoyable (even though THAT happened between Songyu). I just wished we could have seen more Qihua moments and OH GOD KONG LIU AND LUO MU??? That got me truly off guard, wasn't expecting at all. Also, I found really interesting how Lanzhou basically got a LGBT parade following him at the end, that was truly the gayest empire ever. I have so many headcanons here, let me scream them: Xue Xiuzhuo is AroAce, Li Jianting is a non-binary legend and Huo Lingyun a Bi King. Also, Fei Sheng is not straight. Said it.
The little animals in this??? I WAS TERRIFIED WHEN LANG TAO XUE JIN FELL IN THAT HOLE YALL I THOUGHT HE WAS GONNA DIE. But luckily he didn't. Meng, Hunu, Feng Shuang Ta Yi were all the cutest, I need more novels with cats.
THE CHILDREN - Ding Tao, Li Xiong, Xiao Xun and Jiran. They served chaos, humor and cuteness. I really liked whenever they showed up.
THE LADIESSS - If you have read my other posts you know I love some powerful women. This story did not disappoint me in that sense. Hua Hewei had some despicable acts, but she really got everyone on her hands despite never leaving the inner palace, good for her. Hua Xiangyi is a way better version of her aunt, my girl was smart and cared for the people, an amazing woman. QI ZHUYINNN owns my life, I really adored the fact that she was a badass and that she never hated the fact she was born a girl, slay. Bai Cha was really out there helping women that were sold and their children, that is some real sorority there. Lu Yizhi was so kind, loved seeing her interactions with Lanzhou. Li Jianting was everything, her story was one of the saddest and yet she was doing her best to become a ruler. Duo Er'lan was amazingly brave, even more than Hasen, mad respect for her.
And last, but definitely not least, there is cezhou. I have no words to explain how much I adored these two. The way both of them got their own development and had their own private goals and went after them, so good. They are so well written that I wanna scream. The chapters that are focused on Lanzhou's feelings are not big in number, even when he is the main character, his feelings are shown in discreet ways (the handkerchief!) and most of the time we don't know what he is plotting or thinking. But when we take a peek at what's going inside of his heart, it's... astonishing. And I love seeing how he actually cared for the side characters, even though he doesn't show a lot.
And Ce'an kind of caught me off guard, I thought he was going to be a totally different character but he went and delivered
Xiao Chiye was a perfect fit for Lanzhou and Lanzhou was a perfect fit for Xiao Chiye: they were both in similar situations where only them could understand each other's suffering, and after they leave Qudu we see how much of a match made in heaven they are (not just romantically, but strategically).
THE SEXUAL TENSION AT THE BEGINNING YALL... They were scheming/fighting and flirting at the same time. Iconic.
Read this, you won't regret it!
By the way, I started reading the story in December and finished by March, but I completely forgot to post this! College has been frying my brain these days.
Hopefully I will resume my Sha Po Lang reading and come back here to tell my opinions on the book. (Not sure when though.)
See ya!
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bellaroles · 1 year
Damn it! Qi Huilian! The hidden chess piece! What the hell is going on? What?!
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mxtxfanatic · 2 years
Reading qiang Jin jiu. Thank you for like giving me the interest in reading it. I was at chapter 90 when I decided welp... There's been a lot of foreshadowing in this so maybe it's safe to search for some Spoilers now? Well.. So I am apparently only six chapters away from the doom and I don't know how to handle reading knowing the things that will happen have broken my heart WHYYY T^T I'll persevere for szc and xcy.
You know what’s funny? I had thought about adding a note for when the different volumes of the book end because soooooo much shit goes down at the end of the volumes (and there are 3, so you have one more traumatic hurtle to go!) but I decided against it because I didn’t think it would really make much of a difference to anyone following my liveblogging 😅
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freisende · 5 months
— Discussion and Poetry Masterlist —
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Here is the canon discussions, thoughts, and impressions:
Thousand Autumns (Qiānqiū/千秋)
The Ballad of Sword and Wine (Qiāng jìn jiǔ/将进酒)
Heaven Official's Blessing (Tiān Guān Cì Fú/天官赐福)
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hyperboleigh91 · 1 year
Cezhou's relationship for the first 1/5 of Qiang Jin Jiu:
Shen Zechuan: *existing, angrily*
Xiao Chiye: 👁👃🏻👁 "He's trying to seduce me..."
He was trying to plot to ruin Xiao Chiye’s life, but he was just so damn pretty.
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aworldforastage · 2 years
A Totally Subjective List of Favorite Danmei Novels I Read in 2022
Qiang Jin Jiu :: 将进酒 唐酒卿
Silent Reading :: 默读 Priest
Jun You Ji Fou :: 君有疾否 如似我闻
Those Years I Opened a Zoo :: 我开动物园那些年  拉棉花糖的兔子 
Golden Stage :: 黄金台 苍梧宾白
Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You :: 你的黑料比本人可爱 毛球球
Professional Body Double :: 职业替身 水千丞
Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms :: 提灯映桃花 淮上 
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating :: 网恋翻车指南 酱子贝
FOG :: FOG[电竞] 漫漫何其多
Qiang Jin Jiu :: 将进酒 唐酒卿
“你坐明堂上,不要沾风雪。” “Your place is in the great halls, untouched by wind and snow.”
[historical, political intrigue]  – (I wrote a spoiler-free introductory synopsis here.)  Plenty of people have already said lots of good things about this novel, but the highlight for me is its rich cast of three-dimensional characters, who are simultaneously cruel or frustrating but also sympathetic and redeemable. The characters’ actions and decisions are mingled with compromises they must make for their circumstances and values. The world is built with extreme care, with plenty of details that I didn’t catch until my second pass over the novel. I read nearly 70 titles in 2022, but I spent almost a month on QJJ alone to re-read and listen to the audiodrama. Despite the length of the novel, I still wish I can spend more time in this world. 
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Silent Reading :: 默读 Priest 
“ 我不是凝视深渊的人,我就是深渊。” “I’m not the one staring into the abyss; I am the abyss.”
[modern, police procedural] – If QJJ is my go-to recommendation for a historical danmei, then Silent Reading aka Modu is my go-to for a modern one. This is basically a police procedural, focusing on five major cases, with the finale weaving together clues scattered throughout the novel. Priest is a masterful writer who introduces new information in a measured pace, so you gradually get to know the characters and immerse into the complex world. The cases takes us face-to-face with some of the the darkest facets of humanity, but the work decidedly leaves you with a sense of hope, that even the deepest wounds can heal, and there are more people than you may ever expected who will want to help you.
Jun You Ji Fou :: 君有疾否 如似我闻 
刹那间上万只蝶忽然振翅飞起,满胸膛的蝶翼扑动,心彻底乱的没有章法。 Suddenly tens of thousands of butterflies spread their wings to take flight. His chest is filled with fluttering motion, and his heart falls fully into disarray. 
[historical, political, romance] – In JYJF, two longtime rivals with opposing political priorities coming to a new understanding of each other and fall in love.  They are both clever, principled, but black-bellied in their own way. This novel has undeniable weaknesses as a political drama, but it has built a reputation as a romance with poetic prose, well-developed characters, and a delicious blend of humour, fluff, and angst. The “light” political plot lines will not bog the reader down, and functions instead as an effective backdrop to showoff how the characters work together, the way their ideologies clash and align, and why they can come love each other. [incomplete translation]
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Those Years I Opened a Zoo :: 我开动物园那些年  拉棉花糖的兔子 
“也没有什么诀窍,就是夸他,一个劲夸他,从内夸到外。”  “There isn’t really a trick to it. Just compliment him, keep complimenting him, compliment him from inside out.” 
[comedy, urban fantasy] – This is my go-to feel-better novel when I need a good laugh. The protagonist operates a zoo with the help of a magical app, and some of the most formidable names in Chinese mythology (Su Daji, Bai Suzhen, Sun Wokong etc.) must blend in as “staff animals”. There is no real angst or conflict, and the romance, between the twenty-something zoo owner and a mythological bird who has been “single for tens-of-thousands of years,” is equally light and fun. Even though his boyfriend is one of the most powerful beings in the universe, the human shou is the one who actually sets the pace and tone of the relationship, since he is the one with higher EQ and more “knowledge”.
Golden Stage :: 黄金台 苍梧宾白
“朝廷走狗不残害忠良,怎么对得起天下悠悠众口?”  “If the dog of the imperial court doesn’t scheme against the loyal and the just, what will all the interested citizens gossip about?” 
[historical, arranged marriage,  but really reconciliation] - The emperor arranges a controversial marriage for an injured but popular war hero and his rival, a favored but notorious court official. Instead of shifting the political balance like the emperor has hoped, the couple works out their old grievances and forms a formidable alliance which soon becomes the only hope for the ailing empire against foes within and beyond. A lot of the political themes in this novel are very similar to QJJ, but while QJJ is very hardcore in its depiction of the politics and mechanics of an entire government, Golden Stage is a much shorter and easier read, with its focus on the core characters, and their values and relationships. 
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Your Scandals Are Way Cuter Than You :: 你的黑料比本人可爱 毛球球
难得有这么一大波人送上门来吵架,江影兴奋得很,但,他有他的职业道德,自家的粉只能护,不能怼,至于戚逐家的,他只针对戚逐这个人,不针对戚逐家的粉。 It's not often that such a large group of people brings the fight to his door; Jiang Ying is very excited. However, he has his own ethical standards: he needs to help his own fans, not go up against them. As for Qi Zhu's fans, his problem is only with Qi Zhu himself, not the fans.
[comedy, actors/celebrities] –  A hilarious “entertainment circle” novel where the idol actor protagonist loves the industry not for the acting or the singing, but the gossip and cat fights. He is so invested in arguing and fighting with antis online that he nearly misses the fact someone is seriously in love with him. The protagonist’s brother’s story is told in Your Memes are Way Better-looking than You, which takes place before this novel. “Memes” generally has the same funny tone but a slightly more serious plot, but this novel is a pure sugar-fest. 
Professional Body Double :: 职业替身 水千丞
他看到了一个成熟的男人是怎么对待爱情的,又是怎么用那种恰到好处的温柔和宽容去感染、缠缚对方的,他就是那个被周翔紧紧抓住的人。 He saw how a mature man deals with love, using just the perfect amount of warmth and generosity to infect and cling onto his lover; he was the was one who had been tightly held onto by Zhou Xiang. 
 [angst, romance, actors and celebrities] – A gentle introduction to the infamous “188 Club”. Yan Mingxiu’s ranking within the 188 really varies depending on your priorities, but I mostly have a soft spot for him because Zhou Xiang seems to really love him (and also, the extra chapters written from YMX’s POV kinda sorta maybe gave him sympathy points).  Zhou Xiang is caring, smart, and extremely charismatic. I am very moved by the way Zhou Xiang loves and pursues Yan Mingxiu before the accident, the way his confidence and maturity are undercut by his insecurities and loneliness as an orphan and a gay man. In the end, I root for them mostly because I want to believe Zhou Xiang can make it work with the boy he loves so much. 
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Lantern: Reflection of the Peach Blossoms :: 提灯映桃花 淮上 
“我不是来打仗的,我是来求婚的。” “I didn’t come here to fight, I came to propose."
[romance, urban fantasy, reconciliation ] – This novel probably has my favorite relationship arc, in which love has never been so powerful and so useless at the same time. It’s a love story between gods and demons, and but it’s also about the insecurity of marrying across classes, the damage of emotionally abusive upbringing, the balance between children and spouse, and the sacrifices you make for love and duty. It’s a HE reconciliation story with lots of comedy, but it’s a long and cruel journey to uncover and patch up the mistakes that brought them to this point. One note I must make is that this novel is kind of hard to follow due to POV switches and the character themselves having incomplete information; the full conflict and relevant backstory is not really clear until around 65% into the text. 
Guide on How to Fail at Online Dating :: 网恋翻车指南 酱子贝 
渣男怎么了? 渣男多好啊?! 渣男文可为我写诗!武可啪啪三日!上暖绿茶!下暖萝莉!二十四小时温柔在线!七十二小时暖心待机!恋爱不查短信!分手绝不纠缠!经期会冲红糖!睡前会说晚安! 天啊!渣男就是这个世界上的宝物!我永远爱渣男!!! What’s wrong with scum boyfriends? Scum boyfriends are great! Scum boyfriends can write love poems with his pen! Can go for three days with his sword! Delivering warmth to green-tea and loli’s alike! He is online for 24 hours a day, on standby for 72! No checking your phone while dating! No pestering you after breaking up! He can make brown sugar drinks during your period! He’ll tell you ‘goodnight’ before bed! By heavens! Scum boyfriends are treasures of the world! I will love scum boyfriends forever!!! 
[online gaming, cat-fishing, mistaken identities, college-setting] – AKA: “fake green tea vs fake scum boyfriend.” Jing Huan poses as a girl in an online game to catfish the Big Name Player who tricked and hurt his cousin. Meanwhile, Xiang Huaizhi notices photos from the girl who keeps flirting with him in an online game can only be sent by someone at his school, specifically, one underclassman. There is plenty of comedy in Jing Huan’s effort to pose as a girl online, and also plenty of hurt when the truth and deception are laid to bare, but overall this is a sweet college romance with just dash (or maybe a spoonful?) of angst and plenty of humour. (PSA: No knowledge of gaming is needed (I don’t have any) to follow the story.) 
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FOG :: FOG[电竞] 漫漫何其多
不喜欢的人的心机才是心机。 喜欢的人的心机,那叫撒娇。 Schemes are only schemes if they are coming from people you don’t like . Schemes from people you like, that's flirting to get your attention. 
 [E-sports, (sort-of?) reconciliation] – My first “E-Sports” novel that focuses on professional competitive gaming (but it’s a fictional game so no prior gaming knowledge needed). As a E-Sports novel, FOG does a great job of portraying the camaraderie between teammates and the youthful passion of the players, while also touching on the cynical and exploitative side of the industry. There is an extremely sad and infuriating backstory that explains how the main couple came to be separated for two years (it’s not their fault), but their relationship is otherwise very sweet. However, I have never seen a story with a tournament arc that ends when the main characters win the quarter-finals … (yes, there are extra chapters, but still …)  
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fengtashuangyi · 1 month
For the ones wondering, yes, there are extras. Specifically, 5 of them (or 12, if you count the parts separately).
From my understanding, 4 of them were originally posted on Weibo and then gathered by fans here:
They were translated in English, but the translation was locked and now has been taken down, so not many people noticed.
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(Yes, the third extra is Cezhou's wedding).
I can't buy from jjwxc with my credit card and I never got access to the English translation. So I read the Portuguese translation of the extras instead.
The last extra is available only in the Traditional Chinese print. The translation can be read here if you purchased this edition of the novel.
And that's it, as far as I know ;)
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langtaoxuejin · 8 months
Some sad moments in C-BL novels I've read
spoilers warning!!!
Qiang Jin Jiu : Li Jianheng's death - i didn't like him that much so i was surprised that i was sad... but he really was trying his best to be a good emperor. in his last moments he was worried about Xiao Chiye and Hai Liangyi... what really broke my heart was when he said 'don't make me the emperor in my next life... i want to be born as a swallow in dazhou' all he really wanted was to live his life happily and have fun... the author really wrote it so beautifully
TGCF : When HC disappeared - 'There is no banquet in the world that doesn't comes to an end' i can't explain the way this line tugs at my heart... like we all knew he's going to come back but i couldn't help being sad about it... Hua Cheng was literally always there, so it caught me completely off guard when he started fading
Qiang Jin Jiu : (again) Xiao Fangxu's death - i wasn't expecting it. i wasn't expecting it all. i know the the war was ongoing but i still wasn't expecting it... i wish i could transmigrate into the novel and hug the poor wolf pup (even though Lanzhou would probably hack my head off) and it being a trap made me feel worse about it for some reason
Lord Seventh : although it wasn't particularly a moment but He Lianyi pining for Beiyuan was kind of sad to me... for some reason... i didn't like He lianyi that much either but i'm sooo weak for the unrequited love trope... whether it was because of the circumstances or the people themselves that they couldn't be together but He Lianyi truly loved Beiyuan and no one can tell me otherwise. but that doesn't means i don't like the canon ship coz i love love looooove wuxi sm and Beiyuan deserved someone like wuxi.
Dinghai Fusheng Lu : Che Luofeng - let me tell you i'm still traumatized. i hated what he did, how he treated Zhou Zhen and poor Chen Xing also suffered but i still felt bad that he had to end that way... that's just what the beauty of writing is... these authors write so beautifully it can't be blamed on me... it's not like i wanted him to live but it's not like i wanted him to die either... thankfully in the next half he lived, but still... the unrequited love...
Fox Demon Cultivation Manual : the truth about Feng Zhoujun - firstly i liked this arc a lot... despite my emotions being played at every turn... after seeing how Jiang Liang was harassed, humiliated and beaten up before "Feng Zhoujun's" eyes i hated Feng Zhoujun(obviously) but when the truth was revealed which was that the real Feng Zhoujun loved Jiang Liang so much he would literally give him the world i was so heartbroken. how Feng Zhoujun tried so desperately to hang on but still died... how Jiang Liang saw Feng Zhoujun dying but he was still unable to do anything... it was all sad to me... (bless wen changchu for hanging madam bitch feng to death)
alright this post became way too long so i guess this is enough for one post... (i haven't finished QJJ yet so i have no idea what's in store for me up ahead)
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web-novel-polls · 4 months
Web Novel Women Tournament 
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[Please be kind and respectful in the notes. Anti-Propaganda is NOT allowed.]
Hua Xiangyi from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Surprisingly skillful player in a complicated political arena. Her love interest is her stepdaughter (same age as her).
Shu Yanyan from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Aroallo queen <3 
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zhumengjie · 1 year
xiao chiye: (wantonly dressed) oh hi shifu i was busy doing "things"
ji gang: haha xiao ce'an you are fucking my son
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
“Want to go wild with abandon? Do you dare? Try tearing me apart, Xiao’Er. I don’t care.”
Qiang Jin Jiu, chapter 40
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