#Qatar Rent House
hugecount · 11 months
Why Should You Choose Cheap Rent House In Qatar? | HugeCount
Qatar, a flourishing country settled on the northeastern bank of the Bedouin Landmass, is known for its plushness, innovation, and financial ability. As this Bay nation proceeds to develop and invite exiles from around the world. The requirement for reasonable lodging choices has become progressively significant. One such choice that has acquired notoriety is picking a modest lease house in Qatar. In this complete article, we will dive into the multi-layered benefits of choosing reasonable investment properties in Doha Qatar. The Economic Appeal Cost Savings One of the most convincing motivations to pick a modest cheap house for rent Qatar […]
Source: https://hugecount.com/real-estate/why-should-you-choose-cheap-rent-house-in-qatar/
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lishapbs · 2 years
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There are several options for furnished apartments for rent in Doha, Qatar. Some of the most popular areas for furnished rentals include West Bay, The Pearl, Al Sadd, and Al Dafna.
Here are some of the popular websites where you can find furnished apartments for rent in Doha:
Qatar Living
You can also contact local real estate agencies or property management companies to help you find a suitable furnished apartment that fits your needs and budget.
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abhhome · 2 years
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multifandomfanfic · 2 years
could you do something where ronaldo is your ex and you broke up because he cheated but he saw you with another man at a party and he got really jealous??
Cold Air
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Word Count: ~2.2k
A/N: I hope you enjoy! Sorry this took so long and sorry if any descriptions of Qatar are inaccurate. Just suspend reality for a bit :)) (also, I proof-read this, but it hasn’t had a second pair of eyes look at it)
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The city lights passed by your car as you made your way to the club. The World Cup was in full swing and, today, Portugal had beaten Switzerland by five goals. You wrinkled your nose. Portugal. As good of a team they were, any mention of their team, and especially a certain player, left a foul taste on your tongue. 
It wasn't like you didn't love Ronaldo. You did.., well, you had loved him at one point. Months ago you had been positive your relationship was going to last forever; you were living together, you went with him to his events, and you were even certain you had spied an engagement ring in his bag once. All of that was squashed within seconds thanks to Ronaldo’s unlocked phone and a few Instagram DMs. 
Within days, you had moved out of your shared house and into an apartment far away from Manchester. Ronaldo agreed to pay the first year of your rent in return for you not going public about his infidelity, but you took the high road. You did not need his help and, after what he did to you, you decided that you did not want to have any connection to him any longer. Enough was enough.
But here you were, in Qatar, the day his team beat the Swiss.
Your phone vibrated and you dug it out of your purse. 
I'll have to leave a little early tonight, Emi texted you.
What? Why?
Coach wants us to get at least eight hours of sleep before some extra practice in the morning. He explained, I'm free to do whatever you want tomorrow night.
You groaned and slumped back into the car seat. Great. Just great. The only reason you were going to this club was to celebrate Emi’s friend’s birthday, whom you had never met. In fact, you hardly knew anybody on his team. You had spent so much time with Portugal and Manchester United that you hadn’t become acquainted with any of the other teams. Besides, you had only been seeing Emi for a couple of months. 
“Is this it?” your driver asked. 
“Yes, this is it,” you sighed. The cold night air raised goosebumps on your skin as soon as you pushed open the door. It was refreshing and briefly distracted your mind from the awkwardness awaiting you inside.
The bouncer opened the rope as you approached. The club’s exterior was lit by LED lights, beckoning people to venture inside. Quite a crowd had amounted outside, drawn by the possibility of seeing a world-class futball player in person. They watched you as you entered the building. Who were you? And why were you here?
The interior of the bar was as exuberant and bright as the exterior. The only difference was the number of people crammed within its walls. Bodies were pressed against each other, moving to the music blaring from the speakers. Two bartenders were hurriedly making drinks for the growing crowd. They had been instructed to prioritize the futball players and serve them first, but they were struggling to keep up with that demand.
You scanned the throngs of people. One or two of the men close to you looked familiar, but the lights were set just dim enough that you couldn’t distinguish people from a distance. Their forms blended into one, swaying mass.
Person after person bumped and shoved you (whether on accident or on purpose, you couldn’t tell) as you forged your way to the bar. Surely, there were too many people in the club to be safe, but nobody paid attention. They were all having fun. You were the walking embodiment of dread.
You tugged on the end of your dress. It wasn’t yours–one of the players’ girlfriends had lent it to you–and it wasn’t exactly your taste either. The color was off and it fell awkwardly on your thighs. Anyone who knew you would know the dress was not your first choice. 
“Excuse me?” you asked the bartender closest to you, “Can I get one of those?”
The mixture of alcohol he was making was taking all of his attention, and he made no effort to respond. You groaned, leaned against the bartop, and began people-watching. There was no sight of Ronaldo or Emi. You weren’t expecting Ronaldo to be there, but you could never be too sure. 
“Y/N!” a familiar voice called from behind you.
You turned around and smiled, “Emi!” 
He pushed his way through the crowd, nodding and grinning at his friends. You recognized none of them, despite going to many of Emi’s games. Maybe you were too stuck in the past.
Once he reached you, Emi grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him. 
“It’s so good to see you,” he said, leaning over slightly and began kissing your neck. Several people’s eyes landed on the two of you. 
“Babe, please,” you whispered, “Not in public.”
He stepped back, “Why not?”
“I just don’t feel comfortable with it, ok?” you replied. To be honest, you had no idea why it made you so uneasy. People looking at you was one thing, but something else was off.
Emi smirked and loosened his grip on your waist, “Fine. But I will be seeing you tomorrow night.”
“It’s a date,” you chuckled. He left you one more kiss on your lips as he started to back away. He smiled and nodded his head goodbye. Before you knew it, Emi had disappeared into the mass of people.
The bartender continued to pay attention to other patrons, leaving you drinkless and bored. There was a full-length mirror behind the back of the bar. You examined yourself in it, rubbing off the lipstick that had made its way off of your lips and adjusting your hair so it fell just right on your face. A figure began to form behind you. Someone was making their way to the spot to your left. The way the lights were positioned and flashing, you could not tell who it was.. that is, until they spoke.
He ordered two of your favorite drink and, like clockwork, the bartender had them finished within seconds.
“You look good,” he almost mumbled as he took the first sip from his drink. His eyes scanned your figure, soaking in every aspect of how the dress fell on your body. You could have slapped him, “Although, I wouldn’t peg you as the type of girl to wear something like that.”
“What do you want, Ronaldo?” you spat. His face changed for a moment at the use of his last name instead of Cristiano–what you used to call him–but, within seconds, it was back to his usual, sly look. On the other hand, you could feel your face turning red. Months of pent-up rage and regret flooded back into your head. Why had you come here? Why did he have to be here?
“You haven’t changed a bit,” he said as you picked up your drink. You slammed it back down on the counter. A little sloshed over the edge and the bartender immediately wiped it with his towel. He scowled at you but smiled at Ronaldo. You pushed the glass to the farthest point on the bar that you could reach. You refused to drink it. That would make it seem like you were diving in.
“I asked you what you wanted,” you seethed, arms crossed across your chest, “Can you answer my question?”
He rolled his eyes and looked around as if you were the only person in the room who did not know what he was going to say. He then leaned closer, “You could do much better than an Argentinian. That’s all I wanted to say.”
You froze. Your mouth hung agape, your mind was apparently empty of any good comebacks. After a moment you managed a “Are you kidding me?” and a small, all-too-exaggerated laugh. The audacity this man had. He cheated on you, not the other way around. 
“Do you think I’m joking? I’m just stating the obvious, darling,” Ronaldo smirked. He leaned against the bar, drink in hand. Triumph was written all over his face. 
You pulled out twenty dollars from your purse and slammed it onto the bar to cover your drink. You stood up straight, staring your adversary in the eyes. 
“I’m done with your bullshit, Ronaldo. Do I need to remind you whose fault it was that we broke up? It wasn’t me!,” you shouted just loud enough so the people closest to you could hear, “Have a good life.”
You stormed past him, purposely bumping into his shoulder on the way to the back. Your feet carried you past the mob of bodies. Instead of annoying you, they acted to your benefit, creating an almost impenetrable sea for Ronaldo to cross to get to you. You made it to the back exit swiftly and, without hesitating, escaped the room.
The chilly air greeted you like an old friend. Your dress was hardly enough to keep you warm, but it didn’t matter. Compared to the inside of the bar and its patrons, it felt more friendly and calm in the frigid night.
You pulled out your phone and started searching for an Uber to take you home. You began walking down the alleyway, enveloped in the screen in front of you rather than paying attention to your surroundings. That was why you nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a cold hand grab a hold of your arm.
You whipped around and tried to strike the attacker with your bag but, after a moment, you saw that it was none other than Ronaldo. Despite recognizing him, you still managed to hit him with your purse. You ripped your arm from his grasp and backed up. You weren’t truly scared of him, not at all, but he repulsed you so much that you wanted to distance yourself from him as much as you possibly could.
“What the hell are you doing?!” you exclaimed.
“Y/N, listen to m–”
“No, tell me what you think you’re doing!”
“I don’t know what I–” he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and shifting his weight.
“You don’t know what you’re do–”
“Y/N, would you just listen to me, please?!” Ronaldo finally begged. He stood with his arms extended to you, silently pleading with you to let him speak, “Please?”
You checked your phone and then crossed your arms, “You have two minutes, Ronaldo, then I never want to see you again.”
“That’s fine, that’s perfect,” he took a step back. He looked at the sky as he took a deep breath. The stars were shining down on the two of you, illuminating the alleyway just enough that you could see Ronaldo’s breath and the sweat dripping down his face. What was bothering him so much?
He sighed, exasperated with his own thoughts, “Y/N, I.. you know I love you right?”
You did not reply, nod, or shake your head. You kept your eyes glued on him but, on the inside, your stomach was turning. This conversation could lead nowhere good. In the months since your break-up, you had thought about getting back together plenty of times. Yet, in reality, you could never let yourself do that. He cheated on you once. He had broken your trust. That could not happen again.
“I know you do. And I know, I hope, that deep down you still love me,” Ronaldo continued, trying to get any reaction out of you, but none came, “I will never love another woman as much as I love you. You were the light of my life, the thing that made me smile every single day without fail. You enchant me, Y/N,  and I went and screwed everything up. Will you forgive me?”
You scoffed, your arms only crossing tighter in front of your chest, “Don’t give me this ‘I love you most ardently’-esque crap. You cheated on me, Ronaldo. I have proof!”
“And I regret it every day! Y/N, you don’t understand how much I’ve beat myself up over this. I love you! You make me happy!”
“Ronaldo, if I really made you happy, frankly, we would not be in this situation right now,” you said, pursing your lips. You shrugged, “I am sorry, but I can’t forgive you.”
With that, a grey sedan drove to the end of the alleyway behind you. You checked the description on your phone–it was your ride.
“That’s me,” you said. The amount of water vapor in front of Ronaldo’s mouth only increased as he grew angrier and more confused. His mind was running, trying to find some solution to have you back, or to get you to at least forgive him, but he could not find one.
“Can you at least call me Cristiano?” he finally called out as you started to walk away.
You turned around. After a moment, you nodded, and made eye contact with him once more, “Alright, Cristiano. As I said earlier, I hope you have a good life.”
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42bakery · 5 months
Headcanons about Pedrenzo teammates au please
Hi Anna 👋👋👋👋 thank you so much for this.
This one is tough because it depends a lot on which part of their relationship we are talking about. It's pre-2005? It's 2005? It's between 2008-2010? Or it's 2012 and beyond? (Yes I know I put a gap but there not a lot of info in the 2010-2012 so maybe like pre-2005?, I might or might not have also write about that). I'll try to give 5 head canons for each period, so it's going to be a long post.
1- Jorge is stocked when he started to work with Dani because that's the rider he used as a reference. And now he's on the other side of the box. Dani is unimpressed. He's just there to win so no matter whose his teammate it he will destroy it.
2- Jorge tried to be friendly towards Dani because he knew he could learn from him, but he was meet with coldness.
3- They don't talk at all. Not even in the debrief, not even in team strategies. Not even when Jorge needs to understand the difference between the new piece/bike Dani has compared to what Jorge has. It's like there's a wall between them in there
4- When Dani wins the championship in 2003 the team partied a lot. Jorge was there like a puppy following Dani and relishing as he FINALLY have Dani's attention
1- Part of Jorge is happy that Dani is his teammate because he knows how good he is. At the same time he knows he's the rider that needs to always beat on track. It's a hard expectation to manage. Dani is just slightly annoyed because he needs to keep his barriers always up. Plus Puig is always telling him to be careful and beat Jorge.
2- Team meetings are a fucking mess. Amatriaín and Puig are always at each other's throats accusing the other of interference/sabotage. They have to split the team meetings in team Dani and Team Jorge and just a few people are in both. to avoid conflict.
3- With each new battle and Jorge crashes the media is all over the team/managers/riders. They are always speculation from sabotage or foult play. Some rivals (De Angelis) might say the team used Jorge as a weapon to make sure Dani won the 250cc Championship the second time in a row.
4- Afer the 2005 Japanese GP Dani is asked to come to the stewards room and discuss Jorge's behavior the team asked Dani to play nice, so he does it. Jorge doesn't get a race ban but he still messed with Dani and De Angelis in the next race and gets it anyways.
5- When Dani wins the tittle that year (Australia), he goes to Jorge's room in the house the team rents in there and rubs his championship. Dani is totally wasted so they might get into a fight and might or might not hate kissed each other.
Between 2008-2010
1- Team tried to brush off the past bad relationship, but after Qatar and the Spanish GP incidents it was clear that they can't. Team is just always doing damage control with them.
2- Team meetings are always separated and Dani demands no data is shared between them.
3- Jorge is always telling the media what's going on, so it's like the media is always at the garage with them. Dani prefers to do the talking on the track., which not always works well as Jorge likes to paint him as the bad guy. Team let them because they are producing results.
4- They bet on results and the winner makes the other do something humiliating.
5- Team doesn't let hem be together in events or do videos for social media due to reasons... Meaning Jorge was shading Dani all the time and Dani always left the place angry. Rumors said the physically fight each other at the back of a garage and might or might not be true.
1- Both are hesitant, not sure how they stands they are cordial at each others (if it's post-2015 Dani might be the one to start the first conversation asking about Jorge's collarbone).
2- They split the developing job well. Dani sits there listening Jorge dissect the Yamaha and trying to understand where the Honda is stronger and how to improve the weakness. Jorge sits there looking at Dani when he talks to the engineers for hours about the differences. Also Dani is happy that for once he has a teammate that can actually feel the difference between 2 bikes or different parts (Thanks Marc and Casey for make Dani feel like he's imagining things).
3- They go out for dinners and events and Jorge is always sharing it on social media. They might even train together from time to time in Switzerland.
4- Their media videos are just them talking about 2 stroke bikes, with Dani smiling and Jorge watching Dani. (If it's post 2012 they make reference to the 'And maybe in 2-3 years we get married a lot).
And that's all I can came up at the moment. Sorry
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January 4, 2024
JAN 5, 2024
The Democrats on the House Oversight Committee today released a 156-page report showing that when he was in the presidency, Trump received at least $7.8 million from 20 different governments, including those of China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Malaysia, through businesses he owned. 
The Democrats brought receipts. 
According to the report—and the documents from Trump’s former accounting firm Mazars that are attached to it—the People’s Republic of China and companies substantially controlled by the PRC government paid at least $5,572,548 to Trump-owned properties while Trump was in office; Saudi Arabia paid at least $615,422; Qatar paid at least $465,744; Kuwait paid at least $300,000; India paid at least $282,764; Malaysia paid at least $248,962; Afghanistan paid at least $154,750; the Philippines paid at least $74,810; the United Arab Emirates paid at least $65,225. The list went on and on. 
The committee Democrats explained that these payments were likely only a fraction of the actual money exchanged, since they cover only four of more than 500 entities Trump owned at the time. When the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in January 2023, Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) stopped the investigation before Mazars had produced the documents the committee had asked for when Democrats were in charge of it. Those records included documents relating to Russia, South Korea, South Africa, and Brazil. 
Trump fought hard against the production of these documents, dragging out the court fight until September 2022. The committee worked on them for just four months before voters put Republicans in charge of the House and the investigation stopped. 
These are the first hard numbers that show how foreign governments funneled money to the president while policies involving their countries were in front of him. The report notes, for example, that Trump refused to impose sanctions on Chinese banks that were helping the North Korean government; one of those banks was paying him close to $2 million in rent annually for commercial office space in Trump Tower. 
The first article of the U.S. Constitution reads: “[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument [that is, salary, fee, or profit], Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” 
The report also contrasted powerfully with the attempt of Republicans on the Oversight Committee, led by Comer, to argue that Democratic Joe Biden has corruptly profited from the presidency. 
In the Washington Post on December 26, 2023, Philip Bump noted that just after voters elected a Republican majority, Comer told the Washington Post that as soon as he was in charge of the Oversight Committee, he would use his power to “determine if this president and this White House are compromised because of the millions of dollars that his family has received from our adversaries in China, Russia and Ukraine.”
For the past year, while he and the committee have made a number of highly misleading statements to make it sound as if there are Biden family businesses involving the president (there are not) and the president was involved in them (he was not), their claims were never backed by any evidence. Bump noted in a piece on December 14, 2023, for example, that Comer told Fox News Channel personality Maria Bartiromo that “the Bidens” have “taken in” more than $24 million. In fact, Bump explained, Biden’s son Hunter and his business partners did receive such payments, but most of the money went to the business partners. About $7.5 million of it went to Hunter Biden. There is no evidence that any of it went to Joe Biden. 
All of the committee’s claims have similar reality checks. Jonathan Yerushalmy of The Guardian wrote that after nearly 40,000 pages of bank records and dozens of hours of testimony, “no evidence has emerged that Biden acted corruptly or accepted bribes in his current or previous role.”
Still, the constant hyping of their claims on right-wing media led then–House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to authorize an impeachment inquiry in mid-September, and in mid-December, Republicans in the House formalized the inquiry. 
There is more behind the attack on Biden than simply trying to even the score between him and Trump—who remains angry at his impeachments and has demanded Republicans retaliate—or to smear Biden through an “investigation,” which has been a standard technique of the Republicans since the mid-1990s.
Claiming that Biden is as corrupt as Trump undermines faith in our democracy. After all, if everyone is a crook, why does it matter which one is in office? And what makes American democracy any different from the authoritarian systems of Russia or Hungary or Venezuela, where leaders grab what they can for themselves and their followers?
Democracies are different from authoritarian governments because they have laws to prevent the corruption in which it appears Trump engaged. The fact that Republicans refuse to hold their own party members accountable to those laws while smearing their opponents says far more about them than it does about the nature of democracy.
It does, though, highlight that our democracy is in danger.
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igniting-quill · 2 years
for the writing meme thing
“This will sound weird, but you’ve got…” Quinn’s eyes darted over to Ace’s cracked skin. “Magic flowing out of the cracks on your arms. It’s like your’re an orbula orb or something.”
Magic always flowed out of Ace. But back during their orbula days, Ace used to bandage the cracks in their skin up every time they occurred. But then their skin became more brittle, and more cracks showed up regardless of what they did.
“Why, I would be cheering with delight if you had told me that during my time with the Winster White Claws.”
She brushed some of her hair behind her shoulder. “Are you taking care of yourself? Is there anything I can do to help? Any way to reverse this? Or…”
She bit her lip. “Well, I got your request a few weeks back.”
“Ah yes. How much would that cost?”
“I mean, renting out an entire bar? Harley and I have never done that before. But we agreed on this: drinks will be on the house.”
“Your bar, The House?”
Quinn grinned at the pun. “It’s the least I can do.”
from The World Orbula Cup
This ask is from the writing meme here.
I have so so so much to say about this! To spare people looking at my blog from scrolling forever, I’ve kept this to a Read More. Click to find out what I have to say.
I had this great one shot idea back in 2022 during the World Cup, like the real world event in Qatar and everything. And as we all know, beloved Ace from Unprepared Casters has this thing with really wanting to compete in the equivalent of the World Cup and for it to be their last and final moments before they pass away.
I struggled, and am still struggling haha I promise I haven’t ditched this fic (yet), to describe how to show this incoming death. How Ace would handle telling their friends, or maybe they wouldn’t even do that. Sometimes I look back at ch 2, which is where you quoted this from, and I find some pieces too rough/ not handled for a topic like death. But, sometimes the other part of my inner voice is just like, yeah. Death doesn’t ever have a nice streamlined process. It’s tradition and it’s agony. 
^Don’t quite have the words to describe this. Yet. 
Alright with my kind of “behind the scenes” out of the way, I don’t want to reveal too much because my fic isn’t over (yet!!!! Future Quill hold yourself accountable dammit YES I KNOW YOU’RE IN COLLEGE), let’s talk about the passage itself.
I mentioned the cracks in Ace’s body, because it was a sort of flavor thing that Bri (who plays Ace in canon) added onto her character. For example, they have this crack in their ear from Aster’s attempt at piercing their ear. Russ is also sometimes pretty carefully with the typical contact-filled celebrations sports teams usually share (hugging, chest bumps, etc.). I thought it would be a cool visual to show that Ace is being whittled down physically instead of just disappearing into the unknown. Like, if I was a Dungeon Master of this scene instead of a writer, I’d have Ace run these constitution checks to last longer. Bri had the intention of Ace dying during the awards ceremony during the World Orb Cup (not canon btw! Everything about this is my creation and Bri hoping to have an equivalent of our world’s World Cup in Hyranor), so I thought that by that point Ace would already be kind of in their last moments. 
“This will sound weird, but you’ve got…” Quinn’s eyes darted over to Ace’s cracked skin. 
So, as Ace meets all their friends, they are too nice to bring it up to their face, especially during Arc 4. But I think Quinn’s the most caretaker-y (literally one of two in this party with access to healing spells), and would care about Ace’s physical breaking skin. It’s awkward, and she feels it when she brings up the injuries Ace has.
This magic bit is also a bit of flavor. Like, Ace is made of magic. The idea of cracked skin is kind of morbid, and blood flowing from them is even more so. That’s kind of what the magic is in place of honestly: Ace’s life is slowly being drained away from them.
She brushed some of her hair behind her shoulder. “Are you taking care of yourself? Is there anything I can do to help? Any way to reverse this? Or…”
I still kind of worry that this fic sounds too much like a suicide note, and maybe that’s why it’s taking me so long to write the next few chapters because it’s been hard to walk that fine line between. Otherwise, in every scenario, if someone is on the verge of death people keep pushing for you to stay alive. Quinn, as I said earlier, would also try. As I said earlier, out of the good of her heart, she sees this scenario sort of like a sickness to be cured, or something to fight against. She doesn’t see Ace’s close death as inevitable.
Ace’s abrupt response, just a simple “No” is enough to get Quinn to stop. They might have been friends for a short time (not for Ace, but for Quinn), but their friendship ran deep. Like if I actually wanted to revamp chapter 2, I’d add a bit more to Ace’s response. (I’m not going to as of now I want to focus on completion instead of perfection) But Bri played Ace as a very straightforward, sometimes even rude or cruel without meaning to, character. I tried to incorporate the sort of Aetherborn philosophy of not being sad that their lifespans are short, but rather being fearful that they haven’t truly lived while being alive. Ace is pretty fulfilled at this point. (in all honesty, I don’t think they are satisfied, but at least on a surface level with what they could do with their time alive, it was pretty impressive). What’s the point of extending their life a few more days if there’s nothing to do, truly live for, with all those moments alive? 
She bit her lip. “Well, I got your request a few weeks back.”
“Ah yes. How much would that cost?”
“I mean, renting out an entire bar? Harley and I have never done that before. But we agreed on this: drinks will be on the house.”
I researched Aetherbornes a little bit before writing this fic. Before they die, usually they host a party. Since Quinn opens a bar, no proof of this in canon but Grace (who plays Quinn) really likes the idea and has brought it up in the Verbal Component + the Battle Royale livestream. So yeah, I thought it’d be a cute idea if she just opened it up as Ace visits. I had the idea of not-that-interested in orbula Quinn and Aster to be in Tyle, the capital, for less travel distance. The drinks being on the house is kind of a continuation of Quinn feeling horrible. She’s the least ready for Ace to leave I think. (They’re all not ready to be honest, but she’s in this space of some denial about it.)
“Your bar, The House?”
Quinn grinned at the pun. “It’s the least I can do.”
It started to get really sad here, and I felt like Ace would never let it get that dark with their death. Of course they bring up the pun, as Quinn established earlier it was named the House. The reason why it’s called the House is directly from Grace’s idea of Quinn establishing a bar called the House of Aces. I planned the kind of outline for this fic before I realized… hey if she names the bar the House of Aces after her friend Ace, that’s a little weird if they’re still alive. So, you know she’s young and such, so maybe it didn’t used to be called that. Going from a bar called “The House” to “The House of Aces” is not that big of a stretch.
Thanks for letting me info dump this was so fun! I also wrote this all in one go, so apologies for any typos/grammar issues. If you have more questions (both you heather and anyone else reading this), feel free to ask. My inbox is open!
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The vast variety of assets that CapitalOne offers is one of the key differentiators. Their portfolio ranges from reasonably priced studio flats in Qatar to opulent villas for rent in Qatar. If you're looking for an apartment in a posh neighborhood with features like parking spots, gyms, and swimming pools, CapitalOne can show you some of the best choices. On the other hand, CapitalOne offers a variety of reasonably priced solutions that don't compromise on comfort or convenience for singles or couples searching for reasonably priced, conveniently located studio apartments.
Renting a Villa in Doha
A villa for rent in Doha can be the ideal choice for groups of people looking for more room and seclusion or for families. In some of the most sought-after districts, such as Al Waab, West Bay Lagoon, and Al Thumama, CapitalOne provides a wide selection of villas. These villas usually have several bedrooms, private swimming pools, lots of garden areas, and round-the-clock security. Renting a villa is especially appealing to families that want a house with lots of outdoor space, close access to international schools, and a peaceful, secure neighborhood.
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Studio Apartments for Rent in Qatar
Studio apartment in Qatar offers a combination of price and efficiency for individuals looking for a more condensed living option. For single professionals, students, or foreigners wishing to live in the city center yet still save on housing expenses, these flats are ideal. In neighborhoods like Al Sadd, where accessibility and convenience are crucial, studio flats are very popular. CapitalOne provides a range of conveniently situated studio apartments with top-notch finishes, contemporary facilities, and customizable lease options to suit your needs.
Hassle-Free Process with CapitalOne
Navigating lease agreements, comprehending local property laws, and making sure all paperwork is in place are all necessary when renting a property in Qatar. CapitalOne makes this procedure easier by taking care of the administrative and legal facets on your behalf. Their knowledgeable representatives make sure that all paperwork is finished on time and appropriately. This saves you time and gives you peace of mind because experts who are well-versed in Qatar's real estate industry are handling your leasing transaction.
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Personalized Property Search
CapitalOne is dedicated to providing each customer with a customized experience. Whether you're looking for a small studio apartment or a large villa for your family, the company's property specialists work closely with you to understand your specific needs. To make sure the property you choose matches your lifestyle, they consider things like your budget, geographical preferences, how close the house is to work or schools, and your lifestyle requirements. Furthermore, they provide thorough property listings and virtual tours to assist you in making well-informed judgments before signing a lease.
Why Choose CapitalOne?
Although there are other real estate firms in Qatar, only a few can compare to CapitalOne's level of knowledge and customer care. For anyone wishing to rent property in the nation, they are a one-stop shop that offers listings together with professional guidance on market circumstances, legal requirements, and how to negotiate the best terms for a rental. The staff of real estate specialists is committed to guaranteeing client contentment, and their meticulous attention to detail ensures a hassle-free rental experience in Qatar.
Neighborhoods to Consider in Doha
Working with CapitalOne is great because of their extensive understanding of Doha's different areas. CapitalOne can assist you in finding the ideal location based on your tastes, from the sophisticated atmosphere of The Pearl to the more family-friendly neighborhoods like Al Waab. If you're searching to rent a villa in Doha, upscale residences near parks and international schools may be found in well-liked family-friendly neighborhoods like West Bay and Al Dafna. If you're looking for a studio apartment For Rent in Qatar, locations like Al Sadd and Najma offer quick access to the metro, retail malls, and corporate centers.
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realestateqatar · 8 days
Exploring Qatar’s Real Estate Market: Investment Opportunities in Rental Properties
Qatar's real estate market has grown exponentially over the past decade, driven by the country’s rapid economic expansion, infrastructural development, and hosting of global events.This growth has positioned Qatar as a prime destination for real estate investment, particularly in the rental property sector. For investors, understanding the market dynamics, regulations, and potential opportunities is key to capitalizing on this thriving market.
Why Invest in Qatar’s Rental Property Market?
Qatar offers a range of compelling reasons to invest in rental properties. First and foremost, the government’s efforts to diversify the economy have attracted a significant expatriate workforce, resulting in high demand for rental housing. As the majority of expats prefer renting to buying property due to residency regulations and the flexibility it offers, rental properties in key areas of Doha and other major cities often command attractive rental yields.
Moreover, Qatar’s stable political climate, strategic location, and pro-business environment have made it a secure market for foreign investors. The government has designated specific areas as freehold zones, such as The Pearl, Lusail City, and West Bay Lagoon, where foreigners can purchase properties outright. This has opened up new opportunities for investors to acquire rental properties and benefit from long-term capital appreciation while generating steady rental income.
Types of Rental Investment Opportunities
Qatar’s rental market provides various investment options, catering to different investor preferences and risk profiles. Some of the most popular rental property types include:
Residential Apartments: High-end apartments, particularly in areas like The Pearl and Lusail City, are in high demand among expats. These areas offer luxurious living spaces, modern amenities, and stunning waterfront views, making them attractive for short term rental Doha. The demand for short-term rentals is particularly strong among expats on work assignments, tourists, and business travelers, providing investors with the flexibility to set competitive rental rates.
Villas: For investors seeking premium returns, villas in upscale neighborhoods offer a lucrative opportunity. These properties typically attract families and high-income professionals who prefer spacious living environments. Investing in villas can result in higher rental income, though it requires a larger initial capital outlay.
Serviced Apartments: Serviced apartments cater to a niche market of residents and visitors seeking fully furnished, hotel-like accommodations. They are ideal for short-term rentals and can provide high rental yields due to their convenience and included amenities, such as housekeeping and 24/7 security.
Key Considerations for Investing in Rental Properties
Before diving into Qatar's rental market, investors should take into account several important factors:
Location: The property's location is a critical determinant of its rental value and occupancy rate. Areas like The Pearl, Lusail City, and West Bay Lagoon are popular among expats and tourists, making them prime locations for rental investments. Proximity to essential services, shopping centers, schools, and transportation hubs further enhances the property's appeal.
Property Management: Managing rental properties can be demanding, especially for investors who are not based in Qatar. Therefore, engaging a reputable property management company can help with tenant screening, maintenance, rent collection, and legal compliance.
Legal Regulations: Investors must familiarize themselves with Qatar's real estate laws, including ownership rights, tenancy laws, and property registration requirements. Foreign investors buying in freehold zones have the added benefit of applying for a Qatar residence permit, enhancing the attractiveness of their investment.
Market Trends: Keeping an eye on market trends and fluctuations is crucial. Qatar’s rental market can be influenced by factors such as the influx of expatriates, changes in government policies, and major events. Conducting thorough market research can help investors make informed decisions about when to buy, sell, or lease their properties.
Qatar's real estate market presents a wealth of investment opportunities, particularly in rental properties. The country's dynamic economy, growing expat community, and government incentives for foreign property ownership make it an attractive market for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios. Whether investing in high-end apartments for short-term rental in Doha or luxury villas for long-term tenants, the potential for steady income and capital appreciation is significant.
However, successful investment in Qatar's rental market requires careful planning, knowledge of the local regulations, and strategic property management. By understanding market dynamics and choosing the right properties in prime locations, investors can take advantage of the robust demand for rental housing in Qatar and secure profitable returns for years to come.
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hyakqatar · 1 month
What to Expect When Residing in Qatar: A Comprehensive Guide for Expats
Qatar, a small but influential nation in the Gulf, has become a popular destination for expats seeking new opportunities and a high standard of living. With its modern infrastructure, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant social scene, Qatar offers a unique experience for those looking to reside in this dynamic country. However, moving to a new country always comes with its own set of challenges and adjustments. This comprehensive guide will walk you through what to expect when residing in Qatar, helping you navigate your new life with confidence.
Cultural Adaptation
Qatar is a deeply traditional country with a rich cultural heritage rooted in Islamic values. As an expat, it's essential to understand and respect these cultural norms. For instance, modest dress is expected in public spaces, and public displays of affection are discouraged. The local population, while welcoming, values privacy and decorum. It's essential to be aware of local customs and traditions to integrate smoothly into Qatari society.
Cost of Living
The cost of living in Qatar can be high, particularly in terms of housing, education, and healthcare. However, many expats find that their salaries are competitive, often with benefits such as housing allowances, transportation, and schooling for children. Groceries, dining out, and entertainment can vary in price depending on your lifestyle choices, with both luxury and more budget-friendly options available.
Housing options in Qatar range from high-end villas and apartments in gated communities to more modest accommodations. Most expats live in areas such as The Pearl, West Bay, and Al Waab, where amenities are tailored to the needs of foreign residents. Renting is common, and it's important to note that lease agreements typically run for a year and require post-dated checks.
Qatar has a robust healthcare system, with both public and private options available. ExpatsExpats are required to have health insurance, and many employers provide coverage as part of their benefits package. Public hospitals offer high-quality care, although wait times can be extended. Private healthcare is more expensive but offers faster service and more personalized care.
Education is a crucial consideration for expats with children. Qatar offers a range of international schools that follow various curricula, including British, American, and IB programs. These schools are often located in expat-friendly neighborhoods and offer high standards of education, but competition for places can be fierce, so early application is advised.
Getting around in Qatar is relatively easy, with a well-developed road network and a growing public transportation system. Most expats choose to drive, and cars are readily available for purchase or lease. The public transport system includes buses and the Doha Metro, which provides a convenient and affordable way to travel across the city.
Social Life and Leisure
Qatar offers a vibrant social scene with numerous options for dining, shopping, and entertainment. The country hosts a variety of cultural events, from art exhibitions to music festivals, and is home to world-class museums and galleries. Sports enthusiasts can enjoy facilities for golf, tennis, and water sports, while the country's malls offer a mix of high-end retail and leisure activities.
Legal and Visa Requirements
As an expat in Qatar, you'll need to be aware of the legal and visa requirements. Most expats work under a sponsorship system known as "kafala," which ties your employment to your residency status. It's crucial to keep your visa and other legal documents up to date to avoid any legal issues. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the local laws, especially those related to alcohol consumption, behavior in public, and interactions with the local population.
Residing in Qatar offers a unique and rewarding experience for expats, combining the excitement of living in a rapidly developing country with the comfort of modern amenities and a rich cultural backdrop. While the initial adjustment to life in exploring Qatar may require some effort, especially in terms of understanding and respecting local customs, the benefits of living in this dynamic and hospitable country far outweigh the challenges. Whether you're moving to Qatar for career opportunities, a new adventure, or a better quality of life, this guide provides a comprehensive overview to help you make a smooth transition and enjoy your time in this fascinating part of the world.
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mandelaprofessor · 2 months
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lishapbs · 2 years
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abhhome · 2 years
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We manage, sell, acquire, and invest in properties as one of Qatar's top real estate firms. Our primary goal is to offer clients services that help them select the appropriate home, resolve pricing disagreements, and manage the sale or renting process.
We have established and gained our outstanding reputation by continually putting in a lot of effort and providing consumers with good results through a network of extraordinarily talented, knowledgeable, and bilingual real estate professionals.
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artisans-digital · 2 months
Interior Design for Rental Spaces: Making Temporary Changes
In the bustling city of Qatar, where the population is both transient and diverse, rental spaces have become the norm for many residents. Renting a space often means having to work with limitations, restrictions, and the challenge of creating a comfortable and personalized living environment in a temporary setting.
This is where the expertise of interior design companies in Qatar comes into play, offering innovative solutions and creative ideas to transform rental spaces into welcoming and stylish homes.
Embracing Temporary Changes
One of the key factors to consider when designing for rental spaces is the temporary nature of the living arrangement. Traditional interior design concepts may not always be practical, as major renovations or permanent fixtures may not be feasible. Instead, interior designers in Qatar are adept at making temporary changes that can easily be reversed when the tenant moves out. This includes using removable wallpaper, peel-and-stick tiles, and furniture that can be easily relocated or replaced.
Flexibility and Functionality
Flexibility is crucial when it comes to designing for rental spaces. Interior design companies in Qatar are experts at maximizing space and functionality while maintaining a sense of style and comfort. Multipurpose furniture, modular storage solutions, and clever space planning are just a few ways in which designers in Qatar create homes that are both practical and visually appealing.
Personalization and Customization
While renting a space may come with limitations, it doesn’t mean that tenants have to sacrifice personalization and style. Interior design companies in Qatar offer a range of customizable options, from custom-made furniture to bespoke decor pieces, allowing residents to infuse their unique personality and taste into their living space. By collaborating with designers who understand their needs and preferences, tenants can create a home that truly reflects their individuality.
Budget-Friendly Solutions
Budget is often a concern for tenants living in rental spaces, but that doesn’t mean they have to compromise on design. Interior design companies in Qatar are skilled at working within a range of budgets, offering cost-effective solutions that don’t sacrifice quality or style. Whether it’s repurposing existing furniture, DIY projects, or sourcing affordable decor items, designers in Qatar can help tenants create a beautiful home without breaking the bank.
Interior design for rental spaces in Qatar is all about creativity, adaptability, and innovation. By working with experienced designers who understand the unique challenges of renting, residents can transform their temporary living spaces into personalized sanctuaries that reflect their lifestyle and taste. With a focus on temporary changes, flexibility, functionality, personalization, and budget-friendly solutions, interior design companies in Qatar are helping tenants make the most of their rental experience and turn a house into a home.
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fbnrealestateqa · 2 months
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Our Brand New Unfurnished 2 BHK Apartments Offer Ample Living Space, Allowing You to Create a personalized and comfortable environment.
➤Apartment Features:
✦Living Area
✦2 Bedrooms
✦2 Washrooms
✦Separated Kitchen
✦Parking Facility
✦Lift Facility
✦ 24/7 Security
Bin Omran - Near Grand Masjid.
[ Metro Link service available from Al Messilla Metro Station]
4300 QAR/Month
[Bills are Excluded]
★Please Note That We Charge a Half-Month's Rent as Our Agency's Finder Fee.
•Payment-12 Post Dated Cheques.
•Deposit-1 Undated Cheque
•Contract-Minimum 12 Months.
•Agency fee-Half a Month Commission.
✆ +974 59947526 | ✉︎ [email protected]
★We have Studios, 1 BHK, and 2 BHK apartments available in most areas of Qatar.
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