#QUITE frankly!!!
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heejinpilled · 5 months ago
thinking about how shawn and gus are definitely the kind of friends that have a secret code word for if either one of them get trapped in a groundhog day time loop scenario
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skaterboysavior · 3 months ago
w/ the release of act 2, it seems that nobody is asking the big questions such as:
where is ekko?
if viktor died once and came back after a few days of being in the sourdough starter, does that count as his three-day jesus resurrection?
if the above is true and he's dead again, are we about to witness the second coming?
do we think cait and vi had enough time in between tousling around in the dirt and planning their little ambessa betrayal to have a quickie?
if the 'get jinxed' song is canon within the arcane universe, was that a self-titled mixtape she released or is it just a famous pop song that everyone was getting down to... good marketing either way
where is ekko.
was it mel's mystery magic/connection to the arcane that saved her (and by jayce by proxy since he was standing so close) from jinx's rocket?
jayce.... no bitches ....
where is ekko????
where the hell is ekko?????????????
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oldbutchdanielcraig · 1 year ago
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to speculate about the sexual and romantic undertones of celebrities’ professional relationships
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givesmeyourteeths · 3 days ago
Well this took me almost exactly a month longer than i planned but it's finally done
I thought i'd be done in a week or two max but then i just kept adding things i didn't even know how to draw
Like any kind of background. I genuinely think this might be one of the first proper backgrounds i've ever drawn and i'm really surprised and so proud of how well it turned out
Anyways, here is my long overdue addition to the probably mountain of fan art for the end of @ayviedoesthings insanely cool dragon hrt story
I fucking love dragons and the whole therian/otherkin hrt trend (idk what else to call it, pls correct me, calling it a trend feels wrong but i can't think of anything else) is so fucking cool >^w^<
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Turned out a lot more purple than i originally planned but i like it
I gave them a beak cause from the side their snout looks like it ends in a little bit of a beak and when i tried it it looked cool so kept it
Also there's a little smiley hidden somwhere so see if you can find it :3
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iniquitousyearning · 3 months ago
obsessed w a tom riddle who was always careful to use protection with you because he never wanted a family until one night he has a dream about you getting pregnant and wakes up begging to fuck you raw
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catebees · 3 months ago
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Isabela fanart referenced wholly from her in-game appearance no funny business whatsoever
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cornertheculprit · 1 month ago
i do think the "dark age of the law" thing in dual destinies was perhaps the stupidest thing imaginable. why's everyone suddenly freaking out about corruption in the courtroom. do you think manfred von karma got that forty-year win streak out of nowhere. do you think miles edgeworth got HIS win streak out of nowhere. do you think damon gant's control over Fucking Everything came out of nowhere. do you think furio tigre's ability to masquerade as a defense attorney and nobody saying a damn thing about it came out of nowhere. do you think franziska von karma holding up a photograph and being like "i know this picture is illegal but what are you gonna do? Unsee it? <3" came out of nowhere. The three-day "guilty until proven innocent" trial system. The sheer sway prosecutors held over the entirety of the court, up to and including shit like being able to assault the judge and opposing defense attorney with zero consequences + tailoring witness testimony to suit their case and threatening said witnesses if they said anything too revealing. Hello. Can anyone hear me. I'm going nuts
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bigidiotenergytm · 1 month ago
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@pink-noah ...... i don't think ody's helping his case
oh part one btw!
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sgtpeppers · 23 days ago
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Beatles in Colour → John Lennon in GREEN For @electricnormanbates
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 years ago
Literally every conversation with a colleague/peer in the academic field I'm in (anthropology, with a focus on human prehistory and human evolution) upon them learning I'm an observant religious Jew goes like this:
Person: "Sorry if this is a personal question, but how do you.... y'know......deal with it?"
Me: "Deal with what?"
Person: "Y'know...... y'know......your religion......"
Me: "Meaning?"
Person: "Well, um, how old do you believe the earth is?"
Me: "I follow the geological consensus, which is approximately 4.5 Billion years"
Person: "But......but.....your Bible says that it's 6,000 years old....."
Me: "Technically 5,783 years, so you're wrong there, haha"
Person: "Okay but how do you....how do you reconcile that with science?"
Me: "I don't need to reconcile it. They're not in opposition."
Person: "??"
Me: "The plain text in the Tanakh states that it has been 5,783 years since the creation of Adam, and consequently the world. Judaism has never been about taking the text in the Tanakh plainly, there's always deeper meanings. Who's to say that the 5,783 years aren't just the years since a couple named Adam and Eve met and copulated, triggering the begining of the lineage of Abraham, Moses, and the entire Jewish lineage, and that the six days of creation aren't six phases which are actually pretty in-line with our understanding of evolution?"
Person: "But.....some people believe that it's literally been 5,783 years since the earth was literally created!"
Me: "Okay..... that's what they believe. I don't see how it should bother me, especially considering we're in the field of anthropology where we try to study other patterns of belief, not cast judgement upon them."
Person: "But other Jews believe that!!!"
Me: "Again.....why should that affect my religious and academic senses of self? Judaism has never been a monolith of belief, anyway."
Person: "But-"
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themalhambird · 29 days ago
Thinking about the potential for Sybil Ramkin to have been utilising the soft power of her rank and wealth in a pre Guards! Guards! Ankh Morpork and have decided when Vetinari announced the creation of the Beggars' and Seamstress' Guild, Rosie Palm and Queen Molly both received an invitation for tea with Lady Ramkin. Does she fully understand what Havelock is doing? No, but she does understand that people like Ronnie Rust are furious about it....and yet If The Richest, Oldest Family in the city (as the Ramkins *are* - even if the only Ramkin left is eccentric old Sybil) openly accepts the move, centuries of believing that the more money and the more impressive ancestors a person has the more right their actions are will steer Rust and rest to follow Lady Ramkin's lead- at least for a while.
And yes, Havelock can take care of himself- that doesn't mean Sybil's not going to look after him where she can
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botanyshitposts · 4 months ago
obviously dont have much to report on this blog since starting my emt program except for the knowledge that in addition to normal grain entrapment problems involved with falling into a silo you can also get horrible crush injuries like a sick and twisted monkeys paw fable. blood flow cut off from the extremities by the weight of your own bushels. one minute youre on the silo the next minute youre in a nutty putty cave ass corn nightmare. this happens to people
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blackoutbugza · 5 months ago
hi mechs fandom
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i come bearing gifts
is this anything ,,am i welcome
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wildfey · 5 months ago
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Ages ago I had a discord discussion about a theoretical athena-godot team-up, and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since. So have the art I drew last year.
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icaruspendragon · 4 months ago
he did. my husband tried. he tried to warn them. he did. he said to them, “i’m not as into this as my wife is. i just like looking at cars, but she’s got all the facts and specs and everything. she’s practically a walking encyclopedia.”
and they didn’t believe him. they laughed. they shrugged it off. they shrugged me off. they were warned. and yet they still decided to try and put me to the test. they were warned. they were warned of what would happen to them. and yet they didn’t listen.
their ambition made them icarian. their folly turned my warmth from brilliant to sweltering.
their hubris led to their humiliation.
they were warned. but ambition makes men bold.
this is all just a very dramatic way of saying that grown men decided to play a game of, “oh you’re a fan? prove it” only to have their asses handed to them by their opponent.
this was the opponent btw:
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the-muppet-joker · 4 months ago
First you start fucking a stuffed animal then you start pissing on it then when that stuffed animal is burned you claim that it's Spirit has gone into a plastic figure and now you want to eat the figure
Excellent summary!
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