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Yesterday marked one year post Cauda Equina Syndrome diagnosis, and I had lots of cuddles from my Frenchie puppy because she knew I was upset. Then I went swimming (did my physio exercises, some walking and a tiny bit of "swimming") and walked around part of Decathlon with my mum and nieces. In the afternoon I drove (driving using hand controls rather than my legs feels so natural now) to my friend's and we went to Nando's and had a great time (and I showed off my new CESCI beanie). Then I did my first solo shop at Lidl in my wheelchair (and got soaked getting it in and out of my car).
I was stared at by lots of people whilst using my wheelchair, but I'm proud to use it. Being ambuplegic isn't bad, so why should I care if people comment on me moving my legs or getting out of my chair and taking it apart to put it in my car? Yes, I can walk, but it hurts, and sometimes isn't safe (like yesterday when it was raining badly and Lidl's floors were very slippy and I could've fallen if I'd gone in there on my crutches).
Now I'm in a fair bit of pain and pretty tired after such a busy day (for me, I did 1,342 steps and 1,501 pushes, smashing both my targets). Another positive is that I've been out of the house for the first time in months without wearing incontinence pads and not worried about having an accident because my bladder is getting stronger using the flipflow valve on the catheter, and the Peristeen bowel irrigation is working.
Now just to get through all the emotions today (and the coming week) is going to throw at me since it's the anniversary of my L5/S1 decompression (the surgeon said they were only able to remove about 80% of the compression off my spinal cord) and discectomy. And the potential PTSD caused by my stay on D8 at QMC Nottingham, especially after they nearly killed me with a latex catheter despite knowing about my latex allergy!
#cauda equina syndrome#spinal stenosis#spinal#spinal cord injury#ces#ambulatory wheelchair user#ambuplegic#incomplete spinal cord injury#SCI#incomplete SCI#nandos#wheelchair#wheelchair life#anniversary#surgery#nottingham#QMC#queens medical centre#catheter#peristeen#disability#disabled#crutches#swimming#lidl#shopping#food#garmin#garmin venu 3#ptsd
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queer Muslim culture is reading about how being queer isn't a sin for hours and hours and finding solid proof, believing you aren't sinning yet getting triggered so fast by homophobes and its an endless cycle :(
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Gracias QMC!
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Hello everyone! My friend's mom is admitted today at QMC Hospital in Lucena City. We are knocking on your precious hearts a penny to help them cover atleast the tests needed to find what her mom's real condition.
Any amount will be a big help for Barbara and her family. 🙏
Barbara Jane Vales
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Electrons take new shape inside unconventional metal
One of the biggest achievements of quantum physics was recasting our vision of the atom. Out was the early 1900s model of a solar system in miniature, in which electrons looped around a solid nucleus. Instead, quantum physics showed that electrons live a far more interesting life, meandering around the nucleus in clouds that look like tiny balloons. These balloons are known as atomic orbitals, and they come in all sorts of different shapes—perfectly round, two-lobed, clover-leaf-shaped. The number of lobes in the balloon signifies how much the electron spins about the nucleus.
That's all well and good for individual atoms, but when atoms come together to form something solid—like a chunk of metal, say—the outermost electrons in the atoms can link arms and lose sight of the nucleus from where they came, forming many oversized balloons that span the whole chunk of metal. They stop spinning about their nuclei and flow through the metal to carry electrical currents, shedding the diversity of multi-lobed balloons.
Now, researchers at the Quantum Materials Center (QMC) at the University of Maryland (UMD), in collaboration with theorists at the Condensed Matter Theory Center (CMTC) and Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), have produced the first experimental evidence that one metal—and likely others in its class—have electrons that manage to preserve a more interesting, multi-lobed structure as they move around in a solid. The team experimentally studied the shape of these balloons and found not a uniform surface, but a complex structure. This unusual metal is not only fundamentally interesting, but it could also prove useful for building quantum computers that are resistant to noise.
Read more.
#Materials Science#Science#Electrons#Metals#Yttrium#Platinum#Bismuth#Superconductors#Superconductivity
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Ford G.P.A. “SEEP” U.S. Amphibian 4ton 4x4 Truck - Histórias da Segunda Guerra Mundial
O Ford GPA "Seep" (“G” Government 'P' “A” Amphibious, onde 'P' representava sua distância entre eixos de 80 polegadas), com número de catálogo G504, era uma versão anfíbia do Jeep Ford GPW da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
As características de design do modelo anfíbio DUKW de 21⁄2 toneladas, muito maior e bem-sucedido, foram usadas no GPA, mas, ao contrário destes e do Jeep, o 'Seep' não foi um projeto bem-sucedido. Era considerado muito lento e pesado em terra, e carecia de habilidades de navegação em mar aberto, principalmente devido à sua borda livre baixa, e era conhecido internamente como "QMC-4 1/4 Ton Truck Light Anfíbio.
Foi basicamente a resposta da Ford ao Motor Transport Board para o equivalente ao Schwimmwagen alemão, o carro anfíbio derivado do onipresente Volkswagen Type 82 Kübelwagen, o principal carro oficial de ligação da Wehrmacht durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
O "Seep" nunca foi popular e sua produção foi rapidamente encerrada, sepultando qualquer ideia de um carro leve de reconhecimento / multiuso para o Exército dos EUA. O conceito nunca mais foi tentado.
A União Soviética recebeu cerca de metade da produção total dos GPAs sob Lend Lease e ficou suficientemente satisfeita com sua capacidade de cruzar águas interiores mais calmas, que produziu uma cópia, o GAZ-46.
Schwimmwagen Alemão
História e Desenvolvimento
Depois de ter contratado Willys, Ford e Bantam para construir os primeiros 4.500 jeeps (1.500 cada) em março de 1941, o US Motor Transport Board montou um projeto sob a direção do Comitê de Pesquisa de Defesa Nacional (NDRC) a ser designado "QMC-4 Caminhão leve anfíbio de 1/4 tonelada.
Roderick Stephens Jr., da Sparkman & Stephens Inc., projetistas de iates foi solicitado a projetar um formato para um jeep anfíbio de 2.700 libras (1.200 kg), na mesma linha de seu projeto para o caminhão anfíbio DUKW com tração nas seis rodas. O projeto do casco de Stephens parecia uma versão em miniatura do DUKW e, assim como ele, o 'Seep' teria uma hélice de parafuso, acionada por uma tomada de força, operando em um túnel dedicado na extremidade traseira da carroçaria, bem como um leme adequado.
A construção do veículo foi desenvolvida em competição pela Marmon-Herrington e a Ford Motor Company. Marmon-Herrington especializou-se em veículos com tração nas quatro rodas. O casco do protótipo Marmon-Herrington formou uma estrutura monobloco integral, criada cortando formas de chapa de aço e soldando-as juntas. A entrada da Ford, no entanto, usava um chassi robusto e uma estrutura interna, à qual uma chapa de aço mais ou menos regular do tipo automóvel era soldada. Essa construção tornou o GPA cerca de 400 libras (180 kg) mais leve que seu concorrente. O design do GPA foi baseado tanto quanto possível nos jeeps padrão Willys MB e Ford GPW, usando muitas das mesmas peças. O GPA tinha um interior semelhante ao dos jipes MB/GPW, embora o compartimento do motorista tivesse quase o dobro de alavancas de controle: 2WD/4WD, hi-range/lo-range, guincho cabrestante (na proa), implantação da hélice e controle do leme. Após uma comparação direta dos protótipos das duas empresas, a Ford recebeu um contrato para produção a partir de 1942.
O Ford GPA era maior que um Jeep normal, era menos espaçoso por dentro, e tinha como base a mesma distância entre eixos e reutilizava todos os componentes do Jeep de cima a baixo, menos o painel de instrumentos e seus diversos indicadores. Também foram específicos a hélice única à ré, o leme, a bomba, a transmissão e seus subsistemas associados, bem como, é claro, a "banheira" enrolada em torno do casco de flutuação. Este último foi arredondado tanto quanto possível para navegabilidade, mas ainda com overhand limitado para manter o volume do veículo apertado e o peso baixo.
Mas isso feito de uma proporção de 2/1 que era ruim para atingir grandes velocidades ao nadar. O para-brisa padrão do Jeep também era dobrável no capô, podendo ser equipado com uma lona no topo da estrutura superior e nas laterais, a fim de proporcionar alguma proteção contra respingos de água para o motorista; Havia também uma borda livre soldada sobre o casco em ambos os lados. O motor era um Ford de 4 cilindros. válvulas laterais 134 cu in (2.200 cc), 60 hp também encontradas no Jeep, com a mesma transmissão, caixa de transferência de 3 velocidades + 2 velocidades, marcha baixa engata FWD e acionamento da hélice PTO. Suas entradas de ar foram colocadas em duas persianas localizadas em ambos os lados do pára-brisa, e o tubo de escape passou sobre o capô. Este era um veículo RWD / 4 × 4 com motor dianteiro.
Visão do interior e painel
O acesso ao veículo era relativamente difícil por causa das grandes laterais para escalar. A tripulação podia ser protegida por uma capota de lona mantida por barras dobráveis simples, como o Jeep normal, e armazenada na parte traseira com a roda sobressalente e as ferramentas de campo. O acesso ao motor era feito por uma escotilha logo na frente do para-brisa, e outra para o tanque de combustível e transmissão na frente dela, com um defletor de onda em forma de "U" invertido articulado entre duas escotilhas. Poderia ser articulada para a frente para desempenhar o seu papel. Na frente do capô/parte dianteira do veículo foram instalados um guincho, poste de amarração e amarração.
O "Seep" estava desarmado, mas o armamento pessoal era carregado pelas tropas. Ao contrário do Jeep, as restrições de peso eliminaram toda e qualquer tentativa de montar um armamento ou blindagem substancial. Nenhuma foto mostra qualquer veículo equipado com metralhadoras padrão M1919A4 ou M2HB. As principais razões são o peso, novamente. A proteção era inexistente. Como o Jeep, o veículo foi totalmente aberto para praticidade e a estrutura tipo barco foi feita em aço leve como para o Jeep, sem espessura suficiente para suportar tiros de armas pequenas ou estilhaços. No entanto, as 2/3 camadas do casco envolvente ofereciam alguma proteção extra.
SEEP em Serviço Apelidado em campo de “Jeep em uma banheira”, em contraste com o DUKW, o GPA não teve um bom desempenho em campo. Ele logo apareceu acima do peso em 1.600 kg (3.500 lb) muito mais do que os 1.200 kg originais (2.600 lb) especificados no resumo do projeto. Foi mais devido a várias adições solicitadas pela equipe e falhas de design. A gestão de volume em particular permitiu que menos equipamentos fossem transportados. Ao nadar, a borda livre do GPA foi menor do que o esperado na água, até perigosamente.
Não podia carregar muita carga e tendia a ficar extremamente úmido mesmo em um corte leve. Por via das dúvidas, havia uma pequena bomba dentro do balde formado pelo compartimento principal interno, mas não era suficiente para que o veículo fosse abastecido rapidamente. O uso pretendido do GPA era como o DUCKW para transportar tropas e cargas de navios offshore, em mar aberto. O veículo foi basicamente planejado inicialmente como um "mini-pato" (do apelido DUKW) e opera na praia e no interior. Em vez disso, esses veículos raramente iam ao mar, mas apenas nas condições mais calmas, o que era raro. A tripulação costumava carregar baldes ou usar suas canecas para evitar o acúmulo de água dos sprays.
Em terra, o GPA também não era apreciado: era pesado demais para ter o manuseio correto fora da estrada e era muito pesado para ser popular. Os motoristas odiavam isso, pois frequentemente ficavam presos em águas rasas, onde os Willys MB normais apenas atravessavam seu caminho direto. A produção, no entanto, tem continuado em um ritmo constante antes que esses relatos se acumulem e finalmente cheguem ao estado-maior. O resultado foi rápido: a produção foi interrompida em março de 1943, mas após a produção assombrosa de 12.778 veículos. Somado a isso, houve disputas financeiras entre a Ford e o governo dos EUA, principalmente no uso de patentes e questões financeiras. Algumas fontes como Pohl; Carlin, 1989, afirma, no entanto, que menos de 6.000 foram concluídos. No entanto, é geralmente aceito de acordo com os números de série do veículo sobrevivente que o número de cerca de 12.700 parece correto.
Desde a sua introdução em 1942, o GPA participou dos desembarques na Sicília em setembro de 1943, que rapidamente conheceram suas limitações. Alguns GPAs foram usados no norte da África a partir de novembro e no Pacífico. Cerca de 3.500 GPAs foram rapidamente redirecionados para a União Soviética via Lend-Lease, onde também foram abominados, mas encontraram usos incomuns, principalmente na área pantanosa de Pripet.
O conceito, entretanto, impressionou os soviéticos, que basicamente desenvolveram sua própria cópia após a guerra. Isso foi chamado de GAZ 46 MAV, entrando em produção em 1952, e no qual a maioria dos problemas foi corrigida, principalmente o peso e a potência, juntamente com uma melhor flutuabilidade. O GAZ 46 teve muito mais sucesso e também foi exportado para alguns países do pacto de Varsóvia, tendo uma produção total de cerca de 5.000 veículos ou talvez mais, mas foi substituído pelo muito melhor BRDM-1.
Pós-Guerra Os GPA excedentes foram adquiridos por fazendeiros, aventureiros e outros, muitos ainda estão em circulação hoje como itens de coleção ou de uso mais prático, ajudados por sua semelhança com o Jeep. Na década de 1970 colecionadores os descobriram e começaram a restaurá-los de volta às suas especificações originais. Eles aparecem em vários shows de veículos militares. Um até se tornou uma célebre máquina de viajar pelo mundo: a dirigida pelo australiano Ben Carlin (1912–1981), que navegou e dirigiu uma versão modificada apelidada de "Half-Safe" ao redor do mundo.
Half-Safe e outras Conversões Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, vários foram convertidos como máquinas que viajam pelo mundo. O mais famoso foi durante a década de 1950, quando o australiano Ben Carlin (1912–1981) navegou e dirigiu um Seep modificado, que ele chamou de "Half-Safe" em uma viagem ao redor do mundo. Um jovem casal americano, Helen e Frank Schreider, converteu um que eles chamaram de "La Tortuga" e viajou de Los Angeles para o extremo sul da América do Sul (1954–1956). Mais tarde, eles converteram outro chamado "Tortuga II", que usaram nas expedições da National Geographic na Índia (1959) e na Indonésia (1961). O veterano paraquedista britânico da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Lionel Force, comprou um GPA da Levy's Surplus em Toronto, Ontário, Canadá, e o chamou de "The Amphib". Entre muitas mudanças, ele enxertou o teto de uma perua Dodge e alongou o casco na popa. Ele usou as metades superiores das portas, mas sabendo que poderia ser amarrado ao lado de uma doca, acrescentou uma escotilha redonda no teto. Ele planejava viajar de Toronto para a Inglaterra via Estados Unidos, México, Guatemala, Panamá, América do Sul, incluindo Brasil, África, Oriente Médio, Grécia e até a Inglaterra. Ele chegou até o Panamá, mas voltou quando soube que o cargueiro no qual pretendia embarcar "The Amphib" do Brasil para a África havia sido retirado de serviço.
No próximo post o início de um novo trabalho, até lá!
Forte Abraço!
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A jitney and jeepney for National Heritage Month.
One is a "jitney" in San Francisco, CA picking up passengers on a Castro-Ferry route in 1915, while the other is a jeepney in Quezon City for the Cubao-QMC route today.
"Jitney" was a word coined by African-Americans in the Southern US more than 100 years ago. By 1915 it referred to cars with signs indicating routes, many of which served underserved neighborhoods.
Learn more in my latest blog post, where I also give thoughts about the jeepney phaseout. https://filipeanut.art/the-jeepney-a-history-and-hopefully-a-future/
Jitney photo from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, SFMTA.com/photo
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A Birthday To Remember
Tears unknowingly fell from my eyes, as my 3 friends sang happy birthday to me. I never thought I would enjoy a birthday ever again after the tragedy days after the birthday I had before. It was fun to see how I transformed from a traumatized celebrant to a party-goer freak that I consider myself.
On May 3rd, the year 2019, I was celebrating the birthday of my horror. It was a special birthday, since my parents are OFWs, they rarely managed to go home during my birthday. But this year, my father was present. I was delighted. As I was about to blow out the candles, I saw my father leaving the house he would go to our land in Palawan to run some errands. I was sad but there is nothing to do about it. I celebrated my birthday with a faint smile, barely visible, as it should be.
A few days after that day, the whole family was struck by a piece of news that completely shocked everyone my father was involved in an accident and is currently hanging on for life. A few minutes flew by, and we heard that he was then dead. The whole family was crying, even the dogs cried with them. Since then, rather than joy, which most feel when they celebrate their birthdays, I always feel sad knowing that a few days after this day was my father’s death anniversary so I “stopped” celebrating my birthday.
This went on until this year, my friends told me that we should celebrate since it is my birthday, I was hesitant at first, but when they said that it was their treat, I was on board. The day came and we suddenly found ourselves in QMC or Quezon Memorial Circle eating food in Bilaos. We rented a few bikes and had fun all afternoon. After years of restricting myself from having fun, I suddenly found myself riding a bike and enjoying my day.
As the night quickly approaches, we finally set apart. I rode a jeepney to SM North since it was closer to our house, while they went to different destinations. I was carrying the leftovers from our little feast, with a smile on my face. The years of restriction finally ended thanks to my new found friends, and I would be able to celebrate my birthday happily ones again.
Thru this experience, I realized that the past would always be the past. Past was already made and done, it is unchangeable. But even if your past left a huge mark on your heart, you should always remember that your present is the one that matters the most. Just like what most people said, don't let your past dictate your future, we should always remember that the lesson we learned from our experiences are not meant to be forgotten, but must not be a limitation for us as well.
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(Left) 15.08.24 marked 1 year since my Cauda Equina Syndrome diagnosis, ft my Cauda Equina Spinal Cord Injury beanie 💚
(Right) 16.08.24 marked 1 year since my L5/S1 decompression and discectomy at QMC in Nottingham
Küschall K-Series 2.0 chair and Ossenberg comfort grip crutches. Ambulatory wheelchair users exist! I'm #ambuplegic In other words, I'm an ambulatory partial paraplegic because of the nerve damage to my bladder, bowel and legs - I have patchy feeling in parts of my legs/feet and reduced motor function and balance, plus lots of nerve pain. The crutches are for use around the house and short distances walking; the chair is for longer distances or where walking would be dangerous e.g. I used my chair in Lidl on my diagnosis anniversary (despite it taking longer to get it in/out of my hand controlled adapted #Peugeot308 because it was raining badly and the floor was way too slippy for crutches despite me only wanting 3 things - it would've been painful and slower to walk around the shop even if the floor had been dry).
#ambulatory wheelchair user#ambuplegic#cauda equina syndrome#incomplete spinal cord injury#nottingham#qmc#queens medical centre#spinal cord injury#spinal stenosis#ambulatory wheelchair users exist#L5S1#L5S1 recovery#discectomy#kuschallwheelchair#wheelchair life#wheelchair user#wheelchair#crutches#ossenberg crutches#ces#imcomplete ces#incomplete sci#neurogenicbladder#neurogenic bowel#collage#anniversary#one year anniversary#life changing#nhs#nerve damage
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queer muslim punk culture is rainbow drones by dog park dissidents
real !! one of my fav songs of all time. never seen anything else portray how truly fucking ridiculous (derogatory) homonationalism is
(cw homonationalism, military violence)
also hey folks if u have queer muslim music recs i would Love to hear them 👀
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أفضل جراح تجميل في الكويت - خبرة موثوقة في مركز قطينة الطبي
في مركز قطينة الطبي في الشعب البحري، ستجد أفضل جراح تجميل في الكويت الذي يقدم خبرة لا مثيل لها في العمليات التجميلية وإعادة التشكيل. سواء كنت تفكر في شد الوجه أو نحت الجسم أو تجميل الأنف، يضمن فريقنا رعاية استثنائية ونتائج رائعة تتناسب مع أهدافك الجمالية.
خطوة نحو الجمال والثقة تبدأ هنا. احجز استشارتك الآن مع أفضل جراح تجميل في الكويت في مركز قطينة الطبي.
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Samsung Onyx Shines Bright in Paris’ Iconic Pathé Palace
Samsung Onyx
Samsung Onyx Enhances the Cinematic Experience at Paris’s Pathé Palace, One of the Most Beautiful Cinemas in the World
After undergoing renovations, the Pathé Palace cinema in Paris has reopened with six of the world’s first Samsung Onyx cinema LED displays. The lobby also features the installation of The Wall, which is a Samsung screen with an 8K micro LED display.
Six Samsung Onyx cinema LED screens have been successfully installed in the Pathé Palace theater in Paris, France, according to a statement released by Samsung Electronics. Samsung screens will improve the whole moviegoing experience, along with The Wall, an 8K screen that is placed in the foyer, and Smart Signage placed around the theater.
The Pathé Palace, which underwent a five-year renovation, is a unique venue renowned for both the caliber of its distinctive services and its architecture by Renzo Piano. Pathé Palace is utilizing six Samsung Onyx panels to create a high-end cinematic experience: two 5m wide 2K Onyx screens and four 10m wide 4K Onyx screens, each of which offers viewers a new degree of image quality.
Menno van den Berg, President of Samsung Electronics France, stated, “These six state-of-the-art Samsung Onyx LED screens blend the classic and the modern to give moviegoers a truly unique experience.” They contrast magnificently with the historic theater. “The breathtaking visual quality that these displays offer will fully realize each filmmaker’s vision and engage the audience on a new level.”
The first cinema LED display certified by the Digital Cinema Initiatives (DCI) for use in theaters is the Samsung Onyx. The wide, lively color gamut of the LED display ensures constant representation throughout the screen, resulting in extraordinarily vivid color and detail-rich material. The HDR photos they generate have sharp contrasts and blacks because of the self-lit LED Onyx panels. Onyx screens are more than six times brighter than standard film projectors, with brightness up to 300 nits.
When movies completely engross us in their worlds, they are at their most impactful, and technology is essential to that magic. With its brilliant blacks and remarkable clarity, Samsung Onyx screens enhance the cinematic experience by giving each frame an astonishingly lifelike appearance. stated Jacques Durand, Pathé Group’s chief information officer.
The 3D capabilities of the Onyx LED panels, which provide better brightness and constant color amplification for increased realism, also enable Pathé Palace to provide remarkable 3D cinematic experiences. Active 3D glasses provide previously unheard-of clarity for a movie’s subtitle text, visuals, and even small visual details. They also eliminate shadowing and reduce vertigo, which can happen in conventional 3D movie theaters.
Comprehensively Enhancing Pathé’s Operations
Additionally, Samsung erected The Wall (IWC variant) at the Pathé Palace’s main foyer. The Wall, which is 5.4 meters high and 9.6 meters wide, employs the MICRO AI Processor to instantaneously analyze every second of video, upscaling it to 8K resolution and enhancing the picture quality to reduce visual noise. By increasing contrast and brightening highlights, The Wall’s HDR technology maximizes color and highlights. The screen’s MICRO LED technology allows each pixel to be individually controlled, giving the image depth and accuracy.
Along with the Onyx screens and The Wall, Samsung has outfitted the theater with its QMC series of Smart Signage, which uses its more than 1 billion color palette to make the posters come to life and show the movie trailers and theater schedules in the foyer and in front of each theater room. Samsung’s Stretched Display (SH37C model) welcomes moviegoers with a clear, sharp screen in a 16:4.5 ratio at the entrance of each theater. About 200 5K ViewFinity S9 monitors have also just been installed in the Pathé headquarters office, and the boardroom makes use of The Wall’s remarkable size and video capabilities (IWA model).
Additionally, Samsung Electronics had previously outfitted Pathé theaters with its Onyx LED displays at Pathé Bellecour in Lyon and Pathé Beaugrenelle in Paris. The Samsung and Pathé hope to continue inventing together in the future, and this new installation at Pathé Palace marks a new milestone in their cooperation.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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Terahertz Radiation System Market: A Comprehensive Analysis of Emerging Opportunities
Introduction to Terahertz Radiation System Market
The Terahertz Radiation System Market is poised for significant growth, driven by increasing demand across various sectors including security, medical imaging, and communication. Terahertz radiation, which lies between microwave and infrared on the electromagnetic spectrum, offers unique capabilities like non-invasive imaging and high data transmission rates. Advancements in semiconductor technology, the integration of AI, and miniaturization of components are propelling the market forward. However, challenges such as high costs, limited range, and regulatory complexities persist. As research progresses, new applications in quality control, spectroscopy, and wireless communication are expected to unlock further market potential.
Market overview
The Terahertz Radiation System Market is Valued USD 0.64 billion in 2022 and projected to reach USD 1.89 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 14.50% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032. Rapid growth due to the expanding applications of terahertz technology across industries such as healthcare, security, telecommunications, and manufacturing. Terahertz radiation, which occupies the spectrum between microwaves and infrared light, offers unique advantages like the ability to penetrate non-conductive materials (such as clothing and paper) and identify chemical signatures without damaging the target. This makes it highly valuable for non-invasive imaging, quality control, and security screening.
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Major Classifications are as follows:
By Type
Imaging Devices
Communication Devices
By Application
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Military and Defense
Security and Public Safety
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Major players in Terahertz Radiation System Market :
Advantest Corporation (Japan), Luna Innovations (US), TeraView Limited. (UK), TOPTICA Photonics AG (Germany), HÜBNER GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Menlo Systems (Germany), Terasense Group Inc. (US), Gentec Electro-Optics (Canada), QMC Instruments Ltd. (UK), Teravil Ltd. (Lithuania), Emcore Corp. (US), Alpes Lasers SA (Switzerland), Applied research and Photonics Inc. (US), and Boston Electronics Corporation (US).
Market Drivers in the Terahertz Radiation System Market:
Growing Demand for Security Applications: Terahertz radiation systems are increasingly used in security screening, including airport body scanners and package inspections, due to their ability to detect concealed objects without harmful radiation. This demand is fueled by heightened global security concerns and the need for advanced screening technologies.
Advancements in Medical Imaging: The unique ability of terahertz radiation to provide non-invasive imaging with high resolution makes it valuable in medical diagnostics, particularly in detecting skin cancers, dental imaging, and monitoring tissue hydration levels. As healthcare providers seek more precise diagnostic tools, the adoption of terahertz systems is expected to rise.
Rising Adoption in Manufacturing and Quality Control: Terahertz systems are used in industrial applications for non-destructive testing, quality control, and material characterization. They can detect structural defects, monitor thickness, and identify material compositions, driving demand in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing.Market Challenges in the Terahertz Radiation System Market:
High Costs of Terahertz Systems: The development and deployment of terahertz radiation systems involve high costs due to the complex and specialized nature of the components, including terahertz sources, detectors, and lenses. This high cost can be a significant barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises, limiting the broader adoption of the technology.
Limited Penetration Depth and Range: One of the primary limitations of terahertz radiation is its limited penetration depth in water and metals, restricting its use in certain imaging and material characterization applications. Additionally, terahertz waves have limited range due to atmospheric absorption, which poses challenges in applications like long-range communication and imaging.
Technical Challenges and Sensitivity Issues: Terahertz systems often struggle with sensitivity and resolution, especially when compared to other imaging technologies like X-rays. Achieving high signal-to-noise ratios and reliable imaging in various environments remains a technical challenge that requires ongoing innovation and improvement.Market Opportunities in the Terahertz Radiation System Market:
Expansion in Healthcare and Medical Diagnostics: The non-invasive and high-resolution imaging capabilities of terahertz radiation present significant opportunities in the healthcare sector. Applications such as early detection of skin cancers, monitoring of burn wounds, and dental imaging are poised for growth as healthcare providers seek more precise and patient-friendly diagnostic tools.
Advancement in Telecommunications and 6G Networks: The terahertz spectrum is a key candidate for next-generation communication systems, such as 6G, due to its potential to support ultra-high data rates and large bandwidths. As the demand for faster, more efficient wireless communication grows, the development of terahertz-based components and devices offers substantial market opportunities.
Increasing Demand in Security and Defense: Terahertz systems offer unique advantages for security and defense applications, including the ability to see through clothing and packaging materials without using harmful ionizing radiation. This makes them ideal for airport security, border control, and contraband detection, presenting significant growth prospects in these sectors.Future Trends in the Terahertz Radiation System Market:
Integration with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The integration of AI and machine learning with terahertz systems is expected to significantly enhance data processing, image recognition, and pattern analysis capabilities. This trend will improve the accuracy, speed, and functionality of terahertz imaging and sensing applications, making them more accessible and reliable in various industries.
Miniaturization and Portability: Continued advancements in semiconductor and photonic technologies are driving the miniaturization of terahertz components, leading to the development of portable and handheld terahertz devices. This trend will expand the use of terahertz technology in field applications, from on-site inspections in manufacturing to portable security scanners.
Development of High-Performance Terahertz Sources and Detectors: Future trends point towards the creation of more efficient and high-performance terahertz sources and detectors, which will enhance the overall capabilities of terahertz systems. Innovations such as quantum cascade lasers and graphene-based detectors are expected to play a crucial role in this advancement.
The Terahertz Radiation System Market is on the cusp of significant growth, driven by its unique capabilities and expanding applications across healthcare, security, telecommunications, and industrial sectors. Despite challenges such as high costs, limited penetration depth, and regulatory complexities, ongoing advancements in technology, miniaturization, and integration with AI are paving the way for broader adoption. The future of terahertz technology looks promising, with emerging opportunities in 6G communication, environmental monitoring, and consumer electronics. As research and innovation continue to address existing limitations, the market is poised to unlock new potentials, establishing terahertz systems as a key player in next-generation imaging, sensing, and communication technologies.
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